
9 Content Marketing Tactics to become a Best-In-Class Content Marketer

Source of Insight

Curata’s third annual study, Content Marketing Tactics Planner 2014 dove deep into the tactics of digital content marketing practices.

Study Methodology and Demographics: Curata surveyed a total of 502 marketers in the fall of 2013. Participants included:

– B2B vs. B2C: 53% marketers who took the survey were B2B companies, 12% were B2C and 28% listed themselves as both.

– Thought leaders surveyed included CMI, B2B MarketingProfs and Industry Analysts.

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The results revealed that 71 percent of marketers are increasing their spend on content marketing this year. What are best-in-class marketers spending their increased content budget on?

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Read on for 9 top-notch content marketing tactics to include in your 2014 strategy!

Tactic #1: Hire a Content Marketing Executive


Do you currently have an executive in your organization who is directly responsible for an overall content marketing strategy? (e.g., Chief Content Officer, VP or Director of Content)

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The survey revealed that 43 percent of organizations have a lead in place who is directly responsible for an overall content marketing strategy. The first-class marketers that have a content executive in place are better equipped to manage the content production and distribution process. Hire a marketer solely dedicated to content to organize the creation process and get more relevant, brand-aligned content out the door.

Tactic #2: Build a Content Marketing Team

Once you have a content marketing lead in place, work on building out your content team. • Hire strong writers that can create valuable content for your audience

that aligns with brand messaging. • Build a team of dependable, marketing-minded freelancers who

create content that require minor editing. • Avoid “cheap” content:

• Ensure that all the content developed for your brand is high quality and aligned with company standards.

• Align your content marketing efforts internally by including writers and idea contributors across your organization in your content workflow.

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Tactic #3: Content Marketing Specific Software


Which type of technology do you use for your content management process? (e.g., editorial calendar, internal and external collaboration) (select all that apply)


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56% of marketers are using content marketing specific software to manage their content workflow and distribution. Using technology to find relevant sources, organize your content workflow and publish content consistently makes you a go-to source for information.

Which content marketing technology can help turn you into a thought leader? Check out The Ultimate List.

Tactic #4: Think About the Buyer’s Journey

Rank the following content marketing objectives for your organization in order of priority: (1 = top priority)

Highest Priority



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Remember: Content isn’t finished once it’s published. It has to be measured and promoted. Here’s insight on how to reach more potential buyers and find out what content draws them in.

Consider the buyer’s journey when developing and publishing content. Driving leads was found to be content marketers’ number one priority, but they have not lost sight of the importance of engagement (priority number two here!). With engaging content for potential buyers and industry influencers, will come a higher quantity and quality of leads. Engaging customers is the name of the game for content marketing.


Tactic #5: The Content Marketing Mix

What is your [desired] content marketing mix for each type of


Cre-ated Content65%

Cu-rated Con-tent25%

Syndicated Content


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First class content marketers aim to create only 65% of content, with the reminder being 25% curated and 10% syndicated. It’s nearly impossible to create 100% original content and keep up with the rest of the content published in your industry. Adjust your content strategy to include more curated and syndicated content to better leverage resources, engage buyers through higher value content and improve the ideation process.

Tactic #6: Curation Annotation


How effective is your organization at executing across the following stages of content "curation"?

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Many marketers are struggling with content curation; contextualizing content for their audience being the top challenge. Annotated curated articles, however, can provide your readers with diverse perspectives, add credibility to your brand and provide additional value with your added insights. Here are six different ways to an

notate curated content.

Additionally, with the increased budget for content marketing, more marketers will be able to implement content management tools to help find, organize, annotate and share content for their audience.

Tactic #7: Content Curation Frequency


How often do you curate/share content from 3rd party sources such as blogs, social media, industry publications or news sites with your customers and/or prospects?


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Top-notch content marketers (16%) curate every day, and 48% curate every week. Audiences want fresh, relevant content daily; and if you’re not providing them with it, they’ll look elsewhere (perhaps to your competitors).

If you can’t publish original created content daily, curate it! Supporting your created content strategy with curation takes only minutes a day and can increase your brand awareness, buyer engagement and drive more leads. Creation should stand as the backbone of your content strategy, but curation helps content marketers get quality content out every day.

Check out this eBook for 100+ tips on how to Feed the Content Beast.

Tactic #8: Content Curation Dedicated Time


How much time do each of your team members spend on average, per day, curating content on

days when they are curating? (i.e., finding, annotating, contextualizing and publishing/sharing


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Curate content for 20 minutes per day (or less!).

Many marketers (46%) are spending over 2 hours per day on curation. These marketers are most likely spending too much time searching for credible sources, annotating content that isn’t brand relevant and manually sharing to multiple channels. Implementing a content curation platform can help these marketers spend less time curating and more time publishing.

For more information on how to curate content in under 20 minutes a day, check out this eBook, 5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Content Curation Rockstar.

Tactic #9: Sharing Curated Content


On what channels do you currently share your "curated" content?

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Social media, blogs, newsletters and corporate sites are the top places marketers are choosing to share their curated content. Best practice is to publish this content on multiple channels in order to reach a wider target audience. Here are templates on how to curate content for various channels.

With content management platforms that have a one-click to multiple channels feature, it’s getting much easier for marketers to publish curated content for a wider audience.


eBook: Look Book Content Curation

Case Studies

eBook: 5 Steps to Becoming a Content Curation Rockstar

…and more online at:

Industry Resource & News: Content Curation Marketing

eBook: Content Marketing Done Right:

Ethical Curation

eBook: Open & Shut Case for Curation

Guide: Content Curation Annotation


Email: [email protected] Twitter: @GetCurata LinkedIn Group: Content Curators

eBook: Stop Egocentric Marketing: Content Marketing Strategy

Additional Resources

eBook: 2014 Content Marketing Tactics
