Page 1: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

第 1 問 A・B

問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/3 分)



問題である。形式は昨年度と同じであったが、問題数が一つ減って 3 問となった。問3には黙









語を選択する問題形式に戻り、Bの問題数を一つ増えた。問2の photograph の第一アクセント

の位置は photography のそれと異なるためやや難しいが、その他出題された語はいずれも日常


されており、また、percent、energy 等のいわゆるカタカナ語も多く出題され、日本語のアクセ




Page 2: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/



A □ ability əbíləti □ abroad əbrɔ:d □academic ækədémik □ access ǽkses □ accessory æksésəri □accidental æksədéntl □ accurate ǽkjurit □ ache éik □ adequate ǽdikwit □ admirable ǽdmərəbl □ adolescent ædəlésnt □ adventure advénʧər □ advertise ǽdvərtaiz □ advice adváis □agriculture ǽgrəkʌlʧər □ aisle áil □ alien éiliən □ allow əláu □ alter ɔ:ltər □ alternative ɔ:ltə:rnətiv □ ambassador æmbǽsədər □ ambiguous æmbígjuəs □ ambitious æmbíʃəs □ analysis ənǽləsis □ ancestor ǽnsestər □ anchor ǽŋkər □ ancient éinʃənt □ anecdote ǽnikdout □ angel éinʤəl □ Antarctic æntáərktik □ anticipate æntísəpeit □ antique æntí:k □ anxiety æŋzáiəti □ apologize əpáləʤaiz □ apparatus æpəréitəs □ apparently əpǽrəntli □ appetite ǽpətait □ applicant ǽplikənt □ approach əpróuʧ □ appropriate əpróuprieit □ approximate əpráksəmit □ architect áərkətekt □ arouse əráuz □ artificial aərtəfíʃəl □ ascertain æsərtéin □ Asian éiʒən □ aspect ǽspekt □ associate əsóuʃieit □ astonish əstániʃ □ astronaut ǽstrənɔ:t □ atmosphere ǽtməsfiər □ atomic ətámik

□ attitude ǽtətju:d □ Australia ɔ:stréiljə □ author ɔ:θər □ available əvéiləbl □ average ǽvəriʤ □ awkward ɔ:kwərd B □ barometer bərámətər □ barrier bǽriər □ basin béisn □ bathe béið □ bear bɛer □ beard bíərd □ beautiful bjú:təfəl □ behavior bəhéivjər □ below bilóu □ benefit bénəfit □ biography baiágrəfi □ blood blʌd □ boat bóut □ bold bóuld □ bough báu □ bought bɔ:t □ bowl bóul □ bread bréd □ break bréik □ breakdown bréikdaun □ breakfast brékfəst □ breast brést □ breath bréθ □ brilliant bríljənt □ broadcast brɔ:dkæst □ brought brɔ:t □ brow bráu □ bureaucrat bjúərəkræt □ burn bə:rn □ bury béri □ business bíznis C □ cabbage kǽbiʤ □ calculate kǽlkjuleit □ calendar kǽləndər □ canal kənǽl □ candidate kǽndədeit □ career kəríər □ carpenter káərpintər □ catastrophe kətǽstrəfi □ category kǽtəgɔ:ri □ caught kɔ:t □ cause kɔ:z □ cease sí:s □ ceiling sí:liŋ □ celebrate séləbreit □ ceremony sérəmouni □ certificate sərtífəkit □ challenge ʧǽlinʤ


Page 3: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

□ chamber ʧéimbər □ chaos kéias □ character kǽriktər □ characteristic kæriktərístik □ chemistry kémistri □ chocolate ʧɔ:kəlit □ choir kwáiər □ chore ʧɔər □ chorus kɔ:rəs □ church ʧə:rʧ □ circumstance sə:rkəmstæns □ classic klǽsik □ climate kláimit □ cloak klóuk □ closely klóusli □ cloth klɔ:θ □ cloud kláud □ coach kóuʧ □ coal kóul □ coast kóust □ coat kóut □ colleague káli:g □ college káliʤ □ comb kóum □ comfortable kʌmfərtəbl □ commerce kámərs □ commit kəmít □ committee kəmíti □ commodity kəmádəti □ communicate kəmjú:nəkeit □ comparable kámpərəbl □ competent kámpətənt □ competitive kəmpétətiv □ complain kəmpléin □ complete kəmplí:t □ complicated kámpləkeitid □ compromise kámprəmaiz □ compulsory kəmpʌlsəri □ concentrate kánsəntreit □ concise kənsáis □ confess kənfés □ confidential kanfədénʃəl □ conflict kánflikt □ congratulate kəngrǽʧuleit □ conquer káŋkər □ conscience kánʃəns □ consequence kánsikwens □ consider kənsídər □ contemporary kəntémpəreri □ context kántekst □ continent kántənənt □ continue kəntínju: □ contradict kantrədíkt □ contribute kəntríbju:t □ control kəntróul □ convenience kənví:njəns □ convey kənvéi □ cooperate kouápəreit □ corridor kɔ:rədər □ cotton kátn □ cough kɔ:f □ country kʌntri

□ courage kə:riʤ □ courageous kəréiʤəs □ court kɔərt □ cousin kʌzn □ cow káu □ crawl krɔ:l □ create kriéit □ crew krú: □ criticize krítisaiz □ crowd kráud □ cruelty krú:əlti □ cultivate kʌltəveit □ cupboard kʌbərd □ curiosity kjuəriásəti □ currency kə:rənsi □ curtain kə:rtən □ curve kə:rv D □ damage dǽmiʤ □ danger déinʤər □ dawn dɔ:n □ deceive disí:v □ decent dí:snt □ decision disíʒən □ decorate dékəreit □ dedicate dédəkeit □ definitely défənitli □ degree digrí: □ deliberate dilíbərit □ delicate délikit □ delicious dilíʃəs □ democracy dimákrəsi □ demonstrate démənstreit □ dependent dipéndənt □ deposit dipázit □ descend disénd □ design dizáin □ desperate déspərit □ determine ditə:rmin □ develop divéləp □ development divéləpmənt □ devise diváiz □ devour diváuər □ diameter daiǽmətər □ difficulty dífəkʌlti □ dignity dígnəti □ diplomat dípləmæt □ discipline dísəplin □ discriminate diskríməneit □ disease dizí:z □ disgust disgʌst □ dissolve dizálv □ distinguish distíŋgwiʃ □ distribute distríbju:t □ document dákjumənt □ domestic dəméstik □ done dʌn □ don’t dóunt □ double dʌbl □ doubt dáut □ doughnut dóunʌt □ dramatic drəmǽtik


Page 4: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

□ drown dráun □ duplicate djú:pləkit E □ early ə:rli □ earth ə:rθ □ earthquake ə:rθkweik □ eccentric ikséntrik □ economy ikánəmi □ educate éʤukeit □ efficiency əfíʃənsi □ effort éfərt □ Egyptian iʤípʃən □ elaborate əlǽbərit □ electric iléktrik □ electronic ilektránik □ elementary eləméntəri □ elevator éləveitər □ eliminate ilíməneit □ eloquent éləkwənt □ embarrass embǽrəs □ emphasis émfəsis □ endeavor indévər □ endow endáu □ energy énərʤi □ engineering enʤəníəriŋ □ enough inʌf □ enthusiasm enθjú:ziæzəm □ envelop envéləp □ envelope énvəloup □ envious énviəs □ environment ənváiərənmənt □ epoch épək □ equal í:kwəl □ equivalent ikwívələnt □ establish istǽbliʃ □ estimate éstəmeit □ European juərəpí:ən □ evening í:vniŋ □ evil í:vəl □ exactly igzǽktli □ exaggerate igzǽʤəreit □ examine igzǽmin □ excel iksél □ excellent éksələnt □ executive igzékjutiv □ exercise éksərsaiz □ exhaust igzɔ:st □ exhibit igzíbit □ exist igzíst □ experience ikspíəriəns □ experiment ikspérəmənt □ explain ikspléin □ explode iksplóud □ extraordinary ikstrɔərdəneri □ extravagant ikstrǽvəgənt □ extremely ikstrí:mli F □ faculty fǽkəlti □ fair fɛər □ familiar fəmíljər □ fantastic fæntǽstik

□ fare fɛər □ fascinating fǽsəneitiŋ □ fatigue fətí:g □ fault fɔ:lt □ favorite féivərit □ fear fíər □ feather féðər □ feature fí:ʧər □ finance finǽns □ firm fə:rm □ float flóut □ flood flʌd □ flour fláuər □ focus fóukəs □ food fú:d □ foreign fɔ:rin □ foresee fɔərsí: □ fortunate fɔərʧənit □ fought fɔ:t □ foul fául □ found fáund □ fragile frǽʤəl □ freight fréit □ frequently frí:kwəntli □ friendly fréndli □ front frʌnt □ frown fráun □ fundamental fʌndəméntl □ furniture fə:rniʧər G □ generalize ʤénərəlaiz □ genius ʤí:njəs □ genuine ʤénjuin

ʤénju:wain □ geography ʤi:ágrəfi □ ghost góust □ gigantic ʤaigǽntik □ glove glʌv □ goal góul □ graduate grǽʤueit □ gratitude grǽtətju:d □ group grú:p □ guarantee gærəntí: □ guard gáərd □ guess gés □ guest gést □ guilty gílti □ guitar gitáər □ gymnasium ʤimnéiziəm H □ habitual həbíʧuəl □ harmonious haərmóuniəs □ haste héist □ health hélθ □ heard hə:rd □ heart háərt □ heaven hévən □ height háit □ hemisphere hémisfiər □ heredity hirédəti □ heritage héritiʤ


Page 5: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

□ heroine hérouin □ hesitate hézəteit □ hole hóul □ honor ánər □ hood húd □ hook húk □ horizontal hɔ:rəzántl □ hose hóuz □ hospitality haspətǽləti □ however hauévər □ howl hául □ humanist hjú:mənist □ hurt hər:t □ hydrogen háidrəʤən □ hypocrite hípəkrit I □ ideal aidí:əl □ ignorant ígnərənt □ illuminate ilú:məneit □ image ímiʤ □ imitate íməteit □ immediate imí:diət □ immigrant íməgrənt □ improve imprú:v □ incident ínsədənt □ income ínkʌm □ indicate índikeit □ individual indəvíʤuəl □ industry índəstri □ inevitable inévətəbl □ infamous ínfəməs □ infancy ínfənsi □ inferiority infiəriɔ:rəti □ influence ínflu:əns □ inhabit inhǽbit □ inherit inhérit □ initial iníʃəl □ injure ínʤər □ innocent ínəsnt □ insect ínsekt □ instead instéd □ instinct ínstiŋkt □ institute ínstətju:t □ instrument ínstrumənt □ insurance inʃúərəns □ integrity intégrəti □ intellectual intəlékʧuəl □ intelligence intéləʤens □ interesting íntrəristiŋ □ interfere intərfíər □ internal intə:rnl □ interpret intə:rprit □ interrupt intərʌpt □ interval íntərvəl □ intervene intərví:n □ interview íntərvju: □ intimate íntəmit □ introduce intrədjú:s □ investigate invéstəgeit □ irritable írətəbl □ isolate áisəleit

J □ jealous ʤéləs □ journalist ʤə:rnəlist □ journey ʤə:rni K □ knowledge náliʤ L □ label léibl □ lady léidi □ laugh lǽf □ law lɔ: □ lawn lɔ:n □ leather léðər □ legitimate liʤítəmit □ leisure lí:ʒər □ librarian laibrɛəriən □ linguistics liŋgwístiks □ liquid líkwid □ literature lítərəʧər □ lively láivli □ logic láʤik □ loose lú:s □ lose lú:z □ loudly láudli □ loyalty lɔiəlti □ luxurious lʌgʒúəriəs M □ machine məʃí:n □ magician məʤíʃən □ magnet mǽgnit □ magnificent mægnífəsnt □ maintain meintéin □ majesty mǽʤəsti □ major méiʤǝr □ male méil □ manager mǽniʤǝr □ manifest mǽnəfest □ manuscript mǽnjuskript □ marine mǝrí:n □ masterpiece mǽstǝrpi:s □ material mətíriəl □ mathematics mæθəmǽtiks □ mature mətúǝr □ meadow médou □ meant mént □ measure méʒǝr □ mechanism mékənizm □ medium mí:diəm □ melancholy mélənkali □ memorial mimɔ́ :riəl □ metropolis mitrápəlis □ migrate máigreit □ millionaire miljənɛ́ ǝr □ miraculous mirǽkjuləs □ mischief mísʧif □ model mádl □ monarch mánǝrk □ monkey mʌ́ ŋki □ monopoly mənápəli □ monotonous mənátənəs


Page 6: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

□ motive móutiv □ mountaineer mauntəníǝr □ muscle mʌ́ sl □ museum mju:zíəm □ musician mju:zíʃən □ mustache m ʌ́ stæʃ □ mysterious mistíriəs □ myth míθ N □ naked néikid □ necessity nisésəti □ negligence négləʤəns □ negotiate nigóuʃieit □ neighbor néibǝr □ nevertheless nevǝrðəlés □ notorious notɔ́ :riəs □ novel návəl □ nowadays náuədeiz □ numerous nú:mrəs O □ obedience obí:diəns □ obstacle ábstəkl □ obvious ábviəs □ occupy ákjupai □ occur əkǝ́ r: □ ocean óuʃən □ offer ɔ́ :fǝr □ official əfíʃəl □ onion 'ʌnjən □ only óunli □ opponent əpóunənt □ opportunity apǝtú:nəti □ oppose əpóuz □ opposite ápəzit □ optimism áptəmizm □ orange ɔ́ :rinʤ □ orchestra ɔ́ ǝrkistrə □ organize ɔ́ ǝrgənaiz □ origin ɔ́ :rəʤin □ otherwise ʌ́ ðǝrwaiz □ ought ɔ́ :t □ oven 'ʌvən □ overcome ouvǝrk ʌ́ m □ overwhelm ouvəwélm □ owe óu □ owl ául □ owner óunǝr P □ Pacific pəsífik □ participate pǝrtísəpeit □ particularly pǝrtíkjulǝrli □ passenger pǽsənʤǝr □ patient péiʃənt □ patriotic peitriátik □ patrol pətróul □ pattern pǽtǝrn □ pause p ɔ́ :z □ pear p ɛ ́ ǝr □ pearl pǝ́ r:l □ peculiar pikjú:ljǝr

□ pedestrian pidéstriən □ penalty pénəlti □ percentage pǝrséntiʤ □ perfectly pǝ́ r:fiktli □ perhaps pǝrhǽps □ period píriəd □ permanent pǝ́ r:mənənt □ persevere pǝr:səvíǝr □ personnel pǝr:sənél □ persuade pǝrswéid □ phase féiz □ phenomenon finámənan □ philosophy filásəfi □ photograph fóutəgræf □ physician fizíʃən □ pleasant pléznt □ pleasure pléʒǝr □ plow pláu □ police pəlí:s □ politics pálətiks □ post póust □ postpone poustpóun □ pound páund □ pour pɔ́ ǝr □ precisely prisáisli □ preface préfis □ prefecture prí:fekʧǝr □ preliminary prilíməneri □ preparatory pripǽrətɔ:ri □ prepare prip ɛ ́ ǝr □ pretty príti □ prevent privént □ previous prí:viəs □ private práivət □ privilege prívəliʤ □ probably prábəbli □ product prádəkt □ profit práfit □ program próugræm □ progressive prəgrésiv □ prohibit prohíbit □ propose prəpóuz □ prove prú:v □ psychology saikáləʤi □ publish p ʌ́ bliʃ □ purchase pǝ́ r:ʧəs □ purpose pǝ́ r:pəs □ pursue pǝrsú: Q □ quality kwáləti □ question kwésʧən □ questionnaire kwesʧən ɛ ́ ǝr R □ radio réidiou □ raw rɔ́ : □ ready rédi □ rear ríǝr □ receipt risí:t □ recently rí:sntli □ recognize rékəgnaiz □ recommend rekəménd


Page 7: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

□ reconcile rékənsail □ recruit rikrú:t □ refer rifǝ́ r: □ reference réfǝrəns □ refrigerator rifríʤǝreitǝr □ refuge réfju:ʤ □ region rí:ʤən □ register réʤistǝr □ reign réin □ relative rélətiv □ religious rilíʤəs □ reluctant ril ʌ́ ktənt □ represent reprizént □ representative reprizéntətiv □ republic rip ʌ́ blik □ resolute rézəlu:t □ responsible rispánsəbl □ ridiculous ridíkjuləs □ risen rízn □ rough rʌf □ routine ru:tí:n S □ sacred séikrid □ sacrifice sǽkrəfais □ satellite sǽtəlait □ satisfy sǽtisfai □ savage sǽviʤ □ saw sɔ́ : □ scene sí:n □ scent sént □ scheme skí:m □ scholar skálǝr □ science sáiəns □ scientific saiəntífik □ scissors sízǝrz □ screw skrú: □ secretary sékrəteri □ seize sí:z □ senior sí:njǝr □ separate sépǝreit □ serene sirí:n □ sergeant sáǝrʤənt □ serious síriəs □ sew sóu □ shepherd ʃépǝrd □ shirt ʃǝ́ r:t □ shoes ʃú:z □ shoulder ʃóuldǝr □ shovel ʃ ʌ́ vəl □ sigh sái □ sign sáin □ significant signífikənt □ similarity siməlǽrəti □ simultaneous saiməltéiniəs □ simultaneously saiməltéiniəsli □ sincere sinsíǝr □ sleigh sléi □ smooth smú:ð □ soldier sóulʤǝr □ solitude sálətu:d □ sophisticated səfístǝkeitid □ sought s ɔ́ :t

□ soul sóul □ sour sáuǝr □ southern 'sʌðərn □ species spi:ˈʃiz □ specific spəsɪˈfik □ spinach 'spiniʧ □ spiritual spɪˈriʧəwəl □ sponge spʌˈnʤ □ spread spreˈd □ square skweˈr □ stadium steɪˈdiəm □ standard stæˈndɚd □ statistics stətɪˈstiks □ steady steˈdi □ steak steɪˈk □ stir stɚ:ˈ □ stomach stʌˈmək □ stood stʊˈd □ stoop stu:ˈp □ strange streɪˈnʤ □ strawberry strɔ:ˈbeˌri □ stubborn stʌˈbɚn □ studio stu:ˈdioʊˌ □ submit səbmɪˈt □ substitute sʌˈbstətu:ˌt □ success səkseˈs □ sufficient səfɪˈʃənt □ suggestion səgʤeˈsʧən □ suite swi:ˈt □ superficial su:ˌpɚfɪˈʃəl □ superfluous su:ˈpɚflwʌˌs □ superstitious su:ˌpɚstɪˈʃəs □ surface sɚ:ˈfəs □ surgeon s ǝ́ r:ʤǝn □ surplus s ǝ́ r:pləs □ swallow swálou □ swear sw ɛ ́ ə □ sweat swét □ sweater swétǝr □ sword sɔ́ :d □ sympathetic simpəθétik □ systematic sistəmǽtik T □ tease tí:z □ technique tekní:k □ temperature témpǝrəʧǝr □ theater θí:ətǝr □ theme θí:m □ theory θí:ǝri □ thermometer θǝrmámətǝr □ though ðóu □ thought θɔ́ :t □ thousand θáuznd □ threat θrét □ threw θrú: □ throat θróut □ through θrú: □ throughout θru:áut □ toast tóust □ tolerable tálǝrəbl □ tomb tú:m □ tongue t ʌ́ ŋ


Page 8: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

□ tooth tú:θ □ touch t ʌ́ ʧ □ tough t ʌ́ f □ tour túǝr □ traffic trǽfik □ tread tréd □ treasure tréʒǝr □ tremendous triméndəs □ triangle tráiæŋgl □ triumphant trai ʌ́ mfənt □ trouble tr ʌ́ bl □ typhoon taifú:n □ typical típikəl U □ ultimate ʌ́ ltəmət □ umbrella ʌmbrélə □ understand ʌndǝrstǽnd □ unique ju:ní:k □ universe jú:nǝvǝr:s □ urgent ǝ́ r:ʤənt V □ vague véig □ vehicle ví:ikl □ vicious víʃəs □ victorious viktɔ́ :riəs □ violin vaiəlín □ virus váirəs □ volunteer valəntíǝr W □ walk w ɔ́ :k □ wander wándǝr

□ warm w ɔ́ ǝrm □ waste wéist □ wealthy wélθi □ weapon wépən □ weigh wéi □ wicked wíkid □ width wídθ □ wilderness wíldǝrnis □ wisdom wízdǝm □ withdraw wiðdr ɔ́ : □ without wiðaut □ wolf wúlf □ women wímin □ won w ʌ́ n □ wonder w ʌ́ ndǝr □ wooden wúdn □ wool wúl □ worthy w ǝ́ r:ði □ wounded wú:ndid Y □ yacht ját □ youth jú:θ

2.単語のアクセント基本的原則 必須のルール(1) 『直前の母音』にアクセントがある <-ion>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある

例:divi’sion, informa’tion, reli’gion, competi’tion, suspi’cion 例外:te’levision プラス α <-tion/sion>+<-al>の形容詞は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:addi’tional, tradi’tional, educa’tional, occa’sional, profe’ssional <-ious/-eous>で終わる形容詞は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:ambi’tious, co’nscious, myste’rious, o’bvious, reli’gious, se’rious , indu’strious, simulta’neous,

advanta’geous <-ity/-ety>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:abi’lity, curio’sity, humi’dity, possi’bility, familia’rity ,vari’ety <-sive>で終わる形容詞は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:persua’sive, deci’sive, inte’nsive, succe’ssive, progre’ssive


Page 9: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

<子音字+tive>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:attra’ctive, effe’ctive, disti’nctive, constru’ctive, compe’titive <-ial>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:espe’cial, comme’rcial, indu’strial, influe’ntial, superfi’cial <-ic/ics/ical>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:scienti’fic, econo’mic, te’chnical, histo’rical, econo’mics 例外→ A’rabic, Ca’tholic, ari’thmetic, po’litics

<-ible>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある →例外2つ 例:incredible, terrible, horrible, responsible, impossible, inflexible 例外→negligible, intelligible <-logy>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:ideo’logy, psycho’logy, techno’logy, apo’logy, bio’logy, socio’logy, anthropo’logy, geo’logy, ※受験に出るのはこの8単語のみ <-graphy>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:bio’graphy, autobio’graphy, photo’graphy, geo’graphy, auto’graphy, telegraphy

※受験に出るのはこの6単語のみ <-bute>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:contri’bute, distri’bute, attri’bute ※受験に出るのはこの3単語のみ ※<attribute>は「名前動後」 <-meter>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:dia’meter, speedo’meter, kilo’meter, thermo’meter, baro’meter ※受験に出るのはこの6単語のみ ※テストに出る例外→ce’ntimeter <-ient/-ience>で終わる語は直前の母音にアクセントがある 例:effi’cient, obe’dient, conve’nient, suffi’cient, impa’tient 必須ルール(2)…『2 つ前の母音』 にアクセント <-ate>で終わる3音節以上の語は 2 つ前の母音にアクセントがある 例:a’ccurate, appro’priate, commu’nicate, co’ncentrate, cho’colate, de’licate, e’stimate, fa’scinate, he’sitate, i’mitate, pa’ssionate, parti’cipate, u’ltimate 必須ルール(3) その他の頻出ルール <-ize>で終わる語は語頭にアクセントがある 例:cri’ticize, ge’neralize, sy’mbolize, re’alize ※テストに出る例外→apo’logize, ide’alize, mate’rialize, Ame’ricanize, interna’tionalize <-ee/-eer> にアクセントがある。 例: care’er, degre’e, employe’e, volunte’er, 例外: commi’ttee, co’ffee


Page 10: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

3. アクセント問題に出る『名前動後』 名詞は前、 attribute 【名】ˈætrɪbjuːt 属性 【動】əˈtrɪbjuːt 帰する conduct 【名】ˈkɒndʌkt 行い 【動】kənˈdʌkt 行う conflict 【名】ˈkɒnflɪkt 衝突;闘争 【動】kənˈflɪkt 矛盾する content 【名】ˈkɒntent 中身 【動】kənˈtent 満足させる contract 【名】ˈkɒntrækt 契約 【動】ˈkɒntrækt 契約する contrast 【名】ˈkɒntrɑːst 対照 【動】kənˈtrɑːst 対照させる desert 【名】ˈdezət 砂漠 【動】dɪˈzɜːt -を捨てる decrease 【名】ˈdiːkriːs 減少 【動】dɪˈkriːs 減少する digest 【名】ˈdaɪdʒest 消化 【動】daɪˈdʒest 消化する export 【名】ˈekspɔːt 輸出 【動】ɪkˈspɔːt 輸出する import 【名】ˈɪmpɔːt 輸入 【動】ɪmˈpɔːt 輸入する insult 【名】ˈɪnsʌlt 侮辱 【動】ɪnˈsʌlt 侮辱する object 【名】ˈɒbdʒɪkt 物体,対象,目的 【動】əbˈdʒekt 反対する present 【名】ˈpreznt 現在、贈り物 【動】prɪˈzent 贈呈する produce 【名】ˈprɒdjuːs 生産物 【動】prəˈdjuːs 農産物生産する progress 【名】ˈprəʊgres 進歩 【動】prəˈgres 進歩する project 【名】ˈprɒdʒekt 計画 【動】prəˈdʒekt 計画する protest 【名】ˈprəʊtest 抗議 【動】prəˈtest 抗議する record 【名】ˈrekɔːd 記録 【動】ˈrekɔːd 記録する suspect 【名】ˈsʌspekt 容疑者 【動】səˈspekt -を疑う subject 【名】ˈsʌbdʒɪkt 題目 【動】səbˈdʒekt 服従させる transport 【名】ˈtrænspɔːt 輸送 【動】trænˈspɔːt 輸送する

4.『名前動後』に間違われやすい語 (アクセント位置が同じもの)

balance ˈbæləns 【名】バランス 【動】釣り合いをとる

cancel ˈkænsl 【名】取り消し 【動】取り消す

comfort ˈkʌmfət 【名】快適;慰め 【動】慰める

consent kənˈsent 【名】同意 【動】同意する

control kənˈtrəʊl 【名】支配;制御 【動】支配する

debate dɪˈbeɪt 【名】討論 【動】-を討論する

distress dɪˈstres 【名】苦悩 【動】-を悩ませる

report rɪˈpɔːt 【名】報告 【動】報告する

5. 頻出カタカナ語

accessory əkˈsesəri adventure ədˈventʃə advice ədˈvaɪs alphabet ˈælfəbet antenna ænˈtenə audition ɔːˈdɪʃn agent ˈeɪdʒənt alcohol ˈælkəhɒl alphabet ˈælfəbet amateur ˈ æmətə artist ˈɑːtɪst assistant əˈsɪstənt average ˈævərɪdʒ

barometer bəˈrɒmɪtə balance ˈbæləns Boycott ˈbɔɪkɒt buzzer ˈbʌzə canary kəˈneəri canoe kəˈnuː career kəˈrɪə calendar ˈkælɪndə capsule ˈkæpsjuːl catalogue ˈkætəlɒg centimeter ˈsentɪˌmiːtə ceremony ˈserəməni challenge ˈtʃæləndʒ character ˈkærəktə chocolate ˈtʃɒklət


Page 11: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

community kəˈmjuːnəti Conditioner kənˈdɪʃənə control kənˈtrəʊl coffee ˈkɒfi crystal ˈkrɪstl damage ˈdæmɪdʒ democracy dɪˈmɒkrəsi dessert dɪˈzɜːt delicacy ˈdelɪkəsi delicate ˈdelɪkət dramatic drəˈmætɪk economist ɪˈkɒnəmɪst enjoy ɪnˈdʒɔɪ event ɪˈvent elegance ˈelɪgəns elevator ˈelɪveɪtə energy ˈenədʒi episode ˈepɪsəʊd escalator ˈeskəleɪtə essence ˈesns etiquette ˈetɪket fantastic fænˈtæstɪk festival ˈfestɪvl guitar gɪˈtɑː hamburger ˈhæmbɜːgə handkerchief ˈhæŋkətʃɪf heroine ˈherəʊɪn hotel həʊˈtel humorous ˈhjuːmərəs idea aɪˈdɪə image ˈɪmɪdʒ interval ˈɪntəvl interview ˈɪntəvjuː jacket ˈdʒækɪt lemon ˈlemən machine məˈʃiːn maintenance ˈmeɪntənəns management ˈmænɪdʒmənt manager ˈmænɪdʒə mechanism ˈmekənɪzəm melancholy mεlənˌkɑːli message ˈmesɪdʒ millimeter ˈmɪləˌmiːtɚ missile ˈmɪsaɪl

monument ˈmɒnjumənt musician mjuˈzɪʃn mysterious mɪˈstɪəriəs network ˈnetwɜːk oasis əʊˈeɪsɪs Olympic əˈlɪmpɪk original əˈrɪdʒənl orchestra ˈɔːkɪstrə orange ˈɒrɪndʒ parade pəˈreɪd pattern ˈpætn percent pə ˈsent percentage pəˈsentɪdʒ penalty ˈpenəlti picnic ˈpɪknɪk pilot ˈpaɪlət platform ˈplætfɔːm popular ˈpɒpjələ portrait ˈpɔːtreɪt private ˈpraɪvət professional prəˈfeʃənl program ˈprəʊgræm pyramid ˈpɪrəmɪd report rɪˈpɔːt rescue ˈreskjuː restaurant ˈrestrɒnt sandwich ˈsænwɪtʃ secret ˈsiːkrət standard ˈstændəd success səkˈses survival səˈvaɪvl suspense səˈspens supermarket ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt systematic ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk talent ˈtælənt technique tekˈniːk technology tekˈnɒlədʒi tobacco təˈbækəʊ tunnel ˈtʌnl umbrella ʌmˈbrelə vitamin ˈvɪtəmɪn volunteer vɒlənˈtɪə volume ˈvɒljuːm


Page 12: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

第 2 問 A 空所補充問題

問題研究 (配点/計 20 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/8 分)








1 most 名詞

2 the others 名詞

3 must have + p.p. 助動詞

4 will have + p.p. 助動詞

5 suggest 動詞

6 consist 動詞

7 during 前置詞

8 put up with 熟語

9 keep an eye on 熟語

10 turn down 熟語


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★ point 1. 自動詞と他動詞の区別を誤りやすい動詞


accompany I'd be delighted to accompany you. admire I admire your courage to tell him the truth. answer Answer the bell, Jim. approach A stranger approached me and talked to me. attend A lot of people attended the funeral. consider You must consider other people's feelings. contact You can contact me at this number. discuss I discussed the problem of food with them. enter Everybody stands up when the teacher enters the class. excel Tom excels all his classmates in mathematics . leave I'm leaving Paris for Tokyo in three days. marry My sister married a bank clerk. mention Don't mention it. obey The men always obey him. oppose I oppose the plan because I'm sure it won't work. reach We reached our destination in two days. resemble The animal resembles a rat. survive Grandmother survived her husband by five years. 他動詞と取りちがえやすい自動詞 agree He quite agreed with me on that point. appologize I apologized to him for my rudeness. compete Barbie loves to compete against her big sisters. complain We have nothing to complain of (about). object I object to her going to the party. ★ point 2 要求提案命令などの動詞

that 節中に should(《米》仮定法現在 )を用いる動詞

advise (忠告する) agree (同意する) arrange (取り決める) ask (頼む) command (命令する) demand (要求する) decide (決定する) desire (頼む) determine (決定する) insist (強く要求する) order (命令する) propose (提案する) recommend (勧める) request (頼む) require (要求する)

suggest (提案する) urge (強く迫る)


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★ point 3 不定詞・動名詞を目的語にとる動詞. 1.動名詞のみを目的語にする動詞 admit (認める) avoid (避ける) consider (よく考える) deny (否定する) enjoy (楽しむ) escape (免れる) excuse (許す) fancy (好む) finish (終える) give up (やめる) mind (いやがる) postpone (延期する) put off (延期する) stop (やめる)

2.不定詞のみを目的語にする動詞 agree (同意する) decide (決定する) desire (望む) determine (決心する) expect (期待する) fail (~しない) hope (望む) manage (何とかやる) mean (つもりである) offer (申し出る) pretend (ふりをする) promise (約束する) refuse (拒否する) resolve (決心する) seek (しようと努める) wish (したいと思う)

3.不定詞・動名詞どちらも目的語に取る動詞 a) 不定詞は述語動詞の時制より先の時を表し,動名詞は述語動詞の時制より以前の時を表すもの remember Did you remember to lock the door? I remember seeing her somewhere. forget Don't forget to meet me at the station. I shall never forget visiting London last summer. regret I regret to say that she is seriously injured. I regret telling[having told] you. b) 不定詞は能動,動名詞は受動の意味を表すもの deserve She deserves to succeed. A person who steals deserves punishing. need You need to go there alone. He will need looking after. ・ c) 不定詞は未完了、動名詞は完了を表すもの try He tried to write to the singer, but he could not. He tried writing to the singer, but she did not reply. ★ point 4 二重目的語をとる意外な動詞 allow He allows himself many luxuries. cause Your letter will cause him a great deal of distress to him. charge They charged me twelve dollars for the broken window. cost This hat cost me$10. One mistake can cost a person his life. deny She denies her child nothing. hand I handed him a map leave Her uncle left her a great amount of money. lend Can you lend me 5,000 yen until payday? offer He offered her a ride to school. owe I owe my brother$5. pass Would you pass me the salt? reach Please reach me that box. save Your help saved me a lot of work.


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spare Could you spare me a few minutes? take It took me two hours to go there, wish I wish you a Happy New Year. ★ point 5 S+V+O to do の文型をとる重要動詞 advise I advised him to come back at once. allow I can't allow you to behave like that. ask I asked her to go there for me. cause Her behavior caused me to laugh. compel His illness compelled him to stay indoors. enable Her help will enable me to do the job sooner. encourage I encouraged him to try again. expect He expects the bus to be late. force We were forced to work hard. invite I invited him to attend the party oblige Poverty obliged him to commit this crime. permit Permit me to ask one question. persuade We persuaded her to go on a picnic with us. remind Please remind me to call her at seven. require All passengers are required to show their tickets. teach She taught me to drive. tell I told him not to go. want He wants me to leave ★ point 6 類語を区別すべき重要動詞 . 1.借りる borrow You can borrow these books from the library for a week. 他人の所有物を一時的に借りる use I need to use the washroom. 借りて使う rent We rented an apartment in Tokyo. 有料で他人の家・土地, 車, ビデオソフト, 衣装などを借りる hire They hired a studio by the hour 短期間有料で借りること owe I owe my brother ¥10,000. 物や金を借りている lease We lease all our computers. 賃借りする[from] 2. 貸す lease I will lease a house to him =I will lease him a house 賃貸しする。 lend My parents lent me the car to go to the movies. 無料で貸す let This house is to let [to be let]. 有料で家・土地を貸す。 rent We rented him our cottage. =We rented our cottage to him. 賃貸しする。


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3.かく write Write your name at the top of the sheet. 文字を書く draw Draw a map to your house, please. 線で絵や図を描く paint The Mona Lisa was painted by da Vinci. 絵の具を使って描く 4. 合う、似合う become Your new dress becomes you very well. (服装・髪型が) (人)に似合う suit Black suits you well. (服装・色が) (人)に似合う This climate does not suit tropical plants. (食物・気候などが)(人・事・物)に適する,合う fit The dress fits her like a glove. (人・もの)に(大きさ・形などが)合う match Those black shoes match this black skirt. (物が)(物)と調和する, 似合う go with Red wine goes with meat. (ものがもの)に調和する agree with Sushi doesn't agree with me. (風土・気候・食物などが) (人)に合う 5. 疑う doubt I doubt that he will come. [SV (that)節] …でないと思う I doubt if he is kind. [SV whether [if] 節] …かどうか疑問に思う suspect I suspect that he will come. (~だと)思う 6. 行く go I go to school by bus. 話者も聞き手もいない場に「行く」 come I'll come to your party. 聞き手がいる場に「行く」 7. 持って行く take Take the DVD when you go to see her. 話者も聞き手もいない場に持って行く bring Bring the DVD when you come to my house tomorrow. 聞き手が焦点の場所にいる場に持って行く.


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8. 着る・着ている A を着る(動作) put on A He put on his overcoat before going out. get dressed in A He got dressed in power suits for his interview. A を着ている(状態) wear A She wore a nice hat when I met her. have on A She had her chef coat on when I met her for the first time. be dressed in A He was dressed in a beige suit. ★ point 7 使役動詞 1.let [SVO do] O に…させてやる。 My father won’t let me drive his car. 2.make [SVO do] O に…させる He made me go there against my will. = I was made to go there against my will. 人主語の場合は通例強制 Her jokes made us all laugh. 物・事主語の場合は非強制 3.have [SV O do] O に仕事・サービスをさせる[してもらう] You should have a mechanic look at this car before you buy it. ★ point 8 知覚動詞 見る see /look at/ watch 聞く hear /listen to 気づく observe/notice/perceive 感じる feel ★ point 9 難易・快不快の形容詞 A: How is your new car ? B: The car is easy to drive. cf. It is easy to drive the car. comfortable (快適な) convenient (便利な) dangerous (危険な) difficult (難しい) easy (やさしい) exciting (わくわくさせる) hard (難しい)

impossible (不可能な) interesting (興味深い) nice (気持ちがいい) pleasant (気持ちいい) tough (困難な)


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★ point 10 叙述用法のみの形容詞

afraid (恐れて) His brother is really afraid of dogs. alike (似て) We looked very alike. alive (生きて) We didn't know whether he was alive or dead. alone (1 人で) John was all alone in a strange city. ashamed (恥じて) I'm ashamed of the things I said. asleep (眠って) The girl was asleep on the sofa. awake (目がさめて) Nightmares kept me awake all night. aware (気づいて) He was aware of the danger content (満足して) The oldman seems content with his life. unable (できない) He is unable to speak English well. ★ point 11 限定用法のみの形容詞 chief (主要な) Safety is our chief concern. elder (年長の) Tom's elder brother died in the war. inner (内部の) Her inner voice told her to be cautious. latter (後者の) The latter way would be simpler. lone (孤独な) Most lone parent families are headed by mothers. main (主たる) My main concern now is to protect the children. mere (ほんの) Shes a mere child. only (唯一の) My father is an only son. outer (外部の) Remove the tough outer leaves before cooking. principal (主たる) Oil is the country's principal source of income. sheer (全くの) The house's sheer size makes it expensive to heat. total (全くの) The sales campaign was a total disaster. upper (上の) He was promoted to the upper rank. utter (全くの) All of your talk was utter nonsense. ★ point 12 限定用法と叙述用法で意味の異なる形容詞 able He is an able businessman.

He was able to do the job. certain She has a certain charm. Spring is certain to follow winter. due The bus is due to arrive at 9:00. We treated the teacher with due respect. ill Ill news travels fast.

She was ill in bed. late The late Mr. Tanaka was an able teacher. I was late for the appointment. present What is your present address? All the members were present.


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★ point 13 接尾辞で区別する形容詞 childlike (純真な) childish (子供っぽい) considerable (相当な) considerate (思いやりのある) continual (頻繁な) continuous (絶え間ない) desirous (〔…を〕望んで) desirable (望ましい) economic (経済の) economical (倹約な) historic (歴史上有名な) historical (歴史の) imaginable (考えられる限りの) imaginary (架空の) imaginative (想像力豊かな) industrial (産業の) industrious (勤勉な) memorable (忘れられない) memorial (記念の) momentary (瞬間的な) momentous (重大な) respectabl (ちゃんとした) respectful (丁重な) respective (各々の) sensible (分別のある) sensitive (神経過敏の) ★ point 14 頻出不可算名詞

advice 助言 baggage 手荷物 behavior ふるまい clothing 衣類 conduct 行ない damage 損害 difficulty 困難 food 食物 fortune 財産/運 fruit 果物 furniture 家具 fun 楽しみ harm 害 luck 運 luggage 手荷物 machinery 機械類 mail 郵便物 homework 宿題 housework 家事 information 情報 news 便り/報道 poetry 詩 progress 進歩 room 余地 scenery 風景 traffic 交通 trouble 心配/迷惑 weather 天気 work 仕事


Page 20: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

第 2 問 B 対話問題

問題研究 (配点/9 点 難易度/やや易 標準解答時間 3分)






★ point 頻出会話表現

① 挨拶

ただいま Hi! /I'm back./Here I am!/I'm home./It’s me.

お帰り Hi! / Hello!

お帰り(旅行などから帰った人に) Welcome back! / Welcome home!

初めまして How do you do? /(It’s) nice (glad) to meet you. / Hi!

元気? How are you? /How are you doing?

How's it going? / How's everything?

How is everything with you?

元気でした? How have you been?

元気ですよ I'm fine.

最高です Couldn't be better.

まあまあですね Not too bad. / So-so./ O.K /Fair.

最近どう? What's new? / How are things with you? /What's up?

別に Noting much./ Noting (in) particular. /Not especially

どうかしたの(心配して) What's up? /What's wrong (with you)?

What's the matter (with you)? /Is anything the matter?

さよなら Good-bye! /So long! /See you (soon/tomorrow/ later etc).

Take care (of yourself)!

そろそろ失礼します It's about time to go. /I must be leaving. /I must leave now.

I must be off now./I've got to go now.


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ひさしぶり! It's been a long time. /It's been so long.

Nice to see you again. / Long time no see. /It's been ages.

~さんによろしく Give my best regards to ~ /Please say hello to ~

Remember me to ~

② 電話

もしもし、スミスさん? Hello, is this Mr. Smith?

恵子ですけど This is Keiko (speaking).

恵子はいる? Is Keiko there/home?

恵子さんはいらっしゃいますか? May I speak to Keiko?

I'd like to speak to Keiko, please.

はい、私です Speaking.

うん、私だよ It's me.

どちら様? Who's calling, please?

May I have your name?

え?だれ? Who is this?

夜分すいません I'm sorry for calling you this late.

朝早くすいません I'm sorry for calling you this early.

ちょっとお待ち下さい Hold on, please.

彼女にかわります I'll put her on. /I'll get her.

今恵子は外出していますが Keiko is out now.

彼女はすぐもどりますが She should be back in a few minutes.

彼は今日は休みですが He's off today.

あとでかけなおします I'll call back later.

1時間後にまた電話します I'll call again in an hour.

あとでかけなおしてもらえます? Could you call back later?

伝言ありますか? May I take a message? / Do you have any messages?

恵子から電話があったと伝えてください Please tell him that Keiko called.

恵子に電話するように伝えてください Please tell him to call Keiko.

私の番号は 123-4567 です My number is 123-4567.

あなたから電話があったことを伝えます I'll tell him that you called.

彼におりかえし電話させます I'll tell him to call you back.

電話ありがとう Thanks for calling.


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またいつでも電話してね Please call again anytime.

番号をまちがえてません? I'm afraid you have the wrong number.

何番におかけですか? What number are you calling?

誰におかけですか? Who do you want to talk to?

そんな人は家にはいませんが There's no one here by that name.

すいません!まちがえました! I'm so sorry. I must have misdialed.

I'm afraid I have the wrong number.

聞こえてる? Are you there?

電話が遠いみたい I can't hear you very well.

お待たせしてごめんなさい I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

Thank you for holding.

電話ですよ You are wanted on the phone.

There is someone calling you on the phone.

田中君から電話だよ Mr.Tanaka is on the phone.

内線 55 番をお願いします (Connect to ) Extension 55,please.

③ 買い物

いらっしゃいませ May I help you? / What can I do for you?

How can I help you?

スカートをさがしているんですが I'm looking for a skirt.

見ているだけですので I'm just looking.

何かありましたら知らせてくださいね If you need any help, let me know.

試着していいですか? May I try it on?

試着室ってどこ? Where is the fitting room?

これちょっと小さいなぁ It's a little bit small.

ちょっと大きいなぁ It's a little bit big/loose.

ちょっと短いなぁ It's a little bit short.

ちょっときついなぁ It's a little bit tight.

これはぴったりだなぁ It fits perfectly.

どっちがいいと思います? Which one do you think is better?

これどう? How do you like this?

似合うよ It suits/becomes you nicely.

これは派手だなぁ It's too loud.


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こりゃ地味だ It's too plain.

これおいくらですか? What's the price of this?

これにします I'll take this one.

カード使えますか? Can I use a card?

Do you accept a card?

④ 食事

おなかぺこぺこ I'm starving.

今晩二人お願いします I'd like to make a reservation for tow tonight.

何名さまでしょうか? How many?

2 名です (A table for) Two, please.

喫煙席ですか?禁煙席ですか? Smoking? or nonsmoking ?

喫煙席で Smoking.

お飲み物は何になさいますか? What would you like to drink?

コーラください (Can I have) Coke, please.

ご注文は何になさいますか? What would you like?

Are you ready to order?

May I take your order?

注文はお済みですか? Have you been served/helped?

卵はどのようになさいますか? How do you like your eggs?

スクランブルでおねがいします Scrambled, please.

Sunny-side up(目玉焼き)

他に何か? Anything else?

結構です No, thank you.

That's all.

食事はどうですか? Is everything OK?

How's everything?

おいしいですよ Good!

お勘定お願いします Can I have a check?

ここでお召し上がりですか? For here, or to go?


持ち帰りで(ここで食べます) To go. (For here.)


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どうされました? What seems to be the problem?

少し熱があるんです I have a slight fever.

お大事に Take good care of yourself.


お願いがあるんだけど Will you do me a favor ? /May I ask a favor of you?

窓を開けてくれる Will you open the window?

いいよ OK.

いやだよ No way.

窓を開けていただけますか Would you mind opening the window?

いいですよ Do you mind --- ? に対して

No, not at all. /Not at all./Certainly not. /Of course not.


だめです Yes, I do mind./Certainly./I'm afraid I can't.

窓を開けていただけますか Would you be kind enough to open the window?

I wonder if you can open the window.

Would you be so kind as to open the window?

いいですよ Certainly./Of course./I'd happy to./All right./Why not?

By all means./No problem.

だめです I wish I could, but I cannot do that.

I am sorry I can't.


どうもご親切に That's kind of you. / How nice of you!

~ありがとう Thank you for ~/ Thanks a lot for ~ /

Many thanks for ~ / I appreciate ~

どういたしまして You are welcome. /Not at all. /Don't mention it.

That's OK. /Forget it. /That's all right. /My pleasure.

Never mind. /The pleasure is mine.



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いずれにしてもありがとう Thank you all the same. /Thank you just the same.

Thank you anyway.


~ごめんなさい I'm sorry for ~ /Excuse me for ~ /Pardon me for ~

~ 申し訳ありません I must apologize for ~

Please accept my apologies for ~

仕方なかったんです I couldn't help it.

そんなつもりじゃなかったんです I didn't mean to.

かまいませんよ That's all right.

That's OK. /Don't worry. /Forget it. /It does not matter.


映画に行きませんか How/What about going to the movies?

What do you say to going to the movies?

Shall we go to the movies, shall we?

Let's go to the movies?

Why don't we go to the movies?

Why not go to the movies?

いいですね That sounds good. /That's a good idea. /With pleasure.

All right. /Why not? /I'd like to.

やめておきましょう No, thank you.

I'd rather not.

I'm sorry I cannot.

Thanks for asking, but ----

That's very kind of you, but ---

I'd love to but ---


ここに座っていいですか Can/May I sit here ? /Is it all right if I sit here?

I wonder if I can sit here.

どうぞ Certainly. / Sure. /Of course. /By all means./Go ahead./Why not?


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やった! I made it. /I did it.

やったね!(相手に対して) You did it! /Well done! /Good job! /Good for you!

おめでとう Congratulations!

卒業おめでとう Congratulations on your graduation!

元気出して Cheer up!

気にするな Don't worry. /Not to worry. /Never mind.

その調子! That's the spirit.

お気の毒に That's too bad. /What a shame! /I'm sorry to hear that./

That's a pity.

ついてないね Bad luck.

落ち着いて Calm down.

だまれ! Shut up!

ほっといて! Leave me alone!

おまえに関係ねーよ! (It's) None of your business.

出ていけー! Get out of here!

言い訳するな! No more excuses!

もうたくさん! That's enough.

なるほど/あ、そっか I see.

そうだよ、うん Uh-huh.

あ、そうなの? Is that right? / Is that so? / Is that true?

そうだよ、そのとおり That's right.

そうそう! Exactly!

そう? Oh, yeah?

そうですか? Oh, really?

私も Me, too. / So am I. /So do I.

私も(否定) Neither do I. / Me neither.

冗談でしょ? No kidding! / You're kidding! /You're joking!

さあ着いた Here we are.

さあいこう Here we go.

はいどうぞ Here it is. /Here you are.


え!何ですか I beg your pardon? / Pardon (me)? / Sorry? 解りますか? Do you follow me?


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第 2 問 C 語句整序問題

問題研究 (配点/12 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間 5 分)

C 配点と問題形式は昨年とほぼ同様である。若干変更された点は、コミュニケーションの中で


正答率が3割台と低く、“owe what I am”の表現にするのが難しかったと思われる。しかし、残




[1] 語句整序作文では、常に述語動詞を中心に考えること。センター試験の整序問題では基本動


[2] まず、選択肢の中に述語動詞と考えられるものを探し、その数を数える。なお、その際、分

詞・to 不定詞・動名詞は述語動詞と誤解しないよう注意すること。

[3] 述語動詞が 2 つ以上ある場合は、原則として必ず〈つなぎ言葉〉がある。


1. 接続詞(等位接続詞・従属接続詞)

2. 関係詞(関係代名詞・関係副詞・関係形容詞)

3. 疑問詞(疑問代名詞・疑問副詞・疑問形容詞)

4. 又、センターでは少ないが、分詞構文の可能性も考えなければ


[4] 次に、選択肢の中にある名詞に注目する。名詞は、原則として以下のいずれかの役割を


1. 主語 2. 動詞の目的語 3. 前置詞の目的語 4. 文中で補語

[5] さらに、選択肢の中に形容詞がある場合、その形容詞は原則として

以下の 2 つのいずれかの役割を果たすことになる。

1.名詞を修飾する 2.補語になる


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第 3 問 A 文意・語意問題

問題研究 (配点/10 点 難易度/易 標準解答時間 3 分)




第 3 問 B 要旨要約

問題研究(配点/18 点 難易度/やや易 標準解答時間 8 分)


題である。2013 年度のテーマは図書館駐車場横の空き地の利用法をテーマにした町の住人の議論




この手の問題の基本的な解答手順を以下に示す。(次ページの 2010 年本試を例にとる)

① まず司会者、教師など進行役の最初の発言から何について話し合われるのかを明確に 把握する。⇒より若い人々はどう老人に接すべきか? ② まず各選択肢を先に読む。その際の司会者の発言にもヒントがあることが多い。 ⇒ 興味深い観察をなされていますね ③ この段階で①のテーマにこたえていないまたは②のヒントに矛盾する選択肢は切る。 ① 医者や看護師は術語を使いすぎる⇒ 一般論であって老人と関係ない ② 多くの老人は医者に話しかけるとき、気を使わないで済んでいる。⇒ 問われて いるのは、老人にどう接すべきかであって老人がどう接すべきかではない ③ 医療関係者もまた老人たちに対しては特別な話し方をする。⇒ ①にこたえている し②とも矛盾しない ④ 子供のような話し方をしないと、人と交流できない人がいる。⇒ 一般論であって 老人と関係ない ⑤ ここで初めて本文を読む。まず第一文(トピックセンテンス)に注目⇒人はしばしば 老人に特別な話し方をする。これは選択肢③に一致するのでこれが正解とわかる。


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2010 年 本試験



Chair: Today's discussion is about how younger people should communicate with the

elderly. We invited three panelists:Dr. McDonald, a medical doctor, and Mr. Johnson and Ms. West, who are researchers specializing in gerontology, or the study of the elderly. Mr. Johnson, can you start our discussion?

Mr. Johnson: Certainly. I often notice people communicate in a particular way with the elderly.

People exaggerate their ways of speaking, for instance, by using a loud voice. Sometimes people speak as if they were talking to a child, but I wonder if older people really like this. In my observations at senior centers, even doctors and nurses employ this particular way of speaking. However, I wonder if this is a good way to communicate with them.

Chair: That's an interesting observation. You're saying that . What do you think, Dr.


① doctors and nurses often use too many technical expressions ② many elderly people are comfortable when they speak to doctors ③ medical professionals also speak differently to the elderly ④ some people can't communicate without speaking like children

Dr. McDonald: Well, as doctors, we have to be considerate when we talk to patients. We should adjust how we communicate with older people to make sure they understand what we say. Often, they can't hear well, so it's important to speak to them slowly and clearly. They need to understand us, so they can respond to questions we may have. I'm sure they're grateful when they're addressed in this manner. I feel that when you meet a person who appears to be old, you should always show consideration by speaking in such a manner. Chair: OK. Dr. McDonald, with his professional experience, thinks that . What are your thoughts on this point, Ms. West? ① age has nothing to do with speech style ② more intelligent words should be used ③ special attention should be paid to the elderly ④ the elderly should speak more slowly and clearly Ms. West: I'm an older person myself, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with Dr. McDonald. He said he could tell who needs to be spoken to clearly and slowly from their appearance. I guess you base your judgment of older people on their slow movements, gray hair, and wrinkles. But that's a stereotype of the elderly. Some older people may not need any special adjustments during conversation. Rather, such adjustments may insult them. I on't want to be addressed like that, or stereotyped in that way. Chair: Thank you. Ms. West's comments emphasize that our judgments of the elderly . ① don't determine our behavior ② don't hurt their feelings ③ should be based on their appearance and movements

④ shouldn't be made without careful consideration


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2007 年 本試験



Moderator: More and more young people are fascinated by video games. These games influence

teenagers both positively and negatively. Today, I would like to in-vite your opinions on this topic.

Brian: Thank you. I’d like to express my views on video games. Sometimes, teenagers who enjoy playing video games seem likely to attempt the tricks that they see. This could lead to serious injuries. On the other hand, playing certain video games allows people to gain skill in using their eyes and hands at the same time. Having such skills can help young people increase their en-joyment of sports activities.

Moderator: So, Brian, you are saying that video games are helpful in . ① developing concentration ② getting serious injuries ② improving physical responses ④ promoting eyesight Madoka: It is true that some video games have cool characters who perform neat tricks, and

kids try to imitate them. But I think video games could also influ-ence teenagers in a positive way. I’ve read some studies which say that play-ing video games encourages you to try harder and achieve more. For example, when you’re playing a game and you lose, you might keep on trying to master it until you succeed.

Moderator: You and Brian have offered different opinions. Okay, Madoka, your view is that .

① imitating characters can teach us manners ② neat tricks teach you cool ideas ③ video games help you learn to never give up ④ video games help you make more profits Moderator: Are there any other views which we should consider? Joe: Video games definitely influence some teenagers in bad ways. There was an incident

in which two teenagers were found with a rifle in their home. They had used it to shoot at trucks passing by, and had killed a man. It seems that they were influenced by a video game. Parents should check the content of video games before buying them for their children. They need to take an active role in determining what their children are allowed to play.

Moderator: Thank you, Joe. You have mentioned one negative aspect of video games. What you said is that .

① children cannot stop playing video games, and sit indoors all day long, resulting in poor health ② children who play many video games can understand the difference between reality and virtual reality ③ people kill other people because they believe that they will come back to life again by pressing the

reset button ④ video games may make children imitate improper behavior, so parents should choose games carefully


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2008 本試験



The topic for this week's "Speak Out" column is whether there should be a mandatory dress code in our school. The first opinion selected was sent in by Monica Molina, a tenth grader. She writes:

There needs to be some limitation to what students can wear to school. Without a dress code students could wear clothing that is offensive, inappropriate, distracting, or threatening. Clothing with offensive slogans and pictures that promote drugs, alcohol and smoking should not be allowed. Pictures and slogans which are offensive to race and gender should not be allowed, either. Clothing with distracting pictures or writing could take students' attention away from studying, which is why students are here. Clothing with messages, writing or pictures that are threatening to students or teachers shouldn't be worn. Being in a school with no dress code would be very bad. A dress code should be made, taking into consideration everyone who studies and works in the school.

① A lot of students wear clothing that is threatening to others.

② Clothing that has writing which encourages smoking is not so bad.

③ Dress rules should protect everyone in school from being offended.

④ Most students don't wear appropriate clothing to school.

Our next opinion was submitted by Kishan Santha, an eleventh grader, who says:

Students should be free to choose what they want to wear to school. Granted, there are some shirts that have offensive writing on them but the majority of messages are not offensive. Most messages do not negatively affect our learning and attention in class. If we have a dress code at all, it should state that students cannot wear clothes with insulting words on them. But, that is it. I'm sure that whether there is a dress code or not, my friends will wear what they know is fine and appropriate in school. Teachers should trust us to be able to determine whether or not the clothes we decide to wear are appropriate.

① A dress code cannot prevent students from wearing clothing with offensive messages.

② In most cases, students can determine what clothing is acceptable to wear to school.

③ Teachers can be trusted to make a dress code that students will accept.

④ Students should be encouraged to make a school dress code for themselves.

The third opinion selected was written by Kim Higgins, a twelfth grader. She says:

I believe that students can express themselves with their clothing. However, there should be some kind of dress code at school. It should not be a strict code, but a realistic one that everyone can follow. A rule that I find reasonable is that a shirt or blouse should not be so short that part of the person's body can be


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seen. It particularly bothers some people when they can see someone else's bare stomach. Also, we should not have to see other people's underwear. This offends some people and can be considered insulting. If we don't have school dress rules, with today's fashion, things could get out of control.

① Clothing is not a good way for students to show their feelings.

② Current dress styles don't require a specific school dress code.

③ Showing one's stomach is fashionable and not so offensive.

④ Some guidance is needed to help students dress with moderation.

We would like to thank Monica, Kishan and Kim for submitting their opinions to "Speak Out." They have given us a number of important points that we must consider seriously before everyone votes on this policy.


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2009 本試験

次の英文は,アメリカの高校の授業で友人関係について話し合われた議論の一部である。 空

所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ以下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。 Teacher: Today, we’re going to talk about the issue of friendship. Let me ask a question: Is it better

to make friends with many people, or to have just a few good friends? In other words, which is more important, the quantity of our friendships or the quality of our friendships? Does anyone have any comments? Yes, Jordan.

Jordan: I think it’s important to have a friend you can count on when you’re in trouble. We all have some tough times, and we need someone to talk to at such times. No matter how many friends you have, your problems can’t be solved unless you have someone you can trust. Having many friends doesn’t always mean that their advice will help you solve your problems. Here at school, I have just two good friends, but I know I can rely on them for anything I need. They both help me a lot in my daily life. I think this is far better than having lots of friends. Also, you can’t maintain long-term relationships with many people. The fewer friends you have, the more time you can spend with each of them. Just saying “Hi” to everybody doesn’t give you a better quality of life.

Teacher: OK. Thanks a lot. Jordan says .

① having many friends is related to people’s happiness in life ② he made a decision to help friends whenever he can ③ people can be satisfied if they simply have many friends ④ quality is more important than quantity in friendships

Teacher: Any other ideas? Amy? Amy: I think people should have a lot of friends throughout their lives. I mean, you should get

on well with as many people as possible because having a lot of friends will widen and deepen your understanding of life in various ways. You’ll learn and experience different ways of thinking by knowing them. I like having many friends because each friend brings me new possibilities. Also, I disagree with Jordan. When you’re in trouble, fewer friends will give you fewer chances to solve the problem. When I have a problem, I like to ask as many friends as possible for their advice.

Teacher: All right. Amy thinks that .

① by observing many friends, you’ll gain skills to distinguish trustworthy people from others ② friends can sometimes be mean to you, but friendships will become steady

③ many friends often confuse you, and they guide you to wrong solutions ④ the more friends you have, the more chances you’ll have to solve problems

Teacher: Any other comments on this question? Maria? Maria: Unlike Jordan and Amy, I don’t think we have to choose between having “many” friends

and having “good” friends. I’m one of Amy’s many friends, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the quality of our relationship is bad. In fact, she’s always good to me, listens to my problems and offers advice, even though, as she says, she has many friends. I believe people can have both.

Teacher: Well, I think that’s an excellent way to conclude, Maria. .

① Having good friends is much more important than having many friends. ② We can have both quantity and quality in our friendships. ③ Your good friendship with Amy is a rare case. ④ Your idea is just a repetition of Jordan and Amy’s comments.


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2011 年 本試験

次の英文は,3 人の俳優による座談会での議論の一部である空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,


Moderator: Today, we welcome three actors, Fernando Costa, Nina Pavlova, and Manuel

Dupond, to our round-table talk. Today’s topic is playing different kinds of roles. Would you start, Fernando?

Fernando: Sure. As an actor, I like being a different person on stage. I’m basically a happy person. I always enjoy talking with friends and telling jokes. But when I act, I like playing tragic roles. A playwright creates a situation which draws the audience into another world, and I can also enter that world. For example, I take pleasure in playing Hamlet or Othello, who both experience great misfortune. I can’t easily imagine such drama in my daily life, so I prefer performing serious roles like that.

Nina: I like to play tragic roles, too, but for somewhat different reasons from yours, Fernando. You seem to like to act out what , don’t you?

① the audience expects you to do on stage ② writers themselves don’t want to do on stage ③ you don’t usually experience in real life ④ you have experienced in your daily life Fernando: Yes, exactly. Nina: Personally, it’s difficult to imagine how characters who are different from me would feel and

behave. I’m not an optimistic person and I tend to take things very seriously. I can’t even imagine myself telling a joke. So I’m not good at playing comic roles.

Moderator: Thank you, Nina. Your point is that you . ① are disappointed when you are assigned a serious role ② can tell jokes on stage without practice ③ can understand how someone else feels in a happy situation ④ feel more comfortable with serious roles Nina: Yes, that’s right. Moderator: OK. How about you, Manuel? Manuel: Like Nina, I think that if your personality is similar to that of the character you play, it helps

your performance and makes the character you play more believable. For me, it’s sometimes impossible to express what I don’t usually think and feel. I’m very outgoing and I feel happy when people laugh at my jokes. So it’s difficult for me to play very serious roles. Of course I can think of the person I’m playing and put myself in that person’s shoes, but I’m most comfortable playing someone whose personality is close to mine, I mean, playing comic roles.

Moderator: It seems that what matters most to you is whether or not. ① the audience likes your acting ② the role fits your true personality ③ you can accept the challenge of serious roles ④ you can stretch yourself to fit the role

Manuel: That’s right.


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2012 本試験

次の英文は,昼休みに行われた英会話クラブの活動で,4 人の高校生がテレビの子どもへの影響


Kenji: I think watching television too much is harmful to young children. I’ve read that it can

delay their speech development. I believe face-to-face communication is essential for young children to develop their speech. I know some parents use TV as a babysitter. Maybe they’re very busy, but they should try to make time for their children rather than just let them watch television. Oh, here comes Hiroshi. Hi, Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: Sorry I’m late. Miki: Hi, Hiroshi. We’ve just started. We’re talking about the effects of television on young

children. Kenji thinks . ② parents should talk to their young children about television programs unless they’re busy ② watching television is good because it enable because it robs them of precious time ④ young children who watch television a lot may not learn to talk as early as they should Takako: I can understand your point, Kenji. But have you ever thought how busy parents are? They

have to take care of the house and kids! Sometimes it is very convenient to let their young children watch TV. I think it’s OK, as long as the viewing time is limited and the contents of the programs are checked. Besides, there are educational TV programs. For example, by watching English TV programs for young kids, children can get used to the sounds of English.

Kenji: OK, your point is . ① busy parents can teach their children the sounds of English by watching TV programs ② parents should be encouraged to watch educational TV programs with their young children ③ the best way to learn English while we are very young is to watch English TV programs ④ watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully monitored Hiroshi: You must be talking about the effect on very young children. But I was thinking about

children who are a little bit older, like four, five, or six years old. When I was that age, I often watched action hero stories. In such stories, the hero eventually defeats the bad character in the end. Although TV hero stories are far from reality, that kind of program demonstrates the difference between things you should and should not do. In real-life situations, we don’t always have opportunities to learn this. Watching TV programs can be one way to learn right from wrong.

Miki: OK, you seem to be . ① against watching television because programs are different from reality ② against watching television because right or wrong can be learned through experience ③ for watching television because it can teach valuable lessons in life ④ for watching television because programs are the same as reality Takako: Oh! We have to go. Class is about to start. Let’s talk about this again later. Kenji: OK, good idea. Hiroshi: I agree. See you after class.


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2013 年 本試験 次の英文は,アメリカのある町で住民が集まって,図書館駐車場横の空き地の利用法について議


Bob: OK. Let’s get started. I see we have well over a dozen people here to discuss what to do with

the area next to the library parking lot. Would anyone like to start with some suggestions? . . . Yes, Jack?

Jack: I think there’s enough space for a small park with at least one tree, maybe two . . . and a lawn of beautiful green grass. Maybe we can put a bench there as well. Along one side, we could leave some space for flowers. The park could be an ideal place to sit and read a book.

Bob: That’s pretty much what I imagined, too ― a kind of miniature park that . ① can be used for community events ② creates a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere ③ suits the architecture of the new library ④ would be a good place to park a car Jack: That’s right. Anne: But Jack, do you know how much money it would cost to do what you propose? We would

need to hire somebody to take care of the flowers, trees, and lawn and also clean up the leaves. Bob: So, Anne, what do you have in mind? Anne: Well, last year my husband and I decided to change our lawn into a desert-style rock garden,

so we hired an expert to make one for us. It looks great, but more importantly, doesn’t need much care.

Bob: So what you’re saying, Anne, is . ① a desert-style garden is better because it is more economical ② a park with a lawn would help create jobs for residents ③ we can create a desert-style garden which looks professional ④ we have enough money to maintain a lawn and a garden Jack: Anne, can you explain it in more detail? Anne: Well, I’ve invited the person who designed our yard. This is Carol Jones. She can explain

this better than I can. Carol: Hello, everyone. We all know that we don’t get much rain here in the Southwest. A

desert-style rock garden basically creates a scene we might see in deserts by using sand and rocks of various sizes and colors. It uses plants that don’t require much water, such as cactuses and other desert plants.

Jack: Hmmm. I have an image of deserts being really hot and uncomfortable, not relaxing. Carol: It doesn’t have to be that way. We could choose a variety of rocks and plants. For instance,

we could use rocks that are green and smooth pebbles from river bottoms to create a cooler impression. Some desert plants offer shade as well as beauty.

Anne: So, Carol and I think that . ① a rock garden cannot be as comfortable as a garden full of plants ② a rock garden would go well with the atmosphere of the town ③ it is difficult to choose the right materials for a rock garden ④ it is possible to create a refreshing space with a rock garden Bob: OK, so we have two choices so far: a rock garden, or the small park that Jack recommended.

If there are no more suggestions, shall we take a vote?


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第 3 問 C 空所補充

問題研究(配点/18 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間 8 分)








1.この手の問題の基本的な解答手順を 2010 年度本試験を題材に以下に示す。

Vinegar is a very familiar household product, which has long played an extremely important

part in cooking all over the world. But what exactly is vinegar and what are its uses besides cooking?

( ) In Japan, rice is used to make vinegar, which is a necessary ingredient in making some

traditional Japanese dishes. In Korea, they use another native crop, persimmons; in the U.S., apples;

and in the Philippines, sugar cane. It is clear that there is a variety of vinegars worldwide.

① Local vinegar is unimportant elements in traditional dishes.

② People in different places make vinegar out of their local products.

③ Rice vinegar has been made and used by people for a long time.

④ The word "vinegar" is from an old French word meaning "sour wine."

① 第1段落に目を通す。第1段落には問題はないからトピックセンテンスを読んで出題文のテ

ーマをつかむ。⇒ vinegar(酢)が本文のテーマ 。

② 第2段落の( )の前後関係から選択肢を選ぶ。この空所はパラグラフの文頭つまり一般

にtopic が置かれる位置である。空所以下に続く文のIn Japan/ In Korea/in the USAに注目すると



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① Local vinegar is unimportant elements in traditional dishes.

「地元産の酢は伝統的料理の重要な要素ではない」直後の文に necessary とあり、おかしい。

② People in different places make vinegar out of their local products.


different places ⇒ In Japan/ In Korea/in the USA

local products ⇒ rice/persimmons/apples

③ Rice vinegar has been made and used by people for a long time.


④ The word "vinegar" is from an old French word meaning "sour wine."



Regarding the process of making vinegar, it is made by allowing air to react with alcohol of some

type. This means that the process always begins with a raw material, such as grapes, rice, or hops,

that has been converted into alcohol. ( ) The former, allowing it to age naturally, can take weeks

or months, or even in an extreme case, as long as 100 years, as in expensive Italian balsamic

vinegars. The latter process can take as little as 20 hours. This is made possible by adding air and

bacteria to the source liquid.

① It takes an extremely long time to make genuine vinegar.

② Many crops and recipes are connected to vinegar.

③ There have traditionally been several ways to make vinegar.

④ Vinegar can be produced either by a slow or fast process.

( )の直後の2文のThe former/ the latterに注目。このような代名詞に注目するのは典型解法。

The former, allowing it to age naturally, can take weeks or months, or even in an extreme case, as

long as 100 years, as in expensive Italian balsamic vinegars.「前者は--- 数週間か数ヶ月あるいは---


The latter process can take as little as 20 hours.「後者はわずか20時間」


① It takes an extremely long time to make genuine vinegar.


② Many crops and recipes are connected to vinegar.



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③ There have traditionally been several ways to make vinegar.


③ Vinegar can be produced either by a slow or fast process.


「前者」=「a slow process」、「後者」=「a fast process」と考えればこれが正解。

The uses of vinegar are as extensive as its source materials. Before refrigerators became common,

vinegar was vitally important in preserving food in the form of pickles. Vinegar has also long been

important in cleaning and for medical purposes. ( ) to polish surfaces and reduce the pain of

insect bites. Clearly, vinegar was an important discovery for ancient civilizations which remains

useful even today.

① It could have been used

② It has been commonly used

③ It is rarely used

④ It will not be used

Vinegar has also long been important in cleaning and for medical purposes.


( ) to polish surfaces and reduce the pain of insect bites.

「表面を磨いたり、虫にかまれた痛みを削減するために( )」


① It could have been used



② It has been commonly used

「それは一般的に使われてきた」( )の直前の文の内容と一致する。

③ It is rarely used

「それはほとんど使われなかった」rately があるので否定文。

④ It will not be used



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actually 実際には、本当のとこ


all the same それにもかかわら

although だけれども

as a matter of fact 実際は

however しかしながら

in fact 実は

in spite of A Aにもかかわらず

in contrast 対照的に

meanwhile その間に

nevertheless それにもかかわら

nonetheless それにもかかわら

on the contrary それどころか

otherwise さもなければ

still それでも

~,though でも(文頭不可)

(and) yet それにもかかわら


in contrast 対照的に

instead その代わりに

on the other hand 他方では

whereas ところが一方

while ところが一方


for example 例えば

for instance 例えば


additionally その上、さらに

also その上、さらに

at the same time また同時に

besides おまけに、その上

for one thing ひとつには

furthermore おまけに

in addition その上、さらに

in addition to A Aに加えて

to begin with まず最初に

moreover その上、さらに

not to mention A Aは言うま


similarly 同様に

to say nothing of A A は言


what is more その上、さらに


as it were いわば

in other words 言い換えれば

namely すなわち

so to speak いわば

~,that is すなわち

after all 結局のところ

all in all 大体

anyway いずれにせよ

by and large 概して

eventually 結局は

finally 結局は

in any case いずれにせよ

in brief 要するに

in conclusion 要するに

in short 要約すると

in sum 要するに

in the end 結局は

on the whole 概して、大体は

to put it briefly 簡単に言えば

to sum up 要約すると


accordingly したがって

as a result その結果

as it turned out 結局のとこ

because of A Aのために

consequently その結果

for this reason この理由のた


hence それゆえに

in the long run 結局

inevitably 必然的に

of course もちろん

then それゆえ

therefore それゆえ

thus したがって


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2007 本試験

1 At 508 meters, it is one of the world’s tallest buildings. Taipei may not be widely known for its modern architecture, but it does have this towering building. The building has become a symbol of Taipei’s progress, identity and vision. Let’s start in the basement and work our way up. There we can see the Grand Market, Asia’s largest food court. We then move up to the first floor where a busy shopping mall begins. On the second and third floors we find a variety of designer shops, while the fourth floor, called City Square, offers coffee shops with tables in a central plaza. 2 They are the world’s fastest, and in no time at all we are at the top of the building. Half a kilometer below, the scene glows orange-pink with city lights. Even after the sun sets, we can still make out the outline of Taipei’s surrounding mountains, blacker than the evening sky. Taipei 101 represents the progress of Taipei and its identity. 3 Of course, many other aspects of Taipei’s culture are appealing, too. However, the citizens of this city can be proud to have this impressive building. 1 ① Taipei is famous for its city lights and black rivers to the north and east. ② Taipei is known for many of the world’s greatest ancient historical sites and fine museums. ③ Taipei has many things to be proud of, but perhaps the most impressive is the L-shaped

Taipei 101 Mall. ④ Taipei’s newest attraction has the most stylish goods in the latest fashion. 2 ① Also on the fourth floor are some escalators to the fifth floor. ② On the fifth floor, we can buy tickets for the elevators to the observation deck. ③ The organic coffee beans from Colombia are especially famous. ④ We do not need to make reservations to use the observation deck. 3 ① By visiting this building, one can sense the attractiveness of this modern city. ② It is worth paying the expensive admission fees to see Taipei 101. ③ Taipei is a must for foreign tourists who want to enjoy shopping and good cof-fee. ④ Taipei is such a great city that it can be recommended for school excursions.


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2008 年 本試験

A role model is an ideal person whom we admire. Role models may have various backgrounds and ways of looking at things. However, they all inspire others through their actions. I would like to introduce two people I admire. Mr. Chico Mendes is one of my role models. He was born in the Amazon region in 1944 to a poor Brazilian family that had farmed rubber from rubber trees for many generations. They loved the rainforest and 1 . However, mining companies and cattle ranchers started destroying the Amazon rainforest which is more than 180 million years old. They burned and cut down hundreds of thousands of trees, endangering the living environment of the people there. Chico began a movement that organized ordinary workers to oppose those harmful practices. The movement 2 , as Chico's efforts led people in other countries to protect the earth's forests and the forests' native inhabitants. Mr. Chico Mendes is a role model for me because of his courage, dedication and self-sacrificing work to protect not only the Amazon rainforest, but the natural environment of the entire planet. Dr. Mae Jemison, the first Afro-American female astronaut to travel into space, is my other role model. Mae was born into a middle-class American family. She entered university at the age of 16, and went on to receive degrees in Chemical Engineering, African-American Studies and Medicine. She became a fluent speaker of Japanese, Russian and Swahili. In 1992, she was the science mission specialist on the space shuttle Endeavour, on a cooperative mission between the U.S. and Japan. 3 , Dr. Jemison has used her education to improve the lives of others by providing primary medical care to poor people. She has helped countless people through various educational and medical projects. The main characteristics of my two role models are that they sympathize with other people's distress and are committed to improving the world by helping others. They are caring people who use their potential to benefit the world, making it a better place. 1 ① did not tell outsiders the location of their trees ② did not want strangers living anywhere near them ③ protected the indigenous tribes from being killed ④ used its resources in a way that did not destroy it 2 ① eventually spread to other parts of the world ② remained basically a problem for Brazilian people ③ was especially concerned with global warming ④ was focused mainly on the Amazon rubber trees 3

③ A compassionate person ② Because she loved traveling ③ In order to gain experience ④ Wanting an adventure


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2009 年 本試験

It has been said that nine out of ten people like chocolate and the tenth one is lying, but did you ever

think about who gets the money you pay for your favorite chocolate? In fact, the farmer who grows the

cocoa beans and the farmer whose cows give the milk get very little of the money you pay. Most of it goes

to the companies which transport the raw materials, turn them into chocolate, then package, advertise and

distribute it to stores. As a result, the cocoa and milk producers often live in very poor conditions. 1

Garstang, near Lancaster in England, is a town which encourages stores to sell “Fairtrade” goods; in fact,

it calls itself “The World’s First Fairtrade Town.” If you buy goods with the “Fairtrade” label, you can be

sure that a reasonable part of the money you pay will go to the farmer who grows the raw materials from

which your goods are made. For example, money paid for “Fairtrade” chocolate goes to cocoa farmers in

Africa. People in Garstang became interested in “Fairtrade” when they began to look for a way to help

these farmers. The farmers complained that big chocolate companies were interested only in buying cocoa

beans inexpensively, and not in whether the farmers had enough money to live. One group in Garstang

decided to 2 , making sure the farmers could keep as much of the profit as possible.

The chocolate sold in stores in Garstang with a special “Fairtrade” logo on it was more expensive than

ordinary chocolate, but 82% of local people said they were willing to pay extra if they knew the money

was being used to help people in a poor country. Gradually, other goods came to be traded in this way.

The next thing that happened was that local dairy farmers demonstrated in the center of Garstang. They

wanted 3 . They pointed out that, like the cocoa farmers in Africa, they also felt disadvantaged by an

unfair trading system. They wanted more money for the milk their cows produced. As a result, Garstang

has become a center not only for fair trade with poorer countries, but also for promoting locally produced



① Farmers in England have started to grow their own cocoa. ② One small town in England is trying to change this situation. ③ People take action in their local community to reduce the price of chocolate. ④ There is very little that can be done to improve things.

2 ① buy cocoa directly from the farmers and make it into chocolate ② give money to poor African farmers who grow cocoa beans ③ return the chocolate to the cocoa farmers in Africa ④ supply cocoa beans to African farmers


① to become involved in the “Fairtrade” movement ② to be paid more for the cocoa they produced ③ to encourage chocolate consumption ④ to reduce the price of their chocolate bars


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2011 本試験

Indonesia is well-known all over the world for a special kind of cloth that is made in a very long and

complex production process. It is produced by applying wax to some parts of the surface of a piece of

cotton cloth and then dyeing it. When the cloth is put into the dye, the parts under the wax do not absorb

the color; they resist the dye. This cloth is called batik.

32 Fine, smooth cotton cloth must first be washed and treated before the batik maker can begin to

draw the designs on the cloth with a small pot of hot wax. Care must be taken to control the temperature of

the wax and not to make a mistake in the design. If it is too hot, it will flow too easily, but if it is too cool,

it will not flow at all. Both sides of the cloth are covered with designs in wax; then the cloth is dipped into

a large container of dye. After the dyeing, the cloth is soaked in cold water, and the wax is removed with a

knife. The same process is repeated for each color of the design.

The preparation of batik requires great skill. 33 Therefore, batik makers perform certain rituals to

make sure they will be successful in waxing and dyeing the cloth. In some local areas, they even stay up all

night for ceremonies before beginning the work.

The complex production process 34 . The unique patterns drawn in wax and the soft colors all

combine to make this a special product. Although modern manufacturing methods can mass-produce cloth

that looks like batik, for those who truly love batik, a genuine piece created by a skilled maker is a

treasured work of art.


① Batik is used to make both modern and traditional clothes.

② Batik makers need permission to carry out the special process.

③ Many methods for decorating cloth exist in Indonesia.

④ There are many steps involved in the production of batik.


① However, that process is not so difficult.

② Many things can go wrong during the process.

③ Moreover, there is a faster and more efficient process.

④ The batik making process can be found in several other countries.


① is not always needed to make true Indonesian batik

② is not the only reason Indonesian batik is famous

③ makes it difficult for Indonesian batik to be famous

④ may be crucial for making the price reasonable


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2012 本試験

Do you like eating “mixed nuts” while watching TV and movies at home? Since both almonds and

peanuts can be found in the mixed nuts sold at grocery stores in Japan, you might assume that they are

similar types of food. Indeed, 32 . For instance, they are both nutritious as sources of minerals and

vitamins. At the same time, however, some people can have allergic reactions to them. According to recent

research, many children suffer from peanut and almond allergies.

Despite these similarities, however, almonds and peanuts are quite different. First, although they are

both called nuts, they are classified differently in plant science. The almond is considered a drupe. This

kind of plant bears fruit, inside of which is a hard shell with a seed. Other examples of drupes are peaches

and plums, but with almonds, the seed is the part we eat. In contrast, the peanut is classified as a legume, a

type of bean. The peanut grows underground, while the almond grows on trees. Moreover, each peanut

shell contains from one to three peanuts as seeds, while the almond fruit has only one seed.

Second, almonds and peanuts 33 . Almonds came from the Middle East. Gradually, they spread to

northern Africa and southern Europe along the shores of the Mediterranean, and later to other parts of the

world. Peanuts, however, were first grown in South America, and later they were introduced to other parts

of the world.

In conclusion, the product that we know as mixed nuts actually 34 . Almonds and peanuts are

plants which differ greatly, despite their notable similarities.

32 ① it may be difficult to find some similarities between them ② many consumers know about differences between them ③ there is a wide variety in each package of mixed nuts ④ they share some interesting characteristics with each other 33 ① are produced in different countries today ② are similar in that both are grown as crops ③ differ in terms of their place of origin ④ originated in the same part of Africa 34 ① consists of foods with distinct characteristics ② contains foods having several similar qualities ③ includes different foods that may harm human health ④ offers good examples of plants defined as true nuts


Page 46: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

2013 本試験 次の文章の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

The United States is a vast country. From the East Coast to the West Coast, there are four different time zones. In addition, many parts of the country observe daylight saving time (DST) as well. In areas that adopt DST, the clock is moved one hour forward for the summer. Thus, the local time varies across different areas of the country, depending on which time zone the area is in and whether DST is adopted. The state of Indiana, shown in the map below, is known for its [ 1 ]. For decades, both the Eastern Time Zone and Central Time Zone have existed within the state. Many areas in the state have switched back and forth between Eastern Time and Central Time. Furthermore, until very recently, policy concerning DST differed from one place to another. Most areas in the Eastern Time Zone did not adopt DST, and the time stayed the same throughout the year; while in other areas, where DST was adopted, the clock was moved forward by one hour for the summer. In 2006, however, the entire state started to observe DST. Some have argued that the time system in Indiana [ 2 ]. For example, a company in Indiana once scheduled a phone conference with companies in other states. When the meeting started, only half of the out-of-state participants were on the line. This was because the participants who missed the conference did not know in which time zone the company was located. It is not easy to resolve this issue because being in a particular time zone has important consequences for Indiana residents. Local businesses may benefit from being in the Eastern Time Zone where the financial center of the entire country, Wall Street in New York City, is located. Meanwhile, this may not be convenient for residents in the western parts of Indiana who commute to major cities in the Central Time Zone, like Chicago, just across the state border. The controversy over time in Indiana was partly resolved in 2006, when the entire state started to observe DST. [ 3 ] This debate may continue as long as people living in different parts of the state have different needs. [ 1 ] ① complex time system that has been changed many times over the years ② convenient time system that has attracted new businesses to the state ③ flexible time system that allows workers to choose their own working hours ④ traditional time system that is a good model for the rest of the country


Page 47: A 3 問となった。問3には黙第 1 問 A ・ B 問題研究 (配点/ A 6 点 B 8 点 難易度/標準 標準解答時間/

[ 2 ] ① discourages communication between government and businesses ② harms local businesses working with companies outside of Indiana ③ is understood and accepted by companies in other areas of the country ④ strengthens relationships among businesses in the state and those elsewhere [ 3 ] ① However, residents agree that Indiana should adopt a single statewide time zone. ② However, there is still disagreement about having two different time zones in the state. ③ Thus, this new change made the problem in the state more serious than before. ④ Thus, whether or not Indiana should have two time zones is no longer an

