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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 08/30/10, Topic: Pre-Enlightenment2) Next line, write “Opener #5” and then:

1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost<1-5>too easy (3 is perfect)

3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Announcements: None

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Agenda1) Pre-Enlightenment (between Greek/Roman era and Enlightenment Era)

Primary Objective1) How did these events give birth to the Modern Era (an era ruled by reasoning/science)?

Reminder1) Find & complete your 4 news pods

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Need to Know Dates (for test):3000BC-500BC: Tyrannical Govs500BC: Athens Direct Democracy400BC: Roman Representative Democracy 400AD: Fall of Roman Empire400AD-1400AD: Middle Period (Dark Ages)Why? Tyranny works, esp w less learning 1400-1600AD: Renaissance: Cultural rebirth

(Greek/Roman) (printing press)1600-1800AD: Enlightenment EraCritical reasoning rebirth (question everything!)

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Notes #5a, Title: “Pre-Enlightenment Notes” 1) Ancien Régime: Monarchs still strongly in

power in Eur (middle class no power). But, nobles gain power in UK (spreading to mid. class),

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Notes #5a, Title: “Pre-Enlight Notes”

2) Religious Influence: Ppl’s lives hard, but were attracted by promise of an after life.

a) Divine Right: Church (Catholic) supported King/Queens claimed authority from God, in return monarchy prot. church’s power.

Church/clergy powerful b/c land + donations (tithes).

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b) Protestant Reformation (1500s): Movement that invited individuals to take more control over religion (this will help spark fight for individual rights during the Enlightenment in1600s)

c) Church of England: aka Anglican+Episcopalian

d) Catholicism: France(French Catholism and UK

Anglicanism will be source of continuous conflict)

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3) Feudalism: Kings couldn’t protect the ppl, so king would give land to nobles (lords), lords lend land to serfs (farmers) to work. Serfs pay lords, lords pay king.

4) Serfs: Bound to land, no improving their lives, no rights.

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4) English French Wars: Fight over religion + power. Kings needs money from nobles. Nobles demand King to give lords power in exchange.

5) Magna Carta (1215): King of England oppressed nobles, nobles revolted + forced king to limit his power. First time king’s power limited by written document.

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“No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned,...or in any other way destroyed...except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to none will we deny or delay, right or justice.”

-Magna Carta

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6) Model Parliament (1295): King found easiest way to raise taxes was to get people in one place.

a) House of Lords:Nobles and Clergy(more power)b) House of Commons:Middle Class

7) Petition of Right (1628): Parliament forces king to get their permission to raises taxes.

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King Total Power (Divine Rule)

Wars w France Cost $

Nobles Pay for War

Nobles Get Power from King

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8) English Civil War(1642): King tried to close parliament. Nobles fought back under Oliver Cromwell. Nobles won, created a puritan republic.

9) Glorious Revolution (1688): After years of chaos, nobles

peacefully reinstated a king in William and Mary, once they promise to sign the English Bill of Rights.

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10) English Bill of Rights (1689): Repeats some of early docs (trials and say in taxes), but added right free speech in parliament, to bear arms, no cruel and unusual punishment, and no Catholic king.

US Bill of Rights (1789)copies this.

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Manga Carta (1215)

Nobles get right to jury in crimes.

English Petition of Rights (1628)

King must get nobles consent before being taxed.

English Bill of Rights (1689)

King must protect nobles right to freedom of speech, arms, and

from cruel & punishment.

England’s monarchs slowly lose power to the nobles. This is ONLY in England, in the rest of Europe, the monarchs were still absolute rulers

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1600s, England was pushed into reforms by debt of wars and unhappy nobles. The rest of Europe would catch on during the “Enlightenment” and revolt out of a new powerful idea, the idea of “individual freedom.”

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Notes #5b, Title: “Pre-Enlightenment Notes” 11) Enlightenment (Age of Reasoning, 1600-1800):

Start of Modern Era when reasoning/logic was widely applied all things. To discover natural solutions. FAITH THAT HUMANS THROUGH REASONING CAN MAKE LIFE BETTER.

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Homework: 1) No homework

Journal Check: If your name is called, drop off your journal with Mr. Chiang (if requested, points lost if your journal is not turned in)
