Page 1: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

भारतीय मानक ब यनरो पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27- बी

मधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019

ननविदा सनचना

भारतीय मानक ब य रम माक क वारषिक दर आधार पर लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए यमगय बमलीदाताओ दम बमली परणाली (तकनीकी बमली एव रवततीय बमली) क तहत महर बद बमकलया आमतरित करता ह

2 ररकत ननरवदा दसतावज़ 25-02-2019 18-03-2019 तक कायािलय मय क दौरान उपलबध हमगा | ननरवदा दस तावक कायािलय एव wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड परापत ककए का कत ह

बमकलयो कम कमा करन की अनतम नतथि 18-03-2019 मय 1400 बक तक ह बय रम तरबना कमई कारण बताय कक ी बमली या भी बमकलयो कम रदद करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

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ननविदा दसतािज़

अनसनची ndash 1 बोलीदाताओ हत ननदश

1 बोली आमतरण की सनचना 11 भारतीय मानक ब य रम (बीआईए ) उततर ििीय कायािलय (उिका) चडीगढ़ दवारा अन ची-3 म ननरदिष लखा वाओ क कलए दरवबमली ति (तकनीकी बमली और रवततीय बमली) क अतगित महरबद बमकलया आमतरित करता ह 2 ननविदा दस तािज जारी करना 21 अन ची-4 म दरािया गया ररकत ननरवदा दसतावक कायािलय अवथध क दौरान उपलबध हमगा| 22 ननरवदा दसतावज़ इ बय रम की वब ाइ wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin भी डाउनलमड ककया का कता ह 23 बमलीदाता अपनी बमली की तयारी और परसतत करन क ाि कड भी लागत वहन करगा बय रम कक ी भी मामल म चाह चालन हम या बमली लगान की परकिया क पररणाम हम इन लागत क कलए जकममदार या उततरदायी नही हमगा 3 बोलीसविदा की भाषा बमली की भाषा अगरकीरहदी हमगी और भी पिाचार इत यारद अगरकीरहदी भाषा क अनरप हो 4 बोली पनिग कानफ र स

41 भी इचछक बमलीदाताओ क कलए एक प वि-बमली काफर अन ची-4 म दरािई गई ननधािररत नतथि और मय पर आयमजकत की काएगी जक म अभीष बमलीदाता कक ी परकार का सपष ीकरण यरद हम ल कत ह 42 कही भी बमली दसतावज़ म कमई पररवतिन और पररवधिन की अनमनत नही ह इनम कक ी भी परकार का िर पाए कान पर बमली कम र री तौर पर खाररक ककया का कता ह (बमलीदाता दवारा अपनी भी रकाओ कम बमली प वि काफर म ही द र कर लना हमगा यरद ऐ ा बमली म बताया गया ह| यरद बमली प वि कमई बठक नही की काती तम बमलीदाता कम बमली परापत करन की अनतम नतथि ात (7) रदन प वि अपनी कक ी भी दरवधा क कलए कलखखत रप म सपष ीकरण ल लना हमगा )| 43 अगर िम पराथधकारी दवारा ननरवदा क कारी करन क बाद कमई पररवतिन ककया काता ह तम बमली कम भकन पहल बमली म उ म राकमल करन क कलए रदथध-पिअनरष क रप म भावी बमलीदाताओ कम थचत ककया काएगा 5 बोललयो की िधता 51 बमली इ क खलन की नतथि अन ची 4 म दरािई गई अवथध क कलए मानय रहगी 6 धरोहर रालशबोली परनतभननत 61 बमलीदाता अन ची 4 म दरािई गई राकर ब याकमक त धरमहर राकर कमा (ईएमडी) क रप म ब य रम क पा कमा करगा धरमहर राकर अनबध-1 म यिा वखणित परारप क अन ार भारतीय मानक ब य रम क पि म डडमाड डराफ पआडिर क रप म अिवा बक गार ी क रप म कमा की काए कमकक चडीगढ़ म दय हम |

62 धरमहर राकर कम कमा करन म अ फल रहना अिवा इ क रवलमप बमली अयमग य हमगी और इ परकार की बमली रदद कर दी काएगी 63 बमली की वधता अवथध क दौरान ब य रम की हमनत क तरबना बमलीदाता अपनी बमली रदद नही कर कता अिवा इ की रतो और ननबधनो म कमई पररवतिन नही कर कता यरद बमलीदाता बमली कम रदद करता ह अिवा इ की रतो एव ननबधनो म कमई पररवतिन करता ह तम उ की धरमहर राकर ब य रम दवारा अपन अथधकारो और परनतकार क प वािगरहो क तरबना कब त कर ली काएगी और इ ह ान की तारीख लकर अगल एक वषि की अवथध क कलए बमलीदाता कम अपनी वाए दन क कलए ब य रम कम बमली कमा करवान क कलए अथधकार नही हमगा 64 यरद फल बमलीदाता ननधािररत मय ीमा म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत का भगतान नही करता अिवा करार बॉण ड पर हस तािर करन म अ फल रहता ह तम उ की धरमहर राकर ब य रम दवारा कब त कर ली काएगी 65 अ फल बमलीदातादाताओ की धरमहर राकर फलतम बमलीदाता बय रम कम अपकषित कायिकाररता परनतभ नत परसतत करन क बाद तिा रवदा कम हसतािररत करन क बाद या बमकलयो की वधता अवथध की माजपत क ती (30) रदनो क बाद इ म कम भी पहल हम लौ ा दी काएगी 7 योगय बोलीदाता

71 कवल वही बमलीदाता कम अन ची 4 म बताई गई यमगयता पािता कम प रा करत हम व भामाबय रम क उततर ििीय कायािलय म लखा वाए परदान करन क पाि ह |

8 दर कस उदत की जाएरी 81 बमलीदाता तकनीकी रवकरष ताओ एव रतो कम धयान म रखकर अपनी दर ननकालन तिा दर उदत करन की अपिा की काती ह बमली दन प वि बमलीदाता न अपनी बमकलयो क बध म उनका यिातथयता तिा पयािप तता तिा लग न अन थचयो म उदत दारो एव म य क बार म तजष कर ली ह ऐ ा मझा काएगा | इन दरो एव म यो म रवदा क तहत इ की भी बाध यता तिा उनकी दयताए मथचत रप प णि करन क कलए आवश यक चीक यिा अन यिा उपबथधत कम छमडकर राकमल हमगी 82 रवततीय बमली म भी सिानीय कर इतयारद रहत भी परकार क कर राकमल होग जकनका भगतान बमलीदाता दवारा लखा वाओ क कलए रवननरदिष सिानो पर ककया काना ह और ऐ कक ी भी लखो पर अनतररकत भगतान(नो) क कलए दाव पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा

9 बोली जमा करन का ढर

91 प णि बमली अन ची-4 म ननरदिष ककए गए अन ार बमली-बॉक या डाक दवारा तय ननधािररत मय प वि तय सिान पर पहच काए डाक म सपीड पमस रजकस डि पमस राकमल ह | 92 ईमल या फक वाल परसताव रदद कर रदय काएग 10 बोली जमा करन की अनतम नतथि 101 महरबद बमकलया उपरमकत रदए गए मय और नतथि तक या प वि ननरदिष पत पर पराप त की काएगी परा जपत की रवरहत नतथि एव मय क बाद पराप त बमकलयो पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा अत ऐ ी बमकलया रदद कर दी काएगी तिा बमलीदाताओ कम तरबना खमल ही लौ ा दी काएगी

102 बमली परसताव कमा करन की रवरहत नतथि कम छ ी हमन पर परस ताव अगल कायािलय रदव कम ननयत मय तक पराप त ककए काएग 11 परस ताि म सशोधन एि िापसी 111 बमलीदाता परसताव कमा करवान क पशचात उ वाप भी ल कता ह बरत कक परसताव कमा करवान की ननधािररत नतथि और मय प वि बय रम कम उ परसताव वाप लन बधी कलखखत नमर परापत हम काए 12 बमली दस तावज़ की रवषयवसत 121 बमकलया दरवबमली परणाली (तकनीकी एव रवत तीय बमली) म आमतरित की काती ह बमली महरबद कलफाफ म कमा की काए जक पर अन ची 4 म ननरदिष प नत ि की कान वाली वसतए अककत हम 122 कलफाफ म ननम नकलखखत हम

ललफाफा स 1(तकनीकी बोली) इ म ननम नान ार वाखणज यक रत एव ननबधनो रहत भी तकनीकी रववरण मारवष हो क -

(क) लग न भी दस तावको की ची (ख) उपरमकत खड 61 म यिा वखणित ईएमडी अिवा कनरीय खरीद गठन राषरीय

लघ उदयमग ननगम अिवा बदध मिालय अिवा रवभाग कारी छ का परमाण पि यरद लाग हम |

(ग) मबदध रकारी पराथधकारी दवारा कारी वध पकीकरण दसतावज़ की त यारपत परनत

(घ) बथधत पराथधकारी कम फाइल की गई आय कर रर नि एव वा कर की ए ी रर नि की परनतया

(ङ) फमि क रववरण जकनम पिाचार क कलए नाम पता लीफमन न ई-मल इतयारद रहत स वामी ाझीदारननदरक क रववरण राकमल हो (अनसनची 2)

(च) एक फमि क मामल म परतयक पा िनर या अ ॉनी (मखतारनाम) धारक बमली पर हसतािर करगा बमली पर हसतािर करन वाल परतयक वयजकत क पावर ऑफ अ ॉनी की तयारपत परनतया बमली क ाि लगन की काएगी पावर ऑफ अ ानी पर भी पा िनर हसतािर करग | पराइव कलपजबलक कल कपननयो क मामल म क हायक बमडि कप एव उपयकत तिा पयािपत परमाण उपलबध कराय काएग

(छ) भी प षठ और थचपकाई गई जसलपो पर बमलीदाता दवारा हसतािर ककया काना चारहए और कमई प षठ बमली दसतावक क कमडा या ह ाया नही काएगा रवथधवत हसतािर ककए गए बमली दसतावक अपनी सवीक नत की ननरानी क रप म वाप ककए काएग

(क) रपछल तीन ालो म (अनबध-3) म उपलबध करवाई गई वा का परकार कायि का परकार और पररमाण कम दरािता रववरण

(झ) बलक कलजस ग तिाअिवा कल ीगरन (अनबध 4) क बार म घमषणा

ललफाफा स० 2 (वित तीय बोली) इ कलफाफ म अनसनचीndash3 क अन ार ननरदिष सिानो पर लखा वाओ की दर रवथधवत रप भरी गई हो तिा रवरहत स िानो पर बमलीदाता दवारा परत यक प ष ठ पर आदयािर एव हस तािर हम खड 8 म मारवष ननदरो कम ध यान म रखा काए

किररर ललफाफा दमनो कलफाफ 1 एव 2 कम एक ाि एक कॉमन महाबद कलफाफ म रखा काए जक पर lsquorsquoअनसनची 4 म ननरदगषट उपलबध करिाई जान िाली सिा का नाम rsquorsquo अककत हम तिा इ पर बायी ओर नीच बमलीदाता का नाम और पता कलखा काए 13 बोलीदाता दिारा धयान दन योगय अनफ य महत िपनणग िबद

(क) रवत तीय ननरवदा उपयक त स िानो पर रब दो एव अको दमनो म कलखा काना चारहए (ख) बमलीदाता कम बमली कमा करगा वह अन ची 4 म ननरदिष परत यक रति कम प रा करन

वाली हम अन यिा बमली रदद कर दी काएगी रति बमकलयॉ रदद कर दी काएगी 14 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

क) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

ख) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह|

1421 यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

15 बोली खोलना ननरवदा दस तावक म रवरहत मय एव नतथि प वि पराप त बमकलयो कम अन ची-4 म यिा उजलखखत ननरदिष कायििम क अन ार (यरद भव हम) कायािलय म तय मय पर उन बमलीदाताओ की या उनक पराथधक त परनतननथधयो की उपजसिनत म खमला काएगा कम बमली खलन क रदन उपजसित हमन क इच छक हो

16बोलीदाताओ की छाटाई

ब य रम तकनीकी रप यमग य बमलीदाताओ की छ ाई करगा तिा रवत तीय बमकलयो क कलए तकनीकी

रप यमग य पाए गए बमलीदाताओ की बमली ही थच त की कान वाली नतथि एव मय पर खमली काएगी

17 वित तीय बोली खोलना

ब य रम ननरदिष नतथि कम कलफाफा न०2 खमलगा तिा म य ताकलका (अन ची-3) म बमलीदाता दवारा उदत दरो कम पढा काएगा

18 बोली की स िीकायगता

बमली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क िम अथधकारी दवारा की काएगी ब य रम न य नतम या कक ी बमली कम स वीकार करन क कलए बाध य नही ह ब य रम तरबना कक ी कारण बताय चाह कम भी हम पराप त कक ी या भी बमकलयो कम ननरस त करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह बम ली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी दवारा कलखखत म फलतम बमलीदाता कम थचत की काएगी

19परकरिया रोपनीय रखी जाए

कब तक फलतम बमलीदाता कम रवदा दन की घमषणा न हम काए तिा रवदा दन म याकन तलनात मकता बथधत कानकारी बमलीदाताओ या कक ी भी व यजकत कम कम रकारी तौर पर ऐ ी परकिया कडा न हम कछ भी बताया नही काएगा

20 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा की दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अन ची 4 म ननरदिष राकर क कलए फल बमलीदाता जक अनबध रदया गया दवारा इ क पकीकरण की जसिनत पर रवचार ककय तरबना कमा की काएगी| कायिकाररता परनतभ नत lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म कम चडीगढ़ म दय हम या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

21 सविदा दस तािज का ननष पादन

211 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम कमा करन क बाद फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए मथचत म य क स ॉम प पपर पर ननरवदा दस तावको क ाि लग न फामि म डप लीक म करार ननष पारदत करना अपकषित ह वतिमान म मथचत म य र० 100- ह बमली की स वीकायिता नतथि 15 रदनो क भीतर करार पर हस तािर ककए कान चारहए रवदा करार रवदा की रतो (Coc) तिा रवदा की रतो म यिा रवरहत अन य दस तावको दवारा राक त हमगा

212 करार हत फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए ननषपादन की नतथि पर यिा लाग स ामप-डय ी वधाननक एव वधाननक परभारो का भगतान करना कररी हमगा

22 बयनरो क अथधकार

221 बयरो इ बलइ म सब ित रप सबकरयषतकर करइला कर ररो करअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरहबयरो इएरबक अतिरबतिदरइएरबकअतिरएजकनबमरइदक क रअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरह बतिदररो लमआईएबरक

परतिररअतिररो मदवरो अ िब म 3 स तित रदषट करएगए सथ ोसरो बकिए उस बिररो िएगिसरिओरी

आसररररो कग

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 2: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

ननविदा दसतािज़

अनसनची ndash 1 बोलीदाताओ हत ननदश

1 बोली आमतरण की सनचना 11 भारतीय मानक ब य रम (बीआईए ) उततर ििीय कायािलय (उिका) चडीगढ़ दवारा अन ची-3 म ननरदिष लखा वाओ क कलए दरवबमली ति (तकनीकी बमली और रवततीय बमली) क अतगित महरबद बमकलया आमतरित करता ह 2 ननविदा दस तािज जारी करना 21 अन ची-4 म दरािया गया ररकत ननरवदा दसतावक कायािलय अवथध क दौरान उपलबध हमगा| 22 ननरवदा दसतावज़ इ बय रम की वब ाइ wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin भी डाउनलमड ककया का कता ह 23 बमलीदाता अपनी बमली की तयारी और परसतत करन क ाि कड भी लागत वहन करगा बय रम कक ी भी मामल म चाह चालन हम या बमली लगान की परकिया क पररणाम हम इन लागत क कलए जकममदार या उततरदायी नही हमगा 3 बोलीसविदा की भाषा बमली की भाषा अगरकीरहदी हमगी और भी पिाचार इत यारद अगरकीरहदी भाषा क अनरप हो 4 बोली पनिग कानफ र स

41 भी इचछक बमलीदाताओ क कलए एक प वि-बमली काफर अन ची-4 म दरािई गई ननधािररत नतथि और मय पर आयमजकत की काएगी जक म अभीष बमलीदाता कक ी परकार का सपष ीकरण यरद हम ल कत ह 42 कही भी बमली दसतावज़ म कमई पररवतिन और पररवधिन की अनमनत नही ह इनम कक ी भी परकार का िर पाए कान पर बमली कम र री तौर पर खाररक ककया का कता ह (बमलीदाता दवारा अपनी भी रकाओ कम बमली प वि काफर म ही द र कर लना हमगा यरद ऐ ा बमली म बताया गया ह| यरद बमली प वि कमई बठक नही की काती तम बमलीदाता कम बमली परापत करन की अनतम नतथि ात (7) रदन प वि अपनी कक ी भी दरवधा क कलए कलखखत रप म सपष ीकरण ल लना हमगा )| 43 अगर िम पराथधकारी दवारा ननरवदा क कारी करन क बाद कमई पररवतिन ककया काता ह तम बमली कम भकन पहल बमली म उ म राकमल करन क कलए रदथध-पिअनरष क रप म भावी बमलीदाताओ कम थचत ककया काएगा 5 बोललयो की िधता 51 बमली इ क खलन की नतथि अन ची 4 म दरािई गई अवथध क कलए मानय रहगी 6 धरोहर रालशबोली परनतभननत 61 बमलीदाता अन ची 4 म दरािई गई राकर ब याकमक त धरमहर राकर कमा (ईएमडी) क रप म ब य रम क पा कमा करगा धरमहर राकर अनबध-1 म यिा वखणित परारप क अन ार भारतीय मानक ब य रम क पि म डडमाड डराफ पआडिर क रप म अिवा बक गार ी क रप म कमा की काए कमकक चडीगढ़ म दय हम |

62 धरमहर राकर कम कमा करन म अ फल रहना अिवा इ क रवलमप बमली अयमग य हमगी और इ परकार की बमली रदद कर दी काएगी 63 बमली की वधता अवथध क दौरान ब य रम की हमनत क तरबना बमलीदाता अपनी बमली रदद नही कर कता अिवा इ की रतो और ननबधनो म कमई पररवतिन नही कर कता यरद बमलीदाता बमली कम रदद करता ह अिवा इ की रतो एव ननबधनो म कमई पररवतिन करता ह तम उ की धरमहर राकर ब य रम दवारा अपन अथधकारो और परनतकार क प वािगरहो क तरबना कब त कर ली काएगी और इ ह ान की तारीख लकर अगल एक वषि की अवथध क कलए बमलीदाता कम अपनी वाए दन क कलए ब य रम कम बमली कमा करवान क कलए अथधकार नही हमगा 64 यरद फल बमलीदाता ननधािररत मय ीमा म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत का भगतान नही करता अिवा करार बॉण ड पर हस तािर करन म अ फल रहता ह तम उ की धरमहर राकर ब य रम दवारा कब त कर ली काएगी 65 अ फल बमलीदातादाताओ की धरमहर राकर फलतम बमलीदाता बय रम कम अपकषित कायिकाररता परनतभ नत परसतत करन क बाद तिा रवदा कम हसतािररत करन क बाद या बमकलयो की वधता अवथध की माजपत क ती (30) रदनो क बाद इ म कम भी पहल हम लौ ा दी काएगी 7 योगय बोलीदाता

71 कवल वही बमलीदाता कम अन ची 4 म बताई गई यमगयता पािता कम प रा करत हम व भामाबय रम क उततर ििीय कायािलय म लखा वाए परदान करन क पाि ह |

8 दर कस उदत की जाएरी 81 बमलीदाता तकनीकी रवकरष ताओ एव रतो कम धयान म रखकर अपनी दर ननकालन तिा दर उदत करन की अपिा की काती ह बमली दन प वि बमलीदाता न अपनी बमकलयो क बध म उनका यिातथयता तिा पयािप तता तिा लग न अन थचयो म उदत दारो एव म य क बार म तजष कर ली ह ऐ ा मझा काएगा | इन दरो एव म यो म रवदा क तहत इ की भी बाध यता तिा उनकी दयताए मथचत रप प णि करन क कलए आवश यक चीक यिा अन यिा उपबथधत कम छमडकर राकमल हमगी 82 रवततीय बमली म भी सिानीय कर इतयारद रहत भी परकार क कर राकमल होग जकनका भगतान बमलीदाता दवारा लखा वाओ क कलए रवननरदिष सिानो पर ककया काना ह और ऐ कक ी भी लखो पर अनतररकत भगतान(नो) क कलए दाव पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा

9 बोली जमा करन का ढर

91 प णि बमली अन ची-4 म ननरदिष ककए गए अन ार बमली-बॉक या डाक दवारा तय ननधािररत मय प वि तय सिान पर पहच काए डाक म सपीड पमस रजकस डि पमस राकमल ह | 92 ईमल या फक वाल परसताव रदद कर रदय काएग 10 बोली जमा करन की अनतम नतथि 101 महरबद बमकलया उपरमकत रदए गए मय और नतथि तक या प वि ननरदिष पत पर पराप त की काएगी परा जपत की रवरहत नतथि एव मय क बाद पराप त बमकलयो पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा अत ऐ ी बमकलया रदद कर दी काएगी तिा बमलीदाताओ कम तरबना खमल ही लौ ा दी काएगी

102 बमली परसताव कमा करन की रवरहत नतथि कम छ ी हमन पर परस ताव अगल कायािलय रदव कम ननयत मय तक पराप त ककए काएग 11 परस ताि म सशोधन एि िापसी 111 बमलीदाता परसताव कमा करवान क पशचात उ वाप भी ल कता ह बरत कक परसताव कमा करवान की ननधािररत नतथि और मय प वि बय रम कम उ परसताव वाप लन बधी कलखखत नमर परापत हम काए 12 बमली दस तावज़ की रवषयवसत 121 बमकलया दरवबमली परणाली (तकनीकी एव रवत तीय बमली) म आमतरित की काती ह बमली महरबद कलफाफ म कमा की काए जक पर अन ची 4 म ननरदिष प नत ि की कान वाली वसतए अककत हम 122 कलफाफ म ननम नकलखखत हम

ललफाफा स 1(तकनीकी बोली) इ म ननम नान ार वाखणज यक रत एव ननबधनो रहत भी तकनीकी रववरण मारवष हो क -

(क) लग न भी दस तावको की ची (ख) उपरमकत खड 61 म यिा वखणित ईएमडी अिवा कनरीय खरीद गठन राषरीय

लघ उदयमग ननगम अिवा बदध मिालय अिवा रवभाग कारी छ का परमाण पि यरद लाग हम |

(ग) मबदध रकारी पराथधकारी दवारा कारी वध पकीकरण दसतावज़ की त यारपत परनत

(घ) बथधत पराथधकारी कम फाइल की गई आय कर रर नि एव वा कर की ए ी रर नि की परनतया

(ङ) फमि क रववरण जकनम पिाचार क कलए नाम पता लीफमन न ई-मल इतयारद रहत स वामी ाझीदारननदरक क रववरण राकमल हो (अनसनची 2)

(च) एक फमि क मामल म परतयक पा िनर या अ ॉनी (मखतारनाम) धारक बमली पर हसतािर करगा बमली पर हसतािर करन वाल परतयक वयजकत क पावर ऑफ अ ॉनी की तयारपत परनतया बमली क ाि लगन की काएगी पावर ऑफ अ ानी पर भी पा िनर हसतािर करग | पराइव कलपजबलक कल कपननयो क मामल म क हायक बमडि कप एव उपयकत तिा पयािपत परमाण उपलबध कराय काएग

(छ) भी प षठ और थचपकाई गई जसलपो पर बमलीदाता दवारा हसतािर ककया काना चारहए और कमई प षठ बमली दसतावक क कमडा या ह ाया नही काएगा रवथधवत हसतािर ककए गए बमली दसतावक अपनी सवीक नत की ननरानी क रप म वाप ककए काएग

(क) रपछल तीन ालो म (अनबध-3) म उपलबध करवाई गई वा का परकार कायि का परकार और पररमाण कम दरािता रववरण

(झ) बलक कलजस ग तिाअिवा कल ीगरन (अनबध 4) क बार म घमषणा

ललफाफा स० 2 (वित तीय बोली) इ कलफाफ म अनसनचीndash3 क अन ार ननरदिष सिानो पर लखा वाओ की दर रवथधवत रप भरी गई हो तिा रवरहत स िानो पर बमलीदाता दवारा परत यक प ष ठ पर आदयािर एव हस तािर हम खड 8 म मारवष ननदरो कम ध यान म रखा काए

किररर ललफाफा दमनो कलफाफ 1 एव 2 कम एक ाि एक कॉमन महाबद कलफाफ म रखा काए जक पर lsquorsquoअनसनची 4 म ननरदगषट उपलबध करिाई जान िाली सिा का नाम rsquorsquo अककत हम तिा इ पर बायी ओर नीच बमलीदाता का नाम और पता कलखा काए 13 बोलीदाता दिारा धयान दन योगय अनफ य महत िपनणग िबद

(क) रवत तीय ननरवदा उपयक त स िानो पर रब दो एव अको दमनो म कलखा काना चारहए (ख) बमलीदाता कम बमली कमा करगा वह अन ची 4 म ननरदिष परत यक रति कम प रा करन

वाली हम अन यिा बमली रदद कर दी काएगी रति बमकलयॉ रदद कर दी काएगी 14 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

क) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

ख) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह|

1421 यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

15 बोली खोलना ननरवदा दस तावक म रवरहत मय एव नतथि प वि पराप त बमकलयो कम अन ची-4 म यिा उजलखखत ननरदिष कायििम क अन ार (यरद भव हम) कायािलय म तय मय पर उन बमलीदाताओ की या उनक पराथधक त परनतननथधयो की उपजसिनत म खमला काएगा कम बमली खलन क रदन उपजसित हमन क इच छक हो

16बोलीदाताओ की छाटाई

ब य रम तकनीकी रप यमग य बमलीदाताओ की छ ाई करगा तिा रवत तीय बमकलयो क कलए तकनीकी

रप यमग य पाए गए बमलीदाताओ की बमली ही थच त की कान वाली नतथि एव मय पर खमली काएगी

17 वित तीय बोली खोलना

ब य रम ननरदिष नतथि कम कलफाफा न०2 खमलगा तिा म य ताकलका (अन ची-3) म बमलीदाता दवारा उदत दरो कम पढा काएगा

18 बोली की स िीकायगता

बमली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क िम अथधकारी दवारा की काएगी ब य रम न य नतम या कक ी बमली कम स वीकार करन क कलए बाध य नही ह ब य रम तरबना कक ी कारण बताय चाह कम भी हम पराप त कक ी या भी बमकलयो कम ननरस त करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह बम ली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी दवारा कलखखत म फलतम बमलीदाता कम थचत की काएगी

19परकरिया रोपनीय रखी जाए

कब तक फलतम बमलीदाता कम रवदा दन की घमषणा न हम काए तिा रवदा दन म याकन तलनात मकता बथधत कानकारी बमलीदाताओ या कक ी भी व यजकत कम कम रकारी तौर पर ऐ ी परकिया कडा न हम कछ भी बताया नही काएगा

20 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा की दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अन ची 4 म ननरदिष राकर क कलए फल बमलीदाता जक अनबध रदया गया दवारा इ क पकीकरण की जसिनत पर रवचार ककय तरबना कमा की काएगी| कायिकाररता परनतभ नत lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म कम चडीगढ़ म दय हम या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

21 सविदा दस तािज का ननष पादन

211 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम कमा करन क बाद फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए मथचत म य क स ॉम प पपर पर ननरवदा दस तावको क ाि लग न फामि म डप लीक म करार ननष पारदत करना अपकषित ह वतिमान म मथचत म य र० 100- ह बमली की स वीकायिता नतथि 15 रदनो क भीतर करार पर हस तािर ककए कान चारहए रवदा करार रवदा की रतो (Coc) तिा रवदा की रतो म यिा रवरहत अन य दस तावको दवारा राक त हमगा

212 करार हत फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए ननषपादन की नतथि पर यिा लाग स ामप-डय ी वधाननक एव वधाननक परभारो का भगतान करना कररी हमगा

22 बयनरो क अथधकार

221 बयरो इ बलइ म सब ित रप सबकरयषतकर करइला कर ररो करअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरहबयरो इएरबक अतिरबतिदरइएरबकअतिरएजकनबमरइदक क रअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरह बतिदररो लमआईएबरक

परतिररअतिररो मदवरो अ िब म 3 स तित रदषट करएगए सथ ोसरो बकिए उस बिररो िएगिसरिओरी

आसररररो कग

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


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bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 3: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

62 धरमहर राकर कम कमा करन म अ फल रहना अिवा इ क रवलमप बमली अयमग य हमगी और इ परकार की बमली रदद कर दी काएगी 63 बमली की वधता अवथध क दौरान ब य रम की हमनत क तरबना बमलीदाता अपनी बमली रदद नही कर कता अिवा इ की रतो और ननबधनो म कमई पररवतिन नही कर कता यरद बमलीदाता बमली कम रदद करता ह अिवा इ की रतो एव ननबधनो म कमई पररवतिन करता ह तम उ की धरमहर राकर ब य रम दवारा अपन अथधकारो और परनतकार क प वािगरहो क तरबना कब त कर ली काएगी और इ ह ान की तारीख लकर अगल एक वषि की अवथध क कलए बमलीदाता कम अपनी वाए दन क कलए ब य रम कम बमली कमा करवान क कलए अथधकार नही हमगा 64 यरद फल बमलीदाता ननधािररत मय ीमा म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत का भगतान नही करता अिवा करार बॉण ड पर हस तािर करन म अ फल रहता ह तम उ की धरमहर राकर ब य रम दवारा कब त कर ली काएगी 65 अ फल बमलीदातादाताओ की धरमहर राकर फलतम बमलीदाता बय रम कम अपकषित कायिकाररता परनतभ नत परसतत करन क बाद तिा रवदा कम हसतािररत करन क बाद या बमकलयो की वधता अवथध की माजपत क ती (30) रदनो क बाद इ म कम भी पहल हम लौ ा दी काएगी 7 योगय बोलीदाता

71 कवल वही बमलीदाता कम अन ची 4 म बताई गई यमगयता पािता कम प रा करत हम व भामाबय रम क उततर ििीय कायािलय म लखा वाए परदान करन क पाि ह |

8 दर कस उदत की जाएरी 81 बमलीदाता तकनीकी रवकरष ताओ एव रतो कम धयान म रखकर अपनी दर ननकालन तिा दर उदत करन की अपिा की काती ह बमली दन प वि बमलीदाता न अपनी बमकलयो क बध म उनका यिातथयता तिा पयािप तता तिा लग न अन थचयो म उदत दारो एव म य क बार म तजष कर ली ह ऐ ा मझा काएगा | इन दरो एव म यो म रवदा क तहत इ की भी बाध यता तिा उनकी दयताए मथचत रप प णि करन क कलए आवश यक चीक यिा अन यिा उपबथधत कम छमडकर राकमल हमगी 82 रवततीय बमली म भी सिानीय कर इतयारद रहत भी परकार क कर राकमल होग जकनका भगतान बमलीदाता दवारा लखा वाओ क कलए रवननरदिष सिानो पर ककया काना ह और ऐ कक ी भी लखो पर अनतररकत भगतान(नो) क कलए दाव पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा

9 बोली जमा करन का ढर

91 प णि बमली अन ची-4 म ननरदिष ककए गए अन ार बमली-बॉक या डाक दवारा तय ननधािररत मय प वि तय सिान पर पहच काए डाक म सपीड पमस रजकस डि पमस राकमल ह | 92 ईमल या फक वाल परसताव रदद कर रदय काएग 10 बोली जमा करन की अनतम नतथि 101 महरबद बमकलया उपरमकत रदए गए मय और नतथि तक या प वि ननरदिष पत पर पराप त की काएगी परा जपत की रवरहत नतथि एव मय क बाद पराप त बमकलयो पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा अत ऐ ी बमकलया रदद कर दी काएगी तिा बमलीदाताओ कम तरबना खमल ही लौ ा दी काएगी

102 बमली परसताव कमा करन की रवरहत नतथि कम छ ी हमन पर परस ताव अगल कायािलय रदव कम ननयत मय तक पराप त ककए काएग 11 परस ताि म सशोधन एि िापसी 111 बमलीदाता परसताव कमा करवान क पशचात उ वाप भी ल कता ह बरत कक परसताव कमा करवान की ननधािररत नतथि और मय प वि बय रम कम उ परसताव वाप लन बधी कलखखत नमर परापत हम काए 12 बमली दस तावज़ की रवषयवसत 121 बमकलया दरवबमली परणाली (तकनीकी एव रवत तीय बमली) म आमतरित की काती ह बमली महरबद कलफाफ म कमा की काए जक पर अन ची 4 म ननरदिष प नत ि की कान वाली वसतए अककत हम 122 कलफाफ म ननम नकलखखत हम

ललफाफा स 1(तकनीकी बोली) इ म ननम नान ार वाखणज यक रत एव ननबधनो रहत भी तकनीकी रववरण मारवष हो क -

(क) लग न भी दस तावको की ची (ख) उपरमकत खड 61 म यिा वखणित ईएमडी अिवा कनरीय खरीद गठन राषरीय

लघ उदयमग ननगम अिवा बदध मिालय अिवा रवभाग कारी छ का परमाण पि यरद लाग हम |

(ग) मबदध रकारी पराथधकारी दवारा कारी वध पकीकरण दसतावज़ की त यारपत परनत

(घ) बथधत पराथधकारी कम फाइल की गई आय कर रर नि एव वा कर की ए ी रर नि की परनतया

(ङ) फमि क रववरण जकनम पिाचार क कलए नाम पता लीफमन न ई-मल इतयारद रहत स वामी ाझीदारननदरक क रववरण राकमल हो (अनसनची 2)

(च) एक फमि क मामल म परतयक पा िनर या अ ॉनी (मखतारनाम) धारक बमली पर हसतािर करगा बमली पर हसतािर करन वाल परतयक वयजकत क पावर ऑफ अ ॉनी की तयारपत परनतया बमली क ाि लगन की काएगी पावर ऑफ अ ानी पर भी पा िनर हसतािर करग | पराइव कलपजबलक कल कपननयो क मामल म क हायक बमडि कप एव उपयकत तिा पयािपत परमाण उपलबध कराय काएग

(छ) भी प षठ और थचपकाई गई जसलपो पर बमलीदाता दवारा हसतािर ककया काना चारहए और कमई प षठ बमली दसतावक क कमडा या ह ाया नही काएगा रवथधवत हसतािर ककए गए बमली दसतावक अपनी सवीक नत की ननरानी क रप म वाप ककए काएग

(क) रपछल तीन ालो म (अनबध-3) म उपलबध करवाई गई वा का परकार कायि का परकार और पररमाण कम दरािता रववरण

(झ) बलक कलजस ग तिाअिवा कल ीगरन (अनबध 4) क बार म घमषणा

ललफाफा स० 2 (वित तीय बोली) इ कलफाफ म अनसनचीndash3 क अन ार ननरदिष सिानो पर लखा वाओ की दर रवथधवत रप भरी गई हो तिा रवरहत स िानो पर बमलीदाता दवारा परत यक प ष ठ पर आदयािर एव हस तािर हम खड 8 म मारवष ननदरो कम ध यान म रखा काए

किररर ललफाफा दमनो कलफाफ 1 एव 2 कम एक ाि एक कॉमन महाबद कलफाफ म रखा काए जक पर lsquorsquoअनसनची 4 म ननरदगषट उपलबध करिाई जान िाली सिा का नाम rsquorsquo अककत हम तिा इ पर बायी ओर नीच बमलीदाता का नाम और पता कलखा काए 13 बोलीदाता दिारा धयान दन योगय अनफ य महत िपनणग िबद

(क) रवत तीय ननरवदा उपयक त स िानो पर रब दो एव अको दमनो म कलखा काना चारहए (ख) बमलीदाता कम बमली कमा करगा वह अन ची 4 म ननरदिष परत यक रति कम प रा करन

वाली हम अन यिा बमली रदद कर दी काएगी रति बमकलयॉ रदद कर दी काएगी 14 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

क) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

ख) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह|

1421 यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

15 बोली खोलना ननरवदा दस तावक म रवरहत मय एव नतथि प वि पराप त बमकलयो कम अन ची-4 म यिा उजलखखत ननरदिष कायििम क अन ार (यरद भव हम) कायािलय म तय मय पर उन बमलीदाताओ की या उनक पराथधक त परनतननथधयो की उपजसिनत म खमला काएगा कम बमली खलन क रदन उपजसित हमन क इच छक हो

16बोलीदाताओ की छाटाई

ब य रम तकनीकी रप यमग य बमलीदाताओ की छ ाई करगा तिा रवत तीय बमकलयो क कलए तकनीकी

रप यमग य पाए गए बमलीदाताओ की बमली ही थच त की कान वाली नतथि एव मय पर खमली काएगी

17 वित तीय बोली खोलना

ब य रम ननरदिष नतथि कम कलफाफा न०2 खमलगा तिा म य ताकलका (अन ची-3) म बमलीदाता दवारा उदत दरो कम पढा काएगा

18 बोली की स िीकायगता

बमली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क िम अथधकारी दवारा की काएगी ब य रम न य नतम या कक ी बमली कम स वीकार करन क कलए बाध य नही ह ब य रम तरबना कक ी कारण बताय चाह कम भी हम पराप त कक ी या भी बमकलयो कम ननरस त करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह बम ली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी दवारा कलखखत म फलतम बमलीदाता कम थचत की काएगी

19परकरिया रोपनीय रखी जाए

कब तक फलतम बमलीदाता कम रवदा दन की घमषणा न हम काए तिा रवदा दन म याकन तलनात मकता बथधत कानकारी बमलीदाताओ या कक ी भी व यजकत कम कम रकारी तौर पर ऐ ी परकिया कडा न हम कछ भी बताया नही काएगा

20 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा की दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अन ची 4 म ननरदिष राकर क कलए फल बमलीदाता जक अनबध रदया गया दवारा इ क पकीकरण की जसिनत पर रवचार ककय तरबना कमा की काएगी| कायिकाररता परनतभ नत lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म कम चडीगढ़ म दय हम या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

21 सविदा दस तािज का ननष पादन

211 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम कमा करन क बाद फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए मथचत म य क स ॉम प पपर पर ननरवदा दस तावको क ाि लग न फामि म डप लीक म करार ननष पारदत करना अपकषित ह वतिमान म मथचत म य र० 100- ह बमली की स वीकायिता नतथि 15 रदनो क भीतर करार पर हस तािर ककए कान चारहए रवदा करार रवदा की रतो (Coc) तिा रवदा की रतो म यिा रवरहत अन य दस तावको दवारा राक त हमगा

212 करार हत फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए ननषपादन की नतथि पर यिा लाग स ामप-डय ी वधाननक एव वधाननक परभारो का भगतान करना कररी हमगा

22 बयनरो क अथधकार

221 बयरो इ बलइ म सब ित रप सबकरयषतकर करइला कर ररो करअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरहबयरो इएरबक अतिरबतिदरइएरबकअतिरएजकनबमरइदक क रअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरह बतिदररो लमआईएबरक

परतिररअतिररो मदवरो अ िब म 3 स तित रदषट करएगए सथ ोसरो बकिए उस बिररो िएगिसरिओरी

आसररररो कग

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


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bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 4: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

102 बमली परसताव कमा करन की रवरहत नतथि कम छ ी हमन पर परस ताव अगल कायािलय रदव कम ननयत मय तक पराप त ककए काएग 11 परस ताि म सशोधन एि िापसी 111 बमलीदाता परसताव कमा करवान क पशचात उ वाप भी ल कता ह बरत कक परसताव कमा करवान की ननधािररत नतथि और मय प वि बय रम कम उ परसताव वाप लन बधी कलखखत नमर परापत हम काए 12 बमली दस तावज़ की रवषयवसत 121 बमकलया दरवबमली परणाली (तकनीकी एव रवत तीय बमली) म आमतरित की काती ह बमली महरबद कलफाफ म कमा की काए जक पर अन ची 4 म ननरदिष प नत ि की कान वाली वसतए अककत हम 122 कलफाफ म ननम नकलखखत हम

ललफाफा स 1(तकनीकी बोली) इ म ननम नान ार वाखणज यक रत एव ननबधनो रहत भी तकनीकी रववरण मारवष हो क -

(क) लग न भी दस तावको की ची (ख) उपरमकत खड 61 म यिा वखणित ईएमडी अिवा कनरीय खरीद गठन राषरीय

लघ उदयमग ननगम अिवा बदध मिालय अिवा रवभाग कारी छ का परमाण पि यरद लाग हम |

(ग) मबदध रकारी पराथधकारी दवारा कारी वध पकीकरण दसतावज़ की त यारपत परनत

(घ) बथधत पराथधकारी कम फाइल की गई आय कर रर नि एव वा कर की ए ी रर नि की परनतया

(ङ) फमि क रववरण जकनम पिाचार क कलए नाम पता लीफमन न ई-मल इतयारद रहत स वामी ाझीदारननदरक क रववरण राकमल हो (अनसनची 2)

(च) एक फमि क मामल म परतयक पा िनर या अ ॉनी (मखतारनाम) धारक बमली पर हसतािर करगा बमली पर हसतािर करन वाल परतयक वयजकत क पावर ऑफ अ ॉनी की तयारपत परनतया बमली क ाि लगन की काएगी पावर ऑफ अ ानी पर भी पा िनर हसतािर करग | पराइव कलपजबलक कल कपननयो क मामल म क हायक बमडि कप एव उपयकत तिा पयािपत परमाण उपलबध कराय काएग

(छ) भी प षठ और थचपकाई गई जसलपो पर बमलीदाता दवारा हसतािर ककया काना चारहए और कमई प षठ बमली दसतावक क कमडा या ह ाया नही काएगा रवथधवत हसतािर ककए गए बमली दसतावक अपनी सवीक नत की ननरानी क रप म वाप ककए काएग

(क) रपछल तीन ालो म (अनबध-3) म उपलबध करवाई गई वा का परकार कायि का परकार और पररमाण कम दरािता रववरण

(झ) बलक कलजस ग तिाअिवा कल ीगरन (अनबध 4) क बार म घमषणा

ललफाफा स० 2 (वित तीय बोली) इ कलफाफ म अनसनचीndash3 क अन ार ननरदिष सिानो पर लखा वाओ की दर रवथधवत रप भरी गई हो तिा रवरहत स िानो पर बमलीदाता दवारा परत यक प ष ठ पर आदयािर एव हस तािर हम खड 8 म मारवष ननदरो कम ध यान म रखा काए

किररर ललफाफा दमनो कलफाफ 1 एव 2 कम एक ाि एक कॉमन महाबद कलफाफ म रखा काए जक पर lsquorsquoअनसनची 4 म ननरदगषट उपलबध करिाई जान िाली सिा का नाम rsquorsquo अककत हम तिा इ पर बायी ओर नीच बमलीदाता का नाम और पता कलखा काए 13 बोलीदाता दिारा धयान दन योगय अनफ य महत िपनणग िबद

(क) रवत तीय ननरवदा उपयक त स िानो पर रब दो एव अको दमनो म कलखा काना चारहए (ख) बमलीदाता कम बमली कमा करगा वह अन ची 4 म ननरदिष परत यक रति कम प रा करन

वाली हम अन यिा बमली रदद कर दी काएगी रति बमकलयॉ रदद कर दी काएगी 14 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

क) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

ख) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह|

1421 यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

15 बोली खोलना ननरवदा दस तावक म रवरहत मय एव नतथि प वि पराप त बमकलयो कम अन ची-4 म यिा उजलखखत ननरदिष कायििम क अन ार (यरद भव हम) कायािलय म तय मय पर उन बमलीदाताओ की या उनक पराथधक त परनतननथधयो की उपजसिनत म खमला काएगा कम बमली खलन क रदन उपजसित हमन क इच छक हो

16बोलीदाताओ की छाटाई

ब य रम तकनीकी रप यमग य बमलीदाताओ की छ ाई करगा तिा रवत तीय बमकलयो क कलए तकनीकी

रप यमग य पाए गए बमलीदाताओ की बमली ही थच त की कान वाली नतथि एव मय पर खमली काएगी

17 वित तीय बोली खोलना

ब य रम ननरदिष नतथि कम कलफाफा न०2 खमलगा तिा म य ताकलका (अन ची-3) म बमलीदाता दवारा उदत दरो कम पढा काएगा

18 बोली की स िीकायगता

बमली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क िम अथधकारी दवारा की काएगी ब य रम न य नतम या कक ी बमली कम स वीकार करन क कलए बाध य नही ह ब य रम तरबना कक ी कारण बताय चाह कम भी हम पराप त कक ी या भी बमकलयो कम ननरस त करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह बम ली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी दवारा कलखखत म फलतम बमलीदाता कम थचत की काएगी

19परकरिया रोपनीय रखी जाए

कब तक फलतम बमलीदाता कम रवदा दन की घमषणा न हम काए तिा रवदा दन म याकन तलनात मकता बथधत कानकारी बमलीदाताओ या कक ी भी व यजकत कम कम रकारी तौर पर ऐ ी परकिया कडा न हम कछ भी बताया नही काएगा

20 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा की दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अन ची 4 म ननरदिष राकर क कलए फल बमलीदाता जक अनबध रदया गया दवारा इ क पकीकरण की जसिनत पर रवचार ककय तरबना कमा की काएगी| कायिकाररता परनतभ नत lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म कम चडीगढ़ म दय हम या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

21 सविदा दस तािज का ननष पादन

211 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम कमा करन क बाद फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए मथचत म य क स ॉम प पपर पर ननरवदा दस तावको क ाि लग न फामि म डप लीक म करार ननष पारदत करना अपकषित ह वतिमान म मथचत म य र० 100- ह बमली की स वीकायिता नतथि 15 रदनो क भीतर करार पर हस तािर ककए कान चारहए रवदा करार रवदा की रतो (Coc) तिा रवदा की रतो म यिा रवरहत अन य दस तावको दवारा राक त हमगा

212 करार हत फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए ननषपादन की नतथि पर यिा लाग स ामप-डय ी वधाननक एव वधाननक परभारो का भगतान करना कररी हमगा

22 बयनरो क अथधकार

221 बयरो इ बलइ म सब ित रप सबकरयषतकर करइला कर ररो करअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरहबयरो इएरबक अतिरबतिदरइएरबकअतिरएजकनबमरइदक क रअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरह बतिदररो लमआईएबरक

परतिररअतिररो मदवरो अ िब म 3 स तित रदषट करएगए सथ ोसरो बकिए उस बिररो िएगिसरिओरी

आसररररो कग

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 5: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

(झ) बलक कलजस ग तिाअिवा कल ीगरन (अनबध 4) क बार म घमषणा

ललफाफा स० 2 (वित तीय बोली) इ कलफाफ म अनसनचीndash3 क अन ार ननरदिष सिानो पर लखा वाओ की दर रवथधवत रप भरी गई हो तिा रवरहत स िानो पर बमलीदाता दवारा परत यक प ष ठ पर आदयािर एव हस तािर हम खड 8 म मारवष ननदरो कम ध यान म रखा काए

किररर ललफाफा दमनो कलफाफ 1 एव 2 कम एक ाि एक कॉमन महाबद कलफाफ म रखा काए जक पर lsquorsquoअनसनची 4 म ननरदगषट उपलबध करिाई जान िाली सिा का नाम rsquorsquo अककत हम तिा इ पर बायी ओर नीच बमलीदाता का नाम और पता कलखा काए 13 बोलीदाता दिारा धयान दन योगय अनफ य महत िपनणग िबद

(क) रवत तीय ननरवदा उपयक त स िानो पर रब दो एव अको दमनो म कलखा काना चारहए (ख) बमलीदाता कम बमली कमा करगा वह अन ची 4 म ननरदिष परत यक रति कम प रा करन

वाली हम अन यिा बमली रदद कर दी काएगी रति बमकलयॉ रदद कर दी काएगी 14 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

क) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

ख) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह|

1421 यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

15 बोली खोलना ननरवदा दस तावक म रवरहत मय एव नतथि प वि पराप त बमकलयो कम अन ची-4 म यिा उजलखखत ननरदिष कायििम क अन ार (यरद भव हम) कायािलय म तय मय पर उन बमलीदाताओ की या उनक पराथधक त परनतननथधयो की उपजसिनत म खमला काएगा कम बमली खलन क रदन उपजसित हमन क इच छक हो

16बोलीदाताओ की छाटाई

ब य रम तकनीकी रप यमग य बमलीदाताओ की छ ाई करगा तिा रवत तीय बमकलयो क कलए तकनीकी

रप यमग य पाए गए बमलीदाताओ की बमली ही थच त की कान वाली नतथि एव मय पर खमली काएगी

17 वित तीय बोली खोलना

ब य रम ननरदिष नतथि कम कलफाफा न०2 खमलगा तिा म य ताकलका (अन ची-3) म बमलीदाता दवारा उदत दरो कम पढा काएगा

18 बोली की स िीकायगता

बमली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क िम अथधकारी दवारा की काएगी ब य रम न य नतम या कक ी बमली कम स वीकार करन क कलए बाध य नही ह ब य रम तरबना कक ी कारण बताय चाह कम भी हम पराप त कक ी या भी बमकलयो कम ननरस त करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह बम ली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी दवारा कलखखत म फलतम बमलीदाता कम थचत की काएगी

19परकरिया रोपनीय रखी जाए

कब तक फलतम बमलीदाता कम रवदा दन की घमषणा न हम काए तिा रवदा दन म याकन तलनात मकता बथधत कानकारी बमलीदाताओ या कक ी भी व यजकत कम कम रकारी तौर पर ऐ ी परकिया कडा न हम कछ भी बताया नही काएगा

20 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा की दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अन ची 4 म ननरदिष राकर क कलए फल बमलीदाता जक अनबध रदया गया दवारा इ क पकीकरण की जसिनत पर रवचार ककय तरबना कमा की काएगी| कायिकाररता परनतभ नत lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म कम चडीगढ़ म दय हम या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

21 सविदा दस तािज का ननष पादन

211 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम कमा करन क बाद फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए मथचत म य क स ॉम प पपर पर ननरवदा दस तावको क ाि लग न फामि म डप लीक म करार ननष पारदत करना अपकषित ह वतिमान म मथचत म य र० 100- ह बमली की स वीकायिता नतथि 15 रदनो क भीतर करार पर हस तािर ककए कान चारहए रवदा करार रवदा की रतो (Coc) तिा रवदा की रतो म यिा रवरहत अन य दस तावको दवारा राक त हमगा

212 करार हत फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए ननषपादन की नतथि पर यिा लाग स ामप-डय ी वधाननक एव वधाननक परभारो का भगतान करना कररी हमगा

22 बयनरो क अथधकार

221 बयरो इ बलइ म सब ित रप सबकरयषतकर करइला कर ररो करअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरहबयरो इएरबक अतिरबतिदरइएरबकअतिरएजकनबमरइदक क रअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरह बतिदररो लमआईएबरक

परतिररअतिररो मदवरो अ िब म 3 स तित रदषट करएगए सथ ोसरो बकिए उस बिररो िएगिसरिओरी

आसररररो कग

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 6: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

रप यमग य पाए गए बमलीदाताओ की बमली ही थच त की कान वाली नतथि एव मय पर खमली काएगी

17 वित तीय बोली खोलना

ब य रम ननरदिष नतथि कम कलफाफा न०2 खमलगा तिा म य ताकलका (अन ची-3) म बमलीदाता दवारा उदत दरो कम पढा काएगा

18 बोली की स िीकायगता

बमली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क िम अथधकारी दवारा की काएगी ब य रम न य नतम या कक ी बमली कम स वीकार करन क कलए बाध य नही ह ब य रम तरबना कक ी कारण बताय चाह कम भी हम पराप त कक ी या भी बमकलयो कम ननरस त करन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह बम ली की स वीकायिता ब य रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी दवारा कलखखत म फलतम बमलीदाता कम थचत की काएगी

19परकरिया रोपनीय रखी जाए

कब तक फलतम बमलीदाता कम रवदा दन की घमषणा न हम काए तिा रवदा दन म याकन तलनात मकता बथधत कानकारी बमलीदाताओ या कक ी भी व यजकत कम कम रकारी तौर पर ऐ ी परकिया कडा न हम कछ भी बताया नही काएगा

20 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा की दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अन ची 4 म ननरदिष राकर क कलए फल बमलीदाता जक अनबध रदया गया दवारा इ क पकीकरण की जसिनत पर रवचार ककय तरबना कमा की काएगी| कायिकाररता परनतभ नत lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म कम चडीगढ़ म दय हम या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

21 सविदा दस तािज का ननष पादन

211 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम कमा करन क बाद फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए मथचत म य क स ॉम प पपर पर ननरवदा दस तावको क ाि लग न फामि म डप लीक म करार ननष पारदत करना अपकषित ह वतिमान म मथचत म य र० 100- ह बमली की स वीकायिता नतथि 15 रदनो क भीतर करार पर हस तािर ककए कान चारहए रवदा करार रवदा की रतो (Coc) तिा रवदा की रतो म यिा रवरहत अन य दस तावको दवारा राक त हमगा

212 करार हत फलतम बमलीदाता क कलए ननषपादन की नतथि पर यिा लाग स ामप-डय ी वधाननक एव वधाननक परभारो का भगतान करना कररी हमगा

22 बयनरो क अथधकार

221 बयरो इ बलइ म सब ित रप सबकरयषतकर करइला कर ररो करअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरहबयरो इएरबक अतिरबतिदरइएरबकअतिरएजकनबमरइदक क रअतिररो बिरो तषतररो खरह बतिदररो लमआईएबरक

परतिररअतिररो मदवरो अ िब म 3 स तित रदषट करएगए सथ ोसरो बकिए उस बिररो िएगिसरिओरी

आसररररो कग

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 7: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

222 ननरवदा दसतावक या रवदा की रतो म खडो की कक ी परकार की वयाखया म कक ी परकार क दह की जसिनत म बय रम दवारा खडो की वयाखया भी पिो क कलए अनतम एव बाधय हमगी

23 सविदा क भार बनान की सनचना ननरवदा चना एव य ननदर रवदा क भाग बनग

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 8: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अन ची-2 वा की रत 1 पररभाषाए

I lsquoसविदाकारrsquo तातपयि ह वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी चाह ननगकमत हम या नही रवदा उपिकमत एव ऐ वयजकत क वधाननक परनतननथध या ऐ ी फमि म राकमल वयजकत या अननगकमत कमपनी या ऐ ी फमि क उततराथधकारी या कमपनी कम भी मामला हम ऐ वयजकत या फमि या कमपनी कम ौपी गई अनमनत

II lsquoसिाओrsquo अकभपराय ह रवदा म यिा वखणित रवदाकार दवारा बय रम कम उपलबि कराई कान वाली वाय तिा ननरवदा दसतावक म रवरहत की गई अनय मबथधत लखा एव भी वधाननक कर वाए राकमल होगी

III lsquoसविदाrsquo तातपयि ह एव ननरवदा चना बमलीदाताओ क कलए ननदर रवदा की रत एव ननबधन सवीकायिता पि परसताव करार एव बय रम दवारा बमलीदाता क ाि पराथधक त आप ी पिाचार म सवीक त आपकी रत तिा रवदा क ाि बनाय गय कक ी भी परकार क दसतावक

IV lsquo सविदा रालश rsquo तातपयि ह रवदाकार दवारा उ की बमली म उदधत की गई राकर एव बय रम दवारा सवीकायि

V lsquoसकषम पराथधकारीrsquo तातपयि ह इ रवदा क तहत बय रम की ओर कायि करन हत बय रम दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी

VI lsquoसरकारrsquo अकभपराय ह कनरीय रकार

VII lsquoबयनरोrsquo तातपयि ह भारतीय मानक बय रम अथधननयम 1986 क तहत सिारपत भारतीय मानक बय रम

VIII lsquoमहाननदशकrsquo एि उप महाननदशक तातपयि ह बय रम का महाननदरक एव बय रम क उप महाननदरक कम उ कायािलय क उ मय पर पदधारक हो एव उनका उततराथधकारी भी एव उनक दवारा पराथधक त कमई अथधकारी राकमल होग

IX अनममरदत रपछल मौखखक अनममदन की बाद की पजष रहत कलखखत म अनममदन अकभपराय ह तिा lsquoअनमोदनrsquo अकभपराय ह कक यिा उपरमकत रहत कलखखत म अनममदन हम

X lsquoविलशषषटrsquo अकभपराय ह ननरवदा म दकभित रवकरजष यरद रवरष रवकरजष न दी गई हम तम बय रम की बदध रवकरजष कहा कमई हम तम लाग हम

XI lsquoननविदाrsquo तातपयि ह भावी बमलीदाताओ तय दरो पर परसताव दन क कलए बय रम दवारा औपचाररक आमिण

XII lsquoबोलीrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर लखा वाए उपलबध करवान क कलए तिा कक ी परकार क दमष द र करन क कलए अनबध क परावधानो क अनरप रवदाकार दवारा परसतारवत म य

XIII lsquoसिीकायगता पतरrsquo अकभपराय ह बय रम दवारा आथधकाररक सवीक नत

XIV lsquoआरभ नतथिrsquo तातपयि ह रवरहत सिानो पर वाय उपलबध करान की ररआत बधी वह नतथि ह जक की रवदाकार कम चना परापत हम

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 9: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

XV lsquoपनणगता समयrsquo अकभपराय ह ररआती नतथि गखणत रवदा म यिा वखणित वाय या उ क कक ी भी भाग उपलबध करान हत रवरहत मय

XVI इन रतो म दकभित lsquoअनलगनकrsquo ननरवदा दसतावक एव रवदा क ाि लगन बदध अनलगनक अकभपराय ह

2 सविदा हत पकष

रवदा का पि रवदाकार हमगा जक का परसताव बय रम दवारा सवीक त ककया काता ह एव बय रम

परसताव फमि क अनय वयजकतयो की ओर रवदा क भाग बनात हए अनय कक ी दसतावक पर हसतािरकताि वयजकत रवदा बदध भी मामलो म ऐ वयजकतवयजकतयो या फमो कम बाधय करन क कलए मयक पराथधकारी मझा काएगा यरद यह पाया गया कक बथधत वयजकत क पा ऐ ा पराथधकार न हम तम बय रम अनय कक ी क रवलआपराथधक उपायो पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल तरबना रवदा कम मापत कर कता ह तिा हसतािरी कम बनाय रख कता ह तिाया फमि ऐ मापन हत भी लागत एव नक ानो हत दय हमती ह

3 कायगकाररता परनतभननत

रवदा क दय कायिकाररता कम ननजशचत करन क कलए बयाक-मकत कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रवदा क कल म य क 10 क बराबर राकर रवदाकार दवारा कमा की काएगी कम अकाउ पयी डडमाड डराफ क रप म lsquoभारतीय मानक बय रमrsquo क पि म lsquoचडीगढ़ rsquo म दय या अनलगनक-1 म यिा वखणित फाम क अन ार बक गार ी दी काएगी

कायिकाररता परनतभ नत भी रवदा की प णिता की नतथि ाठ रदनो की अवथध हत वध रहगी

इ रवदा की रतो क तहत रवदाकार दयव लनीय कमई राकर या कक ी परकार का अनय लखा कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर का ी का कती ह इ मामल म कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कमा राकर कम ऐ ी कक ी क ौती क कारण कम रदया काता ह तम रवदाकार बय रम lsquoमाग चनाrsquo की पराजपत 15 (पन रह) रदनो क भीतर घा कम प रा करगा यरद परनतभ नत कम रवदाकार दवारा बक गार ी क तरीक कमा ककया काता ह तम ननधािररत या अननधािररत हाननप नत ि क कलए या रवदा की कक ी रति का उलघन या च क पर कमािना बय रम कम पहल भगतान नही ककया काएगा बजक उकत गार ी कम रतो क तहत बय रम कम उकत बकरो दवारा माग पर तरत भगतान ककया काएगा

यरद इ रवदा की अवथध क दौरान रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत दय एव इ की दयताओ क तहत ही कायि कायिकाररता च कता ह या कमािन क तरीक अिवा कमई दय बकाया कमािना एव रवदाकार की ओर दय अनय कमई राकर की व ली च कता ह तम बय रम कम इ क तहत उ क अनय अथधकारो एव उपचारो पर परभाव डाल तरबना या लाग कान न पर कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रमकन रखन और रवननयमकन का अथधकार हमगा

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 10: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

बय रम कम रवदाकार यरद कायि कायिकाररता परनतभ नत की राकर अथधक उकत क नक ान हाननयो लागत परभार एव खचि की राकर हमगी तम उ मकदम या इ ी परकार क अनय तरीक व लन रमका नही काएगा

दमनो पिो म रववाद की जसिनत म बय रम की प णि तजष हमन और रववाद का माधान हमन तक कायिकाररता परनतभ नत रमकी काएगी कायिकाररता परनतभ नत कम रवदा प णि हमन की नतथि अिवा माजपत की नतथि क ाठ रदन क भीतर रवदाकार कम लौ ा रदया काएगा बरत कक रवदाकार क ऊपर कमई बकाया दावा न हम

4 सविदा दस तािज

रवदा बनान वाल रवकभनन रवदा दसतावको कम एक-द र पि कम यिा आप ी वखणित कलया काएगा लककन इ ी म दह या कमी क मामल म वखणित ककया काएगा तिा बय रम क िम पराथधकारी दवारा मकलत ककया काए कम रवदाकार कम आवशयक ननदर कारी कर तिा ऐ मामलो म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम तम रवदा बनान हत दसतावको की परािकमकता ननमनान ार ह

i करार

ii प वि बमली बठक सपष ीकरणो क कायिव तत

iii रवदा की रत

iv ननरवदा चना एव ननरवदा दसतावक

v सवीकायिता पि

vi रवदा क बध म पिो क बीच ककए गए अनय पिाचार

vii रवदाकार का परसताव

5 िसरिओबकिओरी र कआसरर रसथ ऐबक वयतिजइआदकशदकबररक ह

तज बकिओरक त एबयरो इरक अतिररो मदवरो आदकशकदयजबररहउ ससररो िर हइबररह|किरो भम

बयरो इदवरो बतिदररो रइअ िब म3रक अ िबरो बतिदररो दवरो जरो रीगईदरो सरो नय र र क स कख

बकिएउस बिररो ि कहकरिआदकशकदयजएग|ऐबक बलतिरखरो मदअतिररो मतजनहस बबतिदरक परतरआदकश

दक करक त एलमआईएबदवरो परतिररकरयगयह उ रक दवरो िसरिओरक आदकशकदएजबररकह

6 सविदा की िधता इ रवदा पर हसतािर करन की नतथि एक वषि की अवथध क कलए रवदा वध हमगी जक तजष परक ननषपादन एव दमनो पिो की आप ी हमनत की रति पर इ बढ़ाया का कता ह |

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 11: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

7 पररिहन परभार भतत वाए रवननरदिष ककए गए गतवय सिान पर डडलीवर की काएगी और इ म भी परभार राकमल होग | अवथध क दौरान वाए रवदाकार की लागत पर पनः सिारपत की काएगी |

8 िसतओ की रणता रवदाकार दवारा आप नत ि की कान वाली भी वाए अनबध म वखणित रवकरजष यो क अनरप होगी और रवदाकार िम पराथधकारी की तजष क कलए यह परमाण दगा कक वाए अनरप ह|

9 ननरीिण रवदाकार एक ननरीिण ररपम ि परमाण पि दगा कक वाए अनबध म दी गई भी रवकरजष यो क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ का ननरीिण करगा कक ताकक यह ननजशचत हम क कक वाए अनबध की रवकरजष गणता क अनरप ह | िम पराथधकारी वाओ क ननरीिण और काच करन का हकदार हमगा कम कक ननरदिष वा सिान या कहा भी य रख हम या कहा भी परापत करन हम औऱ आप नत िकताि कम ननरीिण या काच क कलए बीआईए कम रवधाए परदान करनी हमगी

िम अथधकारी कम प णि अथधकार हमगा कक वह कम वाए करार की अपिाओ क अन ार नही ह या कम अचछ परनतमानक क या बय रम दवारा अनममरदत मानक क गर अनरप ह उ वा कम ह ा क यरद आप नत िकताि वाओ कम परदान करन म च क करता ह तम बय रम क िम पराथधकारी कम यह सवतिता हमगी कक इ कक ी अनय माधयम ह ा ल पराथधक त अथधकारी क पा प री रजकत हमगी कक वह वा परदाता कम मना कर द और यरद रवदाकार अनपालन करन इकार कर द तम कक ी अनय माधयम वा परापत कर ल वाए परदान करन म हई दरी क कारण हमन वाली प री लागत का वहन आप नत िकताि करगा

10 िारटी डडलीवरी परचालन क मय दमषप णि वसतओ क परनतसिापन क कलए रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा एव वार ी की अवथध म कवर हमन वाली वसतओ क कलए वार ी की अवथध म रवदाकार जकममदार हमगा|

11 दरी स आपननत ग क ललए पररननधागररत नकसानी यरद रवदाकार कक ी ऐ कारण कम उ क ननयिण म नही ह अनबध म ननरदिष मयावथध म कमई एक या भी वाए उपलबध करवान म अ मिि रहता बीआईए ननमनान ार अपनी राय पर ननणिय ल कता हः 1 दरी क परतयक पताह हत कक ी वसत की डडलीवरी क म य का एक परनतरत (1) की मकि रारी दवारा तय ककए गए म यो पर या कल आदर म य क अथधकतम 10 तक की ीमा क भाग रवलतरबत डडलीवरी सवीक त कर कत ह एक बार नक ान की अथधकतम ीमा हम कान पर बय रम अनबध कम मापत कर कता ह |

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 12: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

12 सिाओ का जइतख

यकद बतिदररो अिति स त िररो र बकिओ रइ उस बि ररो ि क स तिि रो हर ह रइ लमआईएब

बतिदररो रक जइतख गर एि तजम कदरो म पर वकजपक सरमतो मान या इ ी परकार की वाए लन का अथधकार रकषित रखता ह |

13 जमागना पनलटी लराना रवदाकार अन ची 3 म रदए गए अन ार वाओ म कमी पाए कान पर पन ी का पाि हमगा |

14 भरतान की शत बय रम दवारा वाओ क बदल रदया कान वाला भगतान महीन की माजपत पर तमषकनक वाओ की पराजपत पर रवदाकार कम परत यि रप रदया काएगा | उददरण की गई दरो म भी कर राकमल होग| ठकदार दवारा एक माह की माजपत क तरत बाद इ अनबध क अधीन परदान की गई वाओ क कलए तरबल डप लीक म परस तत ककया काएगा तरबलो का भगतान तिा रवदा उत पन न अन य दावो क भगतान रवदाकार क नाम पर अकाउ पयी चक अिवा ऑनलाइन भगतान (क नफ आरद) दवारा परत यि रप उ क बक खात म कमा करवा रदए काएग भगतान आयकर अथधननयम 1961 क उपबधो क अन ार ककया काएगा अिाित परस तत परत यक तरबल म कल राकर लाग दरो पर उपकरपरभार रहत कर की क ौती की काएगी

कक ी भी राकर कम रखन या छमडन का अथधकार ब य रम क पा रकषित ह कम कक ी दाव क तहत रवदाकार क कारण मय- मय पर हम कता ह कम ब य रम क पा इ क तहत या अन य कक ी रवदाकरार क तहत हम कता ह

15 कषनतपननत ग रवदाकार इ रवदा अिवा इ क पररणामास वरप कक ी व यजकत कम चम लगन या परतत कम हए नक ान क कलए भी िनत औरदावो तिा इ बथधत या इ क दभि म भी दावो मागो परककयाओ नक ान लागत र क और खचि की मय- मय पर लाग रवकभन न रमम कान नो क परावधानो क अतगित ब य रम कम िनतप नत ि करगा तिा करता रहगा

रवदाकार कक ी परकार क प रडमाकि कॉपीराइ और रमम मदद इतयारद ी डी ए वधाननक दानयतवो क दय आरद क उलघनो क पररणामसवरप बय रमक भी दावो िनतयो लागत नक ानो खचो कायिवाही मकदमो तिा कायिवारहयो की िनतप नत ि रिा एव रिा करगा

16 भरषट या कपटपनणग रीनतयाा

बय रम कम अपिा ह कक इ बमली क तहत बमलीदाता ऐ रवदाओ की पराजपत एव ननषपादन क दौरान ननतक म यो क उचचतम मानक परापत करगा तदपरात बय रम ननधािररत रत ननमनान ार पररभारषत करता ह

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 13: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

ग) lsquorsquoभरष रीनतrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह भाड की परकिया म या रवदा ननषपादन म ाविकननक कमिचारी क कायि कम परभारवत करन क कलए कक ी म यवान वसत का दना परापत या परलमभन दना एव

घ) lsquorsquoकप प णि रीनतयमrsquorsquo अकभपराय ह कक बय रो कम हानन पहचान क कलए भाड की परककया या रवदा क ननषपादन कम परभारवत करन क कलए तथयम का कमथया ननरपण तिा िातरिम तमर पर आपररसपधाितमक सतर पर रवदा म य बाथधत करन क कलए बमलीदातौ (बमली कमा करन प वि या बाद म) क बीच कप प णि रीनतया राकमल ह तिा बय रो कम मक त एव खली परनतस पधाि क लाभो वथचत करना राकमल ह

ङ) यरद यह पाया काता ह कक रवदाकार रवदा रदए कान प वि उ क दौरान या उ क बाद भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम ब य रम रदए कान वाल कायि क परस ताव कम रदद कर कता ह यरद बय रम कम कक ी भी मय यह जञात हमता ह कक रवदा हत बमलीदाता परनतस पधाि या रवदा कायि क ननष पादन म भरष या कप प णि रीनतयो म कलपत ह तम बय रम रवदाकार कम अनजशचतकाल क कलए अिवा रवदाकार कम अयमग य घमरषत ककए कान की नतथि 24 माह क कलए अयमग य ठहरा कता ह

17 सविदा का समापनननलबन

बय रम कम रवदाकार की अपयािप त वा या कदाचार क कारण इ रवदा क कक ी ननयम या रतो क उ लघन क कलए रवदाकार कम कलखखत म 24 घ का नमर दकर कक ी भी मय इ रवदा कम अस िायी तौर पर रदद करन की स वतिता हमगी जक क कलए ब य रम का ननणिय अनतम हमगा और रवदाकार कम इ म कक ी बदलाव या उ क कारण कषरनतप नत ि का अथधकार नही हमगा

रवदाकार की ओर च क हमन की जसिनत म जक पररणामत रवदा क तहत व अपनी वाओ दयताओ कम प णि करन म अ मिि हम तम इ एक गभीर च क माना काएगा तिा यह ननम नकलखखत कारणो म कक ी क हमन पर माना काएगा क) ब य रम की राय म रवदाकार न रवदा कम छमड रदया ह

ख) रवदा क अन ार वा की आप नत ि आरभ करन क तरबना कक ी उपयक त फाई दन म अ फल रहता ह अिवा प णि करन क कलए रदए गए अनबथधत मय क अदर वा परदान करन म अ फल रहता ह

ग) रवदा क अतगित अपनी कक ी बाध यता का अनपालन करन म ब य रम की पहल दी गई कलखखत चतावनी अिवा अन यिा ननरतर अिवा स पष रप बतान क बाद भी लापरवाही बरतता ह

घ) ननरीिण क दौरान वाओ की गणता म गभीर िर या पाई काए

ङ) ननधािररत अवथध क बाद वाओ म दरी

च) यरद रवदाकार वा कम ननयिण करन वाल कक ी कान न अिवा रवथध का उ लघन करता ह छ) ब य रम क ननणिय क अन ार रवदाकार रवदा क अतगित वा प री करन व वा दन म भरष अिवा कप प णि रीनत म कलप त पाया काता ह क) यरद रवदाकार स वच छा अिवा तरबना इच छा क रदवाकलया अिवा अपाक त हम गया हम झ) रवदाकार रमधािम (इन म व ) हम गया हम ञ) इ की परर म परततयो क महत त वप णि रहस क कलए कक ी पाप तकत ताि पररा क ननया ी अिवा कलक य ड र कम ननयक त ककया गया हम

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 14: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

) रवदाकार अिवा इ की परर म परततयो क दभि म कमई ऐ ा कायि हमता ह अिवा घ ना घ ती ह जक का इन परर म परततयो पर कक ी प वोकलखखत कायि अिवा घ ना क कारण कक ी लाग कान न क अतगित उ लखनीय रप अ र हम ठ) ब य रम क प वि अनममदन क तरबना रवदाकार (क मर ियम क मामल म) न क मर ियम क गठन अिवा परत यक दस य की जकम मदारी कम रमथधत ककया हम

18 बयनरो दिारा समापन

तरबना कारण बताय तिा हानी या नक ान की दयता क तरबना कक ी भी मय करार कम मापत करना बय रम क कलए भी वधाननक हमगा जक रवदाकार कम ऐ मापन क कारण पररानी हम कती ह ऐ मापन क कलए बय रम दवारा कलखखत म रवदाकार कम 15 रदनो का नमर रदया काएगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 19 सविदाकार का समापन का अथधकार यरद रवदाकार रवदा की अवथध माप त हमन पहल रवदा अनबध कम माप त करन का ननणिय लता ह तम उ कम कम 60 रदन अथगरम म थचत करना हमगा रवदा क तहत ऐ कक ी परकार का मापन बय रम क कक ी अनय अथधकार पर परनतक ल परभाव डाल बगर हमगा 20 अपरत यालशत घटना खड

इ रवदा की क दौरान कक ी पि दवारा इ रवदा क अतगित कक ी कायि कम प णि या आकरक रप कक ी यदध रवरमधप विक ाविकननक रिता क क त य महामारी अ न य रवदमह तमड-फमड आगकनी बाढ़ रवस फम कमरार न परनतबध हडताल तालाबदी या दवीय घ ना (जक बाद म म यहा ऐ क त य का गया ह) क कारण न ककया काए अिवा उ म रवलब हम तम एक पि कम द र पि कम ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन की नतथि 21 रदनो क भीतर ऐ ी घ ना घ न का नमर दना हमगा और ऐ ी घ ना घर त हमन क कारण कक ी भी पि कम न तम रवदा माप त करन का अथधकार हमगा और न ही कमई पि कायि न हमन अिवा उ म रवलब क कारण द र पि नक ान का दावा करगा ऐ ी जसिनत माप त हमन अिवा पहल क ी हमन पर यिा री डडलीवरी आरभ करनी हमगी और डडलवरी परारभ कर दी गई ह अिवा नही इ बध म म ब य रम क महाननदरक उप महाननदरक का ननणिय अनतम और ननणाियक हमगा यरद ऐ ी कक ी घ ना क कारण 60 रदनो अथधक मय तक इ रवदा क अतगित कमई कायि प णि या आकरक रप नही हमता ह या उ म रवलब हमता ह तम कमई भी पि रवदा कम माप त कर कता ह और यह भी कक ब य रम कम महाननदरक उप महाननदरक दवारा ननधािररत म य कम कक अनतम हमगा पर रवदाकार भी अपरयक त ामगरी अिनतगरस त और स वीक त ामगरी खरीद गए घ क और इ परकार क रवदा या उ क भाग की माजपत क मय उत पादन क दौरान रवदाकार क पा पड ामान कम लन की स वतिता हमगी जक ब य रम ही मझता हम इ म वह खरीद गए घ क और ामान नही हमगा कम कक रवदाकार ब य रम की हमनत रखना चाहता हम

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 15: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

21 रोपनीयता रवदाकार इ रवदा क तहत वाए दत मय कक ी भी वयजकत कम ब य रम की कलखखत हमनत क तरबना परापत माकलकाना कानकारी परक नही करगा

22 परचार

जक कक ी भी परचार ामगरी म बय रम का नाम परयकत ककया काता ह तम रवदाकार कम ए ा कवल बय रम कलखखत अनमनत लन पर ही करना चारहए

23 वििाद एि वििाचक

बय रम और रवदाकार रवदा कड कक ी अ हमनत या उपक रववाद कम दमनम पि ीध अनौपचाररक बातचीत हल करन का हर भव परया करग यरद कक ी भी परकार का रववाद हल नही ककया का क तम उ मामल कम महाननदरक भा मा बय रम दवारा ननयकत रववाचक क पा भका काएगा भारतीय रववाचक एव मझौता अथधननयम 1996 क उपबध लाग होग 24 नोरटस भजन का तरीका

रवदा म उजलखखत दमनो पिम क बीच पिाचार कलखखत म हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा नमर (भारतीय रवदा अथधननयम क तहत) क कवल डडकलवरी हमन पर ही परभावी हमगा रवदा म कब तक अनयिा उपबथधत न हम बय रम क पराथधक त दवारा भी नमर कारी की काएग यरद रवदाकार क अननतम जञात सिान या ननवा या वयव ाय वाल पत पर पकीक त डाक नमर भका काता ह तम यह मझा काएगा कक नमर ामानय डाक भका कान पर इ मय पर या डडलीवर हए क मान माना कागा 25 शासी भाषा प ण वरवदा एव इ क पिाचार हत राक त भाषा कवल अगरकी हमगी 26 काननन

रवदा भारतीय कान न क तहत राक त एव पररभारषत हमगी

27 कानननी कषतर

रवदाकार दवारा कवल चडीगढ़ की स िा नीय ीमा क भीतर पडन वाल िम न यायालय कम छमडकर कक ी भी

नयायालय म रवदा ननष पादन या भग बथधत मकदमा या अन य कायिवाही नही की काएगी

28 सटामप डयनटी रवदा बदध कक ी भी परकार की स ॉम प डय ी एव पकीकरण परभारो का भगतान रवदाकार

वहन करगा

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 16: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अ िब म-3असकषतओरीअ िब म

कखरयो स ब नयरःत मनत तखररइब तहरकरयजएग-ब नय कखरयोरइट मअनयबफटिकयरो

स परतिषट ररो जब कर ब नय कख तबदधनर एि िखय य बक परपत कदश-त दश ह ब यलदधबतितिर

दकयरओरत षररो णररो कखरयो सत मनत तखरब तहरहइग-

1 परतरकद रक अररो णोहकरिजहॉरभमभमआिशयरहइ लरभिगर िउ रो ज िउ रो तयकदल

2 लरररो रतनब कश ल एिअबबतिरभिगर ोरक नय मररो णरक त एआग मरयिहमररो

3 ब सरअररो णोरइट मबफटिकयरो स परतिषटररो रथत यत रअररो सरो परतर ह परतरिर तयकदरक

अ िबरो ररो सइट त र रथउत रसदधतरबक अतभ कखोररमयटरो मररलरअसरो ख

4 लमआईएब िखय यरइकदशत दशोरक अ िबरो िससथ रररो रररो

5 खरो रक त एखर लहम सिसरर रयरो री जएगमऔरो आिशयररओरक अ िबरो उबरअदयर करय


6 ए बमआरो ल लररक त एभिगर िउ रो एज िउ रो टरय ल सब लर ररो रतनब कश एि

दमिर म दकयरओरयरो ररो एजलरभमदत र क दक रक त एआिशयिरहो

7 सथईसररो बसतिरो तजसटरो लर क त सतििरो णरयरो ररो िम करयोरइ कतखरररो तित रदषटदरो ो

सरो अिषतयणररो ब पतरीगईसररो बसतियोरइ कतखरररो अिषतयणबक बलतिरपरतितषटयॉररो

8 परतयकर हरी15ररो मखररब सरअ ि गनरोरक बथटरय ल सब िर आतसरयोरथदक दररो यो

रथरयरो ररो

9 भ बयरो इ रक आनररररो र कदशत दशो रक अ िबरो िररर कखलदम रइ अतर प स दक औरो बभम

तिभगोरक ब ककररतििरो णरइरयरो ररो

10 ररो बमटएणससक सटएरउणटतििमयिरब तपतसरो 31 रररयरो ररो

11 टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबतििरो णऔरो उबमरक परकरणत िररो रब य स भकज कऔरो बलतिरसषतोरक त एटम

समएबपर णसर करइरयरो ररो औरो त िररो रब यरक भमररो तर हमररो ट भरो आकद

12 परतयकर हम करी5िीररो मखररब िकटकरक तसरए एिबकिररो ररो िब रक त ज एिबकिररो

सिटरइधय ा स रो खरकहए एिबकिररो रपरकरणऔरो त िररो रब य स अििरररबकिररो रइ


13 तबरतििरो णमरक प स स परइिकश टकबरीबतषतपतरील एिब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

14 तितिरएिबतितिरदकयरओसरब यलदधत षसद बित तिरररो

15 बमएजमऑतसटबकिररो तलकरीररो टमसमएब ोरक बलि स बभमऑतसटपरशनोरजिलदक क स बयरो इ


16 बकिररो एतलकरीररो टमसमएबऔरो टमबमएबआकदरक ो स ब यब यसरो बरो ररो रीअतिब

रक अ िबरो तिशकरजञरीरो यपरद ररो

17 कखबतितिरआिशयररओबक बलतिररयोरत षसद ररो

18 कखरयोरक त ए त यििवयतिपरतर हपरतररय कदिबभ बय स त यििहइगशखरय य

दवरो बरअ गबक ररो रसरो खजएगएरिररो षठअतिररो मबतितिर कखरय अ िस हकरि कख

ि दवरो त यििकरयजएगि दवरो कखत य ोरअ िस बित तिरकरयजएग

तरतथ (ि रीसटमसबतहर

लइ मदरर ि

हसरषतरो )


अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 17: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनसनची 4 ndash विलशषषट एि विविध तकनीकी वििरण

योगय बोलीदाता नफयननतम पातरता क ललए मानदड

1 फमि एक वयव ाय की परक नत क रप म लखा वाए परदान करन क कलए एक पकीक त चा िडि अकाउ लागत लखाकार फमि हमनी चारहए| परनत लगन की काएगी|

2 वयाव ानयक वाए परदान करन क कलए फमि चा िडि अकाउ अथधननयम 1949 क परावधानो क तहत आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीक त हमनी चारहए और फमि आई ी ए आई क ाि पकीकरण परमाण पि की परनत लगन करगी|

3 फमि कम रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी कम लखा वा परदान करन म कम कम तीन ाल का अनभव हमना चारहए|

4 फमि न रकारी रवभागो ाविकाननक िि क उपिमो ( कनरीय या रा य) पराइव कलकम ड कपनी रकारी रवभागो म लखा परीिण ककया हम|

5 आयकर रवभाग की ओर पन पकीकरण पि की परनत लगन की काएगी| 6 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की आयकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 7 रपछल तीन वषो क कलए कपनी फमि की वाकर रर नि लगन की कानी चारहए| 8 तनात हमन वाल वयजकत लखा कायि परदरिन म बीकॉम गरकए और ली ॉफ वयर और एम ए ऑकफ

एक ल क ाि अचछी तरह पररथचत हमना चारहए| तनात वयजकत की यमगयता और अनभव परमान पि की परनत लगन की काएगी|

तकनीकी वििरण

1 वारषिक वाओ का लगभग रपय 30000000

2 वारषिक अनबध की वदयता 12 महीन और इ तमषकनक परदरिन क आधार पर परतयक वषि 2 अथधक वषो क कलए वारषिक आधार पर बढ़ाया का कता ह|

3 ननरवदा दसतावज़ की उपलबधता ऑनलाइन wwwbisorgin और wwwcpppgovin डाउनलमड ककए का कत ह ऑफलाइन भारतीय मानक बय रम पला नम 4 ndashए क र 27-बी उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़ 160019

4 प वि बमली काफर 12-03-2019 काफर हॉल भारतीय मानक बय रम उ ि का चडीगढ़

5 बमली कमा करवान का ढग बद कलफाफ बी आई ए क रर परन एररया म डर बॉक म रदनाक 18-03-2019 कम 1400 बक तक कमा करवा दना चारहए| कक ी अनय ाधन ििढग पर रवचार नही ककया काएगा|

6 धरमहर राकर कमा रपय 1500000

7 कायिकाररता परनतभ नत अनबध क मय पर बमलीदाता दवारा बताय गए वारषिक दर का 10

8 बमकलयो की वदयता ननरवदा क परकारन 60 रदन

9 बमकलयो का खमलना 18-03-2019 1500 बक

10 बय रम की ओर इ ननरवदा अनबध क कलए पराथधक त अथधकारी

अनभाग अथधकारी

उततर ििीय कायािलय चडीगढ़

ई-मल adminnrobisgovin

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 18: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनसनची 5 ndash कीमत अनसनची

( वितीय बोली ललफाफ म जमा की जाय) िम सखया

मालसक आधार पर लखा सिाए परदान करन क ललए

बोली मनलय

12 महीनो क ललए बोली मनलय सिा परदान करन का सिान

1 रपए

रपए चडीरढ़ ( यन टी)

2 जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

जी एस टी जसा लारन हो

3 कल = रपए

कल = रपए

4 कल (शबदो म)

कल (शबदो म)

राकर कवल प णाक म हम

मर दवारा बमली दसतावज़ कम पढ़ कलया गया ह और लखा वाए परदान करन हत भी ननयम एव रत मझ ली गई ह|

हसतािर नाम

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 19: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनसनची 6 सविदा फामग


यह करार रदनाक (माह) 20 कम ककया गया ह यह म ि helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip ( रवदाकार का नाम एव पता) (जक आग इ म रवदाकार कहा गया ह) कब तक पर गगत या इ क अिि रवरदध न हम इ म जक की अकभवयजकत का अिि मझा काएगा तिा उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग एक पि तिा भारतीय मानक बय रम पलॉट नबर 4 ndash ए सकटर 27-बीमधयमारग चडीरढ़- 160019 (जक आग इ म बय रम कहा गया ह जक की अकभवयजकत का अकभपराय मझा काएगा कब तक पर गगत या उ क अकभपराय रवरदध न हम इ म उ क उततराथधकारी एव पदिकार राकमल होग) द र पि क बीच करार हआ कबकक बय रम एक ननगकमत ननकाय ह कम द दवारा अथधननगकमत ह बय रम अपन कायािलय म अनबध आधार पर कपय रो लप ॉप रपर रो स कनरो और लन वाए परापत करन का इचछक ह खली ननरवदा ननरीिण दवारा आमतरित बमली रदनाक कबकक रवदाकार ( फलतम बमलीदाता) न अपनी बमली परसतत की बमली दसतावक क अन ार दख तिा बमली की परकिया क अनपालन lsquoयिा फलतम बमलीदाताrsquo चना गया तिा रवदा म यो पर बातचीत कर रदनाक कम रवदाकार कम सवीकायिता पि (LOA) खया रदया गया

अनसनची 2- ननविदा दसतािजो की सविदा की शत एि ननबधन


( रवदाकारपराथधक त परनतननथध (बय रम क पराथधक त अथधकारी

क हसतािर) क हसतािर ) नाम नाम पदनाम पदनाम पता पता फमिकपनी की ील बय रम की ील

ािी ािी

हसतािर हसतािर ािी का नाम ािी का नाम पता पता

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 20: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनसनची 7 िता और बोलीदाताओ दिारा परयकत करकय जान िाली अनफय मानक परारप 1 अनलगनक-1 बक गार ी बाड का परपि 2 अनलगनक-2 बमलीदाताओ दवारा भक गए रववरण 3 अनलगनक-3 रपछल तीन 03 वषो म बमलीदाता दवारा परदान की गई

दशय वाओ का रववरण 4 अनलगनक-4 काली- ची एवया मकदमो क बध म घमषणा

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 21: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनलगनक-2 बोलीदाताओ दिारा भज रए वििरण 1 फमिकमपनी का नाम 2 वधता नतथि रहत पकीकरण की रमणी 3 पकीकरण का म य 4 पिाचार का पता 5 द रभाष खया 6 ईमल 7 सवामीभागीदारननदरक क रववरण

नाम पता अहिता

8 कपनीफमि का रवगत 3 रवतत वषो (लखापरीकषित तलन पि की परमाखणत परनत कमा की काए) का वारषिक निओवर

विततीय िषग िावषगक कारोबार (र) लखा परीकषकषत तलनपतर की परनतयाा सलगन ह (हाानही)

9 फमिकमपनी का पन र न नमबर 10 वसत एव वा कर ( की ए ी) पकीकरण 11 धरमहर राकर कमा डराफ की खयाबक का नामनतथि

यह परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक उपरमकत तथय मरी वोततम कानकारी एव रवशवा क अन ार प णि एव ही ह यह भी परमाखणत ककया काता ह कक मनहमन ननरवदा चना की रतो एव ननबधनो कम पढ़ एव मझ कलया ह महम ह ननरवदा की भी रतो एव ननबधनो क कलए तरबना रति क वचनबदध ह एव इ क कलए सवीकायिता दता ह दत ह तिा इन रतो एव ननबधनो क पालन क कलए हमत ह ह

फमिकमपनी का नाम एव हसतािर

फमिकमपनी की ील नतथि सिान

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 22: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनलगनक-3 वपछल तीन 03 िषो म बोलीदाता दिारा परदान की रई सदशय सिाओ का वििरण

बोलीदाता का नाम

वषि वा का नाम और परकार

गठन का नाम और पता

रवदा का म य (र लाखो म)

र पपखणया




बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता

फमिकमपनी की ील

र पपणी निओवर राकर परमाखणत एव फमि क ीए दवारा लखा परीकषित हमनी चारहए तिा अलग री लगन की काए

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 23: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

अनलगनक-4 काली-सनची एिया मकदमो क सबध म घोषणा

महम एतददवारा घमषणा करत ह कक हमारी फामिएक ी कम कनरीय रकाररा य रकार क तहत कक ी मिालय या कनरीय रकार क रवभागरा य रकार या पीए य या अनय ननकायो दवारा काली ची म नही डाला गया ह महम यह भी घमषणा करता ह ह कक भारत म कही पर भी फामिकमपनी या इ क सवामी भागीदारोननदरको क रवरदध कमई आपराथधक मामला दकि या लतरबत नही ह रदनाक (नतथि) कम (माह) 2019 क रदन

बोलीदाता क हसताकषर बमलीदाता का नाम एव पता


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 24: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ


Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B

Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019


Bureau of Indian Standards invites sealed bids under two bid system (Technical

bid and Financial bid) for Providing the Accounting Services on M o n t h l y Annual Rate

basis from eligible bidders

2 The blank Tender document is available from 25022019 to 18032019 during

the office hours The Tender document can also be downloaded from wwwbisgovin and


3 The bid can be submitted in the manner indicated in the tender document on or

before 18032019 at 1400 Hrs The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or all the bids

without assigning any reason

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 25: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ



1 Notice inviting Bids

11 Sealed Bids under two bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) for providing the

Accounting Services are invited by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Northern

Regional Office (NRO) Chandigarh from eligible Bidders for providing the Accounting

Services specified in the Schedule-3

2 Issue of Tender Document

21 The blank Tender document will be available during the period indicated in the

Schedule-4 during the office hours

22 The Tender document can also be downloaded from the website of the Bureau

wwwbisgovin and wwwcpppgovin

23 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

Bid The Bureau shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the

conduct or the outcome of the Bidding process

3 Language of BidContract The language of the Bid shall be in EnglishHindi and

all correspondence etc shall conform to the EnglishHindi language

4 Pre-bid Conference

41 A Pre-bid conference of all intending Bidders will be held at the scheduled date

and time indicated in the Schedule-4 Intended Bidders will be allowed to seek clarification

if any

42 No alterations and additions anywhere in the Bid Document are permitted If any of

these are found the Bid may be summarily rejected (The Bidder should get its doubts

cleared during pre-bid conference only if provided in the Bid In case no pre-bid meeting

is to be held the Bidder should seek clarification of any doubt in writing seven (7) days

before the last date for receipt of Bids)

43 Any change that will be made in the Tender paperdocument by the Competent

Authority after issue of the Tender will be intimated to the prospective Bidders in the form

of CorrigendumAddendum for incorporating the same in the Bid before submitting the Bid

5 Validity of Bids

51 The Bids will be valid for a period Indicated in Schedule-4 from the date of its


6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 26: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

6 Earnest Money Bid Security

61 The Bidder shall deposit with the Bureau a sum indicated in the Schedule-4 as an

interest free Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Earnest Money shall be deposited in the

form of Demand DraftPay Order in favour of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at

chandigarh or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

62 The failure or omission to deposit the Earnest Money shall disqualify the Bid and

the Bureau shall exclude from its consideration such disqualified Bid(s)

63 Bidder shall not revoke his Bid or vary its terms and conditions without the

consent of the Bureau during the validity period of the Bid If the bidder revokes the bid or

varies its terms or conditions the Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited by the

Bureau without prejudice to its other rights and remedies and the Bidder shall not be

eligible to submit a Bid to the Bureau for providing the accounting services for a period of

one year wef the date of such revocation

64 If the successful Bidder does not pay the Performance Security in the prescribed

time limit or fails to sign the agreement bond its Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited

by the Bureau

65 The Earnest Money of unsuccessful Bidder shall be refunded after the successful

Bidder furnishes the required Performance Security to the Bureau and signs the contract

or within thirty (30) days of the expiry of validity period of Bids whichever is earlier

7 Eligible Bidders

71 Only those Bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the

Schedule-4 are eligible to submit their Bids for providing the accounting services at BIS NRO


8 Rates how to be quoted

81 The bidder is expected to work out his rates keeping in view the technical specifications amp

conditions and arrive at the amount to be quoted The Bidder shall be deemed to have

satisfied itself before Bidding as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bid and of the

rates and prices quoted in the attached schedules which rates and prices shall except as

otherwise provided cover all its obligations under the contract and all matters and things

necessary for proper fulfilling his obligations under the contract

82 The Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all taxes including Local taxes etc to be paid

by the Bidder for the accounting services at specified places and claim for extra payment on

any such account shall not be entertained

9 Manner of Submission of Bid

91 The complete Bid will be received as indicated in the Schedule-4 by depositing

the same through the Bid Box or by mail which reaches the specified place before the

specified time Mail includes Speed Post Registered Post

92 E-mail or fax offers will be rejected

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 27: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

10 Last Date for Submission

101 Sealed Bids shall be received at the address specified above not later than the time

and date specified in the Tender Notice Bids received after the specified date and time for

receipt of bids shall not be considered Hence such bids shall be rejected and returned

unopened to the Bidder

102 In the event that the specified date for the submission of Bid offers is declared a

holiday the offers will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day

11 Modification and Withdrawal of Offer

111 The Bidder may withdraw its offer after its submission provided that written notice

of withdrawal is received by the Bureau prior to the closing date and time prescribed for

submission of offer

12 Contents of Bid Document

121 Bids are invited in two-bid system (Technical bid and Financial bid) The completed

Bid shall be submitted in sealed envelope super-scribing the name of goods to be

supplied as mentioned in the Schedule-4

122 The envelopes shall contain the following

Envelope No1 (Technical Bid) This should contain all technical details

alongwith commercial terms and conditions such as

(a) List of all the documents enclosed

(b) The EMD as indicated in clause 61 above or valid certificate of exemption issued

by the Central Purchase Organization National Small Industries Corporation

(NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department if applicable

(c) Attested copy of the valid registration document issued by concerned government


(d) Copies of Income Tax Returns and Service TaxGST Returns filed with the

concerned Authorities

(e) Details of the firm(s) including details of the proprietorpartnerdirector with

regard to name address for communication telephone number e-mail etc


(f) In case of a firm each partner or power of attorney holder shall sign the Bid

The attested copies of power of attorney of person signing the Bid shall be

enclosed with the Bid The power of attorney shall be signed by all partners In

case of private limitedpublic limited companies the power of attorney shall be

supported by board resolutions and appropriate and adequate evidence in support

of the same shall be provided

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 28: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

(g) All pages and pasted slips should be signed by the Bidder and no page shall be

added or removed from the set of Bid Document Duly signed Bid document is to

be returned as a token of its acceptance

(h) A statement showing the type of services providedtype and magnitude of

WorkService done in the last three (3) years (Annexure-3)

(i) A declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations (Annexure-4)

Envelope No2 (Financial Bid) This envelope shall contain rates for the account

services at specified places as per Schedule-3 duly filled in and initialed on each page

and signed by the Bidder at prescribed places of the Bid The instructions contained

in clause 8 may please be noted

Covering Envelope Both the envelopes 1 and 2 shall be put together in a

common sealed envelope super-scribing the name of services to be provided as

mentioned in Schedule-4 and the name and address of the Bidder at the bottom


13 Other Important Points to be noted by the Bidder

(a) The Financial Bid should be written both in words and figures at appropriate


(b) The Bidder shall submit the Bid which satisfies each and every condition laid

down in Schedule-4 failing which the Bid shall be liable to be rejected

Conditional Bids will be rejected

14 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

141 The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the Bureau

defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to thedetriment of the

Bureau and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

142 The Bureau shall reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder

recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the

Contract in question The Bureau shall deem a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a

stated period of time to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm

has engaged in corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a


15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 29: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

15 Opening of Bid

The Bid received before the time and date specified in Tender Notice will be opened as per

the specified program in the office as mentioned in the Schedule-4 (if possible) in the

presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to remain present on the

opening day at the scheduled time

16 Shortlisting of Bidders

The Bureau will short-list technically qualifying Bidders and Financial Bids of only those

Bidders who qualify in technical bids will be opened at a date and time to be intimated

17 Opening of Financial Bids

The Bureau shall open Envelope No2 on notified date and the rates quoted by the bidder in

price schedule (Schedule-3) shall then be read out

18 Acceptance of Bid

Acceptance of Bid shall be done by the Competent Authority of the Bureau The Bureau

is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid The Bureau reserves the right to reject any or

all Bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever The acceptance of Bid will be

communicated to the successful Bidder in writing by the authorized officer of the Bureau

19 Process to be Confidential

Information relating to the examination evaluation and comparison of Bids and the award

of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other person not officially concerned

with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced

20 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security for an

amount as indicated in Schedule-4 will be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the

contract irrespective of its registration status etc

Performance Security will be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft in

favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as

per format indicated in Annexure-1

21 Execution of Contract Document

211 The successful Bidder after deposit of Performance Security is required to

execute an Agreement in duplicate in the form attached with the Bid Documents on a stamp

paper of proper value The proper value at present is Rs 100- The Agreement should be

signed within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the Bid The Contract will be

governed by the Agreement the Conditions of the Contract (CoC) and other documents as

specified in the CoC

212 It shall be incumbent on the successful Bidder to pay stamp duty legal and

statutory charges for the Agreement as applicable on the date of the execution

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 30: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

22 Rights of the Bureau

221 The Bureau reserves the right to suitably increasereduce the scope of work put to

this Bid The right to split up the services of accounting in two or more parts is reserved by

the Bureau and also the right to award contract to more than one agency is reserved The

Contractor will provide the services at the places specified by the Authorized Demanding

Officer in Schedule-3

222 In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender

Document or the conditions of the Contract interpretation of the clauses by the Bureau shall

be final and binding on all Parties

23 Notice to form Part of Contract

Tender Notice and these instructions shall form part of the Contract



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 31: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ



i) lsquoContractorrsquo shall mean the individual or firm or company whether

incorporated or not undertaking the Contract and shall include legal

representatives of such individual or persons composing such firm or

unincorporated company or successors of such firm or company as the case may be

and permitted assigns of such individual or firm or company

ii) lsquoServicesrsquo shall mean the service to be supplied to the Bureau by the

Contractor as stated in the Contract and shall include a l l o t h e r r e l a t e d

a c c o u n t f i n a n c e a n d a l l l e g i s l a t i v e t a x services that are

prescribed in the Tender document

iii) lsquoContractrsquo shall mean and include the Tender Notice instructions to

bidders terms and conditions of contract Letter of Acceptance the Offer

the Agreement and mutually accepted conditions in the authorized

correspondence exchanged with the bidder by the Bureau and any other

document forming part of the contract

iv) lsquoContract Amountrsquo shall mean the sum quoted by the Contractor in his bid

and accepted by the Bureau

v) lsquoCompetent Authorityrsquo shall mean any officer authorized by the Bureau to

act on behalf of the Bureau under this contract

vi) lsquoGovernmentrsquo shall mean the Central Government

vii) lsquoBureaursquo shall mean Bureau of Indian Standards established under the Bureau

of Indian Standards Act 1986

viii) lsquoDirector General and DDGrsquo shall mean the Director General and DDG of

the Bureau for the time being holding that office and also his successor and

shall include any officer authorized by him

ix) lsquoApprovedrsquo shall mean approved in writing including subsequent

confirmation of previous verbal approval and ldquoApprovalrdquo shall mean approval

in writing including as aforesaid

x) lsquoSpecificationrsquo means the specification referred to in the tender In case

where no particular specification is given the relevant specification of the

Bureau where one exists shall apply

xi) lsquoTenderrsquo means formal invitation by the Bureau to the prospective bidders to

offer fixed rate for providing the services

xii) lsquoBidrsquo means the Contractorrsquos rate offer to the Bureau for the providing the

accounting services at the specified places and remedying of any defects

therein in accordance with the provision of the Contract the installation and

services as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 32: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

xiii) lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo means the formal acceptance by the Bureau

xiv) lsquoCommencement Datersquo means the date upon which the Contractor receives the

notice to commence the provide the services at specified places

xv) lsquoTime for Completionrsquo means the time for completing the services and

passing the Tests of the services or any part thereof as stated in the

Contract calculated from the Commencement Date

xvi) lsquoAnnexurersquo referred to in these conditions shall means the relevant annexure

appended to the Tender Document and the Contract


The parties to the contract shall be the Contractor whose offer is accepted by the

Bureau and the Bureau

The person signing the offer or any other document forming the part of Contract on

behalf of other persons of a firm shall be deemed to have due authority to bind

such persons or the firm as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the

Contract If it is found that the person concerned has no such authority the Bureau

may without prejudice to any other CivilCriminal remedies terminate the Contract

and hold the signatory and or the firm liable for all costs and damages for such


3 Performance Security

To ensure due performance of the contract an interest-free Performance Security 10

of value of contract has been deposited by the contractor in the form of an Account

payee Demand Draft in favour of lsquoBureau of Indian Standardsrsquo payable at

lsquoChandigarhrsquo or a Bank Guarantee as per format indicated in Annexure-1

Performance Security will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date

of completion of all contractual obligations of the service provider

Any amount duerecoverable from the Contractor under the terms of this Contract or

any other account may be deducted from the amount of Security Deposit In case

the amount of Security Deposit is reduced by reason of any such deduction the

Contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of demand from the

Bureau make good the deficit In case security is deposited by way of bank

guarantee by the Contractor then any penalty for damages liquidated or unliquidated

or for any breach or failure or determination of Contract not previously paid to the

Bureau shall immediately on demand be paid by the said bankers to Bureau under

and in terms of the said guarantee

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 33: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

If during the term of this Contract the Contractor is in default of the due and

faithful performance of its obligations under this Contract or any other outstanding

dues by the way of fines penalties and recovery of any other amounts due from

the Contractor the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other rights and remedies

hereunder or at the Applicable Law be entitled to call in retain and appropriate the

Performance Security

Nothing herein mentioned shall debar the Bureau from recovering from Contractor

by a suit or any other means any such losses damages costs charges and

expenses as aforesaid in case the same shall exceed the amount of the Performance


The Performance Security shall be retained until all disputes if any between both

the parties have been settled to the entire satisfaction of the Bureau The Performance

Security shall be returned to the Contractor by the Bureau within sixty days following

the Completion Date or Termination Date of this Contract provided that there are no

outstanding claims of the Bureau on the Contractor


The several Contract documents forming the Contract shall be taken as mutually

explained to one party by the other but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies

the same shall be explained and harmonized by the Competent Authority of the

Bureau who shall issue to the Contractor necessary instruction thereon and in such

event unless otherwise provided in the Contract the priority of the documents

forming the contract shall be as follows

i) The Agreement

ii) Minutes of pre-bid meetings clarifications

iii) The Conditions of Contract

iv) Tender Notice and Tender Document

v) Letter of Acceptance

vi) Any other correspondence exchanged between the parties in

connection with the contract

vii) The Contractorrsquos Offer

5 Quantity of GoodsServices Place of supply Persons who can place orders

The services for which orders can be placed by the Officer of the Bureau is liable

to change However the Bureau shall place the order with the Contractor for

provide the accounting services with the minimum quantity at the rate agreed by

the Contractor as per the SCHEDULE-3 The services can be ordered by any of the

Purchasing Officer who is authorized by the Bureau to place orders against this


6 Validity of the Annual Contract

The Rate Contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of

signing this Contract which may be extended on performance basis and mutual consent

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 34: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

7 Transportation Charges Allowances

The services shall be delivered at locations indicated and shall include all charges

The services during period shall have to be rectified by Contractorrsquos cost

8 Quality of services

All services to be supplied by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the

specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall furnish proof to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority that the services so comply

9 Inspection

The contractor shall provide an inspection report certificate that the services

confirms to all specification contained in the Contract The Competent Authority

will carry out inspection of the service provided to confirm their conformity to the

Contract specificationquality

The Competent Authority shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any

services intended to be provide either at the specified service place(s) where these

are laying or from which these are being obtained and the Contractor shall give such

facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination

The Competent Authority shall have full powers to require removal of service

provided by the Contractor which are not in accordance with the contract

specifications or which do not conform in character of good norms or approved by

the Bureau In case of default on the part of the Contractor in providing services

the Competent Authority of the Bureau shall be at liberty to have them removed by

other means The Competent Authority shall have full powers to reject service

provider and in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply he may cause the

same to be s e r v i c e p r o v i d e d All costs which may attend upon such delay in

providing services shall be borne by the Contractor

10 Warranty

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for replacement of defective goods at the

time of deliveryoperation and for those goods covered under warranty period the

contractor shall be responsible during the period of such warranty

11 Liquidated Damages for delayed supply

If the Contractor fails to deliver any or all of the services or does not perform the

Services within the time period specified in the Contract for the reasons beyond his

control the Bureau shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the

Contract deduct from the Contract price as liquidated damages a sum equivalent to

1 percent of the price of the undelivered services for each week or part thereof

during which the provided the services may be delayed subject to a maximum limit of

10 percent of the stipulated rate of the services so not provided Once the maximum

of the damages above is reached the Bureau may consider termination of the


12 Risk o f Services

In case the Contractor fails to provide the services as stipulated in the period the

Bureau reserves the right to take services the same or similar services from alternate

sources at the risk cost and responsibility of the Contractor

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 35: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

13 Imposition of fines penalty

The Contractor shall be liable for the penalties for deficiency in the services as

indicated in SCHEDULE-3

14 Payments Terms

The payment towards the services will be made by the Bureau directly to the

Contractor on receipt of s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v i c e s The rates quoted shall be

inclusive of all taxes

Bills for services provided under this contract shall be prepared in duplicate by the

Contractor immediately after the services have been provided and accepted by the

Bureau The payment of bills and other claims arising out of the contract will be

made by Account Payee Cheque drawn or online payment (as- NEFT etc) in the name

of the Contractorcredited directly in Bank Account of the Contractor The payment

will be subject to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 ie Tax will be

deducted at source with cesssurcharge etc at the prevailing rates from the gross

amount of each bill submitted

The Bureau reserves the rights to retain and set off against any sum which may be

from time to time due to the Contractor under any claim which the Bureau may

have under this or any other ContractAgreement

15 Indemnity

The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau against all losses

and claims for injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which

may arise out of or in consequence of the Contract and against all claims

demands proceedings damages costs charges and expenses whatsoever in respect

of or in relation thereto under the provisions of various labour laws as amended from

time to time

The Contractor shall indemnify protect and save the Bureau against all claims

losses costs damages expenses action suits and other proceeding resulting from

infringement of any patent trademarks copyrights etc or such other statutory

infringements TDS legislative liabilitiesTAXDues etc

16 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Bureau requires that the Bidders under this Bid observe the highest standards of

ethics during the procurement and execution of such Contracts Accordingly the

Bureau defines the terms set forth as follows

(a) ldquocorrupt practicerdquo means the offering giving receiving or soliciting of anything

of value to influence the action of the public official in the procurement process

or in contract execution and

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 36: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

(b) ldquofraudulent practicerdquo means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or a execution of a contract to the detriment of the Bureau

and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid

submission) designed to establish Contract Prices at artificial non-competitive

levels and to deprive the Bureau of the benefits of the free and open competition

The Bureau will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Contractor has

engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices before during or after the period of

contract The Bureau will hold the Contractor ineligible to be awarded a contract

either indefinitely or for a period of 24 months from the date of declaring the

contractor ineligible if it at any time determines that the Contractor has engaged in

corrupt and fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract

17 Termination Suspension of Contract

The Bureau shall be at liberty at any time to suspend temporarily this Contract on

giving 24 hours notice in writing the Contractor for breach of any of the terms

and conditions of this Contract for poor quality of the services insufficient service or

misconduct of the Contractor as to which the decision of the Bureau shall be final and

the Contractor shall not be entitled to any change or compensation by reason thereof

An event of default on the part of the Contractor which results from the Contractor

being unable to fulfill its Service obligations under the Contract shall be deemed

as a serious default and is said to have occurred due to any of the following causes

(a) In the opinion of the Bureau the Contractor has repudiated the Contract

(b) Without reasonable excuse has failed to commence supply of services in

accordance with this Contract or failed to complete the supply the Services

within the time stipulated for completion

(c) Despite previous warning from the Bureau in writing or otherwise persistently

or flagrantly neglecting to comply with any of its obligations under the


(d) Serious discrepancy in the quality of the services is noticed during the


(e) Delays in s e r v i c e s beyond the prescribed schedule

(f) If the Contractor is in breach of any law or statute governing the supply of

Goods Services

(g) The Contractor in the judgement of the Bureau has engaged in corrupt or

fraudulent practices in competing for or in carrying out the Services under

the Contract

(h) The Contractor enters into voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or


(i) The Contractor becomes insolvent

(j) A receiver administrator trustee or liquidator is appointed over any substantial

part of its assets

(k) Any act is done or event occurs with respect to the Contractor or its assets

which under any applicable law has substantially similar effect to any of the

foregoing acts or events

(l) The Contractor (in case of a consortium) has modified the composition of the

consortium andor the responsibility of each member of the consortium without

prior approval of the Bureau

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 37: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

18 Termination by the Bureau

It shall also be lawful for the Bureau to terminate the Agreement at any time

without assigning any reason and without being liable for loss or damage which the

Contractor may suffer by reason of such termination by giving the Contractor 15

days notice in writing by the Bureau for such termination Any such termination

shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Bureau under the Contract

19 Contractorrsquos right to terminate

If the Contractor decides to terminate the Contract before the end of contract period

the Contractor has to give an advance intimation of at least 60 days

If the Contractor terminates the agreement without prior notice of 60 days then

the entire security deposit will be forfeited

20 Force Majeure Clause

If at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or

in part by either party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or

delayed by the reasons of any war hostility acts of the public enemy epidemics

civil commotion sabotage fires floods explosion quarantine restrictions strikes

lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such acts) provided notice of

happening of such event is given by one party to the other within 21 days from

the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall be by reasons of such event be

entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages

against the other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance

and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after

such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Director

General DDGN of the Bureau as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or

not shall be final and conclusive PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in

whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason

of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may at its option

terminate the contract provided also that the Bureau shall be at liberty to take

over from the Contractor at a rate to be fixed by Director GeneralDDGN which

shall be final all unused undamaged and accepted material bought out components

and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the contractor at the time

of such termination or such portion thereof as the Bureau may deem fit excepting

such materials bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the

concurrence of the Bureau elect to retain

21 Confidentiality

The Contractor shall not divulge or disclose proprietary knowledge obtained while

providing services and services under this Contract to any person without the prior

written consent of the Bureau

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 38: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

22 Publicity

Any publicity by the Contractor in which the name of the Bureau is to be used should

be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bureau

23 Disputes amp Arbitration

The Bureau and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct

informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in

connection with the contract

If a dispute(s) of any kind whatsoever that cannot be resolved the same shall be

referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Authorized Officer indicated in

Schedule-4 The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

shall apply

24 Mode of serving Notice

Communications between Parties which are referred to in the Contract are

effective only when in writing A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in

terms of Indian Contract Act)

All notices shall be issued by the authorized officer of the Bureau unless otherwise

provided in the Contract In case the notice is sent by registered post to the last

known place or abode or business of the Contractor it shall be deemed to have been

served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been served

on or delivered to it

25 Governing language

Governing language for the entire contract and communication thereof shall be

English only

26 Law

The contract shall be governed and interpreted under Indian Laws

27 Legal Jurisdiction

No suit or other proceedings relating to performance or breach of Contract shall

be filed or taken by the Contractor in any Court of law except the competent Courts

having jurisdiction within the local limits of Delhi only

28 Stamp duty

The Contractor shall bear and pay any stamp duty and registration charges in respect

of the Contract

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 39: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

SCHEDULE ndash 3 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The Accounting Services in general will include Performing the routine accounting work of this Branch of BIS in

Tally Accounting Software any other software as per the general principle of accounting and the

guidelinesinstructions of Headquarter taking time bound appropriate action(s) as per the statutory requirements from

time to time In particular the accounting services will include

1 Preparation of Bank Payment Vouchers Journal Vouchers etc wherever required for all day-to-day


2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statements and to make further follow up in reducing the unrealized


3 All transactions shall be kept-in in tally softwareany other software and report shall be generated

on periodical intervals month-wise year-wise etc and proper back-up of the records shall be


4 Management of fund transfer to BIS Hqrs as per guidelines

5 Ledger book(s) of accounts shall be maintained and updated as per the requirements

6 Preparation of MCR all schedules attached to the Trial balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement

and to ensure that Bank Reconciliation Statement should not contain any long pending outstanding

debitcredit entries

7 Maintenance of Asset Registers in prescribed format all additions in Assets should be properly recorded

depreciation to be provided at the prescribed rates and entries for dispose off of condemned assets should

also be recorded in the assets register

8 Trial Balance should be generated on or before 15th of every month along with Annexures of all Current

Assets and Current Liabilities duly reconciled and its related work

9 Finalization of Trial Balance for the year ending 31st March along with all Annexure as given in the

circular on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by Accounts Department-HQ

10 Preparation of Receipt amp Payment Account for the year ending 31st March in the format given in the Circular

on Annual Closing of Accounts issued by HQ

11 To file all monthly quarterly half yearly yearly etc GST Returns within stipulated time limits with online

mode of GST portal and all necessary actions such as GSTR1 3B etc and GSTR7 etc Preparation of TDS

statement and assist the branch for timely payment of TDS The TDS certificate to the concerned parties shall

also be generated by stipulated dates and TDS returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

12 Preparation of break-up wise Good and Service Tax and TDS statement and assist the branch for timely

payment of all types of tax as such GSTTDS if any shall be added by Government after taking into

account the available RCMCenvat Credit The Tax returns shall also be filed within the stipulated date

13 Preparation of Professional Tax statement of the employee every month in accordance to the

Chandigarh (State) which is not applicable at present Implementation of All notification shall be received

from time to time and assist the branch for timely payment of taxes and filing of returns as per guidelines

14 Preparation of duly signed with stamped statement payment filing of return etc of any other taxes levied by

Govt from time to time

15 Assisting in furnishing the reply to all queries of internal Audit AG Audit Service TaxGST `Sale Tax

Professional Tax Income-tax any other queries if received etc

16 Providing opinion on the matters relating to GST Sale Tax and Income-tax as per Government

notification from time to time

17 Any other work assigned relating to accountsstatutory requirements etc

18 The person deputed for doing the accounting work shall attend BIS office on all full working days in a

month A record for the same will be maintained by the Branch Office A senior professional member of the

firm shall also visit the branch every month to ensure and verified that the work is being done as per

normsstatutory requirements Firm shall also apply rules and which shall be implemented on the accounts

and finance work

Date (Name and Signature of Tenderer

Place with stamp of the firm)


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 40: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ


1 The firm should be a registered Chartered AccountantCost Accountant firm for

providing Accounting services as a nature of business Shall be Copy enclosed

2 The firm should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of Chartered Accountant

Act 1949 to provide the professional services and shall enclose the copy of registration

certificate with ICAI of the firm Shall be Copy enclosed

3 The firm should have at-least three years experience in providing accounting service to the Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings (Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed

4 The firm should have audited Government Departments Public Sector Undertakings

(Central or State) Private Limited Company Shall be Copy enclosed 5 Copy of PAN registration letter from Income Tax Department shall be enclosed

6 Income Tax Return of the companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

7 Service Tax ReturnGST of the Companyfirm for the past three years should be enclosed

8 Deployed person should be a BCom Graduate and also well conversant with Tally Software and MS OfficeExcel in performing the accounting work Copy of the Qualification and experience certificates of the deployed person shall be enclosed Technical Detail

1 Approximate of annual services_Rs 30000000

2 Proposed validity of the annual contract 12 Months and may be extended 02 more years

yearly basis on each year satisfactory performance

3 Availability of Tender Documents O nl i n e a t w w w b i s g o v i n w w w c p p p g o v i n

Offline from Bureau of Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh -

160 019

4 Pre-bid Conference12032019 at 1500 Hrs Conference Hall BIS NRO Chanidgarh 5 Methodmanner for Submission of Bids Sealed envelopme may be submitted in tender

box in reception area in BIS NRO Chandigarh before 26032019 upto 1500 Hrs Late

Bids any means region mode will not considered 6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs 1500000

(2 to 5 of the estimated value of the goodsServices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt)

7 Performance Security Deposit 10 of annual rate mentioned by the bidderat the time

awarding contract

(5 to 10 of the estimated value of the goodsservices to be procuredavailed to be

determined by the concerned subject matter Deptt) 8 Validity of Bids 60 days from date of publishing of tender

9 Opening of Bids 26032019 at 1530 Hrs

10 Authorized Officer on behalf of the Bureau for this tendercontract

Section Officer

Northern Regional Office


e-mail adminnrobisgovin


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 41: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ


(To be submitted in Financial Bid envelope)

SlNo Bid Value for

providing accounting

services on monthly


Bid value for 12 Months

Place of service providing


1 Rs Rs Chandigarh (UT)

2 GST as applicable

= Rs

GST as applicable

= Rs






Total in Words Total in Words

Amount should be in round figure only

I have read the Bid Document and understood all the terms and conditions for providing the

accounting services


Name _


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 42: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ


AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on this hellip

day of between

Ms _ (Name and Address of the Contractor) (hereinafter referred to as the

CONTRACTOR which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Bureau of

Indian Standards Plot No 4-A Sector 27-B Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 019 (hereinafter

referred to as the BUREAU which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART

WHEREAS the Contractor is a (Details of business)

AND WHEREAS the Bureau is a body corporate enacted by Parliament The Bureau intends

to purchase services _ on rate contract basis therefore invited bids through Tender enquiry

dated _

WHEREAS the Contractor (successful bidder) submitted his bid vide _ in

accordance with the bid document and was selected as lsquosuccessful bidderrsquo pursuant to the bidding

process and negotiation on contract prices awarded the lsquoLetter of Acceptancersquo (LoA) No _ to the

Contractor on

BOTH THE PARTIES HERETO agree to abide the terms and conditions as mentioned in

ldquoSchedule-2 (Conditions of Contract) of Tender Documentrdquo

(Signature of Contractor (Signature of Authorized Officer of the Bureau)

Authorized Representative)

Name Name

Designation Designation

Address Address


Seal of the FirmCompany Seal of the Bureau

Witness Witness

(Signature ) (Signature)

Name of Witness

Name of Witness_

Address Address









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 43: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ









Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 44: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

Annexure ndash1

FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND 1 In consideration of Bureau of Indian Standards (hereinafter called lsquoThe BUREAUrsquo)

having agreed to exempt _

(hereinafter called ldquothe said Contractor(s)rsquo) from the demand under the terms and

conditions of an Agreement dated made

between _ and

_ for

(hereinafter called ldquothe said

Agreement of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the

terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a Bank

Guarantee for Rs (Rupees

Only) we

_ (hereinafter referred to as (

indicate the name of the bank)

lsquothe bankrsquo) at the request of _

[(Contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay the Bureau an amount not exceeding Rs

against any loss or demand caused to or

suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Bureau by reason of any breach by the

said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement

2 We _ do hereby

( indicate the name of the bank)

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur

merely on a demand from the Bureau of Indian Standards stating that the amount claimed

is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the

Bureau by reason of breach by the said Contractor (s) of any of the terms or conditions

contained in the said Agreement or by reasons of the Contractor (s) failure to perform the

said Agreement Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the

amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee However our liability under

this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs

3 We undertake to pay to the Bureau any money so demanded notwithstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) in any suit or proceeding

pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present

being absolute and unequivocal

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for

payment there under and the Contractor (s) Supplier (s) shall have no claim against us

for making such payment

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 45: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

4 We further agree that the Guarantee (indicate the name of Bank)

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be

taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be

enforceable till all the dues of the Bureau under or by virtue of the said Agreement have

been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the authorized officer of the

Bureau (Administration and Finance Section) certifies that the terms and conditions of

the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor (s)

and accordingly of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the

said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee Unless a demand or

claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall

be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter

5 We further agree with the Bureau that (indicate the

name of Bank)

the Bureau shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any

manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said

Agreement or to extend time to performance by the said Contractor (s) from time to time

or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by

the Bureau against the said Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and

conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability

by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor (s) or

for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the Bureau or any indulgence by

the Bureau to the said Contractor (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving


6 This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or the Contractor (s) Supplier (s)

7 We lastly undertake not to revoke this (

indicate the name of bank)

guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Bureau in writing

Dated the day of 20


(indicate the name of bank)



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 46: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ



1 Name of the FirmCompany

2 Registration with validity date

3 Registration No

4 Address for Communication

5 Telephone No

6 E-mail

7 Details of ProperietorPartnerDirector

Name Address Qualification and


8 Annual Turnover of the FirmCompany during previous three Financial Years (Certified copies of

audited Balance Sheet to be submitted)

Financial Year Annual Turnover (Rs) Copies of audited Balance

Sheet enclosed (YesNo)

Previous Financial Year

(Y-I) 2015-16


Previous Financial

Year (Y-2) 2016-17


Previous Financial

Year (Y-3) 2017-18

9 PAN TIN Number of the FirmCompany

10 Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration No

11 EMD Draft NumberDate amp Name of the Bank

This is to certify that the above facts are true complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief Further it is certified that IWe have read and understood the terms

and conditions of the Tender Notice

IWe give an undertaking and give our unconditional and unequivocal acceptance of all terms and

conditions of the Tender and agree to abide by these terms and conditions

Name and Signature of the FirmCompany

Seal of the FirmCompany

Dated Place

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 47: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ

Annexure ndash3

Details of the similar type of Services provided by the Bidder during last

3 years

Name of the Bidder

Year Name amp Type of

Services provided

Name amp Address of

the service receiver

Value of the


Remarks if any

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Note - The turnover amount should be certified and audited by CA of firm and

separate sheet should be enclosed


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany

Page 48: भारतीय मानक ब्यनरोभ रत य म नक ब यनर प ल ट न बर 4 – ए, स क टर 27-ब , मध यम र ग, ड र ढ


Declaration regarding black-listing and or litigations

Iwe hereby declare that our firmagency is not black-listed by any

Ministry or Department of Central GovernmentState Government or PSU or

other bodies under the Central GovernmentState Government Iwe further

declare that no criminal case is registered or pending against the

firmcompany or its ownerpartnersdirectors anywhere in India

Date the day of 201

Signature of Bidder_

Name amp Address of Bidder______

Seal of the FirmCompany
