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t dictionary of

the Yoruba


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^^J^c tyS,




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The first Dictionary of the Yoruba language was published

in the year 1843, compiled by Samuel (afterwards Bishop)

Crowther. This was greatly altered and considerably enlarged

for a new edition in 1852. For many years this book was

the standard work on the Yoruba language.

In 1911 an English-Yoruba Dictionary was published under

the general editorship of the Kev. E. J. Sowande, but this

was only intended to meet immediate needs, and, like the

older book, is out of print.

The present Dictionary is indebted to the above works

very largely, and to a number of contributors who have

devoted much valuable time to the work. In addition to

the names of the late Bishop Crowther and the Kev. E. J.

Sowande, those of Mrs. E. Fry and the "Rev. T. A. J. Ogunbiyi

ought to be specially mentioned.

The publishers earnestly request that their attention may

be called to any errors or omissions noticed by users of

the Dictionary. Communications should be addressed to The

Manager, C.M.S. Bookshop, Lagos.C.W.W.


January, 1913.

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The five vowels, a, e, i, o, u, represent the sounds as heard in the following

English words

a has the sound of a in bath,

e „ „ ai in bait,

i „ „ ea in beat,

o ,, „ oa in boat,

u „ „ oo in boot.

There are also two modified vowels and three diphthongs

e, a sound which is fairly represented by the short e in such words as

let, met, red.

9, a sound between a and o as heard in taw, water, bought,ai, equivalent to the English i in mile,

oi, nearly equivalent to the English oi in voice, but the o retains its

long sound,au, nearly equivalent to the English ou in round.-

Among the consonants it is only necessary to notice that

g is always hard, as in go.

j is always soft, as in jam..h has always its distinct sound as an aspirate, and is never mute.

p and gb have sounds which do not exist in the English language, butcan only be learnt by the ear.

s has the sound of sh, as in shop.

Of the accents, none are employed as in English merely to mark the

stress to be laid on a particular syllable.

The circumflex ( — ) usually indicates a contraction, which is also in all

cases a long syllable, e.g., dabobo, which is a contraction of da-abo-bo.The acute ( ' ) and grave ( * ) accents are simply marks of intonation

i.e., of the rise or fall of the voice.


adj. = adjective. ~ noun, plural.

adv. = adverb. pre/. = prefix.

aux. v. = auxiliary verb. p.p. = past participle.

of- = compare. prep. = preposition.

conj. = conjunction. pron. = pronoun.e.g. = for example. sing. = singular.

interj. =* interjection. v.i. = verb intransitive.

n. = noun. v.t. = verb transitive.

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Aback, adv. lojiji, lairot^le.

Abandon, v.t. fi-sil?, k^-sil^.

Abandoned, adj. fifisil?, kik^sil?

patapata, iwa ibaj?.

Abandonment, n. ik9sil9 pata-


Abase, v.t. r^-sil?, te-logd.

Abasement, n. ir?sil?, it^loriba.

Abash, v.t. dojutl, damu.Abate, v.t. buku, dinku, fa-s?hin.

Abatement, n. ibuku, ifas^hin.

Abbey, n. ile Ql9run.

Abbreviate, v.t. ke-kuru, se-ku.

Abbreviation, n. ikekuru.

Abdicate, v.t. b9 oye ail?.

Abdomen, n. ikun.

Abdominal, adj. ti ikun.

Abduct, v.t. fa kuro, gbe I9.

Abduction, n. igbe-19.

Abet, v.t. ran-l9w9, gba-niyanju.

Abeyance, n. idaduro, iy9kuro.

Abhor, v.t. korira.

Abhorrence, n. ikorira.

Abide, v.t. gbe, joko, duro de.

Ability, n. agbara, oye.

Abject, adj. ainilari, 6si.

Abjuration, n. ibura, igegun.

Abjure, v.t. fi-bu, fi gegun.

Ablaze, adv. gbina, jo geregere.

Able, adj. le, lagbara.

Able-bodied, adj. alagbara.

Ablution, n. lw$ wiw$.

Abnegation, n. iseran, ik9nkan-


Abnormal* adj. ohun ajeji.


Aboard, adv. ninu 9k{>.

Abode, n. ibugbe, ibujoko.

Abolish, v.t. pa-r?, S9-dasan,


Abolition, n. ipare isodasan,


Abominable, adj. irira, egbin.

Abomination, n. irira, egbin.

Aborigines, n. ibil?, onile.

Abortion, n. isenu.

Abortive, adj. jasi asan.

Abound, v.i. p9 si, di pip9.

About, prep, yika, leti, nitosi.

adv. yikakiri, r9gba-yika.

Above, prep, loke, lori. adv. loke


Abrasion, n. inukuro.

Abreast, adv. 9gb$-kan-$gb$.

Abridge, v.t. ke kuru.

Abroad, adv. lode.

Abrogate, v.t. sifin, fi sapakan.

Abrupt, adj. lojiji, Iaim9t9l9.

Abscess, n. ikoJ9P9 9yun.

Abscond, v.i. sapam9, sal9 funiya.

Absence, n. lai-si-nile.

Absent, adj. k6si.

Absolutely, adv. patapata.

Absolution, n. iw^m^, idariji,


Absolve, v.t. dariji, fiji, tu-sil?.

Absorb, v.t. mi, la, fa-mu.

Abstain, v.i. fa-sehin, takete.

Abstinence, w. aijeun, aw$.

Abstract, v.t. mu kuro, fa jade.

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Absurd, adj. siaait9, aijana.

Abundance, n. fo§.Abundantly, adv. I9P9I9P9.

Abuse, v.t. lo nilokulo, bu. n. ebu.

Abyss, n. ibu omi, 9gbunainisale.

Academy, n. il6 ek9 giga.

Accede, v.i. ka-kun, fohunsi.

Accelerate, v.t. mu yara, mus?kankan.

Accend, v.i. tinab9.

Accent, v.t. tenum9, ami ohun.

Accept, v.t. gba, tew9gba.

Acceptable, adj. gbigba, tite-


Acceptance, n. itew9gba.

Access, n. 911a, aye.

Accession, n. ikunl9W9, gigori-


Accident, n. esi.

Accidentally, adv. lairotele.

Acclamation, n. iho iyin.

Accommodate, v.t. fun laye.

Accommodation, n. aye.

Accompaniment, n. ibanikegbe.

Accompany, v.t. ba-19, ba-rin,


Accomplice, n. elegbe eni ni iwabuburu.

Accomplish, v.t. se-pari, se-tan.

Accomplishment, n. asetan, ise-

pari, isepe.

Accord, v.t. and i. ba-re. v. or n.

9kan kan.

Accordance, n. ibare.

Accordingly, adv. nitorina.

Accost, v.t. tete ki.

Account, n. isiro, ikasi. v.t.

dahun fun.

Accountant, n. oniairo.

Accumulate, v.t. ko-J9.

Accumulation, n. ikoJ9P9.

Accuracy, n. isegege, isedede.

Accurate, adj. dede, pe saka-


Accurse, v.t. fi-bu, fi-re, fi-gegun.

Accursed, adj. eni egun.

Accusation, n. esun.

Accuse, v.t. fi-sun.

Accuser, n. olufisun.

Accustom, v.t. huwa, 39 daaa,


Ache, n. lf<J, Iro.

Achieve, v.t. se-tan, se-pari.

Acid, adj. kan, kikan.

Acidity, n. ikan, kikan.

Acknowledge, v.t. J9W9.

Acknowledgment, n. ijew9-

Acquaint, v.t. fi-han, fi-t<J, 39-


Acquaintance, n. ifihan, oju-


Acquiesce, v.i. gba, dake, fi-


Acquiescence, n. igba, idake,


Acquire, v.t. jere, de ib$.

Acquirement, n. ini, ere.

Acquisition, n. ohun ini, ere.

Acquit, v.t. J9-I9W9, da-sile.

Acquittal* n. idasile, idalare.

Across, prep, or adv. nibiibu, lati

egbe kan de ekeji.

Act, v.t. se, ru. n. ise, ofin.

Action, n. ise, iru.

Active, adj. yara, sise, sap9n.

Activity, n. iyara, ap9n.

Actual, adj. nitot9, papa.

Actuate, v.t. mu-se.

Acute, adj. mimu.Adage, n. owe.

Adapt, v.t. mu-ye, mu bad9gba.

Adaptation, n. imuye.

Add, v.t. fi-si, fi-kun, rd-p$.

Adder, n. pan^le.

Addition, n. ifikun, irdp$.

Address, v.t. ba-s9r9, k9we-si.

n. iba-S9r9.

Adept, n. 9l9gb9n.

Adequate, adj. to-fun.

Adhere, v.i. fara-m9, so-m9.

Adherent, n. elegbe, 9m9-ehin.

Adieu, adv. 9na're, odigbose.

Adjacent, n. itosi, agbegbe.

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Adjourn, v.t. and i. ^i-lpwp, di-pjp


Adjournment, n. isil9W9, idi-pjp-


Adjudge, v.t. dajp-fun, daleJ9-

Adjunct, adj. fi-kun, ka-kun.

Adjure, v.t. fi-bu.

Adjust, v.t. to-l^s^s?, tun-se.

Adjustment, n. itunse.

Administer, v.t. se ipinfunni.

Administration, n. ipinfunni.

Administrator, n. olupinfunni,


Admirable, adj. niyin.

Admiral* n. olori pk^>.

Admire, v.t. f$, yln.

Admirer, n. oluf^ni, ayinni.

Admission, n. igba, jij?wo.

Admit, v.t. gba sile, J9W9.Admittance, n. igbasile, iwole.

Admix, v.t. da-lu.

Admixture, n. idalu.

Admonish, v.t. kilp, ba-wi.

Admonition, n. ikilp, ibawi.

Ado, n. iypnu, aisimi.

Adolescence, n. idagbasoke,

pdpmpkunrin.Adopt, v.t. sodomo.Adoption, n. ispdpmp.

Adoration, n. ibpla, ijuba, iyin-


Adore, v.t. juba, bu-pla, fun.

Adorn, v.t. se-l<Js9.

Adornment, w. 999.

Adrift, adv. gba-19.

Adroit, adj. gb<Jn, m9-se.

Adulation, n. ip9nni.

Adult, n. or adj. 4gba, agbalagba.

Adulterate, v.t. lu, baj?, sedaru-


Adulteration, w. idalu.

Adulterer, n. pansaga 9k9nrin.

Adulteress, n. pansaga obirin.

Adultery, n. pansaga, agbere.

Advance, n. itysiwaju.

Advantage, n. anfani, ere, lr<J-


Advantageous, adj. r$run.

Advent, n. bib$, wiwa.

Adventure, v.t. and i. gbidanwo,daw9le. n. idaw9le.

Adventurer, n. olugbidanwo,oludawple.

Adventurous, adj. laiya, nida-


Adversary, n. 9ta.

Adverse, adj. lodisi.

Adversity, n. ip9nju, wahala,jamba.

Advertise, v.t. s9-fun, kede,


Advertisement, n. irohin, is9fun,


Advice, n. im9ran, if9nahan.

Advisable, adj. yq ni sise.

Advise, v.t. k<J, f9nahan, siniye.

Advisedly, adv. tirotiro.

Adviser, n. oluk9, oluf9nahan.

Advocacy, n. igbas9, igbawi.

Advocate, n. alagbawi.

Aerial, adj. loju 9run.

Afar, adv. jijin, jina.

Affable, adj. pp^niwa, ninurere,

r9run lati ba S9r9.

Affair, n. ise, $ran.

Affect, v.t. ifa 9kan, iwuri, kan.

Affectation, n. ifarawe, isinje.

Affection, n. if^.

Affectionate, adj. 9m -if9, kunfun if$.

Affiance, n. igb9k9le, igbeyawo.

Affidavit, n. ifibura, 391919.

Affiliate, v.t. sop9m9.

Affinity, n. Ibadana.

Affirm, v.t. tenum9 sinsin.

Affirmation, n. it9num9.

Affix, v.t. fi-m9, so-m9-l9hin.

Afflict, v.t. p9n-loju, J9-niya,


Affliction, n. ip9nju, ijiya, da-


Affluence, n. isansi, l<?r$, 9pp.Affluent, adj. 919^, sisansi, 9P9.Afford, v.t. so, fi-fun, nawo.

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Affray, n. ija, ariwo, nla, asp.

Affright, v.t. deruba, da-ni-iji


Affront, n. isafojudisi. v.t. safo-

judisi, tp.

Afire, adj. or adv. gbina.

Afloat, adj. or adv. luw£, fo loju


Afoot, adj. or adv. les$.

Afore, adv. or prep, niwaju, saju.

Aforesaid, adj. or adv. wi-t^l§.

Aforetime, adv. nigbatijp, ni-


Afraid, adj. beru, foiya.

Afresh, adv. lotun, nititun.

After, prep, lehin.

Afternoon, n. osan, asale.

After-pains, n. inurirun lehin

ibimo (inu agaro).

Afterward, Afterwards, adv.

igbehin, lehinna.

Again, adv. $we, lekeji, tun.

Against, prep, lodisi, so-disi, de.

Age, n. akokd, igba, 9J9 ori. v.


Aged, adj. gbo, arugbo.

Agency, n. isehindeni, isojueni.

Agent, n. asojueni.

Aggrandize, v.t. so-di-nla, gbe-ga.

Aggrandizement, n. igbega,


Aggravate, v.t. bi-ninu, sodi

buburu si.

Aggravation, n. imubinu.

Aggregate, v.t. kojopo. n.


Aggregation, n. ikojppp.

Aggression, n. ifinran, iteteto.

Aggressor, n. ofinra, atoni.

Aggrieve, v.t. s$, ba-ninuje.

Aghast, adj. or adv. diji.

Agile, adj. yara, mura giri.

Agility, n. iyara, imura giri.

Agitate, v.t. ml, si, ru soke, re.

Agitation, n. Imi, isi, irusoke, ire.

Ago, adj. koja.

Agonize, v.t. and i. jerora.

Agony, n. iwaiya ija, irora.

Agree, v.t. and i. finusokan,

sadehun, fohunsokan.

Agreeable, adj. yiye, dara.

Agreement, n. adehun, ifinu

sokan, ifohunsokan.

Agriculture, n. iroko, isagb?.

Agriculturist, n. agb$, aroko.

Ague, n. otutu ako iba tulu.

Ah, inter, a.

Ahead, adv. niwaju.

Aid, v.t. ran-lowo, ti-lehin

Aid, n. iranlowo, itilehin.

Ail, v.t. and i. run, saisan.

Ailment, n. arun, ailera, aisan.

Aim, v.t. andi. won-wo, fe, fojusi.

Air, n. ofurufu, afefe, oju-


Air-gun, n. ibon ti a nfi afefe


Air-hole, n. iho afefe.

Airless, adj. ailafefe.

Airy, adj. ni afefe.

Ajar, adv. laititan.

Akin, adj. ibatan nipa Ibi.

Alacrity, n. idaraya, imura.

Alarm, v.t. da-niji, da-idagiri.

n. ida ni niji.

Alas, inter, ose.

Albeit, conj. biotile.

Album, n. iwe ifi aworan si.

Alcohol, n. ohun ti npa ni ninu


Alderman, n. onidajo ilu.

Alert, adj. sora, yara, daraya.

n. isora.

Alias, adv. tabi. n. orukoarinje.

Alien, n. alejo, ajeji.

Alienate, v.t. fi I9W9 elomiran.

yiyara kuro lodo enikan.

Alight, v.i. so-kale, ba.

Alike, adj. J9, bakanna, dabi.

Alive, adj. ye, alaye.

All, adj., adv., n. or pron.

gbogbo, olukuluku.

Allay, v.t. wo-san, mu-fuye.

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Allegation, n. it^nump, awawi.

Allege, v.t. t^num9, rd.

Allegiance, n. isin-^ba, iteriba,


Allegory, n. owe, ifpranweran.

Alleluia, n. iyin Qlprun.

Alleviate, v.t. wo-san, mu saoki,

d$ lara.

Alleviation, n. imusan, id$lara

Alley, n. ona hiha.

All-hail, interj. alalia.

Alliance, n. ibas$r$, ibatan.

Alligator, n. 9m.Allocate, v.t. fi-sipo, pin fun.

Allocation, n. ipin, ipo.

Allot, v.t. pin, fifun.

Allow, v.t. je, J9W9, y9da.

Allowance, n. ipin, ij?w9 owo-gbigba.

Alloy, n. adalu, ibaje>

Allude, v.i. da&9, t9ka si.

Allure, v.t. tan, fa-19.

Allurement, n. 9tan, ld^.

Allusion, n. it^ka si, im^nukan.

Ally, n. ibare, ibam9P9.

Almanac, n. iwe Igba ati akoko,

iwe kika 9J9.

Almighty, n. Olodumare.

Almost, adv. iqvq, ku die.

Alms, n. ^r^-anu.

Almsgiving, n. ifunnti^bun, it9re-


Aloft, adv. loke, lori.

Alone, adj. on nikan.

Along, adv. p^lu, ^9.Aloof, adv. lokere, nitakete.

Aloud, adv. kikan, rara.

Already, adv. nisisiyi, siwaju


Also, adv. pelu-pelu, p^lu.

Altar, n. pepe.

Alter, v.t. and i. par9, yi-pada,


Alteration, n. ipar9, itunse.

Altercation, n. as$, ija.

Alternate, v.t. and i. t$le l9k9kan.

Alternative, n. yiyan.

Although, conj. bi o til^j^pe.

Altitude, n. giga.

Altogether, adv. patapata.

Always, adv. nigbagbogbo, titi


Am, v. ni, wa, be.

Amalgamate, v.t. and i. dap9,dalu.

Amalgamation, n. idap9, idalu.

Amanuensis, n. ak9we.

Amass, v.t. ko J9P9.Amateur, n. eniti o k9 ohun-

kohun, sugb9n ti ko fi se

ise r^ tara.

Amaze, v.t. yalenu, ha-se.

Amazement, n. iyanu.

Amazon, n. jagun jagun obinrin.

Ambassador, n. ik$ 9ba, ons9.

Ambiguous, adj. aidaju, onitu-

m9meji, aisetara.

Ambition, n. if9 agbara, if9 ipa.

Ambitious, adj. 9kanjuwa.

Ambuscade, n. ibuba.

Ambush, n. biba ni buba.

Ameliorate, v.t. and i. mu san0U9.

Amelioration, n. isandi9-

Amen, inter, amin, b9ni ki o ri,

a 99.

Amend, v.t. and i. tun-se, se rere.

Amendment, n. itunse.

Amends, n. 9san itunse.

Amiable, adj. inu rere, ni iwu.

Amicable, adj. bi $r$.

Amid, Amidst, prep, larin, ninu.

Amiss, adj. ait9, sisina.

Amity, n. is$r$, inu didun.

Ammunition, n. ohun ija.

Amnesty, n. idariji 9l9W9n.

Among, Amongst, prep, ninu,larin.

Amorous, adj. ti if^.

Amount, n. iye. v.t. J9.

Amphibious, adj. agbel9gbomi,jomijoke.

Ample, adj. tobi, P9, to.

Amputate, v.t. ke kuro.

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Amputation, ft. ikekuro.

Amulet, ft. ogun, tira, 5nde.

Amuse, v.t. mu laraya, ba sire.

Amusement, ft. imularaya, isire.

An, adj. kan.

Anaemia, ft. aini eje to lara.

Analogy, ft. ijpra, ifiwe.

Analysis, ft. itu si w?we, ituka

si kekeke.

Anarchy, ft. iwarudurudu, ail^ba

Anathema, ft. ifibu, egun.

Anathematize, v.t. and i. fi-bu,

gegun fun.

Anatomy, ft. ipin ara.

Ancestor, ft. obi, ara igbani.

Ancestry, ft. ibi, itilende, awonbaba tabi iyanla.

Anchor, n. idakoro.

Ancient, adj. gb6, pe, igbani.

And, conj. on, ati, si.

Anecdote, ft. itan kekere.

Anew, adv. titun.

Angel, ft. angeli, onse Qtyrun.

Anger, n. ibinu.

Angle, ft. iw$ apeja, igun.

Angler, ft. apeja.

Anglican, adj. ti Oyinbo.

Angry, adj. binu, mu-binu.

Anguish, ft. irora, arokan, aro-


Animal, n. eran, eda elemi.

Animate, v.t. so-di aye.

Animation, n. idaraya.

Animosity, ft. irira, ibinu.

Ankle, ft. kokos?.

Anklet, ft. ohun oso kokos$.

Annals, ft. itan aiye, itan ilu.

Annex, v.t. som<J, dapp, fi-mp.

Annexation, n. ifikun, isop$m<J,


Annihilate, v.t. pa-re, sp-dasan,


Annihilation, n. ipare, isodasan,


Anniversary, n. aj^dun.

Anno Domini, li pdun Oluwawa.

Annotate, v.t. and i. S9-as9ye,


Annotation, n. itum9, as9ye.

Announce, v.t. kede, filo, 89


Announcement, n. ikede, ifil9.

Annoy, v.t. t9, y9-lenu.

Annoyance, n. it9, iy9nu.

Annual, adj. I9d9dun.

Annuity, n. owo od9dun.

Annul, v.t. pa-re, mu-kuro.

Annular, adj. bi oruka.

Annunciation, ft. ikede, imu-hinwa.

Anoint, v.t. fi ororo pa, tororosi.

Anointed, ft. eni ami ororo.

Anomaly, ft. lodi si ofin.

Anon, adv. nisisiyi, lojukanna.

Anonymous, adj. ailoruk9.

Another, adj. omiran, omi.

Answer, v.t. and i. da-lohun, j$esi. ft. idahun, ij$.

Ant, ft. era, erun.

Antagonist, n. 9ta, onija.

Antecedent, adj. sisaju.

Antechamber, n. yard ak9kan.

Antedate, y.t. tete kaJ9&i.

Antediluvian, adj. saju kikunomi.

Antelope, n. esuro.

Antemeridian, A.M., adj. saju

9J9 kanri.

Antenatal, adj. saju ibi.

Antenuptial, adj. saju igbeyawo.

Anterior, adj. tisaju, tiwaju.

Anthem, n. orin mim9, orin iyin.

Anthill, ft. okiti era, agiyan.

Antic, n. ere ti o npa ni lerin.

Antichrist, n. lodi si Kristi.

Antichristian, adj. asodi si ek9Kristian.

Anticipate, v.t. tete se, fojus9na,

t9wo tele.

Anticipation, n. it9W9tele, im9-tele.

Antidote, ft. aporo, apiw9.

Antimacassar, n. as9 aga.

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Antimony, n. tiro.

Antinomian, n. ek9 lodi si ofin


Antipathy, n. irira.

Antipodes, n. awpn ti iha keji

aiye ti ese tiwa ati tiwon

k9Ju si ara won.

Antique, n. nkan igbani.

Antiquity, n. ohun atijv.

Antiseptic, n. egbogi ti k6 je ki

nkan dibaje, apor6.

Antitype, n. eni-apere.

Anvil, n. 61u alagbede.

Anxiety, n. ajd, aniyan, aibale


Anxious, adj. ?ajo, saniyan.

Any, ad;, eyikeyi.

Anybody, n. enikeni.

Anyhow, adv. lonakona.

Anything, w. ohunkohun.Anywhere, adv. ibikibi.

Apace, adv. kiakia, yarayara.

Apart, adv. lapakan, s<Jt$.

Apartment, n. iyara.

Apathy, n. aibikita.

Ape, n. 9b9, akiti.

Aperient, n. egbogi iyagbe.

Aperture, n. iho, alafo.

Apex, n. sonso.

Apiece, adv. l9k9kan.

Apocalypse, n. ifihan.

Apocrypha, w. iwe mim9 ti a k6mp eniti o kp W9n, asiri.

Apologize, v.i. b?be.

Apologue, n. owe, itan.

Apology, n. awawi, iJ9W9, $be.

Apoplexy, n. warapa.

Apostasy, n. iyipada kuro ninu


Apostle, n. ojis9 Kristi, apostili.

Apothecary, n. onisegun, oluta


Appal, v.t. deruba, fo-laiya.

Apparatus, n. ohun elo.

Apparel, n. a&9, ewu, 999.v.t. w9-la&9, 89-I999.

Apparent, adj. han gbangba.

Apparition, n. iran, ifarahan.

Appeal, v.i. fi 9ran I9, bebe.

n. ifil9, ibere.

Appear, v.i. han, farahan, y9-jade.

Appearance, n. ifarahan, iy9Jade.

Appease, v.t. tu-ninu, sip^-fun.

Appellation, n. oruk9, anije,


Append, v.t. fi-k$, so-m$.

Appendage, n. ifik<J, isom9.

Appendix, n. ifikun.

Appertain, v.i. je ti.

Appetite, n. if$ onje, pipa lebi.

Applaud, v.t. and i. yin nipa


Applause, n. iyin.

Apple, n. eso kan bi 6ro oyinbo.

Applicant, n. eniti o bere.

Application, n. if9kansi, ifisi,

ibere fun nkan.

Apply, v.t. and i. fisi, 16, bere fun.

Appoint, v.t. yan, ya-S9t9, pinnu.

Appointment, n. iyan, ipinnu.

Apportion, v.t. pin ni dede.

Apposite, adj. ba-mu, yiye.

Apposition, n. insi l^gbekegbe.

Appraise, v.t. diyele.

Appreciate, v.t. and*. m9yi,m9ye.Apprehend, v.t. di-mu, gba-mu ;

beru, foiya.

Apprehension, n. ib9ru ; idimu.

Apprentice, n. 9m9ise eniti

nk9se. v.t. fi adehun delati k999.

Apprenticeship, n. igba ti adafun 9niti nk9se.

Apprise, v.t. 89-fun.

Approach, v.t. and i. sunm9. n.


Approbation, n. idunm9, inu-

didun si.

Appropriate, v.t. lo fun ara r?,

ya S9t9.

Approval, n. ifohunsi.

Approve, v.t. and i. se inudidun si.

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Approximate, v.t. and i. mu-sunm9, sunmp 9(19.

Approximation, n. isunm9.

April, n. osu kerin odun.

Apron, n. bant?.

Apt, adj. y?, mura.

Aptitude, n. yiy<?, imura.

Aquatic, adj. hihu ninu omi.

Aqueduct, n. oju-isan ti a la

fun omi.

Arab, n. ara Arabia.

Arabic, n. ede Arabia.

Arable, adj. y? fun iroko.

Arbiter, n. onidajo, onilaja.

Arbitration, n. gbigb9, didaJ9fun.

Arbour, n. ibijoko lab9 iji igi.

Arc, n. apakan ayika.

Arch, adj. birikiti.

Archangel, n. olori angeli.

Archbishop, n. olori aw9n bishop.

Archdeacon, n. igbakeji bishop.

Archer, n. 9l9fa, tafatafa.

Archipelago, n. agbaJ9 erekusu.

Architect, n. olori 901916, 9gaile kik9.

Arctic, adj. ti ariwa.

Ardent, adj. imura si, itara si,

igbona 9kan.

Ardour, n. itara, igbona ara.

Arduous, adj. soro, nira.

Are, v. ni, mb9, wa, si.

Area, n. U9 ti a pala si.

Arena, n. ibi ere.

Argue, v.t. and i. saroye, jiyan,


Argument, n. isaroye, ijiyan,


Arid, adj. gbigb9.

Aright, adv. tit<£, yiye.

Arise, v.i. dide, ji loju orun.

Aristocracy, n. gbajum9 ilu,


Arithmetic, n. <?kq isiro.

Ark, n. 9k9 Noa, apoti kekere,

apoti $ri.

Arm, n. apa. v.i. di ihamoraogun.

Armadillo, n. aka, tabi akika.

Armament, n. aw9n ti o muraogun.

Armistice, n. idaw9 ogun duro.

Armour, n. ihamora.

Arms, n. ohun elo ogun.

Army, n. 9gb9 9019 ogun.

Aroma, n. orun didun.

Arose, v.i. dide.

Around, prep, yika, kiri.

Arouse, v.t. ji loju orun.

Arraign, v.t. pe-l9J9, fi-sun.

Arraignment, n. ifisun.

Arrange, v.t. to leses?.

Arrangement, n. ito I9S9S9.

Arrant, adj. alainitiju, ogboju.

Array, n. iw9S9, ^939.Arrear, n. gbese ti a koi san,


Arrest, v.t. daduro, di-mu.

Arrival, n. dide.

Arrive, v.i. de, b$.

Arrogance, n. igberaga, irera.

Arrow, n. 9fa.

Arson, n. ile kikun, fifi ile jona.

Art, n. 9gb9n, im9 9na ise.

Artery, n. isan 9J9.

Artful, adj. gb^n, larekereke.

Article, n. nkan, ohun kan.

Articulate, v.t. and i. syvy, lahun.

Artifice, n. 9gb9nk9gb9n.

Artificer, n. onis^na.

Artificial, adj. ifi9gb9nse.

Artillery, n. ib9n nla, 9m9-ogunti nr9 agba, agba.

Artisan, n. oni^na.Artist, n. eniti nse aworan.

Artless, adj. alailarekereke.

As, conj. bi, gege bi.

Ascend, v.t. and i. gdke, gun.

Ascension, n. igoke.

Ascent, n. igun oke, ibi-giga.

Ascertain, v.t. m§ daju.

Ascetic, n. eni ns? ara ni§e.

Ascribe, v.t. fi-fun.

Ashamed, adj. tiju.

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Ashes, n. eru.

Ashore, adv. gunl?, nil?.

Ash Wednesday, n. 9J9 ekini ni

Lent, ojo ib^r^ &W9.

Aside, adv. lapakan.

Ask, v.t. audi, bere, t>9r9, bi-lere.

Asleep, adj. sisun, sun.

Asp, n. parcel?.

Aspect, n. Iw6.

Asperse, v.t. puro mp, gbadu-lump.

Aspersion, n. gbigbadnlum9.

Aspiration, n. if$ 9kan, in^ga si.

Aspire, v.i. dawdle, n$ga si.

Ass, n. k^tek^te.

Assail, v.t. kp-lu.

Assailant, n. alak9lu.

Assassin, n. apania.

Assassinate, v.t. lunipa.

Assault, w. ik9lu.

Assemblage, n. apeJ9 pipeJ9p9-

Assemble, v.t. and i. pe-J9.

Assembly, n. apej'9.

Assent, n. gba, fe\ J9W9.

Assert, v.t. t9num9, wi, 39.

Assertion, n. 9^, itenump.

Assess, v.t. diyele.

Assessment, n. idiyele.

Assets, n. ohun ini.

Assiduous, adv. Iap9n, t^rarr^?,laisimi.

Assiduousness, n. ap9n, aisimi.

Assign, v.t. yan-sil?, fi-lel9W9.

Assignment, n. iyansil?, ifile-


Assimilate, v.t. and i. se-dabi,


Assist, v.t. and i. ran-l9W9.

Assistance, n. iranl9W9.

Assistant, n. oluranl9W9.

Assize, n. diyele, Ipade 9J9aw9n arufin.

Associate, v.t. and i. ba-kegb?,

dara-p9m9. n.

^nikeji ^ni.

Association, n. ?gb$.

Assort, v.t. and i. ya S9t9t9.

Assortment, n. iya&9t9t9, oni-


Assume, v.t. daw9le, gba-&9d9.

Assumption, n. isebi, idaw9le.

Assurance, n. idaniloju, igb^-


Assure, v.t. t^num9, S9-daniloju.

Assuredly, adv. dajudaju, nitot9.

Asterisk, n. ami akiyesi *.

Astern, adv. idi 9^.Asthma, n. ik9 fe.

Astir, adv. dide I9.

Astonish, v.t. ya-l^nu.

Astonishment, n. iyanu.

Astound, v.t. yal^nu.

Astray, adv. kuro I9JU 9na,

isina, ni iyapa.

Astride, adv. ni didakata 939.

Astringent, adj. Iwaki, didi.

Astronomer, n. 9niti o m9 iraw9.

Astronomy, n. 9k9 iraw9 oju


Asunder, adv. \q\Q.

Asylum, n. ibi abd aw9n otosi.

At, prep, ni, nibi.

Ate, v.t. and i. j^un.

Atheism, n. aigba wiwa Qtyrun

Atheist, n. alaigbagb9 pe Ql9runmb9.

Athirst, adj. p6ngb?.

Athlete, n. onijakadi, ^niti nsare


Athletics, n. ijakadi, ere sisa.

Athwart, prep. nibu.

Atlas, n. aworan H9 aiye.

Atmosphere, n. ofurufu ti o yi

aiye ka.

Atom, n. 9run kikini.

Atone, v.t. and i. setutu, tu-ninu,

dahun fun.

Atonement, n. etutu, adehun.

Atrocious, adj. buruju, burugidigidi.

Atrocity, n. i§e buburu.

Atrophy, n. riru.

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Attach, v.t. and i. so-mp, dappingfaramp.

Attachment, n. idappmp, ifara-

mp.Attack, v.t. kp-lu, dojukp.

Attain, v.t. and i. de, fpwp tp.

Attainment, n. ini, pgbpn, ohunti pwp tp.

Attempt, v.t. gbidanwo, danwo,kolu.

Attend, v.t. and i. fiyesi, durotl,


Attendance, n. ifiyesi, ifetisilp,


Attendant, n. pmp-pdp, onitpju.

Attention, n. ifetisilp, ifojuai.

Attenuate, adj. ru.

Attest, v.t. and i. jpri si.

Attestation, n. pri.

Attire, v.t. se lpsp, wp lasp.

Attitude, n. iduro.

Attorney, n. onitpju ohun ini,

asoju pni labp ofin.

Attract, v.t. fa-mpra, tan.

Attraction, n. ofa.

Attractive, adj. eyiti nfa ni.

Attribute, v.t. fi fun, ka si lprun.

Auction, n. pja tita adijera,


Auctioneer, n. onigbanjo.

Audacious, adj. gboju, lafojudi.

Audacity, n. igboju afojudi.

Audible, adj. gbigbp gbangba.

Audience, n. agbptpni.

Audit, n. ijpri iwe isiro owo.

Auditor, n. ajpri owo.

Aught, n. ohunkohun.Augment, v.t. and i. spdi pupp,


Augmentation, n. ispdipupp,


Augur, n. alafpsp.

Augury, n. asptplp.

August, adj. nianla, titobi.

August, n. osu kpjp lpdun.

Aunt, n. arabinrin baba tabi iya.

Auspice, n. ab6, itpju.

Auspicious, adj. loju rere, dara,


Austere, adj. ror6.

Authentic, adj. otitp, ododo.

Authenticate, v.t. fi pri ladi.

Author, n. olupilpsp, akpwe.

Authority, n. agbara ofin, asp.

Authorize, v.t. fi asp fun, jp.

Autobiography, n. itan igbe aiye

ti atikarapni kp.

Autocrat, n. pniti o fi agbara r^>


Autograph, n. ikp orukp pni

funra pni.

Automatic, adj. eyiti osisp funrarp.

Autumn, n. akoko ikore.

Auxiliary, n. oluranlpwp.

Avail, v.t. and i. gba anfani, se

ni rere, wulo.

Available, adj. lerd, yp, sanfani.

Avarice, n. ojukokoro.

Avaricious, adj. lojukokoro.

Avenge, v.t. gbesan.

Avenger, n. olugbesan.

Avenue, n. pna gboro lpnu igbo.

Averse, adj. aifp, aidunmp.

Aversion, n. irira, aif^.

Avert, v.t. mu-kuro, da-duro,


Aviary, n. ile piyp.

Avidity, n. iwarapapa.

Avocation, n. ise, ipo.

Avoid, v.t. yana silp, y^ kuro.

Avouch, v.t. and i. tpnump.

Avow, v.t. kede nigbangba,


Avowal, n. itpnump nigbangba.

Await, v.t. reti, duro de, murasilp de.

Awake, v.t. and i. ji loju orun,


Award, v.t. se-idajp.

Aware, adj. m^>.

Away, adv. kuro, kalp.

Awe, n. ^ru, ibpru.

Awful, adj. nib^ru.

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Awhile, adv. nigba die.

Awkward, adj. g$, nira, airorun.

Awl, n. olu.

Awning, n. aso tita ki drun mapani.

Awry, adj. gbun, w<J.

Axe, n. ake.

Aye, adv. beni, 6to.

Aye, adv. lailai.


Babble, v.*. and i. so werewere,


Babbler, n. alaheso.

Babe, Baby, n. omo-owo.

Babel, w. irukerudo.

Baboon, n. obo nla.

Bachelor, n. apon, alailobirin.

Baok, n. or adv. ehin. v.*. ti-

lehin, ran-lowo.

Backbite, v.t. soro eni lehin, bu,


Backbiter, n. abuni, aganni,

asoro eni lehin.

Backbone, n. egun ehin.

Backside, n. ehin ohunkohun.

Backslide, v.t. ya kuro lona rere,

pada sehin.

Backslider, n. apadasehin.

Backward, adj. fasehin, lora,


Bacon, n. ejo eled? ti a fi iyo si.

Bad, adj. buburu, aidara.

Bade, v.t. and i. so-fun, fase-fun.

Badge, n. ami.

Badger, n. oruko eranko. v.t.

lepa, yo-lenu, dalamu.

Badly, adv. aidara.

Baffle, v.t. da-ru, so-dasan, tan-

k-Bag, n. apo, ok?, v.t. fi-sapo.

Baggage, n. $ru.

Bagpipe, n. fere alapo awo.

Bail, n. onigbowo, adurofuni.

v.t. gbon omi danu.

Bailiff, n. ijoye, onidajo, olopa.

Bait, w. lj$, ide. v,t. and i. de,

Baize, n. asp omrun ganhun-


Bake, v.t. and i. yan, din, se.

Baker, n. alase, alakara.

Bakery, n. ile ibiti a din nkan.

Balance, n. iwon, isiku owo,

ogbogba. v.t. and i. wonlogbogba.

Balance-sheet, n. iwe isiro apapoowo.

Balcony, n. odede, $de.

Bald, adj. pipari, nihoho.

Baldhead, n. apari.

Baldness, n. ainirun.

Bale, n. eru, ise, iponju, osi.

v.t. gbon omi danu.

Baleful, adj. osi, kun fun ika.

Ball, n. isu, ohunkohun ti o su ;

ire ijo.

Ballad, n. orin aro.

Ballast, n. imuduro, itemole.

Balloon, n. ok$ ofurufu.

Ballot, n. iwe iyan-enia, ibd.

Ballroom, n. iyara ijo.

Balm, n. ikunra, oje olorun


Balmy, adj. olorun didun, ituni.

Balsam, n. oje, ogun, ikunra.

Bamboo, n. pako.

Bamboozle, v.t. tan-j?.

Ban, n. ifilo ni gbangba, itanu.

v.t. and i. fi-bu.

Banana, n. ogede.

Band, n. edidi, egbe.

Bandage, n. oja, edidi.

Bandit, n. olosa, alailofin.

Bandyleg, w. ese wiwo.

Bane, n. iparun, iku.

Bang, n. ilu, ariwo lojiji. v.t. lu,

ti, pariwo.

Bangle, n. oruka ti apa tabi ti


Banish, v.t. ran-jade, le-lo.

Banishment, n. ilekuro nilu.

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Bank, n. bebe, eti odo, ile owo.

Banker, n. olori ile owo.

Banknote, n. iwe ti a fi se

pasipar9 owo.

Bankrupt, n. ajigbese, ibaje 6wd.

Banner, n. opagun, asia.

Banns, n. ifi igbeyawo I9.

Banquet, n. ase.

Banter, n. idapara.

Baobab, n. igi afpn.

Baptise, v.t. sami si li oruko

Metalpkan, fi oruko fun.

Baptism, n. ami ijewo, irisinu

omi nipa eyiti a gba enia

sinu iJ9 Kristi.

Bar, n. irin tabi igi gbvrv


iyanrin ti ndi enu odo.

v.t. tl, dena.

Barb, n. eti 9fa.

Barbarian, n. alaigbede, alai-

moye, eniakenia.

Barbarism, n. aimp iwa hu,


Barber, n. afarun, afari, onidiri,


Bard, n. akewi, akprin.

Bare, adj. nihoho, laibo.

Barefaced, adj. lainitiju ; daju.

Barefoot, adj. lainibata.

Bareheaded, adj. laibori.

Bargain, v.t. and i. se adehun.

n. ipinnu, adehun.

Barge, n. 9k$ igbaja.

Bargeman, n. 919^.Bark, n. epo igi, pk9 kekere.

v.t. and i. gbo bi aja.

Barm, n. 939 9ti, iwukara.

Barn, n. aka, aba.

Barometer, n. ohun elo lati fi

W9n af?f9.

Barque, n. 9k9 kekere.

Barrack, n. ile aw9n 9m9-ogun.

Barrel, n. agba.

Barren, adj. yagan, asal$, laileso.

Barrenness, n. iyagan, aileso.

Barricade, n. idina, sagbaradi.

Barrier, n. abo, idina, ami ibi


Barrister, n. agbeJ9ro.

Barrow, n. k9k9 eru.

Barter, v.t. and i. se pasipar9.

Base, n. isal?, ipil^s. adj. ail9la,.


Baseborn, adj. 91219-ale.

Bash, v.t. lu.

Bashful, adj. nitiju.

Basin, n. awo koto ; adagun omi ~

Basis, n. ipil?.

Bask, v.i. ya orun.

Basket, n. agb^n, ap^r?.

Bastard, n. 91119 ale, 91119 agbere.

Baste, vX gans9 fi 9ra si ?ransise.

Bastinado, v.t. na lat^l^s^.

Bat, n. adan.

Batch, n. apap9 nkan.

Bate, v.t. and i. y9wo 93a.

Bath, n. baluw9 (ibi-aluw9).

Bathe, v.t. w$, luw$.

Baton, n. 9pa as?, 9pa is?.

Battalion, n. ?gb? aw9n 9m9-ogun to 500 de 800.

Batten, n. igi p9l?b9.

Batter, v.t. and i. ki-m9l?, lu-


Battery, n. ohun ija.

Battle, n. ija, ogun. v.i. jagun„ba-ja.

Battlement, n. odi.

Bawl, v.t. and i. kigbe kikan.

Bay, n. iyaw9 omi okun sinuil?.

Bay, Bight, n. gbigbo aja ti


Bayonet, n. 9b? ib9n.

Be, v.i. ni, wa, si.

Beach, n. eti okun.

Beacon, n. ina lori oke fun ikil9


Bead, n. il?k9.

Beadle, n. onse ile 9J9, oye ninu

iJ9, am9na loru.

Beak, n. 9ml ?iy? ; imu.

Beam, n. iti igi ; itansan orun.

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Bean, n. ere, popondo, ewe, $wa.

Bear, n. amptpkun. v.t. ru, gbe ;

bi, so ; jiya, roju.

Beard, n. irungbpn.

Bearer, n. alaru ojise.

Beast, n. eranko elese merin.

Beastly, adj. bi eranko.

Beat, v.t. and i. lu, f<J ; bori.

Beating, n. ilu, ina.

Beatitude, n. ibukun prun, inu-


Bean, n. oge, olufp.

Beautiful, adj. dara, lewa.

Beautify, v.*. se-lpsp, se-lewa.

Beauty, n. pwa, os<j, didara.

Becalm, v.*. mudakp.Became, v.i. di ; ye.

Because, con;, nitori.

Bechance, v.£. ba ni alabapade,sesi.

Beck, n. ijuwp si.

Beckon, v.i. and i. juwo si, se


Become, v.t. and i. ba de si, di ;


Bed, n. ibusun ; isale odo



Bedaub, v.t. fire.

Bedchamber, n. iy^wu, yaraibiisun.

Bedclothes, n. asp ibusun, aspakete.

Bedeck, v.t. se-loso.

Bedew, v.t. seri si.

Bedouin, n. awpn larubawa ti

ngbe inu agp.

Bedraggle, v.t. wp ninu pr^.

Bedstead, n. opa akete ; ibusun(onirin tabi onigi).

Bee, n. oyin, esinsin ti nse oyin.

Beef, n. pran malu.

Beehive, n. ile-oyin.

Beelzebub, n. olori awpn pmiesu.

Been, v. wa, ti wa.

Beer, n. pti agbado; pti sise


tabi pippn.

Beetle, n. pbpnbpn.

Befall, v.t. and i. ba, desi, subulu.

Beflt, v.t. yp, tp-si.

Befool, v.t. tanjp.

Before, prep, niwaju, siwaju,


Beforehand, adv. tete.

Befoul, v.t. sp-dibajp, sp-deri.

Befriend, v.t. ba-spre, ba-rp


Beg, v.t. and i. sagbe, tprp, bpbp.

Began, v. bpresi.

Beget, Begot, v.t. bi, hujade.

Beggar, n. alagbe.

Beggarly, adj. bi alagbe.

Begin, Begun, v.t. and i. bprpsi,

dide si, kpbprp.

Beginner, n. pniti o k(J bprp


Beginning, n. ipilpsp, atetekpse,

ibprp nkan.

Begone, inter, lp kuro !

Begrime, v.t. da eri si, ba-jp.

Begrudge, v.t. se ilara.

Beguile, v.t. tan-jp.

Behalf, n. irp, itilphin, ojurere.

Behave, v.i. huwa, Id.

Behaviour, n. iwa, iwa-aiye.

Behead, v.t. bp-lori.

Behest, n. asp.

Behind, prep, lphin.

Behindhand, adv. lpra, fa.

Behold, Beheld, v.t. wo, kiyesi,


Beholder, n. aworan.

Behove, v.t. yp, tp-si.

Being, n. iwa ; pda.

Belabour, v.t. na, lu.

Belch, v.t. and i. gufp.

Beleaguer, v.t. doti ilu.

Belfry, n. ile agogo.

Belial, n. orukp esu.

Belie, v.t. gbadulump, purp si.

Belief, n. igbagbp.

Believe, v.t. and i. gba-gbp.

Believer, n. onigbagbp.

Belittle, v.t. fi oju tinrin, gan.

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Bell, n. agogo.

Belle, n. wundia ?l$wa.

Belligerent, a. jija-ogun, y$le


Bellow, v.t. and i. ke bi malu.

Bellows, n. ^wiri ti a fi nfena

tabi ^fufu.

Belly, n. ikun, inu.

Belong, v.i. se ohun 9m; t^ni.

Beloved, adj. oluf?.

Below, adv. nisale, 9mo-ehin.

Belt, n. lawani, 9J& amure



Bemoan, v.t. S9kun, pohunrere


Bench, n. ijoko.

Bend, v.t. and i. t§, w<J.

Beneath, adv. nisale, lab?.

Benediction, n. ibukun, isure.

Benefaction, n. 9^ ami, 9^inurere.

Benefactor, n. 9^9 anu, onibu

9r? ; olore 9m.

Beneficence, n. iwa $r? ; isorefun.

Beneficial, adj. lere, anfani.

Benefit, n. ere, anfani. v. se ni


Benevolence, n. inurere.

Benevolent, adj. rere.

Benight, v.t. ile su, okunkun ba.

Benign, Benignant, adj. seun,


Benignity, n. inurere.

Bent, n. ite, idarisi.

Benumb, v.t. ko eti ; S9di alainu?-


Bequeath, v.t. fi ogun sile, pin

ohun ini fun.

Bequest, n. ipin ogun fun.

Bereave, v.t. gba I9W9 ?ni.

Bereavement, n. igbal9W9 nipa

iku, 9f9-

Berry, n. eso.

Berth, n. yard ninu 9k$, ibi i§^.

Beseech, Besought, v.t. be, t9r9,

fi ebe tq.

Beseem, v.t. ye, t9si.

Beset, v.t. dotl, r9gbaka.

Beside, Besides, prep, or adv.

pelupelu, ju b? I9 ; l9d9,

l9gb? .

Besiege, v.t. fi ogun do ti.

Besieger, n. eniti o gbogun ti ni.

Besmear, v.t. fi-r$.

Besom, n. 9w$, al?.

Bespatter, v.*. ta si lara.

Bespeak, Bespoke, v.t. s(?-tele ;


Besprinkle, v.*. bu-w<Jn.

Best, ad/". darajul9 dara rek9Ja.

Bestial, adj. bi eranko.

Bestir, v.refl. muragiri, ru-soke.

Bestow, v.t. fi-fun, fi-bun.

Bestrew, v.t. fun kakiri.

Bestride, v.t. dakata 9s? le.

Bet, v.t. and i. jiyan. n. ohuniyan.

Betake, Betook, v.refl. fi 9W9 le,


Bethink, v.refl. ronu, mu wa si


Betide, v.t. and i. de si, ba.

Betimes, adv. lakoko, li kutu-


Betoken, v.t. sap9r?, sami, fihan


Betray, v.t. sofofo, sonikupani ;

fihan, tii asiri.

Betroth, v.t. soyigi, sadehunigbeyawo.

Betrothal, n. idana.

Better, adj. or adv. daraju, sanju.

Better, v.t. mu san die, tun se.

n. itunse, isandie.

Between, Betwixt, prep, larin,

lagbedemeji, nisakani.

Beverage, n. ohun mimu.Bewail, v.t. S9kun, pohunrere


Beware, v.t. and i. S9ra, y?ra,


Bewilder, v.t. si-tyna, tan, da-


Bewilderment, n. idaru.

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Bewitch, v.t. sajesi, se 090 si.

Bewitchment, n. idan, isaj? si.

Bewray, v.t. fi-sun, fi-han.

Beyond, prep, niwaju, niha c^hun.

Bias, v.t. te-si, dari.

Bicentenary, n. igba 9dun.

Bid, v.t. and i. fas$fun, pe ; fi

owo le.

Bidder, n. 9111 fi owo le oja.

Bidding, n. ase.

Bide, v.t. and i. duro de, joko.

Biennial, adj. olodunmeji.

Bier, n. aga posi.

Big, adj. nla, tobi.

Bigamist, n. alaya meji.

Bigamy, n. kiko obinrin meji J9.

Bigot, n. eniti o di isin kan mulaimdye.

Bigotry, n. itara alaimdye.

Bile, n. ororo edo.

Bilingual, adj. elede meji.

Bill, n. enu sonso ; iwe owo,

ag6go enu eiye.

Billet, n. iwe kekere.

Billow, n. riru omi, igbi omiokun.

Bin, n. apoti.

Bind, v.t. dl, so-po, dilu.

Binding, n. edidi.

Biography, n. itan igbe aiye


Biped, n. elese meji.

Birch, n. pasan.

Bird, n. eiye.

Birth, n. ibi.

Birthday, n. 9J9 Ibi.

Birthplace, n. ibi Ibi ^ni ; ibiti

a bi enia si.

Birthright, n. ogun Ibi.

Biscuit, n. akara ti a yan di epa.

Bisect, v.t. la si meji.

Bishop, n. oye olori alufa.

Bishopric, n. ile sakani olori


Bit, n. 6U9, okele ; ijanu esin.

Bitch, n. abo aja.

Bite, v.t. and i. ge-j^, bu-je.

Bitter, adj. kor6.

Bitumen, n. ^>da.

Black, n. dudu ; su, buru ;

alaw^> dudu.Blacken, v.t. and i. S9 di dudu.

Blacklead, n. oje dudu.

Blacksmith, n. alagb^d^.

Bladder, n. apo-it^).

Blade, n. ehu agbado tabi koriko;

oju 9be.

Blain, n. owo, ile roro.

Blame, v.t. ba-wi. n., ibawi,

939, 9gan.

Blameless, adj. lailese, lail^gan.

Blameworthy, adj. y^ fun ibawi,


Blanch, v.t. and i. S9 di funfun.

Bland, adj. jeje, P9I9.

Blandishment, n. ip9nni.

Blank, adj. sofo.

Blanket, n. a§9 ibora.

Blare, v.t. and i. kigbe kikan.

n. igbe.

Blaspheme, v.t. and i. S9r9 odi

si Ql9run, ibura, ire.

Blasphemy, n. pr9 odi si Q^run


Blast, n. fif^ ^fufu, iro ipe.

v.t. fi etu r^ danu.

Blaze, n. 9W9 ina. v.t. tan-kale,


Blazon, v.t. kede fun gbogboenia, fihan.

Bleach, v.t. and i. S9 di funfun.

Bleak, adj. tutu.

Bleat, v.t. and i. ke bi agutan.

Bleed, Bled, v.i. s?je.

Blemish, n. abukun, 9gan. v.t.

sabukun, k^gan.

Blend, v.t. and i. dap9 m9ra.

Bless, v.t. sure fun, bukiin, yln.

Blessed, Blest, adj. alabukunfun.

Blessedness, Blessing, n. ibukun,


Blight, n. talugbe, ir^danu.

Blind, adj. af9Ju, sokunkun, ope.

n. iboju, ibbji, if9Ju.

Blindfold, adj. idiloju, ibo loju.

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Blindness, n. ifpju, airiran.

Blink, v.t. and i. S9JU, soju finran.

Bliss, n. alafia pipe.

Blissful, adv. ni alafia li 91*1111.

Blister, n. ilerord, 5wo.

Blithe, adj. idaraya.

Blizzard, n. iji.

Bloat, v.t. and i. wu, f$.

Block, n. Iti igi tabi okuta.

v.t. idina.

Blockade, n. idotl, idena.

Blockhead, n. omugp.Blood, n. ?je.

Bloodguiltiness, n. ebi ^je.

Bloodhound, n. aja ti nlepa orun

Bloodshed, n. Ita ^je sile,


Bloodthirsty, n. fife ta ^je sile.

Bloodvessel, n. isan 9J9.

Bloody, adj. eleje.

Bloom, v.i. ruwe, rudi. n.

iruwe, irudi.

Blooming, adj. didan.

Blossom, n. ina eweko, ina igi.

v.i. y9 itanna.

Blot, n. abawpn, abukun. v.t. se

abaw9n si ; pa-re.

Blotting-paper, n. iwe ti a fi

ngbe tadawa.

Blouse, n. ewu obirin.

Blow, n. ilu, ina ; ofo, jamba.

Blow, Blew, v.i. mi kikan, fe bi

afefe ; tanna, fun ipe.

Blubber, n. pra erinmi.

Blue, n. awp bi oju prun.

Bluff, adj. g$. v.t. and i. reje.

Blunder, n. isina, isubu, pr9

laironu. v.t. and i. sise.

Blunt, adj. kunu, aimu, lpra.

Blur, n. abaw9n.Blurt, v.t. 89r9 lojiji laironu.

Blush, n. oju pupa nitori itiju.

Bluster, n. ariwo bi aiqfq.

Boa, n. ejo nla ; ere, agbadu.

Boar, n. ak9 ^l^d^ tinu igbo,


Board, n. apako ; 9gb? igbim9 ;

ohun jeje. v.t. and i. gbaonje b<J.

Boarder, n. ^niti o ngba onj?.

Boarding-school, n. ile iwe ibiti

a mb9 aw9n akek9.

Boast, v.t. and i. sogo, yin ara

eni, hale, funnu.

Boaster, n. ahal?, afunnu.

Boat, n. 9k9, igbaja.

Boatman, n. 919^, atuk$.

Bob, v.i. mi soke mi sodo.

Bobbin, n. igi ti a ka owu we.

Bode, v.t. and t. S9tel9-

Bodily, adj. nipa ti ara.

Body, n. ara ; 9gb?.

Bodyguard, n. $s<J.

Bog, n. $t§, ira.

Boggy, adj. kiki ^9, ti ira.

Bogus, adj. eru, etan.

Boil, v.t. and i. ho, se. n. owo.

Boiler, n. ikoko nla sise omi.

Boisterous, adj. npariwo lile.

Bold, adj. laiya ; lafojudi.

Boldly, adv. nigboiya.

Boldness, n. igboiya, ilaiya.

Bolster, n. timtim, ir9ri.

Bolt, n. idabu i^kun. v.i. sa-lp.

Bomb, n. ib9n nla.

Bombard, v.t. fi agba do ti.

Bonaflde, adj. or adv. tot9.

Bond, n. ide, idapp.

Bondage, n. oko $ru.

Bondman, n. 9ruk9nri.

Bondsman, n. onigb9W9.

Bondwoman, n. ^rubirin.

Bone, n. egungun. v.t. y9 egun-

gun kuro lara.

Boneless, adj. lailegungun.

Bonfire, n. ina nla nita li akokoariya.

Bonnet, n. ideri obirin, aket^.

Bonny, adj. daradara.

Bonus, n. ele lori owo ; ebun.

Bony, adj. kiki egungun.

Book, n. iwe.

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Bookbinder, n. aran-iwe, onis9-


Bookcase, n. apoti iwe.

Book-keeping, n. isiro owo sinu


Book-marker, n. ohun ti a fi

nsami iwe.

Bookseller, n. oluta iwe ; eniti-


Bookshop, n. ibiti a nta iwe,

ilo-oja iwe.

Bookworm, n. kawe-kawe ; eniti

o feran iwe kika.

Boom, n. iro ibpn.

Boon, n. pbun, $r$.

Boor, n. eniakenia, omug9.Boot, n. bata. v.t. jere, sanfani.

Booth, n. ago, buka.

Bootlace, n. okun bata.

Bootmaker, n. aran-bata.

Booty, n. ikogun.

Border, n. eti, eba, ipinle ; i?eti,

igbati. v.£. and i. sunmp.Bore, v.t. and i. da-lu, da lagara.

n. iho lilu.

Born, Bear, v. bi ; gbe ru.

Borne, v.£. and i. ru eru.

Borrow, v.t. win, ya, tpr9.

Borrower, n. eniti o ya nkan.

Bosom, n. okan aiya.

Botany, n. imp ohun pgbin.

Both, adj. mejeji. conj. ati, pelu.

Bother, v.t. and i. yp-lenu.

Bottle, n. igo. v.t. fi sinu igo.

Bottom, n. isale, ipile ; idi.

Bottomless, adj. laini isale.

Bough, n. eka igi.

Bought, v.t. ra.

Boulder, n. okuta nla ribiti.

Bounce, v.t. and i. fo, hale si.

n. if01119, i9©fefe> ihale.

Bound, v.i. di ; fo.

Boundary, n. ala, opin.

Boundless, adj. alailopin.

Bountiful, adj. oninure.

Bounty, n. ebun iseun, ore.

Bow, v.i. teriba' fun, t$, b$r?.

Bow, n. <Jrun.

Bowels, n. ifun.

Bower, n. iji igi.

Bowl, n. 9p<Jn, awo koto.

Box, n. apoti ; 99$, ikuku.

v.t. and i. kan, ki lps^, lu


Boxer, n. akini lps^.

Boy, n. pmpkonrin.

Boycott, v.t. sa-ti.

Boyhood, n. iwa ewe, igba pmodeBrace, v.t. de, di. n. ide, 9Ja,


Bracelet, n. jufu, $gba 9run 9W9.

Brackish, adj. omi iy9-

Brag, v.t. and i. sefefe, funnu.

Braid, n. iwun, koko. v.t. wunBrain, n. mudunmudun ; pgbpn,

oye; 9P9l<?-

Brainfever, n. amodi ori.

Brake, n. ohun ti a fi nda kekeduro ; ijanu keke ; igb9.

Bramble, n. igi 9l?gun.

Bran, n. eri ; folo'folo agbadolil9 .

Branch, n. eka igi ; ?ya. v.i. yaeka.

Branchless, adj. alail?ka.

Brand, n. igi ina. v.t. sami si.

Brandy, n. iru $ti kan.

Brass, n. idp.

Bravado, n. isefefe, ihal9.

Brave, adj. laiya, gboxu, igboiya.

v.t. fi aiya ran.

Bravery, n. igboiya, igboju.

Brawl, n. as9 ariwo. v.i. S9,


Brawler, n. alas9.

Brawn, n. ?ran ak9 pipd?.

Bray, n. igbe ketpket?.

Brazen, o^(;'. ti id? ; lile.

Brazen-face, n. alafojudi.

Brazier, n. alagbede id?.

Breach, n. oju iho, enu.

Bread, n. akara, onj'9.

Breadth, n. ibu, gbigboro.

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Break, v.t. and i. f<J, 89, da


subu, simi. n. sisp, dida,


Breakfast, n. onj? owurv. v.*.

and t. J9 onj? ar*?.

Breast, n. aiya.

Breastplate, n. awo aiya, igbaiya

li ogun.

Breath, n. emi.

Breathe, v.t. and i. mi.

Breathing, n. mimi, emi.

Breathless, ooj. lailemi.

Breech, n. idi, ehin ; idi ibpn.

Breeches, n. sokoto.

Breed, v.t. and i. bi, loyun, t<J,

se itpju.

Breeze, n. afefe jeje.

Breezy, adj. lafef?.

Brethren, w. ara, arakpnrin.

Brevity, n. ikekuro, laifa <p*9 gun.

Brew, v.t. and i. ppn pti ; dimplu.

Brewer, n. appnti, plpti.

Brewery, n. ile pti.

Briar, Brier, n. elegun.

Bribe, n. abetele. v.t. be abe-


Bribery, n. Igba abetele nitori

iwa buburu.

Brick, n. am{> sisu ti a fi ina sunni alapa.

Brick-kiln, n. ebu alapa, ileru

fun am$.Bricklayer, n. 9m9le.

Bridal, adj. ti iyawo.

Bride, n. iyawo.

Bridecake, n. akara iyawo.

Bridechamber, n. iyewu iyawo.

Bridegroom, n. pkp iyawo.

Bridesmaid, n. egbe iyawo.

Bridge, n. afara. v.t. safara si.

Bridle, n. ijanu, akoso. v.t. and i.

ko ni ijanu, se akoso.

Bridlepath, n. pna elesin.

Brief, adj. kukuru.

Briefly, adv. laifa oro gun.

Brig, n. pk^> olopo meji. i

Brigade, n. egbe pmp-ogunelesin tabi elese.

Brigadier, n. olori egbe omo-ogun.

Brigand, n. igara, ole.

Bright, adj. tan imole, didan.

Brighten, v.t. dan, mu dasasa.

Brightness, n. itansan imple,


Brilliant, adj. titansan, didanm^na.

Brim, n. eti ohunkohun ; bebeodo.

Brimful, adj. kun de eti, kun deenu, kun de oke.

Brimstone, n. imi orun, sulfuri.

Brine, n. omi iyp, okun.

Bring, Brought, v.t. and i. mu-wa, gbe, fa-wa.

Brink, n. bebe, eti.

Brisk, adj. yara, murasi.

Briskly, adv. kiakia, yara, mura-kankan.

Bristle, n. irun gaungaun bi ti


Brittle, adj. r$, rirun worn, yafif$.

Broach, n. llu. v.t. lu, da-lu.

Broad, adj. nibu, gboro.

Broadcast, adj. fun kakiri.

Broadcloth, n. asp onirun dara-


Broadside, n. iha pkp.

Broil, n. ariwo, asp, ija. u.J.

and i. se.

Broken, ad/. fif$.

Brokendown, od/. idibaje, alai-


Broken-hearted, adj. onirobinuje


Broker, n. alagbata.

Brokerage, n. ere ise alagbata.

Bronze, n. adalu baba ati


Brooch, n. ohun 939 obinrin.

Brood, v.i. saba lori ; pa $yin


radpbo. n. 9m9 eiye.

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Brook, n. odo sisan kekere.

v.t. farada.

Broom, n. 9w$, &I9, igbal^.

Broth, n. omi ^ran bib9.

Brother, n. ara, arak9nrin.

Brotherhood, n. idapp, ^gb^awpn pkpnrin.

Brother-in-law, n. and.

Brotherly, adj. bi ara, ni if<£


Brought, see Bring.

Brow, n. iwaju.

Browbeat, v.t. wd-mple.

Browse, v.t. and i. n ewe b<J,

jawe je.

Bruise, n. it^r?, ifarapa. v.t.

and i. t$, ter^, pa-lara.

Brush, n. pw^ §,19. v.t. and i.

fi 9w^> gb$n.

Brusque, adj. g9.

Brutal, adj. ror6, nika, bi


Brutality, n. irord, ika.

Brute, n. 9ranko ti k6 ni iye

ninu, omug9, onika.

Bubble, v.t. and i. ho bi omi,

se pdmpom.Buck, n. ak9 agb9nrin tabi


Bucket, n. ohun elo ti a n np9nomi.

Buckle, n. ide, ifiha. v.t. and i.

de, fiha.

Buckler, n. apata, asa, abo.

Bud, n. ehu ohun 9gbin, irudi.

v.t. and i. hu, s<J.

Budge, v.t. and i. mira.

Budget, n. apap9 nkan, iweirohin owo.

Buff, v.t. lu.

Buffalo, n. ?f$n.

Buffet, v.t. and i. ki li 939, lu ni


Buffoon, n. as9f9.

Buffoonery, n. is9f9, is9kus9.

Bug, n. ida ; nkan 919m ; idin.

Bugbear, n. nkan ti ibanil^ru.

Bugle, n. ipe 9d9, ipe ologun.

v.t. and i. fun fere.

Build, v.t. k9, m9 le. v.L


Builder, n. 910910, ak9le.

Building, n. eyiti a ti k9, il6 kik9.

Bulge, v. wu sode.

Bulk, n. iw9n, pataki.

Bulky, adj. tobi, gborin.

Bull, n. ak9 malu.

Bullet, n. 9ta ib9n.

Bulletin, n. ikede.

Bullion, n. wura tabi fadaka ti

a k6 iti da.

Bullock, n. 9gb9r9 ak9 malu.

Bully, n. alaroye, ay9nil9nu.

v.t. y9nil9nu, panilaiya.

Bulrush, n. koriko odo.

Bulwark, n. odi, agbara, abo.

Bump, n. wiwu, llu. v.t. and Llu.

Bunch, n. odidi, siri, akoj'9


Bundle, n. pru, edidi. v.t. and i.

di leru.

Bung, n. edidi agba.

Bungalow, n. ile He.

Bungle, n. nkan ti a se laibikita.

Bunk, n. ibusun ninu 9k$.Buoy, n. ami loju omi lati kilp

fun 919^.Buoyancy, n. fifo loju omi tabi

li ofurufu.

Burden, n. §ru ; ininilara. v.t.

di 9ru le.

Burdensome, adj. ninira, iy9nu.

Burglar, n. 9193a.

Burglary, n. if9le, ikole.

Burial, n. isinku.

Burial-ground, n. ibi iboji.

Burial-service, n. isin isinku.

Burn, Burnt, v.t. sun, jona.

Burr, Bur, w. emp.

Burrow, n. iho ehoro tabi ekute.

v.t. and i. walq.

Burst, v.t. and i. bq, run wom-wom, tu-jade.

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Bury, v.t. sinku, bo-mpl?.

Bush, w. igbo, igbe.

Bushel, n. 6suw9n ohun gbigbe.

Bushy, adj. kun fun igi.

Business, n. ise.

Bustle, n. ariwo ; ikanju.

Bustler, n. alaisimi.

Busy, adj. appn. v.t. sise I9W9.

Busybody, n. olofofo.

But, conj. ^ugbpn ; bikdsebe,

sibe, sibe, afi.

Butcher, n. alapata. v.t. pa


Butchery, n. ibi pipa, ile alapata ;


Butler, n. agbpti, 91119-9(19.

Butt, v.t. and i. fi iwo kan, fi

ori kan. n. agba nla.

Butt, n. ami lati ta 9fa si.

Butter, n. dri am9, ori wara.

v.t. fi ori am9 si.

Butterfly, n. labalaba.

Buttock, n. idi.

Button, n. onini ewu. v.t. and i.

so, di.

Buttonhole, n. iho onini ewu.

Buttress, n. ohun iti, iti ogiri.

Buxom, adj. didaraya.

Buy, Bought, v.t. ra, sanwo fun.

Buyer, n. olura.

Buzz, n. ikun bi 9b9nb9n tabi


By, prep, nipase, nipa 9W9, leba.

By-and-by, adv. nigbose, nigba


Bygone, adj. eyiti o k9Ja.

Bystander, n. eniti nworan.

Byword, n. owe.


Cabbage, n. ef9 oyinbo.

Cabin, n. yara ninu 9^.Cabinet, n. yara kekere ; apoti

ohun 999.

Cable, n. okun tabi 9W911 idak$

duro ; er9 irin ti a fi

ns9r9 labe 6kun si ile


Cackle, v.t. and i. gb$ bi agbeb9adie.

Cactus, n. igi 9r<J.

Cadence, n. irehun sile.

Cadet, n. aburo ; eniti o nk9 ise

ni ile ek9 aw9n 9m9-ogun.

Cage, n. ile eiye.

Cajole, v.t. p^n, tan.

Cajoler, n. ap^nni, eletan.

Cake, n. akara didun.

Calabash, n. igba.

Calamitous, adj. oni jamba.

Calamity, n. jamba.

Calculate, v.t. and i. siro, ka.

Calculation, n. isiro, kika.

Caldron, Cauldron, n. Ikoko nla,


Calendar, n. iwe ikaye igba ati

9J9 ninu 9dun.

Calf, n. 9m9 malu.

Calibre, n. fife enuib9n, nimp911.

Calico, n. as9 owu.

Calk, Caulk, v. di jijd nkan.

Call, n. ipe. v.t. and i. pe.

Calling, n. ise ti a pe wa si.

Callous, adj. 9kan lile, laitanu.

Callow, adj. alaihuye.

Calm, n. idake, ipar9r9, irpl^.

v.i. r9l9, dake, pa r9r9.

Calmly, adv. nir9le, nipar9r9.

Calumniate, v.t. sata, 3919 eni


Calumny, n. sisata.

Calvary, n. ibiti a kan Jesu 1119


Calve, v.t. and i. bi 9m9 malu.

Calx, n. efun.

Cambric, n. as9 felefele.

Came, Come, v.i. wa.

Camel, n. ibakasie.

Camp, n. ibudo.

Campaign, n. papa nla, igba


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Camwood, n. osun. .

Can, Could, v.t. le, lagbara. n.


Canal, n. odd lila.

Canary, n. $iy<? ibaka.

Cancel, v.t. nu-kuro, pa-r$.

Cancer, n. akan, alakasa.

Candid, adj. se dajudaju, se

otit9, lais^tan.

Candidate, n. ^niti nf$ W9 inu

9gb9 tabi is9 kan.

Candidly, adv. nigbangba, lotito.

Candle, n. ab^la, itanna ti a fi

9ra se.

Candlestick, n. 9pa fitila, 9paitanna.

Candour, n. inurere, otit9.

Cane, n. 9parun. v.t. na.

Canine, adj. ti aja.

Canker, n. egbo ibaje. v./. ba-


Cankerworm, n. kokoro jewe-


Cannibal, n. ajenia.

Cannibalism, n. jiJ9 enia.

Cannon, n. ihc^n nla, agba.

Cannonade, v.t. yinb9n nla lu.

Cannot, v.i. k6 le, lailagbara.

Canoe, w. 9k$ wetd.

Canon, n. ofin, ilana, as9 ; eniti

a ya S9t9 fun isin Qtyrun.

Canonise, v.t. fifi oruk9 aw9nenia mim9 ti o ti ku si iweiranti.

Canopy, n. ibori igunwa.

Cant, n. 9r9 agabagebe.

Cantankerous, adj. kanra.

Canter, n. agabagebe ; isare


Canticle, n. orin.

Canticles, n. orin Solomon.

Cantonment, n. adugbo aw 911


Canvas, n. as9 alaikuna igbokun.

Canvass, v.t. and i. t9r9, beb^.

Cap, n. fila, ideri. v.t. and i.

deri, bori.

Capability, n. agbara, aye.

Capable, adj. t6, le, lagbara.

Capacious, adj. tobi, gbSrd,


Capacitate, v.t. fun ni agbaia se.

Capacity, n. agbara, ipa, aye.

Caparison, n. 959 99m. v.t. se

9sin I999.

Cape, n. sonso ile ti o y9ri sinu

omi ; 9WU ejika.

Caper, n. Ifo, ib$. v.i. jo, be, fo.

Capital, n. olori, ilu 9ba, letter


Capitalist, n. olowo.

Capitation, n. ikaye oii, bibuowo sori olukuluku.

Capitulate, v.i. J9I9W9 p^lu

im9si ; tunba p9lu aJ9S9.

Capitulation, n. ipinnu, adebun.

Caprice, n. yi 9r9 pada lainidi.

Capricious, adj. yiyipada, as9f9-

Capsize, v.t. and i. bi subu,dojude.

Captain, n. 9gak9, 9gagun.

Captious, adj. Iair9, arit9nim9wi.

Captivate, v.t. gba-laiya, ri oju

rere, fa if^.

Captive, n. igbekun, onde, 919-


Captivity, n. oko9ru.

Captor, n. amuni.

Capture, v.t. fi agbara rem. n.


Car, n. k9k9.

Caravan, n. 9gb9 dro.

Carbuncle, n. okuta iyebiye;

owo apeta.

Carcass, Carcase, n. oku enia

tabi 9ran.

Card, n. iwe P9l9b9-

Cardinal, n. olori, 9m isaju.

Care, n. aniyan, ajo. v.i. saniyan,


Career, n. Iwa, irin, ise.

Careful, adj. kun fun aniyan ;


Carefully, adv. P9I9P9I9.

Carefulness, n. is9ra, akiyesi.

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Careless, adj. ailaniyan, aibikita,


Caress, v.t. fa-mvra, k$, fpwppa.

Cargo, n. 9m pk^).

Carnage, n. oku pupp.

Carnal, adj. ti ara, agbptara.

Carnivorous, adj. aj^ran.

Carol, n. orin ay9 tabi iyin. v.t.

and i. kprin iyin.

Carp, v.i. jiyan. ~"

Carpenter, n. gb^nagb^na, oni-

99na igi.

Carpet, n. a§9 tit^ ail9.

Carriage, n. kqkq; iwa; 19111.

Carrier, n. alaru.

Carrion, n. 9ran ti ko se J9.

Carry, v.t. and i. gbe, ru.

Cart, n. k^k? 9ru.

Carter, n. onik^kp 9ru.

Cartilage, n. okerekere.

Cartridge, n. apoti §tu ib9n.

Cartwright, n. gb^nagb^na k$k$eru.

Carve, v.t. and i. fin igba tabi

okuta ; ke $ran.

Casava, Cassava, n. paki, gta-


Cascade, n. omi sisan.

Case, n. apoti, ak9 ; 9J9.

Cash, n. owo.

Cashew, n. kaju.

Cashier, n. onit9Ju owo.

Cask, n. agba.

Casket, n. apoti kekere ; posi.

Cassock, n. ^wu dudu aw9nalufa.

Cast, v.t. and i. jiinu, danu. n.

isati, iw9Junu.

Castaway, n. asati, 9m itanu,


Castigate, v.t. na.

Castle, n. ile i$9.

Cast-off, adj. ik^sil^, ifisapakan.

Castrate, v.t. te ni 9da, ?e ni


Castration, n. tit$ l<?da.

Casual, adj. alabapade, aironu

Casualty, n. ifarapa, iku loju


Cat, n. ologb6, ologini.

Catalogue, n. iwe orok9 ; iwe ti

npolowo 9Ja.

Catapult, n. akatampo.

Cataract, n. oju-isan odo ; atafo


Catastrophe, n. ipari ti k6 dara,

ijamba, opin 9ran.

Catch, Caught, n. idimu, idaduro.

v.t. mu, da-duro, ran-mu.

Catechise, v.t. k9ni nipa ibere

ati idahun.

Catechism, n. iwe ibere ati


Catechist, n. oluk9ni ni isin


Catechumen, n. ^niti a nk9 ni

isin Ql9run.

Cater, v.i. pese onje.

Caterer, n. onipese onJ9.

Caterpillar, n. kokoro.

Cathedral, n. ile Qtyrun giga.

Catholic, adj. ti enia gbogbo.

Cattle, n. eran psin.

Cause, n. idi, itori. v.t. mu-se.

Causeless, adj. lainidi, lasan.

Cauterize, v.t. fi irin gbibona jo,

fi egbogi jo.

Caution, n. iwoye, 9gb9n, aki-

yesi. v.t. kil9, safiyesi.

Cautious, adj. nis9ra, niwoye.

Cavalcade, n. 9W9 irin el^sin.

Cavalry, n. ogun 9198m.

Cave, n. ih6 ninu apata tabi nil9.

Cavern, n. iho nisal9 il^.

Cavil, n. awawi eke. v.i. se

awawi eke.

Cayenne, n. ata pupa.

Cease, v.t. and i. daw9duro,

siw9, da.

Ceaseless, adj. aiduro, aisimi.

Cedar, n. opepe.

Cede, v.t. fi-fun, fi le I9W9.

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Ceiling, n. aja ile.

Celebrate, v.t. and i. se iranti,


Celebrations, n. iyin, ise iranti.

Celebrity, n. pni olokiki.

Celerity, w. iyara.

Celestial, adj. ti 9run.

Celibacy, n. wiwa ni apcjn,


Cell, n. yara nile pwpn, ih6.

Cellar, n. yara nisalp ile.

Cement, n. amp lile, ypfunokuta. v.t. rppp.

Cemetery, n. ibi isinku.

Censer, n. awo turari.

Censure, n. ibawi. v.t. ba-wi.

Census, n. kjkaye enia ilu.

Cent, n. pgprun.

Centenary, n. pgprun pdun.

Centipede, n. tansankp, pkun.

Centre, n. arin, agbedemeji.

Centurion, n. balogun prun.

Century, w. pgprun, pdun.

Ceremonial, adj. sise apejp tabi


Ceremony, n. ami ode ti isin, ise


Certain, adj. daju.

Certainly, adv. daju-daju, laisi

aniani, nitotp.

Certainty, n. idaniloju.

Certificate, n. iwe pri.

Certify, v.t. jpri, rohin.

Cessation, n. idawpduro, iduro.

Cession, n. ifilelpwp.

Cesspool, n. k6to egbin.

Chafe, v.t. and i. ra ; tp, mubinu.

Chaff, n. iyangbo pka, epo, eri.

Chagrin, n. imunibinu. v.t. mu-binu.

Chain, n. pwpn. v.t. de li pwpn.

Chair, n. aga, ijoko.

Chairman, n. olori apejp, olori


Chaise, n. kpkp psin.

Chalice, n. ago waini ti a nlo

nibi onjp alp Oluwa.

Chalk, n. pfun.

Challenge, n. ipenija, ifijalp.

v.t. pe-nija.

Chamber, n. iyara, iypwu.

Chamberlain, n. ijoye pba pniti

ntpju yara.

Chambermaid, n. pmp-pdp ti o

ntpju y&ra.

Chameleon, n. agpmp, pga.

Chamois, n. ewurp igbo.

Champion, n. pgagun, onispgun.

Chance, n. alabapade, esi. v.t.

and i. se alabapade.

Chancel, n. apa oke ni ile Qlprun


ipo awpn Alufa ni Ijp.

Chancellor, n. akpwe nile pjp,

amofin, olori ile-pkp giga.

Change, n. Iparp, iparada. v.t.

and i. parp, se pasiparp,


Changeable, adj. yiyipada.

Changeless, adj. ti ki ipada,


Channel, n. ibu odo, pna odo.

Chant, v.t. and i. kprin.

Chaos, n. rudurudu, juju.

Chap, n. pmpdekpnrin.

Chapel, n. ile Qlprun.

Chaplain, n. oniwasu ni ile

Qlprun tabi li pk$, oniwasu

lpgbp awpn pmp-ogun.

Chapter, n. ori iwe, ipin iwe.

Character, n. iwa, orukp, ami.

Characterize, v.t. sp bi o ti ri, fi

orukp fun.

Charcoal, n. edu igi.

Charge, v.t. and i. ka si lprun,

fisun, diyele.

Chargeable, adv. ikasilprun, idi-


Charger, n. awo ppkp nla ; psin-


Chariot, n. kpkp.

Charitable, adj. inurere, seun.

Charity, n. ifpni ;prp-anu, iypnu.

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Charm, n. ogun, onde, tira


ifaiya. v.t. sogun ; sefaiya.

Charmer, n. onifaiya, atuniloju.

Charming, adj. nifaiya, ni iwu.

Chart, n. iwe aworan apere ile.

Charter, n. iwe adehun.

Chase, v.t. d$de, lepa. n. 9de.

Chasm, n. pgbun nla.

Chaste, adj. inufunfun, m<J, ye.

Chasten, v.t. na.

Chastise, v.t. na, je-niya.

Chastisement, n. ina, ibawi,


Chastity, n. iye ara, mim9 ara,


Chat, v.i. 89 boti b6ti.

Chattel, n. §ra ; ohun ini.

Chatter, v.i. ke bi ?iye, 89


Cheap, adj. p9, w<Jp$.

Cheat, v.t. and i. re-je, tan-j?.

n. ireye, itanJ9.

Check, v.t. and i. da-duro, ki w$.

n. Idaduro, ikiw9.

Cheek, n. ereke.

Cheekbone, n. pari sreke.

Cheeky, adj. lafojudi.

Cheer, n. imuninudun, ay9» v.t.

and i. gba-niyanju, mu-tujuka, mu inudun.

Cheerful, adj. didaraya.

Cheerless, adj. alainidaraya,


Cheese, n. warakasi.

Chemise, n. ewu aw9t$le obinrin.

Cheque, n. iwe ipasipar9 owo.

Cherish, v.t. k$, b£, tv-dagba.

Cherisher, n. olut9, oluk^.

Cherub, n. $da 9run.

Cherubim, n. aw9n emi tabi $da9run.

Chest, n. aiya.

Chevalier, n. elesin.

Chew, v.t. and i. fi ehin run, ge-

Chicken, Chick, n. 91119 adi?.

Chickenpox, n. 9fa s9panna.

Chide, v.t. and i. ba-wi.

Chief, n. olori ; olu, oloye.

Chief Justice, n. olori onidaJ9.

Chiefly, adv. pataki.

Chieftain, n. ijoye, olori.

Child, n. 9m9, ewe.

Childbirth, n. ibim9.

Childhood, n. igba ewe.

Childish, adj. bi ewe.

Childless, adj. Iail9m9.

Chill, n. otutu ti nmu ni gb$n.

Chimes, n. iro aw9n agogo.

Chimney, n. ih6 efin.

Chimpanzee, n. 99a.

Chin, n. igb9n, agb$n.

China, n. ohunelo ti a fi amp se.

Chink, n. iho lara ogiri.

Chip, v.t. ge si W9W9, r$ wini-


Chirp, v.t. and i. ke bi $iye.

Chisel, n. ohunelo irin mimu.Chivalry, n. iwa rere, igboiya.

Chocolate, n. eso igi kok6 ti apese fun lilo.

Choice, n. ylyan ; asayan.

Choir, Quire, n. ?gbe akprin.

Choke, v.t. and i. fun li 9run.

Choler, n. ibinu, irunu.

Choose, Chose, v.t. and i. yan sa.

Chop, v.t. and i. ke popdp6.

Chopper, n. ake.

Chord, n. okun duru.

Chorister, n. ak9rin ile Ql9run.

Chorus, n. 9W9 olorin, egbe-orin.

Chosen, adj. yiyan, sisayan,


Christ, n. Kristi, IJni itororosi.

Christen, v.t. and i. sami fun li

oruk9 Kristi, 39 li oruk9.

Christendom, n. akop9 aw9n ti

o nsin Kristi.

Christian, n. 9m9-ehin Kristi.

Christianity, n. isin Kristi.

Christianize, v.t. and i. 89 di

91119 phin Kristi.

Christmas, n. 9J9 ibi Kristi.

Chronic, adj. pipp titi.

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Chronicle, n. iwe itan. v.t. kpiwe itan.

Chrysalis, n. kokoro ki i to di


Chuckle, v.i. rprin.

Chum, n. pnikeji, $rp.

Chump, n. iti igi.

Church, n. ile Qlprun. v.t.

didupp lphin ibimp.

Churchwarden,n.Iriju ile Qlprun;

onitpju ile Qlprun.

Churl, n. onror6, omugp.Churlish, adj. ^onrorb ; fifera.

Churn, n. ohun elo ti an gunwara. v.t. and i. gun wara.

Cigar, n. taba ti a lplu.

Cigarette, n. taba ti a fi sinu iwe.

Cinder, n. edu.

Cipher, Cypher, n. nkan ti ko ni

lari. v.t. and i. kaye, $iro.

Circle, n. ayika, oruka. v.l.

and . yi-ka.

Circuit, n. iyika.

Circulate, v.*. and i. tan-yika, muyi ka kiri.

Circulation, n. ipin yika.

Circumcise, v.t. kp-nila abe. n.


Circumspect, adj. $pra, kiyesara.

Circumspection, n. i^pra, iwoye.

Circumstance, n. pran, ohun

Circumstantial, adj. ni alabapade.

Cistern, n. apoti omi.

Citadel, n. ile odi.

Citizen, n. ara ilu, plptp, onilu.

City, n. ilunla.

Civic, adj. ti ilu.

Civil, adj. mpyi, moye.Civilization, n. ilaju.

Civilize, v.t. kp-lpgbpn, foyehan.

Civil War, n. ija-ilu, ija igboro.

Claim, n. ere, ibere ohun ti i?e

tpni. v.t. bere nkan ti i$e


Claimant, n. pniti o pe nkan ni


Clammy, adj. yiyp, tutu.

Clamour, n. ariwo, igbe.

Clan, n. idile, pya.

Clandestine, ad/, nikpkp, nipamp.

Clank, Clang, n. iro pwpn.

Clap, n. iro atpwp. v. J. and i.


Clapper, n. olu agogo.

Clarify, v.t. and i. spdi mimp.Clarion, n. fere.

Clash, n. ariwo nla, ikplura. v.t.

and i. kp-lura.

Clasp, n. idimu, ik<J. v.t. and i.

mu, kp, fa-mpra.

Class, n. pgbp, ipade. v.t. td


Classify, v.t. t6 lpgbpgbp.

Clatter, n. ariwo.

Clause, n. gbolohun prp kan.

Claw, n. ekan psp eiye tabi

pranko. v.t. ya li ekanna.

Clay, n. amj).

Clean, adj. m<J, aileri. v.t. wp-mp.

Cleanliness, n. imp toto.

Cleanse, v.*. wp-mp, spdi-mim<J.

Clear, adj. mp toto, mcjju, da?a,

ailabukun. v.*.

Clearance, n. imukuro.

Cleave, v.t. and i. la, pin ; lpmp,


Clemency, n. ami, iypnu, inure.

Clergy, Clergyman, n. pgbpawpn oji^p Qlprun, Alufa.

Clerical, adj. ti oji§p Qlprun, ti


Clerk, n. akpwe.

Clerkship, n. oye akpwe.

Clever, adj. gbpn, moye.Cleverness, n. pgbpn, oye.

Client, n. abpwp alagbawi, plpjp.

Cliff, n. bebe okuta.

Climate, Clime, n. afpfp ilp, tabi

ti ilu.

Climax, n. opin.

Climb, v.t. and i. gun, goke.

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Climber, n. eniti ngoke ; itakun.

Clinch, Clench, v.t. and i. di-musinsin.

Cling, v.i. fa-mp, rpmp, somp.

Clip, v.t. re-kuru ; gba-mp.

Clique, n. egbe.

Cloak, n. agbada, a§9 ileke. v.t.

and i. fi-pamp.

Clock, n. agogo.

Clod, n. idi erupe ile.

Clog, n. ohun idina.

Close, v.t. and i. se, ti, pade. n.

ipari. adj. nitori.

Closeness, n. itosi, sisunmp.

Closet, n. yara ikpkp.

Clot, n. isu, eje didi.

Cloth, n. a$9 wiwun, as9 ibora,

a§9 hihun.

Clothe, v.t. wp-la^p.

Clothes, n. as9 wiwQ.

Clothing, n. ohun \viw9.

Cloud, n. ikuku, aw9 sanma.v.t. and i. sokunkun, di-loju.

Clout, n. akisa ; ilu, ina.

Cloven, adj. lila, pin.

Club, n. igi nla, 9g9 ; egbe. v.t.

and i. dilup9.

Clue, Clew, n. am9na.Clumsy, adj. g9.

Cluster, n. Idl, 9P9I9P9.Clutch, v.t. and i. diw9, dimu.

Coach, n. keke.

Coadjutor, n. egbe, alabase,


Coagulate, v.t. and i. ki, di.

Coal, n. pyin ina, edu.

Coalesce, v.i. dap?, faramp.

Coalescence, Coalition, n. idap9,


Coarse, adj. saikuna, ^alaigbpn,

g9, sakis&ki.

Coast, n. agbegbe, eti okun.

Coastguard, n. 0IUS9 etikun.

Coat, n. a?9 ileke.

Coax, v.i. and i. ke, tan, r$, p9n.

Coaxer, n. plptan, ap9nni, p9nni-


Cob, n. ori agbado kan.

Cobbler, n. oni-bata, aran-bata.

Cobweb, n. okun alantakiin.

Cock, n. akuk9 ; ikp-ibpn. v.t.

and i. k^, fa-duro.

Cockatrice, n. ejo gunte.

Cock-crow, adv. li akuk9.

Cockroach, n. ayan.

Cockscomb, Coxcomb, n. ogbe

ori akukp.

Cocoa, Cacao, n. k6ko.

Cocoanut, n. agb9n.

Cocoon, n. ewuruku.

Coddle, v.t. b$.

Code, n. akoJ9 ofin.

Coequal, adj. 9gb9gba, iba-

d9gba, pgbp.

Coerce, v.t. and i. sakoso, fagbara


Coercion, n. akoso, ifagbara se.

Coessential, adj. oniru asp kanna.

Coffer, n. apoti owo.

Coffin, n. posi.

Cogent, adj. ti agbara, daju-


Cogitate, v.t. and i. ronu, se


Cogitation, n. ironu, asaro.

Cognate, adj. batan.

Cognizance, n. im9.

Cohabit, v.i. jum9 gbe p9 bi 9k<J

ati aya ; ba 8un.

Coheir, n. ajum9 se arole p9-

Cohere, v.i. Ipm9, rpp^mp.

Coherence, n. idap9.

Coil, v.t. and i. ka-okun. n. ika


Coin, n. owo sile. v.t. r9, hum9.

Coinage, n. ir9wo.

Coincide, v.i. se dede, ba-mu.

Coincidence, n. isedede.

Coition, n. idapp.

Colander, w. k9nk9S9, asp.

Cold, adj. tutu. n. otutu.

Coldhearted, adj. ainif$, aibikita.

Colic, n. inurirun.

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Collapse, v.i. wo lule, se ailera.

n. iwolule, ailera.

Collar, n. eka or&n, a§9 9run.

Collateral, adj. legbekegbe.

Colleague, n. egbe, alabase,


Collect, n. akojppp, adura kuku-ru. v.t. and i. ko-J9, saj$ p9.

Collection, n. ikoJ9p9.

Collector, n. akoJ9p9, olukoJ9.

College, n. ile iwe giga.

Collide, v.i. k9lura.

Collier, n. a-wa-edu.

Colliery, n. ibi eyin, koto edu.

Collision, n. ik^lura, idugbolu.

Colloquy, n. qtq sis9.

Colon, n. ifun nla ; ami ida-

duro (:).

Colonel, n. 9gagun.

Colonise, v.t. and i. t$ ilu do.

Colony, n. ilu ti a t?do.

Colossal, adj. tobi pup9, gborin.

Colour, n. aw$. v.t. and i. fi 9dasi.

Colporteur, n. ^niti nta iwekakiri.

Colt, n. agodongbo, 91119 esin.

Column, n. 9w$n, 11a.

Comb, n. dya ; ogbe akuk9.v.t. and i. ya.

Combat, n. ija, idetyna. v.t.

and i. ja, de -1911a.

Combatant, n. onija.

Combination, n. egbe, im9P9,ikoJ9P9 .

Combine, v.t. and i. da-p9, r$-p9.

Combustible, adj. ti kd soro jo.

Combustion, n. jijo ; irukerudo.

Come, Came, v.i. wa, sunm9d9,de.

Comeliness, n. ?wa, iwu, $wu.

Comely, adj. lewa, lewu.

Comet, n. iraw9 oju 9run ;

iraw9 oniru.

Comfort, n. itunu, itura, irora.

v.t. tu-ninu ; r$, tu-lojuka.

Comfortable, adj. nir^ra, nitunu.

Comfortless, adj. alainitunu, ala-


Comic, adj. pa ni lerin.

Coming, v. mb^wa, mb9.Comma, n. ami idaduro {.,).

Command, n. as?, akoso, ijanu.

v.t. and i. pas?, sakoso, ko ni


Commander, n. olori, alakoso.

Commandment, n. ofin, ase.

Commemorate, v.t. se iranti.

Commemoration, n. ise iranti.

Commence, v.t. and i. b$r?,


Commencement, n. ib?re, ipilese.

Commend, v.t. yin, ki ; fi le I9W9.

Commendation, n. iyin.

Comment, w. iladi, itum$. v.i.

ladi, tum$.

Commentary, n. iwe itum9, iweiladi.

Commentator, n. atum$, aladi.

Commerce, n. isowo-owo. v.i.

se owo, ba-sep9, ba-lop9.

Commercial, adj. ti ise ti owo.

Commination, n. 11$, ibawi, ikil9.

Commingle, v.t. and i. dap9, da-


Commiserate, v.t. sanu fun.

Commiseration, n. isanu fun.

Commissary, n. ijoye kan.

Commission, n. ase, ififunni


ise. v.t. ran, fi ase fun.

Commissioner, n. eniti a fun li


Commit, v.t. fi le I9W9, fun 39.

Committee, n. aj9 igbim9, egb?.

Commodious, od;. r9run, dara,

ni aye.

Commodity, n. eru, 9ja.

Commodore, n. oye kan ni ^9.Common, ad;. W9P9, bakanna,

ti gbogbo enia.

Commonly, adv. nigbakugba,nigba gbogbo, I9P9I9P9.

Common prayer, n. isin ij9

Kristi ; Iwe adura aJ9gba.

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Commonsense, n. 9gb9n, oye.

Commonwealth, n. ire awpn ara


Commotion, n. irukerudo.

Commune, v.i. jum9 391*9.

Communicant, n. 9mti nJ9 911J9

al^ Oluwa.

Communicate, v.t. and i. 39 -fun,

fi-han, fi-fun, jum9 basep9-

Communication, n. 9r9, ififun,


Communion, n. idap9, i^kan


gbigba onje al^ Oluwa.

Community, n. ara ilu, egbe.

Commute, v.t. par9.

Compact, adj. Iem9ra, faram^ra.

n. ipinnu, imule.

Companion, n. ^l^gb^, ^nikeji.

Company, n. 9gb^, aj9.

Compare, v.t. and i. fi-we, fi-wera.

Comparison, n. ifiwera.

Compartment, n. ipin, iyanipa,


Compass, v.t. yi-ka. n. ayika,


Compassion, n. anu, iycjnu.

Compassionate, adj. tanu, ni-


Compatible, adj. ye, t98i.

Compatriot, n. ara ilu kanna.

Compeer, v.t. se 9gba. n. 9gb^,


Compel, v.t. n agbara mu.Compensate, v.t. and i. san-fun,


Compensation, n. isanpada, ^san.

Compete, v.i. jadu, du.

Competence, n. tito.

Competent, adj. to.

Competition, n. ijadu, idije, ije.

Competitor, n. ajijadu, adije.

Compile, v.t. k9-iwe.

Complacency, n. itetyrun.

Complacent, adj. nitetyrun.

Complain, v.i. fi-sun, se-aroye.

Complainant,n. olufisun, alaroye.

Complaint, n. 9J9, 98U11 ; arun.

Complete, adj. kun, pe. v.t. se-

tan, pari.

Completion, n. ipari, ^kiin, ipe.

Complex, adj. soro, diju.

Complexion, n. awj) oju.

Compliance, n. ij?w9, gbigba y


Complicate, v.t. diju, I9U1.

Complication, n. idiju, itylu.

Compliment, n. ikini ibuyin.

v.t. ki, yin.

Comply, v.i. J9, f<?, gba, fim9s9~


Comport, v.t. and i. huwa.Compose, v.t. toJ9, saJ9 ; mu-

farabal^, f9kanlel9.

Composer, n. olupil9S9 iwe.

Compound, v.t. and i. da-lu,

dap9 m9ra. n. idalu.

Comprehend, v.t. m9, ye ; moye.Comprehensible, adj. mimoye.Comprehension, n. imoye.

Compress, v.t. fun ; gbamu.Compression, n. ifunp9, igbamu.

Comprise, v.t. ka-m9, ka-kun.

Compromise, n. ilaja, adehun.

v.t. and i. pari ija ; mu-r9.

Compulsion, w. ifagbara se.

Compulsory, adj. p?lu agbara.

Compunction, n. ironu, ikarsu.

Computation, n. isiro, idiyele,


Compute, v.t. ka, siro, diyele.

Comrade, n. 9gb9, 9nikeji.

Con, v.t. se asaro, k9 sori.

Concave, adj. jinkoto.

Conceal, v.t. fi-pam9, fi-sin.

Concealment, n. ifipam9, ifisin.

Concede, v.t. gba, J9W9, fi fun.

Conceit, n. gb9n loju ara r$.

Conceivable, adj. yiyeni.

Conceive, v.t. and i. loyun ; r6,


Concentration, n. arojinl?, ifp-


Conception, n. oyun ; ird, isebi.

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Concern, n. ise ; aniyan, ifiyesi.

v.t. t<£, kan, se.

Concerning, prep, nipa ti, niti.

Concert, n. ire orin, ifimp^pkan.

Concertina, n. duru 9I9W9.

Concession, n. iJ9W9l9W9, ififun.

Conciliate, v.t. tu-loju, la-nija.

89 di $r£.

Conciliation, n. ilaja, ituloju.

Concise, adj. kuru.

Conclude, v.t. and i. se pari,

setan, pinnu.

Conclusion, n. ipari, isetan,


Concoct, v.t. se, mud?.Concoction, n. ise, imude.

Concord, n. ir9p9-

Concordance, n. iwe ap$r? ifi-

p6han ni Qr9 Ql9run.

Concourse, n. aj9 iw9J9P9.

Concrete, adj. pataki.

Concubine, n. ale.

Concupiscence, n. if^kuf^.

Concur, v.i. $okan, se dede,

jum9 se.

Concurrence, n. i$9kan, isedede.

Concussion, n. ik^lu, ilu ohunmeji p9.

Condemn, v.t. da-lebi.

Condemnation, n. ^bi, idalebi.

Condensation, n. kiki, rirogun,


Condense, v.t. and i. ki, rogun,


Condescend, v.i. rel?, r$ ara r§


Condescension, n. irel^, ir$ara-


Condiment, n. nkan ti nmuonje dun.

Condition, n. iwa, ipo, iri.

Condole, v.i. ba-daro, ba-k^dun.

Condolence, n. ibak$dun, iba-


Conduce, v.i. ran-l9W9, fa.

Conduct, n. iwa, ise, ilo. v.t.

and i. f9nahan, sin, se


Conductor, n. am9na, alakoso.

Confection, n. adidun, akara


Confectioner, n. aladidun, ala-


Confederacy, n. Idim9, imul?,


Confederate, v.t. and i. dim9,


Confer, v.t. and i. fi-fun ; ba-89r9.

Conference, n. ijum9S9, is9r9,


Confess, v.t. and i. J9W9.

Confession, n. ij?w9.

Confidant, n. 9r?-iy9r9, eni ti a

gb^k^le, olot9.

Confide, v.t. and i. gbekele.

Confidence, n. igb^k^le, ilaiya.

Confident, adj. didaju, ko si


Confine, n. ipinl?, ala. v.t. and i.

ha-m9, ti-m9 ; se akoso.

Confinement, n. iham9, itim9le.

Confirm, v.t. t9num9 ; fi 9S9

mul^, mu l9kan le, J9W9.

Confirmation, n. it9num9^ if939


mul9, iJ9W9, imul9kanle.

Confiscate, v.t. bole, gba.

Confiscation, n. ibole, gbigba.

Conflagration, n. jijo ina nla.

Conflict, n. ija, ik9lu, iwaya ija,

odi si.

Confluence, n. ipade omi odo.

Conform, v.t. and i. se dede, gba,

J9, teriba fun.

Conformable, adj. fifarawe, jij?-


Conformation, n. ifarawe, jiJ9,


Confound, v.t. da-ru, damu,dap9-

Confraternity, n. 9gb?.

Confront, v.t. kd-loju ; n-sakawe.

Confuse, v.t. da-ru.

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Confusion, n. rudurudu ; ailoju,


Confutation, n. iyipo, ijakoro,


Confute, v.t. yi-po, ja-nikoro,


Congeal, v.t. and i. ki, di.

Congenial, adj. bibamu.

Congest, v.t. and i. ko-pp, ko-jp.

Congestion, n. ikojppp $jp, ikundeti.

Conglomeration, n. ikojppp nkan.

Congratulate, v.t. and i. ba-yp

yp-fun, yin.

Congratulation, n. yiypfun, bi-

bayp, iyin.

Congregate, v.t. and i. pejppp.

Congregation, n. ipejp, apejp,


Congress, n. aj$, ipejp.

Conical, adj. bi adodo.

Conjecture, n. irotple, isptple.

Conjoin, v.t. and i. sopp, spkan.

Conjugal, adj. ti isoyigi, ti


Conjunction, n. idapp, ibapade.

Conjure, v.t and i. fi-bura ; se

ifaiya, se afpsp.

Conjurer, n. alafpsp.

Connect, v.t. and i. ba-tan, ba-

dapp, so -pp.

Connection, n. isolupp, ifarakpra,


Connivance, n. imojukuro.

Connive, v.i. mojukuro.

Conquer, v.t. bori, spgun, sptp.

Conqueror, n. asegun, aspt$.

Conquest, n. ispgun, isptp.

Conscience, n. pri pkan.

Conscientious, adj. dede, titp,

mimp.Conscious, adj. mimp ninu.

Consecrate, v.t. ya-simimp, ya-


Consecration, n. iyasimimp, iya-


Consecutive, adj. lpsplpsp.

Consent, n. ifohunspkan, igba,

ijpwp. v.i. jpwp gba, fo-


Consequence, n. asp, ijasi, idi,


Consider, v.t. and i. r6, wadi.

Considerate, adj. nironu.

Consideration, n. ifiyesi, iro, iyin.

Consign, v.t. ran-si, fi-lelpwp.

Consignment, n. ifilelpwp, ohunti a ran spni.

Consist, v.i. ni, jp, wa.

Consistent, adj. duro, ki, dilu.

Consolation, n. itiinu, irplekun


Consolator, n. olutunu, arpni-


Console, v.t. tu-ninu, gba-niya-


Consolidate, v.t. and i. sp di pkan,

sp di lile.

Consolidation, n. ispdpkan, isp-


Consort, n. plpgbp, pkp tabi aya»

v.t. ba-kpgbp, ba-mu.

Conspicuous, adj. nan gbangba,farasin.

Conspiracy, n. ptp.

Conspirator, n. plptp.

Conspire, v.t. and i. ditp.

Constable, n. plppa.

Constabulary, n. pgbp plppa.

Constancy, n. idurosinsin.

Constant, adj. ti kd yipada„


Consternation, n. ipaiya, idamu.

Constipate, v.t. diju pna, di-ninu.

Constipation, n. didi inu.

Constitution, n. ofin.

Constrain, v.t. fi agbara se, r$.

Constraint, n. agbara, ipa.

Construct, v.t. kp, se, kan.

Construction, n. kikp, sise kikan,

isprv .

Construe, v.t. and i. tump, ladi.

Consul, n. ajplp pba.

Consulate, n. oye ajplp.

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Consult, v.t. and i. bere, fi 9ran

1$, wadi 9r9, rd.

Consultation, n. ajum9S9r9, ibe

re, if9ranl9.

Consume, v.t. and i. run, fi sofo ;


Consumer, w. afohun sofo, runni-


Consummate, v.t. se pari, se pe.

Consummation, n. ipari, asetan.

Consumption, n. amodi aiya, ik9


Contact, n. ifarakanra, ipade.

Contagion, n. arun ti nran.

Contain, v.t. fi-pelu, gba-sinu. *

Contaminate, v.t. ba-j$.

Contamination, n. ibaje.

Contemn, v.t. kegan, gan.

Contemplate, v.t. and i. se-asaro,

ronu, wo.

Contemplation, n. iro, asaro,


Contemporary, adj. wa nigba

kanna ; elegbe—eni.

Contempt, n. ?gan, ikegan.

Contemptible, adj. legan, lai-


Contend, v.t. and i. jijadu, ja, ba-


Content, adj. nitetyrun. n. ite-

l9run, ito.

Contention, n. ija, as9.

Contentious, adj. nija.

Contentment, n. itel9run.

Contents, n. akop9, eyiti o waninu.

Contest, n. ija. v.t. and i. ja,


Context, n. 9r9 pataki, iw9n p9»

Continence, n. imaraduro, akoso


Continent, n. ipin ile aiye, ile

nla lai&i okun.

Contingent, n. nkan ti k6 daju,

nkan ti a k6 ro tele.

Continual, adj. pe titi, duro titi.

Continuation, n. ifapetiti, aiduro.

Continue, v.t. and i. duro pe, p?,

mura si.

Contort, v.t. I9P9.

Contortion, n. il9P9-

Contraband, adj. lodi si ofin.

Contract, n. ipinhun, adehun.

v.t. and i. ke-kuru, dinku.

Contraction, n. ikekuru, is9ki.

Contractor, n. eniti o se adehun

ise alakekuru.

Contradict, v.t. ji-lese, ja-niyan.

Contradiction, n. ijiyan, ijilese.

Contrariwise, adv. ni ilodisi.

Contrary, adj. lodl.

Contrast, v.t. and i. fi we ra.

Contribute, v.t. and i. da, fi fun ;

ranl9W9, na owo.

Contribution, n. idawo, iranl9W9-

Contrite, adj. ir9binuje, ikanu.

Contrition, n. ikanu ese, iro-


Contrivance, n. er9, ihum9.

Contrive, v.t. ser9, hum9-

Control, n. akoso, agbara iyanu.

Controller, Comptroller, n. ala-


Controversy, n. aroye, as9, iji-


Conundrum, n. al9.

Convalescence, n. bib9l9W9 arun,


Convene, v.t. and i. pe apeJ9-

Convenience, n. ir9ra, ir9run,


Convenient, adj. ye, r9run, se-


Convent, n. ibi ti aw9n enia sa si

kuro ninu aiye, lati fara

W9n fun isin Qtyrun.

Convention, n. aj9, apeJ9-

Conventional, adj. ti o je asa.

Converge, v.t. and i. dari si ibi


Conversation, n. ^ sis9-

Converse, v.i. S9r9, ba-sor9. n.

sis9 9r9.

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Conversion, n. iyipada, iyi-


Convert, v.t. yipada, yi l9kanpada. n. $niti a nyi lpkanpada.

Convey, v.t. mu-ty, ru, fi fun,


Conveyance, n. ohun ir^rii.

Convict, n. ?niti a dab^bi tabiti a da I9J9. v.t. da l?bi,

da I9J9.

Conviction, n. idal^bi, idalej'9.

Convince, v.t. da ni loju, yi tykanpada, fi oye ye.

Convivial, adj. aj 111x19 j^yo.

Convocation, n. ipeJ9p$.

Convoke, v.t. pe, apeJ9.

Convolution, n. ikap9.

Convoy, n. onitoju 1911a.

Convulse, v.t. se ipa, mu gb9nriri,

mu giri.

Convulsion, n. ipa, giri.

Cony, Coney, n. ehoro.

Cook, n. alase. v.t. and i. se

9hun jij^.

Cookery, n. isase, ise onje.

Cool, adj. tutu ; feri. v.t. and i.

mu tutu ; mu feri.

Coop, n. ile adie.

Cooper, n. akangba.Co-operate, v.i. ba sis? p$,


Co-operation, n. basep9, aju-

Co-partner, n. alabasep9.

Cope, n. ibora, ibori. v.t. and i.

ba-du, sodi si.

Copious, adj. p9, pup9«Copper, n. baba, ikoko ti a fi

baba r9, owo.

Coppersmith, n. alagbed? baba.Copulate, v.i. so-lu, dap9 S9kan.Copulation, n. isolu, ldap9, is9-


Copy, n. iwe kik9, ap9r9, aworan. v.t. and i. k9 awo-k9»

Coral, n. iyun.

Corban, n. 9bun.

Cord, n. okun. v.t. fi okun di.

Cordial, adj. nitot9, nif9.

Cordiality, n. $1*9, otit9, if?.

Core, n. inu ohunkohun.Cork, n. edidi igo, idenu. v.t.

di igo.

Corkscrew, n. isigo.

Cormorant, n. siy? ak$.

Corn, n. 9ka, agbado.

Corner, n. igun, ik9k$.

Cornet, n. ohun elo orin.

Cornice, n. tente ogiri, tente


Coronation, n. ifi 9ba joye, igba

ade, igun ori it?.

Coronet, n. ade kekere ti aw9n9l9la.

Corporal, n. oye ninu aw9nologun. adj. ti ara.

Corporation, n. aj9 ilu.

Corps, n. 9gb9 ologun.

Corpse, n. oku enia.

Corpulence, n. isanra.

Correct, v.t. pe, t9, ba-wi, j?-

niya. adj. tit9-

Correction, n. ibawi, it<J.

Correctly, adv. dede, pipe, lai-


Correlate, v.t. and i. ba-tan.

Correspond, v.i. dahun, se dede,

k9we si.

Correspondence, n. isedede, ik9-

we, ibar?.

Correspondent, n. ak(?we.

Corridor, n. 9d?d9.

Corroborate, v.t. ba se dede,

89kan, mu daju.

Corroboration, n. ibasedede,


Corrode, v.t. and i. d6gun, giri,


Corrosive, adj. ti o dogun.Corrugate, v.t. and i. paporo, ka.

Corrupt, v.t. and i. baj?, ra, se

abet?!?, adj. ibaj?, rira.

Corruption, n. ibaj?, a11x19, rira.

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Cosmetic, n. ikunra ti o tunpwa se.

Cosmopolitan, n. olugbe aiye.

Cost, v.i. na, j^. n. iye, inawo.

Costive, adj. didi inu, aigbpnsp.

Costly, adj. ti o ni owo lori.

Costume, n. asp wiwp.Cosy, adj. ti o nirpra.

Cot, n. abule, ibusun pmpde.Cottage, n. ile ti o kere.

Cotton, n. owu.Couch, ri. ibusun, ir<J>gbpku.

v.t. and i. dubulp, fara

pamp.Cough, ri. ik<J. v.t. and i. wukp.Could, v.t. le.

Council, n. ajp Igbimp.

Councillor, n. pni igbimp.

Counsel, n. Impran. v.t. gbaniyanju, da mpran.

Counsellor, n. oludampran.Count, v.t. and i. ka, r6, siro.

Countenance, n. iwo, oju. v.t.

ti-lphin, gba-niyanju.

Counter, adv. lodisi. n. tabeli


Counteract, v.t. se odi si.

Counterfeit, v.t. tan-jp. n.


Counterfoil, n. apa keji iwe owo.

Countermand, v.t. pe asp pada.

Counterpane, n. asp ibusun.

Countersign,' v.t. ko orukp sisalp


Countess, n. aya ijoye.

Countless, adj. ainiye.

Country, n. ile, ilp ibi pni.

Countryman, n. ara ilu kanna.

Couple, n. meji, isopp. v.t. andi. so ni yigi, di li awpmeji.

Courage, n. ilaiya, ilpkan, igboju,


Courageous, adj. laiya, nigboiya.

Courier, n. oriisp, pniti nsare.

Course, n. ipa pna. v.t. and i.

tpna, lepa.

Court, n. aim, ile pjp.

Courteous, adj. ninurere, niyin.

Courtesy, n. ibiiyin fun, ini-


Cousin, n. pmp pgbpn tabi

aburo baba tabi iya.

Covenant, n. majpmu. v.t. and i.

da majpmu, mulp.

Covenanter, n. onimajemu.

Cover, n. ILbo, ibora. v.t. bd,

de, dabobo.

Covering, n. asp ibora.

Covert, n. abo, asiri.

Covet, v.t. se ojukokoro, selara.

Covetous, adj. lojukokoro, lpka-


Covetousness, n. ojukokoro,


Cow, w. abo malu. v.t. dpruba.

Coward, n. ojo.

Cowardice, n. 6j6, ni ilojo.

Cower, v.i. sojo.

Cowherd, n. olusp malu.

Cowry, n. owo pyp.

Coxcomb, n. asiwere, pni igbe-

raga, 6su ori, ogbe akukp.

Cpy, adj. nitiju.

Crab, n. akan.

Crack, n. ila, sisan. v.t. and i.

f<J, la, san.

Crackle, v.i. ta papa.

Cradle, n. ibusun pmpde, itp


Craft, n. arekereke ; isp.

Craftiness, n. pgbpn arekereke.

Craftsman, n. onispna.

Crafty, adj. lpgbpn arekereke.

Crag, n. palapala.

Cram, v.t. and i. kl, jp ajpki,

kun rekpja.

Cramp, n. pajapaja, isunrakl ;

ifunpp, ifampra. v.t. fun-pp,

famora pp ; ni pajapaja.

Crane, n. prp ti nko pru sinu pkp.

Cranium, n. agbari, egun agbari.

Crape, n. asp fplpfplp, asp $fp.

Crash, v.t. and i. r<J, s£, ha,

pariwo. n. ariwo, sisp.

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Crass, adj. g$.

Crate, n. apoti igi.

Crave, v.t. and i. fi itara b^b^, f^


Craven, n. ojo.

Craving, n. if^ inu.

Crawl, v.i. rakd, w<J, fa.

Crayon, n. ^fun.

Craze, n. ibaJ9 ori. v.t. f^mu-dunmudun, ba lori J9.

Crazy, adj. fif<J, siwere.

Creak, n. iro.

Cream, n. 9ra wdra.

Creamy, adj. kun fun wara.

Crease, n. ami is9po tabi kika.

Create, v.t. dd, se, mu jade.

Creation, n. edd, ise.

Creator, n. ?leda.

Creature, n. edd.

Credence, n. igbagb9, igbekele,


Credential, n. ami eri, ohun eri.

Credible, adj. ye ni igbagbp.

Credit, n. igbagbp, 9la, iwa rere ;


Creditor, n. oluwinni, ^niti a je


Creed, n. ijew9 igbagb9, igbagb9.

Creek, n. it<J odd.

Creep, v.i. rdkd.

Creeper, n. itakun ti nfa sara


Cremation, n. sisun oku.

Crescent, n. osupa ti ko iti y9tan.

Crest, n. iye 9iy9, sonso.

Crestfallen, adj. telogo, fajuro.

Crevice, Crevasse, n. ild, isdn.

Crew, n. egbe aw9n atuk$.

Crib, n. ibuje eran. v.t. se m9,ji-

Cricket, n. ir$, antete.

Crier, n. akede.

Crime, n. 999, riru ofin.

Criminal, w. arufin, 91999.

Criminate, v.t. ka 999 si l9run.

Crimination, n. 9san 989, Ika

9ran si.

Crimson, n. aw$ pupa d^d?.

Cringe, v.i. t^riba, saj^j^. n.


Cripple, n. ar9. v.*. 39 di ar9.

Crisis, n. opin, kongbari.

Crisp, ad;', run were.

Criterion, n. ami ti a fi nm9nkan, ofin.

Critic, n. 9niti o m9 diyele,

nkan 9niti nwadi nkan.

Criticise, v.t. se iwadi, di-yele,

gan, se akiyesi.

Criticism, n. ise idaJ9, wiwadi.

Croak, n. igb6 9p$l<J. v.t. and i.

ke bi 9P9l<J.

Crockery, Crock, n. ohun elo


Crocodile, n. 9m.Crook, n. 9pa wiw9, tit9.

Crop, n. eso oko ; apo onj 9 9iy9.

v.t. and i. ke kuru ; r9 m9l9.

Cross, n. agbelebu, lya.

Crossbow, n. prun, akatampo.Cross-eyed, ad/, oloju-dida.

Croton, n. eso botuj?.

Crouch, v.i. t^riba fun, r9 k9k9fun, b^r9.

Croup, n. efh.

Crow, n. kannakanna. v.i. kpbi akukp.

Crowd, n. 9P9 enia, ikojppp.

v.t. and i. kl, pp, funp9.

Crown, n. ade, fila 90a, owofadaka kan 5'-

Crown, v.t. de li ade.

Crucible, n. ikdkd.

Crucifix, n. ere Jesu lori agbelebu

Crucifixion, n. iya ikanm9 agbe-


Crucify, v.t. kan m9 agbelebu.

Crude, adj. laippn, laid 9.

Cruel, adj. nika, aisenia.

Cruelty, n. ikd.

Cruise, v.i. wiwakp kiri loju omi.

Crumb, w. erun.

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Crumble, v.t. and i. fq si w^w^.

Crusade, n. ogun ti awpn oni-

gbagbp ja lati gba ilu mimpW911 I9W9 awpn Imale.

Cruse, n. kolobo.

Crush, v.t. and i. run, t$ r?.

n. it$r£, ifunpa.

Crust, n. epa akara, epa isu.

Crusty, adj. lepa.

Crutch, n. ppa ar9-

Cry, n. igbe, $kun. v.t. and i.

kepe, kigbe, S9kun, kede.

Crystal, n. okuta mim9 gara.

Cub, n. 91119 eran abekanna.

Cubit, n. igb9nw9 kan.

Cucumber, n. apald.

Cud, n. ap9J9.

Cuddle, v.t. and i. gba-m9ra.

Cudgel, n. ogb6, 9pa ti o wuwo.Cuff, n. $s$ lilu, §s$, 9run 9W9

as9. v.t. lu l$s$.

Culminate, oke, de ogogoro.

Culmination, n. ide ogogoro.

Culpable, adj. nibawi, I999.

Culprit, n. 9I9S9, ?ni ibawi.

Cultivate, v.t. ro, t<J.

Cultivation, n. iro, it<J.

Culture, n. riroko, oju lila.

Cumber, v.t. ha, gba laye, gbalasan, y9-lenu.

Cumbersome, n. niy9nu, ni idi-

I9W9, lailoju, wuwo.Cumulate, v.t. and i. koJ9-p9«

Cunning, adj. gb9n, moye



Cup, n. ago. v.t. fa 9J9 lara.

Cupbearer, n. agb9ti 9ba.

Cupboard, n. pepe, ibiti a le koohun si.

Cupidity, n. ife ilara, 9kanjuwa.

Cur, n. aja ainilari.

Curable, adj. titan, wiwotan.

Curate, n. ojise Qtyrun, alufa.

Curative, adj. imunilarada.

Curb, v.t. ko ni ijanu. n. ijanu.

Curd, n. warakasi.

Curdle, v.t. and i. dl, ki.

Cure, v.t. and i. wosan, sawotan,

mularada. n. iwosan, imula-

rada, awotan.

Curiosity, n. awari, iridi ; ohun


Curious, adj. lawari ;9W9n,


Curl, n. ikakd, irun kikako.

v.t. and i. ka-ko.

Currency, n. owo nina.

Current, adj. ti a ntankak^.

Currier, n. alaw9, arunw9-

Curry, v.t. run-aw9, dan-aw9 nu

ara esin.

Curse, v.t. and i. fi-bu, fi-re,

gegun. n. ifibu, egun.

Cursory, adj. ti a ko wo rere.

Curtail, v.t. ke-kuru, dinku.

Curtain, n. as9 tita, as9 ikele.

Curvature, n. tit$.

Curve, v.t. and i. t? k9r9d9.

n. ohun ti a t$.

Cushion, n. timtim, ir^ri.

Custody, n. iham9, i$9, ide.

Custom, n. asa, ise, iwa, H9 ;

owo ode.

Customary, adj. gege bi ise.

Customer, n. onibdra.

Custom-house, n. ile-bode.

Cut, v.t. and i. ge, ke, sa. n.


Cutlass, n. add.

Cutler, n. alagb?de 9be.

Cycle, n. ayika, obirikiti.

Cymbal, n. ohun elo orin.

Cynic, n. onikanra, onroro.


Dab, v.t. lu J9J9. n. lilu jeje.

Dabble, v.t. and i. fi omi sire.

Dagger, n. 9b9 olojumeji, ida


Daily, adv. lojojum9.

Dainty, adj. didun, dara, eleg?.

Dairy, n. ibi ifunwara.

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Dairy-maid, n. obinrin ti nfunwara.

Dale, n. afo, giri oke, afonifoji.

Dally, v.t. and i. fi akoko sofo.

Dam, n. iya $ran, sise 9na omi,

dari omi sisan.

Damage, n. ofo, ibaj?, adanu,ifarapa. v.*. pa-lara, ba-j$.

Damask, n. as9, seda alarabara.

Dame, n. iyalode, obinrin.

Damn, v.t. and i. fi-gegun, fi-re.

Damnation, n. ^bi ainipekun,

lya ainipekun l<Jrun apadi.

Damp, n. ririn, otutu, ikuku.

v.*. and i. mo-tutu, r^-sile.

Damsel, n. 9m9binrin, 9modan,wundia.

Dance, n. ijo. v.t. jo.

Dancer, n. onijo, alajota.

Dandle, v.*. gbe 9m9 aire.

Dandriff, Dandruff, n. epa ori,

eri ori.

Dandy, n. oge.

Danger, n. ewu.

Dangerous, adj. lewu.

Dangle, v.t. and i. fl.

Dank, adj. igbo biribiri ti o nmuni lotutu.

Dapper, adj. yara, se afinju.

Dare, v.*. gb9d9, dasa.

Daring, oc?;'. laiya, nigboiya.

Dark, ad;, su, sokunkun ; soro

m9, aimoye.

Darken, v.t. and i. su okunkun,se aimoye.

Darkness, n. okunkun, aimoye.

Darling, n. oluf£.

Darn, v.t. riran a$9, tun ohunti o faya se.

Dart, n. $k$, akasi. v.*. and i.

sqlQki}, sure lojiji.

Dash, v.t. and i. f9, k9lu. n. if9,


Dastard, n. ojo.

Date, n. 9J9 ti ohun kan se.

v.t. and i. fi 9J9 si.

Daub, v.t. and i. r$, san.

Daughter, n. 9m9birin.

Daunt, v.t. fo -laiya, da-lamu.

Dauntless, adj. laifoiya, laib^ru.

Dawn, n. af9m9Jum9. v.i. mq\§.

Day, n. 9J9.

Daybreak, n. afem9jum9.

Daylight, n. im9l^ 9san.

Daystar, n. iraw9 owur9.

Daytime, n. 9san.

Daze, v.t. pa niye, dalamu.

Dazzle, v.t. dan manran.

Deacon, n. oye kan ninu iJ9-

Deaconess, n. oye obirin ninu


Dead, adj. ku, lail^mi.

Deadly, adj. ti nmu Iku bani.

Deaf, adj. diti.

Deafen, v.t. di leti.

Deafness, w. iditi.

Deal, v.*. and i. pin fun oluku-

luku, ba-sowo. n. pup9,

ipin, igi.

Dealer, n. onisowo.

Dealing, n. ibald, ibasowo.

Dean, n. alufa ninu ile Qtyrun

Dear, adj. ohiiq ; S9W9n, 9W9n.

Dearth, n. 9da, iyan.

Death, n. iku.

Death-bed, n. ibule iku, oju iku.

Death-blow, n. lilu ti o le pani.

Deathless, adj. aiku, ti kd kulai.

Death-like, adj. bi ti iku.

Death-rate, n. iye aw9n ti o kuni ilu kan.

Death-throe, n. irora iku.

Death-warrant, n. a?9 lati pa

9mti o j^bi iku.

Debar, v.t. da duro, de l9na.

Debase, v.t. se aiyederu, sabula.

Debasement, n. Isabula, ise


Debate, n. ijiyan, as9-

Debauch, v.t. ba-J9, fa sinu 939.

n. ibaJ9.

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Debauchery, n. ibaje, imptipara,

iwa ifekuke.

Debenture, n. iwe igbese.

Debilitate, v.t. spdi alailera, din

agbara ku.

Debility, n. ailera, ainokun.

Debit, v.t. kp gbese sinu iwe.

Debris, n. panti.

Debt, n. gbese.

Debtor, n. ajigbese.

Decade, n. mewa, pdun mewa.Decalogue, n. ofin mewa.Decamp, v.i. I9 nik9k9, sibudo.

Decampment, w. isinibudo.

Decapitate, v.t. be-lori.

Decay, n. ibaje, rira. v.t. and i.

ba-je, ra.

Decease, n. iku.

Deceit, n. etan ; ireje.

Deceitful, ad;, letan, nireje.

Deceive, v.t. and i. tan-je, si


Deceiver, n. e^tan.

December, n. psu kejila pdun.

Decency, n. iwa yiye, tit<J.

Decent, adj. ye, t<?.

Deception, n. etan, eru.

Deceptive, adj. leru.

Decern, v.t. and i. my iyatp


Decide, v.t. and i. pinnu, pari

r$, fi igba si.

Deciduous, adj. ti nwpwe lpdp-


Decipher, v.t. lile ka iwe ti kdyanju.

Decision, n. ipinnu.

Decisive, adj. nipinnu.

Deck, v.t. se-lpsp. n. ite-apako

Declaration, n. iwi, isp, iteming.

Declare, v.t. and i. wi, 39,


Declension, n. ifasehin, irehin,


Decline, v.t. and i. ya, t£, k«?.

Declivity* n. gereger?, geregereoke.

Decoct, v.t. b$, b$ wpwp, se


Decoction, n. ib$, ib$w9W9, agbosise.

Decompose, v.t. and i. baje,

pin si W9W9.Decorate, v.t. se I999, w$.

Decoration, n. 939, iwe.

Decorous, adj. y? niwa.

Decoy, v.t. tan, d$. w. etan, id$.

Decrease, v.t. and i. dinku,

fa-sehin. n. idinku, ifasehin.

Decree, v.t. pinnu, pase, se ofin.

n. ofin ipinnu.

Decrepit, adj. gbo tan, nro.

Decrepitude, n\ ailera, ogbo.

Dedicate, v.t. ya-si, fi-s9t9.

Dedication, n. iyasi, ifis9t9.

Deduce, Educe, v.t. fa-jade, y9-jade.

Deduction, n. imukurd, iy9kurd.

Deed, n. ise, ild.

Deem, v.t. rd, ka.

Deep, adj. jijin, jinle.

Deeply, adv. nijijinle.

Deer, n. agb9nrin.

Deface, v.t. pa-r$, ba-je.

Defacement, n. ipar?, ibaje.

Defalcation, n. jijiwo pam9.Defamation, n. dulum$, iba

oruk9 J9, ijerieke.

Defame, v.t. ba oruk9 je, gbadu-lum9, J9ri eke si.

Default, n. abukun.

Defeat, n. ibisubu, iparun. v.t.

bi-subu, pa-run.

Defect, n. abukun.

Defence, n. abo, asa.

Defenceless, adj. alaini abo.

Defend, v.t. and i. dab6b6, se

odi fun.

Defendant, n. eniti a pe li 9J9.

Defender, n. alabo.

Defer, v.t. and i. da-duro, fa-

sehin; fifal$.

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Deference, n. iyln, ^wp, iforibal^.

Defiance, n. ifdl^iy?, ipenija.

Deficiency, n. abukun, aipe.

Deficient, adj. laipe, labukun.

Defile, v.t. and i. ba-j$, S9 di

aim<J, 19-logo. n. afoni

foji hiha.

Defilement, n. ibaje, is9di eri.

Define, v.t. so aspye, tum9.

Definite, adj. daju, ti o yanju.

Definition, n. itump.

Deflect, v.t. and i. yi si apakan.

Deform, v.t. se labukun.

Deformity, n. abukun.Defraud, v.t. r^-j^.

Defray, v.t. san gbese, se inawo.

Deft, adj. vipgbpn.

Defunct, adj. oku.

Defy, v.t. fo-l^iy^.

Degenerate, v.i. baje, fa-s^hin.

Degeneration, n. ibaje, ifas^hin.

Degrade, v.t. and i. r9 -ail9.

Degradation, n. ir^sil^.

Degree, n. iw9n, ipo, oye.

Deify, v.t. 89 di orisa, 09.

Deign, v.*. r$ sil9.

Deity, n. iwa Ql9run.

Deject, v.t. ba ninuJ9, mu ir9W9si


Dejection, n. ibanuJ9, ir9W9si.

Delay, v.t. and i. duro, da-duro.

Delectable, adj. daradara, ni ay9.

Delectation, n. inudidun, ay9.

Delegate, n. ik$.

Deleterious, adj. li ewu, niparun.

Deliberate, v.t. and i. rd,

gbim9, se asaro.

Deliberation, n. iro, isaro, iwol§.

Delicacy, n. adidun, idara, 9l?g$.

Delicate, adj. S9l9g$, dara.

Delicious, adj. dun.

Delight, n. ay9, inudidun. v.t.

and i. during.

Delightful, adj. didun.

Delineate, v.t. se aworan.

Delinquency, n. abukun ni ise,


Delinquent, n. 9I999, alabukiin.

Delirious, adj. ori bi baj?.

Delirium, n. aran, sise Iranian.

Deliver, v.t. gba, J9-I9W9, gba-SU9.

Deliverance, n. igbala, ib9l9w9,


Deliverer, n. olugbala.

Delivery, n. ib9l9W9, ibim9.

Dell, n. afonifoji.

Delude, v.t. tan.

Deluge, n. ikunomi. v.t. n omikun.

Delusion, n. itanJ9.

Delusive, adj. nitanJ9.

Delve, v.t. and i. wa il^.

Demagogue, n. am9na, 9^919ml.

Demand, v.t. bere; fi agbarabere.

Demarcation, Demarkation, n.


Demean, v.t. huwa, 16.

Demeanour, n. iwa, il6.

Demented, adj. siwere.

Demijohn, n. sago.

Democracy, n. iJ9ba nibiti agbarawa I9W9 aw9n enia.

Democrat, n. ^niti kd f$ 9ba.

Demolish, v.t. run, baJ9, £9.

Demolition, n. ibaJ9, rirun, if9.

Demon, w. esu, iwin.

Demoniac, n. 919ml esu.

Demonstrate, v.t. and i. fi-han,


Demonstration, n. ifihan, iladi.

Demoralise, v.t. ba iwa J9.

Demur, v.i. siye meji, se aniani.

Demure, adj. igb&l^, ailap9n.

Den, n. iho.

Denial, n. sis9, didu, kik9.

Denominate, v.t. 59 loruk9, pe.

Denomination, n. is9 loruk9,

Denotation, n. ikiye si, isami si.

Denote, v.*. sami si, t9ka si.

Denounce, v.t. kity, j^ri si.

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Denouncement, n. ikMp.

Dense, adj. ki, nip9n.

Density, n. kiki, si^umpra.

Dent, n. ihd. v.t. te sinu.

Dentist, n. ^niti nwo ehin,

onisegun ehin.

Denunciation, n. ikilp nigbangba.

Deny, «.£. du, 89, k$ fun.

Depart, u.£. and i. I9 kur6, ku.

Department, n. apa, is$, sakani.

Departure, n. 1I9 kuro ; iku.

Depend, v.i. gb^k^le, gbarale,


Dependence, n. igbarale, igb?


Dependent, n. ibatan.

Depict, v.t. se apejuwe.

Deplete, v.t. dinku.

Depletion, n. didinku.

Deplorable, adj. didard 9m,kikanu ^ni.

Deplore, v.t. kanu, S9kun, daro.

Depopulate, v.t. and i. tuka, 89di ahoro.

Depopulation, n. ituka, is9<li-


Deport, v.t. le kuro ni ilu,

huwa, 16.

Deportment, n. iwa, ilo si.

Depose, v.t. mu kuro nipo, 09-

ldye, roJ9.

Deposit, v.t. fi-dogo, fi-sura.

Deposit, n. ohun idogo.

Depot, n. ile isura, ibi ipam9.

Deprave, v.t. ba-j?, 39 di buburu.

Depravity, n. ibaj?, iwa buburu.

Deprecate, v.t. and i. gbadura ki

a b9 I9W9 ibi.

Deprecation, n. adura si iwa ibi.

Depreciate, v.t. bu owo kun,sabukun.

Depredate, v.t. jale, baj?, kol9.

Depredation, n. ijale, ibaJ9, ikol9.

Depress, v.t. r$-sil?, mu-kanu.Depression, n. ir^sil?, ir^w^si.

Deprivation, n. igbakuro, ir9loye.

Deprive, v.t. gba-l9W9.

Depth, n. jijin, ijinl?.

Deputation, n. ik$, ojis?.

Depute, v.t. yan se ik$, n as9 fun.

Deputy, n. ijoye 9ba, aseledeni,


Derange, v.t. se darudap9.

Derangement, n. idarudap9.

Deride, v.t. fi r^rin, y9 suti si.

Derision, n. iy9suti si, ir^rin.

Derivation, n. it9S9, ipi^s?.

Derive, v.t. and i. tq&q.

Derogate, v.i. dinku, sabukun.

Derogation, n. idinku, isabukun.

Descend, v.t. and i. S9kale.

Descendant, n. 9m9, at^le.

Descent, n. gqrqgqrq oke, is9-

kal? ; ipil? itan.

Describe, v.t. fi 9n? sap?^.Description, n. ap9r?, isaper?.

Descry, v.t. ri lokere.

Desecrate, v.t. ba ohun mim<J J9.

Desecration, n. ilo ohun mim9laiy9.

Desert, n. aginju, asal?. v.t.

and i. k9~sile, fi-sil^.

Desertion, n. ikosil9.

Deserve, v.t. and i. y?, t9 si.

Deservedly, adv. niyiy?.

Design, n. iro, im9, ap^r^.

v.t. and i. ro, se ap^r^.

Designate, v.t. pe loruk9, samisi.

Designation, n. ifihan nipa ami,

ipe loruk9.

Desirable, adj. y? ni fif?.

Desire, n. if$, iwu. v.t. f$, bere.

Desist, v.i. siw9, mu 9W9 duro.

Desk, n. apoti iwe ibiti a nk9we.

Desolate, v.t. 89 di ahoro.

Desolation, n. is9dahoro.

Despair, n. ainireti, ailaba.

Despatch, Dispatch, v.t. and i.

ran I9 kiakia ; paku. n.

iyara, iranl9.

Desperate, adj. lainireti, laidaba.

Desperation, n. ainireti, ainani

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Despicable, adj. legan, lainilari.

Despise, v.t. kegan.

Despite, n. arankan, aikasi,


Despoil, v.t. ko li eru, ja li ole.

Despond, v.t. 89 ireti nu, walainireti.

Despondency, n. iwa ainireti.

Despot, n. alagbara, onrord.

Despotism, n. iwa agbara, irord.

Dessert, n. eso, ajekehin onje.

Destination, n. ibi ti a 11I9.

Destine, v.t. pinnu, kadara.

Destiny, n. opin nkan tabi


Destitute, adj. laini, kikpsil^.

Destitution, n. psi, aini.

Destroy, v.t. parun, run.

Destroyer, n. apani, arunni.

Destruction, n. iparun.

Destructive, adj. ti imu ibajp

wa, ti imu iparun wa.

Detach, v.t. ya, ya 89tp.

Detachment, n. egbe ayasptp.

Detail, n. riro l9k9kan. v.t. rd


Detain, v.t. da-duro.

Detect, v.t. r£, wa ri.

Detection, n. iwa ri, ihu S1I9,


Detective, n. 9l9pa-inu.

Detention, n. idani duro.

Deter, v.t. daiyafd.

Deteriorate, v.t. and i. ba-je,

mu ki o buru si i.

Deterioration, n. is9 ohun di

buburu ju.

Determination, n. ipinnu.

Determine, v.t. and i. pinnu.

Detest, v.t. korira.

Detestation, n. irira.

Dethrone, v.t. b9 loye, le kuronite.

Detract, v.t. and i. dinku.

Detriment, n. dfd, ibaje, ipalara.

Detrimental, adj. nipalara, ibajp.

Devastate, v.t. parun, mu sofo.

Devastation, n. dfd, iparun.

Develop, v.t. and i. tu-silp, mudagba.

Development, n. idagba, ihu.

Deviate, v.i. yana, yapa, slna.

Deviation, n. iya kuro lpna,


Device, n. im9 ise, prp, 9gb9n.

Devil, n. esu.

Devil-worship, n. isin esu.

Devise, v.t. sprp, gbim9, hum^>.

Devoid, adj. alaini.

Devolve, v.t. and i. kan, tori.

Devote, v.t. and i. ya-s9t9, ya si

mim9, fi peri.

Devotee, n. pniti o ni itara ni

isin, olufpkansin.

Devotion, n. ifokansin.

Devour, v.t. jprun, fi iw9ra jp.

Devout, adj. nif9kansin.

Dew, n. iri.

Dexterity, n. 9gb9n, oye, imp.

Dexterous, adj. lpgbpn, yara,


Diabetes, n. atpgbp.

Diabolical, adj. ti esu.

Diadem, n. ade.

Diagnosis, n. imp aisan.

Diagram, n. aworan.

Dial, n. ohun elo ti a fi nfi ojiji

drun m9 akoko, oju agogo.

Dialect, n. ede, orisi iyatp ninuede kanna.

Dialogue, n. prp larin enia meji.

Diamond, n. okuta oniyebiye ju.

Diaphragm, n. ala ipinya aiya

ati ikun.

DiarrhcBa, n. sisunu.

Diary, n. iwe ohun ti a se lojo-


Dictate, v.t. and i. 39, pase, pefun lati k<J.

Dictation, n. apekp.

Dictator, n. pniti o ni agbara asp.

Diction, n. lilo ede.

Dictionary, n. iwe asajp $rp,

iwe ti o S9 itump $rp.

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Die, v.i. ku, fi 91m sil^, se alaisi.

Diet, n. onJ9. v.t. fun lonj?.

Differ, v.i. yatp, jiyan si.

Difference, n. iyat$, ijiyan.

Different, od;. yaty.

Difficult, adj. soro, le, nira.

Difficulty, n. isoro, iyvnu.

Diffidence, n. ib?ru, aigbekele

ara r$.

Diffuse, v.t. and i. tan kal$, tu


Diffusion, n. itusode, itankale.

Dig, v.t. and i. wale.

Digest, v.t. and i. nrun onje

ninu, da onje ; to lesese.

Digestion, n. dida onje ; tito

nkan lesese.

Digger, n. pk9, ohun ti a fi


Dignify, v.t. bu pla fun, buyinfun.

Dignitary, n. oloye, 9191a.

Dignity, n. 91a, lyin, ipo 9la.

Digress, v.i. ya kuro loju 9na,


Digression, n. iya kuro loju 9na,


Dike, Dyke, n. ihd, bebe.

Dilapidate, v.t. and i. baJ9, S9di


Dilapidation, n. iparun, idahoro.

Dilate, v.t. and i. wu ; fa 9r9

gun, rdbere.

Dilation, n. rirdb^re ifa I9 titi.

Dilatory, adj. aibikita, " foni-

doni f9lad9la."

Dilemma, n. isoro ni yiyan.

Diligence, n. ap9n, aisimi.

Diligent, adj. laisimi, ap9n.

Dilute, v.t. fi omi po, bu omi la.

Dilution, n. ibula, imusan.

Dim, adj. suju, se baibai.

Dimension, n. titobi, ina, ibu.

Diminish, v.t. and i. dinku,


Diminution, n. ifas^hin.

Diminutive, adj. kekere.

Dimness, n. sisu oju, ise baibai.

Dimple, n. iho ni ereke.

Din, n. ariwo nla.

Dine, v.t. and i. jeun.

Dingy, adj. dudu, li eri.

Dinner, n. onJ9 al^.

Diocesan, n. olori aJ9 ni ilu ;


Diocese, n. eyiti o wa lab9 itoju

olori aJ9 tabi bisopu.

Dip, v.t. and i. fi-b9 fib9mi.

Diphtheria, n. k9l9b9, arungb9fun-gb9fun.

Diploma, n. iwe ifihan bi a ti

se ni idanwo.

Diplomacy, n. 9gb9n olori ilu.

Dire, adj. buruju.

Direct, v.t. and i. fi 911a han, se

ampna, t9kasi. adj. gan,tara.

Direction, n. tit9, 9na, ap9r9-

Directly, adv. nisisiyi.

Director, n. af9nahan.

Directory, n. iwe ilana.

Dirge, n. orin ard, orin 9^.Dirt, n. eri, 9gbin, 9r$.

Dirty, adj. leri, l9gbin, aim9.

Disable, v.t. lailagbara.


Disabuse, v.t. mu itanj9 kuro.

Disadvantage, n. aini anfani.

Disaffect, v.t. se-aif$, se ainit9-


Disaffection, n. aini inudidun si,

aini if^.

Disagree, v.i. se alair^, se aiba-

mu, ja.

Disagreement, n. iyat9, tyapa*ija.

Disallow, v.t. 39, du, k9 fun.

Disannul, v.t. 39 di ofo, pa-r?,

mu kuro.

Disappear, v.i. farasin, kuro loju.

Disappearance, n. ifarasin, H9kuro loju.

Disappoint, v.t. da laia, mu li oju


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Disappointment, n. imofo, ida-


Disapprobation, n. ibawi, aigba,


Disapprove, v.*. and i. k$, se

alaif$, saigba.

Disarm, v.t. and i. gba li ohunija.

Disarrange, v.t. se idarudap9, se


Disaster, n. jamba, ijaba.

Disastrous, adj. ni jamba.Disavow, v.t. sp, k$.

Disband, v.t. and i. tuka.

Disbelieve, v.t. and i. saigbagbp.

Disbeliever, n. alaigbagbp.

Disburse, v.t. and i. nawo.Disbursement, n. inawo.

Disc, Disk, n. oju drun.

Discard, v.t. and i. mu kuro, ypkuro.

Discern, v.t . and i. w6, se akiyesi.

Discernment, n. iwoye, akiyesi.

Discharge, v.t. and i. yp kuroni ise.

Disciple, n. pmp-phin.

Discipline, n. ptp, iko ni ijanu,

ilana irin. v.t. t<J, kp, koni ijanu.

Disclaim, . v.t. and i. ko sil^,


Disclose, v.f. n han, sipaya.

Disclosure, n. ifihan, isipaya.

Discolour, v.t. and i. pa ni aw$da.

Discomfit, v.*. segun.

Discomfiture, n. isegun.

Discomfort, n. irora, inira.

Discompose, v.*. da-ru, ba ninu

Discomposure, n. idamu.

Disconcert, v.t. da-ru.

Disconnect, v.t. yp-kuro, pinniya.

Disconnection, n. ipinya, iyp-


Disconsolate, adj. saini itunu,


Discontent, n. aisi itplprun.

Discontinuance, n. idaduro.

Discontinue, v.t. fi-silp, da-duro.

Discord, n. airepp, ija, asp.

Discordant, ad;, ti kd ba ara mu.Discount, n. iyokuro, idin owo


Discountenance, v.t. saifojufun.

Discourage, v.t. daiyafd, sai-


Discouragement, n. idaiyafd,


Discourse, n. $rp sisp.

Discourteous, adj. laibuyin fun.

Discover, v.t. wa ri.

Discovery, n. awari.

Discredit, v.t. ainigbpkple.

Discreet, adj. gbpn, niye, nispra.

Discrepancy, n. iyat$.

Discretion, n. pgbpn, oye.

Discriminate, v.t. and i. sami si,


Discrimination, n. ami $tp, iya-


Discuss, v.t. wadi, jiyan.

Discussion, n. in $rp we $rp,


Disdain, v.t. gan. n. egan.

Disdainful, adj. gigan.

Disease, n. arun, okunrun.

Disembark, v.*. and i. spkalp lati

inu pkp.

Disengage, v.t. bp lpwp isp.

Disentangle, v.t. and i. yan li

oju, tu.

Disenthral, v.t. da ni ide, yploko pru.

Disenthrone, v.t. r$ li oye.

Disestablish, v.t. yi ni ijoko pada.

Disfavour, n. aifp, aisojureresi.

Disfiguration, n. iba lpwa je.

Disfigure, v.t. ba lara jp.

Disgrace, n. $gan, itiju. v.t. se

abukun si.

Disgraceful, adj. nitiju.

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Disguise, v.t. pa-larada. n.


Disgust, n. irira.

Dish, n. awop9k9.

Dish-cloth, n. aso inu awo.

Dish-cover, n. omori awo.

Dishearten, v.t. ba ninu je,


Dishonest, adj. laisoto.

Dishonesty, n. aisoto.

Dishonour, n. abukun, itiju.

v.t. sabukun.

Dishonourable, adj. nitiju, labu-


Disinclination, n. ainife.

Disinfect, v.t. so di mimo.Disinfectant, n. egbogi iso di-

mimo.Disinherit, v.t. gba ni ogun tabi


Disinterested, adj. laiwa ti ara


Disjoin, v.t. ya soto.

Dislike, n. irira, aif£. v.$. korira,

se aif$.

Dislocate, «X r<J, y? li orike.

Dislocation, n. iyp li orike.

Dislodge, v.*. yo kuro ni ipo r$.

Disloyal, adj. ti kd foribale fun


Dismal, adj. sokunkun.

Dismay, v.t. daiya fo, da lamu.

n. ifoiya, idarau.

Dismiss, v.t. yo-kuro, ran-lo.

Dismissal, n. iranlo, iyo kuronise.

Dismount, v.t. and i. sokale lori


Disobedience, n. aigboran.

Disobedient, adj. laigboran.

Disobey, v.t. and i. se aigboran.

Disoblige, v.t. kd senia, kd se


Disorder, n. rudurudu ; arun.

Disorganisation, n. rudurudu.

Disown, v.t. k$, s<£.

Disparage, v.t. gan.

Disparagement, n. egan.

Disparity, n. aidogba.

Dispatch, Despatch, v.t. and i.

ran lo kiakia ; paku. n.

iyara, iranlo.

Dispel, v.t. tuka, le kuro.

Dispensary, n. ile egbogi.

Dispensation, n. igba, sa.

Dispense, v.t. and i. pin fun.

Disperse, v.t. and i. funka, tuka.

Displace, v.t. yi nipo pada.

Displacement, n. iyinipo pada.

Display, v.t. fi nan, si-sile.

Displease, v.t. ba ninu je.

Displeasure, n. ibinu.

Disposal, n. ikawo.

Dispose, v.t. and i. fi-fun, ta ;

yi if? inu si.

Disposition, n. iwa, inu.

Dispossess, v.t. gba-lowo.

Dispute, v.t. and i. jiyan si. n.


Disqualify, v.t. so di alaiye.

Disquiet, v.t. yo-lenu. n. aifai-


Disregard, v.t. se aikasi, se aibo-

W9 fun.

Disreputable, adj. ainilari, nitiju.

Disrepute, n. iwa buburu.

Disrespect, n. aibowofun, aibo-


Disrobe, v.t. and i. bo li asp.

Dissatisfaction, n. aitenilorun,


Dissatisfy, v.t. saitenilorun.

Dissemble, v.t. and i. se agaba-


Disseminate, v.t. fonka, tukakiri.

Dissension, n. iyapa, aire.

Dissent, v.t. yapa, saire.

Dissimilar, adj. yato, laijora.

Dissimilarity, n. iyato, aijora.

Dissimulation, n. itanje, are-


Dissipate, v.t. and i. fonka.

Dissipation, n. ifonka, imuti.

Dissociate, v.t. ya soto.

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Dissolute, adj. nifekuf^, ni iwa-


Dissolution, n. idibaje, iparun,


Dissolve, v.t. and i. yo, tuka.

Dissuade, v.t. yi lpkan pada.

Dissuasion, n. iyitykanpada.

Distaff, n. kek^ owu.

Distance, n. jijina.

Distant, adj. jina, jijin.

Distaste, n. irira, aif$.

Distasteful, adj. aidun lenu.

Distemper, w. arun aja ; ohunikunle.

Distend, v.t. and i. 19, na.

Distil, v.t. and i. ro.

Distinct, adj. yiyato ; sapakan.

Distinction, n. iyato, imp gba-ngba.

Distinguish, v.t. and i. 1119, samisi loto, se* iyato.

Distort, v.t. lopo.

Distract, v.t. pin ni lya, dalamu.

Distraction, n. idamu.

Distress, n. is^, iponju. v.t. muip9nju ba, fdro.

Distribute, v.t. pin.

Distribution, n. ipin.

District, n. agbegbe, sakani.

Distrust, v.t. se aigbekele. n.


Distrustful, adj. laigbekele.

Disturb, v.t. ru soke, t<J, yp-lenu.

Disturbance, n. irukerudo, ariwo.

Disunite, v.t. and i. pinya.

Disuse, v.t. or n. ailo.

Ditch, n. ihd, yara.

Ditto, Do., n. bakanna.

Dive, v.i. mokiin, fo sinu omi.

Diver, n. amokun.Diverge, v.t. and i. yapa, tuka.

Diverse, adj. yatp, oniruru.

Diversion, n. ere, iyisapakan.

Diversity, n. lyatp, oniruru.

Divest, v.t. bo kurd.

Divide, v.t. and i. pin, ya nipa.

Dividend, n. ohun pipin.

Divination, n. afvse, is9t^le.

Divine, adj. ohun ti 9run.

Diviner, n. alaf9S9, awomi.Divinity, n. iwa 9run.

Division, n. ipin, iya si ipa.

Divorce, v.t. ya, k§ sile, kiko-

ara t9k9 taya.

Divorcement, n. ik9sile.

Divulge, v.t. sipaya, r6 kiri.

Dizzy, adj. loyi.

Do, Does, Did, Done, v.t. se.

Docile, adj. r9run lati k9.

Dock, n. ibi ikan 9k9. v.t. and Lge kuru.

Dockyard, n. agbala ibiti a nkan9^0.

Doctor, n. onisegun, olofin,.


Doctrine, n. 9k<J, ase, ofin.

Document, n. iwe iridi nkan,iwe a^e.

Dodge, v.t. se $tan. v.i. yi si

apakan lojiji.

Doe, n. abo agb9nrin.

Doer, n. oluse.

Doff, v.t. si, b<J.

Dog, n. aja.

Dogged, adj. iforiti.

Dogma, n. ^9, im9.

Doleful, adj. kun fun ibanuje,.


Doll, n. 91119-langi.

Domain, n. iJ9ba, ile 9191a.

Domestic, adj. ti ile, tituloju.

Domesticate, v.t. tu loju, mu ki

o m9 ile.

Domicile, n. ile, ibugbe.

Dominate, v.t. and i. se oluwa,.


Domineer, v.i. tem9le, fi dnrord


Dominion, n. iJ9ba, il$ 9ba.

Donation, n. ^bun, pre.

Donkey, n. kptpkpt?.

Donor, n. olufunni, ptyrp.

Doom, n. idaJ9, pbi, iparun.

v.t. se idaJ9.

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Doomsday, n. 9J9 idaj9.

Door, n. il^kun, oju 911a.

Doorkeeper, n. olus9na.

Dormant, adj. pipamp, sisun.

Dormitory, n. yara ibusun eni-


Dose, n. iw9n ogun.

Dot, n. ami. v.t. se ami si.

Dotage, n. aran sise, alaran.

Dote, v.i. i§ ni af$ju.

Double, adj. is9po meji.

Double-dealing, n. sisehins9hun.

Double-minded, n. oniyemeji.

Doubt, n. iyemeji, aidaju. v.t.

and i. siyemeji.

Doubtful, adj. aidaniloju, niye-


Doubtless, adv. laisiyemeji, laise


Dough, n. iy^fun alaidin.

Dove, n. adaba, ^iy^le, odere-


Dove-cot, n. ile adaba.

Dowager, n. opo, 9191a.

Dower, n. ipin ti opo ninu ini

9k9 T9.

Down, n. iy^ ful9ful9, ihuhukikuna. prep, nisal^.

Downcast, adj. sorik9, r9wesi.

Downfall, n. isubu, iparun.

Downhill, n. g<p$%q*q oke,


Downright, adv. ti o han gbangba.Downward, adv. siha isal^.

Doxology, n. orin iyin Qtyrun.

Doze, v.i. togbe, sun 1:91:9.

Dozen, n. mejila.

Drag, v.t. and i. W9, ia.

Draggle, v.t. and i. fa ninu 9^.Drag-net, n. aw9n nla.

Dragoon, n. 9gb9 ologun kan.

Drain, v.t. and i. fa omi kuro. n.

iho omi.

Drake, n. ak9 P9P9iy9-Draper, n. oluta as9.

Drapery, n. as9.

Drastic, adj. ti o lagbara, ti o le.

Draught, n. ikoJ9, mimu omi ;


Draw, v.t. and i. fa, w<J.

Drawback, n. idiw9, ifas^hin.

Drawbridge, n. afara asun 8inin -


Drawer, n. iru apoti kan lara


Drawers, n. sokoto awot9l9.

Drawing, n. aworan.

Drawl, v.t. and i. fa 919.

Drawn, adj. ti a fa.

Dray, n. bqkq.

Dread, n. 9ru, ifoiya. v.t. b9ru,


Dreadful, adj. nib9ru, nifoiya.

Dream, n. ala. v.t. and i. la ala.

Dreamer, n. alala.

Drear, adj. se gud9, sekese.

Dredge, n. gb9do.

Dregs, n. g9d9g9d9.

Drench, v.t. fi omi rin.

Dress, n. as9 \viw9, 939. v.t.

and i. W9 as9, se I999.

Dressmaker, n. oluran as9 obin-


Drift, n. ero, ete.

Drill, n. ohun elo lati fi wa okuta.

Drink, v.t. and i. mu. n. ohunmimu.

Drip, v.*. kan. n. ohun ti o nkan.

Dripping, n. ?ra ti a din.

Drive, v.*- and i. le, dari, fi

agbara ran I9.

Driver, n. aleni ; 61\i, olut9Ju


Drizzle, v.i. r9 ojo, fun winni-


Droll, n. $f$, ipanil9rin.

Dromedary, n. ibakasi?.

Drone, n. ak9 oyin ; 9I9.

Droop, v.t. and i. sorik9, r$ sil9,


Drop, n. riro, kikan. v.t. and i.

kan 09, r$.

Dropsy, n. asunfeun.

Dross, n. idar$.

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Drought, n. pda.

Drove, n. 9W9 eran.

Drover, n. darandaran.

Drown, v.t. and i. rl sinu omi, kusomi.

Drowsy, adj. nitSgbe, lpra, fa.

Drug, n. ogun, egbogi.

Drum, n. ilu, eti. v.t. and i. lu


Drummer, n. onilu.

Drumstick, n. ppa ilu.

Drunk, adj. m9tipara.

Drunkard, n. omuti.

Dry, adj. gbe, ppngbe.Dual, n. meji.

Dubious, adj. ni aidaju.

Duck, n. pepeiye. v.t. and i. ri

sinu omi.

Duckling, n. pmp-pepeiye.Ductile, adj. o rprun lati fa.

Dudgeon, n. arankan.

Due, adj. j e, y9, dede. n. gbese.

Duel, n. ija larin enia meji.

Duke, n. oye kan ti o tple 9ba.

Dull, adj. g$, kunu, se su.

Duly, adv. niyiye.

Dumb, adj. yadi.

Dumbfound, v.t. dalamu.Dumpish, adj. rewesi.

Dumpy, adj. kukuru.

Dunce, n. dngp, pdpgp.

Dung, n. igbe, imi, iyagbe.

Dungeon, n. tubu, iho nisale ile.

Dunghill, n. fttan.

Dupe, n. eniti ko soro tanje.

v.t. se etan.

Duplicate, n. sepo ni meji.

v.t. se iru meji bakanna.

Duplication, n. isepo meji.

Duplicity, n. etan, isehinsphun.

Durability, n. agbara ipetiti, koni tete baje.

Durable, adj. le, ti o pe.

Durance, n. itimple.

During, prep, nigba, latigba.

Dusk, adj. wiriwiri ale. n.


Dust, n. ekuru, erupe. v.t. and i.

nu ekuru kuro.

Duster, n. asp ninu ekuru.

Dutiful, adj. segboran, ni iteriba.

Duty, n. ise isin ; owo-bode.

Dwarf, n. arara, rara.

Dwell, v.i. gbe, joko, wa, tedosi.

Dwelling, n. ibugbe.

Dwindle, v.i. soki.

Dye, v.t. and i. re laro. n. aro.

Dying, adj. ti nku I9.

Dyke, Dike, n. ih6, bebe.

Dynamite, n. $tu alagbara ti

a fi nla okuta.

Dynasty, n. 11a pba kan.

Dysentery, n. prin, sisu eje.

Dyspepsia, n. arun apoluku ; aidaonje ninu apoluku.


Each, pron. olukuluku, okokan.

Eager, adj. niwara, nitara.

Eagerly, adv. pelu iwara, pelu


Eagle, n. idl (eiye).

Eaglet, n. pmp idl.

Ear, n. eti, siri pka.

Earache, n. irora eti.

Earl, n. oye nla kan.

Early, adj. tete, ni kutukutu, ni


Earn, v.t. je, pa owo ni ise tabi

li pja.

Earnest, adj. nitara, nigbona,

nifpkansi. n. owo itele,


Earnestly, adv. pelu itara.

Earnings, n. owo ise.

Ear-ring, n. oruka eti.

Earth, n. aiye, ile, erupe.

Earthenware, n. ohun elo ti a fi

amp se.

Earthly, adj. ti aiye, ti ile, ti


Earthquake, n. lsele.

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Earwig, n. kokoro kekere.

Ease, n. irpra, ainira, id?ra.

v.t. and i. gba I9W9 irora tabi

isoro, fun ni alana.

Easel, n. igi ti a ngbe aworan le.

Easily, adv. nir9ra, lainira.

East, n. ila orun, gabasi.

Easter, n. 9J9 ajinde Kristi.

Easterly, adj. niha ila orun.

Eastward, adv. siha ila drun.

Easy, adj. laisoro, ni r9run.

Eat, v.t. and i. J9.

EataUe, n. ohun jije.

Eater, n. 9jeun, 9J9.

Eaves, n. gbagbar9, ?nu 9^9ile.

Eavesdropper, n. afeti gbegiri.

Ebb, v.i. fa, gb$, sa. n. fifa,

gbigb?, sisa.

Ebony, n. igi dudu.

Eccentric, adj. tase, yat9.

Ecclesiastic, n. alufa.

Ecclesiastical, ad/, ohun ti ise ti


Echo, n. gbohungbohun.Eclipse, n. isijibo, imusokunkun.Economical, adj. sisunna,


Economy, n. isunna, isunld


H9JU owo.

Ecstacy, n. ay9 ay9Ju.

Eczema, n. arun aw9 ara, ekuru.

Eddy, n. asanpada omi, asan-


Edge, n. oju ohun elo, eti ohun,

oju 9b9. v.t. and i. l$ba, leti,



Edible, adj. ye ni jij?.

Edict, n. ikede, isofin.

Edification, n. if^s^mul^, 9k<J,


Edifice, n. il6 kik9.

Edify, v.t. ko ; k9le ; mudagbasoke.

Edition, n. $da iwe.

Editor, n. alakoso iwe tite.

Educate, v.t. t9, k<J, k9 li ^9.

Education, n. ek9, it9 9m9de.Educe, Deduce, v.t. fa-jade, yv-


Eel, n. 9Ja ejo, idagba 1J9 omi.

Efface, v.t. pa oju run, par?.

Effect, n. ere, eso ise. v.t. muse.

Effectual, adj. lagbara, las?.

Efficacy, n. agbara, ase.

Efficiency, n. agbara lati sise,

agbara imu as? wa.

Effigy, n. aworan ?nikan.

Effort, n. iyanju, ir9Ju, ifi

agbara se.

Effrontery, n. afojudi.

Effuse, v.t. tu jade.

Effusion, n. itujade.

Egg, n. 9yin.

Egress, n. ijadel9.

Egret, n. ak$.

Eight, adj. 9J9.

Eighteen, adj. ejidilogun.

Eighty, adj. 9g9rin.

Either, pron. eyi tabi eyini,

9kan ninu mejeji.

Ejaculate, v.t. ke soke, wi li


Ejaculation, n. adura kukuru,

$r9 lati inu wa.

Eject, v.t. le jade, ti sode, ta-nu ;

bi jade.

Ejection, n. itanu, imukuro



Eke, v.t. sunna.

Elaborate, v.t. se. adj. dara


Elapse, v.i. k9Ja.

Elastic, adj. 16, 1116.

Elate, adj. igberaga. v.t. se


Elbow, n. igb9nw9.

Elder, n. 9gb<>n, agba.

Elders, n. agbagba.

Eldest, adj. ak9bi, 9gb<Jn.

Elect, v.t. yan, sa. adj. asayan,


Election, n. iyan, isayan, iyanf$.

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Elector, n. alasayan, alayanf^.

Elegance, n. idara, $wa.

Elegant, adj. dara, dim.

Element, n. §ya m^rin aiye,

9fufu, ina ati omi, ipilef?e

ohun kan.

Elementary, adj. ib^r^, ipil<^e.

Elephant, n. erin, ajanaku.

Elephantiasis, n. arun iwu ara,


Elevate, v.*. gbeleke, gbesoke,gbe ga.

Elevation, n. igbeleke.

Elevator, n. ohun elo igbe nkansoke.

Eleven, adj. okanla.

Eleventh, adj. ikokanla.

Elicit, v.t. yo jade.

Elicitation, n. iyp if$ jade.

Eligible, adj. ye ni yiyan.

Eliminate, v.t. le jade, mu kuro.

Elk, n. agborin nla.

Elocution, n. pr9 siso, imp isprp


Elocutionist, n. olukp 9^ sisp.

Elongate, v.*. and i. fa-gun.

Elongation, n. ifagun.

Elope, v.i. salp nikpkp.

Eloquence, n. isprp wuru, isoro


Eloquent, adj. li asodun, ni

pbun prp sisp.

Else, pron. omi, omiran, bibpkp.

Elsewhere, adv. nibomi.

Elucidate, v.t. ladi, tum$.Elucidation, n. iladi, itumo.

Elude, v.t. fi eru tan sile.

Emaciate, v.t. ru, joro.

Emaciation, w. riru.

Emanate, v.i. san jade.

Emanation, n. isanjade lati inuibi kan.

Emancipate, v.t. da kuro loko

eru, tu-sile.

Emancipation, n. iyp kuro loko

eru, idasile.

Emasculate, v.t. t? li oda, t$ li

ogufe ; t$ ni bafin.

Embalm, v.t. fi 999 w? oku.

Embank, v.t. fi bebe yi i ka.

Embankment, n. eti bebe.

Embark, v.t. and i. fi sinu 9^,wpk^.

Embarkation, n. ib9S9k$, iw9k$.

Embarrass, v.t. g9, su, damu.Embarrassment, n. gig9, sisu,


Embellish, v.t. se li 939.

Embellishment, n. ohun 939.

Embers, n. oguna susu.

Embezzle, v.t. jale li asiri.

Embezzlement, n. ilo ohun ti afi

89m sipa mi.

Embitter, v.t. mu koro.

Emblem, n. apfr?.

Embody, v.t. fikun, fisi.

Emboss, v.t. re, re ni ila.

Embrace, v.t. fi apa gbamora.n. igbam9ra.

Embrocation, n. egbogi pipaibiti ndun ni.

Embroider, v.t. gun ?na, sis?


Embroiderer, n. onis9na ab9r9.

Embroidery, n. is? aber?.

Embryo, n. $1$, oyun.

Emerald, n. iru okuta iyebiye


Emerge, v.i. ru-jade, ti inu nkanjade.

Emergency, n. ti inu jade, li


Emetic, n. ogun imunibl.

Emigrate, v.t. and i. si lati ibi

de ibi.

Emigration, n. isi ipo kiri.

Eminence, n. oke giga, giga,

riru soke.

Eminent, adj. giga, hihan.

Emissary, n. ami, asohun, ik9.

Emission, n. itujade, ifunjade.

Emit, v.t. tu, fun, fo.

Emmanuel, n. oruk9 Messiah.

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Emmet, n. qrun.

Emolument, n. ere, anfani.

Emotion, n. iro inu, idide 9kan.

Emperor, n. 9ba nla kan.

Emphasis, n. itenum9.

Empire, n. agbara 9ba, ile pba.

Employ, v.t. fi i^e fun.

Employer, n. afunninis9se, 9ga.

Employment, n. is9.

Emporium, n. 9ja nla, ibi 6w6.Empoverish, v.t. 89 di talaka.

Empower, v.t. fi as9 fun.

Empress, n. aya 9ba nla.

Emptiness, n. ofo, isofo.

Empty, adj. ofo, asan.

Emulate, v.t. du, se lara si.

Emulation, n. ibadu, iselarasi.

Enable, v.t. fi agbara fun, muse.Enact, v.t. fi-lele, pa li a?9, se.

Encamp, v.t. and i. pag9, se


Encampment, n. ibudo, ag9.

Enchain, v.t. de li 9w9n.

Enchant, v.t. se ifaiya si, fe gidi-


Enchanter, n. oso.

Enchantment, n. ifaiya, isoso.

Enclosure, n. i\q ti a sc^gba yika.

Encompass, v.t. yika.

Encounter, n. ija, ogun. v.t. ja,


Encourage, v.t. gba niyanju ; mul^kan le.

Encouragement, n. iyanju, imu-l9kanle.

Encroach, v.i. finran.

Encroachment, n. ifinran.

Encumber, v.t. ha li aye; di li


Encumbrance, n. ihalaye, idi-


End, n. opin, idi, itori.

Endanger, v.t. wu lewu.

Endeavour, n. ise iyanju. v.t.

and i. gbiyanju.

Endless, adj. lailopin, laini-


Endorse, v.t. k9 ak9le si iwe, fi

9W9 si iwe.

Endorsement, n. if9W9 si iwe.

Endow, v.t. fifun, fi itori fun ayani isoyigi.

Endowment, n. ohun ini, ebunti a bi ni bi.

Endue, v.t. fi-w9, fi-fun.

I Endurance, n. u*9Ju, il\>kanran,



Endure, v.t. and i. foriti, r9Ju.

:Enemy, n. 9ta, onikupani.

I Energy, n. agbara lati sis^.


Enervate, v.t. mu-lailagbara.

Enervation, n. alailagbara, ala-

I inokun.

Enfeeble, v.t. r9-l9W9, r9-lapa.

Enfetter, v.t. da li ew9n.

Enfold, v.t. fi-we, fi-di.

Enforce, v.t. fi agbara se.

Enfranchise, v.t. 39 di omnira.

Enfranchisement, n. is9domnira.

Engage, v.t. and i. gba-nise


sadehun igbeyawo.

Engagement, n. is 9, ileri, ade-

hun igbayawoEngaging, adj. ifani, iwuni.

Engender, v.t. bi, hu.

Engine, n. ohun 9^.

Engineer, n. 9^9.Engirdle, v.t. yi-ka.

Engraft, Ingraft, v.t. \q-mq.

Engrave, v.t. fin, 9911a fifin si,

gbfEngraver, n. agb9nna.

Engross, v.t. gba-kad9, gbagbogbo.

Engulf, v.t. gbe mi patapata.

Enhance, v.t. lewo si, p9 si.

Enigma, n. al<J.

Enjoin, v.t. fi a§9 fun.

Enjoy, v.t. fi adun m9, J9 aiye.

Enjoyment, n. adun, iJ9 aiye.

Enkindle, v.t. tinab$.

Enlarge, v.t. and i. f$, mu-tobi.

Enlargement, n. if9, imutobi.

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Enlighten, v.t. foye han, la-loye,

fun ni im9l9.

Enlightenment, n. ifoyehan, ifun-

ni ni im9l9.

Enlist, v.t. and i. fi se 9m9-ogun.

Enliven, v.t. mu-laraya, S9-daye.

Enmity, n. arankan, 9ta.

Ennoble, v.t. b9la fun, buyin fun.

Enormity, n. 999 nla, nkanbuburu.

Enormous, adj. tobiju, buruju.

Enough, adj. to.

Enquiie, Inquire, v. t. and i. bere,

t-9S9, wadi.

Enrage, v.t. mu-binu, t$.

Enrapture, v.t. fi ay9 kun.

Enrich, v.t. S9 di 919^.Enroll, v.t. fi sinu iwe.

Enrolment, n. ifi sinu iwe.

Ensample, n. ap^r^.

Ensign, n. asia, 9pagun.

Enslave, v.t. sin li 9m.Ensue, v.i. t^le, lepa.

Ensure, v.t. se-daju.

Entangle, v.t. fi I9I11, fi wep9.

Entanglement, n. ifil9lu, ifiwep9.

Enter, v.t. and i. W9, W9le,

W9nu ; k9 sinu iwe.

Enterprise, n. idaw9le ti o li ewu.

Entertain, v.t. se li alejo, ba-S9r9.

Entertainment, n. ase apej9

ibi ere.

Enthrone, v.t. mu gori it9.

Enthronement, n. imu gori it9.

Enthusiasm, n. itara, igbona9kan.

Enthusiast, n. onitara.

Entice, v.t. tan, r6l9, dan-wo.

Enticement, n. 9tan, ir&9, idan-


Entire, aaj. gbogbo.

Entirely, adv. patapata.

Entitle, v.t. fi oruk9 fun.

Entomb, v.t. tq sinu iboji.

Entrails, ifun, inu.

Entrance, n. 9na, oju 9na.

Entrap, v.t. d9, dekun mu.

Entreat, v.t. b9, t9r9.

Entreaty, n. 9b9, adura.

Entrust, v.t. fi le I9W9.

Entry, n. 9na, iw9lu.

Enumerate, v.t. ka, da oruk9.

Enumeration, n. itunka sasa.

Enunciate, v.t. 89, wi.

Enunciation, n. sis9, wiwi.

Envelop, v.t. b6, pa-m9.

Envelope, n. ibowe, apo iwe.

Envelopment, n. ib6 patapata.

Enviable, od[/. nilara.

Envious, od;. kun fun ilara.

Environ, v.t. yi-ka, fi yika.

Environment, n. eyiti o yi i kaadugbo.

Environs, ayika 9hin ilu,

agbegbe ilu.

Envoy, n. onis9 9ba, ik{>.

Envy, n. ilara. v.t. se ilara.

Ephod, n. ohun 939 alufa aw9nJii.

Epicure, n. 9J9didun, ajadim.

Epidemic, adj. riranni, titanka.

Epilepsy, n. ipa, iwarapa.

Epileptic, n. ni warapa.

Epiphany, n. Ifihan.

Episcopacy, n. is9 oye aw9nbisopu.

Episode, n. itan.

Epistle, n. iwe kik9.

Epitaph, n. ak9le.

Epitome, n. ikekuro.

Epitomise, v.t. ke-kuru, fa-kuru.

Epoch, n. igba ib9r9 si ika akoko.

Equable, adj. bakanna, sedede.

Equal, n. 9gb^, 9gba, adj.


Equalise, v.t. 39 di 9gb9gba.

Equality, n. id9gba.

Equally, adv. bakanna.

Equanimity, n. ibal^ 9kan.

Equator, n. ila ayika ti o da aiye

si meji l9gb9gba.

Equestrian, adj. ti 9sin. n.


Equine, adj. ti 9sin.

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Equip, v.t. pese, se I9S9.

Equipment, n. ipese, imura,


Equity, ft. isedede, isotit9.

Equivalent, n. iri kanna.Era, ft. iber? si ika 9J9.

Eradicate, v.t. fatu ni gbongbo,par$.

Erase, vX pa-r?, pa-run.

Ere, odv. ki-to.

Erect, v.t. gbe dide, k9le. adj.

naro, duro gan.

Erection, ft. iro, ik9le, igbero.

Err, v.i. sina, sise.

Errand, n. is?.

Erratic, adj. rederede.

Erroneous, adj. kun fun isise.

Error, ft. esi, isise.

Eruption, ft. ib?, itujade.

Escape, v.*. and i. b9 I9W9,

y9-kuro. n. isal9 kuro ninuewu.

Eschew, v.t. ye -kuro korira.

Escort, ft. onit9Ju l9na, eniti

nsin ni 1911a.

Especial, adj. pataki, olori.

Espousal, ft. ti igbeyawo, ade-

hun igbeyawo.

Espouse, v.t. fifunni ni iyawo.

Espy, v.t. ri li okere.

Esquire, ft. oye iyin.

7, v.t. and i. danwo, gbi-

yanju. ft. idanwo, igbiyanju.

e, ft. eda, 9r9 agbara.

Essential, adj. k6 le se alaini.

Establish, v.t. pinnu, fi-kale.

Establishment, ft. ipinnu, ifikale,


Estate, ft. ipo, ohun ini.

Esteem, v.t. yln, ka-si, bu iyin


Estimate, v.t. ka iye r$, siro,


Estimation, ft. idiyele, iyin.

Estrange, v.t. takete si, ya,

sajeji si.

Estrangement, ft. itakete si,

isajeji si.

Estuary, ft. enu ija omi.

Eternal, adj. lailai, aiyeraiye.

Eternity, ft. ailopin, aiyeraiye.

Ethics, ft. ti iwa.

Eucharist, ft. idupe, Sakramentionje al9 Oluwa.

Enlogy, ft. iyin.

Ennuch, ft. iw9fa, bafin, akura.

Evacuate, v.t. jade kuro, S9 di


Evacuation, ft. is9 di ofo, ijade


Evade, v.t. y9-sile, y9ra fun.

Evangel, ft. ihin rere.

Evangelist, ft. onihinrere.

Evangelize, ft. wasu ihin rere fun.

Evaporate, v.t. and i. gbe, fa, di


Evaporation, ft. igbe, idi af^.Evasion, ft. awawi.

Eve, ft. asale, ikas9 9J9.

Even, adv. or adj. d9gba, t-9Ju,


Evening, ft. asale.

Event, ft. opin, eso.

Ever, adv. nigbagbogbo, lai.

Everlasting, adj. titi aiye.

Evermore, adv. titi lai.

Every, adj. olukuluku.

Everybody, pron. olukuluku enia.

Everyday, adj. lojojum9.

Everything, pron. ohun gbogbo.

Everywhere, adv. nibigbogbo.

Evict, v.t. mu kuro, le-jade.

Eviction, n. ilejade, imukuro.

Evidence, n. ?ri.

Evident, adj. han, nigbangba,riri.

Evil, ft. buburu, jamba; bilisi.

adj. buburu, nika.

Evil-doer, n. 9I9S9, olusebuburu.

Evil-minded, adj. oninu buburu.

Evil-speaking, n. is$r9 buburusi, is$r9 ibi.

Evince, v.t. fi-han, ladi.

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Evoke, v.t. pe jade.

Evolve, v.t. and i. tu-sile, fi-han.

Ewe, n. abo agutan.

Ewer, n. ago nla, ladugbo.

Exact, adj. akiyesi, gan. v.t.

fi agbara gba.

Exaction, n. ifagbara bere



Exactness, n. isedede.

Exaggerate, v.t. bukun pro,

saspdun, senisi.

Exaggeration, n. ibukun prp,


Exalt, v.t. gbe-ga, gbe-leke, yln.

Exaltation, n. igbega, igbesoke,


Examination, n. iwadi nipaibere, idanwo.

Examine, v.t. and i. fi ibere

wadi, danwo.Examiner, n. oludanwo, oluwadi.

Example, n. appre, awose.

Exasperate, v.t. t<J, mu-binu, ru-


Exasperation, n. itpni, imunibinu.

Excavate, v.t. wa ih6.

Excavation, n. iwa ih6, koto.

Exceed, v.t. and i. re-kpja, se-ju,


Exceedingly, adj. re-koja.

Excel, v.t. and i. ta-yp.

Excellence, n. itayp, irekpja,


Excellent, adj. daraju, titayp.

Except, prep, bikosepe, afi. v.t.

and i. mu-kuro.

Exception, n. imukuro, isati.

Excess, n. aseju.

Excessive, adj. rekpja ala.

Exchange, v.t. and i. se pasiparp.

n. ibi isepasiparp.

Excite, v.t. ru-soke, tp.

Excitement, n. irusoke, ire.

Exclaim, v.t. and i. kigbe soke.

Exclamation, n. igbe.

Exclude, v.t. semple, sati, ti-


Exclusion, n. isemple, isati, iti


Excommunicate, v.t. yp kuronijp, ba-wi.

Excommunication, n. iyp kuronijp, ibawi.

Excrement, n. igbe enia, imi.

Excruciate, v.t. da-loro.

Excruciating, adj. nirora, lore.

Exculpate, v.t. fi-ji, w£-mp.Excursion, n. ijadelp.

Excusable, adj. ye fun idalare.

Excuse, v.t. se gafara fun, dariji.

n. awawi, gafara.

Execrate, v.t. and i. fi-bu, fi-re,


Execration, n. ifibu, ifire, egun.

Execute, v.t. se, pa-ku, pa.

Execution, n. ise, ipaku, ipa.

Executioner, n. tetu, alunipa.

Executor, Executrix, n. alase-

hinde oku, olutpju ohunini oku.

Exemplar, n. aworan, appre.

Exempt, v.t. da-si, tu-sile.

Exemption, n. idasi, itusile.

Exercise, n. se idaraya. v. ise


Exert, v.t. 16-agbara, gbiyanju.

Exertion, n. ild agbara, iyara,


Exhaust, v.t. rp, sare, dalaga.

Exhaustion, n. arp, igbe.

Exhibit, v.t. fi-han, muwa si


Exhibition, n. ifihan ni gbangba.

Exhilarate, v.t. mu-daraya, fun

ni inudidun.

Exhort, v.t. gbaniyanju, .fi 11119-

ran fun.

Exhortation, n. $rp iyanju, iwa-


Exigence, n. aini.

Exile, v.t. le kuro nilu. n. isansa.

Exist, v.i. wa, ni iwa.

Existence, n. Iwa.

Exit, n. ijadelp.

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Exodus, n. iwe keji ti Mose,ijadelc?.

Exonerate, v.t. mu kuro lprun,

mu ebi kuro.

Exorbitant, adj. tobi rekpja,

rek9ja ala.

Exorcise, v.t. le emi buburu jade.

Expand, v.t. and i. te, tu-sile, na.

Expanse, n. titeju.

Expansion, n. itelo, inalp.

Expatiate, v.t. fa-gun.

Expect, v.t. duro de, reti, fi oju8911a.

Expectation, n. ireti.

Expectorate, v.t. tu tp jade.

Expectoration* n. ito enu.

Expediency, n. £ye, ?t<J.

Expedient, orf/. yiye tit9.

Expedite, v.t. ran-lpw?, mu-yara,mu idina kuro.

Expedition, n. irin ajo, iyara.

Expeditious, adj. niyarayara,


Expel, v.t. le-jade.

Expend, v.t. nawo, se inawo.

Expense, n. inawo.

Expensive, adj. li owo lori.

Experience, n. idanwo, imo,9gb9n.

Experiment, n. idanwo.

Expert, adj. gb9n, am9ye.Expiate, v.t. se etutu fun, san


Expiation, n. etutu.

Expiration, n. mimi, opin, iku.

Expire, v.t. and i. ku, dake,pari, tan.

Explain, v.t. tum$.

Explanation, n. itum$, iladi.

Explicit, adj. daju, gbangba.

Explode, v.t. and i. b$.

Explore, v.t. wa-kiri.

Explosion, n. ib$, ariwo nla.

Export, v.t. ranlo si ile miranfun tita l9ja.

Exportation, n. iran 9ja I9 si ile


Expose, v.t. fihan ni gbangba.

Exposition, n. itum$, ifihan.

Expositor, n. alas9ye.

Expostulate, v.i. jiyan, saroye,

tenum9.Expostulation, n. iyan, aroye.

Expound, v.t. ladi so as9ye.

Express, v.t. aqry, wi, fun-jade.

Expression, n. is9r9 ; Iwo.

Expulsion, n. ilejade.

Expunge, v.t. pa-r$, mu-kuro.

Exquisite, adj. didara.

Extempore, adv. lairo tele :


Extend, v.t. and i. lo titi, fa-gun.

Extension, n. itanka ilosiwaju,


Extenuate, v.t. fa-kere, bu-kuro.

Exterior, n. ode, iwo ode. adj.

lode, lehin ode.

Exterminate, v.t. pa-run pata-


Extermination, n. iparun.

External, adj. lehin ode lode.

Extinct, adj. run, alaisi.

Extinction, n. iparun, rirun.

Extinguish, v.t. pa.

Extirpate, v.t. fatu kuro.

Extol, v.t. pokiki, yln.

Extort, v.t. fi agbara gba.

Extortion, n. il9nil9W9gba, ireje.

Extortioner, n. alonilow9gba.

Extract, v.t. fa-jade. n. nkan ti

a fa jade.

Extraction, n. ifa-jade.

Extraordinary, adj. iyanilenu,

kikunni loju.

Extravagance, n. inawo rek9ja,

ifisofo, inakuna.

Extravagant, adj. lof6, nidanu,

ni inakuna.

Extreme, adj. de opin. n. opin.

Extremity, n. sonso ori, opinle.

Extricate, v.t. da-sile, mu idiw9


Extrication, n. idasile, itusile.

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Exuberate, adj. I9P9I9P9, akiin-

Exude, v.t. and i. lagun.

Exult, v.i. y9 ay9 nla, sogo.

Exultation, n. ay9, ogo.

Eye, n. oju.

Eyeball, n. 9yin ojii.

Eyebrow, n. igbengbereju.

Eyeglass, n. digi iriran ojii.

Eyelash, n. irun ipenpeju.

Eyelid, n. ipenpeju.

Eyesight, n. iriran oju.

Eye-service, n. arojuse.

Eye-witness, n. eleri.


Fable, n. itan asan, al<J.

Fabric, n. as9, ile, ise.

Fabricate, v.t. fi ise se, k<J ; seke.

Fabrication, n. ik9le.

Face, n. oju, iwaju. v.t. and i.

dojuk9, gboju si.

Faceache, n. arun oju.

Facile, adj. r9run, tite.

Facilitate, v.t. mu r9run.

Facility, n. ir9run.

Fact, n. otit9 ise, nkan ti o


Faction, n. egb? iyapa, 9ta.

Factor, n. asojueni, oloju eni.

Factory, n. egb$ aw9n onisowoile ise.

Faculty, n. iye, 9gb9n ori, im9.

Fade, v.t. and i. r^-sile, ti, fd.

Faeces, Feces, n. igbe.

Fag, v.t. and i. r$, sii, da lagara.

Faggot, Fagot, n. erii igi, idi igi.

Fail, v.t. and i. di abukun si,

ba-je, kuna, y$.Failure, Failing, n. abukun,


Fain, adv. tay9-tay9, p9lu inu-


Faint, v.t. da-ku, sar^, sojo.

adj. aihan rere.

Faint-hearted, adj. lojo, foiya,


Fainting, n. ndaku.

Faintness, n. ijaiya, ikuna oju,


Fair, adj. dara, lewa. n. 9Ja.

Fairness, n. idara , ewa ; isotitQ.

Fairy, n. ar9ni.

Faith, n. igbagb9, igbekele.

Faithful, adj. olot9, olododo.

Faithfully, adv. li otito.

Faithfulness, n. isotit9.

Faithless, adj. aiaigbagb9, ala


Falcon, n. asa.

Fall, v.i. subu, be sile. n. isubu.

Fallacious, adj. letan, leru.

Fallacy, n. etan, idaru.

Fallen, adj. dibaje, di elese.

Fallibility, n. eru ; asise.

Fallible, adj. letan, leru.

Falling-sickness, n. warapa, ipa.

Fallow, adj. ile ti a kd ro.

False, adj. Iais5t9.

False-hearted, adj. larekereke.

Falsehood, n. eke.

Falsely, adv. letan.

Falsify, v.t. se iwe eke.

Falter, v.t. and i. tase, k9se,


Fame, n. okiki.

Familiar, adj. mim9, faram<J.

Familiarity, n. im$.

Family, n. idile.

Famine, n. iyan.

Famish, v.t. and i. fi ebi paku.

Famous, adj. lokiki.

Fan, n. abebe, ate. v.t. and i.

Fanatic, n. onirokuro.

Fancy, n. isebi. v.t. sebi, r6.

Fang, n. ehin sisanni, ekamia.

Fantastic, adj. nirokuro.

Far, adv. jina, jijina.

Fare, n. owo ise ; onje. v.i. ri.

Farewell, inter, gbere ! alalia !

Farina, n. gari, elub9.

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Farm, n. oko.

Farmer, n. agb$, oloko.

Farrier, n. onibata 9sin, onisegun


Farther, adj. siwaju. v.t. sunsiwaju.

Farthest, adj. siwaju J11I9.

Farthing, n. ida m^rin owo babakan.

Fascinate, v.t. fanim(,>ra si, wu.Fascinating, adj. nifanimpra, ni

iwu, didun.

Fashion, n. &W9, ise. v.t. se, y$.

Fast, n. aw^, yard. v.i. gbaw?.

Fasten, v.t. and i. so, dl.

Fastidious, adj. soro lati wu.

Fat, n. ora. adj. sanra.

Fatten, v.t. mu-sanra.

Fatal, adj. tiku, tiparun.

Fate, n. ipin, opin, idarisi ; iku.

Father, n. baba.

Fatherhood, n. Iwa ti baba.

Father-in-law, n. ana, baba ayatabi baba oko.

Father-land, n. il^ aw9n babawa ; ilu 9m.

Fatherless, adj. alaini baba.

Fatherly, adj. bi ti baba.

Fathom, n. Iwon osuwpn 986

m$fa. v.t. w9n jinjin.

Fathomless, adj. lainisal^.

Fatigue, n. ar?, agara.

Fatling, w. 9gb^r9 ^ran ab9pa.

Fatness, n. isanra, il9ra.

Fatten, v.t. and i. mu sanra, b9sanra.

Fault, n. 939, abukun.

Faultless, adj. ailabukun, pe.

Faulty, adj. I9S9, labukun.

Favour, n. oju-rere, iseun. v.t.

se ojurere si.

Favourable, adj. loju rere, niti-


Favourite, n. ayanfc?.

Fawn, n. 9ni9 agb9nrin. v.t.

and i. p<Jn.

Fealty, n. ileri iwa olot9.

Fear, n. $ru, ifoiya. v.t. and i.

b9ru, foiya.

Fearful, adj. nib9ru, nifoiya.

Fearfulness, n. Ib9ru.

Fearless, adj. laifoiya, lainib9ru.

Feasible, adj. sise.

Feast, n. ase, aJ9. v.t. and i.

se ase.

Feasted, v.i. ba-J9un J9 onJ9 ase.

Feat, n. ise agbara.

Feather, n. iy9 9iy9.

Feature, n. Iwo oju.

February, n. osu keji li 9dun.

Feces, Faeces, n. igb9.

Federal, adj. ni adehun, ti 9gb9.

Federation, n. is9kan, idap9.

Fee, n. 9ya, 9san, ibule.

Feeble, adj. lailera, lailagbara.

Feebleness, n. ailera, ailagbara.

Feed, v.t. and i. b<J, fun li onJ9.

Feel, Felt, v.t. and i. m9,f9W9ba, f9W9kan.

Feeling, n. im$, if9W9ba.

Feet, n. 939.

Feign, v.t. and i. se afarawe,

se-bi, fi-pe.

Feignedly, adv. p^lu agabagebe,

fi 9tan se.

Feint, n. itanj9.

Felicitate, v.t. ng-y9, ba-y$.

Felicity, n. ay9, ir9ra, inu-didun.

Fell, v.t. ke-lul$, wo.

Fellow, n. 9gb9, 9gba, 9iiikeji.

Fellowship, n. idap9, ik9gb9.

Felon, n. adaran nla.

Felony, n. 939 nla, 939 iku.

Female, adj. obirin, abo.

Feminine, adj. iwa ti obinrin,

ti abo.

Fen, n. 91-9, ira, P9t9p9t9-

Fence, n. 9gba, ogiri. v.t. and i.

se 9gba.

Ferment, v.t. and i. ru, dide, da,

ho, sfFermentation, n. iho, ida, is$.

Ferocious, adj. nirord, kan loju,


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Ferocity, n. irorb, ika.

Ferry, v.t. wa 9k? spda, tukp.

n. pkp aspda.

Ferry-man, n. 9^9 awasoda.

Fertile, adj. leso ; l^tu loju.

Fervency, n. igbona 9kan.

Fervent, adj. gbona.

Fervour, n. igbona, itara.

Festal, adj. ti ase, ti ay9, ninu-


Fester, v.t. and i or n. egbokik$, egbo rira.

Festival, n. igba ase.

Fetch, v.t. and i. mu-wa,gbe-wa.

Fetid, adj. run, m^s^ri.

Fetish, Fetich, n. orisha.

Fetter, v.t. de ni 99k99^9.Fetters, n. sekeseke, 9W911.

Feud, n. Ija, as$.

Fever, n. iba, otutu, igbona ara.

Feverish, adj. nigbona ara, niba.

Few, adj. di9.

Fewness, n. iye di9.

Fez, n. fila dara.

Fibre, n. okun igi, okun eweko.

Fickle, adj. niyemeji.

Fickleness, n. aiduro si 9kan.

Fiction, n. ijarc^, 9^ asan.

Fiddle, n. duru.

Fiddler, n. aluduru, onifere.

Fiddle-string, n. okun duru.

Fidelity, n. olot9, ifaram9.

Fidget, n. saifara-bal?, aisimi.

Field, n. igb9, papa.

Fiend, n. esu, 9ta.

Fierce, adj. rord, muna, gbona.

Fierceness, n. iroro, ibinu, imuna.

Fiery, adj. amubina.

Fife, n. fere.

Fifteen, adj. fdogun, m^dogun.Fifteenth, adj. ik^dogun.

Fifth, adj. 9karun.

Fiftieth, adj. adota, ikadota.

Fifty, adj. ad9ta.

Fig, n. 9P9t<J.

Fight, v.t. and i. ja, jagun.

n. ija, ogun.

Fighter, n. onija, jagunjagun.

Figurative, adj. ni ap9r9.

Figure, n. ap9r9, aworan.

Filament, n. okun tinrin.

Filch, v.t. jale, ji, saf9W9ra.

File, n. ayun onipin. v.t. and i.

fi ayun yin.

Filial, adj. ti 91119.

Filings, n. Iy9, 9ha.

Fill, v.t. and i. kun, t^-lprun.

n. ikun.

Film, n. atafo oju.

Filter, n. as9. v.t. and i. se, ro.

Filth, n. eri, 9gbin, 9bun.

Filthy, adj. leri, l9gbin, nirira.

Filtrate, v.t. and i. ro.

Fin, n. I9b9 9Ja.

Final, adj. ti igb9hin, ti ipari.

i Finally, adv. lakotan, nipari,


Finance, n. owo, inawo.

Financier, n. olut9ju owo.

Find, v.t. ri, ba.

Fine, adj. dara, dun. n. ibule,

9san itanran. v.t. and i.


Finely, adv. didaradara.

Finger, n. ika 9W9. v.t. fi ika t<J.

Finish, v.t. and i. pari, se-tan.

Finite, adj. ni opin, nipinnu.

Fire, n. ina. v.i. gbina. v.t.

tinab9» yinb9n.

Fire-arms, n. ib9n.

Firebrand, n. igi ina.

Firefly, n. kokoro tanna tanna.

Fireside, n. ^ba ina.

Firing, n. igi idana edu.

Firm, adj. lagbara, le, durosinsin.

Firmament, n. ofurufu.

Firmly, adv. nidurosinsin.

First, adj. ekini, nisaju.

First-born, n. ak9bi.

First-fruits, n. ak9so.

Firstling, n. ak^bi eran.

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First-rate, adj. daraju.

Fish, n. pja. v.t. and i. ppja.

Fisher, Fisherman, n. appja.

Fishmonger, n. pipja.

Fissure, n. ila, isan.

Fist, n. ikuku, psp.

Fit, adj. yp, tp. n. imugiri.

Fitly, adv. niyiye, nitotp.

Fitness, n. yiyp, titp.

Five, ad;, arun, marun.Fix, v.£. and t. fa-so, muduro.Fixed, adj. mura, pip p.

Flabby, adj. rp, aimura giri.

Flag, n. asia, ppagun ; koriko


Flagrant, ad/, rekpja ala.

Flail, n. ipaka.

Flake, n. majala, iforifo ina.

Flame, n. pwp ina, igbona pkan.

v.i. jo, tan bi ina.

Flamingo, n. piyp akp.

Flank, n. iha.

Flannel, n. asp kubusu kikuna.

Flap, n. llugba. v.t. and i.


Flare, v.t. and i. jo.

Flash, n. ikp-san. v.t. and i.


Flask, n. sago kekere.

Flat, adj. tp. tpju, sepptp.

Flatness, n. itpju, isepptp.

Flatten, v.t. and i. tpbprp.

Flatter, v.t. p9n, tan.

Flatterer, n. platan, ip9nni.

Flattery, n. ip9nni, iyin eke.

Flatulence, n. igufp.

Flavour, n. adiin, itpwo, orim.

Flaw, n. abukun, isan, Ua.

Flax, n. pgb$.

Flay, v.t. bo li aw9.

Flea, n. idun egbpn.

Fledge, v.t. gun iyp, huye.

Flee, Fled, v.t. and i. sa, sa I9.

Fleece, n. irun agutan. v.t. rpjp.

Fleet, n. pgbp-pk$, $wp-pkp.adj. yara.

Fleetness, n. iyara.

Flesh, n. pran ara.

Fleshy, adj. kiki pran.

Flexibility, n. ild.

Flexible, adj. r9run lati tp, 16.

Flicker, v.i. jo baibai.

Flight, n. isa kuro ninu ewu.

Flimsy, adj. felefele.

Flinch, v.i. sunki ninu irora.

Fling, v.t. and i. 89.

Flint, n. okuta ib9n.

Flippant, adj. laironu.

Flirt, v.t. and i. sire if9 ; baobirin ta.

Flit, v.i. fo-lp.

Float, v.t. and i. fo loju omi.

Flock, n. 9W9 pran tabi piyp.

v.i, tpwp.

Flog, v.t. na, jan li $r$.

Flood, n. ikun omi, isan omi.

Flood-tide, n. akunbo omi.

Floor, n. ilp ile.

Flop, v.t. and i. subu lulp.

Florin, n. owo fadaka 2/-

Flounce, v.i. yi ara kiri.

Flounder, v.i. kpsp.

Flour, n. iy^fun.

Flourish, v.t. and i. ruwe, lawe,

. ru, gbilp.

Flow, v.i. san. n. isan omi.

Flower, n. itanna eweko. v.t.

and i. tanna bi eweko.

Flown, v.i. ti fo lp.

Fluctuate, v.i. yi sihin sphun.

Fluctuation, n. iru soke ru sodo.

Fluency, n. sisan, idawuru.

Fluent, adj. nisprp jpjp.

Fluid, adj. mimu, sisan.

Fluidity, n. isan.

, Flush, v.t. and i. wa ni ikanju.

Fluster, n. igbona, iyara.

Flute, n. fere.

Flutter, v.t. and i. fo nibambalp.

Flux, n. isan.

Fly, n. esinsin. v.t. and i. fo,


Foal, n. pmp psin.

Foam, n. ifofo.

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Fodder, n. ohun jiJ9 ti ^ran.

Foe, n. 9ta.

Fog, n. ikuku.

Foggy, adj. kiki ikuku.

Foil, v.t. and i. 89, t$. n.

is9gun, it^ni.

Fold, n. agbo, agbo ^ran. v.t.

and i. ka, di.

Foliage, n. ewe.

Folio, n. iwe nla.

Folk, n. awpn enia.

Folk-lore, n. al9 irintan.

Follow, v.£. and i. tele, t9-lehin.

Follower, n. 91119-ehin.

Folly, n. aimoye, iwere.

Foment, v.t. fi omi gbigbona W9.

Fond, ad;, nik^, nif$.

Fondle, v.t. and i. k$.

Fondness, n. ik$, if$.

Font, n. awo omi lati fi baptisi.

Food, n. onje.

Foodless, adj. laini 011J9.

Fool, n. asiwere. v.t. and i. si


Foolish, adj. g$, siwere.

Foolishness, n. iwere.

Foot, Feet, n. es$.

Foot-bridge, n. afara kekere.

Foot-hold, n. ipo es$.

Footing, n. ibiti es$ te.

Footless, adj. lainies^.

Footman, n. iransek9nri.

Footpath, n. ipa 911a.

Footsore, adj. riro 939.

Footstep, n. ipa 939.

Footstool, n. apoti itis^.

Fop, n. oge.

For, prep, fun, nitori.

Forage, v.i. ko-9ru, jale, piy9-

n. ipiy9 ogun.

Forasmuch, conj. niw9nbi.

Forbear, v.i. daw9 duro ; pa-


Forbearance, n. idaw9duro, suru,


Forbid, v.t. da-l9kun.

Forbidding, adj. dida^kun.

Force, n. ipa, agbara. v.t. fi

ipa se, fi agbara se.

Forcible, adj. lagbara.

Forcibly, adv. p9lu agbara.

Ford, n. odo af9S9laja. v.t. and i.


Fordable, adj. lilaja.

Fore, adj. niwaju.

Forebode, v.t. wi t^.Forecast, v.t. gbim9 1919, gbiro-

t9l9. n. igbim9t9l9.

Forecastle, n. iwaju 9k$.

Forefather, n. baba nla.

Forefront, n. iwaju.

Forego, v.t. and i. J9-I9W9, fi-sil9.

Foreground, n. i\$ iwaju.

Forehead, n. iwaju.

Foreign, adj. ti ilu miran.

Foreigner, n. ajeji, alejo, ara ilu


Forejudge, v.t. se idaj9 saju.

Foreknow, v.t. m9 t^.Foreknowledge, n. im9t9l9.


Foreman, n. isaju, 9ga.


Foremost, n. iwaju patapata..' Forenoon, n. igba ikanri 9J9.

Foreordain, v.t. pinnu t$\$.

! Forerunner, n. asaju 9m.


Foresee, v.t. ri t9l9.

I Foresight, n. im9t9l9.

Foreskin, n. at9t9.

i Forest, n. igbo.

Forestall, v. saju.

Foretaste, n. it9wo t9l9.

IForetell, v.t. 39 t^l^.

I Forethought, n. iro t9le, ipese


sil<? -


Forever, adv. titi lai.

Forewarn, v.t. kilp fun t^l^.

Forfeit, v.t. bule, padanu. n.


Forgave, v.t. dariji.

Forge, n. agb9d9 irin. v.t. and i.

r9, lu, fi eke k9we.

Forgery, n. ak9le eke.

Forget, Forgot, v.t. gbagbe.

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Forgetful, adj. sigbagbe, ni-


Forgetfulness, n. igbagbe.

Forgive, v.t. dariji.

Forgiveness, n. idariji, ifiji.

Forgiving, adj. mura lati dariji.

Fork, n. amuga ijeun, agunje.

Forlorn, adj. kikosil?.

Form, n. ise, Iwo, aworan


ijoko. v.t. and i. 1119, funni iwa.

Formal, adj. bi ise, bi iwa.

Formality, n. ise idasile, apereise.

Formation, n. ise, ida, ibi.

Former, adj. tisaju.

Formerly, adv. igba isaju.

Formidable, adj. niberu, lera.

Formulary, n. iwe ise idasile.

Fornicate, v.i. se pansaga, se


Fornication, n. ise pansaga, ise


Fornicator, n. pansaga, agbere.

Forsake, v.t. k$ sil?.

Forsaken, adj. kikosile.

Forsooth, adv. nitot9.

Forswear, v.t. fi ibura se ileri.

Fort, n. odi.

Forth, adv. jade, jadewa.

Forthcoming, adj. ijadewa.Forthwith, adv. nisisiyi, tygan.

Fortification, n. odi, abo.

Fortify, v.t. and i. dabobo,m9disi.

Fortitude, n. igboiya, ilaiya.

Fortnight, n. igba 939 meji.

Fortress, n. odi alagbara.

Fortunate, adj. 09 sakokd, sa-


Fortune, n. alabapade, ohun ini.

Fortune-teller, n. awomi.Forty, Fortieth, adj. ogoji, oji.

Forum, n. ibi 9ja, ibi ipeJ9.

Forward, adj. ran siwaju, imu-ra

; yaju.

Forwardness, n. imura tele



Foster, v.t. b9, t9, se it9ju.

Foster-child, n. 9019 agbab9.

Foster-mother, n. alagbab9.

Fought, v.t. and i. ja.

Foul, adj. aimo, eri, egbin.

Foul-mouthed, adj. ^lenu bu-


Foul-play, n. iwa 9tan, ogunbuburu.

Found, v.t. ri ; fi ipile lei 9.

Foundation, n. ipil? ile. is9le.

Foundation-stone, n. okuta ipil^.

Founder, v.t. and i. ri sinu omi.

Fountain, n. isun, orisun.

Four, adj. ^rin, merin..

Fourfold, adj. m9rin-m9rin.

Fourfooted, adj. 9I989 merin.

Fourteen, adj. nierinla.

Fourteenth, adj. ekerinla.

Fourth, adj. ^k^rin.

Fourthly, adv. l9na kerin.

Fowl, n. adi$, ^iye.

Fowler, n. P9iy9-p?iy9, aP<?iy<?-Fox, n. k^h^ty.Fraction, n. ibu ni ara 9t9t9 ;

Ipin, Ida.

Fractional, adj. ti ibu ni ara


Fracture, v.t. and i. 89 egungun.

Fragile, adj. fifo\

Fragment, n. Ibu, ajeku.

Fragrant, adj. loriin didun.

Frail, adj. lailera, lailagbara.

Frailty, n. ailera, ailagbara.

Frame* v.t. and i. se, m9, k9 ;

lana. n. Iselana.

Franchise, n. omnira, ib9kuro

I9W9 isin. v.t. 89 di omnira


Frank, adj. tuw9 ka, se 9391111.

Frankincense, n. turare.

Frankly, adv. ni tuw9ka ; ni


Frankness, n. ise otit9 gbangba.

Frantic, adj. bibaJ9 ori, aituloju.

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Fraternal, adj. ti ara; ti ara-


Fraternally, adv. gege bi ara.

Fraternity, n. pgbe.

Fratricide, n. eniti o pa arakonri


Fraud, n. etan, eru.

Fraudulence, n. itanje, iseru.

Fray, n. ija, ogun.

Freckle, n. ami totdto.

Freckled, adj. totdto.

Free, adj. di omnira, tunuka si.

Freeborn, n. bi li omnira, 91119


Freedman, n. pru ti a fi se 9019,omnira.

Freedom, n. omnira.

Freewill, n. ifp atinuwa.

Freeze, v.t. and i. di.

Freight, n. eru 9k$.

Frenzy, n. isinwin, isiwere.

Frequency, n. igbakugba.

Frequent, adj. nigbagbogbo,nigbakugba.

Fresh, adj. tutu, titun.

Freshen, v.t. and i. 39 di titun,

S9 di tutu.

Fresh-water, n. omi ti k6 ni iy9

ninu rp ; omi-mimu.Fret, v.t. and i. bo li epo ara ;

fajuro kanra.

Fretful, adj. nifajuro, nikanra.

Fretfulness, n. ikanra.

Friction, n. ira, ira ohun meji

P9 m9 ra W9n.Friday, n. ij9 kefa I9S9.

Friend, n. $rp, pgbe, enikeji.

Friendless, adj. laini 9r<£.

Friendship, n. if$, ire, irep9-

Frigate, n. pk^ ogun.

Fright, n. eru, ifoiya.

Frighten, v.t. deruba, daiya fo.

Frigid, adj. tutu.

Frill, v. ka.

Fringe, n. waja-waja, igbati asp.

Frisk, v.i. f6, b$. n. isire.

Frivolous, adj. kikini, ainilari.

Frock, n. ewu ileke.

Frog, n. 9P9I9.

Frolic, n. isire.

From, prep. I9W9, kuro, ninu.

Front, n. iwaju. v.t. and i.

dojuk9, k9Ju si.

Frontier, n. ateteba, iwaju.

Frontlet, n. 9ja igba iwaju.

Frost, n. otutu nini.

Froth, n. ifofo ; 9^ asan.

Froward, adj. nikanra.

Frown, v.t. and i. bojuje si.

Fructify, v.t. and i. mu so eso.

Frugal, adj. tuw9ka, nit9Ju.

Fruit, n. eso, 91119.

Fruitful, adj. leso, pup9.

Fruition, n. anfani, ere.

Fruitless, adj. laileso, yagan.

Fruit-tree, n. igi eso.

Frustrate, v.t. ba-je, yi-po.

Frustration, n. ibaje.

Fry, v.t. and i. yan ninu 9ra,


Fuel, n. ohun idana, igi, eyin.

Fugitive, n. isansa. adj. lai-

duro nibikan.

Fulfil, v.t. mu-sp.

Fulfilment, n. imuse.

Full, adj. kun.

Fully, adv. ni kikun.

Fulness, n. $kun, kikun.

Fumble, v.t. and i. se nkanrudurudu.

Fume, n. efin, oru. v.t. and i.


Fumigate, v.t. fin li efin.

Fumigation, n. oru ti o ti inu

ina jade.

Fun, n. ire, isire, pfe.

Function, n. oye, agbara.

Fund, n. owo ilele, ikoJ9P9 owo.

Fundament, n. IdL, ehin.

Fundamental, n. ti ipilese, pa-


Funeral, n. isinku.

Fungus, n. olu, olu ehu igi.

Funnel, n. ir9mi, ir9ti.

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Fur, n. irun mulomul9.Furious, adj. runu, se ikannu,

kun fun ibinu.

Furnace, n. ileru.

Furnish, v.t. pese fun.

Furniture, n. ohun elo ile.

Furrow, n. aporo.

Further, adv. siwaju, lokere.

v.t. ran-lpwc,), sun siwaju.

Furthermore, adv. pelu-pelu.

Furtive, adj. yp-w6.

Fury, n. ikannu, ibinu.

Fuse, v.t. y9, da ; r£ nkan meji

P9-Fusion, n. iyplu, idalu.

Fuss, n. irpk^k^, aisimi.

Futile, adj. lasan, laiwulo.

Future, n. igba ti mbv-


Gabble, n. ib^r^ orule ile.

Gable, n. iku ile.

Gad, v.i. rin kiri laisimi.

Gadfly, n. esinsin nla.

Gag, v.t. and i. ha li enu.

n. ihanu.

Gaiety, n. inudidun, ay$.

Gain, n. ere, anfani. v.t. and i.

jere, ri gba.

Gainer, n. elere, alanfani.

Gainsay, v.t. riwisi, &9r9 odi si.

Gait, n. Irin.

Gaiter, n. a§9 iwes?.

Gala, n. idaraya.

Gale, n. afefe lile ategun.

Gall, n. ororo. v.t. and i. fi arabo.

Gallant, adj. nigboiya, tyla. n.

oluf^, 9ga.

Gallantry, n. igboiya, if9, ikiyesi.

Gallery, n. 9d9d9 loke.

Gallon, n. iru osuw9n kan.

Gallop, v.t. and i. doglri. n.

ogiri isare eein.

Gallows, n. igi isonipa.

Gamble, v.t. and i. ta tet?.

Gambler, n. atatete.

Gambol, v.i. f6, b<?.

Game, n. ire, isire ; 9de eran

tabi ?iye.

Gamekeeper, n. olut^ju ohun


Gander, n. ak9 pepeiye odo.

Gang, n. aw9n ti o SOW9 p9 lati

se nkan.

Gangrene, n. arun, idibaje ni

9ran ara, ira.

Gaol, Jail, n. ile ew9n, ile tubu.

Gaoler, Jailer, n. onitubu.

Gap, n. iho, ela, isan.

Gape, v.i. yan, yanu gboro.

Garb, n. as9, 9WU.

Garden, n. 9gba.

Gardener, n. olus9gba, as9gba.

Gargle, n. egbogi 9fun. v.t.

and i. w? 9na 9fun.

Garland, n. mariwo, idi ewe tabi


Garment, n. 9WU, a§9 ibora.

Garner, n. aka, aba.

Garnish, v.t. se li 939. n. ohun


Garrison, n. egb$ ologun ni ilu

olodi. v.t. m9di si.

Garrulous, adj. alaroye.

Garter, n. okun iso ib9se.

Gash, n. 9gbe nla.

Gasp, v.t. and i. yanu sile gbaafef?.

Gastric, adj. ti apoluku, ti ikun.

Gate, n. 9nu 9na ode, i^kun.

Gate-keeper, n. olut9Ju enu 9na.

Gather, v.t. and i. koJ9, kop9 si


Gatherer, n. alakoj9.

Gathering, n. ikoJ9p9-

Gauge, v.t. diw^n. n. 9pa idiw9n.

Gaunt, adj. ru.

Gauntlet, n. ib9W9 irin, ib9W9as9.

Gauze, n. a§9 f^l^f^l^.

Gay, adj. daraya, inudidun.

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Gaze, v.i. t^jumpwo.Gazette, n. iwe irohin ijpba.

Gazing-stock, n. 9m ifi^^l^ya.

Gear, n. ohun elo, ohun 939.

Gem, n. okuta iyebiye.

Gender, n. ak9 tabi abo.

Genealogy, n. Itan at^le idile.

General, adj. W9P9, ti gbogboenia. n. olori ogun.

Generally, adv. nigbakugba.

Generate, v.t. bi.

Generation, n. iran.

Generosity, n. iwa inu rere.

Generous, adj. ni inu rere.

Genesis, n. iwe ekinni ti Mose.

Genial, adj. ni ayaya.

Genius, n. oloye, amoye.Genteel, adj. P9I9, oloju-saju.

Gentile, n. keferi.

Gentle, adj. ni iwa P9I9, se jeje.

Gentleman, n. oniwa rere, eniti

a bi rere.

Gentleness, n. iwa tutu, iwa J9J9,iwa pele.

Gentry, n. aw9n ti a bi rere,

aw9n bikini.

Genuine, adj. lotit^, lai^etan.

Geography, n. im9 apprp ilp


Geology, n. im9 nkan ti inu U9nisalp.

Germ, n. ehu.

Germinate, v.t. and i. hu, la, 39jade.

Gesticulate, v.t. and i. sffp.

Gesticulation, n. ire ^9.Gesture, n. iyi ara.

Get, v.£. and i. ni, rigba.

Gewgaw, n. ohun isire, nkanasan.

Ghastly, adj. l<?ru, bi oku, bi


Ghost, n. 9mi, iwin, oku.

Giant, n. omiran, asigb9nl9.

Gibbet, n. igi isonir9.

Gibe, v.t. and i. 89 is9kus9, se


Giddiness, n. 6yi oju.

Giddy, adj. laiduro nibikan, ni

dyi loju.

Gift, n. 9bun.

Gigantic, adj. tobi.

Gild, v.t. bo ni wura tabi fadaka*

Gilding, n. wura tabi fadaka ti

a se ni sisu.

Gilt, n. 9r9k9 93a.

Gimlet, n. olu, irin ti a fi ndaoju igi lu fun iso.

Gin, n. okun did9, 9g$ ;pti.

Ginger, n. atal9.

Gingerly, adj. les$-l9S9, finifini.

Giraffe, n. agunf9n.

Gird, v.t. san, di amure.

Girder, n. iti igi ni itp apako ile.

Girdle, n. ohun sisan, amure.

Girl, n. 9m9birin.

Girth, n. 9Ja gari 9sin.

Gist, n. koko (^9.

Give, v.t. and i. fi fun, fi-bun.

Giver, n. olufunni.

Gizzard, n. iwe 9iy9-

Glad, adj. y$, se inudidun.

Gladden, v.t. mu y9, mu ni inu


Gladly, adv. tay9tay9.

Gladness, n. ay9 inudidun.

Glamour, n. isuju.

Glance, n. iwo firi.

Glare, n. dan sansan.

Glass, n. awojiji, digi.

Glaze, v.t. and i. fi digi si.

Glazier, n. onis9 fifi digi si


Gleam, n. itansan im9l9.

Glean, v.t. and i. pe?9, sa.

Gleaner, n. apes9-

Glee, n. ay9, inudidun.

Glib, adj. didun.

Glide, v.t. and i. y<J P9I9.

Glimmer, v.i. 111919 baibai.

Glimpse, n. U119I9 firi.

Glisten, v.i. tan H119I9.

Glitter, n. itansan.

Gloat, v.i. t9Jum9 wd fun ibi.

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GLO 63

Globe, n. i§u aperp aiye.

Gloom, n. i§okunkun, idagiide ;

it^ba ati iwuwo okan.

Gloomy, adj. §okunkun ; bibi-

nuje, kikanu.

Glorify, v.t. yin-logo.

Glorious, adj. lpla, logo.

Glory, n. ogo, iyin, 9la. v.i.

§ogo, §efefe.

Gloss, n. idan; itumo, aspye.

Glossary, n. iwe itump prp.

Glossy, adj. didan.

Glove, n. ibpwp.

Glow, n. igbona ara, igbona

pkan. v.i. janjan, gbona.

Glow-worm, n. imunmuna.Glue, n. ate.

Glum, adj. fajuro, §e oju ibinu.

Glut, v.t. je ajeki.

Glutton, n. ojeun, alajeki.

Gluttony, n. ajeki.

Gnarl, n. koko igi.

Gnash, v.t. and i. pahin keke.

Gnat, n. kantikanti.

Gnaw, v.t. and i. girin je.

Go, v.i. rin, lp, n^o.

Goad, n. ppa mimu, egun. v.t.


Goal, n. opin isure ije.

Goat, n. ewur?.

Goatherd, n. olutpju awpn ewu-j


Gobble, v.t. and i. sopaka-gbemi. |

God, n. Qlprun.

Godchild, n. 91119 nipa ti Qtyrun.

Goddess, n. abo ori^a.

Godfather, n. baba nipa ti


Godless, adj. laini Qtyrun, laigba

Ql9run gb9.

Godlike, adj. niwa-bi-Qtyrun.

Godlin68S, n. ifpkansin Qtyrun.

Godmother, n. iya nipa ti Qtyrun.

Godsend, n. ohunrere lati pd9Ql9run.

Going, n. il9, irin.

Goitre, n. g?ge.

/ #\Gold, n. wura/ ©^Golden, adj. tj \Goldsmith, ?Gone, adj. ti x^

Gonorrhea, n. arun *».


Good, adj. ire, rere.

Good-bye, inter, ikini ipinya,

Odab9 ! Qna re o ! Odigbo

§e o !

Good-evening, inter. Oku ale !

" kale o."

Good-humour, n. inu didun, inu


Goodly, adj. didara.

Good-morning, inter. Oku ar9 !

" kar9 o !


Goodness, n. iwa rere, ore.

Good-night, inter. Odar9 ! Odi

ojum9 !

Goods, n. eru, ohun ini.

Good-will, n. if$ inu rere.

Goose, n. pepeiye od6.

Gore, n. eje didi. v.t. gun li

9k9, fi iwo kan.

Gorge, n. 9fun. v.t. and i.

fi iwara gbemi.

Gorgeous, adj. didara, hihan.

Gorilla, n. in9ki, inaki.

Gosling, n. 9m9 pepeiye °dd.

Gospel, n. ihin rere, itan igbe

aiye Jesu.

Gossip, n. is9r9 asan.

Gourd, n. igba, itakun.

Govern, v.t. and i. $akoso, ^olori,


Governess, n. oluk9ni obirin.

Government, n. ij9ba, akoso ilu.

Governor, n. alakoso ilu, ajel?.

Gown, n. a§9 iieke gigun.

Grab, v. ja I9W9.

Grace, n. ore-9fe, oju rere,

anfani. v.t. §e I999, muniyin.

Graceful, adj. didara, lewa.

Gracious, adj. 9lore-9fe, alanu.

Gradation, n. ito lesese, ite


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Made, n. ip6.

/Gradual, adj. lesese.

/ Graduate, v.t. and i. gba ere li

/ ile ek9 giga.

/ Graft, n. eka alpnuj si igi keji.

Grain, n. woro irugbin kan, 9ka,


Grammar, n. im9 ilo 9r9 daju-


Grammar-school, n. ile ek9 giga.

Granary, n. aka, aba-

Grand, adj. tobi, niyin, 191a.

Grandchild, n. vm^loju, 91119-

9m9.Grandee, n. eni 9191a.

Grandeur, n. didara ni iri.

Grandfather, n. baba nla.

Grandmother, n. iya nla.

Grandstand, n. ibi giga funiwdran.

Granite, n. okuta ak9 dudu.

Grant, v.t. gba, fi-fun. n. ohunti a fifunni.

Grape, n. eso ajara.

Graphic, adj. juwe finifini.

Grapple, v.t. and i. fi agbaradimu.

Grasp, v.t. and i. fi 9W9 gba mu,dimu.

Grasping, adj. ni ojukokoro,


Grass, n. koriko igbe.

Grasshopper, n. elenga.

Grate, n. irin ikele. v.t. and i.

ha, I9 kuna.

Grateful, adj. more, dupe.

Grater, n. ifil<>.

Gratification, n. itenityrun, iwu.

Gratify, v.t. k$, te tyrim.

Gratis, adv. tyf?.

Gratitude, n. 9pe, idupe.

Gratuity, n. ebun 9fe.

Grave, v.t. gb$, fin, 9911a finfin si.

ad/, nronu. n. isa oku.

Grave-clothes, n. as9 oku.

Grave-digger, n. agbel? oku.

Gravel, w. okuta wewe yanrin,


Gravitate, v.t. and i. fa m9.

Gravitation, n. ifam9 ara kansi ekeji.

Gravity, n. iwa agba, nironu.

Gravy, n. omi eran.

Gray, Grey, n. adalu aw9 duduati funfun, hewii.

Graze, v.t. and i. je koriko igbe,

fi bo.

Grease, n. 9ra, epo. v.t. fi 9ra


Greasy, adj. il9ra, ilepo.

Great, adj. tobi, nla, p9-

Greatness, n. itobi.

Greed, n. iw9ra ojukokoro.

Greedy, adj. niw9ra, lojukokoro.

Green, adj. dudu ; aip9n, aide,

tutu aliga.

Greengrocer, n. oluta ewebe.

Greenhorn, n. eniti ko soro tanje.

Greet, v.t. ki, yp.

Greeting, n. ikini.

Grief, n. ibanuje, ikanu, edun.

Grievance, n. ohun ibanuje.

Grieve, v.t. and i. mu ni kedun,baninuje.

Grievous, adj. ni ibanuje nip9nju.

Grim, adj. kord, ror6.

Grimace, n. ibojuje susu.

Grime, n. eri. v.t. 39 di eri.

Grin, v.t. and i. rerin ak9, rerin


Grind, v.t. and i. I9, p9n.

Grinder, n. 6I9.

Grindstone, n. okuta ip9nrin.

Grip, n. igb9w<J. v.t. and i.

dimu sinsin.

Gripe, n. inurirun ; dimu sinsin.

Gristle, n. okerekere.

Grizzle, n. aw9 9l9ye, adalu

dudu ati funfun.

Groan, v.t. and i. kerora. n.


Groin, n. itan.

Groom, n. apoko esin.

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Groove, n. ihd ^909.Grope, v.i. fi 9W9 wa pna li

okunkun.Gross, adj. saikuna, sakisaki.

n. gbogbo, pt9t9 ejila me-jila; ohun m^rinlelpgoje.

Grossness, n. aikuna, itobi.

Grotesque, adj. pagun-pagun.Ground, n. il^.

Groundless, adj. lainidi.

Ground-nut, n. $pa.

Groundwork, n. ipiles9.

Group, n. akoJ9po, ldip9.

Grove, n. igbo kekere.

Grovel, v.i. rako, r9 ara sil^.

Grow, v.t. and i. hu, 39, dagba.

Growth, n. idagba, Ihu.

Grub, n. kokoro, idin.

Grudge, v.t. kun si, se arankansi. n. odi, ija.

Gruesome, adj. d^ruba.

Gruff, adj. kanra.

Grumble, v.t. and i. kun, kunsinu.

Grumbler, n. akunsinu.

Grunt, n. kun bi 9^$.Guarantee, n. onigb^wv.Guard, n. abo, is9ra. v.t. and i.

s<J, dabdbo.

Guardian, n. olus9, olutoju.

Guess, v.t. and i. Iam9, ro 39. n.


Guest, n. alejo, ^niti a nse alejo


Guidanoe, n. itona, if9nahan.

Guide, v.t. fi 9na han, to si pna.

n. am9na.Guide-post, n. apako loju 9na

lati fi 9na han ero.

Guild, n. egbe, parakoyi.

Guile, n. arekereke, $tan.

Guileless, adj. laisiarekereke,


Guilt, n. 939, 9bi 939.

Guiltless, adj. laij^bi, lailes9.

Guilty, adj. j^bi, 9I999.

Guinea, n. sile m9kanlelogun.

Guinea-corn, n. 9ka baba.

Guinea-fowl, n. 9th, 9iy9 awo.

Guinea-pig, n. 9m<J (eku).

Guinea-worm, n. sobia.

Guise, n. iri ode, Iwa.

Guitar, n. ohun 9na orin olokuntita.

Gulf, n. 9ya omi okun sinu il^.

Gull, v.t. tan; r9J9.

Gullet, n. $na 9fun.

Gulp, v.t. and i. S9paka-gbemi.

Gum, n. oje igi.

Gums, n. erlgi.

Gun, n. ib9n.

Gunner, n. ayinb9n.

Gunpowder, n. 9tu ib9n.

Gunshot, n. yiyin ib9n.

Gurgle, v.t. and i. tu pupu.

Gush, v.t. and i. tu-jade. n.


Gusset, n. idasa-a&9.

Gust, n. edqiq ojiji.

Gut, n. ifun 9ran. v.t. and i. fun


Gutter, n. oju agbara.

Gymnastic, adj. ti ijakadi ; ti



Ha, inter. $r9 ikigbe iyanu.

Haberdasher, n. oluta as9, ati


Habit, n. Iwa, is9, 1W9S9.

Habitable, adj. gbigbe.

Habitant, n. olugbe.

Habitation, n. ibugb6, ile\

Habitual, adj. iwa, ise.

Hack, v.t. and i. ke sakasaka.

Hades, n. isa oku, ibugbe aw9noku.

Haft, n. eku 9b9 tabi ida.

Hag, n. aj9-

Haggard, adj. ru, joro.

Haggle, v.i. y9wo 9ja.

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Hail, v.t. pe, ki lokere. inter.

alafia. n. yinyin. v.t. and i.

w$ yinyin.

Hail-stone, n. okuta yinyin.

Hair, n. irun.

Hairdresser, n. onidiri onigba-


Hairpin, n. ikoti.

Hairy, adj. onirun.

Hale, adj. lera, dida ara. v.t. fa.

Halt, n. abp, idameji.

Half-dozen, n. m^fa.

Half-hearted, adj. ni U9W9W99kan.

Half-penny, w. owo baba, idaji


Half-way, adv. agbede meji $na.

Hail, n. gbangan idaj<^, yard nla.

Hallelujah ! inter. 9 yin Oluwa !

Hallow, v.t. ya si mim<J.

Hallucination, n. itanj9.

Halo, n. im9l9 ti nyi orun ka.

Halt, v.t. and i. d^s^ duro ;

mukun.Halter, n. okun 9run <?ran fun


Halve, v.t. pin ni meji.

Ham, n. itan <?ran 9^9 ti a niy9 si.

Hamlet, n. abule, ileto.

Hammer, n. old. vx and i.

fi kan, olu lu.

Hammock, n. ibusun asor$.

Hamper, n. agb^n nla. v.t.

and i. di tyna.

Hand, n. 9W9. v.t. naw9 si.

Handbell, n. agogo kekere if9W9


Handbreath, n. ibu at^l^w9.

Handful, n. ikunw9.

Handicraft, Handiwork, n. is9


Handkerchief, n. as9 inuju, gele.

Handle, n. eku, ?ru. v.*. dimu,lo.

Hand-maid, n. 9m9d9 obirin.

Handsome, adj. dara, l^wa.

Hand-writing, n. ik9we.

Handy, adj. mura, r^run, nitosi.

Hang, v.t. and i. fi-k9, so-r9,

so li 9run pa.

Hangings, n. as9 ferese tabi


Hanker, v.i. saferi gidigidi.

Haphazard, n. esl.

Haply, adv. boya, lalabapade.

Happen, v.i. 99, jade, hu.

Happiness, n. alafia, h*9ra, rere.

Happy, adj. lalana, nir9ra.

Harass, v.t. da li agara, y9-l9nu.

Harbinger, n. asaju.

Harbour, n. ebute 9^. v.t.

and i. dabobo.

Hard, adj. le, soro, nika. adv.

sunm9 tosi.

Harden, v.t. and i. mu-le, mu-soro.

Hard-hearted, adj. alailanu.

Hardness, n. isoro.

Hardship, w. inira, wahala.

Hardware, n. ohun elo am9.

Hardy, adj. laiya, sak9ni, le.

Hare, n. ehoro.

Hark, inter. gb9 ! fetisil? !

Harlot, n. pansaga obirin.

Harm, n. ibaJ9, ipalara, ibi.

Harmful, adj. nipalara.

Harmless, adj. lainipalara,


Harmattan, n. <?yq.

Harmonium, n. duru.

Harmony, n. ibar9, isedede.

Harness, n. Idi esin k^k^.

Harp, n. duru.

Harper, n. aluduru.

Harpoon, n. $k9 irin fun pipa


Harry, v.t. ja lole, ko 19m.

Harsh, adj. ror6, s6nu.

Harshness, n. irord isonu.

Hart, n. ak9 agbvnrin.

Harvest, n. ikore.

Harvester, n. olukore.

Hash, v.t. ke \v9w9.

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Hasp, w. iha iko.

Hassock, n. timtim ikunle.

Haste, n. iyara, ikanju.

Hasten, v.t. and i. mu yara^

Hastily, adv. nikanju, nibinu.

Hasty, adj. kanju, yara.

Hat, n. aket$, ate.

Hatch, v.t. and i. pa 91119 ninu


Hatchet, n. ada.

Hate, v.t. korira. n. irira.

Hateful, adj. kun fun irira.

Hatred, n. irira, aife.

Haughtiness, Hauteur, n. igbe-

raga, irera.

Haughty, adj. gberaga, rera.

Haul, v.t. and i. fa, w<>.

Haunoh, n. itan.

Haunt, v.t. and i. para, de. n,

ibi ara.

Have, Had, v.t. ni.

Haven, w. ibi igunle ok$, ibi ab6.

Havoc, n. 6fo, ibaje. vX parun,


Hawk, n. awodi. v.t. and i.

polowo pja.

Hawker, n. onikiri pja.

Hay, n. ij$ apasa, koriko gbigbe.

Hazard, n. ewu. v.t. fi wewu.Hazardous, ad/, lewu.

Haze, n. ikuku.

He, pron. on.

Head, n. ori, oke, olori. v.t.

and i. se olori, se alakoso.

Headache, n. ifori, ori fifo.

Head-dress, n. idiri ifarun.

Headland, n. iyori ile.

Headlong, adv. ogedengbe.

Headmaster, n. olori ile eko.

Headquarters, n. ile olori egbe.

Headstone, n. okuta pataki ti

igun ile ; okuta iboji.

Headstrong, adj. laigboran, agi-


Headway, n. ilosiwaju.

Heal, v.t. and i. mu-lara-da,

wo-san, mu-jina.

Healer, n. oniwosan, onisegun.

Healing, n. iwosan.

Health, n. ilera, dida ara.

Healthy, adj. nilera.

Heap, n. dkiti, ebe, ikojopo.

Hear, v.t. and i. fi eti gb<J, tetisi.

Hearer, n. olugbtf.

Hearing, w. igb<J, igburo.

Hearken, v.i. fetisile.

Hearsay, n. ihin, iro.

Hearse, n. keke oku.

Heart, n. okan.

Heart-ache, n. ibanuje, irora


Hearth, n. ibi idana, aro.

Heartily, adv. tokan-tokan, tinu-

tinu, nitoto.

Heartless, adj. laini-anu.

Hearty, adj. nilera, nitoto.

Heat, n. oru, igbona. v.t. and i.

fi gbona.

Heathen, n. keferi, aborisa.

Heathenism, n. iwa keferi.

Heave, v.t. and i. gbe soke.

Heaven, n. orun alafia, oke orun.

Heavenly, adj. bi ti orun.

Heaviness, n. iwuwo, ibinuje.

Heavy, adj. wuwo.Hedge, n. ogba, 9gba tutu.

Hedgehog, n. $ya.

Heed, v.t. sora, kiyesi. n. isora,


Heedful, adj. nisora.

Heedless, adj. laibikita, lainani.

Heel, n. gigise.

Heifer, n. egboro abo malu.

Height, n. giga, ibi giga.

Heighten, v.t. and i. gbe-ga.

Heinous, adj. bum rekoja.

Heir, Heiress, n. arole, ajogunnipa ofin.

Heirloom, n. ajogunba.

Hell, n. orun apadi.

Helm, n. itok$.

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Helmet, n. iham9ra asibori,

al^t? orun.

Help, v. t. ran-I9W9 . n. iranlpw?


Helper, n. oluranl9W9.

Helpless, adj. laini iranw<J.

Helpmeet, Helpmate, n. oluran-


Helter-skelter, adv. rudurudu,nikanju.

Hem, n. i?9ti as9, igbati as9.

v.t. seti a§9.

Hemisphere, n. ab9 isu aiye.

Hemorrhage, n. 9J9, isun 9J9.

Hemp, n. igi 9gb^.

Hen, n. abo adi$.

Hence, adv. lati ihin I9.

Henceforth, adv. lati isisiyi I9.

Hencoop, n. ago adi?.

Her, pron. on.

Herald, n. akede.

Herb, n. eweb9.

Herbalist, n. adahunse.

Herd, n. $W9 ^ran. v.t. and i. td

li $W9-

Herdsman, n. darandaran.

Here, adv. nihinyi.

Hereafter, adv. l^hin eyi.

Hereby, adv. nipa eyi.

Hereditary, adv. at9W9-d9w<Jjogiin.

Heredity, n. ijogun iwa lati 9w<J


Herein, adv. ninu eyi.

Hereof, adv. ti inu eyi.

Heresy, n. adam$.Heretic, n. aladam9.

Heretofore, adv. nigba atij9.

Herewith, adv. p^lu eyi.

Heritage, n. ogun, ijogiin.

Hermit, n. aladagbe, olin^kansin.

Hermitage, n. ibujoko anikangbe.

Hernia, n. iyv ifun.

Hero, n. ak9ni, alagbara, 9ga.

Heroism, n. Iwa akvni.

Heron, n. ak9 (?iy9).

Herring, n. 93a kekere.

Hers, pron. ti r§.

Herself, pron. ontikarar?.

Hesitate, v.i. woye, siyemeji.

Hesitation, n. iyemeji, iduro


Hew, v.t. and i. fi ake ke.

Hiccup, Hiccough, n. sukesuke.

Hide, v.t. pa-m9. v.i. fi ara

pam9. n. aw9 9ran.

Hideous, adj. ni b9ru, buru.

Hiding-place, n. ibi isapam? si.

Hierarch, n. olori ni nkan mim<>.

Hierarchy, n. akoso ninu ohunmim£.

High, adj. ga, soke.

Highland, n. il^ 6ke.

Highminded, adj. gberaga.

Highpriest, n. olori alufa.

Highspirited, adj. muna, laiya.

High water, n. akuntan omi.

Highway, n. 9na opopo, $nagbangba.

Highwayman, n. igara, danadana,


Hilarious, adj. nidaraya.

Hilarity, n. ariya, ay9.

Hill, n. oke kekere, H9 giga.

Hillock, n. ebe, 6kiti.

Hilly, adj. kiki 6ke.

Hilt, n. eku.

Him, pron. on.

Hind, n. abo agb9nrin. adj.

l9hin, ti 9hin.

Hinder, v.t. da-duro, di li 9na.

Hinderance, n. idina, idaduro.

Hindermost, adj. l9hin patapata.

Hinge, n. agbek9, iwakun.

Hint, n. if9nule. v.t. and i.

f9nule, das9-

Hinterland, n. loke, U9 ti o jina

si okun.

Hip, n. igbardko, itan, ibadi.

Hippopotamus, n. ese, erinmi.

Hire, v.t. gba $ya is?, n. $yais?.

Hireling, n. alagbase.

His, pron. ti r$.

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Hi889v.t. and i. pa dse, dun

bi ej6 ;" pose."

Historian, n. akpwe itan ijpba

tabi ti enia.

Historical, adj. ti iwe itan.

History, n. iwe itan.

Hit, v.t. and i. lu, fi nkan lu.

Hitch, v.t. and i. k$. n. ik9se,


Hither, adv. de ihin.

Hitherto, adv. titi di isisiyi, deihin latehinwa.

Hive, n. ile oyin.

Hoar, adj. lewu, fun bi ewu.

Hoar-frost, n. Iri didi.

Hoard, n. isura ti a kojp pamonikpk^). v.t. kojp pampnikok$.

Hoarse, adj. kehun.

Hoary, adj. arugb6.

Hoax, n. itanje isire.

Hobble, v.t. and i. w<Jse-nle.

Hobby, n. i^e ti o wu ni ju.

Hoe, n. ok<J iroko. v.t. and i.

roko, role.

Hog, n. eled^.

Hoist, v.t. gbe soke, fa soke.

Hold, v.t. and i. dimu, pamo.n. idaduro, idimu.

Hole, n. ihd, koto.

Holiday, Holyday, n. 9J9 aJ9,

9J9 ere.

Holiness, n. iwa mim9.Hollow, adj. l^tan, sofo t^kdtd.

Holy, adj. mim9, lailes^.

Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, n. ?miMim9.

Holy-week, n. 959 ti o saju


Homage, n. isin, it^riba, ifori-


Home, n. ile, ibugbe.

Homeless, adj. sainile.

Home-made, adj. eyiti a se nil6.

Homesick, adj. ?kan fa si ile,

ifa 9kan-si-ile eni.

Homeward, adj. siha il6.

Homicide, n. apania.

Homily, n. iwe iyanju fun ijp.

Honest, adj. sot?, duro sinsin.

Honesty, n. isedede, otit9.

Honey, n. oyin.

Honeycomb, n. afara oyin.

Honeymoon, n. osu kini l9hin


Honorary, adj. lpfe.

Honour, n. 91a, ^wp. v.*. bupla fun, b9W9.

Honourable, adj. 191a, niyin.

Hood, w. ibori, idiri.

Hoodwink, v.t. boloju, rpjp.

Hoof, n. bata 989 psin tabi malu.

Hook, w. lw$. vJ. and *. nlw$ mu.

Hooked, adj. ni g$g9, t$.

Hoop, n. 9ja agba. v.t. gba li

Hooping-cough, Whooping-OOUgh, n. ik9 ipa ; ik9 fere.

Hoot, v.t. and i. h6.

Hop, v.t. and i. se lakalaka, fi

9s9 fd.

Hope, n. ireti. v.t. and i. se

reti, daba.

Hopeful, adj. nireti.

Hopeless, adj. lainireti, laini


Horizon, n. ipade ile on 9run.

Horn, n. iwo.

Horned, adj. oniwo, abiwo.

Hornet, n. agb<Jn nla titani.

Horrible, Horrid, adj. buruju,


Horror, n. ib^ru, ipaiya.

Horse, n. 9sin.

Horseback, n. 9hin 9sin.

Horsedealer, n. oluta 9sin.

Horsehair, n. irun esin.

Horseman, n. 9I9SU1.

Horsewhip, n. 9gba 9sin.

Hosanna, n. §t<? iyin Ql9run.

Hose, n. sokoto, ib9s£.

Hospitable, adj. inu rere ni sis?


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Hospital, ft. il6 itpju awpnalaisan ; ile alarun.

Hospitality, ft. Iwa inu rere si


Host, ft. bale ile ero ; egbe ogun.

Hostage, ft. idogo, §ya.

Hostel, ft. ile ero.

Hostess, w. lya ile ero.

Hostile, adj. sodi si, ba ja.

Hostility, ft. ija gbangba.

Hostler, ft. olutoju esin.

Hot, adj. gbona, muna.Hotheaded, adj. osonu.

Hotel,' ft. ile ero.

Hound, ft. aja idpde.

Hour, ft. wakati.

Hourglass, ft. digi ti a fi yanrinsi fun idiwpn akoko.

Hourly, adj. ni wakati-wakati.

House, n. ile.

Housebreaker, ft. olosa, kolekole.

Household, ft. agbole, idile.

Householder, ft. bale ile.

House-keeper, w. olutoju ile.

Housemaid, ft. iransebirin ni ile.

Housewife, ft. iyale, aya bale.

Hovel, ft. ago, ile talaka.

Hover, v.i. rababa yi ka nibi


How, adv. bawo, li ona wo.

Howbeit, conj. sugbpn.

However, adv. bi o ti wu ki o ri,


Howl, v.t. and i. ke, wu bi aja.

Hubbub, ft. ariwo irukerudo.

Huddle, v.t. and i. ifunpo wuru-wuru.

Hue, ft. aw$, ire ; ariwo.

Hug, v.t. fi owo gbampra. ft.


Huge, adj. titobi, nla.

Hulk, ft. inu ok$ ; egbe oko.

Hum, v.t. and i. kun, kun bi


Human, adj. ti enia.

Humane, adj. seun, ni inu rere.

Humanity, n. iwa enia ; inurere.

Humble, adj. nirele. v.t. re-

sile, te.

Humbly, adv. tirele-tirele.

Humbug, ft. eru, itanje, apara.

Humdrum, adj. agara.

Humid, adj. tutu, rin.

Humidity, n. itutu orinrin.

Humiliate, v.t. re-sile, te lori-


Humiliation, ft. irenisile.

Humour, ft. omi, $fe, inu didun.

v.t. se ife 9kan, te l9run.

Humorous, adj. panilerin.

Hump, ft. ike.

Humpback, Hunchback, n.


Hundred, adj. pgprun.

Hundredfold, n. pgpgprun.

Hunger, n. ebi. v.t. and i. ebi


Hungry, adj. ti ebi npa.

Hunt, v.t. and i. de, le, spde.

»i. ide.

Hunter, n. 9de.

Hurl, v.t. fi &9kd kikan.

Hurricane, n. iji file.

Hurry, v.t. and i. yara, sira. n.


Hurt, v.t. and i. pa-lara. ft.


Hurtful, adj. nipalara, nika.

Husband, ft. 9k<J, 9k9lobirin.

v.t. se it9Ju.

Husbandman, n. agb^, olut9Ju


Husbandry, ft. iroko.

Hush, inter, dake ! panum9 !

Hush-money, n. owo abetele.

Husk, ft. epo ara eso igi.

Hustle, v.t. and i. ti sihin ti

S9hun, funlu.

Hut, ft. ile kekere.

Hybrid, n. adam^di.

Hydrophobia, n. dugbolugi.

Hyena, HysBna, n. ikokd, p^l^p?-

Hygiene, n. ek9 nipa ara lile.

Hymn, n. orin mime,).

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Hymn-book, ft. iwe orin mimp.

Hyperbole, ft. aspddn.

Hypocrisy, ft. aisot9, ise aga-


Hypocrite, n. agabagebe.

I, pron. emi, mo, ng.

Ice, ft. omi didi.

Idea, ft. iye inu, iro.

Ideal, ft. aper? ti o darajul9.

Identical, adj. ohun kanna, kosi iyat9.

Identify, v.t. niim$ daju.

Idiom, ft. isp 9r9, ilohun 9r9.

Idiot, ft. asiwere.

Idle, adj. le, aisise.

Idleness, ft. ainise, 9I9.

Idler, ft. 9I9, alainise.

Idol, ft. ere, orisa.

Idolater, ft. ab$risa.

Idolatry, ft. ib^risa, isin ere.

Idolize, v.t. arid i. k$, f$ rek9ja.

If, conj. bi.

Ignite, v.t. and i. tinab9, kun.

Ignition, ft. itinab9, kikun.

Ignoble, adj. legan, ail9la.

Ignominious, adj. legan, labukun.

Ignominy, n. 9gan, itiju.

Ignoramus, ft. 6pe enia, asiwere.

Ignorance, n. aim$, ailoye.

Ignorant, adj. laim$, lope, lai-

moye.Ignore, v.t. aikasi, aifiyesi.

HI, adj. aisan, buru, ofo, jamba.

Illegal, adj. 16di si ofin.

Illegible, adj. soro lati ka.

Illegitimate, adj. laibi ni igbe-

yawo ; 9m9 ale, 911a ait9.

Ill-favoured, adj. labukun.

Illiberal, adj. lainawo, laid^w9.

Illicit, adj. ilodi si ofin, ait9 si


Illimitable, adj. lailala, lainiala.

Illiterate, adj. Iaik9we, alaim9


Ill-nature, ft. isonu, iwa buburu.

Illness, ft. arun, aisan.

Illuminate, v.t. tan im9le, se li

Illumination, ft. ifuni ni im9le.

Illuminator, ft. 9niti nfun ni

ni im9l9.

Illusion, ft. isina, ^tan.

Illustrate, v.t. ladi, se aworan.

Illustration, ft. iladi, ifihan,


Illustrious, adj. n9la, loruk9,


Ill-will, ft. irira, if$ buburu.

Image, ft. aworan, ere.

Imagery, ft. ap?re, ifihan.

Imagination, ft. Ird, oye.

Imagine, v.t. ro, woye.

Imbecile, adj. lailera, lailagbara.

Imbibe, v.t. mu sinu.

Imitate, v.t. tele, fi se aper?, se


Imitation, ft. apere, ifarawe,


Imitator, ft. 9019-ehin, alafarawe.

Immaculate, adj. ni iwa funfun.

Immaterial, adj. lainilari.

Immature, adj. aip9n, aigbo.

Immeasurable, adj. Iainiw9n.

Immediate, adj. l9gan, loju-


Immediately, adv. l9gan, nisisiyi.

Immense, adj. tobi pup9, lai-


Immerge, v.t. terl ninu omi.

Immersion, ft. iterl ninu omi.

Immigrate, v.t. and i. sisity si ilu


Immigration, ft. isity si ilu ml.

Imminent, adj. sunm9 itosi,

lewu lori.

Immoderate, adj. Iaim9niw9n.

Immodest, adj. lainitiju.

Immoral, adj. lainiwa rere, buru,

iwa agbere.

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Immortal, adj. laiku, laidibaj?.

Immortality, v.t. aidibaje, aiku.

Immortalize, v.t. 89 di alaiku.

Immovable, adj. duro sinsin.

Immunity, n. anfani, ere.

Immutable, adj. aiyipada.

Impair, v.t. ba-je, fasehin.

Impale, v.t. S9gba yi i ka.

Impart, v.t. fi-fun, fi-ran.

Impartial, adj. lotitp, laini oju-

saju enia.

Impassable, adj. lailekpja.

Impatience, n. aimusuru, iwara,


Impatient, adj. niwara, laiduro.

Impeach, v.t. fi-sun.

Impede, v.t. da-duro, di-l^w^.

Impediment, n. idil^w^, idina.

Impel, v.t. ti siwaju.

Impend, v.i. kilp, so-rp.

Impenetrable, adj. lailelaja, lai-


Impenitence, n. aironupiwada

ese, aikanu ese.

Impenitent, adj. aironupiwada.

Imperative, adj. pipase tasetase.

Imperceptible, adj. airi, aim9.

Imperfect, adj. laipe, labukun.

Imperfection, n. aipe, abukun.

Imperial, adj. ti ijpba, ti 9ba.

Imperil, v.t. lati fi sinu ewu.

Imperious, adj. lafojudi, agidi.

Imperishable, adj. aidibaje.

Impertinence, n. iwere.

Impetuosity, n. irplu, ikplu.

Impetuous, adj. lagbara, nigiri.

Impetus, n. iyanju ikolu lagbara^


Impiety, n. iwabuburu, aibpw9fun Qlorun.

Implacable, adj. laila, lpta.

Implant, v.t. gbin sinu.

Implement, w. ohun pna.

Implicate, v.£. fi-lolu, W9I9W9.

Implication, n. H9W9 ninu nkan.

Implore, v.t. b$, bebe.

Impolite, adj. laimoye laini*


Impolitic, adj. lai^gbpn.

Import, v.t. mu lati okere W9 ilu,


Importance, n. iwuwo, inidi ;

ohun pataki.

Important, adj. wuwo, pataki,


Importation, n. imu 9Ja okere

W9 ilu.

Importer, n. 9niti o mu 9ja lati

okere W9 ilu.

Importunity, n. awiyannu.

Impose, v.t. and i. ka si l9run,


Imposition, n. ifi 9W9 le, is? lain,


Impossible, adj. soro, lailese.

Impossibility, n. isoro, ailese.

Impostor, n. ?letan, aladaw9le.

Imposture, n. ^tan, idaw9le.

Impotence, n. ailagbara, ailera.

Impoverish, v.t. 89 di talaka.

Impracticable, adj. lailese.

Imprecate, v.t. fi-bu, fi-gegun.

Imprecation, n. ifibu, egun.

Impregnable, adj. lailesinidi.

Impregnate, v.t. dap$>, sop$.

Impress, v.t. te-m9, fi ami si.

Imprint, v.t. t9-m9, fi si iranti.

Imprison, v.t. ha-1119, se-m9 inu


Imprisonment, n. iham9 inu


Improbable, adj. lailerib?.

Improper, adj. Iait9, laiye.

Improve, v.t. and i. mu-san,


Improvement, n. imusan, itunse.

Improvident, adj. lainirotel?.

Imprudent, adj. laimoye, laigb9n.

Impudence, n. ailojuti.

Impudent, adj. lailojuti, alafojudi.

Impugn, v.t. kvlu, ko tl.

Impulse, n. agbara ir9lu.

Impulsive, adj. lagbara ir9lu.

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Impunity, n. aijiya, ib9 I9W9 lya


Impure, adj. lading, leri.

Impurity, n. iwa aimp, eri.

Imputation, n. esun, ifi 9ran sun.

Impute, v.t. ka si li 9run, ka si.

In, prep, ni, ninu.

Inability, n. ainipa, ailagbara.

Inaccessible, adj. Iailesunm9.

Inaccuracy, n. aipe, isise.

Inaccurate, adj. laipe, nisise.

Inaction, n. 9I9, im^le.

Inadequate, adj. laito.

Inadmissible, ad;, lailegba.

Inadvertenoe, n. laifiyesi, ni-


Inane, adj. lofo, lainilari.

Inanimate, ody. lail^mi, tyra,


Inapplicable, adj. laibamu, laile-


Inapprehensible, adj. laiy^ni,


Inapproachable, adj. lailesumru?.

Inappropriate, adj. laiy?


Inapt, adj. Iait9, laiy?, laibamu.

Inarticulate, adj. Iailes9r9 dara-


Inasmuch, adv. niw9nbi.

Inattentive, adj. laifojusi, laifi-


Inaudible, adj. lailegbcj.

Inaugurate, v.t. lati k9 b^r^,


Inauspicious, adj. lailorire.

Inborn, Inbred, adj. bibinini.

Incalculable, adj. lailesiro, lai-


Incantation, n. orin af9S9, ise-

faiya, isedi.

Incapable, adj. lailese.

Incapacitate, v.t. gba li agbara.

Incapacity, n. ailagbara, aity-


Incarcerate, v.t. ham9 inu tubu.

Incarnate, v.t. fifi ?ran ara bd.

Incarnation, n. imu ?ran ara W9.

Incautious, adj. Iais9ra, laiwoye.

Incendiary, n. kunle-kunle, ati-


Incense, v.t. mu-binu. n. orunturari.

Inoentive, adj. niru 9kan soke.

Inception, n. ib9r9, ipiles?.

Inoessant, adj. laisimi, laiduro.

Inoh, 71. idamejila 0SUW911 9S9


Incident, n. alabapade, esi.

Incise, v.t. ke, sa.

Incite, v.t. ru 9kan soke, gbe-


Incivility, n. alaim9yi.

Inclement, adj. lailanu, nika,


Inclination, n. ifa 9kan si, itesi.

Incline, v.t. and i. t^-si, ni if9 si.

Include, v.t. fi-p^lu, ka-kun.

Incoherent, adj. Iaifaram9ra.

Income, n. owo-9dun, ere, el6.

Incommodious, adj. Iair9run.

Incomparable, adj. Iail9gb9ra.

Incompatible, adj. Iailebaraj9.

Incompetent, ad;". Iait9,lailagbara.

Incomplete, adj. laipe.

Incomprehensible, adj. lailem$.

Inconceivable, adj. laitonkan.

Inconsiderate, adj. laironu, lai-


Inconsistent, adj. laisedede.

Inconsolable, adj. ti a k6 le tu


Inconspicuous, ti o kere pup9Ju.

Inconstant, adj. laiduro.

Incontestable, adj. lailejiyan.

Incontinenoe, n. aimaraduro,


Incontinent, adj. laimaraduro,


Inconvenient, adj. Iair9iun, laiy9.

Incorporate, v.t. dap9 &9kan,

k9gb9, isop9.

Incorporeal, adj. laini ara.

Incorrect, adj. laipe.

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Incorrigible, adj. bum rekpja.

Incorrupt, adj. laidibaj^.

Increase, v.t. and i. p98i, dagba,

wu. n. ibisi, asunkun.

Incredible, adj. ti ko se gbagb9.

Incredulous, adj. soro lati gbagbp.

Increment, n. ifikun owo-is9.

Incriminate, v.t. fi-sun.

Incubate, v.t. and i. pa 9yin,

saba lori ?yin.

Incubation, n. isaba lori <?yin.

Inculcate, v.t. t^nump.

Incumbent, ad;, kan. n. ^niti

o ni oye ni ijp.

Incur, v.t. jigbese.

Incurable, adj. laiwotan,laiwosan.

Indebted, adj. J9-nigbese.

Indecent, adj. aiy9, ah*?.

Indecision, n. iyemeji, aipinnu.

Indecorous, adj. lainiwa rere.

Indeed, adv. nitot$.

Indefatigable, adj. laisimi, lailare.

Indefinite, adj. lailopin, kd daju.

Indelible, adj. lailepar^.

Indemnity, n. igb9wp nitori


Indent, v.t. and i. t^ sinu w<Jg9-

w^>g9. n. iwe isowo.

Independent, adj. laigbarale, lai-

farak9, laini alakoso.

Indescribable, adj. lailesapejuwe.

Indestructible, adj. laileparun.

Index, n. ifihan, it^kasi.

Indicate, v.t. fi-han, ta?ka si.

Indication, n. ifihan, aper?.

Indict, v.t. fi-sun, ka 939 si tyrun.

Indictment, n. iwe esun.

Indifferent, adj. laisusi, lainani.

Indigenous, adj. ti 119, ti ilu.

Indigent, adj. laini, talaka.

Indigestible, adj. aileda ninu.

Indigestion, n. aida onJ9 ni inu.

Indignant, adj. binu, runu.

Indignation, n. ibinu, ininu.

Indignity, n. $gan, abukun.Indigo, n. 9IU.

Indirect, adj. laisetara, lait9-

Indiscernible, adj. laihan.

Indiscreet, adj. Iaigb9n.

Indiscretion, n. aigbvn ; aimoye.

Indiscriminate, adj. nidarudap9.

Indispensable, adj. laise aini.

Indisposed, adj. ni ailera.

Indisposition, n. ai-ya-ara, aisan


Indisputable, adj. laisi aniani,


Indissoluble, adj. laile ya kuro,


Indistinct, adj. laihan, bal-bal.

Indite, v.t. hurcu?, k9we.

Individual, n. or adj. 91U k9kan,olukuluku.

Individuality, n. is9k§kan ; olu-


Indivisible, adj. lailepin.

Indolence, n. 9I9 ; imele.

Indolent, adj. I9I9, lailap9n.

Indomitable, adj. lailebori.

Indoor, adj. Indoors, adv. ninuile.

Induce, v.t. r$, yi li 9kan pada.

Inducement, n. iyil9kan pada.

Induct, v.t. fi-han, fi si oye.

Indulge, v.t. and i. k9.

Indulgence, n. ik9, aba.

Industrious, adj. Iap9n, laisimi.

Industry, n. ap9n, ise onisowo.

Indwell, v.t. and i. gbe inu.

Inebriate, v.t. muti para.

Inebriation, n. imuti para.

Ineffective, adj. laini as9-

Ineffectual, adj. laileso, lailas9,


Inelegance, n. aidara.

Ineligible, adj. Iait9 ni yiyan.

Inequality, n. aid9gba.

Inequitable, adj. laisot9.

Inert, adj. l9ra, laity&tyni.

Inestimable, adj. ainiye, aile-


Inevitable, adj. laile b9l9W9,


Inexcusable, adj. lairiwisi.

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Inexhaustible, adj. lailelotan.

Inexorable, adj. laigb^b^.

Inexpedient, adj. laiy^, lairprun.

Inexpensive, adj. lainawo pup9.

Inexperience, n. aimoye.

Inexplicable, adj. lailetump.

Inexpressible, adj. lailesp.

Inextinguishable, adj. lailepa.

Infallible, adj. laile&ina, daju-


Infamous, adj. buru rekpja,


Infamy, n. $gan, Iwa buburu.

Infanoy, n. igba iwa 9m9de.

Infant, n. 91119 9W9.

Infanticide, n. pipa 91119 9W9.

Infantry, n. 91119-oguii 9I9S9.

Infatuate, v.t. 39 di iwere, ra

niye, f^ la f? ju.

Infatuation, w. fif9 la f9 ju.

Infect, v.t. ran 1119.

Infection, n. iranm9.

Infer, v.t. mu ero jade.

Inferior, adj. r^Yun ju, rel? ju,


Inferiority, n. ki kere ju.

Infernal, adj. ti 9run apadi, ti


Infest, v.t. y9-l9nu.

Infidel, adj. alaigbagb?.

Infidelity, n. aigbagb?.

Infinite, adj. lailopin, lainip^kun.

Infirm, adj. lailera, lailagbara.

Infirmary, n. ile awpn alaisan.

Infirmity, n. ailera.

Inflame, v.t. and i. tinab9, mu-gbona.

Inflammation, n. ijoni, igbina.

Inflate, v.t. fi af$f$ kun, f$ soke.

Inflect, v.t. t$ sinu, ya kuro l^na.

Inflexible, adj. ailet^.

Inflict, v.t. fi le lara, j^-niya.

Infliction, n. lya, iJ9niya.

Influence, n. ipa lori 91U, agbara.

Influential, adj. lagbara.

Influenza, n. arun otutu.

Influx, n. isan sinu, ifikun.

Infold, v.t. yi-ka, dl-sinu.

Inform, v.t. and i. wi-fun, k^ 1^9,mu-1119, fi-sun.

Informant, n. ^niti ns9 fun ni.

Information, n. iwifun, ^k9,


Infrequent, adj. Iaiw9p9.

Infringe, v.t. ru, saigb9ran.

Infuiiate, v.t. mu-binu, ru ibinu


Infuse, v.t. da-sinu.

Infusion, n. ida omi sori nkanlati fa adun r$ jade.

Ingathering, n. ikore oko.

Ingenious, adj. Ivgb9n, nihum$.

Ingenuity, n. 9gb9n, ihum$.

Inglorious, adj. lailogo.

Ingraft, v.t. l^ux}.

Ingratiate, v.t. se oju rere si.

Ingratitude, n. ail9P9, aimore.

Ingredient, n. ohun elo.

Inhabit, v.t. gbe inu.

Inhabitable, adj. eyiti a le gbeinu.

Inhabitant, n. olugbe.

Inhale, v.t. mi JU1I9, mi sinu.

Inherit, v.t. jogun ini.

Inheiitance, n. ogun, ini.

Inheritor, n. ajogun, arole.

Inhospitable, adj. alaif^ alejd


Inhuman, adj. nika, aisenia.

Inimical, adj. bi 9ta.

Inimitable, adj. ailefarawe.

Iniquity, n. aisedede, 9S9, aiso-


Initial, n. ti ipil^^, ib^r^ oruk9.

Initiate, v.t. mu b^r^, k9 ni

ipiles9 gba s$gb9.

Inject, v.t. fi sinu.

Injudicious, adj. Iail9gb9n.

Injunction, n. as9, iyanju.

Injure, v.t. pa-lara, ba-j^.

Injurious, adj. lewu, laisot9,


Injury, n. ibaJ9, ipalara, ika.

Injustice, n. aisotita?.

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Ink, n. tadawa.

Ink-bottle, n. igo-tadawa.

Inkling, n. finfin.

Inland, adj. loke ile, jina si okun.

Inmate, w. olugbele.

Inn, n. ile ero.

Innate, adj. bibinibi.

Innermost, adj. ti inu tyhun.

Innervate, v.t. mu laraya, fi

agbara fun.

Innkeeper, n. olut9Ju ile-ero.

Innooenoe, n. iwa mimp, ailes?.

Innocent, adj. alais$.

Innovation, n. ayida, mu ohuntitun wa.

Innumerable, adj. lainiye.

Inobservant, adj. laifiyesi.

Inoculate, v.t. I9-1119.

Inoffensive, adj. lainipanilara,

laiba ninu je.

Inopportune, adj. li akoko ti kdy<?-

Inordinate, adj. nifekufe, Jaini-


Inorganic, adj. lail^mi, lainiye.

In-patient, n. eniti a gba sinu

ile" aw9n alaisan.

Inquest, n. iwadi iku eni, it9se.

Inquietude, n. aibale 9kan.

Inquire, Enquire, v.t. and i. bdre,

t9S9, wadi.

Inquiry, n. ibere, ftapse, iwadi.

Inquisition, n. it9se nipa ilana


Inquisitive, adj. wiwadi, tit9se.

Inroad, w. igbogun si, idoti.

Insane, adj. siwere, sinwin.

Insanitary, adj. ^bun, aimp, eri.

Insatiable, adj. lanitetyrun.

Inscribe, v.t. k9 sori, fin.

Inscription, n. akq\Q.

Inscrutable, adj. lailewari.

Insect, n. kokoro.

Insecure, adj. lewu, aidaniloju.

Insensibility, n. aim$, ikura.

Insensible, adj. laim$, nikura,

Inseparable, adj. laile ya kuro.

Insert, v.t. fi-sinu, fi-kun.

Inside, adv. ninu.

Insidious, adj. letan.

Insight, n. im$, ibojuwo.

Insignia, ami oye.

Insignificance, n. aito nkan.

Insignificant, adj. laini lari, laito


Insinoere, adj. laisotp.

Insincerity, n. aisot*?, ?tan.

Insinuate, v.t. fi etan wa ojurere.

Insipid, adj. laini adun.

Insist, v.t. and i. tenum9, fi

jaguda se.

Insobriety, n. imuti para.

Insolence, n. afojudi.

Insolent, adj. lafojudi.

Insolvent, adj. laile san gbese.

Insomnia, n. laile sun.

Insomuch, adv. niwpn bi, tob$.

Inspect, v.t. bojuwo, dan-wo, fi

oju si.

Inspection, n. ibojuwo, ifojusi.

Inspector, n. alabojuwo, alabewo.

Inspiration, n. imisi.

Inspire, v.t. mi-sinu, fa-sinu.

Instability, n. aiduro nibikan.

Instal, Install, v.t. fi si ipo oye.

Instalment, n. adasan, $da,.


Instance, n. apere, ebe, ami.

Instant, adj. lojukanna, laiduro.

Instantaneous, adj. lesekanna,


Instantly, adv. ni iseju kan,


Instead, adv. nipo.

Instigate, v.t. te si, de-si, r9-si.

Instil, v.t. ro, kan.

Instinot, n. im9 inu.

Institute, v.t. fi-lel?, gbe-kal?,


Institution, n. igbekale, ilasile.

Instruct, v.t. k9 li ek9, fi ase


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Instruction, n. ek9, imp, asp.

Instructor, n. olukpni.

Instrument, n. ohun elo 9116,,

Insubordinate, ad/, laitpriba, lai-


Insufficient, adj. laito, laiyp.

Insult, v.t. se afojudisi. n.


Insuperable, adj. lailebori, laile-


Insure, v.t. mu-daju.

Insurgent, adj. dide si, sptp si.

Insurmountable, adj. lailebori.

Insurrection, n. ispte si, idide si.

Intact, adj. laifowokan, nipipe.

Integrity, n. otitp inu, iwa titp.

Intellect, n. oye.

Intelligence, w. oye, irohin, isp-


Intelligent, adj. loye, ni im$.

Intelligible, adj. eyiti a le mp, ti

oye r$ si le ye wa.

Intemperance, n. aseju, aseleke.

Intend, v.t. gbiro, pinnu.

Intended, n. af^spna.

Intense, adj. kikankikan, J9J9.

Intent, adj. idi, nitori ki.

Intention, n. ero, ete.

Inter, v.t. sin.

Intercede, v.i. bebp, sipp.

Intercept, v.t. da duro, di I9W9.

Intercession, n. $bp.

Intercessor, n. onipp, alagbawi,


Interchange, v.t. se peu=iiparo.

Intercourse, n. ibald, ibapade.

Interdict, v.t. da li ekun. n.


Interest, n. anfani, kikan ; owoele. v.t. kan, nisi.

Interfere, v.i. b9 si arin, susi.

Interior, adj. ti inu l^hun, loke,

jina si eti okun.

Interject, v.t. sp-sarin, n-si.

Interjection, w. igbe ojiji.

Intermarriage, n. igbeyawo ninuidile meji.

Intermarry, v.i. igbe eni idile

kan ni iyawo fun idile keji.

Intermediate, adj. larin, lagbe-


Interment, n. isinku.

Interminable, adj. lailopin.

Intermingle, v.t. and i. dappmp.

Intermission, n. idaw9 duro.

Intermittent, adj. igbpda-gbpda.

Internal, adj. ti inu.

International, adj. ti ibalo larin

aw9n orile ede.

Interpose, v.t. and i. bp sarin, se


Interpret, v.t. and i. tum9, se


Interpretation, n. itum9, iladi.

Interpreter, n. ogbify, gbede-

gbey9, onitum^.

Interregnum, n. igba larin akoko

ti 9ba kan je tple ekeji.

Interrogate, v.t. bi-lere, bere.

Interrogation, n. ibilere, ibere.

Interrupt, v.t. da-duro, (H-I9W9.

Interruption, n. idaduro, idiw9.

Intersect, v.t. and i. ke nibu, pin


Intersperse, v.t. tu kakiri.

Intertribal, adj. larin eya enia.

Intertwine, v.t. and i. I9P9, wem9.

Interval, n. aye arin ; akoko


Intervene, v.i. b9 sarin, k9ja


Intervention, n. ilaja, ib9 sarin.

Interview, n. ifojukoju, ojukanra.

Intestate, adj. laifohunsile.

Intestines, n. ifun inu.

Intimacy, n. ibarp.

Intimate, adj. ifaram^. v.t. fi

pnu le 019.

Intimation, n. in pnu le dip.

Intimidate, v.t. daiyafd, dpruba.

Into, prep, ninu, sinu.

Intolerable, adj. laise ifi pkanran,

laile r9Ju.

Intoxicate, v.t. pa li 9ti.

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Intoxication, n. ipa li 9U.

Intractable, adj. agidi.

Intransitive, adj. lairekpja.

Intrepid, adj. laifoya, ni igboiya.

Intrepidity, n. igboiya.

Intricate, adj. diju, l<Jlu.

Intrigue, n. rikisi.

Intrinsic, adj. ojulowo.

Introduce, v.t. fi-han, mu-m$.Introduction, n. ifihan, idimim$


Introspect, v.i. wo awdsinu.

Introvert, v.t. yi si inu.

Intrude, v.t. and i. wa laipe,

y9Ju si.

Intrusion, n. iypju si laipe.

Intuition, n. ogbon inu.

Inundate, v.t. fi omi bo.

Inure, v.t. and i. mo lara.

Invade, v.t. gbogun si.

Invalid, n. alailera, olokunrun.

adj. lailagbara.

Invaluable, adj. lailediyele, iye-


Invariable, adj. diduro sinsin.

Invasion, n. igbogun ti.

Invent, v.t. hum$.Invention, n. iwari, 9gbpn titun.

Inversion, n. iyipada, idorikodo.

Invert, v.t. yi-pada, dorikodo.

Invest, v.t. and i. wp li a^o, se li

999, fi owo pam9.Investigate, v.t. wadi, tos^.

Investment, n. 939, ifiowopam9.

Inveterate, adj. jingiri.

Invigorate, v.t. fun li agbara,


Invincible, adj. ti a kd le bori,


Inviolable, adj. lailebaje.

Invisible, adj. lairi, laihan.

Invitation, n. ipe, ir$.

Invite, v.t. pe, r$.

Invocate, v.t. ke pe ninu adura.

Invocation, n. ikepe ninu adura.

Invoice, n. iwe owo <Jja.

Invoke, v.t. gbadura si.

Involuntary, adj. laise tinutinu,

laifi if9 inu se.

Involve, v.t. wem9, kawe.

Invulnerable, adj. laile sal9gb9.

Inward, adv. ninu.

Ire, n. ibinu, irunu.

Irksome, adj. da lagara, y9-l?nu.

Iron, n. irin.

Ironmonger, n. onis9 irin.

Irony, n. iranp$ apara.

Irradiate, v.t. tan im^le si, dan.

Irreconoilable, adj. laile la nija.

Irrecoverable, adj. laile gba pada.

Irregular, adj. laisedede, lait6


Irreligious, adj. laini iwa bi


Irreparable, adj. laile tunse,


Irreproachable, adj. Iail9gan,


Irresistible, adj. laile k9ju ija si.

Irresolute, adj. laini ipinnu,


Irrespective, adj. laise akiyesi.

Irretrievable, adj. laile gba pada.

Irreverent, adj. laib9W9 fun,


Irrevocable, adj. laile pe pada.

Irrigate, v.t. bomi rin.

Irritate, v.t. to, mu-binu.

Is, n. wa.

Islam, n. isin awpn Imale


ifisile lagbara.

Island, Isle, n. erekusu.

Islander, n. ara erekusu.

Isolate, v.t. le S9nu se ki onikangbe dado.

Issue, n. 91x19, eso, opin. v.t.

and i. san jade.

Isthmus, n. ile toro ti nso U9meji p9 ; 9run H9.

It, pron. on.

Itch, n. ihunra, eyi ara.

Item, adv. b9 g9g9, p?lu ;9k9kan.

Iterate, v.t. tun-se, tun-wi.

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Itinerate, v.i. irin lati ilu de ilu.

Its, po88. pron. tir$.

Itself, pron. on tikalar§.

Ivory, n. ehin erin.

Ivy, n. itakun eweko.


Jabber, v.t. and i. sisor9 laiyanju.

Jacket, n. ?wu aw9leke.

Jagged, ad/, pagunpagun.Jail, n. ile tubu, ile ewon.

Jailer, n. olori tubu.

Jam, n. eso igi ti a ti se. v.t.

and i. tl, fun-p$.

Jangle, v.t. and i. pariwo, s$.

Janitor, n. olutoju ^nu pna.

January, n. osu kini 9dun.

Jar, v.t. and i. ba-89, pariwo.

n. igo, id$.

Jaundice, n. arun ed9.

Jaunt, v.i. I9 lati ibi kan si


Javelin, n. 9k$, esin.

Jaw, n. egungun pari prpk?.

Jealous, adj. owu, ijowu.

Jealousy, n. owu.Jeer, v.t. and i. fi-sefe.

Jehovah, n. Qlprun Olodumare.Jelly, n. omi eso ti a n iyo

Oyinbo se.

Jeopardy, n. ewu.

Jerk, v.t. and i. s<J ni kiakia. n.


Jerked-beef, n. eran jabajaba.

Jersey, n. ?wu aw9t9l9.

Jest, n. efe, apara. v.i. s^f^,


Jesus, n. Olugbala araiye ; Jesu.

Jet, n. isan.

Jew, n. olugbe Judea, ara

Hebrew, 9019 Israel.

Jewel, n. okuta iyebiye, alu-


Jeweller, n. oluta okuta iyebiye.

Jewry, n. ile Judea.

Jig, n. ijo.

Jigger, n. jiga, kokoro ti o nw9lab9 ekanna.

Jingle, n. ir6 nkan bi saworo.

Jinrikisha, n. k?k? ti enia nfakiri.

Job, n. is? kekere kan.

Jockey, n. alagbata esin, ?niti

ngun 9sin sare ije.

Jocular, Jocose, adj. i^f?, ipani-


Jog, v.t. and i. n ejika gbunni, ml, gb^n.

Join, v.t. and i. so-mp, fi-kun.

Joiner, n. onis^na igi, gb$na-gb$na.

Joint, n. orike.

Jointly, adv. ajum9sep9.

Joist, n. igi aja.

Joke, n. ^f?, 9r9 9rin. v.t. and i.

fi-s<?f<?, fi 9r9 pa l^rin.

Jolly, ooy. ni inudidun.

Jolt, v.t. and i. gb9n jigijigl.

Jostle, v.t. and i. fun P9.Jot, n. kikini prp, nkan kikini.

Journal, n. iwe irohin.

Journalist, n. ak9we irohin.

Journey, n. irin ajo.

Journeyman, n. alagbase.

Jovial, adj. Iay9, inudidun.

Joy, n. ay$. v.t. and i. y9, se inu


Joyful, adj. kun fun ay9.

Joyfully, adv. tay9-tay9.

Jubilant, adj. nk9 orin ay$, nh6fun ay$.

Jubilee, n. odun idasil?, adptaodun, akoko ti a nse iranti

nkan pataki.

Judge, n. onidajp. v.t. and i. se


Judgment, n. idajp, idal^bi.

Judgment-day, n. 9J9 idajp.

Judgment-hail, n. gbangan idajp.

Judgment-seat, n. ijoko-idaj'9,


Judicial, ad;, ti onidaJ9, ti ile 9J9.

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Judicious, adj. gb<>n, m6ye.Jug, n. ago, igo.

Juggler, n. onidan.

Juice, n. oje, omi.

Juicy, adj. kun fun omi.

July, n. 0911 keje odun.

Jumble, v.t. and i. dalu wuru-


Jump, v.t. and i. f6, b$.

Junction, n. idapo, isolu.

Juncture, n. idapo, akoko pataki.

June, n. 0911 kefa odun.

Jungle, w. igbo.

Junior, ad;, aburo, kekere.

Jurisdiction, n. sakani ile oye,

ila ise.

Jury, w. egbe igbimo, enia mejila

ti a yan si ile ejo.

Just, adj. olododo, diduro sin-

sin, nitoto.

Just, adv. gege patapata.

Justice, n. otito, ododo ; onidajo.

Justification, n. idalare.

Justifler, n. oludare.

Justify, v.t. da-lare.

Jut, v.i. yori sonso.

Juvenile, adj. ti ewe, ti omode.


Keel, n. isale ok$.

Keen, adj. mu bi obe, nitara.

Keep, Kept, v.t. and i. pa-mo,toju, da-duro. .

Keeper, n. olupamo. onitoju.

Keep-sake, n. nkan ti a fi pamonitori olufunni.

Keg, n. agba igi.

Kennel, n. ile aja.

Kerchief, n. gele.

Kernel, n. omo inu eso, k6ro;


Kerosene, n. ororo fitila.

Kettle, n. ohun elo omi, ikoko

Key, n. omo isika, kokoro, omoagadagodo.

Key-hole, n. enu kokoro.

Kick, v.t. and. i. tapa.

Kid, n. omo ewure.

Kidnap, v.t. ji enia gbe, sunmomi.Kidney, n. iwe inu, ere.

Kill, v.*. and i. pa, gba li emi.

Kiln, n. ebu sisun ohun elo am$.Kin, n. ara, ibatan.

Kind, n. iru, egbe, $wp. ad;.

seun, inu rere.

Kind-hearted, adj. okan rere, inu


Kindle, v.*. and i. tina b$, ru-soke.

Kindness, n. iseun, inu rere, ore.

Kindred, n. ibatan, ara.

Kine, n. abo malu.

King, n. oba.

Kingdom, n. ijoba, ile oba.

Kingship, n. dye oba.

Kinsfolk, ara, ajobi, ibatan.

Kinsman, n. ibatan okonri.

Kinswoman, n. ibatan obirin.

Kiss, n. ifenukoni. v.t. fi enu-


Kitchen, n. ile isenje ; ibi idana.

Kitchen-garden, n. ogba ewebe.

Kitchen-maid, n. omo-odo ti nse


Kitten, n. omo-ologini omo-ologbo.

Knack, v.i. ogbon.

Knapsack, n. apo ologun.

Knave, n. eletan, eniakenia.

Knavery, n. $tan.

Knead, v.t. pd.

Kneading-trough, n. op<Jn ipo


Knee, n. ekun.

Knee-cap, n. egungun ekun.

Kneel, v.i. kunle.

Knell, n. iro agogo.

Knife, n. obe.

Knight, n. oloye kan.

Knit, v.t. and i. fi owo wun, dapo.

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Knitting-needle, n. abprp ti a nlo

lati fi wun.

Knob, n. k6ko.

Knock, v.t. and i. lu, kan,


Knocker, n. 61u, pniti nkankun.

Knoll, n. oke kekere.

Knot, n. koko, idiju. v.t. diju,

so, de.

Know, Knew, v.t. and %. m§.Knowing, adj. gbon, moye.

Knowledge, n. Imp, pgbpn, pk$.

Knuckle, n. orike ika.

Kola, n. obi, orogbo.

Koran, n. Alkurani, iwe mimoImale.

Label, n. iwe ti a nfi sami pru.

Laboratory, n. ile onisegun.

Laborious, od;. ni lala, ladagara.

Labour, n. isp, lala, irpbi. v.t.

and i. sise, se lala rpbi.

Labourer, n. asisp, alagbase.

Labyrinth, n. iruju.

Lace, n. igbati asp. v.t. and i. di.

Lacerate, v.t. ya, fa-ya, sa-lpgbp.

Lack, n. aini, aito. t*.l. and i. se

alaini, ku-ku.

Lackadaisical, adj. pip-darun.

Lackey, n. iranspkpnrin.

Lad, n. pmpkpnrin, pdpmpkpnri.

Ladder, n. akasp, atpgun.

Lade, Laden, v.t. di pru le.

Ladle, n. igbakp, sibi gigun.

Lady, n. iyalode, iya-afin.

Lady-day, n. pjp kpdpgbpn osuMarch.

Ladylike, adj. oninu rere.

Ladyship, n. oye iyalode.

Lag, v.i. se ilpra, fa-sphin.

Lagoon, n. psa, adagun ibiti omiokun nsan si.

Lair, n. ibuba pran.

Laity, Laymen, n. awpn ijp, enia

ti a kd iti gba si oye alufa.

Lake, n. adagun.

Lamb, n. pdp-agutan.

Lambskin, n. awp pdp-agutan.

Lame, adj. amukun, arp. v.t. sp

di amukun.Lameness, n. imukun, iyarp.

Lament, v.t. and i. pohun-rere-


Lamentation, n. orin pfp, ohun-


Lamp, n. fitila, atupa.

Lamplight, n. implp fitila.

Lamplighter, n. pniti ntan fitila.

Lance, n. esin, $k$. v.t. n pbpla.

Lancet, n. abp kekere ti onisegun.

Land, n. ilp, agbegbe. v.t. and i.


Land-agent, n. onilp, onitpju ilp.

Landing, n. igunlp.

Landing-stage, n. ebute pk$.

•Landlady, n. onitpju ile-ero.

Landlord, n. bale ile-ero.

Landmark, n. ala.

Landscape, n. apa ilp ti a le fi

oju ri.

Jjandward, adv. siha ilp.

Lane, n. pna toro ;pna hiha.

Language, n. ede.

Languid, adj. lailokun.

Languish, v.i. ru, r$, se ailera.

Languor, n. ar$, ihura.

Lank, adj. joro.

Lantern, n. fitila.

Lap, «.<• «wd t. fi ahpn la ; di,

we pp. n. itan, esp.

Lapse, n. isubu, ifasphin. v.i.

subu, fa-sphin.

Larceny, n. ole jija.

Lard, n. pra plpdp.

Larder, n. ibiti a nfi onjp pamp.

Large, adj. tobi, nla, gborin.

Large-hearted, n. oninu rere.

Largely, adv. lppplppp.

Largess, n. pbun ; prp.

Lark, n. ire sise ; piyp olorin


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Larva, Larvae, n. kdkdrd, idin.

Lasciviousness, n. W9bia, iwpra,


Lash, v. pasan, llagba. v.t. and i.

fi pasan na ; di.

Lass, Lassie, n. 9d9m9birin.

Lassitude, n. ailera, ar$, iwuwoara.

Last, n. ohun 911a aranbata.

v.t. and i. wa titi, foriti.

Last, Lastly, adv. ti ikphin, ni


Last, Latest, adj. igbphin, ik^hin.

Latch, n. ikekere igi tabi irin

ti a fi nti ilpkun. v.t. ti, se.

Late, adj. p9, tyra, eniti o ti ku.

Lately, adv. nil9l9yi, nijelo.

Latent, adj. pam<J, farasin, lairi.

Later, adv. p^-jti.

Lateral, adj. ti 9gb£, ti iha.

Lathe, n. ^9 oni^na igi.

Lather, n. iho 999. v.t. and i. fi

939 pa ara.

Latitude, n. Ibu, ibd.

Latiine, n. ile igb9ns9.

Latter, adj. ti ik^hin.

Latter-rains, n. ar^kuro.

Laud, n. iyin. v.t. yln, gbeganinu orin.

Laudable, adj. y? fun iyin.

Laugh, v.t. and i. r^rin.

Laughable, adj. panil9rin.

Laughingstock, n. ?niti a nfi


Laughter, n. 9rin.

Launch, v.*. ti si omi, ti si ibu.

Laundress, n. alagbafp.

Laundry, n. ibiti a nfp^p.

Lava, n. okuta onina.

Lavatory, n. ibi aluw?.

Lave, v.t. W9, ti>.

Laver, n. agbada omi.

Lavish, v.t. na inakuna, fi sofo,

f9n kakiri.

Lavish, adj. oninakuna, onild-


Law, n. ofin, as?, ilana.

Law-breaker, n. arufin.

Lawful, adj. y9, t9 si ofin.

Law-giver, n. olofin, asofin.

Lawless, adj. lailofin.

Lawn, n. P9t$l$ ti a nfi koriko bd.

Lawsuit, n. 9sun nipa ofin, 9J9.

Lawyer, n. amofin.

Lax, adj. tu, jafara, d$ra.

Laxative, n. egbogi iyagb?.

Laxity, n. 9W9 d9ngb9r9-

Lay, Laid, v.t. and i. fi-le, gbe-le,

dubul? ; ye, yin.

Layer, n. il$.

Laziness, n. 9I9.

Lazy, adj. ya 9I9, jafara.

Lead, Led, v.t. and i. t§, sin, se


Lead, n. oje.

Leader, n. am^na, asaju.

Leaf, Leaves, n. ewe.

Leafless, adj. lailewe.

Leaflet, n. iwe kekere.

Leafy, adj. kun fun ew6.

League, n. maj^nu, adehun.

Leak, v.i. j6.

Leakage, n. jij6, ila.

Lean, v.t. and i. t9-si, fi ara ti.

adj. ru, joro.

Leap, v.t. and i. f6-soke, b£.

Leap-year, n. pdun k^rin-k^rin

akp pdun.

Learn, v.t. and i. k<J 9k9, gbaim9.

Learned, adj. amoye, 9l9gb9n.

Learner, n. ak9k9.

Learning, n. 9IC9, 6ye, imp.

Lease, w. adehun tita ile tabi

fifi ile yd ni.

Least, adj. kereju, kikini, eni


Leather, n. awp eran ti a ti pese

fun ilo.

Leave, n. aye, gafara, dagbere.

Leave, Left, v.t. fi-sil?, k9-sil9,

I9, kuro.

Leaven, n. iwukara.

Leavings, ajpkii, isikun.

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Lectern, n. ibi ikawe ni 116


Lecture, n. pkp, ibawi. v.t. and i.

kp li pkp, ba-wi.

Lecturer, n. olukpni.

Ledger, n. iwe isiro owo.

Leek, n. ewebp, alubpsa.

Lees, gpdpged^.

Left, adj. osl. v.t. fisilp.

Left-handed, n. plpw$ osl, aldsi.

Leg, n. esp.

Legacy, n. ogun, ohun ini.

Legal, adj. gpgp bi ofin, bi ti ofin.

Legally, adv. gpgp bi ofin.

Legatee, n. ologtin.

Legend, n. itan atpwpdpwp.

Legendary, adj. arosp.

Legible, adj. nan ni kika.

Legion, n. pgbp-ogun, opolopo-

Legislate, v.i. se-ofin, pa-asp.

Legislation, n. isofin.

Legislative, adj. ti nse ofin, ti

npa asp.

Legislator, n. olofin, asofin.

Legitimate, adj. tp si ofin, baofin mu, yiyp, bibi ni igbe-


Leisure, n. ibplpwp isp, aye, esp,


Leisurely, adv. l$so.

Lemon, n. orombo.

Lemonade, n. ohun mimu ti a fi

orombo se.

Lend, v.t. win, ya.

Lender, n. awlnni.

Length, n. glgun.

Lengthen, v.t. and i. fa-gun,

na-lo, sun-siwaju.

Lengthwise, adv. nigigun.

Lenient, adj. alarm, rp ni inu.

Lent, n. akoko awe fun ogoji

ojo ni iranti awe ti Kristi.


Leopard, n. pkun.

Leper, n. adpt§.

Leprosy, n. ptp.

Less, adj. kereju.

v.t. and i, din-ku, bu-


Lesson, n. iwe ti a nko si ori,

ibawi ; $k<J.

Lest, conj. ki a mase, ki a ma ba,


Let, v.t. jeki, da-duro, fun ni aye.

n. idilpna, idaduro.

Lethargy, n. itogbe, sisun.

Letter, n. iwe.

Letter-box, n. apoti iwe.

Letter-writer, n. akpwe.

Level, adj. tpju, tebere, dpgba.

v.t. mu-tpju, mu dpgba.

Lever, n. prp ti o ngbe nkanwuwo soke.

Leviathan, n. pni nla, pja okun,

ej6 ti nfd.

Levite, n. ara Levi, alufa ni ijp

awpn Ju.

Levity, n. ifuye, ifere, alaironu.

Levy, v.t. fi ase sa pmp-oguntabi owo jp, bu isp-iru.

n. alaslnru, isajp.

Lewd, adj. nifpkufp, nlwakiwa.

Lewdness, n. iwakiwa, itiju, Iwaifpkufp.

Lexicon, n. iwe asajp $rp.

Liability, n. iduro fun, idahun fun.

Liable, adj. duro fun, dide,

dahun fun.

Liar, n. eleke, eke\

Libation, n. ifi pti wain rubp ;

tita ohun mimu silp.

Libel, n. iwe ifisun iba orukppni jp.

Liberal, adj. isore, pspnu enia.

Liberality, n. ilawp.

Liberally, adv. lppplppp, pplu


Liberate, v.t. da-silp, sp di omnira.

Liberation, n. idasilp.

Liberator, n. adanisilp, oludaide.

Libertine, n. alailakoso.

Liberty, n omnira, idasilp, aye.

Librarian, n. olutpju akojp iwe.

Library, n. ikojppp iwe.

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Lice, n. ina ori tabi ti 099.

License, Licence, n. aye, anfani,

iwe ase. v.t. je-fun, fun

ni aye, fuii ni ase.

Licentious, adj. lailakoso, tiwa-


Lick, v.t. and i. fi ahpn la, la.

Lid, n. ideri.

Lie, n. ek6, ir<J. v.t. and i. purp,

seke, dubule, fi ara ti.

Liege, n. olori.

Lieu, n. ip6, aye.

Lieutenancy, n. 6ye ogagun.

Lieutenant, n. adele 9ba, pgagun,

eniti o duro dipo elomiran.

Life, Lives, n. wiwa laye, iye,


Life-boat, n. pkp igbala.

Life-giver, n. olufunni ni iye.

life-guard, n. 0IU99 ara 9Da »

onitoju 9ba.

Lifeless, adj. lainiye, oku.

Lifetime, n. igba aiye, 9J9 aiye.

Lift, v.t. and 1. gbe-soke, gbe-ga.

n. iranl9W9.

Ligament, n. edidi, eyiti o de

orike egungun P9.Ligature, n. edidi, ide.

Light, n. im9le, im9. v.t. mu-m9le, tan-im9le. v.i. g$,

ba, s9-kale. adj. fuye,

fer$, laiwuwo, fute fute.

Lighten, v.t. and i. mu-fuye,


Lighter, n. 9k9 eru.

Light-headed, adj. alaironu.

Light-hearted, adj. ni inudidun,

laini aniyan.

Lighthouse, n. iie im^l^ ti o se

ikil9 aw9n atuk9«

Lightly, adv. jeje, laiwuwo.

Light-minded, adj. laiduro sin-


Lightning, n. manamana.Lights, fukufuku.

Like, v.t. and i. f£, ni inudidun

si, dunm9. adj. J9, dabi.

Like-minded, adj. oninu kan.

Liken, v.t. fi-w?, fi se akawe.

Likeness, n. aw6ran, iri, afarawe,


Likewise, adv. bfgege, pelu.

Lily, n. orukp itanna kanitanna isumeri.

Limb, n. $ya ara, eka igi.

Lime, n. efun ; orombo w$we.Lime-juice, n. omi orombo

wewe.Limekiln, n. ebu efun.

Limestone, n. okuta ^fun.

Lime-wash, n. fi 9da kun, fi

efun kun.

Limit, n. ipinnu, ala, opin. v.t.

pala, se aropin, pinnu.

Limitation, n. ipala, ihamp.

Limitless, adj. lailopin, lailala.

Limp, adj. lailera, tiro. v.i.

mukun.Limpid, adj. 1119 gara, didan.

Line, n. okun tinrin, okun owu,ala, ila. v.t. and i. fa ila

si ; t9 ; to.

Lineage, n. iran, idile.

Linen, n. as9 ^gb?, a§9 funfun.

Liner, n. 9k9 nla.

Lingual, adj. ti ah9n.

Linguist, n. amoye ede.

Liniment, n. ororo ipara.

Lining, n. itenu as9.

Link, n. orike ew9n, ide. v.t.

and i. so-p9-

Linseed, n. iru eso ^)gbo.

Lint, n. as9 9gb? kikuna.

Lintel, n. aterigba.

Lion, n. kiniun.

Lioness, n. abo-kiniun.

Lion-hearted, adj. nigboiya bi


Lip, n. ete, enu ohun elo.

Liquefy, v.t. and i. y<J.

Liquid, adj. sisan, bi omi, d$ra.

Liquidate, v.t. and i. mp



Liquidation, n. itun pran owo se.

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Liquor, n. nkan mimu, pti.

Lisp, v.t. and i. sprp bi pmpde.

List, n. iwe akojp orukp ; tp ;

v.t. and i. kp oruko si iwe,

to lesesp ; fe.

Listen, List, v.t. and i. fi eti si,

Listener, n. olugbp.

Listless, adj. laitptisilp, jafa'ra,


Lit, v.t. and i. tan ina.

Litany, n. adura pbp.

Literal, adj. gpgp bi $ro.

Literary, adj. ti pkp, ologbonni iwe kika.

Literature, n. pgbpn prp, iwe.

Lithe, adj. rorun lati t$.

Lithograph, v.t. gb$ sori okuta.

Litigate, v.t. and i. ro ejo, fi-sun

nipa ofin.

Litter, n. pafa ; okiti koriko,

91119 eran. v.t. and i. bibi

pran ; tuka.

Little, adj. kekere, kere, die.

Liturgy, n. ilana isin.

Live, v.t. and i. wa laye, ye. adj.


Livelihood, n. owo lati fi jeun,

ohun ini.

Lively, adj. dara ya.

Liver, n. $dp ki.

Living, adj. alaye, lye, ini.

n. isp.

Lizard, n. alamu. lamurin,


Lo ! inter, kiyesi ! wo !

Load, n. pru. v.t. and i. di pru

le, ki ib9n.

Loaf, n. isu akara. v.t. and i.


Loan, n. ohun iwinni, ohun ti

a fi ya ni.

Loathe, v.t. korira.

Loathsome, adj. pgbin, irira.

Lobe, n. isal^-eti.

Lobster, n. alakasa, akp ide.

Local, adj. ti ibi kan.

Locality, n. agbegbe.

Locally, adv. jp ti ibi kan.

Locate, v.t. fi si ibi kan.

Location, n. ip6, ibi.

Lock, n. agadagodo ; idiri


v.t. and i. ti, so-p9.

Locker, n. apoti kekere.

Locket, n. ohun 939 ti a fi kp9run.

Lockjaw, n. didi pnu, aisan ipa.

Locksmith, n. alagbpdp kpkprp.

Lock-up, n. ile tubu.

Locomotive, n. prp ti nfa kpkp.

Locust, n. esu.

Lodge, v.£. and i. W9 si, mu-wp.n. ag9, iJe onispna.

Lodger, n. eniti o ya ile W9.

Lodging, n. ile agbawp, ibuwp.

Loft, n. iyara-6ke ile.

Lofty, adj. giga, gbe soke,


Log, n. iti igi ; omugp, iwe

irohin ilpsiwaju 9^.Logic, n. 9gb9n ironu.

Logwood, n. igi osun, igi ti a fi

nre aro.

Loin, n. ibadi, pgbp, phin pran.

Loin-cloth, n. a?p ibora, asp


Loiter, v.t. and i. lpra, fa-8phin,


Loiterer, n. onil9ra.

Loll, v.t. and i. fi ara ti, dubulplasan.

Lonely, adj. nikan wa.

Loneliness, n. idagbe, ise pkan-


Long, adj. jinna, gun, pp. v.i.

fp tpkantpkan.

Longer, adj. gun ju, pp si.

Longevity, n. pjp pipp, pmigigun.

Longing, n. ifp gbigbona, ifo-


Long-suffering, adj. onipampra.

Loofah, n. kanrinkan-ayaba.

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Look, v.t. and i. w6, yi oju si.

n. Iw6, oju.

Looking-glass, n. dingi, awojiji.

Look-out, v.i. sona, yan.

Loom, n. 6fi, ?ro iwuns9. *>•*•

farahan lokere.

Loop, n. oj6bo ; iho koroboju.

Loophole, n. iho kekere ni ogiri,

pna lati fi la.

Loose, adj. titu, idasile, nif^kuf9.

u.J. tu-sil^, da-sile.

Loot, v.t. and i. ko ikogun. n.


Lop, v.t. and i. 1*9.

Loquacious, ady. alas9Ju.

Lord, n. Oluwa, baba, oba. v.t.

and i. lo agbara lori.

Lord's Day, n. 9J9 Oluwa.

Lord's Supper, n. onj? al^


Lose, Lost, v.t. and i. padanu,sofo.

Loser, n. olofd.

LOSS, n. 6fo, adanu.

Lost, adj. nu, 891111.

Lot, n. ipin, ipo ; ibo, keke.

Loud, adj. kikan, ariwo rara.

Loudly, adv. kikankikan.

Lounge, v.t. and i. r$gb$ku.

n. ir9gb9ku.

Louse, n. ina ori tabi ti as9.

Lovable, adj. ti a le f^ran.

Love, n. if 9. v.t. and i. f£,


Love-feast, n. ase if£.

Loveless, adj. lainif$.

Loveliness, n. 9wa.

Lovely, adj. dun, daradara.

Lover, n. oluf$.

Loving, adj. nif$, seun.

Loving-kindness, n. iseun-iff

Low, adj. ir9sil9, k9l9k9l9, J9J9.

Lower, adj. r9l9ju. v.t. and i.


Lowing, n. igbe. v.i. nke bi


Lowliness, n. ir9l9 9kan.

Lowly, n. onir9l9.

Low-spirited, adj. binuJ9, fajuro.

Loyal, adj. olot9 si 9ba tabi

olori kan.

Loyalty, n. iwa olot9.

Lubricate, v.t. fi ororo pa, rau di

yiy9, dan.

Lucid, adj. didan.

Lucifer, n. esu ; oruk9 iraw9

kan ; isana.

Luck, n. alabapade, orirere,


Luckily, adv. lagbako.

Lucky, adj. ni ori rere.

Lucre, n. ere, anfani.

Lucrative, adj. U ere.

Ludicrous, adj. ipanil^rin.

Lug, v.t. and i. fa.

Luggage, n. erfr.

Luggage-van, n. k9k9 9ru.

Lukewarm, adj. tywcjwcj.

Lull, v.t. and i. rau-dak^.

Lullaby, n. orin ipas? fun 9m9de.

Lumbago, n. lakuregbe.

Lumber, n. nkan lasan, nkan ti

k6 nilari.

Luminary, n. iraw9 impl?.

Lumination, n. itamiK,)^.

Luminous, adj. mpl^.

Lump, n. isu.

Lunacy, n. were.

Lunar, adj. ti osupa, ti osu.

Lunatic, n. asiwere.

Lunch, n. onJ9 9san.

Lunge, n. fifi ida ti lojiji.

Lungs, n. 9d9foro, fukufuku.

Lurch, v.i. ta gb9ngb9n lojiji.

Lure, v.t. tan-J9, d9. n. 9tan


Lurid, adj. pokudu.

Lurk, v.i. lumcj, bade, buba.

Luscious, adj. dun p9, wunni.

Lust, n. if9kuf9- v.i. se if9kuf9


Lustily, adv. P9IU igboiya.

Lustre, n. idan, iir^l?.

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Lusty, adv. lagbara, lokun, si-


Lute, n. ohun 9na orin.

Luxuriant, adj. idagba pupp,


Luxurious, adj. kun fun adun,


Luxury, n. ij? adun, ijaiye.

Lying, n. iseke ipur9. adj. ni


Lymph, n. 9yun ti a fi nbupa.

Lynch, v.t. j^niya laidal9J9.


Mace, n. 9pa oye.

Machination, n. arekereke.

Machine, n. 919.

Machine-work, n. ise ti a fi 919


Mackintosh, n. as9 ojo.

Mad, adj. siwere, biba J9 ori,


Madam, n. oruk9 9la fun agba


Madden, v.t. and i. ba li ori

J9, mubinu.

Made, adj. se, da.

Mad-house, n. ile awpn asiwere.

Magazine, n. lie 9tu, iwe.

Maggot, n. idin.

Magic, n. idan.

Magic-lantern, n. atupa onidan.

Magician, n. alalupayida, os6,


Magistrate, n. onidaJ9, olori.

Magnanimity, n. inu rere, 9191a.

Magnanimous, adj. 9191a, oni

nurere, olore.

Magnate, n. olori.

Magnet, n. ofa.

Magnificent, adj. l9lanla, niyin

pup$, logo ni Iwo.

Magnifier, n. pni imutobi, pni


Magnify, v.t. gbe-ga, yln-logo,


Magnitude, n. titobi, gbigborin.

Mahdi, n. ampna nla ti awpnImale nreti.

Mahogany, n. igi gedu, igi


Maid, n. wundia, 9m9-od9 obi-


Maidenhood, n. igba wundia.

Mail, n. pwu ti a fi irin adarp

P9l9b9-p9l9b9 se ; apo iwe,


Mail-boat, n. 9k$ ti nmu iwe kiri.

Mail-coach, n. k^ke iwe.

Maim, v.t. pa li ara, se li abukun.


adj. pataki, olori. n.

agbara, okun, pataki.

Mainly, adv. pataki.

Main-sail, n. igbokun pataki

ninu 9k{>.

Main-stay, n. itilphin.

Maintain, v.t. se it9ju, mu-duro,

di-mu, t9num9.

Maintenance, n. it9ju, onj?,


Maize, n. agbado, 9ka.

Majestic, adj. ti o ni 9la, ti o ni

Majesty, n. 91a nla.

Major, n. dye 9gagun ; agba.

adj. P9-ju, tobi-ju.

Majority, n. akoko 9dun agba ;

awpn ti op9Ju.

Make, v.t. and i. se, da, m$.

Maker, n. eleda.

Malady, n. aisan, arun.

Malaria, n. amodi, iba.

Mft|ftrift1tadj. ti amodi, ti aisan.

Male, adj. ti ak9. n. ak9.

Male-Child, n. 9m9k9nrin.

Malediction, n. is9r9 ibi, ifibu.

Malefactor, n. arufin, oluse bu-


Malevolent, adj. ni if$ buburu,


Malice, n. arankan.

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Malicious, adj. ni irira, arankan.

Malign, v.t. 39 <?r9 buburu si, se

keta, se arankan.

Malignant, adj. ni ika, ni oro

ninu, ni iro buburu.

Mallet, n. olu igi.

Malpractice, n. iwa buburu.

Malt, n. irugbin ti a fi nse 9ti,

Maltreat, v.t. se ni ibi, se iw9si

si, Id ni buburu.

Maltreatment, n. iw9si, ilo bu-


Mftmmftli^ n. 9ran ti nfi 9mub9 9m9 W9n.

Mammon, n. 9^, orisa 9r$.

Man, n. enia, 9k9nrin.

Manacle, n. paw9p9, 9W9n 9W9.

v.t. fi paw9pe si I9W9, deI9W9.

Manage, v.t. t<J, se it9ju, se

abojuto, se akoso.

Manageable, adj. v^tuh lati t$.

Manager, n. alabojuto, olori.

Mandate, n. as?, ofin.

Mane, n. g$g$ esin.

Manfully, adv. se bi ok9nrin.

Mange, n. ekuru ara ^ran.

Manger, n. ibuj? 9ran.

Mangle, v.t. fa-ya, g?. n. ?r9

ti a fi 11I9 as9-

Mangier, n. 6I9.

Mango, n. oruk9 eso kan.

Mangrove, n. igi 9gba ninu ira.

Manhood, n. iwa 9k9nrin.

Mania, n. iwere.

Maniac, n. asiwere, asinwin.

Manifest, v.t. and i. fi-han,

sipaya. adj. han.

Manifestation, n. ifihan, isipaya.

Manifesto, n. iwe 9ran ilu.

Manifold, adj. pip9, oniruru

Manipulate, v.t. fi 9W9 sis?.

Manipulation, n. fifi 9W9 t<>.

Mankind, n. araiye.

Manly, adj. laiya, nigboiya.

Manna, n. onJ9 ti Ql9run fi b9aw9n 91119 Israel li aginju.

Manner, n. Iwa, ise, iru.

Manoeuvre, n. 9gb9n ilo.

Manse, n. ile alufa.

Mansion, n. ile nla, ibugbe.

Manslaughter, n. ipania.

Manslayer, n. apania.

Mantle, n. ?wu ileke, agbada.

v.t. and i. b6.

MftTWft1 tadj. ti a fi 9W9 se. n.

iwe kekere.

Manufactory, n. ibiti a nse ohuntita.

Manufacture, v.t. fifi 9ns se

nkan tita.

Manure, n. Stan, iledu. v.t. koiledu si.

Manuscript, adj. iwe ti a fi 9W9k9. n. iwe a fi 9W9 k9.

Many, adj. pup9, p9, 9P9I9P9.

Map, n. aworan il? aiye. v. la


Mar, v.t. baje, pa-lara.

Marabout, n. ?iy? ak9.

Maran-atha, n. Oluwa wa mb9.1 Cor. xvi. 22.

Maraud, v.t. and i. wa ikogunkiri.

Marauder, n. apiy? kiri.

Marble, n. okuta didan.

March, n. osu ?k?ta 9dun. v.t.

and i. nrin 19s9s9.

Blare, n. abo 9sin.

Margin, n. eti, bebe.

Marine, adj. ti okun.

Mariner, n. atuk9 okun.

Mark, n. ami, apa. v.t. sami si,


Market, n. 9Ja. v.t. ta 9ja, ra


Market-day, n. 9J9 93a.

Market-place, n. ibi 9ja.

Marriage, n. isoyigi, igbeyawo.

Marrow, n. 9ra egungun.

Many, v.t. and i. gbe ni iyawo,

so ni yigi.

Marsh, n. ira, 9r?, abata.

Marshal, v.*. and i. to 193989.

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Marshy, adj. kiki ira.

Hart, n. pja.

Martial, adj. ti ogun.

Blartin, w. alapandedp.

Martyr, n. ajpriku.

Martyrdom, n. iku ajpriku.

Marvel, n. ohun iyanu. v.i.

pnu ya ni.

Marvellous, adj. iyanu.

Masculine, adj. akp, pkpnri.

Mash, v.t. run, p61u.

Mask, n. iboju, iparada. v.t.


Mason, n. ample okuta, agb$okuta.

Masonry, n. isp ample okuta.

Masquerade, n. ipa oju mp, ipa

ara da. v.i. se egungun, se


Mass, n. isu, akop$. v.t. and i.


Massacre, n. pipa. v.*. pa ni


Massage, n. ipa ara fun iwosan.

Massive, adj. wuwo, tobi.

Mast, n. op6 pk{>.

Master, n. olori, alakoso, pga.

Master-builder, n. olori omole.

Masterful, adj. plpgbpn ni i$e.

Masterpiece, n. olubori i^e.

Mastership, n. 6ye alakoso.

Mastery, n. isegun, ibori.

Masticate, v.«. je, run.

Mastication, n. irun onje li enu.

Mat, n. eni. v.t. and i. fi eni bo.

Match, n. isana ; idogba ; egbe-

ra ; isoyigi.

Match-box, n. ile isana.

Matchless, adj. lailegbera.

Mate, n. enikeji, egbe. v.t. and i.


Material, n. nkan ti ara ; asp,

ohun elo ti an se nkan. adj.


Maternal, adj. ti iya.

Maternity, n. iwa iya.

Matricide, n. pipa iya pni.

Matrimonial, adj. ti igbeyawo.

Matrimony, n. isoyigi, igbeyawo.

Matrix, n. inu.

Matron, n. iya agba, onitpju il6


Matted, adj. kiwereje.

Matter, n. ohunkohun ti an oju

ri, ti a si n pwp kan, pran,

nkan ; pyun egb6.

Matting, n. eni.

Mattock, n. <jkp ganmuganmu.Mattress, n. timtim nla ti a fi

*" koriko tabi owu kl lati sunle.

Maturate, v.t. de, ppn, gbo.

Mature, v.t. and i. ndagba. adj.


Maturity, n. dide, pippn, gbigbo.

Maul, n. olugboro. v.t. lu ni


Mausoleum, n. iboji ti o dara ni


Maw, n. apo onje ti pran tabi

ti eiyp.

Maxim, n. owe, ilana.

Maximum, n. eyiti o ppju.

May, n. osu karun pdun.

May, aux. v. le.

May-be, adv. boya.

May-day, n. pjp ekini osu May.Mayor, n. onidajp ilu, olori ilu.

Mayoress, n. aya olori ilu.

Maze, n. pna kprpkprp ti o soro

mp, iruju, igpni.

Me, pron. mi, emi.

Meadow, n. papa.

Meagre, adj. ru, joro, lailagbara.

Meal, n. onjp ; iypfun.

Mean, adj. enia lasan, lainiyin,

lainilari. v.t. pete, r6, mura.

n. agbede meji, arin.

Meaning, n. idi, itump, imp.

Meaningless, adj. lailori, laitump.

Means, n. pna ti a gba lati fi se


Meantime, Meanwhile, adv. ni-

bayi, lakoko na.

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Measles, eyi, tabi arun pyi.

Measure, n. IW911, osuwpn. v.t.


Measureless, adj. lainiwpn.

Measurement, n. wiwpn, iwpn.

Meat, n. onjp, pran jijp.

Meat-offering, n. pbp onjp, pbp

Mechanic, n. onisp 911a.

Medal, n. ohun-ami iyin.

Meddle, v.i. dasi, l9W9si, fpnusi.

Meddler, n. ofinran, aladasi.

Meddlesome, adj. alay9jusi.

Mediate, v.t. and i. ae ilaja.

Mediation, n. ilaja.

Mediator, n. onilaja.

Medical, adj. ti ogun, ti egbogi.

Medicine, n. ogun, egbogi.

Meditate, v.t. and i. 90 aaaro,

ronu, gbiro.

Meditation, n. i^aro.

Medium, n. arin, ohun elo.

Medley, n. idarudapp.

Meek, adj. pplp, tutii li pkan.

n. 9l9kan tutu.

Meekness, n. inu tutu, 9kan tutu.

Meet, v.t. and i. pade, kd loju,

y9. adj. yp, o tp be.

Meeting, n. ipade, apejp.

Meeting-house, n. He ipade.

Melancholy, n. ibinuJ9, ifajuro,


Meliorate, v.t. and i. mu san dip.

Mellow, adj. p<>n, dp, gb6. v.t.

and i. di rirp, di ogb6.

Melodious, adj. adun li eti.

Melody, n. orin didun.

Melon, n. eso itakun, bara,


Melt, v.t. and i. yp.

Member, n. $ya ara.

Membership, n. ero iJ9 tabi pgbp.

Membrane, n. aw9 fplpfplp ti obo eya ara.

Memento, n. ohun iranti.

Memoir, n. itan igbe aiye eniti

o ae alaisi.

Memorable, adj. yp ni iranti.

Memorandum, n. iwe iranni leti,

iwe iseranti.

Memorial, n. iranti, ohun iranti.

Memory, n. iranti.

Men, n. aw9n 9k9nrin.

Menace, n. ikilp, iyplpnu. v.t.

kilp fun, dpruba, yp lpnu.

Menagerie, n. akoJ9pp prankoigbp.

Mend, v.t. and i. tun-ae, mu-san.

Mender, n. alatunae.

Mendicant, n. alagbe.

Menial, adj. lainilari, isp-pru.

Men-pleasers, n. alaaewu enia.

Mental, adj. ti iye.

Mention, n. iranti, idarukp. v.t.

$e iranti, da orukp, sp ti.

Mercantile, adj. ti oniaowo, ti


Mercenary, n. alagba^e, oju-

kokoro ere.

Mercer, n. oluta a^p.

Merchandise, n. pja tita.

Merchant, n. oniaowo.

Merciful, adj. lanu, niy9nu.

Merciless, adj. laini anu.

Mercy, n. anu, iycjwiu.

Mere, adj. sa, kiki.

Merge, v.t. and i. gbeml, bp sinu.

Meridian, n. psan gangan.

Merit, n. ere, itpsi, itoye.

Meritorious, adj. niyin, nitoye.

Merriment, n. ayp, idaraya.

Merry, adj. inu didun, lay$.

Merry-making, n. sariya.

Mesh, n. alafo larin okun aw$n.

Mess, n. rudurudu, onjp ajpjp.

Message, n. isp riran, ihin, $rp.

Messenger, n. ik$, onae, iransp.

Messiah, n. Kristi, pniti a nororo yan.

Met, v.t. pade.

Metal, n. orukp ti a fi npe iru

nkan bi wura, fadaka, irin,

idp, oje, etc.

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Metaphor, n. ifi ohun kan juweekeji.

Mete, v.t. w$n.

Meter, n. osuw9n, iwpn.

Methinks, v.i. mo sebi, mo ro pe.

Method, n. ilana, iwa, ito I9S9S9,

9ns lati fi se nkan.

Metre, n. osuw9n.

Metropolis, n. olu ilu.

Mettle, n. igboiya.

Mew, n. kike ologbo.

Mice, aw9n ekute.

Mid, adj. larin, lagbedemeji.

Midday, n. 9san gangan, idaji


Middle, n. arin, agbedemeji.

Middle-aged, adj. ab9 9J9.

Middle-man, n. alarobp, alarena.

Middling, adj. ni iw9ntuw9nsi.

Midge, n. kantikanti.

Midnight, n. 9ganj9.

Midshipman, n. oloye ninu 9^.Midst, n. arin.

Midway, n. agbedemeji 911a.

Midwife, n. olut9Ju aw9n ti

nr9bi 9m9.Midwifery, n. is? olut9Ju ni bibi


Mien, n. Iwo, iri.

Might, n. agbara, ipa. v.t. le.

Mightily, adv. gidigidi, I9P9I9P9.

Mighty, adj. alagbara.

Migrate, v.i. si lati ibi kan I9 si


Migration, n. isip6.

Milch, adj. eran abiyam9.

Mild, adj. jeje, pele, tuju.

Mildew, n. imuw6du, bibu.

Mile, n. osuw9n $na, irin oguui?9ju.

Milestone, n. okuta isami 9na.

Militant, adj. nja, njagun.

Military, n. ti ogun, ti 9m9-ogun.Militate, v.i. se odi si, k9Jujasi.

Militia, n. 9gbe 9m9-ogun.Milk, n. wara. v.t. fun wara.

Milkman, n. oluta wara, oniwara.

Mill, n. 9I9, e-ro.

Millennium, n. ^gb^run 9dun.

Millepede, n. 9kun.

Miller, n. ^niti o I9 agbado.

Millet, n. 9ka baba.

Milliner, n. oluta akete.

Million, n. ad9ta 9k?.

Millstone, n. 9I9.

Mimic, n. asinije. v.t. s(^t<^ tabi

se bi.

Mince, v.t. and i. ke W9W9.Mincing, adj. nyan, rera, yeg?-

9run, r<J.

Blind, n. iye, inu. v.t. and i.

fiyesi, se it9Ju.

Minded, adj. wa li 9kan.

Mindful, adj. nranti, nt9Ju,


Mine, pron. temi. n. iho ti anwa isura il^. v.t. and i.

\val9 fun irin.

Mineral, n. nkan ti o wa ninuerup9 ile.

Mineral oil, n. ororo ti o nti inu

il9 jade.

Mingle, v.t. and i. dap9, dalu.

Miniature, n. aworan kekere.

adj. kereju.

Minimum, n. eyiti o kere J11I9.

Minister, n. iranse, ojise, alufa.

v.t. se iranse.

Ministration, n. ise irans?, is9


Ministry, n. oye, is? irans?.

Minor, adj. kereju, lail9J9 lori.

Minority, n. akoko ewe.

Minster, n. ile Qtyrun giga.

Minstrel, n. ak9rin, afunfere.

Mint, n. efirin ; ibiti a nda owo.v.t. da owo.

Minute, adj. kere pup9Ju, nfi-

yesi nkan kekere.

Minute, n. iseju, irohin ipinnu


Minute book, n. iwe irohin

ipinnu aJ9.

Miracle, n. ise iyanu.

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Miraculous, adj. iyanu, ju ti

agbara enia lati se.

Mirage, n. iruju ti o mu ohunkan di meji, isuju.

Mire, n. er$, p^tpp^t^, ira.

Mirror, n. awojiji.

Mirth, n. ay$, inudidun, ir6-ayo.

Mirthless, adj. laini inudidun.

Miry, adj. ti o ni $re.

Misadventure, n. jamba.

Misadvise, v.t. gbanimpran ti kodara, tan-je.

Misanthrope, n. eniti o korira

pm9 enia.

Misapply, v.t. 16 ni ona ti kot9, silo.

Misappropriate, v.t. 16 fun ohunti akd nfunni lati 16 fun,


Misbehave, v.t. huwa ti k6 t9.

Misbehaviour, n. iwa ti k6 tp,

iwa buburu.

Misbelief, n. igba ekp odi gbp.

Miscalculation, n. isiro ti k6 tq,

si nkan siro.

Miscall, v.t. sipe.

Miscarriage, n. iwa buburu,is^nu.

Miscellaneous, adj. oniruru, nida-


Mischance, n. jamba, ijaba.

Mischief, n. ipanilara, ibi, ika.

Mischievous, adj. nika.

Misconduct, n. iwa ti k6 ye.

Miscreant, n. eniakenia, alai-


Blisdeed, n. iwa buburu.

Blisdemeanour, n. iwa buburu.

Misdirect, v.t. si f^nahan.

Blisdoubt, v.t. se iyemeji si.

Miser, n. awun enia.

Miserable, adj. otosi, laini alafia.

Misery, n. osi, irora ti ara tabi

ti 9kan.

Misfit, n. laibamu.

Misfortune, n. 6f6, jamba.

Misgive, v.t. aa iyemeji.

Mishap, n. jamba.

Misinform, v.t. si wi fun.

Misinstiuct, v.t. si kp, si 1911a.

Misinterpret, v.t. si tum9.

Mismanage, v.t. si se.

Misname, v.t. si pe oruk9.

Misplace, v.t. fi sipo ti k6 t9.

Misprint, v.t. si tp.

Mispronounce, si pe.

Misrule, n. se akoso li 9na ti

k6 yp.

Bliss, n. apem9 91a fun ^91119-

birin. v.t. si, tase, se

alaini, fp-ku.

Missile, n. nkan ti a fi ja bi ^9,.9ta ib9n tabi okuta.

Missing, adj. nu, f? ku.

Mission, n. is$ riran, isp pataki

ti a ran ni si.

Missionary, n. iranse, onise*


Missive, n. iwe ti a fi ranse.

Misspend, v.t. na ninakuna.

Mist, n. ikuku, owusuwusu.

Mistake, n. isina, esi. v.t. si ro.

Mister, Mr., n. 9gb9ni, apemo-

9la fun ok9nrin.

Mistletoe, n. afom9.

Mistranslate, v.t. si yir^pada.

Mistress, Mrs., n. iya ile, oluk9ni

obirin, ale, apem9 91a fun

obirin tabi iyawo.

Mistrust, n. ainigbpkple. v.t.

siyemeji, se ainigbpkple.

Misunderstanding, n. gbolohun-


Misunderstood, v.t. si m$, si ye.


Misuse, n. il6kulo. v.t. 16 nilo -

kulo, 16 sodi.

Mite, n. kokoro ti o kereju


ohun kikini ; owo ide w$weti k6 ju bi 9gb$n owo ey919 .

Mitigate, v.t. mu san, mu fuye,


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Mitigation, n. imusan, imufuyp,


Mitre, n. ade awpn olori alufa.

Mittens, ib$w<J.

Mix, v.t. and i. dapp, sopp, p6.

Mixture, n. idap9, adalu.

Mizzle, v.i. rp ojo.

Moan, v.t. and i. spkun, pohun-rere, kerora. n. ikerora.

Moat, n. yara. v.t. wa yara.

Mob, n. agbajp awpn eniakenia.

v.t. and i. kotl.

Mobile, adj. yiyipopada.

Mock, v.t. and i. fi se plpya, fi

sesin, ti rprin, sinjp.

Mockery, n. plpya, plpgan.

Mode, n. ise, iwa, asa.

Model, n. aworan, apprp, awose.

v.t. se gege hi apprp.

Moderate, adj. niwpntunwpnsin,m<j> niwpn.

Moderation, n. iwpntunwpnsin,

iwa pplp.

Modern, adj. ti igba isisiyi.

Modest, adj. niwpntunwpnsin,ni itiju, niwamimp.

Modification, n. iyipada, itunse.

Modify, v.t. yipada, tunse.

Modulate, v.t. and i. yi ohun orin

pada, parp, tun orin se.

Mohammedan, n. Imale, omo-phin Mpmpdu.

Mohammedanism, n. isin Imale.

Moist, adj. tutu.

Moisten, v.t. and i. mu-tutu, bomirin.

Moisture, n. ririn, tutu.

Molasses, n. oyin iyp-oyinbo.

Mole, n. pranko kekere ti nwaiho ni ile.

Molest, v.t. yo-lenu.

Molestation, n. iyplpnu.

Mollify, v.t. kun, mu-rp, tu-ninu.

Molten, adj. dida, y<J.

Moment, n. ispju kan.

Momentous, adj. ni pataki.

Monarch, n. pba.

Monarchy, n. awpn enia labe

pba kan.

Monday, n. pjp keji Ipse.

Money, n. owo.

Moneyless, adj. lainiowo.

Money-making, n. iko pr$ jp.

Money-order, n. iwe ifioworansp

lati ibikan de ibikeji.

Monition, n. ikilp, isinileti.

Monitor, n. akilp funni, olukp,

oluranlowo olukp.

Monkey, n. pbp, aya.

Monkey-nut, n. ppa.

Monogamy, n. igbe obinrin

kansoso ni iyawo.

Monopolise, v.t. gbakadp, nseteni


Monopolist, n. alagbakadp iso-

wo, anikansowo.

Monotheism, n. igba Qlorun

kansoso gbp.

Monotheist, n. pniti o gba Qlprun

kansoso gb<J.

Monster, n. ohun ibanil^ru,

ilodisi iwa eda, nkan titobiju.

Monstrous, adj. lodisi iwa eda.

Month, n. osu.

Monthly, adj. lososu.

Monument, n. iboji, ohun iranti.

Mood, n. iwa, inu.

Moody, adj. kanra, ni ibinu.

Moon, n. osupa, osu.

Moonless, adj. laini osupa.

Moonlight, n. implp osupa.

Moor, n. asalp ; awpn larubawa.

v.t. de ok$ mp ile.

Moot, v.t. jiyan.

Mope, v.t. and i. fajuro, g$.

Moral, adj. ti iwa, ti ise.

Moralise, v.t. and L tump nipa

ti iwa.

Moralist, n. olukp nipa ti iwa.

Morality, n. iwa rere, isp rere,

pkp isp iwa laiye.

Moral law, n. ofin iwa, pri pkan.

Morass, n. ira, abata.

Morbid, adj. lailera.

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More, adj. si, J11I9, siwaju.

Moreover, adv. pelu-pelu, ju be19 .

Morn, Morning, n. owur$, ar9.

Morose, adj. muna, sonu.

Morrow, n. <?la.

Morsel, w. 6kele.

Mortal, adj. ti iku, ara idibaje,


Mortality, w. iku.

Mortar, n. odo.

Mortgage, v.t. fi s<Jfa, fi dogd.

Mortification, n. iparun, ibaje,

iku, iresile.

Mortify, v.t. and i. pa-run, ba-je,


Mortuary, n. ibi isinku.

Mosaic, adj. ti Mose ; okuta ti afi ntele ile.

Moslem, n. Imale.

Mosque, ft. mpsalasi.

Mosquito, ft. yanmu-yanmu,emuren.

Moss, n. epo elewe werewere,ewed6.

Most, adj. julp, rekoja.

Mote, ft. ekuru, eriin igi.

Moth, n. kokoro as9, 61a.

Mother, ft. iya, abiyamp. v.t.

se agbatp.

Mother-in-law, ft. ana, iya ok<J>

tabi iya aya.

Motherly, adj. iwa bi ti iya.

Motion, n. isipopada ; igb9nse.

v.t. and i. juwosi.

Motive, adj. mu iyipopada wa.w. idi, ero.

Motive-power, w. agbara isipo-


Motley, adj. oniruru.

Motor, ft. keke ti nrin nipa

agbara oru.

Mottled, adj. abila totdto.

Motto, ft. 9r9 asaro.

Mould, ft. erupe ile ; apere.

v.t. su, po.

Moult, v.t. and i. re-y$, tu-y$.

Mound, ft. okiti.

Mount, ft. 6ke. v.t. and i. goke,

gori esin.

Mountain, n. oke giga.

Mountaineer, n. eniti ngbe il$

oke, tabi ti ngun ori oke.

Mountainous, adj. kun fun okegiga-

Mourn, v.t. and i. ?$fo, kanu,


Mourner, w. olofo.

Mourning, n. a§9 qiq.

Mouse, Mice, ft. ekute, eliri.

Mouse-trap, n. pakute.

Moustache, ft. irun ete 6kepkpnrin.

Mouth, ft. enu.

Mouthful, ft. ikunnu.

Movable, ft. ohun ti a le gbe kiri.

Move, v.t. and i. sipopada, rin,

yi sihin yi sphun, k9-omnu.

Movement, ft. isipopada, irin.

Mow, v.t. and i. ge, re.

Mower, ft. doje, areko, oloko


Much, adv. pupo, pipv.

Muck, ft. eri, er?.

Mud, ft. petepet?, er$.

Muddle, v.t. and 1. 59 di eri,

si-lo. w. rudurudu.

Muddy, adj. ler?, kiki er?.

Muffle, v.t. fi 9Ja di, fi nkan bo.

Muffler, w. iborun.

Mug, ft. ago imumi.

Mulatto, ft. 91119 ti enia duduati funfun J9 bi.

Mule, ft. ibaka.

Muleteer, n. eniti nda ibaka.

Multifarious, adj. oniruru.

Multiplication, ft. ibisi, imup9si.

Multiply, v.t. and i se ni il9po

1I9PO, 89 di pup?, r$, inu-


Multitude, ft. 9P9 enia, 9P9I9P9.

Multitudinous, adj. 9P9I9P9.

Mumble, v.t. and i. kun sinu.

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Mummy, n. oku ti aw9n ara

Egipti kun I989.

Mumps, $s$ (arun).

Munch, v.t. run lenu.

Mundane, adj. ti aiye.

Municipal, adj. ti ilu.

Munificence, n. ailaw?, aisawun.

Munificent, adj. law<J, ninu rere.

Munition, n. odi agbara, ohun

1J9 ogun.

Murder, n. ipania. v.t. pania.

Murderer, n. apania.

Murky, adj. su, sokunkun.

Murmur, n. kun sinu.

Murmurer, n. alakun sinu.

Muiiain, n. ajakal^ arun ti ^ran.

Muscle, n. isan.

Muscular, adj. lagbara.

Muse, v.i. ronu, se asaro.

Museum, n. ile akoJ9P9 ohunatata ati ohun lailai.

Mushroom, n. olu.

Music, n. orin.

Musical, adj. ti orin.

Musician, n. olorin, aluduru,


Musk, n. isa-^ta.

Musket, n. ibon.

Muslin, n. a§9 f^lef^l^.

Must, v.a. kd le se alaise, kdgb9d9 se alaise.

Mustard, n. eweko.

Muster, n. agbaJ9, akoJ9P9. v.t.

and i. to, pe-J9, ko-J9.

Musty, adj. didikasi, bibaj^.

Mutable, adj. ti a le yipada.

Mute, adj. yadi, dake. n. odi.

Mutilate, v.t. ge apakan junu.

Mutiny, n. ^9.Mutter, v.*. arwi i. kun.

Mutton, w. 9ran agutan.

Mutual, adj. ti a se ipasipar9,

W9P9, alabapin nipa gbigba

ati fifunni.

Muzzle, v.t. di li 9nu.

My, pron. temi.

Myriad, n. aimoye, 9P9I9P9.

Myrrh, n. ojia.

Myself, pron. tikarami.

Mysterious, adj. ti o jinl9, ti o

ju im9 I9.

Mystery, n. ohun ijinl9, ju ini9

I9 .

Mystic, od/. ti ohun ijinl?, ni


Mystify, v.t. se okunkun, lum9.

Myth, n. al9, itan lasan.

Mythology, n. ijar9, im$ itan

lasan ti enia kan.


Nag, n. 9sin kekere. v.t. and i. yq-

l^nu, mu-binu.

Nail, n. ekanna ; iso. v.t. kanni iso.

Naked, adj. nihoho.

Nakedness, n. ihoho.

Name, n. oruk9. v.t. pe li


Nameless, adj. laini oruk9.

Namely, adv. eyini ni pe.

Namesake, n. oloruk9 9m, nitori


Nap, n. ogbe, orun. v.i. togbe,


Nape, n. 9ka 9run.

Napkin, n. gele, 9Ja, a§9 inuw9.

Narcotic, n. ogun imu enia sun.

Narrate, v.t. 39, r6.

Narration, Narrative, n. ihin,

irohin, itan.

Narrator, n. arohin.

Narrow, adj. toro, hiha, ha.

Narrowly, adv. iqrq, kun (H9


Narrowness, n. ainibd.

Nasal, adj. ti imu.

Nasty, adj. leri, l9gbin.

Natal, adj. ti ibi.

Nation, n. oril9-ede.

National, adj. ti oril^-ede, ti il?.

Nationality, n. ara ilu.

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Native, n. ibile. adj. ti ibi, ti


Nativity, n. ibi.

Natural, adj. adanida, ti iwa eda.

Naturally, adv. nipa eda, tinu-


Nature, n. iwa, eda ohun-kohun.

Naught, Nought, n. asan. adj.


Naughtiness, n. Iwabuburu, ise-


Naughty, adj. buburu, nika.

Nausea, n. ebl, isu.

Nauseate, v.t. and i. bi, su.

Naval, adj^ t* 9k^>.

Nave, n. ibi arin il6 Qlprun.

Navel, n. iw<J.

Navigate, v.t. and i. tuk$.

Navigation, n. itukp loju omi.

Navigator, n. atukp.

NawV, n. alagbase.

Navy, n. pwp^kp.Nay, adv. bek9, ndao, agbed9.

Near, adj. nitosi, sunmpra.

Nearly, adv. fere, ku die.

Nearness, n. itosi isunm9ra.

Neat, adj. fifinju.

Neatness, n. afinju.

Necessary, n. nkan ti a kd le se

alaise. adj. laise aini.

Necessitate, v.t. kd gbpd9 se alai,

ko le se aisi.

Necessity, n. aini, aigbpd9 mase.

Neck, n. 9run.

Necklace, n. ileke ikarim.

Necktie, n. a$9 9riin.

Necromancer, n. alalupayida,


Necromancy, n. alupayida, 096.

Need, n. aini.

Needful, adj. kolesaini.

Needle, n. ab^re.

Needless, adj. lainilari, lai.

Needle-woman, n. obinrin ti


Needle-work, n. ise ab^re.

Needy, adj. alaini, osi, talaka.

Nefarious, adj. burn ju.

Negation, n. ise, iyan.

Negative, n. $r9 sis9, $r9 iyan.

Neglect, n. aifiyesi, igbagbe.

v.t. se igbagb6 se aifiyesi,

se aibikita.

Negligence, n. Iwa aifiyesi, ija-


Negligent, adj. nigbagbe.

Negotiate, v.t. and i. se adehun,

39 ti isowo.

Negotiation, n. adehun, isowo.

Negotiator, n. agbiro §rq isowo.

Negro, Negress, n. enia dudu.

Neigh, v.i. yan bi esin. n.


Neighbour, n. aladugbo.

Neighbourhood, n. adugbo, ilu.

Neighbourly, adj. bi aladugbo,

se §r$.

Neither, conj. beni kl.

Nephew, n. ymq arak9nri tabi


Nerve, n. agbara 9gb9n, agbara


Nerveless, adj. laimokun, laila-


Nervousness, n. aida-ara, gbi-


Nest, n. ite eiye.

Nestle, v.t. and i. ke bi eiye amase si aw9n 9m9 r$, ba ninu


Nestling, n. 9019 eiye ti a sese

pa ninu eyin.

Net, n. aw9n.

Net, Nett, adj. ojuowo, laidin-


Nether, adj. iha isale, ti isal?.

Nettle, n. werepe.

Nettle-rash, n. arun aw9 ara


ina 9run.

Network, n. is? aw9n.

Neuralgia, n. iro ti oju tabi ori


tiilu, ak9 9f9ri.

Neuter, adj. ki ise ak9 ki ise abo,

aise ninu <?kan.

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Neutrality, n. Iwa aise ninu pkan.

Never, Ne'er, adv. bek9 lai.

Nevertheless, adv. sugbon, bio-


New, adj. titun.

New-born, n. 91119-9W9 titun.

Newly, adv. ni titun.

Newness, n. 9tun.

News, n. ihin, irohin.

Newspaper, n. iwe irohin.

Next, adj. ti itosi, ekeji.

Nib, n. enu kalamu.

Nibble, v.t. and i. bu-j?.

Nice, adj. dara, dun.

Nicely, adv. daradara.

Niceness, n. adun.

Nicknack, n. nkan kekere



Nickname, n. oruk9 $fe.

Niece, n. 91x19 aral&piri tabi

arabirin eni.

Niggard, n. awun enia.

Nigh, adj. sunm9.Night, n. oru.

Night-cap, n. fila ti adesan.

Night-dress, n. ewu aw9sun.

Nightingale, n. eiye olorin didun.

Nightly, adv. lororu.

Nightmare, n. ala buburu, ihan-


Night-watch, n. is9 oru.

Nimble, adj. yara, kankan.

Nine, adj. ?san.

Nineteen, adj. dkan-di-logun.

Nineteenth, adj. ik9kan-di-logun.

Ninety, adj. ad9run.

Ninth, adj. ekesan.

Nip, v.t. and i. ja, r$, t9.

Nipple, n. 9mu ; sonso ori pmu.Nit, n. eyin ina.

No, adv. b^k9, ndao, agbed9.

Nobility, n. iwa 91a.

Noble, n. eni 91a, ^niti a bi re.

Nobleman, n. 9l9t9, 9191a.

Nobody, w. k6 si ^nikan, enia


Nocturnal, adj. ti oru.

Nod, n. imi ori si.

Noise, n. ariwo, iro.

Noiseless, adj. laisi ariwo.

Noisome, adj. buburu.

Noisy, adj. lariwo, niro.

Nominal, adj. ti o ni oruk?.

Nominate, v.t. pe li oruk9, yan.

Nomination, n. agbara ipeni,

agbara iyanni.

Nominee, n. ^niti a pe, ^niti ayan.

Nonconformist, n. eniti k6 teriba

fun liana.

Non-COntagiOUS, adj. ti ki iran ni.

None, pron. k6 si nkan, kd si


Nonentity, n. ainiwa, aisi.

Nonsense, n. $r9 ainim9, is9kus9.

Nook, n. ibi ik9k9.

Noon, n. 9san-gangan, agbede-

meji 9J9.

Noonday, Noontide, n. arin 9J9,


Noose, n. oj6bo, aw9n. v.t.

poj6bo, d9.

Nor, conj. tabi.

Normal, adj. geg? bi ilana.

North, n. ariwa, iha oke.

Northward, adv. si iha ariwa.

Nose, n. imu.

Nosegay, n. Idi itana.

Nostril, n. iho imu.

Not, adv. kd, kl.

Notable, adj. niyin, lokiki, afi-


Notch, v.t. r<?.

Note, n. ami, aper?, iwe kukuru.

v.t. fiyesi, sami si.

Note-book, n. iwe ifiyesi, iwe


Noted, adj. niyin, lokiki.

Nothing, n. aisinkan, aisi, aiwa,


Notice, n. afiyesi, ikil9, irohin.

v.t. se akiyesi.

Notice-board, n. igi apako ikil9.

Notification, n. ikil9, ifihan.

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Notify, v.t. 89 di mim9, wi-fun,


Notion, n. im$, iro.

Notoriety, n. ini$ gbangba.

Notorious, adj. mim$ ni gbangba.

Notwithstanding, conj. bi o tile

ri be, sugb9n.

Nought, Naught, n. asan. adj.


Noun, n. oruk9 ti enia tabi ti

ohunkohun.Nourish, v.t. b<?, fi onje fun,

t>9-dagba, ke.

Nourishment, n. bib<J, onje.

Novel, adj. titun.

Novelty, n. 9tun, ise titun.

November, n. osu k9kanla 9dun.

Novice, n. enia titun, ope.

NOW, adv. igba isisiyi.

Nowadays, adv. 9J9 isisiyi.

Nowhere, adv. laisinibikan.

Nowise, adv. bi o ti wii ki o ri.

Noxious, adj. nipara, noro, buru.

Nozzle, n. imu, enu.

Nucleus, n. ikoriJ9si, iw9J9si.

Nude, adj. nihoho.

Nudge, v.t. ti jeje.

Nudity, n. ihoho ara.

Nugget, n. isu.

Nuisance, n. iy9nu, irira, ipani-


Null, adj. lainipa, lailagbara.

Nullify, v.t. S9 di ofo, 39 dasan.

Numb, adj. laini im$.

Number, n. iye. v.t. kaye.

Numberless, adj. lainiye.

Numerable, adj. ti a le ka.

Numeration, n. ikaye.

Numerous, adj. p$, I9P9I9P9.

Nuptial, adj. ti igbeyawo.

Nurse, n. olut<J. v.t. and i. k?,

t9Ju, t<J.

Nurture, n. onj?, ^9.Nut, n. koro eso igi.

Nutriment, Nutrition, n. onje,



Oakum, n. fikifiki, etutu 9kr>.

Oar, n. aj?.

Oasis, n. ile el$tu loju larin


Oath, n. ibura, epe.

Obdurate, adj. alaiya lile.

Obedience, n. igb^ran, iforibale.

Obedient, adj. nigb9ran.

Obeisance, n. iteriba, ibu 91a fun.

Obelisk, n. pw^n giga ti a fi

okuta k9-

Obesity, n. isanra.

Obey, v.t. and i. gba-gb9,

gb9ran, teriba.

Object, n. ohun ti a ri, ohun ti agbe ka iwaju. v.t. and i.

ja-nikoro, s6di si.

Objection, n. isodi si, ik9.

Objector, n. oluk$, oluse odi si.

Objurgation, n. ibawi.

Oblation, n. 919-^9.Obligation, n. ore, igbese ore,


Obligatory, adj. dide.

Oblige, v.t. de, r9, se ore.

Obliging, adj. ninurere, ni oju


Oblique, v.i. t? si apakan.

Obliterate, v.t. pa-r$, pa-run.

Obliteration, n. ipare, iparun.

Oblivion, n. igbagbe.

Oblivious, adj. kun fun igbagbe.

Oblong, adj. ti gigun ju idabu 19.

Obloquy, n. pegan, dulum^.

Obnoxious, adj. lewu, jebi.

Obscene, adj. lainitiju, nirira.

Obscure, adj. sokunkun, farasin.

Obscurity, n. isokukun, ifarasin.

Obsequie8, ise ilana isinku ;

isinku yide.

Observance, n. ikiyesi, igb9ran.

Observation, n. ikiyesi, gbolohun


Observe, v.t. and i. se akiyesi,

tf ; 89 §TQ.

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Observer, n. olukiyesi, 0U199.

Obsolete, adj. ti atij9.

Obstacle, n. ohun idina, idiw?.

Obstinacy, n. aigbvran, agidi,

olori lile.

Obstinate, adj. $e agidi, ?e


Obstruct, v.*. and i. di ti 911a.

Obstruction, n. idityna, idiw9-

Obtain, v.t. and i. ri-gba, ni , gba.

Obtainable, adj. gbigba, riri.

Obtrude, v.t. lakaka W9.

Obtrusion, n. Uakaka w$.

Obviate, v.t. yq kuro, mu kuro


Obvious, adj. lai^oro ri, hihan


Occasion, n. aye, (>na. idi.

Occasional, adj. l^kan.Occasionally, adv. lf^kan.Occident, n. iha IW9 drun.

Occidental, adj. ti iw9-drun.

n. ara iw9-6run.

Occult, adj. eyiti o farasin.

Occupant, n. olugbe, ^niti o ni

ini, eniti rub^ nip9.

Occupation, n. i^e, ini.

Occupier, n. olugbe.

Occupy, v.t. ^6wo, 9^9, gba ip6.

Occur, v.i. 89, nan.

Occurrence, n. ohun ti o s$,

ohun alabapade.

Ocean, n. okun nla, agbamiokun.

Ochre, n. efun pupa rusurusu, ila.

Octagon, n. onigun meJ9.

Octave, n. m9J9, iJ9 k9J9, ikeJ9-

October, n. osu kewa 9dun.

Ocular, adj. ti oju.

Oculist, n. eniti nwo arun oju.

Odd, adj. laigun gege, laibamu.

Odds, aisedede, anfani, ija.

Ode, n. orin.

Odious, adj. ni irira.

Odium, n. irira.

Odoriferous, adj. ti o ni drun.

Odour, n. drun, dkiki.

Of, prep, ti, niti.

Off, adv. kuro.

Offal, n. igb$, ifun ^ran, iw9danii.

Offence, n. 999, ikos$, ohunidugbolu, ohun ibaninuj'9.

Offend, v.t. and i. ba-ninu-je, s$,

mu k9S9.

Offender, n. 9I999.

Offensive, adj. kun fun drun, muibaJ9 wa. n. igbeja.

Offer, v.t. and i. ru-9D9 ; fi-19,


Offerer, n. eniti o rub9-

Offering, n. 909, 9r9.

Offertory, n. ohun it9r9, idawo.

Offhand, adv. or adj. laimuratele.

Office, n. is9, ipo is9, oye.

Officer, n. ijoye, 011S9, olori, tftu.

Official, adj. labe as9, nipa

agbara oye.

Officiate, v.i. se is9 oye.

Officious, adj. sadasi, sofofo b9.

Offshoot, n. ehu eweko.

Offspring, n. 9019, iran.

Oft, Often, Oftentimes, adv.

nigba-kugba, nigba pup9.

Oh, inter. Ye ! Aa !

Oil, n. ororo, epo, 9ra.

Oily, adj. ti epo.

Oil-palm, n. 9P9.Ointment, n. ohun ikunra.

Old, Olden, adj. darugbo, gbo.

Old-times, adv. igba atiJ9, ti


Olive, n. igi ororo ni il9 aw9n Ju.

Omega, n. opin.

Omen, n. ami nkan ti mb9.

Ominous, n. ami ti buburu ti

mb9.Omission, n. lfok9Ja, igbagbe,


Omit, v.t. fo-k9Ja, gbagbe, fi-sil^.

Omnipotence, n. agbara allopin,

iwa ti Olodumare.

Omnipotent, adj. Olodumare, ni

agbara allopin.

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Omnipresent, adj. iwa ni ibi

gbogbo ni akoko kanna.

Omniscient, adj. p^gbpn jul?,

olum$ ohun gbogbo, ti o si

le ri ohun gbogbo.

Omnivorous, adj. jij? ohun gbo-


On, prep. lori.

Once, adv. l?kan, nigba kan.

One, adj. okan, eni.

Oneness, n. ispkan.

Onerous, adj. lile, inira.

Oneself, pron. on tikarare.

One-sided, adj. li $gb9 kan, li

apa kan.

Onion, n. alubosa.

Onlooker, n. oluworan.

Only, adv. okansoso, pere.

Onset, n. ikolu ; ipari.

Onslaught, n. ik9lu, ipakupa.

Onus, n. eru, inira.

Onward, adv. siwaju.

Onyx, n. okuta oniyebiye kan.

Ooze, v.t. and i. sun-jade, tu-

jade. n. ^re, petepete.

Opaque, adj. su, ti k6 m9 gara.

Open, v.t. si-sile, ya ; tum$.adj. sisi ; nigbangba ; yiya.

Open-handed, adj. law$, tuwpka.

Open-hearted, adj. tunuka, lai-


Opening, n. isinu, isisil$.

Openly, adv. nigbangba.

Operate, v.t. and i. se, fi agbarase.

Operation, n. ise, ise lara enia.

Operator, n. osise.

Ophthalmia, n. arun oju.

Opiate, n. ogun imu ni sun.

Opine, v.t. sebi, gbiro.

Opinion, n. Ird, lm$.

Opponent, n. 9ta, asodi, atini-

laiya. adj. kikojusi.

Opportune, adj. akoko ti o w$.

Opportunity, n. aye, $na, Igba.

Oppose, v.t. se odi si, se idena, tl


Opposite, adj. k9Jusi, tirisi.

Opposition, n. ik9Jusi, ijiyan,


Oppress, v.t. wahala, ni-lara,

p<Jn-loju, re-je.

Oppression, n. inilara.

Oppressive, adj. nilara, ppnloju.

Oppressor, n. aninilara.

Opprobrium, n. egan, ebu.

Optic, adj. ti oju.

Optimism, n. igbagD9 pe gbogbonkan nsise fun rere.

Option, n. iyan, iwu, if^.

Opulence, n. 91:9, 91a.

Opulent, adj. tyr^, I9I&, la.

Or, conj. tabi.

Oracle, n. ibi idahun, <?r9 lye,

^>r9 ijinl^.

Oral, adj. fifenus9.

Orally, adv. nipa 9r9-enu.

Orange, n. 9san, orombo.

Orange-blossom, n. itana igi


Orang-outang, n. inaki.

Oration, n. is9r9 gbangba.

Orator, n. alagba&9, alas9dun.

Orb, n. ayika, k^k^.

Orchard, n. 9gba igi eleso.

Ordain, v.t. yan, se liana, fi je


Ordeal, n. idanwo lile, ifimuaje.

Order, n. ase, 939, Ito. v.J. to

I9S9S9, pa-las9, fi as9 fun.

Orderly, adv. I9S9S9.

Ordinal, n. as9, iwe ofin.

Ordinance, n. ilana, as9.

Ordinary, od;. nipa ilana, ki ise


Ordinate, adj. isedede.

Ordination, n. ilana in enia J9oye alufa.

Ordnance, n. ib^n tabi agba nla.

Ore, n. irin aipo tutu.

Organ, n. duru, ohun elo, etd

ara enia.

Organization, n. ikoj'9, ito 193939.

Organize, v.t. and i. td I9S9S9.

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Orient, n. iha ila orun.

Oriental, adj. ti lla-orun. n. ara


Orifice, n. enu, oju, isisile.

Origin, n. ipilese, ib?re, asese-


Original, adj. ti atetekp^e, adase.

Originally, adv. nipiles?.

Originate, v.t. and i. piles?, bere,


Ornament, n. ohun 939. v.t. se


Orphan, n. alailobi.

Orphanage, n. ibiti a se it9Ju

aw9n alailobi.

Orthodox, adj. ye li ek$.

Oscillate, v.t. and i. tl siwa ti


Osprey, n. idl 6kun.

Ostensible, adj. ti ohan nigba-


Ostensibly, adv. nigbangba.

Ostentation, n. isefefe, ihan


Ostentatious, adj. nsefefe, nihal?

Ostler, Hostler, n. olut9Ju esin

Ostrich, n. 6gongo (?tye).

Other, adj. omiran.

Otherwise, adv. bikose bf, bi


Ought, n. ohunkohun. v.a. yq s


Ounce, n. ida mejila iw9n kan.

Our, Ours, pron. ti wa.

Ourselves, pron. awa tikarawa.

Ont, adv. lode.

Outbreak, Outburst, n. ija, as9


Ontcast, n. ifunkale, asatl, isa


Outcome, n. ipari si, iy9ri si.

Outcry, n. igbe.

Outdistance, v.t. yasile pup9.

Outdo, v.t. se-rek9Ja, tay9-

Outdoor, adj. lode.

Outer, adj. ode.

Outermost, adj. ode tyhun tyhun.

Outfit, v.t. pese fun.

Outgoing, n. ijade I9.

Outgrow, v.t. dagbaju.

Outlaw, n. igara, alailabo ofin,


Outlay, n. inawo.

Outlet, n. oju isan jade.

Outlive, v.t. wa laye lehin ikuelomiran.

Outlook, n. is9na, iwo iwaju.

Outlying, adj. niwaju.

Outpour, v.t. tu-jade, san-jade.

Outrage, n. ika rek9Ja, ilokulo.

Outrageous, adj. buru rek9ja.

Outright, adv. lesekanna, pata-


Outrun, v.t. sare ya kpja.

Outset, n. ijadelp, ibere.

Outshine, v.t. ran-jade, ran-


Outside, n. iha ode.

Outsider, n. ara ode.

Outspoken, adj. laiya, S9r9 lai-


Outspread, v.t. na-jade, tan kale.

Outstretch, v.t. na.

Outward, adj. siha ode.

Outwardly, adv. nigbangba.

Outwear, v.t. 16 gb6.

Outwork, n. ise ode. v.t. sis?


Oval, adj. p9gbun, p$k9, bi ti


Ovation, n. iyin.

Oven, n. aro, idana.

Over, O'er, prep, lori, rek9Ja.

Overanxious, adj. ni aniyanrekpja.

Overawe, v.t. t9-ba, deruba.

Overbear, v.t. bori.

Overboard, adv. subu somi lati

inu 9k9-

Overburden, v.t. deru pa.

Overcast, v.t. su bo.

Overcharge, v.t. bu owo le ju.

Overcloud, v.t. ikuku bo.

Overcome, v.t. bori, s?gun.

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Overcrowd, v.t. fun-pp, kun-p9.

Overdo, v.t. se aseju.

Overdue, adj. kpja akoko.

Overexert, v.t. 16 agbara ju.

Overflow, v.t. and i. san jade bomole.

Overhang, v.t. and i. yori jade.

Overhead, adv. lori, loke.

Overhear, v.t. gbo finrin.

Overjoy, v.t. y$ rekoja.

Overland, adj. pna ile.

Overlay, v.t. fi-bo.

Overlook, v.t. fojufoda.

Overmuch, adv. ppju.

Overnight, n. ale ana.

Overplus, n. ele.

Overpower, v.t. bori, fi agbara t$.

Overrule, v.t. pase.

Oversee, v.t. bojuto.

Overseer, n. alabojuto.

Overshadow, v.t. siji bo.

Oversight, n. esl; ibojuto.

Oversleep, v.t. and i. asunju.

Overspread, v.t. tanka.

Overtake, v.t. ba, le-ba.

Overthrow, v.t. bl-subu. n. ibi-


Overturn, v.t. and i. yipada.

Overweight, n. iwuwo ju.

Overwhelm, v.t. bd-mple, te-


Overwork, v.t. and i. sise rek9Ja.

Owe, v.t. je ni gbese.

Owl, n. owiwi.

Own, adj. temi. v.t. jewp, ni.

Owner, n. oluwa, olohun.

Ownership, n. oninkan, olohun.

Ox, Oxen, n. malu.

Oyster, n. isan.

Pace, n. Irln, isis$. v.t. and i. rin


Pacific, adj. tutu, pele, parpr9.

Pacification, n. ilaja.

Pacifier, n. onilaja.

Pacify, v.t. tu, rp.

Pack, n. eru, dkete. t>.£. di eru.

Package, n. eru, edidi.

Packer, n. eniti o di eru.

Packet, n. edidi kekere.

Packing, n. palemp, di-eru.

Pad, n. irori kekere, osuka.

Paddle, n. Iwale, aje. v.t. and i.

wa j^, sire ninu omi.

Paddock, n. 9gba awpn esin.

Padlock, w. agadagodo.

Paean, n. orin ayp isegun.

Pagan, n. keferi, abprisa.

Paganism, n. Iwa aw9n keferi.

Page, n. ewe iwe ; iransek9iiri.

Pageant, n. ifihan, aworan, isire.

Pail, n. koroba, 9p<j>n.

Pain, n. irora, ^dun, riro. v.t.

dun, ro.

Painful, adj. didun ni.

Painless, adj. ailedun, airo.

Painstaker, n. asise, alappn.

Painstaking, adj. niseninu, lap9n.

Paint, n. tiro, aj$, $da, ese.

v.t. kun, fi tiro kun.

Painter, n. a fi 9da tabi ese kunnkan.

Pair, n. awe meji, ohun meji ti

o ba ara W9n mu. v.t. and i.

pin ni meji, so nkan meji

P9-Palace, n. afin, ile 9ba.

Palatable, adj. ladun.

Palate, n. im9 it9wo.

Palatial, adj. bi ti afin.

Palaver, n. apeJ9, apero.

Pale, adj. jijoro, fuw9fuw9,T9nd9nr9nd9n.

Paleness, Pallor, n. ise fuwp-


Palisade, n. igi 9gba.

Pall, n. as9 ileke igunwa, a«9

bibo posi.

Pallet, n. ibusun ti a fi koriko se.

Palliate, v.t. fi awawi b6, mu san

die, din irora ku.

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Palm, n. 9p<? ; at?l9W9.

Palm-oil, n. epo.

Palm-wine, n. ^mu.

Palmy, adj. nis9gun.

Palpable, adj. laisoro iri, nigba-


Palpitate, v.i. mi I19I9.

Palpitation, n. imih^l^.

Palsy, n. arun ?gba.

Paltry, adj. lainiye, lainilari.

Pamper, v.t. fi onJ9 didun 09,

j? aj(?kl.

Pamphlet, n. iwe kekere alaidilu.

Pan, n. awop^t^, ikoko.

Pandemonium, n. rudurudu.

Pander, v.t. and i. ranlpwp.

Panegyric, n. iyin ^ni logo.

Pang, n. irora, irora obirin ti


Panic, n. ipaiya.

Pannier, n. gari fun 9m.

Panoply, n. ihampra ogun ni pipe.

Pant, v.t. and i. mi hele.

Panther, n. am9tekun, akata.

Pantry, n. ile awo onje.

Pap, n. onje awx?n 9m9-9W9.

Papa, n. baba.

Papaw, n. ibepe, sigu.

Paper, n. iwe, takada.

Par, n. isedede, is9gb9gba.

Parable, n. owe, akawe.

Parabolical, adj. nipa owe, nipa


Parade, n. itoles? 9m9-ogun,inhan.

Paradise, n. 9run rere ; 9gbadaradara ti o ni itura.

Paradox, n. ^9 meji ti o se

bi^nipe nw9n yat9 si ara


Paraffin-oil, n. ororo fitila.

Paragon, n. ap^r?.

Paragraph, n. gbolohun 9r9, ori

Parallel, n. iJ9ra, ifarawe, ise-


Paralysis, n. ainiagbara, egba.

Paralyze, v.t. 89-di oku, pasara.

Paramount, adj. ni pataki, leke,

titay9. n. olori, pataki.

Paramour, n. oluf$, ale.

Parapet, n. odi, abo fun aw9nologun.

Paraphernalia, ohun 999.

Paraphrase, n. iladi, itum9 9r9.

Parasite, n. ap9nni, onirara,


Parasol, n. igborun.

Parcel, n. edidi, 9m kekere


egblnrin. v.t. pin si kekere,


Parch, v.t. and i. gb?, yan.

Parched, adj. iyangb9.

Parchment, n. aw9 ik9we si.

Pardon, n. idariji, ifiji. v.t.


Pardonable, adj. didariji, nfiji.

Pare, v.t. r^-leti, r^-lori, keku.

Paregoric, n. ogun itunilara.

Parent, n. obi.

Parentage, n. I99I9.

Parenthesis, n. ami kan ninu iwe,

bayi ( ).

Paring, n. epo eso.

Parish, n. sakani it9Ju alufa kan.

Parity, n. isedede, iJ9ra, id9gba.

Park, n. 9gba nla.

Parley, n. 9^ sis9. v.t. and i.


Parliament, n. aJ9 9ba, igbim9


Parliamentary, adj. ti ilana

igbim9 9ba.

Parlour, n. gbangan.

Parole, n. ^9 9nu, ^9 91a.

Paroxysm, n. djojo, giri.

Parricide, n. pipa baba tabi iya


Parrot, n. odid9, " aiyekota?."

Parry, v.t. yi si apakan, gb^nkuro, y^-kuro.

Parsimonious, adj. tykanjua,


Parsimony, n. ihaw9, 9kanjua.

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Parson, n. alufa.

Parsonage, n. ile alufa.

Part, w. apakan, ipa, ipin.

v.t. and i. pin, ya.

Partake, v.t. and i. ba-pln.

Partaker, n. alabapin.

Partial, adj. ti apakan, ni


Partiality, n. iaojuaaju.

Participate, v.*. am2 i. ba-pin.

Participation, n. ibapin.

Particle, n. kiun, glngin.

Particular, «#. pataki, y^ funafiyesi, idi.

Particularize, v.t. t$ pinpin.

Particularly, adv. san, papa,

p^lup^lu, ni pataki.

Parting, n. ipinya.

Partisan, n. ^niti o daw9p9 bani

ae nkan.

Partition, n. ikele, ipin.

Partly, adv. ni apakan.

Partner, n. alabapin, 9gb9, ala-

baais9, ^nikeji.

Partnership, n. aJ9se, ajumoaep9.

Partridge, n. aparo.

Party, n. 9gb$, pwpkan, apakan.

Pass, n. 9na larin oke meji ; iweigba sinu. v.t. and i. koja.

Passable, adj. gbigba, jij9 fun,

ti a le kpja.

Passage, n. pna, ajo loju omi.

Passenger, n. ero.

Passing, adj. nk9Ja I9.

Passion, n. Iwa, itara, ibinu



Passionate, «#. aonu, runu.

Passive, adj. nir^le, laiaise.

Passover, n. AJ9 irekpja.

Passport, n. iwe ifunilaye lati

koja tabi lati W9I6.

Past, adj. eyiti o k9Ja.

Paste, n. iy^fun, isu, ate, ogi.

v.t. fi ate mu.Pastime, n. idaraya, isire.

Pastor, n. olu§9-agutan, alufa.

^Mtoral, adj. ti 0I1199 agutan,ti 1S9 alufa.

Pastorate, n. egb9 alufa, oyealufa.

Pastry, n. akara.

Pasture, n. papa oko tutu,

koriko, ij$ fun ?ran.

Pat, v.t. and i. fi 9W9 lu J9J9.

Patch, v.t. fi a?9 tun ae, 9I9.

n. 9I9.

Patchwork, n. a&9 irepe ti a I9 lu.

Pate, n. awuj?.

Patent, adj. ai SU9 nigbangba.

n. a&9 itxjsi nikan.

Paternal, adj. ti baba.

Path, n. 911a, ipa 911a.

Pathetic, adj. inu yiy9, ni ikanu,

ni ibanuj'9.

Pathless, adj. laini 9na.

Pathos, n. if$ inu, irad9 inu.

Pathway, n. oju 9na.

Patience, n. suru, ipam9ra.

Patient, n. onisuru, 9niti onr9Ju, alaisan. adj. nisuru,


Patriarch, n. baba nla.

Patrimony, n. ogun.

Patriot, n. oluf$ U9 r$ nitot9.

Patriotism, n. if£ ilu 9m.

Patrol, v.t. and i. 89 ibudo, yi

ilu ka lati dabobo. n. 0IUS9.

Patron, n. alabo, alaf^hinti.

Patronage, n. itilehin, irantyw^.

abo, oju rere.

Patronize, v.t. ti-l^hin, $e oju

rere si.

Pattern, n. ap^r?, awose, aworan.

Paucity, n. kere, di9 kiun.

Pauper, n. talaka, alaini.

Pause, v.i. duro, simi. n. iduro,

idak9, isimi.

Pave, v.t. fi okuta t$.

Pavement, n. tit$ okuta.

Pavilion, n. ag9.

Paw, n. ekanna 9ranko. v.t.

and i. hale, ya li ekanna.

Pawn, v.t. fi S9fa, fi dogo.

n. iw9fa.

Pawnbroker, n. 9lofa.

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Pay, v.t. san owo.

Payable, adj. sisan.

Payment, n. isanwo.

Pea, Pease, n. popondo.

Peace, n. alafia.

Peaceable, adj. lalafia.

Peacemaker, n. onilaja.

Peaceoffering, n. 9b9-alafia.

Peacock, n. ^iye ologe.

Peak, n. ori oke, sonso.

Peal, n. iro agogo, iro ara.

Pearl, n. okuta oniyebiye.

Peasant, n. agb?, aroko.

Peat, n. koriko gbigb? ti a lo lati

ti dana.

Pebble, n. okuta w$w$.Peck, v.t. J9,fi ag6go mu bi ^iy?.

Peculiar, adj. $to.

Peculiarity, n. iwa ^tp.

Pecuniary, adj. ti owo.

Pecunious, adj. li 9^.Pedagogue, n. olukp.

Pedal, adj. ti 939.

Pedant, n. asefefe ninu ^kp.

Pedantry, n. isefefe ni fifi ^kphan.

Peddle, v.t. and i. kiri ?ja, sajapa


Pedestal, n. ipil^, 999.

Pedestrian, n. irinkiri li 999.

Pedigree, n. iran, itan.

Pedlar, w. alarinkiri 9Ja tita.

Peel, v.t. and i. bo li epo, boli aw9. n. epo.

Peep, v.i. b9-wo. n. ib9wo,iy9jusi.

Peer, n. ijoye, olori, 9191a.

Peevish, adj. sonu, rord.

Peevishness, n. isonu, irord.

Peg, n. ekan. v.t. and i. kan li


Pelican, n. 9iy9 ofu.

Pellet, n. isu kekere.

Pell-mell, adv. nirudurudu.

Pellucid, adj. m9 gara.

Pelt, v.t. and i. 39 -lu. n. aw9.

Pen, n. kalamu, agbo eran. v.t,

se-m<£ ; k9we.

Penal, adj. y$ ni ijeniya.

Penalty, n. ijiya, isenis9.

Penance, w. is9 ironupiwada,


Pence, n. owo baba.

Pencil, n. ohun elo ik9we.

Pendant, n. dogbo-dogbo, ohun


Pendent, adj. sisor$, r$.

Pendulum, n. fifl-agogo, isor$.

Penetrate, v.t. and i. lu-aluja,


Penetration, n. ilaluja; 9gb9iuoye.

Peninsular, n. U9 ti omi f9^ yika.

Penitence, n. ironupiwada, ikanu9S9.

Penitent, n. onironupiwada, aka-

nu 939.

Penknife, n. 9b9 kekere.

Penman, n. ak9we.

Penmanship, n. <Jna ik9we, ilo


Pennant, n. asia t^r^ gigun.

Penniless, adj. laini owo.

Penny, n. owo baba.

Pension, n. owo isimi l^nu i§9.

Pensioner, n. ^niti o gba owoisimi.

Pensive, adj.

Pensiveness, n. ikanu, ironu.

Penury, n. aim, talaka.

People, n. oril9 ede, enia. v.t..

tedosi, fi enia si.

Pepper, n. ata.

Peppermint, n. efinrin ata.

Peradventure, adv. b9ya, alaba-

pade. n. iyemeji, aidaju.

Perambulate, v.t. rin la ja.

Perambulation, n. Irin laja.

Perceive, v.t. kiyesi, ri.

Perception, n. ikiyesi, iro, 9gb9n:


Perch, n. ibuw9 9iy9- jv.t. and i.

w§ bi eiy9-

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Perchance, adv. boya, iii ala-


Percussion, n. ilumora.

Perdition, n. iparun, isegbe.

Peremptory, adj. pelu agbara.

Perennial, adj. niduro pe titi,


Perfect, adj. pe, pipe. v.t. se li

asepe, mu-pe, se-tan.

Perfection, n. pipe, isepe.

Perfectly, adv. dajudaju, sasa,


Perfidious, adj. laisoto, li etan.

Perfidy, n. etan, aisoto.

Perforate, v.t. and i. lu-ja, da lu.

Perforation, n. iluja, didalu.

Perforce, adv. nipa agbara.

Perform, v.t. and i. se, mu-se.

Performance, n. ise, imuse.

Performer, n. oluse, asise.

Performing, adj. nse nkan.

Perfume, n. orun didun. v.t.

fi orun didun kun.

Perfumer, n. oloja orun didun.

Perfunctory, adj. laikasi, lai-


Perhaps, adv. boya.

Peril, n. ewu.

Perilous, adj. lewu.

Period, n. akokd, Igba ; opin.

Periodical, adj. lakoko, nigbagba.

Perish, v.i. gbe, segbe.

Perishable, adj. sisegbe.

Perjure, v.refl. bura eke.

Perjurer, n. abura eke.

Perjury, n. ibura eke.

Permanence, n. iduro, ipe titi.

Permanent, n. duro pe titi,


Permeate, v.t. and i. wo lara.

Permissible, adj. funlaye.

Permission, n. ibunlaye, ijewo


Permit, v.t. and i. bun laye, je.

n. iwe ifayefun.

Pernicious, adj. niparun, nipa-



Perpendicular, adj. niduro san-



Perpetrate, v.t. se, da ?se.

;Perpetration, n. idese.


Perpetual, adj. lailai, titi I9.

Perpetually, adv. titi 1$.

Perpetuate, v.t. mu pe titi.

Perpetuity, n. iduro lailai, ati-


Perplex, v.t. damu, se rounroun.

Perplexity, n. idamu, ipaiya.

Perquisite, n. itosi ipin, ere owolenu ise.

Persecute, v.t. se inunibini si.

Persecution, n. inunibini.

Persecutor, n- oninunibini.

Perseverance, n. iduro sinsin,


Persevere, v.i. foriti, duro sisin.

Persist, v.i. teramose, foriti,

dimu sinsin.

Persistence, n. iterance, iforiti,

idimu sinsin.

Persistently, adv. ni teramo.

Person, n. enia, eni kan, oluwar?,


Personage, n. enia nla kan.

Personal, adj. ti enia.

Personify, v.t. fi ohun se akaweenia.

Perspiration, n. ilagun, ogun.

Perspire, v.t. and i. lagun.

Persuade, v.t. yi-lokan pada, tan.

Persuasion, n. iyipada 9kan,


Persuasive, adj. ti a le yipada.

Pert, adj. lafojudi.

Pertain, v.i. se ti.

Pertenacity, n. agidi, idimu-


Pertinacious, adj. sagidi.

Pertness, n. iyaju si, afojudi.

Perturb, v.t. ru-soke.

Perusal, n. ikawe.

Peruse, v.t. fi akiyesi kawe.

Pervade, v.t. la jale.

Pervasion, n. ilakoja.

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Perverse, adj. saigD9ran, lodi si.

Perverseness, ft. agidi, ayidayida,


Pervert, v.t. yi-po, yi-pada, ba-je.

n. ak9-igbagb9 sile.

Pervious, adj. lafo, niluja.

Pessimist, ft. eniti ohun kan kddara loju r$.

Pest, ft. arun, iypnu.

Pester, v.t. yo-l<?nu.

Pestilence, n. ajakale arun.

Pestle, ft. omori-odo.

Pet, ft. $ro ike, ayanf$ ; ibinu.

v.t. ke.

Petition, w. 9b e, ibere, adura.

v.t. and i. b?b?, tprp.

Petitioner, ft. 9^9, ?niti nt9r9.

Petrify, v.t. and i. 89 di okuta.

Petroleum, n. ororo ti a fa jade

lati inu U9.

Petted, adj. kike.

Petticoat, ft. ewu obirin.

Petty, adj. kere, lainilari.

Petulance, n. afojudi, ainisuru.

Petulant, adj. lafojudi, niwara.

^ew, ft. ibujoko ni ile Ql9run.

Pewter, n. awo oje, tasa.

Phantasm, Phantom, ft. iwin.

Phase, ft. hihan oju osupa, iri,


Pheasant, n. eiy^ iru agbe ati


Phenomenon, ft. ifarahan.

Phial, ft. igo kekere.

Philanthropist, n. oninurere si


Philanthropy, n. if9 araiye, inu-

rere si enia.

Philosopher, n. v^gb^n, olum$,amdye, olum9ran.

Philosophy, n. im$, 9gb9n.

Phlegm, ft. it9 9fun.

Phosphorus, n. iru Ida kan ti o

mole ninu okunkun.Phrase, n. gbolohun 9r9 kan.

Phthisis, n. ik9 fe.

Phylactery, n. 93a, igbati a<ft>.

Physic, ft. im9 ogun.

Physician, w. onisegun.

Piano, Pianoforte, n. duru apata.

Pianist, w. ^niti o te duru,


Piazza, n. 9dede.

Pick, v.t. and i. sa, saJ9, y9-jade,

yan; ji, jale.

Pickaxe, n. 9k9 itule.

Picked, adj. yiyan.

Picnic, ft. irin 9gb^ kan lati gbaafefe.

Picture, n. aworan, apere.

Picturesque, adj. o y^ aworan.

Piebald, adj. Iaw9 pup9, adikala.

Piece, ft. 9la, idasa, apa, irepe,

ebu. v.t. tunse.

Pier, ft. afara ti o y9 sinu omi.

Pierce, v.t. and i. W9nu, gun, la-19.

Piety, ft. ib9W9 fun Qtyrun, ibu

9la fun, if9kansin.

Pig, ft. elede.

Pigeon, ft. ^iy^le.

Pigmy, Pygmy, n. enia kukururara.

Pike, ft. ^9.Pile, ft. ebe, okiti. v.t. ko-J9,

ko ohun le ohun.

Piles, jedijedi.

Pilfer, v.t. se af9W9ra, jale.

Pilferer, n. alaf9W9ra, ole.

Pilgrim, n. erd, alarinkiri, olub^

ibi mimcj wo.

Pilgrimage, n. ibe ibi mim9 wo,irin ajo li aiye, atipo, irin


Pill, ft. isu ogun.

Pillage, ft. iko, ikogun. v.t. ko,


Pillar, ft. 9w$n, dpo.

Pillow, ft. ir9ri, timtim.

Pillow-case, Pillow-slip, n. apoir9ri.

Pilot, ft. atuk$, afonahan. v.t.


Pimple, ft. esusu ara, ror^.

Pin, ft. ekan.

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Pincers, emu.Pinch, v.t. and i. ja-lekanna.

Pine, n. oruk9 igi kan. v.i. rii,

gbe, joro.

Pineapple, n. 9pe oyinbo.

Pinion, n. iy$ apa ; ide. v.t. di

li apa.

Pinnacle, n. sonso ori, tente.

Pint, n. o^uwpn oninu kekere.

Pioneer, n. asaju, alana sil?.

Pious, adj. buyin fun, nifpkansin.

Pip, Pippin, n. irugbin eso.

Pipe, n. ifere, apd ; ikoko taba.

Piper, n. afunfere.

Pique, n. ilara. v.t. se lara si,


Piracy, n. ole li oju omi okun.

Pirate, n. ole li oju okun.

Pistol, n. ib(?n ilewp.

Pit, n. ihd, isa oku. v.t. sasa.

Pitch, n. iw9n ; $da. v.t. and i.

te-si, do-si.

Pitcher, n. ladugbo, ikoko ipo-


Piteous, adj. kun fun iycjnu.

Pitfall, n. ewuru, ofin.

Pith, n. agbara, ohun pataki


ifun 9pa.

Pithy, adj. lagbara.

Pitiful, adj. lanu, kun fun iy<Jnu.

Pittance, n. owo onje kikini.

Pity, n. anu, iycjnu. v.t. se ami,

se iy<Jnu.

Placable, adj. tituloju, mura lati

dariji, lilanija.

Placability, n. if$ ilaja.

Placard, n. iwe afiyesi ni


Place, n. ibi, ipd, aye, oye.

v.t. fi sibi kan ; fi-sile.

Placid, adjj lalafia, pele, j$.

Plague, n. iypnu, ajakale arun.

v.t. yp-lenu, t<J.

Plain, adj. obor<J, teju ; mpju.n. petele, $dan gbangba.

Plainly, adv. nigbangba, nitoto,


Plain-speaking, n. $ro aisi eru,

$10 igboiya.

Plaint, n. aroye.

Plaintiff, n. olunsin.

Plaintive, adj. tanu, kun fun


Plait, n. ilplu, iwun. v.f. I9-I11,

wun, di.

Plan, n. ero, apere.

Plane, n. ohun elo ifa. v.$. fa,


Planet, n. irawp ti nyika drun.

Plank, n. apako.

Plant, n. eweko, eweb?, ohunelewe tutu. v.t. gbin,


Plantain, n. 9gede agbagba.

Plantation, n. oko gbingbin.

Planter, n. $gbin, afunrugbin.

Plaster, n. ?fun, erup9 isanle, as9

ogun fun egbd. v.t. sanle,


Plasterer, n. ^niti nr^le.

Plastic, adj. sisu.

Plat, w. 1I9 biri, oko kekere.

Plate, n. awo peruse.

Platform, n. pep?.Platter, n. awo nla.

Plaudit, n. iyin.

Plausible, ad/, ni iwu li oju li ode,

o se bienipe o y9 fun iyin.

Play, n. ire sise. v.t. and i. sire.

Player, n. eniti o sire.

Playfellow, n. egb? alabasire.

Playful, adj. kun fun ire sise.

Playground, n. ibi isire.

Playtime, n. igba isire.

Plea, n. $be, awawi.

Plead, v.t. and i. b^-fun, sipe.

Pleader, n. elegbe, alatilehin,


Pleasant, adj. dun, wu, ayo.

Pleasantness, n. didun.

Please, v.t. wu, se inudidun si,

dunm9.Pleasure, n. inu didun.

Pledge, n. dgo, ohun $ri, 9fa.

Plenary, «#. kun ; p6.

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Plenitude, n. $kun.

Plenteous, adj. p9 pup9-

Plentiful, adj. ^9^9.Plenty, n. pup9, $p9l9p9.

Pliable, adj. tit?, aisoro t?.

Pliers, emu kekere.

Plight, n. iwa, ip6.

Plod, v.t. and i. rin P9I9.

Plot, n. 9r9, lm9 buburu ; H9biri. t>.£. di rikisi si, gbim9buburu.

Plotter, n. onigbira9 buburu.

Plough, n. ohun elo itule. v.t.

and i. tul9.

Ploughshare, n. irin 9k9 itul?.

Pluck, n-. igboiya, ilaiya ; Ifatu.

v.t. and i. fa-tu, ja, fa-y9.

Plucky, adj. laiya, nigboiya.

Plug, n. edidi, idenu.

Plum, n. eso igi kan.

Plumage, n. iy$ 9iy9-

Plumb, n. 6je imunaro, 6je


Plumbline, n. okun-iw^n.

Plume, n. iy9 ?iy9. v.t. tun iy9


Plump, adj. sanra.

Plunder, n. ikogun. v.t. ko,

jale, se igara.

Plunderer, n. ole, igara.

Plunge, v.t. and i. gbe-b$, rl sinu


Plural, n. ju 9kan I9.

Plus, n. ifikun, ami kan bayi +


pelu +.

Ply, v.t. and i. sise laisimi, se

ap9n, wak$.

Poach, v.t. and i. W9 si oko enikanlati ji 9ran.

Poacher, n. eniti o ji eran.

Pocket, n. apo 9WU. v.t. fi sinu


Pocket handkerchief, n. gele


Pocket money, n. owo-na.

Pod, n. p6di est) igi.

Poem, n. iwe akewi orin.

Poet, n. akewi, onirara.

Poetry, n. iwe 0I0SUW911, iwe

Poignancy, n. mimu, tita, liloro.

Poignant, adj. mimu, tita, di-


Point, n. ami, oju, nkan afiyesi.

v.t. and i. sami, t9ka si,


Pointer, n. ohun ti nf9nahan.

Poise, v.t. and i. ise dede, is9-


Poison, n. or6, iw9. v.t. fi oro

pa, ba-j'9.

Poisonous, adj. lor6, 1UW9, ni-


Poke, v.t. and i. bl, ti.

Pole, n. 9pa.

Police, n. aw9n 9l9pa.

Police-court, n. ile 9J9.

Policy, n. oye is? it9Ju ilu, akoso.

Polish, v.t. and i. dan, I9. n.

didan, lity.

Polite, adj. niwa rere.

Politely, adv. t$w$t$w$.

Politeness, n. iwa rere.

Politic, adj. moye, gb9n.

Politics, n. 6ye isise akoso ilu.

Poll, n. ori, iwe oruk9 aw9n ara

ilu. v.t. and i. re lori, k9oruk9 si iwe.

Pollute, v.t. ba j$, 89 di aim<J.

Pollution, n. ibaj$, aim<J, eri.

Polygamist, n. eniti o ko obirin

J9, olobirinpup9.

Polygamy, n. ilobirin pup$,


Pomade, n. ohun ipara ti a fi

9ra se.

Pomegranate, n. oruk9 eso igi


Pomp, n. ogo, 9S<J pip9-

Pompous, adj. I999 pup9 ; ogoasehan.

Pond, n. omi ikudu.

Ponder, v.t. and i. rd, wadi.

Ponderous, adj. wuwo.

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Pony, ft. 9sin kekere, kuru.

Pool, ft. ikudu, adagun.

Poop, n. iha idi 9^.Poor, adj. talaka, alaini.

Pop, ft. ii*9p9 ; isunnigiri. v.t.

and i. yq foti.

Populace, ft. aw9n ara ilu.

Popular, adj. ninudidun aw9nenia, lokiki, yiy? fun aw9nenia.

Popularity, ft. if^ enia, okiki ode.

Populate, v.t. mu *nie 1-9 si i.

Population, ft. iye enia ilu kan.

Populous, adj. kun fun enia.

Porch, ft. iloro.

Porcupine, n. ot$.

Pores, oju ilagun ara, iho

kekeke li aw9 ara.

Pork, ft. 9ran 9^9.Porous, adj. kun fun iho.

Porpoise, ft. 9ran ese.

Porridge, ft. asaro, 9k9 afala.

Port, ft. ebute, ibi igunl9 si.

Portable, adj. riru, gbigbe.

Portal, ft. 9ml 9na kekere.

Portend, v.t. fi ami S9 nkan ti

mb9 t9l9.

Porter, ft. onibode, oluS9na



Porterage, n. owo alaru.

Porthole, ft. oju ferese 9^.Portion, w. apakan, ipin, itori.

Portly, adj. sigb9nl9.

Portmanteau, n. apo ifi as9 si.

Portrait, ft. aworan.

Portray, v.t. fihan nipa aworan.

Pose, v.t. and i. duro-niwaju nkan.

Position, ft. ipd.

Positive, adj. salaiyihun pada.

Positively, adv. dajudaju, nitot9.

Possess, v.t. ni ni ini, gba, jogun.

Possession, n. ini.

Possessor, n. oluwa, 9mti o ni


Possibility, n. lilese, lile ri b9.

Possible, adj. ni sis9, o le se,

lagbara sise.

Post, ft. ons9 ibode iwe ; opo-

ile ; ibi is9. v.t. and i. fi

iyara rin.

Postage, ft. owo ifiwe rans9-

Posterior, adj. ti 9hin.

Posterity, n. iran at9le 9ni, iru


Posthumous, adj. bibi l9hin ikii


Postman, n. apinwe kiri.

Postmaster, n. olori ibode iwe.

Postmeridian, P.M., l9hin 9J9kanri.

Post-office, ft. ile ifiwe ranse


ibode iwe.

Postpone, v.t. and i. da-duro, fa-

S9hin, y9-

Postscript, ft. 9r9 ifikun iwe.

Posture, ft. ip6, Iwa, aye, iduro.

Pot, ft. ikok6.

Potash, ft. eru igi sisun.

Potato, ft. kukundukti.

Potency, n. agbara, ipa.

Potent, adj. lagbara, nas9-

Potentate, n. alagbara, 9ba.

Potential, adj. lagbara, le.

Potsherd, n. apadl.

Pottage, w. Ip9t9.

Potter, ft. am9k6k6.

Pottery, n. ibi am9koko, awo.

Pouch, ft. apo, asunw9n.

Poulterer, n. aladi9, oluta adi9.

Poultry, ft. aw9n adi9 ti a nsin.

Pounce, v.t. and i. fo 1119 lojiji.

Pound, ft. osuw9n kan ; owowura ; agbo 9ran ti o ti

sako. v.t. and i. gun si W9W9.

Pour, v.t. and i. tu, da jade.

Pout, v.t. and i. y9 suti ete si.

Poverty, n. aini, osi, talaka.

Powder, n. 9tu ; 9tu ib9n.

Power, ft. agbara, ipa, as9-

Powerful, adj. lagbara, nipa„


Powerless, adj. lailagbara, lai-


Practicable, adj. sis9, wulo.

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Practical, adj. wulo.

Practice, n. i$e, ilo, iwa.

Practise, v.t. and i. §e, lo, huwa.

Practitioner, n. alagb9W9le ?e,


Praise, n. iyin. v.t. yin.

Praiseworthy, adv. niyin, y^ lati


Prance, v.i. fo kokata.

Prancing, n. ire-sisa, fifo 99m.

Prank, n. erekere.

Prattle, v.t. and i. S9r9 bokiboki.

Prattler, n. ^niti ns9r9 bokiboki.

Prawn, n. ede, alaka^a.

Pray, v.t. and i. gbadura, b^b^,


Prayer, n. adura, 9b^, it9r9.

Prayer-book, n. iwe adura.

Prayerful, adj. ni 91m adura.

Prayerless, adj. la* gbadura.

Preach, v.t. and i. wasu.

Preacher, n. oniwasu.

Preamble, n. ifihan iwe, 9r9


Precarious, adj. laidaniloju.

Precaution, n. ifabam9 $aju, oye

Precede, v.t. §aju nipa oye tabi


Precedence, n. i^aju.

Precedent, adj. ti i$aju. n.

ap9r9, i^e b<=> ri.

Precept, n. ek9, ilana, ^9.Preceptor, n. oluk9, ala^.

Precession, n. i?aju 19.

Precinct, n. ala, ipinl^.

Precious, adj. niyebiye, niyelori.

Precipice, n. bebe 9gbun, bebeoke.

Precipitate, v.t. tari li ogedengbe,bi $ubu li ogedengbe.

Precipitation, n. iwara, ikanju.

Precipitous, adj. logedengbe.

Precise, adj. lakoko gan.

Precision, n. dede, g9g9, igba


Preclude, v.t. se 1119 'de, di l9na.

Precocious, adj. ni 9gb9n ju,


Preconceive, v.t. rotele.

Precursor, n. a^aju.

Predecessor, n. 9niti o $aju 91U

ninu oye.

Predestinate, v.t. yan t$\$.

Predestination, n. iyant9l9.

Predicament, n. ip6 ti o $oro.

Predicate, v.t. t9num9.

Predict, v.t. 391919.

Prediction, n. is9t9l9.

Predictor, n. alas9t9l9.

Predispose, v.t. mura t$\$.

Predominant, adj. W9P9, tay9,


Predominate, v.t. J9ba, bori, tay9.

Pre-eminence, n. ipo giga ju,

olori, ileke.

Pre-eminent, adj. ga JUI9, titay9.

Preface, n. 9r9 itum9 ifi^aju iwe.

Prefect, n. olori, ala^9.

Prefer, v.t. fi-^aju, bu iyin fun,


Preferable, adj. yiyan, dara ju.

Preferment, n. igbeleke.

Prefix, v.t. fi §aju.

Pregnancy, n. iloyun, oyun.

Pregnant, adj. loyun ; ni 9gb9n ;


Prejudice, n. ojusaju, idaJ9 t9l9.

Prelate, n. olori ninu iJ9-

Preliminary, adj. ti i?aju, ti


Prelude, n. ifi^aju.

Premature, adj. $aju akoko.

Premeditate, v.t. r6 t^l^, gbim91919.

Premeditation, n. ir6 t9l9, i^aro


Premier, n. olori, a?aju. adj. ti

i$aju, pataki.

Premise, n. atete ro t^l^.

Premises, ile.

Premium, n. ere.

Premonish, v.t. kil9 fun t.919.

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Premonition, n. ikity tabi aminkan ti mbp.

Preoccupied, adj. tete de b?nsis9 miran I9W9.

Preparation, n. imurasil^, ipese-

sil?, ipal^mp.

Preparatory, adj. palem^sil?.

Prepare, v.t. and i. pese, murat^l^, pal^m^.

Prepossess, v.t. gba ini tq\$.

Preposterous, adj. Iait9 ; laisi

loju 9na.

Prerogative, n. ohun ti ise ti 9111.

Presbyter, n. alagba ninu iJ9,


Prescience, n. in^tel?.

Prescribe, v.t. and i. fi as9 fun,


Prescription, n. iwe ilana.

Presence, n. oju 9111, Iwa nibikan.

Present, adj. nisisiyi, I9W9I9W9,

lojukoju. n. 9^, 9bun.

v.t. and i. fi-fun, gbe kal9

niwaju, ta-tyr?.

Presentiment, n. im9t9l9.

Presently, adv. nisisiyi, lojukanna,


Preservation, n. ipam9, it9Ju.

Preserve, v.t. pa-m9, se it9Ju.

Preserver, n. olupam9, olut9ju.

Preside, v.i. se akoso, se olori.

President, n. alakoso, olori.

Press, n. Ibilu, 9P9 enia, ohunelo it9we. v.t. and i. t9, r9lu,

ha li aye, su m<j>, fun.

Pressure, n. ikim9le, tit9, nfun.

Prestige, n. agbara iwa.

Presume, v.t. audi, kugbu,dawdlee gba se be, gbagb9 laiwadi.

Presumption, n. ikugbu, igb9-

k9le nkan aidaniloju.

Presumptuously, adv. fi ikugbu se.

Presuppose, v.t. ro t9l9.

Pretence, n. asehan, ifarahan bi


Pretend, v.t. and i. se bi 9nipe,

se asehan.

Pretension, n. ifarahan bi otit9.

Pretext, n. idi aisoto, asehan.

Pretty, adj. l9wa, dara.

Prevail, v.i. bori, Sfgun.

Prevalent, adj. bibori-tankal?.

Prevaricate, v.i. yapa, pur9,


Prevarication, n. iyapa, $r9


Prevent, v.t. saju; di-l9W9.

Prevention, n. idaduro, idil9W9.

Preventive, adj. ni agbara ida-


Previous, adj. ti saju.

Prey, n. ik6gun, ohun 9d9. v.i.

k6 ik6gun, J9.

Price, n. iye, owo-9ya. v.t.

y9wo, diyele.

Priceless, adj. lailediyele, laini-


Prick, n. egun. v.t. and i. fi-gun.

Prickly, adj. gigun, godogodo.

Pride, n. irera, igberaga.

Priest, n. alufa.

Priesthood, n. oris9-alufa, oye-


Prig, n. 9yaju, ole, asa enia.

Prim, adj. nisedede, se g?.

Primal, adj. se pataki, wa ni ipo


Primary, adj. nipo ekini, olori,


Primate, n. olori ju ni iJ9.

Prime, adj. dara pup9, pataki ;

li kutukutu.

Primer, n. iwe kika ekini.

Primeval, adj. ti atetek9 b9r9.

Primitive, adj. ti ib9r9, ti igba

atijo, ti atetek9se.

Prince, n. 9m9-9ba, 9m9-alade.

Princess, n. 9019 birin 9ba,


Principal, n. olori. adj. ni

pataki, li olori.

Principalities, aw9n ijoye,

U9 9m9 9ba, agbara oba.

Principally, adv. nipataki.

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Principle, n. ipilese ek9, ofin,


Print, n. ami, iwe tit9. v.t. t$,

sami si.

Printer, n. at?we.

Printing, n. iwe tite.

Prior, adj. saju, ti saju.

Priority, n. isaju, itele.

Prison, n. ile ew9n, tubu.

Prisoner, n. elew9n, aratubu,


Privacy, n. ibi Ik9k9, ibi ipamp.

Private, adj. \kqkq, ifarapam9.

Privately, adv. nik9k9.

Privation, n. aini.

Privilege, n. anfani. v.t. fun li


Privy, adj. ti ik9k9, ti ^nikan-

soso, ba a se imul?.

Prize, n. ere. v.t. diyele, ka si

ohun iyebiye.

Probability, n. boya, jiJ9 bi enipe.

Probable, adj. ti a le danwo,ti a le ridi.

Probably, adv. boya.

Probate, n. iwe ifihan dajudaju.

Probation, n. idanwo.

Probationer, n. ^niti a ndanwo.Probe, n. ohun elo onisegun.

Probity, n. olot9, otit9.

Problem, n. ^ran ti o soro.

Procedure, n. itatesiwaju, irin.

Proceed, v.i. t$ siwaju.

Proceeds, ikoJ9 owo.

Process, n. il9siwaju.

Procession, n. irin 9P9 enia

Proclaim, v.t. kede, 89 nigbangba.

Proclamation, n. ikede.

Procrastinate, v.t. and i. da-duro,

fasehin, mu-p9.

Procrastination, n. iduro, ifa-

sflhin, imupe.

Procure, v.t. and i. ri-gba.

Prod, n. olu ; ohun ti ori r9 musosoro. v.t. gun ?

Prodigal, n. oninakuna.

Prodigality, n. inakuna, ifi ohuns6fo ; ilaw9.

Prodigious, adj. tobi, p$ niyanu.

Prodigy, n. ohun iyanu, 9m-iyanu.

Produce, v.t. mu-jade, bi, so, hu.

Product, n. nkan ti nhu jade,

eso, imuwa, iy9risi.

Productive, adj. eleso, ibisi,

agbara imuwa.Profanation, n. ibaj$, is9di aim<J.

Profane, adj. lasan, aim<j>. v.t.

ba-j$, 89-di-aim<J.

Profanity, n. ibaj9, aityw^.

Profess, v.t. and i. J9W9, 89


Profession, n. ij?w9, ipe, is9-

Professor, n. oluk9, oniJ9W9.

Proffer, v.t. fi-bun, fi-t9r$.

Proficiency, n. il9siwaju, imupe.

Proficient, adj. yiy9, tit$, pipe.

Profile, n. aworan ori tabi oju.

Profit, n. ere, anfani. v.t. and i.


Profitable, adj. li ere.

Profligate, adj. ninakuna, nife-

kuf9, niwa buburu. n.

oniwa buburu, onif9kuf9.

Profound, adj. jinl?, jinl9 ni im$.

Profoundness, Profundity, n. iji-

nl9, im9 ijinl9, jijinl^.

Profuse, adj. p9 rek9Ja.

Progenitor, n. baba nla.

Progeny, n. irandiran, 9m9.

Prognosis, n. im9tele, i&9t9l9.

Programme, n. iwe ohun ti a o

se ni ipade.

Progress, n. itysiwaju, imusan.

v.i. I9 siwaju, mu-san.

Progression, n. ilosiwaju, ip9si.

Progressive, adj. nl9 siwaju.

Prohibit, v.t. k$-fun, da-duro,


Prohibition, n. ik9fun, idaduro,


Prohibitive, adj. idaduro, kik9-


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Project, n. Iro, Igbero. v.t. and i.

ypri jade, gbiro.

Prolific, adj. ni ibisi, ni ir$, hihu.

Prologue, n. 9r9 isaju.

Prolong, v.t. fa-gun, mu-pe,duro titi.

Promenade, n. igbafef9, 9na irin

ni gbangba. v.t. and i. rin,


Prominence, n. iy9ri; ihan


Prominent, adj. y9ri ; han kete-

kete, lokiki.

Promiscuous, adj. dap9, daru-


Promise, n. ileri. v.t. and i. se


Promising, adj. ni ireti pe yio


Promontory, n. iy9ri U9 sinu

okun, 8onso-il9.

Promote, v.t. gbe-ga, gbe-leke,


Promoter, n. agbenileke.

Promotion, n. igbeleke, isun-


Prompt, adj. mura, kankan, Re-

tail, v.t. sun-se, mu ^9 si

iranti, si-leti.

Prompter, n. asinileti.

Promptitude, n. imura, isetan.

Promptness, n.kiakia nikankansi.

Promulgate, v.t. kede, tan-kal?,


Promulgation, n. itankal^, ikede.

Promulgator, n. alatankal?,


Prone, adj. ogedengbe, fa-si,


Proneness, n. it9si, ifasi.

Prong, n. 9gun, ohun elo bi

amuga. v.t. fi-gun.

Pronoun, n. §vq ti a lo dipo

orukQ nkan.

Pronounce, v.t. and i. pe, 3^9.Pronunciation, n. ipe, is^.Proof, n. ami, 9ri.

Prop, n. itil9hin.

Propaganda, n. 9na itankal^.

Propagate, v.t. mu bi si i, p9 si.

Propagation, n. idagba, iwu,

ip9si, itankal?.

Propel, v.t. ti siwaju, le siwaju.

Propeller, n. aj9-9k9.

Propensity, n. itesi, ifasi.

Proper, adj. y9, t<J.

Properly, adv. ni-yiy9, ni titaj.

Property, n. ohun ini, itosi.

Prophecy, n. is9t9l9.

Prophesy, v.t. and i. s9-t9l9.

Prophet, n. alas9t9l9, woli.

Prophetess, n. woli obirin.

Propitiate, v.t. la-nija, se-etutu.

Propitiation, n. etutu.

Proportion, n. ipo oniruru nkansi ara W9n, osuw9n.

Propose, v.t. da-im9ran, muwafun ifiyesi.

Proposition, n. imuwa fun ifiyesi,


Propound, v.t. gblm9, gbiro.

Proprietor, n. oluwa, olohun.

Propriety, n. isedede, ibamu.

Prose, n. iwe kik9.

Prosecute, v.t. lepa, fi-siin.

Prosecution, n. ifisim.

Prosecutor, n. olufisun.

Proselyte, n. alaw9se.

Prospect, n. ifi oju si 9na, hihan,

iwo, iri.

Prosper, v.t. and i. se rere, se asiki.

Prosperity, n. alafia, asiki.

Prostitute, n. pansaga obirin,

agbere. v.t. ta fun iwabuburu, lo ni if9kuf9-

Prostitution, n. isagbere, ise


Prostrate, adj. ni ktybal?. v.t.

dabul9 d9bal9.

Prostration, n. idabul?, laini


Protect, v.t. dabobo.

Protection, n. abo.

Protector, n. alabo.

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Protege, n. ^niti o wa lab? itpju


Protest, v.t. and i. t^numcj, kih?.

n. ikede, ikil^.

Protract, v.t. fa-gun, mu-p?.

Protraction, n. ifagun, imupe.

Protrude, v.t. and i. ti siwaju.

Protuberance, n. iwu.

Proud, adj. Igberaga.

Prove, v.t. and i. dan-w6, ridi.

Provender, n. sakasaka, koriko


Proverb, n. owe.

Proverbial, adj. di owe, lo bi owe.

Provide, v.t. and i. pese-sile, pese.

Providence, n. ipese-sjle Qlorunfun aw9n eda R$.

Provident, adj. ni ipese tele,


Provider, n. apese.

Province, n. igberiko.

Provincial, adj. ti agbegbe ilu.

Provision, n. onje, ipese tele.

Provocation, n. imubinu, iru-

soke, it<J.

Provoke, v.t. mu-binu, ru-soke,


Prow, n. iwaju 9k$.

Prowess, n. igboiya, ilaiya.

Prowl, v.t. and i. rin kiri waohun ode.

Proximate, adj. sunm?, nitosi,


Proximity, n. itosi, eti.

Proxy, n. ir9po, iduro fun.

Prudence, n. oye, 9gb9n.

Prudent, adj. amoye, 9l9gb9n.

Prune, v.t. r$-l9W9, r9W9, kekuro, w<Jn kuro.

Pry, v.i. bojuwo, wadi.

Psalm, n. orin mim9.Psalmist, n. ak9we orin rnim^.

Pshaw, inter. si9 !

Puberty, n. akoko ti 9k9nrin

tabi obirin ti dagba tan.

Public, adj. ti gbogbo enia,

mimp fun gbogbo enia.

Publican, n. agbowode.

Publication, n. ikede, it?we.

Publicly, adv. ni gbangba.

Publish, v.t. 39 di mim$, kede,

t9 iwe fun tita.

Publisher, n. eniti nte iwe tita.

Pucker, v.t. and i. ki-iweje, ka.

Puddle, n. 9g9d9 kekere, koto


Puff, n. fif$, af?f? kan. v.t.

and i. f^-soke.

Pugilist, n. 9niti nfi ikuku ja.

Pugnacious, adj. onija.

Pugnacity, n. iwa onija.

Pull, v.t. and i. fa.

Pullet, n. 9m9 adie.

Pulley, n. ohun 9r9 lati fi gbe

nkan ti o wuwo soke.

Pulpit, n. aga iduro wasu.

Pulsate, v.t. and i. lu kiki.

Pulse, n. ilu kiki ti okan ; $wa.

Pulverize, v.t. and i. gun kunna,

Pump, n. 91*9 ifa orai lati inu

kanga. v.t. and i. fa-soke.

Pumpkin, n. elegede.

Punch, n. lilu iho si. v.t. lu iho ;

lu, na.

Punctilious, adj. kiyesi nkankinikini.

Punctual, adj. se li akoko, se g£.

Punctuate, v.t. n ami si iwe kika.

Puncture, n. iho kekere. v.t.

and i. gun.

Pungent, adj. mu, tani.

Punish, v.t. J9-niya.

Punishment, n. lya, ijiya.

Punt, n. 9k$ kekere.

Puny, adj. kekere, alailera.

Pupil, n. 91119 ile iwe, ak^kc,).

Puppy, Pup, n. 9m9 aja.

Purchase, v.t. ra. n. ohun ti a


Purchaser, n. olura.

Pure, adj. m<J, da saka, funfun

ni iwa.

Purge, v.t. w$-m$, w$.

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Purification, n. iwenumcj.

Purifier, n. alawem<J.

Purify, v.t. wp-m<J, S9 di mim<J.

Purity, n. mim<J, iwa mimp.Purloin, v.t. ji, jale.

Purloiner, n. ole.

Purple, adj. elese aluko, aw9aluko.

Purport, n. itump.

Purpose, n. ete, ero, ohun ti anlepa.

Purr, v.t. and i. kun bi ologini.

Purse, n. apo owo.

Purser, n. onit9Ju owo ninu pkp.

Pursue, v.t. and i. lepa, tele.

Pursuit, n. ilepa, itele.

Purtenance, n. ikopp inu eran.

Purvey, t>.$. and t. ra onje sile,

pese sile fun.

Purveyor, n. oluta ohun jije.

Pus, n. pyun.

Push, v.t. and i. tl bl, rp.

PUSS, Pussy, n. ologbd, ologini.

Put, v.t. and i. fi-si.

Putrefy, v.t. and i. ba-je, ra.

Putrid, adj. rira, bibaje.

Putty, n. emp, ate.

Puzzle, n. isoro, g<j>, isuju.

Pygmy, n. arara.

Pyjamas, n.pJ. sokoto durukp.

Pyramid, n. ibi isinku awpnPharoah.

Pyre, n. ikojo igi lati fi sun oku.

Python, n. ojola.


Quack, v.t. and i. ke bi pepeiye ;


Quack-doctor, n. adahunse.

Qnackery, n. ifuja onisegun ti kdni im$.

Quadrangle, n. onigun mprin.

Quadruped, n. eranko elese


Quadruple, adj. ni ilppo merin.

Quaff, v.t. and i. mu igbun.

Quagmire, n. ira.

Quail, n. apar6. v.t. and i. sojo,

beru, damu.Quaint, adj. ajeji.

Quake, v.i. gb$n, wariri. mi.

Qualification, n. imuye.

Qualify, v.t. and i. mu-ye.

Quality, n. iwa, agbara.


Qualm, n. aibale eri pkan.

Quandary, n. hiha sarin meji.

iQuantity, n. titobi, iwpn, iye.


Quarantine, n. dida okp duro


nitori aisan.

Quarrel, n. ija, asp. v.t. ja, s$.

Quarrelsome, adj. nija.

Quarry, n. iho nibiti a nf<J okuta.

Quart, n. idamerin osuwpn.

Quarter, n. idamerin ohunkohun.

Quarterly, adj. ni idamerin


merin, li osu metameta.

Quarter-master, n. olubojuto

ibugbe ati onje ti awpnpmp-ogun.

Quartette, Quartet, n. eni merin.

Quash, v.t. te-mole, segun.

Quaver, v.t. and i. wahun li orin.

Quay, n. ebute, ibi igunle si.

Queen, n. ayaba, oba obirin.

Queenly, adv. or adj. bi ayaba.

Queer, adj. yato, sodi.

Quell, v.t. mu-dake, pa-re, te-

mple, segun.

Quench, v.t. pa-ku, pana, parun.

Querulous, adj. ainitelprun, ra-


Query, n. ibere, ere.

Quest, n. wakiri.

Question, n. Ibere. v.t. bi i lere.

Questionable, adj. niruju, aida-


Quibble, n. ja lori nkan kekere.

Quick* odj. yara, laye. n. alaye.

Quicken, v.t. and i. sp di aye, sp-ji.

Quickener, n. eniti o sp di aye.

Quicklime, n. eru ti a kd bu omipa.

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Quickly, adv. yarayara, kankan,nisisiyi, kiakia, sirasira.

Quickness, n. iyara.

Quicksand, n. iyanrln did$.

Quicksighted, adj. oloju mimu.Quiescence, n. isimi, idak?.

Quiescent, adj. simi, dak?.

Quiet, adj. dak?, p?l?, idak?j?.

v.t. and i. mu-simi, mu-par9r9, mu-dak?.

Quietly, adv. ni idak?j?.

Quietness, n. iwa p?l?, idak?j?.

Quill, n. iy? apa ?iy? ti a lo lati

fi k?we.

Quilt, n. as9 ibori akete.

Quinine, n. egbogi iba.

Quire, n. ewe-iwe m?rin-le-logun.

Quit, v.t. fi-sil?, k$-sil?.

Quite, adv. patapata.

Quiver, n. ap6-?fa. v.t. and i.


Quorum, n. iye ?gb? ti o to lati

se ipade.

Quota, n. ipin.

Quotation, n. $r9 agbas9, iye ti

a nta ohunkohun.Quote, v.t. tun $r9 ?lomi wi, 39

iye owo ohun tita.

Quoth, v.t. wipe.

Quotient, n. iye ti o y9ri jade

nipa ipin.


Rabbi, n. 01uk9ni, 9ruk9 ti

aw9n Ju fi pe aw9n ti o nk9ofin.

Rabbit, n. ehoro onirun.

Rabble, n. 9P9 enia alainilari


aw9n " 9m9 ita."

Rabid, adj. siwere.

Race, n. iran, idile, iru ; ije.

Race-course, n. ibi isure ije.

Racial, adj. ti iran, ti idile.

Rack, n. ori-ik9.

Racket, n. ariwo.

Radiance, n. Itann^l?, idanmaran.

Radiant, adj. titansan.

Radiate, v.t. and i. tan, ran bi


Radical, adj. ti ipil?s?, ti gbon-gbo.

Radically, adv. tegbo-tigaga.

Raft, n. adilu igi ti o fo loju omi.

Rafter, n. 9k? il$, iti igi ile.

Rag, n. akisa.

Rage, n. irunu, ibinu. v.i. binufufu, ru.

Ragged, adj. alakisa, palapala.

Raid, n. igboguntl. v.t. and i.

gbogun si, r?lu.

Rail, n. 9gba irin tabi ti igi, irin

lori eyiti 9^ il? nrin. v.t.

and i. s?r9 ebu, S9r9 9gan.

Railway, n. 9na 9k$ il?.

Raiment, n. as?.

Rain, n. 6jd. v.t. and i. r9-j6, r$.

Rainbow, n. osumare.

Raindoud, n. ikuku ojo.

Raindrops, n. 9^9 ojo.

Rainy, adj. 9J9 ojo.

Raise, v.t. gbe-soke. gbeleke,


Raisin, n. eso ajara.

Rake, n. ohun elo ti a fi nko nkan

J9. v.t. and i. ko-J9.

Rally, v.t. and i. sa ogun J9, gbaagbara titun.

Ram, n. agbo. v.t. fi agbara le.

Ramadan, n. osu aw? Imale.

Ramble, n. irin kakiri. v.i. rin


Rampant, adj. fo soke gija.

Rampart, n. odi ilu.

Ramrod, n. 9pa ib9n.

Rancid, adj. kan, mus?ri.

Rancour, n. irira, keta, arankan.

Random, adj. alabapade, lairo-


Range, v.t. and i. to I9S9S9 ; rin


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Ranger, n. alarinkiri ; alabojuto


Rank, n. ^gb?, $gba, ipo, oye,

911a, it^-ogun. v.t. and i. td

193989. adj. run, sun, baj£.

Rankle, v.i. gbinikun.

Ransack, v.t. wa kiri, ja li ole.

Ransom, n. irapada, owo idasil?.

v.t. ra-pada, da-sil^.

Ransomer, n. olurapada.

Rap, n. ilu. v.t. and i. lu, kankun.

Rapacious, adj. ni ojukokoro, fi

agbara dimu.

Rapid, adj. yara, kankan.

Rapidity, w. lyara.

Rapine, n. fifi agbara ko I9.

Rapt, od/. fetisil? pelu ipar9r9.

Rapture, n. ay$ nla.

Rare, adj. S9w$n, alp9-

Rarely, adv. laiwpp?.

Rascal, n. eniakenia, enia lasan," 9m9 ita."

Rase, Raze, v.t. w6-pal9, re-lori,

par?, parun.

Rash, adj. ikugbu, laifarabal?,

sure. n. 93d, esu.

Rashly, adv. laironu.

Rasp, n. ohun 911a kan, ayun.

Rat, n. ekute.

Rate, n. iye, osuw9n. v.t. and i.

siro, 39 iye ; ba-wi.

Rather, adv, kuku, sanju.

Ratify, v.t. piiinu, fi ohun si.

Ration, n. onj*9 6J9 ti aw9n9m9-ogun.

Rational, adj. ni iye ninu.

Rattle, v.t. and i. pariwo, miP9k9P9k9, kigbe.

Ravage, v.t. and i. S9 di ahoro,


Rave, v.t. and i. siwere, s^r9

laironu bi asiwere.

Ravel, v.t. and i. dijup9, di


Raven, n. 9iy9 lwo.

Ravening, n. apanij'9.

Ravenous, adj. ^yannu, oniw9ra


Ravin, v.t. se iw9ra.

Ravine, n. afonifoji nla.

Ravish, v.t. t£ li ogo, fi agbara

mu.Raw, adj. tutu, aise.

Ray, n. itansan im9l9.

Raze, v.t. pa-r9, wo-pal9.

Razor, n. ab9.

Reach, v.t. and i. na, de.

Read, v.t. and i. kawe, ka.

Reader, n. akawe.

Readily, adv. I9W9I9W9, l9gan.

Readiness, n. imura tan, imuraSH9.

Reading, v. nkawe.

Ready, adj. mura, se tan.

Real, adj. tot9, daju, lododo.

Reality, n. otit9, ododo.

Realization, n. imuse.

Realize, v.t. mu-se, mu se otit9.

Really, adv. dajudaju, nitot9, li


Realm, n. il9-9ba.

Ream, n. ewe takada. (480 ewe).

Reap, v.t. and i. kore, ka, sa.

Reaper, n. olukore.

Reappear, v.i. fi ara han lerin


Reappoint, v.t. tun yan l^keji.

Rear, n. $hin. v.t. and i. t9-

dagba, k9 li ^9.Rearrange, v.t. tun to I9S9S9.

Reason, n. idi, itori, nipa. v.t.

and i. ba-se aroye, 39 as9ye


Reasonable, adj. ti o t9.

Reasoner, n. alaroye.

Reassure, v.t. mu ki o daniloju.

Reattempt, v.t. tun gbidanwol9keji.

Rebel, n. ^>l9t^, asagun. v.i.

$9t9 si.

Rebellion, n. §tq t is9t9, t9mb9-l^kun.

Rebellious, adj. 91919.

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Rebound, v.i. tun pada s^hin ;


Rebuff, n. ik$, da-duro.

Rebuild, v.t. tun k<J l^keji.

Rebuke, v.t. ba-wi, ba-s$. n.


Recall, v.t. pe-pada ; mu wa si


Recant, v.t. and i. yi fyrq pada,yi iye pada.

Recantation, n. iyi {>r9 pada.

Recapitulate, v.t. tun 91-9 39.

Recapitulation, n. itun ^9 89.

Recapture, v.t. tun mu-leru.

Recede, v.i. fa-s^hin, pada sehin.

Receipt, n. igba nkan I9W9 9m,iwe ij*9W9 gbigba nkan.

Receive, v.t. gba, ri-gba.

Recent, adj. ni titun, ni 19193a.

Recently, adv. ni 19193d.

Receptacle, n. ibi igba ohun-kohun si.

Reception, n. igba.

Receptive, adj. gbigba-sinu.

Recess, n. ipada 89hin, ibi ik9k$.

Recipe, n. apejuwe.

Recipient, n. olugba, 9niti o gbankan I9W9 9m.

Reciprocal, adj. se pada, pasi-


Reciprocate, v.t. and i se pasi-

paj*9, " bunmi mbun 9."

Reciprocation, n. asegba, ise


Recitation, n. kika ohun ti ak9 sori.

Recite, v.t. and i. ka iwe ni gban-gba, kika eyiti a ti k9 sori.

Reckless, adj. laibikita, aila-

niyan, aiwoye.

Reckon, v.t. and i. ka, sir6.

Reckoning, n. isird, ikaye.

Reclaim, v.t. and i. gba-pada,


Reclamation, n. itun-mu-b9-sipo.

Recline, v.t. and i. fi ara ti.

Recluse, n. ^niti a 86019.

Recognition, n. im9, iJ9W9,


Recognize, v.t. m9, J9W9, ranti.

Recoil, v.i. pada-s^hin, fa-s^hin.

Recollect, v.t. ranti, sanu.

Recollection, n. iranti, isanu.

Recommence, v.t. tun b^r^l^keji.

Recommend, v.t. yin, 89r9 9m-kan ni rere, fi-le.

Recommendation, n. iyin, is9r9

9ni ni rere.

Recompense, v.t. san-pada, sanesan. n. isanpada, esan


Reconcile, v.t. se ilaja, ba-laja.

Reconciliation, n. ilaja.

Reconsider, v.t tun-ro, tun-

wadi l^keji.

Reconstruct, v.t. tun k9 l9keji.

Record, v.t. kq sinu iwe iranti,

J9ri. n. iwe iranti.

Recorder, n. ak9we iranti.

Recount, v.t. tun-sir6, tun-S9


Recourse, n. asala si.

Recover, v.t. and i. gba-pada, tun

ri gba ; se dida ara kuro

ninu arun.

Recovery, n. igba-pada, iwosan

ninu arun, imularada.

Recreant, adj. ni ilojo, laisot9.

Recreate, v.t. and i. 89-ji, daraya,


Recreation, n. idaraya, is9Ji, ire.

Recruit, v.t. and i. tun ilera se,

gba 9m9-ogun sinu 9gb9.

Rectify, v.t. tun-se, mu b9 sipd.

Rectitude, n. iwa otit9, iwaododo.

Rector, n. alakoso iJ9, alufa.

Rectory, n. ibugbe alufa.

Recumbent, adj. r9gb9ku, fi ara


Recuperate, v.t. and i. s9ji.

Recur, v.i. pada, salu.

Recurrency, n. ipada.

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Red, n. p<Jn, pupa.

Redden, v.t. and i. sp di pupa.

Redeem, v.t. da-sil?, ra-pada.

Redeemer, n. Olurapada.

Redemption, n. irapada, idasil?.

Redness, n. piptfn, isepupa.

Redolent, adj. kun fun drundidun.

Redouble, v.t. and i. sepo l^keji.

Redound, v.i. ran-pada.

Redress, v.t. tun se. n. itunse.

Reduce, v.t. din-ku, bu-ku.

Reduction, n. Idinku, ibuku.

Reduplicate, v.t. s?po l^keji.

Reed, n. iye, ifefe, 9pa-lye.

Reef, n. okuta nisale okun.

Reel, n. igi ti a ka owu we, kekeowu. v.t. and i. ta gb^ngbejn

bi pmuti ; ka-we.

Re-enter, v.t. and i. tun W9I6lekeji.

Refer, v.t. and i. fi-ty, gbe-pada.

Referee, n. eniti a fi <?ran I9.

Reference, n. ifity.

Refill, v.t. tun fi kun.

Refine, v.t. and i. y9 eri kuro,

sele, y<J, dan-wo, da.

Refinement, n. iwa mim<J, il$wa,

inu rere.

Refiner, n. ^niti nda, ^niti ny<J.

Refit, v.t. tunse.

Reflect, v.t. and i. tan in^l? si


ronu jinle.

Reflection, n. ifiyesi, iro.

Reflective, adj. leronu, nironu.

Reform, v.t. and i. tun-se, S9di

eni rere.

Reformation, n. atun-pada-se,is9<li rere.

Reformer, n. alatunse.

Refractory, adj. riru ofin, agidi.

Refrain, n. orin. v.t. and i. fa-

sehin, da-ara-duro, pam9ra.Refresh, v.t. and i. tii-lara, tu-

ninu, 89 -ji.

Refreshment, n. itura ; onje,


Refuge, n. abo, ibi isadi, ibi


Refugee, n. ^niti o sal? si ile

miran fun abo.

Refund, v.t. and i. san-pada.

Refusal, n. ik$.

Refuse, v.t. and i. k$, du. n. eri,

ohun egbin.

Refute, v.t. ti-laiya, bi-subu, muli eke, pa li 9nu my.

Refutation, n. ibisubu, ipal?-


Regain, v.t. jere-pada, ri gbapada.

Regal, adj. ti 9ba.

Regale, v.t. and i. se ase fun, muli ara ya, fun ni inu didun.

Regalia, as9-oye.

Regard, v.t. and i. kiyesi, bu iyin

fun, ka-si. n. iwo, ikiyesi,


Regarding, prep, nipa ti.

Regardless, adj. and adv. aifiyesi,

aikasi, aibuyinfun.

Regatta, n. fifi 9k{) sure ije.

Regenerate, v.t. and i. 89 di

9tun, tun-bi.

Regeneration, n. atunbi, atunda.

Regent, n. aj^l^, adele 9ba.

Regime, n. akoko iJ9ba, igba.

Regiment, n. 9gb? ogun kan.

Region, n. ^kun ilu, agbegbe.

Register, n. iwe iranti.

Registration, n. ik? oruk? sinu

iwe iranti.

Regret, n. ibinuje, iranti p?lu

edun. v.t. ba ninu J9, fi

edun ranti.

Regular, adj. dede.

Regularity, n. isedede, itydede.

Regulate, v.t. mu wa sabe ofin,

to leses?.

Regulation, n. ofin, ilana.

Rehearsal, n. idanrawo sil?.

Rehearse, v.t. rdhin, tun ka, 39.

Reign, n. iJ9ba. v.i. J9ba.

Rein, n. okun ijanu esin.

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Reinforce, v.t. fi agbara kun, fi

ogun kun ogun.

Reinforcement, n. iranlvwp.

Reins, inu, iwe inu.

Reinstate, v.t. fi si ipo r$ pada.

Reiterate, v.t. tun wi.

Reject, v.t. k^-sil^, sa-tl.

Rejection, n. ik9sil9, isatl.

Rejoice, v.t. and i. y$, se inu

didun si.

Rejoicing, n. ay$.

Rejoin, v.t. and i. tun dara P91119.

Rejoinder, n. esl.

Relapse, v.i. tun pada s?hin, fa-

s^hin. n. ipada arun, ifa-


Relate, v.t. and i. wi, 39 ; ba-tan.

Relation, n. ara, ibatan ; is^tan.

Relative, n. ara, ibatan ; ti

^lomiran, nipa ti.

Relax, v.t. and i. d9W9, mu fuy?


Relaxation, n. id?w9, id9ra,


Release, n. idasile, iJ9l9W9. v.t.

da-sile, J9-I9W9 I9, tu-sil?.

Relent, v.i. kanu, sanu.

Relentless, adj. lailanu.

Reliable, adj. yiy? fun igb^k^le.

Reliance, n. igb^k^le, isimile.

Reliant, adj. segb^k^le.

Relic, n. ohun iranti ; oku enia.

Relict, n. 6po.

Relief, n. iranl9W9, is9Ji, itil^hin.

Relieve, v.t. ran-l9W9, ti-l^hin.

Religion, n. isin.

Religious, adj. oluf9kansin, ni

sise isin Qtyrun.

Relinquish, v.t. fi-sil?, k9-sile.

Relish, n. it9wo didun, adun.

v.t. and i. fi adun m$, gbadun.Reluctance, n. aiff

Reluctant, adj. se aif£.

Reluctantly, adv. p^lu il9ra.

Rely, v.i. simi le, gb9k9le.

Remain, v.i. ku, duro.

Remainder, n. iyoku, isiku.

Remains, oku enia.

Remake, v.t. tunse.

Remark, n. ifiyesi, is$r9si. v.t,

and i. fiyesi, wipe, s$r9.

Remarkable, adj. iyanu, lokiki.

Remarkably, adv. p9lu iyanu.

Remedy, n. ogun, atunse.

Remember, v.t. ranti.

Remembrance, n. iranti.

Remind, v.t. ran li eti, si li etL

Reminder, n. 9mti o ran ni leti,

ohun iran ni leti.

Reminiscence, n. iranti ohun ti

o ti k9Ja.

Remiss, adj. fa, l9ra, jafara.

Remission, n. idariji, ifiji ; ifa-

S9hin, ijafara.

Remit, v.t. and i. dariji, san-pada,.


Remittance, n. owo ti a ran I9 si


Remittent, adj. igb9da-gb9da.

Remnant, n. iyoku; irepe as9*

Remonstrance, n. iyan, is9r9 odi


Remonstrate, v.t. and i. 391*9 odl

si, ba-jiyan.

Remorse, n. abam9, 9dun es .

Remorseless, adj. Iai-kabam9.

Remote, adj. jina si.

Removal, n. isipo-pada, imukuro.

Remove, v.t. and i. si-ipo pada,.


Remunerate, v.t. san owo <>ya,.

san ere is9»

Remuneration, n. ere is9, owo-

Remunerative, adj. eyiti o muowo wa.

Rend, v.t. and i. fa-ya.,

Render, v.t. fi-fun, san-fun


39 -di.

Rendezvous, n. aj<J, ibi-ipade,


Renegade, n. alaisot9, ak9-egb9

r9 sil9-

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Renew, v.t. and i. S9 di 9tun,


Renewal, n. is9di-titun, itunse.

Renounce, v.t. and i. kcp-sil?, 39.

Renovate, v.t. 39 di 9tun.

Renovation, n. itunse.

Renown, n. okiki, iyin.

Renowned, adj. lokiki.

Rent, n. ifaya ; owo-ile. v.t.

and i. fa-ya.

Renunciation, n. ik9sil9, is9.

Reopen, v.t. and i. tun si l§keji.

Reorganize, v.t. tun-t6.

Repair, v.t. and i. I9 si ; tun-se,

tun fi si ipo. n. itunse.

Repairer, n. alatunse.

Repast, n. onj^.

Repay, v.t. and i. san-pada.

Repeal, v.t. mu-pada, pe-pada,


Repeat, v.t. and i. tun-se, tun-S9,

tun wi, ka.

Repeatedly, adv. nigbakugba.

Repel, v.t. le pada S9hin.

Repent, v.t. and i. ronupiwada,

kanu nitot9.

Repentance, n. ironupiwada.

Repetition, n. atunwi.

Repine, v.i. kanra, kun.

Replace, v.t. mu pada sipo, san-

pada, dipo.

Replant, v.t. tun gbin.

Replenish, v.t. fi-kun, r$ si i,


Replete, adj. kun patapata.

Reply, n. idahun, esi. v.t. and i.


Report, n. irohin, ihin. v.t.

and i. r6hin.

Reporter, n. onirohin.

Repose, v.t. and i. dubul? sun,

simi ; fi-sura. n. isimi, drun,


Reprehend, v.t. ba-wi.

Reprehension, n. ibawi.

Represent, v.t. fi-han, duro nipo


Representation, n. aworan, ap^r^,


Representative, n. a se oju 9m,aduro nipo 9m.

Repress, v.t. kl-w$, kl-m9l9.


Repression, n. ikiw?, ikimol^,


Reprieve, v.t. tu-sil9, J9I9W9, da-


Reprimand, n. ibawi. v.t. ba-

wi pup9.

Reprint, v.t. tun t$ iwe.

Reprisal, n. igbesan, imusan.

Reproach, n. $gan. v.t. gan.

Reproachful, adj. ti o l^gan, ti

a-le bawi.

Reprobate, n. 9ni-lsati, 9ni-9bi,

asika. adj. ida^bi, rlra,


Reprobation, n. idal^bi, ikosil9,

ififun iparun.

Reproduce, v.t. tun mu wa, tunbi jade.

Reproduction, n. ibi si i.

Reproof, n. ibawi.

Reprovable, adj. yq fun ibawi.

Reprove, v.t. ba-wi, ba-89, bani


Reprover, n. olubaniwi.

Reptile, n. ohun ti nrak6.

Republic, n. ilu ti k6 nfi 9ba J9.

Republish, v.t. tun t^ iwe tita.

Repudiate, v.t. and i. k^-sil?.

Repudiation, n. ik^sil?.

Repugnant, adj. aibarade, lodl.

Repulse, v.t. le pada s^hin.

Repulsion, n. ilepada.

Repulsive, adj. ilepada, talaiya.

Reputation, n. okiki, iyin.

Repute, v.t. ka-si.

Request, n. $b$, ibere, if$. v.t.

b$, bere.

Require, v.t. and i. bere, f£.

Requirement, n. ohun ti af<?.

Requisite, adj. laisaini, tq.

Requisition, n. ibere.

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Requital, n. esan, ere.

Requite, v.t. san esan, san-fun.

Rescind, v.t. ke-kuro, par^.

Rescue, n. igbala, iy9 ninu ewu,

igbasil?. v.t. y9 ninu ewu,


Research, n. iwa li awari, iwadi.

Resemblance, n. iJ9ra, aworan.

Resemble, v.t. J9, dabi, fi-we.

Resent, v.t. fi ibinu han si, gbase ibi.

Resentful, adj. kun fun ibinu.

Resentment, n. ibinu, irunu.

Reservation, n. ifipam9, ifisura.

Reserve, v.t. fi-panu?, fi-sura.

Reserved, adj. tiju, laisisile.

Reservoir, n. ibi ipam? omi tabi

nkan miran.

Reside, v.i. gbe ibi kan, joko.

Residence, n. ibugbe, ile.

Residency, n. ibugbe ajel^.

Resident, n. olugbe.

Residential, adj. ibi-gbibe.

Residue, n. iyoku, isiku.

Resign, v.t. and i. n-sile.

Resignation, n. ifisile, iJ9 I9W9


a, n. oje lgi.

Resist, v.t. and i. kpju ija si,

tapa si, ta-laiya.

Resistance, n. ik9Jujasi, italaiya.

Resolute, adj. m ipinnu.

Resolution, n. ipinnu, idaniloju.

Resolve, v.t. and i. pinnu, m$.Resort, v.t. and i. U}-lq, 19-8^9,


Resound, v.t. and i. tun dunpada.

Resource, n. 9na iranl9W9, ohunigb^k^le, itil^hin.

Respect, n. ojurere, $w<J, iyin.

. v.t. b$w<J fun, buyin fun,

bu 9I& fun.

Respectable, adj. yq fun iyin,

y9 fun 91a.

Respectful, adj. kun fun 9W9,t9W9t9W9.

Respiration, n. imisinu misode.

Respire, v.t. and i. mi.

Respite, n. afo, aye, isimi.

Resplendent, adj. didan, dara


Respond, v.i. dahun, gbe.

Respondent, n. 9m idahun.

Response, n. idahun, egbe.

Responsibility, n. igb^k^le, ^9.Responsible, adj. didalohun, nini

9ru is9.

Rest, n. isimi, orun, idak?, isiku.

v.t. and i. simi, sun, dak9,


Restful, adj. fifi isimi fun.

Restfully, adv. p9lu isimi.

Rest-house, n. ile ero.

Restitution, n. imupada.

Restive, adj. aifarabal9, aijokoJ9.

Restless, adj. laisimi, laisun.

Restoration, n. imupada sipd.

Restore, v.t. mu pada sip6, mub$ sip6.

Restrain, v.t. da-l^kun, di li 9na,


Restraint, n. idiw9, idaduro, iko

ni ijanu.

Restrict, v.t. pala fun, ha-m9.

Restriction, n. ipala, iham9.

Result, n. ipari, y9ri si.

Resume, v.t. and i. tun b§rq.

Resumption, n. atun b$r9.

Resurrection, n. ajinde.

Resuscitate, v.t. and i. mu 89ji.

Retail, v.t. and i. ta nkan W9W9,su-ta, le-ta.

Retailer, n. alaleta, alasuta.

Retain, v.t. da-duro.

Retainer, n. 9m9-9d9, irans9.

Retake, v.t. tun-mu, tun-gba.

Retaliate, v.t. and i. san esan,

Retaliation, n. igb9san.

Retard, v.t. and i. CU-I9W9, da-


Retention, n. idaduro, idil9W9,


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Retentive, adj. ti a le fi pam9.Reticence, n. ipa enu 1119, idakeje.

Retinue, n. 91119-ehin.

Retire, v.t. and i. fa-sehin,

pehinda, I9 simi.

Retirement, n. ifasehin, isimi,

ibi ik9ko.

Retiring, adj. ni itiju, yiy^-kuro.

Retort, n. {>r9 kikoro, <|>r9


Retrace, v.t. ba (?na kanna pada.

Retract, v.t. and i. yi §rq pada.

Retreat, n. ibi isimi, ibi ik^kc^,

ifasehin, iyi ara s^tc?.

Retrench, v.t. and i. ge owokuro, idinku owo.

Retribution, n. isanpada, esan.

Retrieve, v.t. and i. gba pada,

mu pada sipo.

Retrograde, adj. ifasehin ise odi


Retrospect, n. ibojuwehin, ironu

ohun ti o ti k9Ja.

Retrospection, n. ipadawehin.

Return, v.t. and i. pada, mu-pada. n. ipada, itunde.

Reunion, n. i$9kan lehin iyanipa.

Reunite, v.t. tun so p9 lehin

iyanipa, la-ja.

Reveal, v.t. sipaya, fi-han, si-


Revel, v.t. and i. se ariya, se

aJ9 alariwo.

Revelation, n. ifihan, isipaya.

Revelry, n. ariya-alariwo.

Revenge, v.t. and i. gbesan, je

niya pada. n. igbesan.

Revengeful, adj. ti ima gbesan,

ni arankan.

Revengefully, adv. kun-fun-esan.

Revenger, n. olugbesan.

Revenue, n. akojopo owo ilu,

owo ti a ri gba.

Revere, v.t. b$w<J fun, b9la fun.

Reverence, n. ib$w9, ib^ru, 9I&,


Reverent, adj. li $w$, li 91a, nl


Reverie, n. minu l^kan, ri ronujina.

Reveise, v.t. yi-pada, par?, n.

jamba, dfo, lpar9.

Reversible, adj. ti a le yi-po.

Revert, v.t. and i. pada si, le-


Review, v.t. and i. tun-wo, b^wo.n. ib^wo, idanwo, fi 9S9 w6.

Revile, v.t. and i. kegan, fi se


Revise, v.t. w6 fun atunse.

Revision, n. itunwo, itunse.

Revival, n. ispji, ijidide.

Revive, v.t. and i. mu-S9Ji, mu-ye,ji-dide.

Revoke, v.t. and i. pe-pada,.


Revolt, n. §t§. v.t. and i. s^t?,

ko isin ^ba.

Revolution, n. iyika.

Revolve, v.t. and i. yi-ka.

Revolver, n. ib9n U0W9.

Reward, n. ere, ebun, esan.

v.t. san esan, ta li 9re, fi

^bun fun.

Rewarder, n. olusesan.

Rheumatism, n. lakuegbe, ari-


Rhinoceros, n. $ranko bi-imado

nla agbanrere.

Rib, n. egungun iha.

Ribbon, n. 9ja t?r$.

Rice, n. sinkafa ir^si.

Rich, adj. li 9^, li owo lori,

9l9ra, <j>lqr§.

Riches, n. 9^, ow6.

Richly, adv. I$p9l9p9, pup9-

Rid, v.t. gba-kuro, D9-I9W9, le-19.

Riddance, n. igbakuro, ib9low<?.

Riddle, n. al<J, owe. v.t. and i.


Ride, v.t. and i. gun esin.

Rider, n. ^niti ngun esin.

Ridge, n. oke ile.

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Ridicule, n. irerin, iy9Suti si.

v.t. fi-rerin, fi-sesin, fi se


Ridiculous, adj. rirerin, pipa-


Rife, pred. adj. p$, w<Jp$.

Rifle, n. iru ib9n kan. v.t. and i.

ji, fi agbara mu, jale.

Right, adj. t9, ye, dara. n.

otit^, ododo, anfani;9tun.

Righteous, n. olododo. adj. lo-

dodo, lotit9.

Righteousness, n. ododo, iwa-


Rightful, adj. t9-si.

Rightly, adv. 15t9, rere.

Rigid, adj. le, soro lati te,


Rigidly, adv. pelu isoro, lile.

Rigor, n. iwariri otutu, gbigb^n.

Rigour, n. isoro, Imuna, Irord.

Rill, n. odo sisan kekere.

Rim, n. eti, bebe.

Rind, n. epo.

Ring, n. oruka. vX and i. lu bi

agogo, ro bi agogo.

Ringleader, n. olori egbe.

Ringworm, n. lapalapa.

Rinse, v.t. fi omi san.

Riot, n. irukerudo, ariwo ; je

adun aiye.

Riotous, adj. inakuna, jegu-

duragudu, oniw9bia.

Rip, v.t. and i. la.

Ripe, adj. p9n, de, gb6.

Ripen, v.t. and i. dagba tan, muP911, mu d$.

Ripple, n. se-welewele.

Rise, Rose, v.t. and i. dide,

goke ; jinde ; la.

Rising, n. idide, is9te ; ajinde ;


Risk, n. ewu, idaw9le. v.t. fi


Rite, n. liana isin.

Ritual, n. ti liana isin, ona isin

ti o han lode.

Rival, n. abanidije, alafarawe,


Rivalry, n. idije, ibadu, iselara


River, n. odo.

Rivet, n. ekan irin.

Rivulet, n. odo kekere.

Road, n. 9na.

Roam, v.*. and i. rin kakiri.

Roar, v.*. a7id i. bu ramuramu,ke, ho, kerora. n. igbe,

ohun bibu, ike ; hiho okun.

Roast, v.t. and i. sun, yan, ho.

Rob, v.t. jale, ja li ole.

Robber, n. 9199a, ole.

Robbery, n. ole jija.

Robe, n. ewu, as9 igunwa,


Robust, adj. li agbara, nisan.

Rock, n. apata, okuta nla. v.t.

and i. tl siwa tl sehin, ml.

Rocky, adj. kun fun okuta.

Rocksalt, n. kanwun.

Rod, n. 9pa, pasan, $gba.

Roe, n. abo agburin ; eyin eja.

Rogation, n. ibere, ebe.

Rogue, n. alarekereke, enia

buburu, eniakenia.

Roguery, n. iwa aisot9, arekereke.

Roguish, adj. kun fun ais5t9>

Roll, n. ika-iwe. v.t. and i. yi,


Roll-call, n. ipe aw<?n enia li


Roller, n. 6b9, ayika.

Romance, n. Romantic, adj.

ijar$, itan lasan, ahuso.

Romp, n. ire ariwo.

Rood, n. osuw9n ile.

Roof, n. drule ; oke-enu.

Rook, n. kannakanna.

Room, n. yara, ipo, aye.

Roost, n. ibuw9 eiye. v.t. and i.

w$ bi eiye.

Rooster, n. ak9-adie.

Root, n. gbongbo, ipilese. v.t.

and i. fa-tu.

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Rooted, adj. ifi-ese-mule.

Rope, ft. okun.

Rosary, n. tesuba, ileke adura.

Rose, Rise, v.t. and i. dide, goke ;

jinde; la.

Rot, ft. ibaje, rira. v.t. and i.

baje, ra.

Rotation, n. iyi bi keke.

Rotten, adj. dibaje, ra.

Rottenness, ft. idibaje.

Rough, adj. Hie, palapala, saki-


Roughly, adv. ako, fi agbara se.

Round, adj. yika, roboto.

Roundabout, ad;, yi ka kiri.

Rouse, v.t. and i. ji li oju orun,


Rout, ft. lile ogun, idaru. v.t.

le ogun, da-ru.

Route, ft. ipa ona.

Routine, ft. ipa ona ise, ise ti


Rove, v.t. and i. rin ka kiri.

Rover, n. alarinka kiri.

Row, ft. Ila, $w<J, es$. v.t. and i.


Rowdy, adj. lariwo.

Rower, n. atuk$, awak$.Royal, adj. ti oba, bi oba.

Royalty, n. ipo oba, iwa oba,

oye 9ba.

Rub, v.t. and i. kun, gbo, pa.

Rubbish, n. alapa, ohun alainilari

Rubric, n. oro ninu iwe adura ti

o fihan bi a o ti se isin si.

Ruby, adj. pupa.

Rudder, n. itok$.

Ruddy, adj. pon.

Rude, adj. dpe, laimoye, ala-

imowahu.Rudely, adv. lainilari bi ara-oko.

Rudeness, n. aimoye, iwakuwa.

Rudiment, n. ipilese.

Rue, v.t. kanu fun, se edun fun.

Ruffian, ft. igara, enia gaungaun.

Rug, n. aso ibusun.

Rugged, adj. palapala, laiteju,


Ruin, ft. iparun, iwolule, ahoro.

Ruinous, adj. lebanije, buruju.

Rule, ft. ijoba, akoso. v.t. and i.

joba, se akoso ; fa ila.

Ruler, ft. alakoso, oba.

Rum, ft. oti ireke.

Rumble, n. ariwo.

Rummage, v.t. and i. wa li awasa.

Rumour, n. ihin, iro.

Rump, ft. ibadi, idi.

Run, v.t. and i. sure, sare.

Rupture, n. if<J, iyapa, iba alafia


Rural, adj. ti oko, ti igbo.

Ruse, ft. ere-etan, isuju.

Rush, ft. eweko odo, koriko odo.

v.t. and i. sure siwaju, r<J lu.

Rust, ft. idipara, idogun, ipara

irin. v.t. and i. dipara,


Rustic, ft. ara oko.

Rustle, v.t. and i. iro mimi ewe,

iro afefe ninu koriko.

Rusty, adj. kidanpapa didogun.

Rut, ft. ami keke ninu er$.

Ruthless, adj. lailanu, nika.


Sabbath, ft. ojo ekini ose ti aya si mim<J fun isin Qlorun,

ojo isimi.

Sack, ft. apo nla. v.t. jale, fole,


Sackcloth, n. asp lfi§.

Sacrament, 'ft. ami majemu,imule, ibura.

Sacred, adj. mimo, yiyasoto.

Sacrifice, n. ebo ; ifisile. v.t.

and i. rubo, sebo ; fi-sile.

Sacrilege, n. ija ibi mimo lole,

isp ohun mimo di ail^wo,

lilo ohun elo ile Qlorun ni


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Sad, adj. binuje, fajuro.

Sadden, v.t. and i. ba ninu J9.

Saddle, n. garl, asa. v.*. di ni


Saddler, n. alasa, oni^na garl.

Sadly, adv. pelu ibinuje.

Sadness, n. ibinuje, ifajuro.

Safe, adj. lailewu, lalafia. n.

apoti ifi owo pamp si.

Safeguard, n. abo, alabo.

Safety, n. ibi aiiewu, ailewu.

Sag, v.t. and i. y? ger?.

Sagacious, adj. I<?gb9n, moye,mimu.

Sagacity, n. 9gb<?n, oye, imu.

Sage, n. 9l9gb<?n, amoye.

Said, v.t. wi, 89.

Sail, n. igbokun 9^. v.t. and i.

tagbokun, sik$.

Sailor, n. atuk$.

Saint, n. enia mi1119.

Saintline88, n. iwa mim$.Saintly, adj. da bi enia mim<J.

Sake, n. itori.

Salary, n. owo $ya, owo is?.

Sale, n. ita-oja.

Saleable, adj. tita.

Salesman, n. 9l9Ja tita.

Salient, ady. pataki.

Saline, adj. ni iy$.

Saliva, n. it<J enu.

Sallow, adj. pipada aw9 oju

nitori aisan, di funfun ru.

Salt, n. iy$. v.t. fi iy$ po.

Salt-cellar, n. awo iy$.

Saltish, adj. niy9 di?, niy9 ninu.

Salubrious, adj. nitura, nilera.

Salutation, n. iki, ikini.

Salute, v.t. and i. ki.

Salvation, n. igbala kuro ninuiku ainipekun, igbala.

Salve, n. ohun ikunra, ipara.

Same, adj. 9kanna.

Sameness, n. iru kanna titi.

Sample, n. apere, apejuwe.

Sampler, n. apere as9 riran.

Sanatorium, n. ibugbe aw9nalaisan ibiti nw9n le gbaafef? ti o dara.

Sanctification, n. is9cUniim9,iya-


Sanctifler, n. ^niti o 39 ni di

mim?.Sanctify, v.t. ya si mini9, sp di

mim9.Sanction, n. ilohunsi, ijew9si,

iy9da. v.t. lohunsi, J9W9.Sanctity, n. iwamim9.Sanctuary, n. ile ti a ya si mime,)

fun Ql9run.

Sand, n. iyanrin, yanrin.

Sandal, n. salubata.

I Sandbank, n. bebe eti odo.

I Sandstone, n. yangi.

I Sandy, adj. kiki iyanrin, ni



Sane, adj. ye, lera, da lara.

Saneness, n. inu yiyd.

Sanguinary, adj. ti o loro ; kunfun ireti.

Sanguine, adj. loro ; ni ireti,

ni igbekele.

Sanhedrim, n. aj9 igbira? aw9nJu.

Sanitary, adj. ti ise itvju ilera


Sanitation, n. im9 it9Ju ilera


Sanity, n. iye ninu korokoro.

Sank, v.t. ri.

Santonin, n. egbogi ejo inu


ogun aran.

Sap, n. oje igi. v.t. and i. fun

mu, fun gbe.

Sapling, n. igi ti o sese hu.

Sapphire, n. okuta oniyebiye.

Sarcasm, n. egan, abukun.

Sarcastic, adj. pelu egan.

Sardine, n. ega kekcre.

Sash, n. 9Ja, lawan i ; igi oju


Satan, n. esu, olori 9run apadi.

Satanic, adj. ti esu, bi esu.

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Satchel, n. apo.

Sate, v.t t^-lprun, J9 ajekl.

Satiate, v.t. kun, t^-l^run.

Satin, n. S9da bi baranj?.

Satisfaction, n. it^l^run.

Satisfactory, adj. nit?run, nikunloju.

Satisfy, v.t. and i. t^-tyrun, kun-loju.

Saturate, v.t. kun, rin, ringbindin.

Saturday, n. iJ9 ik^hin 989.

Sauce, n. 9b?.

Saucepan, n. ikoko, Isasun.

Saucer, n. awo It^l? ago.

Sauciness, n. afojudi.

Saucy, adj. lafojudi, niyaju si.

Saunter, v.i. rin ka kiri P9I9P9I9.

Savage, n. alaigbede, onrord,

enia-kenia, ara oko. adj.

nika, rord.

Save, v.t. and i. gba-la kuro ninuewu, da-si, gba I9W9 939 ;

fipam9. prep, bikose, afi.

Saving, adj. gbigba-la ; sisunna,

fifi owo pam9. adv. biko-

sepe ; ayasebi.

Savings-bank, n. ibi ifiowo pam?si.

Saviour, n. Olugbala araiye.

Savour, w. 6riin, adun, it9Wo.

v.t. and i. gborim, t9-wo.

Savoury, adj. didun.

Saw, n. ayun. v.t. and i. r9-igi,

yun ; ri.

Sawdust, n. iy^ ir9gi ayun.

Sawpit, n. $biti igi alayun.

Sawyer, n. alayun igi ; r9gir9gi.

Say, Said, v.t. and i. wi, 39.

Saying, n. wiwi, sis9, 9r9 SIS9.

Scab, n. epa, epo.

Scabbard, n. akp ida.

Scaffold, n. akas9, atfgun, P9P9-Scald, v.t. bu omi gbigbona jo.

Scale, n. ip9. v.t. and i. goke.

Scales, osuw9n ; ip$.

Scalp, n. agbari.

Scamp, n. enia lasan, eniakenia.

Scamper, v.i. sure kikan.

Scan, v.t. and i. wd, wadi.

Scandal, n. ohun ik9&$, $gan,


Scandalize, v.t. mu-k9s$, k^gan,

se abukun si.

Scandalous, adj. imunikQs^, la-

bukun, legan.

Scant, adj. aikun, aito.

Scanty, adj. ha.

Scapegoat, n. ewur? idasil^lp.

Scar, n. apa oju, apa egbo.

Scarce, adj. S9W9n, saip9.

Scarcely, adv. agbara kaka, f^r^.

Scarcity, n. aip9, 9w<Jn.

Scare, v.t. d^ruba.

Scarecrow, n. ohun id^ruba ?iy9-

Scarf, n. as9 ib9run.

Scarlet, n. ddddo.

Scarred, adj. ni ami egbo, ni


Scatter, v.t. and i. tuka, funka.

Scattering, n. ituka, ifunka.

Scavenge, v.t. and i. pal 91119 ni

ita, tun ilu se.

Scavenger, n. agbal? ita, gbal^-


Scene, n. iwd, iri, aworan ibi kan.

Scenery, n. iwo H9, iri ile yika.

Scent, n. orun.

Scentless, adj. laini orun.

Sceptic, n. alaigba otit.9 gb9,oniyemeji.

Sceptical, adj. oniyemeji.

Scepticism, w. iyemeji, aigbaQl9run tabi otit9 ifihan

R9 gb«.

Sceptre, n. 9pa 9ba, 9pa alade.

Scheme, n. ero, liana, \mq.

Schism, n. iyapa.

Scholar, n. ak9k9, 9l9gb9n.

Scholarship, n. 9gb9n iwe ; an-

fani lati k9we l9f9.

School, n. ile-iwe, aJ9 ik9we,ile-9k9.

School-board, n. aw9n igbim9fun ile-iwe.

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School-fellow, ft. elegbe ni ile


School-master, ft. oluk^ ^k^nrin,

alakoso il6 iwe.

School-mistress, n. oluko obirin.

Schooner, n. <jk§ igbokun.

Science, n. I1119, pgbon, oye, ek9ijinle.

Scientific, adj. ti 9gbon, ti U119.

Scion, ft. 9w<J-igi, atele, 91119.

Scissors, alum9gaji.

Scoff, v.t. kegan, fi r^rin eleya,


Scoffers, awpn elegan.

Scold, v.t. and i. ba-89, ba-wi,


Scoop, v.t. W9 jade. n. ohun ti

a W9 jade.

Scope, ft. ete, anfani, aye ; 911a.

Scorch, v.t. and i. fi-j6na (drun

li a nlo ede yi fun).

Score, n. iairo, igbese ; ogun.

Scorn, ft. $gan, abukun. v.t. fi-

sesin, fi se eleya, kegan.

Scorners, awpn elegan.

Scorpion, n. akeke, akerekere,


Scoundrel, n. aseru, eniakenia.

SCOUT, v.t. f$, pa, gbo, wa kiri.

Scourge, ft. 9r$, pasan. v.t. nani 9r$, fi pasan na.

Scout, n. ami.

Scowl, v.t. and i. fajur01x19, susu


Scrag, ft. ru joro.

Scramble, v.t. and i. jijadu, du.

n. ijadu.

Scrap, n. ibu kekere.

Scrape, v.t. and i. ha, han.

Scratch, v.t. and i. ya lekanna.

Scrawl, ft. saini si, fi ikanju k9we.

Scream, v.t. and i. kigbe, ke, hangoro.

Screech, v.t and i. dun bi owiwi.

Screen, n. abd, iboju. v.t. dftbd-

bd, taboju.

Screw, n. Ide. v.t. and i. de.

Scribble, ft. ik9kuk9.

Scribe, ft. ak9we.

Scrip, n. apo, birigami.

Script, n. iwe af9W9k9.

Scriptural, adj. ti Bibeli Mim<£,

ti Iwe Mim<J.

Scripture, w. Bibeli Mim?, IweMim<J, Qr9 Ql9run.

Scroll, n. iwe kika.

Scrub, v.t. and i. f$, gbo.

Scruple, n. iye meji ; osuw9n(20 grains).

Scrupulous, adj. niyemeji, woye,r9ra.

Scrutinize, v.t. wadi, set9se,


Scrutiny, ft. iwadi, it9se, ibere,


Scuffle, ft. ija rudurudu.

Sculptor, ft. afina, eniti o ngbeere okuta.

Sculpture, n. 9na fifin.

Scum, ft. ifof6.

Scurf, ft. epa aw9 ara.

Scurvy, n. elekuru, ekuru.

Scythe, n. doje.

Sea, ft. okun, omi-iy$.

Seacoast, n. agbegbe okun.

Seaman, n. atuk9 okun.

Seaport, n. ebute okun, ibi igunle

9k^, ilu ti o wa leti okun.

Seashore, n. eba okun, ile eti


Seasick, adj. ni iruya ebi ninu

9k$ okun.

Seal, ft. edidi iwe.

Sealing-wax, n. ida ti a fi ndi iwe.

Seam, n. iran as9, ik6, ojuran.

v.t. ranp9, k6.

Seamless, adj. laini iran, laini


Seamstress, n. olurans9ta obi-


Sear, adj. gbigb9- v.t. fi-jona,


Search, n. awari, iwadi. v.t.

and i. wadi, wakiri.

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Season, n. akokd kan li 9<iun.

Seasonable, adj. lakokd, nigba

ti o ye.

Seasoning, n. adun ti a fi si onje.

Seat, w. ijoko, aga. v.t. gbe-


Secede, v.i. fa-sehin, ya kuroninu egbe. ayera kuro ninu

Secession, n. iyera kuro ninu

Seclude, v.t. ha-mo, si ibi kan,

ya-spto, yp-kuro.

Seclusion, n. iyaspto, iyokuro.

Second, adj. ekeji. n. enikeji,

omo-^hin iseju. v.t. tq-

lehin, ti-lehin.

Secondhand, n. tita lerin keji,

at9W9 kejiwa.

Secondly, adv. li ona keji.

Secrecy, n. ik9ko.

Secret, n. ohun Ik^ko. adj.


Secretary, n. ak9we.

Secretaryship, n. oye ak9we.

Secrete, v.t. fi-pamo, mu-pam^.Secretion, n. ifipam9, iyasapakan

omi ara.

Secretly, adv. nik9k9.

Sect, n. egbe, iyapa isin, ala-

damo.Section, n. iyapa, ipin, apakan

ninu iwe.

Secular, adj. ti aiye.

Secularize, v.t. yi Ho ohun ti eroi

pada si ilokulo.

Secure, adj. laifoya, lailewu,

laiberu. v.t. di-mu, dabobo



Securely, adv. dajudaju.

Security, n. abd, ib9l9W9 ewu,onigb9W9.

Sedate, adj. pele, dake, bibale,


Sedentary, adj. nijokoje.

Sediment, n. g?d$g$d$.

Sedition, n. is9te, irukerudo.

Seduce, v.t. tan-je, ba-je, dewd.

Seducer, n. eletan, abanije.

Seduction, n. iwa 9tan, iyi kurol9na rere.

Sedulous, adj. Iap9n, laisimi.

See, n. sakani ile abojuto bi»9pu.

See, Saw, Seen, v.t. and i. ri,


Seed, n. irugbin ; iru-9m9.

Seedling, n. ehu.

Seedtime, n. Igba ifunrungbin.

Seeing, n. iri, riri. conj. nitori,


Seek, Sought, v.t. and i. wa-kiri,


Seem, v.i. se bienipe, se afihan,


Seemly, adj. ye, t9, dara.

Seer, n. ariran, woli.

Seethe, v.t. and i. 09.

Segment, n. ikekuro, irepe.

Segregate, v.t. and i. ya-nipa.

Segregation, n. iyapa, ifialasi.

Seize, v.t. and i. fi agbara gba.

Seizure, n. ifi. agbara mu, imulojiji.

Seldom, adv. ni daindain.

Select, v.t. sayan. adj. asayan.

Selection, n. isayan.

Self, pron. enitikarare.

Selfish, adj. fife ara eni.

Selfishness, n. ife ara eni.

Self-restraint, Self-control, n.

iko ara eni ni ijanu.

Self-righteousness, n. isododo

loju ara eni.

Self-same, adj. pkanna, eyina.

Self-will, n. girimakayi.

Sell, v.t. and i. ta, fi-gbowo. n.


Seller, n. oluta.

Selvage, n. eti as9.

Semblance, n. iJ9ra, akawe.

Seminary, n. ibi ikoni, ile iwe.

Senate, n. aj9 igbim9.

Senator, n. ara igbimo.

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Send, v.t. and i. ran-l?, ran-nise.

Senior, n. 9gb$n, agba, asaju.

Seniority, n. akpbi, ipo tabi oye


Sensation, n. im$, aibale ^kan.

Sense, n. im$, oye, ogbon.

Senseless, adj. lainim$, lainoye.

Sensible, adj. loye, gbon, ni im$.

Sensitive, adj. iyara ni im$.

Sensual, adj. ti eda, ti ara, ti


Sensualist, n. agb9tara, onife-


Sensuality, n. iwa ifekufe.

Sentence, n. idalebi, {>ro idaJ9,

gbolohun <>r9. v.t. da-lebi,

sor9 idajo si.

Sentiment, n. ird, im$, idajo.

Sentimental, adj. ti ird, ti im^,

ti idajo.

Sentinel, Sentry, n. ologun ti nso


Separate, v.t. and i. ya-nipa,


Separation, n. yiyanipa, iyasa-

pakan, iya*9t9-

September, n. osu kesan 9dun.

Sepulchre, n. isa-oku, iboji.

Sequel, n. asinwa-asinb9. igb^-

hin, ipari.

Seraph, n. pkan ninu aw911 9gb9angeli.

Seraphim, n. aw^n angeli ti o

nyi it9 Ql9run ka.

Serene, adj. dake r9r9, r9l$, deju.

Serenity, n. idak9r9r9, id9Ju.

Serf, n. eru.

Sergeant, n. oye ninu ogun, oyeninu aw9n 9l9pa.

Serial, adj. at9lera.

Series, n. it^le I9S9S9.

Serious, adj. ni ironu, ni 9W9.

Seriously, adv. p^lu ironu, pelu


Seriousness, n. idakeje, ironu



Sermon, n. iwasu, ikilp, $r9


Serpent, n. ejo.

Servant, n. irans9, 9m9r9d9.

Serve, v.t. and i. se irans9, sin,

se is9.

Service, n. isin, is 9.

Servile, adj. bi 9ru, ni it9riba.

Servility, n. iwa 9m, isin inira,

isin 9ru.

Session, n. ijoko aw9n onidaJ9.

Set, v.t. mu-joko, fi-si, fi-le,

gbekal9 ; gbin. adj. ki, le,


Settle, n. ijoko, aga ; ipinnu.

v.t. and i. pinnu, san igbese,

tunse, fi idi kal9.

Settlement, n. ifi idi kal9,

itunse, isanwo ; ilutitedo.

Settler, n. atipo.

Seven, adj. meje.

Sevenfold, adj. nigba meje.

Seventeen, adj. metadilogun.

Seventh, adj. ekeje.

Seventieth, adj. ekad9rin.

Seventy, adj. ad9rin.

Sever, v.t. and i. ya-s9t9, ya-


Several, adj. 9pol9P9, oniruru.

Severe, adj. muna, rord.

Severely, adv. kikankikan ; pata-

pata ; tagbaratagbara.

Severity, n. imuna, irord.

Sew, v.t. and i. ran, kd, 39.

Sewer, n. 9na omi riri ati eri.

Sex, n. 9ya abo ati ak9, eyaobirin ati 9k9nrin.

Sexton, n. alabojuto ile Ql9runati 9gba r$.

Shabby, adj. nias9 gbigbo, niwa-

kiwa, nisekuse.

Shackle, n. ^^k^^k^. v.t. de ni


Shade, n. iboji, ojiji. v.t. sijibo.

Shadow, n. ojiji.

Shady, adj. abo kuro ninu im9l9


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Shaft, n. ppa, yfk ; iho jinjin.

Shaggy, adj. sakisaki, kangun-


Shake, n. mimi riru. v.t. and i.

mi, ru, gb$n.

Shaky, adj. ailagbara, niyemeji.

Shall, v.t. yio.

Shallow, adj. saijinl?, saijido.

Sham, n. etan, ifarawe.

Shambles, 9Ja alapata.

Shame, n. itiju, abukun, egan.

Shamefaced, adj. ni itlju.

Shameful, adj. kun fun itlju,


Shameless! adj. lainitlju, gboju.

Shank, n. igun ese.

Shape, n. aworan, apere, iw6.

Shapeless, adj. laini apere.

Share, n. ipin ; doje. v.t. and i.


Sharer, n. alabapin.

Shark, n. ekura.

Sharp, adj. mimu, yara, kan ni


Sharpen, v.t. and i. p<Jn, 1$, p<?n-

rin, mu.Sharply, adv. tagbaratagbara.

Sharpness, n. ikannu, imu, iyara.

Shatter, v.t. and i. f<J, f<J tutu.

Shave, v.t. and i. fa-irun.

Shavings, efaigi, efa tinrin.

Shawl, n. as9 ejika ; iborun.

She, per8. pron. on (obirin).

Sheaf, n. iti 9ka, iti 9fa.

Shear, v.t. and i. r$, r$ kuru.

Shearer, n. olur^run.

Shears, alumpgaji.

Sheath, n. ak9 ida.

Sheathe, v.t. fi b9 ak9.

Shed, n. ag$, buka. v.t. ta-sile,

da-sile, tan-ka.

Sheen, n. didan, im9le.

Sheep, n. agutan.

Sheepfold, n. agbo agutan.

Sheepskin, n. aw9 agutan.

Sheer, adj. lasan ;gangan.

Sheet, n. as9 ibora, as9 akete,

as9 igbokun, ewe takada,


Shelf, n. apako ti a fi si ogiri lati

to nkan si ; pepe.

Shell, n. igba, epo, karawun.

Shelter, n. abd. v.t. and i. da-


Shelve, v.t. and i. mu kuro ni

enu ise, fi si apakan, ye si


Shepherd, n. 0IU89-agutan.

Sheriff, n. ijoye ilu.

Shield, n. apata, asa, abd. v.t.

dabobo, b6 li asa.

Shift, v.t. and i. yipada, sipo-


Shilling, n. owo fadaka kan 1/- ;

sile kan.

Shin, n. egungun ese.

Shine, v.t. and i. m9le, m9, dan,

ran, tan.

Shining, adj. didan, titan, riran,


Ship, n. 9k$. v.t. and i. si-9k$,

w9-9k^, fi si 9k$.

Ship-master, n. olori 9k6.

Shipping, n. ow6 9k9 titu.

Shipwreck, n. fif<J 9^, rirl 9k<>.

Shirk, v.t. y^-kuro, y^-sile.

Shirt, n. $wu aw9tele.

Shirting, n. as9 £wu.

Shiver, v.t. and i wariri ; f<J-tutu.

n. iwarhi, if<Jtutu.

Shoal, n. 9W9-eja, bebe ninu


Shock, n. ik9lu, idugbolu, igD9n-

titi. v.t. and i. gb9ntiti,

mu-k9se, k9-lu.

Shoe, n. bata. v.t. b9-bata.

Shoeblack, n. eniti o dan bata,


Shoelace, n. okun bata.

Shoeless, adj. laini bata.

Shoemaker, n. onibata, aranbata.

Shoot, Shot, v.t. and i. ta, 89 ;

hu-jade, y9-jade

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Shooters, aw9n tafatafa.

Shop, n. ile-pja.

Shopkeeper, n. 0IU&9 9ja tita,


Shopping, n. rira li ?ja.

Shore, n. eti-okun, eti odo,

ebute, il? ^ba omi.

Short, adj. kuru, kukuru.

Shortage, n. abukun, aipe.

Shorten, v.£. and *. ke-kuru, mu-kuru, sp di kukuru.

Shorter, adj. kuru ju.

Short-lived, adj. lalwa p?.

Shortly, adv. nisisiyi.

Short-sighted, adj. laile riran


Short-tempered, adj. tete binu.

Shot, n. pta ibpn.

Should, awo:. v. iba.

Shoulder, n. ejika. v.t. and ?*. fi-


Shout, n. ih6. v./. and i. h6 ye.

Shove, v.J. bl, ti-siwaju. n. iti-


Shovel, n. 9k<J.

Show, v.*. and i. fi-han. n.


Shower, n. djo, 9wara-djo. v.*.

and i. fun-wara, r9-ojo.

Showy, adj. asehan.

Shred, v.t. r$ 9 W9W9.Shrewd, ad;, gbpn, larekereke.

Shriek, n. ihangoro. v.*. and i.


Shrill, adj. hihan.

Shrimp, n. ede, ide.

Shrine, n. ojub9 orisa, il£- orisa.

Shrink, v.t. and i. sunkl, wakl.

Shrivel, v.t. and i. kakd, kiweje.

Shroud, n. asp-oku, asp-isinku.

Shrub, n. igi kekere.

Shrug, v.t. and i. kakd, kasokc.

n. ispjikasoke.

Shudder, v.i. fi 9m wariri. n.


Shuffle, v.t. and i. sera, se are-


Shun, v.t. y9ra, y^-sil?.

Shunt, v.t. and i. kuro 1911a.

Shut, v.£. and i. se, ti, di.

Shutter, n. ilekun ferese.

Shuttle, n. 9k$ iwuns9.

Shy, ad.;, ni tiju ; ju.

Sick, n. alarun, alaisan, oloku

nrun. adj. li arun, laila-

gbara, laisan.

Sicken, v.t. and 1. mu-saisan.

Sickle, n. doje.

Sickness, n. arun, aisan.

Side, n. lha, <?gb?. v.i. t^-si,

ti-l9hin, dap9-m9.

Sidesman, n. oloye ninu iJ9 ;

ojis9 ij9.

Sideways, adv. lapakan.

Siege, n. id6tl, ido, isagati. v.t.


Sieve, n. k$nk$s$, as$.

Sift, v.t. and i. ku ni k$nk$s$,

y$ wo kinikini.

Sigh, n. imi-$dun. v.t. and i.


Sight, n. iri-oju, iwo, aworan.

Sightless, adj. lairiran.

Sign, n. ami, ap9r9, apejuwe.

v.t. and i. se-ap9r9, samisi,

fpwp-kpwe si, fi orukp si.

Signal, n. ap9r9 ifiyesi. adj.

abami, iyanu, nla.

Signally, adv. nlanla, p9lu iyanu.

Signature, n. ami orukp kikp

sinu iwe lati fi se 9ri.

Signet, n. edidi, ami 90a.

Significant, adj. ti o ni ap9r9,

ami nkan pataki.

Signify, v.t. and i. se apere, fi ami89, fi-han.

Silence, n. idake rprp, idak?,

ipanuin9. v.t. mu-dak9, pa9nu 1119. interj. 9 dak9 !

Silent, adj. lailohun, dak?, yadi,


Silk, n. as9 $eda.

Silken, adj. fifi seda se.

Silk-worm, n. kokoro s$da.

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Silly, adj. sope, asiwere.

Silver, n. fadaka.

Silversmith, n. alagbede fadaka.

Similar, adj. irukanna, jijc^ra.

Similarity, n. iribakanna, • iJ9ra.

Similitude, n. akawe, apere,

aworan, afarawe.

Simmer, v.t. and i. ho kinikini,

hiho omi lori ina diedie.

Simple, adj. dpe, lailarekereke,

lainiabula, nigbangba, laini

era, laim9kan.

Simplicity, w. aimokan, inu kan,

otitp, aileru.

Simplify, v.t. se ir9ra, mu isoro

kuro, fihan gbangba.

Simply, adv. kiki, nikansoso.

Simulate, v.t. tele, fi se apere,

fi se afarawe.

Simultaneous, adj. sisep$, aju-

mpse nigbakanna.

Sin, n. ese, iru ofin Qlprun. v.i.

se si ofin Qlprun, des$, s$.

Since, adv. lati akoko. prep.

lehin, nigbati.

Sincere, adj. sotp, niwa funfun,

pipe Jailabula lododo.

Sincerity, n. iwa funfun, inu

funfun, otito-inu.

Sinew, n. isan.

Sinful, adj. kun fun ese, kiki ese.

Sing, v.t. and i. korin.

Singe, v.t. and i. jona fpr$, siinki.

Singer, n. olorin, akorin.

Single, adj. okan ; ap<jn.

Singleness, n. isotito, isenukan,

okan kan.

Singular, adj. ti okan, pataki,

iyanu, sara.

Singularity, n. ohun ara, isara.

Sinister, adj. I9W9 osi, buru, li


Sink, v.t. and i. rl, mu, wp.

Sinless, adj. lailese.

Sinner, n. elese.

Sin-offering, n. el>9-ese, ebpetutu.

Sip, v.t. and i. mu diedie, t9wo.

Sir, n. alagba.

Sire, n. baba, egb9n.

Sirname, n. oruko apele.

Sister, n. arabirin.

Sisterhood, n. iwa arabirin,

egbe awpn obirin.

Sister-in-law, n. arabirin 9k9tabi aya, ana.

Sit, v.t. and i. joko, ba, simi,


Site, n. ile, ipd, aye, ile ile.

Sitter, n. ajokd.

Sitting, n. ijokd.

Situate, adj. S9I9J9, nipo, t$do.

Situation, n. ipo, aye, it$do.

Six, adj. §fa, mefa.

Sixfold, adj. tyna, mefa.

Sixpence, n. owo fadaka, pennymefa, sisi.

Sixteen, adj. erindilogun, merin-


Sixth, adj. ekefa.

Sixtieth, adj. 9g9ta, is9g9ta.

Sixty, adj. 9g9ta.

Size, n. itobi, iwpn.

Skein, n. ikp owu.

Skeleton, n. egungun ara.

Sketch, n. aworan, apere. v.t.

and i. se apere, so aworan.

Skewer, n. ekan igi lati fi so eran.

Skilful, adj. iQgbpn, nim$, oloye.

Skill, n. 9gb9n, im$, oye.

Skim, v.t. and i. re ifofo kuro.

Skimp, v.t. and i. fi osuw$n aikunw$n.

Skin, n. aw9 ara, epo. v.t. and i.

ha-law9, bo-law'9, hp-lepo.

Skip, v.t. and i. fd, rek9Ja, b£. si.

n. if6.

Skipper, n. olori 9^.Skirmish, n. ija fpre.

Skirt, n. a§9, ewu obirin. opin.

v.t. and i. fi se eti, kpja leba.

Skulk, v.i. sapamo, farapamp.

Skull, n. agbari.

Sky, n. oju 9run, 9run.

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Skylight, ft. oju ferese lori oiule.

Slab, ft. okuta p^l^b?.

Slack, adj. jafara, l?ra, dewo,fasehin. v.t. and i. tu.

Slackness, ft. ijafara, id^w^,


Slain, ft. ?ni pipa.

Slake, v.t. bomi w<Jn era gbi-

gbona, pa ongbe.

Slam, v.t. and i. fi agbara ti.

Slander, ft. ihin buburu, pr9-

ibaje, is9r9 si. v.t. S9r9

ibaje si, gbadulum$.Slanderer, n. agbadulum^.Slanderous, adj. ni dulum$.

Slanting, adj. y$g$r$.

Slap, ft. abara. v. J. gba labara.

Slash, v.t. and i. fi agbara lu, ke,


Slate, ft. wala, ohun ik9we, okutaibole.

Slaughter, n. ipakupa, Ipa. v.t.

pa-run, pa.

Slaughtex-honse, n. il6 ipa eran.

Slave, ft. eru.

Slavery, n. iwa eru, oko ^ru.

Slavish, adj. bi eru, ainiyin.

Slay, Slew, Slain, v.t. pa, lu-pa,

gba li emi.

Sleep, ft. orun, sisun. v.t. and i.

sun, simi.

Sleeper, n. olorun, sunrunsunrun.

Sleepless, adj. laisun.

Sleepy, adj. togbe, wiwo fun orun.

Sleeve, n. apa ewu.

Sleeveless, adj. lailapa 9wu.

Sleight, n. ogbon arekereke.

Slender, adj. tinrin, t^r?, l?ge-

l9g9» aito.

Slice, ft. $b§. v.t. and i. b^pelebe.

Slide, v.t. and i. y9, y9t$r§.

Slight, adj. fer$, lainiyin, laini-

lari, die. v.t. saikiyesi,

sainani. n. igbagbe, aikasi.

Slightly, adv. di? die.

Slim, adj. t?r£, bi 9san.

Slime, ft. <>da il?, yiy$.

Sling, ft. kannakanna. v.t. and i.

ghqn kannakanna.

Stingers, onikannakanna.Slink, v.t. and i. yera kuro, yo


Slip, v.t. and i. y9, b<J, tu-kuro.

Slip-knot, ft. ojobo.

Slipper, ft. bata ti ko ni aw9lehin.

Slippery, adj. yiy9-

Slit, v.t. and i. la tere, san. n.

esan, ela.

Slope, ft. g9reg?re 6ke.

Sloppy, adj. ler$, tutu.

Slot, ft. ihd.

Sloth, ft. imel?, 9I9.

Slothful, adj. imele, le, l(?ra, fa.

Slothfulness, n. il9ra.

Slough, ft. ira, er? jijin, af$ ;

aw9 ejo ti o D9I9.

Sloven, ft. alaimura giri, iwaaibikita.

Slow, adj. l9ra, fa, p?.

Slowly, adv. pele-pele, j$j?.

Sluggard, n. 9I9 enia.

Sluggish, adj. I9I9, nil9ra.

Sluice, ft. oju yiya omi. v.t. and i.

tu omi jade si, fi omi san.

Slumber, n. ogbe. v.t. and i.


Slumberer, n. olorun.

Slur, v.t. and i. gan, sabukun,ibaje. n. abukun.

Slut, ft. eleri obirin.

Sly, adj. larekereke gb<Jn, y9-mSnrin.

Smack, v.t. and i. lu, fenukonu.

n. adun, ifenukonu.

Small, adj. kekere, die, tinrin.

Smallness, ft. ikere aitobi.

Smallpox, ft. S9panna, ile-gbona.

Smart, adj. yara mu, ta, mu,wiwos9 daradara. v.i. ta

bi ata, jiya.

Smash, v.t. and i. f<J ruru.

Smatter, v.i. ekp aik9tan, am?-m$tan.

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Smear, v.t. and i. r$, san.

Smell, n. orun. v.t. and i. gborun.

Smelt, v.t. y9-irin, po-irin.

Smelter, n. ay9rin, aporin.

Smile, v.t. and i. r?rin w$si, se


Smite, Smitten, v.t. and i. lu,

k(?lu, pa, fi ikiiku lu.

Smiter, n. aluni.

Smith, n. alagb^d^.

Smithy, Smithery, n. agb^d^, il6


Smoek, n. ?wu aw$t$l$.

Smoke, n. efin. v.i. fin, efin,

ru efin. v.t. mu koko taba.

Smoke-dry, vJ.yangbe lefin,yan

lori atan.

Smoker, n. amukoko taba.

Smoky, adj. kun fun efin.

Smooth, adj. teju, t^b^r^. v.*. I

t^ju, t$, dan.

Smoothness, n. iteju, didan.

Smooth-tongued, ad;', ahpn ip<Jn-

ni ; el^nu didun.

Smother, v.t. and i. fi efin pa,

fun -pa.

Smoulder, v.i. jo-s^hin, jo die


Smudge, n. abukun, abaw9n.

Smuggle, v.t. moja wplu laisan

owo bode.

Smuggler, w. am9ja \v9lu laisan

owo bode.

Smut, n. iwodu.

Snag, n. ehin tita jade, igi ti o

y9 ninu omi.

Snail, n. igbin, okoto.

Snake, n. ejo.

Snap, v.t. and i. da gbanhun.Snappisliness, n. isonu, ikanra.

Snare, n. okun did?, 9g^, id^kun.

Snarl, v.t. and i. kun bi aja ;


Snatch, v.t. and i. ja, ja-l9w9,

ja-pati, jaj9.

Sneak, n. ole, eniakenia. v.t.

and i. y9 mlnrin.

Sneer, n. lwo egan, egan, abu-

kun. v.t. and i. fi Iwd k$gan.

Sneeze, n. sisin. v.i. sin.

Sniff, v.t. and i. fi irau fa.

Snip, v.t. and i. repe bi alum9gaji.

Snivel, v.i. wa ikun di imu.

Snob, n. enia lasan.

Snore, n. ihanrun. v.t. and i.


Snort, v.t. and i. fon bi 9sin.

Snout, n. igi-imu eranko.

Snow, n. irl didl.

Snub, n. apara, ifipe-okan. v.t.

gan, saikasi, fojutinrin.

Snuff, n. asara IU9. v.t. and i. r?

fitila ; f9n imu, sitImu.

Snuff-box, n. apoti asara.

Snug, adj. nir9ra, nitunu.

So, adv. b9ni, nitorina, bayi.

Soak, v.t. and i. t$ b9 omi, 1*9

li omi.

Soap, w. 939, aw9nu.Soar, v.i. fd fiofio, f6 afdga.

Sob, v.t. and i. &9paka ^kun.

Sober, adj. airek9Ja, iw9ntun-W9nsi.

Soberness, Sobriety, n. iwaairek9Ja, iwa iw9ntunw9nsi.

Sociable, adj. fifanim9ra, abani-


Social, adj. kik9gb9, didap9.

Society, n. 9gb9, idap9, ajumose.

Sock, n. as9 ^939.Socket, n. ihd-lt9b9, ihd.

Sod, n. idi erupe, ogulutu.

Sodden, adj. b$.

Sofa, n. ibujoko, aga iyara.

Soft, adj. d$, d9ra, r$, d^n,P9I6.

Soften, v.t. and i. mu-d?, rau-rj).

Soft-hearted, adj. ninurere, ninutit9.

Softly, adv. p?l$, J9J9.

Soil, n. ile, iledu, erup?. v.t,

and i. fi eri baJ9.

Sojourn, v.i. se atipo, se alejd.

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Sojourner, n. alejd, atipo.

Sojourning, n. igba atipo.

Solace, n. itunu, ir^ra.

Solar, adj. ti drun.

Solder, n. im<J, imolii. v.t. m<£,

I91T19, m9lu.

Soldier, n. ologun, jagunjagun.

Soldierly, adj. bi 91110-ogun,

laiya, gboju.

Sole, n. at^l^s^. v.t. fi ates9 si.

aa*;. nikansoso.

Solely, adv. kiki, nikansoso.

Solemn, arfy. nirdnu, $w$.

Solemnity, n. ise ir6nu, ifiyesi.

Solemnization, n. ise ilana ti o

ni irdnu.

Solicit, v.t. and i. b$, t^r^, se ajd.

Solicitation, n. ^be, ajd, isajd.

Solicitor, n. elebe fun enikeji,

alagbawi 9J9 funni ni ile 9J9.

Solicitude, n. ajd, aniyan.

Solid, adj. murale, le, ye, sot9,


Solidity, n. iye, imurale, iduro-

sansan, agbara.

Soliloquise, v.i. ba ara eni 39^.Soliloquy, n. ibara 91U 39.

Solitary, adj. nikansoso, li eni


Solitude, n. idagbe anikangbe.

Solo, n. orin anikank9.

Soluble, adj. yiya sipa, yiy9 ninu


Solution, n. lyaspt^), iladi.

Solve, v.t. ladi, tum9, sas^ye.

Sombre, adj. sokunkun, riroju.

Some, adj. di$, kan, aw9n kan.

Somebody, n. enikan, enia kan.

Somehow, adv. li 9na kan.

Something, n. nkan, ohun kan.

Sometimes, adv. nigba kan,


Somewhat, adv. di$, ohun kan,


Somewhere, adv. nibi kan.

Son, n. 9m9k9nrin, 9m9-ile.

Song, n. orin.

Songster, n. ak9rin, olorin, eiy^


Songstress, n. ak9rin obirin.

Son-in-law, n. 9k<J 9m9birin9ni, ana.

Sonnet, n. orin kekere.

Sonorous, adj. ni hihan goro ;

ohun oke.

Sonship, n. iwa 9m9.Soon, adv. nisisiyi, laipe, laiduro.

Soot, n. majala dudu jankawx?.

Sooth, n. otit9« ododo.

Soothe, v.t. tu, tan, p<Jn.

Soothsayer, n. alaf9se.

Sooty, adj. dudu, nijankawx?.

Sop, n. okele 011J9. v.t. and ?'.


Sorcerer, n. oso.

Sorceress, n. aj?.

Sorcery, n. isoso, isaJ9.

Sordid, adj. ainiyin, l?gan, loju-


Sore, n. oju egbd, oju.

Sorely, adv. kikan, p^lu edun.

Sorrel, n. amukan.Sorrow, n. ibanuj?, ikanu, irora.

Sorrowful, adj. kun fun ibanuje

tabi irora.

Sorry, adj. binuJ9 ; lainilari.

Sort, n. iru, 9gb?. v.t. ya li

e«be, to lesfs?.

Sortment, n. iyatyla^.

Sot, n. ong9, 9muti.

Sottish, adj. g$, l9ra, 16pe.

Sought, Seek, v.t. and i. wa-kiri,


Soul, n. 9kan, 9m]'.

Sound, n. Ir6. adj. ye, lera,.

lagbara, pe. v.t. and i. diw^njinjin omi, fun, dun.

Soundness, n. yiye, ilera, ipe.

Soup, n. $b$, omi ^ran.

Sour, adj. kan, kikan, kanra,.

rord, aip9n.

Source, n. orisun, isun, ibi pataki.

South, n. gusu, iha isal?.

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Southward, Southerly, adj. niha


Souvenir, n. oliun iranti.

Sovereign, n. 90a, alaye ; owowura (20/- shillings).

Sovereignty, n. agbara nla,


Sow, n. abo elede.

Sow, v.t. fun irugbin, fun kale,


Sower, n. afunrugbin.

Space, n. aye, igba, akoko.

Spacious, adj. laye, f?ju, gboro.

Spade, n. ?ko ibule.

Span, n. ibu atelew9. v.t. and i.

fi ika wc^n, 89da.

Spangle, n. awo titans&n.

Spank, v.t. and i. fi ikuku lu.

Spare, v.t. and i. da-si, sun-Id,


Sparing, adj. ni didasi.

Spark, n. eta-ina, $w<j>-ina, Ipepe


Sparkle, n. eta ina, itansdn,

didan. v.i. tan, dan.

Sparrow, n. ologose.

Spasm, n. igiri, giri.

Spasmodic, adj. di glri, wuru-wuru.

Spatter, v.t. and i. fun si.

Spawn, n. eyin eja.

Speak, Spoke, v.t. and i. wi, 89,

S9r9, f9hun.

Speaker, n. 9^9, as9r9.

Speaking, n. is^.Spear, n. $k$, $sin.

Special, adj. akanse, pataki.

Specie, n. owo.

Species, n. iru, egbe.

Specific, adj. nipa ti, iru kan,

9kan, ogun kan ti o ba arunkan mu.

Specity, v.t. pe loruk9 kan.

Specimen, n. apere, ifihan.

Specious, adj. hihan, yiyin, fara-

han rere.

Speck, n. abaw^n, ami.

Speckle, v.t. ba tot6to.

Spectacle, n. iworan, iran.

Spectacles, digi iriran ojvi.

Spectator, n. awdran.

Spectre, n. iji, iwin, iran.

Speculate, v.i. gbiro, gbini9,


Speculation, n. igbiro, lgbioi9,


Speculator, n. agbiro, adaba.

Speech, n. ^9, ede, ohun.

Speechless, adj. Iaif9hun, lailo-


Speed, n. iyara. v.t. and i. yara.

Speedy, adj. kankan, niyarayara.

Spell, n. ogun, edl, <Jf$.

Spell, Spelt, v.t. ka firai iwe l9k9-


Spend, v.t. and i. nawo, 16 tan,


Spendthrift, n. oninakuna, amu-suwa, alanabaje.

Sperm, n. ipile iru.

Spew, Spue, v.t. and i. bl, p9 jade.

Sphere, n. ayika, obirikiti, sa-


Spice, n. turari.

Spider, n. alantakun.

Spider-web, n. okun alantakun.

Spike, n. ipe agbado, iso nla.

Spikenard, n. turari tutu.

Spill, v.t. and i. danu, tasile, ta,


Spin, v.t. and i. ran, ranwu, fagun.

Spindle, n. keke owu.

Spine, n. egungun ehin.

Spinner, n. aranwu, olowu.

Spinster, n. wundia, 9in9birin.

Spiral, adj. ikanrun, kikanrun.

Spire, n. ile agogo, ipa 9na tite.

Spirit, n. emi, 9kan ; iwin, fyrq ;


Spirited, adj. kun fun emi,


Spiritless, adj. lailemi alaidaraya,


Spiritual, adj. ti emi.

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Spirituality, n. iwa ti 91m.

Spirituous, adj. ti oti.

Spit, Spat, v.i. tutp. n. irin


Spite, n. irira, aikasi, iwpsi,

arankan. v.t. korira, bi-

ninu, fi arankan lo.

Spiteful, adj. nirira, laikasi, ni


Spittle, n. itp <?nu.

Splash, v.t. and i. f^r^kvin saba-

saba, fi ?r$ yi.

Spleen, n. 9I9 inu, osi.

Splendid, adj. dara, yanju.

Splendour, n. hihan, idara, idan-

Splice, v.t. ran-okun.

Splint, n. igi p9leb9 lati fi di

egungun ti o f<J.

Splinter, n. 9run igi peleb?.

Split, v.t. and i. la, pin, la W9W9.

Spoil, v.t. and i. baj$, ja-lole, ko.

n. ijalole, ikogun, ibaj^.

Spokesman, n. alagbasp fun ni,


Sponge, n. kanrinkan oyinbo.

Sponsor, n. onigb9W9.

Spontaneous, adj. Iair9, fun ara

^ni;ti if9 ara 9ni.

Spoon, n. ^ibi, igbak?.

Sport, n. ire, ire-$ise. v.t. sire,

Wd9 .

Sportsman, n. 9d$.

Spot, n. abaw9n, abukun, 9gan,

ami. v.t. sabukun si.

Spotless, adj. lailabukun, laila-

baw9n, lail9gan.

Spotted, adj. alam), abawpn.

Spouse, n. iyawo, 9k9-iyawo,


Spout, n. ih6 ti nsun omi, 9nu

$s$r$. v.t. and i. da $s$r9.

Sprain, n. rir<j>, ifir<£, ifarar^.

v.t. fi-r<J.

Sprawl, v.t. and i. dura, dura ni


Spray, n. eka-igi. ifofo omi.

Spread, v.t. and i. na, tan, bo-

m9l9, t^-si. n. itankal9, ina,


Spreading, adj. riran, nina,

ngbil9, nwti si i.

Spree, n. baf9f9-

Sprig, n. ?ka igi.

Sprightly, adj. mura, nididaraya.

Spring, n. fifo ; orisun omi ;

igba riru ewe. v.t. and i. fo,

fo-soke ; sun jade ; hu jade,


Springing, n. hihu, riru, sisun.

Sprinkle, v.t. and i. bu, w<Jn, fun.

Sprinkling, n. ibuwcjn.

Sprite, n. iji, idiji.

Sprout, n. ehu titun. v.t. and i.

lahu, lanu hu.

Spruce, adj. fifinju, didara, mu-ragiri, sekan.

Spur, n. igun esin, k^s^ 9sin.

v.t. and i. gun 9sin, ti-


Spurious, adj. aisot9, l9tan, 9019-

ale, ifarawe.

Spurn, v.t. and i. tapa si, gan.

Spurt, v.i. sun-jade.

Spy, n. ami, asamf. v.t. and i.

se ami 99, w6.

Squabble, n. as$.

Squabbler, n. alas9.

Squadron, n. 9gb9 ologun.

Squall, n. 9fufu ojiji. v.t. and i.

ke lojiji.

Squalid, adj. elsgbin, leri.

Squander, v.t. na ni inakuna,


Square, n. igun m^rin l9gb9gba.

v.t. and i. se dede, mu bade,


Squash, n. isubu ojiji. v.t. and i.

bi subu.

Squat, v.t. and i. loso satipo.

Squeak, n. kike, didun. v.t.

and i. ke, dun.

Squeal, v.t. and i. han.

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Squeeze, n. ifunpp. v.t. and i.

fun p$.

Squint, v.t.and i. ifojuwo lapakan,

da oju wo.

Squire, n. irans9, oloto, pgbeni.

Squirm, v.i. tagiri.

Squirrel, n. 9ker^, oforo.

Stab, v.t. and i. fi ohun mimugun.

Stability, n. idurosinsin.

Stable, v.t. and i. didurosinsin,

fifes^-mul^. n. ibuso eran.

Stack, n. aba agbado tabi koriko

9sin. v.t. ko koriko fi se


Staff, n. 9pa, igi, ami oye, awonalaba?i$epo.

Stag, n. ako agb9nrin.

Stage, n. ibi iduro, ibusp.

Stagger, v.t. and i. ta gbpngbpn,tase irin ; se iyemeji.

Stagnant, adj. alairu, alaisan,

diduroj 9.

Stagnation, n. iduroj 9, lailoju


Stain, n. abawcjn, abukiin, egan.

v.t. and i. se abaw<£n si.

Stair, Staircase, n. akasp, ategunile.

Stake, n. ekan, opo, ijiyan. v.t.

fi ekan tl.

Stale, adj. gbo, p$, di ikasi.

Stalk, n. igi ehu, poroporo, ppa.

v.t. and i. y<Jde.

Stall, n. ile esin tabi malu ; ibi


Stallion, n. ak9 esin ti a ko t$.

Stalwart, adj. alagbara.

Stamina, n. okun, 9san ara.

Stammer, v.t. and i. k61616.

Stammerer, n. ak61616.

Stamp, n. ohun ami ifiweranse.

v.t. and i. sami si, fi 939IUI9, t^-m9l9.

Stampede, n. isare-girigiri.

Stand, n. ibi iduro, iduro. v.t.

and i. des9 duro, duro,

dide, naro.

Standard, n. 9pagun, asia,.

osjuw9n idasil9.

Standard-bearer, n. 9l9pagun.

Standing, n. iduro, ip6. adj.

diduro, naro.

Standpoint, n. ibi ti a gbe ti nwonkan.

Standstill, n. iduro J9,

Staple, n. ipinnu owo 9Ja. adj.


Star, n. iraw9.

Starch, n. ogi gbaguda.

Stare, v.t. and i. w6-sun, fiyanu


Stark, adj. patapata, nihoho.

Starlight, n. im9l9 iraw9-

Start, v.t. and i. dide kan, dide


Starting-point, n. ibi idide.

Startle, v.t. d^ruba, ba-l9ru.

Starvation, n. ipalebi.

Starve, v.t. and i. fi ebi pa.

State, n. iwa, sakani ilu. v.t. 39,

la I9S9S9.

Statement, n. ^9, ila $r9 sil?.

Station, n. iduro, ip6, ibusy,

ibujoko. v.t. fi si ipo.

Stationary, adj. diduro nibikan,


Stationer, n. atawe, oniwe.

Stationery, n. ohun ik9we.

Station-master, n. alabojuto

ibode 9k9-il9.

Statue, n. ere, awdran.

Stature, n. giga, idagba, ina sokeenia.

Statute, n. ofin.

Staunch, Stanch, adj. diduro


sinsin, lotit9, nitara. v.t.

daduro, (dida 9J9 duro).

Staves, 9pa, 9g9.

Stay, n. alaf9hinti, idaduro. v.t.

and i. duro nibikan, da-duro.

Stead, n. ipo, aye, ilo, iranl9W9.

Steadfast, adj. durosinsin.

Steadfastly, adv. nidurosinsin, ni

t9Jum9, ipinnu tan gangan.

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Steady, adj. sinsin, pipinnu,


Steal, v.t. and i. jale.

Stealth, n. Iwa ole, Iwa ikpk?.

Steam, n. dru.

Steamboat, n. 9^ elefin.

Steed, n. esin.

Steel, n. irin, id^.

Steep, adj. g$r$g$r$ oke. v.t.

te by omi.

Steeple, n. ile is9 sonso.

Steer, n. 9gb9r9 ak9 malu. v.t.

and i. tu 9k9.

Steerage, n. iujk§, isal? 9^.Stem, n. $ka, 9pa, $bi. v.t. da-


Stench, n. orim buburu.

Step, n. isis9, irln 989 ; akas$,

at?gun. v.t. and i. $ise, rin.

Sterling, adj. m<J, dara, nitot9.

Stern, ad/, kord, rord, 901111.

n. 9hin idi 9k$.

Stew, n. 9b9 alata. v.J. and i.

yan layanse, b$ P9I9P9I9.

Steward, n. iriju, iranse, olut9Ju

ile tabi oko.

Stewardship, n. iqe olut^ju, ise


Stick, n. igi. v.t. and i. t9-b9,

lem<£, fim9, kan-m^.Sticky, adj. lilem<£, fa m9tim9ti.

Stiff, adj. lile, le, lafojudi.

Stiff-necked, adj. 9191*1111 lile.

Stifle, v.t. and i. klw$, funki ; fin.

Stigma, n. ami ?gan.

Stigmatize, v.t. se ami 9gan si.

Still, v.t. and i. mu dak9, pa-l^nu

m<J, rau-pa r9r9. adj. dake,duro J9, didak9 ^9. adv.


Still-born, adj. abiku ; bibi oku9m9 .

Stillness, n. idak^, idak<? r9r9.

Stilts, agere, mamapilra.

Stimulate, v.t. ru, fi nkan gun,


Stimulation, n. irusoke, igbani-


Sting, n. itani, or6. v.t. and i.

ta, bu-san.

Stingless, adj. ainita, ailoro.

Stingy, adj. haw9, awun enia.

Stink, n. orun buburu. v.t.

and i. run, dibaj'9.

Stint, n. ala. v.t. da-duro, fi

ala si.

Stipend, n. owo is?.

Stipulate, v.t. and i. se ipinnu,

se adehun, ^91119.Stipulation, n. ipinnu, adehun,


Stir, n. irusoke, ariwo. v.t.

and i. ru, dide, mu, gbedide.

Stirrup, n. 9k9 asa lati fi gunesin, idas^le gari 9sin.

Stitch, n. ipa ab$r$. v.t. and i.

ran, ko, sop$, dap$.

Stock, n. eyiti a fi pamo, iti,

isura 9Ja ; kukute ; omi-9ran. v.t. and i. fi-pam9,

fi-kun, ko-J9.

Stockade, n. ode.

Stocking, n. ib9&9.

Stocks, aba ti a fi nkanni m9l9.

Stock-taking, n. isiro ohun 9Ja.

Stoke, v.t. and i. ko ina.

Stomach, n. inu, ikun.

Stone, n. okuta. v.t. 39 li okuta.

Stonework, n. is? okuta.

Stony, adj. ibi okuta, lile bi


Stool, n. apoti ijoko, apoti ese.

Stoop, v.t. and i. b$r?, t9riba,


Stop, n. idaduro. ise. v.t. and i.

daduro, se.

Stoppage, n. idaduro.

Stopper, n. adik$, id9nu.

Store, n. 9P9I9P9, isura, aba.

v.t. fi-pamv, fi-sura, ko-J9.

Storehouse, n. ile isura.

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Storekeeper, n. olutyju ile ipal?-


Storm, n. iji, ^fufu lile, ikiplu.

v.t. and i. ko-lu.

Story, n. itan, irohin, ihin.

Storyteller, n. arohin, asptan.

Stout, ody. le, lagbara, l<Jra



Stouthearted, adj. laiya.

Stoutly, adv. sagidi.

Stove, n. ohun idana, ile gbi-


Stow, v.t. to I9S9S9.

Straddle, v.t. and i. yakata 939rin.

Straggle, v.i. sina, rin kakiri.

Straggler, n. asina, arinranhun-ranhun.

Straight, adj. tara, t9, laiwp,


Straighten, v.*. and i. mu-tp.

Straightway, adv. lojukanna,


Strain, v.t. and i. 39, gba, yp.Strainer, n. as$.

Strait, n. iye-meji, ihagaga.

adj. ha, hiha.

Strand, n. eti-okun.

Strange, adj. ajeji, sara.

Strangely, adv. li pna ajeji.

Stranger, n. alejo, ajeji.

Strangle, v.t. fun-pa, lolorun.

Strap, n. aw9 ter^ idem. v.t. dl,


Stratagem, n. arekereke, etan,

9gb9n 9^.Strategy, n. ^tan.

Straw, n. igi agbado tabi baba.

Stray, v.i. yapa, 39ml, sina kiri.

Streak, n. &W9 tet^t^ oniruru.

Stream, n. odo sisan. v.t. and i.

san jade.

Street, n. $na igboro ilu, ita.

Strength, n. agbara, ipa.

Strengthen, v.t. and i. fun li

agbara, fi ipa fun, mul9kan le.

Strenuous, adj. lagbara, yara,

mura, nitara.

Stress, n. it^nump, ikiyesi, agba-ra.

Stretch, v.t. and i. na, fagun.

n. ina, ifagun.

Stretcher, n. ohun inara le,

ibusun elegbe kan.

Strew, v.t. tan ka kiri.

Strict, adj. mu dgiri.

Stricture, n. ikakd, 9r9 ffr^,


Stride, n. inaga 939. v.t. and i.

naga 989 rin.

Strife, n. Ija, as$, gbolohun as9.

Strike, n. so ipanpa, ik9 ise*

sil9. v.t. and i. lu.

Striker, n. aluni.

Striking, adj. iyanu.

String, n. okun tinrin. v.t. andi.

sin, fun 16kun.

Stringent, adj. le, soro.

Strip, n. nkan toro. v.t. and i. 09-

sile, b9-las9, b9-nihoho ; ko.

Stripes, ina, oniruru ila,.


Stripling, n. pdpmpdekpnrin.

Strive, v.i. ba-ja, lakaka, k9Juija si, fi agbara sis9, ba-


Stroke, n. ilu, Ina, ila tinrin.

v.t. fi 9W9 pa J9J9.

Stroll, n. irinkiri. v.t. and i. rin


Strong, adj. le, lagbara, nipa,.


Stronghold, n. ibi giga, ilu-odL

Strongly, ado. ^insin.

Structure, n. ik^le, 911a.

Struggle, n. igbiyanju. v.i.

jagudu, ba-gbiyanju, sa-

gbara, ser9Ju.

Strut, v.i. fi igberaga rin.

Stubble, n. idi poroporo agbadotabi 9ka asakun li oko, idi

koriko, akekii koriko.

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Stubborn, adj. agidi, aigbpran,


Stud, n. onini 9WU.

Student, n. ak<£we, ^ni ile iwe.

Studious, adj. lappn iwe, nironu,


Study, n. ibi iwe, ibi ikawe


ifiyesi. v.t. and i. k<£, ka, se-

asaro, fiyesi.

Stuff, n. ohun-elo, eru ; a?o.

v.t. and i. fi-kun, ki, je ajeki.

Stumble, v.t. and i. kose, k9se

P9lu dura.

Stumbling-block, n. ohun ikps^,


Stump, n. kukute, idi igi akeku,gb6ngbo.

Stun, v.t. fi para ya lenu, ti lati


Stunt, v.t. mu ran lati dagba.

Stupefy, v.t. mu-g$, 89 di ong$,

gba ni ye.

Stupendous, adj. niyanu, nisise-


Stupid, adj. g$, fa, wawo, tyra,


Stupidity, n. ig$, ong$, ifa,

ilpra, iwere.

Stupor, n. Igba ni iye, Iraniye.

Sturdy, adj. lile, nila, jara.

Stutter, v.t. and i. kololo.

Stutterer, n. akololo.

Sty, Stye, n. iwu li oju ; ile elede.

Style, n. 9W9 ik9we, asa. v.t.


Suave, adj. niwa, senia, fanim9ra.

Subdivide, v.t. tun ipa pin nipa.

Subdue, v.t. s£, s^gun, bori.

Subject, n. 9m9-ehin ^niti nsin,

enia lab9 ijpba ; prp ti awi ni. v.t. teba, t9-loriba,

fi ori bal^.

Subjection, n. lforibal?, iteriba.

Subjugate, v.t. 89gun, t9 loriba.

Subjugation, n. is9gun, H9-loriba.

Sublime, adj. giga, ni 91a.

Sublimely, adv. ni igbeleke.

Submarine, adj. nisal? okun.

Submerge, Submerse, v.t. ri ninu

omi, san bo 1T19I9.

Submersion, n. iri ninu omi.

Submission, n. iteriba, iforibal?,


Submit, v.t. and i. farabal?,

t9riba, foribal9.

Subordinate, adj. li prr^-^hin,

ijoye 9hin.

Subordination, n. Iwa 9m9-9hin,


Suborn, v.t. b? abet9l9, b?w9 se

nkan buburu.

Subscribe, v.t. and i. k9 oruk9

si se 919m, da owo si.

Subscriber, n. ^niti o k<J oruki,) si

se 9ri, 9niti o dawo si.

Subscription, n. ik9we si isal?,

owo dida.

Subsequent, adj. t^l^hin, tittle.

Subside, v.i. r^l^, rl, ku, da.

Subsidy, n. iranl9W9, owo -ode.

Subsist, v.t. and i. wa, J9.

Subsistence, n. ohun jiJ9, Iwalayo.

Substance, n. iwa, eda ara, 9^,ohun ini aiye.

Substantial, adj. diduro, lile,

lagbara, tyr^.

Substantiate, v.t. mu-duro, mu-le, ti-l9hin.

Substitute, n. agbip6 9m, ar9pd

9ni. v.t. fi sip6 9ni, dipd.

Substitution, n. ir9p6, igbipo


Subterfuge, n. ^tan, mokunI9gb9l9.

Subterranean, adj. ti isal9 U9.

Subtle, adj. larekereke, gb9n.

Subtlety, n. arikereke.

Subtly, adv. arikereke.

Subtract, v.t. mu-kuro, y9-kuro

ninu *j>t9t9 ohun.

Subtraction, n. imukuro ninu


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Subtirbs, agbegbe ?hin ode

ilu, ebeba-ilu.

Subversion, ft. iyipada, iyipo,

ibaje, ibisubu.

Subvert, v.*. yi-pada, yi-po, ba-je,


Subway, ft. 9na isale ile.

Succeed, v.t. and i. ropd, gbipd,

tele, se pna rere, bori.

Success, n. pna rere, alafia,

asiki ; a^eypri.

Successful, adj. serere, se alafia,

Succession, w. itele lesese.

Successor, w. ar9pd, agbip6 eni.

Succour, w. iranlpwp, itilehin.

v.t. ran-l9W9, ti-lehin, gbe.

Succonrer, n. oluranlpwp.

Succulent, adj. kun fun oje.

Succumb, v.i. yera, subu labe,

J9W9 ara fun.

Such, pron. iru, eyi nfi.

Suck, n. 9mu. v.<. and i. mu,jomu, fi ^nu famu.

Suckle, v.t. fi 9mu fun.

Suckling, ft. 9m9 $nu pmu.Suction, ft. ifamu.

Sudden, arf/. lojijl.

Suddenly, adv. l9gan, lairotel^


Suds, eri-999.

Sue, v.t. and i. fi-sun, pe I9J9,


Suet, w. 9ra.

Suffer, v.t. and i. jiya, je, gba.

Sufferable, adj. gbigba, jij?w9.

Sufferance, n. igba, ije, iforiti,


Sufferer, n. eniti o jiya, alaisan.

Suffering, n. irora, ijiya.

Suffice, v.t. and i. to.

Sufficiency, n. tit6.

Sufficient, ad;, to fun.

Suffocate, v.t. and i. fun, fin.

Suffocation, n. ifiin, ifin.

Suffrage, n. ilohimsi, ifohunsi.

Suffuse, v.t. da si, fi bo.

Sugar, w. iy$ ireke, iy$ oyinbo.

Sugar-cane, ft. ireke.

Suggest, v.t. si-niye, fi ero nkansi eni ninu.

Suggestion, n. isiniye, ifisieni-


Suggestive, adj. ferosi ninu.

Suicide, ft. eniti o pa ara r$.

Suit, ft. ?be, ipe I9J9. 9J9, ipanp

as9, if£. vJ. oftd i. ye,

bamu.Suitable, ad/, yiye, bibamu,


Suite, w. aw9n 9m9-9hin, at^leni.

Suitor, n. asunni, afeni, 9I9J9


Sulk, v.i. fajuro, roju.

Sulky, adj. fajuro, roju.

Sullen, adj. wu, binu, dake.

Sulphur, n. imi orun.

Sultry, adj. moru, gbona.

ISum, ft. iye owo, iye ohunkohun,

akop9. v.t. and i. siro, kaye,


Summary, ft. akopp, akotan.

adj. kukuru, laifagun titi.

Summer, n. igba $run.

Summit, n. gongo 6ke, ori 6ke.

Summon, v.t. fi ase pe, pas?, pe.

Summons, ft. ipe 9IA.

Sumptuous, adj. niyelori, didundidun, dara.

Sun, ft. orun.

Sunbeam, n. riran orun.

Sunburnt, adj. fifi orun jo.

Sunday, n. 9J9 kini 9S9 ti ise

9J9 isimi.

Sunder, v.t. and i. ya nipa.

Sundial, ft. ohun 9na ti a fi im9wakati nipa hihan ojiji

orun lara r$.

Sundown, ft. iw9 orun.

Sundry, adj. oniruru, 9D9I9D9.

Sunless, adj. lailorun.

Sunlight, ft. im9l9 orun.

Sunrise, n. ila 6run, owur9,kutukutu.

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Sunset, n. asal$, asewale, iwporiin.

Sunshade, n. agborun.

Sunshine, n. riran 6run.

Sup, v.t. and i. gbe je, gbemi,je, jeun.

Superable, adj. sispgun, siseni.

Superabundance, n. pipp rekpja.

Superabundant,^', pp rekpja.

Superannuate, v.t. yq kuro lenu

ise nitori ogbo, sisan owonitori is? ti o ti se ri.

Superannuation, n. iypkuro lenu

is? nipa ogbo, owo ti a sanbi ere ise.

Superb, adj. dara rekoja, daraleke.

Supererogation, n. ise irekpja,

ise ti o leke, is? asele.

Superficial, adj. lode, loke, laiji-


Superfine, adj. didara leke, dara


Superfluity, n. aseleke.

Superfluous, adj. ohun ileke.

Superhuman, adj. ju ti eda I9.

Superintend, v.t. and i. se olori,

^e abojuto, se alakoso.

Superintendence, n. ibojuto,


Superintendent, n. alabojuto.

Superior, adj. daraju, gaju.

Superiority, n. plaju, ip6 giga


Superlative, adj. gigajulp.

Supernatural, adj. ju ti eda lo.

Superscribe, v.i. kpwe leke, kpwc16ke.

Superscription, n. akple.

Supersede, v.t. ya-sapakan, sa-

tl, fi agbara gba ipo elo-


Superstition, n. igba ohun asan

gb<J, pran isIn eke, isln-


Superstitious, adj. teram<> isin-

kusin, aseju.

Supervene, v.i. wa li $kun s?l?

Supervention, n. is?l$.

Supervise, v.t. bojuto, bojuwo.

Supervision, n. ibojuto.

Supper, n. onje ale.

Supplant, v.t. fi arekereke setan



Supplanter, n. ajiniles?, eletan,


Supple, adj. aisoro te, r$, dera.

Supplement, n. ifikun, ekun.v.i. fi-kun, fi-pelu.

Supplementary, adj. fifikun, fifi-


Suppliant, n. elebe, abeni.

Supplicate, v.t. and i. b£, toro.

Supplication, n. ebe, itprp.

Supply, n. ekun, ifikun. v.t.

mu-kun, fi-kun.

Support, n. itilehin, Iranlpwo.

v.t. ti-lehin, ran-lpwp, gbd.

Supporter, n. alatilehin, oluran-


Suppose, v.t. sebi, gbim$, r6.

Supposition, n. isebi, igbim$, ir6.

Suppress, v.t. t?ri, kiw$, fi-pamp.

Suppression, n. it?ri, ikiwc),


Suppressor, n. alat?ri, alakiwp.

Suppurate, v.i. S9yun.

Suppuration, n. is9yun.

Supremacy, n. ibori gbogbo.

Supreme, adj. bori gbogbo, gaju I9, l9la ju I9.

Surcharge, n. owo asanle, abule.

v.t. bu owo lelori ju bi


Sure, adj. daju, lagbara, nigbe-


Surefooted, n. itele sansan.

Surely, adv. lailewu, nitotr),


Surety, n. onigb9W9, idaju.

Surf, n. igbi okun.

Surface, n. oju-ode, oju oke.

Surfeit, v.t. and i. mu je ajekl.

n. arun ajeki, wobia.

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Surge, n. riru omi okun.

Surgeon, n. oniwpra, onipegun.

Surgery, n. ile onisegun.

Surly, adj. sonu, tete binn.

Surmise, n. ird, ifura. v.t. and i.

r6, 96 fura.

Surmount, v.t. segun, bori, se


Surname, n. orukp apele, orukpidile.

Surpass, v.t. re-k^a, ta-y9.

Surpassing, adj. p9Ju rek^ja.

Surplice, n. ewu funfun ti alufa.

Surplus, n. iyokun, ele.

Surprise, n. iyami, ojiji. v.t. ba-

lojiji, ba lairotele.

Surprising, adj. niyanu, seniha.

Surrender, n. ituba, iteriba,

iJ9sin. v.t. and i. tuba,

teriba, J9&in.

Surround, v.*. yi kakiri.

Surroundings, n.^Z. agbegbe,adugbo.

Survey, n. Iwo, Iwo kakiri.

v t. bojuwd kakiri, wpn,diwpn.

Surveying, n. \viw9n ile.

Surveyor, n. awonl$, alafojuto.

Survival, n. wiwa laye.

Survive, v.t. and i. p£, wiwa laye.

Survivor, n. plojogigun lori ju

enikeji lp.

Susceptible, adj. gbigba sinu.

Suspect, v.t. se ifura si, r6 si

laini $ri.

Suspend, v.t. so, sonS, fikp, y§kuro nipo.

Suspense, n. isiyemeji, iwa aise-


Suspension, n. isor<j>, idawoduro,iypkuro ninu ise.

Suspicion, n. ifura.

Suspicious, adj. nifura.

Sustain, v.t. ru, gba, b<J, mu-duro,faiyaran.

Sustenance, n. onje, ohun jije,


Sustentation, n. igbalpw9 isubu,

ib9ni, 011J9.

Swaddle, v.t. gba li 9Ja.

Swagger, v.t. and i. iyiara kiri,

funnu, se enu.

Swallow, n. eiy? alapandede,

9na-9fun. v.t. and i. gbemi.


Swamp, n. er?, ira p$t$p$t£.

Swampy, adj. ler$, nira.

Sward, w. okotutu.

Swarm, n. 9P9I9P9, isu-9P9,

9w<J. v.t. and i. gba yin.

Swarthy, adj. rusurusu.

Swathe, v.t. fi 9ja gba 91119 agboninu.

Sway, n. idari, it<J, ise akoso.

v.t. and i. dari t<J, se-akoso.

Swear, Sworn, v.t. and i. bura,

fi epe bura, sepe.

Swearer, n. abura, asepe.

Swearing, n. ibura, isepe.

Sweat, n. ogun. v.t. and i.

lagun, gun.

Sweep, v.t. and i. fi <Jw^> gbal?.

Sweepings, ile gbigba, eri

il9 ti a gba J9.

Sweet, n. onje didun. adj.

didun ni it9w6, ni rirun li

eti, tabi ni iw6, dun.

Sweeten, v.t. and i. mu-dun.

Sweetener, n. alas9dun.

Sweetheart, n. oluf9, ayanfe.

Sweetly, adv. didundidun, pelu


Swell, n. wiwu. v.t. and i. wu.

Swelling, n. wiwii ara, ekun odo.

Swelter, v.i. fi ogun bo.

Swerve, v.t. and i. ya kuro loju


Swift, adj. vara, yase kankan.

Swiftly, adv. kiakia, yarayara.

Swiftness, n. iyara, isekankan.

Swim, v.t. and i. fo loju omi jijin,

liiw$, W9.

Swimmer, n. omuw?, eniti nlu

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Swindle, n. ir^j^. v.t. and i. se

rm, f9J<?-

Swindler, n. ar^nij^.

Swine, n. 9^9.Swineherd, n. olut9Ju 9^9.Swing, n. ohun isire 9m9de.

v.t. and i. f1, r§ li ofurufu.

Switch, n. igi kekere. v.t. and i.

fi igi lu.

Swivel, n. ekan ti nkan nyi lori


Swollen, orf/. wu.

Swoon, n. idaku, oyi. v.i. daku.

Swoop, v.t. and i. spkal^ le lori,

mii girl.

Sword, n. ida.

Swordfish, n. 9Ja oriida.

Swordsman, n. ologun.

Sworn, adj. tim9tim9.

Syllable, n. $r9 kan, gbolohun9r9 .

Syllabus, n. iwe ilana ^9.Symbol, n. ami, aper9.

Symbolical, adj. ap^r^.

Symbolize, v.t. fi se ap^r?, fi 90


Symmetry, n. iw9ntun-w9nsin.

Sympathetic, adj. bibak9dun,abanidaro.

Sympathize, v.i. ba se daro.

Sympathy, n. ibasedaro; iba-


Symphony, n. ir^p9 iro ohunpup9 .

Symptom, n. ami arnn, ap^r^.

Synod, n. aJ9 igbim9 is9 Qtyrun.

Synonym, n. 9r9 meji tabi m^tati o ni itum9 kanna.

Synonymous, adj. j? bakannap^lu.

Synopsis, n. akop9, akori.

Syrup, n. omi iy9 oyinbo.

System, n. ero, 9r9, im9, igbiro,


Systematic, adj. g$ge bi ti ilana,



Tabernacle, n. ag<J, ibiti aw9n9m9 Israel gbe npacte sin

Qtyrun li aginju.

Table, n. aga tabili, nkan ti oder$ t9Ju.

Table-Cloth, n. a§9 it^lori tabili.

Tablet, n. 9p9n ik9we si.

Tacit, adj. nidak9, laif9hun,

lais9 im$ jade.

Tack, n. iso kekere. v.t. and i.

so-m$, di m$.Tackle, n. okun 9^.Tackling, n. elo 9^.Tact, n. 9gb9n, oye, im$.

Tactful, adj. I9gb9n 9W9.

Tactics, n. im$ ijagun ni U9 tabi

lori okun.

Tactless, adj. ail9gb9n 9W9.

Tadpole, n. 9m9 9P9I9, ilenlegbe.

Tag, n. ohun ti a so m<J idi.

Tail, n. Iru, apa 9hin ohun-kohun, ipari.

Tailor, n. onis^ma as9 wiw9,onirans9.

Taint, n. ibaJ9, abaw9n, abukun.v.t. and i. ba-J9, se abaw9nsi.

Take, Took, Taken, v.i. and i.

gba, mu, gbe.

Tale, n. itan, aid ; iye.

Talebearer, Taleteller, n. olofofo.

Talent, n. iye osuw9n kan,

9bun Qtyrun.

Talented, adj. l9bun.

Talisman, n. idAn, ogiin is9ra.

Talk, n. $r9 sis9. v.t. and i.

39, S9r9, wi.

Talkative, adj. kun fun is9-

botiboti alaroye.

Talker, n. 08^9, as9botiboti.

Tall, adj. gun, giga, sigbQnl9.

Tallow, n. 9ra 9ran ti a ti y<J.

Tally, v.t. and i. sedede, y9,bamu.

Talmud, n. iwe ofin ti aw9n Ju.

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TAJ. 148 TEL

Talons, ekanna eiye 9de.

Tame, adj. tuju, moju. v.t.


Tamper, v.i. t*?w9b9 laiye, dasi,


Tan, v.t. and i. run aw$, se awp


fi orun jo.

Tangible, acfy*. mime? nipa H9-


Tangle, n. koko, idiju, idamu,idaru.

Tank, n. Ikoko, odu nla igbomi

si, ibiti a fi omi parap si.

Tanner, n. alawp, onise aw9-

Tantalize, v.t. y9-l9nu, danilara,

fi nkan dani loju.

Tantrum, n. ibinu lainidi, irunu.

Tap, n. ilu, iguntybe, ifa-omi.

v.t. ta, gun 19b©, dalu, lu

Tape, n. 9Jabul9 tinrin, okuniso&9.

Taper, n. itanna kekere. adj.

tinrin li ipari.

Tapestry, n. as9 tit$.

Tape-worm, n. ejo inu.

Tapioca, n. gbaguda gbigbe.

Tapping, n. ifa omi ti inu jade.

Tar, n. oda, atukip. v.t. fi 9dasan, fi 9da kun.

Tardy, adj. fa, J9ra, P9.Tares, n. epo buburu.

Target, n. apata, asa ; ami funib9n tita.

Tariff, n. owo-9Ja rira.

Tarnish, n. ibaj?, abaw9n. v.t.

and i. ba-je, se abawpn si.

Tarpaulin, n. as9 ti a fi vda kun.

Tarry, v.t. and i. p$, durop^,


Tart, adj. mu, ta, kan, kikan.

Task, n. ise.

Tassel, n. onirii waja, iruke,


Taste, n. it9w6. v.t. and i.


Tasteless, adj. lailadun.

Tasty, adj. adidiin.

Tatter, n. a§9 fifaya, akisa.

Tattle, n. <ftt} lasan, ispkusp.

v.t. and i. 39 is9ku&9, sofofo.

Tattler, n. onis9kus9, olofofo.

Tattoo, n. ipe ilu. v.t. se amisi ara, bulla sara.

Taunt, n. ^n? ^gan, ifibu,

igunloju. v.t. kegan, se

afojudi si, bu, fi gun loju.

Taut, adj. pinpin, kankan.

Tautology, n. atunwi asan, i&9

^>r9 kanna nigbagbogbo.

Tavern, n. ile 9ja 9ti, ile ero.

Tawdry, adj. aworan asan, ase-

han, os$-asan.

Tawny, adj. pupa lawp.

ITax, n. owo-ode, owo-ilu. v.t.

idawo-ode, dawo-ilu.

! Taxation, n. idawo-ode-le.

1Tea, n. ewe olorun didun ti a fi


se nkan miniu, ti.

! Teach, v.t. k9 li ek9, si-niye.

Teacher, n. oluk9, olukoni>


Teak, n. igi lile kan.

Team, n. ^ran ajuiu9 sise.

Tear, n. omije.

Tear, Tore, Torn, v.t. faya, ya.

Tearful, adj. kun fun omije, kunfun ekun.

Tease, v.t. t9, y9-lenu.

Teat, n. 9mu.Technical, adj. ti is? 9na.

Tedious, adj. ifagunl? titi, pe,

nir9Ju, danilagara.

Tediousness, n. ifa, idanilagara.

Teem, v.t. and i. bim9 / bisi, r$.

Teeth, aw9n ehin.

Teetotaler, n. eniti o ti se ileri

lati fa sehin kuro ninu 9ti

mimu.Telegram, n. ise ti a ran lati

okere wa nipa 9r9 irin.

Telegraph, w. okim 9r9 ijise li


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Telephone, n. ohun qrq iaqrq li


Telescope, n. digi ifi wo ohunona jinjin.

Tell, Told, v.t. and i. wi-fun,

89 -fun.

Tell-tale, n. olofofo enia, ofofo.

Temerity, n. aimewu, ilaiya,


Temper, n. ip6, imuye, igba


ibinu. v.t. and i. p6, mu-ye,gba.

Temperament, n. Iwa inu.

Temperance, n. airekpja, aiseju,


Temperate, adj. niwpntun-wonsin, alairek^ja.

Temperature, n. iwpn otututabi oru, igbona ara, iwaafefe aiye.

Tempest, n. e-filfulile, iji, efufCi


Tempestuous, adj. ni efufu lile,

ni irukerudo.

Temple, n. ile ti a ko fun isin

Qlprun tabi ti orisa ; apa9tun ati osi ni iwaju ori

lori pari ereke.

Temporal, adj. ti igba isisiyi, ti

aiye yi, ti eda.

Temporary, adj. wiwa fun igba


Temporize, v.i. te-si, jewp si

igba Iwa na.

Tempt, v.t. dan-wd, tan se


Temptation, n. idanw6, etan.

Tempter, n. oludanwd, olutan,


Tempting, adj. titan ni, wiwu ni.

Ten, adj. cj>wa, niewa.

Tenable, adj. gbigba, didimu.

Tenaci0US,ac(/.rir<J, fifa, titenunip.

Tenacity, n. Irtf, ifa, iteniun9.

Tenancy, n. gbigba ile fun akokokan, iyafa ile.

Tenant, n. ayafa ile I9W9 floral.

Tend, v.t. 59, set9Ju. v.i. darisi apakan, t$ si, t9ka si.

Tendency, n. idarisi, itesi, ipa,

9na, it(,)ka si.

Tender, v.t. and i. naw9 si, fi-fun.

n. idiyele, wiwa-aye. adj.

r$, tunu, r9nii, kik?, lailera.

Tender-hearted, adj. iy^nu, ni

rir9 inu, seun.

Tenderly, adv. pelepele, J9J9.Tenderness, n. ik^ra.

Tendon, n. isan ara.

Tendril, n. itakun, 9W9 okunifaiiK,).

Tenement, n. ibugbe, apakanile.

Tenet, n. Iro, idurosi, itele, ekoti a gbagb9 pe otitp ni.

Tenon, n. H9D9, sonso igi kanti o W9 inu ekeji.

Tenor, n. hn9, ilptiti.

Tense, n. igba, akoko ti a se

nkan. adj. lile lati teba.

Tension, n. nina, lile, ifale,


Tent, n. ag9.

Tentative, adj. gbiyanju,


Tenth, adj. ^k^wa, kewa.Tenure, n. nini il$ tabi nkan

lab9 it9Ju 9m.Tepid, adj. l9W9r9W9r9, I9W9W9.Term, n.ala, ipinl^, ipinnu; igba,

akoko, yco. v.t. pe ni oruk9,

39 loruk9.

Terminable, adj. lopin, ni ala.

Terminate, v.t. and i. pinnu,

pala, pin, pari, setan.

Termination, n. ipinnu, Ipala,


Terminus, n. opin ti 9na <<k§.

Termite, n. ikan.

Terrace, n. ibi it?ju il^, at9gun.

Terrestrial, adj. ti il^ aiye.

Terrible, adj. ni ib9ru, 19m.

Terrific, adj. ni ib9ru, leke.

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Terrify, v.t. d^ruba, pa-laiya,

daiya f6.

Territory, n. il?, agbegbe ilu.

Terror, n. $ru, ipaiya.

Terse, adj. kuru, imppp.

Tertian, adj. pipadawa niJ9


Test, n. idanwo. v.t. dan-wo.

Testament, n. iwe maj^mu, iwe


Testator, n. akpwe if£ sile

funni 16giin, oni-maj 911111.

Tested, adj. didanwo.

Testicle, n. 9p$n, koro 9p9n.

Testify, v.t. and i. se ij^ri, J9ri.

Testimonial, n. iwe ij ^ri.

Testimony, n. 9ri, iJ9ri.

Tetanus, n. arun ipa.

Tether, n. okun tabi 9W911 ifi di

9ran. v.t. ha-1119, ti-1119.

Text, n. $r9 iwe, ipil^so ^9.Text-book, n. iwe lilo fun qkq.

Texture, n. iw9n.

Than, conj. ju.

Thank, v.t. dup9, S9p$.

Thankful, adj. kun fun 9p$, p9li 9p$.

Thankless, adj. lailop?, laimore.

Thank-offering, n. 9D9-9P9, 9b9idup9.

Thanks, n. idupe, pp$.Thanksgiving, n. ifi 9p$ fun,

is9p£ ore tabi anu.

That, pron. eyi, eyiti, ohun ti,


Thatch, n. b^r?, §kan, ibole,

koriko ibole.

Thaw, n. yiy<£ omi didi. v.t. and i.

y<£ bi oini didi.

The, adj. na.

Theatre, n. ibi isire.

Thee, pron. 9, iw9.

Theft, n. old.

Their, pron. ti W9n.

Them, pron. W9n.

Theme, n. ^9 ipil?, gbongbo$r9 sis9.

Themselves, pron. awpn tika-

law9n, aw9n na.

Then, adv. nigbana, li akoko na.

Thence, adv. lati ib$ I9, lati ib?


Thenceforth, Thenceforward, adv.lati igba na I9.

Theologian, n. akawe mim9,9l9gb9n ninu kika Qr9Ql9run.

Theology, n. im9 Qtyrun, im9is? enia si Qtyrun.

Theory, n. idamoran ohun, ero.

There, adv. nibe na, l9hun.

Thereby, adv. nipa eyi na.

Therefore, adv. nitorina, nitori

eyi na.

Therein, adv. ninu eyina.

Thereof, adv. ti inu eyina.

Thereon, adv. lori eyina.

Thereupon, adv. lori eyina.

Thermometer, n. ohun 9na idi-

W9n oru.

These, pron. iw9nyi.

They, pron. aw9n, nw9n.Thick, adj. nip9n, ki, dilu.

Thicken, v.t. and i. mu-ki.

Thicket, n. igb6r6 il^, igbo.

Thickness, n. kiki, ninip9n.

Thief, n. ole, ajinilohun.

Thieve, v.t. and i. jale, ji nkan.

Thigh, n. itan.

Thimble, n. k^b^ku, ibo ika9W9.

Thin, adj. ru, tinrin.

Thine, pron. tir9.

Thing, n. ohun, nkan.

Think, v.t. and i. rd, ronu, woye.Third, adj. 9k9ta, k9ta.

Thirdly, adv. tyna keta.

Thirst, n. ongb9, phaha.

Thirsty, adj. pongb9.

Thirteen, adj. $tala, m^tala.

Thirteenth, adj. 9k9tala.

Thirty, Thirtieth, adj. 9gb$n.

This, pron. eyini, eyi.

Thistle, n. osusu, ?gun.

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Thither, adv. sib? na.

Thong, n. 9s4n t?r<?.

Thorn, n. 9gun.

Thorny, adj. kiki 9gun.

Thorough, adj. jal?, jal? ganran,

patapata, toto.

Thoroughfare, n. 9na, opopo.

Thoroughly, adj. ni pipepipe,


Thou, pron. iwp, o.

Though, co-n/. bi, biotil^j^pe.

Thought, n. iro, isebi, aniyan,


Thoughtful, o^y. laniyan, laj6,

ni ero.

Thoughtless, adj. lainironu lal-


Thoughtlessness, n. ainironu.

Thousand, ad;. ?gb?run.

Thousands, ^gb^gb^run.

Thrall, n. ^ru, iwa 9ru.

Thrash, v.t. na ; paka.

Thread, n. okun tinrin, owu.v.t. fi okun b$.

Threadbare, ady. alogbo, sakun.

Threadworm, n. ejo inu.

Threat, n. II9, Ikity, id?ruba.

Threaten, v.t. and i. kil9, d^ruba.

Three, ady. ?ta, m?ta.

Threefold, adj. onikq m^ta,il9po m^ta.

Thresh, v.t. paka.

Threshold, n. iloro ile, iloro ?nu9na.

Thrice, adv. l^m^ta, nigba meta.

Thrift, n. ere, ijere.

Thriftless, adj. lailere.

Thrifty, adj. lere.

Thrill, v.t. gun, han si goro.

Thrive, v.i. se rere, gbile, ru,


Throat, n. 9fun, 9na 9fun.

Throb, v.i. lu, mi I19I9.

Throe, n. irora, ir9bi.

Throne, n. it? 9ba.

Throng, n. awuJ9, apeJ9, 9P9enia, ibilu enia, iw9J9p9.

v.t. and i. bi-lu, ha-laye, ti.

Throttle, v.t. funl9fun, funtyrun.

Through, prep, ja, lati iha kande ekeji, nipa.

Throughout, prep, jalejale, yi


Throw, v.t. and i. 39, ju, fi s^ko.

Thrush, n. arun ti ?nu ati 9fun,


Thrust, n. igun, ikplu. v.t. and i.

bl, ti, gun.

Thud, n. ariwo nla, gbi.

Thumb, n. atampako.Thump, n. ilu wuwo, iro isubu

nkan ti o wuwo. v.t. and i.

lu, mu-subu.Thunder, n. ara. v.t. and i. san


Thunderbolt, n. manamana.Thunderstruck, v.t. k<? mana-

mana, lu, ya-l?nu.

Thursday, n. iJ9 karun 9S9.

Thus, adv. bayi, bi iru eyi.

Thwart, v.t. ke ni igberi, bu li

abiya, ti-laiya.

Thy, pron. r?.

Thyself, pron. iw9 tikalar?.

Tick, n. egb9n.

Ticket, n. iwe ijew9, iwe ami.

Tickle, v.t. and i. rin ni eginrin,


Tide, n. isan sil?, isan okun.

Tidiness, n. im9toto, isegiri,


Tidings, ihln.

Tidy, ody. ni im9toto, mura giri,

Tie, n. koko, Ide, Idi. v.t. and i.

dl, so, se koko.

Tier, n. 939, itol^s^s?.

Tiger, n. ?ran abekanna kan.

Tight, adj. ha, fun, le, m<J.

Tighten, v.t. and i. fale, mule.

Tightly, adv. ni lilelile.

Tightness, n. lile, Ilia, Ifun.

Tile, n. awo ibole.

Till, n. apoti owo. v.t. roko,

ro il?. con/, titidi, di,

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Tillage, n. aroko, iroko, irolp,


Tiller, n. alaroko, agbp.

Timber, n. igi rirp fun ikple.

Time, n. igba, akoko. v.t. and i.

w$n, diwpn, da igba, daakoko.

Time-keeper, n. agogo, eniti

nbojuto akoko awpn onisp.

Timely, adj. li akoko wiwp, yplakoko.

Time-server, n. aribanijp.

Timid, adj. nlbpru, lojo.

Timidly, adv. tprutpru, tojotojo.

Timidity, n. Ibpru, ojo.

Tin, n. tanganran.

Tincture, n. awp, adun. v.t. re


Tinder, n. lpwu.

Tingle, v.i. ho, ro goro.

Tinker, n. onispna idp, alatunse

ikoko ide, alabulp di. v.t.

and i. tun-se.

Tinkle, v.t. and i. han goro, ro


Tinman, n. onispna tanganran.

Tinsel, n. ohun didan.

Tint, n. awp, ire li awp.

Tiny, adj. kere.

Tip, n. sonso, agogoro, opin,

orika. v.t. and i. ti. pbunfun ; yi si apakan.

Tipsy, adj. inptiyo, motipara.

Tiptoe, n. orika psp.

Tiptop, n. ori oke ; tiro. adj.

titayp, daraju.

Tire, n. asp wiwp, ideri, iweri,

ohun psp. v.t. and i. dalaga, sare, rp ; we-ori, fca


Tiredness, n. arp, agara.

Tiresome, adj. didalaga, muni-lar$.

Tithe, n. idampwa. v.t. daidampwa.

Title, n. oye, orukp.

Title-deed, n. iwe adehun.

Title-page, n. ewe kini ninu iwe.

Titter, v.i. rprin jpjp.

Tittle, n. sonso, kikini.

Titular, adj. ti orukp nikan.

To, prep, si, spdo.

Toad, n. ppplp.

Toast, n. akara ti a yan loju ina,


Tobacco, n. asara, asa, ewe taba.

Tobacconist, n. alasara, elewe-


To-day, n. loni, pjp oni.

Toe, n. pmp-esp, pya psp.

Together, adv. jump, lakopp, li


Toil, n. isp, lala. v.i. sisp, se


Toiler, n. onisp.

Toilet, n. is$sp.

Toilsome, adj. nisp, nilala.

Token, n. ami, pri.

Told, v.t. and i. wi, sp, r6.

Tolerable, adj. gbigba, fifarada,

jijp fun.

Tolerate, v.t. gba, jp fun, farada.

Toleration, n. igba fun, ijp fun.

Toll, n. owo ibode ; ibode ; iro

agogo. v.t. and i. lu agogoni ida kpkan.

Tomb, n. iboji, ibi isinku.

Tombstone, n. okuta ti o samiiboji.

To-morrow, n. lpla, pla.

Tom-tom, n. ilu.

Ton, n. osuwpn, 20 cwt.

Tone, n. ohun, iro.

Tongs, pmti alagbedp.

Tongue, n. ahpn, ede.

Tongue-tied, adj. alahpn wuwo,akoldlo, odi.

Tonic, n. ogun atun agbara se.

To-night, n. li oru yi, loru oni.

Tonnage, n. owo pru pk$,

osuwpn pru pk$.

Tonsil, n. kok6 okun ah<jm.

Too, adv. ppju, pplu.

Took, v.t. and i. gba, mu, gbe.

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Tool, n. ohun 9na, ohun elo,

eniti o ba J9W9 ara r$ I9W9bi ohun elo lati se nkan.

Tooth, n. ehin.

Toothache, n. riro ehin, ehin

didun ni.

Toothless, adj. lailehin.

Toothpick, n. itahin.

Toothsome, adj. ladun, dun.

Top, n. oke, gongo-oke ; ogo ti

pmpde fi nsire. v.t. bom9le loke.

Topheavy, adj. l\ loke, wuwojuloke.

Topic, n. ori ^9.Topography, n. isapere ibi kan,

apere ilu.

Topple, v.t. and i. subu lule.

Topsyturvy, adj. yiyi isal$ soke,

ni rudurudu.

Torch, n. etufu ina, ina igi


Torment, n. idaloro, or6, iy9-

lenu. v.t. da-loro, y9-lenu.

Tormentor, n. adaniloro, ay9-nilenu.

Tornado, n. efufu nla, iji.

Torpedo, n. eja ojiji, erp ib9n ti

nfp 9k$ ninu omi.

Torpid, adj. kura, keti.

Torpor, n. ikura, iketi.

Torrent, n. agbara ojo.

Torrid, adj. gbe, gbona.

Tortoise, n. awun, ijapa.

Tortuous, adj. ni il9p9, lare-


Torture, n. or6, irora, idalor6.

v.t. da-lor6.

Toss, v.t. and i. fi-soko, bisiwa-


Tot, n. nkan kekere, eni kekere.

Total, n. apap9, ardlu. adj.


Totally, adv. ltytotp, patapata,


Totter, v.i. fidugb$, tagb9ngb9n,

Touch, n. if9W9kan, im9, #9-\v9ba. v.t. and i. kan, t9,

f9W9kan, fow9ba.

Touchable, adj. fifikan, fifiba, ti

a le f9W9ba.

Touch-hole, n. ojuku ib9n.

Touching, prep, niti, nitori,

nipa ti. adj. fifa li 9kan.

Touchy, adj. kikanra, kanra.

Tough, adj. yi, le, lagbara



Tour, n. Irin ajo, irinkiri.

Tourist, n. ero, alarinkiri.

Tournament, n. iru ere nla kan.

Tourniquet, n. ohun elo lati fi.

di isan eje.

Tow, n. etii okun 9gb$. v.t. fi

okun fa 9k$.

Toward, Towards, prep. niha,

siha, 89d9.

Towel, n. as9 inura.

Tower, n. ile is$ giga, ile es<>.

v.i. foga soke.

Town, n. ilu, aw9n ara ilu.

Town-crier, n. akede ilu.

Townsfolk, n. aw9n ara ilu.

Township, n. agbegbe, sakani,


Toy, n. ohun isire 9m9de.Trace, n. ami, ap$re, itpse. v.t.

t9se, lepa.

Track, n. ipa $na, ami. v.t.

t9-lehin, lepa, sami si.

Trackless, adj. lainipa $na.

Tract, n. sakani ile ; iwe kekere,

asaro kukuru.

Tractable, adj. kikoso, kik^ni,

r9run lati k9«

Trade, n. dwd, 9Ja tita, isowo,

itaja. v.t. and i. s6w6, taja*


Trader, Tradesman, n. onisdwd,


Tradition, n. itan at9W9d9W9,ofin at9W9d9W9.

Traditional, adj. ti ofin at9w9-d9W9.

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Traduce, v.t. gba-dulum^, baloruk? J9, s<?r9 odi si.

Traffic, n. 6wd pja. v.t. and i.


Tragedy, n. jamba, pran ibinuje.

Tragic, adj. loro.

Trail, n. ipa pna 9d^. v.t. and i.

fa, w<J lp ni ile.

Train, n. $w$, 9gb^ ; 9k$ U9,at9nil9hin. v.*. and i. k$, t9.

Trainer, n. olut$, oluk<j.

Trait, 91. pataki.

Traitor, w. onikupani, afinihan,olofofo, ^l^tan.

Traitorous, adj. sonikupani.Tram, n. 9k9-il9.

Trammel, v.t. de ni s^k^s^k^, di-


Tramp, n. irin, alarinkiri. v.t.

and i. fi 9S9 rin.

Trample, v.t. and i. fi 939 t?m9l9, fi irera t9 m9l9.

Trance, n. ojuran, iran.

Tranquil, adj. lalafia, didak^^,ni isiini.

Tranquility, n. alafia, ir9ra,

idak9J9, isimi.

Transact, v.t. and i. se, t9.

Transaction, n. ise, 9t9.

Transcend, v.t. and i. tay9, bori,

se-ju, re-k9ja.

Transcendence, n. itayp, irek9ja,


Transcendent, adj. titay9, rire-

k9Ja » J1JUI9.

Transcribe, v.t. k9 iwe lati inu9kan si ekeji.

Transcription, n. awok9.Transfer, v.t. gbe lati ibi kan I9

si ibi keji, gba I9W9 9nikanfi le 9nikeji I9W9.

Transferable, adj. gbigba I9W99ni file ekeji I9W9.

Transfiguration, n. ipaw^da,iparada.

Transfigure, Transform, v.t. pa-w$da, parada.

Transfix, v.t. fi gun lagun ja.

Transformation, n. iparada, ipa-


Transgress, v.t. re-k9ja, d9s$,ru-ofin.

Transgression, n. irek9ja, irufin,


Transgressor, n. arufin, 9I999,


Tranship, v.t. gbe kuro ninu 9kpkan fi si ekeji.

Transient, adj. rirek9Ja, ti igbadi9, laip9.

Transit, n. irekpja si iha nriran,

iw9le I9.

Transition, n. isikuro, iyipadalati ibi kan si ekeji.

Transitory, adj. rirek9ja, laip9,

ti igba di9.

Translate, v.t. si nipo pada ; se

gbedegb9y9, yi prp pada si

ode mi.

Translation, n. isipo pada, iyi-

r9pada si ede mi.

Transmigrate, v.t. si lati ibi kanI9 si ekeji.

Transmigration, n. ik9ja I9 lati

ipo kan si ekeji.

Transmit, v.t. ran lati ibi kanI9 si ekeji.

Transmute, v.t. pa Iwa kan dasi Iwa keji.

Transparency, n. im9gara.

Transparent, adj. mim9gara,didan.

Transpire, v.t. and i. se9l. ru ni

kuku, y9 I9.

Transplant, v.t. si l9gbin, fatuI9, si nipd kan lati gbin si

ipd keji.

Transport, n. isikuro nilu, ile-

kuro ni ilu ; pk^ ikonilp si

ilu miran ; ay9 nla. v.t. si-

kuro ni ilu ; y$ rek9Ja, seariya.

Transportation, n. isinipd pada,ikonilp si 1I9 iniran.

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Transposal, n. ipar$.

Transpose, v.t. pa nipd da,

sipax9 ipo, si nipd.

Transposition, w. ise pasipar^

ipd, isinip6 pada.

Transubstantiate, v.t. yipada di

ohun miran.

Transubstantiation, n. iyipada

di ohun mirain, parada ohuniwa.

Transverse, adj. ni idabu.

Trap, n. okun did^, id^kun. v.t.

and i. dekun, d$.

Trapdoor, n. il^kun ?biti.

Trappings, ohun 999, 9999sin.

Trash, n. ohun-lasan.

Travail, n. ir9bi 9m9, it^bi


lala, irora.

Travel, n. irin ajo, ebi. v.t. and i.

rin, rin irin ajo.

Traveller, n. ero, alarinkiri.

Traverse, v.t. and i. re k9Ja, la


Travesty, n. aiyederu.

Tray, n. 9P9n, ate.

Treacherous, adj. alarekereke,


Treachery, n. 9t£, iwa arekereke


Treacle, n. omi iy9 didun.

Tread, n. irin ese.

Tread, Trod, Trodden, v.t. and %.

t^-l^se, t9-ni9le, rin.

Treason, n. 9t$, Idale.

Treasonable, adj. tyte.

Treasure, n. isura, 91*$. v.t. fi-


Treasurer, n. olut9ju owo tabi

isura $ni.

Treasury, n. ile tabi ibi apoti


Treat, n. apeJ9 ase. v.t. and i.

pe si apeje ; fi egbogi fun ;

ba gbird.

Treatise, n. qtq iwe ak9ye nitori

ohun kan, ihin.

Treatment, n. ilosi, ilo, Iwa.

Treaty, n. adehiui, ipinnu.

Treble, adj. l9na m^ta. v.t.

and i. sepo ni meta.

Tree, n. igi.

Tremble, v.i ml, wariri, wa,gb<)n.

Trembling, n. iwariri miml,gbigb^n.

Tremendous, adj. ni yanil^nu, ni

foiya, tobi pup9.

Tremor, w. iwariri.

Tremulous, adj. niwariri, nib^ru.

Trench, n. yara, ihd. v.t. and i.

wa ihd.

Trend, v.i. te si.

Trepidation, n. iwariri, ib^ru.

Trespass, n. irek9Ja, 989. v.i.

re-k9Ja, des9.

Trespasser, w. olurek9Ja, 9I999.

Tresses, ikako irun ori.

Trial, n. idanwo, ipel9J9, iwadi.

Triangle, n. ohun onigun meta.

Triangular, adj. ti onigun m^ta.

Tribal, adj. ti arailu kanna.

Tribe, n. 9ya, iru enia.

Tribulation, n. wahala, ip9nju,


Tribunal, n. ibi idaJ9.

Tributary, adj. jiJ9sln, sisan

owo isin.

Tribute, n. owo-ode.

Trick, Trickery, n. 9tan, em,iwakiwa.

Trick, v.t. and i. tan, r9J9, fuwa9tan si.

Trickle, v.t. and i. san J9J9.

Trifle, n. ohun ti k6 nilari, ohunisire. v.t. and i. fi-sire, S9r9


Trifler, n. afohunsire.

Trifling, adj. lainilari, lainiyin,


Trigger, n. ireb9n, irin ti a ti

re b9n.

Trill, n. iwahun, iwariri ohun.

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Trim, adj. I9S989, daradara.

v.t. and i. tunse, g6 t<J.

Trimming, n. igbati as9-

Trinity, n. ]£ni m^ta ninu

Qlprun kansoso, M^talpkan.

Trinket, n. ohun 999, bi wura tabi


Trio, n. idap9 9m m^ta.

Trip, n. irin ajo kukuru, isise.

v.t. and i. kpn?, sina.

Tripe, n. ifun ^ran, apo inu ^ran.

Triple, n. i$9po m^ta, nigba


Triplet, n. nkan m^ta ti o J9 iru

kanna, ib^ta.

Tripod, n. apoti 9193$ ni9ta.

Tripping, n. kik98$.

Triumph, n. ay$ is9gun, ay9iserere, ibori. v.i. y9 ay9is9gun, bori.

Triumphant, adj. yiy9-ay9, is9-


Triune, adj. didap9 n^tatykan.

Trivial, adj. lainilari, aitonkan,


Trolley, n. k?k? 9m, k9k9 asis9.

Troop, n. 9W9-ogun. v.t. and i.

t9w<J, k9w<J.

Trooper, n. ologun 9lesin, 9k$ologun.

Trophy, n. ikogun, ohun iranti


Tropics, n. ipa $na orun.

Trot, v.t. and i. rin kankan, gbe

969 soke.

Troth, n. igb9k9le, otit9.

Trouble, n. is$, ip9nju, wahala,

iy9nu. v.t. and i. y9-l9nu,

mu iy9nu ba, P911 loju.

Troublesome, adj. niy9nu, nis£,


Trough, n. 9k<J irauini, 9P911.

Trounce, v.t. 99 11189.

Trousers, n. sokoto.

Trout, n. oruk9 9Ja kan.

Trow, v.t. gb9k9le, r9.

Trowel, n. ohun elo 9na im9le,


Truant, n. ini9l9, asas^, apa-

gunr$. adj. I9, sim^.Truce, n. idaw9 ija duro fun

igba kan.

Truck, n. k9k^ 9ru.

Trudge, v.t. and i. fi 939 W9I9ninu nr9.

True, adj. otito, 16t9, nitot9 >


True-hearted, adj. oninu otit9,

oniwa funfun.

Truly, adv. nit6t9, nidajudajiu

Trumpery, n. ohun ainiye, ohunjatujatu.

Trumpet, n. Ipe-ogun, ipe fere-

ogun. v.t. and i. k6de»


Trumpeter, /». afunfere, afunpe.

Truncheon, n. igi, 9pa-oye.

Trunk, n. Iti igi ; apoti ; 9W9ija erin, ara ohunkohun.

Truss, n. edidi, ik6p$. v.t. di,

so-p$, kop$.

Trust, n. $k$, igb^kt^le, igbagb?,

ifaratl, awin. v.t. and i.

gb^k9le, gbagb<>, faratl.

Trustee, n. olut9Ju ohun ini 91^tabi il9-

Trustfulness, n. otit9, igb9k9le.

Trustworthy, adj. y9 ni igb9k9le,


Truth, n. otit9, ododo.

Truthful, adj. kun fun otit9,

9iriti o 39 otit9-

Try, Tried, v.t. danwd, se danwd,gbidanwd.

Trying, adj. hie.

Tryst, n. ipinnu lati pade, ibi

ipade. v.t. pinnu lati

pade, se adehun.

Tub, n. 9P9n nla, ohun igi


Tube, n. iho inu, iho apo.

Tuck, v.t. and i. ka a.99.

Tuesday, n. iJ9 k9ta 989.

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"Tuft, n. idip9 okun, koriko tabi


Tug, n. ifa agbara ;pk$ ^fin.

Tuition, n. iset9Ju, it^, ek9-

Tumble, n. isubu, ikps^. v.*.

and i. bi-subu, sebu, subu.

Tumbler, n. atakiti, digi ifiraomi

ago omi.

Tumour, n. koko 9l9yun, koko


Tumult, n. ariwo, u^k^k?, iru-


Tumultuous, ad,/, laitord, niriru,

ni rudurudu, kun fun ariwo.

Tun, n. agba nla, oijuwon nla


Tune, n. isedede ohun orin, orin.

v.t. and i. tun duru tabi fere

se, fale si ohun orin.

Tuneful, adj. ?ise si ohun orin.

Tuner, n. atun ohun duru tabi

fere se, alafale si ohun orin.

Tunic, n. asp awc^tele.

Tunnel, n. 03u ^fin, iho ti a la

nisale ile lati fi se pna fun

pk<> lati k9Ja.

Turban, n. lawani, iweri Imale.

Turbid, adj- ki, l^r^, \qk$tq.

Turbulence, n. ise rudurudu.

Turbulent, adj. ni rudurudu;


Turf, n. papa oko tutu, il? ti o


Turkey, n. tolotolo.

TurmoU, n. agara,irusoke, ariwo,

v.t. da-lagara, se ni lala.

Turn, n. iyipada, iyi, akoko,

igba. v.t. and i. yi, yipada,


Turner, n. onis9na igi.

Turning, n. iseri 9na.

Turning-point, n. ibi ti iyipada,

akoko pataki.

Turnkey, n. onik9k9r9 ile ?w9n,


Turnpike, n. 9gba idabu 9na

igba owo ibode.

Turpentine, n. oje igi.

Turret, n. ile is9 kekere.

Turtle, n. iru adaba kan.

Tusk, n. ehin 9gan, ehin erin.

Tussle, n. ija-lile.

Tutelage, n. iset9Ju, igba iwa

lab9 it9Ju.

Tutor, n. oluk9, olut9, ak9ni ni


Twain, adj. meji.

Tweezers, $mu.

Twelfth, adj. ekejila.

Twelve, adj. ejila, mejila.

Twenty, adj. ogun.

Twice, adv. l^meji, nigba meji.

Twig, n. 9W<J igi, 9ka te1 -

Twilight, n. wiriwiri 9J9, afenM?-


Twin, n. ibeji, ejir?.

Twine, n. okun ityp^, okun

iwenkan. v.t. and i. l9P$.

Twinge, n. ifun. v.t. ja lekanna,

mu, fun.

Twinkle, v.t. and i. tan san.

Twinkling, n. iseju, wiriwiri oju.

Twirl, v.t. and i. yi kankan.

Twist, n. il9P^>. v.t. and i. i<?-P9»


Twitch, v.t. and i. ja-pati, ja.

Twitter, n. ike bi ?iy9-

Two, adj. eji, meji.

Two-edged, adj. oloju meji.

Type, n. ap?r9, aworan ;§da

iwe kan.

Typewriter, n. ero ik9we dipo

fifi 9W9 k9.

Tyrannical, adj. onror6, ika,


Tyrannize, v.t. and i. se onroro

si, se ika si, ni-lara.

Tyranny, n. ise onror6, iwa

agbara, iwa ipa.

Tyrant, n. alagbara, onroro, ika


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Ubiquity, n. wiwa nibi gbogbonigba kanna.

Udder, n. 91ml ^ranko, pmumalu.

Ugliness, n. ail^wa, abukun.Ugly, adj. lail^wa, labukun.

Ulcer, n. oju, egbo, oju ti nra.

Ulcerate, v.t. and i. degbo, da-

legbd, se oyun.

Ulterior, adj. lapa keji, lphun,ligba ti mbj>.

Ultimate, adj. nigb^hin, jina

julp, lainipin, lainiyasipa.

Ultimately, adv. nigb^hin, nike-

hin, lopin.

Ultimatum, n. ipari ipinnu.

Umbrage, n. ojiji igi ; $89,ifura. v.t. se ojiji, siji.

Umbrella, n. agboriin, agbdjo.

Umpire, n. onidajp, ^nik^ta ti

a jTan lati pari oran larin

9m meji.

Unabashed, adj. lainitiju, lailo


Unabated, adj. laifa^hin, lais9

kun, laidinku.

Unable, adj. lailese, ti kd le.

Unaccompanied, adj. laini 91119

9hin, lairi 9m bal9, lairi 9msinni.

Unaccomplished, adj. laisetan,

laisepari, laisepe.

Unaccountable, adj. lairidi, lai


Unaccustomed, adj. Iaim9 lara


Unacknowledged, adj. laiJ9W9

Unacquainted, adj. laifihan, lai

S9fun, laim<).

Unadulterated, adj. lailabula.


Unadvisedly, adv. Iaiy9, laii^run.

Unaffected, adj. laikan ni, laifa


Unaided, adj. lainirantywo.

Unalloyed, adj. laini adalu.

Unalterable, adj. Iainlpar9, lai-

nipara, lainiatunse.

Unanimity, w. is9kan, aiyapa.

Unanimously, adv. fifohiins9kan


P9I11 9kan kan, laiyapa.

Unanswerable, adj. lailedalohun,

ti a k6 le dalohun.

Unapproachable, adj. Iailesunm99d9, lailerigba.

Unarm, v.t. b<J ni iham9ra, sodi


Unasked, adj. laibere.

Unassisted, adj. lainiranl9W9.

Unattainable, adj. ti 9W9 k6 le

t$, ti a kd le jere.

Unattended, adj. laini eni baty,laini 9m9-9hin.

Unauthorized, adj. laini as9-

Unavenged, adj. laigbesan, laiJ9


Unavoidable, adj. lailey9kuro,


Unawares, adv. lairot9l9, lojiji,


Unbaptised, adj. ti a kd baptisi

r$, laisami fun.

Unbearable, adj. ti a kd le gbatabi ki a farada.

Unbecoming, adj. laiy^, laitosi.

Unbelief, n. aigbagb9.

Unbeliever, n. alaigbagb9.

Unbend, v.t. mu-t$, na, tu-sile.

Unbind, v.t. tu-sil9, J9-I9W9.

Unblameable, adj. lainibawi,


Unbolt, v.t. si l9kun.

Unbound, adj. ni titu.

Unbroken, adj. laif<J, lais9, ti akd f$.

Unburden, v.t. 39 91*11 kal9, mn9ru kuro.

Unceasing, adj. laisimi, laiduro.

Uncertain, adj. laidaniloju, laile-

gb9k9le, niyemeji.

Uncertainty, n. aidaniloju, ani-


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Unchangeable, adj. lairtf nipd,

ti k6 se yipada, ti k6 se


Uncharitable, adj. lainif£.

Unchaste, adj. nifekufe, laimcj.

Unchecked, adj. laini idiwo,

laisi idina.

Unchristian, adj. lait<J si oni-

gbagbo, ti k6 je ti oni-


Uncircumcised, adj. alaikola.

Uncivil, adj. laimoyo, 6pe.

Uncivilized, adj. laiko loye,

alaimokan, ope.

Uncle, n. arakpnrin baba tabi


Unclean, adj. alalm^, aim$.

Uncleanness, n. Iwa eri, iwaaim$.

Unclothed, adj. laiw{>so, ni Ihoho.

Uncomely, adj. lailewa, lailola,


Uncomfortable, adj. lairorun.

Uncommon, adj. laiwopo, laisopo,



Uncomplaining, adj. laikun sinu,


Unconcern, n. aisusi, ainani,


Uncondemned, adj. laijebi.

Unconnected, adj. laibatan, yiya

nipa, yiya soto.

Unconquerable, adj. ti a kd le

segun, ti a kd le bori.

Unconscious, adj. laimp ninu


Unconsecrated, adj. ti a k6 ya si

mimo.Uncontrollable, adj. ti a k6 le ko


Unconverted, adj. ti a kd yi

lokan pada.

Uncovered, adj. lainibora, laini


Unction, n. itororosi, ororo,


Uncultivated, adj. lairo, laitaj.

Uncut, adj. laike, laisa.

Undaunted, adj. laiberu, laifoiya.

Undecided, adj. lainipinnu.

Undented, adj. lailabawon, lai-

leri, lailese.

Undeniable, adj. ti a kd le s^.

Under, prep, labe, nisale.

Underclothing, n. asp awotele.

Underdone, adj. laisetd.

Undergird, v.t. dl nisale.

Undergo, v.t. farada, fokanran.

Undergraduate, n. akeko ti koiti gba 6ye ni ile eko giga.

Underground, n. isale ile.

Undergrowth, n. ehu-abele.

Underhand, adj. ni arekereke, ni


Underline, v.t. fa ila si labe.

Underman, v.t. aini enia to lenu

ise kan.

Undermine, v.t. wa nisale, pa


ipile run.

Undermost, adj. ti isale lohun, ti

isale, patapata.

Underneath, adv. nisale, labe.

Underpay, v.t. laisan owo to.

Underrate, v.t. diyele rel? ju bi

o ti ye.

Undersign, v.t. ko oruko eni si

isale iwe.

Understand, v.t. and i. mp, ye.

Understanding, n. im$, oye.

Undertake, v.t. and i. dawole, gbi-

danwo, se onigbowo fun.

Undertaker, n. oludawole, oni-

gbowo, en iti o sinku.

Undertaking, n. ohun ti a dawole.

Undervalue, v.t. dopole.

Underwood, n. igi tpre igbo.

Undeserved, adj. lait$ si ni,

laiye si ni.

Undesirable, adj. ti a k6 f? ni.

Undetermined, adj. laini ipinnu.

Undignified, adj. laini ola, lai-


Undiluted, adj. lailabula.

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Undisciplined, adj. laitaj, laik<J,

ti a kd mu si ab$ iteriba.

Undismayed, adj. laifolya, lai-


Undissolved, adj. laiycj, laituka.

Undisturbed, adj. Iait9, lairusoke.

Undivided, adj. laipin, laiyanipa.

Undo, v.t. tu-sile, si, 89 di asan.

Undoubtedly, adj. laisiyemeji,

laisi aniani, dajudaju.

Undress, v.t. and i. b<? 89, b9-las9.

Undulate, v.i. bi siwa bl sehin,

jti 89tun sosin.

Unduly, adj. laiy?, Iait9.

Undutiful, adj. Iaigb9ran, lai-


Undying, adj. lainiku.

Unearth, v.t. wa jade.

Uneasy, adj. lairprim, laif9kan


Uneducated, adj. laikek<J.

Unemployed, adj. lainise I9W9.

Unending, adj. lailopin.

Unenlightened, adj. laifoye han,

laini im9le, laini im$.

Unenviable, adj. lainilara, ti akd sojukokoro.

Unequal, adj. laidpgba.

Unerring, adj. laisina, laisise.

Uneven, adj. laiteju, laid9gba.

Unevenness, n. aiteju, aid9gba.

Unexpected, adj. lairdt?!^, lojiji,


Unexplored, adj. laiwakiri.

Unexposed, adj. laifihan ni


Unfading, adj. laisa, lair£.

Unfailing, adj. laifisile, laik9sile.

Unfair, adj. lait<>, laisotcj, laise


Unfaithful, adj. laisot9, laiso


Unfaithfulness, n. Iwa aisot9.

Unfaltering, adj. laitasehim, lai


Unfamiliar, adj. laifaram<>, laim$.

Unfasten, v.t. tii, si.

Unfathomable, adj. Iailein9 ijinl?

r$, laileri isal9 r$.

Unfavourable, adj. lairi oju rere,

laise oju rere.

Unfed, adj. Iaib9, laifun ni onje.

Unfeigned, adj. laisetan, laiseru,

lododo, nitdt9.

Unfetter, v.t. tu li ew9n, tu ni

Unfllial, adj. laiy? ni Iwa 9019.

Unfinished, adj. laisetan, laipari.

Unfit, adj. laiye, laitaj.

Unflinching, adj. laifasehin, ni-

duro sinsin, laifoiya.

Unfold, v-t. si-sil?, sipaya.

Unforeseen, adj. lairi tele.

Unforetold, adj. Iais9t9l9.

Unforgiven, adj. lairi idariji,

laini ifiji.

Unforgiving, adj. laidariji, lai-


Unforgotten, adj. laigbagbe, ti

a k6 sainani.

Unfortunate, adj. laisagbakd,

lailorire, laib9sirere.

Unfriendly, adj. lais$r$, laiseun,

laisoju rere.

Unfruitful, adj. laileso.

Unfulfilled, adj. laimus?.

Unfurnished, adj. laipese, laise


Ungodliness, n. alwa-bi-Qtyrun.

Ungovernable, adj. laise-isakoso,


Ungracious, adj. laitanu, laise

ore 9f9-

Ungrateful, adj. laimore, lail9P9.

Ungratifled, adj. lainitetyrun.

Ungrounded, adj. lainidi, laini -


Ungrudgingly, adj. laikunsinu.

Unguarded, adj. lailabo, lailes9.

Unguided, adj. laisi am9na,lait9na.

Unhallowed, adj. ti a kd ya si


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Unhappy, adj. laini alafia, laini


Unharmed, adj. lailewu.

Unhealthy, adj. lailera, laila-


Unheard, adj. laigb<J.

Unheeded, adj. laibikita, lainani.

Unhesitating, adj. laisi-ityra,


Unholy, adj. laimcj.

Unhook, v.t. tu sile, tu.

Unhurt, adj. laini ipalara.

Uniform, n. as9 egb? kan. adj.

riri bakanna, ti o ba ara

won mu.Uniformity, n. ise bakannfi,


Unify, v.t. 89 di pkan, se-^pkan.

Unimportant, adj. laiwiwo, ki

ise pataki.

Uninjured, adj. laini-ipalara.

Unintentional, adj. laim^mose,laifimpse.

Uninteresting, adj. laikan, laikun

loju, lailadun.

Uninvited, adj. laipe.

Union, n. idap9, ispkan.

Unique, adj. lailegbe, lailekeji.

Unison, n. irepp, iro ti o d9gba,idap9-89kan.

Unit, n. 9kan, ?nikan.

Unite, v.t. and i. so-p$, dap9sokan.

Unity, n. idap9, is9kan.

Universal, adj. ti o W9p$, ti gbogbo enia, ti ile gbogbo.

Universe, n. aiye, gbogbo 9daagbaiyo.

University, n. ile ek9 giga ibiti

aw9n akek9 le gba oyo.

Unjust, adj. Iais6t9.

Unjustifiable, adj. ti a kd le


Unkind, adj. laininfire, laiseun,

ni ika, laisojurere.

Unknown, adj. laim$.

Unlace, v.t. tu-okun.

Unlamented, adj. ti a k6 kedun,ti a k6 S9kun r$.

Unlawful, adj. lodi si ofin.

Unlearned, adj. laik<J, 6pe.

Unleavened, adj. laiwu.

Unless, conj. bikoj?epe, ayasebi,


Unlike, adj. laiJ9, ti k6 dabi.

Unlimited, adj. lainiW9n, lailopin,

laini ala.

Unload, v.t. 89 eru, tu eru.

Unlock, v.t. fi k9k9r9 si.

Unloose, Unloosen, v.t. tu.

Unloving, adj. laini if?.

Unlucky, adj. lailorire.

Unmanageable, adj. laileko ni



Unmarked, adj. lailami.


Unmarried, adj. Iail9k9.

Unmeaning, adj. laini itum?.

Unmerciful, adj. lailanu, laini



Unmerited, adj. laini itoyc,

lailere, lait9 si ni.

Unmindful, adj. laini iranti.

Unmixed, adj. Iaidap9, laisop9,


Unmolested, adj. Iait9, laiy9lenu.

Unmoveable, adj. laiyese, lailesi


Unnatural, adj. lodi si iwa eda,

laiba iwa $da mu.Unnecessary, adj. laiye, ti a le

se alaini.

Unnoticed, adj. ti a kd se afiyesi.

Unnumbered, adj. ainiye, ti a k6le kaye.

Unobservant, adj. laise akiyesi.

Unoccupied, adj. laity, lainis?


Unopposed, adj. laidojuja kq.

Unordained, adj. laije oye alufa,

laiyan si.

Unorganized, adj. laito leses?.

Unowned, adj. laini-oluwa.

Unpack, v.t. tu (?rii.

Unpaid, adj. laisan.

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Unpalatable, adj. lailadun lenu.

Unpardonable, adj. ti a kd le

dariji, ti a kd le fiji.

Unpardoned, adj. laini idariji,

laini ifiji.

Unpick, v.t. tu.

Unpleasant, adj. lailadun, laiwu


Unpolluted, adj. laini ibaje,


Unpopular, adj. lailokiki, laini

if$ enia.

Unpremeditated, adj. laironu


Unprepared, adj. laimura, laise-


Unpretending, adj. laidawole,


Unprevailing, adj. lailagbara,

laini ipa.

Unprofitable, adj. lailere.

Unprotected, adj. lailabo.

Unproved, adj. lairidi, lai-dan-


Unpunctual, adj. laiwa li akoko,

laise li akoko.

Unqualified, adj. lailoye, laini


Unquenchable, adj. ajoku, aile

fomi pa.

Unquestionably, adv. dajudaju,


Unreal, adj. ti ki ise otito.

Unreasonable, adj. lodi si ironu,

ti ko wp loju.

Unreconciled, adj. laila ni ija,

laise ilaja.

Unredeemed, adj. ti a kd ra-

pada, laimuse.

Unregenerate, adj. laitunbi, lai-


Unrelenting, adj. lailanu, ika.

Unreliable, adj. lailegbekele, k6to gbekele.

Unrenewed, adj. laiso di otun,

laidi atunbi.

Unrepentant, adj. laini ironupi*


Unreprovable, adj. lainibawi.

Unresisting, adj. laidoju ija ko.

Unrest, n. aisimi.

Unrestrained, adj. laidaduro,

laiko ni ijanu.

Unrepealed, adj. laifihan, lai-


Unrevenged, adj. laigbesan.

Unrewarded, adj. lami ere, laifi.

ere fun.

Unrighteous, adj. laisoto, lai-


Unrighteousness, n. iwa aisoto,

aisododo, iwa buburu.

Unripe, adj. laipcjn, laigbo, laide.

Unroll, v.t. and i. si.

Unruly, adj. laini iteriba, alagidi,


Unsafe, adj. lewu, ni jainba.

Unsanctified, adj. laim$, laiya

si mim<J.

Unsatisfied, adj. laini itelorun.

Unsavoury, adj. lailadun lenu.

Unscathed, adj. laifarapa, lailo-


Unscriptural, adj. lodi si Qr?


Unsearchable, adj. lailese awari,.


Unseasonable, adj. laiba okoko


Unseemly, adj. laiye, laitcj.

Unseen, adj. lairi.

Unselfi8h, adj. laife ti ara eni

laigb<J ti ara eni.

Unsettled, adj. laiduro nibi kan.

Unshaken, adj. laiml, lairii.

Unsheath, vt. fayo kuro ninu


Unship, v.t. ko sile ninu oko.

Unshod, adj. laini bata.

Unshrinking, adj. ti kd sunkl, ti

ko waki.

Unskilful, adj. lailogbon, lainim^-

Unsociable, adj. laikegbe, aso.

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Unsought, adj. laiwakiri.

Unsound, adj. Iaip6, laisot?, ti o

ni abukun.

Unspeakable, adj. laileso, ti a k6le 89.

Unspiritual, adj. laise ti 91m, ti


Unspoken, adj. laiso, laiwi.

Unspotted, adj. lailabawpn, lai-


Unstable, adj. laifi 939 mul^,niriru, laimu-ara duro.

Unsteady, adj. laiduro sinsin.

Unstop, v.t. si, mu idina kuro.

Unsubdued, ac#. lais^gun, laibori.

Unsubmissive, adj. laiforibal9,

laijpsin, laisln.

Unsuitable, adj. laiy?, laibamu.

Unsupported, adj. laini itil^hin,

laini iranl9w9.

Unsurrendered, adj. laituba, lai-


Unsuspicious, adj. laini fura.

Unswept, adj. laigbale.

Unsystematic, adj. laity dede.

Untainted, adj. Iaisabaw9n, lai-


Untamed, adj. laituloju.

Untasted, adj. lait^wd.

Untaught, adj. laik$ l^kp.

Untenanted, adj. laini olugbe.

Unthankful, adj. laimore, lai-


Untidy, adj. wnru-wuru.Untie, v.t. tii.

Until, prep, titi digba ; conj.


Untimely, adj. laisakoko, lai-


Unto, prep, si, si 9d9«

Untold, adj. Iais9.

Untouched, adj. laif9wo ba, ti akd f9W9 kan.

Untoward, adj. Iair9run, laiy^,

lagidi, larekereke.

Untranslated, adj. laiyipada si

ede mi.

Untried, adj. lai-dan-wo.

Untrodden, adj. lain 989 t?.

Untrue, adj. laisot9.

Untrustworthy, adj. laito gb9-k9le laise gb9kfle.

Untruth, n. irtf, eke.

Unused, adj. lailo, ti a k6 iti lo.

Unusual, adj. laise nigbakugba.

Unvaccinated, adj. laibupa.

Unveil, v.t. and i. ka iboju kuro,si niboju.

Unwarned, adj. laikity fun,laigba ikil9.

Unwary, adj. laikiyesara, lai-


Unwashed, adj. laif$, laiw^.

Unwatchful, adj. lail^p, lais9ra.

Unwearied, adj. laisar^.

Unweighed, adj. laiw^n.

Unwelcome, adj. laifi ay9 gba.

Unwell, adj. saisan.

Unwholesome, adj. Iaiy9 funilera.

Unwieldly, adj. polem«i>, pambo.Unwilling, adj. laini if$.

Unwind, v.t. and i. tu.

Unwise, adj. laigb<Jn, laimoye.

Unwittingly, adj. laim$, laifi im9se.

Unworldly, adj. alaif9-nkan tara.

Unworthy, adj. Iaiy9.

Unwrap, v.t. tu.

Unwritten, adj. laikowe.

Unyielding, adj. ti k6 J9W0 arar$ I9W9, laid^ra.

Up, adv. soke, loke. prep. lori.

Upbraid, v.t. ba-wi, gan, ka 939si tyron.

Uphill, adj. ti o soro, riru oke.

Uphold, v.t. gbe-soke, ti-tyhin,


Upholder, n. alatityhin, olu


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Upholstery, n. irpri, timtim.

Upkeep, n. it9Ju, inawo.

Uplift, v.t. gbe-soke.

Upon, prep, lori, son.

Upper, adj. loke, leke, gaju ni

ipo tabi ni 91a.

Uppermost, Upmost, adj. ldke

tyhuntyhun, gaju I9.

Upright, adj. olotp, olododo, ti o

duro sinsin.

Uproar, n. irukerudo, ariwo.

Uproot, v.t. fatu lati gbdngbo wa.

Upset, v.t. and i. daru, bi-subu.

Upshot, n. opin, ipari.

Upside down, adv. dorikodo,


Upstairs, n. ile oke, p^t^si.

Upward, adj. 16ke, ti o dojuke?oke.

Urchin, n. 91119-ita.

Urge, v.t. r$, 09, t9nuni9.

Urgent, adj. le, rh*9.

Us, pron. wa.

Usage, n. ilo, Iwa, asa.

Use, n. Ilo, ihusi. v.t. and i. I9,

hu-si, mu-sis9.

Useful, adj. wul6, sanfani, lere.

Useless, adj. laiwuld, lainilari.

Usual, adj. bi at9hinwa.

Usurp, v.t. and i. n ipa gba, gbalait9si.

Usurpation, n. ifipagba lait^si.

Usurper, n. 9niti nfi ipa gbaohun laitpsi.

Usury, n. 9da, ele.

Utensil, n. ohun elo.

Utility, n. ilo ; ire.

Utilize, v.t. mu wuld.

Utmost, adj. titi fi di opin,

ip9kun, ipari.

Utter, v.t. 89, wi jade.

Utterance, n. eyiti a 89 jade,

ohun, 9r9-sis9.

Utterly, adv. patapata, rawu-rawu.

Uttermost, adj. lopin, nipari.


Vacancy, n. aye, afo, ofurufu .

Vacant, adj. lofo, l'asan.

Vacate, v.t. par?, fi aye sil?,

89 di asan, se ofo.

Vacation, n. aye, id?w9 is?.

Vaccinate, v.t. bupa.

Vaccination, n. ibupa.

Vaccinator, n. abupa, bupabupa.

Vacillate, v.i. mi sihin S9hun, se


Vacuum, n. ofo, alafo.

Vagabond, n. isansa, alarinkiri,


Vagrant, adj. ririnkiri laini ibu-


Vague, adj. Iailes9nil9, laiduro

nibikan, sikiri.

Vain, adj. lasan, lofo, lainilari,

lainidi, ni igberaga.

Vainglory, n. ogo-asan.

Vale, n. afonifoji 6ke nla.

Valediction, n. igbere, idagbere.

Valet, n. 9ni9-9d9 ti nduro ti

oluwa r§.

Valiant, adj. ak9ni, nigboiya,


Valid, adj. nipa, ti a fi idi 1*9

kal? ninu otit9 nipa ofin.

Validity, n. agbara, ipa, agbaraofin.

Valley, n. afonifoji, il? larin dkomeji.

Valorous, adj. nigboiya, laib^ru,


Valour, n. igboiya, iwa ak9ni.

Valuable, adj. oniyelori, ni ere

lori, oniyebiye.

Valuation, n. idiyele, ifowole.

Value, n. iye, iye owo, riri. v.t.


Valueless, adj. lainiyelori, laini-


Valve, n. 19b? 9ml ohun elo, aw^kan ninu il^kun kika.

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Van, n. iwaju ogun, k^k^ era, at^

lati fi f$ alikama

Vane, n. ohun 9na iraoye &i$i$,

asia, 9pagun.

Vanguard, n. 9gb9 ti o saju ogun.

Vanish, v.i. yp saty, fo-19, f$-l9,

di ofo, di asan.

Vanity, n. ofo, asan, aileso,

ojiji, igberaga.

Vanquish, v.t. s^gun, bori.

Vanquisher, n. as^gun.

Vantage, n. anfani, aye, ere,


Vapid, adj. laini emi, sisp eminu.

Vapour, n. oru, ikuku.

Variable, adj. yiyipada.

Variableness, n. oniruru iwa,

iyipada, ayida.

Variance, n. aire, iyapa, air$p$.

Variation, n. iyipada.

Variegate, v.t. se li oniruru aw9-

Variety, n. oniruru, iyat9-

Various, adj. oniruru, 9P9I9P9,laidaju.

Varnish, h. ohun ti a fi ndannkan, didan nkan. v.t. fi

ororo dan.

Vary, v.t. and i. yi-pada, mu-yat9, par9.

Vassal, n. ^ru, agb^k^leni, ?ni


Vast, adj. ti o tobi, ti o gbile, P9,nila, gbdro.

Vat, n. 9P9n nla ifi nkan miinusi.

Vault, n. iboji, isa-oku, iyara

ab9 il^. v.t. fd.

Vaunt, v.t. and i. hal$, sefefe,

sogo asan, fun-nu.

Veal, n. ^ran 9m9 malu.

Veer, v.t. and i. yipada, yi 9^pada.

Vegetable, n. eweko, eweb^,ohun 9gbin.

Vegetarian, n. $niti o fi eran 8U9ti o si je eweb^.

Vegetate, v.i. hu, dagba; lati

wa li aiye bi 9I9 tabi


Vegetation, n. hihu, idagba


Vehemence, n. agbara, igbona

if$, iteming.

Vehement, adj. lagbara, gbigbona

Vehicle, n. k?ke.

Veil, n. iboju, ikele. v.t. fi as9

bo, fi-pam9.

Vein, n. isan eje.

Velocity, w. iyara.

Velvet, n. as9 aran.

Vend, v.t. ta.

Vendor, n. oluta, 9l9Ja.

Veneer, n. 939 ode, iparada.

Venerable, adj. y^, ni iyin, t<J si

9I&, agbalagba.

Venerate, v.t. buyln fun, b9la

fun, b9W9 fun.

Veneration, n. iyin, 91a pelu $ru,

ib9W9 fun.

Vengeance, n. 9san, igbesan,


Venison, n. ohun 9de, ?ran


Venom, n. oro, iw<J ti ipani.

Venomous, adj. ol6ro.

Vent, n. ihd, oju 9na afefe, 9naisalp. v.t. 39-jade, ro ka-

kiri, b9 I9W9.

Ventilate, v.t. f$ li a,i<?f$, je ki

afef9 f^ si ; si SU9 fun

idanwo, kede r$ mi gbangba.Ventilation, n. ifelaf9f9, igba

af9f9 rere ; ikede ^9 ni


Ventilator, n. 9nu 9na af9f9.

Ventriloquist, n. 9losanyin.

Venture, n. idaw9le, idasa si

ewu. v.t. and i. daba,

daw9le, da-lasa, se laipete.

Venturesome, adj. laiya, ogboju,


Veracious, adj. nikiyesi otit9,


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Veracity, n. otit?, hva akiyesi


Verandah, Veranda, n. §&$&$.Verb, n. prp ti o sp ti wiwa tabi


Verbal, adj. fif^nusp, ti prp sisp.

Verbatim, adj. nisasa prp, ird-

b^rp, ^rp ti a wi gan.

Verbose, adj. p$ li ^rp, 9tyr$.

Verdant, adj. tutu, riruwe, lawe ;

yiyope si $na aiye.

Verdict, n. ipinnu aw911 adaj*9 ni

il6-9J9, idaJ9.

Verdigris, n. eri ara id^.

Verdure, n. aw9 tutii.

Verge, n. eti, bebe, opin ; ?katutii, 9pa dye.

Verger, n. olut9Ju ile pl9run.

Verification, n. ifohun si, ijprisi


Verify, v.t. fohun si, j^ri si otit9.

Verily, adv. 16t9, nitoto.

Veritable, adj. lotit9, lododo,


Verity, n. otitp.

Vermilion, n. &W9 pupa, 6d5do.

Vermin, n. kdkoro, ohun irako


Vernacular, n. ede ilu 91U. adj.

lede ti a bi eni, lede 01UI9.

Vernal, adj. ti igba iruwe, ti igba


Versatile, adj. sisipdpada, yiyi-

pada, laiduro-nibikan.

Verse, n. 9S9, iw9n ti a pin ori

iwe si.

Versed, adj. mim$ daju, gbcjn,

moye.Versify, v.t. and i. 39 di 939,

yi si 9S9.

Version, n. iyipada li ede kan si


Vertex, n. sonso ori dke.

Very, adj. gan, papa. adv. pup9«Vesper, n. irawp al9,al9, isinal9.

Vessel, w. ohun elo ; 9^ omi.Vest, n. 9WU ileke, 9WU penpe.

Vestibule, n. 9nu 9na ile.

Vestige, n. ipas$, ami.

Vestment, n. as9, ?wu, agbada.

Vestry, n. iyara ile Ql9run ibiti

a nse ipade ti a si fi a§9alufa pamp.

Vesture, n. as9« v.*. W9 li as9.

Veteran, n. dgbo jagunjagun,dgbo ni is9*

Veterinary, adj. ti wiwo arun9ran.


Veto, n. agbara kik$.

Vex, v.t. t<J, y9-l9nu, ba-ninujp.

Vexation, n. it9, iy9l9nu, ibinujp,


Vexatious, adj. bibaninuJ9, yiy9lenu.

Viaduct, n. 9na lati fi k9ja odotabi afonifoji.

Vial, n. Igo kekere.

Viand, n. ohun jij9.

Vibrate, v.t. and i. gb9n, wa-riri, ju sptun sosi.

Vibration, n. igb9n, iwariri, iju

sotun sosi.

Vicar, n. 9niti a yan lati se

agbipd 9m, 6ye alufa kan.

Vicarage, n. ile alufa, ibugbealufa.

Vicarious, adj. gbigba iya elo-

miran si ara 91U, bib<J sipo


Vice, n. ohun elo 9na ti a lo lati

fi di nkan mu, $mu kekere ;

999, Iwa buburu, iwa alebu.

Vice-principal, n. oluranl9W9olori, igbakeji ala?9 ile-fkp.

Viceroy, n. ar?pd tabi adele 9bati o ni 91a ati agbara 9ba.

Vicinity, n. agbegbe ilu, itosi.

Vicious, adj. niwa alebu, nibu-buru, ti kd se ikonijanu.

Vicissitude, n. iyipada, ayida.

Victim, n. ohun 9b9, ohun alayeti a fi rub9, 9niti o farapa ;

9niti njiya ipalara.

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Victimize, v.t. fi se ohun 909, tan-

Victor, n. as9gun.

Victorious, adj. nis9gnn, ibori


Victoriously, adv. p^lu is9gun.

Victory, n. is9gun, ibori.

Victualler, n. apese onj?.

Victuals, ohun jije.

Vie; Vied, v.i. ba dije, jija lati


View, v.t. sijuwd, bojuwd, gba-r6.

n. aworan, iw6, iri.

Vigil, n. aisun, asale ti o saju 9J9afiyesi.

Vigilance, n. is9ra. is9na, iwoye.

Vigilant, adj. olu^ra, kun fun

ispra, niwoye.

Vigorous, adj. lagbara, nipa.

Vigour, n. agbara, ipa.

Vile, adj. buru, lainilari, laim$,


Vilify, v.t. gan, ba loruk9 je.

Villa, n. ile ti a k9 l^hin odi.

Village, n. ileto, abule.

Villager, n. ara ileto.

Villain, n. eniakenia tenia buburu.

Villainy, n. Iwa buburu, 939.

Vim, n. agbara.

Vindicate, v.t. da-lare, \v9-m9,


Vindication, n. idalare, abo,


Vindicator, n. adanilare, alabo.

Vindictive, adj. gbigbesan.

Vindictiveness, n. iwa esan.

Vine, n. ajara, itakun.

Vinegar, n. 9ti kikan.

Vineyard, n. 9gba ajara.

Vintage, n. igba ikore ajara,

akeso ajara.

Violable, adj. ti a le baJ9.

Violate, v.t. ba-je, pa-lara, ru,

99 si.

Violation, n. lbaJ9, ipalara, $99.

Violence, n. iwa-agbara, iwa-

ipa, ija-agbara.

Violent, adj. alagbara, ika.

Violin, n. ohun elo orin olokunm^rin.

Viper, n. ej6 oloro kan, pam9l9.

Virgin, n. wundia.

Virginity, n. iwa wundia.

Virtual, adj. ti o ni a§9 tabi


Virtue, n. lwa-9run, as9, agbara.

Virtuous, adj. oniwa-rere, oniwa-

9run, lagbara.

Virulence, n. oro, arankan, 9ta

kikoro, irunu.

Virulent, adj. loro, nipalara,

rirunu gbigbona.

Visage, n. oju, iwo-oju.

Visible, adj. hihan, riri, sisil?.

Vision, n. iran, ala, ojuran, isi-


Visionary, adj. laiduro tykan, ti

ero lasan, ti ki ise ododo.

Visit, n. ib^wo, ikini. v.t. bq-

wo, ki.

Visitation, n. ib^wo, iwo, iki.

Visitor, n. ab^niwo, alejo, awoni,


Vital, adj. ti 91m, ti iwa laye,

yiye, ti ise ohun daindain.

Vitality, n. agbara iwa laye.

Vitalize, v.t. 89 di aye, fi iye fun.

Vitiate, v.t. ba-j?, 89 di aim$.

Vituperate, v.t. bu, ba-wi.

Vivacious, adj. ni daraya, ti o

yara, ni gigun emi.

Vivacity, n. iye, idaraya, iyara.

Vivid, adj. daraya, ti o J9 ohunalaye, ti o dabi 9nipe o ni


Vivify, v.t. fun ni lye, 39 di aye.

Vixen, n. abo k$l9k9l9 ; obirin

oninu fufu.

Vocable, n. if9hun, $r9, oruk9.

Vocabulary, n. iwe ikoJ9 ^n? ti

a to lee989, ti a si 39 itum9W9D, iwe gbedegb9y9.

Vocal, adj. ti o li ohun, ti a fi

ohun 89.

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voc 168 WAK

Vocalist, n. akprin.

Vocation, n. ipe, is9.

Vociferate, v.t. wi li ohun rara,

ho iho, S9 gburu.

Vociferation, n. as^-gburu, igbe

nJanla, ekun nla.

Vociferous, adj. alas$, onigbe.

Vogue, n. asa, ara.

Voice, n. ohun.

Voiceless, n. laini ohun.

Void, adj. ofo, asan. v.t. so-

dasan, s9-di-ofo.

Volatile, adj. sisa, fifd, gbigbe.

Volcano, w. 6ke onina ti ima ru9fin.

Volley, n. ajoyin ib9n, ayinppib9n.

Voluble, adj. ti a le fi ir9run yi,

9l9r9 li 9ml.

Volume, n. apo-iwe, iwe.

Voluntary, adj. atinuwa, tinu-

tinu, tif$tif$. n. orin 9niti

nt9 duru.

Volunteer, n. fifi ara 9m si 9gbeologun lati inu wa, tabi si

is9 isin kan. v.t. and i. fi

ara t9r9 fun is9 isin kan.

Voluptuous, adj. gbigbadun ara

r9» gbigb9tara, ni if9kuf9.

Vomit, v.t. and i. bi, p$-jade.

n. ebl.

Voracious, adj. niwora, 9J9U71.

Votary, n. 9niti o ya ara r$ S9t9

nipa 9J^.

Vote, n. ohun, ilohunsi, yiyan.

v.t. and i. lohunsi, yan.

Voter, n. ayanni, alohun si.

Vouch, v.t. and i. pe se 9l9ri, J9ri


Voucher, n. ^l^ri, iwe 9ri.

Vouchsafe, v.t. fiyesini, fifun ni.

Vow, n. 9J^, ileri if£. v.t. 39

9J$, se ileri if9.

Voyage, n. irin-ajo loju omi,


Voyager, n. ero loju omi.

1 Vulgar, adj. ti ise ti gbogbo enia,

enia lasan.

Vulgarity, n. Iwa enia lasan.

Vulgate, n. 9r9 Ql9run ni edeLatin.

Vulnerable, adj. ti a le sa-

l9gb9, ti a le pa lara.

Vulture, n. gunugu.Vying, v.i. dije.


Wad, n. idi koriko, aJ9 ib9n.

Waddle, v.i. rin irin P9p9iy9»rin h9b9h9b9-

Wade, v.t. and i. la omi ja, ti

isoro rin.

Wafer, n. akara f^l^f^l^, aiwu-kara f^l^f^l^.

Waft, v.t. gbe id loju omi tabi

ninu af9f9, juw9&i.

Wag, v.t. and i. miri, ml &9tunsosi, mi siwa ml s^hin.

Wage, v.t. se adehun, jiyan, fi

ijiyan lel9, gbogun, fi-dogo.

Wager, n. dgo, 9fa, ijiyan.

Wages, owo is9, owo $ya.

Waggle, v.t. and i. ml, ju sihin


Waggon, Wagon, n. kek9 9ru.

Waif, n. ohun ti a spnu, isansa.

Wail, v.t. and i. pohunrere ^kiin

Wainscot, n. patako isal9 ogiri,.

it9 inu ile.

Waist, n. ibadi ; idabu igbaroko.


Waistband, n. 9Ja ibadi.

Waistcoat, n. 9WU kukuru ti o boibadi.

Wait, vJ. and i. duro, duro de,

duro ti, reti ; ba de.

Waiter, n. aduro tini, agbawoonJ9.

Waive, v.t. k9-sil9, y^-kuro.

Wake, v.t. and i. ji, se aisun.

n. jiji ise aisun.

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Wale, n. ami ina, rire-

Walk, v.t. and L rin, 6 es? riri.

n. irin.

Walker, n. arinna, eniti o le rin.

Walking stick, n. 9pa itele.

Wall, n. ogiri, igana.

Wallet, n. apo onje.

Wallow, v.i. paf9 ninu ere.

Wan, adj. joro, sokunrun.

Wand, n. ppa tinrin ti awpn oso

ma nlo.

Wander, v.t. and i. rin kiri,

sina kiri.

Wanderer, n. alarinkiri, asako,


Wane, v.i. dinku, y$ die die.

bujekun, girij?.

Want, n. aini, abukun, ofo, aito.

v.t. and i. se aini, f$, f^-ku.

Wanton, adj. lailakoso, ni ife-

kufe, ni wpra. v.i. se ife-

kufe, se W9ra.

Wantonness, n. aseju, ife ara.

ifekufe, iw9ra.

War, n. ogun, Ija. v.t. and i.

jagun, ba-ja, ba-jagun.

Warble, v.t. and i. kprin bi eiye.

Warbler, n. olorin, ak^rin.

War-cry, n. ipe ogun.

Ward, n. e§9, abo, odi, agbara.

v.t. 59, t9Ju, dabobo ; gbakuro.

Warden, n. olusy, olut9Ju, alabo,

olori ile-ek9 giga, olori

tubu, olut9Ju-ile Ql9run.

Warder, n. olupam9, olut^ju.

Wardrobe, n. ibi ipa as9 m9 si ;

a$9 \viw9.

Ware, n. ohun tita, 9Ja. adv.

ni reti, ni ipese, ni i^ora.

Warehouse, n. ile ipale 9Ja mpsi. v.t. fi 9Ja pamp, ko si

„ il6 isura.

Warehouseman, n. olori ile


Warfare, n ijagun, Ija, ogunjija.

Warily, adv. nis9ra, niwoye.

Wariness, n. i$9ra, iwoye.

Warlike, adj. bi ologun.

Warm, adj. gbona, gbigbona,HI9 w<Jw9. v.t. and i. yana,rau-gbona, fi-gbona fi l9na


Warm-hearted, adj. 9l9kan gbi-

gbona, onitara enia.

Warmth, n. igbona, itara, if?.

Warn, v.t. kil9 fun, si-leti.

Warning, n. ikilo, isileti.

Warp, n. tita okun iwuns9, lr<J-

as9. v.t. and i. yi si apa-

kan, te.

Warrant, n. as? in muni, Iti-

lehin, idaniloju. v.t. fi as?si, ti-l?hin, se ki o daju.

Warrior, w. ologun, 9gagun.

Wart, n. \v9nw9n.

Wary, adj. nis9ra, nis9na, ni-


Was, v.i. wa, j?, ni.

Wash, w. iw?, fif^>. v.t. and uw?, f$.

Washerwoman, n. af?s9, ala-

gbaty obirin.

Washhouse, n. ile it'989.

Washtub, n. 9P9n lf9S9-

Wasp, n. 9de, agb9n, ak9 oyin.

Waste, n. ahoro, idahoro,

iparun, inadanu. v.i. and i.

parun, fi-sofo, na-danu,na-ni inakuna, san-danu.

adj. ni ahoro, asal$, lofo.

Wasteful, adj. nidanu, ni ina-


Waster, n. oninakuna.

Wasting, adj. nibaje, ni iparun.

Watch, w. 9S9, is?, agogo. v.t.

and i. 39.

Watchful, adj. nis9ra, sis9,


Watchmaker, n. onis^na agogo,


Watchman, n. 0I11S9, W-

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Watchnight, n. aisun 9duntitun.

Watchtower, n. U6-is9.

Watchword, n. ^r^ ami.

Water, n. omi. v.t. and i. fun

li omi, bu omi wcjn, buomi rin.

Water-barrel, n. agba omi.

Water-bottle, n. igo omi.

Waterfall, n. 9?oro ojo, itakiti


Watermark, n. oju ami ikun omi.

Water-pot,n.ikoko omi,ladugbo.

Water-snake, n. jomijoke.

Water-spring, n. orisun omi.

Wattle, n. eka igi, 9pa ti o I9.

v.t. ha ile, fi ^ka igi ha,


Wave, n. iru omi, Igbi omi, ibilu

omi. v.t. and i. fi, ru, bilu,

JUW9 si ; k9-sil9.

Waver, v.i. siyemeji, saiduro

nibi kan, ti siwa ti sellin,


Waverer, n. oniyemeji.

Wavy, adj. nibibile, sis^le.

Wax, n. ida, ida eti, ida oyin.

v.t. di, dagba, wu, ppsi.

Way, n. $na, oju $na, iwa enia,


Wayfarer, n. ero, alejo, arina

Waylay, v.t. de pna de, bade.

Wayside, n. eba-pna.

Wayward, adj. niwakuwa,saigboran, sagidi.

We, pron. awa, a.

Weak, adj. lailagbara, d$ra,

lailera, laile.

Weaken, v.t.. mu-r9, 89 di ailera,

39 di alailagbara, r$ agbarasil^, mu-d^ra.

Weak-hearted, adj. alaile aiya.

Weakly, adv. lalailera.

Weakness, n. ailera, ailagbara.

Weal, n. alafia, iwa ii^run ;

ami ina.

Wealth, n. $r$, owo, 91a.

Wealthy, adj. tyrp, lowo, 919^.Wean, v.t. we, ja-l9nu-9inu,


Weapon, n. ohun-lja, ohun-ogun, ohun-ilo.

Wear, Worn, v.t. and i. w$, lo,

16gb6, baJ9, sa, da-lagara.

Wearable, adj. wiw$.

Wearer, n. 0IUW9.

Weariness, n. ar^, agara.

Wearisome, adv. idanilaga, lar9.

Weary, v.t. and i. r$, se-ar^, mu-lar$, da-lagara.

Weather, n. oju 9J9, oju 9run,

afef?. v.t. and i. farada,


Weather-beaten, adj. fi ijl gba-


Weather-glass, n. er9 dingi ti o

so bi 9J9 ti ri.

Weave, v.t. and i. wun, wuns9,wun-okun.

Weaver, n. awuns9.

Web, n. iwuns9, okun alantakun.


Web-footed, adj. 939 ti o I9P9I bi ti P9P9iy9-Wed, v.t. and i. gbe-niyawo,

gbeyawo, S0-P9.

Wedding, n. igbeyawo, isoyigi.

Wedding-day, n. 9J9-igbeyawo.

Wedding-feast, n. ase igbeyawo.

Wedding-ring,n.oruka igbeyawo.


Wedge, n. ekan, ela, ipanran,


, Wedlock, n. igbeyawo.! Wednesday, n. 9J9 k9rin 989.

Wee, adj. kekere.

Weed, n. epo, wepe, ehu koriko.

v.t. and i. tu epo, tu koriko.

) Weedy, adj. kun fun epo.

Week, n. 939 kan, 9J9 meje.

Weekday, n. 9J9 lasan, 9J9k9J9ti ki i&9 9J9 isimi.

Weekly, adv. I9S9S9, l§kan I9-


Weep, v.t. and i. 89kun, damije.

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Weeper, n. ^l^kun, olomije.

Weeping, adj. ?kun.

Weigh, v.t. and i. w$n, gbe-wd, fi

o^uwpn wpn, dlw9n, sp-wd.

Weight, n. iwuwo, 6^1wpn.

Weighty, adj. wuwo, lagbara,


Welcome, n. ikini, iki ay<> fun

alejo, ariy9- v.t. ki, fi ay$

gba. adj. fifay9 gba.

Weld, v.t. and i. lurinp$, lu

irin 1119 irin, S0-P9.

Welfare, n. alafia, ire.

Well, n. kanga, orisun omi. adv.

lalafia, ni dida ara, dara-

dara, rere.

Well-behaved, adj. ni iwa rere,

lilo si daradara.

Well-being, n. alafia, ire, iwa


Well-beloved, adj. oluf? 9W9n,

ayanfe gidigidi.

Well-bred, adj. ni kik9 rere, ni

iwa rere.

Well-done, inter, oku, gbere, o


Welt, n. eti, igbati.

Welter, v.t. ra pala ninu eje tabi

er?, yi-kiri.

Wen, n. iwu, g$g?, koko,


Wench, n. 9in9debirin.

Wend, v.t. and i. I9, k9Ja.

Went, v.i. ti I9.

West, n. iw9 orun, iha yanma.

Westerly, Western, Westward,adv. aiha iw9 orun.

Wet, adj. tutu, rin, lomi, ni 6jo.

n. itutu, ilomi.

Wether, n. ogufe, eran ti a te


Whack, n. llu, Ina. v.t. and i. fi

agbara lu.

Whale, n. erinmi, eja nlanla.

Whalebone, n. egungun pari

9rek^ erinmi.

Wharf, n. ebute.

What, pron. kini, kinla, ohun ti,


Whatever, Whatsoever, pron.

ohunkohun, eyikeyi.

Wheal, n. iwu.

Wheat, n. alikania, 9ka.

Wheedle, v.t. fi §rq didun tan,


Wheel, n. k^k^. v.t. and i. yi


Wheelbarrow, n. k?ke ikeru.

Wheelwright, n. akank?ke.

Wheeze, v.i. mi kakan.

Whelp, n. 9m9 aja, 9m9 eran


When, adv. nigbati, nigbawo.

Whence, adv. lati ib? wa, lati

. ibo.

Whenever, Whensoever, adv.

nigbakugba, nigba ti o wuki o se.

Where, adv. ibo, nibo, nibiti.

Whereabouts, n. apa ibiti enia


Whereas, conj. nigbati o J9 pe,

niw9n bi o ti se pe.

Whereat, Whereby, adv. nipa


Wherefore, adv. nitorina, nito-


Wherein, adv. ninu eyiti.

Whereof, adv. ti inu eyiti.

Whereon, adv. lori eyiti.

Wheresoever, adv. nibikibi ti

owu ki o se.

Wherennto, adv. sipa ewo.

Whereupon, adv. sori ewo, nito-

rina ni.

Wherever, adv. nibikibi.

Wherewithal, adv. nipa ewo.

Whet, v.t. p9n, p9n ida, P9n 9139.

Whether, pron. ewo, ewo ninu


Whetstone, n. okuta ip9nrin.

Whey, n. omi rirogun inu wara.

Which, pron. ewo, eyiti.

Whiff, n. efin ti a tu jade lojiji.

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While, adv. niw9n bi, nigbati, li


Whim, n. iroklro, isebi.

Whine, v.t. and i. hu, ke.

Whip, n. 9re, pasan, $gba. v.t.

and i. na.

Whipcord, n. okun pagan.

Whirl, n. ipoyi kikan, iflyika


Whirlwind, n. iji, aja, afef9


Whisker, n. kanang6, irun ereke,

irun ete.

Whisky, n. 9ti.

Whisper, n. fry jeje, $r9.kele-

kele. v.t. and i. 8$r9 jeje,

S9r9 kelekele li eti.

Whisperer, n. as^r? jeje ; olofofo.

Whistle, n. isufe, 6f6. v.*. and *.


Whit, «. ohun ti o kere JUI9.

White, adj. funfun.

White ant, n. ikan.

Whiten, v.t. and i. 59 di funfun.

Whither, adv. nibo, si ibo.

Whitlow, n. akandun, atafo.

Whiz, v.i. kun.

Who, pron. tani, eniti.

Whoever, pron. enikeni.

Whole, n. gbogbo, $t9t9. adj.

nt dida ara, li odidi.

Wholehearted, adj. t9kan-t9kan,


Wholesale, adj. itaja li odidi,


Wholesome, adj. dara, dara ni


Wholly, adv. patapata, I9t9t9,


Whom, pron. eniti.

Whomsoever, pron. enikeni.

Whoop, n. iho, ik9, igbe ojiji.

Whooping-cough, n. ik9 fe.

Whore, n. agbere.

Whoredom, n. iwa agbere.

Whose, pron. ti tani.

Whosoever, pron. enikeni, eniti

o wu ki o je.

Why, adv. ese, etise, nitori kini,

kilose, kini idir$, etiri, eha-


Wick, n. owu itanna, owu fitila.

Wicked, adj. buburu, buru.

Wickedness, n. Iwa buburu.

Wicket, n. enu 9na kekere.

Wide, adj. gbdro, nib6, jina.

Wide-awake, adj. lajusile, murasile.

Widen, v.t. and i. f$, f$ nibu, si


Widespread, adj. itankale.

Widow, n. opo.

Widower, n. 9niti obirin r$ ku.

Widowhood, n. iwa opo.

Width, n. ibu, ibo.

Wield, v.t. ii ase lo, n agbara lo.

Wite, Wives, n. aya, obirin,


Wig, n. irun ti a se fun apari,

ami oye onidaJ9.

Wild, adj. aituloju, sara igbo,

huko loju, aspsigbo, ti igb£.

Wild-animal, n. eranko igb$.

Wilderness, n. aginju, igb$, iju.

Wiles, n. $tan, arekereke.

Wilful, adj. agidi, asetinueni t

m9m9se.Wilily, adv. ni ?tan, li arekereko.

Will, n. if$, ase. v.t. f$, pa lase.

Willing, adj. ni if$ si, fif$.

Willingly, adv. tif$tif$, tinu-


Willingness, n. if$, if$ inu.

Win, Won, v.t. and i. segun,

bori, j*9, gba.

Wince, v.i. karaba.

Wind, n. afef?, efufu.

Wind, Wound, v.t. and i. yika,

ka, kawe.

Windfall, n. ohun ti afefe fe b9sile, eso igbpnsile.

Winding, n. iyikakiri.

Winding-sheet, n. a§9 iweku.

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Windlass, n. ohun 911& ifa eru

wuwo soke.

Window, n. ferese, oju afefe.

Window-blind, Window-curtain,

n. asp ferese.

Window-Shutter, n. ilekun ferese.

Windpipe, n. $na pfun.

Windward, adv. siha afefe.

Windy, adj. ri afefe, kiki afef?.

Wine, n. wain, pti eso ajara.

Wine-press, n. ifiinti.

Wing, n. iye apa; apakan ti o yosode. v.t. and i. fun niye.

Winged, adj. abiye, oniye.

Wingless, adj. alainiye.

Wink, v.t. and i. seju, diju


Winner, n. ajeni, asegun.

Winning, adj. nifaiya, nlwu.

Winnow, v.t. fe, fe lyangbo


Winsome, adj. didaraya, lewu.

Winter, n. igba otutu. v.t and i.


Wipe, v.t. and i. nu, nukuro,


Wire, n. okun irin. v.t. and i.

fi okun irin di.

Wisdom, n. ogbon, inu?, oye.

Wise, adj. gb9n, moye, m$.

Wisely, adv. p9lu 9gb9n.

Wish, n. ife. v.t. and i. f$.

Wisp, n. 9W9, al$, igbal?.

Wistful, adj. ni ifiyesi, ni tejunou?.

Wit, n. oye, 9gb£n, iye.

Witch, n. aj$.

Witchcraft, n. ise-aj£, oso.

With, prep. pelu.

Withal, adv. b9 gege, P9lu eyi

ti o ku.

Withdraw,!?.*, ana* i.fa-pada, gba-

pada, y9-kuro, daw9-duro,

ya-kuro, fa-sehin.

Withdrawal, n. ifasehin, iyakuro,


Wither, v.t. and i. r?, sa, ti, gbe.

Withhold, v.t. da-duro, fa-s9hin,


Within, prep, ninu, ti inu.

Without, prep, lode, lehinode,


Withstand, v.t. and i. duroti,

durosi, k9Jujasi, di-lfcia,

• k9ju ddi si.

Witness, n. 9ri, eleri. v.t. and i.

jeri seleri.

Wittingly, adv. nimim9, lamcj-


Wizard, n. aj$, 98$, alaf9S?.

Wizen, adj. rir?, ru.

Wobble, Wabble, v.i. ta-gb9n-


Woe, n. ibanuje, dsi, 6fo,

ikanu ; egbe.

Woeful, Woful, adj. kun fun iba-

nuje, kiki 6si.

Wolf, n. ikoriko.

Woman, n. obirin.

Womanhood, n. iwa obirin.

Womankind, n. qd& obirin, $ya


Womanly, adj. yiye fun obirin.

Womb, n. inu, ile 9I9.

Wonder, n. iyanu, ise-iyanu.

v.t. and i. enu ya, ha se.

Wonderful, adj. niyanu, niha,

kun fun iyanu.

Wonderfully, adv. tiyanutiyanu.

Wont, adj. atimase, bi ise eni.

n. Iwa, asa, ise.

Woo, v.t. f$, se if£.

Wood, n. igb6, igi.

Wood-ash, n. eru igi.

Woodcock, n. agbe (eiy?).

Wooded, adj. ni igi, I9P9 igi.

Woodland, n. ile onigi.

Woodman, n. onigi, 9de, onit9Ju


Woodwork, n. is? igi.

Wooer, n. oluff

Woof, n. ita as9-

Wool, n. irun agutan, owu.

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Woollen, adj. ti afi iruii agutanse, kubusu, ti owu.

Word, n. ^rp, gbolohun kan. v.t.

sp li pre?.

Work, n. is?, iru. v.t. sis?.

Worker, n. onis?.

Work-fellow, n. 9gb? alagbase,

Workman, n. onis?.

Workmanship, n. is?, 9gb9n is?.

Workshop, n. ile is9na.

Workshop, n. ile 19911a.

World, n. aiye, araiye.

Worldliness, n. iwa ti aiye yi#

if9 aiye.

Worldly, adj. ti aiye. nif? aiye,

igb9kanle ohun aiye, if9-

kansi ohun aiye.

World-wide, adj. gbogbo aiye,


Worm, n. kdkoro.

Worm-eaten, adj. jije- k6koro.

Wormwood, n. igi kikor6, iw9.

Worry, n. wahala, aj6, aniyan.

v.t. and i. t<J, da li aga.

Worse, adj. buruju, buru siwaju.

Worship, n. isin, iyin, oy6, 9I&.

v.t. and i. sin, bu 9la fun,


Worshipper, n. olusin.

Worst, adj. burujul9.

Worth, n. iye, iyi idiyele, it.9 si,


Worthily, adv. nititoye, niyiy9.

Worthiness, n. itoye, ?y?.

Worthless, adj. laiy?, laitoye,

lainiye lori, lainilari.

Worthy, adj. y?, nitoye, t9. n.


Would, v. yio, f?.

Wound, n. 9gbe, ipalara, ifarapa.

v.t. sa l9gb9, pa-lara.

Wrangle, n. aroye, ijiyan, as$.

v.i. jiyan.

Wrangler, n. alaroye, onijiyan,


Wrap, v.t. and i. di, bo, fi-we,

fi-di, gba, ro.

Wrapper, n. as9 ibora, apo iwe :

ohun ti a fi di nkan.

Wrath, n. ibinu, irunu, ikannu.

Wrathful, adj. abinu, kun fun


Wrathfully, adv. tibinutibinu.

Wreak, v.t. gb9san, fi ibinu le.

Wreath, w. mariwo, itana ewekoti a fi se 989 fun oku.

Wreathe, v.t. and i. kako m9ra,

I9P9, yi i ka.

Wreck, n. ibaJ9 9k$, if9^ ;

riri 9k9- v.t. andi. ba-J9, f<j>,

pa-run, ri.

Wrench, n. ru*9, ire. v.t, fi

agbara I9 p9, rcj>, fa, fi

agbara gba.

Wrest, v.t. fi agbara yi po, I9. •

Wrestle, v.t. and i. jijakadi,


Wrestler, n. onijakadi, atyni-


Wretch, n. dsi enia, abosi,


Wretchedness, n. iwa dsi.

Wriggle, v.t. and i. ku siwa kii

S9hin, yi ara kiri.

Wright, n. onis9na, 9l9na.

Wring, v.t. I9, fun, l9nil9W9gba.

Wringer, n. al9nil9W9gba, 9r9

lati fi fun as9»

Wrinkle, n. ikiweje, ikati iwaju,

v.t. and i. fun p$, runlu.

Wrist, n. 9run 9W9.

Wristband, n. as9 9run 9W9.

Writ, n, iwe ofin.

Write, v.t. and i. k9, k9we.

Writer, n. ak9we.

Writhe, v.t. and i. fi agbara yi,

yi sihin yi &9hun.

Writing, n. ik9we, iwe.

Writing-paper, n. iwe kik9.

Wrong, n. i^ina, isise, is^ni,

ipanilara, 9bi. v.t. fi ibi

se, 99.

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Wrong-doer, n. oluse buburu,


Wrongfully, adv. lasanlasan, lai-

nidi, laij^bi, laisesi.

Wroth, pred. adj. ibinu.

Wrought, v.i. ti se, pari, se tan.

Wry, adj. itypp ; itypo sapakan.


Yacht, n. pkp kekere isaf?.

Yachting, n. tukp af$ kiri.

Yam, n. i:?u.

Yam-flour, n. elubcj.

Yard, n. agbala, ppa iwpn 9I9S9

m$ta. 9pa idabu itagbokun.

Yarn, n. owu riran ; itan.

Yawn, n. yiyan. v.t. and i. yan.

Yaws, arun ni aw9 ara ;


Ye, pron. 9, $nyin.

Yea, adv. b^ni.

Year, n. pdun, osu mejila.

Yearly, adv. ^dpdun, ti 9d(,)duii


Yearn, v.t. arid i. se lycjnu si.

Yearning, n. if9 gbigbona, iy<>nu,


Yeast, n. iwukara.

Yell, v.t. and i. ke ramuramu,bii, k9. n. blbu, kik9.

Yellow, n. pupa rusurusu, iyeye,


Yelp, v.i. ke han-un-han-un, gbobi aja.

Yeoman, n. agb$, 91119-ogun ti

nbojuto ile isura.

Yes, adv. fn, b9ni, 6t9.

Yesterday, n. and, lana.

Yesternight, n. oru ana, loru ana.

Yet, conj. sib9, sib9sib9, bi o tile

ri b<?. adj. P9I11-P9IU, ju

b9 I9.

Yield, v.t. fi-pada, san, rau-wa.

v.i. bi, so, ta, J9W9 I9W9,

d^ra. n. ere, esan-is9, iye

eso ti a so.

Yoke, n. ajaga 9run, ami isin

eru, Idi, ami 9W9n. v.t. and i.

dip9 lajaga, so eran meji

P9, fi ajaga k9run, dap9.

Yolk, Yelk, n. pupa 9yin.

Yonder, Yon. adj. l9hun, nibayi,

lokere 9hun.

Yore, adv. nigbanl, nilailai,


You, pron. 9nyin, 9, iwo, 9, nyin.

Young, adj. S9m9de, 89tun,

S9m9dan. n. 9m9, ewe.

Your, pron. tir9, tiyin, tiwp,


Yourself, Yourselves, pron. iw9

tikarar?, 9nyin tikara-nyin,

ti karar^, tikaranyin.

Youth, n. 9d9m9de.

Youthful, adj. ti 9d9m9de.

Youthfulness, n. Iwa 9d9m9de.


Zeal, n. itara, ina ara, ajo,


Zealot, n. onitara, alajd.

Zealous, adj. nini-tara ninu ohungbogbo.

Zealously, adv. p<?lu itara.

Zealousness, n. initara, iwa nini-


Zebra, n. k^tak^ta abila.

Zenith, n. sonso aw9n prim,

ogido, ides^kese.

Zero, n. of6.

Zest, n. adun, abukun adun,


Zigzag, adj. ti o se segesege, ti oI9 W9r9-W9r9.

Zinc, n. irin bi tanganrin.

Zodiac, n. ipa $na drun nipa

ap9r9 liana mejila.

Zone, n. ipa kan ninu 911a nla

marun ti a pin il^ aiye si,

amure, 9Ja.

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A, pro. him, her, it.


Mo fa a, " I draw him or


A, pro. contraction of * awa



e.g., A nip lola, " Weare leaving to-morrow."

A, pro. contraction of * awon,'

they : used in the forma-

tion of the Passive Voice.—e.g., A 89 fun mi, " I

am told "; Emi li a ri, " I

am seen."

A, a prefix, used with a verb to

form a noun.

e.g., lo, to go,

alp, a going out ; peja, to

fish, apeja, a fisherman.

Aa ! inter, word of exclamation.

Aba, n. attempt, endeavour,motion, proposal, sug-


Aba or Abara, n. a slap with the

palm of the hand.

e.g., Ogba mi li aba, " He slaps

me with the palm of his


Aba, n. a kind of mat.


Eni aba kd t$ bi 6r6," An aba mat is not as

durable as an 6r6 mat.'

Aba, n. barn, granary, store,


Aba, n. a staple ; stocks ; akind of banyan tree plantedin the street to afford shade.


Aba, n. incubation.

e.g., Adiemi nsaba, " My fowl is


Abada, adv. (Hausa) for ever.

e.g., Emi ko se b? mo lai

abada, " I shall do so nomore for ever."

Abadeni, n. a waylayer, one in


Abafu, n. luck, fortune, fate.

e.g., Abafu mi ni, " It is myfate."

Abaiy6j$, n. a busy-body, ameddling person. — e.g.,

Abaiyeje ko se fi idi oran

han, " Secrets should never

be told to a busy-body."

Abaja, n. certain facial marksamong the Yoruba people.

Abaje, n. a kind of yam.Abaje, n. the act of eating

together ; mess \cf. ajpje).

Abala, n. a Yoruba puddingmade with rice.

Abale, n. frequent occurrences.

Abam$, n. mortification, painful

reflection, remorse.

Abam$, n. a potter, adj. clay,


Abandan, n. one portion of any-thing which is divided into

parts (as cloth, paper, iron).

Abanidije, n. a rival ; a com-petitor.

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Ab&nidti, n. an emulator ; acompetitor.

Abanigbele, n. an inmate; alodger.

Abanij$, n. a slanderer, acalumniator, a despiser.

Abanijeun, n. one who partakesof the same dish.

Abaniku-ore, n. a faithful friend.

Abani$e, abani$i$e, n. coadjutor,

co-worker, helper.

Abaniwi, n. reprover ; rebuker ;


Aba-OWU, n. ginned cotton.

Abapade, n. a casual occurrence


an accidental coming into

contact ; by chance.

Abapin, n. the act of sharing


Abapd, n. a hammock.Abarapara, n. a strong healthy


Abasil$, n. one who forestalls,

one who bespeaks.

Abata, n. pond, pool, marsh.

Abati, n. a failure in an attempt,

insecure holding, anythingone fails to avoid.

AbatilQ, n. a coming and going.

Abawin-gbimo, n. a spiritualist

medium ; diviner.

Ab&W$n, n. a stain ; a blot ; ablemish ; a speck ; a spot


a taint.

Abekanna, n. one having claws.

Ab§re, n. an enquirer; ques-tioner; querist.

Abere, n. a bitter drug used in

weaning children.

Abbso, adj.fruitful; fruit-bearing.

Abe?e, n. a good-for-nothing

person. A word of abusefor inferiors.

e.g., Iwoabese yi, " You good-for-

nothing fellow."

Ab& n. the lower part ; bottom.prep, under ; beneath.

Ab$, n. razor ; lancet ; penknife.

Ab$b$, n. a fan ; an advocate ; apleader.

Ab$d6, n. a stroke whichsunders ; clean cut with oneblow.

Abeiyannu, n. importunity.

Abekanna, n. one having claws.

Ab^la, n. a candle.

Ab$l$, adj. private ; secret.

adv. privately ; secretly.

e.g., O nse e li ab$l$, " Heis doing it privately."

Abenilori, n. executioner.

Abenugbagba, w. a kind of loose,

baggy trousers.

Aber$, n. needle.

Ab$r$, n. the sword of state

used only by kings of

certain tribes.

Abere-alugbe, n. a pin.

Ab$rin, n. a ridiculer ; one wholaughs when others are


Abero, n. a trowel (a tool used

in plastering).

Abese, n. a title of honour; amessenger.

Ab$t$l$, n. a bribe.—,Abetele

ni ifoju onidajo, " A bribe

blinds the judge's eyes."

Ab$tu, n. a rivulet, brook,

running water.

Ab$w$-bura-eke, n. a suborner.

Abf, conj. or (contraction of


e.g. Emi abi iwo," You or I."

Abi, prefix, that which possesses


one possessing.

e.g., Abiye," Winged" ; Abila," Striped."

Abia, n. armpit.

Abiamo, Abiyamo, n. a motherwith a baby ; a parent.

Abikehin, n. adj. last born,


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Abiku, n. children who die in


Abila, n. or adj. having marks,

striped, checkered.

AbilekQ, n. a married woman ;

one living with a husband.

Abinilere, n. questioner ; inter-


Abinuku-eni, Abinuku-enia, n.

a spiteful man, malicious

person, persecutor, calum-


e.g. y IJniti kd fe

(Jran eni ni ise abinuku eni,

" He who does not love us

is sure to hate us."

Abirun, n. a sick or infirm person.

Abiwo, adj. having horns.

Abiye, adj. winged.

Ab6, n. sole (fish).

Abo, adj. female of beasts, also

applied to infants but never

to grown-up persons.


Ako mbi abo, " Male or

female ? " Abo-gala, " Adoe."

Ab6, n. refuge, shelter, covert,


security, shield, defence.

Abodo, n. a pudding made with

ground corn.

Abojuto, n. superintendence,

supervision, care.

Aboleta, n. a thatcher.

Abo-oka, n. a bundle of Guinea-


Abori, n. a kind of fish used in

idol worship.

Abose, n. a mat screen over acanoe for shade.

Abosi, n. deception, fraud,

forgery, dishonesty.

Abdgi, n. a wretched being.

adj. poor ; ragged ; miser-

able, v. to uncover.

Aboya, n. exposition, revelation,


Aboyun, n. a pregnant woman.

Ab^, n. a coming back, arrival,

cessation, returning.


Oku abo, a salutation onone's returning.

Ab$, n. half, moiety.

Atx>, n. one who is free.


Ab(J lowo iku, " One whois free from death."

Ab$gan, n. a mosquito.

Abogib9pe, n. a worshipper of

wood and palm ; an idol-


Ab$gun, n. a worshipper of the

god of iron and war.

Abola-funni, n. a respectful

person, venerator.

Abylu, n. the act of feeding

together (as cattle).

AbyinafQ, n. hardware.

Abpni, n. an adorer, worshipper.

Abppa, adj. fatted, fed for


AbyT$, n. a chief priest of the

grove, idol priest.

Aboriga, n. a worshipper of false

gods, an idolator.

AbQS$j$, n. a Sabbath breaker.

Ab$9& n - w°rk done by a person

after his master's work is

done ; job work.


Abose ki ise ise Sj<J, ise

baba ni igba ojo eni, " Jobwork is not the servant's

chief business, the master's

work has the first claim onhis time."

Abubutan, n. a descriptive namefor whale.

Abuja, n. a short cut to a place ;

anticipation of another's


e.g., ^niti o ba moidi oran tele ni ibu abujaeke, " He who knows the

matter beforehand con -

founds the liar."

Abuje, n. a shark.

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Abuka, n. the act of encom-passing.

e.g. y Bi a ba buabuka igbe, a o ri eranko

inu re pa, " If a bush is

surrounded for hunting, the

animerts in it are easily


Abnke, «, a hunchback.

Abuku^n.a remainder, deficiency,

disgrace, fault, contempt,spot, blemish, deformity,

slur, fragment, discredit.

Abakan, n. an addition to,

increment, supplement,blessing, zest.

Abula, n. adulteration, dilution.

Abule, n. a village, a hamlet.

Abide, n. act of imposing a fine.

Abul$, n. a patch, a piece sewnon to cover a defect.

Abum$, n. addition, exaggera-


Abuni, n. reprover, scolder, onewho reprimands or chides.

Abunni, n. giver, donor, bene-


Abupa, n. a vaccinator.

Abura, n. a swearer, an oathtaker.

e.g., Abura eke, " Aperjurer."

Aburan-owu, n. cotton cardedand prepared for spinning.

Abur6, n. a younger relative



AbuSQ, n. falsehood of one's owninvention, rumour.

Abuta, n. a species of butterfly.

Abuw$, n. soap.

Ada, n. a cutlass, a bill-hook

with wooden handle mostlyused by farmers.

Adaba, n. a dove.

Adaba, n. proposer, mover,suggester,onewho attempts.

Ab&boboni, n. defender, suc-

courer, protector, guardian.

Adabonf, Adabowo, n. self-

assumption, the taking of

responsibility upon oneself.

Adade, n. result, consequence.

Adade, n. a crown-wearer, aking.

Adad6, n. isolation.

Adaga, n. nothing.—e.g., Ko si

adaga lowo r$, " He has

nothing left."

AdagOgO, n. a bell founder.

Adagun, n. lake, pond, pool.

AdaJQ, n. judge, umpire, arbi-


Adaju, n. a pitiless person ; a

forward person.

Adakadeke, n. a lie ; treachery.

Adale, n. an accumulation.

Adalu, n. an amalgamation, a

mixture, an alloy.

Adamale?e, n. a braggart, one

unable to perform his boast.

Adami, n. a gasp.

Adam$, n. a mistaken view,


Adam^-di, adj. tending to be.

e.g., Adanio di pupo," Tending to be plentiful."

Adam$ran, n. counsellor, sug-

gester, adviser.

Adan, n. a bat.

Adaniduro, n. a detainer ; one

who checks or hinders.

Adanilagara, n. an importunate


Adanilara, n. vexatious one,

one who disappoints or


Adanilaraya, n. one who en-

livens or cheers up another.

Adanilekun, n. a prohibiter, onewho forbids.

Adanilohun, n. one who answers.

Adaniloro, n. a tormentor, one

who afflicts.

Adaniniji, n. one who alarms,

frightens or terrifies.

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Adanirft, n. one who puzzles or


Adanrin, ft. a furbisher, apolisher of metal.

Adanfi, n. a loss.

Adape, n. a nickname ; an alias ;

a contraction.

Adap$, ft. a mixture ; union,


Adaran-j6ko, ft. a grazier ; ashepherd.

Adaran-nla, ft. felon ; criminal.

Adaraya, ft. a lively person.

Adarijini, ft. one who forgives, apardoner.

Adaripon, ft. a male lizard.

Adarudapo, ft. adj. indiscrimi-

nate ; topsy-turvy.

Adarudurudusile, ft. an anarchist,

one who causes discord.

Adasan, ft. instalment ; an old

debt incurred by somerelative.

Adas!, n. a thing spared fromthe rest, a gleaning.

Adasi, n. an accumulation.

Adaweta, n. a dealer in leaves

used to wrap food in.

Adawe, n. transcriber, printer.

Adawin, ft. payment by instal-


Adaw^le, ft. undertaker ; adven-ture, adventurer.

Adayanf$, n. one who chooses ahusband or wife without the

parents' consent.

Ade, ft. a crown.

Adebipani, n. starvation ; astarveling.

AdecLe, ft. unsettled.

Adehun, n. agreement, bargain,

treaty, stipulation.

Adele, ft, one who acts for aperson, a deputy.

Adelebo, n. a married woman ;

an old woman.

Adele-yba, n. regent, acting-

governor ; lieutenant.

Ademu, w. a calabash with coverused for drinking.

Adena, n. one who watches onthe road, a sentinel, sentry ;

hinderer, impediment, way-layer.

Ade-oba, n. diadem, crown.

Aderegbe, n. a fish whose eyes

are peculiarlyand irregularly


Ad£bo, n. an idol-worshipper.

Ad^da, ft. a maker of counterfeit


Adedd, n. a fisherman.

Adegba, n. a shrimp catcher.

Ad£gun, n. a fisherman whocatches lobsters with dgun,a kind of basket.

Adeja, n. a fisherman.

Ad^mu, ft. a diving fisherman.

Adepa o, ft. an appropriate

salutation to one going outhunting.*

Aderasile, n. a yielder, one whosurrenders.

Adese, n. a sinner.

Adete, ft. a leper.

Adetisile, n. a listener, aneavesdropper.

Adin, ft. oil made from palmkernels.

Adi, conj. after all, notwith-

standing, nevertheless.

Adibo, ft. one who casts lots.

Adidagiri, n. an alarmist.

Adidun, n. sweet-meats, con-

fectionery, prepared parchedcorn for warriors.

Adie, ft. a fowl.

Adifa, ft. a consulter of Ifa.

Adigbar6, n. a waiter, one whoremains standing.

Adijasil£, n. one who creates


Adikala, n. a piebald.

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Adik$, n. a boat caulker.

Adim$, n. shut in, closed up.

Adimu, n. one who holds fast.

Adimu, n. a kind of masquerade

in Lagos during the

obsequies of a great man ;

the Chief of Adamorisa, of

ugly appearance, who mustnever be laughed at.

Adlmula, n. an attribute of God ;

a name sometimes given to


Adina, n. one who impedes, a

hinderer ; a barricade.

Adinpamo, Adinsin, n. a con,

serve, something preserved.

Adire, n. calico dyed in patterns

by West African dyers.

Adirita, n. one who plaits or

braids human hair ; a hair-


Adir6, n. a hearth.

Adiro, n. a vesselwith thebottompierced, used for straining,

a strainer.

Adisisile, n. author ; inventor ;


Adit$, n. a peculiar method of

plaiting the hair.

Aditi, n. a deaf person.

Aditu, n. a surprise packet.

Adiyele, n. an appraiser, a


Ad6, n. a calabash used for

preserving powder andmedicine.

Adogan, n. a Yoruba stove.

Ad6gunsil$, n. one who creates

war, disturbance or revo-


Ad6je, adj. one hundred andthirty.

Ad6tini, n. a besieger.

Ad$fa, adj. one hundred and ten.

Ad<Jrin, adj. seventy.

Advrun, adj. ninety.

Ad^san, adj. one hundred andseventy.

Adtfa, adj. fifty.

Adotesile, n. agitator.

Adptpta, n. by fifties.

Adi, n. one who is very black,

jet black.

Adubu oran, n. an arbitrator.

Adugbo, n. neighbourhood,

surrounding country.

Adugbolu, n. a stumbling block.

Adun, n. parched ground corn

mixed with sugar or oil.

Adun, . n. sweetness, flavour,

fragrance, savoury relish


grace, beauty, sonorous.

Adupe, n. thank you.

Adura, n. prayer, supplication,

entreaty, petition.

Adura al$, n. evening prayer,


Adura $b$, n. rogation, petition.

Adura kukuru, n. a short prayer.

Adura OWUrp, n. morning prayer,


Adur6, n. one who stands, one

who maintains his ground.

Adur6 funni, n. bail, surety.

Aduro-gber6, n. an observer, one

who pauses.

Adurotini, n. a waiter, a support,

a prop.

Afa, n. bridge, wooden culvert.

Afagbaragba, n. usurper ; wrest-

ler ; extortioner.

Afagbaramu, n. one who con-

strains or enforces.

Afagbara^e, n. one who compels

or forces.

Afagi, n. a carpenter.

Afah^nla, n. one who laps with

the tongue.

Afaimp, adj. not unlikely,


Aiaiya, n. a charmer ; charm.

Afani, n. one who pulls, plucks,

draws or attracts.

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Afanwii-irun-tu, n. one whoplucks hair.

Afara, n. slowness, sluggishness.

Afara, n. two sticks rubbedtogether, from which fire

is produced by friction.

Afaramoni, n. an adherent.

Aiara oyin, n. honeycomb.Afarapamo, Afarasin, n. one

who absconds or hides.

Afarasofa, n. one who pawnshimself.

Aiarawe, n. .resemblance, imi-


Afaraweni, n. one who copies or


Afasehin, n. one who flinches or


Afd, n. a white-bellietl rat.

Afe, n. a small buoy attached to

the middle* of a fishing line ;

a fishing float.

Afeimdjd, n. an animal of the

rat tribe, the tail of whichis used by the King of

Yoruba as a sign of royalty ;

he generally holds the tail

against his mouth when hewalks abroad.

e.g., Oba si

iruke, " The king removesthe tail (from his mouth)."]£niti o pa afeimojo ki o muu re Qyo, eda li ara oko ije,

" Whoever kills afeimdjd

must take it to Qyo ; edais only due to the people of

the province to eat."

Afetigbegiri, n. an eavesdropper.

Af$, n. pleasure, pride ; state

of loving.

Af^birm, n. wooer, courtier,


Afef6, n. breeze ; wind ; gale ;

climate ; atmosphere.

Afefe-afeyika, n. whirlwind.

Afefe ojiji, n. a sudden gust of


Afefe-pele, n. a soft blowingwind, a breeze.

Afefe sanma, Afefe sanma mimp,n. ether, air of the pureupper region.

Afehinti, n. a support, a prop.

Afeju, n. one who distorts his

face, especially when work-ing.

Af^m<Jjum<J, n. twilight ; dawn ;


Afeni, n. lover, suitor.

Af^nu, n. chaff.

Af^reresfni, n. a well-wisher.

Af$r$, n. a very light wood,similar to cork.

Affri, n. a charm used by run-

aways to enable them to

elude their pursuers.

Afes^na, n. a betrothed person,


hietan, n. perfect love ; sincer-


Af$w$, n. a pickpocket.

Afl or Afibi, amj. unless, except.

e.g.—Emi ki yio lo an bi o

bukun mi, " I will not gounless he bless me."

Aflbi-san-ore, n. an ungrateful

person ; one who returns

evil for good.

Anfunni, n. a giver, one whoassigns. .

Anhan, n. the act of shewing


an exhibition ; pretext.

Afin, n. an albino.

Ann, n. the king's palace ; court.

From this is derived

Alawofin, contracted into

Alafin, the owner of the


Afingba, n. a calabash carver.

Afinihan, n. one who betrays or


Afinju, n. a decent, clean person ;

cleanliness, neatness. Some-times used for cleverness.

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e.g., Ole afinju, " A clever


n. engraver, sculptor,


Afinna, n. a blower of smith's


Annu-?e-ajere, n. an unfaithful,

treacherous person.

Aflrese, n. an act of wantonnessor irreverence.

Anyanjuse, n. a shy act ; reluc-


Afiyesi, n. attention, observation,

charge ; a thing to benoticed or superintended.

Afo, n. space, room, vacancy,

opportunity, dale, valley.

Afoforo, n. the cork wood.

Afojudi, n. insolence, obstinacy,

petulance, audacity, effront-

ery, hardihood, loftiness.

adj. saucy.

Afojupam$, n. one who masksor covers his face.

AfojU8$na, n. an earnest expec-


Afokuta-bole, n. a slater.

Afomisebugbe, n. or adj. an in-

habitant of the water,


Afdm$, n. a parasite ; mistletoe.

adj. contagious.

Afonifoji, n. valley, dale, vale.

Afonil$iye, n. one who challenges

or denes.

Afdpina, n. a flying insect ; amoth.

Afdta, n. defective vision, half


Af$, n. mire in which a pig


Af$baj$, n. utter destruction,

annihilation ; an overthrow.

Af$gbo, n. disobedience, petu-


Afpju, n. a blind person.

Afyn, n. the baobab tree.

Afonahan, n. pilot, leader,

guide, director, conductor.

Afpranlo, n one who consults

another or seeks advice.

Aioranmoni, n. one who suspects,


Afp^e, n. soothsaying.

Aip$Q, n. a washerman or


Aiowobd, n. a secret, somethingconcealed from the public.

Aiow$k$, n. the act of stealing

cunningly ; purloining.

Aiow<>ta, n. a careless handling,


Aiowowi, n. the act of talking

with the hand to a deaf


Aiowope, n. one who beckons.

Afowowun, n. hand sewn


weaving by hand.

Afunni, n. a giver, donor.

Afunninigc, n. an employer.

Afunpe, n. a trumpeter.

Afunti, n. one who uses the

wine press.

Afura, n. a suspicious person.

Aga, n. a chair, a stool.

Agabagebe, n. dissembler, hypo-crite.

Agada, n. a short sword,scimitar.

Agada, n. a hovel.

Agadagodo, n. a padlock.

Aga-inaraya, n. a sofa.

Aga-itise, n. footstool.

Aga-iwasu, n. a pulpit.

Agalamaga, n. a double-dealer


deception, trick, device.

Agan, n. a barren woman.Agandan, n. a brown yam, also

called aty.

Agangan, n. a small stone onwhich beads are ground


rack ; suspenders.

Aganju, n. wilderness, forest.

Aganju-igb6, n. a thick forest.

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Aganni, n. backbiter, contern-

ner, despiser.

Agan-nigan, n. a warlike person,

plunderer, marauder.

Aganw6, n. mahogany tree.

Aga-posi, n. a bier.

Agara, n. weariness, fatigue,


Agarp, n. after-pains.

Agafa, n. a kind of fish.

Aga$u, adj. copious, bulky, huge.

Agba, n. manhood, adult.

Agba, n. a great gun or cannon ;

barrel, cask.

Agba, u. a smooth, hard, flat

fruit used for medicine.

Agbab$, n. a foster child ; aboarder.

Agbada, n. gown, garment, robe.

Agbada, n. a coverless earthen-

ware vessel used for cook-

ing and washing ; trough ;


Agbade, n. scavenger, street-


Agbado, n. Indian corn, maize.

Agbadu, n. a species of snake,

black with a red stripe onthe neck ; boa-constrictor.

Agbadulumo, n. slanderer, de-


AgbaMffl, n. the rattlosnake ; asnake that springs on its

prey ; the boa-constrictor.

Agbagba, n. elders, ancients


assembly of elders.

Agbagba, w. plantain.

Agbagba eiyele, n. a spotted


Agbagbd, n. desertion, rejection ;

being discarded.

Agbagunjp, n. one who incites

to war.

Agbafye, n. the whole world,

the universe.

Agbaja, n. one who girds him-self.

Agbajo, n. congregation,assembly, mass, crowd.

Agbakd, n. accident ; mis-


Agbaku, Agbala, n. a frame for

carrying a load, usually of

bamboo.Agbala, n. a courtyard, a walled


Agbalagba, n. an aged person.

Agbalaja, n. a small shirt,

formerly much used.

Agbale, n. a kind of insect ; asweeper.

Agbalu, n. the whole city.

Agbalu, n. see Agbako.

Agbami, n. the midst of the


Agbani, n. helper, deUverer,


Agbanla, n. a large cask or


Agbanrere, n. rhinoceros ; uni-


Agba-pjp, n. ancient of days.

Agbape, n. reverberation, a re-

echoing sound ; one whorepeats a call.

Agbara, n. power, authority,

strength, ability,force ; gift


essence ; vehemence ; pres-

sure ; prevalence ; vigour ;

violence ; means ; ascend-

ency; efficiency.

Agbara, n. a torrent.

Agbara, n. barricade, bulwark,wooden fortifications, stock-

ade, wooden fence.

Agbari, n. skull, crown of the

head, scalp.

Agbarigba, n. an animal withlong horns, and two white

streaks on each side.

Agbarin, n. a hard fruit, notedible, used by children

playing (as the marble is

used). It is called Ege by

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the Egbas. and Is$ by the


Agbasa, n. a solid mass of rook.—e.g., Agbasa baba okuta," A rock is the father of


Agb&san, n. the act of passing

for another ; atonement.

Agbasi, n. accumulation, addi-


Agbasin, n. female cattle en-

trusted to the care of onewho receives a portion of

the offspring as his reward.

Agb&ge, n. the work of a labourer.

Agba^omp, n - tne act of adoption.

Agbata, n. the work of an agent

or of a broker.

Agbatan, n. entire help, com-plete assistance or deliver-

ance.^, Agbatan li agba ole, " You must help

an idle man thoroughly."

Agbat(Jju, n. guardianship ; workof a nurse.

Agbaw$, n. one who fasts.

Agbawi, n. advocacy.

Agbawo, n. attending a sick

person (as a doctor).

Agbayun, n. a berry.

Agbe, n. a gourd, a calabash

pierced at the top and usedas a pitcher.

Agbe, n. forgetfulness, lapse of

memory.Agbe, n. a kind of woodcock



e.g., Iwo nse agbe," You ask alms."

Agbeb$, n. an old hen.

Agbebon, n. a soldier ; a sentry.

Agbede, n. a wise and clever


Agbedemeji, n. middle ; centre.

Agbegbe, ft. neighbourhood,

vicinity, region, coast.

Agbegbin, n. a dead weight


that which is removed with


Agbeji, n. a hat.

Agbe-j^lp, n. a long-necked


Agbeka, n. a suitable word or


Agbekan, n. sailing with the

wind in one's favour.

Agbekuta, n. one who acts

regardless of consequences ;

an undaunted person.

Agbeiebu, n. a cross.

Agb61$gbunda, n* a half-educated

person ; that which is notstraight.

Agbel$gb6mi, n. an amphibiousanimal.

Agbena-igi, n. a torch-bearer.

|Agbeni, w. one who helps or


Agbeniga, Agbenileke, n. pro-

moter, exalter.

Agbere, n. a harlot, whore,


Agbere, n. too much of a thing ;


Agberd, n. a thinker.

Agbero, n. a charm used by awrestler to keep him in anupright position and to

prevent him being thrown.

Agbero, Agbes6ke, n. borne;taken up ; one who bears


Agbeso, n. that which is to belifted up.

Agbew6, ft. that which is to be


Agb$, ft. farmer, agriculturist,

yeoman.Agb$, ft. a short sword.

Agb$bi, n. an accoucheur.

Agbede, ft. a smith's workshop ;


Agb$d$, adv. no, never. .

Agb$gi, n. a wood-carver.;


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AGB 11 AG$

Agbeje, n. an early pumpkin,much eaten before other

vegetables are in season


when overripe it becomesbitter.

Agbej$r6, n. solicitor, advocate.

Agbekeleni, n. vassal, dependent.

Agb$k$, w. one who receives

instructions ; one who acts

on good or bad advice.

Agb$k$, n. shipwright, canoe


Agb^kuta, n. stone-cutter



Agb^maye, n. a cackling henwhich does not lay.

Agb$n&» n. an engraver, a


Agb$san, w. an avenger.

Agbigbd, n. a forest bird of the

duck tribe.

Agbipo, Agbira, n. a successor, asubstitute.

Agbiro, n. a speculator ; a


Agbiyeleni, n. see Agbekeleni.

Agb6, n a ram.

Agbo, n. a vegetable decoction

used for washing ; also

given to babies to drink.

Agbo, n. a ring of dancers ; aflock, fold, throng.

Agbo-agbado, n. sheaves of corn

piled up in a conical shape.

Agbo-agutan, n. a sheep-fold.

Agbodegba, n. the one of a gangof thieves who is stationed

outside the house to watchand to receive the plunder

as it is passed out to himby the others.

Agb6d6, n. a kind of yam.Agboile, n. quadrangle, court-


Agbojulogun, n. a lazy man ; afortune-hunter ; one whowaits to step into another's


e.g., Agbojulogunnfi ara fun osi ta pa, " Afortune hunter is risking

an impoverished life."

Agbdkegbodd, n. one who goes

up and down ; one who is

constantly and actively


Agb616gun, n. a military man ;

an old warrior.

Agbomigbel$, n. an amphibiousanimal.

Agbowode, n. collector of cus-

toms ; toll gatherer ; tax


Agb$, n. one who hears.

Agb$n, n. basket, hamper.

Agtyn, n. a wasp.

Agb$n, n. the chin.

Agbonbere, n. a children's gameof snatching eatables fromone another.

e.g., Agbpn-bere pete igara," Agbpnbereis next to stealing."

Agb^n-kekere, n. a hand basket.

Agb^n-nla, n. a hamper.

Agb$tarar$, n. a selfish person ;

a sensualist.

Agtxjti, n. butler, cup-bearer.

Agboya, n. pretended deafness.—e.g., IJniti npe 9 ko dakeiwp li o ngbo agb9ya, " Hewho is calling you is

importunate, and you pre-

tend to be deaf."

Agege, n. a Yoruba hatchet*

Agegun, n. one who curses.

Agere, n. a bowl in which Ifa

(god of palm nuts) is placed.

Agere, n. a stilt-dancer ; a very

tall man.

Ag$, n. a Yoruba drum madewith small calabashes played

by farmers or villagers.

Agedemgbe, n. a broad-bladedsword, sabre.

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AG? 12 AGO

Agemo, n. the chameleon ; anidol, during the worship of

which the men only are

allowed to remain standing,

while the women kneel with

their heads bowed.

Agfrfc ft.

Agida, n. a silly person ; a


Agidi, n. Yoruba canvas cloth.

—e.g., Agidl 11 aso pie,

" Canvas is the cloth for

the lazy."

Agidi, n. or adj. an implacable

person ; obstinacy, perverse-

ness ; self-will ; headstrong



Agidi, n. prepared meal of

Indian corn, a staple food.

Agiliti, ft. an animal of the

iguana tribe.

Aginju, n. desert ; uninhabited

land ; wilderness.

Aginipa, n. an ancient velvet

cap ; a kind of yam.

Agini$0» n. a snail. The Qsunworshippers are forbidden

to use the word tgbin for

snail, so they uso " aginiso."

Agira, n. a wooden hookattached to the end of abamboo, used for pulling acanoe along in a deepcreek or one with a soft

muddy bottom.

Agirase, n. see Afiyanjuse.

Ago, n. cup ; mug ; jug ; can


clock ; bell ; watch.

Ag6, ft. a striped rat, remark-

able for craftiness andswiftness, and the care it

takes of its young.—-e.g.,

Ag6 ti o gb(Jn sasa ebiti paa amb^tori malaju, " The(clever) ag6 is caught in atrap, how much more the

(stupid) malaju."

Ag6, n. a coop, hamper ; first

salutation on approachinga house, indicating that the

inmates should keep them-selves tidy, so that theymay not be taken by sur-

prise ; also used whenriding or driving furiously,

or in carrying a load needingcare in a public street

contraction of yago—" give


Agodo, n. the mat screen

generally constructed at ashort distance from the

palace during the adamorisaplay in Lagos, where every

adamorisa enters anddances. A non-efficient

adamorisa dare not enter

the Agodo, for if he fail to

give the password or to

answer all the tests his hat

and opabata will be seized,

and will not be restored to

him until he has paid

certain fines.

Ag6d6ngb6, n. a colt ; a younghorse as yet unfit for riding.

AgOgO, n. bell ; clock ; o'clock.—e.g., Agogo apo, '* Awatch."

Agogo, n. name of a tree loftier

than the rest ; tallness



Ag6g6 eiye, n. the beak of a bird.

Ag6g6 igun, ft. a medicinal


Ag6g6 ori, ft. a point ; nib,

pinnacle (also s6ns6 ori).

Agoke, ft. a climber.

Agd-nla, ft. a hamper.

Ago-nla-elenu, n. a ewer.

Agdrd, ft. a title of honour, a

grade below Asipa.

Agoro, ft. the hare.

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Ag$, n. a shroud, a winding

sheet ; a fish.

e.g., Ag$olu eja, " Ag$ is the prince

of fishes."

Ag<J, n. a tent ; shed ; taber-

nacle ; pavilion ; hovel


encampment.Ag$, n. stupidity, foolishness.

Ag$ buka, n. a booth, a shed.

Agpni, n. a weak disciplinarian.

Ag$p$, n. one who climbs apalm tree.

Aguala, n. the planet Venus ; adogstar ; Sirius. — e.g.,

Aguala mba osu rin, nwonsebi aja rp ni ise, " Venustravels with the moon, it is

supposed to be her dog."

Agufpn, n. a long-necked,

crested bird. There is asuperstition that its bones

must not and cannot be


Agunbanirp, n. a full-grown lad.

—e.g., Agunbaniro le fojudi

ni, " A full-grown lad

always acts insolently."

Aguna, n. tailor.

Agunla, n. bad feeling towardanother.

Agunmu, n. a pounded medicine.

Agunm^na, n. a running plant.

Agutan, n. a sheep.

adj. e.g.,

Agutan enia, " A simple


Aha, n. a small calabash used

for giving children water or


Aha, n. one who shares ; onewho uncovers a house.

Ahagun, n. one who shares alegacy ; an administrator.

Ahale, n. one who unroofs ahouse ; a desolater ; a

house plunderer.

Ahal$, n. a braggart, a boaster.

Aham$, n. confinement ; strait



AhamyTa, n. an armed man ; onewho entangles himself in

many things.

Ahan ekun, n. a hairy plant, to

touch which causes severe

itching, so called from its

likeness to a leopard's

tongue ; a plant, very

full of sap, much used byhunters when thirsty.

Ahanhan, n. a kind of iguana.

Ahanna, n. a ruffian ; a wild

and obstinate person.

Ahaya, n. gun shots.

Ahere, n. a farmhouse.


Ahere ni yio kehin, oko ata

ni yio kehin ile, " Thefarmhouse remains to the

last, and the ridge of the

roof completes the building.'


AheSQ, n. a babbler ; babbling ;

a prater.

Aho, inter, a contemptuousexpression

— ** I do not


AhorO, n. ruins ; desolation ;

deserted houses.

Ahoto, n. small tight trousers,

or drawers.

Ahon, n. a tongue.

e.g., Ahpnni ipinle enu, " The tongue

is the end of the mouth."

Ahpnina, n. flame, fire.

Ahon-ina, n. a flame of fire.

Ahum^, n. inventor, contriver,


Ahon, n. a miser ; avarice.

adj. avaricious, greedy.

Ahon, n. a tortoise ; see Awun.Ahusa, n. a fruit resembling a


Ahusp, n. tale, fable, romance,


Ahusp prp, n. falsehood, invented


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Ahutu-iko, n. expectoration



Ai, a negative particle used as Che

prefix un or in in English.

Aibale, n. uneasiness, unstabil-

ity, state of being un-settled, adj. uneasy, un-

stable, unsettled.

Aibere, adj. unquestioned.

Aib$ru, adj. undaunted, fearless.

Aibi, adj. unbegotten.

Aibikita, adj. uncared for.

Aibila fun, adj. unavoided.

Aibimo, adj. childless.

Aib6, adj. unconcealed, un-screened.

Aibddi, n. adj. indecency.

Aibojuwo, adj. unnoticed.

Aibora, n. naked, uncoveringthe body.

Aibori, n. uncovering the head.

Aib^ju, adj. unwashed, dirty


Aibola, adj. dishonoured.

Aib$w$ fun, adj. unhallowed.

Aib$w$ fun Qlorun, n. impiety.

Aibu, adj. unbroken, entire.

Aibuwd, adj. unnoticed ; spite-

ful ; contemptuous.

Aida, adj. uncreated, unmade,unceasing.

e.g., Aida ojoni, " It rains incessantly."

Aida ara, n. indisposition, ail-

ment, sickness, infirmity,

unsound state of health.

Aidaba, adj. unattempted.Aidabi, adj. unlike.

Aidabp, adj. unceasing.

Aidaju, adj. uncertain.

Aidake, adj. unceasing ; notintermittent.

Aidalu, adj. unmixed, unjoined.

Aidanu, adj. not thrown away.Aidapp, adj. unmingled.

Aidara, adj. unpleasant; de-

formed, unfit.

Aidake, n. that which is notdone alone, adj. also.

Aidawa, n. dependence, sub-


Aidawo, n. a non-subscriber.Aidawoduro, adj. unceasing.

Aide, adj. untied, unshackled,


Aideba, adj. not found (or met)on arrival.

Aidebe, adj. not touching the

place or part.

Aidegbd, adj. not getting sore.

Aidele, adj. not arriving home.n. non-arrival.

Aidele, adj. not touching the


Aidena, adj. unhindered, un-


Aidepo, adj. improper.

Aid$, n. or adj. hard ; crude ;

green ; unripe.

Aide, adj. unwatched.

Aidebifun, adj. uncondemned.

Aidehun, adj. not subduing the


Aidejo, adj. not becoming a

case, or crime.

Aidera, adj. not growing slack,

not negligent.

Aide?$, n. innocency. adj.

sinless ; innocent.

Aidewo, n. not slackening the

hand ; illiberality.

Aidi, adj. untied ; unfrozen.

Aidibaj$, n. incorruption. adj.


Aidide, adj. the act of remaining

in a sitting position or in

bed ; unstirred ; unleavened.

Aidile, adj. employed ; not at


Aidilona, adj. unobstructed



Aidin, adj. not roasted.

Aidinu, adj. good-tempered.

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Aidira, adj. unarmed ; notequipped.

Aiditi, adj. attentive.

Aidiyele, adj. without price.

Aidogun, adj. not rusty.

Aidoju, adj. seamless ; un-impaired ; wholesome.

Aidpgba, n. inequality, uneven


Aidubu, adj. unopposed, notthwarted.

Aidun, n. inelegance ; coarse-

ness, adj. unsavoury, in-


Aidun, adj. noiseless, silent.

Aidtin inu, n. sullenness, de-

jection of mind, anguish.

Aidupe, n. thanklessness ; thank-less, adj. unthankful, un-grateful.

Aiduio, Aiduro nibikan, n. in-

stability ; fickleness, adj.

unstable ; fickle.

Aifaramp, n. disunity. adj.


Aifaramora, n. incoherence


separation ; disjunction.

Aifari, adj. unshaven.

Aifesi, n. muteness ; speechless ;

silence, adj. mute ; silent.

Aifetisile, n. inattention, adj.


Aife, n. unwillingness ; reluc-

tance ; disagreeableness


disapprobation ; disgust


aversion ; shyness.

Aifeni, Aiferan, n. uncharitable-

ness ; ill-will.

Aindu, n. that which is notdenied.

Aififal^, adj. unremitting,zealous

Aiflfe^e, n. unwillingness.

Aifigbe, adj. impartial ; just.

Aifiji, adj. unpardonable.

Aifin, adj. uncarved ; uu-engraved ; not speckled.

Aifipe nkan, n. making light of

a thing ; levity.

Aiflsun, n. without making acomplaint ; without accu-


Aifi^ere, n. seriousness ; impor-


Aifiyesi, n. inattention, careless-


Aif6, adj. sinking.

Aifd, n. something not omitted :

a sickness too far advancedfor treatment ; unable to


Aifojufun, n. discouragement



Aif6r6, adj. unmolested.

Aifdya, n. boldness ; fearlessness.

adj. bold ; fierce.

Aifo, adj. unbroken ; sound



Aif$, adj. unwashed.

Alfohun, adj. not speaking


dumb.Aifcjju, adj. not blind ; seeing.

Aifpn, ody.unabated ; unreduced.

Aigba, adj. unswept.

Aigba, n. or adj. disapprobation ;

unowned ; intolerable.

Aigbagbe, n. or adj. unforgetful-

ness ; unforgotten.

Aigbagby, n. unbelief ; dis-

obedience ; infidelity.

Aigbala, adj. unsaved.

Aigbawa-Qfyrnn-gbQ, w. atheism.

Aigbawe, adj. unlicensed ; ticket-


Aigbede, n. want of understand-

ing or knowledge of alanguage.

Aigbega, adj. unraised ; notpromoted.

AigbeJQ, n. unquietness. adj.

troublesomo ; restless.

Algbepo, n. separation; a recluse.

Aigberaga, n. humiliation



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AlG 16 AtK

Algbe, odj' moist ; damp



Aigbese, adj. narrow ; incapa-


Aigbege, adj. innocent ; blame-


Aigbd-aiy$, n. a motionless

state ; unwillingness to

move.Aigbo, adj. unripe.

Algbofo, adj. not without occu-

pation.—, Ikoko a)gb6fo," A pot which is in use."

Aigbogi, adj. unlearned,ignorant.

Aigboju, n. coward, cowardice.

adj. cowardly.

Aigbona, adj. cold, void of heat.

Aigbona aitutu,n.lukewarmness.

Aigb6nu, n. obedience.

Aigbdrd, adj. incapacious,


Aigboya, n. cowardice.

Aigboye, adj. unordained.

Aigbo, adj. unheard.

Aigbodo, n. cannot but . . .,

must, shall.

Aigb$n, n. or adj. unwise


foolish ; stupidity.

Aigb$n, adj. not trembling


unshaken ; firm ; steady.

Aigtxjran, n. disobedience


obstinacy ; obduracy.


Aigboran baba afojudi," Disobedience is the father

of insolence."

Aigburo, n. ignorance of current


Algun, n. or adj. shortness,


Aigun, n. or adj. faulty ; in-

accuracy ; not anchored.

Aiha, adj. unscratched ; un-

scoured ; not erased.

Aihale, adj. without bragging.

Aihan, n. or adj. invisibility



Aihan, n. or adj. cheap.

Aljana, n. error ; absurdity.

Aije or Aijeun, n. fasting.


Aije aimu, " Neither eating

nor drinking."

Aij$, adj. not answering ; in-


Aij$bi, n. or adj. uncondemned ;


Aij$W$, n. non-confession


reluctance to yield.

Aijewo okan, n. neutrality.

Aijina, adj. underdone ; not


Aijinna, adj. not far behind



Aijinna, adj. flat ; not hollow.

Aijiroro, n. thoughtless, not

taking counsel.

Aijiya, n. impunity, adj. un-

punished ; not suffering


Aljiyan, adj. without denying



Aika, adj. without counting


unnumbered.Aika, adj. unbent ; not wound ;

not plucked.

Aikanju, n. slothfulness. adj.


Aikanu, n. impenitence ; un-


Aikapa or Aikaw$, n. incapa-


Aikasi, n. despite ; insult ;


Aika$a, n. out of fashion.

Aik6, adj. uncut.

Aikede, adj. unannounced, un-


Aikekuru, adj. unabbreviated.

Aikere, adj. plenty.

Aikeri, adj. unenviable.

Aik$, adj. unindulged.

Aik$, adj. not worse or spreading

fas a sore).

Aikd $nu, n. disagreement,

difference of opinion.

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AlK 17 Ail

Aik$, adj. not refusing ; yielding,

Aik$, adj. unlearned ; untaught



Alkola, adj. not tattooed, un-


Aik$le, adj. not building a house.

Aik$mn(i, n. not counting the


AikQS$, adj. not tripping or

stumbling ; without offence.

Aikfa$, n. an untrained work-

man.Aik$we, adj. illiterate ; not

taught book learning.

Aikti, adj. not liable to die


alive for evermore ; eternal.

Alku, adj. not remaining



Aikugbe, adj. imperishable.

Aikuku, a prefix signifying " to

be without."

Aikun, adj. without grumbling


without murmuring.

Aikuna, n. persistence.

Aikunna, n. roughness ; coarse-

ness ; grossness ; lack of


Aila, adj. unadulterated ; un-

split ; unsaved.

Ailaba, adj. despairing, hopeless.

Ailabawpn, adj. undefiled, having

no stain, spot, or blemish.

Ailabo-ofin, n. outlawry.

Ailabu, adj. undeveloped ; not

attaining the age of puberty.

Ailabukun, adj. faultless.

Ailabukun, adj. fruitless ; futile.

Ailadun, adj. tasteless ; insipid.

n. insipidity.

Ail&f$f$, adj. airless ; close.

Ailagbara, n. feebleness ; in-

ability ; inefficacy ; in-

validity, adj. feeble ; un-


Ailagun, adj. not perspiring.

Ailahun, n. or adj. dumb ; mute.

Allajd, adj. careless ; thought-

less ; void of anxiety, n.


Ailala, n. boundlessness ; limit-

less, adj. boundless.

Ailanfani, n. disadvantage.

Ailaniyan, see Ailaj6.

Ailanu, n. inclemency.

Ailaia, n. having no relatives.

Ailara, n. slenderness. adj.


Ailaie, n. guiltiness, adj. guilty.

Ailarekereke, n. artlessness.

Ailaya, n. cowardice ; fearful-

ness. adj. cowardly ; fear-


Ailaya, adj. bachelor ; wifeless.

Aile, adj. soft ; not hard ; not

difficult ; easy.

Ail6, adj. not superfluous ; not


Ailebaj$, adj. incorruptible.

Ailediyele, adj. inestimable, in-


Aileja, n. not able to struggle

or combat, adj. weak.

Ailelara, n. imbecility.

Ailemo, n. adj. incomprehensi-


Altera, n. infirmity ; bodily weak-

ness ; feebleness ; frailty.

Ailere, n. adj. unprofitable.

Aileri, adj. pure ; clean, n.

freedom from filth ; sanctity.

Aileribf, n. or adj. improba-


Aileru, n. simplicity ; artlessness.

Aileso, n. unfruitfulnoss. adj.

unfruitful ; barren (of trees).

Allege, n. insufficiency ; im-


Ailegina, n. infallibility.

Aileti, n. deafness, disobedience.

adj. deaf ; disobedient.

Ailewe, adj. leafless.

Ailewn, adj. having no danger ;

safe ; secure.

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Ailebi, n. guiltlessness ; freedomfrom sin or crime, adj.


Ailgbun, adj. ungifted.

Ailfgan, n. or adj. blameless.

Ail$gb$, n. or adj. incom-parable.

Ail$j$, n. or .adj. bloodless



Aileka, adj. branchless.

Ail^mi, n. or adj. lifeless, dead.

Aileri, adj. without a witness.

A11$S$, n. disinterestedness.

Ail$?$, n. or adj. freedom fromsin, innocency.

Ail$wa, n. or adj. ugliness, un-


Ail6, adj. unused ; inflexible.

Ail6fln, n. or adj. lawlessness.

Ail6ju, n. or adj. confusion



Ailojuti, n. or adj. shamelessness,

impudence, immodesty.Ailokiki, adj. fameless.

Aildkun, n. or adj. impotent,helpless, bodily weakness.

Aildmi, adj. dry ; not watery.

Ailopin, n. or adj. endless,

infinite, eternity.

Ailori, n. or adj. inability to

learn ; unsuccessful in ob-

taining situation ; ground-less ; futile.

Ail6ruko, adj. anonymous ; with-

out name ; unrenowned.Aildwd, adj. not wealthy, poor.

Ail6ye, adj. without under-standing.

Ail6ye, adj. without title ordegree.

Ail6yun, adj. not pregnant.

Alio, adj. unground.

Altyba, n. anarchy.

Ailpmp, n. or adj. childless,


Ailfra, n. or adj. not slothful,


Ailpra, adj. not fat, thin.

Alfyr^, see Ail(Jw(J.

Ail$w$, adj. without a hand



All$w$, adj. not respectful, dis-

honoured, unhallowed.

Ailu, n. or adj. a shrub ; un-pierced, imperforated.

Ailugbe, n. retaliation.

Aima, two negatives making anaffirmative.

e.g., Emi kole se aima gbagbo, " I

cannot disbelieve, i.e., I

must believe."

Aimaraduro, n. incontinency



i Aimerd, n. or adj. unwise



foolishness, stupidity.

' Almdfin, n. ignorance of the law.

Almdye, n. or adj. ignorance


i folly ; unwise ; imprudent.

Alm$, n. lack of knowledge,

ignorance, unknown.Aim$, n. or adj. unclean, impure,

filthy, dirty.

Aimp-meji, n. silliness, witless


Aimpniw^n, n. or adj. im-

moderation, intemperance.

Aimpra, n. or adj. impudence,


Aim$w6, adj. unlettered.

Aimpye, adj. innumerable.

Aimu, n. or adj. bluntness ; dull


not catching.

Aima, adj. not drinking.

Aimura, Aimuragiri, n. or adj.

flabby, lax, tardy.

Aina, adj. unwhipped, un-

punished, not stretched.

Aina, adj. unspent.

Ainani, adj. not cared for.

Aini, n. or adj. need, necessity,

destitution, want, poverty.

Aimbaba, adj. fatherless.

Ainibata, adj. barefooted.

Ainibern, adj. fearless, intrepid.

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AtN 19 AtR

Ainibd, n. or adj. narrowness



Ainibugbe, n. non-residence


want of settled abode.

Ainidaju, n. diffidence, modesty.

Ainide, n. liberty, freedom.

Ainidi, n. or adj. uselessness,


Ainidlmu, n. vanity, having nohold.

Ainidunran, n. impassibility,

insensibility of feelings.

Ainife, n. destitute of affection,


Ainife iteriba, n. disaffection.

Ainigbek^le, n. distrust ; dis-


Ainigbona, n. deadness ; cold-

Ainiyidd, n. shallowness.

Ainfl&ri, n. uselessness ; havingno proper head.

Ainimi, n. see AU6kun.Ainipa, n. weakness ; inability.

Ainipara, adj. innocent ; rust-

less ; pure ; clean.

Ainiparam$, n. indecency ; ex-


Ainfpe, adj. without fins, finless.

Ainip^kun, adj. without end



Ainipin, adj. dowerless ; lack of

dowry or share.

Ainira, n. or adj. ease, comfort.

Ainireti, n. or adj. despair,

desperation, hopeless.

Ainirotele, n. improvidence.

Ainirora, n. uneasiness.

Ainirun, n. baldness.

Ainirungbyn, n. beardless.

Ainisuru, n. impatience ; hasti-


Ainifl, n. idleness, laziness.

Ainltiju, n. immodesty, shame-lessness.

Ainitunu, Ainitura, n. comfort-

less, void of ease.

Ainfwa, n. nonentity.

Ainiwamimv, Ainiwarere, n.

immorality, indecency.

Ainfya, adj. motherless.

Ainiye, adj. innumerable, count-

less, myriads.

Alniyeldri, n. worthlessness


free of cost.

Ainiyeninu, n. lack of under-

standing ; dullness of


Ainiyin, adj. dishonourable; dis-

reputable, sordid, slavish.

Aipada, adj. not returning.

Aipari, adj. unfinished, notconcluded.

Aipe, n. imperfection, incom-pleteness, deficiency.

Aipe, adj. uncalled, uninvited.

Aipeniye, n. delirium, insanity.

Aiperi, n. tetanus.

Aipese, adj. unprovided, un-


Aipete, n. or adj. not on purpose,


Aip$, adv. not long.

Aipfebagby, n. credulity.

Aipin, adj. unshared ; also

contraction of Alnipekun.

Aipinnu, n. or adj. indecision



Aipiwada, n. steadiness, con-

sistent conduct.

Aipd, adj. uncompounded, un-


Aipy, adj. rare, scarceness.

Alpon, n. or adj. green ; crude-

ness ; unripe.

AipyHSOkan, n. neutrality ; in-


Airan, n. or adj. not shining, notresplendent ; failure in

cutting ; invulnerability,

not infectious.

Airan, adj. unsent ; not sewn.

Airekpja, n. soberness, temper-

ance, self-control.

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AlR 20 AtS

Airel$, n. inquietude, uneasiness.

Alreti, n. or adj. unexpected.

Air$, n. disagreeableness,

variance, dissension ; un-


Air$, adj. not cutting, not

shearing, not shaving.

Airel$, n. lack of humility.

Air$p$» n- disagreeableness,

variance, dissension.

Ail^rnn, adj. not trimming the


Air$w$sl, n. or adj. not dejected.

Airi, n. or adj. invisibility.

AirIran, n. dimness of sight



Airiri, adj. unexperienced ; notdirty.

AirfSQ, adj. inexcusable ; speech-


Airise, n. idleness, lack of

employment.Aird, adj. without consideration



Air6, adj. mute ; soundless.

Alrdhin, adj.

Air6ju, n. or adj. pressure of

business ; too busy.

Aironu, n. thoughtlessness.

Aironupiwada, n. impenitence.

Airori, n. thoughtlessness.

Airord, adj. good-tempered.

Air$, n. or adj. not softened


lack of mildness ; un-changeable.

Alr$ju, n. or adj. not enduring ;

lack of endurance.

Air$p6, n. a vacant position.

e.g., Ibe wa alr<Jp6,'* The

place is vacant/'

Airora, Airorun, n. carelessness


discomfort ; negligence


uneasiness ; lack of peace.

Airos^, n. or adj. unsettled.

Alsami, n. or adj. unbaptised



Aisan, n. sickness ; disease ;

illness ; ailment.

Aisan, n. want of payment.

Alsanra, n. leanness, slenderness,


Aisanwo, n. non-payment of

money.Aisare, n. see Aikanju.

Aise, n. or adj. raw, uncooked.

Aiseso, n. fruitlessness, barren-

ness (of a tree). •

Aise, n. a large door ; gate.

Als$, n. unchallenged.

Aisf, n. or adj. not being


not present ; nonentity ;

absence ; death.

Aisian, n. or adj. bad ; ill-


Aisi-alafla, n. misery ; lack of

peace or comfort.

Aisf-aniani, n. without doubt



Aisf-atil$hin, w. want of support.

Aisfja, n. without war ; peace.

Aisfla, n. lack of stripes or

marks ; plainness.

Aisile, n. homelessness.

Aisimi, n. indcfatigableness


perseverance ; diligence ;

industry ; restlessness.

Aisin, n. independence ; in-


Aisinkan, n. nothing ; nought


nothing of importance.

Alsinfkaw$, n. independence ;

beyond one's control.

Aisiranl$w$, n. without aid



Aisis$, n. want of employment.

Aisiwa, n. lack of manners.

Aisiya, n. motherless.

Aisola, n. lack of influence or


Aisola, n. poverty ; lack of


Aisonu, n. not lost.

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AtS 21 AIT

Aispraki, n. unshrunk ; care-

lessness ; inconsideration



Aisprp, n. mute.

Aisu, n. unweariness ; in-

defatigability ; unperplexed.

Aisun, adj. not asleep ; awake.

Ai$a, adj. not picked up



Aigan, n. stagnation ; stillness.

Aigan, adj. unpoulticed ; un-

bitten ; without mud.


A fi aja na sile li alsan," The ceiling (of bamboos)is left without being

plastered with mud."Ai$anu, n. mercilessness, lack of


Ai$&T$, n. ceaselessness, notweary.

Aig&ta, n. void of calumny.

Ai$e, n. inaction.

Ai$ebikan, adj. universal ; notlimited to one locality.

Ai?edeae, n. odd ; inequality ;


Aigefefe, n. void of boasting.

Ai?egbagb<J, n. incredulity.

Ai^egbe, n. equity; impartiality;

equality; justice.

Ai?eju, Aigdeke, n. temperance ;


Ai^emele, n. diligence ; activity.

Ai^enia, n. or adj. cruelty



Alg&rft, n. inactivity ; honesty.

Aifetara, n. sluggishness ; in-

difference ; tardiness ; with-

out anxiety.

Algetara, n. spirituality ; void

of material body.

Aiget&ra, n. not straightforward,


Al$etenil<>run, n. discontent-


Ai$e, adj. not coming to pass,


Ai?$, adj. unbroken.

Ai?$, adj. not sinning, in-

offensive ; having nobeginning.

Ai?$f$, n. seriousness, not in aplayful manner.

Ai$$tan, n. or adj. simplicity,

openness ; unfeignedly



Ai$i, n. correctness.

Ai?i?e, n. indolence, idleness.

Ai$iyemeji, n. or adj. certainty ;


Ai$d, n. or adj. not slackening.

Aigododo, n. or adj. injustice ;


AigOgO, n. without boasting.

Aisojusajti, n. or adj. withoutrespect ; impartiality.

Ai$5re, n. unkindness.

Ai$5t<J, n. or adj. injustice


hypocrisy ; impropriety ;


Al?$kan, n. incongruity ; discord.

Aigpkankan, n. indecision, adj.


Aispp$, n. ingratitude.

Ai$pra, n. watchful.

Ai^fmu, n. meanness ; illiber-


Ai$u, adj. not round ; notthick ; not gloomy.

AigU, n. or adj. oostiveness



Ai?ubu, n. uprightness.

Aifftja, Ai$usi, n. indifference ;


Aita, adj. undergrown tubers as

yam or potato.

Aita, n. or adj. dullness of

market ; not selling.

Aitako, adj. unopposed.

Aitan, n. ceaselessness.

Aitanje, adj. undeceived.

Aitan-pta, n. implacability.

Aitara, n. inactivity ; indiffer-


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AIT 22 AlY

Aitarayp, n. or adj. equality



e.g., Awon esin

meji sare li aitara won yo," Two horses ran equally,

i.e., neek to neck."

Aitase, adj. without missing the

mark ; a straight aim.

AitayQ, adj. not surpassing or

going beyond.

Aitete, n. slowness, inactivity.

Alt$, n.oradj. without pliability;


Ait$ju, n. lack of smoothness or


Altetyr&n, n. dissatisfaction



Aiteiiba, n. insubordination


lack of humility.

Ait^run, n. see Altetyrun.

Aiteturile, n. inattention.

A it6, n. insufficiency ; incom-


Aitobi, n. smallncss, littleness.

Aitonkan, Aitdtun, n. or adj.

pettiness, triviality.

Ait$, n. or adj. absurdity


crookedness, wrong, amiss.

Ait$, n. one who cannot pass


Ait$s6fin, adj. illicit, illegal.

Alto, adj. untamed ; notsoothing.

Aitujfi, Aituloju, n. wildness,


Aitumo, n. inexplicable.

Aituninu, Aitunu, n. discomfort



Altura, n. that which is uncom-fortable, uneasy.

Aituraka, n. sadness.

Altutu, n. warmth.Aituw^ka, n. illiberality, not


Aiwa, n. see Alsi.

Aiwa, adj. not digging ; notpulling or propelling acanoe.

Aiwa-bi-Qlorun, n. ungodliness.

Aiwadi, n. without investigation.

Alwara, n. or adj. unconcern


not greedy ; not anxious.

Aiwe, n. that which is untwisted,

an unweaned child.

Aiw$, n. or adj. unwashed,unclean.

Aiwd, n. lack of inspection,

notice, or speculation


want of care.

Aiwol$, Alwoye, n. or adj.

carelessness; non-observant.

Alw$, n. or adj. straight-forward-

ness ; not crooked.

Aiw$p$, n. scarcity.

Alwu, n. that which is un-leavened ; unpraised.

Aiwu, n. unpleasantness ; un-desirability.

Aiwukara, n. unleavened bread.

Aiya, n. breast ; bosom ; heart


chest ; courage ; influence.

Aiya-fo, v.t. to fear ; to be dis-

couraged ; faint-hearted or


Aiya-ja, v.t. to be panic-stricken.

Aiya-la, v.t. to be fearful or


Aiya-lile, n. hard-heartedness



Aiyapa, n. unanimity ; oneness ;

not deviating from the

right way.

Aiya-pa, v.i. to be terrified,

frightened or fainthearted.

Ai-yara, n. slowness.

Aiyat^, n. or adj. integrity


unseparated ; undivided.

Aiye, adj. lifeless.

Aiye, n. world ; earth ; globe ;

condition ; state ; time of

life ; time ; reign.

Aiye, adj. not understood


unintelligible ; unceasing


not stopping ; not laying


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Aiyederu, n. fraud; forgery;

dishonesty ; adulteration.

Aiye-jije, n. pleasure ; worldly


Aiyekdty, n. a parrot.

Aiyelujara, n. perforated metal


Aiyeraye, Aiye-titi-lai, adv. for

ever ; world without end ;


Aiy$, see Aigbd-aiy$.

Aiye, n. inconvenience ; in-

decency ; inexperience


impropriety ; wretchedness.

Aiyera, n. consistency ; stability



Aiyes$, n. or adj. immovable



Aiyipada, n. immutability



Aja, n. a dog.

Aja, n. attic, uppermost floor,


Aja, n. a fairy, said to carry

persons into the wilderness

for from three to nine years

to instruct them in magicand all kinds of medicines


said also to travel in awhirlwind.

Aja, n. a creeping plant,

resembling the wild vine.

It is rubbed on the walls of

houses newly plastered with

mud, to give the walls apolish ; also called Ajara,

Ajaby, n. a narrow escape.

Ajade, n. title of honour amongthe hunters ; fourth in rankto the Olori-ode (Chief of

the hunters).

Ajadi, adj. having the bottombroken off ; sometimes used

in conversation for betrayal.—e.g., Ajadi agb$n li o

nsoro si, "You are betraying


Ajadun, n. an epicure, volup-

tuary, sensualist.

Ajai$, n. voluptuary.

Ajaga, n. a neck-shackle, yoke.

Ajagajigi, adj. firm as a rock or

tree trunk.

Ajagbyn, n. one who discovers

or detects another's cunning.

Ajagun, n. soldier ; warrior.

Ajagun-obirin, n. an amazon


a female soldier.

Aja igbesire, n. lap dog, pet dog.

Aja-igbula, n. persistent strug-


e.g., Aja-lgbula

ni pepeiye fi nsegun adie,44

Persistent struggling

makes the duck conquerthe fowl."

Ajaiye, n. voluptuary, sensualist.

Ajaje, n. a lewd fellow.

Ajakale, adj. spreading ; world-


Ajakale-arun, n. an epidemic;infectious disease.

Ajako, n. a jackal, also called


e.g., OgbogboAwun ni bi ajako, " Surely

he who kills Ajako will

suffer for it."

Ajaku, n. a dead-set, per-

sistence, stubbornness. .

Ajakuby, n. that which is cut

and spoiled (as string).

Ajala, n. escape after muchfighting.

Ajalel6kun, n. sea robber, pirate.

Ajalu, n. a mishap.

Ajambaku, n. insufficiency ;


Ajan, n. meat cut into small

pieces for sale.

e.g., Bialapata ba pa eran, awonalagbata a bu u li ajan,44 When the butcher kills

the animal the retailers cut

it in pieces."

Ajanaku, n. elephant.

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AjanapA, ft. a bird-snare madeof cloth.

e.g., Aparo jare

ajanapa kili o mu 159 wa ise

li oko. Ajare aparo li okoli a gbe imu aso lp, " Thepartridge says, * Whatbusiness has the farmer to

bring his cloth here ? ' Thefarmer says, ' How could I

come to my farm withoutcloth ? '

i3(i.e., there are

two sides to a question).

Ajanft, ft. the chief of the Oroworshippers.

Ajao, w. a nocturnal mammallike the mouse, with large


e.g.. Ko se eku, kose eiye, ajao, " The ajao is

neither rat nor bird."

(Applied to one who is

' neither friend nor foe).

Aja-ode, ft. a hound, a huntingdog.

Ajapa, ft. a petty wholesale

trade ; a nickname given

to the tortoise.

Ajara, ft. a medicinal plant usedfor curing sore breasts ; it

is also edible, and is used in

rubbing houses to give the• walls a gloss ; wild vine.

AjaSQ, ft. hearsay ; false report



Ajas$, ft. victory after muchdifficulty ; the native namefor Porto-Novo.

Aj6, ft. money ; the goddess of

money.Aje, ft. a trial by ordeal.

Ajeje, ft. in the obsequies of ahunter, all the deceased's

hunting materials are

packed up and carried onthe head by his child, or bya fellow-hunter,who parades

and dances about. This

packet, called Ajej6, is

deposited in the bush by the

road outside the town as the

closing ceremony of the


e.g., IJni ru ajej6

ode ko nla, " Whoevercarries the ajeje will notprosper." It is a super-

stition that if the child of

the deceased does not give

presents to the mournersand others before carrying

the ajej6 he will die in


Ajeji, n. or adj. a stranger, aforeigner.

Ajere, ft. a pot with many holes

in it like a sieve, used to drymeat in over the fire ; acalabash bored with manyholes like a colander, usedin washing away the sedi-

ment of the locust fruity

and egusi seed.

Ajere, w. one who makes profit >

a winner.

Aj$, ft. a sorcerer, a witch.

Ajj, ft. oar, paddle, propeller.

Aj$, ft. red earth used as paint

or pigment for the wall


tinder (for loading a gun).

Ajebf, ft. that which is inherited

(as manners, disease) fromparents or ancestors.

Ajebd, n. effacement (as a woundor cut which disappears

when healed).

Aj$f$, ft. a vegetarian.

Ajefowo, ft. a garden herb so*

called for its sweetness.

Aj$gb&,ft.the rude and disorderly

rejoinders of a multitude

of people.

e.g. % Aj^gba ni

tik$nk$," Frogs are alwaysrude and disorderly."

Ajegbe, ft. the act of eating

another's meal withoutsuffering the consequences.

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Aj^ 25 AjO

—e.g., Ajegb6 ni igun nje

909," The vulture consumesthe idol's sacrifices placed

in the public streets without


Ajekehin, n. the last course of ameal.

Aj$kl, n. gluttony.

Ajekun, n. food left on the plate

for the person serving.

Aj£l$, n. agent, consul, deputy.

Ajenia, n. cannibal, man-eater.

Aj$nil$re, n. testifier, witness.

Ajeiiiniya, n. oppressor, tyrant.

Ajepa, n. swindling. knavery.

Ajepo, n. the ejection of whathas been taken (as poison)


an emetic, v. to chew the


Ajera, n. an antidote.

Ajeran, n. a flesh eater ; carni-

vorous animals.

Ajerun,n. the act of squandering.

Ajesf, n. see tjeri.

Ajese, n. ungratefulness, ingrati-


Ajesin, n. a horse eater.

Ajeti, n. remnants after eating

to the full.

Ajewo, n. a confessor.

Ajewo imp Iwe Mimo, n. atheologian.

AjewOTO-gbado, adj. granivorous,

one that eats grain or seed.

Aj$y6, adj. having eaten to the

full ; satisfied.

Ajib$t$, n. a kite-like fish withpoisonous prickles.

AjibQwaba, adj. existing.

Ajidewe, n. renewed youth.

Ajifa, n. one who trusts in


Ajigba, n. the act of beingemployed daily in sweeping.

Ajigbese, n. debtor, bankrupt.

Ajijadu, n. a scrambler, a com-petitor.

Ajil$, n. one who eats the dust

ihumble pie).

Ajin, n. profound silence ; dark-

ness ; depth of night.

e.g., Ajln jin, " There is

profound silence," or " It

is midnight."

Ajfna, n. the act of spending


daily expenditure ; shop-

ping; marketing.

Ajinde, n. resurrection ; act of

rising from sleep.

e.g., Kiajinde 91a ki o je, " Maythe rising to-morrow bepossible."—A prayer usedin bidding good-night.


Li ojo ajinde igi a da," There will be manywonders on the Resurrection

Day."Ajinia, Ajinita, n. kidnapper.

Ajini lohun, n. thief, robber.

Ajiri, n. morning.

e.g., O di

ajiri o, " Until the morn-ing "

; an evening salu-

tation. ]£ ku ajiri, " Goodmorning."

Ajiroro, Aji$eroro, n. a man of


Ajisa, n. that which is put on(as charms) every morningfor protection.

e.g., Qlprunli olori ajisa, " God is the

source of protection."

Ajisinsin, n. a concealed matter ;.


Ajige, n. routine of daily


Ajd, n. journey ; foreign land.

Ajd, n. anxiety ; solicitude


carefulness ; zeal.

Ajogun, n. heir ; inheritor.

Ajoko, n. one who sits ; a grass


Ajdkfi, n. unquenchable.

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AJO 26 AkA

Aj6ku, n. that which escapes

burning ; remnant left after

a conflagration.

Ajonirun, n. that which con-

sumes by burning.

Ajoniparun, n. consumer.

Ajdpa, n. kola of superior

quality that cannot bepeeled while fresh, muchused in paying dowries.

Aj6parun, see Ajoniparun.

Aj6ran, n. the act of catching


e.g., Bi ile ko ba kanile ki ij6 ajoran, " Housesnot contiguous do noteasily catch fire."

Ajp, n. assembly ; meeting.

Ajp-aflyesi, n. feast ; festival.

AJQ-alade-ade, n. an assemblyof princes and delegates



Ajobi, n. correlation ; akin


blood-relationship ; con-


Ajo egb^, n. company ; meeting.

Ajphun, n. unanimity.

Ajp-igbimp, n. senate ; council



Ajp-ilu, n. corporation ; con-


AJQ-ipeJQ, n. congress ; con-


Ajp-irekpja, n. feast of the


Ajpje, n. act of eating together ;

mess ; banquet.

Ajojo, n. act of dancing together.

Ajpm$, n. stipulation.

Ajpmu, n. drinking together.

Ajppin, n. a convention.

Ajprin, n. companionship on ajourney.

Ajord, n. a mutual combination ;

bargain ; agreement.

AjpSQ, n. a mutual conversation

or consultation.

AJ0$e, n. partnership, joint


Aj$w$-pani, w. a hired assassin.

Ajoyin-ibon, n. a volley of


Ajpy$, n. participation in joy.

Ajuba, n. a newly-cultivated

grass field.

Ajufu, Ti. pocket.

Ajulp, n. that which makesmine better than yours.

Ajump, ti. combination, co-


Ajumpdapp, n. a mixture (of

persons and things).

Ajumpjogun, n. fellow -heir.

AjumolurapQ, n. retaliation (in


Ajumpsarole, n. co-heir ; co-


Ajumose, Ajumpsepp, n. co-

operation ; conjoint action


simultaneous action ; part-


Ajusf, n. thrower ; spendthrift


that which is thrown.

Aka, ti. the hedgehog ; said to

be very timid, for if sandor dust is thrown on it,

when it is found in the bush,

it will simply couch until it

is killed or picked up.

e.g., O tiju bi aka, " He is

as shy as a hedgehog."

Aka, ti. the name of a tree.

Aka, ti. a storehouse built in the

shape of a V, supported byfour sticks, containing three

or four apartments for

stores ; a garner ; granary.

Akaba, n. ladder ; steps ; stairs ;

staircase ; scaffold.

Akabe asp, n. the pole on which

cloth is wound while


Akaka, n. the posture of

squatting, or sitting cross


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AkA 27 AKA

-e.g., IW9 dakakay$k$t? bi agbalagba, " Yousquat like an elder." A ki

igba akaka I9W9 akiti, a ki

igba ile baba eni lowp 91U,

" No one can cure a monkeyof squatting ; and no onecan deprive a man of his

father's house."

Akakun, n. addition.

Akala, n. a carnivorous bird


vulture.—e.g., Bi oku ba kulaiye akala a 1x19 li 9run(akala a gbe 9run 1x19),

" The vulture smells the

carcase however high in the

air he may be."

Akalambi, n. a bag; sack.

e.g., Akalambi li a n ipiy$

li ogun, " A sack is used for

booty in war."

Akam$, n. the act of encom-passing, enclosing or sur-


Akan, n. a crab ; a word muchused in conversation for" good," as " fish " is usedfor " bad."

e.g., IjJja mD*

akan ? " Is it bad or good? "

Akan ni, " It is good ";

also an epaulet.

Akan, n. nimbleness ; smartness


activity ; quicksightedness.—e.g., Ojo li akan lojupup9," Ojo is very quicksighted."

Akandun, n. a whitlow.

Akangba, n. a cooper.

Akank$k$, n. a wheelwright.

Akankftta, n. a shipwright.

Akanrun, n. a fletcher, a makerof bows and arrows.

Akanse, adj. special ; made to

order ; uncommon.Akan$$, n. a boxer.

Akanti, n. an unavoidable or

unexpected occurrence.

Akanu-e$e, n. a penitent.

Akapd, n. a treasurer.

Akara, n. bread, cake.

Akara, n. wood used for rafters.

Akara adidun, n. a sweet cake.

Akara aw^n, n. a fancy cakemade to imitate a net.

Akaraba, n. a charm, a roundflat fish.

Akaia felefele, n. a wafer.

Akara ful^, n. a soft cake madeof white beans and okra,

also called §}$)§.

Akaragba, n. a broken calabash,

or bowl ; potsherd.

Akaraku, n. a hard bean cake

used by warriors for pro-

visions on war expeditions.—e.g., Bi on ba gburoogun mi ki iduro din

akaraku, " Whenever hehears of my war he never

waits to make provision,"

(said of a busybody whorejoices at another's


Akara lapata, n. cake made of


Akasi, n a harpoon.

Akaso ewu, n. a short garmentfrom the neck to the waist

worn either loose or tight.

Akasp, n. a ladder.

Aka^e, adv. rather than that


not otherwise ; only ; also

written Lakise ( IjJgoa).



Ko gbpd9 na mi, akase koni J9 ki nsis9 fun on m9,*' He dare not flog me, only

he will not let me work for

him any longer."

Ak&gu, n. a large loaf ; a lumpof agidi for family use.

e.g., Akasii baba 9k9, " Theakasu is the father of all

other loaves."

Akata, n. see Ajako.

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AKA 28 AKf

Akata, n. a broad-brimmed strawhat used as an umbrella


in ancient times a commonermight not use it withoutspecial permission.

Akatampd, n. a catapult.

Akatd, n. a creeping animal.

e.g., Qmode nra bi ti

akatd ko, " However wella child may crawl the akatdwill out-crawl it.''

Akawe, n. a reader.

Akawe, n. a reel of cotton orthread.

Akawe, n. similitude ; com-parison of matter or words


signification ; analogy ; par-able ; metaphor.

Akayin, n. one who loses his


e.g., Akayin ko moefuru ipe, " A toothless

man cannot pronounce4efuru ' well."

Ake, n. axe, hatchet, adze.

Akede, n. a public crier


proclaimer ; herald.


Akede ko jiyan gbigbona," The public crier does noteat warm food " (becauseof his liabihty to be called

away from his food).

Ake itule, n. pickaxe.

Ake-ja-ona, n. a cross street, alane, a bypath.

Akeke, n. see Ake.

Ake-kun-oko, n. an old hoe.

AkekUTU, n. an abbreviator


contraction ; abbreviation.

Akepa, n. the act of cutting tooshort.

Akere, n. a striped frog withsmooth skin.

Akerekere, n. the scorpion


also called Ojdgan.


Akerekere ojogan fi idi ja


akerekere ko se idi ni Ibd,

" The scorpion fights withits tail ; one cannot hide ascorpion in the hand."

Akeri, n. a plant used forwashing ; also for sauce ;

a hater; a spiteful man.Akerd, n. the leader of a trading


Akesi, n. the act of calling uponor visiting.

e.g., $ kuakesi mi ana, " Tnank youfor calling onmeyesterday. '


Akeso ajara, n. vintage.

Akete, n. bed, bedstead.


Aket« kekere ko gba eniameji, " A small bed will

not hold two persons."

Akete inarasi, n. a sofa.

Aketi, n. that which is cut on theear or edge.

Aketl, n. uncut.

Akewi, n. a bard.

Ak$, n. a sea-gull ; bush ropeused for tying rafters

together ; a large she-goat.—e.g., O fun mi li ak^ewure kan. " He gave mea large she-goat."

Akehinda, n. or adj. turning theback ; back to ; a falling

off ; backsliding ; a back-slider.

Ak^ju, n. too much indulgence.—e.g., Ak$ju ba omo rere

je, " Too much indulgencespoils a good child."

Ak$ko, n. a learner, a pupil, astudent.

Akeru, n. a transporter, acarrier ot loads.

Ake?e, n. a kind of raw cotton.

Aket$, n. a hat.

Aketun, n. a new hoe ; bough ;

branch of a tree.

Aki, n. bravery ; a brave person.

Akilo, n. parting salutation



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AKl 29 AKO

Akify, Akify fun mi, n. onewho denounces, threatens,

menaces, admonishes or

warns ; a monitor.

Akim$le, n. the act of pressing

down, of seizing with the


Akini, n. one who salutes or

welcomes, a visitor.

Akiri, n. a wanderer, a rover.

Akiri oja, Akiri pol6w6, n. ahawker, a pedlar, anadvertiser of goods.

Akirita, n. a pedlar.

Akisa, n. rags.—, Akisa baenia rere j£,

" Rags disgrace

a handsome man."

Akisale, n. a creeping plant witha pod like a pea.

e.g., Aki iti ehin akisale wure," One cannot bless the godswithout using the wordAkisale."

Akiti, n. monkey, ape.

Akiyesf, n. the act of obser-

vation or discernment.

Akiyesigba, n. an observer of

the time.

Akiyesi irawft, n. an astronomer,

a star gazer.

Ako, n. a branch of the palmtree.

Ak6, n. reality, genuineness,


Ako, n. a strumpet.

Akoba, n. undeserved punish-


Akdbi, n. a fishing basket usedto catch shrimps.

Akobia, n. a barren mare.

Akodi, n. room ; chamber ; also

called tkodl.

Akodi, n. the act of gathering

and tying up ; rough sew-


Akodilo, n. a transporter.

Ak6fa, n. one who meets withunexpected fortune.

Ak6gun, n. an inheritor.

Akoi, n. fog ; tliick mist.

Akoja, n. completing ; bringing

to a point ; termination.

Ak6jo, n. accumulation ; piling


Ak6jpp^, n. collector ; collection.

Akokd, n. time ; season ; exact


e.g., Akokd ti mosetan g§ ni iwp de, " Youcame just as I was ready."

Akoko, n. a tree, the flower of

which is sucked for the

juice. Its leaf is placed onthe head of a new king or

chief as anointment. Thetree is so sacred that it is

never used for fire, or

touched with an axe.


O se po, a ki in edun kan igi

akoko, " Henceforward, the

akoko tree must never betried with an axe."

Ak6k6, n. a woodpecker.

Ak6ku, n. the remnant after alarge quantity has beentaken.

Ak61e, n. that which has beentaken over and above



Ak61e, w. a house robber.

Akololo, n. a stammerer, astutterer.

Akoni$i$e, n. an overseer, atask-master.

Ak6p^, n. a draught ; gathering


Ak6p$, n. summary ; mass ;


Ak6ra, n. a wholesale purchase.

Ak6ran, n. infection.

Akorira enia, n. a man hater.

AkOSO, n. restraint ; control


government ; rule ; con-


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AK6 30 AK()

Ak6ti, n. see Akora.

Ak6tan, n. completion ; entire

removal; totality; in con-


Akdtini, n. an assailant.

Akoto, n. a broken calabash orgourd ; without virginity.

Akoto adie, n, a fowl coop.

Akowaba, n. see Akoba.Ak$, n. a swan ; a sheath,


e.g., Ak$ ol<J>riin

ej6, " The swan with asnake-like neck."

e.g., Onsa fun iku, o bo si ak$ ida," He runs away from thesword and hides himself in

the scabbard." (c/. Outof the frying pan into the


AkQ, n. male (applied to creatures

and infants). (See Abo).

e.g., Ako elede, " A boar."

Ak9 malu, " A bull."

Ak<J, adj. a particle denotingfirst, beginning.

Ak$bi, n. the first-born.


Ak<Jbi ni ti eleran, " Thefirst born is due to theowner."

Akode, n. first arrival.

Akogbo, n. first ripe fruits.

Akogi Oniti, n. a timber tree.

Akogun, n. combatant ; con-


Akojewosile, n. an apostate.

Akftu, w. the act of impartingtoo much knowledge.

Akijka, n. the first reaped fruits.

Ak(Jka, n. the first counted ornumerated.

Ak(Jkan, n. the first ; the fore-


Akole, n. superscription ; direc-

tion ; address on letter.

Ak$le, n. builder ; constructor.

Akoluni, n. invader ; attacker.

Ak$mu, n. that which is takenfirst.

Ak$ni (-lfko), n. a teacher;

instructor ; tutor.

Ak$ni, n. first possessed.

Akoni, n. a brave, bold, strong


e.g., Iwo iba, iwoko gbodo wi, ni ise iku paakoni, " You may see, youdare not speak, it is that

which is the death of the

strong man." (The strong

man often perishes for wantof warning.)

Akorin, n. a singer ; warbler


minstrel ; songster.


Akorin laini elegbe o dabi

eni lu asankan agogo, " Asinger without an accom-panist is like the tinkling

of half a pair of cymbals."

AkQ QJ$, n. every fifth day (a

day previous to Qse Ifa)

superstitiously supposed to

be a bad day.

Ak$ra, n. first bought; first


Ak$r$, n. first cut ; first mown.Ak$r$, n. the first rain of the

year, commencement of


AkQS$b&, n. that which is metby chance.

e.g., Akos^baeyiti ije odun, " He whowaits for chance will haveto wait for years."

Ak$SO, n. first fruits; first


AkQ?e, n. first ; first made


beginning ; commencement.Akota, n. first sold.

Ak^tan, n. perfectly built, per-

fectly instructed.

Ak$t6n, n. first sold out ; out of


Ak$W&, n. first comer ; first


Ak$w6, n.ascribe ; writer ; clerk ;

secretary ; amanuensis.

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akO 31 alA

Ak^we-ihinrere, n. an evangelist.

Ak$w&-ijar$, n. a fable writer.

Ak$we-i?a-ro-jo, n. the author

or compiler of a dictionary.

Ak^we-irohin, n. a journalist.

Ak^we-itan, n. an historian.

Akudin, n. the heart of a tree.

e.g. , Akudin asapa ko komnuake, " The heart of the

asapa fears no axe."

Akufi, n. threats.

e.g., Akufi

li o nda, nkan ko ni se,

" He is only giving threats,

nothing will come of it."

AkukQ, n. a cock.

Akumalapa, n. the young leaf of

the shea butter tree.

Akun, n. a kind of bead made of


Akunbo, n. a deluge ; flood.

Akunnildrun, adj. narcotic,

soporific, sleep-causing.

Akunrun, n. a closed, private

room ; a cell.

Akunsinu, w. murmuring;muttering ; a grumbler.

Akuntan omi, n. high water.

Akunw$sil£, n. overflowing,

brimful (applied to drymeasure).

Akunyungba, n. a bard ; drum-mer ; flatterer.

Akura, w. an impotent man, aeunuch.

Akurete, n. a sluggish, stupid


Akur$, n. a garden by the water-


Akurun, n. extinction ; total

destruction ; annihilation.

Akunse, n. a painter.

Al, a prefix equivalent to Oni," One who has."

AlA, n. boundary ; limit ; land-

mark ; confine ; term


precinct ; line of demark-ation.

Ala, n. white cloth.—, Alas?ala ki ilo joko ni Iso epo," The wearer of a whitecloth never sits in the oil

market." (c/. You cannottouch pitch without being


Ala, n. dream ; vision.

Alabagbe, Alabagbele, n. aninmate.

Alabaje, n. a messmate ; onewho partakes of the samedish.

Alabala$e, n an oracle ; namegiven to the goddess Qba-tala, who is believed to

foretell events.

Alabapa, n. partner in fishing or

in killing.

Alabapade, n. chance ; luck ;

hit ; occurrence; fortuno


casualty, adv. random.

Alabapin, n. a partaker ; par-


Alabara, n. a customer ; pur-


Alabarin, n. a fellow-traveller.

Alabasta, n. alabaster.

Alabase (-pp), n. fellow-worker ;

partner ; yoke-fellow ;


Alabexe, n. a dealer in needles ;

possessing needlework.

Alabinuku eni, n. enemy ; per-

secutor ; accuser.

Alabo, n. defender; suoeourer;

warder ; patron ; protector


shielder ; supervisor.

Alabojut6, Alabojuwd, n. in-

spector, corrector.

Alabdsi, n. a hypocrite ; deceiver



Alabo, n. one who has come to

the age of puberty.

Alabnkun (fun), n. one who addsto, or blesses ; blessed.

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Alabukun, n. a despiser ; con-


Alabusi, n. one who bestows.

Aladagbe, n. hermit, recluse.

Aladamo, n. one who is lead

away with a mistaken idea ;

a heretic.

Aladanu, n. a loser.

Alad&TU, n. a confounder.

Aladasi, n. meddler ; busybody



Aladaso, n. one who speaks onhis own responsibility.

Aladawole, n. pretender ; under-


Aladawole-el^tan, n. animpostor.Alade, n. king ; prince ; the royal

family consisting oi several

persons who rule over

different Yoruba districts,

viz., Qba Yoruba, Onikdyi,

Olugbon, Aresa, As^hin,

Alake, Alad6,01owu, Agura,

Alaketu, Olu, Awujal§.

Aladehun, n one who bargains

or promises.

Aladi,n.commentator, expositor.

Aladi, n. the small black antthat builds its nest on the

stem of a tree.

e.g., Ti 6j6

ti §run ile aladi ki ida, " Thealadi's nest will never bevoid of inhabitants at anytime of year."

Aladimft, n. one who upholds or


Aladire, n. dyer of fancy cloth.

Aladiye, n. poulterer.

Aladugbo, n. a neighbour.


Aladugbo ki ida ola, " Aneighbour needs not take

leave until to-morrow."

Aladun, n. or adj. one whoprepares maize ; delicately

flavoured; aromatic.

Alafale, n. one who presses apoint unduly.

Alafaram$, n. adherent, con-


Alafarawe, n. rival, imitator.

A1M$, n. a voluptuary.

AlM^hinti, n. supporter ; sus-

tainer ; one on whomdependence is placed ; a


Alalia, w. peace ; health ; weal


welfare ; happiness ; bliss.

—e.0., Alalia baba 91^,44 Peace is the father of


Alafihan, n. one who shews ; a

revealer : a betrayer ; a


Al&fin, n.contraction ofAlawofin,

one who owns the palace,

hence a king. Title of Kingof Qyo.

Alafiyesi, n. observer.

AlMo, n. an open space between

groups ; vacant space ; avalley, ravine, crevice.

AlMo igun, n. an angle.

AlMojudi, n. brazen-face.

»AlMojut6, w. overseer, super-


Aioranmo, n. accuser; per-


AlMos$, n. a diviner ; one whodeals with familiar spirits.

AlMowfra, n. a pilferer ; filcher


petty thief.

Al&ga, n. the chairman.

Alagada, w. one who owns or

bears the sword or scimitar.

Alagba, n. an elder; a person of

respect or honour ; ruler ;


Alagbabys n. nurse ; trainer.

Alagbada, n. the tailorwho makesthe

44 agbada," or its owner.

Alagbafy, n. a washerwoman, afuller.

Alagbamo, n. an architect ; amason.

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Alagbamfra, n. a selfish person


one who appropriates.

Alagbara, n. a strong able-

bodied person ; a mightyman ; tyrant ; potentate ;


e.g., Bi aiagbara je

9 ni iya ki o fi erin si, " If apowerful man illtreat yousmile at him."

Aiagbara gbogbo, n. An attribute

of God ; Omnipotent.

Alagbard, n. an advocate.

Alagb&TO, n. ploughman, hus-

bandman.Alagbaso, Alabawi, n. advocate;

spokesman ; orator ; client


speaker ; tale-bearer.

Alagbase, n. hireling ; labourer ;

mercenary ; journeyman.

Alagbata, n. pedlar ; hawker ;

petty trader ; vendor.

Alagbata ftin, n. a horse dealer.

Alagbaty, n. nurse ; fosterparent



Alagbe, n. a beggar.—e.f/.,Alagbe

kd ku li Qyp, " A beggar'jM'-

never perishes from want in^

Alagbeda, n. one who buyson credit and eludes his

creditor ; a clever rogue.

Al&gbegbe, n.the neighbourhood


a neighbour, living on the

next land or farm.

Alagbere, n. an immoderatefellow ; one who does acts

of supererogation.

Alagbede, n. a smith who worksin either gold, silver, lead

or iron.

Alagbede-abere, n. a needle-


Alagbede-baba, n. a copper-


Alagbede-fadaka, w. a silver-


Alagbede-ide, n. a brazier; abrass worker.

Alagbede-oje, n. a leadsmith.

Alagbede-obe, n. a cutler.

Alagb^de-wura, n. a goldsmith.

Alagbo, n. owner of a flock.

Alagi, n. a wood-cutter.

Al&gfdf okan, n. a haughty-minded fellow.

Alagidigba, n. beads made frompalm nut shells.

Alagd, n. one who owns or makescrates for fowls.

AlagO, AlagOgO, n. a watch-maker ; bellfounder ; onewho sells bells.

Alaheso, n. babbler ; busybody


scandal monger.

Alahoro, n. a desolate person.

Alah$n wuwo, adj. tongue-tied,

heavy tongued.

Alai, a prefix signifying " oneor that which does not."

Alaibanuje, adj. not sorrowful.

Alaibeie, adj. not begun.

Alaiberu, adj. fearless, dauntless,


Alaiberu Qlorun, adj. fearless of

God, ungodly.

Alaida, adj. unsound ; unwell


unceasing ; unreleased ; notthrown down ; unpaid ; notflashing ; unbroken.

Alaida niji, adj. not frightened.

Alaidaraya, n. dullness ; lack of


Alaide, adj. unfettered; un-

bound; loose.

Alaidi, adj. untied.

Alaidorikodd, adj. cheerful.

Alaidur6 Ulokan), n. one whois unsteady ; lacking in

stability ; visionary.

Alaifa, adj. not sluggish ; un-


Al&iS$, adj. unwilling ; unloving ;

not winnowed.

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Alaif$, adj. not expansive ; con-


Alainyesi, n. neglect in attention.

Alaifiyesiojo, adj. dateless



Alai£6, adj. not floating;


Alaifd, adj. one unable to fly.

See Aifd.

Alaifoiya, adj. fearless ; daunt-less.

Alaity, adj. unbroken.

Alaigbagb^, n. unbeliever


incredulous person.

Alaigbagbo rara, n. a sceptic.

Alaigba-iwa-Qlorun gbp, n. anatheist.

Alaigbede, n. one who doesnot understand another's

language ; a barbarian.

Alaigbo, n. unripe.

Alaigbojuiun, n. discountenance.

Alaigbodp, n. necessity ; com-pulsion.

Alaigboran, n. an inattentive,

heedless, obstinate, dis-

obedient or unbelievingperson.

Alaihuy^, adj. callow ; unfledged.

Alaijeun, n. lack of food.

Alaijoko, n. non-residence ; rest-


Alaikiyesi, n. non-observance



Alaik$, n. an unlearned or un-instructed person ; an un-built house.

Alaikola, adj. untattooed ; un-circumcised ; unmarked.

Alaiku, oc?/.immortal ; unquench-able.

Alaikun, adj. unmurmuring.

Alailabawon, Alaibukun, adj.

spotless ; blameless.

Alailabukun, adj. unblest.

Alailadun, adj. unsweetened.

Alailajd, n. without anxiety,

solicitude, carefulness, inter-

est, attempt or zeal.

AlailakOSO, n. want of govern-ment.

Alailala, n. lack of limit or end ;


Alailana, adj. hard-hearted ; un-feeling ; merciless.

Alaile, n. lack of solidity r

strength or firmness.

Alaile, n. lack of surplus.

Alailera, n. an infirm, impotentperson ; an invalid.

Alailere, adj. unprofitable ; unworthy.

Alaileri, adj. sainted ; spotless.

Alaileso, adj. fruitless ; barren.

Alaile^, n. a just, sinless, orrightoous person.

Alailewa, n. uncomeliness ; with-

out beauty ; ugliness.

Alailobirin, n. a bachelor.

Alailodi, adj. fortless, defence-


Alailodi, adj. without contra-


Alail6fln, adj. lawless.

Alail$ko, n. spinster.

Alail6pin, adj. endless ; want of


Alail^glxjn, n. an unwise or

ignorant person.

Alailomo, adj. childless.

Alail$p$, adj. unthankful ; un-grateful.

AlailQW$, n. profaneness ; devoidof sanctity.

Alaimft, n. one who does notunderstand ; an ignorantone.

Alaim$, n. that which is notclean ; a filthy, polluted


Alaim^-Qlorun, n. an infidel.

Alaim^we, adj. unlearned



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Alaimoyin, n. incivility ; wantof respect.

Alaimore, n. an unthankfulperson, one not valuing


Alaimoye, n. one who hasno power of perception;

a thoughtless, dull or

sluggish person ; a bar-


Alaimu, n. or adj. uncaught.

Alaimu, n. or adj. not drinking.

Alaimuragiri, n. a slovenly or

slothful person.

Alaini, n. a needy, indigent


Alainibaba, n. or adj. an orphan ;


Alainidi, n. cavil ; having no end.

Alainiie enia, n. or adj. philan-


Alainigbagbp, n. a faithless


Alainipd, n. a vagabond ; wan-derer ; out of a situation.

Alainireti, n. one who despairs


a hopeless person.

Alainir$, n. dissenter ; non-conformist ; disagreement.

Alainir^, adj. unwearied ; nottiresome.

Alaini roju, n. an apathetic

person ; lack of sympathy.Alaiiuse, n. an idler.

Alairi^e, n. one out of employ-ment ; unemployed.

Alairiwi, n. an inexcusable


Alairoro, n. void of austerity.

Alairo, n. or adj. stagnation


want of motion.

Alaise, adj. uncooked ; raw.

Alaisi, n. one who ceases to be ;

an absentee ; deceased.

Alaiso, n. one who would notspeak.

Alaigododo, n. an unrighteous or

unjust person.

Alai$dto, adj. unjust ; untrue ;

not acting uprightly.

Alait$l$w$, n. that which is notfound or received.

Alaittinbi, n. an unregenerate


Alaiya lile, n. a bold, daring, or

hard-hearted person.

Alaiyan, n. or adj. that which is

not baked ; dough.

Alaiye,n.the owner of the world;king ; monarch.

Alaiye, n. an unfit or unworthyperson.

Alaiy6, n. one who is hungry.

Alaiw^p^, adv. extraordinarily ;


Alajapa, ». a petty trader whogenerally purchases at onetown and sells at anotherwith small profit ; a badger.—e.g., Alajapa ko li eran li

aiya, " A petty trader hasno flesh on her chest


(wears herself to a skeleton).

Alaje, n. one who performs trial

by ordeal.

Alaje, n. one who eats.

Alaj$, n. a nickname given to

one's self.

Alajeki, n. a glutton.

Alajemn, n. a spendthrift.

Alaj98$, n. one who publicly

denies the private kindnessof his benefactor ; an un-grateful person.

Alajey6, n. one who eats to thefull ; a gourmand.

Alajd, n. an anxious or zealous


Alajppa, n. a partner, fellow


hunter or fisher.

Alajppln, n. sharer ; partici-


Alakaka wegb^, n. an intruder.

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AlA 36 AlA

Alakala, n. bad dreams.

Alakara, n. baker, confectioner.

Alakaga, n. lobster, crawfish,


Alakatampd, n. a cross-bow man.—e.g., Alakatamp6 oju kole pa eran, " He who hasonly his eye (brow) for across-bow can never kill

an animal."

Alake, n. the king of Ake, the

capital of ?gba land, hencethe chief of the ?gba kings.

Alakekuru, n. contractor; onewho shortens ; abbreviator.

Alakele, n. the head weaver.

e.g.. Papa li asa awunso bi

alakele, " A noisy weaverwho imitates Alakele."

Alakesi, n. a visitor.

Alaketu, n. the king of Ketu.

Alakele, n. a small bird whichlives on figs.

Alaket$, n. a hatter.

Alakisa, n. a ragged person.

Alakiyesf igba, n. an observerof time.

Alakoja, n. an achiever.

Alakojo, Alakojopp, n. collector


gatherer ; accumulator.

Alakbre, n. reaper, harvester.

Alakoso, n. master; ruler;

controller; restrainer; presi-

dent ; guide.

Alakoti, n. a disobedient person.

Alakoto, n. a bride who has lost

her virginity.

Alakpbere, n. a beginner.

Alakpri, n. an unfortunateperson.

Alakprin, n. singer; musician.

Alakp^e, n. a kind of small snail.

Alakun, n. half ; part of a thingadded.

Alala, n. a dreamer.

Alaleta, n. a retailer of smallarticles or fruit.

Alalupayida, n. necromancer


magician ; user of sleight-of-


Alamf, n. a spy ; the anxious orsecret observation.

Alami, n. one having a mark.

Alamp, n. guesser, conjecturer.

Alam$ rere, n. owner of the best

clay ; a title of Qbatala.

Alam^rl, n. concern ; secret.

e.g., Alam$ri ni ti ri ? " Howdoes that matter stand ?


Alamprin, n. he whose name is

not mentioned but under-

stood ; so-and-so.


Alamprin sese kuro ni ibi

. yi, " So-and-so has just

left here."

Alamgba, Alamu, n. a lizard.

e.g., Okd nla so alamgbap$ns$n ; o ni bp li eniti o ju

ni lp ise ni, "A large stone

(being thrown) crushed

the lizard. It said, ' Soone who is stronger thananother is accustomed to

act towards him/ "

Alamu kekere, n. an eft ; a kind

of lizard.

Alanabaj$, n. a spendthrift.

Alaniyan, n. a solicitous, anxious

person ; one whose mind is

disturbed about the issue

of things.

Alansasa, Alantakun, n. a spider—e.g., Alantakun, bi yio ba

p ja, a ta ka p, " When the

spider intends to attack

you, he surrounds you with

his web."

Alantakun nla, n. a tarantula


also called Alaworo sasa.

Al&nu, n. a merciful or gracious


Alapa, n. broken pieces of old

mud walls ; ruins ; bricks ;


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AlA 37 ALA

Al&pa, n. fricassee.

e.g., Taalapa fun mi, " Prepare africassee for me."

Alapakd, n. a timber merchant.

Alapandede, n. the swallow.

Alapata, n. a butcher.


Alapata ko mo iru eran," The butcher pays noregard to the breed of


Alapeje, n. one who invites to afeast ; the host.

Alap§re, n. a describer.

Alapdlo, n. a compounder, anapothecary.

Alapon, n. one who takes pains


a careful laborious person.

Alapon iwe, n. a student.

Alara omnira, n. a free person.

Alarabara, adj. containing divers

colours ; variegated ; multi-


Alaraje, n. a purchaser for family

use ; one having no farm.

e.g., Alaraje ko mo odun, an isu ta bi igi, " A man of

the town knows nothing of

seasons for planting, yet

the yam he buys mustalways be large.'*

Alar&nse, n. a helper.

Alarekereke, n. rogue ; double

dealer ; prevaricator.

Alarekpja, n. a transgressor.

Alarena, n. an agent employed in

arranging an engagementto marriage.

Al&ri, n. a dyed red cotton cloth

of African manufacture.

e.g., Al&rl baba asp, " Alarl

is the prince of decorations."

Alarinjd, n. a dancer.

Alarinka, Alarinkiri, n. rover,

wanderer, vagabond,vagrant.

Alarisa, n. one who flinches.

Alar6, n. a dyer in blue ; that

which has blue.

Alarob$, n. a petty trader; amiddleman ; commissionagent.

Alaroka, n. a promulgator.

Alaroko, n. farmer ; tiller


agriculturist ; peasant.

Alar6ye, n. great talker ; com-plainant ; reasoner ; alleger



Alaru, n. carrier, bearer of

burdens, porter.

Alarukiri pja tita, n. a pedlar.

Alarun, n. a sick person ; aninvalid.

Alasa, n. a saddler.

Ala8a, n. the owner of a shield.

Alase, n. cook, publican, painter.

Alaseta onje, n. a dealer in

cooked provisions, one whocooks and sells food.

Alaso, n. a talker.

Alas^, n. a quarrelsome person ;

a brawler.

Alasodim, n. an exaggerator.

Alasotele, n. a predictor, aprophet.

Alasoye, n. expositor ; annotator


annotation ; preacher.

Alasuta, n. a retailer of liquids.

Alafa, n. a title ; captain of

inferior rank in the army.

e.g., Are alasa, 0tun alasa,

Osi alasa. (Second, third

and fourth chief res-


Alaf&, Alaf&ra, n. a dealer in

snuff or tobacco.

e.g. f Kosi alasara ti ita igboku


gbogbo nwon ni ita oyin," No dealer in snuff likes

to confess she sells badtobacco, but all of themprofess to sell (tobacco as

sweet as) honey."

Alafard, n. thinker ; one whocontemplates.

Alaf&yan, n. elector ; solicitor.

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Alafgju, n. an obstinate, self-

willed person.

e.g., Alaseju

pere ni ite, " An obstinate

man soon falls into dis-


Alaseleke, n. one who goes to


Al&feparf, n. a finisher.

Al&sepe, n. one who perfects athing.

Alageran, n. one who influences

another for evil ; a pestilent


Alasetan, n. a finisher.

Ala$e, n. officer, ruler, headman,preceptor, commander.

Alas$hinde oku, n. an executor.

Alagika, adj. nomadicAlasiso, n. one who speaks

Alaso, n. the owner or seller of

clothes ; a weaver.

AI&99 ar&nta, n. a salesman.

Al&takd, n. an opponent.

Alatimpoko, n. a kind of grass-


e.g., Esu yio je,

esu yio mu esu yio lo ; nibo

li alatampoko yio wo ?

" The locust will eat, drink,

and go away, but wherewill the grasshopper conceal

itself ?"

Alate, n. a hatter.

Alat$, n. a kite-like fish whoseprickles are very poisonous.

Alatf, n. a kind of pot ; also

called Agbada.

Alatil^hin, n. helper, supporter,


Alatunse, n. one who puts amatter right, as an agent,

mediator, umpire, reformer,


Alatunse ile, n. a steward.

Alaw$, n. that which breaks, or

can be broken, into sections

(as kola, or orange).

Alftwe, n. mourner, one whofasts.

Alaw$meji,n. thatwhich divides,

or is divided into halves.

Al&w$m$» n. one who purifier.

Alawigbp, n. a faithless or

obstinate person.

Alawika, n. wizard, sorcere-,

witch, tale-bearer, busy-body.

Alawin, n. a borrower.

Alawin, n. one who buys oncredit.

Alawirin, n. see Alawika.

Alawiye, n. one who explains amatter perfectly ; one whoimparts.

Alawiye, n. one who cannotspeak intelligibly.

Alawo, n. a conjurer of spirits, aheathen priest ; also called


e.g., Alawo aku, oniscgun yio re orun,

adahunse ko ni gbe ilo,

" The conjurer of spirits

will die, the medicine manwill leave the world, howmuch more will an ordinary

person not be left behind '*

(c/., Death is common to all;.

Alawd, n. one who possesses or

deals in china.

Alaw$, n. that which has form,

shape, or colour.

Alawo, n. a dealer in leather or

hides ; tanner ; skinner ;


Alawpfin, n. see Alafin.

Alaw$ meji, n. having twocolours.

Alaw$ pupo, n. having manycolours.

Alaw$se, n. a convert to anyreligion ; a proselyte.

Alaya, n. a married man.Alaya meji, n. a man with two


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Al&yan, ft. one who takes pains,

a persevering or persistent


Alayan, ft. a baker.

Alayanf$, ft- elector, selector.

Alayanje, ft. a cheat, an inferior


Alaye, n. alive, living.

Alayi, dem. pro. this, this one.

Ale, ft. a plant, that which makesstrong, hard or stiff.

Ale, ft. a concubine.

Ale, ft. leprosy ; a talisman put

on goods exposed for sale,

fruitful trees, etc., to pre-

vent them from being

tampered with. It is

believed that the talisman

will cause misfortune to

befall anyone who steals

goods thus marked.

Alebu, ft. evil treatment, unjust

usage, scar or blemish.

Al6f$, ft. an abscess ; a chilblain.

Alegba, ft. an alligator.

Alejo, ft. guest, stranger, visitor,

foreigner, alien.

Alemu, ft. the act of chasing andcapturing.

Aleni (-jade), ft. driver ; one whogives chase, or banishes.

Alepa, ft. a pursuer, one whogives chase, a prosecutor.

Alegujade, ft. an exorcist.

Ale, ft. broom, besom.

Al$, ft. evening, eventide.

Aligarima, ft. a spirited horse.

Alikama, ft. wheat ; also written

Alukama.Alkalamu, ft. see Kalamu.Al-Kurani, ft. The Koran.

Almagaji (or Alu-), n. scissors,


Alo, ft. a district ; name of fire ;


Al6gbe, ft. a kind of physical

exercise ; somersault.

Aldgb6,ft. that which is worn out.

Alogbosakun, n. worn thread-


A16hunsi, A16huns$r$, n. a voter


one having a voice in amatter.

Aldku, adj. second-hand ; notnew ; used.

Alongo, ft. tight legged trousers.

Al6p£, ft. that which lasts or


Alore, ft. a look-out ; gibbet


spy ; watch ; spire ; beacon.

Aldsi, ft. a left-handed person.

Aldya, n. that which is worn out


wear and tear.

Al$, ft. a furbisher, polisher,


Afy, ft. a riddle ; an enigma ; apuzzle.

Alo, n. goings ; departure.

Al$, ft. a kind of yam ; also

called Agandan.

Al$, ft. a warning.

e.g., Mo se

al$ na fun u to, sugbonori kunkun ko je ki o gb9temi, " I warned him, butobstinacy would not let

him hear me."

Afygi, ft. a miller, a corn-grinder.

Al$l$k$, ft. a bead-maker, abead-grinder.

Al$m$, ft. that which is grafted

into a tree.

Al$nil$w$gba, ft. an extortioner,

extorter, wrestler.

Alotunldsi, n. one able to use

both hands equally well



Alubara, n. a beater ; a bat-like

cudgel used for beating andsmoothing the floor of ahouse ; a plant.

Alubata, ft. a drummer who uses

the drum called bata.

Alnbpsa, ft. onion ; leek.

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Aludundun, n. a drummer whouses the drum called dun-dun.

Aluduru, n. fiddler, harpist,

lyrist, organist.

Alufa, n. a moulvie ; a priest


ecclesiastic ; clergyman



Alufln, n. a criminal, a prisoner.

AlugQ, n. a thief who crouches

in hiding.

Alugba, n. the frame on whichthe door closes.

Alugba, n. a beater of the

calabash drum.Alugbin, n. a beater of the drum

dedicated to Qbatala.

Aluja, n. perforation.

Alukama, Alikama, n. wheat.

Alukawani, n. promise, agree-

ment, bargain.

Alukembu, n. a stirrup.*


Alukembu baba asa, " Thestirrup is the father of the


Aluki, n. a slender prickly plant.

—e.g., Bi ina jo oko a bowofun aluki, " When fire burns

the bush it avoids the* aluki.' " (A superstition.)

Aluki, n. an unintercepted blowor knock.

Alukd, n. a species of woodcock.

Alukoso, n. a beater of the drumcalled koso.

Alum^kfryyi, n. cunning, crafti-

ness, shrewdness.

Aluni, n. a smiter, a beater.

Alunipa, n. an executioner, anassassin.

Alupayida, n. sleight-of-hand,

deception, necromancy ; aplant.

Aluse,n. a spring lock orpadlock.

Alusin, n. damage, distress,


Aluwala, Alwila, n. the washing

of the forearms, feet, face

and mouth of the Moham-medans before prayer



Ama, a particle denoting habit

or custom, used with verbs.—e.g., Iwo ama I9, " Youused to go."

Amala, n. an interpreter of


Amala, n. food made of yamflour.

Amape, part, being called,

accustomed to be called.

Ambosi, Ambytdri, conj. what



Amewa, n. a judge of beauty.

Ami, n. sign ; omen ; token ;

indication ; badge ; im-

pression ; visage ; note



Ami, n. scout ; spy ; emissary.

Ami-abukun, n. a brand, a dis-


Ami-alore, n. a beacon, a spire.

Aml-$gan, n. a stigma, a brand.

Aml-lbere, n. a note of inter-

rogation (?).

Ami-ibi, n. a portent ; an omen.

Ami idnro or isimi, n. comma (,),

semi-colon (;), colon (:),

full stop (.) ; pauses or rests

in music.

Amfkan, n. a sigh.

Amin, n. Amen, So be it.

Ami oye, n. sceptre ; staff ; sign

of royalty.

Ami $to, n. discrimination.

Amipy, n. a shaking together.

Amisi, n. a breathing into.

Amodi, n. fever ; slight sickness



Amofin, n. a lawyer ; one whoknows and professes the

law ; a jurist.

Amohnn gbogbo, n. adj. all-


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AMO 41 AmtJ

Amohuntobi, n. magnifier.

Amdjukurd, n. that which is to

be overlooked.

Amdkun, n. a diver.

Am61e, n. a thief-catcher.

Amdre, n. a grateful person;

one who feels and acknow-ledges kindness.

Am$, n, clay, argil.

Amp, n. a builder.

Am$, Hausa, conj., but ; also

written ama.

Am$di, n. one who knows the

cause of the affair.

Am$dun, n, next year ; a return

of the season.

Am$ja, n. a guess, a conjecture.

Am$k6k6, n. a maker of earthen

pots ; potter.

Am$m$tan, n. imperfect know-ledge.

Amona, n. guide ; leader ; con-


Am$na, n. booty; plunder. Hencejama Ije am<J>na),to plunder,

or soldiers who plunder.

Amope, conj, although, notwith-

standing, though, then.

Am$ran, n. a knowing person


a counsellor.

e.g., Am^ranmowe ni ilaja oran, " Acounsellor who sets matters


Am^rawp, n. an astronomer, anastrologer.

Am^roro, n. a neat, tidy person.

Am^se, n. wilfulness ; obstinacy.

Am$tan, w.pretended knowledge.

Am$tan, n. an historian.

Am$t$kun, n. species of leopard ;


Am$t$l$, n. foreknowledge


previous cognisance.

Am$we, n. a learned man; ascholar ; a student.

Amd, n. a large water pot set

in the house to keep water

cool ; tank ; filter ; water


Amu, n. confusion.

e.g., Maseda mi li amu rara, " Neverput me to confusion."

Amuba, n. means ; opportunity


that which is brought to


Amubina, n. adj. fiery.

Am^^ n. the act of seizing one

for debt incurred by the

family or neighbour ; a

hostage for debt. (See

$mu.)Amuga, n. fork.

Amuje, n. one under trial byordeal.

AmujJ, n. a medicinal plant.

Amuj$ wewe, n. a medicinal

plant with very small leaves


used for healing swellings

or tumours.

Amukan, n. the sorrel.

Amukoko, n. a smoker.

Arnold n. a conspirator.

Amulepa, n. an assassin.

Amulumala, n. intermixture



Amuni, n. a captor ; one whoinfluences another.

Amnnibinu, who provokes,

vexes or teases.

Amunileru, n. kidnapper ; slave


Amunimuye, n. mesmerism.

Amu-omi, n. a cistern.

Amu-onn-?e ijoye, n. a sheriff*

Amupada* n> restoration, resti-


Amupara,n.drunkenness; drink-

ing to stupefaction.

Amura, n. one who prepares for

an event or occurrence.

Amuran, n. a hook used bytailors to hold cloth whensewing.

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Amu 42 APA

Amure, n. girdle ; zone ; small

kind of lizard.

Amngan, n. see Ql<Jk$.

Amanita, n. a lavisher, a squan-derer.

Amuwa, n. issue ; ultimate


Amuya, n. seizure of goods in

lieu of debt.

Ana, n. yesterday.

Ana, n. parents or relatives of

wife or husband, relatives

by marriage.

Anam$, n. sweet potato ; also

called " 6dunkun."

And^la, n. a plaything ; trifling.—e.g., Mase fi oran yi se

andpla, " Do not trifle withthis matter."

Anfani, n. advantage ; ease ;

convenience ; benefit ; gain


fruition ; license ; liberty ;

profit ; interest ; emolu-ment.

e.g., Ko se anfani,44

It is not easy."

Angeli, n. angel.

Ani, conj. or adv. even ; in like


Aniani, n. doubt ; uncertainty.

Anid6pin, n. complete possession.

Anf-enyin, pro. you yourselves;

even you ; you (emphatic).

Anij$, n. a flattering title ; also

called " Orikl."

Anijn or Anileke, n. superfluity;


Anikanje, n. a recluse ; a personor beast that avoids others.

AnikanjoPvU, n. a selfish person.

Aninilara, n. an oppressor.

Anfpe,n. being rich in everything.

Anitan, n. perfection ; com-pletion ; full possession.

Aniyan, n. carefulness ; anxiety



Aniyln, n. a famous or honour-able person.

Anperi, n. so-and-so. — e.g.,

]£niti anperi na wa, "So-and-so came here." (Usedto avoid mentioning thename.)

Ann, n. pity ; compassion ;

clemency ; leniency ; mercy.

Antete, n. a cricket.—,Anteteda yanpan yanrin sile,

" The antete causes a stir

and confusion."

Apa, n. arm ; wing ; bough ;

pinion ; department ; part



Apa, n. a prodigal ; wasteful

person ; pack rope ; thestring of a drum ; a roll



Apa, (-ami), n. mark ; sign


impression ; scar ; trace.

Apa a§0, n. a sleeve.

Apa $iy$, n ' a bird's wing.

Apa odd, n. an estuary.

Apa Ogun, n. wing of an army.

Apa OJU, n. a scar on the face

after a wound.Apa fa)9ara, n. roll tobacco


Apada^ehin, n. a backslider ; anapostate.

Apadi, n. a fragment, a potsherd.—e.g., A ri ti eni mp wi a fi

apadi bo tire mole, " Hewho see another's fault

knows well how to talk

about it ; but he covers his

own with a potsherd."

e.g., Apadi li o to ina koloju, " Nothing but a pot-

sherd can face the fire."

Apagun, n. an antidote ; a dis-


Apaka (-baba), n. a thresher (-of

red Guinea corn).

Apakan, n. or adv. nook


portion ; aside.

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APA 43 APfi

Apakan iwe, n. a side or page of

a book.

Apak6, n. board ; plank ; floor.

Apako, n. the bamboo. Also

called Qpa.

Apala, w. gourd; vegetable

marrow ; cucumber.

Apalara, n. detriment ; hurt



Apalo, n. a riddle maker ; anenigmatist.

e.g., Apalo patita, " He who makes a

trade of tolling riddles."

Apalo, n. a massacre.

Apam$, n. or adj. keeping


observing ; a small hand-

bag made of grass used

chiefly by women.Apani or Apania, n. murderer;

executioner ; destroyer


killer ; hunter ; assassin ;


Apanije, n. cannibal ; man-eater.

Apanilaiya, n. a bully.

Apanilara, n. a mischief-maker,

one who does injury.

Apanil^rin, n. one who excites to

laughter, a clown.

Apanirun, n. one who destroys


Apapandidi, Apapandodo, n.

main force ; persevering


Apa-ohun-mo, n. keeper ; se-


Apap$, n. the total in reckoning ;

sum total.

Apara, n. barrenness.

Apara, n. raillery ; lampoon ;

caricature ; jest ; mockery.

Apara, n. one who frequents.

Apar$, n. defacement ; abro-

gation ; obliteration ; aboli-


Apari, n. a bald one.

e.g., Apari

fi oju di abe, " A bald-

headed person does not care

for a razor."

Apari or Apari $]$, n. a settler of

matters or disputes ; adecider.

Apard, n. the partridge.


IJnu li apard fi npe ora, ani klkl ora, klkl ora, " Withits mouth the partridge

proclaims its fatness, it

says {i.e., its cry is) nothing

but fat, nothing but fat."

Aparun, n. a cane ; hair de-


Aparun, n a destroyer ; ono whoutterly destroys or anni-


Apata, adj. meat offered for sale.

Apata, n. shield ; buckler.


Apata ri iku kehin si, apatani igba 'ni logun, " When ashield sees death it (does

not fly from it, but) turns

its outside {lit.b&ck) to meetit ; a shield is a protection

in the front of the battle."

Apata, n. rock.

Apati, n. that which is thrownaway or put aside.

Apeje ase, n. a feast ; banquet.

Apejeun, n. a guest ; the act of

eating with one anothor.

Apeji, n. toothache ; medicine.

ApeJQ, n. an assembly, a meeting,

a throng, a crowd.

ApeJQ ironu, n. a solonmassembly.

Apejuwe, n. sign ; mark ; direc-

tion ; pattern ; sample.

e.g., Apejuwe li alagbede

iro, or Apejuwe li ona ise,

** The smith or artisan

always follows the pattern."

Apele, n. that which is added ;


Apdna, n. the act of stretching ;

pins on which spun cotton

is wound for sale ; title of

one who calls an assembly.

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ApenileJQ, n. accuser ; plaintiff ;


Apese (-onjej, n. one who pro-

vides or supplies ivictualler,


Apesi, n. an assembly.

Apesi, n. a title of honour amongthe 016gbdni.

Ape>fe, n. a gleaner.

Apeta, n. carbuncle.

Ape, n. a Yoruba pot used as asaucepan.

Ap$, n. a clapping of the hands.

Apeiye, n. a fowler.

Apeja, n. a fisherman.

Ap^re, n. a sign ; direction


shape ; pattern ; token ;

sample; description; speci-


e.g., Die die li &

mo ap§re, " By degrees oneunderstands a sign."

Ap$T$, n. a basket ; also called


Apere agbara, n. an instance



Apere aiye, n. the globe.

Apere ifiyesi, n. a signal.

Apeta, n. relics ; remains.

Apile^e, n. adj. first production ;

original ; not previously


Apilese, n. a beginner.

Apinti, n. a kind of drum.Apinya, n. a separator ; that

which divides paths.

Apiwp, n. an antidote.

Apiroro, n. one who pretends to

be fast asleep ; one whoshams.

e.g., $niti o sun li

a ji, a ki iji apiroro, " It is

easy to wake a sleeper, butone who pretends cannoteasily be waked."

Apiye, n. a plunderer of farms.

Apd, n. bag ; pocket ; knap-sack.

e.g., Ijaje enia ko di

enu apd, " A rascal never

closes the mouth of his


Ap6, n. a quiver.

Apdfln, Apokiri, n. the chief of

the archers.

Apohunm$, n. keeper ; one whosecretes.

Apo iron, n. a pillow-case.

Apo isana, n. a tinder and flint

bag ; bag containing fire


Apd-it$, n. the bladder.

Apd iwe, n. a letter bag


envelope ; paper bag.

Apoko, n. a mower.Apola, n. a log ; a piece of wood.Apolowdgun, n. one who adver-

tises medicines for sale.

Apolowo oja, n. a crier of goodsfor sale ; an advertiser.

Apo-luku, n. tripe.

Aponla, n. a sack.

Ap6p6, n. a piece ; pod.


Apop6 aran, " A piece of


e.g., Ap6po obi," A pod of kola nut."

Aporin, n. a smelter of iron.

Aporo, n. a furrow ; a walkbetween cultivated beds in

a farm or garden.

Apor6, n. antidote against apoisonous arrow.

Apoti, n. bench ; form ; stool


box ; chair ; chest ; seat



Apoti asara, n. a snuff box.

Ap6ti awQ, n. portmanteau ;

leather box.

Ap6ti $ri, n. the Ark of the


Apoti ifura, n. treasury ; treasure


Apdti itiSQ, n. a footstool.

Ap6ti iwe, n. letter box or pillar


Apoti oniwe, n. a cardboard box.

Apow6m& n. cashier ; treasurer.

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AP0 45 ArA

Ap$d&, n. an idiot.

Ap$da, n. ono who mixes paint.

Ap$j$, n. the cud.

e.g., Je

apft?, " To chew the cud."

Ap$ju, n. the greater part


abundance ; superabun-


Ap$n, n. or adj. a bachelor ; anunmarried person.

Ap$n, n. the fruit of the wild

mango tree called Cro, veryslimy when ground andmixed with water ; usedfor " palaver sauce.**

Apon, n. restlessness ; busy here

and there ; assiduity ; indus-

try ; diligence ; persistence.

Ap$n, n. a bird with a red beak.

Aponmita, n. a drawer ot waterto sell ; a water-seller.

Ap$nni, n. a cajoler ; a wheedler


a flatterer.

Aponhn, n. one who whets or


Ara, n. a body ; a member ; alimb ; kind ; kin ; trunk ;

matter ; substance ; hulk.—e.g., Ara r$ ni, " This is

its kind, or the same kind."

Art, n, relative ; relation ; kin-

dred ; inhabitant ; brethren.—e.g. 9 Emi ko ri ara mi," I do not see my relative."—e.g., ]£nyin ara mi, " Mydear brethren."

ArA, n. thunder.

e.g., Arasan land, " It thunderedyesterday."

Ara, n. a bird.

e.g., 1<2 mase paeiye ti ije ara, " Do not kill

the bird called ara."

Ara, adv. at all ; contraction of


Art, n. fashion ; custom ; form ;

repetition Of journeys.


Ara kili eyi ? " What

fashion is this ?"

e.g., Arami nibe ko kere, " I havebeen going therefrequently '.


Araba, n. the cotton tree.


Araba nla 9019 a gb^nigb&ke. " A large arabareceives the handle and the

axe together."

Arabibu, n. an oath.

Arabirin, n. a female relative



Arabirin baba, n. an aunt on the

father's side.

Arabirin iya, n. an aunt on the

mother's side.

Arabirin iyekan, n. a female

relative on the mother's


Arabirin pbakan, n. a female

relative on the father's side.

Arada, v.t. to be well ; to

recover ; to be clear.


Ara mi da, " I am well or I

am clear (of blame, etc.)


Also used to express dis-


e.g., Ara da

9,*' You are disappointed,"

or " Your expectation or

hope faik."

Arada, an expression used to

express approbation at

another's disappointment or

failure, as Ara da 9, " It

serves you right," or " Youdeserve it."

Aradado ile, Aia erekugu, n. anislander.

Artd^ta, adj. by fifties, same as


Ara $ran, n. flesh.

Ara gbekan, v.t. to feel soreness

or pain.

e.g., Ara migbekan, " I feel sore."

Ara ibikannfi, n. a co-inhabitant.

Ara iwajn, n. one going before ;

a predecessor.

Artjd, n. a traveller.

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Arak$nrin, n. a male relative



Arakpnrin ajpbf, n. a nephew.For other relatives see*' Arabirin."

Arakpya, n. weariness caused bypain or suffering.

Arale, n. one belonging to house

or family ; an inmate.

Araletd, n. a villager.

Arale, n. an inhabitant of aplace or country.

Aralu, n. a countryman, inhabi-

tant of a town or country.—e.g., Aralu mi ni, " He is

my fellow-countryman."Aralu, n. wholesale purchase.

Aralukanna, n. a townsman.

Aralumiian, n. a foreigner.

Aramadnr6, n. one who is slow

and sure. (Taken from^sop's Fable of Hare andTortoise.


Aramim$9$» adj- weatherbeaten.

Arampri, n. a kind of close

country cap.

Aran, n. velvet.

e.g., Aran ni

ipari 939, " Velvet gives afinish to dress."

Aran, n. decay of mentalfaculties through old age ;

delirium ; dotage ; a dotard.—e.g., Baba nse aran," The father is a dotard."

Aran, n. worms in man or beast.

Aran, n. a kind of fruit from apalm tree ; dates.

Aranbata, n. a shoemaker.

Arandun, n. a lie ; notion ; tales.

Aranifu, v.i., to be uneasy underthe sense of wrong doing


to be suspicious.

e.g., Asepran ikoko sebi on li arnbawi ; ase buruku o kuara ifu (or ara nfa eniti o se

buburu), " Ho who has

secretly committed a crimesupposes others are talking

of him ; a person whodoes wrong secretly mustever be uneasy."

Arannilpwp, n. helper ; assistant ;


Arankan, n. malice ; malignity ;


Aranmpju o?u, n. full moon.

Aranmu, n. catching ; infectious ;


Aranmu, n. one who cannoo

speak clearly- ; having adiseased nose.

Aran$G, n. communication ; help^

Aran^p, n. a tailor.

Aranwn, n. a spinner.

Ara-oko, n. one who lives in acountry place ; farmer ;

bushman ; used contempt-uously ; cf. clodhopper.

Arara, adv. same as ara.

Arara, n. a diminutive person ;

dwarf ; pigmy.

Arar$, pron. himself.

e.g., On li

o se arar$, " It is he whoinjured himself."

Arare, pron. thyself.

e.g., Iwo-

li o se arare,4t Thou hast

undone thyself."

Ararun, adj. by fives ; five in acompany.

Arawo, n. a carnivorous bird.

Araya, n. liveliness.

Are, n. right in dispute.

Ari, n. a foreigner without


Ar6, n. play ; occupation or

exercise of any kind to

afford pleasure or diversion

as distinct from work.

Properly Ere, but Are is

much used in conversation

though nevor in writing.

Arede, n. vagrancy.

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Ar£ 47 ARf

Arekereke, Arekenda, n. dis-

honesty ; double-dealing ;



perversity ;

roguery ; cunningnoss ; art-

fulness ; wiliness ; subtlety.

Arekunda, n. deceit.

ATere, n. perfect silence ; still-


Arere, n. a tree, the wood of

which is used for planks.

Ar$, n. contraction of Areka-kanfft, which see.

Are, n. eldership ; the state

of being older ; chief


principal ; first in rank.

e.g., Mo se are iwo, " I amolder than you."

Ar$, n. fatigue ; weakness


languor ; weariness.


Ar$ mu mi, " I am weary."

Aredu, n. a heavy blue-dyedcloth.

Aregilpwp, n. one who prunestrees ; gardener.

Arekakanfo, n. a general ; the

commander of an army


field marshal.

Ar$mo, n. the eldest child, maleor female.

Areni, n. one who comforts or


Ar$nije, n. cheater ; defrauder ;


Ar£nu, n. anything that is cutoff and rejected.

Ar^regbosun, n. a small bird

with red feathers ; also

called Itu, and, in Ijebu,


Ari, n. one who sees or finds.

Alibanije, n. a time-server ; ahireling.

Aridan, n. a tree whose fruit is

much used in medicine for


Aridiji, n. fright ; terror



Arifi, n. anything very hot.

e.g., Denge tutu lehin ongbona ni inu bi arifi,

" Though the pap is cold onthe surface, yet the inside

is very hot."

Arihungbogbo, adj. all-seeing.

Arijagba, n. one who is fond of


Arimp, n. that which is seen orviewed for the last time.

Arin, n. middle ; centre


medium ; mean.Ariniy^, n. one who gives a


Arinj6, n. a dance, similar to

a cakewalk.

Arinjd, n. a traveller.

Arinka, n. rheumatism.

Arinkiri, n. wandering about



Arinkiri, n. a wanderer ; onewho roams.

Arinkd, n. chance ; exact time.

Arinnf, n. raillery ; sarcasm ;

satire ; scofE ; gibe ; flout.

Arinna, n. a traveller ; apilgrim.

Arin-QJQ, n. noon-day ; noon-


Arin ranhun ranhun, n. astraggler.

Arinyika, n. circulation ; onewho circulates.

Arira, n. literally thunder, often

used with bi, as " bi arira,"

meaning" as thunder." c/.


Arisa, n. fright ; terror ; dread ;


Arfwa, n. north.

AriWO, n. noise ; uproar ; brawl


broil ; bustle ; outbreak ;

clamour ; tumult ; riot


hue ; faction ; disturbance.

Arfya, n. joy ; gladness ; merri-


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ArI 48 AR0

Ariy$, n. welcome ; gladness.

Ard, n. a hearth ; a fire place ;

three lumps of clay set to

support a vessel over a fire.—e.g., Arb ki ireru ki o maso, " The hearth does notalways bear its load, it will

put it down." (i.e., Sooneror later matters will mend.)

Ar6, n. blue dye.

Ar6 (aba), n. storehouse ; barn ;

garner ; a granary built in

the shape of an inverted


Ar6, n. the act of working for

each other by term. Acustom prevails amongfarmers that all combinefor certain work, andtogether visit one another's

farms in turn to do it.

Aro, n. cymbals.

Ar6, n. a title of honour amongstatesmen.

Ar6b$, n. a petty tale ; a go-


Ardty, n. whim ; humour


satire ; wit.

Ardhin, n. advertiser , story-

teller ; newsmonger ; narra-


Aroje, n. a place for refresh-

ment ; a market place onthe road where travellers

halt ; a station.

Ai6j6ku, n. a shrub, the leaf of

which is much used for


Ardka, n. the business of a news-monger.

Arokan, n. reflection on painful


Aroko, n. the overseer or headservant of a farm ; a farmer


one who tills the ground.

Arole, n. heir ; inheritor.

Aronu-run, n. one who worries

himself into sickness.

AropQ, Arolu, n. arithmetic.

Aropodogiri, n. a pillar of mud,stone or brick.

AroSQ, n. a rumour ; a whim ;

an invented tale.

ArOfQ, n. a wrapper.

Ar6ta, n. slaves belonging to the

same master ; brothers or

sisters by slavery.

Arowa, n. stern-board, a canoe-

man's term.

Aroye, n. explanation ; com-plaint ; excuse ; debate


reasoning ; plea ; expostula-

tion ; advocacy ; allegation,

controversy; loquaciousness.

Aroye-odi, n. a wrangler.

Aro, n. one having a withered

limb ; a cripple.

Ar$, n. a kind of calabash used

as a quiver by hunters.

Ar$, n. a fish much used in idol


Ar$, n. change, exchange.

Arfc n. contraction of owur9


morning; daybreak.

Arp, n. a small bird with glossy

blue feathers ; a funnel.

Ar$, n. smithy, smithory ; the

god of smithery.

e.g., Onkoja I9 laiki ar<J, o kobere bi oju add re ba ku." You are passing without

saluting the smithy, forget

not that your ' ada ' will

one day need sharpening."

Ar^-agb^df, n. smithery.

Ar^ju, n. strictness.

e.g., Ar<Jju

du ni li awln 9Ja, san ju

arpju sin ni lowo I9,

" Strictness in refusing to

give out goods on credit, is

far better than strictness

in forcing the payment."

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AR0 49 AsA

Ar^kin, n. one who tells ancient

stories as a profession.

Ar$kurd, n. the last rains of the


Artyni, n. a fairy ; an elf

supposed to have only oneleg, but very clever in the

knowledge of medicine.

Aroni, n. one who urges, or

presses an invitation.

Ar$po, n. one who succeeds

another, who takes over

from another or is placed

in another's position.

Aru, n. the business of a carrier ;

luggage thus carried.

Aruda, adj. always preceded

by Arukun : full, accept-

able, propitiatory, perfect,

sufficient (in sacrifices).

e.g., l£bo arukun aruda," A perfect and sufficient


Arufin, n. a prisoner; a law-


Arugbo, n. an old person ; agrey beard.

Arugborugbo, adj. very old;

full of days ; aged.

Arugi, n. a wood carrier.

Arukp, n. the handle of a hoe.

Arukun, n. or adj. rising to full-

ness as water in a well


fullness ; full ; perfect.

See " Aruda."

Aruloju, n. want of clearness ;

foulness ; mustiness ; one

not clear-sighted ; a matter

that will not bear investi-


Arulu, n. a disturber of the town.

Arultt, n. that which is dis-

turbed and mixed together.

Aran, n. adj. five.

Aran, n. disease ; sickness


ailment ; distemper ; dis-

order ; malady ; illness


complaint ; failing ; failure ;


Arun-adie, n. a disease of fowls.

Arundilogun, adj. fifteen. See


Arun igbinukun, n. inflamma-


Arun igiri obirin, n. hysterics;


Arunis6ke, n. one who excites

or stirs up.

Artmjeran, n. a shrub used as

medicine for the eyes ; its

fruit is not edible.

Arunni, n. a destroyer ; awaster.

Aran oju, n. a disease of the

eyes, ophthahnia.

Aran odun, n. the fifth month of

the year.

Arun?U, n. diarrhoda with

stomach ache.

Aruntu, n. a charm ; a stick is

chewed, after which a curse

is pronounced ; this is

believed to be the origin of


Arunwo, n. a currier.

Aruwa, adv. just now.


Aruwa ti a nip niyi, " Weare just going."

Asa, n. a saddle ; a side saddle.

Asa, n. a weaver's instrument,

the batten or lay with

which to press the warp.

Asa, n. celebration ; memorialperformance ; festivity.

Asa, n. a shield ; a defence ; abuckler ; a word uttered

by Tetu, the officer of the

peace, when he arrests aman for non-payment of the

king's tax.

Asaba, n. the act of placing one-

self under another's pro-


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ASA 50 Ast

As&gun, n. charmer ; doctor ;

talisman ; operator.

Asaju, n. timidity ; cowardice ;

shrinking ; pusillanimity.

Asala, n. an escape ; a fruit

resembling the walnut.

Asalu, n. having recourse to

another for protection.

Asalu, n. a title of honour amongthe Ogboni people.

Asan, n. vain ; empty ; void ;


Asanbe, n. one who is armedwith knives.

Asanda, n. one girded with a


Asanju, n. being much better


only used comparatively.

Asanle, n. overpayment.

Asanw6, n. one who pays ; apay-clerk or a paymaster.

AsanwO oba, n. a purser.

Asapam$, n. an absconder, one

in hiding.

Asare, n. a runner ; also called" Astire."

Asare ije, n. one who runs in arace.

Asar6, n. stew ; pottage.

Asase, n. a cook ; one who gives

a dinner.

As&si, n. refuge ; shelter ; place

of defence.

Asasin, n. an unsteady person

who forsakes his father to

live with, and serve another.

Ase, n. a feast, dinner, enter-


Ase, n. paint ; colour ; also called


Ase, n. an animal like the


Ase ale, n. supper ; an evening


Asebu, n. one who stumbles.

Aseda, n. the act of emptyingthe soup pot at once.


Aseda obe li o nje, " Heindulges in the habit of

emptying his soup pot at


Asedun ik$t$, n. jelly ; solidified

soup ; also called Aseki.

Asehun, n. one who disappoints,

or is unreliable ; perfidious.

Ase ijo, n. a feast for an assembly.

Ase ik$gb$, n. a banquet.

Ase iyawo, n. a marriage feast.

Aseje, n. cooked medicine.

Asej6, n. burnt or overdone soup.

Aseki, n. seo Asedun lk$t£.

Asek6, n. time; hour.


Asekd ewo li o wi, " Whattime or hour would yousuggest."

Asem$, n. confinement.

Asemu, n. that which is nearly

caught and which escapes

with difiiculty.

Asena, n. one who blocks the


Asenu, Aseppn, n. a barren

woman (a term of contempt).

Ase $san, n. dinner ; a daytimefeast.

Asepa, n. the last application of

medicine to a disease.

Aseso, n. that which is fruitful.

Aseta, n. food cooked for sale ;

the keeper of a restaurant.

Aseti, n. a listener.

As$, n. a strainer for fluid ; a


Ase, n. see Aslse.

As^, n. a large door ; entrance ;


As$n, n. see Astn.

Aseni, n. one who disclaims

knowledge of another.

Asia, n. flag ; ensign ; banner.

Asiki, n. good fortune, luck, or

success ; prosperity.

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ASf 51 ASO

Asin, n. a rat with a veryoffensive odour ; musk rat.

Its bite is said to bepoisonous ; also As$n or


Asinb$, adv. generally preceded

by Aslnwa ; after all ; in

the end ; in conclusion ;

finally ; consequently.

Asingba, n. presents made to aking's messenger to becarried back to the king ;

custom of passing onpresents from town to town.

Asingba,n. a pawn ; an insolvent

debtor who becomes the

property of his creditor


also called Iwofa.

Asinnije, n. a mimic.

Asinnilpna, n. safe conduct ;


Asinpa, n. the act of over-

working a subordinate.

Asinrin, n. see Asin.

Asinru, n. same as Asingba.

Asinwa, adv. see Aslnb$.

Asinwin, n. fool ; idiot ; mad-man ; maniac.

Asodi, n. a wrangler.

Asofeiyeje, n. a kind of banyantree, the fruit of which is

eaten- by birds.

Asdfin, n. law-giver.

Asogbo, n. ripening (applied

only to fruits).

Asogip$, n. a joiner.

Asognnr6, n. one who keeps the

enemy at bay.

Asolu or Asom$, n. a binding

together ; hyphen (-).

Asdna, n. a checker; in hunting,

one who keeps on the trail

of the beast and thus

hinders its escape.

Asopa, n. a knot of rope, thread

or cord, that cannot beunloosed.

Asop$, n. same as Asolu.

Asor$, n. that which is hanged.

As$, n. wrangling ; loquacious-

ness ; quarrelling ; scolding ;

squabble ; controversy ;

* affray ; brawl ; altercation .

Aspb6tibdti, n. a talker, a prater.

Asoda, n. the other side of the


Asodun, Aspleke, n. exaggera-

tion ; hyperbole.

Asogba, n. one engaged in makinga wooden fence.

Asoje, n. lie ; tale ; fable.

Asoka, n. same as Ardka.

Aspki, n. final settlement.

Asolu, ASQPQ, n. discussion


deliberation ; communica-tion.

Asfm^ra, n. adhesion of parte



Asoni, a prefix signifying one

who causes, or one whopushes or makes another.

Asfnidaran, n. one who causes

another to offend against

or to break the law.

Asonidaye, n. one who or that

which quickens or makesalive.

Aspnija, n. one who causes

another to fight.

Aspnilorukp, n. nomenclator


much used in a bad sense

for one who gives evil

nicknames to others.

As$r$, n. a speaker, a talker.

As$r$-pni-l$hin, n. a backbiter.

Asfrtftit, As^r^k^, n. a

whisperer; a whisper.


As$r$k$l$ bojuwo igb$,igbe

ki iro ; eniti a ba sp ni ise

iku pani, " A whisperer

looks at the bush, the bushtells no tales ; he, to whomthe tale is told, is the


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ASO 52 A§A

As$r$nigbangba, n. an orator ; apublic speaker.

Asota, n. the business of aprofessional speaker.



Asotan, n. perfect speech.

AsQt$l$, n. agreement ; bargain;

divination ; prophecy.

Asoti, w. unfinished speech.

AsotfinSQ, n. the repetition of


Asowerewere, n. a babbler.

Asoye, n. a reasoning ; explana-

tion ; annotation ; gloss.

Astibd, n. the gilding or silver-

plating with which anothermetal is covered.

Agufe, n. a whistler.

Asun, n. a sleeper.

Asunji, n. salutation to oneasleep, " May you wake."

Asunkl, n. flinching.

Asmikun, n. dropsy ; an increase.

Affinm$, n. nearness ; proximity.

Asonni, n. prosecutor, plaintiff.

Asunw^n, n. a small bag closed

with string, used as a purse ;

a pouch ; a shrub ; also

called Apamo.Asunwpra, n. sound sleep.

Asunwa, n. a salutation to asleeping baby, " May yougrow quickly and be fat."

Astiramu, n. a hard-workingindefatigable person.


Asuramu kd t$ b$r$, *' Ahard-working man seldomcomes to disgrace (orneed)."

Asure, n. a runner or racer.

Afurefunni, n. one who blesses.

Afa, n. fashion ; custom ; vogue.

Afa, n. a small hawk ; a falcon.

Asa ni Tapa eiye, " Thehawk is the swiftest bird(Tapa or Nupe people arenoted for their swiftness)."—e.g., Asa gbe mi li adie

ko duro, nitori ti o mo ohunti on se, " The hawk havingcaught my chicken will notstay because it knows it hasdone wrong."

Afa (enia), n. vagabond ; meanfellow ; villain.

Asa, n. contraction of Asara,

leaf or roll tobacco.

AsA, n. a heavy spear or javelin

used for killing elephants.

Afadehun, n. a bargainer ; onewho promises.

Asafojudi, n. an impertinent,

imperious person ; impe-riousness.

Asagbe, n. a beggar.

Aaagun, n. a rebel, a revolter.

Asajd, n. an anxious, over-

careful person.

AsaJQ, n. that which is collected.

AfaJQ oniruru, n. a miscellany


a collection of things.

Asaju, n. a forerunner, a har-


Asaju igbim$, n. a foreman, achief man in council, aspokesman.

Asaju pna, n. a clearer of the

path ; a pioneer.

Asa lailai, n. an old fashion.

Aaalapa, n. a brickmaker.

Asal$, n. barren and worn outland ; desert.

A&al$, n. evening ; dusk ; even-tide ; twilight.

Asalu, n. a miscellaneous collec-


Asami, n. a spy ; a scout.

Asan, n. a plain vegetable diet,

without sauce or meat.

e.g., Asan ni mo je sun lana," I ate only plain vegetables

last night."

Aaanpada omi, Asanyika, n. aneddy; whirlpool; vortex.

Af&pa, n. massacre ; slaughter.

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A?A 53 A§E

Affcpa, n. a hard wood tree, the

leaves of which are used in

curing smallpox ; a canopyover a rich man's corpse.

Asara, n. see Asa.

Afara My, n. snufE.

A?ar6, n. meditation ; contem-plation ; cogitation ; incli-


A$ar6, n. see Asaro.

A^atan, n. clear ; riddance.

Af&tl, n. that which is put aside

or set at nought ; a cast-

away ; rejection.

Afati agbado, n. a shock of corn.

Afawf, n. a selection of words.

e.g., Asawi ejo enikan se are," A one-sided statement of

the case always appears


Ag&ya, n. a jest ; a joke.


Asaya ki ije ki omo $ya ki o

gbon. " Playing with the

young hedgehog throws it

off its guard."

Afayan, n. that selected, picked

out, chosen ; a choice one ;

elect ; select one.

Asebi, a prefix signifying " oneor that which acts."

Asebibaba, n. one who acts as a

father ; a guardian.

Afebipba, n. one who acts as aking ; a regent.

A$efefe, Asegagd, n. a braggart


a boaster.

Asehan, n. a thing done for

shew ; pretence ; pretext.

Afeju, n. an extravagant action ;

intemperance ; excess.

Agekan, n. a final action ; awinding up.

Aseke, n. a liar ; also 01ob6.

Afekehin, n. that which is donefor the last time.

Afek$k$, n. wheelwright.

Asek^t^, n. a stumbler.

Agekun, n. unfinished business


that which remains to bedone.

A^ekun, n. an addition ; asupplement.

A^elara, n. one who envies ; anenvious person.

Aseledeni, n. deputy ; agent.

Aseleke, n. excess ; superfluity ;





Aseld, n. that made for personal


Aselp, n. a final action or engage-


Aseltl, n. a statesman.

Aselu, n. see Asepd.

Afemeji, n. ambidexter ; adouble dealer.

Afoni, n. one who ruins another ;

an undoer.

e.g., l^hinkunle

li ota wa, ile li aseni

ngbe, "One's enemy is in

the back yard, but his

destroyer lives in the house.

(A man's foes are they of

his own household.)"

Aseninibi, n. a wrong-doer.

A^enu, n. any unprofitable work.

Asenunibinu, n. a persecutor.

Aseohunjije, n. a cook.

Age pamv, n. that which is saved

or reserved for future use.

A$epe, n. perfection.

Afepe, n. a swearer ; one whotakes an oath.

Afepd, n. one who acts for


A$ePv» n. that which is donetogether ; partnership.

Afere, n. a buffoon, one whomakes sport for others.

Aferu, n. a juggler; a shifty

person ; a scoundrel ; onewho falsifies.

A968&, n. a disgrace.

Ajefa, n. same as A$eju.

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A§E 54 A?t

Afeg&jfi, n. prelude ; prior



Afegi, n. an unwilling action ;

accidentally done.

A$esipania, n. manslaughter.

A$6tan,ft. completion, perfection.

Aseteni, n. an adherent.

A$et£,n. disgraceful or unsuccess-

ful action.

Agetl, n. a thing not completed,not brought to perfection


a failure.

A$etinueni, n. a self-willed or

obstinate person.

Asetpju aiye, n. worldling.

Asetpju esin, n. groom, horse-

man.Asetutu, n. a propitiator.

Asewe, n. an author (of books).

A$$, n. menses.

Ase, n. a coming to pass


law ; command ; authority ;

commandment ; enjoin -

ment ; imposition ; power ;

precept ; discipline ; in-

struction ; cannom ; bid-

ding ; document ; virtue ;

effect ; consequence ; impre-

cation. Much used in the

construction of other words.

A$e, n. Amen.

A$$, prefix signifying " one whooffends or sins against."

Asebaba, n. one who offends afather.

Asebo, n. see Ad^bo.

Ase-egbe, n. one who offends


As$f$, n. jester ; buffoon ; joker ;


A$$gan, n* mocker; jeerer


giber ; sneerer ; scorner.

As^gita, n. woodseller ; wood-cutter.

A$$gUD, n. conqueror ; van-quisher; victor.

Asehinde, v. to administer the

estate of a deceased person,

or to take a share in the

funeral, thus showing sym-pathy with the bereaved.

Aseiyesate, n. a dissembler, ahypocrite, a double-dealer.

As^kungbese, n. arrears of debt.

Aseleta, n. a thatoher.

Asenu eni, n. spokesman,advocate.

Age dftn, n. mandate ; doctrine.

As$rp, n. one who contrives orplans.

Aserp, n. a small calabash set

aside to receive the remain-ing palm wine after thelarge measure is full.

As$S$, n. a lame person ; onewith a broken leg.

As$sek$se, As$9$se, n. beginning


commencement.As$t$, n. conqueror ; one who

prevails against his enemy.As$W<J, n. one with a broken


Asigbd, n. one who removes to

another place (as a hunter,

fisher, or flock of birds).

Asigbpnl^, n. a person of great

stature ; a giant.

Asika, n. mischief-maker


wicked person ; tyrant.

Asika, Asikiri, n. act of roamingabout.

Asil£, n. act of transplanting.

Asilp, n. act of removing to

another place.

Asilti, n. act of beating or

striking by mistake.

Asina, n. a straggler; a wanderer.

Asinileti, n. monitor; prompter.

Asinilupa, n. manslayor ; man-slaughter ; accidental mur-der.

Asipa, n. accidental killing.

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A!?I A§Q

Asipa, n. a title of honour amongthe Ogboni people.

Asipada, w. a changing of place.

A$ipe, n. slip of the tongue.

Afip$, n. petitioner ; pleader ;

supplicant; beseecher.

As.iff, n. a secret, private matter.

Aglrd, n. wrong reckoning.

Affrd, n. accountant.

Afiso, n. see Asipe ; wrongtalking.

A$iS€, n. wilful, bad action



Asis$, n. a labourer ; painstaker



Afi$$, n. a poor man, beggar


one in trouble or adverse


Afisori, n a pistol.

e.g.. Asisori

ko ni ikun bi agba, dtosl k6lowo bi 919^, '* A pistol hasnot a bore like a cannon, apoor man has not moneyas a rich."

Asiwere, n. fool ; madman


ignoramus ; idiot ; crack-


Aflwf, n. see Aslso.

Asiyen, n. a spoilt child.

Aso n. a morose, peevish person ;

a sour look.

A96, n. see Osu.

A$odi si Kristi, n. anti-Christ.

AfO enia, n. a headstrong,

obstinate person.

Aso erin,. n. an elephant feeding


Asdfin, n. law-giver ; legislator.

Asdfd, n. a loser.

AJdf6*6, n. a busybody.

Asoga, n. blusterer, boaster;


AsdgO, n. a braggart.

Asdgtin, n. a worshipper of the

god of iron (dgun) ; awizard.

Asojo, n. a coward.

Asoju eni, n. one left in chargeof another's affairs in his

absence ; a factor ; agent


deputy; representative.

Asdre, n. a benefactor.

Afdrin, n.

Asdro, n. that which is hard or


e.g., As6ro is$ bi

orp, 91*9 bale di eyin, bi oba bale a f9, " Words are

hard to utter, spoken wordsare like eggs, if they fall to

the ground they are broken(cannot be picked up).''

As6r6, n. a pointed knife.

A$or6, n. troubler ; tormentor ;

one who acts violently uponprovocation.

Asosin, n a left-handed person.

Asosi, n. see Abosi.

Asdwd, n. trader; merchant;trade.

Asow6, n. money coiner.

Asp, n. cloth ; clothes ; covering


raiment ; garment ; apparel.

Asp adire, n. see Adire.

Asp aikunna, n. rough, coarse


Asp apd, n. sackcloth.

Ago dudu, n. black or blue cloth.

Asp ejika, n. a scarf.

Asp etu, n. check cloth, so called

from its resemblance to aGuinea fowl's feathers.

A$p f41$f$1$, n. muslin ; any thin


Aspgbin, n. a planter.

As<Jhun, n. spy; caviller;


Asp-iboju, n. a veil.

A$p ibora, n. a sleeping cloth ; acloth worn by men over the


Asp iborun, n. a cloth worn bywomen over the shoulders.

Asp ideru, n: cloth used to wrapgoods in.

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A§<? 56 ATA

Aw idi-akete, w. damask.

Aw idiku, isinku, n. windingsheet ; shroud.

A?Q igbokun, n. sail ; sheet



Aw igunwa, n. robe.

Aw ikele, ft. curtain.

A^pikubusu, ft. flannel ; blanket.

A$9 ileke, ft. upper garment


cloak; coat; mantle; vest.

Aw ilekeposi, w. pall.

A$0 inuw$, w. towel.

Aw irepe, ft. patchwork; quilt.

Aw irun, w. hair cloth.

Aw iteledi, ft. cloth worn bywomen fastened below thearms.

Aw iw$l$, w. cloths or clothes in

common use.

Af$16, ft. watchman.Agylu, ft. magistrate ; manager

of the town.

Atfna, ft. sentry; sentinel;

watchman.A$onibawijo, n. spy; emissary.

Aw djd, ft. rain-cloak.

Aw Onila, ft. cloth with cordedstripe ; dimity.

Aw Qda, ft. tarpauline; tarredcloth.

A$0 $$, n. mourning-cloth.

Aw $gb$, w. linen.

Aw ogbo kfkuna, ft. lint.

A$0 oja, ft. cloth with which ababy is fastened on awoman's back.

Aw W» n- dressing-cloth, robe.

A$0?9» w. a small bird that feedson figs.

A$$ta, n. an enemy.

Aw tali, ft. muslin, calico, whitecloth.

Af$t$, ft. a revolter; a revo-lutionist; a mutineer.

Aw tita, ft. hanging ; curtain ;


Aw tabu, ft. jailor ; gaoler.

Ata, ft. the ridge at the top of ahouse ; a palm oil drum.

Ata, ft. a resinous tree,commonlysplit and used for torches.

Ata, ft. pepper; anythingpungent.

Atafa, ft. an archer.

Atafo, ft. a tumour on the finger

nail ; a whitlow.

Atafo OJU, ft. film ; cataract.

Atagba, ft. that which goes fromhand to hand ; the act ofpassing anything round.

Atagi, ft. woodseller.

Ata ijobi, ft. see Atare.

Ataiyawa, ft. see Atokanwa.

Ataiyeraye, adv. everlasting.

Ataja, ft. seller of goods.

Atajateran, n. cattle ; beasts ofevery kind.

Atakiti, ft. one who turnssomersaults.

Atakd, n. the business of public

prosecutor ; cross examina-tion.

Ataty, ft. ginger.

Atampakd, ft. thumb or greattoe.

e.g., Atampakd koso ijuwe $kankan, " Thethumb cannot point straightforward."

Atam$, ft. always followed bytamo ; jargon, confusedtalk.

e.g., Gbogbo oro r^je atam<> tamo, " All his

words are meaningless."

Atam^ra, n. one who entangleshimself with many things


a fully armed man.Atan, ft. contraction of Akitan,

a dunghill, manure.


Agbasi mu atan gele,"" Continual sweepings makea dust heap." (cf. Many amickle makes a muckle.)

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atA 57 AT$

Atan, n. a small wooden frameon which fish or meat is


Atanamana, adv. from yesterday

until now.

Atandi, n. an enquirer ; a close


Atanje, n. a deceiver.

Atanka, n. that which is spreador propagated.

Atanlegbelegbe, n. a tadpole.

Atanna, n. a kindler of fire.

Atanni, n. tempter ; seducer



Atanpa, n. torchlight.

Atanu, n. or adj. cast off, useless.

Atanrdkd, n. a disease in fowls

which swells their backpart.

Atapa, n. a fatal kick or sting.

Atapdyp, n. being shot through.

Atare or Atarere, n. Guinea or

Maleguetta pepper ; also

called Ata ijobi.


Atare ewp obe, " Guineapepper is never used in


Atari, n. the crown of the head.

Atasp, n. a cloth seller ; dealer

in cotton and silk goods.

Atata, adj. important ; weighty


good; genteel.

e.g., EniaAtata ni iwo nse, " You are

a good man."

e.g., Qrpatata li iwo 89, " Yourwords are weighty."

Atawe, n. a bookseller ; astationer.

Atawp, n. a dealer in hides or


Ate, n. a beaver or black hat


any broad brimmed hat.

Ate, n. birdlimo ; glue.


Ate mu eiye ku, " Bird-

lime is the death of a bird."

Atete, a prefix denoting that

which is first or prior.

Ateteba, n. that which is first

met ; frontier ; outer-court.

Atetebi, n. see Akobi.

Ateteda, n. that which is first


Atetede, n. early arrival ; early


Atetegbin, n. first sown.

Ateteji, n. early rising.

Atetekpse, Atetese, n. beginning


commencement ; rudiment



Atetek^SO, n. first fruits.

Atetekftfu, n. first kneaded.

Atetek^wi, n. forementioned.

Atetela, n. first saved.

Atetem^, n. first known.

Ateteni, n. first possessed, or


Atetepa, n. first killed.

Atetera, n. first bought.

Ateterf, n. first found.

Ateterdt£l$, n. forethought.

Ateteta, n. first sold.

Atetewi, n. first said ; openingremarks.

Ate, n. fan ; exposure of goodsfor sale; money- tray.

At$, n. flatness ; insipidity


disgrace ; reproach.


Nwon bu at$ lu mi, " Theydisgrace me."

e.g., At£pbe ni mo se, " My soup is


At$f$, n. a seller of herbs



At^, n. a bursting by heavypressure.

At$gun, n. see Akasp andAkaba.

At^gun, n. breeze ; pleasure

trip ; enjoyment by re-

clining on a chair for breeze

or amusement.

Atyhinwa, adj. following after.

conj. since.

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AT? 58 ATI

Atele, n. or adj. next in order,

rank or birth ; that whichfollows ; a successor ; adescendent ; subsequent.

At^leni, n. a follower.

Atelebpsi, n. threshold ; outer


Ateles$, n. the sole of the foot.

e.g., Ateles^ ni ije egbin $na," The sole of the foot is

exposed to the filth of the


AteleWy, n. the palm of the


e.g^ Atelew<J ki itan

ni je, " The palm of the

hand never deceives one{i.e., one's own diligence is

his true helper)."

Atemora, n. patience; long-


Ateniba, Atpnim$l$, n. onewho causes depression


oppressor ; tyrant.

Atenump, n. one who alleges or


At$pa, n. that which is crushed

to death ; medicine whichrenders a poison wliich hasbeen trodden on ineffective.

At^pe, n. nickname ; assumedname ; nom-de-plume.

At$p$9$» n - Guinea-worm,usually called Sobia.

At$ral6g0,n. an immoral woman.

At$ram$9$t n- a hard-worker.

Aterigba, n. lintel.

At$runm$l$, n. state of beingcrushed down.

At^tilele, At#isil$, n. a listener.

At$w$gt>&, od)' acceptable



Ati, n. purpose ; intention ; con-


Ati, adj. conj. or prep, both


and ; likewise ; from ; on.

Atiala, n. a bird with a long beak.

Atibaba, n. booth : awning


scaffold ; shelf. (Applied

chiefly to those on whichfish and meat are dried onover the fire.)

Atibabadebaba, n. generation of

fathers ; from father to


Atiba, n. blue dyo usually called


Atib$, n. coming ; returning.

Atide, n. an arrival.

Atigba, n. reception.

Atija, n. engagement in fighting.

Atij . . . wa,days ago.—,Atij-

arunwa, " Five days ago."—e.g., Atijerinlawa,*' Four-teen days ago."

e.g., Atij-

erinwa, " Four days ago."

Atij6, n. dancing.

Atijd, n. about leaking ; burning.

Atij$, adv. of old time ; long


Atik$, n. the process of teaching,

building or constructing.

Atik$, n. refusal ; rejection ; act

of forsaking.

Atiku, n. act of dying ; death.

Atila, n. salvation ; the act of

being saved or getting rich.

Atilehin, n. support ; help



Atil^nde, n. birth ; origin ; root



Atilende prp, n. etymology.

Atil^wa, adv. at the onset, fromthe commencement.

Atilp, n. departure ; act of


Atimp, n. imposition.

Attn, n. one or that which is

very thin, lean, or lank.

Atin, n. a soft mat which can befolded (Ijesa).

Atinab$, n. one who sets on fire.

Atinabple, n. one who is guilty

of arson ; incendiary.

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Atinf, n, attainment ; possession.

Atinilaiya, n. opponent ; opposer



Atinilege, n. a boxer.

Atinuwa, n. freewill ; voluntary.

Atioro, n. tassel ; name of a bird

and plant.

Atipa, n. act of barring or

bolting a door, securing with

lock and key.

Atipa, n. a frame used for

carrying corpses ; litter.

Atipala, n. thin person ; lean


Atipile?e, n. beginning.

Atip6, n. resident ; sojourner.

Atifrisiyilp, adv. henceforth.

Atisun, n. sleeping.

Ati^e, n. action.

Atitan, n. forcible ejection.

Atiwa, n. act of coming.

Atiwa pjp, n. sunrising ; the east.

Atiwp drun, n. the west.

Atd, n. a medicinal shrub, used

for dislocated joints, fatigue

or weariness, physical

derangement or nervousdebility.

At6, n. one or that which is

competent, capable, suffi-

cient or fit ; used only as aprefix.

At6bilere, n. one who is fit to bequestioned.

At6ha, n. that which is sufficient

to be distributed.

At6ja, n. one capable of lighting ;

fit for war.

At6je, n. that which is ripe

enough for food.

At6kepe, n. one worthy of

honour, who will help in

time of need.

At6kdl6jft, n. one who is strong

enough or valiant enoughto be confronted.

Atoku., n. one expected to die.

e.g.,Atoku ma ku, is said of aperson who is expected to

die, but yet lives.

Atdnimdni, adv. all day long


since morning.

At6pa 1^, n. one who defies or

challenges ; champion.

e.g., Atopa l$t$ li emi nkonse pamp^lu, " 1 am achampion, I am not to bejoined with others."

Atora, n. bonesetter.

Atori, n. a tree remarkable for

its elasticity, used for bows,

etc. See tsan.

Atororosini, n. one who anoints.

Attye, n. one who is capable of,

able to be.

e.g. Atose ika

se suru. ** He is able to becruel, but will not."

Ato^umogU, adv. months ago.

At6t6, n. noise.

At6t6, inter, silence ! word used

by public crier to enforce

silence before a proclama-

tion is read.

Atp, n. that which makesstraight ; a long neckedcalabash ; lasting in old


At$, fr. semen.

Atpdunmpdun, adv. years ago.

Atpj<Jmpj<J, adv. a long time ago.—e.g., 0rp atpjcjmpjcj ko le

dabi prp titun, " An old

story cannot be comparedwith a new."

At^ju, n. a caretaker.

At^ju e^in, n. ostler, horseman,groom.

Atyju oldkunrun, n. a nurse.

Atpju 0W0f n. a treasurer.

At<)ju pna, n. overseer of roads.

At^ka, n. the lapwing.

Atpkanwa, n. proceeding fromthe heart ; choice ; will.

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Atpko, n. pilot, helmsman.

Atykun, n. leader ; guide ; page.

Atpmodomo, adv. from children's

children (i.e., from genera-

tion to generation).

At$na, n. one who walks about

the road ; a spy.

Atyni, n. provoker ; aggressor ;

instructor ; guide.

Atppa, n. one who follows the

line or mark.

At$p$, n. one who sells cheaply.

Atyra, n. see Atora.

Atyra, n. a lard or grease seller.

Atprp, n. beggar ; borrower.

Atprunwa, adj. heavenly ; pro-

ceeding from above ; celes-

tial ; original ; untainted.

Atyrunwa iwa, n. virtue ; mod-esty.

Atfysi, n. gonorrhea.

Ato?e, n. soap seller.

AtQto, n. the uncircumoised


Atow<Jwa, n. that wliich orig-

inates from oneself.

Atu, Atuni, n. one who soothes,

consoles or tames ; a rower.

Atfiba, n. one who surrenders.

Atub$ ?e, n. that which brings

anything to completion.

Atub^tan, n. termination.


Ki Qlorun ki o fun ni li

attib^tan rere, " May Godgrant us a happy end."

Atudi im$, n. one who makes anexposure ; a revealer of


Atukakiri, n. one who spreads, or


Atuk$, n. sailor ; boatman


mariner ; navigator ; ferry-

man.Atul$, n. tiller of the ground.

Atul$je, n. an impoverishedfellow ; a beggar.

Atulu, n. one who disturbs orupsets a town.

Atum$, n. commentator ; ex-


Atunbi, n. regeneration.

Atunda, n. recreation ; act of

making again.

Atunda iwe, n. republication.

Atunku, n. repetition of be-

haviour ; a fresh shooting


Atunhurere iwa, n. amendmentof life.

Atunra?e, n. tonic.

Atunsp, n. repetition of words.

Atunse, n. restoration ; repairs ;

amendment.Atunwa, n. a returning.

Atupa, n. lamp ; lantern.

Atora, n. soother ; refresher.

AtuSQ, n. idle talk.

Atuta, n. a second-hand article.

Awa, pro. we.

Awada, n. jest ; joke.

Awada, n. running disease in

women.Awadi, n. examiner ; enquirer ;


Awafin, ft. scrutiny ; scrutiniz-

ing ; search.

Awagon, ft. act of travelling andarriving safely.

AwakQ, n. one who rows a boat

or paddles a canoe.

Awal$, ft. a digger of the ground.

Awalu ehin, ft. tetanus ; lock-


Awamaridi, ft. unsearchableness ;


Awamn, w. adherence ; attach-


Awanu, ft. waster ; waste.

Awari, w. effective search



Awaro, n. wringing wet thing.

Awatikarawa, pro. we of our

own selves.

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AwA 61 AwO

Awawf, n. excuse; apology;

pretence ; palliation ; ver-


Awawi eke, n. cavil.

Awaya, n. see Ahaya.

Awayin, n. coal digger ; collier.

Awe, n. a term used in address

mg an unknown person

friend ; sir ; madam.—e.g.

Awe 6 !" Excuse me, sir !


—e.g., Awe yi li o mbere re,

" Is this the one whoenquires for you ?


Awere, n. see Amure.Awe, n. section in fruit or nut


width or breadth of cloth.

Aw$, n. fasting ; religious

abstinence from food


mourning for the dead, at

which times the relatives

do not wash their clothes.

Awede, n. a herb much used in

the consecration of idols

and for cleaning brass.

e.g. ,

Onibaba ni itoju orombo,onide ni una toju awede," He who has copper orna-

ments looks after the limes,

he who has brass, the


Aw$fin, n. soap.

Awehin ro, n. reflection ; retro-


Awe ironu, n. solemn fast.

Aweja, n. person of light com-plexion.

Aw$ meji, n. couple ; pair.

Aw$m$, n. clean washing.

Awjnu, n. that which is washedoff ; soap.

Awi, n. utterer ; talker.

Awidak$, n. perpetual talking.

Awfgb$, n. that which is uttered

audibly ; plain speech ;


Awigb$, adj. disobedient ; ob-


Awika, n. promulgation ; publi-


Awikiri, n. promulgator ; pub-


Awfle, n. reiteration ; repetition.

Awimayi ohun, n. a man of


Awin, n. trust ; credit.


Iwo gba mi li awin,4t You

credited me."Awinnilohun, n. lender.

Awinsi, n. addition ; borrowing.

Awitunwi, n. circumlocution



Awiye, n. interpretation ; ex-

planation—e.g., Awiye ni

If$ if9, gbangban U oro

iperan, " (As) the Ife people

speak without disguise (so)

a poisonous arrow kills ananimal in the sight of all."

Awiyannu, n. importunity.

Aw6, n. a kind of Guinea fowl.

Awo, n. plate ; crockeryware.

Awo, n. device ; secret bargain ;

superstitious mystery; ini-

tiation ; a superstitious

man.Aw6, n. that which is looked

into or through ; a tele-

scope ; a fishing net.

Aw6, n. a fish resembling amackerel.

Awo aiya (or igbaiya), w. the

breast-plate ; cuirass.

Awodi, n. hawk.

Awdfin, n. a gaze ; a fixed look ;

a stare.

Awdgbe, n. looking-glass.

Awo ibole, n. a roofing tile.

Awo iyp, n. salt cellar.

Awoje, n. pewter plate.

Awojinjin, n. glass ; looking-

glass ; mirror ; specula-


Awdjp, n. imitation.

Awdka, n. inspection.

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Awdke, ft. one who looks up.

Awdko, Aworoko, n. colic



Awdko, ft. mocking bird ; thrush.

Awdkdtd, n. a basin.

Awokp, ft. a copybook ; trans-


Awomi, ft. one who conjures

spirits by water.

Awonf, ft. a visitor.

Awonu, ft. a hopeless look.


Awonu li ekun nwo eiye,

" With a hopeless look the

leopard gazes at the bird

(because it is beyond his


Awo-oju, n. spectacles.

Awo pkp, ft. dish ; platter.

Awo plpmpri, w. basin with cover.

Awopa, ft. a fatal look ; an act

or treatment causing death.

Awoppk$, ft. dish ; platter.

Aworan, ft. picture ; image


form ; statue ; likeness ;

resemblance ; exemplar.

Awdtan, w. spectator ; beholder ;

on-looker ; gazer ; by-


Aworosasa, ft. a chief idol-priest.

Aworiwo, ft. lizard ; eft ; also

called Layombere.Awdrdjobi, w. a bird about the

size of a kingfisher, light

under wings golden upper,

blue fan-tail, sharp beak


insect catcher ; apparently

migatory, appearing aboutmiddle of November.

Awdse, ft. a pattern.

Awotan, ft. perfect cure ; entire


Awo turari, ft. censer.

Aw6w6, ft. crumbs.

Awoye, ft. a looker out, spy.

Aw6y6, ft. an epithet for the godof the river, Yemaja.

Awv, ft. colour ; outwardappearance ; fashion ; like-

ness ; similitude ; image ;

hue ; tincture.

Awo, ft. hide ; skin ; leather ;

undressed hide.

Aw$, ft. quarrel ; misunder-


Awo alukd, w. purple.

Awo ejo, a cast oil snake skin.

Awo eran, n. flesh coloured.

Awpfin, ft. see Ann.

Awpgbpn, ft. gazer; starer


usually connected with idle-

ness and loitering when onduty.

Awpje, ft. act of visiting fromhouse to house for food

(as an uninvited guest).

Aw$jd, ft. dancing from place

to place.

Awcjjp, Awpjppp, accumulation


packing together; gathering


group ; assemblage.

Awp lk$W6Si, ft. parchment.

Aw$ka, ft. perambulation ; walk-

ing round.

Aw$ki, ft. several visiting

together {e.g., to show sym-pathy in bereavement). 1$

ku aw$ki, is the salutation

to one thus visited.

Aw$l$, ft. see Iwole.

Awplp, ft. assuagement ; abate-

ment ; mitigation.

Awpmi, ft. a divor.

Awpm$, ft. one who combineswith others, coalitionist.

Aw$n, ft. net ; drag.

Awpn, pro. they.

Aw^n-eja, ft. a fishing net.

Aw$ oju prun, sky colour.

Awp oko, ft. foreskin. SeeAtoto.

Awp pbedo, w. green colour.

Awp plpye, w. grey, misty colour.

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AWQ 63 AyA

Awp pala, n. very coarse or

unwrought leather.

Aw$ pupa, n. yellow colour.

Aw$ pupayd, n. scarlet, ver-

milion, crimson.

Awp rirun, n. soft, well workedleather.

Awpsanma, n. the clouds.

Awfysun, n. lodgings.

Aw^se, n. proselytism.

Awp tetete oniruru, n. speckled


Awotele, n. any undergarment.

AwQt§r$, n. strap.

Awotitansan, n. spangle.

Awottltu, n. fresh, raw hide.

Aw$tutu, n. freshness ; vigour.

Awowillki, n. leather wornabout the waist.

AwQWO-OJO, n. shower ; drizzling


Awugbo, n. one who crouches.

Awuje, n. kind of edible bean.

Awuj$, n. soft part of the skull.

Awujo, n. assembly ; group ;

convocation ; company ;

synod ; congress ; council ;

meeting ; congregation ;


Awflju, n.

Awuluwala, adv. confusedly



Awum$, adj. senseless ; unreason-


Awun, n. or adj. tortoise


greediness ; miser ; illiber-

ally ; parsimony ; stingi-

ness ; avidity ; niggard


niggardliness. — e.g., JjJje

awun kd kun ni U owo," The blood of Awun (the

anthropomorphous tortoise)

is not a handful.


apparently insignificantthings may be of great


Awun okun, n. sea turtle.

Awunso, n. a weaver.

Awure, n. good luck ; luckiness ;

good fortune ; charm for


Awusa, n. see Ahusa.

Aya, n. species of monkey.


Aya b$ sile o be sile, "WhenAya jumps down from the

tree, he jumps into the

house (and is caught)."

Proverb used to inculcate

the danger of leaving one's

proper station.

Aya, n. wife.

Ayaba, n. queen ; king's wife.

Ayaba, n. incident ; anything

non-essential ; a casual

event ; piece-work.

Ayaku, n. that which remains

of a rent or torn piece.

Ayam$, conj. generally followed

by bi or pe ; otherwise ; un-

less. Ayampbi is contracted

in Ambi in conversation.

Ayan, n. tree from which §angoclubs are made; on which$ango is said to havehanged himself. See Magba.

Ayan, n. cockroach.

Ayan, n. perseverance ; per-


Ayan, n. inquisitiveness ; stench


offensive smell.

Ayanbo, n. a self-willed person.

Ayanf$, n. or adj. friend ; oneselected from the rest


chosen ; beloved ; select.

Ayanga, n. a word of rebuke or

threatening to an inferior.

Ayangbe, n. that which is well

parched or roasted.

AyanilSkan, n. one who scratches

with claws.

Ayanje, n. cheat ; imposition.

Ayanm$, n. destiny ; fate. SeeAbafu.

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Ayannije, n. a cheater, a deceit-

ful person.

Ayange, n. a thing made to order.

Ayapa, n. one who separates

himself, who is perverse.

Ayara, n. one who is smart,

swift or active.

Ayaro, n. a cripple.

Ayarun, n. used in conversation

only ; table talk ; trifle ;

jest ; mockery.

e.g., Masefi mi se ayarun, " Please

don't make fun of me."Aya$ebi, conj. unless ; except


otherwise ; saving.

Ayaw<J, n. one quick handed or

nimble fingered.

Aye, n. room ; space ; vacancy ;

lieu ; stead ; situation ;

position ; posture ; dis-

position ; leave ; liberty


freedom ; access ; appre-


Ay6, n. breadth of cloth.

Aye, n. living ; quick ; alive.

Aye ikfrusi or Itosi, n. store.

Ayetan, n. perfect under-

standing ; full conception.

Aye, n. a small hole in a woodenvessel.

Ayegi, n. hangman ; sheriff.

Ayfeun, n. suite.

Ayeh&n, n. one who disappoints

or fails to keep a promise.

Ayftu, adv. too much exaltation.

Ay$kun, n. one with a maimedfoot.

Ayeni, n. that which is befitting.

Ay$na, n. a road cleaner.

Ay^si, n.

Ayjyi, n. an abashed, con-

temptible, or reproachful


Ayeye, n. pomp ; ostentation ;


Ayi, prefix, that which turns

or rolls.

Ayibo, n. a night salutation used

by Lagos fishermen.

Ayib$, n. retrogression.

Ayida, n. change ; round of

time ; next season or year.

Ayida, n. vanquished after manystruggles.

Ayida odon (or Ayika), n. roundor cycle of years.

Ayidayida, n. much talk ; chat-

tering ; changeableness



Ayika, n. circle ; cycle ; period ;

halo ; compass ; sphere ;


Ayika eyinju, n. the iris.

Ayika k$k$, n. wheel.

Ayin, n. a very hard tree with

oily sap.

Ayin, n. mats made from bam-boo stalk.

e.g., He ayin," Bamboo house."

Ayinlog6, adj. praiseworthy



Ayinni, n. one who commends,admires or praises.

Ayinnitan, n. flatterer, one whocompliments.

Ayinpv ibon, n. a volley.

Ayinrar^, n. one given to self-

praise and self-admiration ;

a boaster.

Ayinrin, n. light blue colour.

Ayinrin, n. a small animal like

the fox which catches fowls.

Ayipada, n. a turning ; a change.

Ayo, n. a choice person or

thing ; most beloved or


Ayd, n. a game, also called


e.g., Ayd ki ije ki

a ve e »" When the game

is won, it cannot be dis-


Ayo, n. fulness ; plentitude

(also used after eating).

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AY0 65 BAB

Ay& n. joy ; joyfulness ; glad-

ness ; merriment ; mirth ;

glee ; welcome ; delight


exultation ; pleasure.

Ay$ ayftu, n. ecstasy.

Ay$luwo, n. spy ; scout.

Aypmirin, n. a sly, contemptibleperson.

Ay'pmp, n. son's wife ; daughter-in-law ; wife of a prince.

Aypnilenu, n. one who causes

trouble or distress.

Ay$niwd, n a private detective ;

spy ; eaves-dropper.

Ay$ra» n. re-animation ; en-

livener ; exhilarator.

Ay<Jrin, n. a smelter.

Ay$rin, n. slow or stealthy

walking ; sluggishness.

Aypsan, n. money paid for

sacrifice, or in private.

Aypsiwaju, n. advancer.

Ay<j$e, n. doing by stealth.

Aycjta, n. private sale or auction.

Aypta, n. selling in small

quantities ; retailing.

Ay$ta, n. a thing privately doneor said.

Ay<Jwf, n. private remarks


sayings : hints.

Ayun, n. saw ; file ; rasp.

Ayun, n. goings ; departure.

Ayun, n. longing.

Ayun-ab^, n. going and coming.


Ba, v.t. to meet ; overtake


find at a place.

e.g., Nwpnba mi Ipna, " They meetme on the way."

e.g., Iwpbamilipna," You overtookme on the road."


Nwpn yio ba mi nibe,4

' They will find me there."

Ba, prep, with, against.


On yio ba p lp, " He will

go with you."

e.g., Emimba wpn ja, " I am fighting

against them."Ba, v. to lie in ambush ; hide ;

lurk ; couch.

e.g., Ole baninu igb^, " The thief hides

in the bush."

e.g., Adieba le awpn pmp r$, " Thehen broods over her young.'


Ba, v. to be bent.

e.g., $hin r^

ba, " His back is bent."—e.g., Igi na ba die, " Thestick is bent a little."

Ba, aux. v. should ; would;might ; ought.

e.g. % Emi ni

iba lp, "I ought to havegone."

Ba, v. to bring into contact with


perch ; roost ; sit ; fit


to be exact ; to hit the

mark ; to come to the

point ; bespeak ; plait

coarsely ; strain througha sieve.

e.g., 3?iye meji bali ori igi, " Two birds perch

on the tree."

e.g., O ba apatapata, " It hits the

mark exactly."

e.g., Baesii fun mi, " Plait some esu

grass for me."

e.g., Iyami mba aro, " My motheris straining potash."

Ba, adv. never ; at all.


Emi kd sp bp bd, " I neversaid so."

e.g., Iwp k6 jplp ba, " You will never goat all."

Baba, n. father ; master.

Baba, n. copper ; Guinea corn.

Baba, Baba, n. Baba, a groat

thing ; Baba, a small thing ;

words used in the following

proverb—Baba bo babamplp, " A great matter putsa small matter out of sight."

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bAb 66 BAL

Baba, v. to hover like a bird.

e.g., Awodi nrababa, " Thehawk is hovering."

Babalawo, n. a priest of Ifa.

Baba nla, n. grandfather.


Iwo kd m{> baba nla mi," You do not know mygrandfather."

Baba nsinku, n. executor ; under-


Babo, n. a tree, the leaf of whichis used as a wrapper for

agidi and kola-nuts.

Babuja, v. to cross ; to thwart.

Bada majemu, v. to enter into

covenant with.

Ba-dana, v. to make a marriage

contract ; to pay a dowry ;

to betroth.

Ba-dapo, v. to connect with


mingle ; know ; commerce ;


Ba-daro, v. to sympathise with.

Bade, v. to be exact ; suitable ;

to arrive or return with.

Bade, v. to lurk for ; waylay ;

lie in ambush.

Bade, v. to hunt or fish with


Ba-dije, v. to vie with, rival or

compete with.

Ba-du, v. to cope with ; to


Ba-fa, v. to contend with ; to

argue with.

Bann, n. eunuchs ; of whom six

were put in the palace of

the Alafin ; they are called" tw?fa."

Ba-fohun, v. to talk with.

Ba-gbe, v. to stay or abido with.

Ba-gbird, v. to consult with.

Bai, adv. thus ; so ; only ; nomore ; very.

e.g., Emi ni

iwo se bai si ? " Do youact thus to me ?


Bai, adv. yonder ; somewhere ;


e.g.. He r?

mb^ nibi bai, " His houseis somewhere about here."

Bai-bai, adv. dimly.

e.g., Orunnran bal-bal, " The sunshines dimly."

Ba-i£aiyaj$, v. to frustrate the

influence of charms.

Ba-ja, v. to fight with ; contendwith ; be hostile to.

Ba-j$, v. to corrupt ; spoil ;

defile ; destroy ; deform ;


e.g., O baomo mi j£,

" He spoils mychild."

Ba-je, v. to eat with ; associate ;

to hold intercourse.

Ba-jf, v. to wake with.

Ba-jo, v. to dance with.

Ba-jo, v. or adj. agreeable



Baka, n. a kind of leek, the seed

of which is used as a medi-

cine for gonorrhea.

Bakana, adj. same ; identical


equal ; similar.

Ba-k$gb$, v. to associate with ;

keep company.Ba-ku, v. to die with.

Bala, n. a kind of trousers.

Bala, n. a title of honour amongthe Ogboni people.

Balaga, n. one who comes to the

age of puberty.

Ba-law^j^, v. to disfigure ; dis-


Banle, v. to know ; to ravish.

Bale, n. householder ; masterof a house.

Ba-le, v. to light upon ; to rest


Bale-erd, n. host ; landlord.

e.g., Bale-erd li o mu mi w$," The host lodged me."

Bal$, n. governor ; president ;

chief of a town or village.

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BAL 67 bAt

Bal$, v. to touch the ground.

Bale-idile, n. head of a house or

family ; a patriarch.

Ba-leru, v. to startle ; strike

with awe ; dishearten ; to

discomfort ; to fear.

Ba-16rij$, v. to distract ; to

make mad.Ba-loniko je, v. to slander ; to


e.g., Emi o baoruk9 re je, " I will slander


Ba-16, v. to associate with ; to

hold fellowship with.

Balogun, n. a war chief ; captain;


Balogun $run, n. a centurion.

Ba-lQ, v. to accompany, to gowith.

e.g., Ma se ba mi lo,

" Do not accompany me."Balo, n. an abscess.

Bal$de, n. chief hunter.

Balubalu, adv. stupidly ; idioti-


Baluw$, n. bath-room, or latrine.

Bambam, n. a piece of woodflattened on one side, usedfor beating mud floors.

Bambam, adv. wholly ; entirely ;


e.g., O lo bam-bam, " He disappeared


e.g., O fi misile bambam, " He left meentirely."

Bamiran, adj. contradictory


to the contrary ; another.

Ba-m$pQ, v. to concur with


to agree.

Ba-mu, v. to befit ; to suit


to drink with.

Band, v. to spend together.

Baninuj$, v. to displease ; to


e.g., Qran na baa ninuje, " The mattergrieved him."

Banlu, n. a flat piece of woodused to beat floors ; a plant.

Ba-ohunmimoje, v. to desecrate.

Ba oju ami, v. to hit the mark.

Ba oju je, v. to distort the face ;

to disfigure the countenance


Ba-pin, v. to partake, share or


Bara, n. a creeper wliich bears

the egusi oil seed.

Bara, n. god of mischief ; the

devil ; another name for


Barebare, adv. very little ; the


e.g., Qbe naku barebare ninu isasun," There is very little soupleft in the pot."

e.g., O soro

na bdrebare, " Ho said very

little about the matter."

Bar$, v. to agree with ; to

befriend ; to ally.

Ba-rin, v. to walk with ; to

accompany ; to travel with.

Ba-rd, v. to advise, consider or

give counsel.

e.g., Tani o

ba iwo r6 iru oran b? ?

" Who advised you in such

a matter ?"

Basa, n. parlour.

Ba-S$, v. to quarrel with ; to


e.g., Ma ba mi 39

mo, '* Do not quarrel with

me any more."

e.g., Babayio ba 9 39, " Father will

rebuke you."

Ba-SQro, v. to hold conversation ;

to confer with.

Ba-sun, v. to sleep with ; to lie


Basura, n. a title of honouramongst the Ogbonis.

Ba sigun, n. chief doctor.

Bata, n. a drum used by §angoand Egungun worshippers.—e.g., QP9I9P9 alubatd li

o J9 asagbeje, " A great

many drummers are


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bAt 68 B$

Bata, n. a small covered can or

tin vessel.

Bata, n. shoe ; sandal ; hoof.

e.g., Bata li an ise agbara

li arin egun, " With shoes

one can get on in the midstof thorns.'


Batan, n. to be related to.

e.g., Gbogbo araiye li o baara won tan, " All mankindare related to one another."

Ba-tan, adj. near shave ; narrow• escape.

Batelu, v. to disgrace ; to putto shame ; to disqualify.

Bati, v. to fail ; to miss one's


e.g., Qfa ti o ta baa ti, " The arrow whichhe shot missed it."


Okuta ti mo so si eiye naba a ti, " The stone I threwat the bird missed it."

Batl, v. to lurk ; to crouch byone.

Bat6bato, adv. imperfectly



Batdpo, v. to fall in line with.

Ba-tototo, a. speckled.

Baun, adv. thus ; so.

e.g., Emili o se e baun, " I did it so."

Ba-wi, v. to rebuke, blame,correct, chide, punish,

chasten or excommunicate.—e.g., Baba ba mi wi,

"My father rebukes me."

e.g., Mase ba omo re wi to

b§, " Do not punish yourchild so severely."

Ba-wijo, v. to judge, to dispute.—e.g., Qlorun yio ba gbogboaiye wijo, " God shall judgethe whole world."

Ba-y$, v. to rejoice with ; to


Bawo, Bao, adv. how ? in whatway ?

e.g., Bawo li a ti

ri ? " How is it ? "-^-e.g.,

Bawo li o ti f$ e, " How doyou wish it done ?


Bawonni, pro. such, such as.

e.g., Iru enia bawpnni li anf^, " Such persons welike."

e.g., Enia baw9nniS9w<fn, " Such people are


Baw^nyi, pro. like these.

Bayi, adv. thus. See Bai.

Bebe, n. brink of a precipice or

pit ; verge ; edge ; shoal


bar ; bank ; mound.


Mase duro leti bebe; " Donot stand on tho brink."

e.g., Bebe ya, " The bankhas given way."

Bebe-idi, n. rump.

Bebe-oju, n. eyebrow.

Bebe yara, n. earthen moundagainst a fortification.

B§r69 Bebi, v. to ask ; inquire

after ; question ; require ;

consult ; demand.

e.g., Obere mi, " He inquired

after me."

Berebere, n. an enquirer; aquerist.

Berebere, adv. sharply ; keenly ;

dexterously ; astutely ;


Bese, n. saddle-cloth*

B$, v. to skip ; to leap from aheight ; to leap from place

to place, or tree to tree ;

to cut in two at a stroke ;

bring forth young ; litter

(applied to carnivorous

animals and to pigeons) ;

to burst.

e.g., Mo b$ igi

n& meji, " I cut the stick

in two."

e.g., Ilu na b$," The drum burst."


Aja mi b<£ meta, " My doghas three pups."

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B$ 69 B$W

B$, Bebe, v. to beg, pray, beseech,

supplicate or entreat ; to


e.g., O b$ mi," He begged me."


Je ki a b$ Qlprun, " Letus beseech God."


Bebe ki o ri okose, sagbe ki

o ri awun, " Beg and youwill meet with refusal, askalms and you will meetmisers."

B$f v. to peel ; to slice off.

B$, v. to act without permission ;

to presume ; to be arrogant.

B$, adv. thus ; so ; usually

(contraction of B$h$).

Be, v. to display a brilliant red

colour ; to be officious,

impudent or forward.


Aso aran yi be, " The velvet

is a brilliant red."

B§b$, adv. thus and thus ; so

and so.

B§g$g$, adv. so ; such ; like ;


B$h$, adv. see B9.

B$h$k$, ado. see Beko.

Beju, n. cassava cake.

Beko, adv. no ; not so.

B$-laiyanu, v. to beg withimportunity.

B$l$b$l$, adj. flat ; elastic


pliant ; thin.

B$l$j$, adj. beautifully yellow.—e.g., Ina pupa b$lej6, ojo

dudu b^lpjp, " The fire is abeautiful yellow, the rain

clouds are intensely black."

Bfli, adv. so it is.

B^-lori, v. to behead.

e.g., Iwob$ ewure n& lori, " Youbeheaded the goat."

B$-l$w$, v. to beg assistance


to suborn ; to bribe ; to

use influence against.

Be, Mbe, v. to be ; to exist ; to


B$mb$, n. a Hausa drum.

B$nd$, n. a blow with the fist



e.g., Yio ki 9 ni

b^nd$, " He will cuff you."

Beni, adv. so it is ; yes.

Bfni ki, conj. neither ; nor.

e.g., Ki ise emi, b^ni kl ise

iw9, " It is neither I nor


e.g., B^ni kl ise eyi

tabi eyini, " It is neither

this or that."

B$r$, v. to begin ; commence ;


B$T$, adj. even ; low ; flat



e.g., Orule yi bfr$," This roof is* flat."


Nw9n wo ile gbogbo pale

bfr$, " They levelled the

whole house to the ground."

Bere, adj. gentle slope ; slight-

elevation ; in rows.

B$r$, n. grass used for thatching,

of which there are various

kinds, viz., B§r§ mene,fine yellow grass ; B$r§alolo, Bfrf pasi, coarse

plaited grass.

B$r$, n. the first-born daughter.

Beii, v. to behead.

e.g., Qbaberi r$ li oju opopo, " Theking beheaded him on the


B$IU, v. to fear ; to be afraid of ;

to be daunted ; to bemodest ; to startle.


Mase b$ru enikan, " Fearno man."

e.g., B$ruQtyrun, " Fear God."

B$ru Qla, v. to awe ; to


B$ruk$ru, v. to be timid or


B$w$, v. to beg assistance froma club or a person for

gratuitous work, for re-

muneration, or mutual help.

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B$W 70 BtB

B$wd, v. to visit ; to peep at.

e.g. Awon $r$ nyin wa benyin wo, " Your friends

come to visit you."

Bi, v. to bear, beget, breed

(applied to mammaliananimals).

e.g., Malu mi bi

lana, " My cow calved


Bi, conj. according ; as ; if ;

although ; whether ; just.—e.g., Bi bp ba ni, " If it

be so."

e.g., Bi baba ti wili awa o se, " As father has

said, we will do."

e.g., Bi

o ti de ni yi, " He has just


e.g., Bi kd tile f$,

awa a se," Though he is notwilling, yet we will do it."

Bi, v. to push violently ; vomit


spue ; shove ; jostle.

Bi, v. followed by Si ; to

multiply ; replenish ; in-


e.g., Qla r§ mbi si

i, " His riches increase."

Bi, v. ask.

Bi-abiyamp, adv. motherly.

Bi-ala, adv. dreamy ; as a dream.

Bi-aladugbo, adj. neighbourly.

Bi-alagbara, adj. as a strong

man ; wild.

Bi-alagbe, adv. beggarly.

Bi-ampkun, adv. crippled.

Bi-ara, adv. brotherly.

Biadodo, adj. conical.

Bi-a-ti, adv. how.

e.g., Kp mibi a ti ise, "Teach me howto do it."

Bi-a-ti-nwi, adv. immediately


instantly {lit.—as we werespeaking).

e.g., Bi a ti nwibp li ode, " He came just

as we were talking."

Biba, n. a meeting ; that whichis to be met.

Bibaja, adj. contestable ; to befought for ; to be contendedfor.

Bibaj$, adj. spoiled ; perishable ;

corruptible ; deterioration.

Bibal$, adj. sedate ; settled ;


Bibaninuje, n. discomfort ; vexa-

tion ; vexatious.

Bibapin, n. that which is to beparticipated in ; partici-


Bibawi, n. that which is to

be blamed ; blameworthy



Bi-baba, adj. or adv. fatherly.

Bi-bawo, adv. how ; whereby ;

in what way.

Bibere, adj. that which is worthasking for.

Bib$, adj. salient ; leaping



Bib$-aiyannu, v. importunity.

Bi-bpkp, adv. if otherwise ; for

other cause.

Bibi, n. that which is born



Bibimplaye, a. producing youngalive.

Bibinibf, adj. inborn ; innate ;

implanted by nature.

Bibinigbeyaw6, adj. legitimate ;

born in wedlock ; freeborn.

Bibinuj$, adj. melancholy ; dis-


Bibi-omnira, adj. freeborn.

Bibd, adj. concealable ; covert.

Bib6, adj. peeled ; pared.

Bib$, adj. boiled : patching agrass roof ; threading ;


e.g., ^ran bibp," Boiled meat."—e.g., Bib^Jesu, " The coming of


e.g., Bib^> ab^rp," Threading a needle."

Bibp, n. that which is to beworshipped ; adored.

BitxJ, a. supported ; fed ; main-

tained ; that which is to befed ; that which is to be

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BtB 71 Bt-Q

beaten, as a mud floor


that which drops or falls.

Bib^lpwp, n. that which is to be

shaken by the hand ; a

shaking of the hand.

Bibylpwp-arun, n. convalescent.

Bib^ri^a, n. the act of wor-

shipping idols.

Bibu, n. that which is to beaccursed.

Bibu, n. that which is .taken

out of a collective mass



Bibu, adj. baked by heating

under hot ashes or embers.—e.g., Isu bibu, " Bakedyams."

Bibuleni, adj. finable; that

which is to be fined.

Bibul$, adj. patched ; that

which is to be patched.

Bibum$, adj. exaggerated


falsely accused.

Bibun, adj. given ; allowable



Bibug&n, adj. bitten ; that which

is to be bitten.

Bidanga, adj. instantaneously


at once ; without delay.

Bi-egun, adj. as a thorn ; thorny.

Bi-ewe, adj. childlike ; as a


Bf-egU, adj. satanic ; devilish.

Bi-eled$, adj. hoggish ; like a


Bi-eni iwa mimp, adj. saintly.

Bi-eilipe, conj. as if ; as if to


Bi-eranko, adj. brutish ; like

a beast.

Bi-eru, adj. servile ; slavish.

Bi-ika, adj. tyrannical ; cruel


in a cruel manner.

Bikita, v. to notice ; regard


to care.

e.g., Emi k6bikita, " 1 don't care."

Biko?e, Bikogepe, Bikogebi, conj.

but ; except ; unless ; if.

—e.g., Bikosepe mo lp, ki

yio fi i fun 9, " Unless I go,

he will not give it to you."

Bi-iku, adj. death-like ; deathly.

Bil&, v. to give place to ; to makeway (lit.—to push anopening)

e.g., Bila fun mi," Give place to me."

Bilala, n. a whip made of hide

with two or three thongs.

Bi-lSre, v. ask ; question.

Bi-lejp, v. to question one on acharge brought against him.

Bilisi, n. evil ; evil one.

Bi-lohfrn, v. to reproach one for


Bi-pmp, v. to give birth to achild.

Bi-lu, v. to push heavily against


BinabinA, n. abusive language.

Binu, v. to vex ; to anger.

e.g., Obinu si mi pupp,

"He is very angry with

me."Binuj$, v. to be grieved, sorry

or displeased.

Bi ba, conj. if it should be ; in

case he should (generally

followed by je pe or se pe).

Bi-Obinrin, adj. womanly



Bi-Ogun, adj. martial ; warlike.

Bi-dnrord, adj. churlish ; fierce.

Bi-oruka, adj. circular ; ring-


Bi-dsumare, adj. like a rainbow ;

in a semi-circle ; archlike.

Bi-O-tile, adv. though it should ;

even if it should.

Bi-Owe, adj. as a proverb



Bi-pba, adv. royally ; kingly.

Bi-pjp-isimi, adj. sabbatical.

Bi-pl^run, adj. god-like ; godly.

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Bt-Q b6k

Bi-pmpde, adj. childish; babyish.

Bi-pmpdebirin, adj. girlish.

Bi-$r$, adj. friendly ; friend-


Biri, adj. occupying a small

space ; within a small


e.g.. He biri, " Asmall piece of land."

Biri, adj. occupying an extensive

circular space.

e.g., Mo ra

ile biri, " I bought a large

piece of ground."

Biri, adj. entirely ; completely.—e.g., Oyipada biri, " Heturned completely back."—e.g., Qko na dojude biri,

" The boat entirely cap-


Biribiri, a. very (usually followed

by iju, to be dark).

e.g., lie

su biribiri, " It is quite


e.g., Igb6 biribiri,

okunkun biribiri, okunkunni yio sete igb6, " Theforest is very dark, the

night is very dark, the dark-

ness of night is deeper thanthe darkness of the forest."

Birig&mi, n. a square bag or

wallet used by travellers.

Birik5t6, n. a small narrowplace.

Birueyi, adv. thus ; in this


Biusun, adv. drowsily.

Bise, adv. according to custom,

manner, or fashion.

Bigubu, v. to push headlong


overthrow ; defeat ; refute.

Bitorun, adj. or adv. heavenly,


Biwa, adv. according to fashion,

like manner.

Biwamimp, adj. saintly.

Biwexe, adv. foolishly; like amad person.

Biwin, adj. ghostly ; ghastly.

Biw6, adv. like in form.

Biw6, v. to tumble ; to break

down ; to push down.

Biya, adj. motherly.

Biye, adv. like a feather.

B6, v. to peel, deprive of covering

or bark ; to make a noise

like a he-goat.

e.g., Joseph

b6 il6 baba r$, " Josephstripped his father's house."—e.g., Epo igi na bo, " Thebark of the tree peels."

e.g., Ara mi b6, " My bodypeels."

Bd, v. to cover ; to hide ; to


Bd, v. to be full of leaves ; rich

in foliage.

e.g., Aba odemi bd dudu, " The banyantree in my street is full of


Bdbo, n. wild acacia or locust

tree, the fruit of which is

used as a cure for whitlow.

Bdde, n. custom-house.


Qba ni igba owo b6der

*' The king receives custom.



Bddi, v. to conceal one's error ;

to shelter from disgrace.

e.g., Jpwp bddi mi, " Please

shield me from disgrace."

Boji, n. grave ; place of inter-


Bdji, Bdjiji, n. shade.

e.g., Jokoni boji, " Sit in the shade."

Boju, v. to veil or cover the face.

Bojuje, v. to make a wry face ;

to writhe ; to look sad.

Bojuwo, Bojuto, v. to take the

oversight of ; to take care

of ; to take notice of.

e.g., Bojuto ile fun mi," Take care of the housefor me."

B6kanran, conj. otherwise r

rather than.

e.g., B6kan-ran ki nip, ng o fi ise sile,

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bOk 73 BO

" Rather than go, I will

resign the work. '

Bdkele, v. to take a morsel


to sop.

Bdkele, adj. private, secret.

Bokuku, v. to be hazy or foggy.

Bdlasa, v. to shield ; to defend.

Bolawp, v. to skin, nay or peel.

Bole, v.i. to thatch ; to rob

a house ; to confiscate.

e.g., Qba bole eniti o se,

" The king confiscates the

offender's house."

Bole-bole, n. thatcher ; robber ;


e.g., Ole bole-

bole ejikan—a term of

reproach applied to robbers.

Bolesebi, Bolesepe, adv. if


e.g., Bolesepe yio

lo, iba dara ju, " If he canpossibly go it will bebetter."

Bol$, v. to cover to the ground ;

to cloud over.

e.g., Okun-kun bol$, " Darkness covers

the earth."

e.g., Ojd boi$," It is cloudy."

Bolobolo, n. a small fly whichsucks perspiration from the

body ; it also makes honey.

Bomi, v. to take water in avessel.

Bomij6, v. to scald.

Bomirin, y. to water ; to moisten.

Bomiwon, v. to sprinkle withwater.

Bom$, n. white-grained Guinea-


e.g., BomcJ yo larin

baba, " The whito-grained

Guinea-corn is conspicuousamong the ordinary redgrains."

Bd-mple, v. to overwhelm, over-

flow or overspread.

Bomubomu, n. a tree, the leaf

of which is pounded andused to curdle milk, as the

leaf of the " pre " is to

ferment akara cakes.

Bora, v. to cover the body.

Bori, v. to cover the head ; to

overcome ; to be superior ;

to surpass.

e.g., Ijo kandjo o bori oda, " One day's

rain will make up for manyday's drought ;

" adj. valid.

fiori-gbogbo, Bori ohun gbogbo,

prep, above all, over all.

B6r6, n. a vegetable resembling

a marrow.

B6l0 bdro, n. nonsense ; babble ;

adv. nonsensically.

Borukp je, v. to slander.


Qta enia ni iba orukp r^ je,.

"It is an enemy whoslanders one's name."

Bo^epe, con;, if it had been.

e.g. r

Bosepe be li o ri, iba buruju," It were worse if it hadbeen."

B6ti, v. to tear partly open.

Botiboti, adv. talkatively



e.g., Qmp yi

nsp b6tiboti, " This child

prates very much."

e.g. y

Qro botiboti kd ye fun

agbalagba, " Prating is

unbecoming in an elder."

Botilesepe, Botilej e, conj. though


nevertheless ; albeit ; al-


Botuje, n. the croton bush.

B6ya, B^ya, adv. perhaps, per-

adventure, likely,perchance.—e.g., B6yd mo le ri i gba," Perhaps I may get it."

Boyesile, v. to abdicate ; to

resign right or title.

Boye, adv. except, unless.


Boye li o gbo temi, " Unless

you hear me."

B$, v. to drop, as a leaf or fruit

of a tree ; to fall from a

loft ; slip ; to fail in

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BO 74 B0-S

carrying out one's point.

e.g., Awo b<J lowo mi,44 The plate slipped from myhand."

e.g., Ewe bo lori

igi, " A loaf drops from the


e.g., Qmo bo si

kanga, " A child fell into

the well."

e.g., Qran na boI9W9 mi, 44

I failed in the

matter." (The word is notused for the dropping of


B$, v. to feed, maintain, support,

cherish, nourish, or foster


to beat the mud floor of ahouse ; to wash slightly.

B$, v. to unloose ; to remove ;

to take off.

e.g., B<J aso

sile lori igangan, 44 Takethe clothes from the peg."—e.g., O b<J aso lara mi,44 He took off my clothes."

B$, v. to worship ; to adore

false deities ; to sacrifice ;


e.g., Awon keferi

ama bo igi bo okuta, " Theheathen worship wood andstone."

B$, v. to insert, pierce, boil,

seethe, coddle, or parboil


to sodden ; to put ontrousers ; to shake hands ;

to thread.

e.g., B$ gbogboeran na,

44 Boil all the


e.g., B$ sokoto re,44 Put on your trousers."

e.g., B$ mi lowo, 44 Shakehands."

e.g., B$ abere yi

fun mi, 4* Thread my


B$, v. to return ; to arrive ; to

travel towards ; to come.—e.g., Awon ero b$ lana,44 The travellers returned


Bo-bata, v. to put on shoes.

Bo-la^9, v. to strip naked.

B$-»lQWQ, v. to shake hands.

B$-loye, v. to deprive of title ;

to depose ; to dethrone.

Boju, v. to wash the face.


Qmode yi, o ti boju l'oro

yi bayi ?44

Child, haveyou washed your face this

morning ?"

BQkini, n. a neat and tidy

person ; a gentleman.

Bplafun, v. to respect, honouror regard.

e.g., Bplafunagba, awon ni baba wa,44 Respect elders ; they are

our fathers."

B$l$, v. to plaster or beat mudfloors.

Bplowp, v. to escape.

e.g., Iwobpl9W9 enia buburu, 44 Youescaped from the hands of

the wicked."

B$nni, n. a species of acacia

used in tanning.

Bopelepele, v. to stew.

Bpra, v. to undress.

Bori, v.t. to worship the god of

the head.

B$r$, adv. soon ; immediately.—e.g., K6 de b$r$,

44 Hedid not come immediately."

Bor$, adj. plain ; unornamented.

B^r^, v. to indulge ; to spoil bypetting.

e.g., Mo b^rcj re

sibe, " I left him there after

indulging him."

B$r$, adv. very.

e.g., O ny<J


It is very slippery."

B^r^ b^r^, adj. slippery.

B$r$ kdnu, adj. profligate


wasteful ; stupid.

B$ ^akoko, adj. fortunate



B<J sanra, v. to fatten.

B$-sarin, v. to interpose ; to


B6-S$S$, v. to be handy.

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B0S 75 BtL

B$S$, adv. quietly ; secretly ;

easily ; gradually. — e.g.,

Obp si mi lowo b<Js$, " It

came to my hand quiotly."—e.g., Mo nu u 098$, " I

caught him easily."

Bpsi, v. to enter.

e.g., Bpsi il6,

" Enter the house."

Bpsil$, v. to drop ; to fail.

Bpti, n. malt of Guinea-corn.

Botilesepe, conj. though ; evenif it be so.

B$W&, v. to come ; to movetowards.

Bpwale, v. to return from abroad


to enter the house.

Bqw$, v. to shake hands.

B$W$, v. to regard ; to payrespect to ; to honour.

e.g., Gbogbo ilu li o b$w$fun wa, " All the townfolk

respect us."

Bpya, adv. see B6ya.

Bu, v. to broil ; to bake underashes ; to dive ; to hide in

the sand as a crab.


Mo bu isu die ninu eru

gbigbona, " I baked a fewyams under hot ashes."

Bu, v. to mildew ; to decay ; to


Bu, v. to abuse ; censure ; to

break into a loud cry


to yell ; to explode ; to

send out an unpleasantsavour.

Bu, v. to take out a portion

(e.g., of rice or water) ; to

tweak ; to break bread ;

to rupture ; to lacerate.

e.g., Bu omi fun mi, " Giveme water to drink."


Bu agbado fun esin, " Bringcorn for the horse."


isu die fun omo yi, " Cutsome yam for this child."

—e.g., Qbe na bu mi lpwp," The knife cut my hand."

Bu, prep, almost ; nearly.

e.g., Mo bu de ibe tan," I nearly reached there."—e.g., Mo bu se tan, " I

have nearly done."

Buba, n. ambuscade ; hiding


e.g., A ri won ni

buba, " We discovered

them in their hiding place."

Buba, n. a short loose garmentterminating at the waist.

BubUTU, adj. wicked ; evil ; vile ;

infamous ; ill.

Budo, n. camp.

Buje, n, a plant bearing a roundfruit, the juice of which is

used in tattooing.

Buje, n. a stable ; a manger ;

a restaurant.

Buje, v. to bite, nip or gnaw.

e.g., On bu mi je, " He bit

me."Bujekun, v. to wane ; to


Bujoko, n. abode ; dwelling ;


e.g., Qmode ki iwo

soso ni bujoko agba, " Theyounger should not intrude

into the seat of the elder."

Buka, n. a hovel ; a stall ; amarket shed.

Bukata, n. liabilities ; domestic


Bukpja, adv. almost gone.

Bukun, v. to add to ; to increase.

Bukun, v. to come short of ;

to be deficient ; to depre-

ciate ; to scorn ; to des-

pise ; to lessen ; to abate ;

to reduce.

Bukurd, v. to take from ; to


Bula, v. to dilute ; to adulterate.

Bule, v. to put upon ; to charge

upon ; to impose a fine.

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BtTL 76 DA

Bol$, v. to patch ; to piece.

Bolo, v. to pour upon ; to supply-

largely ; to blow upon ;

to press upon (as oppressive


e.g., Oru bu-lu mi, " The heat over-

powers me."Bun, v. to give ; to present.

Bon 16yd, v. to give place ; to


Bun l$bon, v. to give a present


Bon lomi, v. to give water to.

Bupa, v. to vaccinate ; to bevaccinated.

Bupa-bupa, n. a vaccinator.

Bora, v. to swear ; to take anoath.

Bora-eke, v. to perjure ; to

swear falsely ; to forswear.

Bora, adj. wicked ; bad ; ill


infamous ; hideous ; nox-ious.

Buruburu, adv. humbly ; closely

(used with " sapamy, " to


e.g., Nwon sapamoburuburu, " They hide veryclosely."

Bnmdopin, adj. worst ; as badas can be ; wickedly atro-


Boro-gidigidi, Burujulo, adj.

outrageous ; very bad ;

horribly erroneous.

Buruku, n. one of the godssupposed to accompanysmallpox, and to kill per-

sons so afflicted by twisting

their necks.

Buru-rekoja, adj. hopelessly


Born siwaju, adj. to wax worseand worse.

Buruwa, adj. naughty ; badconduct.

Busa, v. to honour ; to respect.

Busi, v. to put to ; to add to ;

to bestow upon ; to bless.

e.g., Qlorun yio busi i fun o," May God bless you !


" God will bless you !


Buso, n. a stall in which cattle

are tied at night-time.

Busp, n. a resting place for

travellers ; an inn ; a place

for refreshment ; a marketstall.

Busfi, n. loose sand ; loose soil.

Busugba, n. the soft pulp of thelocust fruit.

Boson, n. a sleeping place ; abed ; a nest.

Bosan, v. to grasp with the

teeth ; to bite.

Bose, v. to be almost finished.

Bote, Bote bote, adv. easily

(applied to a string or cord).—e.g., Okun na nja butebute, " That cord is easily


Bu-wSde, v. to fine ; to imposea tax.

Bow6kon, v. to lessen the price

or value ; to depreciate.

Buwole, v. to prize ; to value ;

to estimate.

Bow$n, v. to besprinkle.

Buyin, v. to respect, regard,

venerate or revere.

e.g. y

Buyin fun Qba, " Honourthe King."


Da, v. the primary idea of this

verbis" to make or create,"

but its signification is

modified by the noun withwhich it is used in com-bination.

e.g., O da mini igi, "He strikes me witha stick."

e.g., O da owo,

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" He contributes (creates)

money."It is also a particle witha causative force, and whenused with other words hasthe meaning of " to cause

to have."

e.g., O da milare, " He acquits me," or

lit. " He causes me to havethe right." The object of

the verb thus formed is

always immediately after

the particle Da.Da, v. to be scarce or rare, or

to be a time of dearth.

e.g., Qda da, " There is

famine ;" to be intelligent.—e.g., Oju r$ da, " He is

intelligent ;" to be well.

e.g., Ara mi da, " I amwell ; " to cease (of rain)


to be still or quiet.


He da " The house is quiet;


to throw down in wrestling.—e.g., Mo le da 9, " I canthrow you down ;

" to


e.g., Igi da, " Thestick breaks " (an express-

ion equivalent to the

English " Alas ! ").

Da, v. to cast ; fuse ; pour ;

betray a trust ; to slip achild under the arm fromthe back.

e.g., Qre mi dami, " My friend betrays

me " (Ut.—pours me out) ;

to be acceptable as asacrifice (because the bloodof the sacrifice is pouredon the ground) ; to become ;

when used in this sense it is

changed into Di for the

sake of euphony before

e, i, o and all consonants.

e.g., Kokoro di labalaba,44 The grub becomes abutterfly."

Daba (da-aba), v. think ; hope ;

imagine ; speculate ; con-


Dabl, v. resemble ; to be like ;


Dabdbo, v. protect ; defend ;

shelter ; cover ; shield ;

screen ; harbour.

Dab$, v. cease.

e.g., Ko daboiyp mi lenu, " He does notcease troubling me."

Dabu, v. lie across ; cross.

Da . . . bul$, v. to cause to lie

down ; to confine to bed.

Daradara, dada, adj. good ; adv.


Dadi, v. to cause ; bring about.

e.g., Kini dadi ija ? " Whatis the cause of the quarrel ?


Dad6, v. to dwell alone ; to beisolated ; to dwell apart.

Daduro, v. to stop ; detain


prevent ; stay ; arrest


interrupt ; hinder ; inter-


Dagba, v. to grow ; become of

age ; to be old.

Dagbalagba, v. to become fully

developed (used of persons

only) ; to be full grown.

Dagbagba erin, v. to laugh


Dagbe, v. to live alone ; to beisolated.

Dagbere, v. (da, make ; gbere,

by-and-by ; a term used in

bidding goodbye to the


e.g., O di gbere o,

" Till by-and-by ") ; bid

goodbye, partake leave of,

bid farewell.

Dahun, v. reply ; answer ; speak.

Dahun fun, v. to be responsible

for ; represent ; answerfor.

Daidagiri, v. create alarm ; raise

a panic.

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Daiyafd, Daiyaja, v. discourage


dishearten; dismay; alarm;

frighten ; intimidate.

Daja (da-ija), v. to create, cause,

or provoke a quarrel or


Da • . . jade, v. pour out ; turn

out ; drive out.

Daj$, v. feed alone ; shuncompany.

Daji, v. wake up suddenly ; to

rise very early in the


Da . . . j6, v. pour hot liquid onto scald.

e.g., O da omigbigbona jo mi lara, " Heis scalding me with hotwater.'


Dajp (da ejp), v. to judge ; settle

a quarrel ; adjudicate.

Dajp (da pjp), v. to appoint aday ; fix a definite time.

Da . . . jp, v. to contribute,

collect together.

e.g., Ijo

Qyo da ogoji poundi jo,* * The Qyo Church con-

tributed £40."

Daju (da Oju), adj. shameless ;

certain ; plain ; v. to becertain.

Dajudaju, adv. certainly ; evi-

dently ; assuredly.

Dakaka, v. to sit crosslegged ; to

stand with open legs.

Dakele, v. to gamble with food

(an Ekiti custom).

Dakelekele, v. to be in small

bits ; to cut into bits.

e.g., Kini eran na ti dakele-

kele yi ? " What causes the

meat to be in such tiny

bits ?"

Dake, v. to be silent ; to bestill ; to be dead ; to bequiet.

e.g., O ti dake," He is dead."

Dakeje, v. to be perfectly still

or quiet.

Dakerprp, v. to be perfectly-

calm or still.

e.g., Omidakeroro, " The water is

quite calm. '

Dak6, Kpla, v. to be circumcised,

or to circumcise. (Dak6 is

to be avoided in trans-

lations and kpla to be usedinstead).

Dakokd (Da-ak6k6), v. to specify

a time ; appoint a day.

Dako, v. to make farm.

Dakp (Da-ekp), v. to buy agidi

(corn starch, cooked).

Dakpja, v. step across ;pass

over ; neglect.

Daku, v. faint ; to be uncon-scious.

Dakun, v. " Please pardon me,,y

*' I ask your pardon.' y

(Always used in the Im-perative mood.)

Dakun, v. to prepare spun cotton

for sale by folding it into


Da . . . kuro, v. release ; redeem ;

acquit ; let go.

Da . . . lagara (da-ni-agara), v.

to weary ; exhaust the

patience of.

Da . . . lara, v. to serve oneright ; disappoint.

Da . . laraya, v. to enliven.

Da . . . lare (da-ni-are), v.


Da . . . la$a, v.venture; attempt.

Dale, v. to get a concubine*

Dal$ (da-il$), v. to prove faith-

less to an agreement ; to-

break oath.

Da . . . lpbi (da-ni-ebi), v. con-

demn.Da . . . lejp, v. judge.

Da . . . lekun (da-ni-ekun), v.

forbid ; restrain.

Da . . . lohun (da-ni-ohun), v.

answer ; reply to.

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DA 79 DA

Da . . . loju (da-ni-oju), v. to be

sure ; to be certain.


Ohun na dami loju, " I amsure of the matter ;

" to


e.g., Qmo yi

da mi loju, " This child

disappoints me (by its early


Da . . . lojude, v. upset ; cap-

size ; overset.

Da . . . loko $ru, v. emancipate ;

ransom ; a slave.

Da . . . lokun dwo, v. to give

a capital to ; advancecapital.

e.g. j Jp da milokun dwo, "Please advanceme some money to trade


Da . . . loro (da-ni-oro), v. to

torture; torment.


Mase da enikeni loro,** Torment no one.


Da . . . lprun, v. to have a

longing for ; to long far.—e.g., l£mu nda mi lprun," I feel a longing for palm-wine."

Dalu, v. to bore ; make a hole


Dalu, v. to mingle ; commingle ;


Damajemu, v. to covenant


make a covenant.

Da . . . meji (da-meji), v. to

divide into two ; halve ;


e.g., O da isu na si

meji, " He divided the yaminto two parts."

Dampran (da-imp-pran), v. give

advice ; propose.

Da • • . mp, v. to strike or hit


e.g., O da igi mp milori, " He hit me on the

head with a stick."

Damu, v. (trans, and intrans.)

confuse ; perplex ; con-

found ; to be confused.

Da . . . lamu, v. bring confusion

upon ; to upset.

e,g., Ihin

na da mi lamu, " The newsupset me."

Dan, adj. bright ; polished


smooth ; v. shine, glitter ;

to be smooth ; make bright


polish ; lubricate.

Dana (da-ina), v. to make fire.

Dana, v. commit robbery on the


Danadana, n. a highwayman


pirate ; robber.

Danasun, v. to burn with fire.

Dandan, n. a substance

resembling fish scales found

in the soil of some parts of

the Yoruba Country, such

as He Ife.

Dandan, adv. surely ; certainly ;

by all means ; at all costs ;

at all risk.

e.g., Ng o lp

dandan, *' I will go at all


Dandanyidan, Dandanndan, adv.

after all ; by all means


at all costs.

e.g., O sa ri

be dandanyidan, *' Thus it

happened after all."

Da . . . nigi (da-ni-igi), v. beat

with a stick.

Da . . . nija (da-ni-ija), v. cause

a quarrel or fight.


Kini da yin nija, " Whatcaused the quarrel amongyou ?


Da . . . niji (da-ni-iji), v. to

alarm ; terrify ; frighten


e.g., IJranko nada mi niji, " The beast

frightened me greatly."

Daniniyemeji, adj, doubtful


uncertain. v. to create

doubt in the mind.

Da . . . niyemeji, v. to cause to


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Danmanran, adj. smooth ; neat


clean; glossy.

Danmanranmanran, adj. verysmooth ; very neat.

Dan . . . wd, v. tempt ; try ;


Danu, adj. fluent, v. to be able

to speak fluently.

Dana, v. to be spilt ; to be upset.—e.g., Omi na danu, " Thewater is overturned.'


Da • . . nu, v. cause to turn over.—e.g., Qmode na da eko re

nu, " The child throws awayhis eko (food)

; " throwout ; throw away.

Dapadapa, adj. freckled.

Dapara, v. to jest, joke.

Dapata (da-apata), v. to be hard ;

to be callous.

Dapd (da-apo), v. make a pocket;to pucker.

Dap$, v. mix ; mingle ; join.

Dappmp, Darappmp, v. coalesce ;

combine with ;join.

Dapomora, v. commingle ; mixtogether.

Dappgpkan, v. conjoin ; unite ;


Dara, adj. good ; handsome ;

beautiful ; fair ; neat


nice ; fine ; splendid ;

elegant ; dainty.

Dara (da-ara), v. cut capers


display feats of skill ; makea show ; follow fashion.

Daradara, adj. ti o dara ; good ;


Daran (da-pran), v. offend;

connnit a grievous sin


trespass ; get into a scrape ;

incur a heavy penalty


connnit sacrilege.

Darandaran, n. one who re-

peatedly commits offences ;

a regular evil-doer ; acriminal.

Darandaran, n. shepherd; herds-

man ; drover.

Daraju, adj. better ; superior.

Daraya, v. to be cheerful ; play ;

to be lively ; to amuseoneself ; to be gay.

Dare, v. to decide in favour of ;


Dari, v. turn ; steer ; direct thecourse of.

Dari . . . kp, v. to turn the

direction of ; go towards.

adv. never ; no.

Darikp, adj. crooked ; clumsy.

Dari ... si, Darisi, v. turntowards ; tend to ; proneto.

Daro, v. to dye ; to be a dyer of

ard (a blue dye).

Dard, v. to lament ; wail ; thinklongingly of another.

Da . . . r6, v. to keep one waiting

a long time ; delay.

Da . . . ru, v. confound ; confuse.

Darudap$, adv. promiscuously ;

indkcriminately ; in con-


|Darudaru, adv. completely ;

entirely (applied to verbsof concealing).

e.g., Ikukubol$ darudaru, " The fogcovers the town com-pletely."

Darukp (da-orukp), v. name


mention by name.Dasan (di-asan), v. to come to

nought ; become useless ;

vanish out of sight.

Das$ (da-ese), v. to cease fromgoing to a place : to refrain

from visiting a place ; makeoneself scarce.

Da ... Si, v. spare ; reserve ;

exempt ; meddle in ; intrudeinto.

Da . . . sil$ (da-si-il$) release ;

acquit ; let go.

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Da . . . sil$ (da-si-ile), v. pouron the ground ; shed ; spill.

Da . . . SO, v. allude ; mention ;

speak about.

e.g., O daoro na 89, " He alluded to

the matter."

Dasa (da-asa), v. to adopt a newstyle ; follow fashion.

Dasaka, adj. clean ; expert



Dasakaga, v. to adopt a newfashion thoughtlessly or


Dasasa, adj. clean ; expert



Da w$, v. bathe alone, washalone. Da used in such asense means alone, by one-


Dawo (da-owo), v. contribute

money ; subscribe money ;

put money together.

Dawo esu, Da-esu, v. to saveone's money by joining akind of club called £su.

Dawo-ilu, v. pay taxes ; payrates.

Dawo-ode, Dawo-bode, v. to paycustoms ; pay duty.

Dawole (da-owo-le), Diyele, v.

fix the price of ; estimate.

Dawo, v. to be sulky ; to refuse

to be appeased when angry.

Dawo, v. to hold the hand ; to

stop, cease, stay.

Dawobd (da-owo-bo), v. to coverwith hands.

e.g., l^dawobdise na, " Let your hands befully occupied in doing the


Dawodel$ (da-owo-de-ile), v.

(lit.—to go on all fours) ; to

be ruined.

Dawoduro (da-owo-duro), v. to

forbear; stay; cease; stop.

Dawole (da-owo-le), v. ventureupon ; undertake.

DawopJ (da-owo-po), v. join


Dawu (da OWU), v. prepare cottonyarn for sale by folding it

into skeins.

Dayele, Diyele (da-iye-le), v.

appraise ; fix a price upon ;

rate ; estimate the price of.

(This is done by the buyerand not by the seller.)

D6, v. come ; arrive ; reach ;


e.g., Qran na deoju re, " The matter hasreached a crisis."

e.g., OJ9de, " Rain is coming."

De, prep, in the absence of ;


e.g., Duro de mi," Wait for me."

e.g., Mase ise na de mi, " Continuethe work in my absence."

De, v. bind ; put in shackles ;

screw together ; rivet ; tie ;

put in fetters.—Nwpn demi mple, 4

* I was fettered."

Debe (de-ibe), v. to arrive there ;

reach the place.

Debipa (da-ebi-pa) Febipa, v. to


Dede, adj. exact ; agreeable ;

suitable ; accurate. adv.

well ; exactly.

e.g., O wani dede akoko ti mo fe e,

" He came at the exactmoment I needed him."

e.g., Ise nip dede, " Thework is going on well."

e.g., Ko dede ti nwpn fe ri 9," It is no wonder they wishto see you."

De . . . lade, v. to crown.

De . . . lapa, v. to pinion.

De . . . lewon, v. to chain ;

fetter ; handcuff.

De . . . lona, v. obstruct ; im-

pede ; stop the progress of.

Dena, v. lie in ambush ; lay

wait for ; waylay.

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DE-S 82 Df

De-n, v. come to ; befall


happen to.

DSfU, v. see Dawo esu.

D$, adj. loose ; slack ; ripe ;


Df, v. to set a trap ; ensnare


tempt ; bait ; allure ; decoy



Debi (da-ebi), v. condemn.


Tani ndebi, " Who con-

demns."Debifun, v. condemn.

D$d$, adv. near ; at hand (used

exclusively in the phrase).—e.g., Ku si d$d$, " Is at


e.g., QJ9 Oluwaku si d?d$, " The day of the

Lord is at hand."

Dede, adj. very soft. adv. deep,

as applied to colours.


Eso na pon dede, " Thefruit is of a deep red colour."

Dedo (df odd), v. fish.

Degbe (de igbe), v. hunt (in the


Degbo, adj. galled.

Degun (di-egun), v. to make arough seat on a tree onwhich to lay wait for

animals at night.

D$hin, v. go back.

Dehin (di-$hin), prep, till after.—e.g., O dehin ola, " Till

some distant date {lit.—Till

after to-morrow)."

Dehon, v. to sink the voice.

Deja (de-eja), v. to fish.

Deju, v. to be mild ; soft


lenient; placid.

Dekun (de-okun), v. set a trap ;


Dekun, v. cease ; stop.

D$ . . . lara, v. soothe ; to com-fort.

e.g., O d? mi lara," It soothes me."

Demu (da-ema), v. to extract

the sap of the palm-tree.

Dera (de ara), v. to be lax ; to

flag ; yielding.

Derinpa, adj. ridiculous.

Dera (di-eru), v. to pack; tie

a load.

Deru (da-era), v. to cause fear ;

raise alarm.

Dera . . . ba, v. to frighten ;

affright ; scare.

Derate (di-era-le), v. to load ;


Derupa (da-era-pa), v. to causeto feel the weight of.

Desedoro, Tesedoro, v. to halt


wait ; stay.

De ... a, v. to incite against.

Des$ (da-es$), v. to sin ; trans-

gress ; disobey a law.

Det$ (da-ete), v. to be leprous.

Deti (de-eti), v. listen ; incline

the ear.

Deti, v. impersonal, it fails ; it

is impossible.

Dew$ (de 0W0), v. to ease ;

slacken ; relax one's hold.—e.g., Je ki ndewp fun 9," Letme give you a chance. '


Dew$ (de iw$), v. to fish with ahook ; angle.

Dewu (da ewa), v. to make orsew a garment.

Di, conj. (always found with theparticle O) ; till or until,

e.g., di pla, " Till to-

morrow."Di, adj. closed ; thick.


Qna na di, " The way is

overgrown." v. shut up ;

shut ; close.

e.g., Mo di

iho na, " I closed up thehole."

Di, adj. entangled ; complicated.—e.g., J£J9 na di patapata," The matter becomes verymuch complicated."

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Dt 83 DIL

Di, v. tie ; bind ; unite ; freeze ;

congeal ; coagulate, adj.

congealed ; frozen ; dense.

Di, v. become.

e.g., Mo di eni

nla, " I am become great."

Dibaje, v. to become putrid


corrupt ; rotten ; to perish.

Dibd, v. to cast lots.

Dida, adj. molten ; poured out.

Dida, n. the act of giving effect

to any action.

Dida-ara, n. soundness of body ;


Dida-aia, v. making antics



Didaba, n. the act of imagining ;

conjecturing or speculating.

Didan, adj. shining ; bright


glossy ; varnished.

Didara, adj. good ; beautiful


nice. n. the condition of

being good.

Dide, v. arise ; stand up ; stir ;


e.g., Dide naro," Stand upright."

Dide, n. arrival.

Dide, n. the condition of being

bound or chained.

Did$, a. soft ; ripe.

Didi, n. the condition of beingtied.

Die, adj. few ; some ; little ;

adv. awhile.

Diedie, adv. little by little ; alittle at a time.

Difa (da-ifa), to consult the godIfa by means of its symbolspalm-nuts.

Dife, v. to blossom ; flower.

Digba (da-igba), v. to appoint

a certain time ; fix a time.

Digba (di-igba), adv. (used in

parting), bye-and-bye.

e.g., O digba o, " Good-bye."

Digbana (di-igbana), adv. till


Digbati (di-igbati), adv. till thetime when.

Digbese, v. to incur debt ; fall

into debt.

Digboge (di-igbati-o-^e), adv. bye*and-bye ; till another time.—e.g., O digbose, " Good-bye."

Digi, n. glass ; looking-glass ;


Dig6, n. an article of dress,

consisting of a piece of cloth

tied round the waist, v. to

wear a piece of cloth aroundthe waist as above.

Dihamora, v. to be harnessed ;

to arm oneself ; to be clad

in armour.

Dija (da-ija), v. to be the cause

of a quarrel.

Dijamora (di-oja-mora), v. to

tie a cloth round the body.

Dije (da-ije), v. to arrange a race.

Diji, v. to be frightened out of

breath ; to take fright ; to

faint from the effect of


e.g., Qmode na diji

nigbati o ri egungun," The child fainted withfright when he saw the

Egungun " (a masquerader).

Diju (di-oju), v. to shut the eyes


to close a passage.

Dija, v. to be entangled ; to beknotted.

e.g., Qran yi diju,

" This matter is hard to


Dikasi, v. to become stale ;

become mouldy ; to bemusty.

Di . . . leti, v. to prevent fromhearing ; deafen ; cause

to be deaf.

Dil$, v. to be disengaged ; to beunemployed.

e.g., Qwo midil$ die wayi, " I am nowless pressed with work."

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Di • . . lenu, v. muzzle ; to shut

the mouth of.

Di . . . lokete, v. to make into

a bale.

Di . . . lona, v. to obstruct


hinder ; prevent ; inter-


Dilu, v. condense ; bind together.

Dim$, v. cling to ; grasp.

Dim$lu, v. to take counsel


Di . . . mu, v. to hold ; grasp ;

grip ; wrestle ; struggle.

e.g., Dimu giri, " Holdfast."

e.g., Dimu sinsin,

" Grip tightly."

Din, v. to fry ; bake ; toast.

Dina, v. to barricade ; bar.

Di . . . nihamora, v. to armharness ; clothe in armour.

Dinu, adj. revengeful ; morose ;


Dipara, v. to rust ; corrode.

Dip6, v. succeed ; to be a sub-

stitute, prep, instead of


in the place of.

Dip$, a. congealed ; coagulated.

v. to adhere ; congeal ; tie

together ; bind.

Diri, v. to plait the hair.

Disisiyi, adv. till now.Diti (di-eti), adj. deaf. v. to be


Diwo (df-owo), v. to take one's

whole attention ; to engageone's time.

Diw$ (dt-OWQ), v. to clasp hands ;

to bend the fingers into the

palm of the hand.

Diw$n, v. to measure ; gauge.

Diyele, v. see Dayele.

D6, v. encamp ; cohabit.

Dofo (di-ofo), v. to becomeempty.

Dogiri (da-ogiri), v. to gallop.

Dogd, v. to dun for debt.

Dogon, v. to rust ; corrode.

Doje, n. sickle ; scythe.

Dojubole (da-oju-bo-ile), v. to

prostrate with the face onthe ground.

Dojude (da-oju-de), v. to invert.—e.g.. Da oju ikoko na deile, " Invert the pot."

Dojnkodo (da-oju-ko-od6), v. to

turn the face downward.Dojuko, v. to face ; confront.

Dojuti, v. to make ashamed.Domi (da-omi), v. to become

watery ; to become liquid.

Domnira (da-omnira), v. to free ;

to emancipate.

Dopin (de-opin), v. to come to anend ; to end.

Dorikodo (da-orin-ko-odd), v. to

hang down the head.

Doriko, v. to turn towards ;

incline one's steps.

Doti, v. to encamp against ;

beset ; beleaguer.

Dobale, v. to prostrate on theground ; to lie flat on thestomach (a form of salu-


e.g., Dobale ki apa igbonwo mora ni ohunti ise fun ni, " To prostrate

oneself and keep the elbowsclose to the body (in theattitude of supplication)

has its advantage."

Dode, v. to chase ; hunt.

Dpgba, v. to be equal ; to be onthe same level.

Donko, n. an idiot ; a stupid


Dopo, v. to offer low price for


e.g., O dopo le asoti mo nta, " He offers a lowprice for the cloth I havefor sale."

Do?{>, a. nice ; grand ; fine.

Dowodele (da-owo-de-ile), v. (lit.

—to go on all fours), v. to

cause to fail ; to subdue.

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DQW 85 fiBtr

Dow$nle (da-ow$n-le), v. to rate

at a high price ; appraise


Dii, v. to scramble for ; emu-late ; compete with ; rival.

Du, dudu, adj. black ; dark-


Du, v. to deny a request ; refuse



Dubu, v. to lie across or athwart.

Dubul$, v. to lie down.

Dudu, adj. black ; sable ; dark-


Dudu, adv. thickly.

e.g., Ojosu dudu, " The rainclouds

gather quickly."

Dugbolu, Kolu, v. to stumbleupon ; stagger against


knock against an object.

e.g., Mase dugbolu mi, " Donot stagger against me."

Dulum$, n. calumny ; slander ;


e.g., Mase gbadulump enikan, " Do notslander anyone."

Dumbu, v. to kill by cutting thethroat ; decapitate.

Dun, v. to pain ; to be painful ;

to grieve ; to cause regret.—e.g., Qran na dun mipupo, '* The matter grieves*

me much."Dim, adj. sweet ; pleasant ;

delicious; pleasing ; pal-

atable ; agreeable. (Usedto express any agreeable



Dun, v. sound.

Dunmo, v. to be pleasant ; to

please ; to be agreeable.

e.g., Ohun ti nwon se

dunm9 mi J9J9," That

which they did pleased mevery much."

Dundu (du-ndu), n. fried yam.

Dundun, n. a kind of drum.

Dupe (da-ope), v. to give thanks—e.g., IJniti a se lore ti kodupe, a ba se e ni ibi kodun u, " He who does notgive thanks for kindness

received, would not feel

injury done to him."

Dura (du-ara), v. to makean effort to keep oneself

from falling.

e.g., Mo duranigbati ile y9 mi, " I tried

to keep on my legs when I


Dnro, v. to stand ; wait ; halt



Dnrode, v. to wait for.


Durode mi, "Wait for me."Dnrope, v. to linger ; stay long.

Durogi, v. to halt suddenly.

Duroti, v. to stand by or against.

Duru, n. harmonium, organ,


Dfiru, adj. important.


E, a prefix, used with a verb to

form a pronoun.

e.g., lo,

to use ; elo, the thing used,

a utensil.

fiba, n. jar for holding grease*

oil or ointment.

Ebe, n. a heap of earth made for

planting ; bed ; hillock.

fibi, n. vomit ; matter thrownup from the stomach.

Ebi, n. hunger.

Ebf, n. journey ; travel ; a long


Ebi-npa, v. (a phrase) to behungry (lit.—hunger is


ftbO, Abo, ftdi, n. the act of

binding or tying.

fibu, n. abuse ; bad names ,*

attributing defect to any

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fiBU 86 EGU

part of the body.


Qlori nla, " A big-headedfellow."

film, n. a piece of anything aboutthe size of a man's fist

intended for planting ; yamseed.

Ebute, w. landing place ; wharf ;


Ebutti, w. dust ; a heap of fine


fide, n. language ; dialect



fide, n. crawfish ; lobster


shrimp; prawn.

fide, n. buffalo.

fidl, n. a spell ; a charm ; anenchantment.

fididi, n. a seal ; a stamp.

fidu, n. a kind of wild goat.

fidu, n. coal ; cinders ; lamp-black.

fiff, fifin, n. smoke.

Eflnrin, n. an aromatic shrubresembling mint, havingmedicinal properties.

Ennrin-wewe, Eflnrin-ata, n.

another species of Efinrin,

having smaller leaves; mint.

Eflnrin-odd, n. water mint.

fif6, n. chaff ; corn chaff usedfor feeding cattle.

fif6, n. bubbles ; froth.

fif$, n. broken pieces ; frag-

ments of earthenware.

fifQ, Ofp, n. cuticle ; outer skin ;

cast off snake skin.


Ara mi npa efo, " My sur-

face skin is peeling off."

Efu, n. a coated tongue causedby a disordered stomach.

figake, Eginni, n. a tickling.

e.g., IW9 nrin mi li eginni," You tickle me."

figbe, n. woe ; damnation


perdition ; loss ; eternal


figbe, n. support ; aid


response ; chorus.

figb§, n. a cane used in theframework of a thatchedroof.

Egbeje, a. one thousand fourhundred (1,400).

Egbere, n. a small animal ; anevil spirit supposed to beof very small stature. Itis said to wander abroad atnight and to frequent thewoods.

Egbin, n. a kind of deer.

Egbd, n. a sore ; ulcer ; rootof a tree.

figb6, n. dry corn cooked verysoft ; corn pudding.

figbodd, n. new yam.

Egbogi (egbo-igi), n. medicine(lit.—^root of a tree).

figbon, n. flea ; tick.

fige, n. piece.

fige, n. dirge ; anthem ;


Egede, adv. only ; simply.


Mo bo ile tan egede^ ki nyee ni o ku, " I have thatchedthe house, the ridge onlyremains to be done."

figede, n. mystery; a mys-terious saying.

figun, Egungun, n. bone ;


Egun-aiya, n. breastbone ; theribs.

Egun-ehin, n. back-bone ; spinalcolumn.

Egun, n. curse ; imprecation ;

anathema.figun, figungun, n. a mas-

querader who is supposedto be a dead person returnedto earth ; the worship ofthe spirits of the dead.

Egnnrin, n. refuse ; dust.

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Ehase (eyi-ha-se), adv. why


wherefore ; how so.

Ellin, Eyin, n. tooth ; tusk.

Ehin-erin, n. ivory ; elephant's


fih6, n. froth ; foam.

Ehoro, n. hare ; rabbit.

fiho-ejo, fifo-ejo, n. the cast off

skin of a snake.

fiha, n. birds like palm-birds

generally found in flocks ;

offset ; offshoot ; bud ;

weed ; seedling ; sprout.

fihti-iyan, Iyan-ikasi, n. poundedyam which has becomestale.

Ejanu, n. passion ; passionate


Eje, a. seven ; seventh.

Eje-pdun, n. the seventh monthin the year—July.

Ejf, n. rain,

fiji, a. two.

fiji, n- a wedge-shaped cut in

the upper frontal teeth,

thought to enhance beauty.

fiji-Qdun, n. the second monthin the year—February.

Ejidflogun (fiji-din-ni-ogtin), a.


fijila, a. twelve.

fijik&, n. shoulder.

Ejinrin, n. a creeping plant.

Ejire, Ejie, Ibeji,n. twins ; giving

birth to two at one time.

fijd, n. serpent ; snake.

Ej6, n. fried pork, bacon,

fikan, fikanna, n. finger-nail


claw ; talon ; paw.ISkan-awodi, n. (lit—eagle's

claw) a prickly shrub usedas medicine for destroying


15kan-ekun,n. (lit.—^lion's paws);

a prickly plant, so called

from its prickles resembling

lion's paws.

fikan, n. new shoots from the

stem or roots of trees.

fikan, n. upright posts used in

weaving ; post to whichto tether animals ; anywooden peg, plug or wedge.

Ek6, n. liar, falsehood ; lie



e.g., Pipe ni yio peeke kd mu ra, " Though it

may be a long time a lie

will be detected at last."

Ekeje (§kan-eje), a. seventh.

Ekeji ($kan-eji),a. second ; next


the other ; the second of apair.

Ekelenje, n. eft, a small lizard.

£k6rdgbe, Ewure, n. goat.

Ekinni, a. first, chief.

ftkiri, n. a kind of wild goat.

fikiti, 6kiti, n. somersault ; amound of earth ; hillock ;

the name given to the

district north-east of the

Yoruba Country.

Ekd, n. joint.

Ek616, n. a long worm generally

found by the side of water.

Eku, Ekute, n. rat ; mouse.fiku, fikan, n. handle of a knife,

sword or cutlass.

Eku, Ekukaka, n. sheer force ;


e.g., O se eku dide

die, " He makes an effort

to raise himself a little."

fikulu, n. a snare for fish.

Ekulu, n. a kind of deer.

fikan, n. knee.

Ekuro, n. the kernel of a palm-nut.

fikura, n. meal made of groundwhite beans or corn (whenmade of corn it is called

ekuru agbado) ; sometimescalled kuduru.

fikora, n. mange ; itch ; scabies ;


fiknru, n. dust ; fine dust.

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EKt 88 ENt

Ekusa, Ekus$, n. ringworm onthe head.

Ekutele (ekute-ile), n. house-rat.

fila, n. wedge.

ftlg, n. force ; violence ; pressure.

Ele, n. interest ; usury ; sur-

plus ; a course of mud in

building mud walls,

file, n. iron ; instruments madeof iron ; weapons ; sword.

The cry of " £le " denotes" All to arms."

Eledemeji, n. equivocator



EUegbe, n. seconder ; supporter ;

chorister ; one who makesresponses.

Elegbd, n. one with sores on his


Elegede, n. pumpkin.Elegede, n. a mystic.

Eleke, n. a liar ; a talebearer.

Elemini, n. a slanderer ; atraitor.

Elere, see Abiku.

Elere, n. one who gains or makesprofit.

Eleri, n. an unclean person ;

a dirty or filthy person.

adj. dirty ; filthy.

EUeru, n. a cheat ; a shuffler.

Elerupe, adj. earthy ; made of


Elepo, n. palm-oil seller.

Elese-aluko, adj. purple.

E16s6, adj. fruit-bearing.

Ele?u, n. a demoniac ; onepossessed with a devil.

Ele?u, adj. wicked ; devilish.

Eleti-aja, n. that which has flaps.

Eletutu, n. propitiator.

Eleyi, pro. this one ; this.

ftld, n. use.

ftl6, fil6, adv. How much ?

E16-ob$, n. ingredients used in

cooking, such as salt andpepper.

fify, 0l$, n. grinder ; digestive


Elubo, Qka, n. yam-flour ; dried


e.g., Elub9 seegbodori, era se omo ni ile babar$ ri, " (As) dried yam wasonce fresh and soft, (so) the

slave was once a child in

his father's house."

Emi, Mo, Ng, pro. I.

fimi, n. breath.

Fmifnnrftmi, refl. pro. I myself.

Emim<J, £m$, n. the seeds of a

wild shrub which adhere

to clothes.

Emi-na, refl. pro. I also ; I


Em^Tlfl, n. a trailing plant

bearing fruit on a stalk.

Emitikarami, EmitJkalami, refl.

pro. I myself ; myself.

£m$, n. wonder ; strange occur-


e.g., £m$ de, " Astrange thing happens."

£m$ or fimim^, n. seeds of aplant ; anything adhesive.

fim$-agb6, n. a shrub whoseseeds stick to the skin of

cattle (agbd, ram) whengrazing.

Emuren, Emurin, n. mosquito.

fina, n. used only in the following

proverb :—Bi iwo ko ni owoo kd ni ena, bi o kd ni enao k6 ni ohun rere lenu," If you have no money(to give a person in distress)

can you not pay visits, andif you cannot pay visits

can you not send somekind messages ? " Hencethe title " Apena," whichmeans " One who calls


ftni, n. overweight ; over-


Eni, adj. one ; unit.

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fcNi 89 £ntr

finf, 6nf, n. to-day.

fini, Eyini, pro. that ; that one ;

that yonder,

fini, ft. dew.

Enia, ft. a human being; person


somebody ; man (in the

general sense).

Enia-dudu, ft. black man ; negro


coloured man.Enia-funfun, ft. white man ;


Eniakenia, ft. villain ; rascal



Enialasan, n. outcast ; onewithout character ; commonfellow.

Emtere-ejitere, adv. (a phrase,

lit.—one here, two there) ;

one by one ; one after

another ; by degrees ;


e.g., Enitere-

ejitere ni oja ifi ikun, " Onehere, two there, the marketis full."

fipa, ft. crust ; incrustation


scab over a sore ; poundedyam baked.

Spa ! fiparipa ! inter, an ex-

clamation of fear or terror.

fipe, ft. curse ; swearing ; the

invoking of evil on another.

fip$, Erup$, ft. mud ; earth.

fipd, ft. weed ; wild grass.

Epo, ft. palm-oil ; oil ; grease.

fipo, ft. chaff ; husk ; bark ;

rind ; skin ; peel ; pod ;


fipora, ft. the bark of a tree

which contains much acid ;

juice ; medicinal bark.

Epo-$w$r$, ft. a greenish sub-

stance which covers the

surface of the lagoon,

generally in the dry season

(Dec. to Feb.)

fira, ft. small black ants withpoisonous stings.

e.g., Bi

inu mbi ajanaku a bi era," If the elephant can beangry, so can the ant."

firan, ft. grass used as food for

horses and cattle in general


the leaves of a plant usedas thatch.

firan, ft. infection; pestilence.

e.g., Mase ko eran ran mi r

" Do not infect me."firfc, ft. gain ; profit ; benefit


interest on money ; income ;

advantage ; premium.Er6, ft. game ; play ; sport.

fir6, ft. image ; idol ; statue.

Er§, ft. a white bean with a blackspot on it.

Eredi, adv. Why ? What is thereason of ?

Erekere, ft. indecent game



firekere, ft. image of any kind.

Erek6, ft. dependency ; thesurrounding districts of atown ; a village.

Erekusu, n. island ; isle ; islet.

firf, ft. filth ; dirt ; foulness.

firf, ft. chaff sifted out of groundmaize or Indian corn, usedas food for cattle.

Erigi, ft. molar tooth.

Erin, n. elephant.

firin-igbado, n. maize in cob.

Erinmi, n. hippopotamus; whale.

Erd, ft. caravan ; traveller ; way-farer ; passenger ; trader ;


fird, w. thought ; idea ; con-sideration ; pondering ;

plan ; project ; intention.

fird-ina, n. nits ; the eggs of lice.

firn, ft. ashes ; the dust whichremains after a body is

burnt ; cinders,

firti, ft. deceit ; double-dealing ;

craft ; deception ; fraud ;


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ERtr 90 &T&

Erufu, n. land cleared for

habitation ; meadow.


Qba 999 $gan di erufu, said

in praise of a king in whoseprosperous reign forest

countries are converted into

plains, inhabited by the

increasing population.

Erukuku, n. pigeon (more fre-

quently called eiyele).

firun, n. generic name for the

ant tribe ; emmet.


<|)w<Jl<Jw9 ni ika (akandu)

$P9l9P9 ni erun, " The large

black ants march in aregular order, but all other

ants move in irregular

swarms."firun, n. crumbs.

firun-dudu, Akandu, n. the blackant (which always moves in

double file).

Erup$, n. dust ; earth ; soil



Erfifu, Eruifu, n. a piece of yam.fisa, Ita, n. the red ant.

Ese, n. cat.

Ese, n. the river horse or hippo-

potamus.fise, n. shea-nut.

fise, n. provision ; food preparedfor use in the course of ajourney.

fise, n. dye ; paint ; coloured

liquid used by tanners.

fise-aluko, n. purple colour or


fise-iyeye, n. yellow colour or


fisi, n. answer ; reply ; response

(The same as Idahun).

fisin or Eslnsin, n. a creeper

whose seed is covered withscales which are poisonousand cause violent itching.

Esin, n. a kind of tree.

Eso, n. fruit.

fiau, figUSU, n. a wild high grass

not unlike the sugar-cane.

Esue, n. disordered stomach



fisun, n. a flying ant whichappears after rain and soondrops its wings. It is afavourite food.

ESUO, n. antelope.

Esura, n. a kind of potato or

tuber of yellow colour witha bitter taste.

EstlSu, fisu, n. a wild high grass

resembling the sugar-cane.

&a, ftsusu, n. pimple ; skin


fisu, n. a kind of club or savings

bank, chiefly used by theEgbas.

fife (eyi ti ?e), ado. What is the

matter ? Why ? What is

the reason ?

fife ti, adv. Why ? Wherefore ?

ftsi, n. mistake ; accident ;

error ; oversight,

ftsi, n. last year ; the past year ;

a year ago.

fisi, n. colouring matter whichcomes from a dyed cloth

when washed ; dirt.

E$hi$in, fi^in, n. fly.

Efinfin-ef^n, n. the gadfly.

Also called tru.

Eginfin-Qde, n. hornet,

fifU, n. devil ; Satan ; demon ;


fisu, n. the locust.

Egugu, Esusu, n. leech.

fifUfU, n. brier ; a runningprickly plant.

Eta, fita, n. coarse flour

separated by sifting ; sore-

ness in the gums.

fite, n. intention ; consideration ;

purpose ; scope ; drift


aim ; tenor.

fite, n. lip.

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ETl 91 £BA

Etf, ft, ear ; edge ; brink


brim ; skirt ; border ;


Etidd, ft. water-side ; strand ;


Etile, ft. outskirts of a town



Eti-ofa, ft. barb of an arrow.

fitu, ft. an old farm nearly-


Etutu, ft. propitiation ; atone-

ment ; expiration ; pen-

ance ; pacification ; that

which gives satisfaction.

Etutu-okun, ft. oakum ; tow.

Etutu, ft. the small species of

white ants.

Ewe, ft. leaf ; foliage.


" Ew6-eti," ft. convolvulus,

so called because its sap,

mixed with nut oil, is aremedy for earache.

Ewebe, n. herb ; vegetable.

Ewedo (ewe-odo), w. moss ; the

leaf of a water-plant.

Ewe-ina, ft. a shrub with a hairy

leaf, which, if touched,

produces painful blisters

on the skin. It is one of

the ingredients used for

poisoning arrows, and in

the preparation of poisons.

Ewekewe, ft. any leaf ; a com-mon leaf.

Eweko, ft. plants in general



Ewere, ft. a species of monkeywith whiskers, called, fromits nice appearance, the

father of monkeys.


Ewere baba obo, " Ewere,the father of monkeys."

£w0, ft. boil, abscess.

£w6, inter. pro. Which ?


£w$, ft. that which is forbidden ;

a forbidden act.

Ewu, ft. danger ; peril ; risk ;

narrow escape ; hazard ;

insecurity ; jeopardy.

Ewu, ft. grey hair ; white locks.

Ewu, Ewusa, ft. a large rodent

which goes about only in

the night.

e.g., A kd nri

ewu losan, " The rodent

ewu is never seen in day-light."

Ewura, ft. water yam ; a kindof soft yam.

Ewure, ft. a goat.

Ewuro, ft. a tree with a bitter

leaf ; a bitter herb usedfor food. The root is also

used as a chewing-stick.

Eyi, Eyiyi, adj. -pro. this.

fiyi, n. measles.

Eyfn, see Ehin.

Eyina, adj. -pro. this same ; the

same ; self-same.

Eyini, adj. -pro. that ; that one ;

that yonder.

Eyini-nipe, adv. namely ; that


Eyiti, pro. that which ; which ;


e.g., Eyiti o ri ni

ki o mu, *' Take that whichyou find."

Eyiti-a-nwi-yi, an adv. phrase ;

just now ; immediately.

e.g., Eyiti-a-nwi-yi pe ju o

ti I9, " Faster than I speakhe was gone."

Eyitowukose, Eyitowukoje, pro.

whatsoever ; whichever.

5, ?nyin, pro. you ; ye.

E, pro. obj. case ; him ; her ; it.

?ba, ft. brink ; edge ; border ;


Qba-ina, n. fireside.

$ba-Okun, n. seaside.

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£BA 92 $F<>

Qbado, n. riverside.

?b$» n- entreaty ; supplication ;

petition ; intercession ;

prayer ; request.

$b$, n. a slice ; a shaving ; stew.

IJbi, n. wrong ; condemnation ;

doom ; guilt.

IJbiti, n. a stone or mud snare ;

a trap ; an insecure building

or cliff.

?biti alayun, Qbiti ilagi, n. saw-pit.

J?bo, n. sacrifice ; offering.

?bp-ak0S0, n. offering of first-


Ebo-alafia, n. peace offering.

]Jbo-e?e, n. sin offering ; tres-

pass offering.

?bo-etutu-ese, JJbo-etutu, n.

propitiatory sacrifice; atone-


l^bo-fin, n. wave-offering.

ijbp-idamewa, n. offering of the

tenth part.

Ijlbo-igbeSQ, n. heave offering.

]jbQ-itasile, n. libation.

JJbv-ore, JJbo-ore-atinuwa, w,

freewill offering.

?bp sisun, l?bo Qre sunn, n.

burnt offering.

fbp-eru, lime kiln.

buru, Qna ebnrn, n. short cut


backpath ; backdoor.

$bun, n. gift ; present


donation ; endowment


prize ; boon.

$da, n. natural propensities


nature ; inclination.

IJcla, n. a rat remarkable for fast


$da, 7i. nature ; creature ; the

act of creating.

$da-el$mi, n. animal kingdom.

$da-eweko, n. vegetable king-

dom.$da-iwe, n. edition (of a book).

$da-$r$, n. a pun upon a word.

Edan, n. Ogboni staff.

Ede, n. ripe fruit.

ILiLfa a, prefix.used in numeration.When used for numbersbetween 400 and 4,000 it

means minus 100, but above4,000 it means minus 1,000.

e.g., 600 is §d$gbeta ; i.e.,

600 minus 100; 6,000 is

§d$gbata, i.e., 6,000 minus1,000.

£d$gbeje, adj. one thousand

seven hundred.

]£d$gbeJQ, adj. one thousand five


]<2degberin, adj. seven hundred.

]Jdegb$run, adj. nine hundred.

Edegbesan, adj. one thousandseven hundred.

Edogun, adj. fifteen.

Edyy n. liver ; a feeling ofaffection.

$d$ fdfd, adj. irascible ; easily


$dun, n. twins ; a name some-times given to one or bothof twins ; ape ; fourfingered

monkey.Qdnn-dndn, IJdun Oriokun, n. a

black and very agile

monkey, generally foundby the seaside, or amongmangroves.

$dun, n. axe ; hatchet.

$dun, n. grief ; distress of mind ;


Edun-ardkan, Edun-ikehin, n.

remorse ; mortification.

]Jfa, adj. six.

Efa-igi, n. a shaving ; a chip.

$f$, n. jest ; joke ; mockery ;

game ; drollery.

$f$, n. fault-finding ; captious -

ness ; humour.fifln, Efl, n. smoke ; fume.

jf$, n. a herb used as food.

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?FQ 93 ?IY

$fo-ikoko, ft. potsherd.

$f$k$, ft. a wreck.

$f$n, ft- arrow.

ijfon-iha, ft. rib.

$f$n, ft. buffalo.

Jjlfufu, ft. breeze ; gale ; tempest



$fufu-OJiji, ftftfu-nla, ft. storm ;

tornado ; tempest ; wind ;


JJfun, ft. chalk ; whiting.

IjJga, ft. palm bird.

$ga-apa?d, ft. a species of palmbird.

$£&, ^l^nga, ft. common grass-


Jj&a-ori^a, ft. a species of palmbird which has white spots

on its feathers.

$gan, ft. a dense primitive

forest, never cultivated.

Egan-ogUQU, ft. prickly forest.

$gan, ft. back-biting ; con-

tempt ; libel ; censure


blame ; disgrace ; reproach ;

scandal ; reflection.

$gba, adj. two thousand.

]j&b&, ft. the palsy ; a disease

which withers the limbs.

l?gba, ft. bracelet.

fgba marun, adj. 10,000.

IjJgba medpgbpn Qk$, one million.

]£gbara, ft. a rat remarkable for


?8b$, ft. company ; rank ; party;

companion ; equal ; com-rade.

$gbe, ft. prepared beans.

$gb$, ft. mate ; fraternity


guild ; estate ; class ; club ;

society ; association ; cate-


?gbe-iyawo, ft. bridesmaid.

Jfeb$-9gba, ft. coeval ; of the

same age.

?£bejO, adj. one thousand six


$gb$ra, ft. match; equal; equiv-


$gberin, adj. eight hundred.

ljgb$si, ft. name of a tree ; heat-

rash ; the mark of a whip.

$gb$, ft. the side, from the arm-pit to the waist ; loins ;

place ; adv. alongside.

$gb$d$gb$n, adj. five thousand.

IJgberi, n. one uninitiated into

the secrets of the gods


one ignorant concerning amatter.

Egberun, adj. one thousand.

5gbegb$run, adv. by thousands.

$gbin, ft. filth ; dirt ; foulness.

l^gbon, adj. elder; eldest; senior,

ft. an older relative.

$gbon own, ft. carded cotton ;

cotton prepared for spinning.

$gboro, n. the young of animals.

Egboro-abopa, n. falling.

EgbQro-abomalu, n. heifer.

Egbyro-akomalu, n. bullock.

?g^, ft. a snare : a gin ; a trap

of pointed iron suspendedon a tree and set by astring.

$g$, ft. stupidity.

Ijjgusi, ft. the seeds of the melon


$gun, ft. thorns ; prickles ;

brambles ; goad.

?ha, ft. coat ; jacket ; waist-


IJha, ft. scrapings ; filings.

$h$n, interj. aha !

5hin, ft. the back ; backside.

adj. hindermost ; last ; rear.

gin-pde,o(f;. exterior; external.

p, ft. the burnt portion of

boiled food which adheres

to the cooking pot.

JJhuru, n. a large bird of the

goose tribe.

pye, ft. bird.

IJiyeko, ft. a wild bird.

pyele, ft. a domestic pigeon.

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?IY 94 $L£

IJiye-ode, n. a bird of prey.

pye-olorin, n. singing bird



]Jja, n. fish.

?ja-ejo, n. eel.

5J9, n. blood.

5JO, n. matter ; dispute ; harm ;


?W, adj. eight.

]Jka, w. branch of a tree.

l^ka-orun, n. the nape of the


Eka-alomo, n. graft ; scion.

?ka-dQta, adj. fiftieth.

Ek&dorfn, adj. seventieth.

Ekadorun, adj. ninetieth.

Ekan, adv. once.

fikan, n. the name of a grass

used for thatching.

5k$, n. rafter.

Eke-aja, n. beam ; joist.

$k$, n. trust ; confidence.

jk$, n. cheek ; jaw.

IJkedogun, adj. fifteenth.

IJkefa, adj. sixth.

?keJQ, adj. eighth.

ijkerin, adj. fourth.

jjkerinla, adj. fourteenth.

ijkesan, adj. ninth.

ijketa, adj. third.

ijketala, adj. thirteenth.

ijketadilogun, adj. seventeenth.

Ekewa, adj. tenth.

Eko, Agidi, n. Indian corn meal.

$k<J, n. teaching; lesson; instruc-

tion ; education ; doctrine.

JJko-aikotan, n. a smattering of


JJkokandi-logun, adj. nineteenth.

ijkokanla, adj. eleventh.

Qknn, n. fill ; supplement


fulness ; completion.

?ku, n. a snare made of bushrope.

IJku, n . a running plant resem-bling Ajara.

l^kuku, n. a viscous vegetable.

$kunle, n. back yard.

]jkun, n. cry ; weeping.

Ptun, n. leopard ; region ; neigh-

bourhood ; waste.

]Jkun-Oke, n. highlands ; highparts of a country.

^la, n. a small piece severedfrom a larger ; a splinter.

JjJl$, n. a patch.

P$b$, n. advocate ; intercessor ;

pleader ; petitioner.

Pebu, n. owner of a kiln.

?leda, n. Creator ; Supreme

P$d$, n. the domestic pig ;


P$fi, n. chimney ; steamship.

P$fo, n - one who deals in edible


Pegan, n. despiser ; slanderer.

P$gba, n. a paralytic (lit.—one whose limbs have beer*


P$gbara, n. god of mischief ;


Pegbe, n. companion ; com-rade ; fellow.

Jjflege, adj. delicate ; tender ;

brittle, n. delicacy ; tender-

ness ; brittleness.

Peja, n. fishmonger.

Pekanna, adj. disagreeable.

^Jlekerede, adj. infirm ; weak ;


Pekun, n. mourner ; weeper.

Iglemi, n. a living person.

P$mu, n. seller of palm wine.

JjHemoflO, n. one who has goodtaste for neatness ; a goodjudge of dress and decora-tion.

Penga, n. grasshopper.

Penu buburu, n. foul-mouthedperson.

Pepe, Pepere, n. a kind of soft

Indian corn.

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?up 95 $NI

IjHeran, n. butcher ; cattle-

dealer ; having flesh.

1^1eii, n. witness ; eye witness.

Elero, n. engineer ; engine -


51eru, n. one having fear.

$les$, n. footman ; foot soldier.

]jles$ merin, adj. four-footed.

n. quadruped.

^lese-nile, n. one having a firm

footing ; a powerful person.

Ele?e, n. sinner ; offender ;

evildoer ; culprit ; trans-

gressor ; trespasser.

$le?in, n. rider ; horseman.

$l$tan, n. deceiver ; dissembler ;


$l$t$, n. leper.

$l$t$, n. a noxious snail with-

out shell, found in green

pastures, said to be poison-

ous to animals if eaten.

1^1$ya, n. ridicule ; contempt.

IJleyinju, n. a person havinglarge eyeballs ; one with

prominent eyes.

l^lewa, n. a handsome person ;

one who sells a preparation

of Indian corn called $wa.l^lewon, n. one who wears a

chain ; a prisoner ; a jailor.

$l$Wu, n. one who has a desire

or a wish.

IJliri, n. a mouse.

ijlomiran, Elomi, pro. another.

JjJlu, n. indigo ; mixture.

$lulu, n. a brown-featheredbird.

IJmeji, adv. twice.

^Imewa, adv. ten times.

$m$wa, n. prime minister {lit.—he who knows the mind).

IJmi, n. life ; breath ; spirit ;


IJmi, n. shea-butter tree andfruit.

$m$, n. a brown rat.

$mQ-ile> n. guinea-pig.

Emu, n. palm wine.

Emu, n. tongs ; pincers ; cap-

ture ; seizure.

]Jn, adv. yes ; so.

?na, n. an inversion of the order

of letters, syllables, wordsor sentences under whichthe sense is concealed or


5ni, n. mat.

Qni, Qniti, pro. one ; he who ;

a person ; the person which.

IJni ipe, n. a person called or

summoned or invited.

IJni abd, n. warder ; overseer.

IJni ailofin, n. bandit ; outlaw ;


IJni A?ati, n. one put aside.

Eni apere, n. antitype.

Qnibawi, n. culprit ; delinquent.

Qnidanwo, Qnititun, n pro-


IJni-egbe, n. reprobate.

IJni eleya, n. a gazing stock


one to be mocked or ridi-


^niflfe, n. one beloved ; a lover.

$nigbab$, n. a boarder.

$nikan, pro. one ; anyone ;

a certain person.

$nikeji, n. partner ; compan-ion ; neighbour ; assistant



JJnikeni, IJnitowu, pro. who-soever ; whoever ; any ;


QnikQkaiij adv. individually.

IJnikQSile, n. profligate ; aban-doned character.

IJniku, n. a mortal creature.

]Jni-OWO, n. a venerable person ;

a revered person.

^nirere, n. a good person ; aworthy person.

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?NI 96 ?RU

IJniti, pro. he who ; the one

who ; the one that ; the

one which.

]j2nitikalare, pro. self ; oneself.

$niy&WO, n. bride's mat.

$nu, n. mouth ; opening



$nu eiye, w. bill ; beak.

$nu ilekun nla, n. gateway ; i

large gate.

$nu ona, n. gate ; doorway.

IJnu $9$r$, w. the eaves of ahouse.

$nu ?pro, w. a long beak.

$nyin, e, pro. you ; ye.

^nyintikalayin, refl. pro. youyourselves.

?pa» w. ground-nut.

IJpa roro, n. the red ground-nut.

$p$n, n. testicle.

]J2pon, n. ripeness ; flattery.

$tan, n. the temples (of the


$ran, n. meat ; flesh ; beasts ;


Ijfran agutan, n. mutton.

IJran eled$, n. pork.

$ran gala, ?ran agbprin, n.


$ran mala, n. beef.

$ran abekanna, w. carnivorous

animal with claws.

]£ran ebp, n. victim for sacrifice.

$ran jije, w. meat for food


animal food.

^rankeran, n. beasts in general


any beast.

^ranko, n. wild beasts ; carrion.

$ranko alaiyase, n. an animal

whose foot is not cloven.

IJranko elesemerin, n. quad-


JJran nla, malu, n. ox ; bull



$ranle, n. a domestic animal.

5ran omi, ekura, n. shark.

?ran pipa, n. cattle, fatling.

5re, n. mud ; marsh ; bog ; fen.

5ri, n. witness ; testimony


earnest ; evidence.

IJri eke, n. false witness.

$rin, adv. (used only in compo-sition), " times." — e.g.,

^rinmeji, contracted to

l^meji, twice.

Erin meta, fimeta, three times.

$rin merin, fimerin, adv. four


$rin, n. laughter.

{Srin egan, n. grin ; a scornful


^rindilognn, od;. sixteen.

$ri-okan, n. conscience.

jrp, n. skill ; art ; contrivance ;


Erg, w. softness ; easiness



IJro ogun, ?rp ijagun, w. tactics

of war.

5*ru, w. fear ; dread.

pru ola, n. reverence.

jru, n. the handle of an axe

or hoe.

5rfc, n* load ; cargo ; burden ;


JJrn, n. slave ; captive.

IJrubirin, n. a female slave.

fSrukpniin, n. male slave.

5ru-igi, n. a bundle of wood ;


^Sril Qja, n. package of trade

goods ; a bale of goods.

IJru pkp, n. ship's load ; cargo.

5ru, »*. a kind of spice.

5rn ibile, n. a slave born in the

master's house.

$r&n, n. the dry season.

Qrun, n. chip ; broken pieces ;


$run, n. the name of a tree muchused in making charcoal,

and also as a medicine

both internally and exter-


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$san, ft. payment ; vengeance ;

revenge ; retaliation ; com-pensation.

fiSan, <]dj. nine. n. slit ; crack.

$sun, ft. accusation ; law-suit


impeachment ; offence.

$8$, n. foot ; leg ; gait ; path ;


$selasan, adj. barefoot.

5se wiwo, adj. bandy leg


crooked leg.

?se, ft. row ; order.

p, adv. orderly ; regularly ;

in rows.

97 ?YI

Igsi, n. shame ; reproach ;


$8$, n. carefulness ; gentle-

ness ; leisure.

?SO> n. glue joint ; link ; shoot.

$SOkolo, n. worm-casts of the

worm ekdl6.

$?$, ft. a blow with the fist ; acuff ; a broken part of


$9$, ft. sin ; crime ; offence ;


9$ ilu, ft. felony.

9$ nla, ft. capital offence.

$sin, ft. spear ; lance ; javelin.

E$in, n. horse.

$s$, ft. guard ; sentinel ; watch ;

watchman.IjJta, adj. three, n. bulb or tuber.

Qtala, ad;', thirteen.

$t&, ft. a kind of leopard.

jjta ina, n. a spark.

$tadiladorin, adj. sixty-seven.

$tan, ft. enticement ; decoy ;

deceit ; fraud.

$t$, ft. disgrace ; shame ; re-


$t$, ft. leprosy.

$ti, ft. difficulty ; failure in

performing one's wishes


a miscarriage ; a standingstill ; that which impedesthe flow of water.

gp, n. the right thing.

un, n. branch ; bough ; spray.

IJtu, n. Guinea fowl ; black andwhite cloth.

ftu,ft. a kind of deer,

tu, ft. gunpowder ; medicinal

powder ; that which relieves


?wa, adj. ten.

?wa, ft. beauty ; comeliness.

Ewa meje, adj. seventy.

?we, ft. a sort of bean.

Qw$, Lekeji, adv. again ; thesecond time.

l?wiri, n. the blacksmith's


Ewo, ft. sneers.

$W$n, ft. chain ; a runningprickly bush.

Ewon ldak$dur6, n. cable;


$WQn, w. detachments.

l?won pw$, ft. manacles ; hand-cuffs.

$Wu, ft. clothes ; shirt ; vest



l?wu, n. amiableness ; pleasure ;

delight ; taste.

Qwuru, ft. pitfall ; a pit lightly

covered with earth.

5yi, n. family ; gender ; mem-ber ; tribe ; division


distinct part of a people

or thing'; seed ; offspring.

$y&, ft. a small leopard.

5yv» n - fitness ; worthiness ;

suitableness ; right.

Eyin, w. egg.

$yin, n. the ripe palm nut, fromwhich the yellow palm oil

is made.IJyinju, n. the eyeball.

Qyinkolo, Qrinkolo, n. the

evacuations of the wormekdlo.

$yin ogi, ft. starch of Indiancorn.

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Jpyp, n. cowries.

$y&n, Kaynn, n. disease underthe toes, produced by-

walking barefoot on wetground.


P4, t>. to wipe ; shave ; clean ;


Pi, v.8. to draw ; lead ; pull ;

crawl ; abate ; diminish ;

drag ; drain ; lag ; lure ;


FA, adj. to be remiss ; drowsy ;

stupid ; slothful ; slow ;

tardy ; tedious ; tenacious


meagre, adv. to be behind-hand.

Fa-a?oya, v. to tear a garment.

Fada, n. a public play or show ;

exhibition ; display.

Fadaka, n. silver.

Fa-emi, v. to inspire, inhale.

Fafa, n. a kind of mat ; a coarse


F&ftafe, v. to foretell, divine.

F&f$99 ?e, v. to perform bymagic.

Fafon, v. to absorb.

Faga, adv. cautiously ; withsoft steps.—e.0.,Onyan faga," He steps cautiously."

Fagbara$e, v. to use main force ;

to act reluctantly.

Fagi, v. to plane wood.Fagun, n. to spin out ; lengthen ;


Fagunr6, v. to rally an army.Fahun prp, v. to drawl.

FA ile, v. to gather earth in small

heaps for the purpose of


Faiya, v. to enchant, allure.

Faja, v. to break a thing into

two pieces by a violent pull.

Fajade, v. to extract.

Faj6, v. to burn.

FajUTO, v. to look sad ; be dis-

pleased ; sulky.

Fajuro-mo, v. to scowl.

Fa-kere, v. to extenuate,


Fa-kiln, v. to prolong a matter ;

stir up strife ; make mattersworse.

Fakurd, v. to take a thing outof the way ; abridge ; de-tract.

Fakuru, v. to shorten ; abridge.

F&4, v. to lick up ; lap.


Im6gunju<J li a fi ifa obe la,

" With the forefinger onelicks up palaver sauce."

Falaiya, v. to enchant ; allure ;


Fale, v. to draw tight ; to makestrong.

Falel6ri, v. to lap over; to bemade responsible.

Fal$, v. to be slow ; inactive ;

prolonged ; to drag.


Mase fi oran yi fal$, " Do-

not let this matter be pro-


Fal^kan, v. to affect ;pant ;

long for.

Famo, v. to cling to ; climbupon.

Fam^ra, v. to attract ; caress ;

adhere ; embrace ; hug.

Famu, v. to absorb.

Fanim^ra, v. to be sociable ;

inviting ; enticing ; allur-


Fa-n$6, v. to tug ; crawl alohg.

Fapada, v. to withdraw.

Fara, v. to be about to do ; to

be nearer.—e.^.,Onfara ile,

" He nears home."Farabal^, v. to be sober ; con-


Faralun, adj. indulged.

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FAR 99 F?J

Farah&n, v. to shew oneself ; to


Faram$, v. to adhere ; coalesce.

Farar$, Farati, v. to lean;


Farasin, v. to hide oneself


abscond. adj. obscure



Farawe, v. to resemble ; com-pete with ; cope with ;

copy ; imitate.

Fari, v. to shave the head.

Fari, n. display, parade, boast,


Farft, v. to revive an ancient

quarrel or dispute ; to beprovoked, enraged, angered,


e.g., I nu mifaru, " I am greatly irri-


Fase, v. to close ; shut.

Fas^hin, v. to withdraw ; drawor keep back ; abstain

from ; be slow ; withhold ;

retreat ; retire ; diminish ;

decrease ; slacken ; reduce.

Fa-SO, v. to fix ; tie up.

Fa-s6ke, v. to hoist ; lift up ;

shrink .

Fa-ta, v. see Fale.

Fati, v. to draw aside ; keepaside.

Fati, adv. freely ; withoutrestraint ; leisurely.

Fa-yp, v. to draw out ; abstract.

F6, adv. for ever ; for a long


e.g., Kanrin-kanrinf6, " A very long time."

Febipa, Febipaku, v. to famish ;

starve to death.

Feauyi, v. to besmut ; blackenwith soot.

Fefe, n. boasting ; bravado.

Fere, F§, n. asthma.

Fere, v. to sip.

Fere, n. a wind instrument.

e.g., flute, trumpet.

Ferese, Ferese, n. hole for

ventilation ; window.

Fesi, v. to answer ; reply ; give

response to.

Fete, adj. insufficient ; deficient



Fetisi, Fetisile, v. to listen


listen attentively.

F$, v. to be willing ; like ; love ;

consent ; want ; wish ;

desire ; woo ; approve.

F$, v. to blow (as wind) ; to

winnow ; to fan ; to blowthe fire.

F$, v. to distort the face

while working ; to breathe

heavily ; to widen ; dis-

tend ; enlarge, adj. wide ;

broad ; extensive.

Fe, adv. with surprise or


e.g., Mo wofe, " I was taken with sur-

prise " (I was taken aback).

Fe-al$rekoja, Feju, v. to blowvehemently ; with great

intensity ; to dote ; to love


Fe-buburu-si, v. to wish evil to.

F^ff, adv. nearly ; nearer (used

of time).

F$fe, v. to seek occasion for

faultfinding ; to be cen-


F$g$f$g$, adv. broad ; large ;

wide ; comprehensive.

F$hlnti, v. to recline ; lean the

back on.

Fehun, v. to raise the voice


speak out.

F$ idi, v. to investigate a secret


F$je, v. to seek for something to

eat ; take meals.

F$jef$je, n. food ; provision ;


Feju, v. to look sternly ; to dis-

tort the face.

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F$J 100 FI-A

F$ju, v. see Fe-af$rekoja.

F$kun, v. to miss or lose a thing.—e.g., Mo f$ ewur$ mi kunni ijeta, " I lost my goat

three days ago."

Fela, v. to act honourably.

F$ laf$f$, v. to ventilate.

F$l$, Bele, adj. thin ; soft ; of

fine or delicate texture.

Fel$, v. to be unemployed; to

be vacant ; unused.

Felefele, Belebele, adj. thin ;

flat ; elastic.

F$n$n$, adv. leisurely ; gingerly;


F$ni, v. to love ; cherish.

F$-nibu, v. to widen.

F£-niyaw6, v. to betroth.

Fenukonu, v. to kiss ; agree.

Fenusi, v. to answer ; have avoice in the matter ; meddlewith ; interfere.

F$ra, v. to fan oneself.

Feran, v. to love ; prefer : like ;

be pleased with.

Ferekoja, v. see Fe-af^rekoja.

Fer$, adj. light ; not heavy.

adv. almost ; nearly ; nar-


Ffre, n. early in the morning.adj. broad ; wide ; exten-


F$r$, adv. delightfully ; cheer-

fully ; merrily ; joyously.

F$ri, v. to be less hot ; to cool

a little ; to be almostfinished.

Ferose, v. to act with cunning ;

act slyly.

FesJdur6, v. to stand on the legs.

Fes^le, Fes^tele, v. to start ona journey or any under-


Fes$le $n&, discipline ; train.

Fes$lul$, v. to stamp on the

ground with the foot.

Fes$mul$, v. to confirm ; estab-


Fes$tele, v. to follow in the

footsteps of another ; to

copy another's way or


F$Syiia, v. to betroth.

FeWQ, v. to pilfer ; filch ; steal.

Fi, v. to swing ; wave to andfro ; be unsteady ; incline

to one side ; toss.

e.g., Igi

ti mo ru fi siwaju sun usehin die, " The wood I amcarrying is too far forward,

push it back a little."

Fi, prep, by ; to ; with.

Fi, a particle much used in

composition ; it alwaysfollows certain words or

phrases, fise ti, kini se ti,

titi, tob§, idi r$.

e.g., Eseti o fi lo, " Why did yougo ?


e.g., Emi o durotiti iwo o fi pada, " I will

remain until you return."

e.g., O korira r$ tob§ ti o fi

pa a, " He hated him so,

that he killed him." It hasno English equivalent.

Ff, v. to dry a thing by exposing

it directly to the heat, as ona spit or in an oven.


Mo fe fi eja yi nitori ki o

ma ba baje, " I want to

dry the fish so that it will

not putrefy."

Fi-adunm$, v. to enjoy ; to

know or perceive by taste.

Fi-agbara-bSre, v. to exact


demand ; enforce.

Fi-agbara-fa, v. to haul.

Fi-agbara-gba, v. to wrench


exhort ; seize ; enforce.

Fi-agbara-gbesan, v. to wreakvengeance on ; avenge.

Fi-agbara-kile, Fi-agbara-mule,v. to press ; ram.

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FI-A 101 FlF

Fi-agbara-lop$, v. to twist.

Fi-agbara-pe, v. to summon.

Fi-ahon-la, v. to lick with the


Fi-iiyi-r&n, v. to persevere in.

Fi-ami-han, v. to be ominous.

Fi-ami-si, v. to put a mark on ;

to brand.

Fi-apata-bo, v. to shield or


Fi-apa-gbamo, v. to embrace.

Fi-ara-b6, v. to form new flesh ;

to heal.

Fi-ara-b6, v. to gall.

Fi-aia-k^ra, v. to connect ; relate


Fi-aie-fun, v. to give precedence

to ; to apologize.

Fi-a$e-fun, v. to enjoin ; em-power ; depute ; bid ; com-mand ; order.

Fi-a$e-lel$, v. to put forth or

enact a law.

Fi-4yd-sfl$, v. to vacate.

Fibak$, v. to sheath.

Fibal$, v. to do away with ; putaway.

Fibarale, adv. calmly ; serenely ;

tranquilly ; patiently.

Fibd, v. to conceal ; hide ;

clothe ; secrete ; veil fromview ; shelter ; wrap ; over-

spread ; shield.

Fib$, v. to soak ; steep ; dip


Fib$lu, v. to entangle.

Fibpmi, v. to dip into water.

Fibd, v. to curse ; imprecate ;


Fibu, v. to be wounded bystumbling.

Fibun, v. to give ; grant


bestow ; exempt ; offer.

Fibura, v. to swear by ; adjure.

Fidabu, v. to cross ; bar ; to

lay across.

Fidan, v. to be indicted ; chargedwith crime.

Fid&p$m$, v. to include.

Fi-dapara, v. to make jest of.

Fidena, v. to bar ; stop the road.

Fidi, v. to wrap ; to bind with.

Fidi, v. to shut ; retaliate.

Fidibale, Fidikale, v. to sit down


settle ; establish.

Fldfmul$, v. to found or rest


Fidiyika, v. to put on a girdle ;

surround ; encompass.

Fid6g6, v. to mortgage.

Fid$p$, v. to make cheaper.

Fidu, v. to deprive of ; deny.

Fidugbe, v. to rock ; totter.

Fi-$b$-r$, v. to beseech ; entreat



Fi-egb$-w$, v. to sidle ; enter


Fi-enu-dun, v. to varnish ; to

use sweet words ; to use

flowery language.

Fi-enu-fa (mu), v. to suck



Fi-enule, v. to allude to.

Fi-eran-rubp, v. to sacrifice a


Fi-^rp^e, v. to act with skill or


Fffi, adj. viscous ; that whichmay be drawn out.

Fifagbara$e, adj. compulsory



Fifagun, adj. capable of being


Fifal^, adj. sluggish ; slow.

Fifalo, n. adj. that which is to

be dragged along.

Fifapfrem^, adj. imaginable bysign or representation.

Fifarabd, n. or adj. incarnate ;

that which may be healed.

Fifarahan, adj. visible ; per-


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FlF 102 FIH

Fifarapam$, Fifarasin, adj.

hidden ; invisible.

Fifarawe, adj. comparable.

Fifaro, adj. sad.

Fifa$efun, n. bidder.

Fif&ta, adj. tightly drawn.

Fif&ya, adj. easily torn or rent

in pieces ; torn.

FifayQ, n. that which may bedrawn out or deduced from.

Fifay$gba, adj. welcome.

FifayokUTO, n. that which maybe subtracted from, or

taken off.

Fifetisi, adj. worth listening to.

Fif0, n. an engagement ; a thing

which gives pleasure.

FifenuSQ, adj. verbal ; a spokenthing.

Fif$ra, Fif$rarfc n. self-love ;


Fif$S$n&, n. bethrothed.

Fin, n. that which can be waved.

Fifi or Fi, a particle used as a

prefix, giving a verbal force

to the word to which it is

prefixed ; it usually con-

veys the idea of making or


Finfin, Firifiri, Ffnrinfinrin,

adv. dimly ; darkly, n. the

dawn ; twilight. adj.

graven ; carved.

Fifiagbara$e, n. that which is

done, or capable of being

done, by force.

Fifiba, Fifikan, adj. touchable.

Fifibu, Fifigegun, adj. accursed;

that which is accursed.

Fififun, adj. assignable.

Fiflle, adj. taxable.

Fifil61$W$, adj. transferable.

Fifipam$, Fiflisinu, adj. conceal -

able ; hidden.

Fiflsil$, adj. that which may beabandoned.

Fif6, adj. buoyant ; floating.

Fif6, Fif6s6ke, adj. flying ; leap-


Fif6yem$, adj. imaginable.

Fif$, adj. blind ; broken.

Fif$, adj. washable ; that whichmay be washed; mode of


Fifohun, n. mode of speaking ;

utterance ; pronunciation.

Fifokansin, n. or adj. devout


ness ; devout ; pious ; piety.

Fifpwp^e, adj: manual ; hand-made.

Fifun, v. to give to ; to offer ;

to hand.

Fifun, Fiftinka, n. or adj. thatwhich is to be sown orscattered ; drizzly.

Fifun, adj. contributable ; con-ferred ; disposable.

Fifun, Funfun, n. or adj. white-

ness ; white.

Fifunni, Fifuni, Fifun, v. to grant


vouchsafe ; give ; present ;

render ; ascribe ; attribute ;

tender ; bestow ; impart.

FifunlagQ, v. to order ; to give

a command.Figb&kurd, v. to ward off with.

Figb6na, v. to warm at the fire.

Figbow6, v. to sell ; exchangefor money.

Figegun, v. to execrate ; im-precate ; to curse.

Figunl$, v. to ground; to land

(a canoe or boat).

Figunl6ju, v. to taunt.

Figunluja, v. to transfix.

Fiha, v. to hook on ; to hangon a pin or between aforked stick ; to buckle.

Fihan, v. to show ; exhibit ;

reveal ; discover ; direct ;

represent ; disclose ; dis-

play ; indicate ; illuminate ;

expose ; betray.

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Fihanfun, v. to communicateto ; designate.

Fih&n t$l$, v. to foreshow.

Fi idikal$, v. to sit down ; settle


establish ; nestle.

Fi lfarabam$, v. to feel (bytouch).

Fi ijalo, v. to challenge.

Fi ijfcde, v. to bait; allure.

Fi ikat$, v. to finger.

Fi-ikogun-^e-lfao, adj. trophied


bedecked with things cap-

tured in war.

Fi-ik6n$$, v. to sprain the thigh

or hip.

Fi-ilara$e, v. to covet.

Fi-imo^okan, v. to agree ; con-


Fi-imufa, v. to sniff.

Fi-imuso, v. to speak throughthe nose.

Fi-inaj6, v. to burn with fire.

Fi-inaran, v. to kindle; to set

on fire.

Fi-inayan, v, to burn ; scorch.

adj. burnt up ; scorched ;

browned.Pi-intif$, v. to love.

Fi-inuhan, v. to be frank


unbosom oneself ; be open.

Fi-ipase, v. to force.

Fi-irad$f$, v. to love.

Pij6, Fi-irinj6, v. to cauterize.

Fi-irorosin, v. to domineer.

Fi-iruta, v. to sting.

Fi-iwpraje, v. to devour ; gor-


Fi-iyanl61$, v. to wager.

Fi-iyanu yin, v. to admire.

Fi-iyeka, Fi-iyepe, v. to rehearse;


Fi-iydsi, v. to attend to ; mind.Fi-iyesile, v. to be attentive ;


Fijagudase, v. to insist ; persist.

Pij$, v. to eat ; devour ; to

make a king, headman or

outlaw ; to place in post of

authority ; reign ; govern ; •

to condemn to death ; to

deprive of the privileges

of life.

Fij6, v. to scorch.

Fij6na, v. to burn ; scorch


consume to ashes ; sear.

Fika, v. to place one thing uponanother.

Fikal$, v. to establish ; settle.

Fikannakanna, v. to sling asling.

Fik$, v. to hang up ; hook on ;

teach ; train.

Fikun, v. to add to ; augment


append ; subjoin ; supple-


Fili, n. a cap.

Fila-abeti-aja, n. a cap with twoflaps for the ears.

Fila ade, n. tiara.

Fila-dara, n. a fez.

Fil6, v. to put ; lay upon


deliver up ; set on.


Fi nkan na le mi I9W9," Place that thing in myhand."

Fil61$, v. to institute ; found


lay down ; enact.

Filelelase, v. to lay down a law ;

enact ; legislate.

Fil61$w$, v. to assign, consign,

cede, commit to, deliver


Fil6ke, v. to be topheavy.

Pity, v. to ask advice, refer,

announce, promulgate.

Fityna, v. to warm.Filh, v. to strike with.

Fim$, v. to suspect, attach to.

e.g., Okonrin na fi $ran na

m<J mi, " The man suspects

mo of that matter."

Fim$, v. to append, annex,

fasten upon, impute, affix,


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FIM 104 FlR

Fimo, v. to stop, stay thus far.

Fin, v. to engrave, carve (e.g.,,

calabashes or bowls) ; to

fill a hole with smoke


smother ; search out.

Fina, n. a thin piece of leather

cut lengthwise ; leathern


Finju, v. to be decent ; tidy ;

neat ; becoming in speech,

dress, behaviour, etc.

Finna, adv. leisurely ; cautiously.

Finpa, v. to smother.

Finran, v. to aggress ; intrude ;

seek occasion for dispute.

Finrin, adv. slightly ; the tiniest


Ffnrinffnrin, see Finfin.

Finuf$d$, adv. with freewill



Fi dfinji, v. to abrogate a law


to rescind.

Fioflo, adv. used in conjunction

with the adjective *' Ga,"high ; exceedingly.


He giga fiofio, ** An exceed-

ingly high house."

Fi-ogunsin, v. to guide, escort,

accompanied by an army.

Fi-okunb^, v. to thread.

Fi-okunfa, v. to tow.

Fi-dp6ti, v. to stake ; to propup.

Fi-ormyin, v. to sing one's


Fi-dr6r6yan, Fi-or6r6yasotp, v.

to anoint.

Fi-drunj6, v. to tan.

Fi-olape, v. to summon.Fi-$nahan, v. to guide ; lead


direct ; elucidate.

Fi-ona$e, v. to make bymachinery.

Fi-$ranl$, v. to appeal, seek

for advice or instruction.

Fi-pranm$, v. to tax.

Fi-frrfaaptre, v. to describe


give an example.

Fi-orukofun, v. to entitle ; name.

Fi-ow^gbam^ra, v. to hug



Fi-pw$hal$, v. to scribble.

Fi-QW^ran, v. to sew by hand.

Fi-OWQta, v. to touch carelessly ;

to feel (for anything).

Fi-OW^WUn, v. to knit.

Fipa, v. to be wounded or


e.g., Mo fi owo pa," My hand is wounded."

Fipamo, v. to keep ; hide


secrete ; conceal ; cloke ;


Fipara, v. to rub ; to smear the


e.g., Mase gbagbelati fi 6ri na para, " Do notforget to rub your bodywith the ointment."

Fipata, v. to make into soup ;

to cook with other in-


Fipe, v. to name for special

purposes or objects ; to bedevoted to ; to regard ;

respect ; esteem.

Fiperi, v. to impute.

Fip^lu, v. to adjoin ; annex ;

add to ; include.

Fira, v. to seize ; swindle.

Fir6, v. to curse ; execrate.

Fir$, v. to besmear ; bedaub.

FIri, adv. far ; greatly ; much ;

qualifies a verbal adj.


He yi ga ju tiwa lo firi,

" This house is much higher

than ours."

Firi, adj. greater, older,

stronger ; greatest, oldest,


e.g., AgbaraAina firi ti Ladipo, sugbonAdekunle firi gbogbo won," Aina is stronger thanLadipp but Adekunle is

the strongest."

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FlR 105 FIY

Firi, adv. at a glance ; quickly ;


Firifiri, adv. see Finfin.

Firifiri, adv. much oftener,

repeatedly, unceasingly,


Fir$, v. to sprain.

Fir$, v. to hang ; suspend.

Firubo, v. to offer in sacrifice.

Firun, v. to devour ; masticate ;


Firun, v. to dip into sauce.

Fisan, v. to estimate ; value.

Fisan-5kan, v. to contemn ; treat

with contemptuous silence

(lit.—esteem at a cowry).

Fisapd, v. to bag.

Fisarin, v. to put in the middle.

Fisi, v. to put ; add to ; set



Fiflil^, v. to put down ; release ;

leave ; forsake ; desert


resign ; discontinue ; de-


Fisin, v. to hide so as not to betraced ; to conceal.

Fisinu, v. to put into ; keep in

mind ; insert ; bear in

mind.— , Fi eyi sinu re,

" Bear this in mind."

Fiflinuile-ide, v. to confine



Fi-sdfin, v. to warn with.

Fisdfo, v. to leave open, expose ;

to disregard ; slight.

Fisofa, v. to pawn, mortgage.

Fis^kd, v. to throw, hurl, toss.

Fis$k$, v. to put on board a

Fisole, v. to strike down ; to

hurl down ; lay the foun-

dation of a house.

Fisun, v. to accuse ; complainof ; inform against ; indict


sue ; point at.

Fi$akawe, Fi$apejuwe, v. to

compare ; liken.

Fi$ap?re, Fi$awdran, Fi^aw^se,

v. to imitate, take as


Fi$e, v. constitute ; appoint ;


Fi$epe, v. to curse ; to imprecate.

Fi$$dun, v. to treat seriously.

Fi$eleri, v. to take as a witness.

Fi$el$ya, v. to ridicule ; mock ;


e.g., Mase fi misel^ya, " Do not mock me."

Fi$$sin, v. to despise ; bring

into public disgrace.

Fi$ire, v. to trifle ; play with.

Fisdfd, v. to waste, consume^destroy.

Fi§Y» v. to place in charge of.

Fi^QrQSQ, v. to make anything.

a matter of public talk.

Figtira, v. to store, treasure up,.

lay by.

Fita, v. to sing out ; cry out ;


I Fitafita, n. efforts; energy;endeavour ; attempts.

Fiti, v. to loan against ; suspenda matter ; fix finally.

Fitila, n. a lamp.

Fitore, v. to give or make a

present ; give or deliver

up to.

Fiw£, v. to compare ; resemble ;

illustrate ; wrap up.

Fiwemo, v. to encase.

Fiwera, v. to wreathe ; compare.

Fiwewu, v. to expose ; hazard ;


Fiw$, v. to endue ; to robe (lit—invest, as with a garment).

Fiw^n, v. to sprinkle.

Fiyedenu, v. to be patient undervexations or grievances.

Fiyesi, v. to attend to ; notice.

e.g., Fiyesi ohun ti o nse,

"Be careful what you are


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FIY 106 F0

Fiyesini, v. to vouchsafe.

Fiyika, v. to environ.

Fiyika kan, v. to whirl.

F6, adv. deep—used only with" pupa," red.

e.g., Pupafo, "Deep red."

F6, v. to feel emptiness or lone-


e.g., Ofo omo mifo mi, '* I feel lonely onaccount of my child's

absence ;" to be afloat.

Fd, v. to fly ; jump ; skip


leap ; beat ; throb ; pass

over or break (as clouds)


pass by ; neglect ; evapor-


e.g., Ojo na fd, " Therain is passing over."

Fo-af6balfc v. to flutter.

Fd-afdgba, v. to soar.

Foda, adv. same as " Finna."

Fofd, n. foam.

e.g., Fofd fd li

oju omi, '* Foam floats onthe surface of the water."

F6f6, adj. glittering ; dazzling.

Fdfd inu, n. rapacious appetite.

Fdgas6ke, v. to tower ; soar onhigh.

Fohunsi, v. to ratify ; consent.

Fdiya, v. to fear ; apprehend ;


Fojisun, v. to sue ; to accuse

of adultery.

F6judi, v. to be saucy ; insolent.

Fojukanwd, v. to squint.

Fojukoju, v. to be face to face



Fojule, v. to browbeat.

Fojupe, v. to wink with the eye ;


Fojiit$b$, v. to snub.

Fojut6, v. to superintend.

Fojusi, v. to attend to.

Fojuwdlapakan, v. to squint.

Fdkoja, v. to omit.

Fokun^e, v. see Fagbarase.

Folaiya, v. to appal ; frighten;


Fdl^iye, v. to defy ; challenge.

F61of61o agbado lilp, n. bran.

Also called ilfo.

F61Q, v. to flit ; fly.

F6li, n. brick-kiln.

Fdm^, v. to rush at one (as ahen with chickens).

F6nif6ni, n. decency ; neatness.

Fori, v. to blast ; make abortive.

Foribale, v. to worship ; adore ;

submit ; bow tho head.

Forifun, v. to surrender.

Forisi, v. to pay attention to.

ForiSO, v. to direct the course ;

point to.

Foriti, v. to endure ; persevere


F6r6, v. to vex ; annoy; trouble;


F6r6, adv. see F6tLF6rof6ro, n. garrulity; talka-


Foru, v. to skip over, to escape

one's memory.

e.g., O fd

mi ru, " It escaped mymemory."

F6s6ke, v. to jump ; skip.

F6s6ke, v. to float.

e.g., Igi

na, fos6ke, " The log is


F6ti, adv. forcibly ; unex-pectedly ; qualifying theact of popping out, as acork drawn out of a bottle,

or the rush of a huntedcreature from a concealed


Fdyehan, v. to shew appearanceor sign.

F$, v. to wash clothes ; scrub ;

scour ; speak ; talk.

F$, v. to break a vessel ; wreck ;

destroy by war ; demolish ;

reduce to a state of con-

fusion ; dash ; ache ; beblind ; violate.

e.g., Mosoro titi ori nfo mi, " I

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F0B 107 FtK

talked until my headached."

F$b&j$, v. to ravage.

F$bol$, v. to try to gain advan-

tage by deceit.

e.g., Alaba

tyboty mi, " Alaba has beentrying to cheat nie."

Fohun, v. to speak.

F$ju, v. to be blind ; to be in

the dark ; to be ignorant.

Folafun, v. to authorize ; em-power.

F016, v. to break a house open ;

rob ; sack.

Folefole, n. a housebreaker


burglar ; busybody.

F$16ripa, v. to brain ; to kill bya severe blow on the head.

F$lu, v. to mash ; mix together.

F$mudunmudiin, v. to craze


to break a bone and so

reveal the marrow.Fon, v. to be meagre ; slack ;


F^nahan, v. to guide ; shew the

way ; conduct ; lead.

Fonfon, adv. soundly (qualifies** Sun," to sleep).


Mo sim fonfon, ** I slept


Fpnna, v. to take fire from the


F$p$tepete, v. to destroy, makeinto pulp.

F$r&b&j$, v. to use too muchgrease.

F$ranm$, v. to accuse ; censure ;


F^ranweran, v, to allegorize.

F(Jraurau, v. to destroy entiroly.

F^rayi, v. to oil or grease.

F$rif$ri, n. exasperation ; irri-

tation ; provocation.

F^r^bawi, v. to threaten withempty talk.

Ffrurfi, Fflutfi, Fflfflu, v. to

destroy utterly. See F<J-


Fq$Q, v. to wash clothes.

Fotfbaj$, v. to besot ; to makedrunken.

Fotipa, v. to make drunk.

F^tuka, v. to shatter ; shiver.

Fow$ba, Fow$kan, v. to touch ;

feel with the hand.

Fpw$k$, v. to embrace ; hook ;

go hand in hand.

Fow$k$wesi, v. to sign, sub-

scribe to by hand-writing.

Fow$le, v. to undertake, take

in hand.

Fow$le-eran, v. to place the

hand against the templewhile the elbow rests onthe thigh or on the table.

e.g., Fi ija fun Qlorun ju

fow<Jle-eran, * Leave the

battle to God, and rest

your head upon your hand."

Foworanu, inter.hush ! patience !

Fow<jsi, v. see Fow<Jk$wesi.

F^yanyan, v. to break m pieces.

—e.g., Gbogbo ikdkd ile

nwon li a f<Jyanyan, " All

the pots in their house werebroken to pieces."

Ffi, n. a narrow whito cloth.

adj. white.

Ffl, n. the sound of the windor breeze.

Fufu, n. meal prepared fromgrated cassava.

Ftiji, Fuk$, n. brag ; empty ;

proud boasting.

e.g., Masefuj4 mo, " Do not boast

any more."

Fuju, Fura, v. to be suspicious.

Fukeiuke, adv. pitapat (used

with verb " njo," to pal-


e.g., Aiya mi njo

fukefuke, " My heart is

palpitating." n. a crumbof bread.

Fuk$, adv., adj. very wet andsoft ; bloated ; miry.

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FtK 108 FtTR

Fukuftiku, n. lights, lungs.

Fulani, a race of people fromthe N.E.

Ful£, adj. soft ; dry.

Ful$ful& adv. softly.

FfU$, ad;, feverish ; slightly


Fulufulu, n. the leaves whichenclose a head of Indiancorn (sometimes called Epo,bark ; or Aso, clothes) ;

a term usually applied to

it when ripe or dry.

Fun, prep, for ; to ; on behalf


e.g., §e kini yi fun mi," Do this for me."

Fun, v. to strew ; scatter ; sew ;

squeeze ; choke ; bindtightly ; crush ; give


grant : compress ; suffo-

cate ; exhaust ; wring



Fun, v. to blow ; snort.

Funfun, adj. white ; blank



Funfun-eyin, n. the white of an©gg-

Fun-ifim, v. to cleanse andprepare entrails for food.

Fun-ipe, Fun-pe, v. to blow atrumpet ; sound an alarm.

Funjade, v. to express ; to

volley ; to blow out.

Funka, v. to scatter ; disperse ;

to strew about or around.

Funkakiri, v. to bestow ; diffuse



Funkal$, v. to sow.

Funki, v. to stifle.

Funkun, v. to discharge mucous.

Funladun, v. to give relish to ;


Funlagbara, v. to invigorate



Funlapfre, v. to shape ; give

form to.

Funlatelese, v. to sole.

Funlawdran, v. see Funlap^re.

Funlefolorun, adv. of one's ownaccord or choice.

e.g., Mose e funlef9l9run, *' I didit of my own accord."

Funldkun, v. to wind cord ; to

wind (as of clock).

Funl6nje, v. to feed ; provide


Funtyrun, v. to choke.

Funm^ra, v. to tweak ; twitch ;


Funmu, v. to absorb ; suck up.

FonnimQl^, adj. luciferous



Funnini$9, v. to engage ; em-ploy ; supply with work.

Funniniwa, v. to form.

Funniy^, v. to wing ; to give

feather (to an arrow).

Funnu, v. to boast ; brag



e.g.. IJniti o funnu

P9 ko le se nkan, " He whoboasts much can do little."

Funpmn, Funwara, v. to milk.

Funpa, v. to strangle to death.

Funpe, v. see Fun-ipe.

Funpp, v. to crowd ; squeeze.

Fnnrar^, adj. spontaneous ; of

itself. (Sometimes used for


Fnnrugbin, v. to sow or scatter


Funsi, v. to scatter ; sprinkle.

Funwara, v. to milk ; to shower(as rain).

Funwiniwini, v. to drizzle.

Funwutuwutu, v. to drizzle fast

or heavily.

Fura, v. to be suspicious.


O nfura bi elefo tete, " Hois as suspicious as a tete

(herb) seller."

Fura, n. a cool beverage madefrom Indian corn or rice

mixed with honey.

Furn, adv. silently ; quickly.

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FtT 109 GAR

Put$fut$, Butebute, adv. easily

(used with the verb Ja, to

break, to describe the ease

with which fragile texture

is torn).

e.g., Aso njafut$fut$. " The cloth tears

very easily.

Ptty$, adj. light ; not heavy.

e.g., IJlru mi fuy$, " Myburden is light."

Fuyi, adj. pleasing, comely.

e.g., Qbirin na tuyl, " Thewoman is comely."


•Ga, n. a place where cows are


•Ga, v.i. to bo high ; rising muchabove the ground ; lofty ;

tall ; elevated ; exalted ;


-Gabasi, n. east (Hausa).

-Gadamu, adv. alone ; solitarily.—e.g., O wa nikan gadamuninu igbo, " He is quite

alone in the wood."-Gafara, v.i. beware ; be careful



-Gafara, n. excuse ; plea ; apol-


e.g., {Jo gafara funmi, " Have me excused."

Gaga, adv. tightly ; closely ;

with much pressure (modi-fying the verb Ha, to press).—e.g., Aye ha gaga, " Theroom is quite full."

Gagat6, n. stilts.

Gaun-gaun, adj. shaggy ; rough ;


Gaju, adj. higher ; loftier


superior to.

Gajulp, adj. highest ; loftiest.

Gala, n. deer, stag.

Gan, v. to sew coarsely ; to fell

the trees in a forest ; to

strike with the point of a

thing; take a little at a time.—e.g., Gan aso yi fun mi," Stitch this cloth for me."—e.g., Awa ngan igbo. " Weare cutting trees in aforest."

Gan, v. despise ; disparage


censure ; vilify ; scorn ;

criticise ; disdain ; re-

proach ; mock ; backbite.

e.g., l£niti a ko fe li a igan," We despise him whom wedo not love."

Gan, Gangan, adv. uprightly


straightly ; exactly. (Usedwith *' osan " to denotenoon).

e.g., Wa sodo migan,"Come to me straight."

Gangan, n. or adj. small portion ;

(applied to soup, etc.)

e.g., Bu omitoro gangan si i

fun mi, ** Give me a little

more soup."

Gangan, n. drum ; war drum.

e.g., Gangan ko ni saworo," The gangan (drum) is

destitute of ornaments."

Ganganrangan, adj. very large ;

bulky and high. — e.g.,

Akiik9 ganganrangan, " Avery large cock."

Ganipo, v. or adj. to be subJime,

above ordinary height, of

high rank.

Ganmu-gamnu, n. a kind of axewith long pointed shafts

for digging.

Ganniganni, n. a despiser



Ganran, adv. straight ; direct.

e.g., Ma lo li ^kankangani'an, ** Go straight on."

Ganso, v. to wliip, baste or tack


Gara, adv. very (mod. rnimo



e.g., Omi mimp gara,44 Veiy clear water."

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GAR no GtD

Gari, n. saddle.

Gasi, n. wine-glass.

Gaskia (Hausa), troth ; truth.

G6, K6, v. to cut with a sharp


Gegun, v. to abjure ; to declare

by a solemn oath not to doa thing ; to curse ; im-


Gegele, n. a protuberance ; aneminence.

Gele, n. a handkerchief ; a headtie.

Gele-inuju, n. pocket-handker-


Gere, adj. straightforward; clear;

transparent ; straightway.

G$, v. to sit on a tree as a bird.

G$deged$, n. lees ; sediment



Gfee, G^gebi, adv. perfectly;

exactly ; accordingly, prep.

according to ; equal.

G$ge, n. goitre ; a protuberance

on the neck.

G$r$, Ger$gere-dke, n. a slope

of a hill ; descent ; gradual


Gege, n. lot ; casting of lots bysmall pieces of grass or

stick representing eachperson.

Gende, n. a desperate warrior.

Giga, n. height ; eminence


altitude ; loftiness. adj.

high ; tall ; lofty.

Gigan, n. blame ; contempt.adj. blameworthy ; dis-

dainful ; contemptible.

Gidigidi, adv. very ; very much.

Gigise, n. the heel.

Gigun, n. length ; height, adj.

long ; tall.

Gigun, adj. beaten ; pounded.

Gingin, n. a small particle ; the

tiniest bit.

Girin, Girinje, v. to gnaw ; to

eat by bits.

Giri, n. spasm ; convulsion


fits ; fright.

Giri, adv. at once ; suddenly.

Giri, Girigiri, adv. closely ; com-pactly ; tightly ; stead-


Gfrimakayi, n. force.

GdngO, Koko ofun, n. Adam'sapple.

Goke, v. to scale ; climb ; ascend.

G6ng0, n. the point ; top ; tip ;


G6ng0-il$, n. point of land


promontory ; cape ; apex.

G6ngo-dke, n. the peak of a hill


the summit.

G$, v. to puzzle ; perplex : be-


e.g., Qran na g<J mi

J9J9," That matter puzzles

me very much."G$, adj. stupid, dull, foolish.

G$gQ, n. horse's mane ; casting

of lots (a children's gameplayed with pieces of grass,

of which one is bent ; the

one who draws the bent oneis called guilty) ; a hookedstick used for plucking


GogQWU, n. a large country

cloth ; a sheet for covering.

Goigoi, adv. untidily ; sluggishly.

G^mby, n. facial tribal marks.

Gud$, v. to feel heavy.

Gudegude, n. cloudiness, dampatmosphere. — e.g., Gude-gude ko je ki orun ki o ran," Clouds prevent the sunfrom shining.''

Gudngudu, n. a poisonous wild

yam.—,Gudugudu kan li

egbo kanrinkanrin " Theroot of the gudugudu is

very acid."

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GtD 111 GBA

Gudugudu, adv. hurriedly ; in

a scrambling way.

Guie, v. to belch.

Gun, beat ; pound ; pierce ;

thrust ; thrill ; to harbour ;

anchor ; land.

e.g., Qkomen gun loni, " Two vessels

have arrived to-day."

Gun, adj. long ; tall. v. to

mount ; ride ; ascend ;


Gunl$, v. to land ; run ashore ;

run aground.

Guniwo, v. to gore ; to pierce

with the horn.

Gunlobe, v. to stab with a knife.

Gunnik^se, v. to spur ; stir up ;


Gunte, n. a very poisonous small

snake ; adder ; asp.

Gunnin, v. to recline on a


Gunugun, w. vulture.

Guny$, v. to be fledged.


Awon omo eiye ko to i£6,

sugbon gbogbo won guny^,44

All the young birds are

fledged, but they cannotfly yet,"

Gusu, n. (Hausa), south.


Gba, v. to sweep ; cleanse ; slap ;

strike with a stick or some-thing flat ; drift.

Gb&, adv. entirely ; altogether.

Gba, adv. (a word formedfrom the sound), loudly

(describing the sound pro-

duced by slamming a door).

Gbadura, v. to offer prayer.

Gba-dulumo, v. to slander


accuse falsely ; asperse ;

belie ; calumniate ; de-

fame ; traduce.

Gbagbo, v. to believe ; obey.

Gba-iye, Gba-i$iro, v. to take

the number ; to take

account ; take a reckoning.

Gba-kiri, v. to be driven or

tossed about.

Gb&la, v. to save ; rescue


deliver ; preserve.

e.g., Ni-

gbati mo b$ sinu omi, apoti

ti mo dimu li o gba mi la,44 When I fell into the

water, the box which I held

saved me."

Gba-ej$, v. to bleed ; to take

blood from by opening avein.

Gba-l<JwQ, v. to deliver ; rescue.—e.g., On ti gba wa l<£wo

iku,44 He has rescued us

from death."

Gba-l<Jwo, v. to shake hands.

Gba-mpra, v. to embrace.

Gba, v. to take ; admit ; com-ply ; concede ; accept


allow ; acquiesce ; con-

sent ; suffer ; conform


deliver ; save ; receive ;

obtain ; contain ; tempermud.

Gba-mu, v. to hold ; grasp



e.g. % Mase gba eniti

oyo obe mu, 44 Do not lay

hold of a man who has

drawn a knife."

Gbaniyanju, v. to encourage


exhort ; inspirit ; em-bolden ; stimulate ; cheer ;


Gbapada, v. to receive back.

e.g., Gba owo re pada,44 Takeyour money back."

Gba-omi, v. to dabble in water.

Gba-onigbpwp, v. to receive bail,

to bail.

Gba-oya-i$e, v. to hire oneself

out to any employment.

Gba-loya, v. to take on hire.

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gbA 112 GBA

Gb&rd, v. to consider.

Gbaflfun, v. to procure for ; to

grant ; give.

Gbagbandidi, n. a dry uncutcalabash.

Gbasan, v. to atone.

Gbagb&ge, v. to take work onhire for wages.

Gbagbe, v. to forget ; neglect



Gbagbogbo, v. to monopolise


seize the whole.

Gbai, adv. very much.

Gbaja, v. to bind oneself with

a girdle.

Gbajam$, n. trade of a barber.

Gb^je, v. to take blood, to


Gbajewo, v. confess ; admit



Gbajumo, a. (applicable to per-

sons only), neat ; decent



e.g.. On je gbajumoenia, *' He is a tidy person."

Gbako, adv. exactly ; fitly


suitably; precisely.

e.g.,Mogbe ibe li odun kan gbako," I remained there exactly

one year."

Gbakp, v. to jar ; to crash ; to

be inharmonious.

Gbakuro, v. to ward off.

Gbalabara, v. to slap with the

palm of the hand.

Gbalagbara, t\ invalidate ; in-


Gbalaitpsi, v. to usurp.

Gbalaiya, v. to subdue ; to


Gbalaye, v. to occupy one's

room or place.

Gbale, Gbile, v. to overspread ;

increase ; extend.

GbalQru, v. to desj)oil ; plunder.

Gbalo, v. to waft ; subdue



Gba-loja, v. to brace ; engirdle ;


Gbamgbam, adv. tightly ; com-paotly.

e.g., Di okete re

gbamgbam, " Tie your load

together tightly.

Gbamo, Gblmp, v. to learn

receive knowledge.

Gbamp, v. to cleave to ; grasp


Gbamo, v. to grasp ; hold


Gbanfani, v. to receive advantage ; to avail oneself,

Gbangan, n. a spacious, airy

room ; a hall.

Gbangba, n. a plain, open place ;

demonstration, adj. plain


open ; evident ; audible.

Gbangba-ode, n. an open place ;


Gbani, Gba-ini, v. to possess


to receive a possession.

Gbasi$e, v. to employ ; engage.

Gbara, v. to boil slightly



Gbaiagada, adv. wide open.

Gbati, v. to crowd after ; to

sweep aside in a heap.

Gbaw$, v. to mourn for the

dead ; to fast.

Gbage, v. to take in hand ; to


Gbasil$, v. to deliver ; to rescue ;

recover ; release ; ransom.

Gbasipo, Gbapo, v. to occupy a

place or part.

Gbaso, v. to cite, to speak,

on behalf of.

Gbasim$, v. to admit into

council or meeting.

Gbasinu, v. to admit tacitly.

Gba^etun, v. to procure employ-

ment for.

GbafQmp, v. to adopt a child.

Gbatele, v. to preoccupy, to

receive bribe.

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GBti 113 GBE

0b6, v. (primary idea, to lift),

to carry ; bring ; bear ;

move ; accomplish ; be ;

abide ; dwell ; to be lost



e.g., Mase dawoleohun ti o kd le gbe," Neverattempt what you cannotaccomplish.' '

e.g., Igbo li

eranko igbeV* Beasts inhabit

the forest."

e.g., Qmo migbe, " My child is lost."

Obega, v. to raise or lift ; mag-nify ; exalt ; make muchof ; advance in rank



Gbe-ha, v. to hang or place


Gbe-ka, v. to set or place upon.

e.g., Gbe apoti ka ara won," Place the boxes one uponanother."

Gbe-kal$, v. to put down ; to set

on the ground.

e.g., Emi kofe igbe agbon mi kal$," I do not wish to put downmy basket."

Gbe-kuro, v. to take from



e.g., Gbe okutakuro loju ona, "Remove the

stone out of the way."

Gbemi, v. to swallow ; absorb.

e.g., Adie gbe owokan,"Thefowl has swallowed a


Gbe-soke, v. to lift up ; hoist


set up ; exalt ; magnify ;


Gbe-fanle, v. to dash to the

ground with violence.

Gbe, v. to be contiguous ; advan-tageous ; helpful to ; suc-

cour ; serve ; countenance ;

respond to ; vindicate


justify ; be partial to.

Gbe-dide, v. to raise ; stir


excite ; raise from a lying


Gbe-duro, v. to erect ; raise


make to stand upon the


Gbe-id, v. to make fly ; waft.

Gbe-hin, v. be partial to


plead for.

Gbe-ibikan, v. to remain station-


ary ; reside in a place.

: Gbe-inu, v. to inhabit.

Gbe-joko, v. to make sit ; to

raise to a sitting position.

Gbe-le, v. to put upon ; to set

one tiling upon another.

Gbe-lebu, v. to cross ; place


Gbe-leke, v. to exalt;promote ;


Gbemi, v. to swallow.

Gbe naro, v. to set up ; to erect.

Gbe-niyawo, v. to wed ; to


Gbe-r6, v. to set upright.

Gbe (this particle gives the force

of the past tense to the verb

which it precedes).


Nibe li awa gb6 lo, " It wasthere that we want."

Gbede, v. to understand alanguage ; know ; to besagacious.

Gbedegbeyo, n. an interpreter.

Gbegbe, v. to perish ; be lost


doomed.Gbera, v. to lift oneself ; to move


stir ; be alive.

Gberakan, v. to be nimble


agile ; active.

Gbere, n. leave taking ; fare-

well ; salutation.

Gberegbere, adj. unmeaning



Gbero, v. to consider ; intend ;

purpose ; calculate ; reckon.

Gbero, v. to raise ; erect.

Gbese, n. debt ; score ; due.

Gbeyawo, v. to marry a wife.

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GB? 114 GBfc

Gb$, adj. dry. v. to dry ; to

dry up.

e.g., Omi sisan nagbe, " The running brook is

becoming dry."

Gb$, v. to sharpen ; to make anoise or cackle like a hen


engrave ; cut ; excavate.

Gbedu, n. a drum beaten in

honour of the King or great


Gbekele, v. to trust ; dependupon ; confide in.

Gbenagbena, n. a carpenter;

sawyer ; a worker in wood.

Gbengbe, adj. large; big.

Gb$ngbe-gbengbe, adj. verylarge (applied to fowls or

other birds).

Gbesan, v. to take vengeance ;

revenge ; retaliate ; avenge.

Gbe^e, v. to incur guilt ; to sin.

Gb$, adj. burned ; scorched ;

pining ; languishing.

Gbe-jona, adj. burnt ; burntuntil brittle.

Gb$-ni$6n$o, v. to sharpen to apoint.

Gb^re, n. a small cut made into

the skin with a lancet


a bleeding cut or incision

into which the native

doctors insert medicine to

circulate with the blood.

Gb^re, adv. slowly, drawlingly.

Gb$re-gb$re, adv. in slow paces.

Gbidanwo, v. to make a trial;

to try.

Gbigba, adj. that which is to bereceived, taken, accepted,

allowable, tolerable, ad-


Gbigba, adj. that which is to beswept.

Gbigbasile, n. rescue ; deliver-


Gbigbato, adj. tutelar ; tutelary.

Gbigbe, adj. dwelling (house).

Gbigbe, adj. that which is to

be carried.

Gbigbe, adj. warrantable ; sup-


Gbigbeleke, adj. preferable



Gbigbesoke, n. that which is to

be borne, lifted or carried.

Gbigbewd, n. that which is to betried or weighed.

Gbigbe, adj. dry ; sear ; void

of moisture.

Gbigb$, adj. hewn ; graven.

Gbigbekele, adj. accredited



Gblgbona, adj. warm ; hot


fervent ; zealous.

Gbfgbo, adj. that which may beheard, n. a hearing.

Gbigbon, adj. wise ; clever



Gbigbun, adj. crooked ; twisted.

Gbohln, v. to hear news.

Gbeja, v. to defend ; take one's


Gbimp, v. propose ; stipulate ;

offer ; devise.

Gbimo-buburu, v. to plot.

Gbimpran, v. to counsel ; think ;


Gbimptele, v. premeditate ; to

plan beforehand.

Gbin, v. to breathe with diffi-

culty ; to groan.

Gbin, v. to plant ; sow.

Gbina, v. to catch fire ; kindle.

adv. on fire.

Gbingbinllri, adj. stout ; bulky ;

huge. n. bulk.

Gbinnikun, v. to fester ; rankle.

Gbipe, v. to listen to an entreaty ;

receive comfort.

Gbipo, v. to succeed ; supply

tho place of another.

GberO, v. to reckon ; calculate ;

intend ; deliberate ; specu-


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Gberotele, v. to premeditate



Gberoypjade, v. to devise a plan.

Gbiwon, Gbawpn, v. to take

measurement ; weigh.

Gbiyaje, v. to suffer passively.

Gbiyanju, v. to endeavour, take

courage, endure, perse-

vere, exert oneself.

Gbiyele, Gbekele, v. to dependupon, rely on.

e.g., Ma gbi-

yele ogun, ti 9W9 eni ni ito

ni, " Depend not on aninheritance (by bequest)


what one gains (by in-

dustry) is sufficient/'

Gb6, v. to ripen ; come to

maturity, adj. old ; wornout ; ancient ; aged ; stale.

Gb6, v. to bark (used of a dog).

Gbo, v. to scrub ; rub.

Gbo-l^nu, v. to contradict.

Gbodogi, n. the yaws.

Gbddogi, n. the name of a leaf

for thatching.

Gbogun, v. to start warfare.

Gbogunti, v. to invade.

Gbogbo, adj. all ; every ; the

whole ; general ; total;


Gbohun, v. to hear a voice.

GbohuUgbohuH, n. an echo.

Gboju, v. to be impudent


daring ; fierce ; bold-faced ;

impertinent ; audacious.

Gb6jule, v. to fix the eye upon ;

to put confidence or trust


Gbojusi, v. to face ; brow-beat.

GbojUWO, v. to behold ; to look.

Gbolohun, n. a word ; a sen-


Gbolohun-as^, n. squabble



Gb6-mp, v. to bay ; bark at.

Gbona, v. to be warm ; hot


aglow ; torrid ; sultry ;

ardent ; vigorous ; fer-

vent ; fervid ; fierce.

Gbdngbo, n. root ; bottom of amatter ; principle.

Gbdngbo-$ro, n. root of a matter;


Gbonu, v. to deny ; to insist onin opposition to advice.

Gbdro, adj. wide ; broad


august ; expansive.

Gboro, n. a snare for beasts.

Gbdrun, v. to smell ; to scent.

Gbotan, a. be aged ; old



Gb$, v. to hear ; attend ; listen ;

hoarken ; observe.

Gb$, v. to flourish ; growluxuriantly.

Gbyd^, aux. v. dare ; shall


must ; often used with ko," not."

e.g., Iwo ko gbod{>

se eyi, " You must not dothi3.


Gbpgbf, v. to receive a wound.

GbyQ* v. to be wise ; clever


sensible ; expert ; cunning ;

crafty ; discreet ; shrewd ;

subtle ; judicious.

Gbon, Gbonmi, v. to bale out


Gbyilju, v. to arrive at an age

when the memory begins to

develop itself (a term mark-ing a particular period of


Gb$n, v. to shake violently


to tremble.

Gbfrn-kannakanna, v. to sling.

Gb^n-lp, v. surpass ; exceed.

e.g., On gb$n mi I9, " Heis greater than I."

Gb^n-riri, v. to quake with cold.

GbyH, v. to move to tears.

e.g., ?kun gb^n mi, " I wasmoved to tears."

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Gbpngbpn, adv. very (applied to


e.g., Koto na jin

gbongbpn, " The pit is verydeep."

Gbpngan-gbpngan, adj. clumsyin arrangement.

Gb$rQ, I$i, n. sprouts of the

pumpkin.Gboro, adj. long and slender.

e.g., Igi gboro, " A long

slender stick ;" prostrate ;

stretched at full length.

Gbor6, v. to hear of.

e.g., Awagbur6 won lana, " We heard

of them yesterday."

Gbun-l^e, v. to smite with the

fist ; box.

Gbun, v. to bend ; twist ; beout of shape.

Gboro, adv. in torrents ; vio-

lently ; without cessation.—e.g., Ojo nr$ gburu, " Therain pours in torrents."


Hi, n. amazement ; astonish-


e.g.,' Ha se mi si

oran na, " I wondered at

the matter."

Ha ! irUerj. expression of sur-

prise or wonder.

Ha, v. to lock ; get entangled

between woods, or in a

narrow passage ; to becrowded or straitened.

e.g., Aye ha fun mi gaga," I am much straitened."

Ha, v. to cumber ; be strait


to look.

Ha, v. to bruise ; scratch


scrape ; crash ; grato.

Ha, adv. indeed ; then (used

emphatically in interroga-

tive sentence).

e.g., Nkanwonyi ha ri bp bi ? " Arethese things indeed so ?


Ha, adv. (emphatic) ; no indeed

(always followed by Bi).

e.g., Emi ha nibij "Not I,

no indeed."

Ha-laye, v. to throng ; squeeze ;

press for want of room.

e.g., Awon enia ha mi laye,

nkd le w$ ile, " I am pressed

by the people, I cannot go

into the house."

Ha-m(, v. to lock ; block up ;

keep in ; enclose.

Ha-k$lebe, v. to expectorate.

Ha-le, v. to wattle a house.

Ha-l$si, Ha-l$mp, v. to bully


to threaten.

Ha-mp, v. to confine ; restrict.

Ha-motubu, v. to incarcerate



Ha-mpra ogon, v. to equip for

war ; arm for the battle.

Ha-nu, v. to pare ; scrape off.

Hal^, v. to boast ; brag.

Hamora, v. to put on armour


to be encumbered.

Han, v. to be unfruitful ; sandy ;

worn out ; to scrapo gently

or slightly.

Han, v. to appear ; be in sight


be visible ; be manifest


evident ; conspicuous.

Han, v. to scream.

e.g., Qmodeyi han goro, " This child

gave a shrill scream."

Han-lpkankan, adj. seen afar


Han-lemo (U-emp), v. to treat

one badly.

Han-gbangba, v. to be con-

spicuous ; ostensible ; to

be apparent.

Han-goro, v. to scream ; screech ;

shriek ; tinkle.

Han-ket^kete, v. to be promi-

nent ; to be conspicuous.

Han-lode, adj. exposed.

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HAN 117 HU-Y

Han-lpkpkan, v. to show oneafter the other.

H&n-nikika, adj. legible ; read-


Hanyin-hanyin, adj. coarse


rough ; uneven.

Hanturu, v. (Hausa) to write.

Hawp, adj. a tight hand ; mean ;

greedy; miserly; niggardly.

He, v. to gather together

things which are scattered ;

to pick up one by one ; to

reap ; to gather fruit.


Awa nhe ere li oko, " Weare gathering beans in the


Heyp, Heyi, inter. Sir ; Madam ;

a respectful answer madeby males to elders or


He ! ? ! inter}. Sir ; Madam ;

(respectful answer made byfemales to elders or su-


Hen, adv. yea ; aye ; yes.

Hiha, adj. that which is to bescraped ; scraped.

Hiha, adj. narrow ; strait.

Hillft", adj. visible ; ostensible ;

gorgeous ; splendid ; au-


Hihe, adj. that which is to bepicked up.

Hihp, adj. that which is to bestripped off or peeled, as

the bark of trees.

Hihu, n. conduct, behaviour.

H6, v. to peel off (the rind of

yams or fruits).

H6, v. to boil ; ferment ; bubble ;

froth ; foam ; roar ; hoot


make a noise ; shout.


Qse nh6 putu, " The soaplathers well."

Ho-kinikini, v. to simmer.

Ho-ye, v. to shout.

H$, Ha, adj. narrow, strait.

e.g., Qna h<£, $se kd gba eji,

** The path is too narrowto admit two feet (to walkside by side)."

Hp, v. to scratch ; peel off the

bark ; run ; turn tail



H<J, adv. not (used often instead

of k<J).

Hp ; H<J ; if ! interj. a con-

temptuous exclamation ;

pugh!Hphp, n. a bird similar to the

crow with white streaks

on the head.

Hpwu ! interj. a word expressing


Hpnrun, v. to snore.

Htt, v. to shoot ; germinate


bud ; spring ; vegetate ;

to become mouldy (as

clothes) ; to come to notice.

Hu-wa, v. to behave ; conductoneself.

Htt, v. to pull out of the ground ;

dig ; disinter that whichwas buried ; detect.

Hukp, v. to cough.

Hn-jade, v. to spring forth


beget ; eject ; shoot.

Hukasi, adj. mouldy.

Hllko, v. to grow grass ; produce


Huko-loju, v. to be wild ; to

look wild ; savage ; raw.

Hum$, v. to think ; meditate


originate a thought ; de-

vise ; invent ;plan ; give


Hun$p, v. to weave cloth.

Hura, v. to be languid ; to flag.

Huspnu, v. to root out ; root


Huwa-ika, v. brutalize ; prac-

tise wickedness.

Huwa-ara-oko, v. to be rude.

Hu-y$, v. to fledge.

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118 IBA

I, a prefix, giving to the verb

to which it is prefixed the

signification of an action

still in progress.

e.g., v.

Ba, to hide. n. Iba, the

act of hiding.

I, pron. (used after a verb ending

with i), him ; her ; it.


Mo fi igi ti i, " I pushed it

with a stick."

e.g., Ki i

mole, *' Press it down."

Iba, n. a hit ; the act of meeting


a coming in contact with ;

a lucky chance.

Iba, defective v. had ; would. have ; ought to.

e.g., Oniba de, emi alp, " Had hecome, I would have gone."

Iba, Igbona-ara (gbo-ina), n.


e.g., Iba li o da mibul$ lati ana wa," Fever hasprostrated me since yester-


Iba, n. the act of hiding ; ambus-cade ; the act . of weavingor plaiting coarse grass into

a mat.

Ibadapo, n. cohabitation.

Ibade, n. accordance ; suit-

ability ; hit.

Ibadi, n. hip ; joint of the thigh ;


Ibadu, n. emulation.

Ibagbe, n. the act of abiding

together ; abode ; fellow-

ship ; a dwelling together.

Ibaiyeje (ba-aiye-je), n. the act

of spoiling the world ; aturning the world upside


Ibajepe, conj. if.

e.g., Ibajepe owa niliin, arakonrin mi ki bati ku, " If you had been here

my brother would not havedied."

Ibajf, n. the act of eating,

associating or dealing with.

Ibaj$, n. the act of destroying,

spoiling or corrupting ; evil


decay ; degeneration ; pro-


e.g., Ibaj$ okanburu ju ti ara I9, " The cor-

ruption of the soul is worse

than that of the body."

Ibaka, n. mule.

e.g., O ni ika

ninu bi ibaka, " He is as

stubborn as a mule."

Ibaka, n. canary.

Ibakasie, Rakunmi (Hausa), n.


Ibale, n. virginity.

Ibale-okan, Ibale-aiya, n. equa-

nimity of mind ; quietude.

Ibald, n. the act of dealing with ;


Ibal$, n. the act of going with ;


Ibaluwe, baluwe, n. a wash-


e.g., Ibaluwe gbe ile

se bi akuro, " A wash-house

is a part of the house, but

(yet) it is (as wet as) a

garden by the waterside."

Ibanapfc Ibasowopfc, n. partner-

ship ; fellowship ; fellow



Ibanibuba* n. the act of lying in

ambush ; ambushment.Ibaninuje, n. aggrievance


offence ; vexation.

Ibanije (ba-enia-je), n. the act

of spoiling or corrupting ;

depreciating ; belittling.

Ibanuje, n. dejection ; sorrow.

e.g., Ibanuje da ori agba kaodo, *' Sorrow bends downan old man's head."

Ibant$, n. apron worn by males.

Ibant^ Alayekan, n. a kind of

narrow apron.

Ibante Etiaja, n. an apron madein imitation of a dog's ear.

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Ibante Gambari, n. a kind of

apron introduced from the

Hausa country.

Ibante Salala, ft. a superior kindof apron.

e.g., Salala babaibante, " Salala is the chief

(lit.—father) of all aprons."

Iba-Ohun mimo je, ft. profan-

ation ; sacrilege.

Jbarale, ft. carefulness.

Jbare (ba-r$), n. the state of

being friendly with ; friend-

ship ; agreement.

Jbani, n. ashes of burnt grass.

Iba$e, conj. whether.

e.g., Kogbogbo won jo, ibase rere

tabi buburu, " Gather all

together whether good or


Ibasedede, ft. corroboration



Ibagepe, impers. v. had it been.

Ibagepo, n. co-operation.

Ibaspre, n - alliance ; ally.

Ibatan (-tan), ft. a relative


belonging to the line of afamily, relation, kinsfolk.

Ibawi, Ibawijo (wi-ejo), n. the

act of calling to judgment


judgment ; reproof ; cen-

sure ; punishment.

Ibay$, ft. rejoicing with ; con-


Ibeji (bi-eji), n. twins.

Ibepeje (ba-epe-j^), ft. oath-

breaking ; perjury.

Ibere (bi-ere), n. inquiry ; requi-

sition ; petition ; question.—e.g., Ibere ki ije ki

enia ki 6 sina : eniti ko le

bere li o npon ara re loju," Inquiry saves a man frommistakes : he who makesno inquiry gets himself

into trouble."

Ib$, adv. there.

Ibeb$, eb$, ft. solicitation


prayer ; supplication.

Ibepe, ft. pawpaw tree and fruit.—e.g., 6 hamora bi ibepe," He encumbers himself like

the pawpaw tree " (whenladen with fruit).

Ibere (be-$re), ft. beginning


commencement ; stooping.

Ib^ru (ba-^ru), ft. fear ; fearful-

ness ; apprehension.

Iberubojo (ba-eru-ba-ojo), n.

fear ; dread ; trembling.

e.g., Iberubojo ni mo fi pe e,'* With fear and trombling,


I called him."

Ibewo, ft. visitation ; visit


' a peeping at ; insight.

Ibewosi, ft. behaviour ; manners.! Ibi, w. evil ; ill-use ; after-


e.g.. Eniaki ise ni ni

rere, ki a fi ibi su u, " Hewho has done you a kind-

ness should never bo ill-


Ibi, ft. question ; inquiry ; place.

Ibf, ft. birth ; child-bearing


generation ; genesis ; pro-


e.g., Ibi ki iju ibi,

bi a ti bi eru li a bi omo," Birth is not different

from birth ; as the freemanwas born so was the slave."

Ibi-ab6, ft. a place of refuge


asylum ; ward.

Ibi-ade, ft. decoy ; trapping


Ibi-ara, n. haunt.

Ibi-asala, n. refuge ; asylum.

Ibi-idaJQ, ft. place of judgment.

Ibi-idakO-duro, n. haven ; an-

chorage ;port.

Ibi-idUTO, ft. a standing place



Ibikan, ft. a place ; some place.

Ibilribi, adv. anywhere ; where-


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Ibilere, ft. the act of questioning



Ibile (bi-ile), ft. one home-born ;

a domestic.

Ibilfc (bi-ile), ft. aborigines



Ibilu-omi, ft. wave ; surf.

Ibilu, ft. scourge ; thong.

Ibimbi, adj. naked.

Ibimo, ft. child-bearing ; child-


Ibinu, w. wrath ; anger ; passion.—e.g., Ibinu ko so likan fun

ni ; suru taba iwa, ibinu ni

iyo ofa li ap6, ohim rere ni

iyo obi ni ap6, " Anger does

no one good ; patience is

the best {lit.—father) of

dispositions. Anger drawsarrows from the quiver


good words draw kola nuts

from the bag."

Ibinuj 9, ft. sorrow ; sadness ;


Ibirogboku, n. couch ; sofa.

Ibisi, ft. increase ; addition.

Ibisubu, ft. overthrow ; sub-

version ; confutation.

Ibitfc, Obite, v. to travail.

Ibiw6, ft.the act of overthrowing.

Ibd, ft. breadth ; width ; dimen-sion ; a kind of banyantree.

Ib6, ft. the name of a trailing

plant ; and its fruits.

Ibo, ft. a casting of lots or dice

used by the priests in

consulting the gods.

Ib6, adv. Where ?

Iboji, Boji (Ibi-Oji), ft. grave ;

sepulchre ; cemetery.

Iboji, ft. shadowy ; shade.

Iboju (bo-oju), ft. veil ; covering

for the face ; cloak ; dis-

simulation ; blindfold



Ibojuwd (be-oju-wd), n. visit


visitation ; superinten-dence ; insight.

Ibojuwofin, ft. close inspection.

Ibole, n. roofing ; confiscation.

Ibomi, Ibomiran, ft. anotherplace.

Ibomirin, ft. irrigation.

Ibomol$ (bo-mo-ile), ft. conceal-

ment ; that which is to beconcealed.

Ibora, ft. cover ; covering for

the body.

Ibora-Kubusu, ft. blanket


woollen covering.

Ibori, ft. victory ; conquest



Ibdri (bo-ori), ft. cap ; covering

for the head ; hood.

Ibos$, ft. the hoof of an animal.

Ib$, Abo, ft. the act of coming



IbogibQpe, ft. the act of serving

an idol.

Iboka-abere, Ibowo-abere, n.


Ibola, ft. the act of payingrespect ; urbanity.

Ibol$WQ, ft. the act of shakingthe hands.

Ib$lQWQ, ft. escape from seizure ;

deliverance from ; freedom ;.


Ibpn, ft. gun, musket, fire-arms,.


Ibon-nla, ft. ordnance ; cannon.

Ibon-alafefe, n. air-gun.

Iboni, ft. support ; sustentation.

Ibopa, Ike, ft. bracelet.

Ibopo, ft. hammock.Iborisa, ft. worship of idols



Ibosarin, ft. a coming between ;


IbQS$ (bo 686), ft. socks, stock-

ings, hose.

IbQBOk$, Iwok$, ft. embarkation.

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Ibowa, ft. a coming ; approach.

lbu, n. breadth ; side ; diam-eter ; width.

Ibfi, ft. fall ; abuse ; curse.

Ibu, n. a bleating ; a loud

sudden cry.

Ibu-atelewp, ft. hand-breadth ;


Ibubu, adv. crookedly.

fbudo, Ibudo-ogun, n. camp


encampment.Ibugbe, ft. abode ; home ; habi-


Ibu, ft. abstraction of a part



Ibugbe-elede, n. pigsty.

Ibuje, Ibuje-eran, n. a place of

feeding ; crib ; manger.

Ibujoko (Ibi-ijoko), ft. a dwelling

place ; abode ; settlement



Ibuke, n. carvor of posts anddoors.

Ibukon (bu-kun), ft. adding to ;

a blessing ; benediction ;


Ibukun (bu-kun), ft. deficiency ;

abatement ; reducement.

Ibukun, Ibusi, ft. adding to



tbula, Abula, ft. dilution



Ibul$, ft. the act of lying down.

Ibule-arun, n. sickness.

Ibule-iku, ft. death-bed.

Ibu-omi, Ibu-Odd, w. channel



tbura, ft. the act of swearing ;


Iburu, Iburu-dopin, Iburu-

rekoja, ft. incorrigibleness.

Ibus$, n. a resting-place on ajourney.

Ibusun, ft. a sleeping-place


bed ; bedstead.

Ibusun-oku, ft. graveyard



Ibuw$, ft. a lodging-place ; alodge ; roosting-place.

Ibuwon (bu-won), ft. aspersion ;


Ibuyin, w. compliment ; honour



Ida, ft. creation ; formation ;

cessation ; division ; de-

cision ; payment of taxes ;

good health.

Ida, ft. beeswax ; tar.

Ida, ft. sword.

Ida-asa, ft. remnant from theloom ; piece of cloth to

patch with.

Ida, eda, ft. the art of fusing ;


Ida-eti, ft. wax of the ear.

Ida-e?e, Ide^e, ft. the act of

sinning ; perpetration.

Ida-idiwe, ft. sealing-wax.

Ida-onibd, ft. broad sword.

Idaba, ft. proposal ; motion.

Idabd, IdabobO, n. refuge ; pro-


tdaba, ft. breadth ; latitude


that which is placed athwart.

Idabu-$kun, ft. cross-bar of adoor or gate.

Idabu-igbaroko, n. pelvis.

Idabul$, ft. prostration of the

body from sickness or weak-ness.

Idad6, Adado, ft. isolation ; anisland.

idaduro, ft. being stoppedor hindered ; detention


hindrance ; hold.

tdagba, ft. growth ; increase ;


Jdagbale, ft. the act of pre-


tdagbe, ft. the state of being

alone ; solitude ; isolation.

Idagbere, w. a bidding farewell



Idagiri, ft. an alarm.

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IDA 122 Ida

Idagude, ft. cold ; gloom ; dampweather.

Idahoro, ft. desolation.

Idahun, ft. answer ; reply.

Idahun-adatan, n. final reply ;


Idaiyafo, ft. intimidation ; dis-

may ; discouragement.

Idaje, ft. double dealing ; acheat.

Idaji, Idameji (da-meji), ft. half



Idaji, n. an early rising.

Idaj$ (de-ejp), ft. judgment;sentence pronounced; doom;award.

Idajo (da-jp), ft. a collection, a

putting together.

Idajp-egbe, ft. partial judgment.

Idaju, ft. hard-heartedness.

Idakasi, Idikasi, ft. staleness



Idake, Idakeje, Idaker<Jrp, w.

rest ; quietness ; serenity ;

silence ; a calm.

Idakpduro, Idakfro, n. the act

of stopping the ship ; anchor.

Idakoja (da-kpja), n. the act of

passing over a thing bylifting the foot over it (as

over a tree lying across the


Idaku, n. swoon ; faint.

Idalara, ft. disappointment, v.

to mortify ; to hurt one's


Idalare, n. justification.

Idal$, ft. the act of being awayfrom home.

Idale, ft. faithlessness ; breach

of confidence ; treason.

Idalebi, w. conviction ; repro-

bation ; condemnation.

Idalekun, ft. the act of for-

bidding ; prohibition ; inter-


Idaloju, ft. certainty.

Idaloro, w. torment ; torture ;


Idalti, ft. the act of boring.

Idahl, n. affusion ; the act of

mixing together.

Idamarun, n. a fifth part.

Idamejila, ft. a twelfth part.

Idamerin, w. a fourth part.

tdamesan, ft. a ninth part.

tdameta, ft. a third part.

tdamewa, ft. a tenth part.

Idampwamewa, n. the tenth

parts severally.

Idampran (da-mp-ran), n. adevice ; a plan ; theory.

Idamu, n. the act of perplexing ;

perplexity ; confusion ; dis-

traction ; infatuation.

Idan, ft. sleight of hand ; anartful trick.

idan, w. the bottom of native


tdana, n. dowry.

Idana, ft. a feast ; the act of


Idande (da-ni-ide), ft. redemp-tion ; the state of being

redeemed from bondage.

Idaniduro, ft. the act of detaining;


Idanilara (da-enia-li-ara), n. the

act of disappointing


mortifying ; annoying.

Idaniloju, ft. convincement


certainty ; assurance.

Ida-npapa, n. rust.

Idanrawo, ft. exercise ; exertion ;

test ; proof.

Idanwd, ft. attempt ; trial ;


Idapp, n. a mingling ; closeness ;

annexation ; attachment.

Idapp-Mimp, ft. Holy Com-munion.

Idapp9pkan, ft. union.

tdaran (da-^ran), ft. trans-

gression ; offence ; trespass.

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Idaran-oba, n. treason {lit.—offence against the king).

Idariji (da-ori-ji), n. forgiveness ;

pardon ; remission ; abso-


Idarisi, n. tendency ; dispo-


Idard (-aid), n. anxious ; con-

cern ; anxiety.

IdaroSQ, n. a speaking to one-

self ; soliloquy.

Idaru, n. refutal ; confusedness.

idaru-dap$, n. the act of

mingling in a confused

mass ; medley ; confusion.

idarunsile, n. that which causes


Id&sa, n. remnant from the loom;

piece of cloth to patch with.

Idasi, n. remnants ; exemption ;


Idasil$, n. beginning ; invention.

If JlSilelQ, n. acquittal ; liberation.

Ida^a, Idaw$le, n. assumption ;

undertaking ; venture ;


Idaje, Ada?e, n. venture ; risk.

Idawo, n. consultation of the

gods or oracles.

Idawo, n. contribution.

Idawo-ode, n. taxation.

Idaw$, Idar$, n. dross.

Idawy-duro, Idaworo, n.

Resistance ; interruption ;

cessation ; intermission.

IdawQPQ, n. a joining of handstogether ; union.

idawuru, n. fluency ; free ; out-


Idayi, n. time ; interval ; season ;

a given space ; fermenta-


e.g., Ni idayi ana o ti

de, ** About this time yester-

day he had arrived/'

)d&, n. the act of binding


bondage ; screw ; buckle ;


He, n. arrival.

tde-ajaga, n. bond ; yoke.

Ide-QWQ, n. handcuffs : manacles.

Ide-lpna, n. the act of hindering ;


Idena, n. hindrance ; opposition ;


Id6ri, Qmpri (d6-ori), n. cover



tdeti, n. the face bone near the

ear ; tympanum ; drum of

the ear.

ld$, n. loosening ; softening ;

maturity ; a glass bottle

holding about five gallons,

called by sailors a demijohn.

ld$, n. brass.

Idegbf (de-igb^), n. hunting;chase.

Idehun, n. the act of refraining

from speech.

Ideju, n. easy-going.

Idekun, n. the act of setting asnare ; ensnaring.

Idera, n. ease ; laxation.

Iderin, n. exciting to laughter.

Ideruba, n. alarm ; discourage-

ment ; terror.

Idesi, n. instigation.

Ideti (d$-eti), n. inclination

of the ear ; listening



Ideti (di-$ti), n. failure ; ina-

bility to accomplish.

Idewo (d$-WO), n. temptation ;

trial ; snare ; seducement.

Idewp, n. mitigation ; relaxation.

fdi, n. eagle.

Idi, n. bundle.

tdl, n. bud ; blossom.

Idi, n. waist ; groin ; reason ;


idi-erup$, n. sod.

idi-ibon, n. breech of a gun.

idi-irun, n. lock of hair.

idi-Oknn, n. osprey ; fishing


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Idibaj$, n. corruption ; rotten-


Idide, n. the act of rising.

Idigi, IJni-igi, n. bundle of wood.

fdigbaro (da-igba-r6), n. con-

tinual standing ; an erect


Idije, n. competition ; race.

Idiji (da-iji), n. fear; fright;


Idiju, n. entanglement ; con-

fusion ; knot ; intricacy.

Idiju, n. the act of shutting the


Idiju-ona, n. blocking the road.

Idikasi, n. a stale state ; musti-

Idile, n. family ; household ;


Idiloju, n. blindfold.

ldil(Jna, w. obstacle.

IdilQWQ, n. interruption ; impedi-


tdilu, n. the act of congealing.

Idimo, Idite, n. confederation


league ; intrigue.

Idimpra, n. the act of winding

things around the body.

Idimu, n. grasp ; apprehension.

Idin, Idi, n. name of a tree, the

root of which is used as

chewing sticks.

Idin, n. maggot ; grub ; weevil.

Idina, n. hindrance ; barricade.

Idinu, n. passion ; anger.

Idinu, n. the act of shutting the

mouth.Idipara, n. rustiness.

tdipo, n. union ; density ; coher-

ence ; compact.

Idiri, w. the act of tying or

binding the hair ; head-

dress ; act of plaiting the


Idirun, n. the act of plaiting the


Iditi, n. deafness.

tdiwo, n. obstacle ; obstruction ;


Idiwundia, w. the state of a girl

reaching puberty.

Idiwon, n. measurement.

Idiyele, n. the act of estimating ;


Idoti, n. invasion ; encampment


siege ; blockade ; coloni-


Ido, Idoro, n. the seeds of the

canna plant.

Idodo, n. navel.

Idofun, n. a kind of plum tree.

IdogO, n. the act of placing a manin a debtor's house so as to

make him pay the moneyat once ; surety.

Idogun, Idipara, n. rust.

Idobale, n. prostration ; falling

on the face ; a mark of

respect to a superior by the


Idod§, Ide, n. hunt ; chase.

fdogba, n. regularity ; evenness ;


Idun, n. bug ; flea.

Idun, n. a sound ; cry as of abird.

Idun, n. sweetness ; flavour.

Idunmo, n. pleasure ; enjoy-


tdu, n. a denial or refusal of a

request or petition.

Idugbolu, n. stumbling-block ;

onset ; shock.

Idupe, n. thanks ; thanksgiving ;


Idura, n. the act of making aneffort from falling down.

IdUTO, n. pause ; cessation


integrity ; stanchness ; stay.

Iduro-^iil^in, n. a standing fast.

Ifa, n. good luck ; gain ; advan-


e.g.. Ifa nla ni iya

oluwa re ni apd, " Inordi-

nate gain makes a hole in

the pocket." Hag. i. (L

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IfA 125 iFI

fia, n. the god of palm nuts ; a

tool with two handles (used

to scoop out the pulp of

green calabashes).

fiajuTO, n. sadness ; sorrow.

tfamora, n. intimacy.

fiani (efa-oni), n. six days.

Ifanimpra, n. sociableness



fiarabale, n. carefulness ; atten-


Harahan (n-ara-han), n. appear-

ance ; a vision.

ifarakpra, n. connexion ; prox-


Ifaramoni, fiarampra, n. attach-

ment to ; adhering to.

Ifarapa, n. the act of hurting or

bruising the body ; hurt



liarapamo, n. hiding.

fiarar$, n. leaning on ; resting


lfarar(, n. sprain ; dislocation

of joints.

Ifarati, n. support ; stay ; trust.

Ifarawe, n. imitation ; emulation;


fiarun (fa-orun), n. an iron

guard for the fingers, usedto assist in drawing the bowwith full force.

Ifasehin, n. abatement ; reduc-

tion ; diminution.

Ifatu, n. the act of plucking upby the root ; extirpation.

Ifaya, n. the act of tearing



lie, n. a small-sized bird.

Ife, n. whistling.

fie, n. cup ; a tumbler shapedgourd.

Ifefe, n. a kind of hollow reed.

Ifetud, n. obedience ; attention.

Ife, n. liking ; willingness.

fi$, n. love ; will ; desire ;


Ife, n. belch ; distortion.

fie-afeju, n. idolise.

fie-enia, n. philanthropy.

Ife-buburu, w. malevolence.

Ifehinti, n. support ; patronage;


fiekufe, n. lust ; concupiscence.

fie-mo-ni-keji (fe-omo-enia-

keji), n. brotherly love.

H$ni (fe-enia), n. charity ; love.

fienukonu (fi-enu-ko-enu), n.

{lit—the act of putting

mouths together) mutualagreement ; kiss.

Ifera-^ni, n. self-love ; selfish


fieri, Tutu, n. coolness ; modera-tion of heat.

fiesemule, n. edification ; estab-

lishment ; confirmation.

fieseji, n. forgiveness of sins.

Iflbu, Ifire, n. a curse ; impre-

cation ; execration.

Ifibun, Iftfun, n. gift ; present



tfifale, n. want of diligence



Iflji, n. the act of forgiving


forgiveness ; absolution.

fitfun, n. the act of giving or

delivering to.

Ifihan, n. a show ; exhibition ;

parade ; index ; specimen ;


Ifijona, n. burnt.

tflkale, n. the act of establishing


a settlement.

Inkun, n. the act of adding

to ; addition ; annexation ;


Ifilele, n. establishment ; ordina-


lfll$, n. the act of publishing ;


Innra, n. tattooing ; fumigation.

Ifinran, n. encroachment



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tFI 126 IGI

tfipamp, Ifisin, n. a hiding



lfir$, n. the act of suspending ona hook or pin.

Iflsi, n. a putting upon.

Ifisile-ide, Ifisitabu, n. imprison-

ment ; bondage.

lfisil$, n. abandonment ; resigna-


IfiSnn, n. accusation ; suit at

law ; the act of aiming at.

IfifOfo, n. a waste ; extravagance.

IfisprQSQ, n. a byword ; an object

of common talk.

Iflsiro, n. multiplication.

tfi^ura, n. preservation ; a stand


Ifitpre (fi-ta-Qr$), n. gift;

present ; offertory.

tflwe, n. the act of comparing onething with another ; com-parison.

Iflyesi, n. consideration ; atten-

tion ; remark.

lfof6t Ko, n. foam ; froth


float ; scum.

Ifohunwehun, n. simile ; simil-


tfohnn-si, n. verification


sanction ; assent ; approval.

tfoiya, n. fear ; dismay ; dread.

Ifojupe, n. winking.

Ifojukoju, n. a being face to face.

Ifojosi, n. attention ; observa-


Ifojusile, n. the act of watching.

ifohbale, n. obedience ; homage.

Iforifo, n. flake.

Iforiti, n. perseverance.

tfo-SOki, n. a jump ; leap.

Iflyesi, Ifojusi, n. attention.

ifohun, n. the act of speaking


reply ; sanction.

IfQJU (fo-oju), n. blindness.

tfQkanian, n. endurance ; hard-ship ; reliance.

Ifpkan-SQ, n. confidence ; reli-


Ifple (fo-ile), n. house-breaking.

Ifpnahan, n. the act of showingthe way.

tforanlp, h. consultation.

Ifpranmo, n. unjust accusation.

Ifori, n. head-ache.

Ifowoba, Kowokan, n. a touch


the act of touching.

Ifowpko, n. to link arms ; to

walk arm in arm.

IfpWQpalori, n. caress ; act of

laying the hand On the head.

Ifowororiku, n. natural death ;

peaceful death (opposite of

violent death).

tfowosowo, n. mutual agreement.

Ifpwpta, n. careless search.

tfowotp, n. guiding with the


Ifun, n. bowels ; entrails ; intes-


Ifunnu, n. brag ; boast.

Ifnnpe, n. a blowing of a


Ifunrugbin, n. the act of sowing

seed ; sowing.

Iftinti, n. wine-press.

Ifura, n. suspicion ; doubt.

Iga, n. altitude ; height.

Igan, n. piece.

Iganna,n. walls around premises.

tgara, n. thief ; robber ; ruffian ;

highway robber ; spoiler ;


Igede, n. mystery (applied only

to superstitions, charms,


e.g., Babalawo nfp

Igede, " An Ifa-priest is

telling a mystery.'


Igegun, w. the act of abjuring ;


Igere, n. fish-pot.

Ige, n. breast ; chest.

Igi, n. tree ; wood ; fuel.

Igi-ajagbon, n. tamarind tree.

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IGI 127 iGB

fgi-alore, n. a high tree used as

a watch-tower or lookout.

fgi-atuty, n. sapling ; seedling ;

young plant.

fgi-eleso, n. fruit-bearing tree.

Igi-ibQn, Igibpn, n. gun-stock.

fgi-idana, n. firewood.

Igi-dudu, n. the ebony tree.

Igi-imu, Igimu, n. nozzle ; snout.

fgi-ina, n. firewood.

fgi-itanna, n. match ; torch.

fgi-itpkp, n. tiller (of a boat).

fei-pgbp, n. hemp ; flax.

fgi-ogba, fgi-agbara, n. fence.

fgi-Ogede, n. banana tree.

Igi-ppe, n. palm.

fgi-osun, n. cam-wood.Igi-SUSU, n. a cluster of trees ;

a grove.

tgo, n. bottle.

fgoke, n. the act of climbing up ;


fgongO, n. worm found in dung-

hills, which is used as food.

IgQ, n. perplexity ; puzzle ;


fgp-igi, n. buttresses of a large


IgQgQ, n. mane.Igun, Ojugun, n. the shin ; the

corner ; nook ; angle.

Igun, n. vulture.

fgun-ile, n. the corner of a house.

fgtmbere, n. a thimble.

fgunle, n. the act of landing.

fgunwa, n. a sitting in state.

Igufe, n. belching.

tgba, n. time, a definite period ;

space ; interval ; duration.

tgba, akoko, w. fixed time



Igba-ase, n. festival.

Igba-awe, n. fasting time ; Lent.

Igba-die, adv. awhile, a little


tgba-frun, n. a dry season.

Igba-eso, n. harvest time.

tgba-iftinrugbin, tgba-irugbin, n.

sowing time ; seed time.

tgba-ifunti, n. a vintage.

Igba-ikehin, n. after time ; after-


Igba-i^ejukan, n. time of a winkof the eye ; moment of


igba-i$Qkan, n. time of one


tgba-merinmerin, adj. fourfold.

Igba-QgOrun, adj. hundredfold.

Igba-otutu, n. cold season



tgba, n. calabash cut into halves.

Igba-aiya, n. the breastbone.

Igba-aje, fgbajg, n. a large


Igba, n. the acacia or locust tree

and fruit ; tide ; current.

fgba-ori, n. skull.

fgbadulum$, n. calumniation


calumny ; slander.

fgbagbe, fgbagbera, n. forget-

fulness ; negUgence.

Igbagby* n- faith ; belief ; credit



tgbaiya, n. a guard for the


Igbaja, n. a boat.

tgbaja, n. girdle ; narrow slip

of cloth tied round the loins.

tgbak$, n. a spoon ; a large

wooden spoon.

fgbakugba, adv. many times


often ; frequently.

tgbakuTO, n. deliverance.

tgbala, n. salvation.

Igbale, n. broom.

tgbal$, n. grove.

tgbalp, n. a kind of food madefrom beans.

Igbameta, n. triple.

Igbamora, n. embrace.

tgbana, adv. then ; at that time.

tgbani, n. time past ; the timeof old ; antiquity.

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iGB 128 tGB

Igbaniyanju, n. the act of


Igbati, adv. when.

Igbati, n. edge ; border ; a slap

with the palm of hand.Igbati-asQ, n. trimming ; hem.

Igbatijo, n. olden time.

Igbe, n. cry ; shout.

Igbede, n. understanding.

Igbega, n. the act of lifting up.

Igbekal$, n. establishment



Igbekun, n. a male captive. Seetgbesin.

Igbeleke,n. promotion ; elevation.

Igberaga, n. arrogance ; haughti-ness ; insolence ; pride.

fgbere, n. farewell ; valediction.

Igberi (gbe-ori), n. nearness



Igberiko, n. neighbourhood


province ; coast.

Igbero, n. project ; consul-


Igbero, n. reviving ; repairing.

Igbero, n. the act of hearing thenews.

Igbesoke, n. the act of lifting

up ; a lift ; structure.

Igbeso, n. a heaving.

Igbeyawo, n. marriage ; wedding.

Igbe, n. bush ; field ; shrub ;

grass field.

Igbe, Igbonse, n. faeces ; offal



Igbe-ode, n. hunting.

Igbehin (gbe-ehin), adv. after-


Igbekele (gbe-eke-le), n. trust


confidence ; reliance ; affi-


Igbesan, n. the act of retaliating,


tgbesin, n. a female captive.

See Igbekun.

Igbidanwo, n. a trial.

Igbimp, n. a counsellor


an adviser ; committee;


tgbimotele, Igbirotele, n. fore-


Igbin, n. a large edible snail.

Igbin, n. sowing ; planting.

Igbina, n. the act of taking fire.

tgbinikun, n. inflammation.

Igbi-omi, n. waves ; surf



tgbiro (gba-iro), n. a reckoning ;

calculation ; council ; con-


Igbiyanju, Igbaniniyanju (gba-

iyan-oju), n. perseverance ;

encouragement ; exhorta-


Igbiyele (gbe-iye-le), n. trust;

confidence : reliance ; de-


fgbo, n. forest ; wood ; wood-land.

Igbd, pye igbd, n. name of abird which feeds on the

eggs of other birds.

fgbodu, n. a grove dedicated to

the gods Odu and Ifa.

fgbogian, n. the name of a bird,

Igboiya (gbo-iya), n. courage,

boldness, fortitude, intre


Igboju (gbo-oju), n. boldness


Igbokun (gba-okun), n. sail


Igbona (gbo-ina), n. heatwarmth ; fervour ; vehemence.

Igbona-ara, n. heat of the bodyfever.

Igbona-okan, n. fervency of


Igbord, n. an old overgrownfarm.

Igboro, n. street.

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IGB 129 tjA

fgboro, ft. a grove dedicated to

the idols.

Igbornn, Agborun, ft. umbrella;

sunshade ;parasol.

Igbose, adv. by-and-by ; till

another season.

Igbokanle (gbe-okan-le), n. con-

fidence ; trust ; affiance.

Igbonra (gbon-ara), n. a

shaking of the body (to free

from dust).

IgbonwQ, ft. elbow ; cubit.

Igbonwu, ft. a bow used for the

purpose of carding cotton.

Igbonse, see Igbe.

IgbQWQ, ft. witness ; pledge ;


Igburo (gbo-iro), ft. news;intelligence.

lha, n. side, loin, region.

fha, n. the outside of the palmnut.

lhaho, ft. the burnt part of food

which adheres to the pot or


ihakun, n. the bar to fasten the


Ihalaye, n. encumbrance.

lhale (ha-ile), ft. need; necessity;

poverty ; strait.

e.g., lhale

ba oso enia je, " Povertydestroys a man's repu-


lhale (ha-ile), ft. empty boast



Ihamp, ft. restriction ; a being

shut up.

Ihamora, Ihampra ogun, n.

armour ; armoury ; warequipment ; mail.

than, n. show ; appearance ;

view ; prospect.

lhan gbangba, n. prominent,

conspicuous appearance.

lhan-goro, n. shriek ; shrill.

lhanu, n. gag.

Ihawp, n. stinginess ; parsi-


Dlin, n. news ; tidings ; narra-


thin okere, n. news ; rumour.

Ihin-rere, n. good news ; glad

tidings ; gospel.

Ihinyi, adv. hither ; here.

Iho, n. hole ; pit ; dell ; ditch.

Jhb, n. noise ; hooting ; boiling.

Ihdho, Ihoriho, w. nakedness



Iho-abiya, n. the arm -pits

Iho-imu, n. the nostrils.

Ihunra, n. irritation of the body ;

the itch.-

Ihuhu, n. down (of a bird).

Ihump, n. meditation ; invention.

Ihuwa (hu-iwa), Ihuwasi, n.

conduct ; behaviour.

Ija, w. strife ; war ; fight



Ija, n. suet.

Ija-die, Pero, n. skirmish.

Ija-igboro, Ijagboro, n. civil war.

Ijaba (ja-ba), n. trouble.

Ijadan, n. remnants of fruits

which have been eaten bybats.

Ijade, Ijadelp, n. exit ; exodus ;

a going out.

Ijadu, n. eager contest for athing ; competition.

Ijadun, n. luxurious living.

Ijafara (ja-i£a-ara),n.negUgence;


Ijaiye, n. enjoyment of luxury

or pleasure.

Ijaje, n. rascal ; scoundrel.

Ijakadi, n. a wrestling ; astruggling.

Ijalp, n. the black ant.

Ijaniyan, n. contradiction.

Ijanja, n. broken into pieces.

Ijanja-eran, n. small bits of


Ijanu, ft. bit ; bridle.

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Ija 130 tKA

Ijara, ft. rope.

Ijarp, w. detection of falsehood.

Ije, ft. seventh day.

Ije, n. race ; competition.

Ijejila, n. the twelfth day.

tjeni, ft. seven days hence.

Ijere, ft. gain ; profit.

Ije, Ijf&in, n. fodder.

Ije, n. bait.

Ij$re, n. the flower of Indian


Ije-apasa, Ije-asagbe, n. hay.

Ijebi, ft. guilty.

Ijeniya, Ijeniniya, n. punish-


Ijeri, Ijerisi, ft. witnessing


testimony ; attestation.

Ijerinla (Ijo-erin le-ewa), n.

fourteen days ago ; fort-


IjewQ, ft. confession ; profession.

IjewQ-igbagbo, n. creed.

Iji, ft. shadow ; shade.

# Iji, ft. fear ; dread ; anythingstartling ; surprise.

Iji, n. storm, tornado.

Ijika, ft. profoundity ; soundness.

Ijila, Ijinla, n. a famous or

notorious person (used in

both good and bad sense).

Ijimere, ft. a small monkey.fjinle, ft. depth.

Ijinlese, ft. tripping at the heel



Iji$epale (iji-ge-pa-ile), n. after-

noon {lit.—when the shadowcovers the ground).

Ijiya (je-iya), ft. suffering;

passion ; penalty ; punish-


Ijiyan, n. argument ; debate ;

bet ; controversy.

Ijo, ft. dance.

Ijogun (je-ogun), n. succession

to an inheritance ; heritage.

Ijoko, ft. settlement ; sitting.

Ijokun, ft. name of a trailing


Ijoni, ft. scald ; a burning


Ijoninin, ft. burning to nothing.

tjoro, ft. leanness.

Ijowu (je-owu), ft. jealousy.

Ijoye (je-oye), ft. the act of

being entitled to a position

of rank.

Ijq, ajp, ft. assembly ; meeting ;

congregation ; council.

Ijq, w. day ; a single day.

tjQ-agba, ft. meeting or assemblyof the elders.

Ijpba, n. kingdom.

fjokanlogbon (Ijp -kan - le - ni -

QgbQn),adv. seldom, now andthen (lit.—the space or

interval of thirty-one days).

Ijolowo, n. release ; deliverance.

ijomiran (ijo-omiran), n.

another day ; future time.

Ijoni, n. eight days hence.

tjpra, n. semblance ; likeness.

Iju, n. wilderness ; desert.

tjulo, n. excellence.

IjumQge, ft. co-operation.

Ijuwosi, ft. a beckoning ; a beck.

Ika, ft. cruelty ; wickedness ;

mischief ; inhumanity.

Ika, ft. firmer, toe. Ika ow?finger, lka-ese toe.

Ika, ft. reckoning ; computation ;


Ika-igba, ft.computation of time



Ika-iwe, Ik&we, ft. roll or book.

Ikakun,Ika-okun, ft. coil of rope;

ball or reel of thread.

Ikawu, Ika-owu, ft.wound cotton.

Ikako, ft. twist ; coiling.

Ikakun, ft. addition.

Ikamo, n. the state of being


Ikan, ft. a dropping or dripping

like water.

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tKA 131 iKO

fkan, n. white ant.

fkan, n. the egg plant.

tkandn, n. the large black ant.

Ikangun, ft. utmost extremity



Ikanilara, n. the act of feeling


Ikanju (kan-oju), w. hastiness;

hurry ; eagerness ;post-

haste ; bustle.

Ikanntl, n. severity ; fury



Ikanra, n. peevishness ; irritabil-

ity ; fretfulness ; grufmess.

Ikanu (ko-anu), n. sorrow


grief ; melancholy.

tkapo, n. a folding together



Ikara, Ika, n. backyard.

Ikasi, adj. stale ; sour.

tkasilQrun, n. chargeableness



Ikawe (ka-iwe), n. reading.

tkawo (ka-OWO), n. power ; con-

trol ; governance ; domina-tion.

tkaye,n. numeration; reckoning.

Ike, n. ivory ; bone ; an imita-

tion of ivory.

fke, n. hunch-back.

Ikede (ke-ode), n. proclamation,

announcement, edict.

Ikede-Onn, n.s. proclamation of


Ike-kikan, ft. a loud cry.

Ikeku, Ikekuru, ft. abstract,


Ikekuro, n. amputation ; abs-


Ikele (ke-ile), n. partition


curtains used as a partition;


Ikepe, n. a calling upon ; invo-


ikerora, n. groan.

Ike, n. fondness ; indulgence.

tkegan, w. contempt.

Ikegbe, n. association ; fellow-


Ikehin (ko-ehin), n. end ; issue.

Ikekun, n. snare.

Ikekp, ft. learning.

Ikehinkehin, adv. aftermost.

Ikera, n. delicateness ; indul-


Iketa, n, a kind of nicely wovennative cloth.

fkete, n. one short in stature.

Ikete, n. the lees of palm oil—


favourite food.

tki, n. salutation ; visitation.

Iki, n. compression ; laudatory

recital of a family lineage.

fid, n. an animal with large eyes

and small erect ears, whichlives on the kola nut.

Ikibpn, n. wad ; ram.

Ikigbe (ke-igbe), n. cry; howling;


Ikilp, llQ (ki-ilo), n. warning;exhortation; threat; denun-


tkimole (ki-mo-ile), n. pressing

tightly down ; compression;


tkini, n. salutation ; compli-

ment ; greeting.

tkiri, w. roving about ; wan- '


Ikirun (ki-orun), w. prayer (lit.—saluting heaven).

tkiwo, n. check ; suppression.

firiyesi, n. observation ; regard ;


Iko, n. bamboo-fibres woven bywomen into cloth.

Iko, n. the red tail of the parrot


a rap on the head with the


Ikogun (iko-ognn), n. spoils


trophy ; anything taken in

battle ; plunder ; booty.

tkojp, n. the act of gathering

together ; accumulation.

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IKO 132 iLA

IkoJQ-okO, n. harvest ; ingather-

ing of farm produce.

fkoJQPQ, ft. group ; crowd ; agathering.

fkoko, n. pot.

fkoko-obe, ft. soup pot.

fkoko-iga, ft. small pot.

fkdko, Ikoriko, n. wolf, hyena.

fkole, ft. housebreaking.

fkoloju, ft. a meeting face to


fkolp, ft. a carrying away.

fkonijanu, ft. restraint.

fkonkoso, ft. rat trap (baited with

corn or yam).

tkore, ft. harvest.

tkorira, ft. hatred ; abhorrence.

fkorijosi, w. nucleus.

Ikori pagan, n. whip-lash.

fkoro, ft. contradiction ; bitter-

fkoso, n. restraint.

fkoti, ft. pin of iron, bone, or

^wood used by women for

combing and adjusting the


fkQ, ft. cough.

fkd-fe, ft. whooping cough.

tkQ, n. hook ; hanging.

tko, tkple, n. the act of building

a house ; erection.

Iko, n. the act of crying aloud ;


fk$, n. messenger ; ambassador ;

delegate ; deputation.

tkojutri, n. attention, opposition.

Ikpkp, n. privacy ; secrecy.

Ikpkakp, n. bad teaching.

Ik^kokp, n. bad writing.

tkpla, n. circumcision ; the act

of tattooing.

tkplekp, n. instructing.

tkplu (ko-ilu), n. assault ; attack.

tkplura, n. collision.

tkpni, n. instructing.

tkosan, n. flash ; a quick blaze.

tkpse, n. stumbling block



Ikpse-ba, n.» v.t. and i. chance.

tkosile, ft. divorce ; separation ;


Ikti, ft. death, that which maycause death ; a worm whicheats the kola nut ; mortal-

ity ; destruction.

Iku-afowororiku, n. natural


Iku fun otito, n. martyrdom.

Iku-ile, ft. gable-end.

Iku, ft. sifting.

tkfidu, ft. a pit ; a pond ; atrough ; a large pot.

tkugbu, ft. presumption.

tkuku, ft. fist ; clenched hand.

fkuku, ft. fog ; mist ; cloud.

fkun, ft. belly ; stomach


abdomen.fkun, ft. a kind of squirrel noted

for its deafness.

fkun, ft. mucus.

fkun, ft. thigh ; hip.

fkun, ft. murmur ;grumbling.

fkun, ft. fullness ; swelling


rising ; addition.

Ikunsinu, n. grumbling; mut-tering.

tkuna, ft. failure.

fkunloju, ft. satisfaction.

fkunna, ft. fineness ; smoothness(used in describing fine flour

or nap of cloth).

fkun-omi, n. flood ; inundation.

fkunsinu, see Ikun.

fkunw<?sile (kun-wp-si-ile), n.


IkunwQ, IkunwQkan, n. handful.

tkunra, Ipara, ft. ointment to

rub the body with ; balm.

tkunu, ft. dulness ; slowness of


fkura, ft. weakness of body


debility ; torpor ; insen-


fla, ft. tattoo ; tribal mark


circumcision ; stripes.

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tLA 133 IL$

lla, n. line, mark.

fla, n. name of a vegetable

(also called Qkro).

tla-i$e, n. jurisdiction ;province.

Iladi, n. proof ; explanation ;

comment.ftadtin, w. first fruits eaten.

Ilagbara, n. having strength



llaiya, n. medicine supposed to

give courage ; boldness ;


Ilaja (la-ija), n. peace-making ;

reconciliation ; meditation.

tlakoja, llaja, w. penetration.

llalehu, n. that which grows of

its own accord, spontaneous


ilam$ran, n. a proposing ; a

bringing of one's own view.

liana ofln, n. law ; ordinance ;

order ; ordination ; canon.

tlana-isinku, n. obsequies


burial service.

tlanija, n. conciliation.

tlanu, n. an opening.

tiara, n. envy.

llari, n. king's messenger, herald.

tlasa, n. the tla leaf.

tlasado, n. the name of a plant

used for sauce.

flasagun, n. a wild plant of the

tlasa tribe.

ilasile, n. instruction.

tlawun, n. stinginess.

lie, n. house ; room ; home ;

abode ; mansion ; dwelling;


lie, n. nest.

lle-eiye, n. bird's nest.

fie-abere, n. needle-case.

fie-adie, n. fowl-house.

Ile-agOgO, n. clock tower ; spire ;


fie-alapata, n. slaughter house.

fle-aro, w. smithy.

fie-ase, Ile-idana, Ile-onje, n.

kitchen ; cook-house.

fle-ide, He-tubu, n. custody;

prison ; jail.

fle-ifogQ, n. laundry.

fle-ejo, n. court ; judgmenthall.

fie-ikewn, flekewu, fie-iwe,

flewe, n. school-house.

fle-ina, n. a box of matches.

fle-i?Q, n. watch-house ; watch-

tower ; tower.

fle-igona, n. workshop.

fie-i^ura, n. depository; maga-zine ; store-house ; treasury;


fle-iw$, fle-ero, n. inn.

fle-iyawo, n. bride-chamber.

lle-eiye, n. bird's nest, cage.

fie-eiyele, n. pigeon-cot.

fle-ejo, n. court ; court-room.

fle-elede, n. pig-sty.

fie-e?in, n. stable.

fle-ewon, De-ide, n. jail ; prison. $

fle-koriko, n. thatched house.

fle-Magalasi, n. mosque.

fie-odi, He-olodi, n. castle,


fie-oja, n- shoP-fle-oyin, n. beehive.

fle-Qlorun, n. church house.

fle-ori$a, n. an idol house.

lie-tabu, w. prison.

lle-jade, n. expulsion.

lleke, n. being uppermost ; aso


llekuro, n. the act of driving out.

tlepa, n. pursuit.

tlepada, n. driving backward.

Ilera, n. health.

tleri, w. promise.

lleroro, n. blister.

fieru, n. furnace.

tleto, n. village.

fie, n. earth ; land ;ground ;


He-aiye, n. world.

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IL? 134 iMQ

He-amp, n. clay soil.

lie, Itele, n. footing ; base.

fle-bib$, n. beaten floor.

fie-biri, fle-fairikiti, n. a small

piece of land ; plot.

tledn, n. manure ; black earth.

fle-ini, ILe-nini, n. inheritance



fie-ipaka, n. corn-flour ; the

place where corn is win-


fle-Oku, n. burial ground.

flekun, n. door.

De-Qba, n. kingdom ; territory ;

dominion ; realm.

tlepa, n. red earth.

Ileke, n. beads.

Ileke iyun, n. coral beads.

Ileke-ppplp, n. frogs' spawn.

fie-?U, " It is dark."

flewu, n. soft down on a palmtree, used as fire-lighters.

llo, n. the act of using ; usage ;

practice ; deed. adj. use-


Ilo-agbara, n. exertion.

Iloro, n. porch.

Horikikun, adj. stubborn.

Ilosi, n. behaviour ; usage.

llo^O (I090), n. a peculiar sitting

posture ; squatting.

Iloyun, n. pregnancy.

tip, Alp, n. departure ; a going.

11q, n. warning ; precept ; apublic inquiry.

Ilpkan, n. courage ; boldness.

tlpkUTO, n. departure ; goingaway.

Ilplu, n. the act of twisting

together ; plait.

tlpra, n. sloth ; tardiness


llonilowQgba, n. extortion.

llprp, n. wealth.

IlpW^Wp, n. lukewarmness.

lli, n. nation ; country ; town ;

assembly of the chiefs of atown ; court.

llu, n. drum.tlubole, n. the act of being

smitten down.tlnja, n. perforation.

ftukdje, n. a hamlet.

Imado, n. wild boar.

Imale,n.Mohammedan; Moslem.

Imale, n. idol.

fmaraduro (imu-ara-duro), n.


fmatiko, n. an instrument to

assist in drawing a bowwith greater force.

Imawp, n. incarnation.

Imele, n. idleness ; truant



tmifn. dung ; excrement.

fmi-orun, n. brimstone ; sulphur.


n. breathing, respiration.

Imihele, n. palpitation.

Imijade, n. expiration.

Imi-ednn, v.i. groan, sigh.

Imisi, n. inspiration.

tmiriqi, n. a nod ; a beck with

the head.

Imofo, n. emptiness ; dis-


Imojukuro, n. connivance.

Imdkun, n. the act of diving ;

a dive ; a plunge.

Imdru, n. heat.

Imotutu, n. coldness.

Imoye, n. sageness ; foresight.

Imp, n. knowledge ; notion


sensation ; wisdom.

Imp buburu, n. plot, conspiracy.

Imp, n. clearness ; cleanliness ;

neatness ; purity.

Imptoto, n. cleanliness.

Imp gara, n. transparency.

Imp gbangba, n. public know-ledge.

Impkanle, n. encouragement.

Imple, n. building a house.

Imple, n. light ; brightness ;


Imple baibai, n. dim light,

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iMQ 135 tPA

Imple 0?upa, n. moonlight.

Imple drun, n. sunlight, daylight.

lm<Jmp§e, Impmpda, n. wilful


Impnkangbogbo, Imphungbogbo,n. omniscience.

Imoran, Imp, n. knowledge



Imptele, n. foreknowledge ; fore-


Impwe, n. book-learning.

ImpwpduTO, n. refraining from.

Imu, n. the nose ; nostrils.

Imu, n. seizure ; a taking hold


Imulagbara, n. taking by force.

Imubinu, n. exasperation.

Imubisi, n. propagating.

ImudurO, n. a stay ; a makingto stand.

Imugiri, n. holding ; tidiness.

Imuhinwa, n. bringing news.

Imujade, n. an out show


delivery out of custody.

imukuro, n. deduction, a taking


Imularada, n. healing.

Imule, n. covenant ; treaty.

Imulemofo, n. emptiness.

Imunibinu, n. that which makesone angry ; provocation.

Imuninudun, n. a making cheer-


Imnnmnna, Imumuna, n. fire-

fly ;glow-worm.

Imupada, n. restoration ; restitu-


imura, n. readiness.

Imurasile, n. preparedness.

Imuragiri, n. agility ; tightness.

Ina, n. fire.

Ina-ori, n. louse.

Ina, n. flogging ; punishmentby whipping ; dimension ;


Ina, n. expenditure of money.Inadanu, adj. wastefulness.

Inakuna, profligacy.

Inabi, n. a kind of plant whichproduces blisters.

Inaja, n. trade ; trader



Inaki, fro, n. the baboon.

Inaro, n. standing posture.

Inarun, n. nettle-rash.

Inawo, n. expense.

Inawp, n. the act of stretching

out the hand.

Ini, n. possessions ; goods.

Inilara, Ininilara, oppression



Inira, n. burden ; trouble.

Iniran, n. remembrance ; reminis-


Initara, n. zealousness ; havingzeal.

tan, n.- matrix ; womb ; belly ;

stomach ; disposition ; the

inside mind ; thought.

Innbibi, adj. irascible.

Inn buburu, n. wicked heart.

Inn didun, n. gladness.

Inn dudu, n. bad heart.

Inn fufu, n. bad or quick temper.

Inn fonfun, n. a pure heart.

Inu rere, n. benevolence.

fnunibini, n. persecution.

fnurun, Inurirun, n. pain in the

stomach ; colic.

Inu^iso, n. passion, adj. cross



Inutite, adj. tender-hearted, n.


Inu yo, v. feel compassionate ;


Ipa, n. track ; way ; course ;


Ipa-abere (lit.—the track of the

needle), stitch.

Ipa-ona, n. path ; track ; road.

Ipa, n. kick.

Ipa, n. strength ; violence.

Ipa, n. epilepsy (called also


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IPA 136 lP$

Ipada, n. return, alteration.

Ipadasehin, n. relapse.

tpade, n. meeting.

tpade, n. the garments and other

clothes left by a hunterafter his death, which are

generally exposed near the

gate of a town.

IpagQ, n. the act of making atent or booth.

Ipahin keke, n. a gnashing of the


Ipahunda, n. a change of the


Ipaiya, n. panic ; great fear



Ipaka, n. corn-floor ; time of


Ipakp, w. occiput ; the hollow

between the back of the

head and the neck.

Ipaku, n. a killing ; putting to


Ipakupa, n. butchery ; slaughter.

Ipala, n. the act of setting a

boundary or limitation.

Ipalara, n. bruise ; hurt ; hard-


Ipalemp, n. preparation.

Ipalenumo, n. refutal ; a

hushing up.

tpamQ, n. preservation ; keeping.

Ipampra, n. forebearance



Ipania, n. murder ; man-slaughter.

Ipanpa, n. arrangement by whichthe price of any article

is fixed by all traders


mutual agreement.

tpanu, n. lunch.

tpanumo, n. a shutting up of the

mouth ; hush money ; bribe.

tpara, n. a rubbing oneself with

ointment. adj. anythingused for anointing the body.

Ipara, n. a moth.

tpara, n. rust.

tp&ra, n. going and coming.

tparada, n. disguise ; change.

tpare» n. defacement.

tpari, n. completion ; end ; conelusion.

tpari, n. baldness.

Iparoro, n. a calm.

tparubo, n. a killing for sacrifice ;


tparun, n. destruction ; annihila-

tion ; doom ; downfall.

fpase, n. footpath ; track



fpa?iparQ, n. barter, exchange.

tpe, n. right number.

Ipe ganym, n. soundness.

tpe, n. call ; act of calling.

tpeji, n. an opening between the

upper front teeth ; a flaw

in a cloth, produced bydropping the thread in


tpeje, n. invitation to a feast.

tpeJQ, Apejo, n. congregation


assembly ; meeting.

tpeJQPQ, n. convocation, con-


tpele, n. the smaller, outer cloth

worn by a woman.Ipele, n. short marks made on

the cheeks to distinguish

one tribe from another.

tpele, n. that which is put on the

top of other things.

tpenpeju, w. eyelash ; eyelid.

tpere, n. small snails.

tperegnn, n. aloes ; lign-aloes.

tpese, n. provision.

tpesesile, n. provision from fore-


tp§?e, w. gleaning.

tpe, n. an ear of maize ; a fish


Ipe-agbado, n. spike or ear of


tpe, n. comfort.

e.g., Mo sipe-

fun. " I comfort him."

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tp? 137 IRA

Ip$P$» n - ft8*1 scale J scab.

Ipepekun, n. small sea shell.

tpeka, n. branching out.

tpekun, n. end ; termination ;

utmost ; limit.

tpepere, n. a scraping together ;

small things.

Ipere, n. young members of acommunity ; young people,

especially such as are un-


tpeta, n. name of a tree, the root

of which is used for washing

and bleaching cloth.

Ipete, n. yam cooked with palmoil ;


9, Ipilese, n. foundation


base ; beginning ; root



Ipin, n. portion.

fpin, n. matter oozing from the


Ipin, Ipinfimni, n. the act of

dividing, division, share, lot.

Ipinhun, n. agreement, con-

tract, bargain.

Ipinle, n. tho boundary of a

territory ; a land mark.

tpinnu, n. resolution ; con-

clusion ; agreement ; deter-

mination ; purpose.

tpitan, n. oral tradition.

Ipiye, n. booty; pillage;

plunder of provisions



Ipo, n. place ; room ; situation.

Ipo-Oku, n. place of departed

spirits ; hades ; hell.

Ipo Ola, n. place of honour.

Ipohun-rere-ekun, n. lamenta-


Ipon, n. wooden spoon.

Ipon nla, n. ladle.

Iponju (p$n-oju), n. difficulty;

distress ; affliction ; adver-


Iponni iyin-etan, n. adulation;


Ippnrin, n. whet ; sharpening


Iponri, Ipori, n. the big toe (wor-

shipped by the Yorubas)



Iposi, n. contempt ; scorn


worthlessness ; meanness.

Iposi, n. increase.

IpUTQ, n. lying ; falsehood.

Ira, n. the name of a tree


buying ; decay.

Ira, w. morass ; marsh ; bog :

slough ;quagmire.

Ira, n. the name of a species of

horse ; shaving the head ;

rolling on the ground like

a horse.

e.g., IJsin minyira (yi-ira) ninu yanrin," My horse rolled on the


Irahun, n. complaint.

Irale, n. laths ; the act of


Iran, n. sight ; exhibition


trance ; apparition ; genera-

tion ; race ; offspring.

Iran-atele, Iran $hin, n. after-


Iran, n. sewing ; seam.

Iran a?0, n. needlework.

Iran, n. sending.

Iranlo, Iranlokuro, n. the act of

sending away ; dismissal.

Iranran, n. delirium.

IranlQWQ, n. help ; aid ; assist-

ance ; relief ; auxiliary.

IranmQ, n. infection ; con-


IranpQ, n. irony.

Iransi, n. sending to ; trans-


lran$e, n. messenger ; servant



Irange-kpnrin, n. male-servant.

Iran$e-birin, n. female-servant.

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Ira 138 Iro

Irange-Qlorun, n. God's messen-

ger ; minister ; servant of


lran$0, n. sewing ; one who sews



Iranti, n. remembrance ; memo-rial ; retention.

Iranwu, w. spinner.

Irapada, n. buying back ; re-


Iran, n. shaving the head



Irasile, n. a ransom ; release

from slavery.

Irawo, n. star.

Irawo abiru^pro, Irawo oniru,

n. comet.

Irawp Agnala, n. Venus, the

morning star.

IrawQ-ale, n. Sirins, the evening


Irawo titan, n. bright star.

Iranwo-ile, Iwaje, n. plants usedin making medicine for


Ire, Ore, n. goodness ; favour ;

benefit ; a blessing ; well-


Ire, n. curse ; execration



fre, n. play ; amusement


sport ; the act of running.

Ire-efe, n. joke.

frepa, Ire-ako, n. rough play.

Ire dijudiju, n. blindman's buff.

Ir§bon, n. trigger ; firelock.

Irede-oru, n. revelling.

Ireju-wara, n. cream.

Ireke, n. sugar-cane.

Ire-kpja, n. passing over ; pass-

over ; transgression.

Ireni, n. four days hence.

Irepe, n. a small piece of cloth.

Irera, n. pride ; haughtiness ;

arrogance ; pomp.Ireti, n. hope ; expectation ; a

cleansing of the ear.

Ire, n. a kind of cricket whichburrows underground.

Ire, n. rubber tree.

Ireje, n. cheat ; deception


extortion ; deceit.

trele, n. the state of being low ;


Irepo, n. concord ; agreement



Irewesi, n. dejection ; depression

of spirit.

Iri, n. dew ; mist.

Iri oru, n. night dew ; Ako iri,

n. shower.

Iri OWUTQ, n. morning dew.

Iri, n. sight ; appearance ; con-


Iridi, n. proof ; discovery.

Iriju, n. steward.

Irikuri, n. an offensive thing.

Irin, n. walk ; step ; life ; con-


Irm-ajo, n. journey.

Irin kiri, n. a tour.

Irin pele, n. gentle walk, meek-ness.

Irin sriwaju, n. progress.

bin, n. iron ; iron nail ; metal.

Irin, n. moisture ; a soaking ;

damp.IrindQ, w. nausea ; sickness {lit.

—a tickling of the liver).

Irinle, n. dampness ; moisture.

frinwo, n. four hundred.

Irira, w. dislike ; hatred


odium ; aversion.

Iriri, n. previous knowledge



Iro, Ironn, n. thought ; delibera-

tion ; notion ; opinion.

Iro, n. sound ; noise made by acollision ; news ; report.

Iro-agOgO. n. peal, knell.

Iro, Irora, n. aching pain



Irobinuje, n. remorse ; anguish ;



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tRO 139 IRU

lrogun,n. collection by dropping;


Irohin, n. news ; intelligence ;

story telling ; report.

Iroju, n. sorrow ; vexation


indecision ; melancholy



Iroka, n. promulgation ; publi-


Iroko, Irole, n. farm labour


husbandry ; tillage.

Iroko, n. a species of the Qkro.

Irokd, n. the name of a tree

which gives very goodtimber.

IrokUTO, n. concupiscence ; evil

desire ; irregular thought.

irole, n. the act of inheriting a

house or possession


succession by inheritance.

Irona, n. sideway.

Ironu, n. consideration ; cogita-

tion ; thought.

Ironupiwada, n. repentance.

Irora, n. pain (of body)


suffering ; anguish ; sorrow



Iroro, n. austerity ; harshness ;

brutality ; despotism.

Irotele, n. fore-thought ; pre-


IrQ, n. untruth ; falsehood ; a

lie (not as strong an ex-

pression as Eke).

Itq, n. funnel.

Ir$, n. equal ; companion



Irobi, n. throe ; travail ; pang.

Irpgbaka, n. the state of being


IrOgboku, n. reclining on a couch



IrOJU (rp-0]U), n. patience



Irpkeke, w. the act of being

tumultuous ; making anuproar ; disturbance.

Irple, n. a calm ; tranquility ;


Irolu, n. indiscreet act ; rash

act ; inconsiderateness.

Irona, n. abstinence from food ;

power of long abstinence

from food.

Irppo, w. the act of succeeding ;


Irpra, n. ease ; comfort ; solace ;

felicity ; leisure.

Iron, n. a support for the head ;

pillow ; bolster.

Irorun, w. convenience ; facility ;


Iroti, n. funnel, as used in filling

liquor vessels.

Irowo, n. exchanging monej'.

Iru, n. tail.

Iru, n. gadfly.

fcu, n. seed ; race ; kind ;

species ;gender ; clan ;

the seeds of the locust

fruit which are used as a


Imbo, n. sacrificing ; sacrifice.

Irudi, n. blossom ; bud.

trugbin, w. seed (to sow or plant).

Iruju, Isujn, n. puzzling ; a


Irakerudo (ra-oke-ru-odo), n.

uproar ; tumult ; com-motion ; insurrection.

Irukf, Irukere, n. tassel on the

ear of Indian corn ; the

cow-tail carried about bythe Ifa priests.

Irulu, n. insurrection ; the act

of stirring the town into

an uproar.

frun, n. hair.

Iron §k$, n. whiskers.

Iran-ete, n. moustache.

Irun ipenpeju, n. the eyelash.

Irun abiya, n. the hair of the


Irungbon, n. beard.

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iRU 140 1§E

Irun, n. Mohammedan prayer.

Irunle, n. undermining the

ground in order to rob.

Irunu, n. indignation ; anger

{lit.—stirring of the mind) ;

emotion ; wrath ; rage.

truya (ra-aiya), n. emetic.

fsa, n. hole ; rat's hole ; burrow.

tsaba, n. incubation.

Isadi, w. refuge.

tsale, adv. down ; below, n. base.

Isan, n. oyster.

tsan, n. nine days' space.

Isandnn, n. partaking of the

first fruits of the year.


n. nine days hence*

Isanra, n. being fat ; well-

looking ; bonny.

Isansa, n. fugitive ; deserter ;


fsa-oku, n. grave, tomb, sepul-


Ise, n. denial ; abnegation.

Isera-eni, n. self-abnegation.

Isele, n. earthquake.

Isi, n. a new thing invented or

created ; a memorable time.

Isimi, n. rest ; pause ; cessation

from work ; sabbath. Qjp-urimi, Sunday.

Isin, n. service ; the aot of

serving another ; bondage ;

religion ; worship.

Isinje, n. mockery.

Isinwin, n. the state of being

mad, madness.

Isisiyi, adv. lately ; new.

Iso, n. tying ; bound.

Isolu, v.t. a binding together.

Isorp, n. suspension of a thing ;


Isoyigi, n. marriage ; matrimony.tsp, n. quarter ; station ; de-

partment ; stall.

Isq, n. assertion ; saying.

ISO asodun, n. exaggeration.

tspdahoro, n. being made deso-


Isodasan, annihilation.

Isodofo, being brought to


Isodomo (sQ-di-omo), n. adop-tion.

Isodomnira, being made free.

Isodi mimp, being sanctified.

tsoji, n. revival ; awakening.

Ispka, n. bird-snare set withGuinea corn.

Ispkale, n. descent ; a going


tsoko, n. the act of throwing astone.

tsokun, n. crying.

tsokuSQ, n. evil words ; idle

talk ; nonsense.

Isoro, n. talk ; conversation.

Isptele, n. prophecy ; fore-


Isoye, Asoye, n. a medicine

used for strengthening the

memory ; an explanation.

Isun, n. fountain ; spring ;


Isun, n. the act of drawing near.

Isunraki, shrink. >

Isure, n. blessing ; running.

l&H, Oru, n. a pitcher for con-

veying water.

l&a, adj. stale.

Isa-emu, palm wine which hasbeen kept for some time.

Iga, n. ebb tide.

tsaju, adj. former.

tsan, n. the muscles ; sinews.

Igan, n. current.

Iaan-omi, the current of a river ;

stream ; tide.

tsana, n. matches.

tsape (aa-pe), n. clapping hands.

Isasun, n. a soup -pot.

tyati, n. cast aside ; rejection.

Ige, n. action ; custom ;

character ; fashion ; mode


dealing ; deed.

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t§E 141 )$(>

l?egbe, n. perdition ; the state

of being lost.

tgekuge, n. irregular action


untoward conduct ; wickeddeed.

Ifelpfp, n. being decked out



Igelu, n. government.

Igenisi, n. giving or adding to

what one has bought ;

hyperbole ; exaggeration.

Igenunibini, n. persecuting.

l^enurere, n. kindness ; generous


ijepangaga, n. adulter ; forni-

cation ; prostitution.

tgepari, Igepe, n. finishing ; com-pletion.

Ifep&pparQ, n. exchange



l$eun, n. kindness ; favour.

fcjfe, work ; labour ; duty ;

business ; profession ; occu-

pation ; office.

fcjfe-abere, needlework.

Igp-ami, miracle ; sign.

l$e-a?e, miracle.

I^e-aigbiyele, unexpected work.

fcjfe-buburn, evil deed.

Igp-ifrin, duty assigned to onewho serves.

fcjfe-ilu, public work.

Igp-ipa, toil.

I^e-iyagba, midwifery.

l$e-iyanu, miracle.

I$e-ona, craft, art, handicraft.

t$e Qlprun, God's work.

l$e, n. distress ; tribulation.

l$e-oro, distress ; torment.

l?efe, n, joke ; jesting



Ifpgun, n. victory ; conquest ;


1?6JU, n. twinkling of an eye ;

moment.l?e-keke, n. casting of lots.

Ifpkifp, n. wicked work ; anykind of work.

IfpnifP, n. the act of ill-treating.

Ifpnu, n. abortion ; miscarriage.

tfppp, n. withered twigs or


tfppo, Ifppomeji, n. double.

Ifppo meta, threefold.

Ifppolohun, n. name of a tree ;

a kind of grass.

Ifpti, n. border ; hem.

Ifigun, n. aromatic root of atrailing plant found in


Ifigun, n. waging war.

Ifikp, n. setting sail.

Ifin, n. small fishes.

Ifin, n. the fruit of a tree.

Ifina, n. error ; mistake ; illu-


Ifinu, n. refreshment after fast-


Ifipaya, n. revelation ; the act

of opening into view.

IflTO, n. reckoning ; taking

account ; calculation.

Ifife, n. wrong action ; mis-

doing ; mis-deed ; over-

sight ; offence.

Iffap, n. footstep ; pace.

Ifisp, n. the act of speaking

amiss either from ignorance

or anger or passion.

Ifiyemeji, n. doubt.

IfO, n. nail.

IfOduri, n. acting contrary to ;


Ifofo, n. emptiness ; unoccupied.

IfOge, n. gaiety ; making a vain

show ; foppishness.

IfOgO, n. glorying in ; boasting.

Ifdre» adj. benevolent.

Iforo, n. difficulty ; severity ;


If0W0, n. trader, trading



Ifp, n. watch ; guard.

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199 142 tT£

Isona, adj. watchful.

Igpkan, n. a being one, concord,


Isona, n. doing any mechanical


l$Qna-awQ, n. tanner.

Isona-a$o» n. tailor.

l^Qpe, n. thanksgiving; gratitude.

fypra, n. watchfulness ; care-

fulness ; heed.

l?pte, n. sedition ; rebellion.

tflU, n. ball ; a lump of anything

round ; loaf.

I$u-akara, n. a loaf.

I?U-p?e, n. ball or cake of soap.

f$U, n. yam ; soft part of fruit



I$U-ode, n. wild yam eaten byhunters.

IfUbu, n. fall of a heavy thing ;

fall ; lapse ; downfall.

Isunu, n. diarrhoea.

Igura, n. treasure ; anything

valuable which is put into

safe keoping.

Ita, n. a kind of yellow ant, called

also Ita, a formidable foe

to the white ants.

Ita, n. a street ; open air.

Ita, n. name of a tree much used

for firewood.

Ita-dognn (eta-di-ognn), n. a

space of seventeen days.

Ita-giri, n. startling ; nervous-


ltaj$, Itaj$sil$, n. bloodshed.

Itakete, n. keeping at a distance ;

a keeping aloof.

Itakiti, n. somersault ; an over-

turning leap.

Itakun, n. a climber ; a runningplant ; a creeper.

Italaiya, n. attack ; rebuff



Itale, n. a kind of worm or grubwhich breeds on a mudfloor, and attacks anyonewho lies there.

Itan, n. story ; narration ; tale-

ftan, n. thigh ; lap.

Itan, n. a being related,


Itanka, Itankale, n. oxtension.

Itanje, n. deceit, guile, cheats


Itankale, n. circulation ; exten-

sion ; promulgation.

Itanna, n. lamp ; flowers (so-

called from their brilliancy)-

Itanna-eweko, n. flower.

Itanu, n. the act of casting away ;

a casting oft.

Itan^an, n. glittering light.

Itansan drnn, n. sunbeams.

Itan^an (Mjupa, n. moonbeams.Ita-ororo, n. anointing, unction-

Ita-pja, n. selling ; sale.

Itara, n. ardency ; warmth


fervour ; anxiety for

another's safety ; zeal.

Itayp, n. state of surpassing



lt$, n. throne ; nest.

Ite-oba, n. king's throne.

Ite-eiye, n. bird's nest.

It$, n. treading.

Itemple, adj. pressing down.

Itedo, n. encampment.Itehin, n. pad ; saddle cloth.

Iteju, n. evenness of surface



It$le, Atele, n. that whichfollows; a successor ; series ;

following in course of order.

Itele, n. being beforehand.

Itel$, n. the leg (of an animal)-

Iteledi, n. cloth for common use ;


Itelese, n. private intimation

(as a nod, wink, or tread onthe foot) ; sign ; token ^


Iteloriba, n. subjugation.

Itelprun, Itenilprun, n. content-

ment ; satisfaction ;grati-


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It? 143 ITU

Item, n. disgrace ; a failure.

Itenu, n. meekness.

ItenumQ, n. urging the samesubject by constant repeti-

tion of it.

Itere, n. smashed by trampling

upon ; a crush.

Iteriba, n. bending of the head ;

bow ; submission.

Iterun, adj. contented.

Itese, n. a treadle ; the treadle

of a loom.

ItewQgba, n. acceptance ; recep-


Iti, n. timber ; any large piece

of wood ; the act of sup-

porting or propping.

Itikun, a stick to fasten a door


a bar.

Itilehin, n. support.

Iti, n. bundle of grass ; a sheaf.

Itiju (ti-oju), n. shame ; bash-

fulness ; shyness.

Itinabp, n. setting fire to.

Itise (te-ese), n. footstool ; rest

for the foot.

ltd, n. a running plant like the


Ito, n. arrangement ; order.

Itolesese, the act of placing in arow.

Itobi, n. bigness ; massiveness;


Itori, n. reason; account; cause;


Itoripe, on account of.

Itororosi, n. the act of anointing

with oil ; anointment.

ftosi, n. oloseness ; nearness ;

adjacent ; vicinity.

ftoye, n. value ; merit ; worth.

ftp, n. spittle ; small creek.

It$, n. urine.

Itj, n. breeding ; rearing ; edu-


Itpju, n. superintendence ; over-

looking ; charge ; care.

Itpka, n. index ; list of contents.

Itpkp, n. rudder ; helm ; steer-


Itplehin, n. sequence ; following

in a train ; series ; order

of things.

Itpna, n. a going in a way or path.

Itpni, n. educating ; guiding.

Itore, n. present, gift.

; Itprp, n. petition; prayer



ItpSQ, n. search ; inquiry ; scru-


|Itpsi, n. due ; necessary.

|Itpwo, n. taste.

! Itunriran, n. recovery of sight.


Itunse, Atun?e, n. reparation


improvement ; alteration.

Itu, n. ease ; comfort.

Ituju, n mildness of coun-



Itu, n. loosening (as a knot tied),

ibudding or bursting of aflower ; eruption (on the

body) ; adjournment of anassembly.

Itudi, n. exposure.

Itujade, n. discharge ; emission ;

a pouring out.

Ituka, n. dispersion ; divorce-


ttukp, n, navigating.

Itule, n. breaking up the ground.

Ituloju, Ituju, n. tameness



Itump, n. meaning; explanation;

elucidation ; illustration ;

interpretation ; comment.Itunu, n. comfort ; -consolation

{lit.—the act of makingease in the mind).

Itura, n. comfort ; ease ; the

refreshment of a cool breeze



Ituraka, n. cheerfulness; alacrity.

Ituufe, n. improvements.

Itutp, n. spitting.

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tTU 144 twu

ttutu, n. dampness ; moisture ;


Itutu nini, n. frigidness.

, Iwa, n. conduct ; behaviour ;

disposition ; character ;

custom ; manner ; habit


a state of being in existence.

Iwa-agba, n. eldership.

Iwa agbere, n. prostitution.

Iwa-aimp, adj. a state of un-


Iwa-eda, n. nature.

Iwa-ika, n. barbarism.

Iwa-prun, n. virtue, godliness.

Iwa-ptp, n. peculiarity.

Iwa buburu, n. or adj. evil.

Iwadi (wa-idi), n. investigation ;

examination ; inquiry.

fwaju, n. fore-head ; face


brow ; presence.

Iwakiwa, n. barbarous conduct


barbarity ; sensuality.

Iwakun, n. hinge.

twale, n. a digger ; one who digs.

Iwara, n. hastiness ; rashness ;


Iwariri, n. tremor ; trepidation.

Iwatitp, n. moral ; lesson.

twasu, n. preaching.

twayaija, n. struggle ; agony ;


Iwe, n. book ; paper,

fwere, n. foolishness.

Iweri, n. head tie.

Iw^, n. a speoies of frog.

Iwefa, n. eunuch.

Iwenump, n. purification.

Iwikiri, n. making public,


twin, n. ghost, spirit.

Iwin buburu, n. elf ; goblin.

twin, n. madness.

two, n. appearance ; look.

Iwo-oju, n. countenance.

Iwo egan, contemptuous look.

two, n. a carnivorous bird ; the


two, n. fall.

Iwolule, n. the act of felling

trees or destroying a house.

tworo, n. gold.

Iworan, n. sight-seeing.

twoye, n. a look-out; forethought.

twoyi, n. the present time or


fwp, w. poison which may beadministered in food ; atree, the sap of which pro-

duces blisters.

twp, tdodo, n. navel.

twp, n. hook, fish-hook.

twp, n. pron. thou ; you.

twpdo, n. fording a river ; the

entrance to a river.

twpfa, n. one in pawn ; aninsolvent debtor whobecomes for a time the

property of his master.

twpjp, Iwpjppp, n. assemblage ;


twplu, n. entrance into a town ;


twpu, n. measure ; measure-

ment ; a certain quantity.

adj. so many.twpuwpu, n. dry twig ; a small

branch of a tree ; broom-stick.

twpntuwpnsi, n. medium


moderation ; temperate.

twpra, n. greediness ; ravening.

twpsi, n. contempt ; wrong


injury ; insult.

twp?p, n « wearing of apparel



Iwptikalare, Iwptikarare, reflex,

pron, thou thyself, thou.

twu, n. love ; desire ; pleasure.

twu, n. act of swelling.

Iwukara, n. leaven.

twun, n. act of woaving.

twlUlfp, w. weaving.

twuri, n. affection ; sympathy^Iwusi, n. increase.

twuwo,n. heaviness; importance.

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IyA 145 lYI

lya, ft. mother ; madam ; mis-


lya, ft. suffering ; affliction



lyadi, w. dumbness ; speechless.

lyagan, w. barrenness ; sterility.

lyagba, w. matron ; elderly

woman.lyagbe, Igunu, ft. looseness of the

bowels, diarrhoea ; dung.

lyaju, n. forwardness ; officious-


lyala, lyanla, w. grandmother.

ly&le, ft. mistress ; wife ; dame ;

the first or elder wife. Theother wives are called


lyalenu, n. astonishment



lyalode, n. title given to wise

women ; a lady of high


fyan, ft. pounded yams.

fyan, ft. neighing, like a horse.

fyan hanhan, w. eagerness to

satisfy appetite.

lyan, ft. debate ; controversy.

lyan, ft. famine ; dearth ; scar-

city of food.

lyanfe, ft. love ; election ; choice.

Iyangbe, adj. dry, void of


lyangbo, n. chaff ; husk.

lyanj 9, w. a cheat.

lyanju, w. exhortation.

lyanrin, n. sand.

lyanrindide, n. quicksand.

lyanu, n. wonder, amazement.Iyapa, n. schism, heresy.

lyapa, n. division ; variance ;


lyara, n. quickness ; celerity.

lyara, n. room ; place.

lyatp, n. difference ; distinction.

lyasapakan, lyagotp, n. separa-


lyan mimp, n. sanctification,


Iyawo, w. a newly-married

woman ; bride ; spouse.

lyawp, n. dexterity.

lye, n. number ; worth ; value.

lye, n. life ; the art of living.

Iye-ainipekun, n. everlasting life.

lye, n. reed on which cotton is

wound ; reed.

lye, n. soundness.

Iye-ara, n. soundness of body.

lye kdro, n. perfection.

lyebiye, adj. valuable ; precious.

lyekan, n. of the same mother.

lyekuru (eyi-ekuru), n. the very

dust. adj. of the dust,

lyemeji, n. doubt ; uncertainty ;


lyenu, n. idea ; memory,lyere, n. a kind of spice.

lyeye, n. a kind of sour plum.

lye, n. booty.

lye, ft. dust of worm-eaten trees ;


lye, ft. feathers ; plumage.

lyefun, n. flour prepared fromyams ; flour in general.

Iyen, n. anything.

e.g., Ma se

beru iyen, " Do not fear


lyera, v. avoided.

lyewo, ft. investigation.

lyewn, n. inner chamber ; bod-

room ; the dark part of aroom.

lyin, w. praise ; honour ; respect


esteem ; applause.

fyin-eke, n. flattery.

Iyin-etan, Ippnni, n. adulation.

lyipada, ft. turning, conversion,


lyipo, w. perversion.

lyisp, ft. the pin inserted through

a hole in the weaver's beamin order that he may turn

it round with ease.

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YO 146 JAL

Iyoknn, Iyoku, n. the rest



fyp, n. salt.

fyp-oyinbo, n. sugar {lit.—white

man's salt).

lyp, n. subtraction.

Iypkuro, n. taking away from.

lyplenu, n. molestation ; annoy-


lypnu, n. trouble ; uneasiness.

lypnu, ri. compassion ;yearning

of the bowels.

lypgntisi, n. derision ; ridicule.

lyun, n. coral.


Ja, i;. to break (as a rope) ; cut


pluck ; separate violently ;

to drop ; to strike the road ;

snatch, nip.

Ja, v. to fight ; war ; quarrel


dispute ; strive ; combat


contest ; encounter ; con-


Ja, adv. almost ; nearly.


Bi o ja ki o tan, omiran yio

de, " When it is almostdone a fresh supply will


Ja, prep, through.

e.g., Mo la

ilu na ja, " I passed throughthe town."

Jabajaba, n. jerked beef.

Jabu, n. splash.

Jade, n. to come out ; comeforward ; walk ; go out


go forth ; issue.

Jadegun, v. to set out for battle.

Jade-kuro, v. to evacuate ; to


Jadesehin-ekun, Jadesehin-odi,

v. to go out of the town, to

go abroad.

Jadewa, v. to come forth ; issue


Jadi, v. to detect ; to be bottom-less ; to plunder.

Jadun, v. to eat the sweet ; feed

on sweetness.

Jadun-jadun, n. an epicurean ;

a luxurious person.

Jaga, adj. important ; weighty.

Jagan, adv. roughly, cuttingly,

vexatiously, harshly.

Jaganyi, n. a bitter orange,

used as a medicine for


Jagidijagan, n. an evil doer.

Jagudi, Jaguda-pali, adv. onany account ; anyhow ;


Jagudu, v. to struggle, to recover


Jagun, v. to fight ; to war.

Jagun, n. title of a warrior.

Jagun-jagun, n. a soldier;

fighter ; warrior.

Jagba, v. to snatch.

Jagba-jagba, adv. in great con-

fusion ; confusedly.

Jahin-jahin, adv. throughout


from one point to another.

Jaiya, v. to fear ; apprehend ;


Jaiye, v. to take pleasure ; to

enjoy ; to be in luxury.

Ja-koro, v. to contradict ; argue


Jala, n. a gallon.

Jale, v. to steal ; rob ; pillage ;

sack ; plunder ; rifle.

Jale-a^iri, v. to purloin ; to


Jale-enia, v. to kidnap.

Jale-girije, v. to pick.

Jal§kanna, v. to pinch with the


e.g., Oja mi lekanna," He pinched me."

Jaleke, v. to detect a liar.

Jale, v. to go through.

Jale-jal$> Jal^-ganran, adv.

throughout, thoroughly.

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jAl 147 J?-I

Jalenu, v. to wean a child.

Jal61e, v. to rob ; plunder


ransack ; spoil.

Jalu, v. to attack unawares ; to

come upon suddenly.

Jalumi, v. to plunge into water.

J&ma, n. soldiers ; marauders.

Jamba, n. damage ; mischief ;

ill ; disaster ; misfortune.

Jam$, adj. equal in value



e.g., Ko jam$ nka-

nkan, " It is worthless."

Jan, v. to strike with a twig or


Jana, v. to strike the road ; to

come to a point.

Jandukti, n. a wicked person.

Janikoro, v. to deny ; contra-

dict ; confute.

Jangb6ro, n. knee-cap.

Janjan, a. intensely (applied to

the heat of the sun).


Orun mu janjan, " The sunis intensely hot."

Jankaw$, n. soot.

Jannijani, n. whitlow.

Janiyan, v. to contradict,

Janu, v. to boast ; to brag.

Jaoke, n. the name of a shrub.

Japati, v. to snatch.

Jara, adj. sturdy ; hard ; stout.

Jare, v. to be in the right ; bejust ; please.

Jar(, v, to discover a lie.

Jasi, v. to lead to ; drop into ;

adj. worth, value.

Jasi, v. to dispute.

J6si-g$g$, v. to correspond ; to

happen accordingly.

Jayejaye, n. a sensualist.

Jegede, adj. bloated.

Jegunm^yan, v. abusing a bene-


Jeniata, v. to kidnap a fellow-

man for sale.

Jere, v. to gain ; deserve.

Jere-jere, adv. sparklingly,

dazzlingly, brightly, brill-


e.g., Ide n& ndanjere-jere, " The brass shines


Jewe, v. to eat fodder, as cattle.

J$, v. to be ; to answer ; complywith ; be willing ; consist


e.g., Nwon j$ pm9 rere,

" They are good boys."

J$ ma, v. must, ought.


Em*i k6 j^ ma se ise na, " I

ought not to refuse to dothe work."

J$, v. to permit, to let.—,

J$ ki nl9, " Let me go."

J$, v. to eat ; dine ; owe


deserve ; gain ; due ; earn ;


e.g., Ati ma je adunsu mi, " I am tired of eating

sweet things."

Je-ajedfrfun, v. to gorge.

Je-ajeki, v. to sate ; cram



Je-alade, v. to reign ; to take

the crown of royalty.

Je-appje, v. to chew the cud



J$ ase, v. to feast.

Je-bal^, v. to receive the title

of governor.

J$bi, v. to be guilty.


O jebi pran na, " He wasguilty in the matter."

Jediedie, n. a little bird, so called

from its cry.

Jedijedi, n. piles.

J$-fnn, v. to comply with


consent to ; bear with ;


Jegbejegbe, adv. childishly


unmeaningly ; topsy-turvy.

Jeguduragudu, n. a spendthrift


a good for nothing person.

Jegun, v. to swindle ; to mis-

appropriate others goods.

Je-isin, adj. dutiful.

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J?J 148 jij

J?j?f a&o* gently ; softly


quietly ; easily.

e.g. §ejeje, " Deal gently."

J$J9» v- to vow ; to make apromise.

J$j$j$» «&>• very gently, verysoftly.

Jeju, v. to eat too much.Jeka, v. to bite the finger ; to

regret ; to come to a sadend.-

e.g., Iwo yio jeka

r$, " You will regret it."

J$kalp, v. let us go.

Jeki, v. let ; permit.


Jeki o lo, " Let him go."

Je-leri, v. to witness ; to testify ;


J$n$j$n$, n. fear ; timidity


fright ; trembling ; shock.

J$nla, v. to eat human flesh.

Jenia-jenia, n. cannibal ; man-eater ; a slanderer.

J$nju, n. gentlefolk.

Je-nigbese, v. to owe a debt to.

Je-niya, v. to punish ; afflict


avenge ; chastise ; oppress.—e.g., Bi iwo ba se b§, emio je 9 niya, " If you do so I

shall punish you."

Je-pa, v. to cheat ; to take anunfair share.

J$ pe, v. (preceded by " Iba,"

if, had) ; been, that.


Iba je pe emi ni, " Had it

been I." Iba je pe o I9, " If

he had gone."

J$p$, n. a kind of cloth.

J$ri, v. to witness ; bear testi-

mony ; attest ; certify.

J$rigb&, v. to witness in favourof.

Jerui, Jeriti, v. to bear witness


Jerun, v. to spend ; to waste


squander ; destroy.

Jesf, v. to be ungrateful.

J^ti, v. appertaining to ; belong-

ing to.

Jeun, v. to eat ; feed ; to take


Jewe, v. to be dumbfounded ;

confuted. adj. dumb


speechless ; mute.


O jewe, " He was speech-


JewQ, v. to confess ; concede ;

assent ; confirm ; acknow-ledge ; apologize.

Ji, v. to give to.

e.g., Qba jl milana, " The king gave mea present yesterday."

Jf, v. to awake ; rouse ; enliven.

Ji, v. to steal ; pilfer ; pick ;


Ji, v. to forgive.

e.g., Mo fi

pran na jl 9, " I forgive


Ji-dide, v. to wake up ; to raise


Jl fa, v. to gain.

Jiga, n. jigger.

Jigbe, v. to take by stealth.

Jigbe, v. to suffer from flogging.

Jigbese, v. to owe a debt.

Jlgblni, adv. abundantly (applied

to fruit).

e.g., Igi yi so eso

jigblnl, " This tree bears

fruit abundantly."

Jigi, n. looking glass ; mirror.

Jigiri, adj. to be hollow, depressed

on the surface, v. to rouse.

Jihin, v. to deliver a message ;

to give account of.

Jija, n. fight ; that which is to

be fought.

Jija, adj. broken, n. the act of


Jijfc, v. that which may befought ; militant ; disput-


Jija, v, the act of detecting.

Jijadu, v. scramble ; struggle

for. n. that to bo con-


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JtJ 149 JO-K

Jijakadi, v. to wrestle ; to per-

form gymnastics.

Jija-niyan, adj. deniable, con-


Jija-Ogun, n. war tactics


stratagem ; belligerent.

Jij$, adj. tolerable, answerable.

Jije, adj. eatable, n. that whichis to be eaten.

Jij$ni, v. fretting.

JiJQWQ, adj. allowable, con-

formable, sufferable.

Jijey6, v. eating a sufficiency,

taking an ample supply.

Jiji, v. that which is stolen


the act of waking.

Jijin, adj. deep ; distant ; depth.

Jijina, adj. distant, far, wide,


Jijfein, adj. tributary.

Jij6, v. dancing, burning.

Jijd, adj. leaky, n. leakage.

Jijona, n. a burnt article.

Jij6-5run, v. sunburnt.

JiJQ, Jijpra, n. resemblance


likeness ; conformation ;


Jiju, v. slightly cut down


suppressed ; kept down, as

mown grass.

Jiju, adj. mouldy.

Jiju, n. that which is thrown.

Jikoto, n. a hollow ; depression ;


Ji-kutukutu, v. to wake early.

JI-I9SQ, v. to tread on another's

heels ; to sap ; contradict.

Ji-lOJU-Orun, v. to rise ; rouse ;

awake out of sleep.

Jimijimi, adv. richly, wealthily,

gorgeously, splendidly.

JiD, v. to fall into a hole or pit.

adj. far, deep.

e.g., Qnailu na jin, " The town is

far away."

Jin, v. (followed by lese) to

strike with the fist.

Jina, v. to heal up. adj. well

cooked or roasted.

Jina, adv. far distant.


Bi ibi yi ti jina si Ibadanto ? " How far distant is

it from here to Ibadan ?"

Jingiri, adj. habitual.

Jina rere, adv. far off ; at a great


Jinde, v. to rise from the dead.

JinlQ, adj. deep ; profound


mysterious ; important.

Ji?$, v. to deliver a message.

e.g., Mo jis$ re lana, " I

delivered your messageyesterday."

Jiya, v. to suffer.

e.g., O jiya

nitori mi, " He suffered in

my stead."

Jiyan, v. to deny ; contradict ;

expostulate ; dispute ; de-

bate ; bet ; to lay wager ;

argue ; discuss.

Jiyanjiyan, n. an abettor ; onewho lays a wager.

J6, v. to dance ; whirl ; burn ;

blaze ; flame.

J6, v. to leak ; drop from anopening or crack.

J6-baibai, v. to burn dimly



J6-f$r$, v. to singe ; to burnslightly.

J6gan, adj. small ; little ; notmuch.

Jogbojatp, n. wishing one a longlife and good old age.

Jogun, v. to inherit the propertyof deceased ; to take

possession of.

Jdjd, adv. brilliantly, n. acloth so named for its


Jojolo, n. new-born child.

Jo-k$l$, v. to throb ; palpitate.

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JOK 150 JTjM

J6k6, v. to ait ; wait for ; abide ;

stay ; dwell ; reside ; to

take a seat.

Joko, v. to graze (as cattle).

J6ku-j6ku, n. one who eats that

which dies of itself.

7616, n. brick.

J6-l<Jw<J, v. to burn the hand


to prove a failure.

Jomu, v. to suck (as an egg).

Jona, v. to burn ; consume byfire.

Jorijori, n. a parasite or wormwhich is supposed to eat

the brain.

Jor6, v. to waste away ; be lean


lose flesh ; pine ; emaciate.

adj. meagre ; languid



J6were, v. to try hard ; endeav-our ; struggle.

Jowti, v. to be jealous ; to envy.

Joye, v. to crown ; to ordain.

J(, v. excuse ; please ; forgive.

Jp, v. to be alike ; to look like ;

resemble ; be similar to ;

conform to.

Jpba, v. to reign; to be king over;

to govern.

Job?, a. likely, to seem so, to

look like.

J$b$j$b$, n. the flesh hangingfrom the throats of cows



Jfcbpgba, v. to be equal; to

put on the same footing.

Jpjp, adv. very much ; exceed-

ingly ; numerous (used

after a verb of multitude).

e.g., Enia po jojo, " Thepeople are very numerous."

'$]$> n- a comb or orest (as of


Jpju, adj. fair, agreeable,


Jola, v. to enjoy honour.

Jo-lpwp, v. to acquit ; yield ;

deliver up ; to loose ; let

go ; release.

Jomijomi, v. to resemble one.

Jo-mo, v. to suck out.

Jopo, a. together.

Jora, v. to be alike ; to resemble ;

to be similar.

J$fin, v. to serve under ; to

submit to.

J$W$, v. to let ; permit.


J$w<J mi lowo, " Let mego."

J$w$, v. excuse me ; please ;


e.g., J$w$, masaite duru fun mi, " Please

play the organ for me."

Ju, v. to throw ; cast ; fling.

Jo, adv. more, too (sign of tho

comparative). The super-

lative is formed by the

addition of " L9 "—-Julo,


e.g., Iwp ju mi I9,

" You are taller than I."

Ju, v. to be worm-eaten, adj.


Ju, v. to surpass ; outstrip


be superior to.

Juba, v. to have a grateful

remembrance of ; to regard


respect ; think well of.

Judi-judi, adj. confusod, nothaving a clear brain.

Jufu, n. armlet ; bracelet of

white metal (worn byroyalty).

Jflju, adj. confused ; chaotic ;

without form.

Julp, v. to beat ; outstrip



Julp, adj. sign of superlative



Jumbu, v. to come into a great


Jum$, adv. together, in company,together with.

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JtM 151 KAN

J&mfae, v. to co-operate ; to

act in conjunction with.

Jumo-wa, v. co-exist ; living at

the same time.

Juwe, v. to point out ; direct



Juwo, v. to beckon with the

hand ; wave the hand to.

Ka, v. to • count ; reckon


number ; read ; sit upon ;

set upon.

Ka, v. to reap ; pluck fruit fromthe tree ; roll ; fold ; coil


wind up ; fail.

Ka, adv. round ; around ; in acircle.

Kakun, v. enumerate ; esteem.

Ka-oransi, v. to accuse ; to


Ka-m$, v. to encompass ; to


Ka-m$, v. to reckon with


number with.

Ka-$ran m<J, Ka-$ran si, v. to

accuse, to blame.

Ka-po m$, v. to roll up with, to

number with.

Ka-si, v. to respect ; to esteem ;

regard ; add to ; reckon


Kasilorun, v. to charge with


charge upon ; accuse


indict ; lay upon ; hold


Kayin, Ka-iyin, v. to celebrate


to sing or speak the praise


Kabakaba, adv. irregularly


roughly ; unevenly ; waddle.

Kabiyesi, v. (the greeting used onthe approach of a king or

other great personage),44 Let us be all attention."

Kadim, v. to be about the spaceof a year.

Kal6, n. a kind of tight trousers

with long legs.

Kahoro, n. the name of a shrub.

Kajo, v. to coil, to fold together.

Kainkain-oka, yanyan-oka, yan-yanka, n. husk of the

Guinea corn.

Kaka, adu.forwardly ; officiously;

presumptuously (generally

qualifying v. la).

e.g., Iwola kaka I9 spdp agba ?c* Did you push presump-tuously into the rank of

elders ?"

Kaka, adv. strong ; violent


forcible ; stiff ; unyielding



Kakanfd, n. general, war captain,

title of a war chief.

Knkfttfmlft, n. a creeping plant.

Kakara, n. a piece of shell, shell.

Kak6, v. to curl ; twist ; shrivel



Kakd-mora, v. wreathe.TTftlniTi

iv. enumerate.

Kalamu, Alkalamu, n. pen;quill ; writing ; reed.

Kal$ (ka-ile), v. to sit down


sit on the ground ; deposit.

Kal$, Kal^-gbogbo, adv. aroimd ;

abroad ; spreading abroad ;

notoriously ; universally.

Kalo (ki-a-ma-lp), defect, v.

Let us go ; May we go ?

Come along.

Kan, v. to drop (as a liquid),

to break.

Kan, adv. (contraction of $kan),

one ; a certain one ; oneout of many.

Kan, adj. sour ; acid ; morose ;

rough ; violent, cross,

austere ; peevish ; sore ;

painful. n. ache. adv.


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Kan, adj. last ; ultimate (applied

to words of action).


Ase kan re li eyi, " This is

your last action."

Kan, v. to reach ; to touch at


to nail (with a hammer)


to knock (at the door).

Kan, v. to devolve upon ; to

interest ; to concern ; to

butt (as a beast).

Kanga, n. a well.

Kanga jljin, n. a draw well.

Kangara, n. a kind of billhook

with a perforated iron


Kangbo, v. to butt (as twoanimals.)

Kangi, v. to come to a hardpoint ; to be difficult.

Kangun, v. to be at an end, to

be last.

Kangun (kan-ogun), v. to comeupon an army in an un-

expected place ; or to comeupon trouble.

Kankp, v. to construct a woodenvessel or canoe.

Kanna (pkan-na), adj. the same.

Kannakanna, n. a sling.

Kannakanna, n. a crow with awhite streak on the neck


a crow.

Kan-loju, adj. sour ; ferocious.

Kan-loro, v. to poison.

Kanju, v. to be hasty, or in ahurry.

Kanjujaiye (kanju-je-aiye), a.

hasty or eager to enjoy life,


Kanniwa (kan-ni-iwa), v. to

sour the temper. adj.

sharp ; waspish.

K4n-nkan, TTftninlraiiiTi, TTftnlrftn^

n. fibres used as a sponge.

Kankan, adv. hastily ; quickly ;

fast ; apace ; speedily ;


Kanmukanmu, adv. sweetly


with a sweet flavour.

Kanlanako, v. to board up.

Kanle, adv. aground ; touching

the ground or bottom.

Kanle^e (kan-li $?$), v. to box.

n. the fist.

Kanm^-agbelebu, v. to crucify ;

to nail to a cross.

TT^nhnn^ Kanun, n. rock salt



|n. a kind of tight

trousers used by those

working on farms.

Kankun, v. to knock at the door.

Kanna, adj. morose ; severe ;


Kanra, adj. ill-tempered ;

peevish ; fretful ; touchy ;

sour ; froward ; cross.

Kanri, v. to strike or touch the

head with the victim to be

offered for sacrifice ; nail

the skull to a tree.

Kftnrin tyfttirin1r&nrin

3adv. very

far off, beyond the reach of

sight ; clean gone.

e.g., Olo kanrinkanrin, " He is

gone quite out of sight."

Kanrinkanrin, adv. very (applied

to hardness).

e.g., O le

kanrinkanrin, "It is very


Kanrun (kan-prun), v. to bend(as a bow); to curve; warp.

Kanrnnkanntn, n. a bow maker.

KangOgO, adj. alone ; only



Kantikanti, n. gnat; midge?small flies which swarmabout liquor (supposed to

make it sour).

Kanu, v. to be sorry ; feel grief

for wrong done ; pensive ;

deplore ; relent ; mourn.

Kara, n. a thorny plant of the

acacia tribe ; gland.

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kAr 153 KEK

Kara, adv. on a sudden, precip-

itately, loudly (usually

qualifies la, " to split.").

Karawun, n. snail shell.

Kar6, n. a bird (so named fromits cry).

Kard, defect, v. may we speak ?

Earo, n. a water-bird noted for


Karon, v. to be the fifth.

Kas$ (ka-es^), v. to walk upand down in the piazza


lag ; walk slowly and lei-

surely ; measure by pacing.

Kas$, v. to terminate ; to cometo an end.

Kasinkan, (ka-si-nkan), interrog.

adv. Is there anything the

matter ?" I hope there

is nothing the matter " (a

question always put whensomething is suspected).

Kasoke, v. to fold up ; shrug.

Kaga, adv. proudly. See v. Yan.Ka?a, (ka-origa) v. to recite the

names of the gods.

Kaga, ko-asa, v. to adopt a newfashion.

Ka^an, n. a running plant, the

fibre of which is used to

mend calabashes.

Katakata, adv. here and there ;

widely dispersed ; scattered


Kati, ganti, adv. at all ; what-ever (used chiefly after " kdsi ").

e.g., Ko si ganti

nib$, " There is nothingwhatever there."

Kawe, v. to wrap round ; wind ;

reel ; involve ; implicate.

Kawe (ka-iwe), v. to read



Kawekawe, n. a reader.

KaWQ, v. to master ; to becompetent ; to control


restrain ; govern.

Kaw$ (ka-ewQ), v. to abstain

from eating or doing certain

things prohibited on accountof illness or religion.

Kawun, Karawun, n. a snail shell.

Kaye, v. to reckon ; count ;

number ; cypher.

Kayin, v. to lose a tooth.

K6, v. to exclaim, howl ; cry

out ; to cut ; chop ; hew.

Ke, v. to roar ; squeak ; bleat.

Kede, v. to make a public

proclamation ; to trumpet -



Ke-kikun, Ke-kunkun, v. to cry


Ke-knro, v. to cut short ; curtail ;.

crop ; contract.

Keku, Ke-knrn, v. to abbreviate ;

shorten ; epitomize ; muti-

late ; lessen ; abridge.

Ke-lul$, v. to cut down ; to felL

Ke-nibu, v. to intersect.

Ke-nigberi, v. to intercept



Ke-SOke, v. to cry aloud



Ke-^aka^aka, v. to hack, cut

into irregular shapes.

Kede, v. to cut right through.

Kedere, adv. very clearly ; con-


Keferi, n. an unbeliever


heathen ; pagan, gentile ;

low type of people ; enemy.

Kejip, Kejird (ki-eji-r$), n. a bird,

so called from its cry.

Keje, adj. the seventh.

Keji, Ekeji, adj. second.

Keke, n. small pieces of grass

on which carded or pre-

pared cotton is suspendedpreparatory to spinning.

Keke, adv. representing the

sound of a bell or other hardsubstances struck together

{cf. Eng. ding-dong).

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k£k 154 K$R

Keke-idi, Adilu, n. mode of

casting lots (a child's game).

Kekeke, adj. small ; little (ones).

n. name of an esculent


Keke, Gege, n. small pieces of

sticks used in casting lots ;

a lot.

Kelekele, Kereke, adv. bit bybit ; in bits.

Kerekere, adv. clearly ; cleanly.

Kekelenje, Okelenje, tyeke-lenje, n. a small or younglizard.

Kekere, adj. little ; small


petty ; frivolous ;junior.

Kepe, v. to invoke loudly ; call

upon ; cry aloud to.

Kere, v. to be little ; to be small.

Kereju, adj. less.

Kerewu (kere-owu), w. cotton


KSri, v. to hate ; abhor



Kerora (ke-irora), v. to groan,

to cry out in pain.

Kesi, v. to visit ; call on.

Keta, n. animosity ; male-

volence ; hatred.

Ketiri, Keti (ko-etiri), adj.

benumbed, void of sensa-


K6wu (ke-ewu), v. to read

(term used by the Moham-medans).

K$, v. to indulge ; fondle


gratify : idolize ; cherish ;

to live luxuriously.

K$, v. to set a trap ; cock a gun.

K$, v. to grow worse (as a sore)


extend ;glow ; be hoarse.

—e.g., Egbd k$, ina k$,

ohun enia k$, ** The sore is

spreading, the fire is glow-

ing ; the throat is hoarse.''

K$mbeku, n. thimble.

Eedun, v. to feel mortified


to moan.K$d6gun, adj. fifteenth.

K$gan, (ko-$gan), v. to despise ;

to contemn; revile ; attaint;


Kegbe (ko-egbe), v. associate ;

incorporate ; walk as

friends ; keep company.

K$hln, v. to turn the back.

K$hln, v. to be hindmost


final ; last.

Kehinkehin, adv. finally.

Kehun, adj. hoarse.

Keke, n. a grub which makesholes in calabashes.

K$k$, n. the cry of the hen ; a

kind of black squirrel which

preys upon birds ; a species

of small foxes which live in

companies. adv. (quali-

fying Gb$, " to cackle as ahen").

e.g., Agbeb$ ngb$k$k$, " The hen cackles."

K$ke, Kerekere, adv. gradually.

K$ke, n. rumour.

K^ke, n. profound silence.

K$k$, n. wheel ; a wheeled

vehicle ; a bicycle ; carr-

iage ; instrument used in

spinning, made of a small

pointed stick on which the

thread is wound ; spindle.

Keke-pa, v. to be quiet ; still ;

dumb.Kek? (k$-$k$), v. to be learned ;

profound in knowledge.

Kfclebe, n. phlegm.

Kelekele, adv. gently, softly,

privily as the movement of

a spy, scout, traitor or

vanguard of an army.

K$l$k$l$, adv. carefully, by

K$re, n. fool ; ono easily

enticed or deceived.

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K$K 155 KlK

KJk^-$tu (k$re-k$re-$tu), n.

a horn, calabash, or

flask in which to keep gun-


Kese, n. spur ; goad.

Keta, adj. third.

Ketala, adj. thirteenth.

Ketekete, n. ass ; donkey.

Kewa, adj. tenth.

Ki, pron. what.


Kini, Kinire, inter, pron. " Whatis it ?


Kini nla, Kinla ! inter, pron." What ?


Kilowukose, pron. whatsoever,


Kf, v. to salute, greet, visit.

Ki, adj. tliick ; dense ; waxgross ; consistent.

Ki, v. to press tight ; load


recite one's praises ; fulfil

a term.

e.g., Mo klta, " 1

fulfilled three days."

Kf, conj. that ; in order that



e.g., Ki baba ki o

le fun mi, " In order that

my father may give me "

(The latter ki is frequently

omitted). Ki awa o le ilo,

" That we may be able

to go." In interrogative

sentences it often takes the

sense of " may."

e.g., Kia wa ki o ma lo ? " Maywe go ? " (Ut.—be going).

Ki,ki. . . to, adv. before a certain

time ; previously.

e.g., Kinto lo, " Before I go."


On ti se e ki emi ki o to

lo, *' He did it before I


Ki, v. aux. shall ; should ; may.—e.g., Ki nlo ? " May I

go ? " " Shall I go ? "—e.g.,

Wi fun u ki o se e, " Tell

him that he may do it."

Ki, adv. not. See K6.Ki, v. to stuff, cram, press,

to load as a gun or tobacco


Kiakia, adv. quickly.

Ki-le$$ (ki-li-ege), v. to box;to cuff.

Kiamaba, Kiamase, conj. lest



Kibiti, Kiribiti, adj. large andcircular ; large and round.

Kibiti, Kiribiti, adj. small andeircular ; small and round.

Kidanpapa, adj. rusty.

Kigbe (ke-igbe), v. to howl ; cry

out ; call with a loud

voice ; bawl.

Kijikiji, adv. tremulously (quali-

fying a loud blast, or sound).—e.g., <j)kan?°s° ajanakumi igbo kijikiji (lit.

—" Asingle elephant shakes the

forest tremulously). Oneelephant can shake the


Kijipa, n. a coarse country cloth

woven by women.Kika, adj. reading, counting.

Kika, adj. rolled.

Kikan, adj. sour ; painful


acid ; tart.—, Qti kikan,


Kikan, adj. that which is to bedropped.

Kikan, Kikankikan, adv.

earnestly ; strenuously;

exceedingly ; aloud ; loudly


intensely ; vigorously.

Kikanju, adj. eager, n. that

which is hasty, hastiness;


Kikanra, n. that which is touchy


peevishness ; sourness ;


Kikanu, n. that which may bo

pitied or deplored ; melan-choly ; deplorableness.

Kikaye, n. counting; numbering.

Kike, adj. that which is to be

cut off.

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Kik$, °dj' indulged.

Kik$, adj. festering.

KiM, n. salutation, adj. worthyof being saluted.

Kiki, adj. pressed or condensed.

Kiki, adv. only ; solely ; alone ;

merely ; barely.

Kiki, adj. thick.

Kikini, adj. least ; smallest


minute ; trifling ; frivolous.

Kiyesara, adj. cautious.

Kikiyesi, adj. observable, per-


Kiko, n. something put readyfor removal.

e.g., heap of

sweepings. adj. tough,

stringy from over-ripeness

(as a bean).

Kikojp, Kikojpp$, Kikop$, adj.

collective, accumulated.

Kikorira, n. hatred ; hated.

Kikord, adj. bitter.

Kikoso, adj. tractable ; con-


Kikoti, n. plotting against;

assailable ; assaultable. v.

to pucker.

Kik$, n. refusal, adj. loathsome,


Kik$, n, teaching, adj. teach-

ing ; built.

KikQ, adj. written ; writing


Kikpjusi, n. opposition ; some-

thing facing one.

Kikolu, adj. assailable, attack-


Kikpsile, adj. forsaken ; aban-

doned ; forlorn ; destitute.

Kikps$, n. tripping ; stumbling.

Kiku, "n. corpse ; anything dead.

adj. dead, mortal.

Kikun, n. fulness, adj. full.

Kikun, adj. replenishable, added.

Kikun, Kunkun, adj. hard;loud.

Kikun, adj. ignitable ; burnt.

KiVnnkikim, adv. hardly; loudly.

TTilrnnnn (kun-ina), adj. smooth ;


Kikunu, n. bluntncss.

Kilakilo, Kilahilo, n. anxiety,

restlessness of mind.

Kiles£ (ki-li-^S^), v. to box ; to


Kimple (ki-m$-ile), v. to press

down ; repress.

Kini, £kinni, adj. first ; begin-


Klni, inter, pro. What is it ?

Kinijeb?, adv. Nay ! Not at all I

By no means ! In no wise !

(lit. — what has such aname ?)

Kinikini, adv. regularly ; neatly;

orderly ; accurately.

Kinkin, Gingin, adj. very little ;

a very small portion.

Kinla, inter, pron. (emphatic),

What ?

Kiniun, Kiniu, n. lion.

Kinrin, v. to rub slightly as with

a sponge.

e.g., Kinrin milehin, " Rub my back."

Kioribf, Kose, adv. " May it beso."

Kioto, Koto, adv. ere ; before.

Kireje, Kiweje (ko-iweje), v.

to twist ; entangle ; curl



Kiri, Kirikiri, v. to wander ; to

rove about at large.

Kiribiti, adj. see Kibiti.

Kirimp, v. to press ; insist

upon ; be urgent ; beimportunate.

Kirun (ki-prun), v. to pray(lit.—to salute the heaven ;

a Mohammedan expression).

Kisan (ki-isan), v. to fulfil nine


Kita (ki-ita), v. to fulfil three


Kiun, adj. very little ; minute,

least, n. particle ; morsel.

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Kiweje, v. see Kireje.

Klwp, v. to check ; repress ;


Kiyan, adv. at once.

e.g., Modide kiyan, " I started at


Kiyesi, v. to notice ; behold


observe ; perceive ; mark.

Kiyesara (ko-iye-si-ara), v. to

take care of oneself


beware ; be circumspect.

Kiyesigba, v. to observe time.

Kd, v. to meet ; confront


oppose ; rekindle a tire

by scraping together half-

burnt wood.

K6, v. to gather, to take a large

quantity ; to plunder ; rob



K6, v. to toughen or becomestringy from over-ripeness.

—e.g., Ua ko li oko, " Theila at the farm has grownhard."

Ed, K<J, H$, Ki, Ki, adv. not.

Kd is the simple form of the


e.g., Baba k6de, " (My) father does not

come." K<J, denies a state

or action attributed to oneby another.

e.g., Iwo ni

mo ri lode, " I saw you out."—e.g., Emi k<J, elorairan ni,

"Not me, it was somebodyelse." Ki, same signification

as the last, but used general-

ly* by euphonic attraction,

before aword beginningwithI.

e.g., Emi ki ije bi o ti

pe mi, " I am not such as

you took me to be." Ho,same signification as Ki, Kiis commonly used instead

of K<J, in interrogative

sentences.—,Iwo ki mo ri

lode ? " Was it not you I

saw out ?"

Ko, adv. (expressing the soundof a hard hollow substance).

K6, v. to hold together ; drawtogether ; darn.

Ko-nimaikia (ko-ni-makia), v.

to darn, embroider.

K6, v. to sew ; tack ; baste ;

seam ; stitch.

Kobikobi, adv. (expressive of the

mode of the eruption of

pimples or boils).

Kdbita, n. a rider's shoes or

boots on which spurs are


K6dapo-juju (ko-dapo-juju), v.

to jumble, to put together


Kddede, adv. No wonder !

K6-eru, K£ru, v. to forage ; steal



Kdfiri, v. to see at a glance ;

to spy ; catch sight of.

K61$du8i (ko-iledu-si), v. to


Kdito (ko-ti-to), adv. not yet;

not enough.

Kdjin, adj. not far ; not deep ;


Kojp, v. to collect ; aggregate :

gather ; accumulate.

K6JQP$, v. amass ;gather


Kokiki, v. to magnify ; speak

the fame of.

e.g., Gbogboaiye k6kiki re yika, " All

the world over do they

speak your praises."

Kdko, Koriko, n. grass.

K6ko-gbigbe, n. straw ; drygrass.

K6kd, n. an edible root.

K6ko, n. knot on a tree ; wen ;

a tie ; knob ; broad


excrescence ; snub.

K6ko-$fan, gdgongo, n. Adam'sapple.

Koko-pWQ, n. the knucklas.

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KOK 158 KO

Koko-es$, Kokos$, n. ankle.

Koko, adv. very much ; ex-


Kdkoro, n. worm ; grub ; moth ;

insect ; caterpillar ; weevil



K61e, (ko-ile) v. to steal from a

dwelling house {lit.—to

carry away a house).

Kolekole, n. a house-breaker.

Kolera (kd-le-ara), adj. feeble


weak ; infirm.

K61eru (ko-li-eru), v. to rob of

goods ; to despoil.

Kdloju, v. to meet face to face ;

to confront ; to encounter.

K6lQ, v. to spoil ; plunder ; lay


Kdlofin, n. a lawless person.

Kolojn, v. to confront ; to meetface to face.

K6mpra (k6-m$-ara), v. to

hold together, to embrace ;

be astringent.

KomSrekomSra (ko-mp-ore-ko-

mp-dra), n. an unthankful


Konamp, adj. basted ; tacked.

Kongbari, n. point ; crisis



Kdnibaba, n. fatherless.

Konijanu (ko-ni-ijanu), v. to

bridle ; restrain ; govern ;


Kdnilekolpna, Asa, n. vagabond.

Konkoto, n. the name of a plant


the name of a bird ; any-

thing used by children at

play to represent the

worship of idols.

Kori, v. to harvest.

Koribf, Kp?e, adv. be it so


Amen.Koriko, n. grass ; herb.

Korira, v. to abhor ; abominate ;

hate ; loathe.

Kord, adj. bitter ; stern ; severe.

K6ro, Akpsp, n. smelting pot;crucible.

K6ro, adv. thoroughly, very(qualifying v. jale, to gothrough).

e.g., Okuta nala jale koro, " The rock

split to the very bottom."

Korop$n, n. the testicle.

Korokoro, n. brass bells put onhorse's neck.

Korokoro, adv. soundly.

Kdsi, adv. away ; absent.

Kosegbagbp, adj. incredible.

Kosekuko?eiye adan, n. bat



Kosian, Kosuan, Kosnwa, adj.

improper ; indecent ; bad.

Kosinkan (ko-si-nkan), adv.

There Ls nothing, It is


K6s6, n. a kind of drum.

K6so, v. to restrain ; to govern ;

stint ; coerce.

Kdsoro (ko-se-oro), adj. easy



K6ti, v. to collect against


assault ; attack ; assail



Kotito, adv. see Kdito.

Kdt6, adv. not enough.

Edto, n. pit ; hole ; ditch



Koto, n. a deep calabash.

K6to, adj. hollow.

Kdto-aiya, n. the hollow betweenthe breastbone and the


Kdto-jingbun, n. deep valley



Kowe, n. a bird so called fromits cry.

Kdye, adj. (lit.—not understood),

misapprehended ; unin-


K$, v. to refuse ; be unwilling ;

rebel ; revolt.

K$, H$, adv. not. See Ki.

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K0 159 KQN

K$, v. to learn ; acquire ; teach ;

instruct ; advise ; fabri-

cate ; construct ; build.

Kp, v. to emit flashes of light (as

lightning) ; be vivid ; yell


crow ; to call to one at a

distance ; write ; makemarks upon; tattoo.


Manamana kp,'

* It lightens.'


—e.g., Mo ko si 9 li

oko nko gbo ohun re, " I

called out to you in the

farm, but did not hear yourvoice."

Kp nila, v. to tattoo ; circumcise.

K$, v. clasp ; hook.

Kp, v. to tako a quantity out of

a soft mass, as with a ladle

or shovel.

Kp-manamana, phrase. It


K$bi, n. buildings in the king's

palace ; a gable end pro-

jecting from the side of the

main building of the palace.

K$bi-k$bi, adv. with manyprojections.

K$de (kd-d$), adj. unripe.

K$f$, K6-fe, v. to dislike



K#p, K6-pfp (&*.—gatherstrength), adj. to improve in

health, become lively, rally.

K$gan-k$bere, <"&• °* a moderateheight or slope.

K$han (ko-han), v. not to

appear ; not to show.

K$i-k$i, adv. indirectly



e.g., Agalamasa nrin k$ik$i, " Arogue walks suspiciously."

Kpja, v. to pass by ; omit



Kpja, prep, above ; beyond.adv. ago ; gone by.

Kfaana (kd-ja-$na), adj. {Ut.—out of the way) ; absurd ;

not right.

Kpjusi, v. to turn the face to ;

pay attention to ; face.

Kpjuijasi, Kpjujasi, v. to resist


withstand ; face ; oppose ;

attend to ; mind.

K$kan, $kpkan, adv. one at atime.

Kpkara, v. to howl aloud.

tkpkara, n. howling ; aloud cry.

Kpkprp, n. a key.

Kpkprpgun, n. an iron wire or

piece of wood on whichthread is wound.

K<Jku, Qbedd, adj. green colour.

Kpla (kp-ila), v. to tattoo,


K$l& (k^lawe, lit.—having nosplit), n. a bitter fruit


bitter kola.

K<Jle (kp-ile), v. to build a house ;

superstruct ; erect a build-


Kftpkp (k<Hi-$k$), v. to teach ;

educate ; instruct.

K^meru, Kdmeru (ko-mp-$ru),

adj. fearless ; having nofear.

K$16ye (k$-li-oyfc), v. to rebel

against ; revolt ; dethrone.

K$15ro, v. to enrage, to tease,


K$lpfin, n. a confined, or secret

place ; corner.

Kplpgbpn, v. to teach wisdom,civilize, enlighten.

KtytycW, n. fox.

K$lpk$lp, n. children's play.

adj. mean ; low ; childish.

Kplu, Kplura, v. to attack with

impetuosity ; clash ; dashupon ; storm ; encounter.

K$ni, v. to teach ; instruct.

Kpnikpni, n. a teacher ; in-


Kpnkpsp, Kpkpsp, n. a straw


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KQR 160 LA-K

Kprin, v. to sing ; warble.

K$rp, n. bay ; a curve or sweep ;

a nook ; corner ; recess.

Kprpdp, adj. bent ; hooked.

K$r$, v. to disagree ; be


Kprin, kp, v. to sing.

Kprisi (kp-ori-si), v. to movetowards {lit.—to turn the

head towards).

Kps$ (kp-ese), v. to strike the

foot ; trip ; stumble.

Kps$ba, v. to meet by chance


come upon accidentally.

Kfcrilfc (k^-si-ile), v. to refuse;

forsake ; quit ; reject.

Kfcin-pba (kp-isin-pba), v. to


Kpse, see Xorib?.

K$ti, Tikp, adv. heavily


gloomily ; sullenly ; with

reluctance ; crooked.

Kflyi (k$-dyi), v. to make giddy.

Ku, v. to die ; lose life ; expire.

adj. dead.

Ku, v. to remain ; left ; to

separate by a sieve.

Ku, adv. unexpectedly; suddenly.

Kuju (ku-oju), adj. dull ; blunt.

Kukump, n. jumper.

Kuku, adv. rather.

Kuku, n. cornstick.

KOkfi (kumkuni), n. fog.

Kukunduku, n. sweet potato.

Komp, n. cudgel.

Kan, v. to fill ; be full


replenish. adj. plenary,

plump, complete, full.

Kdn, v. to grumble : murmur ;

hum.Kun, v. to cut an animal into

parts after flaying.

Kun, v. to set on fire.

Kun Kp, or Kprin, v. to sing.

Kun-hihi, Kun-riri, v. to

rumble, to sound (as lowdistant thunder), boom.

Kuku, adv. rather.

Kunloju, v. to satisfy ; please ;

gratify ; value.

Kun-ldrun, v. to lull to sleep.

Kun-lpwp, v. to help, assist ; to

be accessory, be helpful.

Kunkun, adj. urgent, pressing.

Kunna, adj. finely ground (as


Kuna, v. fail ; come short



Kunu (ku-pnu), adj. dull edge ;

blunt ; reticent ; silent.

Kurekure, n. elf ; elves.

Koregbekuregbe, adj. completed;

finished ; forgotten.

Kuro, adv. away ; absent


prep. from.

Kuru, adj. short ; not long



Kusa, v. to pounce upon (as

a bird upon its prey)


descend with full force.

Kusa, v. to threaten ; menace.

Kutupu, n. coarse native cloth

woven by women.Kutukutu, adj. early ; dawn ;

the beginning of the day.

La, v. to appear (as the rising

of the sun or moon in

the East) ; split ; cleave ;

crack ; wade ; escape ; save


be rich ; opulent.


Mo la a, "I escaped it."

e.g., Iwp la, "You are rich."

La, v. to lick with tho tongue ;

lap ; dream.

La-ala, v. to dream a dream.

La-bata-es$, v. to divide the


La-ja, v. to pass through.

La-kpja, La-lp, v. to pass

through ; traverse.

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La-lohun, v. to give speech to ;

to voice.

Laba, n. bag, leather scrip

in which provisions are

carried ; knapsack.

Labalaba, n. butterfly.

Labale, adj. coming one after

another ; repeatedly.

Labaw^n, Labaku, adj. tainted


stained ; dofective ; pol-

luted ; imperfect ; scan-

dalous ; dishonourable.

Labe, prep, under ; beneath.

Ladi, v. to explain ; prove


solve ; evince ; elucidate ;

expound ; argue.

Ladiro, Aladiro, n. a sieve.

Ladun, adj. sweet ; palatable ;

melodious ; elegant.

Ladugbo, n. a water-pot ; apitcher.

Lafo, adj. spacious ; penetrable.

Lafojudi, v. to bo insolont ; rude


saucy ; impertinent ; pre-

sumptuous ; pertinacious.

Lagabagebe, adv. hypocritically.

Lagam$, n. the part of the bridle

which crosses the forehead.

Lagba, n. horsewhip.

Lagbadugbu, adj. crosswise.

Lagbakd, adv. accidentally ; bychance.

Lagbara, v. to be strong


powerful ; firm ; forcible ;

impetuous ; able ; capable



Lagbedemeji, prep, between ; in

the midst.

Lagbegbe, n. vicinity ; neigh-

bourhood, adj. neighbour-

ing ; frontier.

LagOgO, v. to ring a bell.

L&gun (la-dgun), v. to perspire ;


Lai, Lailai, adv. ever ; for ever ;

eternal ; very ; indeed ;


Lai, adv. negative particle ; not


often used in composition

with other words.

Laiba, adj. not in hiding.

Laibaje, adj. uncorrupted ; un-

dofiled ; inviolate

Laibale-aye, adj. having notime, no room, or noleisure.

Laibaleru, adj. undaunted


unawed ; fearless.

Laibalp, adj. unaccompanied.

Laib$ru, adv. without fear;

undaunted ; fearless.

Laibi, adj. unbegotten.

Laibikita, adj. regardless


desperate ; unconcerned.

Laibo, adj. open ; uncovered ;

bare ; naked.

Laibos'akakd, imtimely ; un-


Laibu, adj. unbroken ; uncut



Laibuku, adj. undiminished


sound ; whole.

Laibukun, adj. without addition.

Laibuyinfun, adj. uncivil ; dis-

respectful ; discourteous.

Laidaba, adj. unexpected



Laidaju, Laidanlioju, adj. doubt-

ful ; uncertain ; dubious.

Laidara, adj. inelegant; ugly;

defective, adv. badly.

Laidasi, Laidakansi, adj. un-

sparing ; without omission


universally ; wholly.

Laid$, adj. raw ; crude ; not

soft ; unripe ; unslackened.

Laidewp, adj. ungenerous ; moan.

Laidibaje, adj. incorruptible.

Laidun, adj. unpleasant ; un-

palatable ; tasteless.

Laidunm$, adj. not pleasing



Laidura, adj. want of effort


want of self-denial.

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Laiduro, adj. unsteady ; un-

stable ; vague ; fickle


changeable ; fluctuating ;

ceaseless ; continual.

Laifagbarase, adv. without force

or compulsion ; naturally.

Laifaglintiti, adv. summarily



Laifarabal^, adj. rash ; incon-


Laifarampra, adj. incoherent ;


Laif$, adj. unwilling ; reluctant


intolerable ; loathsome ;


Laififal$, adv. diligently ; un-


Laifif$se, adv. unwillingly



Lftifojusi, adj. listless ; care-

less ; remiss ; inattentive.

Laifdya, adv. without fear


boldly ; unawed ; intrepid.

Laigba, adj. unaccepted ; un-acceptable.

Laigbeb^, adj. not to be en-

treated ; inexorable.

Laigbek^le, adj. distrustful


unreliable ; untrustworthy.

Laigb^n, adj. unwise ; unskil-

ful ; imprudent ; indis-


Laigboran, adj. disobedient


headstrong ; obstinate.

Laigungege, adj. uneven ; odd.

Laika, adv. without reckoning


uncounted. adj. un-counted ; unnumbered.

Laikanju, adv. without hurry ;


Laikpla, adj. untattooed ; un-

circumcised ; unmarked.Laik<Jloye, adj. uncivilised



Laik^we, adj. illiterate; ignorant.

Laiku, adj. immortal ; death-


Laiku, adj. without a remainder.

Laila, adv. not to be parted


not to be separated or gonethrough ; not to be pacified.

Lailabuku, adv. correctly


wholly ; entirely ; withoutblemish.

Lailai, Lailai-atijp, adv. age ; of

old ; time past ; for ever.

Tiftilftfli, adj. unexplained ; in-

distinct ; indiscriminate.

Lailagbara, adv. powerless ^un-able ; disabled ; imbecile ;

faint ; inefficacious ; im-

potent ; feeble ; invalid.

Lailakoso, adj. ungovernable


wayward; licentious; wan-ton.

Lailala (lai-ni-ala), adj. infinite ;


Lailapa, adj. armless ; sleeve-


Lailanu, adj. unmerciful ; re-

lentless ; inclement.

Lailarekereke, adj. simple


silly ; unsophisticated.

Lailase, adj. powerless ; with-

out authority ; unable to

give law or command.Lailawari, adj. inscrutable ; un-


Lailedalohun, adj. unanswer-able ; conclusive.

Lailedibaj$, adj. incorruptible.

Lailediyele, adj. invaluable


beyond estimation.

Lailegbe, adj. unjustifiable ; un-


Lailegungun, adj. boneless.

Laileyin, adj. toothless.

Lailekaye, adj. innumerable.

Lailekiyesi, adj. unobservable



Lailekpja, Lailelakoja, adj. im-

passable ; impervious.

Lailelanija, adj. irreconciliable.

Laileluja, adj. imperforable.

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Lailem$, adj. incomprehensible.

Lailep&la, adj. illimitable, un-


Lailepepada, adj. unrecallable,


Lailepare, adj. cannot be blotted

out, indelible.

Lailera, adj. weak ; infirm;

imbecile ; foeble ; impo-tent ; ineffectual ; frail.

Lailere, adj. unprofitable ; thrift-


Laileh, adj. without defilement



Laileribf, adj. improbable.

Lailerd, adj. inconceivable ; in-


Laileso, adj. fruitless ; un-profitable.

Lailere, adj. unable ; impossible ;

impracticable ; incapable ;

incompetent ; insufficient.

Laigidi, Laile^inidi, adj. im-movable.

Lailesunmp, adj. inaccessible



Laile-^alogbe, adj. invulnerable.

Lailes£, adj. invincible.

Laileslna, adj. infallible.

Laileti, adj. earless ; careless ;

listless ; disobedient.

Lailewu, adj. harmless ; safe.

Laileya, adj. inseparable.

Laileyi, adj. immovable.

Laileyipada, adj. unchangeable ;


Lailegan, adj. spotless ; blame-loss ; unblameable.

Lailegb^ra, adj. having no equal ;


Lailemi, adj. inanimate ; breath-

less ; dead.

Lailere, adj. sinless ; guiltless ;


Lailetan, adj. open-hearted,

openly, without guile.

Lailewu, adj. shirtless ; coat-


Laild, adj. unused.*

Lailohun, adj. speechless : to

havo no voice in a matter ;

powerless in command.Lailofin, adj. lawless.

LailOgO, adj. inglorious ; dis-


Lailoju, adj. knotty ; cumber-some ; difficult.

Lailojuti, adj. unabashed ;

shameless ; impudent.

Lailomi, adj. moistureless ; sap-

less ; juiceless ; dry.

Lailopin, adj. endless ; infinite.

Lailoruko, adj. nameless ; anony-mous.

Lail5t$, adj. faithless ; deceitful.

Lailoye, adj. titleless ; untitled.

Lailpjp, adj. dateless.

Lailpjplori, adj. recent ; of later

date ; minor in years.

Lailpmp, adj. childless.

Lailppe, adj. thankless ; ungrateful.

Laimore, adj. ungrateful ; unthankful.

Laimoye, adj. unwise ; indis

creet ; imprudent : uncivil

Laim<J, adj. unholy ; unclean

incontinent ; impure.

Laim$, adv. ignorantly ; unwit

tingly ; unaware ; impercoptibly ; impalpable.

Laimpniw$n, adj. immoderatebeyond measure.

Laim^ri, adj. ignorant ; unexperienced.

Laimpwpduro, adj. incessant

without ceasing.

Laimu, adj. dull ; blunt ; spirit


Laimuratele, adv. unpreparedunawares.

Laimnyekan, adj. undecided.

Laini, adv. not having ; being

without ; destitute ; indi-

gent ; poor.

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Laini-alafia, adj. devoid of peace;

miserable ; unhappy.Laini-apere, adj. signless ; shape-


Laini-a?e, adj. ineffective


powerless ; without author-


Lainibaba, adj. fatherless.

Laini-bata, adj. shoeless ; bare-


Lainibawi, adj. unblameable



Lainiberu, adj. fearless.

Lainibinu, adj. without anger



Lainibd, adj. narrow ; not

having width.

Lainibugbe, adj. homeless



Laidaju, adj. uncertain; insecure.

Lainidi, adj. groundless ; un-

founded ; useless ; in-

effectual ; causeless ; vainly.

Lainiaba, Lainireti, adj. hope-


Lainieru, adj. without guile


simple ; straight-forward.

Lainigbekele, adj. faithless.

Lainikfikfi, adj. unclouded.

Lainile, adj. homeless ; house-


Lainilari, adj. having no im-

portance ; vain ; useless.

Laimomeji, adj. unequivocal.

Lainipa, adj. trackless ; blank.

Lainipa, adj. strengthless



Lainipalara, adj. harmless.

Lainipekun, adj. endless ; un-

limited ; infinite.

Lainipile, adj. without founda-

tion ; ungrounded.

Lainipd, adj. having no abode


unsettled ; vagrant.

Lainira, adv. easily, adj. easy.

Lainireti, adj. hopeless.

Lainird, Lailerd, adj. having noplan or definite idea.

Laini-arotele, adj. want of fore-

thought ; improvident.

Lainirun, adj. hairless ; bald.

Lainisale, adj. bottomless ;


Lainisi, adj. unconcerned ; in-


Lainile, adj. unemployed.

Lainitelorun, adj. discontented



Lainitiju, adj. shameless ; im-

modest ; obscene ; un-


Lainiwarere, adj. immoral.

Lainiw$n, adj. immeasurable.

Lainiwukara, adj. unleavened.

Lainiye, adj. innumerable


countless ; numberless.

Lainiyeninu, adj. simple ; foolish



Lainiyln, adj. unpraiseworthy ;

trilling ; disrespectful.

Lainiy$nu, adj. unmerciful.

Laipa, adj. not killed ; un-

bruised ; undaubed.

Laipare, adj. unabolished ; noterased.

Laipe, adj. uncalled : unnamed ;


Laipe, adj. in an imperfect

state ; deficient ; unsound ;


Laipe, adj. soon ; earlier ; before


Laip$n, adj. unripe ; raw ; crude ;


Laip^s'okan, adj. undecided



Laireti, adj. unexpected ; un-

looked for.

Lair$, adj. disagreeable ; un-


Lairi, adj. unseen ; invisible.

Lairina, adj. sightless ; dark ;

dim. adv. dimlv.

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Lairiwisi, adj. inexcusable ; con-


Laironu, adj. thoughtless



Laird, Lairot&l?, adj. unawares ;

unpremeditated ; extem-pore ; spontaneous.

Lairprun, adj. uncomfortable


inexpedient ; inconvenient.

Lain, adj. not existing.

Lauti-loju$na, adj. out of the

way ; preposterous.

Laisian,' adv. badly, adj. ugly ;


Laisi-aniani, adj. doubtless



Laisimi, adj. restless ; busy ;

diligent ; industrious ; assid-

uous ; indefatigable.

Laisin, adj. unaccompanied onthe way ; free from servi-


Laisplpr$, adj. not expressed in

words ; tacit.

Laisun, adj. sleepless ; wakeful



Lai§akoko, adv. untimely ; pre-


Lai^apere, adj. indescribable.

Lai^ariya, adj. not lively ; dull.

Lafy&yetan, adj. unfinished.

Laige, adv. without doing ; in-


Tiaiganiani, Lai$e-aniani, adj.

without domur or hesi-


Lai$e-aisan, adv. well ; in goodhealth.

Laigebikan, adv. nowhere ; noplace.

Lafyede, adj.. inaccessible.

Lafyedede, adj. unequal ; ir-

regular ; unjust ; incon-


Laisegbakfigba, adj. unusual


infrequent ; uncommon.

Lai?egbangba, adv. not openly


secretly ; clandestinely.

Lai$egbe, adj. impartial ; just.

Lai?egb6, adj. unbearable ; un-inhabitable.

Lai?eru, adj. frank ; without


Laigeun, adj. unkind ; unoblig-


Lai$$tan, adj. unfeigned ; with<-

out guile.

Lai?etara, adj. unfair ; indirect.

Lai?etara (lai?e-ti-ara), adj. not

belonging to the body


spiritual ; ghostly.

1 Lai$i$ile, adj. not open ; un-

exposed ; reservod.

Lai$$, adj. having no beginning ;

no origin ; without sin or


Lai$lnm$, adj. uncleansed ; un-


Laisiwa^da (laisi-iwa-eda), adj.

unnatural ; degenerate.

Lai$iyemeji, adv. doubtless


without doubt.

Lai$OJurere, adj. unfavourable.

Lai$pte, adj. not rebellious ;


Lai?$kan, adj. not decided ;


Laigododo, adj. untruthful



Lai?oro, adv. without difficulty ;


Lai?5tQ, adj. feigned ; fcignedly ;

untrue ; false ; unfair ;

unjust ; perfidious.

Lai?Qra, adj. unwatchful ; negli-

gent ; careless ; incautious.

Lais$tun, adj. old ; stale.

Lftfyflm, adj. indifferent ; silent.

Laitelprun, adj. unsatiable.

Lait6, Laitonkan, adj. in-

sufficient ; unequal ; in


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Laitd, adj. unarranged ; dis-

orderly ; irregular.

Laitdro, adj. unsettled ; dis-


Laitasile, adv. without shedding.

adj. unspilled.

Lait$, adj. unfit ; improper



Laitpju, adj. uncared for



Laiwa, adj. unsought for ; dis-

interested ; not coming



Laiwa-bi-Qlorun, adj. ungodly



Laiwap$, adj. shortlived.

Laiwdtan, adj. incurable ; past


Laiya, adj. bold ; courageous ;

brave; adventurous; daring.

Laiya, adj. undivided.

Laiyanjn, adj. indistinct ; in-


Laiyapa, adj. unanimous; united.

adv. without division.

Laiyara, adj. slow ; dull


sluggish ; spiritless.

Laiye, adv. in the world.

Laiye, adj. unfit ; unworthy ;

uncomely ; unsuitable.

Laja (la-ija), v. to reconcile


make peace.

Laj(J (la-ejp), v. to settle adispute.

Lakaka, v. to strive with all

one's might ; to press ;

wrestle ; struggle ; pre-

sume ; intrude.

Lakalaka (laka-nlaka), v. hopon one leg. n. a game in

which children sing.

"Lakanlaka tomb6, Lakanlakatombd," v. as they hopalong.

Lakari, Lakai, n. patience.

Lakise, eydwukoge, adv. how-

Lakp (ni-akp) gbeje (gbe-ije), v.

to gain a prize ; win a race.

Lakokd, adv. punctually


exactly ; precisely (as to

time and place) ; betimes ;

periodically ; seasonably.

Lakuegbe, n. pleurisy; rheuma-tism.

Lakotan (ni-ak6-tan), adv.

finally ; totally ; altogether.

LalS, n. trouble ; care ; solici-

tude ; agitation ; labour.

La'la (la-ala), v. to dream.

Lalabapade, adj. casual.

Lalafr) (ni-alafo), prep, between.

t adj. spacious.

Lalaja, v. to go through ; tra-

verse ; split through.

Lale (ni-al$), adv. in the evening.

Lal$ (la-il$), v. (lit.—to burst

open the ground) ; begin-

ning ; incipient.

Lali, n. a plant, the leaves of

which is used in colouring

the nails red.

Lami (ni-ami), v.or adj. to havea mark or sign.

Lam$ (ni-am$), adj. clayey.

Lamom^e, adj. wittingly ; wil-

fully ; knowingly.

Lampran, Lamp, v. to propose


advise ; plan ; guess.

Lana, v. to make a road or path ;

propose ; suggest ; ordain ;

order ; frame.

Lana (li-ana), adv. yesterday.

Laniyan, v. to have anxiety.

adj. anxious ; careful ;


LailU, v. to have pity ; com-passion or commiseration.

adj. merciful;

pitiful ;

compassionate ; kind.

Lanu (la-enu), v. to open the


Lapa, adv. by the side of ; bythe hand of.

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lAp 167 L&

Lapa, L$ka, Lpmpw$, adj.

abounding in boughs



Lapa (la-ipa), v. to make a path.

Lapakan, adv. aside ; sideways ;

obliquely ; laterally ; apart;


Lapalapa, n. ringworm ; a plant.

Lapata, Masa, n. a kind of cake

made of maize.

Lapon (ni-appn), adj. assiduous ;

industrious ; indefatigable.

Lara, prep, in ; by ; tlirough


on ; among ; upon ; onthe body ; from.

Lara, n. the castor-oil plant.

Lara, adj. having a body ; cor-

poreal ; material.

Lara, adj. stout ; bulky ; cor-

pulent ; fat.

Lare (ni-are), v. to have right


have justice.

Larekereke, adj. artful ; shrewd ;

subtle ; crafty ; cunning.

Lar$, adj. wearisome ; tire-

some ; fatiguing.

Larin, prep, amidst ; amid



Larinka, Alarinka,ft» a wanderer;

a rover ; a nickname for

the rat.

Lariwo, adj. noisy.

Larun, adj. sickly ; diseased.

Lasan, adv. in vain ; for

nothing ; to no purpose ;

gratuitous ; vain ; vainly ;


Lasiki, v. to be fortunate ; havegood luck. adj. famous


fortunate ; lucky.

Lasiri, adv. secretly ;privately.

Laspye, adj. intelligibly ; illus-

trating clearly.

Lase, adj. effectual ; efficacious ;

having authority.

LatetekQge, adv. in the begin-

Latetek$wa, adv. at the first


Latere (la-t^re), v. to split

thinly ; to crack slightly.

Later£ (ni-ater^), adj. unpre-

pared ; unready.

Lati, Ati, prep, from (a place or

time) ; to ; in order that.

Latibowa, adv. whence.

Latif^wa, adv. willingly ; volun-


Latlgba, prep, during ; since.

Latihinlp, Latihinyilp, Latisi-

Siyilp, adv. hence ; from

this place ; from hence-


Latlgbanalp, adv. thenceforth



Latinu-ife, adv. voluntarily.

adj. optional ; voluntary.

LatisisiyilQ, adv. henceforth



Latori, niton, conj. on account

of ; because ; for.

Lawani, Rawani, n. belt ;girdle ;

sash ; turban.

Lawu, Lau, adv. all is well (an

answer to the salutation,

Alalia ko ? " Are you well V

or Is it peace ? ")

Lay fe, adj. lively ;quick ; active.

Laye, adj. capacious ; roomy.

Le, adj. able ;powerful ;

possible ; capable.

Le, aux. v. can ; may ; might.

e.g., lwo le lo, " You are

able to go."

e.g., On le

apada, " He may return."

L6, v. to appear (as a new moon)


appear on the surface


blister ; to drive ;pursue ;


e.g., Osu le, " Thenew moon appears ;



Qmode le eiye li oko,*' The boy drove the birds

off from the farm."

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l£ 168 L$K

Le, acte. to be more than the

number specified, v. exceed.

Le, adj. hard ; strong ; valiant

valorous ; bony ; firm

solid ; vigorous ; difficult,

Lede-eni, Lede-onil$, adj. ver

nacular ; natural tonguethe language of the country

Le-gba, adj. capable of contain

ing ; containable ; capacious.

Legunoko, n. name of a tree,

the leaf of which is usedfor food.

Legun, v. to conquer ; rout



Leke, v. to be above ; beprominent ; to bo upper-

most ; paramount ; buoy-ant.

Lekeleke, adv. uppermost ; top-


Lekeleke, n. a crane.

Lekeniye (leke-ni-iye), v. to beabove the value or amountestimated.

Lekuro, v. to expel ; dispel.

Le-lagbara, adj. strong ; able-


Lel$, adv. down ; on the ground.

Lelo, v. drive away ; pursue


chase away ; rid of.

Lenire, v. to hasten ; to drive

or urge forward ; to accel-


Lepa, v. to pursue ; trace


track ; course ; chase ;


L5pa, adj. crusty ; scabby.

Lepalepa, n. pursuer.

Lepe, adj. having oath ; par-

taking of the nature of

oath ; sacrament.

Lepolepo, n. name of a plantbearing a yellow flower.

Lera, v. to be healthy; be

strong, adj. hale ; sane


sound ; healthy ; strong.

Lere, adj. profitable ; thrifty.

Leri, v. to promise ; boast



Leri, Lori, adv. above, on the


Lerugba, adj. over 200 ; as

^wa-lerugba, ten over 200,

or 210.

Lesu, adj. to have or bo possessed

with a devil.

Lett, prep, near by ; closo to ;

on the border of ; by.

Lewu, adj. dangerous ; perilous.

L$, v. to replenish ; patch


piece, adj. elastic ; pliable.

Le, v. to be lazy ; indolent or

idle. adj. lazy ; idle



L$, L$, v. to transplant ; ingraft.

Leba, adv. aside ; oblique ; bythe side ; near to.

Lebe, n. the fin of a fish ; anyflat thing used as a pendant.

L^bulebu, n. very fine dust.

Ledun, adv. sorely ; painfully.

L?fin, adj. smoky.LeMfu-lile, adj. tempestuous ;


Legan, adj. contemptible ; ig-

noble; ignominious; shame-ful ; scandalous ; sordid.

Legba, adj. paralytic.

L$gb$, adv. by ; on the side of.

Legbin, adj. filthy ; dirty



Lehin, prep, after ; behind ; onthe back.

Lehinlehin, adv. backward


further back ; hindermost ;


Lehinoyi, adj. hereafter.

Lehln-ode, adj. without ; out-

ward ; behind, n. back-ground.

Leka, adj. branching.

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L$K 169 LOJ

Lfkan, adv. once ; at once


onco more ; still.

Lfkarun, adv. fifthly ; the fifth


Lfkeji, adv. the second time



L§kerin, adv. fourthly.

Lfketa, adv. thirdly ; the third


Lekete, adj. turbid ; modoratelythick.

L$kini, adv. first ; in the first


Lek$, adj. instructed ; studied ;


L$kun, Il^kun, n. door ; gate.

Lele, adv. bending ; pliant


yielding (applied generally

to the wind).

Lfmeji, adj. twice.

L§marun, adj. five times.

Lfmerin, adj. four times.

Lfmeta, adj. three times ; thrice.

Lemi, adj. influential ; effect-

ual ; efficacious ; capa-


L$m$, v. to cleave to ; adlriere

to ; stick to.

L$m$ra, adj. compact, v. to

adhere together.

Lenu, adv. at the mouth or


Ler$, adj. miry ; muddy ; dirty;

turbid ; sloppy.

Leselese, adv. orderly ; in rows.

Les$les$, adv. diligently ; care-

fully ; gently ; attentively.

Letan, adv. falsely ; deceit-

fully ; fallible.

Letil, Letuloju, adj. rich or

fertile (as soil) ; productive.

Lewu, n. down of the palm tree,

used for tinder, whenstriking a light with flint

and steel.

Li, L', a. euphonic form of the

verb Ni, " to have," before

words beginning with a, e,

e, o, 9, u.

e.g., Mo li owo,instead of Mo ni owo," I have money."—,On li

aso, for On ni aso, " He hasclothes."

Li, L', prep, (euphonic changefrom ni, prep.) from ; at



Idle, adj. solid ; hard ; strong ;

stiff, n. hardness ; dur-


Idle, adj. that which is to bedriven.

Lil$, Lil$, adj. that which is to

be transplanted.

Idl$, adj. increased ; elastic.

Lild, adj. useful ; for use.

Lilp, tip, n. a going ; departure.

Lil$, adj. twisted.

Idl$, adj. ground ; pulverised.

Lfli, n. an animal of the por-

cupine tribe which lodges

under rocks ; cony.

Lilu, adj. that which is to bebeaten with a hammer or


Lo, v. to use ; to make use of.

adj. elastic ; pliable.

Lobdtuj$, 01ob6tuj$, n. tho fig-

nut tree.

Lode, adv. outside ; without.

Lodi, adj. contrary. prep,

against ; on the contrary.

Lodiko-di, adj. contrary ; upside

down ; inside out.

Lojiji, ni-ojiji, adv. suddenly


abruptly ; casually.

Lojojump, adv. day by day



Loju, prep. (lit.—in the eye of),

before ; in the face of


in the presence of ; in

front, adv. upon the sur-


Lojukanna, adv. immediately



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Lojurere, adv. favourably



Loke, prep, upon ; on the top ;


Lokere, adv. afar off.

Lokiki, adj. famous ; notorious.

Lokiti, Olokiti, n. a strainer.

Loni, adv. to day.

Ldrl, v. to wliirl round ; begiddy, adj. whirl; giddy.

Lori, Leri, prep, above ; on the

top ; upon.

L6rdgangan, adv. straight


upright ; there and then.

Lorn, adv. by night ; during the

night ; in the night.

Lorukp, prep, by name. adj.

having a name.

Logo, v. to sit like a dog,to squat.

L5tp, adv. surely ; truly ; verily ;


LOWO, v. possess money ; to berich ; be wealthy. adj.

rich ; wealthy.

Loyun (ni-oyun), v. to be preg-

nant ; conceive. adj.


Lp, v. to go ; depart ; leave.

Lp, adv. more than ; most.

L$, L$, v. to transplant ; en-

graft ; turn ; twist ; per-


L$, adj. contrary ; deviating ;

twisted ; indirect ; to bemoderately warm ; luke-

warm.L$, v. to grind ; institute an

inquiry ; cry out for lost


Lpd$, prep, at ; from ; with ;

by ; at ; by the side of


near (applied to persons).

Lpdpdun (ni-pdun-pdun), adv.

yearly ; year by year.

Lphunyi, adv. yonder ; there.

Lok$ (ni-pk$), adv. on board ;


I41a (ni-pla), v. to be honoured;

be in authority, adj. hon-ourable.

Lpla (ni-$la), adv. to-morrow.

L^lp (lpwplpwp), adv. lately



Lpp$, v. to twist together



Lpp$, Lppplppp,arfi'. abundantly;plentifully ; cheaply.

Lpra (l$-ara), v. to be slow


linger ; delay.

Lori, v. to turn ; to makeround.

Lpr$ (ni-pr$), v. to be rich.

adj. rich.

Lpsan (ni-$san), adv. by day;during the day.

Lpsfclpsfc Losose (ni-$s$-$s$),

adv. weekly.

Lo?0?u (IU-09U-09U), adv.


Lpwp, prep, from ; in ; at


under the influence of


at hand.

Lpwpw$ (l$-wprp-wprp), adj.


Lpwplpwp, adv. lately ; recently ;


Lu, v. to bore ; perforate ; to

be perforated ; bo dis-

covered ; to come to notice

hti, v. to beat ; strike ; knock.

L6, v. to mingle ; put several

things together ; adulter-

ate ; dilute ; mix.

Ludoru, v. to play the fiddle bybeating the string with astick ; to play the violin

or harp.

Lnha, adj. not easily solved


difficult ; knotty ; tangled.

Luju, Lurekpja, v. to beat

excessively or severely.

Lukoro, Lukuju, v. to hint or

speak evil against another

in order to provoke him.

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Lul$ (lu-il$), v. to strike to the


Lfilfi, adv. entirely (qualifying

sun," to burn ")

e.g., Awasun igi na lulu, " We burntthe wood to ashes/'

Lum$, v. to hide oneself ; hide ;

lurk ; be hidden ; be con-


Lunipa, v. to commit murder.

v. to assassinate.

Lupa, v. to kill by a blow ; to

smite to death.

Lftru, n. the dried and pulverised

leaves of the trees Okitipo,

$gungun and Ose, usedfor sauce.

Luw$, v. to swim.


M, sign of the continuous tense,

formed by the verb " to


e.g., Mo mb9wa, " I

am coming."

M, pro. contraction of " Emi,"I ; used as a prefix.


Mba ma lo sibe iba bumpupo, " If I had not beenthere it would have beenworse."

M&, v. aux. indicating customaryaction (sometimes " ama "

or " ima ") or continuity.

e.g., Ma fojusi ise re,

" (Continue to) Be veryattentive to your work."

e.g., B9 ni ima se lojojumo," So he does daily."

Ma, adv. not ; a negative

particle used only m the

imperative mood, frequently

in connection with §e, to


e.g., Mase rufin mp," Do not break the lawagain."

Ma, adv. indeed ; truly ; very.—e.g., Iwo ma seuu J9J9>" You are very kind in-


e.g., Ma ma se

yaju si mi, " Indeed youmust not be insolent to


Ma, contraction of Emi a or

Emi yio, I will, I shall.

e.g.; Ma I9 lpla, ** I amgoing, or will go, to-

morrow."Mad$, see Mase.

Madimildrun, n. a dropsical

person (so called from his

desire to enjoy the heat of

the sun). See Asunkun.Magaji, n. heir ; first-born.

Magba, n. a §ango priest. See


Magun, n. a poison used for .a

special purpose.

Mahurumahuru, n. cry of abeast of prey.

Majala, n. soot ; burnt grass ;


e.g., Bi ina ba jo

oko majala a fo wa ile,

" When fire burns in the

fields, the smuts fly to the


Maje?i, n. a child, infant or

young person ; one weak in

knowledge or experience

of the world.

Majemu, n. covenant ; agree-


Makaruru, n. dishonesty ; wantof integrity ; deception


perfidy ; unfair words or


Makp, adj. convalescent ; hale;

sound ; strong.

Malamala, adj. striped ; amedley of colours.

Malaju, n. a water rat remark-able for stupidity. See Ag6.

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MAL 172 M$D

Male, n. common name for all

idols ; a dreadful person.

Malfi, n. ox ; bull ; cow.

Mala, n. a talisman against

being beaten by anyone.

Maluke, n. a protuberance onthe body ; a hard swelling ;


Mftn^ft, adv. not indeed ; donot ; indeed do not.

e.g., Mama ma 39 isokuso,'* Indeed you must not

continue to talk nonsense."

Mam$ja, v. to guess ; conjecture.

Mamu, n. moustache.

Mamufpn, v. to press ; squeeze.

Mana, adv. dazzlingly ; flashily

as lightning.

Manamana, n. lightning.

Manamana, n. a species of snake.

Manamana, n. see Werewe>e.Maradurd, n. to contain


endure ; be steady.

Maranmaran, adv. dazzlingly ;

glitteringly ; brilliantly.

e.g., Awojiji ndan maran-maran, " The glass shines


Marartin, adj. all five ; the

whole of the five.

MarimaJt, n. one who makes nochoice of food.

Mariwd, n. slips of palm leaves ;


Martin, adj. five.

Marundil$g$rin, adj. seventy -

live {lit.—four score minusfive).

Masa, n. a kind of pancake.

Masai, adv. a double negative

which is equivalent to anemphatic affirmative.


Masai wa, " You mustcertainly come."

Mage, adv. do not.

e.g., Maseso fun u, " Do not tell him."

Masegbin, n. a species of deer.

MasemQniWyii, v. to overstep

the mark ; to be prolific.

MafO, adv. only ; even ; singly.

Matamata, adj. spotted.

Mat$, n. a snare for birds andbeasts.

Matp, adj. not to be touched ;

respected ; sacred.

Mayan, n. sash ; belt. See


Mayami, n. a small bag used byhunters for ammunition.

Mbe, v. to be ; exist ; live .

adj. extant.

Mbe nibigbogbo, n. omnipresence.

Mbere, v. to be about to start,

begin, or commence.Mbp, v. to come ; come after.

Mbi, v. to vomit ; eject.

Mef6, v. to guess ; surmise



Meje, adj. seven ; consisting of


M6jeje, adj. the whole of the

seven ; the seven.

MejSjlla, adj. the whole of the

twelve ; the twelve.

Meji, adj. two ; couple ; twain.

n. equivocation ; double.

Mejila, adj. twelve.

Meji-meji, adj. two and two ;

couple ; pair.

Melo, adv. how many ?

Melokan, adj. a few.

e.g., IJ9

melokan, " A few days."

Merd, adj. circumspect; cautious;

discreet ; prudent ; saga-

cious ; always preceded by" Mete."

e.g., Idowu je

eniti o mete merd, " Idowuis a prudent person."

Mewe, n. leaves without their


M$b$m$y$, adj. cunning

diplomatic ; wily ; artful.

Mfd6gun, adj. fifteen.

Mfd^gb^n, adj. twenty-five.

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M]jF 173 MlM

M$fa, adj. six.

M$fam$fa, ac#. six apiece ; bysixes.

M^fun, ac#. having success



Bf$gbe, adj. mealy ; void of

moisture ; well seasoned.

e.g., Isu m^gbe furu, " Theyam is very mealy."

M$ja, adj. quick-sighted ; clear


Mejanm$jan, adv. expresses the

idea of elasticity.

Mejp, adj. eight.

M£s$dur6, v. to stand firm ; to

be brave.

M$S$, adj. polite ; courteous ;


M$r?rin, adj. the four togother.

M$rin, adj. four.

M$rlndil6gun, adj. sixteen.

M$rinla, adj. fourteen.

Merinmerin, adj. fourfold.

M£?$ri, v. to taste rancid


deteriorate ; fetid.

M$ta, adj. three.

M$tala, adj. thirteen.

M^tafykan, adj. three in one



Mftamfta, adj. three at a time ;

by threes.

M$t$ta, adj. all three.

M$wa, adj. ten ; a decade.

M^wamfwa, adj. in groups of

tens ; by tens.

M$w$wa, adj. the whole ten.

Mi, pron. (contraction of Emi)I or me.

e.g., Mi o le lo

(i.e., Emi ko le io), " I can-

not go."

e.g., Fifun mi," Give me."

Mi, v. to swallow ; shake


jolt ; jog ; agitate ; rock ;


Mi, v. to breatohe ; take breath ;


Mi, contraction of Miran.

Mi ami dak& Mi ami pin, v.

to take the last gasping

breath ; to die ; expire.

MffftkfMkfc v. to throb; pal-


Mikanl£, v. to sigh ; breathe

heavily or mournfully


breathe freely ; take a full


Mil$, v. to shake the ground (as

by earthquake).

Mimi, n. appalling news ; shock ;


Mimdkun, n. the act of diving.

Mimdye, n. adj. comprehension ;


Mim$, adj. holy ; clear ; clean ;

pure ; sacred ; sainted ;


Mim$, n. that which is to beknown ; imaginable.

Mimp, n. that which is to be


Mim$ gara, adj. transparent



Mim^-kun, n. adj. lameness



Mim$l$, n. adj. lightsome



Mim$sinu, n. silent assurance


inward knowledge ; con-


Mimu, adj. acute ; sharp



Mimu, n. that which is to becaught or taken ; sharp-

ness ; keenness ; burningheat.

e.g., Mimu orun kojo mimu abe, " The burn-

ing heat of the sun is notlike the keenness of arazor."

Mimu, n. that which is to bedrunk, adj. drinking.

Mimuuibi, adj. emetic.

Mimunisanra, adj. nutritious.

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MtM 174 M0M

Mimfinistkn, Mimunitdgbe, adj.

lethargic ; drowsy ; slum-


Mip$, v. to mix together ; shake(as a bottle of medicine).

Miran, adj. another ; somethingelse. (Contraction of Omi-ran).

Miri, v. to wag the head ; nod.

Miru, v. to wag the tail.

Misi, v. to breathe into.

Mititi, v. to shake with a heavytremor.

Mo, pron. I.

e.g., Mo ti 39, " I

have said."

M6fln, v. to understand the law.

Moju, v. to \ye tame.

M6ko, v. to come to pass


prevail ; overpower.


Qro woli Mikaiah moko,44 The word of the prophetMicaiah prevailed."'

Mojukurd, v. to take off one's

attention ; to connive at.

Mdkun, v. to dive into.

M6kun, v. to convalesce


become strong.

MSkunlojiji, v. to plunge anddive.

Mdlo, n. a Hausa guitar.

More, v. to be grateful ; to

know and acknowledgekindness received.

Mdru, adj. sultry ; close ; warm.Mogebi, v. methinks ; I suppose.

Moye, v. to have power of

perception ; to be pru-

dent ; discreet ; sagacious ;

judicious ; skilled.

M$, adj. clean ; clear ; light as

day ; shining ; innocent.

v. to stick on ; adhere


cleave to ; paste to ; add ;

wrap up.

Mo, v. to build ; to stop ; stay ;

halt ; generally followed by44


M$, v. to know ; perceive


recognize ; understand ; besensible.

M<J, adv. again, any more(frequently preceded byMa or Mase).

e.g., Maselo m<j>,

44 Do not go again."

M<J, prep, against.

e.g., Okon-rin na se ilekun m<J mi.44 The man shut the dooragainst me."

Mp am$ja, v. to conjecture.

M$di, v. to know the origin ; to-

be conversant with.

Modi, v. to fortify with walls.

Mogara, v. adj. to be trans-

parently clear.

Mpgba, n. see Magba.M^giri, v. to build walls.

Mphungbogbo, adj. knowing all

things ; omniscient.

M^iniyi, n. a kind of cake. See

M<>ju, M$j6m$, v. to dawn ; to-

be light ; to be until day-light ; to survive the night.

Mpkanla, adj. eleven.

M$k6k6, v. to make pots ; to

smoke a pipe.

Mpkpkanla, adj. the whole of the


M$kun, v. to halt ; walk lame ;.

to be crippled.

Mylara, v. to be accustomed to.

Mpl6, v. to build a house.

Mpl6mpl6, n. an architect.

M$l$, v. to shine ; give light.

M$l£, adv. close, or adhering to-

the ground.

M^lu, v. to paste, cement or


MQm$, adv. conscientiously ?

knowingly ; wilfully.

M$m$, adv. used with jeun, to

eat ; greedily ; voraciously-—e.g., O njeun m^,"Heis eating greedily."

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M0M 175 MtT

MQmfcfe, adv. intentionally done.

M$na, adv. even so ; yes


so it is.

Mpniwdn, v. to be moderate ;

middling ; few.

Mvnumv, adj. confidential.

M$ra, adv. closely ; near to.

M$r&n, v. to know ; be con-

versant with.

Mproro, adj. clean ; decent.

Mp$e, v. to be a ready doer ; to

be adroit.

M$t$l$, v. to know beforehand ;


MYtimYti, adv. closely ; hardby ; near to.

Mvw$, v. to be able to swim.

MpWpdUTO, v. to cease ; stop ;

stay the hand.

MvWvmvrun, adj. with handstied to the neck.

Moye, v. to know the value or

number of.

Mpyin, v. to appreciate ; bepolite to.

Mil, v. to take ; bring ; hold ;

fetch ; seize ; catch ;

arrest ; twinge, inplicate.

Mil, v. to drink ; imbibe ; suck.

Mu, adj. sharp ; acute ; keen ;

sagacious ; animated ; tart



Mil, v. to sink ; disappear ; beimmersed in water ; dive ;

to be lost in a crowd.

Mu, n. rice.

Mil ara hu or ku, v. to weaken ;


Mu-bade, v. to make equal ; fit



Mu-baj$, v. to spoil ; debase.

Mu-binu, v. to provoke ; anger ;

exasperate ; enrage.

Mu-bisi, v. to propagate, multi-

ply, increase.

Mu-bosipd, v. to rectify; remedy.

Mu-dak$, v. to still ; makequiet ; pacify.

Mu-danil6ju, v. to ascertain


make sure ; prove ; con-


Mu-dara, v. to beautify ; deck ;

ornament ; decorate.

Mu-das$, v. to cause to cease ;

to stop progress.

Mude, v. to bring near or to apoint ; to produce.

Mude, v. to put in fetters ; to


Mttd$, v. to ripen ; soften


mitigate ; ameliorate.

Mudera, v. to weaken ; soften.

MudeWQ, v. to slacken.

Mudunmudun, opolo, n. brains.

Mudiyiye, v. to quicken; enliven ;


MudiyiyY, v. to lubricate ; makeslippery.

Mudun, v. to gladden ; enliven.

Mudunmudun, n. brain ; marrow.—e.g., Mudunmudun baba

eje, " Marrow is the father

of blood.',

Mudur6, v. to make to stand ;

fix ; substantiate.

M6farabal$, v. to compose


ease ;pacify.

Mu-f^ri, v. to cause to diminish ;


Mugbe, v. to drain ; dry up.

Mugiri, v. to make tidy ; com-

pact ; make within a small


Mu g6rite, v. to enthrone.

Mil g^, v. to stupefy.

Ma han, v. to shew ; introduce.

Mil hu, v. to cause to germinate ;

create ; originate.

Mu ihinwa, v. to bring tidings ;


Mu inu dun, v. to gladden


rejoice the heart.

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Mtrj 176 MtTR

Muj&de, v. to bring forth ;


Muje, v. to undergo the ordeal

by water.

Muje, v. to devour ; eclipse


vanquish ; overpower


crush ; outwit ; suppress ;


e.g., O mu oranna je, " He won the case

(by outwitting his oppo-nents)."

Mujina, v. to heal a sore ; to

cook well.

Mu kanu, v. to make sorry ; to


Muki, v. to thicken.

Mu kord, v. to embitter ; evict.

Mukun, v. to make full ; com-plete.

Mukun, v. to make to grumble



Muktird, v. to remove ; take

away ; deduct ; subtract





Ma-kuru, v.


Mti lagbara,


Mularada, Mularale, v. to heal


cure of sickness or defect


make well.

Mul&raya, v. to amuse ; inspirit


animate ; enliven.

Mti larun, v. to infect ; makesick.

Mti le, v. to stiffen ; harden


enable ; invigorate.

Mti leke, v. to belie ; provefalse ; refute ; accuse witha lie.

Mti lera, v. to strengthen;support.

Mti 1$, v. to strike firmly on the


Mul$, v. to covenant ; bargain ;

make agreement.

abstract ; annul ;

to shorten ; con-

v. to strengthen


Mti l$nu, v. see Munu.

Mul$ ?e ibi, v. to conspire for

evil purposes.

Mti l$wa, v. to beautify.

Mti 16fo, v. to disappoint.

Mti 16rfya, v. to enliven ; amuse.

Mti hjkanle, v. to embolden



Mu m$, v. to introduce ; usher ;


Muna, adj. sharp ; severe ; hot


rigid ; rigorous ; high-


Mumil^kan, v. to awaken pity,

sorrow, or grief. adj.

touching ; pathetic.

Munisanra, adj. conducive to

corpulenco ; tending to

make fat.

Munfyln, v. to adorn, grace,

favour or dignify.

Munu, v. to be sharp ; talkative



Mupada, v. to bring back


return ; reclaim ; restore.

Mupam$, v. to secrete ; hide ;


Mupari, Mupe, v. to terminate ;

end ; finish ; consummate ;


Mup$, v. to prolong ; protract



Mup$, v. to drink together.

MuPytt, v. to onripen.

Mora, v. to make ready ; pre-

pare ; be active ; be alive.

Muragiri, v. adj. to be on the

alert ; be tidy ; agile ;


Morale, v. to compact ; to

strengthen oneself.

Murasfl^, Murat$l$, v. adj. to

provide ; be ready before-


Mur$, v. to compromise ; cause

to agree.

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MUR 177 nA

Mur$, Mur^si, v. to propagate ;

increase ; produce ; popu-late.

Mur6, v. see Mudfiro.

Murp, v. to be soft and sticky

as paste ; to be closed


decided ; determined or

settled (as a matter or


Mur$, v. to soften.

Murprun, v. to facilitate



Musan, Musandie, v. to improve ;

mitigate ; reform ; amelior-

ate ; alleviate.

Musaoki, v. (Hausa) to alleviate ;


Mus&SO, v. to fructify ; makeproductive.

Mus$, adv. cheerfully andquietly. (Used only after

R^rin, to laugh).

Musin, v. to cause to work for


Musfnu, v. to harbour in the

mind ; infold.

MuSO, v. to tie down (as cattle).

MtlSO, inter. Hurrah ! a shoutof triumph or applause.

MuS$W$, v. to hold ; withliold.

Mu$a, v. to cause to wither ; to

make a colour fade.

Mtyals&n, v. to make sick



Mtyfan, v. to make thin bydilution ; diluto ; make to

flow easily.

Mu$e, v. to make do ; initiate

into ; perform.

Mu^edeae, v. to make equal.

Mugekankan, v. to hasten



Mu$e, v. to come to pass


fulfil ; effect ; bring to

pass ; make effectual ; per-

form ; execute.

Mu$i$e, v. to mislead ; mis-

direct ; misuse

MtyfOro, v. to make difficult.

Mu-$otito, v. to confirm ; affirm.

Mu-?$kan, v. to make one


unite ; make equal.

Muti, v. to drink any intoxi-

cating liquor.

Mutimuti, n. drunkard. See0muti.

Mutipara, Mutfy6, v. to inebriate;

to be drunken.

Mu tdbi, v. to enlarge ; magnify ;

aggrandize ; amplify.

Mu-tp, v. to straighten.

Mu-tuju, v. to moderate


modify ; tame ; calm.

Mu-wa, v. to cause to exist.

Mu-wa, v. to fetch ; bring


produce ; afford.

Mu-wat$, v. to make the mouthwater ; to salivate.

M(l-W$, v. to lodge ; house


make disappear ; take to.

Mfi Wple, v. to bring in.

Mu wusi, v. to increase ; multi-

ply; magnify.

Mu yanju, v. to simplify ; mak e

clear or plain.

Mu yara, v. to hasten ; expedite



Mu yat$, v. make to differ ; makeunlike.

Mu y6, v. to vivify ; quicken.

Mu yp, v. to temper ; prepare ;

qualify ; make fit ; adapt.

Mu y$, v. to gladden ; rejoice ;



N, sign of present part.—e.g., Monip, " I am going.


Na, adv. already ; so soon ; in

the first place ; first.

e.g., Iwp ti de na ? " Are

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NA 178 NI

you come already ?"


Tete ^e eyi na, " Do this


Na, pron. the same that ; the—e.g., Qkonrin na ni, " This

is the same man."Na, v. to spend ; cost ; waste ;

trade with.

Na, v. to flog ; whip ; chastise ;

chasten ; lash.

Na, v. to spread ; stretch


extend ; expand ; dilate ;

amplify ; distend.

Na-danu, v. to waste, squander.

Na-lo, v. to spread ; extend


lengthen ; expatiate.

Na-ninaknna, v. to waste,


Na-nipasan, v. to flog with a whip.

Na-ro, v. to erect ; stand erect.

Na-sa, v. to spread to dry, or

air ; see Na, to spread.

Na-t$, v. to spread flat or level,

as spreading mat on the


Na-ga (na-iga), v. to stretch

oneself so as to reach or

see an object.

Nagudu, n. very full trousers

confined round the foot.

Naja (na-oja), v. to do business ;

to trade.

Nakasi (na-ika-si), v. to point

the finger at ; show ; indi-


Nandi, n. a blockhead ; dunce ;


N&ni, v. to care for ; beconcerned about ; makemuch of ; be anxious about.

Na-tantan, v. to stretch withviolence ; throw into con-

vulsion or spasm.


IJmi na na a tantan, " Thespirit convulsed him."

Nawo (na-ow6), v. to spendmoney ; disburse ; expend.

NawY (na-yWp), v. to stretch the

hand ; pass from one's

hand to another.


Naw<J iwe na si mi, " Hand(or pass) me the book."

Nawo-nawo, n. a profligate



Ndan, na, adv. interrogation

(used at the end of aquestion to give it empha-sis).—,Iwo le se iru ohunbf ndan (or na) ? " Are youable to do such things

then ?"

Ndao, adv. no, never.

Ng, pers. pron. I, frequently

used instead of Emi andMo.—e.g., Ng o lo, " I shaUgo."

Ni, dem. pron. that.

e.g., Kini

nl nk<$ ? " Where is that

thing Y " Compounded with

Bi, it assumes the sense

of " though."—a.g., Bi

emi ko ti le I9 nl, sugbonmo mp ohun gbogbo ti e

se, ** Though I could not

go, yet I know all you did."

Ni, pron. contracted form of IJni,

one ; someone (used in-


e.g., O wi fun

ni p& on yio I9, " He told

us that he would go."

Ni, v. to have ; occupy ; obtain ;

possess ; get ; put in

possession ; load (as a ship

or canoe).

e.g., Mo ni fila

meji daradara, " I havetwo good caps."

e.g., Awanik$, " We have loaded the


Nf, v. to say.

Ni, v. to be ; is ; it is ; ni is

used in opposition to kv ,

" not."—e.g., ?mi ni, " It

is I."—e.g., Emi k<J, " It is

not I."

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Ni-lara, v. to be hard upon


uneasy ; to be uncom-fortable ; be inconvenient.

—e.$r.,Ise na ni mi lara, "Thework is not easy for me."

Ni-niran, v. to remind ; to put

in remembrance.

e.g., Moni o niran oro ijo ni, " I

remind you of that dav's


Ni, prep, at ; by ; from ; in ;

on ; to. (Ni is changed, for

euphony, into Li or L*

before all vowels except i).—e.g., Baba na mbe li oko," (My) father is in the

farm ;" instead of"ni oko."

Ni, Li, and more commonlyL', expressing a condition

or state, are very muchused in composition : the

word to which it is joined

modifies or determines the


e.g., Loke (li

oke), " on top ;" " above."

Nisale (ni isale), " at the


e.g., Gba aso walowo (li owo) r£, " Fetchcloth from his hand."


O mbe lodo r$, " It is byhim."

Ni-adun, adj. savoury ; sweet


Ni-agbara, Lagbara, adj. robust


Ni-ani-ani, v. to have doubtto be uncertain ; to bedubious.

Ni-Sla, Lala, adj. terminable ;


Nf-ara, Lara, adj. corporeal



Ni-aba, Laba, v. to have hope


bo hopeful.

Ni-aidaju, Laidajn, adj. notclear ; dubious ; doubtful



Ni-ailera, Lailera, adj. weakly;infirm ; unhealthy ; sickly.

Ni-alabapade, Lalabapade, adv.

by chance ; unexpectedly ;


Ni-awd ayika, adj. round ; cir-


Ni-ba, Ni iba, t?. to have fever.

adj. feverish.

Nibayi, adv. now ; just now.

Nibadebade, adv. suitably



Nibaba, adj. coppery ; pertaining

Nibaba, adj. coppery ; per-

taining to copper.

Ni-bawi, adj. blameable ; cul-


Nibaj$, adj. hurtful ; injurious ;


Ni-beji, adj. having twins.

Nib$, adv. there ; thence.

Nibena, adv. there ; at that


Nib$ru, adj. having fear or

dread ; dire : horrid ;

horrible ; timid ; timor-

ous ; formidable ; awful



Nibi, prep, in or at a place, adv.

here ; in this place.

Nibibaje, n. corruption ; viola-

tion, adj. violablo ; corrupt.

Nibibayi, adv. at this very place ;

this very spot.

Nibibiti, adj. wavy ; waving in

succession ; following oneupon another.

Nibibinu, adv. wrathfully



Nibirere, adj. well-born ; of

noble birth or connexion.

Nibidajp, adv. at the place of

judgment ; tribunal.

Nibi-gbogbo, adv. everywhere.

Nibikan, adv. some place ; some-where ; in one place or


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Nibikibi, adv. wherever ; whore-soever ; anywhere ; whither-


Nibi-nitan, adj. well-born ; well

connected ; of noble birth.

Nibinu, adv. in a state of angeror hostility ; boisterously.

Nibinuj$, adj. sorrowful ; griev-

ous ; heavy.

Nibi-oke, adj. uppermost ; top-


Nibiti, adv. at the place which ;


Nibo, inter, adv. where ?

Nibd (ni-ibo), adj. wide ; broad ;

ample ; having margin.

v. to be broad, adv. broad-


Nibomiran, Nibomi, adv. else-

where ; in another place.

Nibu, Niburubu, adv. across



Nibuba, v. lying in wait for.

Nibukunfun, adj. having ablessing for ; blessed.

Ni-abiya, adv. thwartingly



Nidaba, adj. having hope ; hope-


Nidabu, adv. crosswise ; side-

ways ; athwart.

Nidai, adv. now ; at this hour.

Nidaju, adj. trusty ; certain ;


Nidajudaju, adv. trustfully


certainly ; candidly.

Nidake, adj. tacit ; silent ; quiet.

Nididara, adj. salutary ; whole-


Nidaraya, adj. vivacious ; lively.

NidarudapQ, adj. confusedly


indistinct ; miscellaneous.

Nidasi, adj. sparing.

Nidawple, adj. adventurous.

Nidi, prep, concerning ; about.adv. abaft ; aft ; astern.

Nidimu^in^in, adv. steadfastly.

Nidulump, adj. slanderous



Nidurd, adj. upright ; in astanding posture.

Niduro-$an?an, adv. perpen-


NidurCHpnfiii, adv. justly; up-

rightly ; firmly.

Nifaiya, adj. charming ; be-


Nifajuro, adv. crossly ; fret-


Nifasehin, adv. backwardly.

Nifefe, adj. boastful ; bragging ;


Ntf$, Niflfe, adj. lovely ; loving ;

brotherly ; having a will


willing ; amicable.

Ntiekufe, adj. lustful ; lewd.

Nifinuhan, adv. openly ; frankly.

Niflyesi, adj. observable ; notice-

able ; wistful.

Nifoiya, adj. dreadful ; fearful.

Nifpgbpn$e, adv. craftily.

Nifpwpspwp, adj. clasped hands ;


Nigba, adv. while ; when ; at a

particular time.

Nigbatijp, Nigba-atijp, adv. olden

time ; formerly ; long ago.

Nigbagbe, adj. negligent; for-


Nigbagbogbo, adv. always; at

all times ; ever ; aye.

Nigba-isisiyi, Nisisiyi, adv. now ;

this present time.

Nigbakanri, adv. once ; once

upon a time.

Nigbameta, adv. thrice ; three

times ; threefold.

Nigbameje, adv. seven times.

Nigbameji, adv. twice.

Nigbamiran, Nigbami, adv. some-times ; at other times ; at


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Nigbakugba, adv. sometimes


oft ; often ; always ; often-

times ; commonly ; fre-


Nigbangba, adv. publicly; openl^;

plainly ; candidly.

Nigbana, adv. then.

Nigbati, adv. when ; while ; at

the time.

Nigbapupp, adv. often ; often-

times ; oft ; many a time.

Nigbatimby, adv. hereafter.

Nigbawo ? adv. inter, adv. when ?

at what time ?

Nigbayi, adv. now ; at this time.

Nigbayiye, adj. seasonable



Nigberaga, adj. arrogant ; proud.

Nigbewd, adv. weightily ; heavily.

Nigbe, adv. afield.

Nigbehin, adv. afterwards ; ulti-

mately ; along ; hereafter.

Nigbekele, adj. trusty ; worthy ;


Nigbesan, adj. vindictive.

Nigboiya, adj. intrepid ; bold.

Nigbona, adj. vehement ; hot



Nigbpran, adj. obedient ; atten-


NigpgQ, adj. having a mane.Nigun, adj. angular.

Niha, prep, about a place ; onthe side of ; towards



Niha-iha, adv. sideways.

Niha-ihin, prep, on this side of.

Niha-ariwa, adj. northward



Niha-gusun, adj. southerly



Niha-ila-5run, adj. eastward



Niha-iwp-drun, adj. westward


western ; westerly.

Niha-Ode, adj. outward ; outer-


Niha-ohun, prep, beyond ; over


yonder ; on that side of.

Nihal$, adj. boastful ; osten-


Nihangdro, adj. a grating sound ;

shrilling ; screaming.

NihawQ, adj. greedy ; stingy ;


Nihin, Nihinyi, adv. hence ; here ;

in this place.

Nihinyi-bayi, adv. here in this


Nihdho, adj. naked ; in a state

of nudity ; bald ; bare.

NlQUm$, adj. ingenious ; wise ;

sagacious ; inventful.

Nija, adj. contentious ; quarrel-

some ; disastrous.

Nijamba, adv. suddenly ; un-

preparedly ; disastrously


calamitous ; mischievously.

Nijar$, adj. romantic ; exag-


Nijere, adv. deservedly ; praise-

worthily ; gainful.

Nijelo, adv. the other day.

Nijeta, adv. the day before


Nijokoje, adv. quietly ; seden-


Nijpkanlogbpn, adv. seldom.

Nijpketa, adv. on the third day.

Nijpgbogbo, adv. daily ; every


Niji, adj. shady.

Nijijina, adj. distant ; far.

Nijindpgba, adj. equidistant.

Nijinle, Nijijinle, adv. deeply ;


Nika, adj. cruel ; wicked ;

severe ; rigid ; brutal


vicious ; mischievous ;

naughty ; inclement ; in-

human ; sanguinary.

Nikaka, adv. astraddle ; lying

on the back.

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NIK 182 NtM

Nikaninu, adj. barbarous


savage ; vicious ; brutal.

Nikanju, adv. hastily ; helter-


Nikankan, Nikankangi, adv.

vividly ; hastily.

Nikannu, adv. wrathfully



Nikanra, adj. fretful ; fro-

wardly ; untoward.

Nikanu, adj. penitent ; merciful


doleful ; thoughtful.

Nikan, adj. alone ; single.


On nikan lo wa, " He camealone."

Nikansoso, adv. solely; singly;


Nikawp, adj. wieldy ; manage-able ; ready to hand.

Nike, adj. indulgent.

Nikehin, adv. afterwards; finally;


Nikikan, adv. sourly, adj. sore ;


Nikiki-prp, adv. verbally.

Nikiki-orukp, adv. nominally.

Nikikun, adv. fully, adj. full.

Nikikprere, adj. well-bred.

Nikiyesi, adj. considerate ; con-

siderable ; observable.

Nky, adv. (used at the end of

a question)—Then ; Howthen ; How is.

e.g., lya

re nk<J ? " How is yourmother (then) ?


e.g., Eyiha nk<J ? " How is this

then ?"

Nikpja, Nkpja, adv. in passing.

e.g., Mo ri 9 nikpja, lit.—" I

saw you when you werepassing."

Nikpja-rere, adv. well past


well spent.

Nik$kp, adv. in secret ; secretly ;

aside ; apart ; clandes-


Nikunloju, adv. satisfactorily.

Niku, adj. fatal ; deadly.

Nikiku, adj. in dying ; dying.

Nikutukutu, adv. early ; dawn ;


Nila, adj. striped.

Nilaja, adj. amicable ; peace-

able ; hence O -nilaja, peace-


Nil&la, adj. laborious ; toilsome.

Ni-lara, v. to overpower ; vex ;

distress ; annoy ; makeuneasy ; overburden ; over-


Ni-lara, adj. envious.

Ni-lailai, adv. of old ; in times

past ; of yore.

Nile, adv. down ; on shore ; onthe ground.

Nilera, adj. healthy ; hearty ;

hale. adv. heartily ; well.

Nilile-aiya, adj. hard-hearted



NilileUle, adv. tightly ; hardly ;


Nilodisi, adv. contrariwise.

Nilorere, adj. well-used ; well-


Niloknlo, adv. extravagantly



Nilpra, adv. slowly ; tardily ;


Nilpwplpwp, Nilvl$, adv. lately ;

recently ; presently.

Nilu-oke, n. inland country


up country ; interior



Nimajala, adj. sooty; full of


Nimeji, Nimejimeji, adv. two-

fold ; two by two.

Nimele, adj. indolent ; lazy ;


Nfmim$, adv. willingly ; wil-

fully ; intelligently ; know-ingly.

Nimim$, adv. holily ; purely.

adj. clean ; pure ; holy ;

sincere.Digitized byVjOOQIC

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Nimphun-gbogbo, Nimp-ohun-gbogbo, adj. omniscient


knowing all things.

Nim$, adj. wise ; skilful ; havingknowledge ; intelligent


significant ; learned.

Nimokan, adj. unequivocal ; of

one mind.

Nimpmeji, adj. doubtful ; equi-

vocal ; dubious.

Nimnle^in^in, adj. immovable


firm ; well-grounded ; sted-


Nimul$, adv. secretly, adj.

bound to secrecy ; initiated.

Nina, adj. deserving to be

whipped or flogged ; elastic.

Nina, adj. lousy ; having fire ;


Ninaknna, adj. prodigal ; waste-


Ninf, adj. attainable.

Nini, adj. possessing ; hardy.

Nini, adv. very ; exceedingly

(qualifying v. Tutu, " to be


e.g., Omi yi tutu

nini, " This water is very


Ninanina, adv. long ; stretched


Ninikawp, v. to possess ; to havecontrol over ; be master of.

adj. expert ; masterly.

Nininn, adj. capacious.

Nininu, Nisinn, adj. harboured

in mind ; spiteful ; pre-

possessed ; prejudicedagainst.

Ninira, adj. incommodious.

Ninu, prep, in ; inside ; among ;

from within ; inward.

Ninu-ninu, adj. inmost.

Ninu-buburu, adj. malignant


malevolent ; mischievous.

Ninu-eyi, adv. herein.

Ninu-eyiti, adv. wherein ; where-


Ninu-eyina, adv. therein.

Ninu-rere, adj. generous ; free-

hearted ; humane ; good-


Nipa, Nipase, prep, by ; through


in ; according to ; with.

Nipa, adj. powerful ; valiant


able ; potent.

Nipa-eyi, adv. hereat ; by this.

Nipa-eyina, adv. thereby, bythis very.

Nipa-eyiti, adv. whereat, where-

by, whereas.

Nipa-eda, adv. naturally.

Nipa-keji, adj. secondly.

Nipa-keta, adj. thirdly.

Nipa-meji, adj. two-fold ; in

two divisions.

Nipa-meta, adj. three-fold ; in

three divisions ; treble.

Nipalapala, adj. rugged ; craggy.

Nipamp, adv. secretly ; clan-


Nipa-oke, adj. upwards.

Nipara, adj. harmful ; destruc-

tive ; hurtful ; noxious.

Nipari, prep, phrase. in con-

clusion ; in ending.

Niparun, adj. ruinous.

Nipataki, adv. principally


chiefly ; specially ; par-


Nipa-ti, prep, concerning ; where-


Nipati, adv. by the tendon of

the heel.

Nipe, the abbreviation viz.,

" namely ;" that is.

Ni-pe-bi, adv. that as ; inasmuchas.

Nipeknn, n. end ; conclusion ;

termination. adj. final



Nipetiti, adv. continuous.

Nipinnu, adj. finite ; final


decisive ; determinable.

Nipipe, adv. fully; thoroughly.

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NIP 184 NI§

Nipipa, adv. baldly ; barely.

Nipo, prep, instead ; in the roomof ; situation ; place.

Nipon, adj. to be thick at the

edge (as a plank) ; thick.

Niponju, comparative degree,

thicker than.

Niponju, Ni-ippnju, adj. trouble-

some ; uphill ; difficult.

Niran, v. to remember ; call to

mind ; have a recollection

of ; to remind.

e.g., O ni

mi niran oro na, " Hereminded me of the con-


Nira, adj. difficult ; uncomfort-

able ; uneasy ; awkward.

Nira, Ni-lara, v. to worry oneself.

—e.g., O nni ara re lara sa,

" You are simply troubling


Ni-ra, Ni-ara, v. to be free ; beone's own master.

NiranlQWQ, adj. helpful ; con-


Nirora, adv. proudly ; loftily.

Ni-iwa-rere, adj. virtuous.

Ni-rere, ni-okere-rere, adv. far

off ; far away.

Nireti, adj. hopeful ; expectant.

Nireje, adj. deceitful.

Nir^le, adj. humble ; low. adv.

lowly ; humbly.

Nirerin, adj. laughable ; ludi-


Nirin, n. a kind of rat. Also

called olo, eliri.

Nirira, adj. hateful ; odious ;

loathsome ; filthy ; abomin-able.

Nirird, adj. worth consideration

or thought.

Nirir$, adj. tender-hearted ; to

be soft ; to be yielding.

Nird, Nironu, adj. thoughtful


serious ; rueful ; solemn ;


Niroju, adj. grievous ; painful


baleful ; tedious ; slow ;


Nirokuro, adj. fantastical


imaginable ; irregular.

Nirord, adv. untowardly ; fro-


Nironu, see Nir6.

Nirora, adj. painful ; mournful.

Nirora, adj. easy ; pleasant.

adv. comfortably ; easily ;

happily ; advantageously.

Mirorun, adv. with facility


easily ; lightly.

Nirilju, adv. confusedly ; equi-

vocally, adj. dubious



Nirudurudu, adv. confusedly



Nisale, prep, underneath ; be-

neath ; below ; down.

Nisa-gbogbo, adv. at all times ;

every time ; hourly.

Nisan, adj. of some importance ;

much ; plentiful ; con-


Nisisan, adj. convalescent.

Nisi, v. to care ; be concerned

about a . thing ; take

interest in.

e.g., Emi kdnisi, " I have no care aboutit."

Nisisiyi, adv. soon ; now ; just

now; directly; immediately;

forthwith ; shortly ; anon ;


Nisifloye, adj. declarable ; speak


able ; utterable ; demon-strable.

Nisfiru, adj. possessing patience ;

patient ; long-suffering.

Nl^an, adj. muscular ; nervous ;


Nigan, adj. tidal ; fluid ; flow-

ing ; liquid.

Nisaju, adv. before ; formerly ;-

first ; prior.

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NI§ 185 NIW

Nif&^a-prp, adv. word for word ;


Ni$e, adj. laborious ; toilsome ;


Nigegun, adj. victorious ; con-

quering ; superior.

NigelQWQ, adv. busily ; he knowshow to do the work ; he is


Nigekuge, adv. badly ; shabbily ;


NigtpupQ, «#• very laborious



Ni$ijibo, adj. umbrageous; shady.

Nigina, adj. erroneous ; erratic ;


Nijdfaro, adj. meditative



Ni$i$e-ofln, adj. legislative.

Nfyodisi, prep, counter ; in

opposition to ; against.

Nigpkan, adj. united ; concur-

rent ; acting in uniformity.

Ni?pna, Nispra, adj. vigilant


wary ; heedful ; discreet



Niti, conj. in that. prep, of



Nitalaka, adj. indigent ; poor ;

in a state of poverty.

Nitara, adj. sanguine ; zealous ;

warm ; full of activity.

Nitele, adv. beforehand ; early.

Nitejump, adv. wistfully ; stead-

fastly (looking towards) ;


Nitenump, adj. instant ; affirm-


Nitifetife, adv. lovingly ; will-


Nitiju, adj. bashful ; disgrace-

ful ; dishonourable ; shame-faced.

Nitinu, Ninu, prep, in ; within ;


Nitipile^e, adj. original ; deriv-


Nitisaju, adj. former ; foremost.

Nititan, adv. falsely ; deceit-


Nititan, adv. coming to an end ;

finishing ; exhaustingly ;

in concluding.

Nititobi, adv. largely ; bulkily.

Nititoye, adv. worthily ; merito-


Nititun, adv. newly ; recently ;


Nititujade, adj. oozing out.

Nitori, Nitorina, conj. because ;

therefore ; on account of ;

wherefore ; for the sake of.—e.g., Nitori mi li o se wa," He came on my account."—e.g., Nitorina mo be 9 ti,

" Therefore I beg you."

Nitori-kiniP adv. why? where-fore ?

e.g., Nitori-kini o se

wa ? " Wherefore are youcome ?


Nitosi, prep, close ; near ; hardby ; adjacent ; about.

Nit5t<J, adv. in truth ; truly


justly; verily; cordially;

certainly ; really ; sin-

cerely ; heartily ; fitly


veritably ; unfeignedly ;


Nitpwd, adj. tasty.

Nitump, adj. explanatory ; illus-


Nitura, adj. breezy ; cooling ;

refreshing; salubrious;comfortable.

Nituwpka, adj. liberal; frank;

free-handed ; open-handed.

Niwa, f. to have a good dis-

position ; be affable ; bekind ; to have a goodquality.

Niwa, v. to exist ; to have abeing.

Niwa, Niwajti, prep, (used before

a place or person) ; for-

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ward ; ahead ; before ;


Niwa-agbara, adj. violent



Niwa-buburu, adj. wicked



Niwa-funfun, adj. immaculate.

Niwa-ika, Niwakiwa, adj. bar-

barous ; wayward ; cruel.

Niwa-tutu, adv. gently ; meekly.

Niwarapa, Niwapa, adj. epileptic.

Niwara, adj. anxious ; desirous ;

eager ; impatient. adv.


Niwara, adj. milky ; havingmilk ; milch.

Niwamimp, adj. innocent ; pure


clean ; modest ; holy.

Niwa-orun, adj. virtuous



Niwin, adj. demoniacal ; ghostly.

Niwiwi, adj. talkable; declarable;

in declaring.

e.g., Niwiwiemi o wi, " Talking, I will


Niwoye, adv. cautiously ; cir-

cumspectly ; warily.

Niwoyi, adv. now ; about this


Nfwo, adj. poisonous ; baneful.

Niwobia, Niwpra, adj. greedy;

lascivious ; voracious.

Niw$n, adj. measurable ; limit-

able, prep, about ; aboutthe number or measure of.

Niwpnbi, adv. inasmuch as



Niwpnyi, pron. these.

Niwpntun-wpasin, adv. temper-

ately ; moderately ; midd-ling.

Niwu, Niwiwu, adj. charming;pleasing ; amicable.

Niwuwo, adv. heavily ; weightily.

Niyanu, adj. wonderful ; stu-

pendous ; marvellous.

Niyat$, adj. different ; various.

Niyarayara, adv. speedily


hastily ; quickly ; expe-


Niyakata, adv. astride.

Niye, v. to remember ; to havethought, adj. wise ; dis-


Niye, adj. valuable ; worthy.

Niyebiye, adj. precious ; valu-

able ; of untold value.

Niyelori, adj. valuable ; costly.

Niyeninu, v. to have a goodmemory ; have under-


Niyin, adj. grand ; famous


dignified ; glorious ; hon-

ourable ; laudable ; com-mendatory ; notable.

Niyiyanu, Niyiya-enu, adj.

wonderful ; marvellous.

Niyiye, adv. deservedly ; fitly ;

duly ; worthily.

Niye, Ni-iye, adj. feathery;

having feathers.

Niyanu, adj. tender-hearted


merciful ; compassionate.

Niypnu, adj. troublesome


burdensome ; cumbersome.

Nje, Nje-bi, adv. then ; if then ;

if so ; therefore.

Nje-nkp, adv. and now ; there-


Nkan (contracted from OhunQkan), n. a thing ; a cer-

tain thing ; something (used

indefinitely) ; goods.

Nkan-ki-nkan, pron. anything

whatsoever ; whatever.

Nk$ (on-kp), adv. not {lit.—it is

not that).

Nkulp, pres. part, dying.


Mo nkulp, " I am dying."

Nla, adj. great ; large ; illus-

trious ; capital ; huge ;

largely ; august.

Nla-nla, adj. very great; very


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NN 187 0D$

Nn (un-un), adv. not (frequently

used in exclamations)


No ! no !

Nil, v. to brighten ; clean



Nu, Nu-nu, v. to wipe off



Nu (sp-nu), v. to be lost ; goastray ; omit.

Nu., adv. off ; away.

e.g., Gbee ju nu, " Cast it away."

e.g., Ko o da nu, " Gatherthem and throw themaway."

Nu-kuro, v. to wipe off ; cancel


dust off ; expunge.

Nso, Nsokalp, v. (imp. mood) ;

proceed ; go on.

e.g., Nso," Go on."

e.g., Nsokalp," Let us go."

Nwpn, pron. they.

Nyi, v. rotating ; turning round.—e.g., Aiye nyi, "The earth

is revolving ;" " The times

are changing."

Nyin, v. to praise.

Nyin, pron. (contr. of IjJnyin),

ye; you.


0, pron. an abbrov. of Iwp, you ;

thou. In the objective case

it may be Q.

0, On, pron. he ; she ; it.

0, pron. him ; her ; it. (Forthe sake of euphony 6 maybe changed to a, e, e, i, 9, u.

—e.c/.,Mofee, " I want it."—e.g., Mo ri i, " I see it.")

0, yio, aux. verb denoting the

future, shall, will.

0, aux. v. may (when precededby ki).

e.g., Ki emi ki o le

lo, " That I may be able to


e.g., Wi fun u ki o le

duro, " Tell him that hemay stay," or simply, *' to


0, adv. (of assent), yes ; I hear ;

very well.

Obi, n. the female of cattle.

Obi, n. the kola nut.

Obl-Aya, Obl-Qdun, n. the

monkey kola nut.

Obf, n. parent.

Obirin, n. woman ; wife ; female.

Obirin-oldgun, n. amazon.

Obirikiti, n. compass ; circlo ;

cyole ; sphere.

Obi-t$, v. to travail in child-


6bd, n. vagina. (" Abe " shouldalways be used in transla-


6b6, n. a hint ; .private infor-


6b6, n. a kind of drum.

0b5, n. an instrument used for

separating cotton from theseed.

01obotuj$ (bo-tu-je), n. the

fig-nut plant ; croton.

Obu, adj. having no principle of

life ; unsavoury ; insipid ;

flat. n. a stale egg ; akind of saltish rock.


Obu ko to iy$, " Obu is notto be compared to real salt."

Obukp, n. he-goat.

Ode, n. out-of-doors ; street



dd$, n. a kind of small bat.

e.g., Bi a ko ri adan, a fi

dd$ sebp, " If you cannotobtain a large bat for

sacrifice, a small one will

do instead " (i.e., one musttake the will for the deed).

0d$, Odide, n. the parrot. SeeOfe.

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ODl 188 OGB

Odi, n. malice ; implaoablcncss ;

grudgo ; spite.

e.g., Bi

inu ko l'odi, odi a ni inu,

" If a man {lit.—the mind)is not malicious, some one

will be malicious against


0d6, n.'stubbornness; obstinacy;

strong ill-will.

Odi, n. a walled fortification

round the town ; fort


rampart ; fastness ; citadel


ward ; a dumb person.

Odi, n. contrariness ; perversity.

Odidi, n. bunch ; cluster ; the

whole of anything ; lump.

Odidi-iwe, n. volume of a book.

Odinu, n. a passionate person.

Odd, n. brook ; river ; stream-


e.g., Odd gbe, ma gbeoruko, " The stream maydry up, but the water-

course retains its name."

Odd Aieselaja, n. ford ; shallow

brook or river.

Odd, n. pig. See $l$d$.

0d6, n. a mortar.

Odddd, adj. scarlet.

Ododo, n. truth ; fact ; justice ;

equality ; right ; righteous-


Odddi, Odorodi, adv. never ; not

in the least.

Odu, n. boiler ; cauldron, adj.

very big.

Odd, n. companion of Ifa, the

god of palm nuts.

Odu, n. name of an herb.


Odu ki ise aim$ oloko,'* Odu is not unknown to a


Odudua, Odua, n. a goddess

from Ife, said to be the

supreme goddess. Heavenand earth are also called

Odudua.Of6, n. parrot ; clever person.

Ofere, OfS, n. twilight ; dawn.Of§f§, adj. light blue colour.

Off, n. a loom.

Ofiji, n. one who forgives.

Ofin, n. law ; prohibition


commandment ; discipline ;


Ofln-AdasQ, Ofln-Ayaba, n. by-law.

Ofln-mewa, n. the ten commandments ; decalogue.

Ofinran, n. aggressor ; assaulter

one who seeks a quarrel.

Ofd, n. loss ; calamity ; woedamage; misfortune; devastation ; wastefulness.

Ofo, n. emptiness ; privation


Ofdfd, n. busy-body, tale


Ofdrd, n. squirrel.

Ofurufu, n. emptiness ; vacancyvoid ; the firmament ; air

—e.g., Ofurufu ko se ifehin

ti, " One cannot lean uponemptiness."

Ogbe, n. a nap ; a short sleep.

Ogbe, n. the comb of feathered


Ogbe-Akukp, n. cock's comb.

Ogb$, Ongbe, n. thirst.

Ogbil$, n. an interpreter.

Ogbigbi, n. a species of owl.

Ogbd, n. old age ; a swordwith two edges.

Ogbd, n. a small animal of the

cat tribe remarkable for its

sharp teeth.

Ogbd, n. a wooden club.

Ogbdgbd, n. name of a tree.

Olugbongbo, Olugbondoro, Gbon-gbo, n. club ; mallet.

Ogboju, n. (Gbo-oju, old face),

a bold or daring person ; amighty man.

Ogbologbo, adj. very old; of

long standing.

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Ogbonise, n. an old experienced

worker ; a veteran.

Ogboni, Qgbeni, n. sir ; old man ;


Ogbonise, n. an old person in

distressed circumstances.

Ogboiya, adj. brave.

Ogboya, n. a beast about the

size of a cat.

Ogbugbu, n. wild duck ; kind of

grass ; dyed cotton.

Oge, n. coxcomb ; fop.

Ogede, adv. only.

Ogedemgbe, Ogedegbe, adv. head-

long ;precipitately.

Ogi, n. starch of Indian corn.

Ogldigbo, n. a kind of drum.

Ogldi, n. strong undiluted palmwine.

Ogldd, adj. perpendicular ; sus-


Ogiri, n. a wall.

Ogiri, n. gallop ; simultaneous


e.g., Esin dogiri,

" The horse galloped."

Ogiri, n. a flavouring made from

melon seeds.

OgO, n. glory ;praise ; applause.

OgO-asan, n. vainglory.

Ogd, n. one placed at the

debtor's house to compelpayment of a debt ; bailiff ;


OgOdo, n. calf ; colt ; the youngof beasts in general.

Ogddd, n. name of a disease ;


Ologodd, n. one having yaws.

Ogodogba, n. a large animal.

Ogoji (Ogun-eji), adj. forty.

dgdngd, n. ostrich.

Ogadugb^ (see Asunkun), n.


Ogufe, n. a wether.

dgunm^, n. an edible herb.

Ogun, n. that which is obtained

by inheritance ; heritage ;

bequest, adj. twenty.

6gun, n. the god of iron and the

god of war.

Ogun, n. medicine ;poison


spell ; charm.

Ogun, n. sweat ;perspiration.

Ogun, n. army ; war ; battle ;

fight ; fray.

Ogun-ljHegin, n. cavalry.

Ogunna, Oguna, n. live coals;

live embers.

Ogungun, n. name of a tree.

Ogunmeje, adj. sevenscore.

Ogunmeta, adj. threescore.

OgOTOdd, n. the name of a bird.

Ogurodo, n. a standing posture.

OgUT$, feW, n. wine madefrom the sap of the bamboo.

Ogus$, n. a long tobacco pipe.

Oho-6, inter, a word of exclama-


Ohdn, n. voice ; sound ; note ;

cry ; language ; tone ;


Ohun-adidun, n. sweetmeats



Ohun-aim$, n. an unclean thing.

Ohun-aim^, n. strange thing


unknown circumstanoe.

Ohun-ara, n. a new fashioned

article ; a newly invented


Ohun-asan, n. a gewgaw; a

bauble ; a vain thing.

Ohun-atu-gbin, Ohun-atulp, n.

transplanted plants.

Ohun-elo, n. apparatus ; neces-

saries ; vessels ; household

furniture ; utensils.

Ohun-ebo, n. sacrifice ; victim.

Ohun-erf, n. credential.

Ohun-erp, n. machinery


machine ; engine.

Ohun-fifin, n. carved work ; anengraving.

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Ohun-ild, n. utensils ; articles

for use.

Ohun-iranti, n. memorial.

Ohun-jatajatn, Ohun-jatijati, n.

trumpery ; trifling.

Ohun-jije, n. eatables ; food.

Ohun-kan, n. a thing ; anything.

Ohun-kikini, n. a small thing.

Ohun-ogun (also Nkan-ogun,Ihampra-Ogon), n. armour


weapon of war.

Ohun-ompbirin, n. the menses.

Ohun-omQ-kpnrin, n. the seed

of copulation ; semen.

Ohun-pna, n. tools (lit.—workingimplements).

Ohun-pre, n. alms ; offertory ;


Ohun-prun, n. heavenly thing


spiritual or divine thing.

0hun-$9$, n. dress ; decoration.

Ohun-QSln, n. domestic creature


herd ; cattle.

Ohun-$t$, n. peculiar article


a thing set apart; respected


Oibo, Oyibo, Oyinbo, n. one whocomes from the country

beyond the seas ; a white

man.Oje, n. sap of trees ; gum.6j6, n. lead.

dji, adj. forty.

Oji, w. fine imposed for the

guilt of adultery.

6jia, n. gum of trees.

Ojigbese, Ajigbese (je-gbese), n.

a debtor.

6jigbon, n. corner of a house



djljl, adv. suddenly ; withoutprevious notice, n. cas-


djlji, Oji, n. shadow ; shade


umbrage.6jijf, n. an electric fish


electric eel.

Oji$e, n. messenger ; servant.

Ojiya (j$-iya), n. an innocent

sufferer ; an oppressed


Ojijan (ja-iyan), n. a reasoner ;

one who contradicts or


6jd, n. rain.

djo-winniwinni, n. drizzling


Ojo, w. cowardice ; fear ; acoward.

Oj6b6, n. slip-knot ; noose.

Ojdgan, n. a nickname for the

scorpion, properly called

Akeke from the smart sting

of its tail.

Ojdgun, Ajdgun (je-ogun), n.


6j6j6, n. ague ; fit.

Ojojo-gbigbona, ». a burning


Ojdjule (oju-oju-ile), adv. fromhouse to house.

Ojdjomp (-mQ), adv. daily


every day.

6j6r6, n. one who cheats at

play ; cheating at games.

ftjdwu (je-dwu), n. a jealous


Ojdye, Ijdye, (-oyfc) n. ruler ; a

man of title.

OjQ, n. adv. daily ; lasting for

the day ; ephemeral.

Oju, n. eye ; aperture ; appear-

ance ; face ; look ; front ;

edge of a knife or sword.

Ojii, Ojuju, n. sore ; scar



Oju-agbara, n. gutter; wideroad leading from the


Ojubo, n. loophole ; mortice.

Oju-aiye, n. face of the earth ;

the ground.

Oju-tffin, n. the chimney, pipe.

Oju-ferese, n. a window.

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OJU 191 OKf

Oju-ftfaro, n. sad countenance.

Oju-gba, n. an equal ; com-panion.

Ojugun (oju-igun), n. forepart

of the leg, shin.

Ojukanna,Lojukanna (oju-pkan-

na), adv. instantly ; im-


Ojukoju, Ojokanra, n. an inter-

view ; lojukoju, face to


Oju-ko-bire (-ba-ire), n. a bird

called the cricket catcher.

Ojukdkdrd, n. covetousness


worldliness ; avarice.


Ojukdkdrd, baba $kanjua," Covetousness, father of

unsatisfied desire."

Ojuku, n. the touch-hole of agun.

Ojulafeni (-fe-eni), n. time-


Ojule, n. a compound ; a house ;

a room ; a dwelling place.

Ojulnm$ (-ni-im$), w. acquaint-


Ojum$, n. dawn ; daylight.

e.g., Ojum<J ni<J, o ny$," When the day dawns yourojoice."

Oju-nla, n. covetousness (lit.—big-eye.—i.e., an eyo whichis never satisfied).

Oju-drl, n. grave.

Oju-OWO, w. principal on whichinterest is paid.

Oju-pjp, Oju-sanma, n. the

weather ; air.

Oju-^run, n. sky ; firmament



Ojupo (-ipo), n. a place in the

palace, where the king sits

to get fresh air.

Oju-pon, v. to suffer trouble


to get into difficulties.

Ojuran (-iran), n. dream ; vision



Ojuran, n. the seam of clothes.

Ojurere, n. favour ; grace.

Ojusaju (oju-isa-oju), n. respect


honour ; regard.

Oju-gika, n. keyhole.

Oju-sun, Orisun (-isun), n.

aperture from which watersprings ; spring ; fountain.

Oju-wa (-iwa), n. one who shares

or divides.

0juy6ju, n. the very face ; the

face itself.

Oka, Oruka, n. ring.

Oka-eti, n. earring.

Okan, Owo-kan, n. one cowry


one piece of money.Okan-aiya, n. chest ; breast.

Oka, n. a counter ; accountant.

6ke, w. top ; hill ; mount


mountain, adv. up-hill.

Oke-gb$rQ, n. high tableland.

ftkele, n. morsel ; sop.


Okele gbdngbd f? om<,> li

oju, " A large morsel (is

sure to) choke a child."

Okele, n. a small package of

salt ; also called I£r$k£.

0kalfaj5, Kekelenje, n. a small

kind of lizard.

Okere, n. a distance.

£)kerekere, n. part of a loom ;

cartilage ; gristle.

£)kete, ri. bale of goods ; wallet



e.g., Okete, babaogun, bi a si ogun oluku-

luku ni idl dkete I9W9, " Astore of food is the best

equipment for war ; whenwar is proclaimed every

man takes up his wallet."

6kete, n. a kind of large rat.

Oki, Okiki, n. flattery ; com-plimentary ; title.

Okf, v. the act of missing fire

(as a gun), adj. invulnor-


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dkikf, n. fame ; celebrity


rumour ; report.

e.g., Okiki

Oyinbo kan ka gbogboaiye, " The fame of Oyinbospreads throughout the


Okikiri, n. hardness ; difficulty ;


e.g., O kan okikiri,

" It comes to the knot (or

difficult point)."

Okipa-Aja, n. mastiff; an old


Okiribiti, n. circle ; encom-passed space.

Okiti, n. heap ; hill ; mound ;

hillock; a kind of gymnastic

exercise ; someisault ; head-

long fall.

6kitl-$gan, n. an ant hiJl.

dklti-ar6, n. the refuse fromdye.

£)kiti-Ebe, n. yam or corn beds ;

hillock for plantation.

Okiti-firu, n. a heap* of potash


dkltipd, n. the name of a tree.

Okiyan, n. an animal whichlives under rocks.

Oko-riro, n. agriculture ; tillage

Oko, n. farm ; plantation


province ; dependent ; dis-

tricts ; towns.

0k6, n. the penis ; the foreskin;

lock of a gun.

0k5, 0kdw6, n. twenty cowries.

Okd, n. a stone used to throw or

cast ; name of a disease ;

giving birth to three youngones at a time.

Oko-Al$, n. afternoon's work.

0k6-ibon, n. lock of a gun, or


Oko-eru, n. bondage ; slavery ;


dko-bo, n. eunuch.

6k6b6, n. lie ; falsehood ; liar.

OkQ, Orukp, n. name.

0kdt6, n. snail ; a small land


Okdto-okun, n. sea shell.

C)ku, n. corpse ; carcase ; adj.

useless ; insipid ; savour-


Oku-drun, n. deadly savour ; a

troublesome fellow.

Okudun, Okundun, n. appetite ;

the love of sweet things.

Okuku, n. the woof.

Okllka, n. the name of a tree

with valuable healing


Okun, n. strength ; ability


power ; stamina.

Okun, n. cord ; rope ; string.

Gkun-Alantakun, Owu-Alanta-kun, n. the cobweb


spider's web.

Okun-Apa, n. rope of fibre



Okun-duiu, n. fiddlestring.

Okun-ijanu, n. the bridle-string


the bridle.

Okun-erewe, n. running plant

whose fibres are used for

making cord.

Okun-kubusu, n. worsted.

Okun-pgbp, n. flax ; hemp



Okun-ole, n. name of a running


OkuH-$r$, n. tho drift of words ;


Ok&n-tinrin, Okun-^rv, n. twine.

Okun, Okunkun, n. darkness



Okun, n. sea ; salt water.

dkfina (oku-ona), n. old path


forsaken road.

Okunfa (okun-ifa), n. anattraction ; that whichencourages.

Okun-janu (-ija-enu), n. the


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OKtr 193 ol6

Okunrun, Qknnrun, n. illness



Okura (oku-ira), n. anytliing

rotten ; booby ; a duUperson ; a dunce.

Oktl-rdrd, n. an austere, hard,

ill-tempered person.

Oku$a (Qti-oka), n. liquor

brewed from Guinea corn.

Oku-l$, A$ale (okusale, ku-sa

ile), n. exhausted and un-

productive land.

Okustl, n. refuse from dyeingvats ; name of an animal.

Okuta, n. stone (in general),

Okuta-Abere, Okuta-imabese, n.


Okutft-akQ, n. quartz ; granite ;

any hard stone.

Okuta-Eleru, 0kuta-51$wuiu, n.


Okuta-ibon, n. flint {lit.—gun-


Okuta-iponrin, n. grindstone



Okuta-pelebe, n. slab ; flat


Okuta-wewe, Okuta-w^re, n.

gravel ; loose stones.

6ku-ye (ku-iye), n. person of

dull memory ; dunce.

Ola, n. the moth which eats


Ola, n. that which saves


salvation ; the cause of


Old, n. thief ; robber ; spoiler ;

robbery ; theft.

018-AfQWQra, n. petty theft,


Ole, £)rule, n. roof of a house.

Olo, n. a mouse.

Olobl, n. kola nut seller.

Olobirin, n. a married person.

Olobirin-meji, n. a bigamist.

6l6b6 (eni-obo), n. one whocautions another ; an in-


e.g., Olobo so

mi, " A hint has been given

(lit.-—thrown) to me."Olodi, n. a fortified place ; a

walled town.

015de, n. the owner of a parrot.

Olodo-Omi, n. a man owningbrooks oi water.

Olododo, n. a true, just, or

righteous person.

Olodumaro, n. the Almighty


the self-existent Being



Olofere, n. name of a bird.

016f6, n. a sufferer of losses


a loser.

016fdf6 (-6!6f6), n. traitor;

busy-body ; tale-bearer.

Ologbd, n. a title of one of the

king's private councillors,

who also acts the part of

chronicler or narrator of

ancient traditions.

016gb6, Ologinni, n. a cat.

Ologirf, n. a species of palmbird (called the 'Ehu).

016gd (eni-Og6), n. dun ; bailiff.

Olbg6}l9 adj. forty cowries' worth.

OlogO, n. an honourable man ;

one had in honour.

01ogOS$, n. sparrow.

Oldgun, Onisegon (ni-dgun), n.

doctor ; physician.

Oldgun, Oloriogun, n. a war-


Ologunsese, n. name of a tree

dedicated to the god of


016gur$, Qlife$r$ (ni-ogur$), n.

dealer in bamboo wine.

OloguTU, n. a kind of small bird

generally found in flocks.

Oldgbe, adj. late (of a dead man).—e.g., Lagbaja oldgbe," The late so-and-so."

016hun (-ohun), n. a man of


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0L6 194 6l£t

016hun, ft. owner : possessor ;


016je, ft. the name given to gin.

Olojd, al§j6 (eni-ajo), n.




6 (eni-oju), ft. oneself ; the

owner of a thing.

Oldjukan (ni-oju-kan), n. one-

eyed person.

Oloju-kdkdrd, ft. miser; a

covetous person.

Olojusaju, ft. a person of respect


a men-pleasor.

Oldkiki, ft. a famous one ; a

notable person.

016klti-aro, see Okltl-aro.

016ko, ft. the owner of the fami


a farmer.

016ko*$9in, Oply$, ft. the manwho cuts grass for horses ;

the groom.

Olokun (ni-okun),n. rope-maker;

one having rope.

Olokun, adj. fibrous ; ropy.

016kunrun (-okunrun), n. a

I>atient ; one suffering fromillness.

Olola (-ila), ft. one who makestattooing his trade.

Olomi, ft. that which has water ;


Olomije, ft. one who sheds tears ;

one who weeps.

OlongO, >t. name of a bird.

016ngbQ-$j$, ft. blood-thirsty


Olonje, ft. cook.

016piri, n. a small bird.

Oldre, w. benefactor.

016ri ($ni-ori), n. officer ; head-

man ; chief ; foreman



016ri-69Q, n. captain of a guard.

Olori-egbe, Olorikp, n. head of acompany.

Olori-ile-iwe, Olori-ile-kewu, n.


Olori-lile, ft. a strong-headed

person ; a blockhead.


Olori-ogun, ft. war-officer.

Olori-okp, ft. captain of a ship.

Olori, ft. wife of a great person.

Olorin, n. singer ; warbler


minstrel ; musician.

Olorisun (ni-orisun), ft. ownerof a fountain or spring.

016ri$a (ni-ori?a), n. idolater;

worshipper of idols.

01or6 (-0r6), n. a venomousanimal.

016roro, w. that which produces

oil ; a dealer in oil.

Olonikp (-onikp), n. a famous

person (lit.—^he who has


Oldnin, n. a sleeper.

Olo^unw^n, n. that which has

measurement ; havingweight.

Oldtp (ni-otitp), w. true ; just


faithful person.

016wo (ni-owo), ft. a rich person.

016wu, ft. a spinner of cotton ;

a dealer in cotton.

Oldya, ft. comb maker ; doaler

in combs.

016ye (eni-oye), n. a person of

honour or title.

Oloye, Amoye (mp-oye), n. a

wise, prudent person ; a

man of forethought.

Oloye, Igbim^-ilu, n. senator;

a public counsellor.

Oloyo, ft. the yellow monkey(also called Tolo, Awere,

Gb£g9 and Alegba).

0l& ft. powder ; that on which

anything is pounded or

ground ; one who grinds ;

a moth ; digestive organs.

—e.g., stomach.

Olu, ft. a borer ; gimlet ; awl.

dill, ft. a carpenter's or smith's

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OLtr 195 OLti

hammer ; mallet ; any-

thing used for hammering.

6lu-ag0g0, n. clapper of a bell.

Olu-igi, n. a maul ; mallet.

016, n. the chief of anything ;

the queen of the white ants ;

mushroom.Olu-baj^, n. spoiler ; defacer ;


Olubapin, Alabapin, n. one whoshares with another ; areceiver.

Olubojuto, Alabojuto, n. inspec-

tor ; superintendent.

01ub$, n. one who maintains,

supports or feeds ; oneemployed to beat a mudfloor solid. Also Bolebole.

01ubpri?a, Abpri?a, n. an idolater;


Olubukun, Olubusi, n. one whoblesses ; one blessed.

Oludande (eni-ida-ni-ide), n.

redeemer ; one who ran-


Oludanwd, n. tempter, seducer.

Oludena, Adena, n. a porter ; agatekeeper.

Olude, n. an allurer, a tempter.

Olufakuru, Olufasehin, n. onewho abbreviates, abridges

or contracts.

01llf$ (-if$), n. one beloved ; onewho loves ; lover.

Olunsin, Olusun (-fl-sun), n.

accuser ; one who raises acomplaint ; plaintiff.

01uf$, n. one who destroys or

breaks up.

Olufokansin, n. a devout wor-shipper ; a hermit.

Olufpnahan, Ampna, n. a guide ;


Olufunni (-hin-eni), n. giver


bestower ; benefactor.

Olugba, w. a receiver ; recipient.

Olugbala (eni-ti-o-gba-la), n.

Saviour ; one who saves ;


Olugbagb^, n. a believer ; onewho believes ; a Christian.

Olugbani, n. he who delivers ;


Olugbe, n. one who dwells or

abides ; an inhabitant.

Olugbongbo, 6lugb6nd6r6, Gb6n-gb6, 6lu, n. a round piece

of wood used to smoothclothes after washing, bybeating them with it upona large wooden block.

01ugb$ (eni-igb<», n. a hearer


a listener ; a believer.

Oluka, Onka, Olukaye, n. onewho reckons or numbers.

Olukekuru, Oltotfttl, n. see


0Hlk6pfc 01uk6jppp, n. a

collector ; one who accumu-lates.

01uk6, 01uk61p, n. one engaged

in carrying away ; a con-

ductor of a party.

01uk$, Oluk^ni (eni-kp-eni), n.

a teacher ; an instructor ;

a trainer.

Olukuluku, adj. every ; each.

adv. individually.

Olutump, n. a translator.

Olum^ran, n. a man of under-

standing ; a prudent man ;

a man of good counsel.

Olupani, Alunipa, Panipani (ipa-

$ni), n. murderer ; one whocommits manslaughter.

Olupamp (-pa-mp), n. preserver.

Oluparun, n. a destroyer.

Olupe, Apelehin, n. one who lags

behind or tarries.

01upil$?$, n. beginner ; author ;


Olupin, Ojuwa (ipin-iwa), n.

a sharer ; a divider.

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Olupinnu, n. one who appoints

or decides.

Oluppnju (eni-ippn-oju), n. a

poor person ; pauper.

01up$nni, P$nnip$nni, n.

flatterer ; one who payscompliments.

Oluranlpwp, n. a helper ; anassistant.

Olurapada, n. redeemer ; onewho ransoms.

OlurekQJa, n. trespasser ; trans-


01ur$run (-re-irun), n. a shearer;

a barber.

Olurpra (-rp-ara), n. one whoeases ; one who gives bodily


Olusln, n. worshipper ; servant


votary ; one who is served ;

a master.

Olusin-pba, n. royalist.

Oluspdpmp, n. one who adopts.

Olnse (eni-i$e), n. doer ; actor ;

accomplisher ; agitator.

Olutan, IJletan, n. a deceiver


a tempter.

Olutp, Olutpju, n. instructor;

master; mistress; governor;

a guardian ; one who has

the charge or care of things.

Oiutunu (-tu-inu), n. he whocalms the mind ; a com-forter.

01u$4, n. a watchman ; anobserver ; an adversary.

Olusp-agutan, n. shepherd.

Olatuju, Atoniloju, n. pacifier.

Oluwa, n. lord ; master ; mis-

tress ; headman ; husband.

01uwa-r$, pron. he ; n. the man.Oluwo, n. a title of one of the

rulers in the country.

Omi, n. water ; humour ; juice ;

sap ; liquid.

Omi-ara, n. moisture of the

body ; perspiration.

Omi-buburu, n. dirty water.

Omi-didi, n. {lit.—congealocl

water), hoar frost ; snow ;

ice ; hailstone; being knownin Africa, is called yinyin.

Omi-eje, n. serum.

Omi-eran, Omi-toro, n. broth


soup ; gravy.

Omi-ikudu, n. stagnant water ;

tho water in a pond.

Omi-iy$, n. salt water ; sea


Omi-kikan, Omikan, n. foul


Omi-wara, n. whey.

Omidan, n. a young woman ; a

young fowl.

Omije, Omioju, n. tear.

Omiran, n. a giant ; a person

very stout and tall.

Omlran, omi, adj. another


other ; else.

dmirfn, n. the act of swallowing

with ease.

Omnira (oni-ni-ara), n. a free-

man ; one delivered from

bondage ; a citizen ; fran-


dmu, Imumu, n. a kind of sweet


Omore, n. kinsman ; neighbour ;


On, pron. he, she, it. See O.

On, conj. and.

e.g., tje on ore

ni imu omo ise ise, " Competition and reward induce

a child to work."

Onibaje, n. a spoilt child.

Onib^ti, n. a dealer in malt ; a


Onde (eni-ide), n. prisoner ; one

in bond.

Onde, n. charm sewn in leather

and worn about the person ;


Onidundo, n. a seller of fried


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Onigbagb$, n. a believer ; aChristian.

Onigbio (oni-igba-owo), n. twohundred cowries' worth.

6ngbe, n. thirst ; drought.

Ongbe-$j$, adj. bloodthirsty.

Ong$, n. stupid person ; dunce ;

blockhead ; wiseacre.

6ni, adv. to-day.

Onibata, n. shoemaker.

Onibata-lese, w. one who wearsshoes.

Onib^ru, . n. that which ha3

fear, terror, or dread, adj.

terrible ; fearful.

Onibode, n. collector of customs ;

a porter ; toll-gatherer.

Onibu-ore, n. Giver of all


Divine liberality.

Onidajo, n. judgo ; one whosettles disputes ; arbiter.

Onidalare (-ni-are), n. one whojustifies.

Onidampran, n. counsellor



Onidande, Oludande (-ni ide), n.

redeemer ; deliverer frombondage.

Onidanwo, v. tompter.

Onide, n. a dealer in brass ; a


Onidi-kan, n. the child of onefree and one enslaved


Onidodo, n. a person having a

large navel.

Onidulum$, n. a traducer


slanderer ; caluminator.

Onifa, n. a worshipper of Ifa.

Onifarar$, n. supporter ; one onwhom another leans or


Onifarawe, Alafarawe, n. onewho imitates another



Onigbajam$, n. a barber.

Onigbagbe, n. a person of

bad memory ; a forgetful


OnigbanSQ, n. a repairer of

broken calabashes.

Onigbese, n. a creditor ; adebtor.

Onigbddogi, n. one afflicted with


Onigb$W<), n. surety ; sponsor ;

bail ; guarantee.

Onigboya, Ogboya, n. a cour-

ageous man.Onig$g$, n. a person suffering

from goitre ; one having

a wen.

Oni-ha-gba, n. one who carves


Onihale, Hal^hal^, n. a V>oastful

person ; a vaunter.

Onija, n. a fighter ; combatant


antagonist ; opponent.

Onijakadi," n. a wrestler ; agymnast.

Onijewp, n. professor ; con-

fessor ; conformist.

Onijo, Arinjo, Alarinjo, n. a


Onikanra, n. a peevish person ;

one who is fretful.

Onikiri, n. a wanderer ; a rover ;

a hawker.

Onikaun, w. a dealer in potash.

Onikdkd, Am^kdkd, n. one whomake? pots ; a potter.

Onikun-nla, n. a stout person.

Onigi, n. a dealer in firewood.

Onikupani, n. a betrayer ; a

traitor ; an adversary.

Onila, n. a circumcised person;

one tattooed ; striped.

Onilaja, Onlaja, n. peacemaker ;

mediator ; pacifier ; inter-


Onilara, n. an envious person ;


Onilera (-le-ara), n. a strong

healthy person.

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Onile, n. owner of a house.

Oniletubu, Onitubu, n. a jailer.

Onil$, Onilu, n. the owner of theland ; chief governor orinhabitant of a country.

Oninu-didun, n. person of ami-able disposition ; a good-natured man.

Onilpra, n. a slow, sluggish


Onilu, n. a drummer.Onilu, n. aborigines ; sons of

the soil.

Onilu-Ori-Oke, n. a highlander.

Oninunibini, n. persecutor.

Oninorere, n. a kind, benevo-lent, gracious person.

Oni-oloni, adv. this very day.

Onipa, n. one having a share in


Onipaiya, n. faint-hearted one


one panic stricken.

Onipamora, n. a patient man


a humble person.

Onipasiparo, n. one who ex-

changes or barters.

Onimajemu, n. one who makesa covenant.

dnimoni, adv. all the day ; thewhole of the day.

Onim$-meji, n. a double-dealer.

Oninu, adj. having capacity.

Oninububuru, n. an evil-mindedperson.

Oninn-kan, adv. of one mind ;

of one accord.

Onipin, n. the Supreme Being


a sharer ; a partaker.

Onfpvnju, Olupyiiju, n. a personin distressed circmnstances.

Oniran, Owdran, n. an on-looker.Onirara, n. bard ; poet.

Onirera (-re-ara), n. a proud,showy person.

Onirele (r$-il$), n. humbleperson.

Onireje, n. a cheater ; deceiver ;

impudent person. SeeAr^nije.

Oniriu, n. a dealer in iron ;


Onirokurd, n. an evil thinker.

Onirun, n. a hairy person, adj.


Onirugbin, Afpnrugbin, n. asower.

Oniru, n. dealer in locust beans.

Oniroru, adv. various ; notalike ; several ; of variouskinds.

Onisaju, n. a modest, bashfulperson ; one who regardsor pays respect. .

Onisuru, n. a patient one ; onewho forbears.

Oni$egnn-e9in, n. a farrier.

Oni$£, Onse, n. messenger ; post-

man ; herald ; ambassador



Oni$$k$t$, n. manufacturer of

beer from Indian corn.

Oni$egun, n. doctor, physician.

Onisiti, n. powerful speaker


an eloquent person.

Oniso, n. one who deals in living


Oni$$na, n. one who does fancywork.

OnigQna-awQ, n. a tanner.

Oni?owo (-§e-ow6), n. trader;dealer.

Onitiju, n. bashful person.

Onitubu, n. jailer.

Oniwa-bi-Qlprun, n. godlyperson.

Oniwa-iwa, n. persons in variouscircumstances.

Oniw$ra, n. a greedy person ; acovetous man.

Oniyan, n. one who sells poundedyam.

Oniyan, n. denier ; one whodisputes or contradicts.

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Oniyanje, n. one who cheats.

Oniye, n. person of good memory.

Oniy$, n. a dealer in salt.

Oniypnu, n. troublesome person.

Oniy^nu, n. compassionate man.

Onje (ohun-jije), n. provision


food ; meal ; victuals ;


Onje-ale, n. supper.

Onje-QSan, n. dinner ; chief mealof the day.

Onje-owurp, n. breakfast.

Onka, n. one who counts ; anaccountant.

Onnu, n. fearful expectation


fear as regards the result

of a thing.

e.g., Onnu nkomi, " I am afraid."

Onroro, n. an austere, hard,

morose person ; a churl.

Ope, n. puzzle ; a simple

ignorant person.

Opepe, n. the cedar tree.

Opere, n. bird noted for sleepi-


Opin, n. termination ; end


point ; acme ; boundary ;

issue ; fate.

Opinle, n. termination of the

earth, land, or territory


boundary ; border ; ex-


Opin-oran, n. termination of amatter; issue; catastrophe.

Opitan, n. historian ; story-


Opo, n. the place where the king

makes his appearance in

the palace ; bank of earth

for sleeping on.

6p6, n. post ; pillar ; stake.

Op6, n. widow.

dpo-pkp, n. mast of a ship.

6p6p6, n. kind of banyan.

Op6p6, n. wide road leading

immediately into a town.

dpdrd, adj. common.Ori, n. buyer ; purchaser.

Ore, n. kindness ; favour



Ore-pfe, n. free favour ; un-deserved gift ; grace.

6re-?ise, n. beneficence ; un-merited kindness.

0r6, drere, v. act of watchingfrom a tower or loft.

0r$, n. porcupine.

Orf, n. shea butter.

dri-Am$, n. butter-milk; butter.

Ori, n. wild pigeon.

Ori, n. kind of black plum.

Ori, 6yi, n. giddiness.


Oyl nko mi loju, '* I amgiddy (lit.—my eyes are

filled with giddiness)."

Ori, u. head ; faculty ; talent


undertaking ; highest point

of anything ; termination ;

a cluster ; a bunch.

Ori, followed by si, yd, v. to feel

lively ; to be pleased.

Ori, followed by wu, v. to feel adesire for fellowship andfriendship such as oneobserves others to boenjoying.

Orf-§kun, n. the cap of the knee.

Orl-eya, n. division ; tribe.

Orika, n. the tip of the finger.

Orike, n. the joint.

Ori-ika, n. knuckle.

Ori-prp, n. topic ; head.

Ori-pya, n. largo hedgehog.

Ori-rere, n. luck ; good luck.

Oril$, Ql$, n. family name.Orile-ede, n. people of a different

language ; nation.

Ori, Orori, n. sepulchre.

Orin, n. chewing stick.

Orin, n. singing ; song ; psalm ;

hymn.Orin-mimp, n. holy song;

psalm ; hymn.

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ORI 200 0§6

Oriso, n. place where creaturesare tied up for the night ;

stable ; stall.

Orison, n. spring ; fountain ;

source ; origin.

Orisa, w. deity; object of

worship ; gods ; idols.

Orisfila, n. the goddess Qbatala.

Ori§e*Alufa, n. work of a priest,


Oro, n. stalk of Guinea corn,

used for stirring beer ; sub-stance ; essence ; honey.

Oro, n. name of a tree.

Ord, n. custom, fashion, habit.

Or6, n. poison ; venom ; viru-

lence, torture, torment,curse.

6*6, n. an erect position



0r6£6, n. kind of wild pigeon.

Or6gb6, n. the bitter kola nut.

Orombo, n. lime fruit ; lemon;


Ordnto, ?iewnwu, n. a largestriped lizard.

Oror$, n. a small bird ; pimpleson the face.

0r6rd, n. bitterness; gall ; bile.

Or6r6, n. oil ; unction.

0r$, 6wor$, n. morning ; fore-


Oro, w. heat ; steam ; vapour;

fermentation; fumes; chafe.

Oru, n. pitcher,, n. night ; darkness.

Oru-ana, n. yesternight ; over-night.

Oru, Onin, n. name of a tree

possessing healing proper-ties.

Oruganj$, n. midnight.

Oruka, n. ring.

Oruka-eti, n. earring.

Oruko, n. name ; discrimination ;

appellation ; character.

Oruko-Alaj£, n. self-styled name.Oruko-Apele, n. surname.

Oruko-$f$, n. nickname.

Oruko-IyorukQ, n. proper name(not surname).

Orunkun, n. knee.

6rule, n. the roof of a house.

Orun, n. sun, day-star.


Orun la, " The sun rises."

e.g., Orun ran, " The sunshines."

e.g., Orim mii," The sun is hot."


Orim w$, " The sun sets."

Orun, n. sleep ; rest.


Orun nkun mi, " I amdrowsy."

Oron-ijika, n. sound sleep.

Orun, n. scent ; smell ; odour.

Oron-didun, n. sweet smell


sweet scent ; perfume



Orupa, n. name of a tree.

OruwQ, n. brimstone tree.

6se, n. paint.

6si, adj. the left. n. a post of

honour; spleen.

Osi-iw$f&, n. a eunuch.

Osfc, n. name of a tree.

Ose, n. club of god of thunder.

0s6, n. hissing ; a soimd madeby smacking the lips,

expressive of grief. SeeAbam$.

0s§86, w. meat of the bestquality.

6si, n. misery ; need; poverty ;

a needy one ; oppression ;

wretchedness ; woe.

0si8$, Otdsi (s$-is$), n. a poor,

miserable person.

Osipi, n. a tree, the leaf of whichis frequently used to wrapsnuff in.

0s6, n. sorcerer ; wizard


enchanter ; necromancer.

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0§6 201

6$6nu, n. a sour, passionate,

and morose man ; a churl


an ill-natured person.

Osd§u, adv. monthly ; month bymonth.

0$u, n. month.

Ogn-yi, n. present month



£)§u, n. tufts of hair left on anotherwise shaven head.

0?umare, n. the rainbow ; iris.

O9&9U, n. cluster ; grove. See


0?u$U, n. a prickly bush.

0?unw$n, n. measure ; weight


metre ; rate.

O^unw^n-iwuwo, n. measure of


O^unw^n-oninu, n. measure of


O^unw^n-plppa, 0?unw$n-onina,n. a measure of length


rule, rod, or tape.

Ota, n. seller.

0t6, n. the summit ; the ridge

of a house.

Oteretere, n. a quietly running

brook ; a rill.

Otito, n. truth ; faithfulness ;

a true deed ; principal



Oto$i, n. a poor, miserable


Otp, Otito, n. truth ; reaUty


fact. adj. true ; faithful



Otudim$, Atudim$ (tu-im$), n.

covenant breaker.

Otutu, Otu, n. cold ; bleak


illness ; disease.

e.g., Otutumu, " It is cold."

Owe, n. parable ; riddle ; aproverb.

Owe, n. young leaf of the plant


Owe-ahnn, n. a kind of running


Owere, n. struggle ; effor*

recover oneself.

Owere-njeje, n. name of atrailing shrub, the berries

of which are red and black.

Owiwi, n. owl ; screech owl.

Owo, n. boil.

e.g., Owo sp mi„" I am attacked by boils."

Owo, n. cash ; money ; cowry ;

finance ; wealth ; riches.

Owo-bode, Owdde, n. moneypaid at the customs ; duty ;


0w6, n. traffic ; trade ; com-merce ; calling ; vocation.

Owo-&b$t$l$, n. hush-money



Owo-aru, Owo-Alaiu, n. carr-

iage money ; porterage.

Owo-dida, n. money subscribed

or contributed.

Owo-ele, n. interest on principal



Owo-idasile, n. ransom.

Owo-ile, Owdle, n. house rent.

Owo-ile-le, Owo-ipile, n. fund


capital ; stock.

Owo-ina, n. current money ;

money to be expended.

Owo-iranlpwp, n. subsidy.

Owo-ifura, n. reserved fund



Owokan-aiya, n. the breast



Owo-lowo, n. cash in hand


cash down.Owo-nla, n. large piece of money.Owo-ode, Owo-ilu, n. public

money ; tax ; impost.

Owo-odnn, n. yearly payment


annual income.

Owo-Qy&, n. rent ; wagos ; hire ;


Owdge, n. money for work



0w6ran, n. on-looker ; spectator.

Owoy6wo, n. real money ; hardcash.

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owu 202 0B1?

Own, n. jealousy.

6wu, n. cotton ; thread ; wick.

dwti-ab&ran, n. combed cotton ;


dwu-ake^e, n. a very fine whitecotton bearing small pods.

dwti-dgodo, n. a cotton bearinglarge pods.

dwu-itanna, £>wu-fitila, n. lampwick.

dwti-riran, n. span cotton


dwti-yanwure, n. a very whitecotton used chiefly by the

Fulahs, with red flowers

and small seeds.

dwtir$, Awtir$, 6r$, Ar$, n.

morning. See Kutukutu.6wuSuWUSU, n. mist ; fog


cloud ; gloominesB.


Owusuwusu mu oju orunbaje, " The fog spoils the

face of the sky."

<5ya, n. that which divides or

separates ; a comb.<Jya-e$in, n. curry-comb.

6y6, n. understanding ; wisdom ;




hension ; inspection ; look-

out ; providence.

e.g., Oyeko ye mi, " I did notunderstand."

Oyfc, n. title of honour.

6yib6, 6yinb6, contracted to

6lb6, n. people beyond thewaters, applied mostly to

white man, but also to

natives who have adoptedEuropean customs. Theyare thus distinguished :

6ylb6 funfun, " A white

man "; 6ylb6-dudu, " A

black man."Oyi, n. giddiness.

Oyin, n. bee ; honey ; treacle.

Oyo, n. species of small owl.

Oyun, n. pregnancy.


0, pron. contraction of " Iwo,"thou ; thee.

0, pron. he ; she ; it ; him;


Q, v. (used instead of O before

the vowels e, o) ; shall


will ; must.

Q, a prefix signifying owner of.

e.g., orun, heavon ; lorun,

to own the heaven ; Qlorun,the owner of the heaven,i.e., God.

Qba, n. king ; monarch ; lord ;

prince ; liege ; master ;


£)bag$, n. a walk when tired or


Qbaiy6j$, n. a busybody ; tale-

bearer ; tatler. See Aba-iyejf

Qbakan, n. relative on the

father's side.

Qbakanbikeji, n. the first cousin

on the father's side.

Qbakdso, n. god of thunder andlightning.

Qbanije, n. despiser ; scorner ;


Qbanla, n. potentate ; emperor ;

monarch ; sovereign.

QbaogO, n. King of Glory ; God.

Qbara, n. cord or rope.

Qbatala, n. the great Yorubagoddess, supposed to be the

framer of the human bodyin the womb.

Qb$, n. sauce ; soup.

Qbfl, n. knife ; penknife ; clasp


Qb$ agboyi, n. penknife.

Qbedd, adj. green.

Qb$ 0l6jumeji, n. a dagger with

two edges.

0b$t$, n. dagger.

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<>BQ 203 QF?

<)bp, n. monkey ; ape.

e.g., IJni

bi obp li obp nya li asp," The monkey is sure to

tear the cloth of one whoresembles himself."

QbQgil&WQ, n. a dunce ; stupid


$b$kfi, n. species of river fish ;


Qbolp, n. stupefaction ; blunt-

ness ; dulness.

<)b$nbon, n. beetle ; humminginsect ; formerly used for

umbrella or parasol, nowcalled Agborun or Igborun.

$b$r$, adj. plain ; unadorned


without mark or engraving.

$d&, n. tar ; paint ; wax.

0da, n. dearth ; drought ; need ;

necessity ; gelding ; old

wine strongly fermented.

$d&ba, n. one who attempts


proposer ; mover.

$dagba, n. one who attemptsimpossibilities.

0daj(l, n - & shameless person.

adj. shameless.

0dak$da, n. lack ; want.

$dal$, n. a perfidious person ;

covenant breaker.

Qdan, n. plain ; grass field.

Qdan, n. vain, empty talker


empty word ; inconsistent


Qd&n, Qdanko, n. kind of banyancommonly planted in the

street to afford shade. See


^)daran, n. offender ; criminal


malefactor ; culprit.

Qdaraya, n. a Uvely person. See


0dari, adv. nay ; never ; in nowise. See Ndao.

Qdasa, n. fashioner.

Qde, n. hunter ; chase ; game ;

woodman ; ravin ; rapine ;

rapaciousness ; a wasp.

0d$, Qd$d$, n. piazza ; veran-

dah. See Awun.Qdelesinrin, n. a disgraceful,

base fellow.

Qdi apasa, n. remnant cloth in

the sley or batten.

0d$, adv. (with prep, si, ni or li),

about ; near ; to ; with.

0d$» n - young of animals or


0d$-agdtan, n. lamb.

Qdpdun, adj. yearly ; annual.

Qdogp, n. a stupid person.

Qd$kp, n. a rude term for a

prostitute ; a lewd woman.0d$-malu, n. a calf.

0d$mpde, n. youth.

Qdpmp(de)birin, n. a lass ; maid ;

young woman ; girl.

Qdpmp(de)kpnrin, n. a lad


youth ; boy ; young man.

Qd&n, n. grass cloth made from

bamboo fibres.

Qdun, n. year ; age ; round of

time in which annual

festival occurs.

Qdun, adj. three hundred ; con-

traction of 0dunrun.

Odundun, n. a certain medicinal


Qdfinrun, adj. see (Jdiin ? con "

traction of Qrundinirin.

Qfa, n. arrow ; shaft ; pawn ;


0fa, adj. one hundred andtwenty.

0f$, n. adj. gratis ; without

payment ; freely ; gratu-

itous ;gratuity ; free

favour ;grace.

Qf$, n. act of lifting up lightly,

as a paper by the wind.

A kind of charm said to

be possessed by burglars,

enabling them to fly.

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Qfln, n. pit prepared to entrap

beast or thief ; pitfall.

e.g., Ajin sinu ofin ki itara

oju ilc, 9P9I9 jin pfin makanju ati jade, " A manwho has fallen into a pit

need not be in a hurry to

get home, a frog which hasfallen into a pit need notbe in a hurry to get out."

0f$, n. mourning for the dead ;

funeral ; burial (lit.—un-

washed, because the mourn-ing clothes are unwasheduntil the time of mourningis over).

$, n. spells ; incantations.

Lpn, n. mouse.

e.g., A kogbodo se orisa loju $fpn bi

o ba di ale a ma tu pepe," One dare not offer a

sacrifice in the presence of

a mouse, for it would besure to infest the altar in

the night." Said of arogue or busybody.

0fun, n. throat ; gorge ; speech ;

power of utterance ; per-


e.g., A se $funbi alakara, " He is as

persuasive as a seller of


0ga, n. brave person ; dis-

tinguished performer ; chief;

headman ; superior officer ;

master ; teacher.

0ga, n. chameleon.

Qga, 0gafa, Qgan, adv. im-

mediately ; at once ; simul-

taneously ; instantly.

0gan, n. a large white-ant hill


a running prickly plant.

0gan, n. the largest species of

wild boar ; tusk ; a large


e.g., 0?&n hnadoko se k6 16ju, " The great

wild boar is not easy to

encounter." Applied in

contempt to a boastful

person.—e.<jr.,0gan nse nkandie, " The great one is

trying to shew off a little."

0ganj$, n. darkness ; midnight.

Qganj$ meje, n. thick darkness ;

middle or depth of night.

0ganm$» n. young palm leaves.

Qganran, adv. straightforward ;

in a right line.

Qgba, n, fence ; garden ; wrapper.

Qgba, n. companion ; equal


one of the same rank


equality ; balance.


Awa ha nse egbe tabi pgbabi V " Are we companionsor equals V


Qgb&gba, n, pin driven into the

ground with a hammer or


Qgbagbigbin, n. hedge. See

Qgba tutu.

?gba idabu pna, n. turnpike.

gbara, n. rain flood.

Qgb$, n. wound ; cut ; hurt.

Qgb?, 6gb?l$, n. dryness ;


Qgb$dan, n. bearer of the staff


Qgb$g$, n. state of being cool

and green, as of herb.

Qgbfgi, n. wood planer ; car-


Qgb^-inu, n. dysentery.

Qgb$k$, n. shipwright ; ship-


Qgbele, n. drought.

Qgbfni, n. sir ; mister (Mr.).

See Ogboni.

?gberi, n. an ignorant person,

gbin, n. plant ; planter


farmer. See Agb$.


* n ' a trailing plant whosefibres are used for makingcord.

Qgbp, n. linen.

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<?GB 205 QJ0

QgbQgba, n. balance ; equality.

0gb$gl>Y» n. young in age butfully developed, adj. over-

grown (of young people).

0gb$l$, n. a kind of runningroot, much used as medicine

at the time of child-birth.

Qgb$n, n. sense ; art ; cunning ;

wisdom ; wit ; ingenuity ;


Qgbon, adj. thirty.

Qgbpn arekereke, n. craftiness



Qgb$nk$gb$n, n, subtilty


craft ; double-dealing ; wile;


Qgb$n-6, n. thirty cowries.

0gbun, n. ditch ; extreme end ;

steep valley.

0g$d$, n. banana.

0g$d£-agbagba, n. plantain.

0g$n$t$, Qgeyi, n. cold ; damp ;

gloomy weather.

0g$r$, n. a complimentary termfor the earth; mother earth.—e.g., He $g$r$ a fi pkpye ori, *' Mother earth is

shaved with the plough."

Qg$r$, adj. easy ; gentle ; soft.

0gQ, n. a short knotty stick or

club used for self defence,

believed to be used by the

Devil, who is therefore

called Ak$nk$ li pgp, " Theman of the knotted club."

0g$, n. a package of salt.

0g$dy'» n - P^ Ml °f water



Qg$fa, adj. one hundred andtwenty.

Qgpjp, adj. one hundred andsixty.

<?g$rin, adj. eighty.

QgQr$, adv. or inter, innumer-ably ; multitudinously.

Qg$run, adj. one hundred ; cen-

tenary. See 0run.

Qg^run pdun, n. a century.

Qg$san, adj. one hundred andeighty.

Qg$ta, adj. sixty.

Qhaha, n. excessive thirst ex-

perienced in travelling.

0hal$, n. a braggart ; boastful


0han, 0hen, n * yes -

0h$, w. stupid, dull, ignorant

person ; dunce ; dupe.

0hun, adv. yonder ; beyond.

Qja, n. market ; fair ; trade ;

goods ; merchandise ; com-modity.

0ja, n. band ; girdle ; sash ;

belt ; zone ; brace ; head-


0ja agba, n. hoop.

Qjfr alapata, n. shambles.

Qja &?et&, n. work made for sale ;


jabule, n. tape ; ribbon ; fillet.

ja gftri, n. girth.

ja igbati asp, n. phylactery.

}ja igbawajn, n. forehead band ;


0ja ikdk6, n. species of pine-

apple used for healing sores.

0jan, n. a kind of fish.

0j?» QJ0U11, n. eater ; glutton.

0j$g$» n- concurrence ; agreeing

in mind ; toleration.

0j$l$, n. any tender leaf.

Qjere, n. plant whose leaf is

used in preparing a bever-

age for children.

Qj$W$, n. one who confesses,

acknowledges or makes a


Qj$» n - place ; settlement


lodging ; accommodation.

e.g., O sp mi li pj$, " Heappointed me a place, i.e.,

lodged me."

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9J0 206 qkA

Qj$, w. sun ; day ; date



Qjp ajinde (or agbende), n. the

resurrection day ; Easter


Qjp *JP (0' iJo)» n. day of

assembly ; memorable or

festival day.

Qj$ al$, n. eventide.

Oii PJ$» n - court-day.

Qj$ ibi, n. birthday.

OJi idajp, w. judgment day.

Qj$ ikehin, n. the last day.

e.g., Qj<j> ikehin odiin, " NewYear's Eve."—e.g., Qj<Jikehin $s$, " Saturday ;


also called Qjp ipalpmp.

Qj$ isi, n. day on which anygreat event took place


notable or red letter day.

QJ9 isimi, n. day of rest ; Sun-day.

Qj$ iwa, n. the day or beginning

of creation.

e.g., Li oj<j>

ti alaiye ti de aiye ni iwati se, " From the day that

the owner of the worldappeared in it, the worldbegan."

0j$gb$, n. state of being clastic

or flexible.

Qjp jakuta, n. every fifth day,

which is set apart for the

worship of ^ango.

Qj$jpjp, n. many days ; ancient

time ; a long period.

Qjp kanri, n. midday.0j$kutptp, n. state of being old

in age and strength (human).

Qj$ lailai, n. ancient time ; old


Qj$r$, n. afternoon ; towardssunset.

Qka, n. corn ; food made fromprepared yam flour, cassava

or other flour ; meal.

Oka, n. a child's disease ; name

of plant used to cure the-


Qka, n. a species of boa con-

strictor. See ljUebu.

Qka agbado, n. Indian corn -



Qka baba, n. Guinea corn.

0k& iku, n. last struggle betweonlife and death.

e.g., O npe$ka iku, " He is struggling

between life and death."

Qkan, adj. one ; single ; unit -


alone ; equal.

Qk&n, n. soul ; spirit ; con-

science ; heart.

Qkan, n. name of a running

plant used medicinally.

Qkandilogun, adj. nineteen ; the

nineteenth ; thirty-eight

thousand (i.e., 19 heads of

cowries ; 1 head = 2,000).

Qkandilogun should be used

for nineteen, c/., 0kanla.

Qkan ifa, n. affection ; longing


Qkanjoa, n. an avaricious per-

son ; avarice ; ambition ;.

covetousness ; insatiable -


e.g., Qkanjua babaarun, " Covetousness is the

father of disease."

Qkankan (ganran), adv. straight-

forwardly ; openly ; frankly..

Qkankan, prep, against ; oppo-

site ; in front.

Okanla, adj. eleven ; the

eleventh ; twenty-twothousand.

Qkanlenfgba, adj. two hundredand one.

0kanlenirinw6, adj. four hun-dred and one.

Qkanna, pron. the same.

QkanfOgO, adj. or adv. single ;.

alone ; undivided ; singly.

Qkan tutu, n. calm soul ; meek-

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OK? 207 QL<>

0k$, n. large bag.

0k$r$, w. squirrel.

e.g., (^k^rp

gun ori igi irokd oju dasasa, " When the squirrel

gets to the top of an iroko

tree there is an end (of the


0kin, n. a bird, the white

feathers of which are muchvalued.

e.g., 0kin babaeiye, 9km elewa ala, " Theokin is the king of birds,

the. owner of the beautiful

white feathers."

Qkinrin, n. a bird that lives oncrickets.

Qk$, Igbaja, n. a canoe ; shuttle


boat ; ship.

Qkp elefin, n. steamship.

Qk$, n. spear ; dart ; harpoon ;

javelin ; kind of tish.

Qk$ (asa), n. hoe ; plough



Qkp, n. husband.

e.g., Qkp kikump li osi obirin, " Thehusband's death is the

widow's anguish.'


Qk$ aipda or atuda, n. ferry


0k$da, n. page (lit.—swordbearer).

Qk$ ejika, n. shoulder-blade.

Qkp erd, n. passenger train or


Qk$ gru or pelebe, n. shovel.

Qkp eru, n. goods train ; cargo


Qk$ il$, n. train.

Qk$ itiil$, n. plough.

Qk$kan, adv. one by one ; each ;


Qkpla, u. a tattooed person.

Qkplaya, Qkplobirin, n. a marriedman ; husband.

0kple, n. house-builder.

Qkinrin, n. man ; male.

Qkinrin alaisimi, n. a burden


restless character.

Qkinrin plpla, n. grandee



0kfyjf$, n. one who refuses to goon an errand or to work.

0k$t$, n. an inferior kind of

soap which does not lather.

Qku, n. a complimentary salu-

tation to an inferior, " Mayyou live for ever."

0kun, n. centipede ; millipede ;

supposed to be blind.


0kun mp pna tplp ki oju r$

ki o to fp, " The centipede

must have known its waybefore it was blind."

Qla, n. sake ; regard for person

or tiling ; honour ; respect


dignity ; authority.

Qla, n. wealth ; riches.

Qla, n. to-morrow ; the morrow.

01aja, Onilaja, n. peacemaker.

Qlanla, n. majesty ; great

honour ; dignity.

Ql$, n. embryo.

01e, n. idleness ; laziness ; indo-

lence; idler; drone; loiterer.

01e-darun, adj. slack ; lacka-


01$, 01$1$, n. a kind of cake. SeeM$im$i.

Qlpdi, n. backbiter ; defamer ;


Qlp, n. large nether millstone


millstono ; grindstone.

Ql$b$, n. one having soup ; acook. adj. soup -like.

Qlpbp, n. one owning a monkey.Ql^dun kan, n. a yearling, adj.

of one year old.

Ql^dun meji, adj. biennial ; of

two years' standing.

Ql^dun m$ta, adj. triennial.

Qlpfa, n. archer ; one possessing

bow and arrows.

Qtyty, n. a mourner.

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<?L<? 208 QMQ

Qlyfun, n. one who has the

power of utterance. See


Qlogba, n. gardener ; owner of agarden.

Qlp inn, n. spleen ; kidney.

Qlyja, n. a person of rank


ruler ; trader ; merchant


title of chief supervisor of


Qlpjp, n. possessor or master of

time, life or day.—i.e., God.

Qlykan, n. one possessing asoul ; a human being ; amanly person.

Ql$k$, n. owner or master of aship ; boatman ; spear-

man ; canoeman.Qlpkp aspda or atuda, n. a ferry-

man.Qlyla, n. nobleman ; person in

authority ; nobility.

Qlpmp, n. owner or possessor

of a child ; parent, adj.

having issue.

QlyUa, n. artisan ; mechanic ;

artist, adj. striped ; col-


QlyPa, n. a bearer of the

king's staff ; constable, adj.

having a staff or stick.

QlyPa, n. a possessor of or

dealer in bamboo ; bam-boo.

Qtypagun-Qba, n. a bearer of the

staff of royalty.

Qlypagun, n. standard bearer.

Q1$P9» n - possessor of palmtrees, adj. palmy.

QlyP$t n. a thanksgiver. adj.


Qlpra, adj. luxuriant.

QlyT&n, n. one who is concernedin a matter ; a committee.

QlyTp, n. giver ; donor.

Qlyfv» n ' possessing treasure


a wealthy man ; a speaker ;

the name of a plant.

QlyTUn, n. God {lit.—the ownerof the heavens) ; the

Supreme Being ; the Deity.

QlyTun lfle, n. a stiff-necked one.

QlySa, n. god of the lagoon.

Ql$6$, n. Sabbatarian. adj.


QlySin, n. a tributary people.

Qly?a, n. a robber ; one whoserves his chief by robbery.

Qlfap, n. dealer in or owner of

soap ; adj. soapy.

Qlyt$, n. a seditious man


revolutionist ; rebel.

Qlv>ti, n. maker or seller of beer

or any liquor ; drunkard.

adj. drunken.

Ql$t$, n. a respectable and rich

person ; nobleman ; citizen.

Qlpwa-pkp, n. the crew of a boat.

Ql$w$, n. a venerable personage


one commanding respect.

QlpWp dsin, n. a left-handed


Qlpypmb$r$, n. a small streaked

lizard. See Aworiwo.

Qm$, n. tree with broad leaves

of the banyan family.

Qmp, n. a builder of walls


architect ; mason.Qmp, n. child ; issue ; offspring ;

progeny ; servant ; fruit



Qmp adip, n. chicken.

Qmp agadagodo, n. padlock key.

Qmp agbabp, n. a foster child ;


Qmp agbere (or aid), n. a bas-

tard ; concubine's child ;

illegitimate child.

Qmp agbo or pwp, n. infant



Qmp agb^nrfn, n. fawn.

Qmp agutan, n. lamb.

Qmp aja, n. puppy.

Qmp alade, n. prince ; princess ;

crown child.

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QMp 209 OpA

Qmp alaildbi, n. orphan.

Qmpbibi, n. a begotten child.

Qmpbirin, n. girl ; daughter ;

handmaid ; spinster.

Qmpdan, n. young woman



Qmpde, n. child ; state of child-

hood ; youth ; puerileness.

See Majesi.

Qmpdinrin, n. little finger or toe.

Qmpd$, n. servant.

Qmp enia, n. Son of Man


gentleman ; good person.

Qmp ewur£, w. a kid.

Qmp $hin, n. younger ; inferior ;

follower ; disciple.

Qmp eiye, n. brood ; the youngof birds.

Qmp eranko, n. the young of

wild beasts.

Qmp e$in, n. colt ; foal.

Qmpgun, n. soldier ; warrior.

Qmp ideri, n. see Qmpri.

Qmp idi, n. eaglet.

Qmp ilewe or kewu, n. scholar



Qmpkmiun, n. lion's whelp.

Qmpkpnrin, n. son ; boy ; youth ;

lad ; young man.Qmplala, n. great grandchild.

Qmp langi, n. a doll ; plaything.

Qmpl6, n. salamander.

Qm$16, n mason ; architect


house-builder ; bricklayer.

Qmp 16jfi, n. grandchild.

Qmp main, n. calf.

Qmp 036, n. the pupil of the eye.

Qmp 6ku, n. orphan.

Qmp ol6gbo (ologini), n. kitten.

Qmp OWU, n. blacksmith's ham-mer.

Qmp pba, n. prince ; princess ;

child of king.

Qmp-pmp, n. grandchild.

Qmp pepeiye, n. duckling.

Qmpri, Ideri, n. cover ; lid


any small part needed to

complete vessel.

e.g., Ti

ompri ti iye, " A vessel withits cover."

Qmprlka, n. top or tip of finger.

Qmpri odd, n. pestle.

Qmpri pip, n. smaller or uppermillstone.

Qmpse, n. toe.

Qmp wahari, n. child of a female

slave taken as wife.

Qm$w6, n. . a learned man



0mvw$, n. swimmer.Qmn, n. breast ; pap ; udder ;

teat. ; milk ; instrument

used in weaving to divide

the woof.

Qmn, Qmutf, Qmutfyd, n.

drunkard ; toper ; sot.

Qna, n. art ; workmanship.

Qna, n. road ; street ; way ;

path ; access ; channel;



Qna gbangba, n. open road



O^a gbdrd, n. wide road ; widestreet ; horseroad.

Qna gb6r6, n. narrow road


street ; path ; lane.

Qna iw$f&, n. the chief eunuch.

Qna ode, n. gate leading im-

mediately to the street.

Qna 6p6p6, n. a wide road

leading to the gate of atown.

Qna $fun, n. the windpipe



Qna ^v^v* n - spout.

Qna rere, n. farewell ; adieu.

Qna rere, n. distant road



Qna tprf or tdr6, n. narrowstreet or lane.

Qni, n. crocodile ; alligator.

Qpa, w. stick ; staff ; pole.

Qpa, n. bamboo pole.

Qpa akete, n. a bedstead.

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Opa 210 QRI

Opa alade, n. sceptre.

UPa aaia> n. a flagstaff.

VPa a$Q» w. yard measure ; three


Opa fitila, n. candlestick.

Qpagun, n. flagstaff ; ensign ;


idabu, n. cross-stick ; bar.

pa ide, n. a brass rod.

igi, n. a wooden rod.

imnrin or irin, n. walkingstick.

0p& ipaka, n. flail.

Qpa ipd, n. rod ; travelling

staff ; walking stick.

Opa irin, n. iron rod.

Qpa itana, n. candlestick ; lamp-stand.

Opa it^bO* n - a rod -

Qpalaba, n. square bottle withnarrow bottom.

Qpalai, n. dispute ; reasoning;

quarrel ; controversy.

Opa mimu or 961196, n. pointed

stick ; goad.

Opa ognwon, n. a measure of

length ; yardstick.

Qp$, n. thanks; gratitude.

e.g., Qpe li op$ ejlka ti koje ki $wu ki o b<J,

" Thanksare due to the shoulders

wliich keep the shirt fromslipping off.


0p$» n- pahn tree.

Qp$l$, n. messenger of Ifa.

Qp^lenge, n. a slender person


one tall but not stout.

Qpe-oyinbo, n. pineapple.

Opfre, n. small boat or canoe.

0p5*$» n- young child ; youth ;

lad ; lass ; pepper-bird.

0p$» n. plenty ; abundance ;

cheapness ; multitude



Op$da, n. a stupid person.

0pW> n* fr°g » toad.

Qpolo, Qpolomo, n. brain.

Op^lQP^t adv. plentifully ; com-monly ; abundantly, adj.

common ; plentiful ; abun-dant ; copious.

Qp$n, Qp$n-nla, n. bowl ; tub ;

trough ; pail.

Qp$n akara, n. kneading trough.

Qpon-ikowesi, n. a tablet.

OpW (kiti)9 n. fig tree.

Op$-W$m&, n. swarm ; abun-dance.

Ora, n. fat ; tallow ; lard ;

grease ; suet.— Qra-elelo,

lard ; Qra-wara, cream.

See Apard.

Oran, n. matter ; case ; affair ;


Qran-ese-nla, n. felony.

Oran iyan, n. matter of con-

troversy ; dispute ; denial.

0r$, n. friend.

Qr$, n. gift ; present ; gratuity


boon ; oblation.

Qr$, Pagan, n. small whip ; whip



Qre anil, n. alms ; charitable


Qredan, n. the name of a tree,

the bark of which whenpounded and washed in

water is used as leaven.

0*9 $b$» n ' °ribe ; reward


gift : hush money.

Qre ibere afoge, n. reward of


Qre inn rere, Qre atinuwa, n.


Orf k$?$, n. a very small straw

bag in which cowries are


Qr$r$, n. slight fits.

Or$run, n. shaver ; shearer ;


Orin, n. dysentery ; heaviness ;

importance ; worth.

Qrin, adj. eighty.

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0Rl 211 0S<>

0rlndinirinw6, adj. three hun-dred and twenty.

0rinlel$gb$ta, <*&j. six hundredand eighty.

Qrinl6nirinw6, adj. four hundredand eighty.

Qrinlugba, adj. two hundred andeighty.

Qrinrin, n. dampness ; moisture



0T$, n. word ; conversation ;

expression ; theme ; elay

for building ; evil spirit


ghost ; fairy.

Qr$, n. riches ; wealth ; for-

tune ; treasure ; opulence ;

mammon.Qr<J, n. cactus, whose various

species are named Qr<J

agogo, Qr<J enu kd piye,

Qr<J sapo or satipo, Qr<J

ad$t$, Qr<J onigun meta.

0TQ ainfmv, n. a meaningless

word ; nonsense.

0r$ ami, n. sign ; watchword ;

code word.

Qr$ asan, n. futility ; useless



0T$ asfri, n. secret ; sign


private conversation ; sug-


0T$ eru, n. confused expression ;

fallacy ; equivocation.

0r$ ijinle, n. profound speech ;

profundity ; mystery.

Qr$ ir$, n. fiction.

QrQ k$l$ or j$j$, n. a whisper.

fr$ jija> **. tale-telling.

Qro kan, n. sentence ; word.

Qr$k$Fv» n - nonsense ; foolish

talk ; babble ; jargon.

0r$run, adv. by the hundred ;

a hundredfold.

Qrun, n. bow.

Qrun, n. neck.

Qrun, n. one hundred.

Qrun, n. heaven ; sky ; oloud ;

firmament ; regions above.

Qrun apadi, n. place of punish-

ment ; hell (lit.—the invis-

ible world of potsherds).

Qrun $wu, n. shirt collar.

Qrunla, a certain vegetable,

dried or preserved.

Qrunmila, n. a complimentarytitle of Ifa (Ut.—heavenknows who shall be saved).

Qrun rere, n. heaven (lit.—the

invisible world of goodness).

Qsa, n. flight ; discomforture.

Qsa, n. space of time ; season ;

interval ; the lagoon.


Qsa nja loni, " The lagoon

is very rough to-day."—e-g. Qba na se $sa tir$

daradara, " The king has

spent his time well."

0san, n. daytime.

Qsan, n. name of a tree and its

fruit ; lime tree and fruit


kind of fish.

Qsan dyibO, n. orange.

Qsanyin, n. the god of physic ;


Qse, n. holy day ; period inter-

vening from one holy dayto another ; a week.

QSQge, n. cloth of great width.

Qsin, n. a water-bird.


Qsin mo w$ inu mbi eiye

oko, " Because the water-

bird knows how to swim,the other birds are envious."

dutifulness; servitude;dependence ; bondage


that which is reared, as

domestic animals.

QgQ, n. muoh speaking ; exag-

geration ; garrulity ; talka-

tiveness ; a thrower of


Qsytta, n. liberal ; generous


hearted person.

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QSQ 212 0W0

Q8Q8Q, n. a kind of worm foundin brooks and rivers.

Qgun, n. a kind of herb (edible).

Qfa, n. the act of robbing



Qsa, n. a kind of snake whichbites quickly and is poison-


Qsan, n. bowstring made of rawhide; thong.— e.g., Ale

koko bi osan, ogbe jinna

ohun ma jinna, " A cutting

word is as tough as a bow-string ; a cutting wordcannot be healed thougha wound may." Also afishing line, twine or cord.

Qf&n, adj. slender ; thin.


Qsan enia, " A slender


Qse, n. soap.

Qs$, n. crane.

Qs$, n. hurt ; injury.

0?$» Q?$ Qti, n. yeast ; barm.

Q^ingin, n. that which is quite

fresh ; much used for

freshly plucked ears of


09$, n. elegance ; finery ; neat-

ness ; furniture ; habit of

dress ; decorations ; jewels.

09Q, n. thorns used in pitfalls ;


Qsorp, n. cascade ; cataract


droppings from the eaves.

09$]?$ adie, n. chicken.

0?un, n. a river goddess.

0$un, 09unsftn, n. rat trap ; ahard wood often used for


Qta, n. gunshot ; bullet ; ball



0ta, n. enemy ; opponent


antagonist ; adversary.

0ta, n. a marksman ; shooter.

0t$, n. revolt ; revolution



Qt$, n. time ; interval ; season.

See Sa.

0tes$, n. private informer.

Qtf, n. any intoxicating liquor.

Qti &buro, n. rum from a demi-john.

Qti kikan, n. sour liquor



Qti npa, i>. to be intoxicated.

Qti djd or titan, n. unfermentedliquor.

Qti $da, n. old fermented liquor.

Qti oloje or jlni, n. trade gin.

0t$, adj. different ; alone



0t$t$, n. the whole of any-thing ; entireness.

0tnn, n. or adj. newness ; fresh-

ness ; novdty ; new ; fresh ;


0tun, n. or adj. right hand ;


0tun, n. a small pitcher or mug,used for keeping holy waterat a heathen shrine.

0tunla, n. the day after to-


0wa, n. branch of palm tree ;

east wind.

0wa, n. one who digs.

Qwa, n. a kind of cattle sickness.

Qw&ra, n. shower of rain ; any-thing thrown or scattered.

Owariri, n. trembling.

0wawa, n. a beast resembling

a dog, which climbs a tree

with its face downwardsand its hind legs topmost.

0W$, n. club or company sum-moned to assist in labour.

0W$, n. morsel ; sop. See


0W$r$, n. fish resemblingmackerel.

0W$, n. flock of birds, beasts or

cattle ; multitude ; class ;

company of travellers


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QW0 213 pAb

caravan ; herd ; series ;


e.g., 0w<J ©ni*

gba ti i, " A multitude of

people followed him."

Qwy*, n. hand ; branch ; spray.

Qw$, ft. broom ; besom.

Qw$, ft. honour ; respect.

Qwodindin, ft. a bird, so called

from its cry.

Qwodpwp, adv. from hand to


Qwq eran, ft. herd of cattle.

Qwp ina, ft. flame of fire ; blaze.

Qwpl$, ft. time ; opportunity.

e.g., Bun mi li owol$, " Givome time."

0W$n, n. scarcity ; dearth ; awicked person, adj. dear ;


Qw$n, ft. a pillar.

Qw<m awosanma, ft. pillar of


Qw$n ile, ft. house pillar.

Qw$n dgiri, ft. pillar of wall.

QWyU 6p6, ft. mud or brick

pillar of a house ; monu-ment.

0w$ dsin, ft. the left hand.

Qw$ Qkfo ft. fleet ; collection of

ships ; navy.

Qw$ $tun, ft. the right hand.

Qw$TQ, v. to be weak handed.

QwQWQ, n. a bird which lodges

in holes.

Qwun, ft. vengeance ; retali-

ation ; recompense ; blame ;


Qwun, ft. a black snake whichspits at opponents.

Qya, ft. wages ; salary ; hire ;

pay ; stipend ; a kind of

animal which is also called


Qya, ft. wife of $ango, to whomthe river Niger is dedicated,

which is therefore called

Odd Qya.

Qya, w. string or cord made of


Qyan, ft. another name for ()rau.

Qy$, ft. twilight ; beginning of


Qy$, n. the harmattan wind.

Qyinyin, ft. one spoiled byindulgence ; a spoilt child.

QyQ-sW*. Qypgphpgphp, n. abird, so called from its


Qy^jnlsi, ft. a title of respect

conferred on the leading

elders of <)y<J.

Qytin, ft. matter from inflam

mation or boils ; pus.

Pa, v. (primary idea " to maketo feel " or suffer ; ex-

tensively used in compo-sition) ; to kill ; murder ;

put out of existence ; ruin ;

stay ; betray ; quenchfire, extinguish ; bruise


rub, scrub ; cut (yam seed

or calabashes into halves)


break any hard nut ; peel

the bark of a tree ; win agame ; hatch ; tell fables ;

cultivate a new grass field ;

be drunkon.

Pa, adv. at once, in on instant.

e.g., O gbe o pa, " He took

it up at once." inter.

expressing disgust.

Pa, v. to bo bald ; to be hairless ;

to be barren ; to avoid

giving an occasion for strife

or quarrel.

Pa af$fe, v. to exercise in the air,

to enjoy the breeze.

Pa ag$, Pagy*, v. to erect a tent



Paba, v. to sit on eggs ; incubate.

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pAb 214 PAL

Paba, n. lace edge or trimmingof a cloth.

Pa bnburu da, v. to reform one's


Padi, v. to alter ; change


convert ; return ; comeback ; relapse.

Padasan, v. to repay ; retaliate ;


Padasfhin, v. to turn back;relapse.

Padasi, v. to resort to ; cameback to ; turn upon ; act


Pada tunwd, v. to look back;reflect ; reconsider.

Pade, v. to shut; close up.

e.g.. Pa iwo re d6, " Close

your book."

Pade, v. to meet with ; cometogether.

Padegun, v. to meet in battle


to encounter.

Pademinigbonwo, v. (lit—meetmo at the elbow) atoo liquid,

sauce ; a word of reproach

to the cook.

Pade, v. to cheat ; defraud



Padi, v. to be cracked at the


Pa etf pfa, v. to barb an arrow.

Pafa, n. butcher's table ; board ;

a long table.

Pafe, adv. same as Patapata.

Paf$, v. to wallow in the mire.

P&gbf, v. to cultivate a newforest.

Pagbo, v. to make or form acircle.

Pagi, v. to peel off the bark


lop off all the branches of

a tree.

Pagp, v. see Pa ag<J.

Pagidari, inter, an exclamation

of surprise.

Pagunpagun, adj. clumsy.

Pahfn, v. to sharpen the teeth.

Pahinkeke, v. to chatter with

the teeth involuntarily, to

gnash the teeth.

Pahonda, v. to alter or disguise

the voice.

Pajapaja, n. that which numbs ;

torpidity ; torpor ; numb-ncas ; cramp.

Paje, v. to slay for food.

Paka, v. to thresh corn.

Pakaja, v. to pass a country

cloth from under the armto tho shoulder.

Pakannakanna, v. (followed byOju, the eye), to bedazzled by lightning ; to

be angry, bewildered.


Manamana pakannakannasi mi loju, " The lightning

dazzles me."

e.g., Oju r$

pakannakanna, " He is


Pakapaka\ n. a corn thresher.

Pa k$k$, v. to be very silent ; to

be appeased, to bo quiet.

Pa keTce\ v. to be busy here andthere ; to be rushing about.

Paki, n. cassava ; called also

Gbaguda.Pakiti, n. a coarse mat.

Pako, n. a board, plank.

Pako, n. bamboo.Pakd, n. a chewing stick ; also

called Orin.

Pako, v. to cultivate a new grass


Pakp, v. to eclipse.

Pak^, Pak(Jlvkvlv, v. to sneak,


Pakunrete, n. a kind of dove


also called Orofo.

Pakota, n. a small stewpan.

Paknte, n. a mouse or rat trap.

Pfila, v. to mark the boundaryof land or territory ; bind,


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pAl 215 PAP

P&la, adv. with much effort


with difficulty ; busily.

Pa laiya, v. to appal ; strike

with terror.

P&laka, n. the division of the

fingers or groin ; bough of


Palapala, ft. rough, ruggedcrevices of rocks, crags.

Palapala, ft. nonsense ; absurd-

ness ; irrationality.

Palara, v. to hurt ; bruise



Palarada, v. to disguiso, change,

or alter the form.

Palace, v. to give a command ;

make a law ; will ; com-mand.

Pale, v. to scrub or rub a floor.

Pal$, Bal$, adv. down to the

ground ; on a level.

Palgrin, v. to excite to laughter.

Pali, ft. cardboard, adv. in ashrivelled manner.

Pal$, v. to puzzle with enigmasor riddles.

Pal$l$, v. to cease burning in aflame ; smoulder ; to bequiet, still or motionless


to be subdued, overawed.

Pa fytf, v. to intoxicate.

Pam$, v- to hide, be out

of sight ; concealed ; belatent ; keep ; roserve ;


Pam$l$, ft. viper, adder.

Pam^ra, v. to bear patiently


refrain ; forbear.

Pandan, adj. odd, quaint,

uneven, awkward, uncouth,


Panhun, adv. at once, in a stroke.

Pani, v. to kill ; murder.

Pania, v. to commit murder.

Panipani, ft. a murderer.

Paniye, v. to confuso ; confound.

Panfyeda, v. to persuade


change the mind ; prevail


Pank$r$, n. the willow.

Panpa, ft. bargain ; mutualagreement between traders


arrangement by which the

price of an article is fixed

by all traders.

PanpewQ, ft. handcuffs.

Pansa, ft. dry calabash uncut,

with the seeds in it.

Pans&ga, ft. adultery, forni-

cation ; harlot, prostitute.

Pansuku, ft. large calabash or

basket with cover (used

for carrying food, wearingapparel, etc., when trav-


Panti, Pantiri, n. a trailing plant,

grove of trailing plants


heaps of rubbish.

Papa, ft. grass field ; newly-

burnt pasture land.

Papft, adv. especially ; par-

ticularly ; principally.

Papat adv. violently (qualifying

Wa, to tremble).

Papa, ft. difficulty ; trouble ;

plague ; pestilence ; un-

easiness ; pest.

Papagdri, w. a small bird,

superstitiously regarded bythe worshippers of §ango,

who pretend to understandthe meaning of its cry.

Papala, adv. flatly ; drily (qual-

ifying Gbe, to parch). '

Papasan, n. a herb much used

in cases of abscess or


Papejp, v. to call a meeting or


Pap$, v. to clap hands.

Papasan, ft. same as Pasan.

Pap6, v. to collapse.

Paporo, v. to corrugate ; makea furrow.

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PAP 216 p£

Pap$, v. to join ; mingle

together ; unite.

Para, adv. with a sudden noise.

Para, n. the upper part of the

plate which rests on the

posts supporting a piazza.

Para, v. to rub the body with


Para, v. to frequent or haunt aplace.

Parada, v. to disguise ; change ;

alter ; transform ; trans-

figure ; turn oneself.

Param$, v. to keep oneself close ;

take heed.

Par$, v. to erase ; rub out


blot, confuse ; extirpate


cancel ; expunge ; exter-


Pare lulu, v. to entirely efface.

Pari, v. to come to an end


finish ; be over ; besuperior ; be done for ; to


Pari, v. to be bald.

Pari ereke, n. jawbone.

Pariwo, v. to make a nois 3


prattle ; roar ; jangle ;


Par6, n. native leather necklace.

P&T$, v. to exchange ; barter.

e.g., Awa fi ohun par<j>

ohun, " We exchangewords."

Par$r$, v. to be very calm.

Parity, v. to immolate ; burn.

Parun, v. to destroy ; annihilate ;

erase ; efface ; obliterate ;

repeal ; extirpate.

Pasan, n. oyster shells ; also

called Papasan.

Pa8$, v. to rock a child (on the

back) to sleep.

Pasi, n. a kind of coarse grass

for thatching.

Pafan, Patiye, n. whip, rod,


Pas$, v. to issue a prohibitive

law ; command ; proclaim ;

issue a proclamation.

Pa?ipar$, v. exchange ; barter.

Pafu, v. to carefully avoid strife.

Pata, n. small working trousers.

Pataki, adj. chief ; principal


head ; bulk. adv. specially ;


Patak6, n. wooden shoe ; clog ;


Patak6, n. plank ; board.

Patapata, adv. on the whole


altogether ; totally ; ab-


Patapata, adj. speckled ; spotted.

adv. with specks or spots.

Pate, v. to spread or expose (as

goods for sale).

Pat$w$, v. to clap hands.

Pati, adj. adv. forcible, violent.

Patipati, adv. with force or

violence; forcibly; violently.

Patiye, n. whip ; switch.

Pato, adv. exactly ; really, adj.


Pat6, Pat6t6, v. to make a noise.

See Pariwo.

Paw^da, v. to change the hand


a term used by canoemen,meaning that the steerer

must immediately changehis position for the opposite


PaWyP$, n trap; handcuff.

Payeda, Piyeda, v. to change

feathers, moult.

Pe, adj. correct (as rogards

number) ; perfect.

Pe, v. to be full, complete, clear,

pure, holy ; to expire, as aterm or day fixed upon


to meet, assemble.

Pi, v. to call, invite, cry out,


P6, conj. that ; in order that


to ; saying that.

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PE 217 P$K

Fe ap&JQ, v. to call a public


Pe aje pada, v. to countermandor revoke an order.

P6b6,acfo. thoroughly and briefly.

PSfo, v. to cast off or changeskin.

Pih&n, v. to change feathers,


Pejo, v. to meet, assemble.

P6jop$, v. to convoke anassembly.

Pele, v. to be increased, abound.

Pile, v. to add or put on asecond cloth over the first

native cloth. This is doneby married women only ; ayoung or unmarried womannever wears two.

Pelejo, v. to call to judgment,arraign, summons.

Pi 16nje, v. to invite to a feast,


Pi 16ruko, v. to call by name,style.

Pi 1q, v. call away.

PSna, v. to call an assemblyor congregation, assembletogether.

Pi nfja, v. to challenge to afight.

Pi pada, v. to recall.

Pepele, n. bank of earth raised

for a sleeping place ; matterof earth or stone ; also


Peri, ado. only.

Peregun, Pdrdgun, n. a kind of

cotton tree used as the

emblem of a goddess of


Perepere, adv. perfectly, cor-


Peri, v. to mean, allude to, say.

Pero, v. to counsel together ; to

take counsel against.

Pesan, v. to crack the shell of apalm nut.

Pese, v. to prepare, makeprovision for, equip, cater


PeSO, v. to bear fruit.

Peg6ki, v. to pronounce ; call


Pe$$, v. to glean a reapedplantation.

P6$i, v. to hurt, kill, or woundaccidentally.

Petan, v. to be perfect ; correct


accomplished ; fulfilled.

Pete, v. to intend ; be about to

do ; mean, purpose.

Petele, v. to call beforehand



Pewe, v. to pass the country

cloth round the waist andleave the upper part of the

body bare, and naked.

This is done as a mark of

respect on entering the

house of a great man, or

a heathen shrine.

P$, v. to be long ; to stay,

tarry, endure, last ; wisely

avoid, adj. tardy, tedious,


P$gan, v. to despise ; calum-

niate ; slander ; defame



Peg(J, adv. (full) to the brim



Peiyepeiye, n. fowler.

Peja, v. to fish.

Pejapeja, n. fisherman.

P$J$D$3$t °^w. softly, nicely.

P$ka, v. to shoot out branches


to be divided into branches.

P$k$l$p$, inter, expression of


Pekepeke, adj. the sound of


Pekorp, v. to act slyly, artfully,

or with cunning.

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P$K 218 P$T

P$kun, v. to come to an end.

P$la, v. to eat the new yam(this is done with great


P$l$, a word used to implysympathy for one just hurtor in pain, signifying " I

am sorry " ; also muchused as a first salutation bythe Awori and Lagos people.

P$l& Pelepele, adv. easily;

softly ; quietly ; soberly ;

meekly ; sedately.

Pelebe, adj. flat, thin, androunded (as pebbles), n.

pill, tabloid.

P$l$hin, adv. behindhand.

P#$ niwa, adj. affable, gentle


P$l$p$, n. wolf or hyena,

superstitiously supposed to

have once been a humanbeing.

P$l$tu, adv. amicably ; peace-


Pfli, adj. shrivelled ; flat ; dry.

P$lti, adv. along ; together with ;

also ; with.

Pfclft agbara, adv. justily, forc-


P^lti eyi, adv. herewith.

P$lfi eyiti, adv. withal.

Pfclfi irdnu, adv. gravely;


P$lfi kini, adv. wherewith ; conj.


P$lup$lu, adv. moreover;besides ; also ; further-


Pemo, v. to unite with a superior

in order to gain a successful

end ; to adhere to (as atick to an animal).

P$p$, n. birdsnare. adv. gently.—e.g., O lu mi p$p$, " Hestroked me gently."

Pepe, n. altar ; shelf ; slip of

wood or bamboo ; plat-

form ; shelf on which yam*are stored.

Pepeiye, n. duok; goose.

Pepekun, n. sea shell.

P$rf, adv. to part asundersuddenly (as split wood)


all at once.

P$r4, °dv' quietly; withoutbustle ; suddenly ; also

n. a particular kind of noseband put upon an unruly

horse to assist in breakingit in ; a small earthen jar

used for measuring palmoil, containing about liquarts.

P£rep$re, adv. (qualifying Ya,to tear), into pieces, bits, or


e.g., O faaso ya p$re-

p$re, " He tears the cloth

into rags."

Perepere, adv. (qualifying Du,to bo black), very.


Aso yi du perepere, " This

cloth is very black."

P$r$p$r$, adv. (qualifying S$,

to niter), rapidly.

P$s$, adv. gently, easily.

P$se, same as P$l$. Used only

by Ijebu, Awori, and Lagospeople generally as salu-

tation ; contracted into

$ si o or ? s'5.

P$t$, adj. flat ; shallow ; even.

?$t$l$, n. level ground; plain.

Petele, n. sympathetic swelling

on the groin.

Petep^re, adv. comfortably.

P$t$p{t4, n. mud ; mire ; ooze.—e.g., PWpftf Ijesa ta si

ni lara ma si,((

If the mudin the Ijesa country adheres

to one it will not (easily)

be washed off." Proverbi-

ally used of tattooing.

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P?T 219 PtP

Peteri, adj. remarkable ; notice-


Pettt, v. to console ; refresh.

Petupetu, n. fowler, Guinea fowl


Pi, adv. entirely, wholly ; without


Pidan, v. to perform sleight of


Pijfc, v. to cut grass for horses


to supply provisions for


Pile, Pil09$, v. to commonce


begin ; originate (used of

mechanical work).

Pim$, v. to take counsel to-

gether ; suggest ; hint.

Pin, v. to share ; divide


distribute; allot.

Pin, Pinl$, v. to end ; terminate ;

Pin fnnni, v. to divide ; dis-

tribute ; dispense.

Pin nidindi, Pin nidodo, v. to

apportion ; to parcel out.

Pin ni meji, v. to pair ; to halve.

Pin nfnu, v. to participate, or

partake of.

Pin niya, v. to part asunder


part company ; distract.

Pinna, v. to end ; terminate


bind ; agree ; conclude ;

determine ; resolve.

Pinpin, adv. fast ; tight.

Pinpin, n. the secret or hiddenpart of a matter.

e.g.. Mase wahala lati to pinpin

oran na m9, " Do nottrouble to find out the real

cause of the matter."

Pfnya es$, v. to cleave the hoof

into clefts.

Pipa, adj. slain ; killed ; cut

into halves ; bruised



Pipa, adj. bald ; bare.

Pipada, adj. mutable ; alternate ;


Pipamv, adj. secret ; latent



Pipani, adj. deadly ; hurtful.

Pipani lerin, adj. exciting to


Pipa Qti, n. intoxication.

Pipari, n. resolution ; conclu-

sion ; completeness, adj.


Piparun, n. that which may bedestroyed or erased, adj.


Pipe, adj. perfect ; complete ;


Pipe, n. that which is to bocalled or bidden.

Pipeperepere, adv. perfectly,


Pip$, adj. long ; tedious ; old ;

ancient ; durable, n. the

act of being late or long in


Pip$ titi, adv. long duration.

adj. perpotual.

Pipin, n. a division.

Pipinnu, n. adj. resolve, deter-

minable, resoluteness, reso-

lution, determination.

Pipipoda, n. that which maychange place ; changing

place ; locomotive.

Pipdda, v. to remove ; changelocality.

Pip$, adj. same as Pup<J>.

Pip$, Pip$jade, n. that whichmay be vomited or ejected


vomit, ejection.

Pipyn, n. ripeness ; maturity.

adj. ripe, mature.

Pipynju, adj. afflicted, troubled.

Pip$nloju, n. harassment


mortification ; trouble



Pipinnu, n. adulation, flattery.

adj. adulatory, flattering.

Pipvpip$, PupyPuPv, adv. much ;


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PtR 220 P0J

Piri, adv. with strength andsmartness.

Piri, adv. (qualifying §i, to openor remove a lid or cover) at,


e.g., O si piri, " It

opened at once or easily."

Pitan, v. to argue or dispute

about one's age by adducingold facts ; to relate ancient


Pitipiti, adv. same as Pup$pup$.Pitipiti, adv. (qualifying Ja,

to struggle), vigorously,


e.g., O nja

pitipiti, " He struggles


Pitu, v. to perforin great things ;

to be conspicuous in a play.

Plwada, v. to change one's

behaviour and conduct ; to


Piyeda, v. to change the mind.

Piyfc v ' to plunder ; forage.

P6, v. to knead ; mix ; temperclay ; tan leather.

Po, adv. altogether ; ontirely.

Po, adj. short ; insufficient



P6flnr$, v. to rescind the law ;

to repeal or abrogate the


Pdfo, v. to fail in endeavour.

Pohunrtoe, v. to cry aloud


lament ; bewail.

Poj6b6, v. to make a slip-knot

or noose.

P6kiki, v. to extol ; publish ;


?ola, n. report of a gun.

Pol$, v. to be used indecently.

P61o, n. a place of ordeal.

Polowo, Polowo oja, v. to cry

out goods ; to advertise

one's goods.

Polo, v. to smash, mingle.

PongbQ, v. to quench the thirst.

Pon?e, Pon^fere, n. the name of atreo, the shell of whosefruit is used for makingsnuff boxes.

P6p6, n. bamboo sticks or club.

Pdpola, n. the name of a tree

bearing rich scarlet flowers,

the fruit of which is edible.

P6pdnd6, n. a kind of bean ; aclimbing plant.

Pdporo, n. stem of Indian or

Guinea corn.

Porogun, n. same as Peregun*

P6ropdro, adv. talkativoly.

Pdrdpdrd, adv. same as P?r$p$r$.

P096, v. to make a noise with

the mouth expressive of


P6si, n. cotiin.

PofUJe, v. to miss the month.

PofU$U, v. to stand in a grove ;

form a grove.

Potopoto, adv. same as P^p^r^Potata, v. to winter ; endure

cold ; to be sick ; ill.

Pdwe, v. to tell proverbs.

Pow6, v. to earn money by sale

or work.

Pdyi, v. to turn round ; wliirl.

Pq, «. to be plentiful ; many ;

cheap ; common ; great


mighty. adj. wealthy


able ; powerful ; increasing.

P$, v. to emit ; throw out



P$, n. the sound of leather or

hido when beaten ; anyunmusical sound.

Pyda, v. to be insane ; to bedelirious.

Pof$, v. to pronounce spells or


P$gbo, v. to collapse ; becomeoval.

P$g$£& v- *° walk falteringly


to walk as a feeble person.

Pftade, v. to disgorge.

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ppj 221 RAD

Poj<Jje, v. to miss a day or days.

Poju, adv. much ; too much ;

more than. adj. vast


more ; august.

P^julo, adv. most ; above all.

P$ka, Pokara, v. to bo breathing

heavily at the point of

death ; to be struggling

between life and death.

See $ka iku.

P$ky-, n. a kind of calabash usedas a ladle.

P$kun, v. to abound, increase.

Pylapdw6, adj. voluminous.

P$16w6, v. to abound in money,be wealthy, adj. moneyed.

PWpl, v. to be grateful, adj.


Ptyn, v. to sharpen iron ; whet


flatter ; make much of ;

coax ; ripen, become yellow,

be rod ; mature.


P<Jn ap$n de, " Ripe to


P$n, v. to carry on the back(as a baby).

Ponga, n. pieces of stick placed

crosswise over the body in

a grave to prevent the earth

touching it.

Ponga, adv. entirely ; clean.

P^-niyanu, adj. wonderful


magnificent ; marvellous.

Py1 niyin, adj. worshipful : full

of praise.

Pon-loju, v. to trouble ; afflict



Ponmi, pon-omi, v. to drawwater with a large vessel.

P$nm$, adv. severely.

Ponmo, v. to put a child on the


P$nma, v. to sharpen ; actuate.

P$n rin, v. to whet or give edgeto tool or iron instruments.

P(Jn rusurusn, adj. brown



)fv. to ripen (as Indian


Ponti, v. to make or brew beer(from Indian or Guineacorn).

P^rere, v. to indulge ; live

delicately ; to idolize.

P<Jr<J, adv. easily ; quietly (as

the dropping of a leaf).

P$si i, v. to increase ; rise higher,

P$sfl6 P$s6de, adj. busy in andout.

P$t$p$t$, n. mud ; bog ; mire ;

ooze ; fen ; also P$t$p$t$.

Pfi, adv. precipitately; headlong;

without due thought.

Pfi, adv. the sound of a gun.

Pupa, n. or adj. red, scarlet,


Pupa $yin, n. yolk of an egg.

Pup$, adj. many ; much ;

numerous ; manifold.

Pup^pup^, adv. abundantly ;

numerously ; manifold ;

much.Pur<J, v. to tell a lie.

Pfit$, Put$put$, adv. easily

(qualifies J a, to break).—e.g., Okun na nja put$-

*put$, " The rope breaks


Putu, Putuputa, adv. well

(qualifies Ho, to lather).—e.g., Qse na nho putu," The soap lathers well."


Ra, v. to buy ; purchase ; ran-

som ; redeem ; tie ; fur-

nish with laths.

Rababa, v. to fly or nutter about


to hover.

Radi, v. to repay ; recompense ;


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rAp 222 R6

Rap&da, v. to purchase back


redeem ; ransom.

Rapala, v. to struggle ; welter.

Rasfl$, v. to set at liberty byransom.

Ra, v. to perish ; be lost ; goto nothing ; to rub against


Raniye (ni-iye, in memory), v.

to make forgetful ; stupefy ;


Ra, v. to rot ; putrefy ; hoveras a bird.

Ra, v. to struggle ; creep ; crawl


rub upon.

Radtfri (ra-$dfr-bd), v. to shel-

ter ; defend ; gather as ahen does her brood.

Rahun (ra-ohnn), v. to mur-mur ; complain.

Rijd (re-ajo), v. to go on ajourney ; to be absent fromhome on business.

Rak6, v. to creep ; crawl.

Raknnmi, Ibakasie, n. camel.

Ramuramu, adv. very (qualifying

verbs, like Ke, to cry,


e.g., Kiniun ko rain-

ram, " The lion roars veryloudly."

Ran, v. to send ; despatch ; to

command ; charge ; issue ;

to sew cloth, v. to be slow

in growing ; to be hide-


Ranjade, v. to send out ; order

out ; banish.

Ranleti, v. to remind ; to cause

to recollect ; put in mind.

Ran lo, v. to despatch ; send outon a message.

Ranloknro, v. to discard ; dis-


Ranlowo, v. to help ; aid


reheve ; assist ; conduceto ; contribute to ; succour.

Ran, v. to communicate (as fire)


be infectious (as disease)


cut or wound (as an in-

strument) ; help ; aid in


e.g., Qre mi ranmi lowo, " My friend helps

me."Ranm$, v. to catch at ; stick

to ; attach ; to hold fast.

Ranpada, v. to send back



Ransi, v. to send to.

Rail, v. to spin ; twist cord or


Ran-ip$, v. to speak ironically.

Ranju (ran-ojn), v. to look

sternly or fiercely.

Ran?$ (ran-ise), v. to send amessage.

Ranti (ran-eti), v. to remember ;

call to mind ; recollect.

Ranworanwn, n. spinner.

Rara, adv. loudly ; vociferously

(qualifying v. Ke, to cry


e.g., Nigbati mo soro

n& fun u, o ke rarfi, " WhenI told him the word, hecried out."

Rara, adv. at all.

Rar8, v. to linger ; suffer a long

and tedious sickness with-

out care and attention


struggle between life anddeath.

Rarf, Fari, v. to shave the head.

Ranran, adv. entirely ; totally ;


Re, v. to change feathers as

birds ; moult ; fall oft" as

hair or leaves.

Re, v. to go ; depart ; (same

signification as Lo).

Re, v. to go off ; spring as a trap

or snare ; to skin ; agitate ;


Re, v. to imprecate evil ; to call

or wish vengeance upon.

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r6l 223 RlB

Relo, t?. to ontico ; to elope.

Rebi, v. to go on a journey


to travel abroad.

RederedS, adv. foolishly.

Redi, v. to move the tail upward,as a bird when it sits uponthe tree ; wag the tail.

e.g., ?iye ba o redi, " Thebird sits (upon the tree) andmoves its tail upwards."

Runn, v. to break or transgress

the law.

Rekoja, adv. beyond measure


exceedingly, v. to pass

over ; omit.

Rekoja ala, adv. beyond bounds.

Rera, v. to be proud.

Rere, adv. at a great distance.

Rere, adv. well. adj. good


devout, n. good, welfare.

Reri, adj. to be past harvest


(e.g., a fruit tree

after the fruit has beengathered.)

Reti, v. to hope ; expect ; wait

for ; clean the ear with anoar-pick.

Rey$, v. to moult ; mew.R$, v. to shear ; cut short ; cut


nip ; smear ; notch ; daub ;


R$, R^danu, v. to cast fruits ;


R$je, v. to cheat ; deceive


gull ; (lit.—to cut and eat).

Rglori, v. to poll ; to prune off

the branches ; to top.

R$1qwq, R$wq, v. to out off

branches ; prune.

R$m$l$, v. to cut level with the

ground ; to crop.

R$, v. to agree ; be friendly


stick to ; detect.

Re, pron. thy ; thine.

Rf, v. to dye ; stoop in water ;

tinge ; soak.

R$, pron. his ; her ; its.

R$, v. to feel fatigued ; be tired ;

weary ; faint ; cast leaves

or unripe fruits ; to hush ;

comfort ; fade ; tinge ;

wither ; increase ; multi-

ply ; to be deeply red


to steep.

&?£? (r$-ege), v. to set a snare

for ; watch for ; find fault.

R$gir$gi, adv. evenly ; equally.

R$le, v. to plaster a house.

R$l$, v. to go down ; to humbleoneself ; make oneself low ;

condescend ; lower ; de-

press ; subside.

R$p$, Repomo, v. to cleave to


combine with.

R$r§, adv. very (qualifying

verbs of pursuing or motiontowards).

R$rin (rin-erin), v. to laugh.

R^rin-esin, v. to scoff ; deride ;


R^rin-wesi, v. to smile ; titter ;


R$rin-ak$, v. to grin.

R$W$si, v. to be cast down


be disheartened.

R$yin (re-oyin), v. to take

honey from a hive.

Ri, v. to sink ; drown ; im-

merse ; deluge ; prepare

the woof for the loom byinsertion in the sley ; sub-


Ri, v. to see ; find ; discover ;

perceive ; behold, v. to

be ; seem ; appear.

Ri-lokere, v. to decry; to


Risa, v. to shun ; avoid ; runfrom.

Rf9 adv. never ; at no time


formerly ; aforetime.

Ribakanna, adj. similar; uni-


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RlB 224 RIR

Ribiti, Rubutu, adj. round;circular.

Ribiribi, adj. important ; of

much consequence ; ob-


Ridaju, v. to prove ; to ascer-

tain ; to be sure of.

Ridi (ri-idi), v. to ascertain


see the reason ; prove


find out the secret ; see

the end or finish.

Rigba, v. to receive ; obtain.

Rikfsi, n. conspiracy ; plot.

Rin, v. to laugh.

Rin, adj. damp : moist ; humid ;


Ringbindin, v. to soak ; drench ;


Rin, v. to tickle ; sail ; walk ;

go ; travel ; move ; pro-


Rind$ (rin-edo), adj. a state of

being subject to nausea.

Ringbere, v. to walk slowly.

Rinka, Rinkakiri, v. stroll;

ramble about ; range



Rinkiri, v. to rove about



Rin-irin p$p$y$, v. to waddle.

Rinj$j$, Rinp$l$, v. to amble.

Rinlo, Rlnw6, v. to oxplore.

Rin-ni-eginsin, Rin-leginrin, v.

to tickle.

Rinw6, v. to walk over ; to

inspect ; spy round ; ex-


Rinyfka, Rinyikakiri, v. to walkround ; to circuit.

Rinrfn, adv. very (qualifies

Wuwo, heavy).

e.g., Okutuna WUW9 rinrin, " Thestone is very heavy."

Rira, n. that which is to bepurchased.

Rira, adj. putrid ; rotten.

Riran (ri-iran), v. to see; to

see a wonderful sight, n.

a sight.

Riran, n. that which communi-cates or infects.

Riraniye, n. stupor.

Riranl$W$, adj. assistant ; sub-

sidiary ; helper.

Riran mti, adj. epidemic ; en-


Rire, adj. consolatory.

Rire, Rirede, adj. irksome ; tire-

some ; wearisome.

Rir$p$, adj. concordant ; united.

Rfr^rin, adj. derisive ; mock.

Rir$8ll$, adj. submissive



Riri, adv. exceedingly (qualifying

verb Wa, to tremble).

e.g., Nigbati mo gbo oro

na, mo wa riri, " When I

heard the word, I trembled


Riri, adv. somewhat tremu-lously (qualifying verb, Wa,to shake).

e.g.., Otutu muomode na, o nwa rirl,

" The child is cold, andshivers."

Riri, n. the act of seeing, adj.

visible ; discernible ; dis-


Riridi, Ridi, adj. discoverable.

Ririn, n. a going ; manner of


Ririnklri, adj. itinerant ; wan-dering ; roving.

Ririnl$rin, adj. amusing


ludicrous ; laughable.

Rirln-yiia, n. wayfaring ; travel-


Rfrimriwaju, n. progress ; on-

ward move.Rird, adj. relatable ; thoughtful.

Riroju, adj. sad ; melancholy.

Rirp Itq, n. the manufacture of


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MR 225 R0

Rir$p6, n. occupying another's


Rlrfi, ir6, n. the issuing forth

(from a dry sjjring) ; issue

of smoke from the fire

kindled ; sprout of avegetable ; a gushing out


stirring up, as sediments

of liquid ; transgressing (as

law, etc.)

Riru, adj. portable.

Riru oke, n. ascent of a hill.

Riru-omi, n. swell of the waves.—e.g., Riru-omi ndide fuke-

fuke, " Tho waves are rising

very high."

Rirubp, adj. sacrificial.

Riruju, adj. puzzling.

Rfrun, n. that which is to beoxtirpated. adj. consum-able ; baneful ; destructive.

Rirun, Rirunwom, adj. fragile;


Risfl$, v. to bary ; hide in tho

ground ; root deep.

Ritele, Riteleri, v. to foresee.

Riwisi, v. to say against ; gain-


Rij&njiyan, adj. controvertible.

R6, v. to tell ; relate ; conceive ;

imagine ; meditate ; think ;

think deeply ; stir up


plague ; trouble.

R6, v. to sound ; placo in anerect position ; excite, adj.


Ro, v. to cultivate ; till


drain ; to drip ; distil


drop ; filter.

Ro, v. to pain severely ; ache



Rogdro, v. to give a sharp shrill

sound ; to tingle.

Rol$, v. to till the ground



R6si, v. to instigate ; to incite.

Rol6ju, v. to appear tedious.

R6t$l$, v. to think beforehand



Rdgun, v. to drain into a pondor pit ; collect by distilla-


Rohin (ro-ihin), v. to tell news ;

report ; advertise.

Roju (ro oju), v. to look sad or

displeased ; sulky ; discon-


R6ki-r6ki, adv. brilliantly

(qualifying verbal adj. Pon,red).

e.g., Asp na ponrokiroki, " The cloth is

beautifully red."

R616 (ro-ile), v. to inherit aheadship ; to inherit prop-

erty (especially houses)


to erect the roof of a house.

Roloju, adj. puzzling.

Rdkakiri, v. to divulge ; to

spread abroad bad news of

a person.

R6n& (ro-ona), v. to stop or

block up the way.

Ronu, v. think ; meditate ; to

be sorry ; to be pensive.

Ronuronu, n. a thinker.

Ronupiwida, v. to repent


to change one's conduct,

opinion or behaviour after


Rord, adj. austere ; severe


harsh ; fierce ; oppressing ;

rigid ; rigorous.

Roro, adv. beautifully (quali-

fying verbal adj. Pon, red).

R6r6, adv. very beautifully

(qualifying Pon, red).

Ror$, n. pustule ; pimple

(appearing on the face).

R$, v. to gush ; give way ; crash ;

push ; push forcibly ; breakor bend at the edge


pervert ; turn aside ; to

collect a confused mass of

things ; translate ; explain.

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R0G 226 RtfK

Rygiriri, v. to rustle.

Rp, v. to wither (as a handor limb) ; bo scorched or

blighted (as green leaves)


weaken ; slacken ; cool the

ardour ; droop ; tenacious ;

to manufacture instruments

of iron (as the blacksmith).

R$lapa, Rolowo, v. to enfeeble


weaken ; chill ; discourage.

R$sfl$, R$sfl$, v. to bring low ;

humble ; calm.

R$, v. to urge ; constrain ; press

upon ; to ease ; give

time ; hang upon ; sus-

pend ; feel easy ; be com-fortable ; be soft ; tender ;

to rain ; to drop.

Rq eg$, v. to set a snare.

R$bi (ro-ibi), v. to travail ; to

be in pains of childbirth.

Rodede, v. gravitate ; suspend.

R$gbaka, Rogbayika, v. to sur-

round ; encompass ; en-


Rpgun, v. to lay wait for ; set

a watch for ; produce seed

(as yams).

Rojo, v. to rain.

Roju, v. to persevoro ; be patient;

endure ; endeavour ; placid.

Roju, adj. tame ; mild ; soft ;

cheap (as an article for sale).

Roloju, v. to tame ; pacify.

Role, v. to be quiet ; cease


be still ; be tranquil



Rolu, v. to rush upon ; to mob.

R$m$, v. to hang or lean upon.

Run, v. to be ill ; to bo sick.

Run, v. to dip the sop in sauce ;


Run, v. to masticate ; chew.

Randanrandan, adj. pale; sal-

low ; unhealthy.

Rfingb^n* n - beard ; whiskers.

Rnnhin, v. to grind the teeth ;

to bite the teeth together.

Rnnln, adj. crushed ; wrinkled.

R$nu, v. to be abstemious.

R$nfi, adj. tender ; soft-hearted ;


R$pd (ro-ipo), v. to take the

place of another ; to act for

an absent person ; to suc-


Rora, v. to take care of ; deal

gently ; bo scrupulous.

R$r$, n. ram's mane.

Rorun, adj. facile ; easy ; docile ;

advantageous; comfortable;


Ru, v. to bear ; carry ; sustain ;

support ; be poor ; meagre


lose flesh ; grow lean


emaciate ; languish.

Ru, v. to spring (as a fountain) ;

sprout (as a vegetable)


flourish ; stir up ; mingle.

Ru soke, v. disturb ; stir up


excite ; to cause to shoot

up ; to spring up (as grass)


to rise (as smoke).

Ru, v. to rise ; swell ; boil

over ; break out ; beexposed ; be moved with


Ru jade, v. to emerge ; spring

up ; shoot out.

Rubo (ru ebp), v. to make sacri-


Rubutu (Hausa), n. writing.

Rudi, v. to bud ; blossom.

Rudurudfi, adj. disordered ; in

great confusion ; chaotic.

n. chaos.

Runn (ru ofin), v. to transgress


break the law.

Rugudu, adj. small.

Rugudu, n. trouble ; fighting ;


Rukerudd, n. tumult ; uproar



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RtTL 227 SAM

Rttlu, v. to stir up tho town


to raise a tumult ; makeinsurrection.

Rulurulu, n. a seditious person ;

one who disturbs the town.

Run, v. to break in pieces or

chips ; masticate.

Run, v. to consume ; extirpate ;

destroy ; annihilate ; ex-

terminate ; extinct.

Run, v. to be straight or direct.

Run, v. to chew a stick ; to chew ;

to masticato ; to emit a

scent or stink, adj. fetid.

RnnawQ, v. to curry or prepare

leather for use.

Runni-runni, n. a waster ; a


Runl$ (run-ile), v. to break into

a house by undermining

the ground.

Runu, v. to be indignant or


Runwom, v. to break (as a

brittle article).

Run-wuru-wuru, v. to crumble

to pieces.

Rfiru, adv. confusedly ; dis-

arranged ; blank.

RosuruSU, adv. somewhat,qualifying Pon, red ; as,

Aso pipon rusurusu, " Areddish cloth."


Sa, n. time ; season ; interval.

Sa, v. to expose in the sun to

dry ; to air ; flee ; run ;

shy ; to fade ; evaporate.

Sa, adv. a particle prefixed to

verbs to call immediateattention.—Now, see now.—e.g., Sa gbo bi mo ti wi," Now hear what I say."

Sa, conj. for.

e.g., Yio sa se,

" For it shall come to pass."

Sa, v. to aim at ; apply medi-

cine ; haul in (a line).

Sa, adv. awhile ; for a time.

Sa asala, v. to escape danger byflight.

Saba, v. to incubate ; sit (on

eggs) ; hide away.

Saba, v. to relish.

Sadi, v. to take refuge under the

protection of another.

Sadn, v. to compete in running

a race.

Sala, Safara, v. to make a bridge.

Sa fun, v. to flee from ; avoid ;


Sagati, v. to encamp against.

Sagbara, Sagbaraka, v. to fortify

with a wooden fence ; stock-


Sagbaradi, v. to barricade with

wood ; stockade.

Sagb$, v. to dry by exposure

to the sun. .

Sagun, v. to make charms.

Saj$j$, Sajenejene, v. to cringe


. crouch.

Saji, v. to wake from sleep


Sakani, n. neighbourhood ; pale ;

jurisdiction ; district.

Sakasaka, n. hay; ground nutleaves dried ; provender.

Sakusa, n. a black, longtailed


Sala, v. to escape ; to flee.

Sa-lami, v. to make a mark or

sign upon.

Sal6, v. to come, run or comesuddenly upon.

Salo, v. to run away ; flee



Sala, v. to beg help of another.

Salubata, n. sandals.

Sami, Sainisi, v. to put a markup ; distinguish ; baptize.

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SAN 228 s£g

San, v. to gird ; tie round ; bind


split ; crack ; thunder.

San, adj. better ; improved in


San, adv. aloud ; straightfor-

ward ; directly ; vividly.


e.g., Manamana ko san, " It

lightens vividly."

San, Sanfun, v. to pay ; reward ;

benefit ; defray.

San ara, v. to thunder loudly

or in claps.

San asanle, v. to overpay.

Sanbe, v. to be armed withknives.

Sanda, v. to be armed with asword.

San die, Sanju, adj. better; alittle better.

San-^san, v. to requite ; reward ;


San gbese, v. to pay a debt;discharge money due.

Sanma, n. the sky ; heavens


aerial regions.

Sanmani, n. era ; a particular

period of time ; age.


Sanmani yi yato si ti lai-

lai, " The present age is

quite different to the past."

San nda, n. a kind of walking


Sanra, v. adj. fat ; healthy


well looking ; to be in goodcondition ; plump.

fffoiff&n, adv. odouriferously


strongly ; fragrantly.

flftfuqMi^ adv. in small slips

(qualifying Be, to split).

Sansftn, adv. straightforwardly


directly ; vividly ; fre-


S&nyan, n. raw silk ; coarse,

woven silk ; silk cloth.

Sap&kan, adv. aside ; apart.

Sapam$, v. to hide ; abscond ;


Sapara, Sapadi, v. to be barren

(applied only to land).

Sara, prep, upon ; on.

Sara, Saraha, n. alms ; charitable

gift (as used by the Moham-medan, these gifts are very

much akin to sacrifice. Qre-

anu, alms, has therefore

been employed in sacrifice).—e.g., Sara babaebo," Sara

is the father of sacrifice."

Saraki, n. respected members of

a club or association.

Sar6, Sur6, v. to run; gallop.

Sari, n. square enclosed bybuildings.

Sare, n. sepulchre.

Sarepegbe, n. the messenger of a

company.Sari, n. the early meal of the

Mohammedans, beforo day-

break, during their fast.

Sarin, prep, amidst ; between ;

in centre.

Sardtu, n. cigar ; cigarette.

Sase, v. to make a feast.

Sas^, v. to quarrel with ; dispute


Sasodun, v. to exaggerate in


Sasoye, v. to solve ; interpret.

Sata, n. household ; group of

buildings under a headman.

Sat$, v. to flee to ; escape to.

Sawo-O, inter, behold ; lo.

Se, v. to be shut ; closed ;

barren ; miss a mark or

one's aim.

Si, v. to cook ; concoct ; dress

and prepare victuals ; to

dye cloth or leather.

Seb$, v. to cook soup.

S6b$, v. to be callous ; to be-

come stout and strong.

Sebu, v. to stumble.

Segedehun, v. to affect a fine

pronunciation of words.

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s6h 229 St

Sehun, v. to disappoint ; fail

in promise.

Seju, v. to tempt or allure withthe eye.

Sele, v. to refine palm oil byextra boiling ; hence Epoisele, refined palm oil.

Se lese, v. to dye in colour.

Se 111, v, to cover a drum withvellum or parchment ; to

make a drum.Semo, v. to shut in ; bind in.

S6in0de, v. to shut out ; exclude ;


Senile, v. to confine ; shut in.

Seinu, v. to nearly capture.

Seinu, v. to sip.

Sena, v. to bar or block the road.

Sepa, v. to close fast or tightly.

Sepo, v. to prepare palm oil.

Sepon, v. to be barren or


Serar6, v. to keep steady ; bemotionless ; bo pregnant.

Ses§, n. forwardness, adv. for-


Sese, n. a kind of bean.

Ses$, v. to cease coming.

Seso, v. to bear fruit.

Seta, v. to miss one's aim.

Seti, v. to be attentive to a

distant noise ; eavesdrop.

S$, v. to strain ; filter ; deny ;

disown ; disallow ; re-

nounce ; negative.

Se, v. to be dead.

e.g., Qkonrinna se, " The man died."

S$, v. to question ; query


challenge ; quake ;

e.g., Mos$ e wo nigbana, " I

challenged him at the time ;"

to fall (as dew).

e.g., I ri

s$ pup9 li 6ru ana, " Thedew fell heavily last night."

S£, adv. (denoting emphasis),

positively ; now ; at any

rate ; surely ; indeed ;


S§, adv. see S$r$.

Seged$, v. to form a sediment.

S$g$d$-gb$n-un, n. sediment



S$g$S$£& adv. (qualifying agroup of elders), respect-

ably ; methodically ; in

order ; regularly.


Gbogbo wonjoko s$g$s$g$," All were sitting in order."

S$gi,*n. a kind of bead (very


S$gi, v. to speak like an Egun-gun ; to speak in an un-

natural manner.

S$gi, v. to strain Indian corn

starch, so as to separate

the chaff from it.

S^gun, v. to strike two iron

implements together to

make a sound.

Segbe, v. to store up for future


Sehin, adv. backward.

Sena, v. to speak so that only

those in the secret under-

stand the true meaning of

what is said.

Sfnsfn, adv. slightly (quali-

fying Dun, sweet).

e.g., Ondun sfnsfn, " It is slightly


Sera eni, v. to practise self-


S$r$, S§, adv. sluggishly ; sloth



Sfcri, v. to drop dew.

Si, v. to be ; exist.

e.g., Iya kosi mo, " Mother is dead."

Si, prep, against ; to ; at


into (always used with a

verb of motion towards).—e.g., Emi nlo sile wa," I am going to our house."

(Sile, si ile).

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SI 230 sis

Si, conj. and ; also ; likewise.

Si, adv. slowly (qualifying Wo,to crawl, drag).

Si, adv. (same as Si i), towards.

Sian, Sawon, adj. good; fair;

pleasant ; well.

Sibata, v. to crush ; destroy ;

overthrow ; put an end to.

Sibfc Sib$sib$, adv. still ; yet


still yet.

Sibi, prep, to the place ; to acertain place.

Sibikan, adv. to one place


together ; a group.

Sibo, adv. to what place



Sibomiran, adv. to another

place ; elsewhere.

Sigasiga, adv.

Sig$, adv. insanely ; with frenzy



Siha, prep, towards ; on the

side of.

Si i, Si, adv. awhile ; for sometime.

e.g., O pe si, " Hestopped awhile." Si is the

modern form.Sllrifri1ri

|n. hiccough.

Sile, v. io be cooler ; better

(after burning lever).


Ara ro sil6, " He is better "

(i.e., His body is cooler).

Sfl$, adv. down to the ground ;


Sil$, v. to settle at the bottomof a liquid ; to formgrounds.

Sim$d$, v. to be considerate


civil ; discreet.

e.g.. Sofun u pe ki o sim$d$, " Tell

him not to be rash."

Simi, v. to rest ; pause ; bequiet, inter, hush !

Sin, v. to string (as beads or

cowries) ; to sneeze.

Sin, adv. before ; first in point

of time.

e.g., O tdte de

sin mi, " He came before

me."Sin, v. to accompany ; lead on

the way ; demand debt

due ; lord over ; domineer


to serve a superior ; adore ;

cease ; prevent from doing ;

keep domestic animals


raise cattle.

Sin, v. to bury ; be concealed ;

force green fruit to ripen.

Sinde, v. to play the game called


Sin ekur<J, v. to crack a palmnut.

Sin gb$r$, v. to make an incision

with a lancet.

Sinika, n. a white metal sold

on the coast.

Sinisini, n. tyrant ; lord.

Sinje, v. to imitate ; mock



Sinku, v. to bury the dead ; to


Sintypa, v. to impale ; string onsticks.

Sinp$n, v. to force green fruit

do ripen by oxclusion of


Sinra, v. to treasure.

Sinn, prep, into ; among.

Sinwin, v. to be silly ; deranged ;

insane ; crazy.

Sfpa, prep, in the track of


towards ; concerning.

Sipa 6wo, adv. to which part



Sipo, adv. to the former place

or condition.

Sir$, v. to take thought ; con-


Sisan, n. adj. owing ; payable.

Sisan, n. adj. that which is to becracked ; cracked ; split



Sisan, n. adj. convalescence


convalescent ; better.

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sis 231 SQ

Sfsan ara, n. thunder claps.

Sisara, n. adj. evasion ; evasive ;


Sisare, n. adj. running.

Sisase, n. adj. cookery.

Sisfc, n. adj. cooked ; that which

is cooked.

Sfe6, n. adj. missed ; that which

is to be shut or closed.

Sis$, adj. deniable; drainable ;

sifted; filtered.

Sisin, n. adj. that which is to

be served, worshipped,

taken care of.

Sisoro, adj. suspended ; hung up ;


SiSQ, n. adj. that which is to

be thrown or cast away;

speakable ; utterable.

Sisoji, w. adj. revival ; awaken-


SisokuSO, v. to prate ; babble ;

talk nonsense.

$is$r$, n. the act of speaking


speech ; utterance.

Sisu, adj. wearisome ; nauseous.

n. wearisomeness ; the act

of sowing (seeds), plating

or gilding.

Sisun, n. adj. or adv. asleep


sleeping ; sleep.

Sisun, n. adj. roasting ; flowing ;


Sisure, n. adj. same as Sisare.

Sisure, n. adj. mode of pro-

nouncing a blessing



SfwajU, adv. more; forward;


e.g., Siwaju sehin,

"Forwards and backwards."

So, v. to tie; knot; hang;

suspend ; bear fruit ;yield ;


S6, v. to belch ; eject wind.

Sobla, n. Guinea worm.

Sod$, adj. excellent ; splendid ;


Sdfin, v. to prohibit ;pass or

enact a law.

Sogunr6, v. to rally an army.

S6ke, adv. on the top ; on top ;

on high.

Soko, adj. slung.

Solu, Solup$, v. to tie together ;

bind in one ;join ; link ;

unite ; annex.

Som$, v. to tie ; unite with


suspend to ; fasten upon.

Sdna, v. to hold at bay.

Soniyigi, v. to marry ; unite in


Sopanpa, v. to agree mutually in

valuing goods for market.

Sopo, v. to tie together ;join ;


Sori, prep, on top of ; above.

Sorik$, v. to drop the head

aside ; droop.

Sor$, v. to hang so as to swing ;


Soyigi, v. to marry.

So, v. to speak ; talk ; tell


pronounce ; utter ; de-

nounce ; assert ; shoot out

of stem ;join ; mend ;


So, v. to heave ; throw ; cast

at ; turn ;produce.

S$, v. to quarrel ; scold ; com-

plain ; to descend ; put

a load off the head ; to put


S$, v. to push into.

So asodun, v. to exaggerate.

So asoye, v. to define ; explain.

So awiye, v. to prove;, makecertain.

Sobotibdti, v. to prattle ; chat.

So dabi, v. to make ;bocome ;


So dahoro, v. to destroy; to


Sp dalaiku, v. to immortalize.

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SQ 232 SQ

89 dara, v. to embody ; convert

into flesh.

89 dasan, v. to annihilate.

Sp daye, v. to make alive


vivify ; enliven ; quicken.

Sp deri, v. to defile ; makeunclean ; bo foul.

8$ di, v. to oxplain ; prove



89 di, v. to become ; to convort


Sodi aimp, v. to make unclean


pollute ; defile.

So di baje, Sp di buburu, v. to

corrupt ; aggravate ; de-


Sp di mimv» v. to purify ; cleanse



Sp di mim$, v. to declare or cause

to be known.

Sp di nla, v. to enlarge ; makegreat ; masnify ; aggran-


Sp di pupY, v, to increase


multiply ; augment.

Sp di ranhunranhun, v. to per-


Spdi titan, v. to renew ; freshen.

Sodi tutu, v. to make fresh or


Sp ddfo, v. to make empty


evacuate ; nullify ; annul.

Sp dol6kunrun, v. to invalid.

Sp domnira, v. to free ; release ;


Sp ddng$, v. to stupefy.

Sp ddrisa, v. to deify ; to makea thing an object of wor-


Spdp, prep, to ; near ; near to ;

towards ; beside.

Spd$kan, v. to unite ; con-

solidate in one.

Sp dpmp, v. to adopt a child.

Sp dyfan, v. to renew.

Sp $sfn, v. to throw a lance

or spear.

Sp fa, v. to pawn ; pledge.

Spgp, v. to thrust, n. a peculiar

style of hair plaiting.

Sogba, v. to make a woodenfence ; impale.

Spjade, v, to speak out ; volley ;

shoot out.

Spji, v. to revive.

Spjp, v. to collect ; gather


S$kal$, v. to descend ; comodown ; help to lower aload down from the head ;

dismount ; disembark.

Sokesoke, n. intimacy ; famili-


Spki, v. to shrink. See Sunki.

Spkiri, v. to publish ; promul-gate ; bell out ; divulge.

S$kd, v. to throw a stone.

Spkun, v. to cry ; weep ; bewail



Sp lase, v. to give an order ; to

command (a law).

Spl$, v, to place ; to lay the

foundation ; to break into,

or burglariously enter, ahouse.

Sp 16fln, v. to charge ; bind bylaw ; command ; prohibit.

Sp-logun, v, to poison.

Sp 16rukp, v. to nominate.

Sp 1$$, v. to lodge ; assign to aplace ; locate.

Solura, v. to collide ; encounter.

Sp meji, v. to equivocate ; to bedouble tongued.

SpmidQl$t$, n. a yellow monkey


also called Oloyo.

Spmp, v. to patch.

S^m^ra, v. to bo together ; to

fasten together ; to makeas one.

Sonidi, v. to make ; to con-


Sp nigbangba, v. to enunciate ;

to make quite clear.

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S91IU, v. to be lost ; lose ;go

astray ; throw away.

Sonu, v. to take the evening

meal (Mohammedan during

their fast).

S$nU, n. the common Hausasalutation.

89 odlsi, v. to speak against,

contradict, blaspheme.

Spp&ka ekiln, v. to sob.

S^raki, v. same as Sunk).

SpiQ, v. to speak ; talk ; con-

verse ; articulate.

S$r$ iM* v. to whisper ; to

speak very softly.

S$r$ lehin, v. to backbite.

SyT^lu, S$r$p$, v. to converse

together ; commune.S$r$ werewere, v. to chatter


talk without meaning



89 segesege, v. to falter.

Sp SOkuSO, v. to tattle ; prattle ;

talk nonsense.

89 tele, v. to tell beforehand


foretell ; foreshow ; pro-

phesy ; prognosticate.

89 tinu eni, v. to speak frankly ;


S$t$, adv. aside ; apart ; sep-


SOWO, v. to weigh by balancing

on tho hand.

S$W$, prep, in hand ; to hand.

Su, v. to sow ; rotail oil, liquor

or snuff ; to take a thing

out of a socket, stand or

handle ; tiro ; weary ;

loathe ; embarrass ; nau -

seate ; walk lame from• pain in foot ; gild.


Nwon fi omi wura su u," It is gilded."

e.g., O su

mi, " I am tired of it."

86, v. to break forth ; erupt


appear in numbers on the


Su, v. to fail in making im-

pression from the use of ablunt edge of the instru-

ment ; to fail in cutting

or wounding.

Sfl, adv. thoughtfully ; deliber-

ately ; considerately.

Sua, adv. universally ; alto-

gether ; a very wide range ;

extensively ; entirely.

Subd, v. to gild ; overlay with

a thin coat.

Subp, v. to have enough and to


e.g., Qla su mi bo," I am rich in honour."

Su$SU$, adv. slothfully ; slug •

gishly ; stupidly.

Sufe, v. to whistle.

Sug$, adj. dull ; stupid ; insane.

Sug^stlg^, n. dullness ; stu-

pidity ; insanity.

Sul$, adv. drowsily.

Sun, v. to roast, toast or grill


to ooze or spring out as


Sun, v. to shove ; move.

Sun, v. to accuse ; sue ; com-plain of ; summons ; aimat.

Son, v. to sleep ; congeal (as oil.)

Sun, adv. strangely ; with sur-

prise (qualifies Wo, to look).—e.g., Aditi wo ni li enusun, " The deaf look with

surprise at the mouth


(of the speaker).

Sunderu, v. to burn to ashes



Sunjade, v. to ooze ; spring


Sunki, S(Jki, v. to shrink ; con-

tract ; shrivel ; shun



Sunle, v. to wean a child.

Sunmp, v. to move close to ;

keep nigh to ; approach ;

draw near.

e.g., Sunmp

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StfN 234 §AG

Qlorun, " Draw near to


Sunm$d$, v. to approach ; drawnear to.

Sunm$mi, n. foray ; raid.

Sunm^di, v. to approach ; drawnear to (applied only to

places or things).

Sunnnjtdsi, v. to draw near


to be in the neighbourhood ;

to be adjacent.

Sunnasi, n. irritation ; excite-


Sunsiwaju, v. to push forward ;

promote a thing.

Sunye, v. to doze ; take a short


Sura, n. kind ; sort ; variety.

Sur6, Sare, v. to run ; hasten


to be rash.

Sure, Surefun, v. to bless ; pro-

nounce or desire a blessing


Sure mboja, v. to struggle for


Suresaju, v. to forerun.

Suru, n. patience ;perseverance

under vexation.

Susfisfi, v. to move stealthily in

search of a thing or with

intent to pilfer.

Suta, v. to retail liquid or snuff.

Suti, Juti, n. a contemptuous

pouting of the lips ; a hiss.

Suw$n, adj. good, well, nice.

$a, v. to fade ; to be sterile.

adj. stale.

$a, $alpgbe, v. to cut ; to woundwith a knife.

§a, v. to pick up one by one


to choose, adv. at once.

e.g., Dide sa, " Rise at


5aba, n. a chain bracelet.

Sabawpn, adj. exceptional


strange, v. to stain.

$abetele, v. to bribe.

$abore, v. to work as a fetish


$abuku, adj. disgraceful.

$abukusi, v. to despise ; to

disgrace ; to disparage ; to


$abula, $adalu, v. to adulterate ;

to debase.

§adehun, v. to make an agree-

ment ; to bargain ; to

make a covenant.

$adahunse, v. to practise


$adugbo, v. to be neighbour.

Safe, v. to be foppish.

Safiyesi, gakiyesi, v. to observe ;

to take care of ; to becautious.

$afarawe, v. to imitate.

gafojudi, v. to be insolent ; to

be cheeky ; to be impudent.

$afowora, v. to steal ; to pilfer.

§afenusi, v. to have a voice in

a matter ; to vote.

Jagabagobe, v. to play the


$agalamasa, v. to play under-

hand tricks.

§agO, n. a demijohn.

§agbakd, v. to chance ; to meetunexpectedly.

$agbara, v. to endeavour ; to

try ; to struggle.

§agbe, v. to beg from door to

door ; to borrow.

$agbegbe, v. to be neighbours.

Sagbawi, Sagbaso, v. to be anadvocate ; to be a mouth-piece.

$agbaf$, v. to send clothes to

the laundry ; to be a


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§AG 235 §AI

$agbagun, v. to send grain to bepounded.

$&gbak&, v. to give to a helper

to count.

$&gbak$, v. to let a farm for

hoeing ; to make a contract

for house building.

§agbal$, v. to send grain to the

mill ; to be a miller.

$&gbalu, v. to give cloth or

clothes to be beaten.

$agbam$, v. to employ a builder

to build walls.

§agbape, v. to call someone onbehalf of another.

§agbara, v. to buy a second-

hand thing.

$agbar6, v. to employ labourers

to work a farm.

JJagbaru, v. to give a load to acarrier.

$agba$$» v. to make a watchmanresponsible for valuable


$agbat&, v. to give goods to

auctioneers or commissionagents.

$agbatp, v. to give a child to the

care of a nurse.

§agbaw6, v. to take a sick person

to a doctor.

§agbawo, v. to lodge in a houseor inn ; to let a house.

fagbawun, v. to order a cloth or

basket to be woven ; to


§agbayo, v. to secure the aid of

a helper to get out a thing

from a hole.

$agbere, v. to commit adultery ;

to be a prostitute.

$agbede, v. to be a blacksmith.

$agidi, v. to be obstinate ; to

be selfwilled.

§agunla, v. to be indifferent


to contemn.

$ai ! interj. an expression of


$ai, adv. not ; having the sameforce as the English prefix

on ; mostly used with ma ;

not. When ma precedes

sai the two negatives makea strong affirmative.


Ma sailo (lit.—do not go, or

you must go).

$aidi, v. to untie ; to undo.

Saibolafun, JJaibpwofun, v- to

disrespect ; to dishonour.

Saidpgba, adj. unequal.

§aifa, v. not to draw or pull.

$aife, v. to hate ; to be unwilling


to dislike.

$aigba, v. to refuse ; to decline ;

to disapprove.

gaigbagbo, v. to disbelieve.

$aigbehin, v. to be without help ;

to be unsupported.

Jaigbekele, v. to distrust.

$aigboran, v. to be disobedient.

§aijewo, v. to deny ; to refuse

to admit a fault.

$aikiyesi, v. to be unobservant.

$aikunna, adj. coarse ; rough.

9aileS0, adj. unfruitful ; barren.

9&ilt?b9, adj. singular.

gailera, adj. sick ; ill ; weak.

$ailola, adj. dishonourable ; dis-


$ailpra, adj. quick ; smart



$ailewa, adj. ugly ; uncouth.

$aim$, adj. unclean.

9aim$, v. to be ignorant.

$aimu, v. not to take.

$aini, v. to be destitute.

$ainigbagbp, v. to disbelieve


to discredit.

$aipe, v. to be quick.

$aipo, adj. unmingled. v. to

leave unmixed.

$aip$, adj. few.

$air$, v. unwearied.

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SAI 236 §AN

$air$, v. to be unfriendly.

$aisan, v. to be ill ; to be sick.

jaisun, v. to keep awake ; to

pass a sleepless night.

§ai?edede, adj. unequal, v. to

be crooked.

§ais5to, adj. untrue, v. to beuntruthful.

$aita, adj. unsaleable, v. not

to sell.

JJaitase, adj. straight.

$ait$run, adj. not satisfactory.

§aito, adj. insufficient.

$aity, adj. absurd.

JJaitunse, v. not to put right.

e.g., O saitun ile re se, " Hedoes not put his house


?aiwa, adj. absent.

$aiwe, adj. dirty, v. to leave


$aiwi, v. not to speak,

jaiwd, v. not to look.

$aiw$, adj. disagreeable, v. not

to enter.

$aiye, adj. unworthy.

$ajapa, v. to hawk goods for


$ajeji, adj. strange ; new. v.

to be strange ; to be new.

?aje, v. to bewitch.

?aj^, v. to cut to pieces for the

purpose of eating.

?ajd, v. to take care of one ; to

be solicitous.

?aj<J, v. to collect.

$ajomo, v. to have a mutualunderstanding ; to agree


$aju, prep, before.

5ata, v. to mock ; to disparage.

$aiye, v. to enjoy ; to take


$aka$aka, adv. clearly ; plainly.

§akasaka, adv. messy.

gakala, adv. merely.

$akawe, v. to compare.

$aki, adj. abortive.

gakigaki, adv. roughly ; ruggedly.

$akokd, v. to happen ; to beopportune.

§akOSO, v. to control ; to com-mand.

§alabapade, v. to chance ; to

meet unawares.

$aladasi, adj. officious ; meddle-


§alaim<^ adj. ignorant.

$alaim$, adj. unclean.

§alaiyihun, v. to be positive


to insist.

§alaiyin, v. not to praise.


salaiyin i, " Ho does not

praise him. ,,

$alailokan, adj. fearful ; timid.

Salailagbara, adj. weak.

$alailera, adj. ill ; weak through


$alailowo, adj. poor.

galailomo, adj. childless.

§alailanu, adj. merciless.

$ami, v. to spy ; to scout.

§an, v. to eat agidi without

soup ; to plaster ; to cut

down bush or forest.

$an, v. to flow into ; to be watery


to be too thin.

$ana, v. to strike a match.

Sana, v. to give dowry ; to payrespect to any momber of

the family of one's wife.

§ansan, adj. upright.

§anbd, v. to overflow.

fjanfani, v. to be advantageous ;

to be profitable.

$angbo, v. to cut down a forest,

or bush ; to make a clearing.

$angO, v. the god of thunder.

$aniani, v. to doubt ; to demur.

$aniyan, v. to be anxious ; to

care for ; to be solicitous.

$anja, v. to make a mud ceiling.

ganku, v. to die prematurely.

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§AN 237 §EF

gankuta, v. to dash against astone.

$anle, Rele, v. to plaster a house.

$anl$» v. to cut overgrown grass.

$anle, adj. dashed on the


$anpa, v. to swing the arm.

$ans$, v. to wash the feet.

$ans$, v. to dangle the foot.

Qanurd, v. to think.

§anu, v. to be merciful.

§anWQ, v. to be empty handed ;

to swing the hand.

§apa, v. to hack to death with a

knife or cutlass.

§apakan, v. to do a portion of a


$apaku, v. to devise means for

another's destruction.

§apa§apa, adv. roughly ; filthily.

§apejuwe, v. to describe.

§ape» v. to clap hands ; to


§apere, v. to illustrate ; to

signify ; to make a sign.

$apon, v. to be diUgent ; to be


§&ra, v. to be singular ; to bestrange.

garan, v. to speak uncon-

nectedly (through old age).

$arekerek6, v. to be double in

one's dealing ; to shuffle.

$&r$, v. to be tired.

$ar$, adj. older than.

$aro, v. to think ; to deliberate.

§aroye, v. to be talkative ; to


$&$&, n. smallpox marks.

gasa, adv. few.

§a?a, adv. quickly.

$a?asa, adv. here and there


Uttle ; very few.

$asara-$W$, n. worn out broom ;

the tip of a broom.

$a$eleke, v. to go to extremes.

gagaro, v. to meditate.

$a$egba, v. to do in turn.

$a$e$a, v. to be superfluous


to overdo a thing.

$ata, v. to despise ; to reproach.

Satan, v. to pick up entirely.

?ati, v. to reject ; to cast aside.

§atipo, v. to sojourn.

$atun$e; v. to mediate ; to


$awada, v. to jest.

§awawi, v. to find fault ; to


$awo, v. to be initiated into a


5aw6, v. to pick up money ; to

sort money.$aworo, n. small brass bells



$aw6tan, v. to heal entirely


to effect a complete cure.

§awun, §ahun, v. to be

niggardly ; to be stingy.

$ayan, v. to choose ; to select.

fjayan, v. to be diligent.

$ayika, v. to encircle.

je, as a prefix is often con-

tracted to s.

e.g., se-

afiyesi to safiyesi, se-ailora

to sailera, se-asaro to


$6, v. to do ; to act ; to make ;

to cause ; to bo.

$e-gbe, v. to perish.

$efcbe, v. to bo partial.

$e-ibinuje, v. to regret ; to be


$edaJQ, v. to decide a case ; to

pass sentence ; to judge.

§edaraya, v. to take exercise


to amuse ; to take recre-


$edarudapo, v. to mix; to

blend ; to confuse.

$edanwo, v. to examine ; to

put to a test.

Sefari, v. to be proud ; to boast


to lightly esteem another.

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SEC 238 gtisr

$eg$, v. to be exact ; to beequal ; to tally ; to match.

Segiri, v. to be brave ; to take

courage ; to strengthen one-


$egara, v. to rob ; to plunder.

Segbagbe, v. to forget; to


?egberaga, v. to be proud ; to

elate oneself.

$egboran, v. to be obedient.

$egb$w$, §onigbpwo, v. to besurety ; to be responsible.

$ekanu, v. to be merciful.

$ekannu, v. to be passionate


to fret ; to be severe.

$ekore, v. to harvest ; to reap.

§elaja, v. to mediate.

$elala, v. to work hard, to toil.

gelakalaka, v. to hop.

$elana, v. to ordain, to direct.

?elalejO,f . to entertain strangers,

to be hospitable.

§elara, v. to be envious ; to


§elotun, v. to renew ; to repair.

$eleri, v. to promise ; to give apledge.

$ele§e, v. to hurt ; to injure.

5elewa, v. to adorn ; to beautify.

§emele, v. to bo lazy.

$elQSQ, v. to adorn ; to furnish.

§enia, v. to be kind ; to beamiable.

$enunibini, v. to persecute ; to


$enudidun, v. to be pleased ; to

be glad.

$Otlale, v, to be perfidious ; to

be treacherous.

$epaiya, v. to be afraid ; to bepanic -stricken.

§epinle, v. to determine aboundary.

§epinhun, v. to make a contract

or agreement.

$epinnu, v. to determine ; toresolve.

$eppnju, v. to be afflicted ; toworry.

$eranse, v. to serve ; to be amessenger.

$eranti, v. to remember ; tocommemorate.

?ereti, v. to hope ; to expect.

$ereje, v. to cheat ; to defraud.

$6rora, v. to ease ; to relieve.

Sesegesege, adj. ugly; topsy*


Sagayan, v. to choose ; to makea selection.

$etanmp, v. to surmise ; toconjecture ; to think.

$etpju, v. to take care of ; toguard.

9etQS6, v. to examine ; to trace.

fjeyori, v. to be successful.

^esunasi, v. to aggravate matters ;

to exaggerate ; to provoke.

$ewara, v. to be quick.

$ewasu, v. to preach.

Seypri, v. to achieve ; to besuccessful.

$6WQra, v. to be greedy.

§egun, v. to conquer.

$$lege, v. to be delicate.

$f, v. to open.

$i, v. to miss ; adj. fade ; dull.

?ibi, w. spoon.

$ifisi, v. to misplace.

$ihun, v. to make an error in


$ikurO, v. to remove ; to changethe place of a thing.

$igun, v. to lead an army to


$ilaiya, v. to alienate ; to dis-


$ilese, v. to force one away.

$inidi, JJinipo, v. to remove ; to


$iniye, v. to remind.

$fna, v. to reopen a road.

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§tN 239 §ts

$ina, v. to miss one's way.

§ise, v. to misbehave.

$lgidi, n. an image made of mudwhich it is believed will

protect, avenge, or attack

when propitiated.

$igb$, v. to misunderstand.

$ijib6, v. to shade ; to over-


$iju, v. to be daring ; to openthe eye.

$ijuwd, v. t<5 behold ; to look

upon ; to view.

?ika, v. to do mischief ; to act


$ik$, v. to cherish ; to take care

of ; to nurse.

$ikiri, v. to havo no abiding

place ; to bo vagrant.

$ik$, v. to set sail ; to leave the


§iko, v. to make a mistake in


§ikun, v. to remain ; a part of

a whole left behind.

$ileti, v. to warn ; to caution ;

to exhort.

$ilekun, v. to open a door or


?ilo, v. to misuse ; to mis-


$ilo, v. to migrate ; to drive


$il<J, v. to transplant.

$ilona, v. to mislead.

$ilQWQ, v. to prevent an action.

$imele, v. to be idle ; to belazy.

$im$, v. to fail to recognise.

$imoran, v. to counsel.

§in, adv. deeply.

e.g., Ogun milese sin, " It pierces myfoot deeply."

Jin, v. to wash ; to rinse.

Jinipa, v. to commit man-slaughter.

$insin, adv. firmly.

e.g., Durosinsin, " Stand firmly."

§inm<J, v. to cleanse.

§inupayafun, v. to be frank ; to

make one's mind known.

JJip, interj. pshaw ! hissing.

?ipa, v. to work hurriedly or


§ipa, v. to kill any creature bymistake.

§ipada, $ipopada, v. to remove ;

to change to another place.

§ipare, v. to rub off by mistake.

$ipaya, v. to reveal ; to expose,

jipfc, v. to miscall or call bymistake.

?ipe, v. to beg.

§isile, adj. open ; manifest.

jir6, v. to play ; to sport.

Jiri, adj. a stock of corn,

jird, v. to reckon ; to calculate.

jirp, n. the thrush.

$isaikunna, adj. coarse ; rough.

§isaju, n. antecedent.

§i?akawe, n. allegory.

§isan, adj. running ; flowing ;


§i$anufun, adj. pitiable.

§i?aran, n. speaking uncon-nectedly through old age.

$i$aroye, n. prating ; talking

beyond limit.

JJisayan, n. assiduity.

§isayan, adjl chosen ; select.

$ise, v. to move ; to walk fast.

§ise, v. to make a mistake.

$i?e, adj. possible.

$i?& v. to work.

$i?e, v. to labour ; to worry.

$i?l, adj. missed ; mistaken.

$i$i, adj. open.

§ipefun, v. to beg ; to apologise.

$i?iro, adj. calculated ; reckoned.

§isird, adj. miscalculated.

$i$6r0, adj. difficult ; hard.

?lso, v. to speak wrongly ; to

make a slip of the tongue.

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240 §<?P

$i99, adj. watched.

$i?9kan, n. unity.

$i9pra, n. watchfulness.

?i$u, <*<#. spherical ; rounded ;


$i?u, ady. dark ; overcast


black ; dull.

$iwaju, $aju, adv. before.

Siwere, v. to be crazy.

$iwo, v. to borrow money.$iw9, v. to rest temporarily

from work ; to stop doinga thing.

$iyemeji, v. to be doubtful.

$4, v. to watch.

$6, adj. slackened ; loose.

$0, v. to be stubborn.

$odl, v. to oppose ; to be against.

$6di, v. to be a bulwark ; to


$ofo, v. to bo empty.

$6f6, v. to waste ; to lose.

$ofof0, v. to tell a lie ; to be atale-bearer.

$0ge, v. to be foppish.

$ogo, n. to exalt, to glory.

$6gun, v. to make medicine.

$6gunsi, v. to use foul meansagainst anyone.

$0]Oro, v. to dupe ; to cheat.

§0juflrin, v. to wink.

Sojuja, v. to look stern ; to look


$ojukokoro, v. to covet.

jojurore, v. to be favourable.

$0jusaju, v. to be partial ; to

be prejudiced in favour of.

$ojusu, v. to be puzzled.

$0ki, adj. little.

Joki^dki, adv. very little.

$6ki$6ki, adv. roughly ; unevenly.

$6kot6, n. trousers.

$6koto, n. very small.

$okunkun, adj. dark.

$olori, v. to be above others ;

to rule ; to preside.

gonikupani* v. to bo a traitor

or betrayer.

$onroro, v. to be cruel ; to bean oppressor.

$0x196, adj. pointed, n. pinnacle.

§on?oile, n. a cape ; a prom-ontory.

$6p&, adj. ignorant.

$5re, v. to be kind.

$5ro, adj. difficult ; hard.

$6r6, adj. fierce.

$or6, v. to observe the festival

of a god.

$090, adj. only.

$69696, adj. studded.

J691, v. to be wretched.

$otito9 v. to bo true.

$0w6, v. to trade.

$4, v. to watch.

$$, adj. slack.

e.g., Apo yi 99," This bag is slack "

; over-


e.g., Odu yi s$,

" This hole is full to over- •


$$dale, v. to be treacherous ; to

be a traitor.

Sode, v. to hunt.

§9?9, v. to mourn.

$9gba, v. to watch a garden.

SQgbogba, adj. equal; exact.

§okan, adv. together.

$9la, v. to presume on account

of one's position.

§0kan?0§0, v. to unite.

Sple, v. to watch a house.

§ple, v. to be lazy.

Spin, v. to watch a town.

$91119, v. to take undue advan-tage of one's birth.

$9mode, adj. young.

$9mod9, v, to be a servant.

$9m9ta, v. to be rude.

$9na, v. to watch.

$9P6, v. to be thankful.

$9P9, adj. common ; many.

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9QR 241 TAG

$ora, v. to beware ; to be

watchful ; to be circum-


$$re, v. to be friendly.

3^9$* v. to bedeck oneself with


?$?$» aa*

v* quietly.

$OSQnu, adj. kindhearted.

$ota, v. to be an enemy.

§ote, r. to rebel.

$<j>to, v. to be faithful ; to behonest.

$Qtun, v. to be new." 9^tun-90Si," v. to be double-


$pw6, y. to peep.

?OWQ, v. to send off ; to forward

a thing or person.

9$WQll, adj. dear ; scarce.

§U, od;. round.

§u, v. to be dark.

$U, v. to empty the bowels,

$ubaibai, v. to be hazy.

$ubo, v. to overshadow ; to

mob.§ubu, v. to fall.

gubulu, v. to fall upon.

§ulohun, v. to be impudent ; to

be insolent.

$Ugbon, conj. but.

?ujp, arf/. round ; assembled.

§uku, n. basket.

$umQ, v. to throng.

?un, v. to pinch ; to take little

by little.

Jfln, adv. intently ; calmly.

$unna, v. to be thrifty.

$una?i, v. to exaggerate.

?usi, v. to interfere.

$ttnu, v. to be attacked with


$&po, v. to marry a widow.

$uttl, ad;, small circle.

gftru, ad;, plenty.—e.g., Mo bu8uru, " I take plenty of it."

$090, adv. greatly ; violently.


Ta, pron. who ?—, Ta ni nse

bf ," Who is doing so."

Ta, v. to kick ; burn ; shoot

at ; sting ; tap ; spill ;

shed ; shine upon ; to

open a boil.

Ta, v. to sell ; expose for sale ;

impose a fine.

Ta, v. to produce ; to soundaloud (as a cry) ; to

wander from one place to


e.g., Ta atare

atayo, " He roves hero andthere."

e.g., Igbe ta, " Acry was raised."

Taba, n. tobacco.

Tabi, conj. or ; either ; neither ;

nor ; whether.

e.g., Tabiiwo k6 gbo, "Or do younot hear."

e.g., Iwo tabi

emi, " You or I."

Tabi ! inter, what else ? whatmore ? indeed !

Tabi-tabi, v. doubt ; uncer-

tainty.—e.g., Tabi-tabi kdsi nib$, " There is nodoubt about it."

Tabu, n. a splash.

Tadi, v. to bo at variance with.

Tadi, v. to be stirred.

Tafa, v. to shoot arrows.

Tafa-tala, n. an archer ; bow-man.

Taflri, adj. aromatic.

Tagiri, n. a creeper, the fruit of

which is used in tanning


Tagiri, v. to startle.

Tagetage, adv. feebly ; stagger-


T&gUH, adj. strong ; vigorous ;

healthy ; sound ; hale.

e.g., Qkonrinna tagun pupo," That man has a very

healthy appearance."

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Tagbo kun, v. to spread or makea sail.

TagbQUgb$n, v. to stagger; to


Tallin, v. to pick the teeth.

Tahun, v. to tell out one's grief.

Tai, adv. indifferently ; inso-


Ta-ibdju, v. to veil ; to screen.

Ta-ire, v. to imprecate.

Tai-tai, adv. see Tai.

Taiye, adj. temporal ; belongingto the world.

Taja, v. to sell goods or


Taj& Taj^-Sile, v. to shed blood.

Taji, v. to wake suddenly ; to


Tajtl, v. to be in haste ; to beanxious.

T&ka, v. to compote with : to


Takada, n. paper.

Ta kankan, v. to bo smart ;

to move with activity



Taketake, adv. immediately


instantly ; at once.

Tak6tt, v. to stand aloof from ;

to shun.

Takfk?, v. see Ta kankan.

Takinikinf-ojn, v. to be giddy,

faint or intoxicated.

Tak6k6, v. to knot.

Takitaki, adj. fertile; pro-


e.g., Isu na ri

takitaki, " That yam is veryproductive."

Tak6, v. to gainsay ; oppose



Tako tabo, n. male and female.

Taku, adj. dauntless.

Takun, v. to hang a string or


Tala, n. bleached calico ; whitemuslin.

Ta-laiya, v. to smite the breast


to oppose ; to resist ; to becontrary to.

e.g., Afefe ta

ok$ laiya, " The wind is

contrary to the ship."

Talaka, n. a poor person.

Tale, v. to become infected.

Tali, Tani, pro. who ? whom ?

e.g., Tali oluwar^ ? " Whois the person ?


Tal6, n. a splash.

Ta-l(Jre, v. to give a present


to reward.

Talu, v. to fall upon.

Ta-lugbe, n. unripe fruit



Tanma, v. to think ; to suppose ;

to conjecture.

Tan, v. to light a lamp or torch ;

to shine ; radiate ; entice ;

seduce ; lure ; deceive ;

decoy ; spread ; scatter.

e.g., Tan fitila, " Light the


Tan, v. to finish ; cease ; to

be at an end ; extinct


annihilate ; to heal ; cure.

Tan, v. to be related to.


Emi kd ba 9 tan. emi kd si

ba 9 re, "I am neither

related to, or acquaintedwith you."

Tan, to. to run aground.

Tangala, n. a bird.

Tanganran, n. tin ; zinc


galvanized iron.

Tani* pro. who ; whom.

Tanipa, v. to kick at another.

Tanigankp, n. the centipede.

Tonje, v. to deceive ; cheat


entice ; beguile.

Tanju, v. to look sternly at.

Tankale, v. to spread about


to communicate; topublish.

Tanma, v. see Tanma.

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TAN 243 TtJ

Tanm$l$, v. to emit light



Tann&, v. to light the lamp ; to

flower ; blossom.

Tanna-tanna, n. a small centi-


Tansan, v. to twinkle ; emitlight.

Tantan, adj. violently (a quali-

fication of the verb Na, to


e.g., Emi na ese

mi tantan, " I stretched mylegs out to the full extent."


Tantasi, n. yams left in the

ground to shoot out.

Tanu, v. to cast out ; eject.

Tapa, v. to kick.

Tapasi, v. to kick against ; to


Tape, v. to bud ; to appear (as

an oar of corn).

Tara, v. to be hasty ; zealous ;

earnest ; concerned ; quick.—e.g., Tara gbe omi lo fun

mi, " Be quick and take

water for me."Tara, adj. straightforward.

e.g., Mo f$ ki o soro tara," I wish you to speak in astraightforward manner."

Tan, a. to push violently or


Tard» v. to estimate, regard,

countenance ; to act suit-

ably ; to notice.

Taru, v. to lift a heavy load onthe head for oneself.

T&sa, n. pan ; cup ; plate.

Tasai, adj. pungent ; acid



Tase, v. to fail ; miss the mark ;

to miss another.

Tasehun, v. to equivocate



Taserin, v. to stagger.

Tase, v. to kick.

Tan, v. to shoot at ; spill upon ;

to anoint.

Tasflara, v. to sprinkle the body.

Tasil$, v. to spill on the ground ;

to shed.

Tasiwaju, v. to shoot in front of


Tage, v. to imprecate evil upon ;

to curse.

Ta-$fisu, v. to ramble ; to rove ;

to roam.

Tawd, Tayo, v. to play the gamecalled warry.

Ta-yp, v. to go beyond ; surpass ;

excel ; outdo.

e.g., Obin-rin yi ta gbogbo wpn yo," This woman excels themall."

Tayo-tayo, adv. gladly ; joyfully.

T6, adv. on the very top

(qualifying verbs signifying

to put, or rest upon).


$iye ba le ori igi te, " Thebird roosts on the top of the


Te, v. to worship ; adorn


propitiate ; roar ; respect


fondle; indulge.


Orisa ti a k$ k^, ti k6 gbpik(J orisa ti a te te, ti kogbite, oja popo ni igbe

gbehin, " The deity whowould not be pleased whenthey tried to please it, andwho would not be pro-

pitiated when they tried to

propitiate it, must finally

take up his abode in the


T8de, n. a parrot very des-

tructive to Indian corn.

Tefe-tefe, adv. wholly ; entirely ;


e.g., O lo tefe-

tefe, " He escaped alto-


Tegbdgi, adj. medicinal.

Teju, Tpju, v. to take care of


watch ; have the oversight


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TEL 244 T?-M

Tele, v. to gather chips.

Temi, pro. mine.

Tenia, adj. human ; worldly.

Tente, n. a point ; pinnacle


apex ; spire.

Tepa, v. to be wrinkled



Tere, adv. in a small quantity.

Teriteri, adv. filthily ; unclean.

Tete, adv. early ; soon ; quickly ;

first ; beforehand.

e.g., Ise

temi ni ki a tete ko se,

" My work is the first to

be done."

Tete, n. leg ; kick from ananimal.

e.g., Ewure yanmi ni tete, " The goat

kicked me."

Tete, adv. fast ; quickly.


Qmode nsure tete loju

opopo, " The child runs

quickly on the highway."

Tete-kajo, v. to antedate.

Tetekp, adv. in the first place.

Tetet(J, v. to provoke.

Tetetowd, t>. to taste beforehand.

Tewe, adj. belonging to child-

hood ; juvenile.

T$, v. to come to disgrace ; to

be flat or level ; to betasteless, or insipid ; to


Te, v. to beat ; outdo ; to lay ;

to place.

T$, v. to trample ; tread down ;

bend ; to be curved



e.g., O t$ mi li oju

ese ti ndun mi, " You trod

on my sore foot whichpains me."

T$ba, v. to bend ; make to

stoop ; subject.

T$b&l$, v. to bond down.

Tebere, t». to make level ; to

make low.

Te-b^» v. to dip.

Te-bomi, T$-b$rin, v. to soak

in water.

Tebo-tebo, adj. unhealthy


unnatural ; bloated.

T$do, v. to encamp ; form anestablishment ; build a newtown.

T$gun, v. to set the battle in

array ; to lay wait.

T$gbin-t$gbin, adv. filthily



T$hln, adj. the last ; final.

Tehin-bprun, n. the name of a


Tejumo, Tejum^wd, v. to gaze

at ; to fasten the eye upon ;

to regard earnestly ; to

attend to.

Tek^-tele, n. routine.

Tele\ v. to follow after ; to

imitate ; to pursue.


Mase saju, sugbpn tele

won, " Do not go before

but follow them."

Tel^9 v. to tread on the ground.

adv. beforehand ; previously



e.g., Awa ti motel$ pe bfni yio ri, " Weknew beforehand that it

would be so."

T$-lese, v. to tread on the foot ;


Te-logO, v. to humble ; disgrace ;

bring low or cast down.

T^-loriba, v. to subdue or


T^-lpda, v. to omasculate ananimal ; castrate.

Te-lorun, v. to satisfy.

T^m^, adv. scornfully, v. to


e.g., O wo mi t$m$," He regarded me scorn-


Temi, adj. spiritual.

Te-mo, v. to press upon ; to


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T£-M 245 Tl

Te-mole, v. to trample underfoot ; overwhelm ; dom-ineer.

e.g., Ma te mimole li atelese re, " Don'ttrample mo under foot."

Tenibafin, v. see T$-loda.

Teni, pro. one's own.

T£ni, n. one who disgraces


T$nil$run, v. to be satisfied with.

Tenininu, v. to appease, pro-

pitiate, pacify.

Tentere, n. a carnivorous bird.

Tenu, adj. good-tempered; meek;gentle ; mild.

Tenu, adv. from th% mouth.Tenumo, v. to affirm ; urge


assert ; assure.

Tenump-lem<Jlem<J, v. to con-

stantly affirm.

Tenyin, pro. yours.

Teramo, v. to persevere ; to


T$r$, adj. slim ; tall ; slender.

T$r$, v. to tread down ; trampleupon.

Tfcri, v. to suppress ; putunder ; hide ; secrete ;


Teriba, v. to stoop, bow the

head ; submit ; cringe.

Terfsi, v. to incline towards.

T$run, adv. abundantly ; satis-

factorily ; contentedly



T$rut$ru, adv. fearfully ; dread-


Tesuba, n. prayer beads ; rosary.

T$si, v. to incline to, to tem-porize ; to bias.

Tesil$, v. to bend down.T$t$, n. a herb.

T$t$-$g6n, n. a species of caneused for cough mixture.

Tetere, adv. carelessly.

e.g., Aki imu ibon tetere, " A gunis not to be handled care-


T$ti8il$, v. to incline the ear.

Tftu, n. executioner.

T^w6, v. to print.

T^WiJgba, v. to accept ; approve ;

receive ; take in hand.

T$W$n, v. to be weighty ; to

balance, adj. heavy.

Ti, v. to strike with a hardsubstance ; to fade.

Tf, conj. yet.

e.g., Emi ki iti I9,

" I have not gone yet."

Tf, pro. who ; that ; which ;

whom ; the one which.

e.g., Qkonrin ti mo wi ti

pada de, " The man whomI mentioned has returned."

Ti, prep, to ; of ; belonging to.—e.g., Ti tani isc, ** Towhom does it belong " (also

a sign of the possessive


e.g., Iwe ti emi ko>

niyi, * * This is notmy book. '


Ti, v. to thrust ; support


push ; fasten ; lock ; shut.—e.g., Ti ilekun ki o to

jade, " Lock the door before

you go out."

e.g., Mase ti

pmp subu, " Do not pushthe child over."

Ti, prep, against ; at ; with ;

by ; near.

e.g., Mase duroti mi, " Do not stand byme."

Ti, adv. not.—e.g., O ti, " It is

not so " (also denoting

failure or inability).


Baba ko ile ti, " My father

could not finish his house."

Ti, v. have.

e.g., Awa ti lo,

" We have gone."

e.g., Onti de, " He has come."

Ti, prep. from.

e.g., Bi iwp ti

ti ibe na de ni, " Have youjust come from that place."

Ti, adv. heavily ; vehemently ;

with groat force.


Orun na bi lu mi ti, " Thesmell overpowers me."

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Tian, Tian-tian, adv. long;

distant ; high.

e.g., Oniyeni iranti ojo tian-tian, " Aman of good memory canrecall past days long ago."—e.g., l?iye fo tian-tian," The bird flew to a great


Tian-tian, adv. abundantly ; pro-

fusely ; plentifully.

Tian-tian, n. a bird called thus

from its cry.

Ti-baba, adv. fatherly.

Tibayi, pro. one yonder.

Tibo, adv. adhesively ; copiously.

Tldi, v. to shy ; to go backwards.

Tigbadi& Tigbakikpja, adj. for

a little time ; transient



Tijade, v. to thrust out.

Tljatija, adv. fretfully; tur-


Tij6tij6, adv. prancingly ; with

dancing step.

Tiju, v. to blush ; to be ashamed ;

to reserve.

Tlka-tika, adv. cruelly ; tyrani-


Tlkanra-tlkanra, adv. fretfully.

Tlkar&mi, pro. myself.


Emi tlkarami ni, " It is I


Tlkarare, pro. thyself ; yourself.

Tlkarar^, pro. himself ; herself.

Tika-t$gbin, adv. insultingly


contemptuously.—-e.g.,O womi tlka-t$gbin, " He looks

at me contemptuously."

Tlkehin, adv. lastly.

Tikfc Tik$-tik$, adv. heavily;

unwillingly ; reluctantly.

Tiku, adj. deadly ; fatal.

Ti-kurd, v. to thrust away.Tilatila, adj. laborious ; toil-


Tile, v. to pledge one's word.

Til^, conj. even ; though



e.g., Bi awa kdtil$ I9, kini yio se ? " Evenif we should not go whatwould happen ?


Ti-lehin, v. to succour ; support


defend ; relieve.

Ti iln, adj. public ; belonging to

the town, people or nation.

Tilutlfpn, adv. pompously ; withdrum and pipe.

Timp, Timp-timp, adv. closely ;


Timtlm, n. cushion ; pillow ;


Tin, Tinrin/ adj. thin ; slender.

Tinaby, Tinaran, v. to kindle


set on fire.

Tinti, prep, within ; among.

Tinu-tinu, adv. heartily


voluntarily ; willingly.

e.g., Emi o fi tinu-tinu se e,14

I will do it heartily."

Tipa, Tipadanyin, adv. stren-

uously ; with effort.

Tipa-tipa, adv. with force



Tipil$?$» adv. from the beginning.

Tfra, Tia, n. a Mohammedancharm.

Tirekpja, adj. passing ; tran-


Tire, pro. thine ; yours.


Tire li awa, " We are


Tir$, pro. his ; hers ; its.

Tire, adv. abundantly ; in multi-


e.g., Awpn enia w$tirp lodp r$, " The people

flock to him in multitudes."

Tiri, v. to stand at bay.

Tiri, v. to stoop ; to look down-wards.

Tirlnniyl^, v. to stand firm.

Tirisi, prep, against ; opposite


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Tiro, v. to stand on tip-toe ; to

stretch oneself to reach


Tird, n. antimony ; blacklead


Tlro-tird, adv. thoughtfully,


Ti isal$, adj. belonging to the

lower parts.

Tisi, v. to push into ; to thrust


Ti-iiwaju, v. to push forward ;


Ti-sdra, n. scissors.

Ti-$ajU, adj. foremost ; pre-

cedent ; preliminary, v. to

put forward, or foremost.

Tis$-tis£, adv. penuriously.

Ti$e-tise, adv. labouriously.

Ti$i$e, v. that which may be

done ; practically.

Ti-gubu, v. to push down ; to

cause to fall.

Tita, n. that which is to be sold.

Tita, n. that which is to bo shot

at. adj. stinging ; burning.—e.g., Emi o fi egbogi tita

si ese re, "I will putburning medicine on yourfoot."

Titagbara, adj. violent ; mighty.

Titan, adj. curable ; terminable ;


Titan, adj. shining ; sparkling ;

twinkling, n. bright light.

Titan, n. deception ; deceit.

Titan, adj. trailing ; spreading.

Titani, pro. whose.

e.g., Titani

ni iwe yi ? " Whose is

this book ?"

Titani, adj. burning ; stinging.

Titanje, w. a deceit, a fraud.

Titanka, n. see Titan.

Tftangan, n. rays of light.

Titara, adv. earnestly ; zealously.

Titara-titara,odt;. very earnestly.

Titard, n. for the sake of.

Titayp, adj. surpassingly


Titfc, n. that which may bofondled or worshipped.

Tit$, n. that which is trampledupon.

Tit$, n. that which spreads ; aneven surface.

Tit$ba, adj. bent.

Tittle, n. that which is followed.

Titenump, adj. attirmable



Tite-obi, n. pangs of childbirth.

Titewpgba, adj. acceptable.

Titi, adv. continually ; ever.

conj. until.

Titi, adv. tremulously ; violently.—e.g., He mi tttl, "Theearth quakod violently."

Titi, n. public road, street.


Oju titi ni mo duro si, " 1

am standing on the public


Titi-lai, ado. for ever ; per-


Titi lp, adv. continually.

Tit6, n. sufficiency.

Titobi, n. greatness.

Titogbe, v. dozing ; napping.

Tity, adj. straight ; direct.

n. that which is to bestraightened.

Titpwo, n. that which is to betasted.

Titu, adj. navigable.

Titu, adj. tamable.

Titnjuka, n. the state of being


Tittika, n. that which is scattered

or separated.

Titukp, see Titu.

Titnl$, n. that which is to be


Tituloju, n. that which can betamed.

Titnn, adj. new ; fresh ; young ;


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Titunge, adj. reparable ; amend-able.

Tiwa, pro. ours.

Tiwajn, adj. foremost, prior.

Tiwoye, adv. considerately.

Tiwpn, pro. theirs.

Tiwpnwpn, n. a wart ; the nameof a bird.

Tiwpra-tiwpra, adv. greedily.

Tiya, adj. maternal ; belonging

to the mother.

Tiyara-tiyara, adv. swiftly


hastily ; briskly ; speedily.

Tiyfc, adj. mental ; pertaining

to the memory.Tiyfc, adj. pertaining to life.

Tiyen, adv. afar.

T6, Toto, T6to hfln, adv. never.

e.g.. Toto hun emi k6 se bemp, " Never will 1 do it


To, adj. sufficient ; enough, v.

to be equal to ; able.


Asp na to fun sokoto,** The cloth is sufficient for


To, adj. the sound of dropping.

e.g., Ojo nrp to t6 to, " Therain falls drop, drop, drop."

T6, inter, an expression of satis-


T6, v. to stand in a line ; muster ;

place in rows ; to be re-


e.g. , T6 wpn lesese,*' Place them orderly in


T6, adv. aloud.

e.g.. Mo kigbe

to, " I cried aloud."

T6bp, adv. to such a degree ; in

such wise ; so much.Tobi, adj. large ; great ; big ;


e.g., Qran natobi, " It is a great matter."

Tdbi, n. an apron ; napkin



T6biju, adj. bigger ; greater ;


e.g., Eyi tobiju ti

phun lp, " This is bigger

than that."

Tobijulp, adj. biggest ; largest.

Tode, adj. open ; belonging to

the public.

T5gb6, v. to sleep ; slumber



Tdgbera, v. to place in rows.

Togbo, n. a bird.

Tobun, adj. pertaining to the


T6jp, v. to muster ; heaptogether ; accumulate.

Tojub^, v. to look into ; to view.

T6ke, adj. heavenly ; pertain-

ing to things above.

T6ki, adv. in small quantities.

Tole, v. to touch the ground.

T6-l^se, T6-l^sese, v. to arrange

in orderly rows.

T616t616, n. a turkey.

T61u, n. to pack together.

T6nit6ni, adv. cleanly ; decently.

T6nit6ni, conj. until to-day.

Tontoro, adj. very little (used of


e.g., Bu omi ton-

toro si pb$, " Pour a verylittle water into the soup."

Tori, v. to fall to one's share.

Tdrf, adv. ferociously ; horribly ;


e.g., Qbp nanboju tori, " That monkeyis making frightful grim-

Tdrd, v. to settle ; be still ; beat rest ; tranquil.

e.g., Ilu

tord, " The town is at rest."

Tdro, n. a fat rat ; a country


T6r6, adv. easily.

T6r6r6si, v. to anoint with on.

Tdsi, n. nearness, proximity.

Tdgf, v. to be wretched ; to

suffer poverty.

T6t6, adj. (qualifying Fp, to

open wide the eyes), very.

e.g., Gbogbo wpn f§ oju

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tOt 249 TU

toto, " They all open their

eyes very wide."

Tdtd, Totohfin, inter, an ex-

pression of humiliation

before the gods or superiors,

denoting submission, andrepentance, and a promisenot to repeat the offence.

Tdtp, adv. truly ; of a truth.

T6t$, adj. rightful.

T6w6, adj. regarding trade



Tow6, adj. concerning money.

Tow6-tow6, adv. with money.

T6ye^ n. merits, value.

Toye, adj. belonging to a title.

T6y6-tdy6, adv. with observa-

tion ; discreetly.

T$, v. to correct ; bring up


direct ; straighten ; vex ;

annoy ; provoke ; tease;

touch ; trouble.

e.g., Emili o t$ o dagba, " It was 1

who brought her up." adj.

correct ; proper.

e.g., Ot<J lati se bf ,

" It is correct

to do so." v. ought,

should, worthy.

T0, v. to be straight ; right


true ; to be long ; durable ;

to split into slips ; to trim.

T$, v. to urinate.

T$, v. to follow ; go to ; resort

to ; apply to ; seek to.

T<5, adv. an expression of praise

used to a younger.


O seun tp, " Well donechild."

Tpdun, adv. yearly ; annually.

Tp pj$, v. to settle or trace amatter.

T$f$-t$fi9 adv. gratuitously ;


T$g$g$, v. to stagger.

Tphan, n. that yonder.

Tpja, v. to trace throughout.

T$ju, v. to take care of ; look

after ; watch.

Tpka, v. to point at ; refer to.

Tpkantokan, adv. heartily ; with

the soul.

T$k$, adj. belonging to a bag.

T$k$t$kp, adv. bag and baggage.

T$k$, v. to guide a ship ; steer.

T$kun, v. to lead.

Tpkunrin, adj. belonging to

man ; masculine.

Tpla, adj. pertaining to honour.

Tpla-tpla, adv. honourably,


Tple-tple, n. an insect used


T$-l$hin, v. to follow after.

Tpmpde, adj. belonging to a


T$n&, v. to follow the road


trace the path.

T$n&, v. to take the lead



Tppa, Tppase, v. to trace ; follow

a track or footstep.

T$-pinpin, v. to be inquisitive ;

to pry.

Tprp, v. to borrow ; beg


petition ; ask a loan.

T$r$, adj. narrow.

e.g., Qnatpr<J, " The narrow way."

Tprp, n. a threepenny piece.

Tprun, adj. heavenly ; celestial.

Tps$, v. to trace ; investigate.

Tfci, adv. belonging by right.

v. to assign as a perquisite.

Tpsi, v. to make amark or stroke.

Tfaittai, adj. unclean ; nasty ;

T$t$, adj. whole ; complete.

T$wd, v. to taste.

T$wp, v. to go in a band, troop,

or company.T$w$-t$w$, adv. respectfully



Tu, v. to expectorate ; throwout ; pluck up ; fail.

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t(j 250 TUT

Tu, v. to cease from givingpain ; to make easy ; navi-

gate ; soothe ; propitiate ;

reconcile ; collect ; gathertogether.

Tu, v. to loosen ; untie ; unbend ;

break ; scatter ; unfold ;

dig up.

Tu-a^iri, v. to reveal a secret


disclose a plot.

Tuba, Tunba, v. to repent;surrender.

Tub$, v. to tiy again ; makeanother attempt. — e.g.,

Tub$ se die si i, " Try againand do a little more."

Tubu, n. prison ; jail ; custody.

T6di, v. see Tu-asiri.

Tujade, v. to pour out ; to issue

from ; to gush out.

Tuju, v. to be tame ; mild



Tujuka, v. to be cheerful.

Tuka, v. to separate ; disperse ;

scatter ; disunite.

Tuk&kiri, v. to scatter in

different directions.

Tukp, v. to navigate a vessel.

Tuku, Turuku, n. a wild hog.

Tula, v. to grow ; to continue in

a state oi* existence.


Qmo na tula, "The child


Tul&sin, n. misfortune ; evil.

Tu-lara, v. to refresh ; enliven.

Tule, v. to search the house.

Tol$, v. to break up the ground ;

to plough.

Tol$, v. to propitiate the groundby sacrificing, or pouringoil on it.

Tfilu, n. neuralgia ; tic.

Tulu, v. to break up a countryor town.

Tump, v. to disclose a secret

bargain; to baffle; ex-plain ; interpret ; solve.

Tun, adv. again ; once more.

e.g., Tun wi ki ng gbo, " Sayit again that I may hear."

Tangbe, v. to take again



Tu-nihoho, v. to strip ; divest of


Tun-ka, v. to repeat ; rehearse ;


Tun-ka, v. to pluck again


refold ; wind again.

Tuil-mu, v. to take again ; holdagain.

Tun-mura, v. to renew effort.

Tun-pe, v. to recall.

Ttin-r$, v. to recut.

Tun-ri, v. to see again.

Tfin-rd, v. to reconsider ; reflect.

Tun-se, v. to cook again.

Tun-sp, v. to repeat.

Tun-ge, v. to repair ; rectify orreform.

Tuna, v. to be tender-hearted ormeek.

Tunuka, v. to be comforted or


Tun-wa, v. to search again.

Tun-w6, v. to recoil.

Tun-wi, v. to repeat.

Tun-wo, v. to review.

Tun-yd, v. to revive ; to live


Tun-yi, v. to turn over again.

Tun-yp, v. to shoot forth afresh,

to reappear.

Tupu, v. to run precipitately.

Tu-pupu, v. to bubble out ; to


Turari, n. frankincense ; anysweet scent.

Tu-sile, v. to untie ; unbind


let loose.

Tu-s6de, v. to pour out.

Tuta, v. to sell oddments.

Tutp, v. to expectorate ; to


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TUT 251 WAl

Tutu, adj. cold ; green ; raw ;

wet ; verdant ; cool ; damp ;

meek ; calm ; sedate ; quiet



Tutu, adv. entirely.

e.g., Ogunf<J won tutu, " War entirely

dispersed them."

Tutu, adv. very light ; gloomily,


e.g., Igi yi f$re tutu," This wood is very light."

Tu-Wpka, adj. freehanded,


Tu-yp, v. to expel ; to force out.


U, personal pro., 3rd pers. sing,

obj. case, him, her, it (used

euphonically after verbs

containing the vowel u).

See O.

e.g., Mo fi fun u,

" I give it him, or I give it


e.g., O lu u, " Hestrikes him."


Wa, v. to seek for ; search


rummage ; quaver.

Wa, Ha, v. divide, serve, share.—e.g., Wa onje na, " Servethe food."

Wa, v. to be ; abide ; dwell


exist ; dig ; pull a boat.

Wa, pron. (contraction of Awa),us.

Wfi, v. to come ; move towards ;

shake ; tremble.

Wa ! Wana ! inter, come now,look here.

Wa-aje, v. to paddle.

Wa-awari, v. to make a diligent

search ; to seek and find.

Wadi (wa-idi), v. search outthe cause ; examine ; to

investigate ; to make close


Wand (wa iho), v. to dig a

hole or pit ; to burrow



Waki, v. to shrink ; to becomerigid.

Wakiri, v. to seek about ; search

for ; ransack.

Walaini, v. to be in want


suffer need.

Walainiaba, Walainireti, v. to

be hopeless ; to be in

despair ; utter hopeless-

Walaipe, v. to come uninvited.

Walaipe, v. to be imperfect, to

be a eunuch, to live but to

be imperfect, maimed.

Walairige, v. to be unemployed ;

bo in idleness ; to lounge.

Walatiri, v. to seek with a desire

to find ; seek attentively.

Walaye, Wa, v. to live ; to be


Wamaiya, v. to hug to the

breast ; to embrace.

Wawi or Wa-awawi, v. seek to

say ; make excuse ; dis-

pense with ; find an excuse.

Wawin (wa-awin), v. seek for


Wawin, v. to borrow.

Waduwadu, adv. hurriedly


taking no time.

Wagi, v. to take soaked corn out

of water.

Wagi, v. to seek for firewood.

Wagon, v. to pull a canoe to the

shore ; to land ; to arrive

at a conclusion.

Wahala, n. trouble ; affliction ;


Waharl, n. a female slave taken

for a wife.

Wai, Waiyi, adv. now ; at this


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WAl 252 W$L

W&i, adv. at once.

e.g., Ojo nada w&i, " The rain stops at


Wai ! inter, expression of won-derment at the approachof danger, or when dangeris best.

Waiwai, adv. bitterly.

e.g., Osunkun waiwai, " He cried


Wajawaja, n. fringe ; tassels.

Wajawaja, adj. in a rough state ;

roughly ; confusedly.

Waji, n. blue ; dyo ; blue stain

^ from dyed cloth.

Wajp, v. a. to settle a matter.

Wajp, v. to collect together.

Waju, Iwaju, n. face ; front



Wakati, n. time ; hour ; period

of time.

Wala, n. a board used for writing

on by Mohammedans; slate.

Wale (wa-ile), v. to be sober;

recover oneself (as fromdrunkenness).

e.g., Oju re

wale wayi, " You are sober

now." Also used in a case

of recovery from sickness.—e.g., Oju r$ wale dip, " Heis a little better."

Wale, v. to dig the ground.

Wanranwanran, adv. foolishly,


Wapa, Warapa, n. epilepsy.

Wapakan, Wo-apakan, v. to

blink, look sidelong.

Wara, n. milk.

Wara, v. to be in a hurry



Warakasi, n. sour milk ; cream ;


Wara-ojo, n. shower.

Warapa, n. see Wapa.Wari, Hah, v. to do homage to a

king or a superior ; to


Wariri, v. tremble greatly,


Wariwarun, n. a name given to

the goddess of smallpox.

Warunki, Wa-orun-ki, v. to

stiffen the neck.

Wato, v. to emit saliva.

Wawofln, v. to scrutinize



Wawp (wa-pwp), v. to cease

raining ; cease ; abate.

Wayaija, v. to come to a close

contest ; struggle.

Wayi, Wai, adv. now ; at this


W6, v. to twist ; curl ; bindround ; enwrap ; wean achild.

Wep$, v. to twist or curl round.

Welasp, v. to wrap in cloth



Welewele, adv. repeatedly


quickly ; quick motions of

a child's feet when running.

W&re, adj. silly ; foolish.

Were, adv. with a quick lively


Werewere, adv. nimbly ; quickly.

Werepe, Wepe, n. running plant

like a bean bearing a hairy

pod which stings the handwhen touched ; nettle.

W& adj, fine.

e.g., Owu ti mora, o w$, " The cotton

which I bought is fine ";

also applied to slender


W& v. to caress or fondle.

W£, v. to crush grain (either bymills or mastication) ; to

grind; masticate; smash.

W$, v. to swim ; wash the body ;

lave ; dress ; decorate ;

adorn ; cleanse ; purge.

W$l$wa, Awelewa, n. a slonder


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W?M 253 WO-B

Wemp, v. to make clean


purify ; exonerate ; Tindi-

cate ; absolve.

Wenu, v. to wash off ; purify ;


Weokulpse, W$lpse, v. to em-balm the dead.

We-pfun, v. to gargle the throat.

W^funwefun, n. chalk digger.

W$hin, v. to look back ; reflect.

W$nu, v. to wash ; cleanse.

W$nump, v. to purify ; cleanse ;

thoroughly sanctify.

W$r$, adj. small.

W$rew£re, W$wp, adj. small


dwarf ; diminutive

W$S$, v. to wash the foot.

W$wq, Wiyp, v. to wash the


Wi, v. to say ; speak ; tell


relate ; express*

Wi awigba, v. to repeat whathas been heard ; iterate.

Wi fun, v. to tell to. .

Wi tpl$, v. to foretell ; foresay.

Wi, v. to burn the hair slightly ;


Wijp, v. to complain.

Wikiri, v. to publish abroad



Wiliki, adj. hairy ; robust.

Win, v. to lend ; to borrow.

Winiwini, adv. finely ; into

small bits.

e.g., R$ wini-

wini, " To chop into bits."

Winrin, adj. near ; approximate.—e.g., He wa ko winrin,'* Our house is not near."

Winwin, adj. lent ; borrowed.

Wirlwiri, adv. hastily, hurriedly,


e.g., §e e wirl-

wiri, " Do it quickly."

Wiriwiriale, n. dusk; twilight..

Wiwa, n. the act of coming.

See twa.

Wiwa, n. that which is ; that

which has being ; havingbeing.

Wiwa, n. that which is to bedug.

Wiwadi, n. scrutiny ; examina-tion.

Wiwara, adj. hasty ; greedy.

Wiwi, adj. utterable ; speakable.

Wiw$, adj. washed ; to bewashed. See W$.

Wiwo, v. a sight ; a scene


an appearance.

Wiwo-okere, n. distant view



Wiwoye, n. observation; watch-fulness, adj. watchful.

Wiw$, adj. crooked. See Wp.Wiw$, v. to be drawn or dragged.

Wiwara, v. to rub in.

Wiw$n, v. to be weaned, n.

dearness ; scarcity ; that

wluch may be taken to


Wiw$n, v. to be weighed


measured ; to measure byline or rule.

Wiwu, n. abscess ; swelling



Wiwun, Hihfm, n. the mannerof weaving, adj. woven.

Wiwulori, adj. affecting



Wiwunilori, adj. affecting ;


Wiwnsoke, adj. enlarged


swollen ; distended, n. aswelling.

Wiwu, n. pleasure, delight, adj.


W6, v. to fell a tree ; breakdown walls, or any upright

structure ; to fall down(as a tree) ; to fall downdead (as a big animal).

e.g., Esin baba wo " Myfather's horse fell " (is dead).

Wo-bale, Wo-lule, Wo-pale, v.

to break down to the


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wo 254 WQR

Wo, inter, lo ! behold !

W6, v. to behold ; visit ; see ;

look ; take care of ; attend

a sick person.

e.g., Wohin,Wohun(==wo-ihin,wo ohun)," Look here, look there."

Wd-flri, v. to glance.

Wd-jina, v. to heal a wound or


Wdjina, v. to look afar.

Wo-kakiri, v. to view around.

Wo-su, Wosun, v. to look con-

fusedly ; to appear absent

in thought.

Wd-$un, v. to look strangely


to look agape.

W6, v. to doze.

e.g., Li oru anaemi ko sun emi ko w6,*' Last night I neither slept

nor dozed."

Wodu, v. to grow dark ; to

assume a dark appearance.

Wogi, v. to fell treos.

Woli, n. (Hausa) a prophet.

W61$, v. to fall with the face

to the ground (through fear

or reverence) ; worship.

Wdnpari, n. a rough man ; wild

fellow (strong man).

Woran, v. to see ; sight ; view.

Woro, Horo, n. a grain or seed.

W6gaungaun, adv. to look wild.

Woye, v. to look out ; observe ;

take notice; perceive things.

W<5, v. to drag ; pull along


crawl ; haul.

W$, v. to be crooked or bent.

W9, v. to rub (as in applying

ointment on the body).

W$, v. to drizzle ; to hail.


O w<J yinyin, " It is hailing.


Wp-jp, Wpjp, v. to collect

together ; to gather (as


W$, v. to set (as the sun) ; to

enter ; put on clothes


hollow ; suitable.

W$, v. to put on.

e.g., W$ asp," Put on clothes."

Wpjanu, v. to drag away ; cast


W^-kaldri, v. to drag about


gad ; perambulate.

W^-lafp, v. to put on clothes ;

to dress ; to equip.

W^-lprnn, v. to press down (as

a heavy burden).

W$-Spsi, v. to cast away ; draginto.

Wpbia, n. greediness ; lascivious-

ness ; prodigality.

W$k$, v. to embark ; enter into

a ship.

Wple, v. to enter a house.

Wple, v. to drive or make to

enter into another's sub-

stance as a nail into wood.

Wpl$, v. to go into the ground(like a peg) ; penetrate.

W$n, v. to be dear ; be scarce ;

to separate, adj. scarce



W$n, v. to take to pieces


to catch a thing thrownfrom a distance ; weanedfrom the breast ; sprinkle.

Wpn, pron. them (a contraction

of Awon, they).

W$n, v. to measure ; weigh


prune ; lop off ; pick off ;

aim at.

Wynlogbogba, v. to measureequally, to balance.

Wpnni, dem. pron. those.

Wpnu, v. to enter in ; go in ;


Wpnwo, v. to try ; ascertain bymeasuring.

Wonyi, dem. pron. these.

Wppp, adj. common ; cheap ;

rife ; general ; collecting


Wprpwprp, Wpwp, adv. mildly

(qualifying v. lo).

e.g., Omi

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wOs 255 YAP

I9 w9r9W9r9, " The wateris only lukewarm."

W$si, v. to lodge at^j lodge in.

Wtyrin, v. to enter service undera master ; to be old enoughto enter service.

Wp?p, v. to put on clothes



Wp?pwp$p, n. name of a bird.

Wpti, v. to draw aside ; sot by.

W$Wp, n. copious.

Wu, Wuni, i». to please ; give

pleasure ; delight.

e.g., Iwar9 wu mi, " Your conductpleases me."

Wu, v. to make a long, con-

tinued cry as a dog ; to


Wulewu, v. to endanger



Wu, v. to swell ; look gloomy ;

increase ; multiply ; stir

up the sediment ; be sullen.

Wu rpndanrpdan, v. to blister.

Wuld, adj. useful.

Won, v. to weave ; knit


flame ; retaliate.

Wundia, Wundia Qmpdan, n.

virgin ; maid.

Wura, n. gold.

Wure, v. to wish a blessing uponone from the gods ; implore

Wuruwuru, Wfiwfl, adv.

higgledy-piggledy ; in aconfused mass ; topsy-


Wuwo, adj. heavy ; weighty ;

dull ; turbid.


Ya, adj. ready ; short ; notdistant ; soon ; early ;


e.g., ya mi, " I

am ready."

e.g., Qnayi ya," This road is short."


O ya 9 de pup9, *' You are

so soon in coming." v. to

lend ; borrow ; to purchase;

to warm oneself (at the fire,

or in the rays of the sun).

Ya, v. to give way ; to

separate ; to part ; to

divide ; to comb ; adjust


divorce ; open.

Ya, v. to tear ; lacerate ; rend ;

pluck ; break off ; secede.

Ya-ahana, Yahana, v. to becomewild and obstinate.


Qm9kunrin yi nyahana si i

lojojum9 ni, " This boy is

daily growing wild."

Ya-bata-ese, v. to divide or part

the hoof.

Ya-fcre, v. to carve an image.

Y$bun, Y$bu, v. to becomehabitually filthy, dirty or


Ya-kata, v. to bestride ; part

asunder ; separate, adv.


Ya-kurd, v. to separate from


give way to another ; part.

Ya-lekanna, v. to scratch ; tear

with claws.

Ya-lenU, v. to astonish ; sur-


e.g., O ya mi lenu," It astonishes me."

Ya-lptp, v. to put aside ; to


Ya-nipa, v. to part company ;

separate ; divide ; lead


Ya-odi, Yadi, v. to be dumb;


Ya-ptp, Yat$, v. to differ ; to bedifferent.

Ya-pa, v. to deviate ; disunite ;

turn in a contrary diroction


dissent ; secede.

Ya-palaka, v. to make branches,

forks or shoots ; to make afork.

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YA-S 256 YAN

Ya-simimp, v. to set apart as

sacred ; sanctify ; con-


Ya-S$t$, v. to set apart ; to


Yagan, v. to be childless



Yagbe, v. to evacuate.

Yagd, v. to give way ; to give


Yajti, adj. officious ; forward.

Yala, conj. whether.

Yamyam, Yanmu-yanmu, n.

mosquito, sandfly.

Yan, v. or adj. to gape, yawn,neigh, kick, bite like a


Yanbo, v. to pick and choose

without restraint, as aspoilt child does.

Yan, adv. brilliantly.

e.g., Oriin

boju yan, " The sun shines


Yan, v. to choose, approve, pick,

prefer, select ; to give agood omen ; to give anauspicious sign—said of apiece of kola nut whenbroken and cast on the

ground or before an idol.

Yan, v. to walk proudly ; to

walk leisurely ; to makeoneself of great importance.

Yandi, adj. sensual ; lewd. v.

to indulge in sensuality.

Yan-layo,v. to choose a favourite.

Yan-nip^si, v. to contemn ; to

Yan-owe, Yanwe, v. to be stout.

Yankd, v. oil obtained from palmnuts ; nut oil.

Yangan, n. Indian corn ; maize.

Yangan, v. to boast ; brag



Yangi, n. red soft stone ; sandstone ; iron stone or laterite.

Yanhanhan, v. to bo restless


lustful ; to have carnal


Yanhun, n. or v. mew.Yanjo, adj. fair ; beautiful


splendid ; settled (as acase).

Yanje, v. to cheat ; to takeadvantage of another's


Yan-nu, adj. or v. to have a goodappetite ; greedy.

Yanran, v. to be tenacious ; notamenable to correction oradvice.

Yanranyanra, adv. see Yan.Yanrln, n. a disease in fowls

affecting the mouth.Yanrin, n. sand.

Yanrin-did^, Yanrin, Yiyinrin,

n. quicksand.

Yanrin, n. name of a plant

similar to cabbage.

Yano, v. to wonder, to beastonished, to gape at.

Yanyan, adv. entirely ; com-pletely.

Yanyan, adv. roughly ; unevenly.

Ya-Odi, Yodi, v. to be different


to turn to another path ;

to err ; to stray.

Yapa, v. or adj. to be wasteful



Yara, n. trench behind a forti-


Yara, v. to be quick, nimble,

active ; make haste ; hasten.

Yara, n. the light part of a room ;

hall ; parlour.

Yarayara, adv. expeditiously



Yarp, adj. lame.

Yano, Ya-enu, v. to talk

rapidly ; to talk recklessly

or inopportunely ; a tattler.

Yana, Ya ina, v. to warm one-

self at the fire.

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YAS 257 YlN

Yase, Ya-ese, adj. quick, light-

footed ; expeditious.

Ya SUI1, v. to rest for the night.

Yaw$» ad/, or v. quick of hand ;

clever ; dexterous.

Yaworan, v. to obtain a likeness ;

to photograph.

Yara, $a?a, adj. lively ; vigorous ;

active ; sprightly.

Yaya, n. a necklace of beads.

Yay$, YQ-Ay$, v. to rejoice.

Y6, v. to understand ; to com-prehend.

Y6, v. to lay eggs ; cease ; stop.

Y6, interj. denoting ploasure.

Yd, Yiye, ad/, or v. to be alive ;

to be sound ; having noflaws.

Ye-b$, v. to escape scathless.

Ye, interj. an exclamation of

pain, surprise, or sympathy.

Yeje, v. to stand the test ; to

pass safely through trial

by ordeal.

Yekan, see Iyekan.

Yekeyeke, adv. thoroughly


clearly (always used with

Y£, to understand).

Yemaja, n. the goddess of


Yeye, Iya, n. mother.

Ye, adj. or v. to be tit, lawful,

right, becoming decent


meet ; suitable ; worthy ;

proper ; available.

Y$, v. to make much of ; praise ;

indulge ; humour ; favour.

Y$, adv. slightly.

Y$, v. to change ; move out of

place ; miss the mark


put oft' ; postpone ; evade ;

go aside.

Y$-kuro, v. to obviate : remove ;

decline ; escape.

Yeju, v. to withdraw ; to kill.

Y$na, v. to clean a road.

Ye-ni, adj. proper, fit, suitable.

Y$mu, v. to be intoxicated with

palm wine ; to rave.

Y$pa, v. to extinguish a fire;

to frustrate a plan.

Yera, v. to start aside ; give

way ; eschew ; avoid.

Y$-S$hin, v. to put back ; delay ;

postpone ; procrastinate.

Y$-sile, v. to slip off ; evade ;

shun ; avoid.

YegimQl$s$, v. to hang aperson ; to ruin.

Yeri, v. to avoid being entangled

in evil ; to avoid incurring


Yetun, v. to shoot out branches,

or boughs.

Yetuyetll, n. flower ; blossom.

adj. hairy : downy.Y$wd, n. the dark part of a

room or chamber.

Yi, Eyi, pron. this.

Yi, v. or adj., to be tough,

fibrous or tenacious.

Yi, v. to turn ; revolve ; move



Yidanu, v. to overturn, to pourout by overturning the


Yigbi, v. or adj. 9 to be dull or

slow in hoaring or believing ;

heavy ; obstinate.

Yigi, Iyigi (Hausa), n. marriage.

Yihunpada, *>• to change the

voice ; to recall one's word.

Yika, v. the act of showingrespect, by a female.

Yika, Yikakiri, v. surround


encircle; encompass;revolve.

Yika-yika, Yikakiri, adv. sur-

round on all sides ; roundabout.

Yimiyimi, n. a beetle whichremoves dung by rolling it.

Yin, t*. to move ; shake slightly ;

lay eggs.

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YlN 258 Y<>

Yin, v. to attract attention ; to

make envious.

e.g., Asona yin mi loju, " The cloth

attracts my attention."

Yin, v. to praise ; admire


esteem ; fire a gun.

Yinby, adj. well fed; fat;


Yinlogo, v. to praise ; glorify.

See Ayinlog6.

Yin-nibon, Yinbon, v. to fire at


to shoot with a gun.

Yinfln, v. to break the law ; to


Yinyin, n. hailstone.

Yio, v. shall ; will ; must.

Yipada, v. to turn over ; to

turn round ; to turn ; to

be converted ; to incline


Yipo, v. to capsize ; to turn

upside down ; to pervert


to turn to the opposite.

Yiya, adj. short.


yiya le eyi, " This is a

short road."

Yiyan, adj. or n. that which is

chosen ; picked out ; pre-


Yiyangan, adj. worth being

proud of.

Yiyara, adj. quick ; active



Yiyasoty, adj. that which maybe set aside, set apart or

devoted to any particular


Yiyat$, adj. different ; distinct



Yiyfc, adj. see Ye.

Yfy$, n. that which causes a

hindrance ; a failure (in

point of time).

Yiy$sfl$, adj. avoidable.

Yiyi, adj. tough ; tenacious.

Yiyika, adj. surrounding ; en-


Yiyin, adj. honourable, praise-


Y4y0, adj. dissolved ; melted ;

slippery ; slimy.

Yiyosuti, n. the act of shooting

out the lips in derision.

Y6, v. or adj. to be full ; to besatisfied with food or riches.

Yd, adv. deeply.

Yd (Hausa), adv. well ; verygood.

Y6ba, n. a lie ; falsehood ; anuntruth ; hypocrisy ; ahypocrite : a liar ; a polite

person ; politeness ; aheathen ; an idolater



Ydyd, adv. see Yd.

Yy» v. or n. to melt ; dissolve


fuse ; slip oft' ; strain ;

walk gently ; go by stealth.

Y$, v. to be pleased with aperson or thing ; to regard

with pleasure or favour


to have compassion towarda person shown by forgive-

ness after an offence. It

is always used with Inu,

disposition, mind, thought.

See tyonu.

Yp, v. or n. to deliver fromdanger ; to save ; to be

delivered ; to escape ; to

free, or be freed ; to

extricate ; to draw out ;

to pull. See Fa-yo.

Yp, v. or n. to excommunicate ;

to suspend ; to dissociate ;

to resign fellowship.

Yp, v. to appear (as the newmoon or the sun at dawn).

Y$, v. to rejoice ; be glad ; bemerry ; to slip ; slide ;

glide ; to be slippery.

Y$, v. or n. to rejoice at another's

misfortune ; to triumphover an enemy.

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yO-f 259 YtfN

Y$-ftm, v. to rejoice with ; to


Yp-f6tf, or Pdtl, v. to pop out, as

a cork out of a bottle.

Yode, v. to become yellow with

wear—said of a white metalarticle that becomes like

brass with wear.

Yphun, v. to interrupt by word ;

to answer one's superior



Yo-jade, v. to exclude ; excom-municate ; to bring out.

Yp-kuro, v. or n. to come out


to take out of ; deduct


repudiate ; excommunicate.

Yo-l^nu, v. to harass ; annoy ;

vex ; torment ; molest


plague ; tease.

Yo-16hun, v. to seek to ensnare

in conversation ; to tease ;

to provoke.

Y$-mlnrfn, v. to sneak ; to

creep slyly.

Y$-PW» v, to move gently.

Ypra, Yp ara, v. to make a feast


to celebrate deliverance

from danger.

Ypju, v. to show the face


to be prominent or dis-

tinguished ; to be forward ;

to be officious ; to bemeddlesome.

Yp-g$r£, v. slope ; shelve.

Y$nm$ti, n. an oily plant.

Ypnu, v. to wash the mouth.Ypnu, v. to be difficult ; to

be troublesome ; to cause


Yp-rekpja, v. to rejoice exceed-

ingly ; to be transported

with joy ; to overjoy.

Yprl, v. to finish ; to complete ;

to be successful ; to beprominent ; to rise higher ;

to show the hoad.

Y$ri, Y$riy$ri, n. the nameof a bird with dark blue


Ypr$, Yp-pr$, v. to spread outthe tassel, on the ear of

Indian corn.

Ypr6, Yp-oro, v. to inflict

punishment or vengeancein return for an injury or

offence ; to cause to serve

in return for a privilege


Y$rin, Porin, v. to smelt iron.

Y$r$, Iy$r$, n. lice found in


Yprp, Ya-prp, v. to becomespoilt in manners—said of

a child ; to be enormous in

size, or great in age.

Ypw6, Yp-owo, v. to beat downthe price asked for by the


Y$wi, v. to whisper.

Ypwn, Yp-6w6, v. to becomeragged ; to be in tatters.

Yp-?uti, v. to express contemptby shooting out the lips ;

to deride.

Y$-t$r$, v. to slip quickly.

Yun, Hun, v. to itch ; to beirritable ; to scratch the

itching part with nails.

Yun, v, to be pregnant ; to

conceive. See Loyun.Yun, v. or adj. to cut ; to saw

right off ; to be nearly cut


Yun-ja, v. to slowly cut through.

Yunyun, Yun-ri-yun, Akeri, n.

plant used for washinghorses. The male kind of

it — Akp-yunyun is anagreeable food for guinea

pigs (flmp-ile).

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Church Missionary Society Bookshop, LAGOS.

*. a.

Iwe Kika Ikini 2

Iwe Kika Ekeji - 4

Iwe Kika Eketa 10Iwe Kika Ekerin 16Iwe Kika Ekarun A use e lo\Vo

Ilo-siwaju Ero-Mimp Apa Ikini 1

Ilp-siwaju 6ro-Mim$ - - - - - Apa Ekeji 1

Ilp-siwaju Ero-Mim<J - Apa Ikini ati Ekeji 1 9

Okan Enia - - (i

Isise si Otito 10Iwe Itan Bibeli - - 1

Asaro Kukuru fun Awpn Imale 10Katekismu Ti Watti. Apa Ikini 1

Katekismu Ti Watti Apa Ekeji 1

Katekismu Ti Watti - Apa Ikini ati Ekeji 2

Katekismu Ti Ijp Enia Qlprun 1

Katekismu l£k$ Ihin-rere 3

Adura fun Ile-^lkp Qjp-Isimi 1

Iwe Adura 10Iwe Orin 10Iwe Ifa 10

Kutukutu Owurp Qjp 10

liana I£ko Bibeli ........ 3

Awpn Qrp Qlprun, (Larubawa ati Yoruba) ... 2

Itump Ijinle Irapada 2

Iwp L'o M9 ! - - - 1

Fatiha ati Namasi ...-.-.. 1

Muhammadu - -4

Jesu Kristi --.------.. ^


Iku ati Ajinde Jesu Kristi \Yoruba Beading Sheets ------- 2

,, ,, Cards ....... ;

,, Confirmation Cards 1

,, Cartoons 3

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Bibeli Mini9 - ......Al-Kurani 2 6

Awpn Enia Bibeli 16

Qrunmla! ... 13

Grammar Gfsl 16

Amona Grammar G§sl - - 10

Primer G$si - - 9

Qde's Poems 9

Orin §6b$, Ekeji - 9

Orin $6b$, A-R6-Bi-Odu (1910) - 9

Orin $6b$, Ekini 6

Orin Aribiloso g

Awon Orin Mimo 6

Ak6jo ?k? (Rev. S. J. Gansallo) 9

?k9 Ati Asaro (Rev. S. J. Gansallo) 9

Isin Orisa (Bishop Johnson) 6

Akanse Iwasu Nipa Ti Ijo " Goombay " (Rev. A. W. Howells) S

Canticles Li Ede Yoruba ....... 2

Akanse Isln Osdsu 1

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