  • Goa, 20th June, ] 963

    All correspondence referring to announcements and subscription of Government Gazette must be addressed 10 its administration office. Literary publications will be Bdvprtised free of charge provided two copies are offered.

    Toda a correspondencia relativa a anuncios e a assin:~-' lura do Boletim Glicial deve ser dirigida a Adminis-tl'agao da Imprensa Nacional. As publicagoes literarias dp que se receberem dois exemplares anunciam-se """t uilftmente


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    Sanction is hereby accorded to the Rules of the «Goa MinemJ Ore Exporters Association» with its. head Office at Panjim, which have thirty two num-bers and are signed by the Director of Civil Admi-nistration Services.

    By 'Orner anId in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.

    Panjim, 12th June, 1963.

    P. J. Fernandes Chief Secretary

    Constitution of the Goa Mineral Ore Expor:ters' Association

    I. Name

    The n8!me of this Association shall he "The Goa Mineral Ore Exporters' Association".

    2. OHice

    'DheRJegiJSltelJ.1edotff~ce :otf :rlt, eXJtr~CJtf.\oill of :ores, exp[olsirv1es

    " mlirr:iliJJ:lIg mlalC!hlil!rery, bamkdinJg 31llId lirisurlaill!oe :and

    SUlOO !CIuher TIIIait:l1Jel1s, aJS !aire Igeil'lm~e rtlOi Ibhie said trlaKlJe.

    3. T,o lesrtlaJblliJs(h COIl1d1iiaJll ,r:elart:lilons \aJIJld pJ:'lolITlloilJe fl'li!enldlly feie:l-mgs 8!mO'llglSt mer,Clrua;n1:is 'engaJg€ldi IiIll l~poa1t lama/'OtI' fOT'e~;gill IJl1aldie.

    ,4: To ,croll1Jsfuder 3Jlil quesltlitons iI1e1l1alting /tjo rtfue righrtls 18JI1d prli-, vileges of ex:porters .and fmd 'Way,s and means of removing their ;dlifjj~cuJltli:e1S IaIllJd ro maime l!'!eplJ:'looeaJJt;aJtioo to rtihe 'aiuthorlui es din LnidJUa sru,oh taiS OentlJ.13Jl or Si\Jalte Go'V'ei1nme:nts talD:d/or 10icai


    GOVERNO (Tradu~ao)

    DE E

    GOA, DIO




    Sao aprovados os Estatutos de «,Goa Mineral Ore Exporte:rs Association» com sede em Pangim, que tern 32 artigos e baixam assinados pelo Dir·ectDr dos Servi«;1Os de Administra~ao Civil.

    Por ardem e em norme do Gavernarlor-tenente de Goa, Damao e Dio.

    P. J. Fernandes Secretario-Chefe

    Pangim, 12 de Junho de 1963.

    Constitui9ao da Associa9ao de Exportadores de Minerios de Goa .

    I. Nome

    o nome desta Assoc'agao sera «'The Go-a lM::ineral ,ore E~porters' Association» '(A'Ssocia~a'o de ,Exp,ortadores de MiIJ!erios, de Goa).

    2. Sed,e

    A sede regj,stada desta Associa~ao fa.cara situ aida em Pan-glni, Goa.

    3. rim

    Os fins .oesta Associagao sii:o os 'seguintes:

    1 ~ Pro.mover, ,apoi,ar, proteger, manter 'e aumentar 0 'CO-mercia de exportagao de .miIlJerios de !Goa, salvaguardar os interesses dos exportadores ·e 'geI1almente -tratar ,do .comercici externo de minerlos de Goa Ie eX'ercer tais actividJades rela-cionadas ,com os mes'mos ifins, segundo f.or-em ne·cess1arias e conv;enientes.

    2 - Obter a organiza~oo de actividades ,rela;Uvamente :a todos os assuntos respettantes ,8. exporta~ao de m:in!erios e/oti comerciocom oestraIlJgeiro, lespecialmente em :ma've:r'ias rela-tivas it na\Cegagao e transporte, ;extrac~ao de miner:ios, explo-sivos, de minas, transac~6es bancarias 'e seguro'S e outroiS assunt10s que s'~ meiI!aJClionem ,croHl 01 mBlSlIl10

  • 184

    3JUJtholriJtliJels la:ndl/oJ:' ISUIch 10000heir InffililtUlt]olt1S o>r oa:1ga:nisart::i.ons il!itelI1esitoo din the PI1OImOltJiKllll ®rIJd IsiaIDegul8Jl'lds of Trraldie, COIm-meI1Ce & mndluistry amid fuf requ'ired:, rtep:I1e1SeI!lItIaiti'otn IbDSian!ilait' aJulbhO[iiitliJes oulbslildle IndliJa.

    5. TD maikJe 11'epll'esell1rt:laiti:0ID:s :to :the l!liUrtJImiI"ilttes ,coIlicerIlJed on maJt1:Jem p€lI1tlaliJnJilng tio fOll'leIilg1Il tI'l8lVletl.

    6. To ItlMIle lail.IJ. ISteplS 'th:alt lIIllay Ibe neicessary for pr/omOilling, suwootlilng '1e1,g1iJs~aJtIiJolllor olther laJatiQD!S lalffelClt:iJI:lJg

  • 2.QTH.'JUNE,1963

    adv,1ce'QIl' r1ep11E1S1€mrtJatli'om shaJ:llble o!D'ly ,im Si() !lialr !as such po'l':c:les or ,mElaJSUIle13 haJV,e la belaJrliln,g' tdilii:1ectIy 10il' IOttherwl1Sle on ,the e%ptcl!1t 'of trrlti!r:teI1aO. 'OI11e8. '

    22. '110 purCihaJSI€', rtJakJe Oln 1]e1aise 'Ci[" dri:t ~ClbJ8lllIge Q[" toithe,rwise acquire, amy Jiandis, buiJldillnJg, iitmmo1V1aJblJe 0[" m01V1aJble tpro-pe!1tii!es wbiilch may be necelSslaify fOir lfue :ptIltI'IV()ISle: of Ithtsl Asso-ciation, and a1so to construct and maintain any buNding IlIeceJSlSiaJrY 'Oil' ICOrnV18!lliJerrt for ith!iJs AlSSOI~OIIl.

    . 23. '110 ptUlrClhasle, hilil1e oil:' othetr'WiilSie laidqulir:e anid maJim,'bain sruiitlaibtlte buliJ~dlitnJgs, iapalI'tmelIllts, fililinJitture laJIlId otther fiittlmgs in latlly'colUll1itJry flO'r ttlhe 'esitJaJb1fuSlbJrIJielnt of 'Slh:oW~110ImrrSl, ,emporlia ()Ir lo:their laJglencies ['Olr pUtJjlirditty llin 1I'I€Lg'aI1d

  • 1St)

    b) Evie!!'Y member sbiaJll pay a sum ,0[ lI1Uipees oo.e tlIJousand and tWo hUiIlld!r1ed 'as amJIlua:J. ;fJee dn 10000000ce ibn Ithe fiI1st month 0If Itbie m:f1Lcdiail Y1eatr.

    7. Procedure fo,r member.h,i!p

    A p'lie'.scI1ilbed'arppiLiJOOJtion f'ormn for membershJiJp olf this As!so-crrut!ilon ('COIPY 'eIIlJC~oseid) Sihooll b!e ISlUptpild!ed Ito lan1:ntoodJing aJPipllljjcant,. who

  • j

    20TH JUNE, 1963 -----------------------~~---~----------

    ()Ill a 'l1equdlsM:liJon in writin,g by rut lOOlSit ten members if the ASSIOIcdiaJtjl()lll stMlinlg tb!e O!bj,ect of the meeting.

    c) If

    But any questlJe'Ills 'OIr 'IiesooutiiODiS p'er:b~!Dng :te'

    a) ChaJIllg:e OIr lOO!3Jng1es lim the O~tiltu1iitern:

    b I Amoodment lor IIIlIOIdiifruClartiion of the ~'esolU!tlielll wd.thln 't:hirele mOllIlt"hls 'Of ilbs pia:ssi,ng;

    c) V!oIte lof no 'OOInfrudience in Itbe iPQ1esiJdieJIlt Olr Vliice-,Bl1esidient OIl' the MJ3JIlalgiing ·Oomm1ttee las a :wIhioile, 'alnd!

    d) E~lllilsiloin O!f a memiber: SII;1OO1 I1equitre a t"hlr:e:e~fOlurith rmaj'01rity of ItIlle meo::n:b~ws pne-

    soot 'arnd IV10ting wilt:h a It'IUnnmg qUOmIJIn lef ""even tmembe'r/s.

    18. Eilec·f1j'on of man

  • 19. Procedu're for ei~,echion

    a) A :t1iftee'll ld:ayiS' d'eaJr wrttt8\ll :ruoltJilce crJ~gl3Jrldlmg !the effiecrt:liloo oIf lfue MamJalgdnlg OOlmrnliititele Isih!alil be IgTh~erJJ to' aliI membleI1s I()f Ithe AJs19olCli!aJtilon.

    b) Belfo~ethe Idlate If'iXled fio[' le~eIClt~oo,'

  • ,20TH JUNE) 1963

    3) ~ AJt thelir id:islcrlerbilon, ·to' p~y fiOlI' em:y rpI'lorp.eJDty, rdghts QT p['iiV'i~eges laloquiJI'ed iby OIJ:1 lSiemces: I'errCfelI'eid to' ,We AJssocia-mOIl:1 'ealth:el[' Wlh!0'~11y ,or rp:8JJ:1td8Jl1y IiIn c'aiSih Oit' :illl 'SelCurit~esl;

    4) - '110' SleCUlI'e ,thJe f'Ulliilmell1it IQIf i8JIly cODlbI'acts 'or e'l1'~algemenbs entered into by thie Association by mortga;ge or charge of ~lil 101[' lalllY lof Ibhe pmrplerlty Qf I\:Jhe ASSlOI()]a,t1Jolll in soUch man-ITell' ,a,s i1Jhe MJanaJg1i1Il1g Commi:ttee th:iinks f:it;

    5) - 'Do laJppoillllt lalIlY plelrsolll to 8Jccept and, hold in Dr).LSt fioc the AJsSlaloilaroiQIIl 'ailly rp,rlOrp'enty tbe'~alllJgilllg to' the AsslOICtiatiQIll ~)I' in wh:ilcih dt :is iIll!beriested; 10ir for alllY OIthe,r purrposles, and to' e:xJecute and dO' ·abl Isuoh deelds l8JITd tihm~s as may be required in Irel~moill to' i8JIly slwch tTlU!SiI: l8JIl!d to p,ralVlide for the remune-rart:i!aill olf such ltJ:mst:ee or trulSteels;

    6)' -i To inlSl\:Jiltute,colllduot, deferrd, compolUnid or abandalll any legaili ip'ralcleedlillligs iby OTI agaiillst the AJslslaclatralll a,r its offroelrs 'a'r oithelI1W'lse ICiOlllicernmg the affJairs af tihe AssolCliJaJtiall:1 anid 'a:h~la to 001IDrp0IUI1:d and 'allow time foll.' payo:n;elll!t air sruti:s-f8JotiJon laf any dOO1Js due aI1!d of lany cla:ilmJs. 10''1:" demands. by or against the AssocIatian and ta refer any diflferences to arbi-trlart:lilon 18J11id: olbslerwe 'and perrtfbrm lany awaJl1d!s' made thereolll;

    7) - TIo:rIlMe and girve Ireceipts, Iretlielases, :8JITU Qrbhelr dis-chm'ges far maneys payaJble. rtJo tlhie AJslsloclilart:dJolll landi f'oc the c] land demands !af ltihe IkS5101Cdi8Jtilan;

    8) -Tbl invest and deall wdith lany mOilJieys IOIf the As!S'O'ci:a:tialll not dJmaTIleldi:ately IreqwiJ:t1e1di fbI' :the .pm1PQlsles' !thweof, lUipon se~ curliJtiiles trnenti:olITeid! 10'1[' l['ed'JeTlrelCll iIlO' !in ISlelctiion 20 of The Indhl.n T,ru'SItiS Acit lanldi dn IsuOOmJa;nn:elI' lalS· rtihie MJanl8Jgi:IlIg Cammittee may thiiJllk f'Lt land f'l'om ,time to Itilme: ltiovary IQlr reaiL'!€ \91uch inYestme!plts 'siave lail:l IIDvelstmOOlbs ;shJalLl ible 1Il1!aId~1 an:d held tin thJe AssoICliJait'iolll's naJme;

    S) - To determtin'e firom "s, ficanda entendidoque bados 'Os empregos dedinb.eira serao feitos te mantidos em name da As'Saciagaa;

    9) Determinar de tempos a 'tempos quem lera 0 ·direito de as.sinar, lem nome desta Ass'Ociagaa, facturas, notas, recibas, aoeites, 'endassas, 'cheques, Iquitag6es, 'cantI'latos e .dacum·en-tos e ,oonceder a~ necessaria faculdade para 'tais fins;

    lJO) Distrllbuir plar Vli:a de rb6nus rpiet10' peSisolaJlda Associagao 18 dar a quaJ:quer functan:arta iQuautra pessaa 'empregada pela Assaciagao uma

  • 'Do leIIlter iilnoo' laill ISlUJClh lIteglort::ilatdJcom 0 porte pagiQ, e enviada pelo .correio uma ·carta con tendo 0 documento ou aviso lea notificagao sera ,considerada como t'enGO sido feita, tratando-se de urn .aviso duma 'asseurbleia, .expirado 0 periodo de ;quar'enta ,e oito depois de s'er meti-da no .correto uma carta ,contendo 0 aviso, e em qualquer outl'O 'caso, no mo-mento ·em que a carta' tel'ia sido :entl'egue nocul'so ,ordlnario do Iser,vigo postal;

    c)'I1odos os documentosou 'a'Yisos a ser,em notif.j,cados ou dadO'S ;pelO1s soci'os a Associ:agao ,ouquallquer funcioll!iTio dela. SeTaO notificadosou dados enviando-O's 13, AssiQciagao para a .sedere&,istada da Associ'asao pelo ,correi;o, media-n,te certifi·


  • ad' . postdalg lor by R.€IgliJsterie:d Post or by hand de~ive;ry at Jts R:egi~,t€JI1ed Offi('..e.

    26. Mi,nuf,e books

    The MainJaJgllinig OOIJ:nirn:iJt:Jee !S1h!aNJ 'ClauSJe ()orrei'O registado ou pOl' mei'O de entl'ie'ga pess,oal na sede registada.

    26. Li"ros das 'adas

    A ,comisSao administrati'Va prOlV'idenciara no sentid'O de ser mantido urn liv~o de actas para r,egularmente serem Tegis-tados 'Os assuntos versados nas reunioes idesta Associ:agao ou podem ser mantidos :livrosde aetas separados IOU posto'S para diferentes especi:es de assunt'Os, eomo os das assem-bleias 'geraise das !sessOes da co.miSSao. administrativa.

    Esse livro ()U livros de ,actas estara patente ao excame de quaLquer soci'0 ous6ciIQs da Associ:agao, deplOis de ge avi'sar o 1

  • 192

    ti1lUtLioo lof tb:e ASSOICiiiaJ1jjjOlIl 'amJd Iajg1ree to !ab~de by :the Isame. L/1We 'hiell"ewdlth 'I1elITl!i.:t Ris. ..; ,torwlallids my;!olUJr raJdlm:i:ssion fee 8JIlid! Rs .... tOlWal1ds my/our larrmual 'Sluibs(lIiilptiJoln.

    Ylo\illS- ;f)aiJthf'lllly, (D~sfugnaltiloi!l )

    .Pli8J0e DiEilte .. _

    I. Name 'of ]jnJdIi~diUJal ~i[im, '0111' Oomp!8illY· 2. iNiatll!l1e Q[ ih>uSiinEi,ss. 3. Name (dill f1Jll!l) IOif ,th!e rpeI1soln who wlilH be: tihe ,verpresen-

    tative. 4. Fu1:i IrudJdve'ss. 5: TeJ:epfiiolITe No. . 6. 'DeEegvruplhlilc lardd!l1es:s. 7. SliIgnJatulre (l[ tjjhe pr!OIplQls!imJg member. 8. 'SiJgruaJture ,afthe .seool!l:dIDrg meimoell'.

    'Note: - Thea!bo:Ve' aJpp;1icamDIll WlaIS 1~\lprpriolVerd ,by ,the Ml8illa-- 'gJmrg Ootmm~ttere of Ibhe A,s1S'O'CIn. 'at ·thlerir meletirn'g held

    ''OIn ••••••.•..••...••.••••••. 196·.

    Diirr€ldclI'Iaite of Girvti[ Admiluilsltr:altilcin Servilc€', Pialn-jilIn, 12th JUlll!8, 196

  • }

    20TH JUNE} 1963

    ORDER GAD/74/,63/13255,

    Wher'elalSl the Gorvertrum€ll1lt lof tile Uruolll T€l'II'1lbcli1:Y elf IGQlaI, lDalInlalIl! 'atnJd Dti,11l ,ilS! slattiilSlf!iied that ithe pIlwce mere patrti'cUlJJactilOiIl 'olf the [MjoirmUlga,ol heraidwalnd I"Clald lalIld down rtihe el!ilff €ast ,olf :10 metr'€sl frOID the walter slpriiIlg.


    T. 8ivasankar PlaiIljim, 15th JUiIle, 1963.

    Portaria GADJI74/163'/13255


    Ate!l1!aeillQO!aJ qUte 101 GovoemJOl dO' te!rII'JiJtfu:iIOI dal Unlioo', di€! GOlal, DaffilaOi IE! D~OI, 3;cn'a: 'con!Ven
