
Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010

Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010

The delivery of the GEMCO Eylandt Echo is proudly sponsored by:

A fortnightly newsletter for the Groote Eylandt community produced by GEMCO Editor: Kirsty Chatto

Just a regular Sunday morning on Groote Eylandt. Jason Dale sent in this picture, which was taken from front beach last year.

Inside this edition: Airport Expansion Update Cops Corner New Healthy Lifestyle Co-ordinator Recreation Permits Protecting Groote Eylandt Market Day

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



The closing time for all contributions is: Monday 1 February 2010

at 9:00am

The Eylandt Echo newsletter is produced each fortnight for the benefit of everyone on Groote Eylandt. The Eylandt Echo is sponsored by GEMCO as a community service. The contributions and advertisements contained within the Eylandt Echo are not necessarily the views and opinions shared by either the Editor or GEMCO, but are presented for the communities interest at large. All types of contributions to the Echo are invited. Please send in your news, photos, stories, sports results & events, humour, art, cartoons, letters to the editor, questions, suggestions and comments. To advertise, contribute or make any enquiries please contact the Editor at the Echo office, located in the Township Administration building; or tele-phone (08) 8987 4253, fax (08) 8987 6732 or email - [email protected]. Details may also be sent to the Eylandt Echo, Alyangula, NT 0885; or dropped into the Township Administration office.

Another year is upon us, I’m still trying to figure out where 2009 went. Hopefully 2010 goes just a tad slower! This is my final edition

of the Eylandt Echo and after four years of Eylandt life we are heading back to the real world– well, actually just back to Darwin. Our time here has been magnificent, definitely one of the best decisions we ever made was to make the big move. This is truly a beautiful place to spend time, so don’t take it for granted! I know I’ll miss the lifestyle and most importantly, the people. In such a tight knit

community, it’s so heart warming to see people band together in times of need and support one another, in both good times and bad. Groote Eylandt is such a transient place, with people coming and going all the time—but the friendships made are so special and won’t be forgotten. Thank you to everyone we have met in the last 4 years, we have made lifelong friends, as have our children, and you won’t be forgotten! Ciao! Kirsty Chatto


CONTENTS Anonymous Community Re-Survey Pg 3 Puzzles Pg 13

Gemco Pg 4 Position Vacant/For Sale Pg 14

Refuse Disposal Pg 5 News from the Golfie Pg 15

Airport Alterations Pg 6 Recreation Permits Pgs 16-17

Contracting Partners Pg 7 Prevention is the Best Cure Pg 18

Healthy Lifestyle Co-ordinator Pg 19

Public Notices Pgs 20-23

Tides Pg 24

Cops Corner Pg 8

Community Notices Pg 9

Note from the relief Editor – Claire Shepherd: In Vol 15 No 1 of the Eylandt Echo I announced the winners of the festive lights display. A sincere apology must go to Rosie Lee for publishing her name incorrectly, this was an honest mistake and I apologise for this error. I trust Rosie will understand and congratulations once again for an excellent light display.

Groote Eylandt Swim School Pgs 10-11

Outdoor Cinema Pg 12

Farewell to the Chatto’s: GEMCO would like to take this opportunity to sin-cerely thank Kirsty for her valued contribution to our unique community and her commitment to producing our Eylandt Echo—year after year. During her time with us Kirsty has worked with both the Community and HR Teams. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the effort and assistance provided each fortnight to publish our Echo. On behalf of GEMCO, we say farewell and best wishes to Kirsty, Glen, Jayden and Toby as you head off to enjoy your next exciting adventure in the tropics.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


ANONYMOUS COMMUNITY RE-SURVEY In February 2009, GEMCO conducted an anonymous Community Survey. The feedback from this survey was very positive in that it was constructive and changes were able to be made as a result of the information that we obtained. From Monday 1st February until Friday 12th February we will be conducting a re-measure of this same anonymous survey. This re-measure will be used to track our progress and to consider as part of future planning to enhance GEMCO’s commitment to our community. Ballot boxes and hard copies of these surveys will be placed at: ESS Offices Supermarket Police station Post Office Lets work together to make Groote Eylandt a community of choice. We need your input to make this a success.

Community Survey Results - February 2009












0 20 40 60 80 100






Township Improvements


Medical Services


Happiness on Eylandt

Overall Satisfaction













Sample Size: 235

Anonymous Community Survey forms will be available from Monday 1st February till Friday 12th February 2010. Should you have any questions or require additional forms please contact Claire Shepherd (GEMCO - Communications Coordinator) on 8987 4189.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



As part of GEMCO’s new “How Big is Your Footprint?” project, we are targeting paper reduction and trying to reduce the amount we print.

Paper is too valuable to waste Around the world we use 1 million tonnes of paper every day. Too much of this paper usage is wasteful and unnecessary and puts huge pressures on the environment.

Take action now for the environment - save forests, save paper, save money Paper usage in many parts of the word is on the rise. Expanding production and pulp

wood harvesting threatens some of the last remaining natural forests and the people and wildlife that depend on them. The world’s paper hunger also significantly contributes to climate change.

Easy actions can make a big difference for the environment. Use these top ten tips on paper effi-ciency at work and at home to help save the earth, reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time.

• Print double-sided and black and white

• Print more than one page per sheet – especially for Power Point presentation’s

• Remember to Preview before you print to avoid that extra page with two lines of text on it

• Email meeting minutes and agendas instead of printing them

• Re-use paper printed on one side by binding and using as a notepad

• Use “track changes” to review Word documents digitally

• Go digital – read, send and store electronic documents (print to pdf)

• Use overhead projectors and whiteboards instead of handouts

• Use the “Set Print Area” or “Fit to Page” tool in Excel

• Be selective about what you print

School Cats Footy Program Launch February 14th 2010

As part of the evolving AFL club partnership agreement between the Geelong Cats and the Groote Eylandt Football League, a new school

football program is being launched on February 14th at Angurugu. A collaborative agreement between GEMCO, and the Anindilyakwa Land Council was reached, en-suring ongoing support for the program aimed at in-creasing school attendance through the delivery of struc-tured football. AFLNT in conjunction with the Geelong Cats, will roll out the program at Angurugu School firstly, with the aim to have a similar concept delivered at Umbakumba not long after. The School Cats Footy Program is aimed at

attracting children, both male and female, down to the oval prior to school where they will train and participate in football activities twice a week before school starts. Games will be played once a week at Umbakumba during the first term, as a reward for their efforts at the morning trainings and good school attendance. The attendance of the children will be monitored each week and those who have been attending school will be rewarded with various forms of apparel each fortnight.

Geelong Cats star players and new School Cats Ambassadors David Wojinski, Nathan Djukera and Matty Stokes will be mentoring the students during the program with live link ups and chats organised via webcam.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


REFUSE DISPOSAL Recently some inappropriate items have been dumped at the Wet Tip on Rowell Highway. Please note that the Wet Tip is for the disposal of household rubbish and domestic waste. The type of waste dumped here is frequently monitored. There is a section for green waste to be dumped at the Wet Tip. Please ensure only items listed on the entrance sign are disposed of here. All industrial and bulky items are to be disposed of at the GEMCO Dry Tip to the south of Angurugu. The Recycling Facility (near the Hobby Shed) beside the Fire Station manages domestic examples of: - Oil Filters - Batteries - Waste Oil - Telephones - Computers - Scrap Steel - Air Conditioners - PVC Cables - Aluminium Cans - Pressure Cans - Printer Cartridges - White Goods and Appliances NO hazardous waste is to be deposited at the Dry Tip. This tip is operated in accordance with the Mine Management Act. For further information please contact Matt Jones at GEMCO on 8987 4377.

Groote Eylandt Football League Wet Season Competition Groote Eylandt football is gearing up for a wet and slippery finish to the inaugural wet season competition with only four weeks to go until the Grand Final. Coming off a month break over the Christmas holidays, the four community sides are back on track training hard as they approach the finals with enthusiasm and excitement. Sitting on top of the ladder, but only by percentage, are the Angurugu Crocs, followed closely by the Angurugu Tigers, Umbakumba Lions and the Umbakumba Roos. All games are played at Angurugu oval at the below mentioned times. Feel free to come down and support the community teams in what will be a great finish to the wet season competition.

SEMI FINAL - SUNDAY 7 FEBRUARY Match # Team 1 Team 2 Location Time

1 Angurugu 2.00pm 2 Angurugu 4.00pm

GRAND FINAL - SUNDAY 14 FEBRUARY Match # Team 1 Team 2 Location Time

1 Angurugu 3.30pm

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


COMMUNITY Groote Eylandt Airport Alterations

Alterations are due to start at the airport which will see improved shading and traffic management. Doucon will be managing the project and the build. Due to the nature of the work some areas will be closed off at different times and pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic will be designated different routes. Please follow signage and or direction by staff to ensure your safety and well being. Works will be arranged so as not to clash with peak flight travel periods at the airport and thereby reduce congestion.

The project is divided into three stages……………...

Stage One - Eastern Shelter Expansion - Existing covered passenger standby area extended to eastern fence line - Second check-in counter to be constructed beside existing counter - Temporary tarmac access erected to the south of the existing compound area - Starting last week of January - Estimated construction period 4 weeks

Contact Point Mal Binge - Doucon Phone 0447 129 344

Stage Two - Western (Front Entrance) Bus Shelter Construction - Reassign car parking and bus drop off zones - Construct 16 x 34m shelter over footpath bus drop off zone - Starting mid February - Estimated project duration 6 weeks

Stage Three - Car Park Review - Review and modify general car park circulation and designated sealed car park - Starting March - Estimated construction period 4 weeks

An Information board will be stationed at the Airport site.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


CONTRACTING PARTNERS Reminder - Cyclone Preparations

We note that there are a number of properties that still have unsecured items lying around. The main cause of damage and injury during cyclonic winds is from loose objects being blown by the wind. All tenants can assist in reducing the risk and GEMCO have requested that we remind all tenants of their obligations:

"The tenant is responsible for maintaining, at all times, all external items such as garden implements, furniture, equipment, building materials etc in a safe and tidy manner. In the event that a cyclone watch is activated, the tenant is responsible for reviewing all such items external to the building and immediately securing and making safe any loose or unsecured items around the property."

Loss of power is one of the main problems when experiencing cyclonic winds and one of the main causes is trees falling on power lines. All residents can assist in reducing this risk by reporting trees that overhang or are within 5 metres of power lines (including the service line to your home). If you do have a tree that is close to or overhanging power lines, please contact our office so we can schedule its pruning. The LJ Hooker Team will continue to conduct inspections around the Township to assess potential cyclone hazards and we will be writing to tenants who still need to do some cyclone clean up work around their homes.

Garden Maintenance Driving around town it is obvious from the lush gardens and lawns that that the wet season is fully upon us and all the vegetation is thriving.

The higher growth rates that come with the wet season also means that the frequency that lawns need to be mowed and shrubs trimmed is also considerably higher than in the dry season. We remind tenants that it is their responsibility to keep their lawns and gardens in a neat and tidy condition. Apart from looking unsightly, long grass and garden waste attract snakes, mosquitoes and other pests so please assist us to reduce the risks posed. We notice that there are quite a few homes with lawns that are in need of a mow and would greatly appreciate it if this could be attended to.

Community Marquee Don’t forget the L.J. Hooker Groote Eylandt Community Marquee is available for your use. The Marquee is 6m x 3m and is perfect for providing shade and shelter at outdoor events, parties, BBQ’s etc. We offer the residents of Groote Eylandt the use of this Marquee for Sporting & Community Events, Clubs, Xmas Parties etc. It is very simple to erect and transport and we only ask that people borrowing the Marquee look after it and return it to our office in the same condition as when they borrowed it. To book the Marquee, please contact our office on 8987 6400 and let us know the dates you want it. The Marquee is booked on a first come basis so give us as much notice as you can. The Marquee must be collected and returned to our office by the person/group borrowing it.

New Xpressmart Discount Cards

As of the beginning of February, all GEMCO employees and contracting partners will be able to obtain their new Xpressmart discount card for use at the Alyangula supermarket. The new-look cards will feature the card bearer’s name and photo to ensure a better and more secure service when at the register. The same discount will apply. Once the new card is issued, the old GEMCO discount card will cease to be valid. Xpressmart aims to have transferred all entitled patrons onto their new card by the beginning of March, at which time the old cards will no longer be accepted. When you are advised by Xpressmart staff that the new

cards are available, simply go to the ESS office located just next door, where the office staff will verify your entitlement before taking your photo. The card will be ready for collection from the office within 24 hours. Employees and contracting partners with children under the age of 16 will be entitled to a family card. Application forms for the family card will be made available at the supermarket and should be brought to the ESS office when coming to get your photo taken. There is no need to get your children’s photos taken. The planned commencement date for the changeover is Monday 1st February, so keep your eyes peeled for posters displayed on notice boards for further information, and happy shopping! - The Xpressmart Team

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


COPS CORNER It has been some time since I have written an article for Cops Corner and I think that can be taken as a positive sign. However the fact that I am now writing an article means that there are either a lot of new people on the Eylandt or some old timers are slipping into bad habits. The first point that needs discussing is that of interstate registered vehicles. When you move to the Northern Territory you become a resident of the Northern Territory and as a resident you have 28 days to transfer your car registration to Northern Territory registration. If you fail to transfer the registration within the 28 day period your car is determined to be unregistered. Driving an unregistered car can result in an on the spot fine of $500 or you may receive a summons to appear in court. If your car is deemed to be unregistered and it is stolen or you are involved in an accident you will probably find that your insurance company will not cover you. Road Safety Education and Enforcement is a priority for the Northern Territory Police. A number of people on Groote Eylandt feel that it is okay to speed, drive a car while not wearing a seatbelt, talk on the phone while driving and park their cars on the yellow lines outside the school when dropping off or picking up children. These offences are all going to be targeted by police from now on. If you speed, don’t wear a seat belt, talk on the phone while driving or park illegally there is a good chance you will end up with either a ticket or a summons to attend court. About 18 months ago we went through a fairly extensive education program in regards to boat trailer registration and for a while we saw a dramatic increase in the amount of boat trailers being registered. This seems to have now fallen away. It is a legal requirement that you register your boat trailer. If your boat trailer is attached to your car and the trailer is not registered then your car is also deemed to be unregistered. I recommend you register your boat trailer in order to avoid receiving a summons to appear in court or an on the spot fine. In the last 12 months, Alyangula Police have conducted a number of search and rescue missions for boats that have been lost or in distress. It is not only a legal requirement that you carry specific safety equipment but there is also a moral obligation for you to provide the equipment that is necessary to protect or save you and the people on your boat in an emergency. Please check your safety gear and ensure you are carrying the right equipment for your boat. Minimum Safety gear for vessels under 5 Metres. 1 x Set of ore's or paddles 1 x Anchor 1 x set of flares = 2 x orange smoke signals and 2 x red hand held flares 1 x E-Pirb 1 x litre of water per person 1 x water proof torch 1 x life vest or jacket per person 1 x bail bucket or scoop

Minimum Safety gear for vessels between 5 meters and 10 meters. 1 x Set of ore's or paddles 1 x Anchor 1 x set of flares = 2 x orange smoke signals and 2 x red hand held flares and preferably 2 x rocket flares 1 x E-Pirb 1 x litre of water per person 1 x water proof torch 1 x life vest or jacket per person 1 x bail bucket or scoop 1 x bilge pump 1 x Chart of the area being used 1 x Fire extinguisher 1 x Compass 1 x V-sheet It is also important to adhere to the legal catch limits; Fish possession limits for the Northern Territory. In the Northern Territory there is a fish possession limit of 30 fish per person including all managed species. EG: 5 x Barramundi. 5 x Golden Snapper. 2 x Spanish Mackerel 2 x Black Jewfish and 10 other assorted species NOT including the managed species. Managed Species: 5 x Barramundi. Minimum length is: 55cm whole or 27cm fillet with skin on, or a headed (trunked) length of not less than 39cm. 5 x Golden Snapper. 2 x Spanish Mackerel. 2 x Black Jew fish. 5 x Crab pots or dilli pot per person up to a maximum of 10 per boat. All pots must a visible float no less than 80mm in diameter or length with the users full name clearly marked on it. Possession limits for mud crabs and Tropical rock lobster (Painted Cray) 10 per person or 30 when there are 3 or more people on board. Minimum size limits for Mud Crabs in the Northern Territory: Female min: 14cm across the carapace. Remember:

All fillets must be kept with skin on them for identification purposes

2 fillets = 1 fish. Leave your fillets whole until you get home.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



Alyangula Daycare would like to thank all the parents and the community who have supported us in 2009. We appreciate your support and would like to make the following acknowledgements: The Daycare would like to shout out a huge thank you to Mark Miller who works for DELTA . We really appreciate all your help and support in all the jobs you have done for the centre in your own time. Another huge thank you to The Anderson Family - Jade, Joel, Caleb, Hayden, Skye and Lachlan, for their generous donation of AMAZING toys. The kids love them. A big thank you to ESS for their support in donating food to the Children’s Christmas Party. Thanks to Carmen Munoz and family for all the tedious work of covering our brand new books from our book drive. The staff appreciates all the effort. Lee McGlinn for her ongoing support and voluntary work. Yirrandiyama Warka Job Shop- GEBIE for the Staff First Aid training. The Daycare appreciates all your support. Many thanks and farewell to Bonita Lousich. Bonita spent most of the year fundraising for the centre and organizing one of the biggest nights on the Eylandt - Ladies Night. Bonita’s support until the very end was instrumental in securing the relief staff before Christmas, to enable the centre to remain open in the lead up to the holidays.

Thanks again to all the parents and guardians who volunteered with the excursions, attended committee meetings and assisted with fundraising.

We wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2010!

I would like to thank "Bomber" and the Groote Eylandt Game and Sport Fishing Club for taking me sail fishing and helping me catch my first sail fish. I had an awesome day out with Bomber on his boat and look forward to more great fishing in 2010. - Kodie Love

Jon Keena and Sibella Herbert are delighted to announce the birth of their son Delaney Herbert Keena, born on 5th January 2010.

Delaney weighed in at 8lb 14oz, is very healthy and a joy to his parents.


Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



Swimming lessons will be starting for Series 8 on the 15th February through to 18 March 2010 for any children aged 4 and over. Lessons will be run twice a week over five weeks. (10 lessons per block) The two days a week are either Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs. Cost: $120.00 to be paid in the first week of lessons. Enrolment forms can be obtained by phoning the mobile number below or pick one up from the Supermarket (on the right hand side as you walk in). Please hand completed forms into the front office at Alyangula Area School. You can also email me on [email protected] for an enrolment form.

Maximum of 6 children per class.

Contact: Kerrie on 0428 379 085

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



FULL NAME: __________________________________________ AGE: ______________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE No: _________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT & NUMBER: ___________________________ ALLERGIES/MEDICAL CONDITIONS: _____________________ (any condition that may affect their swimming ability, if asthmatic please ensure Ventolin is with the child) SWIMMING LEVEL (if level is not known, please state swimming ability): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ PREFERRED DAYS (not guaranteed): M/W ____ T/TH ____ *Please note children 10yrs & under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Once the lesson is over, I cannot be responsible for your child as I will be teaching the next class. Lessons must be paid in full by the end of the first week. Lessons will conducted in blocks of 10 half hour lessons twice a week over 5 weeks. Lessons will be set at $120.00 per block. Days will be either a Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Friday is left free for any circumstances beyond my control (ie: Thunderstorms). Please ensure children bring goggles & towel. PARENT/S NAME: ____________________________________________ PARENT/S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ CONTACT DETAILS: KERRIE BIGNELL – 0428 379 085 or [email protected]


Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



Movies are screened free at the outdoor cinema, near the Alyangula Sports & Entertainment Centre (ASEC) at 8:00pm on Saturday and Sunday evenings.


Please note movies are subject to change without notification.

Sorority Row Sat 6 Feb & Sun 7 Feb

Starring: Briana Evigan, Rumer Willis Horror Rated MA

Running Time: 101 Mins

After finding out a guy cheated on their sister, members of sorority house Theta Pi play a prank on him. They trick him into thinking that he has killed his girlfriend, and take him into the middle of nowhere to 'dismember’ the body. However, the prank goes horribly wrong and all involved swear never to speak of it again. A year later at graduation though, they are all reminded of the past. One by one, the sisters are killed by a mysterious pursuer who knows their secret.

Whip It Sat 30 Jan & Sun 31 Jan

Starring: Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore

Comedy Rated M Running Time: 111 Mins

Bliss Cavendar has grown unhappy with small-town Texas life of Friday night football and beauty pageant competition, the football cham-pioned by her father Earl and the pageants by her mother Brooke. She commiserates with her best friend and fellow waitress, Pash. During a shopping trip to Austin, Bliss picks up a flyer for a Roller Derby event. Under the pretence of going to a school football game, Bliss and Pash head to the Roller Derby and Bliss is immediately taken. She joins the league behind her parent’s backs, and is soon trying to juggle here new life without her parents finding out.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


Sudoku Ichiban: Easy


The rules for Sudoku are simple - each 9-square block must contain all digits from 1 to 9, as must each horizontal and vertical line. There are many ways to fill in the squares, using logic and the process of elimination.

Last weeks HARD Sudoku solution

PUZZLE SOLUTIONS Vol 15 No 1 –12 January 2010


3 Who was one of the founders of the Australian Democrats party (3,5) 7 Name another term for a shooting star 8 What are commemorative inscriptions on tombs or their like 9 What is a private policy meeting of the parliamentary members of a political party 10 Which other word describes a harem 11 What is a particular state of mind or feelings 14 Name absolute orders, regulations, or proclamations 17 What type of a race is the Melbourne cup 18 Which colour lies between blue and violet on the spectrum 19 Name a person who knowingly takes in stolen goods 20 What is another name for a weasel 21 What, colloquially, describes the act of prying


1 What is a punishment imposed as a condition of absolution 2 Name another term for tomato sauce 3 Which sideboard has shelves and drawers for dishes and cooking utensils 4 Name the long, narrow platform on which models parade clothes 5 What are antelopes also known as 6 Name those who have spiritual care of numbers of persons 11 Name the capital of Iran 12 What are those things that threaten to cause evil, harm, in-jury, etc 13 What is the entire number of copies of a publication 14 Which people see that games are played in accordance with the rules 15 Name an institution for the promotion of literature, science or art 16 To be tastefully fine in dress, manners, etc, is to be what

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



Employment and Training Advisor Strengthen local communities through employment, training and building social capacity Use your highly developed communication and administrative skills As an Employment and Training Advisor you will meet and assess our participants and negotiate training and intervention plans to assist individuals to reach their employment goals. Candidates with the following criteria will be highly regarded: · Excellent computer and record keeping · Good relationship building skills and able to communicate effectively with a wide range of people · Experience in an Indigenous community · Well organised and able to meet deadlines · Ability to adapt to change and think outside the square to find solutions for difficult to place clients

Closing Date: Wednesday 27th January, 2010

To register your interest please send your resume to:

The Manager

PO Box 669, Alyangula NT 0885

Or email: [email protected]

For any further information please phone Kristy Gostelow 8987 6153


• 2007 8 metre Centre Cab Haines Hunter Prowler built to survey

• Twin 225E-TEC Engines (2009) – low hours, i-command gauges,

• Survey wiring including 3 x batteries, dual pole isolators, parallel switches etc • Stainless steel hard top with clears, rod holders and outriggers • Lowrance GPS/Colour Sounder • Hydraulic steering • Electric Toilet • VHF and 27mhz radios, marine stereo • Electric anchor winch • LED interior and deck lights • Complete with large live well and self draining decks • Safety Gear • All on tandem axle Mackay trailer


Please call Gavin on 0400 866 905 to arrange

an inspection

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



Golf Events January & February

Saturday 30th January 9 holes 3pm for 3.30pm tee off Wed 3rd February Shift Workers Only Monthly Medal. Saturday 6th February Monthly Medal Timesheet start Saturday 13th February 9 hole Canadian Foursomes -

Draw 3pm for 3.30pm tee off

Bistro @ 19 Opening Wednesday 3rd

February at 6pm. Welcome back Dave &

Sharon. Please note that if stock doesn’t arrive as scheduled opening of

the bistro will be delayed

Rule of the Fortnight: Dropping Ball in relief situations Markers (Scorer) Consent: All drops should be made with consent of the marker. If the marker does not believe that free relief is avail-able, then the original ball should be played as lies and a second ball (nominated as the preferred ball) dropped and also played, for later decision by the committee.

2010 Memberships

All Memberships for 2010 need to be renewed before 31st January or entry will be


Thank you to all who have given their time by cooking the bbq’s and bring-ing down nibblies while the kitchen has been closed. The many hungry mouths were grateful, especially after a tough game of golf.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


RECREATION PERMITS The Anindilyakwa Land Council wishes to advise that 2009 Recreation Permits expired on the 4th January 2010. Applications for the 2010 Recreation Permits have been available since Monday 4th January 2010 and may be obtained from the Anindilyakwa Land Council offices located at 30 Bougainvillea Drive, Alyangula or visit

The cost of the 2010 Recreation Permits are as follows:

$50.00 (GST inc) per person aged 18 years and over; $20.00 (GST inc) per person aged between 15 and 17 years; Under 15 no permit required;

Permits are now issued per person and each individual must sign an application form. Enquiries regarding the 2010 Recreation Permits should be addressed to: [email protected] or by contacting the Anindilyakwa Land Council on 8987 4040. We are also currently updating the pet register, so if you have any other pets beside two de-sexed dogs could you please email details of your pet to: [email protected].

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


PREVENTION IS THE BEST CURE Working Together to Protect the Land and

Native Species on Groote Eylandt Groote Eylandt is a unique and unequalled environ-ment in the Northern Territory of Australia. As such, preventing the introduction of the cane toad species onto the Eylandt is of utmost importance to both GEMCO and the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC). The ALC are responsible for the Groote Eylandt Archipelago on behalf of the Traditional Owners and GEMCO works closely with them on all matters that affect the land, rehabilitation and their people. Cane toads (bufo marinus) are native to Central and South America. In 1935 they were originally intro-duced to Australia in an effort to control beetles that were destroying sugarcane crops. Unfortunately, the cane toads failed to control these beetles and have subsequently become one of Australia’s most highly invasive species, spreading rapidly throughout the country. In 1984 first sightings of cane toads began in the Northern Territory and by 2001 cane toads had started to appear on surrounding islands within the Gulf of Carpentaria. Cane toads have toxic glands containing a poison lethal to some wildlife and are a known threat to local species such as quolls, snakes, lizards, goannas, freshwater crocodiles and egrets. This is in addition to carrying diseases such as salmo-nella which can foul waterholes and causing consider-able damage to native frog and fish species. To date, cane toads have not infiltrated Groote Ely-landt and both GEMCO and the ALC clearly under-stand that prevention is the key to protecting our unique flora and fauna habit. GEMCO and the ALC have been working together

closely to identify the best opportunities and most effective methods to prevent an incursion of any inva-sive species onto the Eylandt. They have adopted a partnership approach to establish the following key projects: The formation of the Cane Toad Liaison Group to identify initiatives to prevent and implement any possi-ble threats the cane toad and other invasive species may have on Eylandt A new role on Eylandt as Quarantine Officer. Jodi Groom has been engaged in a new role on Eylandt as Quarantine Officer, working collaboratively with the ALC to protect the pristine environment. The Quar-antine Officer inspects cargo on any vessel or flight entering the area, monitoring threatened species closely, education and public relations activities within the local schools and broader community. The presence of a specially trained Cane Toad Sniffer Dog called “Ozzy”. Following successful trials in Western Australia which began in 2006, the ALC pur-chased “Ozzy”, a 3 year old Manchester Terrier who has been trained by Gary Jackson from Multi-National K9 in Queensland. Manchester Terriers are described as being high spirited, intelligent and cunning dogs, ea-ger to learn, lively, supportive, alert and vigilant. “Ozzy” arrived on Eylandt at the beginning of the month and is settling in well. Jodi, along with members of the Cane Toad Liaison Group and members of the ALC, underwent training to learn how to handle “Ozzy”. The above initiatives are a prime example of GEMCO’s continued and overriding commitment to health, safety, environmental responsibility and sustain-able development.

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CO-ORDINATOR Hello to all Groote Eylandters, I’m Bell Leahy and I have started up as the new Healthy Lifestyle Coordinator out here on the rock. I’m so excited to be here! Each fortnight I will be hitting you with a few tidbits about physical activity, nutrition or anything health related. So if you have a question you want answered—[email protected], or drop it in the suggestion box at the gym.

How has your start to 2010 been so far? Anyone make a new years resolution or two? Had any luck sticking to the goal or have you collapsed in a heap and run out of motivation?

Whilst most of us probably know it’s a good idea to have goals, what makes a good goal?

Goals should be SMART! Specific - make it as specific as possible. Instead of “This year I want to lose my beer gut” instead phrase it like this: “This year I want to knock 10cm off my beer gut, or lose about 10kg” that way you can use either a measuring tape or a set of scales to track your progress. Measurable—have a goal that you can keep regular tabs on through measuring. I.e. Instead of “I want to stop eating all bad food” think of phrasing it like this “I will only have dessert twice a week”. Try to avoid “calorie amnesia” and keep a record somewhere of what you’re doing and tracking your progress (even if its not the result you were hoping for). Action-orientated - Be a Do-er, not a ‘gonna’. Instead of “I want to go swimming twice a week”, re-phrase to “I will go swimming twice a week” Realistic Whilst it’s all well and good to want to do a marathon, if you have been out of the fitness loop for a while, a more realistic goal might be to walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes without feeling out of breath. Time-based Be sure to have goals that are broken down into smaller more manageable pieces -3 month goals are best, and have a larger goal for the whole year. For instance “In 3 months time I will be smoking 5 cigarettes less per day” and you’re goal for the whole year might be to be down to a pack of smokes each week, or even better, quit altogether! Hopefully, you now have some tips to make some goals that will last. Remember to make them personal to you, and positive. So alto-gether you should have a goal something like this: “By 30 April 2010, I will swim for 20 minutes without feeling exhausted”, with your goal for the year being able to swim 2kms without stopping. Put it somewhere that you see often— on the back of your door, or near your desk. May you have an unbellievable good week of health,


Q—Does fruit juice or dried fruit count as a fruit serving? A—Yes, they both count as one of your daily 2 servings of fruit. However, only if it is 100% juice. Remember also that fruit juice and dried fruit usually has about double the calories or more than having a serving of the same fruit. So always opt for fresh fruit if you can.

Q—Is walking enough for health benefits? A—ABSOLUTELY! To have health benefits, you should put together 30 minutes of physical activity on most (5+) days of the week. This doesn’t have to be done all at once—you can do 3x10 min sessions or 2x15 mins, etc in a day. A good way to make sure you are walking fast enough is to do ‘the talk test’. Meaning you should be just out of breath when walking and talking, and not able to whistle.

Interesting fact: Human thighbones are stronger than concrete

Circuit = A mix of resistance and cardio stations, where you work at your own pace. All fitness levels welcome. Aquacise = Swimming based cardio and strengthening exercises. All fitness levels welcome. Box-a-cise = Mostly cardio drills. Moderate fitness required Social Touch/soccer = All levels of fitness welcome. **Please note these classes are not formally run/organised. Walking group = all levels of fitness welcome.

Monday 25/1 Tues 26/1 Wednesday 27/1 Thursday 28/1

6:30pm Walking Group – Meet at Mess Bus stop

NO CLASSES 7:15pm Circuit—ASEC 7:30pm Social Soccer** –Oval

Monday 1/2 Tuesday 2/2 Wednesday 3/2 Thursday 4/2

6:30pm Circuit - Oval 7:15pm Aquacise - Pool 7:00pm Box-a-cise—ASEC 7:30 Social Touch Footy** –Oval

Exercise Classes are back!!

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



See Washo for all your tackle

Phone 0417 606 148 7 Ayawurra Cres, Alyangula NT 0885

Get Vets Hairdressing

Due to family commitments I am unable to continue my business Get Vets Hairdressing at this time. I will however honour all outstanding vouchers and will also be retailing hairdressing supplies. I want to take this opportunity to thank my friends, valued customers and the community for all your support over the past 4 years. If my circumstances change in the future and I am able to return to work I will let everyone know. Yvette Hansen


East Arnhem Shire Council wishes to advise the public that the inaugural Annual Report 2008-09 is now available for download from the Shire website: Copies are also available for perusal at the following Council Office locations: HQ Nhulunbuy Gunyangara Community Yirrkala Community Angurugu Community Milyakburra Community Umbakumba Community Ramingining Community Milingimbi Community Galiwin’ku Community Gapuwiyak Community Ian Bodill Chief Executive Officer

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010




Thursday 28th January 7.30pm @ ARC

Anyone interested in becoming in-

volved in this year’s Junior Rugby League please come


Positions Vacant: President

Vice President Treasurer Secretary

Committee Members Coaches


Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010



GEMCO Employee Assistance Program BSS Corporate Psychology

GEMCO employees, contractors, NT Police, DEET and HACS and their families on Groote Eylandt can access free, confiden-tial, professional counselling and other services and treatments.

Greg Goodluck (Psychologist/Social Worker) and Denise Dick-son (Psychologist) visit Groote Eylandt regularly. To access this service, please telephone BSS on freecall 1800 303 090.

Greg Goodluck— Registered Psychologist PSYNT 1062337

Katherine Vet Care Centre

Regular Visits to Groote Call the Katherine Clinic on 08 8972 2752

For the date of the next Groote clinic and appointment times

e-mail: [email protected] All appointments will be held in the

regular ATCO building.

MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRY Anna McRae at the Police station is available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to process all Motor Vehicle registrations. You can contact Anna on 8987 6285. The Police station is open weekdays between 09.00am and 4.00pm (closed for lunch between 12.00pm and 1.00pm)

Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010


Eylandt Echo Vol 15 No 2 26 January 2010





TIDAL STREAM DIRECTIONS FOR MILNER Jan 26 0000 N 0400 S 1000 N 1600 S 1900 N 27 0000 N 0500 S 1100 N 28 0100 N 0600 S 1200 N 29 0000 N 0700 S 1300 N 30 0000 N 0800 S 1300 N 31 0000 N 0900 S 1400 N 2300 S Feb 1 0000 S 0200 N 1000 S 1500 N 2300 S 2 0000 S 0300 N 1100 S 1500 N 3 0000 S 0400 N 1100 S 1600 N 4 0000 S 0500 N 1200 S 1700 N 5 0000 N 0100 S 0600 N 1300 S 1800 N 6 0000 N 0100 S 0700 N 1400 S 1900 N 7 0000 N 0200 S 0800 N 1500 S 1900 N 8 0000 N 0300 S 0900 N 1600 S 1900 N
