

EL-TRANSLATIONS An ISO 17100:2015 certified company

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

Α1ζ Linguist’s Manual v3, 12/6/2017 Page 1 of 31

Contents Getting Started with EL-Translations ........................................................................................... 3 Confidentiality Agreement ............................................................................................................ 4 Promptness .................................................................................................................................... 6 Email ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Contact information ...................................................................................................................... 6 Faxes ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Telephone ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Time zone ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Holidays ........................................................................................................................................ 7 SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................. 8 RATES .......................................................................................................................................... 8 JOB OFFERS ................................................................................................................................ 8 TRANSLATION / REVIEW ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................. 9 PAYMENT ................................................................................................................................... 9 File Names .................................................................................................................................. 10 Translating Proper Names ........................................................................................................... 10 Non-editable Text ....................................................................................................................... 11 Formatting/Typography .............................................................................................................. 11 Punctuation.................................................................................................................................. 11 Use of Cat Tools ......................................................................................................................... 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANSLATORS ................................................................ 13 QUALITY CONTROLS ............................................................................................................. 14 QA Checker settings ................................................................................................................... 15 Tag Verifier settings.................................................................................................................... 19 Terminology Verifier settings ..................................................................................................... 20 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWERS ...................................................................... 21 Recording Changes/Corrections ................................................................................................. 21 Translation Rating ....................................................................................................................... 22 Post-DTP Check .......................................................................................................................... 22 TIPS & LINKS ............................................................................................................................ 28 Greek: .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Social Media: .............................................................................................................................. 28 Feedback Form ............................................................................................................................ 29 QUERIES .................................................................................................................................... 30

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Getting Started with EL-Translations Welcome to EL-Translations! You have just started your collaboration with us, so we want to respond to any queries you might have regarding what we expect from you for a smooth collaboration. As for you, you can expect interesting projects, plenty of support material, clear instructions, and professional interaction with our staff! This manual is designed to help you go through all the procedures we follow so as to ensure our projects’ quality and to answer any questions may arise during our collaboration. Feel free to get back to us with any feedback on this manual by using the Feedback Form.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Confidentiality Agreement At the beginning of our collaboration, we ask from all our linguists to sign the Agreement below. Please, read carefully, sign the Agreement and send it back to us by fax, email or regular mail.


This Agreement, entered into as of the ___ day of ______ 20__ (The Effective Date) between EL-TRANSLATIONS (hereinafter referred to as EL-TRANSLATIONS) and ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as LINGUIST) to assure the protection and preservation of the confidential and proprietary nature of information which EL-TRANSLATIONS, its affiliated, subsidiaries, suppliers or clients, may disclose or make available to LINGUIST in connection with EL-TRANSLATIONS’s projects.

EL-TRANSLATIONS desires to assure the confidential status of the information which may be disclosed to LINGUIST as follows:

1. All information disclosed to LINGUIST by EL-TRANSLATIONS shall be deemed to be “Proprietary Information”. Proprietary Information means all information that has been either characterized in writing as confidential at the time of its disclosure or characterized orally as confidential at the time of disclosure.

2. The Proprietary Information is disclosed under this Agreement so LINGUIST may use these materials in connection with LINGUIST projects. LINGUIST shall at all times during the terms of the Agreement and for a period of three years after its completion keep confidential and restrict the use of all Proprietary Information.

3. LINGUIST may use the Proprietary Information received from EL-TRANSLATIONS only to the extent required to accomplish the intent of this Agreement. In particular glossaries, translation memories and reference material provided by EL-TRANSLATIONS’s client should not be used by LINGUIST for any other project.

4. Proprietary Information shall not be reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the intent of this Agreement.

5. Proprietary Information shall not be disclosed by LINGUIST to any third party without EL-TRANSLATIONS’s prior written consent.

6. LINGUIST undertakes with EL-TRANSLATIONS that for a period of two years after the termination of this Agreement LINGUIST will neither on his own account nor in conjunction with nor on behalf of any person, firm or company solicit business from or accept work direct from any client of EL-TRANSLATIONS with whom LINGUIST has had dealings as a supplier for EL-TRANSLATIONS without EL-TRANSLATIONS’s prior written consent.

7. All Proprietary Information shall remain the property of EL-TRANSLATIONS, shall be used only for the purpose intended, and shall, at EL-TRANSLATIONS’s discretion, be returned by LINGUIST upon request by EL-TRANSLATIONS, and in any event upon expiration or termination of the Agreement.

8. Any failure on the part of LINGUIST to observe any of the terms of this Agreement could lead to legal proceeding to recover any consequent losses to EL-TRANSLATIONS.

9. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from the Effective Date.

I have read and understood this Agreement and my signature below binds LINGUIST, its employees and representatives, to the provisions of the Agreement.

Linguist name ___________________

Signed ___________________


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the parties have executed this Agreement.

“EL-TRANSLATIONS”: “Linguist”: Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou

Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Everyone at EL-Translations will make an effort to respond to your questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions with speed and accuracy. In return, we would like you to observe the following:


We need fast, accurate responses from you. Please confirm that you undertake the project by replying to our initial Translation/Review Assignment. You are also expected to be reachable for up to 2h after the delivery of a project in case of any issues arise.


Please, when sending your translation make sure you reply to our initial Translation Assignment email. Do not change anything in the subject line. Your project manager may be working on several projects simultaneously, so having the project name in the subject line will ensure smoother communication. Also, if the field CC: was completed, make sure you chose “Reply to all” when sending your email.

Contact information

Below your email, include a standard signature with your name, phone number (with the international dialing code for your country), Skype or MSN account name and international time zone.


Please note, that email is the preferred mode of communication. Please, do not send us any faxes unless absolutely necessary. If you are experiencing problems with your email account or Internet connection, please contact your Project Manager by phone as soon as you experience the problem.


Please avoid phone communication and privilege Internet communication by email, MSN or Skype. In the rare occasions when you need to call our office, please state your Project Manager’s name, your name, phone number, and explain clearly your reason for calling. You will receive appropriate instructions on what to do.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Time zone

Please be aware of time zone differences. Especially if you do not reside in Greece (GMT+2), always bear in mind that deadlines are in Greece’s time. Specify your time zone information in your email signature, and always clarify any time zone ambiguity, especially those concerning project deadlines. To prevent issues with time zones, you can check this website:


Our office is closed on national and international holidays unless otherwise stated. In any case, you will have all the necessary contact details for emergencies. We expect you to be available for work during these days. It will be greatly appreciated and you will maximize your chances of receiving more jobs from us. Database update Please send us your updated CV once a year, with any new qualifications (training, foreign languages, CAT tools) or contact information that has changed (ex. address, telephone number, email).

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Should you be upgrading your software applications, please let us know. As we use the latest version of several major software packages, it helps if we know what version of Windows you have and what version of a CAT tool you use. You can notify us of any changes by sending an updated CV to your Project Manager. We remind you that you must have the latest versions of antivirus software running on your machines to ensure virus-free deliverables to EL-Translations.


You will discuss about standard rates with your Project Manager at beginning of our collaboration. Please bear in mind that EL-Translations sends Job Offers to multiple linguists with a fixed rate. To learn more about Job Offers and how to get jobs read JOB OFFERS chapter below.


EL-Translations sends Job Offers by email to multiple translators already approved as collaborators who are registered in our data base of linguists and who meet a project’s criteria. Available and interested linguists should reply by email. The first linguist who replies to the job will be assigned with it. Please note that you should always read carefully a job’s specifications since they must be fully respected. Here follows an example of a Job Offer: Email subject appears as “Offer for translation job PXXXX” Project ID/Name: PXXX/PAPADOPOULOS Descr. Lang. pair: Pioneer_EN-EL S/Target file format: MS Word Date/Time due: 30.05.2011 10:00 Rate per s/w: XXXEUR Word count Quantity: 7414 Total Price: XXX EUR Attached sample text: YES CAT Tool: SDL TRADOS 2017

ATTENTION! This is only a Job Offer and it has been sent to MORE THAN ONE translators. Please answer ASAP and do not start working on a project without our order (Assignment).

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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This is the official confirmation that you are assigned with a job/project. You should read Assignment’s instructions carefully and confirm that you accept the Assignment and that you have received all relevant files by email. Assignments contain details about the project (linguistic combination, price, deadline, CAT tool to be used) and specific instructions that must be strictly followed. If you experience any problem with your files, TMs, TBs, etc., please contact your Project Manager asap. Every Assignment contains the project ID number which you will need to include in your Project List for your payment.


EL-Translations makes payments via bank transfer after each calendar trimester, i.e. after the end of March, June, September and December. If you are a Greek citizen (either you issue invoice or not), you should send your project list by the 21st of March/June/September/December at the latest for all projects you have completed during the trimester. This project list should mention all projects’ IDs, word counts and amounts to be paid, so the Project Managers can double check against our database. For those who issue invoice (ΑPΥ or TPY): Send us your project list for approval by the 21st of March/June/September/December for the projects completed and not paid by then. Once the Project Manager approves the list and confirms the rate, you should issue your invoice by the 30th of March/June/September/December accordingly and send a copy by email or fax immediately within the above-mentioned deadline. Our tax ID is ΖΗΣΗ ΕΛΕΝΗ ΚΑΙ ΖΗΣΗΣ ΖΗΣΗΣ Ο.Ε., VAT 800358048, type of activity ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΡΜΗΝΕΙΑΣ. Payments will be made within a reasonable time upon the reception of the original copy of the invoice by post. If you are residing outside Greece, please send us your invoices by the 21st of March/June/September/December, for all projects you have completed during the trimester, including your tax ID as well as the tax ID of our company (ZISI ELENI AND ZISIS ZISIS G.P., VAT: EL 800358048) and the date. Your invoice should mention all projects’ IDs, word counts and amounts to be paid, so that the Project Managers can double check against our database. Attention! In case the amount to be paid is less than 10 EUR, please send us your list/invoice at the end of the year (i.e. at the December payment period).

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL LINGUISTS Any Project Instructions you might have received complete the instructions below. If your Project Instructions conflict with these Linguist Instructions, Project Instructions will prevail.

File Names

Always leave bilingual file names unchanged, i.e. you should never change the name of ttx, itd, xliff or txml files. If and when delivering target files, add at the end of file name your target language (ex. _EL, _FR, _ES).. Ex: source file: namefile Target file (if Greek): namefile_EL In case the original file already has at the end of the name the language pair, just delete the source language and keep only the target language. Ex: source file: namefile_EN-EL Target file (if Greek): namefile_EL If you are a reviewer, check that the above instructions have been followed and add at the end of file name the suffix RV. Ex: Target file (if Greek): namefile_EL Proofread file: namefile_EL_RV

Translating Proper Names

When translating proper names (first names, product names, etc.), leave the name unchanged in its language of origin and if needed add a transliterated version in brackets. When translating place names, use the established translation in Greek. If there is not an established translation, just transliterate it. ATTENTION: Do not translate addresses unless the address concerns the country of the target language. When translation already exists (cities, authors, etc.), please use the most commonly accepted version in your mother tongue. When translating acronyms:

1. If there is an established translation in target language, use it.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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2. When no established translation exists, explain the acronym in the target language and leave it in

brackets the first time. Since the acronym is explained the first time in the text, you can use just the acronym for the rest of the text.

Film/songs names: Use the original name and put translation into brackets the first time. For your help, you may consult for proper names transcription.

Non-editable Text

Please do translate legends/picture and any non-editable text in their original position by indicating “Fig. #” in the target language followed by the translation.


Always keep original source text’s font. If the original’s font is not available in the target language, please use Arial or Times New Roman.


Use correct punctuation rules in the target language. English and Greek: No spaces before and after inverted commas, parenthesis, two points, semi-column, apostrophe. French: Space before and after inverted commas, semi-column, two points. No space after apostrophe. For more information, please see the websites below:

Use of Cat Tools

Please use a CAT Tool for all your translations. EL-Translations works with the latest SLD Trados Studio 2015 and WordFast Pro v. 3.2, but you may use your preferred CAT tool as long as the project does not require any of the tools named above. When using CAT tools, please always deliver:

• Bilingual file (ITD, TTX, TXML or XLIFF)

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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• Target file at the original file format • TM • Studio Verify report (if you have worked with Studio) or Wordfast Transcheck report (if you have

worked with Wordfast) and XBench report CAT matches When you received a pretranslated file from us or our TM for a specific job, please note that 100% matches and repetitions are not calculated in your word count. Therefore, you should not touch 100% matches unless specifically requested to do so. In case you notice unusually many mistakes in 100% matches, please contact your Project Manager asap, so that he/she can advise you accordingly. As for fuzzy matches, these are paid to you on your full rate, unless there is a special arrangement with the client.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Further to our Quality Assurance, your translation has to fulfil the following criteria in order to be accepted by EL-Translations: • All text translated • Translation captures content of original 100% • All text spell-checked • Used correct target language grammar and syntax throughout • Used correct punctuation throughout • All numbers are correct • Used appropriate phraseology (complying with TM provided) • Used appropriate terminology (complying with terminology provided) • No inconsistencies (internal or with TM provided) • Used appropriate style (possibly complying with style guide provided) • Complied with instructions received with Assignment Make sure you can respect the assigned deadline. If otherwise, please inform your project manager in due time.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure you always perform the necessary Quality Control, following exactly the steps described below. WHEN TRANSLATING WITH A CAT TOOL: STEP 1: SDL Trados Studio Verification (not applicable when not working with Studio) Please check your xliff file with the Verification function of the SDL Trados Studio (includes QA Checker and Terminology Verifier), according to the settings you will find in the next page. In case you work with Wordfast, you should follow the above procedure using the Transcheck function. Either you have worked with Studio or Wordfast, you must send us the respective report. STEP 2: Xbench Please download the latest version of ApSic Xbench from and perform the necessary quality control of your translation. At the end, you must send us the report created by Xbench, reflecting the quality control you have performed. STEP 3: Spell check You are required to always perform a spell check on the final deliverables. WHEN TRANSLATING WITHOUT A CAT TOOL Make sure: - Text has been fully translated - Numbers and names have been properly translated/transcribed - Formatting matches source formatting - All reference material and instructions have been followed - No double spaces - No space before punctuation marks - No “forbidden” characters, such as ?, “” in Greek text - Spell check

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

Α1ζ Linguist’s Manual v3, 12/6/2017 Page 14 of 31

SDL TRADOS STUDIO VERIFICATION SETTINGS When using the Verification function during the quality control of your translation, make sure your settings are as follows:

QA Checker settings

(File -> Options -> Verification -> QA Checker 3.0):

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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CAUTION! If you translate into French, please make sure the option “French compliant check” is also activated.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou

Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Tag Verifier settings

(File -> Options -> Verification -> Tag Verifier):

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Terminology Verifier settings

(File -> Options -> Verification -> Terminology Verifier):

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Further to our Quality Assurance, translation has to fulfil the following criteria in order to be accepted by EL-Translations: • All text translated • Translation captures content of original 100% • All text spell-checked • Used correct target language grammar and syntax throughout • Used correct punctuation throughout • All numbers are correct • Used appropriate phraseology (complying with TM provided) • Used appropriate terminology (complying with terminology provided) • No inconsistencies (internal or with TM provided) • Used appropriate style (possibly complying with style guide provided) • Complied with instructions received with Assignment • Characters displaying correctly Make sure you can respect the assigned deadline. If otherwise, please inform your project manager in due time

Recording Changes/Corrections

Instructions below apply if you are not proofreading a translation on a bilingual file such as SDLXLIFF, TTX, TXML or ITD. In these cases, please follow your project manager’s instructions and make your corrections according to option A or B, if you work on a Word file or PDF file respectively.

Option A - Word file

1. Please insert your changes in the Word document using the revision function. To do so: Open Word – go to the Tools menu and select Track Changes.

2. Please record any changes and add if necessary comments by using a Comment on the file. The use of Comments should be made only if it is really necessary or the project requires it.

Option B – non-editable PDF File

1. Use either Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Professional.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

Α1ζ Linguist’s Manual v3, 12/6/2017 Page 21 of 31

2. Indicate your changes WITH NUMBERS on the PDF file.

3. Insert your changes, identified by the same NUMBERS that you used on the PDF file, in a separate Word file.

4. EMAIL both Word file and the PDF file to your Project Manager at EL-Translations.

Option C – editable PDF File

1. Use Acrobat Reader XI or Adobe Acrobat Professional and mark your changes using Review & Comment tools. Changes should be clearly annotated.

2. Email reviewed file to your Project Manager at EL-Translations.

Translation Rating

Please rate the overall translation from 1 to 5, according to the following criteria:

1 – Error free, excellent style

2 – Minor errors, adequate style

3 – Some errors, acceptable

4 – Major errors, correction required

5 – Inacceptable

Post-DTP Check

Make sure you use Acrobat Reader XI or Adobe Acrobat Professional and mark your changes using Review & Comment tools. Changes should be clearly annotated, when you are assigned with a post-DTP task.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Evaluation of translators/reviewers

All translators and reviewers are evaluated at the end of every project for the quality of their job and the compliance with the instructions of this Manual.

More specifically:

Translators’ evaluation

Upon delivery of the reviewed files, the reviewer evaluates the translator by rating him according to the scale described above (see Translation Rating ).

The grade is given in the email of the delivery of the files and is an overall evaluation of the following criteria:

a) compliance with specific domain and client terminology and/or any other reference material

provided and ensuring terminological consistency during translation;

b) semantic accuracy of the target language content;

c) appropriate syntax, spelling, punctuation, diacritical marks, and other orthographical conventions of the target language;

d) lexical cohesion and phraseology;

e) compliance with any proprietary and/or client style guide (including domain, language register and language variants);

f) locale and any applicable standards;

g) formatting;

h) target audience and purpose of the target language content.

Reviewer must provide translator’s rating via email, along with final delivery of the reviewed files.

Reviewer’s evaluation

The Project Manager evaluates the reviewer at the end of each project, using the same rating scale as used for the translators. The criteria on which the reviewer’s evaluation is based are the above-mentioned. For your convenience, please use the following checklists as reference so as to confirm you have checked all points mentioned in them. You do NOT need to complete and send us the checklist.

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Check-List for Translators

Project ID:

In order to make sure that no mistake remains in the job your deliver to EL-Translations, please check each of the following items. Once the item is checked, please tick the box.

When all the items have been checked carefully, please sign this form, then scan and email/ fax it back to us.

Linguist’s manual QA instructions followed (Please deliver corresponding Xbench report)

All text translated

Terminology (Glossary and/or TB respected)

Typography (tags, bold type, Italic type, underlined text…) identical to the original

Internal Consistency within the translation and TM consistency



Punctuation (no double spaces, no multiple dots, no space before comma, no space before full stop, etc.)

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Check-List for Reviewers

Project ID:

In order to make sure that no mistake remains in the job your deliver to EL-Translations, please check each of the following items. Once the item is checked, please tick the box.

When all the items have been reviewed and corrected, please fill in and sign the form, then save it and email it back to us.

Linguist’s manual QA instructions followed (Please deliver corresponding Linguist’s manual QA instructions followed (Please deliver corresponding Xbench report)

Translation is correct and accurate (target was checked against source)

Correspondence between translation and original (no missing sentences)

Terminology (Glossary and/or TB respected)

Typography (tags, bold type, Italic type, underlined text…) identical to the original

Internal Consistency within the translation and TM consistency



Punctuation (no double spaces, no multiple dots, etc.)


*1 = Excellent, 2 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 4 = Poor, 5 = Unusable

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Check-list for Third Party Edit Evaluation


Thank you for agreeing to evaluate this translation. The first review/proofreading was completed by a professional linguist who is a native speaker of the target language.

First, please evaluate the reviewer/proofreader on the following points, note the number of errors in each section and give examples whenever possible: 1. SUBJECT MATTER KNOWLEDGE (Up-to-date, accurate terminology, consistency of usage) Ex.: Good knowledge of the specific subject.

2. APPROPRIATENESS/ACCURACY OF CHANGES (made changes that were appropriate to the text; only made necessary changes to text) Ex.: The reviewer has made a lot of changes in the text. Some of them are appropriate. However, he/she also made changes that I consider purely stylish or preferential.

3. COMPLETENESS (ability to find errors in translated document; note the number of overlooked errors or changes incorrectly inserted into text). Ex.: The reviewer has managed to find all the errors (except from a minor font error) inside the text. I only disagree with one change inserted, i.e. the literal translation of “health care professionals” as «ιατρικοί επαγγελματίες». I believe that the original translation expressed more accurately and correctly the meaning of the term.

Second, please rate the overall review work from 5 to 1, according to the following criteria:

5 – Unusable (unusable; extremely poor edit quality)

4 – Poor (many errors over looked; additional errors inserted in text)

3 – Good (knowledge of subject, grammar, formatting, style; contains some errors either overlooked or inserted, no more than 3 omissions or incorrect changes)

2 – Very Good (all errors in translated text found, no errors added)

1 – Excellent (all errors in translated text found, no errors added, no errors added; style wassignificantly improved)

Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou

Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Number of the files reviewed/deliver:

Language pair:

Evaluator’s name:

Overall rating of the translation:



Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Διοργανικό εγχειρίδιο σύνταξης κειμένων - Διοργανικό εγχειρίδιο σύνταξης κειμένων – Συντομογραφίες και σύμβολα Το κόκκινο βιβλιαράκι του κειμενογράφου - ΕΚΤ - Θησαυρός ελληνικών όρων ΤΕΙ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ - Βασικές οδηγίες για τη χρήση των σημείων στίξης ISO 639. Code for the representation of the names of languages

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Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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Leoforos Pentelis 2, 15234 Halandri - Athens, Greece, VAT (AFM) EL 800358048, DOY: Halandriou Tel: +30 210 6801333,

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