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9 Fame Analysis

The Saturdays – Missing You

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Shot 1

This is the first shot of the video and they have used an extreme close up of one of the members in the group. This will intrigue an audience as it is a strange shot to see. This will also attract male attention because it is a very sexy shot to use. This links to Andrew Goodwin’s theory. Shallow focus is also used as this shot only focuses on her face, it reveals her long eye lashes suggesting she is girly and feminine, this plays on the male gaze.

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Shot 2

The next shots used are close up’s of the artists. This allows the audience watching to understand the song as they can see their facial expressions. These shots allow us to see a lot of detail, you can see very seductive looks into the camera which Andrew Goodwin would suggest is specifically for a male audience.

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Shot 3

This medium shot reveals that the artist isn’t wearing a lot of clothing and it shows off the female figure a lot. This may have been to attract the male gaze. Also her hair is flowing and long, this suits the style of the song as it is a slow song. This softens her appearance to fit in with the style of the video. However it also give the viewer an idea of where the video is set which helps the audience understand the song and the video. The location is on a beach which stereotypically is a very romantic setting, this fits with the genre as pop music is renowned for love songs.

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Shot 4

This medium shot not only reveals the location of the video, the way the camera has been positioned allowed the sun to create an effect on the image. This gives a seductive feel to this shot and makes it seem more romantic and sexual. The way the artist is sat makes it seem like she is los in thought and that she is thinking and feeling what she is singing.

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Shot 5

This wide long shot allows the viewer to see all members of the band for the first time This is important as every person watching will have favourite member who they want to see, so having every member in one shot is effective. It is a clear shot that shows what the girls are wearing. They each have a similar style dress on but they are all different and maybe to represent their personalities. The dresses are very revealing; low cut and flow up revealing the girls in bikinis. This may have been to attract the male gaze.

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Shot 6

This medium shot again gives the illusion of watching something you maybe shouldn’t, voyeurism . This catches the dresses swaying which is very feminine and sexy. There is little glare off the sun which gives the whole scene more elegance and it seems more romantic, which again fits in with the location of the video which is a beach and the style of the song.

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Shot 7

These close up shots allow the viewer to feel like they are part of the video and the party that is going on. This uses voyeurism; feeling like your seeing something you shouldn’t. This will draw the audience into the action of the video. These shots allow us to see the facial expressions of the members of the band this can help tell the narrative of the song. Barry Keith suggests that genre allows audiences to identify to specific things by familiar characteristics and recognisable characteristics; in pop music parties are often included within videos.

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Shot 8

This close up paired with cuts to each member reveals a close up view of the dancing the band is doing. Dance routines are a convention of pop videos so the director doesn't want the people watching to miss the routine. These shots don’t allow us to see a lot of clothing as the shots are focusing on their faces. It does however show their ‘perfect’ make-up and flowing hair, this is very feminine and Laura Mulvey would say this is to attract the male gaze.

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Shot 9

This is one of the last shots used in the video and once again the way the camera has been positioned it blurs the image slightly and gives seductive effect. The sun shining on the band member makes her look more feminine and ‘sexy.’ I think this is the aim of the director to play on the male gaze which Laura Mulvey suggests is key in music video. and make all the girls look as attractive as possible. Again her appearance is very soft and very feminine, this has been a trend throughout the whole video.