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  • 1. Society vs. IndividualsBILAL ATIE/ CLEMENTINE PIERROT
  • 2. Outline I. Social context of the Victorian Society a. Bourgeois Respectability b. Position of Women in the society c. Social Responsibility II. The Burden society puts on individuals a. Appearances b. Women are condemned c. Mistakes III. Independence vs. Control / Manipulation a. Independence seen through Noras escape b. Control/ Manipulation seen through Torvald and Krogstad
  • 4. I. Social context of the Victorian Society The first stage production was in Copenhagen on December 21st, 1879. The play caused an immediate sensation, sparked debate and controversy, and brought Ibsen international fame. Performing the play was considered a revolutionary action, a daring defiance of cultural norms of Victorian Europe (1837-1901).
  • 5. a. Bourgeois Respectability Ideals: Financial Success, upward social mobility, freedom from financial debt and moral guilt, and a stable, secure family organized along traditional patriarchal lines.
  • 6. b. Position of women in the society Patriarchal ideals were supported and reinforced by a social structure in which women had little overt political or economic power. They were economically, socially, an d psychologically dependent upon men and also dependent upon the institutions of marriage and motherhood.
  • 7. b. Position of women in the society Ideal Woman Frugality Piety Patience ... her ardent and unceasing flow of spirits, extreme activity and diligence, her punctuality, uprightness and remarkable frugality, combined with a firm reliance on God ... carried her through the severest times of pressure, both with credit and respectability ... (The General Baptist Repository and Missionary Observer, 1840).
  • 8. c. Social Responsibility Motherhood within marriage was considered a womans highest possible achievement It was a social responsibility, a duty to the state and thus, a full- time job. Mothering was no longer something that came naturally, but was something that had to be learned.
  • 9. II. The Burden Society puts on individual What does this picture connote to you ?
  • 10. a. Appearances Dont laugh. I mean, of course, a time will come when Torvald is not as devoted to me, not quite so happy when I dance for him, and dress for him, and play with him. Torvald defines his life by what society finds acceptable and respectable. He is more concerned about the attractive appearance of his wife and home than he is about his wifes happiness When Nora tries to convince him to keep Krogstad in his job, his main concern is what the bank employees will think of him if they believe he has been influenced by his wife. From now on, forget happiness. Torvalds reaction to Krogstads letter solidifies his Now its just about saving the characterization as a shallow man concerned first and remains, the wreckage, the foremost with appearances. Here, he states explicitly that the appearance. appearance of happiness is far more important to him than happiness itself.
  • 11. b. Women are condemned Torvald symbolizes the male dominated society at that time. And Nora stereotypes of women at that time ( being crushed) thug giving a universal meaning . Torvald seems to stereotype all women as frivolous spendthrifts HELMER: "That is like a NORA: "surely you can woman! [] you know understand that being what I think about that. with Torvald is a little No debt, no borrowing. like being with papa. Nora is dependent on a men and Linde begins to conform to the society Someone to work for and live for--a home to bring comfort into."
  • 12. c. Mistakes Another mistake that Nora did was to not tell her husband about the loan. The Fact that she wasnt able to handle this situation instead of doing it behind her husbands back is a huge mistake. Unfortunately, society will make her pay this mistake thought the whole play.
  • 13. III. Independence vs. Control/ manipulation What does this picture connote to you ?
  • 14. a. Noras escape In leaving Torvald and her children, she will outrage society and stigmatize herself. This is a terrible price to have to pay for self- fulfillment, but inevitable, given that society and the individual are so much at cross-purposes. Self-fulfillmentpushing and breaking boundaries. NORA: "What do you consider my most sacred duties?"HELMER: "[] your duties to your This idea was completely husband and your children."NORA: "I have other scandalous in Ibsens duties just as sacred. [] Duties to myself." time. The thought that a woman might have value other than homemaking and being a mother was outrageous.
  • 15. b. Control/ Manipulation seen through Torvald Helmer in A Dolls House is in many ways just as trapped by traditional gender roles as the women. He must bear the burden of supporting the entire household and be the infallible king of his house In order to adapt to the norms of the society he has to control and manipulate everything. By the end of the play these traditional ideas are truly put to the testHELMER: "It is already known at the The thought that a womanBank that I mean to dismiss Krogstad. might have power over him is Is it to get about now that the newmanager has changed his mind at his terrifying to Torvald. wifes bidding-
  • 16. b. Control/ Manipulation seen through Krogstad Societys moral standards affects Krogstads life He resorts to blackmail in an attempt to keep his job mark of respectability. The threat of blackmail gains its power from the immense authority that individuals vested in societys moral standards: if nobody cared much what society thought, then Krogstad could tell all and no one would be harmed
  • 17. Quiz Who said, From now on, forget happiness. Now its just about saving the remains, the wreckage, the appearance? Who said, "How painful and humiliating it would be for Torvald [] to know that he owed me anything!"? What does Torvald say are Noras most sacred duties? What has damaged the Helmer household the most?