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Page 1: ABC ’ s of the CHINA

ABC’s of the CHINAABC’s of the CHINAABC’s of the CHINAABC’s of the CHINA

Page 2: ABC ’ s of the CHINA

Answer. In china,almost every stuends do the homework with the answer.It means that when they found the answer that they do was not the same as the answer that the book gave,they all thought that they are wrong.And then they would do their best to reach the answer.Is it right?

Balance.With the development of china, everyone in modern society faces the keen competition. People are busy with their work so that they ignore their health.They lose the balance between work and relaxation.

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Cab.In this years,cab industry develops faster and faster.Not all people have their own car.When they go out,they always take cab.In the other side,cab industry help many people to get job-The cab driver.

Development.This word is so easy to read.Our country develops so fast!The level of our lifes is much better than before.

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Environment. A Composition of Protect Our Environment--------- Taking good care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,You can do something around your neighbourhood. it's our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,"have I picked some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?" --------If everyone makes a contribution to protectingthe environment,the world will become much more beautiful

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Farming. Nowdays with the devolpment of agriculture,the products of farm have different charicater with the past,we can purchase variety fruits and vegetables which don`t exist before.Let us look at the basket of food,there are lots of food that content more nuitrition,peopel`s diet opinions have changed.the attitude of healthy idet have changed from eating more meat to having more balance nuitrition,so the business pursure satisify the buyer`s mind,they use more tecnology in farm products.such as clone.

Growth.All the faction about economic grow.

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Harmonious Society. Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone's duty to work hard to achieve this goal. let's fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Most important of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.

I.This word,in the world,is the times people say most in a day.All people say something in his own stage.Almost every sentence begins with “I”.

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Joke.Not like european and american,chinese don’t always make jokes.Sometimes,chinese like to make jokes with their best friend ,but with strangers.

KFC.The fast food restaurant that kids are most like.Every Children’s Day,parents will take their child to KFC.In my childhood,it’s indispensable.

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Large.As we all know,China is the third largest country in the world, vast in terrene.

Money.Everybody likes money,not only in Europe but also in China.But chinese like to show it off to tell others that he is rich.

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NBA.Teenagers in China like sports.To play bastetball is their daily life.As a TV show.NBA in China has a good mark.Teenagers like NBA’s stars.Their skills attract them.When they play bastetball,they will copy these skills.

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Phoenix. It’s a animal that appeared in chinese mythology.

Olympics.The Games of the 29th Olympic in 2008 will held in Beijing China. "One World One Dream" fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream. It expresses the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals, to strive for a bright future of Mankind.

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Queue.Wherever you go,you will see many people.They queue up at the box office.A lot of people like to jump a queue.

Red. The color of our national flag.This color in china stand for lucky.In new year’s day,in someone’s marrige,we can find this color everywhere.

Soldier.The most lovely person in China.We can find them where there is the most dangerous.

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Tea. Chinese tea has a history of over 5,000 years, during which a series of unique tea culture have come into being, covering from tea plant cultivation and conservation, tea-leaf picking to processing and sampling tea. Tea culture is one of the common traits shared by all the 56 ethnic groups in China. Many Chinese people believe that a day is not perfect without a cup of tea.

Underground.Convienent and fast.Many people take it to the place where they work.

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Volleyball.The sport that we chinese is prond of.

Work . China has many people.Only to work can make people have a wealthy life.Through work,work and more work,China have developed so fast.

X.A number that we don’t know.There are still lots of things that we don’t know and understand.

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Yellow.5.12,the earthquake happened.More and more died in it. We use yellow silk ribbon to pray for them.

Zone.Almost people may image “M-ZONE”.More than 50%people use it to save the mobliephone-fee.
