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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Graduate Education

Degree of English Language Teaching








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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan tipe-tipe dari interaksi di dalam

kelas, mengetahui tipe yang dominan di dalam interaksi kelas, merealisasikan aspek-

aspek interaksi di dalam kelas, dan mediskripsikan peran-peran guru di dalam interaksi

kelas. Jenis penelitian ini berbentuk studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini

menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Peneliti melakukan

pengamatan di dalam kelas, kemudian proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam

kelas direkam, dan dicatat sebagai dokumen. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah peristiwa,

informan, dan dokumen. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada semester pertama di Institut

Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta pada tahun 2017/2018. Hasil dari penelitian ini

mempersentasikan bahwa ada empat tipe dari interaksi kelas. Tipe yang paling dominan

adalah interaksi antara guru dengan siswa-siswi di kelas. Penelitian ini

mengimplementasikan ada dua aspek interaksi: guru berbicara dan siswa yang berbicara.

Guru tidak hanya mempunyai satu peran saja, tetapi guru juga berperan sebagai fasilitas,

memotivasi, dan memberikan instruksi di dalam kelas. Guru lebih mendominasi di dalam

interaksi kelas dan kebanyakan siswa merasa takut untuk salah dan kurang percaya diri.

Sehingga, siswa lebih memilih untuk diam daripada mengutarakan ide-idenya,

Kata kunci : Interaksi di dalam kelas, kelas speaking, guru berbicara, siswa berbicara


This study aimed to describe the types of classroom interaction, the dominant

type of classroom interaction, therealization aspects of classroom interaction, and teacher

roles during interaction in speaking class at State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.The type

of this research wascase study. The methods for collecting data in this study were

observation, interview, and document. The researcher conducted the observation in the

classroom, recorded the teaching – learning process, and noted it as the document. The

source of data in this research includes event, informant, and document. The datawere

collected in the first semester in the academic year of 2017/2018. The result of this study

presented that there were four types on classroom interaction. The dominant type of

classroom interaction was teacher–students interaction. This study implied that there are

two aspects of classroom interaction: teacher talk and student talk. The teacher played not

only one role, but also the teacher played as facilitator, instructor, and motivator.Most of

the students were afraid of making mistakes and loosing face. Therefore, the students

chose to keep silence in the class rather than to share their idea.

Keywords: Classroom interaction, Speaking class, teacher talk, student talk


The observable phenomenon found at the classroom interaction that

theteacher talks to much time and students did not have more talk in speaking

class. In classroom interaction, students did not seem to pass a certain

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achievement: they knew much but they cannot express their own meaning or

message in teaching learning process of classroom interaction. The students need

to express and practice English and use to communicate inside and outside the

classroom. The students will not be able to speak communicatively outside the

classroom. Students need to experience real communicative situations in which

when they will learn how to express and practice own opinion and views to

develop their oral fluency and accuracy which are very important for the success

of foreign language communication.

The researcher was interested in analyzing interaction in speaking class

since it is believed that students can increase their language as they listen or read

authentic linguistic material or even input and output of their students in

discussion, joint problem solving, or dialogue journal. According to Rivers

(1993:4) students can use all they possess of the language all they have learned or

casually absorbed in real life exchanges where expressing their real meaning is

important to them.

This study was significant as an educational strategy to increase the learning

process and it can give the teacher and students the best possible opportunities in

learning of the language. It wasalso significant in order to help second language

learner understand their problem in interacting language classroom specifically in

speaking class. How do they interact in speaking class and does affect their

speaking ability. The goal of classroom interaction can be achieved by drawing

the same results as are available in all social situations. Malamah - Thomas,

(1987:14 – 17) the main goal of classroom interaction is a pedagogic one that the

classroom exists and the students can learn. Classroom interaction provides

learners with the opportunity to receive comprehensible, input, and feedback from

their interaction patterns (Ellis, 2005).

Interaction is a kind of action that happen as two or more objects have an

effect upon one another. Interaction is a collaborative exchange of, feelings, ideas

or thoughts between a teacher and students or a student and other students

resulting in reciprocal effect on each other (Brown, 1994:159). Interaction simply

means communication which is done by more than one person. This includes

listening and taking, head nods, gestures, glances, paths on the backs, frowns, and

many others behavior to which people assign meaning (Tubbs, 2001:6).

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Interaction in speaking class was important issue of an implementation of

teaching learning process in language. The essential of interaction in speaking

class is crucial considering the function of language as means of communication.

The benefit of interaction has been researched quite extensively over past years; to

justify the role of classroom interaction. The theoretical work of L.S. Vygostsky

(1978) could be utilized to explain students; learning through classroom

interaction. L.S. Vygostsky emphasized that students learn through social

interaction and their future (in Woolfolk, 2004).

On other hand, this study was supported by Suci’s work (2015) and

Suryati’s work (2015) provided the data that the teacher dominated in classroom

interaction where the teacher worked with the whole class and typically interacted

with a succession of individuals, while expecting the attention of the rest of the

class. Thefindings implied that the students have been most interacted with the

teacher in the class which resulted in the learning outcomes. As the interaction are

essential in classroom, it is expected that the teacher can create more interesting

activities leads to active interactions in the class between teacher and students as

well as among students.

This study wants to develop the previous studies that focus on classroom

interaction in speaking class, the objectives, developing the previous studies was

to make the students becoming more active and interested in speaking class, give

more change for students to interacts each other, enjoy in teaching and learning

English, and explore their speaking skill. All these can be facilitated by carrying

out interacting activities in speaking class.

This research as a reflection to make a better improvement in their

participation in class, to interact more meaningfully, and also helps the students

more understand about the meaning of classroom interaction in relation to their

personal development in the English learning.Interaction can be used by the

teacher as one of the materials in determining the teaching-learning plan. The

objective of the study are to explore the types of classroom interaction in speaking

class, To find out the dominant types which occur in the speaking class, to

realization of aspects classroom interaction in speaking class, and to explore of the

teacher roles during in the speaking classroom interaction.

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In this study, the researcher reported was adopted by the principle of case

study. Creswell (2003) defined a case study as study which explores processes,

activities, semester and events. The research was conducted in May – December

2017 in the first of the academic year 2017/2018.The source of data in this

research includes information, document, and event. The data were collected by

observation, interview, and document. The researcher used ‘data triangulation’ to

check the validity of the data. The participants or informant of this study were one

English teacher and 30 students of class B at State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

In analyzing the data, the researcher used an interactive model of analysis that

consists of four steps as proposed by Miles and Huberman (1992: 16), they are

collecting of the data, reduction of the data, display of the data, and conclusion




a. The Types of Interaction Occur in Speaking Class

There are four types of interaction observed during the teaching and

learning process: (1) teacher-student interaction, (2) teacher-students interaction,

(3) student(s)-teacher interaction, (4) student(s)-student(s) interaction.

Teacher-student happens between the teacher and one of student.It means

that the teacher takes a part in interaction. The teacher should be able to conduct

supportive and interesting activities to stimulate student interest in the topic.

Each activity below provided students with opportunities to deepen their

learning by applying concepts and articulating new knowledge and many of

these activities also provided the instructor about the students’ learning.

The teacher can be accomplished a number of interrelated goals to use

questions effectively in the classroom. By engaging students in a question and

answer dialogue, the usual one-way flow of information from instructor to

students is transformed into a more interactive process. Teacher accommodated

the questions one by one in discussion, as follows:

1) T : What is the meaning of comparative?

S : I am forget miss”

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2) T : What do you think about comparative? (pointing one student)

S : Perbandingan atau membandingkan sesuatu miss

T : Okay, good.

(obs. 2 on September 30th)

The teacher gave the instruction to the students in concerning to the class

activity. Instructions were about the activities should be done by students that

day. The instruction pointed to certain student which sometimes was not related

to classroom activities.

1) T : Please open the window, Puput.”

S : Yes miss

T :Thank you Puput.

2) T : Please write your answer in the whiteboard, Anton

S : Yes miss

T : Okay. Please see on the whiteboard.

3) T : Please clear the whiteboard!

S : Okay miss

T : Thank you

(obs. 1 on September, 23th).

The teacher can influence the dynamics of their students and build strong

teacher-student relationship that will support student learning in the classroom.

Suggestion was given to students talk response during the discussion in the

beginning of the lesson.

1) T : You’re pronunciation was good but you must speak louder

S : Oh, yes miss

2) T : You should not read continuously

S: I am shy and afraid miss

T : Don’t. You must be more confidence

S : Yes miss

T : Keep trying

S : Yes miss

(obs. 3 on October, 7th)

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Teacher and students take part in such interaction. The teacher used little

chit-chat or deals with feeling, greeting, gives encouragement and praises, gives

questions, and gives instruction.

The teacher first greeted the students classically before starting the class

activity. The teacher used her expression and sometimes teacher used little chit-

chat to deals with feeling, as follows:

1) T : Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

S : Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

(obs.2 on September 30th)

2) T : Good afternoon. How are you today?

S: Good afternoon miss. Fine thanks and you?

T : I am quite okay

3) T : Have you had your lunch today?

S : Not yet miss

(obs. 3 on October 7th)

4) T : The weather is so hot guys. How about you?

S : That’s true miss

(obs.4 on October 14th)

The encouragement and praises were expressed sometimes in Indonesian

and English. The use of English expressions like very good, good job, excellent,

perfect, and that’s great.

The Indonesian expressions like betul, bagus, benar sekali were also

used, after the students answered the questions the teacher efforts by saying

“good answer”. This was one of the good motivations for the student and also

other students. The teacher gives appraisal for the student individually.

The teacher will be made students more active in the classroom. If the

teacher initiates them by praising them, clarifying the students’ opinion, asking

question, giving instruction, etc. The interaction was categorized into two types,

they are:

Response questions are questions where the correct answer is the

candidate must choose “select” the response from list. Responses to questions

related with the topic were occurred in the following condition:

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1) T :Please submitted your assignment

S : Yes miss.

S : Berapa menit lagi miss?

T : English please!

S : Yes miss

S: All of the data must be used English miss

T : Of course!

(obs. 3 on October, 7th)

2) S : Miss, bagaimana bedanya membaca “foot” dengan “food”?

T : foot dibaca fu:t and food dibaca fu:ud

S: Thank you miss

T: Anytime

(obs. 6 on October28th)

The initiation related to the topic occurred when the students asked

unclear explanation, asked about an instruction of an activity. Initiation related

to the topic happened as follows:

1) S : The data is submit tomorrow miss?

T : Yes

2) S :What page miss?

T : Open page 11

S : Read this dialogue miss?

T : Of course

(obs. 3 on October 7th)

The initiation unrelated the topic happened when the students greeted the

teacher. The students mostly used English. Initiation unrelated to the topic

occurred when:

1) S : Number your phone please miss

T : Okay.

2) S : Where do you live miss?

T : I live in Kartasura

S : Near from this campus miss?

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T : it’s about 3km

(obs.1 on September 23th)

The students interact with their friends most of the time. Both related and

unrelated the topic of the discussion. Related to the topic, the students interacted

by giving each other questions and comments during the discussion. In the

observations, it was found that students interacted by asking questions, for


1) S : I want to ask question to the second speaker

S : Okay, what your question?

(obs. 4 on October 14th)

2) S : May I asked what the purpose of your topic?

S : Okay, my group will tell to you about the purpose my topic

S : May I gave you some suggestions?

S : Yes please

S : I think your voice was louder

S : Okay. Thank you

(obs. 6 on October 28th)

In every session, it could be found student who refuted the opponent

opinions. Opinion is a statement, belief, impression, judgment or prevailing view

held by a person and that is not conclusive. Asking opinion is to ask other

people’s opinions on an issue. For example:

1) S : My group disagree about your statement…

S : Where is the false of my statement?

2) S :I don’t agree with the opinion stated by the group 3

S : I think so

(obs. 6 on October 28th)

Another giving question, opinion, and comment the teacher asked the

students by individually to make guess something. One by one student comes

forward the class to tell the statement and the other students try to answer. The

example as follow:

Devi : I want to tell you something and please all of you try to

answer guess! This made from cotton. The price is about

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45.000 until 200.000. The children and the girls like it. It

has many forms, like: bear, frog, panda, fish, etc.

Shinta : may be pillow?

Devi : no..

Anggara : doll?

Devi : yes, of course

(obs. 1 on September, 23th)

b. The Dominant Types of Interaction

The table showed that the dominant interaction happened in the

speaking class was teacher – students interaction (0,43%). The teacher-students

interaction occurred in every part of the meeting, at the beginning, in the middle,

and in the end of the lesson. The interaction mostly discussed about the materials

or topics. The interaction also happened when the teacher reminded students to

focus and pay attention to her explanation.

The second dominant interaction in the speaking class is student(s)-

students interaction (0,26%). This interaction took place in the beginning before

and at the teacher started the lesson. The interaction during the discussion and

debate was about the topic and material and the students made discussion mostly

with the member of the same group. They talk about the theme of discussion and

data collected by other member of the group and discussed agree or not with the

result. When the teacher announced to start discuss, students started to prepare

and made their speech or present. Some students actively participated during the

discussion. They asked questions to the other group, rebutted to other’s group

opinions, and gave comments to other participants’ performance.

The third dominant interaction in speaking class is student(s)-teacher

interaction (0,19%). This interaction took place at the beginning of the speaking

class when students replied the teacher’s greeting. Students were confidently

replied at the teacher’s greeting together. However, they seem unconfident when

the teacher pointed out his/her personally or individually. When the teacher

asked question them and they found difficult words, they afraid and hesitated to

answer the question. Only few of the students had courage to answer or propose

question. They tended to work in group, answer the teachers’ question

collectively. They were unconfident and shy.

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The last interaction happened in the speaking class was teacher-student

interaction (0,10%). This situation of interaction was between teacher and

students’ personally and it only happened few times in every meeting or lesson;

mostly, in the beginning and in the middle of meeting. Students personally still

had problem in replying directly when the teacher pointed the student directly.

The interaction happened between teacher and student personally was mostly

about something unrelated with the topic.

c. The Realization of Aspects Classroom Interaction

According to Tsui (1995:13-20) there are six aspects of classroom

interaction that relevance to language learning. This study conducted only focus

on teacher talks and student talks.

Teacher talk is a variety of language sometimes used by the teacher

when they are in the process of teaching. In trying to communicate with

students, teacher often simplify their speech, giving it many of the characteristics

of foreign talk and other simplified styles of speech addresses to language

learners (Richards, 1992: 471). Teacher talks were included teacher question,

teacher feedback, and teacher explanation.

Regularly, in most classrooms the major part of interaction is generated

by the teacher asking questions, moreover he/she is who speaks the most of

class, determines the topic of discussion and decides who talks. Teacher question

is generated by the teacher asking questions, moreover he/she is who speaks the

most of class, determines the topic of discussion and decides who talks. The

teacher gave some question related the topic. For example:

1) T : I will check your attendance lists, who call the name say present.

Who is present three times that you say three present, but if you

absent one time, that you present double present. Be honest,

please. Understand all of you?

S : Yes miss

(obs. 2 on September 30th)

Hence, questions are important aspects of classroom talk because they

are usually used to check students’ comprehension, to see if they have acquired

the knowledge imparted, to focus their attention and involve them in learning, to

move the lesson forward, and for some teachers to exercise disciplinary control.

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Teacher feedback on responses given by students is another very

important element in classroom interaction. Students need to know whether they

have correctly understood the teacher and have provided the appropriate answer.

They are likely to feel frustrated if the teacher keeps withholding feedback.

Feedback can involve functions such correction, acknowledgement, and

request for clarification.

1) T : You’re pronunciation was good but you must speak louder

S : Oh, yes miss

2) T : You should not read continuously

S: I am shy and afraid miss

T : Don’t. You must be more confidence

(obs. 3 on October, 7th)

Teacher explanation generally as providing information or

communicating content, others make a distinction between explanation of

procedures and explanation of concepts, vocabulary, and grammatical rules.

The teacher always give explanation about the material would be

discussed. Before the teacher asked to do assignment; teacher always give

explanation clearly. Sometimes, if there were some students did not understand

the material, the teacher repeat one more explanation. The teacher is to make

knowledge accessible to students, and then it is essential the way how they deal

with explanation in relation to the students.

1) T : Okay I will be explained one more. Attention please!

S : Yes miss

2) T : The first group will be present first then another group gave the

comment. The comment started from second group, then third group,

and the last fourth group.

T : It is clear? Understand?

S : Yes miss

T : Okay. Let’s from first group

(obs. 5 on October, 21th)

Student talk is sort of talk that exists besides teacher talk. There are two

categories of learner talk, which are response and initiation. Student talk

includes student talk response and student talk initiation (Allwright and Bailey,

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1991:202). The student talk can be used by the learner to express their own

ideas, initiate a new topic, and develop their opinion.

A response is a reaction to a question, experience, or some other type of

stimulus. The students’ response was divided into two kinds, they are:

Response question is one whose answer requires the candidate to write

responses. Response questions are questions where the correct answer is the

candidate must choose “select” the response from list. Responses to questions

related with the topic were occurred in the following condition:

1) T : What is the meaning of rebut?

S : I don’t know miss

T : Open the dictionary please!

S : Yes miss

S : Membantah miss

T : Okay good! That’s right

2) T : What other words of rebut?

S : Disagree miss

T :Another word

T : Hello!

S : Hello miss

T : Let’s try to answer my question please!

S : Refuse miss

T : Yes, good!

(obs.4 on October 14th)

Response to questions unrelated with the topic happened when the

students answered the teachers’ greeting. It is also occurred when the teacher

asked about the students’ attendance. The questions and responses were in


1) T : Okay, before doing the activity, I will give you some materials.

S : Yes miss

T : Please clean then whiteboard!

S : The students got up and did what the teacher was asked

(obs. 6 on October28th)

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According Dayag et al. (2008) initiation is teacher asks a question or

action to initiate students to do interaction in classroom. The students’ initiation

was categorized into two, they are:

The initiation related to the topic occurred when the students asked

unclear explanation, asked about an instruction of an activity. Initiation related

to the topic happened as follows:

1) S : May I answer the question from the speaker of the second group miss?

T : Of course

2) S : If we want to give comments, we must be waited the group finished

read the topic miss?

T : Of course

(obs. 3 on October 7th)

This category means the students responds to the teacher with the

students’ own ideas, opinions, reactions, and feeling. The students’ initiation

category emerged when the students had their own ideas about speaking task.

The students have already been trained by the teacher with a number of speaking

activities that promote the interaction in speaking class.

The initiation unrelated the topic happened when the students greeted the

teacher. The students mostly used English. Initiation unrelated to the topic

occurred when:

1) S : May I bring the books in the office miss?

T : Okay. Thank you

2) S : Where do you live miss?

T : I live in Kartasura

S : Near from this campus miss?

T : it’s about 3km

(obs.1 on September 23th)

The teacher is the key one to create in the classroom interaction.

According to Tony Wright (1987:5-7) role is a complex grouping of factors,

which combine to produce certain types of social behaviors shaped by some

factors. The teacher’s role is the teachers have to give chance to the students to

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talk in the classroom. In order to stimulate students to participate in the

classroom, teacher roles are: (1) instructor, (2) facilitator, and (3) motivator.

As an instructor, the teacher presents new languages, exercise direct

control over the learners’ performance, and evaluate and correct it (Littlewood,


1) T : Please open the window, Puput.

S : Yes miss

T :Thank you Puput.

2) T : Speak louder please!

S : Yes miss

(obs. 3 on October, 7th)

The main teacher’s role in classroom interaction is to make the students

participate in the speaking classroom interaction actively. The teacher has

responsibility to facilitate interaction effectively. Teacher as facilitator provided

suitable materials for students and assisted students during the interaction.

Teacher used power point slides to give explanation clearly to the students and

prepared materials in the form of books in order to make students easily master

the subject.

During the interaction in the speaking class, teacher opened to any kind

of question purposed by the students. Students were free to share thought and

ideas. In fact, teacher was encouragement them to do so. In other words, teacher

facilitated students with comfortable learning environment.

1) T : Please make a group consists of 4 persons!

S : Yes miss

2) T : Give the comment or opinion to second group please!

S : (One student raised the hand) I will gave the comment please

T : Okay. Let’s

3) S : Miss, can you explain one more?

T : How?

S : I confused miss

T : Okay. I will explain again.

S : Yes miss

T : Please attention

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S : Okay miss

(obs. 4 on October 14th)

It is every teacher wants to have in the class a motivated students, who a

driven by the curiosity to learn and achieve the goals. It is the job of the teacher

to generate students’ motivation and help them build positive attitudes towards

the foreign language. In speaking class particularly, teacher acts as motivator to

generate their willingness to speak in front of the public and to encourage

students, to make them realize the importance of delivering their thought and


The problem faced by the teacher dealing with the motivation was that

some students were afraid of making mistakes. They preferred to use Indonesian

rather than English, they preferred to keep in silent rather than answer the

questions mistakenly.

1) Teacher : What the meaning of throw?

Students : Silent

Teacher : Open the dictionary

Student : Lemparan, miss

Teacher : louder please!

Student : Lemparan, miss

Teacher : very good Puput! Don’t be shy or afraid to answer!

Students : Yes miss

2) Teacher : Anybody here knows the characteristics of comparative?

Fifi : ada tambahan atau akhiran “er”, miss

Teacher : betul mbak Fifi. Good job!

Fifi : Thank you miss

Teacher : Yes

(obs. 6 on October, 28th)

Teacher also gave comments for the students’ performances. The

comments were most likely to encourage students to do better job next time.

Thus, instead discouraging students’ self confident, the comments motivated the



1) T : to be able to speak fluently, you need to practice often.

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S : Yes miss

T : I believe that all of you will gain the fluntly. Keep trying!

S : Okay miss

2) T : Iwan, speaks very clearly, that I can hear his voice from the back

S : Thank you miss

T : That’s good Iwan!

(obs. 6 on October, 28th)


a. The Types of Interaction Occur in Speaking Class

The finding is in line with the previous finding of Kusuma’s work

(2015). She found that are four types of interaction that occur in the speaking

classroom: (1) teacher- student interaction, (2) teacher - students interaction,

(3) student(s) – teacher interaction, and (4) student(s) - student(s) interaction.

These four interactions support one and another to gain the learning purposes.

The researcher assumed based on the result of finding there are four

types of interaction recorded in the teaching – learning process observed by the

researcher. The engagement between teacher and students, teacher and student

as individual, students and teacher, and the last was engagement among

students. The result of observed, the teacher often gave questions, feedback or

suggestion, explanation, and gave instructions to one by one student and to all

of students in the classroom. In debate session students were also did

interaction between other students. Sometimes, one of students more active,

like asked question the teacher first. So, interaction happened in the speaking

class between teacher to student, teacher to students, student to teacher, and

students to students.

Thomas (1996:7) says that interaction not only action and reaction.

Interaction means acting reciprocally or acting upon each other. Interaction

simply means communication which is done by more than one person. This

includes listening and taking, head nods, gestures, glances, paths on the backs,

frowns, and many others behavior to which people assign meaning (Tubbs,

2001:6). According Dagarin (2004) classroom interaction is an interaction at

each other. It means that classroom interaction is all of interactions that occur

in the teaching and learning process.

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This study conducted by the researcher is in agreement with the theories

above. Classroom interaction in speaking class was important in building

knowledge and improves skill of the students, without interacting to each other

the objectives of study will not be accomplished. Every object in the classroom

should involve in the interaction. In the classroom, teacher created classroom

atmosphere which led to students’ active participation.

b. The Dominant Type of Classroom Interaction

To compare with the finding, Byrne (1987) suggests that the teacher

should use student - student pattern if she wants the students to get more

opportunities to experiment with the target language in order to increase the

students’ communicative ability.

The finding of this study is not in corresponding with the theory above,

because this study was assumption based on observed that teacher – students

interaction occurred in every part of the meeting, at the beginning, in the

middle, and in the end of the lesson. The interaction mostly discussed about the

materials or topics. The interaction also happened when the teacher reminded

students to focus and pay attention to her explanation. Based on the observed

student – student interaction is the second dominant interaction in speaking

class. The second dominant interaction in speaking class is students – students

interaction (0,26%). In a communicative classroom, student - student

interaction is the most effective pattern of classroom interaction for speaking


c. The Realization of Aspects Classroom Interaction

The findings compared to theory Allwright and Bailey (1991:202). There

are two categories of student talk is student talk response and student talk


This finding is in agreement with the previous study above. Based on

observation this study found that student talks were included students’ response

and students’ initiation. The students talk category consisted of four themes:

(1) students initiation and (2) students talk response. The emergent themes

were consisted into three themes: (1) teacher’s act to help does goes smoothly,

(2) students’ gestures, and (3) students talk something related and unrelated the


Page 22: A CASE STUDY OF CLASSROOM INTERACTION IN SPEAKING … Publication Article (1).pdfclassroom, recorded the teaching – learning process, and noted it as


The findings compared to theory Allwright and Bailey (1991:202). There

are two categories of student talk is student talk response and student talk


This finding is in agreement with the previous study above. Based on

observation this study found that student talks were included students’ response

and students’ initiation. The students talk category consisted of four themes:

(1) students initiation and (2) students talk response. The emergent themes

were consisted into three themes: (1) teacher’s act to help does goes smoothly,

(2) students’ gestures, and (3) students talk something related and unrelated the


d. Teacher Roles during Interaction in Speaking Class

The findings compared to Yosefa’s work (2011). The teacher role to

direct classroom interaction is teacher as controller, teacher as director, teacher

as manager, teacher as facilitator, and teacher as resource.

This study conducted by the researcher is not in line with the previous

study above. Based on the observed, this study assumed in order to stimulate

students to participate in the classroom, teacher roles are: (1) teacher as

instructor, (2) teacher as facilitator, and (3) teacher as motivator. The teacher as

director can be included in teacher as instructor, teacher as manager, teacher as

resource, and teacher as controller can be included in the teacher as facilitator.

Teacher as facilitator provided suitable materials for students and assisted

students during the interaction. Teacher used power point slides to give

explanation clearly to the students and prepared materials in the form of books

in order to make students easily master the subject. The main teacher’s role in

classroom interaction is to make the students participate in the speaking

classroom interaction actively. The teacher has responsibility to facilitate

interaction effectively.

It is every teacher wants to have in the class a motivated students, who a

driven by the curiosity to learn and achieve the goals. It is the job of the teacher

to generate students’ motivation and help them build positive attitudes towards

the foreign language. In speaking class particularly, teacher acts as motivator to

generate their willingness to speak in front of the public and to encourage

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students, to make them realize the importance of delivering their thought and



The researcher concluded that the teacher dominated in the speaking

classroom interaction. It can be seen that the most dominant interaction is teacher

– students interaction. The students controlled by the teacher to participate in the

classroom interaction. The teacher talks too much time and students do not have

more talk in the speaking classroom interaction. As a result students had limited

opportunities to participate, to practice, and enhance their speaking skill in the

classroom. Moreover, there were less of interaction and just few communicative

activities in the classroom. A communicative activity was important in interaction

occur speaking class, it was useful for students to maximize students’

opportunities to enhance speaking skill in teaching and learning process.

Therefore, it will be better for the next research to conduct the study not

only about an analysis on classroom interaction, but the other patterns as well. In

addition, it will be better for further researchers to conduct the study with different

subjects, designs and settings both at English Department and non-English

Department and the researcher suggests to analyze the role of classroom

interaction on improvement in speaking.


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