  • 7/28/2019 A Recent History of Gods Church


    A Recent History Of God's Church

    [Well] Greetings brethren!

    What I'd like to do today is just to remind everyone that Our Lord and Savior JesusChrist has issued a serious warning that involves all of us alive on earth today.

    I don't want to be offensive or anything like this; I just want to bring you, really Ithink, an important message.

    So, just think of it as Christ has given us specific signs along the way that weshouldbe watching for. But, it seems to me that for the most part those signs have goneunheeded. He has told us of situations and circumstances that we would plainly see thatwould be warnings of the imminency of the greatest time of trouble ever to comeonplanet Earth.

    Now, in Matthew 24, in verse 4, Our Lord says,

    Take heed that no man deceive you.

    But brethren, I can tell you by the authority of the Word of God that most of God'speople have not taken heed and have been deceived.

    Now, whether they want to admit it or not there's been a lot of deception out here.

    And if you will hear me out, I will show you how you too, most likely, have been


    Brethren, this is very serious. We are living in the most dangerous time ever inhistory.

    And I repeat, Christ has given us mighty signs to show us where we are in prophecy andhow close we are to the Great Tribulation.

    But, sadly, most people are not interested. They have heard so much stuff already thatthey have become cynical and have gone to sleep spiritually.

    How about you? Have you closed your mind to the prophecies of God that shall befulfilled in every tiny detail?

    Now, God does not change but in so many cases people have changed.

    Now, just look at Matthew 24:14. It says there and this was the commission of thechurch and Mr. Armstrong,

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    And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for awitness

    unto all nations, and then shall the end come.

    Now, that powerful sign to all of God's people was fulfilled in January of 1986,over aquarter century ago by God's servant Herbert W. Armstrong.

    By the time of his death in January of 1986, he has successfully taken the Gospel to theworld as a witness. Christ did this through Mr. Armstrong, and then that proclamationcame to a conclusion. The Spiritual Temple had been completed at that time.

    But very very few of the begotten brethren of God remember this today. This is averyimportant sign for you to understand--for all of us.

    So, please make a note to yourself to request our article "Five Proofs that Herbert W.Armstrong fulfilled Matthew 24:14." It is also available on our videos on our website--We hope that you'll take a look at the

    Five Proofs that Herbert W. Armstrong fulfilled Matthew 24:14.

    Now, as we continue then Matthew 24, verse 15, is another sign that has not beenheeded.It has not been heeded. It says there,

    When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of byDaniel

    the prophet, stand in the Holy Place, whoso reads, let him understand.

    Observe here now that Jesus Christ is telling us that we should understand. We shouldhave realized what this is; we should understand.

    Daniel also wanted to know the meaning of those scriptures concerning the abomination ofdesolation and the numbered days of his writings--you know the 1260 days, 1290 days,1335 days.

    He wanted to know that but he was told to go his own way. It said,

    Go on your way Daniel.

    Now, the scriptures were closed and sealed until the time of the end.

    So, for us to be able to understand the days, as Christ told us to do, again Christsays,

    whoso reads, let him understand.

    We must be in the time of the end if this could be understood at this time.

    Christ says,

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    whoso reads, let him understand.

    So, we must be in the time of the end.

    Now, do you believe we're in the time of the end?

    I'll tell you more about this later and I will show you that an abomination is standingin the Holy Place even now--today. This is an important sign that has already occurredin type.

    Times are much more serious than many might think.

    And then we come on down to verse 16 of Matthew 24. It gets really personal; Christ istelling you that when you understand the truth of verse 15,

    whoso reads, let him understand,

    you had better flee with all urgency.

    So this is a very important message, brethren.

    It said, you had better flee with all urgency.

    [verse 16]

    Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains.

    Now, those that are symbolically described as being in Judaea are spiritual Jews--thepeople there. But spiritual Jews, we know, are Christians like you who are viewing thispresentation.

    When you understand these verses, you are to flee as quickly as possible; you ar

    e tohurry to the mountains. But which mountains?

    Now, mountains here in verse 16 is Strongs Number 3735 and can be defined as mountainsingular or mountains plural.

    So, what do we see here then?

    Let's go back in Isaiah 2, in verses 2 and 3 to explain the symbolism of the mountainthat we are to flee to.

    Isaiah 2, verse 2,

    And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S


    Now the LORD'S House, His Kingdom, His Temple, or His Church...

    ...shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above

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    the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it.

    Verse 3,

    And many people shall go up and say, Come ye and let us go up to the mountain of

    the LORD, to the House of the God of Jacob...

    So, it's saying here, to the Church of God. We must go up to the Church of God...

    ...and He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths. For out of

    Zion shall go forth the Law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

    When you understand verse 15, Christ said you had better hurry to the True Church ofGod--the True Church of God.

    Now, to continue then Matthew 24, verse 17 through 20. We won't read that now, but itemphasizes the extreme urgency that Christ is warning about. Christ is warning of thedangers lying directly ahead.

    So whatever you are doing you need to heed and follow the instructions that we just readhere.

    The Great Tribulation is not far off.

    Verse 21 of Matthew 24 tells us,

    For then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginningof the

    world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

    And this is why I'm bringing this message; this is vitally urgent information.

    Most of God's people have not heeded the warnings and signs given by the Son ofGod, andthe Great Tribulation is looming on the horizon.

    There is another (one other) very visible sign that shows just how close thingsreallyare, and I want us to look at that.

    Come to Daniel 12 and verse 7. This is another very visible sign that we've seenhappened.

    So, we'll read just the last part of that verses along; we'll just take the latter partof it.

    So, here now the last phrase (2 clauses) of verse 7 of Daniel 12. Here now is amajorsign that we will see right before the Great Tribulation,

    ...and when He shall have accomplished to scatter (or shatter) the power

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    of theholy people, all these things shall be finished.


    ...and when He shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holypeople,

    all these things shall be finished.

    When this is (becomes) a reality brethren, "all these things will (shall) be finished."

    This is a prophesy that shall be fulfilled.

    Today, you and I are members of different churches. Although, if you were a formermember of the Worldwide Church of God, we were both taught the True Gospel by Mr.Armstrong, either directly or indirectly.

    However, as you know, Herbert armstrong died over 26 years ago and the WorldwideChurchof God is no more--is gone; it no longer exists.

    In it's place today are over 300 divided and competing churches and groups scattered andshattered, with a lesser combined number of members than the Worldwide Church had in1986.

    Daniel 12 and verse 7 has been fulfilled and "all these things shall be finished."

    So, taking considerarion of the urgency of the times and the warning signs thatOur Lordhas plainly given us, I'm going to ask you the question, these questions, two questions:

    1. What has happened to God's True Church today? [That's number one and number 2...]2. How did God's True Church become scattered, shattered, divided and contentious?

    ======= vocabulary =======

    contentious [k?n tnsh?ss]adjective1. creating disagreement: causing or likely to cause disagreement and disputesbetween

    people with differing views.

    It should have been possible to word the statement in a less contentious way.2. argumentative: frequently engaging in and seeming to enjoy arguments and disputes

    Microsoft Encarta 2008. 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.}

    ======= vocabulary =======

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    And brethren,I'll attempt to answer these questions by presenting a factual recent history oftheTrue Church and the warning signs that have been ignored along the way. These signs hasjust been ignored.

    Now, after this--when we come to the conclusion of this--we will look at the Bible'sexplanation of how the Church will be brought back together once again. That's anotherwonderful prophecy--that's going to be gathered back together.

    But before we look at the recent history, let me show you something that I thinkis veryinteresting and emphasizes the urgency of the times in which we live. I think this isvery interesting.

    Now, here on the screen you can see a Bible that I'm using. Now, notice in the margin ofthe Bible the date that's been given for Genesis Chapter 1. You can see there 40

    04 BC.

    Now, probably you have seen this in your own Bible, the date of 4004 BC.

    Many scholarly authorities believed 4004 BC marks the time of the creation of ourforefather Adam.

    And you might remember that Mr. Armstrong believed 4004 BC was a likely date fortherecreation of the earth after Satan's rebellion and stated that he could not seetimegoing beyond 1997 AD without God intervening. That's what Mr. Armstrong stated;

    we havethis on tape on one of his sermons.

    Now, Mr. Armstrong explained that God had used the 7-day week as a pattern of His Planof Salvation for mankind. That would be six 1000-year days for man to do his ownlaborsbut the 7th 1000-year day would be the LORD's Day--the millenium. He stated in his lastbook "Mystery of the Ages" that after Adam has sinned, God gave Adam and his descendants6000 years to go their own rebellious way.

    On page 120 of Mystery of the Ages, Mr. Armstrong has written (quote),

    God said, in effect (to Adam): You have made the decision for yourself and the

    world that shall spring from you. You have rejected me as the basic source of

    knowledge... have chosen the GETTING, 'TAKING way of Satan. Therefore I sentenceyou and the world you shall beget to 6,000 years of being cut off from a

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    ccess tome and my Spirit-except for the exceedingly FEW I shall specially call.

    That's the end of the quotation.

    Therefore, on the Feast of Trumpets of 1997, that 6000 years of man's time cameto anend, and God's time "The Day of the Lord" began once again.

    Now, simple arithmetic shows that 4004 BC plus 1997 AD equals to 6000 and 1 years. Butwe have to substract one year for, you know, since there is no year-0 (zero).

    So you substract that one year and that equals to 6000 years that man was alloted to gohis own way. It came to an end on that Feast of Trumpets of 1997.

    So, at that time, did God began intervening in the affairs of man?

    Did He began intervening in the affairs of man since Trumpets of 1997?

    If that is true, we should be seeing deep troubles and sorrows happening all over theearth. All Scriptures concerning the end time would have to be finished.

    Therefore, as God intervenes, He would have Jesus Christ to began opening the 7Seals ofthe Book of Revelation.

    The first 4 Seals depict the ride of the 4 horsemen that arranges the deadly systems andcircumstances of false religion, wars and rumors of wars, famine, and death andpestilence for the eventual annihilation of one-fourth of the population of theearth.And that is immediately prior to the Great Tribulation.

    Now, are we seeing the effects of the 4 horsemen ride even now, today?

    There certainly is a religious confusion all over this earth. Just look around.Twomajor religions are preparing the nations for a Holy war.

    The sign of the White Horse is seen in full gallop.

    Now, wars and rumors of wars, even nuclear wars, or bacteriological wars, or chemicalwars are real threats. Absolutely, they are real threats here today.

    The Red Horse is also racing full speed. The sign of death of multiple millionsis a

    distinct possibility at this very moment.

    Now the sign of the Black Horse of famine hangs over the earth as society unravels andworldwide economic collapse is poised to happen--wordwide economic collapse.

    And the Pale Horse of pestilence, destruction and death is in full pursuit of the otherhorsemen.

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    Now again, there had been more major earthquakes, more upset weather conditions,andmore natural calamities recorded since 1997 than ever before.

    Now, you check that out yourself. That is a fact. Those are facts.

    And the Fukoshima, Japan disaster is not yet over.

    More clear signs of where we are.

    Is God really intervening in the affairs of mankind?

    Are the Four Horsemen really riding at full-gallop?

    So, are these events, these signs, are a prelude to the Great Tribulation?

    Is God really intervening in the affairs of man?

    With that question, let me bring out another very interesting fact. I think it'sveryinteresting.

    As 6000 years of man's time came to an end on the Feast of Trumpets of 1997, a new

    19-year time cycle began on the Hebrew Calendar which is really God's Calendar.

    If you look on God's Calendar for the Roman year 2012, where we are today, you will findwe are in the 15th year of this 19th-year time cycle.

    Now, I wonder if the scholars and Mr. Armstrong are (were) correct in assuming that 6000years did truly end in 1997. Did God give His Church one 19-year time cycle to becomeprepared as the Bride of Jesus christ?

    That's a good question.

    Now, at the end of that time, will Christ crush all resistance and take rule ofplanetearth at the end of this 19-year time cycle on the Feast of Trumpets of 2016?

    Well, we'll wait to (and) see.

    But if that is true, there are are only 4 years remaining in the cycle, and we mustremember that the coming Beast Power will bring Great Tribulation to the earth for 3 and1/2 years of those years--three and a half of that 4 years, while the people ofGod that

    are accounted worthy to escape will be in the Place of Safety.

    Christ is going to prepare this Place of Safety, so we must get ready. The Bridemust bemade ready so that we can go to this Place of Safety--for those who are accountedworthy.

    So brethren, do we have less than one year to get ourselves ready?

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    Do we have less than one year? This is why I'm so concerned.

    I do not know for sure, but all the warning signs point to that (as) being apossibility.

    Time is short.

    Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ declares in Matthew 16, verse 18. He says,

    ...I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.

    Notice, Christ said He will build His Church--not churches.

    Thus, if the WCG was the True Church but now no longer exists, which of the estimated300 plus churches and groups, out there, that came out of the former WCG is theone TrueChurch of God?

    Or, do you believe all of the splits and splintered divided churches are all Churches ofGod?

    Now, are the scattered and shattered churches out there a major sign that theTribulation is near? We saw that in the Book of Daniel.

    The shattered and scattered churches are a major sign that the Tribulation is near andthat "all things will be finished."

    Now, let me give you an example from my boyhood. Let me just go back into this alittlebit, that illustrates the confusion of the split and splintered churches of godthatexists today. This is something that is very wrong here; that's confusion out th

    ere withthe split and splintered churches. It just produces confusion.

    When I was a young teenager, a young boy, my parents were loyal members of the Disciplesof Christ Church. And that's still a major denomination: the Disciples of ChristChurch.

    Our church had close to 100 members and was located in the 2nd Block of West CalhounStreet, in Sumter, South Carolina.

    Now, across the street and one lot down bordering washington Street was the Grac

    eBaptist Church that had a huge membership.

    And at the northwest, corner of Main and Calhoun, a block and a half away, was thebeautiful and stately Presbyterian Church. Directly across Main Street, with a spaciouscourt yard sat the vine covered, very lovely, Lutheran Church.

    And then within walking distance, there was an Episcopalian Church, and a Method

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    istChurch. A little farther away were, a really big, First Baptist Church and the RomanCatholic Church.

    So in high school, I had classmates and friends in each of these churches, and onoccasion I would visit the different churches with them, and they would also visit mychurch.

    But, as know it all kids, we would argue which church was the True Church. We evenquestion our parents and the different ministers about why were there are all thesedifferent churches.

    Now, the usual answer was: they are all Jesus's churches but have different passtoHeaven.

    I never like that explanation and did not know the true answer until 1961 when Iwas 30years old. God had mercy on me and brought me into His one True Church--that was

    thenthe Radio Church of God.

    A short time later, in 1968, they changed the church's name to the Worldwide Church ofGod.

    Now, while in the Worldwide Church of God, God opened my eyes to the fact that all ofthose churches of my boyhood were not God's churches. They were churches of thisworldand Satan is the god of this world (II Corinthians 4:4). Satan is the god of this world.

    In the Worldwide Church of God, prophesy became alive to me as I learned of theoldmother church, the Roman Catholic Church and her protestant daughters, describedinRevelation 17, verse 5.

    Let me read that up,

    And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE


    So, today, things have come full circle; once again, we can see an old mother church, asthe corrupted Worldwide Church of God and her protesting divided daughter churches.

    Now, are these divided and contentious churches, the churches of god?

    We will see what they really are as we proceed.

    However, one thing we know for sure is that they fulfilled scripture warning of

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    theimminency of the Great Tribulation. That's what we can really understand.

    Now, during the last few days of his life, Mr. Armstrong told the man who wouldbecomehis successor. Mr. Armstrong said, "I have gone to the world leaders, now your job is toget the Church ready"--to get the Church ready!

    And even nearly 5 years earlier, Mr. Armstrong had written a letter to the Church datedMarch 19, 1981. In that letter he clearly implied that he himself had fulfilledthescriptural roles of:

    1. The endtime Elijah (Mr. Armstrong truly believed he was the endtime Elijah.)2. He believed that he was the prophetic Zerubbabel whose hand would finish theSpiritual Temple.

    Now that letter is available for your reading today if you would like a copy.

    So, Mr. Armstrong preached that through the blessings of Christ, he had taken the Gospelto the world as a witness to all nations. He believed that through Christ, he ha

    d takenthe Gospel to the world as a witness to all nations.

    It was a mighty prophetic sign and it was his commission that was successfullyaccomplished.

    Mr. Armstrong truly believed he completed his commission and had restored all things tothe Church, and he proclaimed that he had completed the Spiritual Temple (Zechariah 4:9)which is another great sign that the divided churches have forgotten. They justforgotten this; They don't preach this anymore. They did this while he was alivebut

    they don't preach this anymore.

    It is a fact that most of the Worldwide Church God ministry believed and preached allthat all that Mr. Armstrong taught ubtil he died.

    Then, under the new leadership in the Worldwide Church God, things drastically changed.However, truth does not change. Truth does not change.

    So look around brethren, just look around.

    What has happened to the Church of God--the One True Church that Jesus Christ bu


    Our Lord said, "The gates of hell will not prevail against it."

    But are the divided and contentious churches of god that we see out there todaythe OneTrue Church of Jesus christ?

    And in this divided condition, is it ready as the Bride of Christ?

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    That's a good question.

    You maybe very happy and satisfied with the church you're currently in. But really, mostbaptists or methodists are probably happy and satisfied with their church.

    So just by being happy in your church is not proof of it being the True Church.

    Have you really proved your church is the True Church?

    To answer the question of where is the True Church, let's look at the brief history ofthe events that have occurred in the Church since the death of Herbert Armstrongandthen bring everything up to date with the prophesies of the True Church, the Bride ofJesus Christ, immediately before the Great Tribulation.

    So let's begin by understanding how Satan accomplished the amazing feat of scatteringand shattering the churches of god and lulling everyone to spiritual slumber.

    How did he do that?

    First, ask yourself. Why are you a member of the particular splinter church you're in?

    Also ask yourself, how are the divided churches different from one another?

    How are they different?

    For example, how is the Restored Church of God different from the Living Churchof God?

    What's the difference there?

    And what is the difference with those two churches and the United Church of God,

    orthe Philadelphia Church of God, or the Eternal Church of God, or the Sabbath Church ofGod, or the Church of the Great God? And we can go on and on and on and on and on.

    Why must they all be separate? Why?

    What is this all about? Why are these churches divided?

    I Thessalonians 5:21 demands that a Christian prove all things.

    So, have you proved all things? about those churches? your church?

    And held fast to that which is good.

    Now, doesn't this confused division appears to be the same situation I saw as ateenagerin the churches of this world? It seems the same thing.

    What has caused all the division and confusion?

    Brethren, Jeremiah 50, verse 6 is the plainly stated answer. Here is plainly sta

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    ted inthe Bible, Jeremiah 50, verse 6,

    My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray,

    they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to

    hill, they have forgotten their resting-place.

    God says, "His people are lost sheep." God says, "Their Shepherds have caused them to goastray." That's the answer.

    God says, "The sheep are scattered from the mountains to the hills," from largegroupsto very tiny groups--over 300 groups.

    The flock had been scattered, split and splintered because of the shepherds.

    God's Word declares (This is God's Word declaring.),

    And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.- Mark 3, verse 25

    And the House or Church of God is divided and will not stand in that condition.

    The sheep do not know where their resting place, the True Church, really is.

    Now brethren, I don't mean to offend anyone.

    Most of the Ambassador trained ministers seem to be nice men. But the Word of God (Now,that's the Word of God, not me; just my statements don't make any difference.) showsthat those men, trained at the feet of Mr. Armstrong have become hirelings and have ledGod's people astray.

    There are dozens and scores of Scriptures, even entire chapters, that tell of theunfaithful ministers of the Worldwide Church of God and of the daughter churchesthatsprang up after Mr. Armstrong died. All of which today make up the churches of god assome describe themselves today.

    It is astonishing and very sobering to realize we have lived through such importantmilestones of prophetic history in the past 26 years.

    These are prophetic milestones, signs along the way--milestones such as:

    1. The man of sin has been revealed (what a plain sign!)2. The great falling away actually has happened (That sign cannot be denied today.)3. The amazing sign of the Day of the Lord coming as a thief in the night after6000years happened. It happened right on time, and that was nearly 15 years ago.

    All of these signs that should have been heeded have happened since the death of

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    Can you begin to understand why I'm so concerned?

    Observe how thoroughly the prophecies of II Thessalonians 2:1-3 have been fulfilled.This is prophecy that has been fulfilled, signs along the way that we should haveheeded.

    So, Paul writes here,

    Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by

    our gathering together unto Him...

    There will be, brethren, there will be a gathering back together as a final sign. I amvery happy for that.

    He says then,

    that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, n

    or by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ (the Day of the Lord)

    is at hand.

    Let no man deceive you...

    That's what Christ said.

    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the Day of the Lord)shall

    not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be

    revealed, the son of perdition...

    Now, can anyone doubt that the falling away has taken place?

    Can anyone doubt this? Just look around. Where is the Worldwide Church of God today?

    These signs have been fulfilled. The scattering of God's people has happened.

    And look at all of the confusion in the estimated 300 or more splits and splinters ofthe former magnificent Worldwide Church of God.

    The powerful voice of the Worldwide Church of God through the World Tomorrow televisionand radio broadcast has been silenced. The Plain Truth Magazine, as we knew it,with 8million monthly subscribers has banished from the scene.

    The Worldwide Church of God headquarters and Ambassador College, formerly located inPasadena, California, has ceased to exist. The beautiful campus and the splendorof the

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    Ambassador Auditorium dedicated to the Eternal God has been ravaged and contemptuouslysold.

    Now, verse 4 of II Thessalonians 2 clearly describes that which has happened totheWorldwide Church of God. This has happened. This has happened brethren.

    It says, this man of sin,

    Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or thatis

    worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that

    he is God.

    This has happened brethren. Slowly and slyly, the man Herbert Armstrong selectedas hissuccessor began to change the God-given doctrines of the Church for the doctrines ofthis world. He systematically began dismantling and removing all precious truthChristhad given to Mr. Armstrong. This has happened.

    Mr. Armstrong had believed that the warning scriptures concerning the man of sinin IIThessalonians 2 were about a future great false prophet who would perform mightydemonic miracles in support of a soon coming world-ruling super dictator propheticallycalled The Beast (Look at Revelation 13 and 17).

    Herbert Armstrong could never have imagined that the man he hand-picked as his successorwould fulfill the prophesies of II Thessalonians 2.

    Understand this: The Beast and the False Prophet will surely, most surely, come

    upon theworld scene, but the Man of Sin and the Great Falling Away from truth have alreadyoccurred. They have already occurred!

    No one really suspected that the Man of Sin would be the one chosen by Mr. Armstrong toascend to the leadership position in the Church of God. Joseph W. Tkach Sr. becamePastor General of the Worldwide Church of God and the Apostasy began--the changes beganto come.

    Some few recognized these signs but did not know what to do.

    Now, Mystery of the Ages was first edited and then finally removed from publication. Mr.Armstrong's other major books--The Incredible Human Potential and The Authobiography ofHerbert W. Armstrong--were discontinued.

    The United States and Britain in Prophecy, the most requested of all the WCG literature,

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    was removed from print as was The Book of Revelation Unveiled At Last. All of thewonderful truth contained in those literature was changed for wordly lies.

    The commission of the Church was changed. The time for the Sabbath to begin waschangedfrom sunset to darkness. Being actually born into the Family of God was changedto theprotestant born-again doctrine leading to the demonic Trinity belief.

    All these happened.

    Each Sabbath, other false doctrines begin to be taught from Pasadena Headquarters andadopted by the compromising Worldwide Church of God ministry as they clung to theirpaychecks and led God's people astray. That's what they did.

    Now, how was it possible for thousands of people possessing the Spirit of God toturnaway from that which they had been taught?

    How could they become so completely deceived?

    Well, I said, "They did not heed Christ's warnings."

    They did not heed Christ's warnings!

    Here, verses 9-11 of II Thessalonians 2 tells us,

    Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power andsigns

    and lying wonders.

    And it really was powerful, lying wonders coming from Pasadena nearly every week.

    They were lying wonders!

    Continue verse 10:

    And with all deceivableness of unrighteosness in them that perish (or are


    Here's the reason why now,

    because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    And many did not have the love of the truth. They just didn't.

    Continue verse 11:

    And for this cause (for not having love of the truth) God shall send them strong

    delusion, that they should believe a lie;

    People possessing the Spirit of God through the strong delusion--because they did not

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    love the truth--that they should believe a lie

    So, "Changes, changes--what changes?" they would say. "We are not changing anything; weare making clarifications." That's the way it all started.

    But as the Scripture above says, those were "lying wonders" by the deceiving power ofSatan the Devil. And apparently many did not have enough love of the truth to besavedfrom the strong delusion that God would allow.

    Now, God was conducting a powerful test. This is what it was brethren. Nothing willderail God's plan.

    But He was conducting a powerful test to determine who would heed Jesus christ andfollow Him and who would follow deceived men.

    Now, most likely you have heard of Mr. Gerald Flurry. Most likely you have heardof him.He has been a prominent personality in the recent history of the Church of God.

    During the early 1990s, under Gerald Flurry's leadership, the Philadelphia Church of God(This is located in Edmond, Oklahoma--the PCG.) gradually became a well organized work.

    Mr. Flurry's was the first really organized work actively warning of what was happeningin the Worldwide Church of God. (He was the one who was doing this.) Yet many ofthehigh ranking ministers of the Worldwide Church of God, who may have agreed in part withhim, ridiculed Mr. Flurry's warning efforts claiming he was just a nobody and refused to

    join with him in the work that actually Jesus Christ was conducting.

    Those proud evangelists and pastor-rank ministers would not work under someone who hadbeen their student or had been beneath them in ministerial rank.

    Gerald Flurry was only an insignificant preaching elder, but their refusal to work withhim was also a matter of their pocketbooks.

    Gerald Flurry and his associate pastor John Amos had been terminated from the WorldwideChurch of God ministry and were disfellowship in December of 1989.

    Mr. Flurry had written the first rough manuscript of what would become the eye openingbook "Malachi's Message to the Church of God Today." He had quietly discussed some ofits contents with Mr. Amos and other trusted friends in his congregation in Edmond.

    Now, Christ had revealed vital new truth to Mr. Flurry. Malachi's Message is themessage

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    of the book of Malachi. That's simply what it is. It is about a ministry gone rotten andit included the astonishing crystal clear truth of II Thessalonians 2. Gerald Flurry hadremembered Christ's warnings and the signs He had given.

    It was Mr. Flurry who first revealed that the Man of Sin would not be a future Pope ofthe Roman Catholic Church sitting in a temple in Jerusalem, but the hand-pickedsuccessor of Herbert W. Armstrong sitting in the ruling position in the Church of God.

    Mr. Flurry used I Corinthians 3:16-17 as one of the many Scriptures that explained "Whatand where the Temple of God Is."

    I Corinthians 3:16-17,

    Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth

    in you? If any man defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy; forthe

    Temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

    Now, Malachi's Message opened our eyes to the Man of Sin sitting in the Church of God--it revealed the Apostasy. So, here was this Man of Sin sitting in the Temple ofGod.And so, he was actually there sitting in the Church of God--the Worldwide Churchof God.

    The called and chosen, begotten brethren of God collectively make up the spiritualTemple of God.

    And Malachi's Message amazingly revealed the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition, sitting

    in the controlling position of the Worldwide Church of God--the Spiritual Temple.

    The great falling away from truth was very rapidly taking place.

    Now, how much of Malachi's Message were discussed with his friends--I'm not sure, but itwas enough to have Mr. Flurry be reported to Worldwide Church of God Headquartersresulting in him and Mr. Amos being commanded to come out to Pasadena were theyweresubsequently fired by Joseph Tkach Jr.

    Now, in retrospect, looking back at this recent history that we have lived through, Itsurely appears that, as these two men (Mr. Flurry and Mr. Amos) stood there beforeJoseph Tkach Jr. a tremendous changed in Church leadership took place.

    After four years under the corrupted Worldwide Church of God administration andthehireling shepherds, having yielded to that wicked leadership and their own pocketbooks,

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    had disqualified themselves in the eyes of God.

    Think about that.

    After four years, these people had disqualified themselves in the eyes of God. No goodfruit had been found in the Worldwide Church of God.

    So what was God to do?

    Now through hindsight, it is apparent to me, that at that precise moment in history thecandlestick of Philadelphia was removed from the disqualified Worldwide Church of God inPasadena. The candlestick was not extinguished; it wasn't blown out as scriptureclearlyshows it wasn't.

    Now, the Two witnesses will represent the Philadelphian and Laodicean Churches until thetime of their death three and a half days before the First Resurrection.

    So that candlestick was not extinguished.

    As God removed the candlestick from Pasadena, to whom did He give that 6th candlestick?

    In my opinion--and I repeat in my opinion, brethren, and I have reason for thisopinion:The Philadelphia candlestick was given to John Amos.

    Also, amazingly, at that moment the 7th era of the Church began as the Laodiceancandlestick was ignited and given to Gerald Flurry.

    Putting together this series of rapid changes bring me to the conclusion that these two

    men suddenly represented the last two of the seven churhes. There was no other ministersthat were prepared to do an organized warning work other than those two men afterthe Worldwide Church of God had disqualified itself.

    So, here are these two men now.

    Upon leaving Mr. Tkach's office (Mr. Tkach Jr.'s office), Mr. Flurry prophetically andsternly warned him. He said, "You have just taken the first sip of a very bitterdrink."

    The Philadelphia Church of God (the PCG) was quickly formed after the two men returnedto Edmond. The first official Sabbath service of the PCG was held on December 16, 1989.

    Malachi's Message in manuscript form was mailed out on the 4th anniversary of the deathof Herbert W. Armstrong, January 16, 1990 to a large number of the WCG.

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    The PCG became an urgent voice crying aloud warning of the deception and destruction ofGod's Church that was happening right before our bewildered eyes.

    The PCG was raised up by Christ with Gerald Flurry as the very zealous physicalleaderof the 7th candlestick Church, Laodicea.

    Now, this is my understanding of the recent history.

    God had allowed four years for the WCG leadership to totally disqualify themselves. Norighteous fruit was found--the tree was barren. You can see the parable of the fig treein Luke 13:6-9.

    So, four years after Herbert Armstrong died, Christ appointed Gerald Flurry to begin thedynamic Laodicean work of warning the betrayed brethren of the Apostasy occuringwithinthe Worldwide Church of God.

    Here was another powerful sign: The final era of the Church of God had begun.

    That was a powerful sign!

    Mr. Flurry was scoffed at, and despised by the leaders of the Worldwide Church of God.He was labeled a demonic dissident. However, prophecy was being fulfilled and theLaodicean work grew slowly in numbers and strength.

    We understand today that Mr. Flurry should have chosen the name Laodicean ChurchofGod, but the title "Laodicea" carries a very unpopular stigma; therefore, he chose thename Philadelphia Church of God with its headquarters in Edmond, Oklahoma.

    John Amos was a man of love and served the brethren well. He was also a stabilizingforce for Mr. Flurry's tremendous zeal. But John Amos died in 1993 and the Philadelphiacandlestick was passed on to another man who was completely unaware of the planGod hasin store for him.

    The Worldwide Church of God had been violently attacked by Satan the Devil and theshattering of that magnificent church had began. The WCG had existed as the 6thCandlestick, Philadelphia, the True Church of God under the endtime apostle Herb

    ert W.Armstrong but no more--no more.

    The 6th Candlestick was removed from the Worldwide Church of God and glowed brightlyalong with 7th Candlestick in the PCG--the Philadelphia Church of God.

    Now, some faithful of the 6th candlestick followed Gerald Flurry because he followedChrist. Others joined with him but soon forgot to test their leaders and would f

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    ollowthe man, Mr. Flurry, instead of Christ.

    Nevertheless, as the two candlesticks work together Matthew 24:41 would be fulfilled.Two women, Philadelphia and Laodicea, would be grinding together at the mill.

    All prophecy is going to be fulfilled.

    Now, for almost six long years, the WCG systematically dismantled most of that which Mr.Armstrong had used to proclaim the true Gospel to the world.

    And The Man of Sin continued casting aside the truth of God for the doctrine ofthisworld. Several hundreds of brethren had followed Mr. Flurry and became members of thePCG, but most of the thousands of God's flock were still in the Worlwide Churchconfused and discouraged.

    Now, many very sincere people heard the warning message of the PCG but were afraid toleave the church. To them leaving the Worldwide Church was the same as leaving the

    truth. It took a while for some to realize that Jesus Christ Himself is synonymous withtruth and the Living Christ had already left the Worldwide Church of God. (Christ hadgone--left.)

    So, finally, in late 1992, several of the high-ranking WCG ministers who had satat thefeet of Mr. Armstrong rebelled against the Worldwide Church leadership. And from1986 to1992, they had begrudgingly cooperated with the Worldwide Church as the Apostasygainedmomentum.

    And incredibly, those hireling ministers taught much of the false doctrine oozing out ofthe corrupted WCG to their befuddled flocks. But during 1992, these ministers becameconfident that they could secure a following and maintain their salary; thus, the GlobalChurch of God was launched. But the Global Church would not cooperate with Gerald Flurryalthough he had been crying aloud since 1990.

    Now, in the Book of Acts, the apostle Paul's inspired words are recorded describing a

    situation in his day very similar to what had developed at the Worldwide Churchof Godafter Mr. Armstrong's departure.

    Paul very blatantly told the elders of city of Ephesus what would happen after hisdeparture. Now, read this beginning with verse 17 (of Acts 20):

    And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called for the elders of the Church.

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    He called the ministry, the shepherds. Now come to verses 28-30,

    Take heed (This is what Christ has said.), (Take heed) therefore untoyourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost (Spirit) had

    madeyou overseers (It made you shepherds), to feed the Church of God, which

    he hathpurchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departing s

    hallgrievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your

    ownselves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciple

    s afterthem.

    Isn't that precisely what happened after Mr. Armstrong's departure--his death?

    Think back!

    Isn't this exactly what Christ warned of?

    And haven't we lived through this?

    Do you remember this?

    Haven't we seen the ministers of God become hirelings?

    Brethren, you should remember this; this is recent history and it is a true history.Those so called leaders, just sitting there doing nothing for six long years, causedGod's people much confusion that is still apparent today.

    Didn't the hireling ministers, in fear of having their paychecks cut off, support thecorrupted teachings of the WCG--if only by their continual presence there, just

    sittingthere--until they could draw away disciples unto themselves?

    Absolutely, that was what happened!

    In the local congregations, haven't we experienced the compromising pastor rankedministers requiring their assistance to preach the garbage coming out from headquartersalthough they knew it was corrupt, but they allowed it to be preached so that they couldmaintain their salaries and their status in the Worldwide Church of God?

    Yes, we have certainly lived through all of that mess.

    Now, there were a few ministers who refused to teach the false doctrines and left theWorldwide Church of God to begin their own work before the Global was formed. However,they also refused to cooperate with Mr. Flurry; thus, through these 26 years, they haveseen very little fruit in their struggling ministries.

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    By the time the hirelings decided to draw away disciples and leave, Mr. Flurry had beenfearlessly warning the nearly 100,000 members of the Worldwide Church of God ofthewolves that had taken control of the WCG headquarters.

    A few brethren listened and heeded, although Mr. Flurry's writings were impugnedasdissident literature by the WCG.

    Nevertheless, he and the PCG continued to do the dynamic work of the LaodiceanCandlestick which was the work of Jesus Christ.

    In 1992, two evangelists and other high ranking ministers left the Worldwide Church ofGod to form the Global Church of God. They refused to work with Mr. Flurry, therebyrefusing to work with Christ.

    The Global attracted several thousands other WCG members but their efforts weredoomedto failure from the beginning and fail it did--the Global failed.

    There was division and contention among those men from the start. With no true

    leadership, they practice of all things a collegial government--a collegial government!

    Those who had sat at the feet of Mr. Armstrong had not learned one of the most importantdoctrines he taught: God's government. Neither were they in agreement with HerbertArmstrong that he was the endtime Elijah, although when he was alive most of them hadtaught that he fulfilled that role.

    And none of them, that I am aware of teach that Herbert Armstrong had completedthe

    task of preaching and publishing the Gospel to the world as a witness to all nations.Thus, they futily seek to the job Christ has already successfully completed.

    Again, I hope you request our article "Five Proofs That Herbert W. Armstrong FulfilledMatthew 24:14."

    Now, the leading evangelist of the Global was booted out of the Global Church inNovember of 1998 after years of bickering and mismanagement. He then establishedtheLiving Church of God. That man admitted that the collegial government of the Glo

    balChurch was not God's type of government; therefore in essence, he admitted thattheGlobal had not been God's church for those six years.

    Thus, if the Global was not God's Church during those years, I wonder after itsfailure,and if any of those who still sleepily followed that same chief evangelist on into theLiving Church had ever wondered where the True Church was during those confused

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    yearsof the Global Church.

    But back in May of 1994, the ministry and members of the Global Church were appalled tolearn that another huge group was leaving the WCG, not to unite with the Globalbut toform their own church--the United Church of God. That large split added to theconfusion of God's flock. Satan was having a field day.

    The United Church of God, the largest of the many splits, certainly shows aninappropriate name. They had been anything but united, already having several splitsand splinters with most using a Presbyterian congregational form of government.

    And considering church names, is the Living Church of God really what the name impliesor is it actually a dead church as seen by its fruits?

    What fruit must be evident to identify a church as a living church?

    Ask that.

    What fruit must be evident to identify a church as a living church?

    II Peter 3:18 states the truth that an individual Christian or a church must begrowingin the knowledge of Christ. This is the answer.

    II Peter 3, verse 18 states,

    But grow in grace, and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    But what is the knowledge of Christ? What is the knowledge of Christ?

    Listen brethren; this is so very important.

    Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God and the Holy Bible is the written Word ofGod;therefore, as you grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, you grow in the knowledge ofthe Holy Bible. And new knowledge from the Holy Bible is New Truth from the Wordof God,by the grace of God--plain and simple.

    So, to be a living church, it must be continually growing in New Truth--right?

    Now, honestly, do you know of any New Truth that has come from the Living Churchsince

    it was formed?

    How about any New truth from any of the other groups that came out of the defunct GlobalChurch?

    Do you know of any New Truth from the United Churches or any of the other daughterchurches?

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    Do you know of any New truth that has been taught since 1986?

    God's True Church must and will be continually growing in New Truth because Christ isthere at the head.

    In May of 1999, one disgruntled pastor-ranked minister left the crumbling GlobalChurchand establish his own church--the Restored Church of God. He also began preachingagainst the apostasy of the WCG as Gerald Flurry had been doing for over nine years.

    Another of the leading men of the Global, the last we heard, is part of one of thesplits of the United Church. One of the original evangelist of the Global was laterdisfellowshipped by his former brother-in-law and a short while later founded the 21stCentury Church of God and this he has recently died.

    Two other high-ranking ministers formerly in the Global had also joined with theLivingChurch, but in disagreement left the Living Church. One of them has began his ow

    nchurch. Each of these contentious ministers along with those of the splits andsplinters of the United Church and dozens of others are not teaching New Truth from theWord of God. But are taking their brand of the Gospel to the world disregardingthe factthat Christ accomplished that through Mr. Herbert Armstrong.

    One person described the pointless efforts of these confused, contentious and competingchurch leaders attempting to preach the Gospel to the world as all of them dipping outof the same pot of soup with one adding a little salt, another a dash of pepper,

    maybea spoonful of sugar, etc., but the same soup--nothing new, the same soup!

    Can't these men read?

    I Corinthians 1:10 and 13 can easily be understood by most fifth graders.

    Paul says,

    Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all

    speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but thatye be

    perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

    (And verse 13 asks the question,)

    Is Christ divided?

    NO! Christ is not divided. He has One True Church. Those contentious churches ofgodare divided, and are not in the same mind and judgment, and are causing confusion.

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    I Corinthians 14:33 tells us that,

    God is not the author of confusion;

    Satan the Devil is.

    James 3:14-16 are very important here with this subject we're looking at.

    James 3:14-16, it gives a warning to all of the divided churches and specially to thehireling shepherds. It states,

    But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts...

    Now listen. If you have bitter envying and strife, the division in the churchesdemonstrates that they do have bitter envying and strife in their hearts or theywouldbe together in unity. Now, that's plain and simple.


    But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, andlie not

    against the truth.

    This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

    It is of the Devil!

    For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

    --every evil work!

    For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

    Confusion is of Satan; thus, these divided churches are not of Christ.

    And although Mr. Flurry started out with a bang, he was destined to fulfill theScriptures describing Laodicea.

    So, we see how the scattered churches out there that Mr. Flurry had been tryingto warnthem. Mr. Flurry started out with a bang, but he was destined to fulfill the Scripturesdescribing Laodicea.

    So, let's look at this now regarding Mr. Flurry.

    Certainly, Christ blessed Mr. Flurry and the Laodicean Work. The growth of the PCG andits variable acquisitions and properties are quite impressive as Revelation 3, verse 17declares,

    Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have needof


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    Mr. Flurry stated that, "We have it all, we have it all!"

    However, after seven years of faithfully laboring for Christ, two strange actionschanged the direction of the PCG. Tithes, offerings and membership began to decrease inthe PCG. One major cause of the decline was due to Mr. Flurry's top lieutenantsapplying abusive governmental control over the PCG membership--abusive governmentalcontrol.

    His top men were lacking in ministerial experience and Bible knowledge, and soapparently unable to Biblically answer questions about PCG doctrine. Those men revertedto fear tactics when someone sincerely asks questions. Thus, people began to becastedout of the PCG right and left. And Mr. Flurry seemed to always backed the minister andnot even hear the member's case.

    Unless you have been a part of the PCG, it will be difficult for you to realizejusthow bad the abuse was, and it has become even worse today.

    So, as tithes, offerings and membership decreased, Gerald Flurry came up with averyunwise course of action. He needed a gimmick to excite the membership and rallythembehind him. Therefore, he allowed Satan to deceive him into ignoring the Copyright Lawsand seized Mystery of the Ages.

    Mr. Flurry printed and distributed several thousand of copies of Mystery of theAgesand started a legal war with the Worldwide Church of God that held the copyrightsof this literature.

    Gerald Flurry turned from his commission of warning the Church of the falling away fromtruth. Now, he became obsessed with the court battle over Mystery of the Ages. Early onhe had correctly that Herbert Armstrong had successfully taken the Gospel to theworldand had ridiculed the efforts of the leaders of the Global Church in their attemptedduplication of Mr. Armstrong's work.

    The world is not being called at this time. Remember this.

    The world is not being called at this time; therefore, it is a futile effort totakethe Gospel to the world. But in early 1997, Mr. Flurry in competition for new members,followed the lead of those he had ridiculed and went to the world with the spiritualknowledge of Mystery of the Ages and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

    That unwise action trust the Worldwide Church of God and the Philadelphia Churchof God

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    into an all-out legal war. Neither church regarded the warnings of the Holy Scriptruresabout such actions.

    I Corinthians 6:1 and verses 7 and 8 is not hard to understand.

    This is what it says,

    Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust,

    and not before the saints?

    Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one

    with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer

    yourselves to be defrauded?

    Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.

    Gerald Flurry and the PCG were soundly defeated in their shameful court battle with theWCG. They were defeated. The PCG lost the case but in a surprise move, the WCG offered

    to sell the copyrights of the literature Mr. Flurry so desired. Therefore, theycalmlynegotiated the price. They sat down and negotiated the price. They could have done thisat the very beginning.

    Nevertheless, Gerald Flurry then boastfully exalted that they had won the courtcase,but what they really won was the right to purchase Mystery of the Ages and 18 otherWorldwide Church of God publications for $2 Million Dollars after wasting another 3-4million dollars over a six-year period on court expenses.

    Let me repeat I Corinthians 6:1,

    Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust,

    and not before the saints?

    I ask again, can't these shepherds read?

    Now, the court case was a major blunder by Gerald Flurry but another bizarre lack ofwisdom quickly came about. In unbelievable vanity, he claimed he fulfilled thescriptures of "That Prophet."

    And more unbelievable than that his PCG followers believed him. But that vain boast wasfrom the same mindset that Lucifer the archangel had as he became Satan the Devil. Thatevil being coveted God Almighty's supreme position as Isaiah 14:13-14 reveals.

    Let's read this, Isaiah 14:13-14:

    For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exa

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    lt mythrone above the stars of God (the angels); I will sit also upon the mou

    nt ofthe congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the hei

    ghtsof the clouds; I will be like the most High.

    Satan wanted the title "The Most High." That's what he wanted, He wanted that title.

    Satan wanted the title "The Most High."

    Gerald Flurry wants the title of "That Prophet."

    Brethren, the Scriptures plainl show that the title of "That Prophet" belongs only--only to Jesus Christ. It is so easily proven.

    How could anyone believe such an outlandish boast?

    Therefore, any person taking that title unto himself, other than Jesus Christ, makeshimself a false Christ and an abomination unto God.

    Understand that!

    Therefore, any person taking that title unto himself, other than Jesus Christ, makeshimself a false Christ and an abomination unto God.

    It is astonishing and incredible that the dynamic individual who led the chargeinexposing the Man of Sin sitting in the Temple Of God has himself become the"Abomination Standing in the Holy Place." That's Gerald Flurry.

    So brethren, 26 years after Herbert Armstrong's death, where is the One True Church of

    Jesus Christ that the gates of Hell would not prevail against?

    That is the all-important question--all-important question!

    Now, let's see if we can ask that from the Word of God.

    Now, part of the answer is presented by Christ in His parable of the ten virginsofMatthew 25, verses1-13.

    So let's take a look at 7 (or 4?) important points that are emphasized in thewonderful yet very urgent parable of the ten virgins.

    Now, this parable is covered in detail in our free booklet, "The Midnight Cry" that Icertainly think that you should request also.

    First point here:

    All of the called and chosen brethren of the divided, scattered and shattered churcheswho are alive today are represented in this parable.

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    Understand that.

    All of the called and chosen brethren of the divided, scattered and shattered churcheswho are alive today are represented in this parable. That includes you and me.

    Also included are those out there who are not affiliated with the organized churches ofgod but are a church unto themselves, just sitting out there all alone.

    This important parable pictures all the living brethren today.

    Secondly, the ten virgins are separated into two groups: one considered by God as wise,the other as foolish. Both groups wise and foolish are waiting for the return ofChrist,but as the parable shows they all went to sleep, spiritually.

    They did not heed the warning signs!

    Then at the appointed time, the Midnight Cry awakens all of them: the wise and thefoolish.

    Now, a third group is proclaiming the Midnight Cry: that the Lord, the Bridegroom hascome as a thief in the night at the end of the 6000 years--and urging that theycomeout to meet Him (that's verse 10).

    So Christ has come and as Christ is here, we are urging you all come out to meetHim.

    A fourth group has oil to sell but refuses to answer the Midnight Cry.

    Now, meditate on those points and ask yourself: Where do you fit in those four groups?

    Even if you are out there all by yourself, you are still a part of one of thesegroups.But which one?

    The ten virgins of Matthew 25 are symbolic of the thousands of our brethren whoare partof the divided churches sound asleep in a 1986 time mode. The wise are deeply sincerebrethren but are snared in the competing churches along with their foolish brethren.There has been no New Truth in those divided churches where the shepherds covetthe

    preeminent leadership position.

    We have the wretched example of Dioptrophes in III John, verses 9-10 happening all overagain here today--Dioptrophes.

    Now, they all will be awaken and the wise will be made to come to the third group--thisis the Church that is issuing the Midnight Cry. So the wise will be made to come.

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    The foolish will waste too much time seeking oil from the fourth group--the LaodiceanPCG--and will be locked out of the Place of Safety along with the stubborn PCG.

    The wise virgins will be made to hurry to the One True Church that alone is proclaimingthe Midnight Cry that the Bridegroom has come.

    Our Lord says in Revelation 3, verse 9 (Listen to this brethren; this is a powerfulscripture here now. I certainly hope you understand what it is saying.)

    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews,

    and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy

    feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Brethren, I certainly believe you have listened to a portion of the Midnight Cryinthis message. I hope you have awaken and understand this. This message is extremelyurgent because time is so short.

    Jesus Christ also came secretly and suddenly to His Temple, His Church on that very dayat the end of 6000 years. He then began pouring New Truth into His Church, thePhiladelphia 6th Candlestick--the Church of God's Faithful.

    Christ's One True Church is identified by continual growth in New Truth according to IIPeter 3:18. The Church of God's Faithful has been given over 100 New Truths since theTrumpets of 1997 to identify it as the One True Church. You can believe it or not.That's up to you.

    Matthew 24:37 tells us,

    But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Manbe.

    So, honestly brethren, I have tried hard to bring this message to you. I deeplyfeel theurgency of the times and I hope you will prove all that I have presented here today. ButI can say honestly, that we have only scratched the surface--just scratched thesurface.

    As I stated, Jesus Christ has given the Church of God's Faithful over 100 New Truthsthat all linked together, and are on the foundation, you know, that had been laidthere by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. It's all built there--over 100 New Truths thatyou can study and prove.

    Time is very short.

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    Conditions in the world and in the Church are such that all God has to do is snap Hisfingers and every prophecy involving the completion of this Work can be done.

    The Great Tribulation is on the horizon.

    The Day of the Lord's Wrath and the visible return of our Lord and Saviour can befitted within the 19-year time cycle, mentioned earlier, that will end on the Feast ofTrumpets of 2016.

    The Bride--this is the Work that we should be doing--must be made ready.

    The gathering might be beginning with this very message.

    Galatians 4:16 presents my feelings as I end this message to you--This MidnightCry!

    Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

    Please don't be upset with me, brethren, for bringing you this recent history and thepossibilities of the time cycle we are in. Christ tells us to watch. He also say

    s totake heed. Thus, I hope you will heed this message and realize that Christ is preparingto gather the wise that are snared in the divided churches.

    Please contact us for the literature, audio and video messages, or personal counsel or call us at 843-462-7977.

    Our address is CGF, 136 Woodland Drive, Harlyville, South Carolina 29448.

    I certainly look forward to hearing from you.

    Mr. Robert ArdisAnnouncementAugust 4, 2012

    www.setapartbytruth.orgcheck link

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