
UNDER THE SEAA Scratch and MakeyMakey Tutorial

Georgia Gwinnett College S3


• In this Scratch tutorial, we are going to program the Under The Sea animation into a game!

• Students will learn how to program:

• An animated crab that the user can control with the MakeyMakey for direction.

• Falling sprites that the crab can catch and gain points.

• Import music into the stage.

• A scoreboard for the game.

• All files needed for this game will be from the Under the Sea Folder on your Desktop

and the Scratch 2.0 Library.


Open the scratch game by double

clicking this icon.

It can be found on the desktop of

your computer or laptop.

OPEN THE UNDER THE SEA PROJECT Go to File and Select Open.

Go to Desktop Under The Sea Scratch Game Under The Sea Demo Under The Sea Basic.sb2

Once the project opens up, go to File again, and Select Save as.

Give your project a name and save it on the desktop.

Under The Sea Scratch ProjectHit the space bar to see the Crab animation.

• Once you have saved your project,

double check to make sure the

project looks like the image to the


• Note: The scripts for the Crab

animations and Stage/Background

Music setup has been provided to

get you started.

SPRITES Import the following sprites for the Crab

to catch.

Left-click the button to upload new sprites.

Click DesktopUnder the Sea Scratch Game Folder Sprites SVG

Press down the ctrl key and select fish1, worm, and soda can to import to the Stage.

You may need to move the sprites apart on the stage by dragging them across the stage.

Your stage should look like the image to the right.

CRAB CODEWe will now begin programming

codes for the Crab.

Left-Click the Crab sprite.

The codes will all appear in the

Scripts Area.

Refer to the images to the right to

make sure your code is correct.

Be sure to save regularly

throughout the tutorial.


The crab code will allow us to

control and move the Crab

across the stage.

Our Crab will be controlled by

the left and right arrow keys,

which will later be connected to

the MaKey MaKey.

CRAB CODE We will now program the codes to enable

the crab to move across the game stage and create a scoreboard.

Drag the When space key pressed block from the Events button to the Scripts Area.

Go to the Data script button and click the Make a Variable button.

Name the variable name “Score” and select “For all sprites”. Then Click Ok.

Now drag the show variable and the set Score blocks under the Event block as seen in the picture to the right.

Be sure to set your Score to 0.

CRAB CODE Next, drag the forever block from the Control button under

the set Score to 0 block .

Drag the two if- then block from Control button inside the forever block.

Inside each if-then blank, drag the key pressed? block into the blank from the Sensing button.

Set one key to left arrow and the other key to right arrow.

Inside each if block, drag a change by x block from the Motion button.

A positive number shifts the sprite to the right. Set X = 10.

A negative number shifts the sprite to the left. Set X = -10.

This code will allow the crab to shift left and right across the stage.

Check your results and test your code.

You should have 4 separate scripts of code for the Crab sprite.

SODA CAN CODENow that we have finish

programming our Crab. Let’s move on to our other sprites.

We will start with the soda can sprite.

Make sure you left-click the soda can sprite before programming its scripts.

The soda can sprite will be the falling sprite that the Crab must AVOID from eating/catching.

If the soda can touches the Crab, then the game is over.


Part 1 code will hide and set the

start position for the soda can


It will then randomize the time

for how long it takes the sprite

to start falling between 1 to 4



First drag when space key is

pressed and forever block.

Drag a hide block from the Looks

script under the forever block.

Next drag a go to x and y block

from Motion script under the hide

block. Set X = 0 and Y = 180.

Next add a wait block from

Control script.

Place a pick random block from

the Operator script inside the wait

block. Set random 1 to 4 secs.


Continuing from the previous code, add a show block from the Looks script under the wait block.

Next, drag a glide block from the Motionscript.

Drag and place a pick random block from the Operator script inside the glide block.

Set the X= 0 and Y= -180.

Notice how the X stays the same, but only the Y changes for both of the motion blocks in this code.

Set the random from 1 to 4 secs.

The codes above will allow the falling sprite to glide down the stage with a randomized speed of 1 to 4 secs.


Part 2 code will allow the soda can

sprite to stop the Under the Sea song

and then switch to play the game over

song when it touches the Crab sprite.

This code will then broadcast a Game

Over message to all the other sprites in

the game to notify that the game is


Once the message is sent, all scripts in

the game will stop and the user will

have to restart the game again.


To begin, drag a when space key pressed key from the Events button.

Next, drag a forever and if-then block from the Control button.

Drag a touching block from the Sensing button and place it inside the if- then block.

Click the drop down arrow and make sure it is touching the Crab sprite.

Next, add a hide from the Looks button under the play sound block.

Next, add a broadcast Game Over! block from the Events block.

Add a switch backdrop to block from the Looksbutton and select underwater4.

Add a stop all sounds and a play sound until done block from the Sound button. Next slide explains how to import the game-over music.

Finally, drag a wait secs and stop all block from the Control button under the hide block.

SODA CANCODE PART 2Import Game-Over Music To import the game-over music click the

Sounds tab next to Backdrops.

Then select upload script.

Click DesktopUnder the Sea Scratch Game Folder Sound

Then Select game-over.wav

Now return to the Scripts tab and go to the “play sound” block you drag previously in the Scripts Area.

There should be a drop down arrow. Click the arrow and select the game-over song.

Test the game to see if your music plays.


You should now have a total of 2 separate scripts for your soda can sprite.

Double check to see if your results looks the same to the codes on the right.

Test your code to see if it works.

FISH1 CODE Now that we have finish

programming our soda can sprite. Let’s move on to the edible sprites that the Crab can catch/eat.

We will program new sprites to be falling objects in which our crab will have be able to catch and eat.

Start with the fish1 sprite.

Make sure you left-click the fish1 sprite before programming its scripts.

Each falling sprite will require 3 separate Scripts of code. We will break it down and program each script by parts.


Part 1 code will hide and set the start

position for the fish1 sprite.

It will then randomize the time for

how long it takes the sprite to start

falling between 1 to 4 seconds.

Remember to save project!

FISH1 CODE PART 1 First drag when space key is

pressed and forever block.

Drag both a hide block from the

Looks script under the forever


Next drag a go to x and y block

from Motion script under the hide

block. Set X = 130 and Y = 180.

Next add a wait block from

Control script.

Place a pick random block from

the Operator script inside the wait

block. Set random 1 to 4 secs.

FISH1 CODE PART 1 Continuing from the previous code, add a

show block from the Looks script under the wait block.

Next, drag a glide block from the Motion script.

Drag and place a pick random block from the Operator script inside the glide block.

Set the X= 130 and Y= -180.

Notice how the X stays the same, but only the Y changes for both of the motion blocks in this code.

Set the random from 1 to 4 secs.

The codes above will allow the falling sprite to glide down the stage with a randomized speed of 1 to 4 secs.

FISH1 CODE PART 2 Part 2 code will allow the fish1 sprite to

make a pop sound and hide when it touches the Crab sprite.

A costume is one out of possibly many "frames" or alternate appearances of a sprite.Sprites can change their look to any of its costumes. They can be named, edited, created, and deleted, but every sprite must have at least one costume.

This code will also allow the sprite to switch to a new costume for the fish1 sprite if they wish.

The user will have to add additional images under the costumes tab for the fish1 sprite.

FISH1 CODE PART 2 To begin, drag a when space key

pressed key from the Events script.

Next, drag a forever and if-then block from the Control scripts.

Drag a touching block from the Sensing script and place it inside the if- then block.

Click the drop down arrow and make sure it is touching the Crab sprite.

Add a change score block from the Data script.

Add a play sound block from the Sound script.

Finally, add a hide and next costume block from the Looksscript under the play sound block.

FISH1 CODE PART 2 Import the pop sound from the

Scratch library for the play sound


Go to the Sounds tab and left-click

the button to open the Scratch

sound library.

Go to Effects under Category and

select the pop sound. Click Ok.

Return to your Scripts tab and

make sure pay sound block has

pop selected for its sound to play.

FISH1 CODE PART 2 Import the a new costume for the

fish1 sprite.

First, Click on the Costumes tab.

Left-click the button to upload new sprites as a costume for the fish1.

Click Desktop Under the Sea Scratch Game FolderSprites SVG.

You may select the fish2 or fish3SVG images or both as costumes for your fish1 sprite.

You should now have 2 or 3 costumes for your fish1 sprite.

FISH1 CODE PART 3 Part 3 code programs the fish1 what to

do when it receive the Game Over message.

Once fish1 receives the message it will send a command to stop all scripts for fish1 sprite only and then hide from stage.

This allows the fish1 sprite to hide when the Crab has touched the soda can and tells the user that the game is over.

FISH1 CODE PART 3Drag the When I receive block

from the Events script.

Drop down the arrow and choose

Game Over! message.

Next, drag the stop all block from

the Control script and place it

under the previous block.

Drop down the arrow and choose

other scripts in sprite.

Finally, add a hide block from the

Looks script to complete the block



You should now have a total of 3

separate sprites for your fish1


Double check to see if your results

looks the same to the codes on the


Test your code to see if it works.

Duplicating Sprites and Scripts

The Scratch 2.0 editor allows the user to duplicate sprites and scripts to make the programming experience faster and easier to create a game.

Since fish1 and worm sprites are edible objects, they will share the same code with some light changes to the code

You will only need to drag codes from the fish1 sprite to the worm sprite for this game.

Note: The X position for each duplicated code needs to be modified to a different position.

( More detail in next slide)


There are many ways to duplicate a

sprite’s code to another sprite:

One simple way to duplicate a

sprite’s code is to select a script

from one sprite and drag it to

another sprite.

Lets start with the 1st script from

fish1. Select the 1st script and

simply drag it to worm sprite in the

Sprites window.

Repeat this step for the other 2

remaining scripts from fish1.

Step 1

Step 2


Now click on the worm sprite, and you should now have the 3 scripts you dragged in the worm’s scripts area.

Note: You will need to rearrange the scripts so that will not be placed on top of each other.

Note: Be sure you change the X position for each 1st Script you copied to a different X-axis position of your choosing.

This allows your worm sprite to fall from a different position.

Example is given here:

Under The Sea Game Test Check

Once you have finished, please make sure your game is working correctly, by testing and playing the game.

Please raise your hand so that an Instructor can check your game, before moving on to the MakeyMakey tutorial.

Your must be checked, before receiving a MakeyMakey kit.


Your one more step closer to the finish


Make sure you have received a

MakeyMakey kit and 4-5 play doh

bottles from your instructor.

Follow the tutorial to connect your

MakeyMakey to your computer.


Open the kit and grab your

MakeMakey board and USB cable.

Plug your board into the computer.

Small side of USB cable plugs into

MaKey MaKey,

A red light should turn on, which

tells you that the board is on and

connected to the computer.

Close any pop-ups if they show up

on the computer.

MAKEYMAKEYAlligator Clips

Connect an alligator clip to earth

on the bottom front side of the

MaKey MaKey.

This connection is very important!

When you hold the other end of the

alligator clip between your fingers.

You are said to be “grounded”.

This completes your circuit, so that

you can use the MaKey MaKey.

MAKEYMAKEYAlligator Clips

Connect 4 alligator clips to each

arrow keys on the board.

Then connect 1 more alligator clip

to space.


Now Connect each ends of the

alligator clips to something

conductive and you can now play

your game!

Play Doh

Aluminum Foil Tap




CONGRATULATIONS!You Finished Your Under the Sea Game!

See Next Slide for Additional Challenges

BONUS Prize Challenge: Program a code that allows

your crab to jump when you press the up arrow key!

Edit your crab sprite

Add extra Sprites or duplicate them

Add a Score condition

Design your own background

Design your own sprite

Change Music and Sounds

Play around with the codes and have fun!!!

Use different objects with your MakeyMakey board.


Copy and paste the URL below into your browser to take the survey!

Thanks, we appreciate your feedback!
