Page 1: 8 Ways Job Seekers Are Being Shut Out of the Hiring Process

8 Ways Job Seekers are Being Shut out of the Hiring Process

Page 2: 8 Ways Job Seekers Are Being Shut Out of the Hiring Process

Reason #1 - Job Boards Don’t Work!

The average job board gets 119 applicants - and if the job is boosted, it gets 1000’s!This is WAY to many to look for for a Recruiter!

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Reason #2 - The ATS System is Broken● Ats stands for Applicant Tracking


● If You Don’t Fill out the form completely, you can be tossed!

● Because recruiters seach by key word, most applications don’t get seen!

● It’s old outdated technology that companies are still using

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Reason #3 -Companies Want Specialists● Companies hire a person to solve a

problem and allieviate a pain

● Recruiters and hiring managers seek the person that does the best job of convincing them that they have the special skills necessary to solve the problem and alleviate their pain.

● You can do that by demonstrating how your personality, aptitude and experience has solved that very

problem in the past.

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#4 - No Network at Dream Companies - 80% of jobs come from referral!

● Think back to the earlier conversation about ATS - recruiters do not want to sift through 1000’s of applications.

● What normally happens is someone in the company mentions someone they have met and remembered. “I know a guy that would be perfect for this”

● Make a bucket list of the 10 companies that you really want to work for and start connecting with people in that company via LinkedIN.

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#5 - Cover Letters are Redundant● The purpose of a cover letter is to bring

your resume to life.

● If you say the same thing in the cover letter as the resume, there is no reason for the recruiter to read it!

● You need to get a recruiter at HELLO. How do you feel connected to the company? ( I remember the first time I used your product)

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#6 Resume Overdone

● Resumes need to be skimmable. Studies show that you have 6 seconds before the hiring manager

moves on.

● No fancy fonts, no adjectives like “go-getter”, “highly organized” - these are subjective and are like nails on a chalkboard with recruiters.

● Lots of white space, simplify , be concise and clear.

● Quantify experience w numbers - ( I led a 30 person team over 2 years and increased profits by 37%)

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#7 - LinkedIn Profile Not Optimized ● According to LinkedIN, 50% of people do not

have their profile optimized.

● Optimization helps you show up in recruiter searches.

● Take a job description - go to - make a word cloud - see what the keywords are. Have those throughout your profile.

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#8 - Failure to Validate in Interview● You got this far! You don’t want to

blow it!

● Research the company - ask questions, learn what problem they need solved.

● Companies hire on the three following traits in order - Personality, aptitude, and experience.

● While you don’t want to change who you are, you need to recognize the personality of the hiring manager so you can adapt your answers.

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Additional Resources

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