
9 Tips For Protecting Your Home While

On Vacation

You’ve packed the bags and are itching to start your vacation.

Before you hit the road or hop on a plane, take a moment to think about your home…

It is going to be sitting empty for several days.

Have you done all you can to protect it?

There were 1,266,217 residential burglaries in 2014.

Though you cannot prevent all burglaries, there are steps you can take to protect your home while you are away.

Consider these 9 tips:

1. Lock Everything

Have you locked and secured all doors and windows?

Have you placed a metal or wooden bar in the tracks of your sliding glass doors to prevent opening?

What about your garage door – is it locked and secured?

Ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway for part of your trip.

Keep up the outside appearance of your home while you are away – in the summer have someone help mow the lawn and in winter plow the driveway.

2. Create The Illusion Of Someone Being Home

Keep the exterior and interior well lit.

Utilize timers to turn lights on and off, those that allow for variable schedules are most effective.

Consider motion sensor lights on the exterior.

3. Stop Your Mail And Newspaper

Piles of mail and newspapers are a clear signal to potential robbers.

Either stop your mail through the post office or ask a neighbor/friend/family member to pick it up.

4. Unplug Unnecessary Appliances

Unplug your computer, TV, coffee maker, toaster, and any other electronics or small appliances that are not needed.

Not only does this protect from power surges, but it can also save power.

5. Secure Your Valuables

Secure jewelry, sensitive documents, and other items in a fire-proof safe or even a safe deposit box.

6. Have Someone Check On Your House

Ask a neighbor, friend, and/or family member to stop by your house while you are away, at least every couple days.

They can help bring in mail or any packages, take or bring back in trash cans, and adjust lights, among other things.

7. Put Away That “Hidden” Key

Do you usually have a spare key hidden outside just in case?

Under a plastic rock, in a flower pot, beneath the welcome mat, above the door frame?

Before you head out on a trip, remove the key from the oh-so-secret hiding place.

8. Consider The Weather

If you live in a cold region, be sure to take proper precautions with your pipes before traveling in the winter.

Make sure they are properly insulated, especially in the more vulnerable areas of your.

Disconnect outdoor hoses.

Open bathroom and kitchen cabinets to allow the warmer air to circulate around the plumbing.

Turn down your thermostat in winter to save energy, but keep it warm enough to prevent pipes from freezing.

The recommended temperature for winter is at least 55˚. In the summer, you could turn up the temperature to save on electricity.

9. Don’t Tell Everyone

Broadcasting that you’ll be out of town on social networks can let burglars know there will be an empty house.

Wait until you get home from your trip to share all about your vacation on Facebook!

Looking for additional ways to protect your family?

Check out our free questionnaire: 12 Personal Insurance Coverage Questions You Should Consider