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a strong start in life

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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Mission Statement Page 2

Executive Director Message Page 3

SHS Beliefs Page 4

Governing Body Page 5

Financial Highlights Page 6

Federal and State Review Results Page 7

Enrollment Page 8

Health and Nutrition Page 9

Disabilities and Mental Health Page 10

School Readiness Page 11

Preschool Teacher Performance Page 12

Children’s Yoga Program Page 13

Family Engagement Page 14

Family Child Care Program Page 15

Community Partnerships Page 16-17

Mission Statement

Shasta Head Start, is

dedicated to making

a positive difference in the

lives of young children,

one family at a time.

We provide opportunities

for education, parenting

support and resources to

families in our


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a strong start in life

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Executive Directors Message…

Dear Community Members,

It is my pleasure to present to you this year’s accomplishments and forward move-ment on our goals. It takes a great team to build a great organization, and I am privileged to lead this dedicated, hard-working and creative team.

We have had two accomplishments this past year of which I am particularly proud.

The first one was the completion of the infant toddler classrooms at the Oak View Center in Redding. This was the final stage of our campus there, and has taken several years to complete. We had a beauti-ful reception for the community on November 17, 2016, and we dedicated the new rooms to Judie Smith, our former Executive Director. Judie was on hand to help us celebrate and to greet the community.

The second project was the completion of our Countryside Early Head Start center on East Street in An-derson. This center serves infants and toddlers and will complement the services for toddlers and pre-schoolers at Anderson Park nearby.

Completion of these long-term projects involves the contribution of many people, and I so appreciate all who were involved. I want to especially mention Gordon Chatham, Operations Director, who served as the manager for these projects.

I hope you will enjoy reading our annual report and getting a snapshot of all the wonderful ways that we are making a positive difference in our communities here at Shasta Head Start, and giving our children and families a strong start in life!

Yours truly,

Carla Clark Carla Clark Executive Director

“If you Dream it

You can Do it!”

~Walt Disney~

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Building relationships is foundational for nurturing change and growth.

Commitment to learning strengthens individuals, families and communities.

Individualized services create opportunities for success.

Hard work and innovation lead to excellence.

Fun and a sense of humor maintain balance.

Goal 1: Children receive comprehensive health, nutrition and developmental services essential for overall growth and school readiness.

Goal 2: Families are participants in their child’s education and engaged in their own personal growth and development.

Goal 3: Employ and retain staff that are skilled, meet required certifications and assist them to make strides in their professional development.

Goal 4: SHS has infrastructure that supports and facilitates all aspects of the organization.

We Believe…

Oak View Infant Toddler Expansion! Countryside Grand Opening!

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Governing Body…

John Pappas, Board Chair

Amanda Wilson, Vice Chair

Peter Sengxay, Policy Council Chair/Secretary

Carol Nye, Member at large

Dr. Fabio Robles, Member at Large

Gail Goodrich, Member at Large

Jack Kimple, M.D., Member at Large

Karen Kennedy, Member at Large

Marjorie McGraw, Member at Large

a strong start in life

Abigayil Frustine

Alicia Martin

Amanda Dupont

Athena McCarthy

Barbara Tejada

Deanna Sidebottom

Elena Bramble

Gaea Webb

Haley Muri

Hannah Hitzemann

Jayme Bays

Joe Tirado

Katharine Ramsey

Katie Wallenburg

Ken Emerson

Kyle Mitchell

Michelle White

Milli Israel

Nichole Saavedra

Samantha Lukensmeyer

Sara Collins

Savannah Weaver

Shelley M. Walling

Timothy Estes

Tina Mitchell

Todd Alberts

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ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 9/1/2016 - 8/31/2017



Head Start $10,872,122

State of California General Child Care $1,288,400

USDA Food Program $444,706

Other $595

Total Revenue: $12,605,823

Actual expenditures and revenue for fiscal year 2016-2017 were $12,605,823 compared to the budget of $12,605,823. Expenditures consist of personnel, travel, equipment, supplies, and contractual cost necessary for the operation of a Head Start program. All expenditures for the fiscal year met the cost requirement set forth in CFR 45 Part 75.

Head Start $12,144,736

State of California General Child Care $1,406,052

USDA Food Program $444,706

Total Revenue: $13,995,494

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a strong start in life


From 4/20/2015 to 4/24/2015, the Administration for Children and Families conducted an Environmental Health and Safety review event for Shasta County Head Start Child Development, Inc. Based on the information gathered no area of non-compliance was found during the course of the review.



From 5/18/2015 to 5/22/2015, the Administration for Children and Families conducted a Fiscal/ERSEA review event for the Shasta County Head Start Child Development, Inc. Based on the information gathered, no area of non-compliance was found during the course of the review.


From 4/19/2016 to 4/22/2016, the Administration for Children and Families observed preschool center-based classrooms using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. The tool looks at teacher-child interactions in three domains and ten dimensions on a seven point scale. Based on the information gathered no area of non-compliance was found during the course of the review.


From 5/23/2016 to 5/24/2016 the Administration of Children and Families conducted a LGMS review event for Shasta County Head Start Child Development, Inc. Based on the information gathered no area of non-compliance was found during the course of the re-view.


From 10/5/2015 to 10/8/2015 the California Department of Education conducted an overall program review of the CSPP and CCTR program including: fiscal, governance, administration, involvement, staffing, professional development, teaching and learning. Corrections in two areas were met and cleared on 6/2/2016.

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Head Start Early Head Start

Funded Enrollment 421 Funded Enrollment 304 Funded Enrollment 26

Actual Enrollment 561 Actual Enrollment 413 Actual Enrollment 37



Family Child Care



Qualification Categories Served

Income Below 100% of Federal Poverty Line



Foster Child Status 79

Receipt of Public Assistance (TANF,SSI, etc.)

Homeless Status 138

Over Income 96

Income Between 100%-130% Of Federal Poverty Line


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a strong start in life

Every child in the program receives a nutritional evaluation upon entry to determine individual nutritional needs.



All families participating in the program are encouraged to complete required

medical and dental exams through health care and oral health care professionals.

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Children with disabilities or mental health concerns are encouraged to participate

in SHS program services. Appropriate accommodations, enhancements,

and support is provided as needed for each child.

Total Number

of Children




Per Year

Total Number

of Children


Mental Health


Per Year

Last year 143 children with disabilities were served, and

89 children with behavioral or mental health issues were served.

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a strong start in life

Children are assessed three times per year using the State of California DRDP rating tool. The following graphs depict the year end school readiness outcomes, and the

percentage of children at or above California Early Learning Expectations.

Infant-Toddler Outcomes– Fall to Spring with one mid year rating in the area of cognition

Preschool Outcomes- Fall to Spring rating

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CLASS teacher rating tool uses research driven insights to improve how teachers interact with children everyday to cultivate supportive, structured and engaging

classroom experiences.

SHS Preschool Teachers- scored at or above the national average

Negative climate requires a low meet guidelines

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a strong start in life

Yoga enhances children’s flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. In addition they are better able to regulate their emotions, manage stress,

calm and relax themselves. This year we launched ABC Yoga in our centers, home based, and family child care programs. The children are naturals!

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Family Goals Were Written!

Family engagement is a vital component in the structure and function of the Head

Start program. Families are involved in program governance, program planning,

curriculum development, child homework, and personal development.

Goal Areas # Goals Developed % Goals Completed

1. Family Well Being 451 63%

2. Parent-Child Relationships 175 76%

3. Family as Lifelong Educators 99 71%

4. Families as Learners 129 70%

5. Families Engage in Transitions 43 77%

6. Family Connection to Peers & Community 14 71%

7. Families as Advocates and Leaders 6 33%


Father/Father figures

participated in program activities!


~ Henry Ford~

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a strong start in life

The family child care program offers the full range of Head Start services in a comfortable home setting. In unique, high quality learning environments, family

child care providers ensure that children receive high quality care and education.

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Lions Club Group 4-C1 The Lions Club conducted vision screenings in Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity County!

288 children were screened within the first 45 days

of entry

36 children were referred for further evaluation

31 children received further treatment

Shasta Community Health Dental Clinic and Shasta High School Dental Assistant


The clinic provided free dental exams for enrolled families!

86 children received exams 14 children were noted to have dental decay and were referred for follow-up

Community partners are essential in helping to enrich the fundamental services

families need. We have highlighted just a few of the many events and

activities that we appreciated last year

To our entire community we say

T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r h e l p !

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a strong start in life

Parent Café– Ready, Set, Grow!

Shasta Head Start collaborates with several community partners to provide our community with

Parent Cafés. Based on the “Strengthening Families” approach, Parent Cafés are opportunities

to share information and ideas that help us take care of ourselves, raise strong children, and

build relationships with our kids. They focus on introducing, educating, and building the Five

Protective Factors and enhancing relationships, practicing positive communication skills, and

promoting healing.

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S h a s t a H e a d S t a r t C h i l d D e v e l o p m e n t , I n c . 3 7 5 L a k e B l v d . , S u i t e 1 0 0 R e d d i n g , C A 9 6 0 0 3

( 5 3 0 ) 2 4 1 - 1 0 3 6 ( 8 0 0 ) 4 6 4 - 8 3 3 8 w w w . s h a s t a h e a d s t a r t . o r g