Page 1: Aberdeenshire Council Annual Procurement › dataset › 87890bed... · Introduction This is the first Annual Procurement Report published

Aberdeenshire Council Annual Procurement


1st January 2017 to 31st March 2018

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................................................................... 1

Aberdeenshire Council Annual Procurement Report ...................................................................... 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Section 1 – Summary of Regulated Procurements ......................................................................... 4

Section 2 – Review of Regulated Procurement Compliance......................................................... 5

Section 3 – Community Benefit Summary ........................................................................................ 9

Section 4 – Supported Businesses Summary ............................................................................... 12

Section 5 – Future Regulated Procurements Summary............................................................... 13

Appendix 1 – Regulated Procurements - January 2017 – March 2018 ..................................... 14

Appendix 2 – Community Benefits - Detailed Breakdown ........................................................... 44

Appendix 3 – Future Regulated Procurements 2018-2020 ......................................................... 46

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This is the first Annual Procurement Report published by Aberdeenshire Council. The report

covers all regulated procurements completed from 1st January 2017 to 31st March 2018 and

anticipated future procurements covering the next two years - 2018 to 2020. The annual

report records and publicises the Authority’s performance and achievements in delivering its

procurement strategy. This report has been produced in accordance with the guidance

issued by the Scottish Government.

Aberdeenshire Council’s procurement unit is part of a shared service agreement with

Aberdeen City Council and The Highland Council - the Commercial & Procurement Shared

Services (C&PSS). A joint Procurement Strategy 2017-2022 was published in November

2017, as required by the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.

The high level strategic priorities of the joint procurement strategy focuses on key themes of

Efficiency, Governance and Improvement continue to underpin all procurement activity.

• Support the delivery of financial savings and non-financial efficiencies through leverage of a combined contract portfolio;

• Deliver value and innovation by effective use of category and commercial management techniques and utilisation of spend analytic tools to enable smarter decision-making; identify collaborative opportunities and provide sector-specific market intelligence to inform decision making;

• Support the local economy by representing the North and East region as a single voice at national framework user intelligence groups to ensure the needs of the communities considered; maximise opportunities for the local supply chain, SMEs and third sector organisations

• Increased collaboration and standardisation without compromising governance/legislative compliance, the approach allows increased focus on: - Savings capture; - Market management; - Effective negotiation; - Exploration of new business models/opportunities; and - Social value.

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Section 1 – Summary of Regulated Procurements

Section 18(2)(a) of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires organisations to

include: “a summary of the regulated procurements that have been completed during the

year covered by the report”

Regulated procurements are any procurement for goods and services with a value above

£50,000 and works contracts with a value of above £2 million. A summary of the regulated

procurements put in place between 1st January 2017 and 31st March 2018 is provided in the

tables below.

A list of the regulated procurements can be found in Appendix 1 – Details of Regulated


Table 1.1 – Regulated Procurements

Number of regulated

procurements awarded

Contract Type (A, B, C,

C1, Call-off CO)

Contract Owner Total Estimated Value of


286 C Aberdeenshire Council £114,029,479

29 C

Aberdeenshire Council – Social Care


7 CO From National frameworks £781,341

TOTAL 322 £125,196,540

Table 1.2 External Frameworks Adopted by Aberdeenshire Council

Number of External Frameworks Adopted

Contract Owner Total Estimated Value of

Frameworks Adopted

16 Scotland Excel £31,206,005


Scottish Government £1,125,975



Table 1.3 External Frameworks Adopted by Aberdeenshire Council – Social Care

Contract Owner Total Estimated Value of Frameworks Adopted

Scotland Excel £8,157,239.20

During the reporting period the Council adopted 17 SXL frameworks and was participating in

57 out of 59 (97%) of the available framework agreements. Management information from

SXL at the end of Q4 17/18 (March - April) showed 10 local suppliers were successfully

available for use across 9 frameworks.

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Section 2 – Review of Regulated Procurement Compliance

Section 17 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires that regulated

procurements be carried out in accordance with the organisation’s procurement strategy, so

far as reasonably practical. Section 18(2) states that an annual procurement report must

include, at 18(2)(b), “a review of whether those procurements complied with the authority’s

procurement strategy” and, at 18(2)(c), “to the extent that any regulated procurements did

not comply, a statement of how the authority intends to ensure that future regulated

procurements do comply”.

The Strategy includes high level strategic priorities, which focus on key themes of Efficiency,

Governance and Improvement to underpin all procurement activity:-

• Support the delivery of financial and non-financial efficiencies;

• Deliver value and innovation;

• Support the local economy;

• Increased collaboration and standardisation. All regulated procurement in the Council is undertaken in accordance with a legal and

procedural framework which ensures that each procurement is compliant with the Strategy.

Legal requirements are set out in the Council’s Scheme of Governance including Financial

Regulations. Procedural requirements are set out in the Scottish Government Procurement

Journey (for general procurement best practice) and through a framework of Procurement

Guidance Notes (used in conjunction with the Scheme of Governance).

Regular reviews of procurement governance processes and templates has been undertaken,

with amendments to work plans and business cases made in January 2018 – these have

assisted in providing scrutiny on needs, costs and how requirements are to be procured and


Delivery of financial efficiencies

• Financial efficiencies of £2m were achieved during the period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017;

• Financial efficiencies of £3m were achieved during the period 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018;

• Financial efficiencies for 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 will be £933,000. Delivery of non-financial efficiencies The Report covers this within Section 3 – Community Benefit Summary. Deliver Value and Innovation and increased collaboration and standardisation Commercial and Procurement Shared Services The C&PSS enables a greater level of collaboration and standardisation across the 3 partner councils in the following areas:-

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• Identification of collaborative procurement opportunities to generate best value;

• Identification of consolidation and aggregation of spend opportunities to generate best value

• Identification of product rationalisation and alternative to generate best value;

• Sharing of best practice and processes to identify standardisation, consistency, efficiency and effectiveness;

• Identification of commercial opportunities (including income generation) for the future;

• Identification of new service delivery models;

• Maximising the benefits of digital technology for example purchase to pay processes, electronic tendering, e-auctions and dynamic purchasing systems.

The 3 council partners take advantage of the above opportunities as and when they arise. Support the local economy Statutory Performance Indicator’s

The Accounts Commission (the public spending watchdog for local government) has a

statutory power to specify information that councils must publish about their performance.

They do this through statutory performance indicators (SPIs). Each Council collects and

publishes its information.

Two SPIs relevant to the local economy and procurement related spend are - spend with

local suppliers and local SMEs.

The data is obtained from Spikes Cavell (Scottish Procurement Hub for publication of annual

procurement related spend) and is based on: locality and size of business.

The results of the SPIs for two years are shown in table 2.1 below.

Spend in the annual report is based on spend by local authority area based on core trade

creditors only; the Local authority areas as defined by the ONS (Office of National Statistics);

Core-Trade: Suppliers with whom over £1000 has been spent in a 12 month period, that

have also been classed as a trading organisation or as a non-trade social care provider.

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Table 2.1 Spend By Spend Distribution Based on Core Trade where Local Authority is known

Total Spend in Financial Year


% of total spend in Financial Year 17/18

Total Number of Suppliers

% of total suppliers

Total Spend in Financial Year


% of total spend in Financial

Year 16/17

Total Number of Suppliers

% of total suppliers

Core Trade Spend All where Local Authority Area is known – All Areas

£249,935,488.72 100% 2358 100% £241,643,162 100% 2340 100%

Spend with Aberdeenshire – Core Trade Suppliers that are local

£73,168,103.50 29.27% 773 32.78% £71,055,610 29.41% 744 32.32%

Spend with Aberdeenshire – Core Trade Suppliers that are local SMEs

£45,952,328.89 18.39% 576 24.43% £46,643,023 18.8% 729 31.15%

The table above shows; the level of spend with local businesses/local SME’s has remained constant between the financial years 16/17 and 17/18.

SME definition as per Spikes is:

Legend Details

Small Less than 50 employees, regardless of turnover, or, if the number of employees is unknown, then turnover of less than £5.6m will be taken as an indicator that it is a small enterprise.

Medium Between 50 and 249 employees, regardless of turnover, or, if the number of employees is unknown, then turnover of greater than or equal to £5.6m and less than £22.8m will be taken as an indicator that it is a medium enterprise.

Large Greater than or equal to 250 employees, regardless of turnover, or, if the number of employees is unknown, then turnover of greater than or equal to £22.8m will be taken as an indicator that it is a large enterprise.

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Supplier events and bulletins are also used to raise awareness of tender opportunities and

how to do business with the Council.

Some examples of supplier events provided during the reporting period are:

The C&PSS arranged for a jointly hosted event ‘Supplying to the Public Sector’ to be held in

Aberdeen on 31st October 2017. The event was hosted by the Council and Partnership for

Procurement (P4P) Senscot) and was aimed at third sector organisations. Representatives

from organisations heard about the impact of the sustainable procurement duty and the

practicalities of bidding for public sector contracts.

A number of other supplier development events were held during 2017 and 2018, including:-

• One to one supplier surgeries

• Meet the Buyer – specific procurement supplier briefings

• Making Public Contracts Scotland work for

• Frameworks

• Consortia/Working Together to Win Business.

A total of 366 individuals attended events during 2017.

Regular supplier bulletins are also circulated to a wide range of businesses across the 3

partner council areas: to promote procurement related development opportunities, events

and share information. The Council is an associate member of the Supplier Development

Programme (SDP) – a partnership of local authorities, Scottish Government and other public

bodies working to assist businesses in tendering for opportunities. Regular webinars are

available through this programme to businesses.

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Section 3 – Community Benefit Summary

Section 18(2) of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires annual procurement

reports to contain: “a summary of any community benefit requirements imposed as part of a

regulated procurement that were fulfilled during the year covered by the report”.

Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 mandates that all contracting

authorities “must consider whether to impose community benefit requirements as part of the

procurement” when the estimated contract value is greater than or equal to £4 million.

In the reporting period, the Commercial & Procurement Shared Services (C&PSS) have guided partner councils to the commitments and aspirations expressed in the Joint Procurement Strategy in relation to community benefits. In particular, our “Mission Statement” commits to delivery of: “ethical and sustainable value for money solutions that support the operational needs and wider strategic aims of the councils and the communities they serve to further local and national priorities to the fullest extent possible.” Beyond mandatory (£4M) and regulated thresholds (£50K for goods and services/£2M for works) the Partner Councils have routinely sought: “leverage opportunities (including social, economic and environmental value) aligned to the needs and priorities of our communities”

The C&PSS have designed and implemented a matrix (see Table 3.1) of sustainable

procurement and community benefit themes for consideration in procurements. The themes

link to national and local priorities consistent with the Scottish Model of Procurement. The

table is included within the Council’s low and high value business case templates. The

business cases are used by the partner councils and C&PSS to identify potential relevant

and proportionate aspects for including in procurements. Inclusion can be within conditions

of contract, specifications and/or evaluation criteria where relevant and proportionate.

Table 3.1 – overall themes

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The key themes identified for targeted inclusion in appropriate procurements is shown in the table below: Table 3.2 – Key themes for targeted inclusion

Key Themes

1 Fair Work Practices/Real Living Wage (RLW)

2 Equalities

3 3rd Sector Support (Community Timebank)

4 Environmental Measures

5 Innovation/Case Studies

6 Apprenticeships

7 Placements

8 Qualifying the Workforce

9 School Visits

10 Curriculum Support

11 Employability Engagement Activities

12 Supplier Development/Subcontracting Opportunities

13 Prompt Payment throughout The Supply Chain

14 Local Economic Development Measures

To allow maximum flexibility for suppliers, proportionate and relevant community benefits are considered against the value, nature and duration of the contract period. There are also opportunities for suppliers to volunteer additional and/or enhanced benefits when tendering or during the contract period. Table 3.3 below shows the number of Aberdeenshire Council procurements that have been

advertised (during the reporting period) with community benefit opportunities and where they

have been fulfilled. A detailed breakdown of community benefits outcomes from

Aberdeenshire Council procurements during the reporting period can be found in Appendix


Table 3.3

Community Benefits (CB) from procurements

Number of Community Benefits

Contracts Advertised with CB requirements 13

Contracts Awarded with CB Requirements 10

Outcomes secured in Contracts where Aberdeenshire is the lead authority


Outcomes secured in collaborative procurement involving Aberdeenshire council


Outcomes delivered 27

Aberdeenshire Council utilises a number of Scotland Excel (SXL) (Centre of Procurement Expertise for the local government sector) - framework agreements for regularly purchased goods and services. Through these frameworks a wide range of community benefits have been delivered. The main areas of delivered community benefits from both Aberdeenshire Council and SXL

contract/framework agreements have been achieved through:-

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• Apprenticeships

• Training and qualification opportunities

• Education, employability and skills training

• Sub-contracted local work.

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Section 4 – Supported Businesses Summary

Section 18(2)(e) of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires organisations to

include “a summary of any steps taken to facilitate the involvement of supported businesses

in regulated procurements during the year covered by the report”.

Supported Business definition - “Businesses that meet the 30% criteria and have stated in

the survey that providing employment to disabled or disadvantaged people is an aim of the

organisation, but their governance document (Constitution / Articles of Association) falls

short of having a relevant primary aim. There is a requirement for a Supported Business to

demonstrate a primary aim of providing employment to disabled or disadvantaged people. In

the absence of such an aim being stated in the constitutional documents, it is difficult to

confirm compliance with this requirement.”

During the period covered by this report Aberdeenshire Council not awarded any contracts

to supported businesses, based on the Ready for Business – Supported Business Register

(February 2017). Whilst no regulated contracts have been awarded, low value expenditure

has been made with a small number of supported businesses.

Future opportunities are being explored to seek to:-

• Identity opportunities to structure the lotting of contracts in increasingly creative ways

to help promote the inclusive participation of supported businesses;

• Improve measures to ensure that tender documents are capable of reflecting (where

proportionate and relevant) meaningful expectations in terms of the engagement of

supported businesses in the supply chain.

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Section 5 – Future Regulated Procurements Summary

Section 18(2) of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 states it is mandatory that an

annual procurement report must include “a summary of the regulated procurements the

authority expects to commence in the next two financial years.”

The Council’s Financial Regulations require Services (Heads of Service/Budget Holders/Managers) to produce and maintain an annual work plan. The plan contains details of all goods and services (with a value exceeding £10k) and works (with a value exceeding £250k). One of the purposes of the work plan it to assist in the production of a procurement pipeline for tendering opportunities for publication to suppliers. Current contracts on the Council’s Contracts Register that are due to expire and need to be renewed over the next two years are also identified and added to the forward plan. The C&PSS have developed an Aberdeenshire Council 24-month forward plan (see Appendix 3 which is divided into category areas for ease) which will be regularly updated and published on the Council’s website. A future development will be for the forward plan to be advertised on a C&PSS dedicated website with a link from the Council’s website to this. The C&PSS website will provide tender opportunities, contract registers and supplier development information for the partner councils – encouraging suppliers to consider opportunities across the 3 councils. The website will also provide links to the Scotland Excel (SXL) website to signpost to further tendering opportunities for SXL framework agreements.

The link to Aberdeenshire Council’s website where the up to date forward plan can be found


The forward plan is updated on a monthly basis and published on the website.

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Appendix 1 – Regulated Procurements - January 2017 – March 2018

Contracts Awarded by Aberdeenshire - Social Care

Supplier Name Contract Type Contract Number Contract Name Start Date End Date Procurement Type

Total Contract Value

Skene Enterprises (Aberdeen) Limited

Multi Supplier Framework

CC/009/027 Care at Home 01/01/2017 30/09/2020 Tender £44,386.00

North East Community Care Limited

Multi Supplier Framework

CC/009/048 Care at Home 01/01/2017 30/09/2020 QQ £2,047,144.00

Specialist Resource Solutions Ltd

Multi Supplier Framework

CC/40/009 Care at Home 01/01/2017 30/09/2020 Tender £34,562.00

Ann Inspired Care Limited

Multi Supplier Framework

CC/40/010 Care at Home 01/01/2017 30/09/2020 QQ £238,137.00

National Autistic Society

Service Contract

CS/003/050 OOA Daldoch - Res/Ed 01/04/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £269,774.44

Scottish Adoption Letter of Agreement

CS/016/002 Childrens Panel Chair 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 Direct Award £138,000.00

Barnardo's Service Contract

CS/017/004 BAYI 01/12/2017 30/11/2022 Tender £575,000.00

Cairngorm Outdoors Limited

Single Supplier Framework

CS/90/023 Cairngorm Outdoors 01/10/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £615,000.00

Loch Arthur Camphill Community Ltd

Service Contract

LD/120/034 Out of area placement contract 12/09/2017 11/09/2021 Direct Award £127,748.40

North East Community Workshop Limited

Single Supplier Framework

LD/130/009 OOA North East Community Workshop 01/05/2017 30/06/2018 Direct Award £64,433.00

Parkcare Homes (No.2) Limited

Service Contract

LD/90/007 OOA Eastleigh House 09/01/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £699,773.00

Vsa (Aberdeen Association Of Social Service)

Service Contract

LD/90/020 OOA Linn Moor 14/10/2017 31/10/2020 Direct Award £390,612.00

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Supplier Name Contract Type Contract Number Contract Name Start Date End Date Procurement Type

Total Contract Value

Scottish Association For Mental Health

Service Contract

MH/111/001 Mental Health Pathways to Recovery - Lot 1

01/01/2017 31/12/2018 Tender £482,600.00

Scottish Association For Mental Health

Service Contract

MH/111/002 Mental Health Pathways to Recovery - Lot 2

01/01/2017 31/12/2018 Tender £281,960.00

Scottish Association For Mental Health

Service Contract

MH/111/003 Mental Health Pathways to Recovery - Lot 3

01/01/2017 31/12/2018 Tender £241,680.00

Advocacy Northeast Limited

Service Contract

MH/111/004 Advocacy Service 01/04/2017 31/03/2021 Tender £972,972.00

Alzheimer Scotland-Action On Dementia

Single Supplier Framework

OP/013/032 DC - Alzheimers North and South 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 Direct Award £237,000.00

Ian Currie And Partners

National Framework

OP/90/018 NCHC and FPNC - Lythe Care Home 18/07/2017 07/04/2019 Direct Award £162,075.39

Quantum Care Limited

Service Contract

OP/90/019 CB - SF Vesta Lodge 06/07/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £84,464.02

K & S Care Homes Ltd

Service Contract

OP/90/021 CB - SF Plymouth House Nursing Home 16/06/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £81,200.00

Balhousie Care Limited

National Framework

OP/90/022 NCHC and FPNC - Alastrean House 16/10/2017 07/04/2019 Direct Award £1,060,831.88

Brampton View Limited

Service Contract

OP/90/023 CB - SF Brampton View Care Home 30/10/2017 31/03/2021 Direct Award £90,743.86

Autumn Lodge Ltd Service Contract

OP/90/024 CB - SF Autumn Lodge 13/02/2018 31/03/2021 Direct Award £136,514.93

Living Ambitions Limited

Single Supplier Framework

PD/003/010 RF - Craig Court OOA 01/04/2017 31/03/2021 Direct Award £73,984.00

Deaf Action Service Contract

PD/111/002 Hearing Support Service 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 QQ £142,800.00

Meallmore Limited Service Contract

PD/90/005 OOA - Manor Care Centre 01/04/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £628,843.44

The Raphael Medical Centre Limited

Service Contract

PD/90/006 CB - SF The Raphael Hospital 25/08/2017 31/03/2021 Direct Award £318,551.15

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Supplier Name Contract Type Contract Number Contract Name Start Date End Date Procurement Type

Total Contract Value

Grampian Women's Aid (Scottish Women's Aid Limited)

Service Contract

WA/003/000 GWA Refuge 01/04/2017 31/03/2020 Direct Award £144,930.00

Contracts Awarded by Aberdeenshire – Other Service Areas

Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Asphalt Burner Services Ltd C 000-FQXK6949

Supply and Installation of Duel Fuel Burners at Aberdeenshire Quarries 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 28/02/2017 0 £240,000.00

Recrutiment Direct UK, Uteach Ltd, Timeplan Education Group Ltd, Tara Engineering, Raeburn Group Limited, Worldteachers Recruitment Limited C 000-RFDX9238

Teacher Recruitment Agency Framework 20/03/2017 20/03/2017 19/03/2021 0 £50,000.00

KW Contractors Limited C1 000-EWTX1753 Kintore Fountain Repairs 20/03/2018 20/03/2018 0 £30,629.44

Ryden LLP C 000-BVHK8735 Non Domestic (Business) Rates Revaluation 2017 24/08/2017 24/08/2017 23/08/2021 12 £100,000.00

Sandvik Ltd C 000-YYFJ9124 Supply Of Mobile 4 Way Screens to Pitcaple and Balmedie Quarries 01/02/2017 01/02/2017 15/02/2017 0 £268,000.00

AVC Media C 000-MPJR5779 Food & Drink Innovation Awards March 2017 - AV Presentation 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 0 £38,460.00

Hutcheon Services C 000-NPWG5115 Westhill Swimming Pool AHU 06/02/2017 06/02/2017 31/03/2017 0 £100,000.00

Bin Cleaned (Aberdeen) Ltd C 000-XGCJ1236

Cleaning of Communal Waste Bins - Sheltered Housing 09/10/2017 09/10/2017 08/10/2020 12 £36,880.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

A Henderson C 000-BBJT2211 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Alford 1, Garioch 1, Huntly 1 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £85,000.00

Corvia (Ticketer) C 000-AQAM3515 Electronic Ticket Machine (ETM) Back Office 27/01/2017 27/01/2017 27/01/2021 0 £150,000.00

Millennium Chilc Entertainment C 000-PCAK7479 Youth Music Initiative - Hip Hop 19/03/2018 19/03/2018 31/08/2018 0 £10,500.00

Ken Barbour Ltd C 000-WYQD2731 Conversion of former redundant Smiddy to Silversmithing Centre 13/03/2017 13/03/2017 30/11/2017 0 £210,000.00

Colin Smith Contractor Ltd C 000-APBU3459

Garioch Footway Reinstatement Contract 2016-2017 23/01/2017 23/01/2017 25/02/2017 0 £45,000.00

Streetwise Services Ltd C 000-PXJN6967 Non-Motorised User (NMU) Surveys 13/02/2017 13/02/2017 31/03/2017 0 £13,620.00

Bell contracts & Co Ltd C 000-LTQL8491 Westfield School Fraserburgh Refurbishment Works 17/02/2017 17/02/2017 19/01/2018 0 £1,580,000.00

Finedoor UK C 000-RNAB3578

Refurbishment of 3 and a half deck coating plant screen at Balmedie Quarry 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 20/01/2017 0 £37,974.00

Bramble Hub Limited - CadCorp C 000-QGLH5945

CADCorp Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 31/03/2024 24 £233,000.00

NBS C 000-LFJG7476 NBS Building & Electrical 03/08/2017 03/08/2017 31/08/2020 0 £33,000.00

R B Wilson (Electrical) Limited C 000-EGJG5795

Johnshaven School - Electrical Upgrade 06/02/2017 06/02/2017 31/03/2017 0 £115,000.00

Emtec Energy Ltd C 000-LVHB5533 Provision and Installation of Photovoltaic Arrays at 19/06/2017 19/06/2017 22/10/2017 0 £788,591.58

Cruden Contracts C 000-JNUU7756 Peterhead Family Centre - Kitchen Conversion 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 31/01/2017 0 £15,000.00

Stewart Simpson Fencing Contractors C 000-PMKT4149 A97 Castlebrae Fencing Works 16/01/2017 16/01/2017 30/01/2017 0 £3,375.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Bruce Engineering Services (NI) Ltd C 000-DXHW7773

Supply & Installation of Feed Conveyor at Balmedie Quarry 06/02/2017 06/02/2017 28/02/2017 0 £81,000.00

JHTUK Ltd (Matrix) C 000-VNDK4257

Fitness Equipment Sevice - Fraserburgh Community & Sports Centre 01/02/2017 01/02/2017 31/01/2019 0 £8,550.00

Moray Blast Ltd C 000-JWRQ5675 Maintenance Painting - A952/260 New Baluss Bridge 23/01/2017 23/01/2017 17/02/2017 0 £46,000.00

Moray Blast Ltd C 000-BLCF4794 Maintenance Painting - A981/030 Brucklay (Woodside) Bridge 20/02/2017 20/02/2017 17/03/2017 0 £22,000.00

Bibliotheca Limited C1 000-DTFX4347 Lot 1 & 2 - Framework Agreement for E-Books, E-Audio Books 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

Bolinda UK C1 000-FVPE3142 Lot 1 & 2 - Framework Agreement for E-Books, E-Audio Books 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

Overdrive Inc C1 000-REEU3684 Lot 1 & 2 - Framework Agreement for E-Books, E-Audio Books 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

Wheelers Book Club Limited C1 000-XTEG6738

Lot 1 - Framework Agreement for E-Books 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

Ulverscroft Large Print Books Ltd C1 000-GAGH4219

Lot 3 - Framework Agreement for E-Magazines 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

W.F. Howes Limited C1 000-RBPE4828 Lot 3 - Framework Agreement for E-Magazines 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

Library Ideas LLC C1 000-RMDD6436 Lot 4 - Framework Agreement for E-Music 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 £0.00

Reids of Rhynie C 000-HEBK6952 SS649I9a Inverurie Academy 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 05/07/2019 0 £54,000.00

KW Contractors (ABDN) Ltd C 000-VXVQ2948 Stonehaven Outdoor Swimming Pool 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 21/04/2017 0 £114,100.95

MORRISON CON C 000-LVYM2218 Sandhaven Primary School - Window Upgrade 31/03/2017 31/03/2017 21/08/2017 0 £125,876.18

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

KW Contractors Limited C 000-VUYK6331

Aberdeenshire Farming Museum, Door & Window Upgrade 13/02/2017 13/02/2017 20/03/2017 0 £25,000.00

Chap Construction C 000-WNEP6154 New Build Developments in George St/Deveron St, Huntly 05/06/2017 05/06/2017 15/06/2018 0 £1,465,000.00

Hunter Construction (Aberdeen) Limited C 000-UMXA9844

Inverurie - Ancillary Works for Street lighting Improvements 20/02/2017 20/02/2017 24/03/2017 0 £45,000.00

Resource Futures Ltd C 000-QNUE4826 Waste Analysis of the Kerbside Residual Waste Stream 30/01/2017 30/01/2017 31/03/2017 0 £9,000.00

Resource Futures Ltd C 000-NACN2285

Waste Analysis of the residual waste from Household Waste Recycling Centres 06/03/2017 06/03/2017 30/04/2017 0 £20,000.00

Highway Barrier Systems C 000-WJXC2758

Painting & Repair of Invercauld Road Bridge (Clunie) 18/09/2017 18/09/2017 10/11/2017 0 £55,250.00

Central Demolition Ltd C 000-WTFN1759 Kinellar Primary School - Phase 2 - Demolition Old School Building 20/01/2017 20/01/2017 30/04/2017 0 £102,000.00

Colin Smith Contractor Ltd C 000-NCWH6126

Fraserburgh Sports Centre - Car Park Extension 27/01/2017 27/01/2017 07/04/2017 0 £150,000.00

Black Hill Ecology Ltd C 000-QHGG9844 External Preliminary Bat Roost Assessments 13/03/2017 13/03/2017 01/05/2017 0 £7,000.00

QA Limited C 000-TTAR8519 APM Project Fundamentals Training 01/03/2017 01/03/2017 31/03/2017 0 £4,000.00

Phase 3 Consulting Limited C 000-HGEM1295 iTrent System Technical Consultants 01/02/2017 01/02/2017 31/07/2017 0 £84,500.00

Hardware UK Ltd C 000-WCDP2659 Support of Cisco SAN Switches 01/03/2017 01/03/2017 28/02/2018 0 £13,500.00

R J McLeod Contractors Ltd C 000-ULWA9156

U39S/20 Roo Emah Bridge Replacement 17/07/2017 17/07/2017 03/11/2017 0 £528,500.00

The Moray Council C 000-AUTR7249 Macduff Harbour Dredge 27/03/2017 27/03/2017 31/03/2017 0 £21,000.00

University of Aberdeen C 000-UHAA3786 Health and Social Care Research (Marr Partnership) 06/03/2017 06/03/2017 04/09/2017 0 £14,998.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Chap Group (Aberdeen) Limited C 000-JDLB3554

Street Lighting Ancillary Works, Nether Davah Way, Inverurie 27/02/2017 27/02/2017 24/03/2017 0 £37,000.00

Theraputic Counselling Services C 000-LYBY8123 Employee Assistance Service 01/01/2017 01/01/2017 31/12/2019 24 £195,000.00

Chap Construction C 000-QXQB7475 New Build Housing at Peterhead Clerkhill Aberdeenshire 15/06/2017 15/06/2017 19/10/2018 0 £5,083,862.00

Galliford Try Construction Limited T/A Morrison Construction Scotland - North East C 000-TECD9661

Relining & Repair works at Macduff Marine Aquarium. 17/04/2017 17/04/2017 28/08/2017 0 £404,000.00

Msoft eSolutions C 000-FVTN8752 Joint Equipment Store Management System 23/01/2017 23/01/2017 19/06/2019 0 £53,000.00

NSM Logistics Limited B 000-HNNG7477 Supply and Installation of Cold Feed Bins at Craiglash Quarry 01/03/2017 01/03/2017 31/03/2017 0 £123,500.00

Chap Construction (Aberdeen) Limited C 000-HCVK7743

Internal Refurbishment Works to Carronhill School, Stonehaven – Phase 2 08/06/2017 08/06/2017 31/10/2017 0 £377,000.00

R Davidson Joiner & Builder C 000-AGYA6778

Upgrade of Fire Doors in The Gordon Schools, Huntly 20/03/2017 20/03/2017 07/04/2017 0 £33,000.00

R S Taxis & Mini Coach Hire C 000-RJGG5897 SP803D19 - Aboyne Primary 20/02/2017 20/02/2017 05/07/2019 0 £13,220.00

R S Taxis & Mini Coach Hire C 000-PPEA3681 F-SS841S19 Mackie Academy 27/02/2017 27/02/2017 05/07/2019 0 £80,150.00

Macrete (Ireland) Ltd C 000-NEBT1612 C67C - Denmill Bridge Replacement 03/04/2017 03/04/2017 31/08/2017 0 £200,000.00

Equisys C 000-AADM8918 Timemaster - annual Maintenance 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 0 £9,470.00

KW Contractors (ABDN) Ltd C 000-WPTJ8463

Banchory - Scolty Centre - Alterations for ICT Suite 03/04/2017 03/04/2017 14/04/2017 0 £13,500.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Craigforth C 000-EYPW3268 Aberdeenshire Citizens Panel - Lot 1 Citizen Panel, Lot 4 Adhoc Research 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 01/04/2021 0 £80,000.00

IBP Strategy & Research C 000-MTHJ1618

Aberdeenshire Citizens Panel - Lot 2 General Satisfaction Research, - Lot 3 Housing/Tenant Research 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 01/04/2021 0 £80,000.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-EHQC6867

NP486C20 - Rosehearty Primary School 24/03/2017 24/03/2017 30/06/2017 0 £3,200.00

Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-VMDV9927 Sandhaven School - Window Upgrade 31/03/2017 31/03/2017 04/08/2017 0 £126,000.00

Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-RJDJ5118

Laurencekirk - Roads Depot Fourdon Road - redevelopment 05/04/2017 05/04/2017 06/11/2017 0 £878,000.00

Keenan Recycling Ltd C 000-EHJQ6911 Treatment of Organic Waste (Food) - Extension 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 30/09/2017 0 £206,250.00

Keenan Recycling Ltd C 000-FYVB9417 Treatment of Organic Waste (Garden) - Extension 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 30/09/2017 0 £224,000.00

APT Controls Limited C 000-DQQH2933 EV Charging units - Banchory & Banff 26/07/2017 26/07/2017 31/08/2020 0 £15,147.00

Bancon Construction Limited C 000-KFFB7371

16 Affordable Housing Flats - Conglass Inverurie 29/03/2017 29/03/2017 12/03/2018 0 £1,524,809.00

Ecosse Sports Ltd C 000-WAUR8928 Turriff sports centre - provision of all weather sports pitch (18190) 14/08/2017 14/08/2017 22/08/2017 0 £205,000.00

Ecosse Sports Limited C 000-HXHN3321 Mintlaw academy - provision of an all weather sports pitch (18191) 29/06/2017 29/06/2017 20/10/2017 0 £203,338.86

Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-FGGG3948

Fraserburgh - Maconachie Road Contact Centre - Roof Upgrade and Related Works 12/04/2017 12/04/2017 31/07/2017 0 £175,000.00

Civica UK Limited A 000-KGUW5829 Civica Icon ePayments 31/03/2017 31/03/2017 30/03/2023 24 £519,000.00

Hunter Construction (Aberdeen) Limited C 000-ECAJ7366 Bitmac Path Inverbervie to Gourdon 15/05/2017 15/05/2017 02/06/2017 0 £91,000.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Presly Pest Control Ltd C 000-VBYD1548 Gull Control in Peterhead Town Centre 29/04/2017 29/04/2017 03/07/2017 0 £6,400.00

Statseeker C 000-YERL9411 Statseeker Support and Maintenance 29/01/2017 29/01/2017 28/01/2018 0 £9,850.00

Gladstone MRM Limited C 000-EHLX4499 Gladstone MRM Plus 2 17/01/2017 17/01/2017 16/01/2019 0 £81,500.00

Alexander J Chapman C 000-BUKN3954 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Garioch 2 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £34,000.00

G J Services C 000-VKLW1435 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Ellon 2, Mintlaw 1 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £64,400.00

James A McDonald C 000-EHUK1927 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Alford 2 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £27,400.00

K & F Thomson C 000-PTRA4279

Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Ballater 1, Banchory 1, Stonehaven 1, Stonehaven 2, Stonehaven 3 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £193,660.00

Mark Lamb C 000-KWJY2269 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Turriff 1, Turriff 2 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £73,160.00

R & L Lamb C 000-GRHD8364 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Ellon1, Fraserburgh 2, Mintlaw 2 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £91,160.00

The Firm of Alexander Ingram C 000-HMLY6648

Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Fraserburgh 1 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £36,200.00

W & P Milne C 000-DFFK5721 Aberdeenshire Verge Cutting - Lot Banff 1, Banff 2, Huntly 2 01/05/2017 01/05/2017 30/04/2019 24 £106,800.00

Granite City Events, A-Line C 000-ENWA2417

Safe Drive Stay Alive - Event Production 19/05/2017 19/05/2017 10/11/2017 0 £16,500.00

Nhs Grampian C 000-DYQD4557 Provision of Outsourced Out of Hours Call Services 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 0 £40,000.00

Keenan Recycling Ltd C 000-DCDR8422 Treatment & Recovery/Recycling of Wood waste - Lot 1 01/09/2017 01/09/2017 31/08/2020 12 £280,000.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Cadline Ltd C 000-YEEN3717 AutoCAD Product Maintenance Plan Subscription 09/05/2017 09/05/2017 09/05/2019 0 £40,595.00

Aqua Leisure Ltd C 000-TGBA8993 Bracoden Swimming Pool - Repai Works 28/04/2017 28/04/2017 19/05/2017 0 £14,427.00

V G Willox Limited C 000-YFBN6363 Bracoden Swimming Pool - Various Works 28/04/2017 28/04/2017 19/05/2017 0 £35,000.00

JMS Lincoln Ltd C 000-KBYE6735 Retexturing of Roads in Aberdeenshire 2017/18 03/07/2017 03/07/2017 14/07/2017 0 £85,000.00

Tricker PR C 000-LFPH9972

Events Management Services for Aberdeenshire Council's Smarter Travel Roadshow Events 07/06/2017 07/06/2017 31/03/2018 0 £25,000.00

Traffic Technology Limited C 000-DCDA2878

Supply, Delivery & Maintenance of Mobile People Counters 07/06/2017 07/06/2017 31/03/2019 0 £32,125.30

Softcat Limited C 000-NMUL8624 Celestix MSA Support & Maintenance 28/05/2017 28/05/2017 17/05/2018 0 £3,375.00

Chap Construction (Aberdeen) Limited C 000-REWN8927

17 & 17A Meadowbank Place, Turriff Refurbishment 23/05/2017 23/05/2017 14/07/2017 0 £151,600.00

Campbell & Co C 000-XEEW2342 Ballater Station - Display Consultancy 01/08/2017 01/08/2017 01/04/2018 0 £32,200.00

Central Taxis (Aberdeen) Ltd C 000-BBPX9154 Westhill A2B Dial-a-bus (Mon-Fri) 21/08/2017 21/08/2017 18/08/2019 0 £117,000.00

R B Wilson (Electrical) Limited C 000-MQVB5585 Quantum Heating 07/09/2018 07/09/2017 31/05/2018 0 £437,569.50

Keenan Recycling Ltd C 000-LMBH2389

Treatment and Recycling of Wood Waste from Waste & Recycling Centres 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 31/08/2017 0 £49,000.00

Diack & Macaulay Ltd C 000-ARNL8836 A957 Durris Bridge Refurbishment 11/09/2017 11/09/2017 08/12/2017 0 £355,500.00

MTM Construction Ltd C 000-BJEB3546 AIKEY BRAE - GYPSY TRAVELLER SITE DEVELOPMENT 31/08/2017 31/08/2017 30/04/2018 0 £227,100.37

FES FM Ltd C 000-XFPE6594 Hard FM 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 31/03/2022 24 £55,000,000.00

Stagecoach Bluebird C 000-GVGE8121 Westhill A2B Dial-a-bus (Sat) 21/08/2017 21/08/2017 18/08/2019 0 £12,000.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Emtec Energy Ltd C 000-FENW1548 PV Installations 19/06/2017 19/06/2017 22/10/2017 0 £789,000.00

Fretwell-Downing Hospitality C 000-NXFG7811

Nutritional Analysis Management Software 01/04/2017 01/04/2017 31/03/2021 12 £2,160.00

Andrew Shepherd Construction Ltd C 000-WNUY2324 External Wall Insulation - Structhem 12/06/2017 12/06/2017 24/07/2017 0 £20,550.00

R Davidson Joiner & Builder C 000-UQLA4813

Westhill Academy Internal Alterations 18141/2 16/02/2018 22/11/2017 0 £87,882.00

K. W. Contractors Limited C 000-EKVW7812

Mintlaw Primary ASN & EARLY YEARS WORKS 18165 15/11/2017 15/11/2017 16/04/2018 0 £87,313.29

Richard Irvin & Son C 000-QQKL6293

Huntly Swimming Pool - Upgrade Filtration Plant & Air Handling Units 17362/2 24/07/2017 31/07/2017 29/06/2018 0 £307,008.72

R Davidson Joiner & Builder C 000-KQCH2749 Ellon Primary ASN Works 18147 28/08/2017 28/07/2017 0 £64,500.00

Classy Taxis Limited C 000-UAXW9134 NA487A18 - ASN Transportation 15/05/2017 15/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £5,481.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-QLDU2685 NA567F18 - ASN Transportation 29/05/2017 29/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £2,980.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-BMER2898 NA567G18 - ASN Transportation 01/06/2017 01/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £2,268.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-WHJU9293 NA632N18 - ASN Transportation 11/05/2017 11/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £3,763.00

Watermill Coaches Limited C 000-XWFQ3839 NA632O18 - ASN Transportation 23/05/2017 23/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £779.00

Ellon Taxis Ltd C 000-YHXK1669 NA632P18 - ASN Transportation 01/06/2017 01/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £6,792.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-LEKV5844 NA632Q18 - ASN Transportation 08/06/2017 08/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £5,265.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-PAXQ7135 NA706M18 - ASN Transportation 26/06/2017 26/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £4,050.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-PUEN9227 NA875E18 - ASN Trasportation 06/06/2017 06/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £7,797.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-EKYL1698 NA021D18 - ASN Transportation 08/06/2017 08/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £3,142.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-RXHE5695 NA404S18 - ASN Transportation 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £450.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-VUQK5621 NA404T18 - ASN Transportation 25/04/2017 25/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £1,436.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-YUGH5971 NA404U18 - ASN Transportation 22/05/2017 22/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £10,845.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-VEGL2817 NA470B18 - ASN Transportation 08/05/2017 08/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £4,503.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-BBKC1543 NA955D18 - ASN Transportation 15/05/2017 15/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £7,707.00

A & I Coaches Limited C 000-VHYC5264 SA990A18 - ASN Transportation 16/05/2017 16/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £1,973.00

Safedrive Taxis Limited C 000-VHMR5691 SA818I18 - ASN Transportation 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £25,300.00

L&B Taxis C 000-YGJR7286 SA088E18 - ASN Transportation 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £10,350.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-WBDJ1982 NA021C18 - ASN Transportation 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £11,500.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-MFGW7235 NA032D18 - ASN Transportation 30/05/2017 30/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £716.00

Reids of Rhynie C 000-QKFF9286 SA093F18 - ASN Transportation 15/05/2017 15/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £2,352.00

L&B Taxis C 000-HTEB8549 SA097H18 - ASN Transportation 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £14,490.00

L&B Taxis C 000-GYYX7132 SA201H18 - ASN Transportation 16/06/2017 16/06/2017 06/07/2018 0 £3,800.00

MCSA Group Limited (previously Maindec) C 000-KJGG5378 MCSA Intel Server Maintenance 30/06/2017 30/06/2017 27/07/2019 12 £62,134.00

Keenan Recycling Ltd C 000-NCVF2361

Scotland Excel Framework - Treatment of Organic Waste 0816 - Lot 1 (Food Waste) 01/12/2017 01/12/2017 30/11/2020 12 £2,074,000.00

Keenan Recycling Ltd C 000-EEGN4357

Scotland Excel Framework - Treatment of Organic Waste 0816 - Lot 2 (Garden Waste) 01/12/2017 01/12/2017 30/11/2020 0 £1,426,000.00

Uniflare Ltd C 000-RTXV2642

Supply, Installation and Maintenance of an Enclosed Combustion Landfill Gas Flare at Brandon Howe Landfill Site 03/10/2017 03/10/2017 31/03/2021 0 £35,814.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

MTM Construction Ltd C 000-JTVB1854 Crown Street, Turriff Lighting & Footway Improvement (civils only) 13/10/2017 13/10/2017 30/09/2017 0 £24,500.00

Muir Homes Limited C 000-TBHR9643 Laurencekirk Affordable Housing (18188) 29/03/2017 29/03/2017 04/12/2017 0 £1,723,500.00

Drake Music Scotland C 000-CAKR8854 Inclusive Music Making 04/09/2017 04/09/2017 13/07/2018 24 £146,000.00

Caledonian Economics Ltd C 000-TNAD8956

Financial Advice Services - Hubco School Project 01/09/2017 04/09/2017 19/04/2018 0 £38,900.00

The Design Concept Limited C 000-BVHT5173 Banff Library Refurbishment 03/08/2017 03/08/2017 31/08/2017 0 £26,000.00

AJS Contract Cars Ltd C 000-QQLN8211 NP422A20 Burnhaven School 05/06/2017 05/06/2017 05/07/2020 24 £41,218.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-JJDM1266 NP633B20 Ellon Primary 05/07/2017 05/07/2017 05/07/2020 24 £30,000.00

Bob Hughes Taxis C 000-LLPT2865 SWS133 Social Work Transport 26/04/2017 26/04/2017 28/10/2017 12 £1,222.00

Deveron Coaches Limited C 000-TLVF3316 NA987A18 - ASN Transport 27/03/2017 27/03/2017 25/04/2018 0 £84.00

Portsoy Taxis Limited C 000-PDEG1848 NA484K18 - ASN 18/04/2017 18/04/2017 06/07/2018 0 £14,720.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-JRKN4224 SWN084 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £2,640.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-PCMQ4377 SWN085 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £880.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-GLDJ7799 SWN086 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £880.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-UNLT6123 SWN087 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £1,100.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-WHCF6678 SWN088 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £880.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-DPBT5283 SWN089 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £880.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-KBUY5652 SWN082 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £429.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-HVNC7429 SWN083 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £429.00

Allways Taxis (Inverurie) Limited C 000-LFQY8556 SWS132 - Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £1,085.00

A&I Taxis Limited C 000-BXDN6253 SWS134- Social Work Transport 21/06/2017 21/06/2017 28/10/2017 12 £5,055.00

Prepaid Financial Services Limited B 000-DMGY8881

Pre Paid Accounts and Associated Services 26/02/2018 26/02/2018 12/02/2021 0 £56,000.00

Chap Construction (Aberdeen) Limited C 000-MKDW1144 3 Easter Place - House Refurbishment 17/08/2017 17/08/2017 06/10/2017 0 £50,200.00

North Offshore Ltd C 000-UMRG8539

Peterhead Anna Ritchie School (17915) - ALTERATIONS TO OLD TECHNICAL AREA AND OTHER EQUALITIES WORKS 16/02/2018 16/02/2018 11/05/2018 0 £139,472.17

Ecosse Sports Ltd C 000-XENQ8213 Mintlaw Academy - All Weather Sports Pitch 29/06/2017 29/06/2017 04/08/2017 0 £203,350.00

R Davidson Joiner & Builder C 000-TPLP8257

Newmachar Primary School - SFL - various works 14/07/2017 14/07/2017 22/08/2017 0 £67,000.00

A D Walker Limited C 000-CNKX5481 Saltoun Square regeneration Project 29/03/2017 29/03/2017 31/03/2018 0 £2,172,750.00

IB Services North East Ltd C 000-WNGG2912

Auchterellon Primary Electrical re-wire (18121) 17/11/2017 17/11/2017 16/02/2018 0 £153,814.00

Space Strategies C 000-UCDB1635 Professional Services - Harlaw Road New Office 01/06/2017 01/06/2017 30/10/2017 0 £33,000.00

Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-BJDT6914

Fraserburgh Depot, Units 2 & 3 West Shore 05/06/2017 05/06/2017 13/11/2017 0 £850,000.00

ACM Training C 000-BEFC1677 Media Training for Councillors 27/09/2017 27/09/2017 30/11/2017 0 £5,000.00

KW Contractors Limited C 000-KKQT5479

28 JAMAICA STREET & 11 - 13 LODGE WALK, PETERHEAD (17001) 16/11/2017 16/11/2017 13/08/2018 0 £279,582.41

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Hays Specialist Recruitment Ltd C 000-YCEG7494

Provision of Specialist Building Management Support 07/08/2017 07/08/2017 10/11/2017 0 £13,500.00

Suez Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd (formerly SITA UK) C 000-YCYP8218

Treatment & Recovery/Recycling of Wood Waste - Lot 2 01/09/2017 01/09/2017 31/08/2020 12 £87,000.00

Leiths (Scotland) Ltd C 000-MRKY3542 A96 Thainstone to Kintore Business park shared use path 15/01/2018 15/01/2018 30/03/2018 0 £286,418.00

Bespoke Atelier C 000-XNAW1245 Public Artist - Uryside Primary School 12/05/2017 12/05/2017 20/09/2017 0 £15,000.00

Smartpac C 000-BDCX1222 Smartpac SAN switches 01/03/2017 01/03/2017 28/02/2018 0 £0.00

Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-UXRD1367

Demolition of former Terex Factory, Peterhead 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 22/01/2018 0 £282,000.00

The Oakleaf Group C1 000-NJVP5228 Fire Engineer Consultancy Service 13/02/2018 12/02/2021 £175,000.00

R B Wilson (Electrical) Limited C 000-WTKW5381

Electric Quantam Heating Upgrades 15/16 & 16/17 16/10/2017 16/10/2017 22/12/2017 0 £438,000.00

Ecological Logging S&K Lenihan & Sons C 000-YRAY6216 Battlehill Wood Horse Logger 19/02/2018 19/02/2018 0 £26,000.00

Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Highland Council, Moray Council, Angus Council, Perth & Kinross Council, Dundee City Council C1 000-VNHW4771 Roads Winter Bureau Services 01/10/2017 30/09/2020 £240,000.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-WWFN3946 SWN207 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £11,220.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-FVRT7538 SWN207 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £11,220.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-EXMV5751 SWN217 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £26,000.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-UTCF9142 SWN203 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £20,280.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-EYEG9139 SWN201 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £2,600.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-CGNY6954 SWN216 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £5,200.00

AA Taxis Portsoy Limited C 000-YCHA6751 SWN208 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £4,160.00

AA Taxis Portsoy Limited C 000-NGWR6943 SWN218 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £9,984.00

Bains Chauffeur Drive C 000-HMTK6479 SWN220 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £4,680.00

Bains Chauffeur Drive C 000-GAEU5458 SWN219 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £2,600.00

JJs Taxis Macduff C 000-JFGL2668 SWN213 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £21,886.80

JJs Taxis Macduff C 000-QVJB3722 SWN215 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 £5,574.40

AJS Contract Cars Ltd C 000-QBBH6583 SWS217 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £5,197.92

AJS Contract Cars Ltd C 000-MTCV9895 SWS220 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £7,277.92

AJS Contract Cars Ltd C 000-CNMH2276 SWS209 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £33,271.68

Cobalt Telephone Technologies Ltd A 000-FBAR2338 Cashless Parking Services 14/03/2017 14/03/2017 13/03/2019 24 £40,000.00

Hunter Construction Ltd C 000-LRXT6174 Hill of Banchory Path Improvement 21/03/2018 21/12/2017 0 £8,334.80

Chap Construction C 000-EEFH3838 New Build Developments in Turriff Erroll Court 24/08/2017 24/08/2017 13/07/2018 0 £1,652,631.00

Allways Taxis (Inverurie) Limited C 000-RVLX5623 SWS238 - Garioch Community Centre 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/09/2017 0 £5,713.76

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Allways Taxis (Inverurie) Limited C 000-LEQU7922 SWS241 - Gordon Dementia Services 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2017 0 £5,604.56

Chap Construction C 000-NGJQ3756 New Build Housing at Millburn Road Oldmeldrum Aberdeenshire 31/10/2017 31/10/2017 10/09/2018 0 £3,885,755.00

3x1 Group C 000-HPQN9155

Public Relations and Marketing Services for the North Aberdeenshire Local Action Group 03/10/2017 03/10/2017 31/05/2018 0 £16,225.00

CR Contracting (North) Ltd C 000-YBMG1523

Path Repairt and Upgrade Kemnay Riverside 21/12/2017 27/12/2017 0 £23,960.36

Govtech Solutions Ltd, Northgate Public Services (UK) Ltd C 000-UXPW4192

web CAPTURE and e CAPTURE back office integration 13/07/2017 13/07/2017 30/06/2021 0 £537,000.00

McLaughlin & Harvey Construction Ltd C 000-BLPX2421

Banchory Sports Centre and Swimming Pool 22/01/2018 23/11/2017 07/06/2019 0 £7,785,005.93

Sodexo Limited C 000-EURR7581

Provision of Catering Services at Woodhill House and Gordon House - including refurbishment 24/09/2017 24/09/2017 23/09/2019 0 £200,000.00

Galliford Try Construction Limited T/A Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-KQWN8157

Relocation of Bulk Recycling Centre, Balmacassie Industrial Estate, Ellon 30/11/2017 30/11/2017 21/09/2018 0 £2,751,767.00

E&H Taxis C 000-UTFD3977 SWS202 - Stonehaven Community Centre 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £5,261.36

E&H Taxis C 000-HQJR2799 SWS240 - Invercarron 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £2,118.48

A&I Taxis Limited C 000-UEVX5873 SWS211 - Cairnlee 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £25,979.20

A&I Coaches C 000-CAHK4782 SWS201 - Invercarron 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2017 0 £20,515.04

A&I Coaches C 000-DCYG7949 SWS203 - Clashfarquhar 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £24,704.16

A&I Coaches C 000-TGHP9214 SWS204 - Clashfarquhar 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £4,709.12

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

A&I Coaches C 000-GNEJ5747 SWS205 - Clashfarquhar 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £9,984.00

A&I Coaches C 000-UTQT1549 SWS208 - Beannacher 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £23,649.60

A&I Coaches C 000-XUKX8184 SWS210 - Easter Anguston Farm 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £21,453.12

A&I Coaches C 000-LYUH3273 SWS214 - Asda (Portlethen) 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2017 0 £5,200.00

A&I Coaches C 000-NHEX3584 SWS215 - Tesco Banchory 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2017 0 £41,142.40

Alpha Taxis C 000-RJPL6423 SA996A18 - Westhill Primary 01/11/2017 01/11/2017 06/07/2018 0 £2,970.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-AANR9359 SA299L18 - Camphill 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 06/07/2018 0 £1,674.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-RTQX8345 NA567I18 - Mintlaw Academy 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 06/07/2018 0 £2,511.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-QWUW4423 NA470B18 - Macduff Primary 08/05/2017 08/05/2017 06/07/2018 0 £4,502.10

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-XXWN1875 NA475I18 - Peterhead Academy 21/09/2017 21/09/2017 06/07/2018 0 £10,863.00

A&I Coaches Ltd C 000-RACN5113 SA848B18 - Mill O Forest School 20/09/2017 20/09/2017 06/07/2018 0 £1,293.36

Turriff Coaches & Cabs C 000-NNJC9881 NA875F18 - Turriff Academy 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 06/07/2018 0 £7,020.00

Galliford Try Construction Limited T/A Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-NEKH9347

Aboyne Academy/CEC - Upgrade Theatre Seating & Associated Works 18252 26/01/2018 26/01/2018 20/04/2018 0 £74,039.95

Tracsis Traffic Data Ltd C 000-RGCT2793 Non Motorised User Interview Surveys 28/03/2018 28/03/2018 31/05/2018 0 £21,000.00

CR Contracting (North) Ltd C 000-NFFV5544 Path Repair and Upgrade - Dunnottar 15/02/2018 15/02/2018 0 £11,943.50

Imajica Brand Evolution Ltd C 000-BCCH8178 Invest Aberdeen Website 01/01/2018 01/01/2018 01/01/2021 0 £13,000.00

Watermill Coaches Limited C 000-ENHF1182 NS496W20 - Turriff Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2020 0 £43,890.00

Premier Coaches (Kintore) Ltd C 000-KPNA8186 SS654L19 Kemnay Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £67,735.00

Premier Coaches (Kintore) Ltd C 000-VYPW1341 SP606D19 Alford Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £48,830.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-HNMY9155 NP669B20 Meiklemill Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2020 0 £29,925.00

Wisharts (Friockheim) Limited C 000-QWEB5249 SP840D19 Luthermuir Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £64,220.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-EKXG5994 NP490B20 St Fergus Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2020 0 £31,350.00

RS Taxis and Minicoach Hire C 000-GQHJ9398 SS604K19 Alford Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £58,900.00

RS Taxis and Minicoach Hire C 000-YMNT4893 SP697B19 Towie Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £24,700.00

RS Taxis and Minicoach Hire C 000-CACC7258 F-SS802Y19 Aboyne Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £24,700.00

RS Taxis and Minicoach Hire C 000-BRYH1491 F-SS802P19 Aboyne Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £47,500.00

RS Taxis and Minicoach Hire C 000-CHHF3914 F-SS604Z19 Alford Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £66,500.00

RS Taxis and Minicoach Hire C 000-EDQU4798 F-SS604P19 Alford Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £24,700.00

Bains Chauffeur Drive C 000-UYYC3585 NP684C17 Rayne North Primary 20/11/2017 20/11/2017 22/12/2017 0 £1,125.00

Watermill Coaches Limited C 000-XEXN9645 SP659B19 Kellands Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2019 0 £61,320.00

Central Taxis (North East) Ltd C 000-FRGP5165 NS631O19 Ellon Academy 25/09/2017 25/09/2017 05/07/2019 0 £14,240.00

Central Taxis (Aberdeen) Ltd C 000-KDDX7228 SP864B19 Fishermoss Primary 06/12/2017 06/12/2017 05/07/2019 0 £13,400.00

Bains Coaches C 000-KUWY4591 SP650C18 20/11/2017 20/11/2017 06/07/2018 0 £17,940.00

AA Taxis Portsoy Limited C 000-AMUT5636 NP440B20 Fordyce Primary 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2020 0 £27,930.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

W&G Taxis and Coach Hire C 000-PWFK1122 NS408M20 Banff Academy 22/08/2017 22/08/2017 05/07/2020 0 £94,050.00

Softcat Limited C 000-ULNU3711 Cherwell Service Management Tool (Contact Centre Licences) 31/10/2014 01/02/2018 31/08/2019 0 £19,968.00

R Davidson Joiner & Builder C 000-NPTB6638

Methlick Primary – fire alarm upgrade and playgroup refurb (18276) 29/03/2018 29/03/2018 0 £54,606.86

KW Contractors Limited C 000-CMGX2722

– Gordon Primary School – ASN works – Sensory rooms and relocation of HT office accommodation (18230) 27/03/2018 27/03/2018 04/05/2018 0 £36,177.83

Garioch Taxis C 000-DDXB2355 SWS235 - Flycup/Inspire 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £18,772.00

Garioch Taxis C 000-PXNM8754 SWS243 - Westhill Community Church 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £7,665.84

Mojo's Taxis C 000-DEBE9842 SWS200 - Forestview 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £19,760.00

Mojo's Taxis C 000-PHPQ7452 SWS206 - Forrestview 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 26/10/2019 0 £21,840.00

Shearer of Huntly Limited C 000-LRTA3841

SA646E18 - The Gordon Schools, Huntly 03/11/2017 03/11/2017 06/07/2018 0 £1,620.00

Kininmonth Cabs C 000-BXRC4279 SA299E18# - Camphill 13/11/2017 13/11/2017 06/07/2018 0 £11,186.00

Central Taxis (North-East) Limited C 000-XEMX8614 NA976C18 - Peterhead Central School 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 06/07/2018 0 £6,000.00

Alpha Taxis C 000-FHGN6144 SA299K18 - Camphill 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 06/07/2018 0 £5,760.00

AJS Contract Cars Limited C 000-MFYJ5963 NA468D18 - Mintlaw Primary 08/11/2017 08/11/2017 06/07/2018 0 £7,102.10

A2B Taxis C 000-WYAR7946 NA107B18 - Ellon Nursery 30/10/2017 30/10/2017 06/07/2018 0 £4,770.00

Galliford Try Construction Limited T/A Morrison Construction Scotland C 000-FCKM4998

Aboyne Academy Community Centre Replacement Theatre Seating 26/03/2018 26/03/2018 0 £75,000.00

CORGI Technical Services C 000-WMVY8125 Gas Awareness Training 16/01/2018 18/01/2018 £20,000.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Hunter Construction Ltd C 000-REAW3639 Path Upgrade Port Elphinstone 23/03/2018 23/03/2018 0 £21,815.47

SSE Power Distribution Ltd C 000-HDYQ6953 HV Maintenance 01/01/2018 31/12/2021 £50,000.00

TGP Landscape Architects Ltd C 000-BVBH6446 Drummers Corner Peterhead 22/03/2018 22/03/2018 08/05/2018 0 £19,000.00

Kompan Scotland B 000-BCTX8438 Bremner Way Kemney 19/02/2018 19/03/2018 1 £3,386.40

Ecosse Sports Ltd C 000-JGWR5844 Tarves Tennis Court Upgrade 06/10/2017 06/10/2017 18/12/2017 0 £40,300.12

Keldron B 000-MWEK7728 IP Address Manager (IPAM) Solution 15/03/2018 15/03/2018 16/03/2021 24 £22,655.25

Perfect Circle JV Ltd C 000-PYKC6143 Hubco - Technical Advisor 25/07/2017 25/07/2017 19/04/2018 0 £24,747.00

Avery Weigh-Tronix C 000-KHNM1545 Weighbridge Computerisation (Waste Services) 08/03/2017 21/04/2017 30/08/2020 24 £29,157.00

Glasgow City Council B 000-YGRU6817 WorkIT Pupil Work Placement Management System 21/12/2017 15/01/2018 14/01/2020 0 £16,800.00

Puffin Pellets Limited C 000-XNVT2685 Supply of biomass pellets and chips 19/02/2018 19/02/2018 15/02/2021 0 £1,571,662.50

Overdrive Inc C 000-EMNP6123 Lot 1 & 2 - Framework Agreement for E-Books, E-Audio Books 01/01/2018 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 0 £33,000.00

W.F. Howes Limited C 000-LFEM1682 Lot 3 - Framework Agreement for E-Magazines 01/01/2018 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 0 £11,371.00

Library Ideas LLC C 000-XEPN6776 Lot 4 - Framework Agreement for E-Music 01/01/2018 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 0 £10,841.00

Osiris C 000-MEJE3951 Visible Learning - Pupil Equity Fund 16/10/2017 16/10/2017 15/10/2019 12 £267,930.00

IT-Bus C 000-QFUE3991 iSheriff Anti-Virus 09/02/2018 09/02/2018 08/02/2019 0 £18,300.00

Craigmarloch Nurseries Ltd, fergusons roses, J. A. Jones and Sons (Churchtown) Ltd., C 000-EAYM2356

Supply of Horticultural and Ground Maintenance Materials 12/06/2017 12/06/2017 12/06/2020 24 £1,145,000.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Pentland Plants, Rigby Taylor Ltd, SCOTBARK, Terra Firma (Scotland) Limited

RS Coaches C 000-VCLE4168

Award of Multiple Call off Agreements available: South Mainstream School transport Services 11/08/2017 22/08/2017 06/07/2019 0 £207,100.00

Chap Group (Aberdeen) Ltd C 000-KCWR9276 New Build Housing, Turriff and Huntly 05/06/2017 28/08/2017 28/06/2018 0 £3,117,536.51


Award of Multiple Call off Agreements available: North and South Mainstream Music Centre Contracts 06/09/2017 12/09/2017 05/07/2019 0 £145,331.20

RS Coaches C 000-UGPE2287

Award of Multiple Call off Agreements available: North and South Mainstream Music Centre Contracts 06/09/2017 12/09/2017 05/07/2019 0 £145,331.20


Award of Multiple Call off Agreements available: North and South Mainstream Music Centre Contracts 06/09/2017 12/09/2017 05/07/2019 0 £145,331.20

A & M Taxis, Elma McKandie, Kininmonth Cabs, Sheridan Myers Management Services LLP, Valerie Urquhart C 000-KXPG9282

Transported School Meal Deliveries for Aberdeenshire Council 31/10/2017 31/10/2017 29/10/2020 12 £526,452.00

MITIE Landscapes C 000-NAKB2933

Winter Mainenance and Snow Clearing for Aberdeenshire Council Main Corporate Offices 01/11/2017 01/11/2017 01/11/2020 12 £0.00

NB Planning and Architecture C 000-DDAB1927

Conservation Accredited Architectural Services 30/10/2017 09/11/2017 09/05/2020 10 £0.00

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Date of Award Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract Value

Dougall Baillie Associates C 000-JJYE5148

Award of Stonehaven Coastal Protection Study (Flood and Erosion Risk) , Scotland Excel (06-16), L... 27/02/2018 05/03/2018 24/06/2018 0 £160,530.60

Kedron UK Ltd C 000-FQTW2379 Procurement of an IP Address Management (IPAM) Solution 15/03/2018 21/03/2018 21/03/2021 24 £17,705.25

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National Frameworks Adopted - January 2017 – March 2018

National Frameworks Adopted by Aberdeenshire – Social Care

Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Type Contract Number

Contract Name Start Date End Date Total Contract Value

National Fostering Agency (Scotland) Limited (The)

BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/60/001 SXL Aberdeenshire - NFA 25/03/2017 24/03/2019 £1,508,000.00

Barnardo's BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/60/002 SXL Aberdeenshire - Barnardo Fostering 25/03/2017 24/03/2019 £688,896.00

St Andrew's Children's Society Ltd

BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/60/003 SXL Aberdeenshire - St Andrews Fostering 25/03/2017 24/03/2019 £76,471.20

Core Assets Ltd (Formerly Fca Scotland Ltd)

BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/60/004 SXL Aberdeenshire - Core Assets 25/03/2017 24/03/2019 £0.00

Swiis Foster Care Scotland Limited

BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/60/005 SXL Aberdeenshire - SWIIS Fostering 25/03/2017 24/03/2019 £197,600.00

Fostering People Ltd BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/60/006 SXL Aberdeenshire - Fostering People 25/03/2017 24/03/2019 £147,056.00

Good Shepherd Centre (The)

BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/91/001 SXL Aberdeenshire - Good Shepherd (Secure) 01/04/2017 31/03/2020 £605,488.00

Kibble Education And Care Centre

BX Multi Supplier Framework

CS/91/002 SXL Aberdeenshire - Kibble (Secure) 01/04/2017 31/03/2020 £1,183,728.00

Scotland Excel - Frameworks

BX National Framework

SXL 1S Aberdeenshire

Secure Care Framework 01/04/2017 25/09/2017 £3,750,000.00

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National Frameworks Adopted by Aberdeenshire for Other Service Areas

Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract


COLAS LTD; Instarmac Group plc; Nynas Uk Ab; VIATEC UK BX 0516 Bitumen and Associated Products 03/03/2017 02/03/2019 24 £ 8,143,351

Aecom Limited; Amey Ow Ltd; Arcadis Consulting (Uk) Ltd; Atkins Limited; CAPITA PROPERTY & INFRASTRUCTURE LTD; CH2M HILL United Kingdom; Clayton Fourie Consultancy Ltd; DOUGALL BAILLIE ASSOCIATES; Gardiner & Theobald Llp; IIC TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED; Jacobs UK Ltd; Jeremy Benn Associates Ltd; LOCAL TRANSPORT PROJECTS LTD; Mott MacDonald; MR J CURRIE; MWH UK Ltd; OVE ARUP & PARTNERS; PETER BRETT ASSOCIATES LLP; RPS Consulting Services Limited; RPS Consulting Services Limited; RSK Environment Limited; RSK Environment Ltd; ; SWECO UK LTD; SWECO UK LTD; SYSTRA LIMITED; Tracsis Traffic Data Limited; SWECO UK LTD; SYSTRA LIMITED; Tracsis Traffic Data Limited; TURNER & TOWNSEND; W A Fairhurst & Partners; WSP GROUP; WYG ENVIRONMENT PLANNING

BX 0616 Engineering & Technical Consultancy 20/03/2017 20/03/2021 0 Call-offs when required

Bardem Limited; Brown and Mason Limited; CASKIE LIMITED; CENTRAL DEMOLITION LTD; Connell Brothers Limited; DALTONS DEMOLITIONS LTD; Damada Asbestos Removals CIS; Erith Contractors Ltd; Frank O'Gara & Sons Limited; GEORGE BEATTIE & SONS LTD; Jcj Demolition & Construction; KDC Contractors Limited; Keltbray Limited; LAWRIE (DEMOLITION) LTD; REIGART CONTRACTS LTD; SAFEDEM Assured Demolition Services; Wm Munro Construction

BX 11-15 Demolition Services 04/01/2017 03/01/2019 24 Call-offs when required

A1 Ironmongery Ltd; Arco Ltd; Bell Decorating Group; BRAMMER UK LTD; BUNZL GREENHAM; Cromwell Tools Ltd; CROWN PAINTS LTD; DECCO LTD; Highland Industrial Supplies; ICI Dulux Decorator Centres; Jewson Ltd; Macgregor Industrial Supplies; MATTHEWSON-MCKENNA CIS; P F CUSACK (TOOL SUPPLIES) LTD; PPG Architectural Coatings UK Limited; STAX TRADE CENTRES PLC T/A D F WISHART; Valtti Specialist Coatings Ltd

BX 07/17 Supply & Delivery of Trade Materials 17/01/2018 16/01/2021 12 £625,854

Computacenter (UK) Ltd AN SP-17-021 IT Peripherals 14/03/2018 13/04/2020 24 £

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract


Apleona HSG Limited; Atlas Business Interiors Ltd; AZZURRO LIMITED; BRITISH THORNTON ESF LTD; CITY BUILDING (CONTRACTS) LLP; CLAREMONT OFFICE FURNITURE; Con Purch & Distrib Ltd T/A The Consortium; Eme Furniture; EQUIP4WORK Ltd t/a Office Furniture Online; Findel Educational Supplies Limited; Furniture@Work Ltd; Godfrey Syrett Limited; Gopak Ltd; GTS Central Ltd; LANGSTANE PRESS LIMITED; SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS PLC; SICO Europe Limited; Spaceright Europe Limited; Wagstaff Bros Ltd T/A Wagstaff Interiors Grp; Wagstaff School Furniture; YPO Joint Committee of Local Authorities

BX 02-16 Supply, Delivery & Installation of Education & Office Furniture

09/05/2017 08/03/2020 12 £450,000

ALLISON & STIVEN; Arco Ltd; Bunzl Catering Supplies; CLEANING AND WIPING SUPPLIES LTD; Corston Sinclair Limited; D Gibson (Road & Quarry Serv Ltd); Donside Group LLP; GTS Central Ltd; GUTHRIE GROUP LIMITED; Ioma Clothing Company Limited; James Boylan Safety (NI) Limited; JAMES BOYLAN SAFETY T/A JBS GROUP; LION SAFETY; Mo and Co Uk Limited; MORNA LAIRD LTD; Morna Laird Ltd (t/a Mckinlay Workwear Supplies); MWUK LIMITED; Protective Wear Supplies LtT; Rexel Uk Limited T/A Rexel MRO; SCOTT DIRECT LTD; STAX TRADE CENTRES PLC; Unico Limited; Wc Willis And Co Ltd

BX 04-16 Personal Protective Equipment 02/06/2017 01/06/2019 24 £870,000

Askews and Holts Library Svces Ltd; Bertram Books; Blackwell UK Ltd; Books Asia; Bright Red Publishing Ltd; Browns Books; CHANGEOVER; GLOWWORM BOOKS AND GIFTS LTD; Harper Collins Publishers Limited; HODDER GIBSON; John Smith & Son Group Ltd; Kelvin Books Ltd; Library Magna Books Ltd; Oxford University Press; Pearson Education Limited; Peters Bookselling Services; Prim-Ed Publishing Limited; Scholastic Ltd; Scotia & Chameleon Books Ltd; Star Books; TEEJAY TRAVEL LTD; Trans Uk Supplies Limited; Ulverscroft Large Print Books; Waterstones Booksellers Ltd T/A Waterstones

BX 06-17 Supply & Delivery of Library Books, Educational Textbooks & Multimedia Supplies

01/02/2018 31/01/2020 24 £1,800,000

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract


Agenta Education Ltd; Anderson & Partners t/a Penstripe; ANDERSON SCIENTIFIC LTD; BAND SUPPLIES SCOTLAND; BGR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LTD; Bishop Sports & Leisure Ltd; Community Products (UK) Ltd t/a Community Playthings; CPP Trading Group Ltd T/A Clyde Paper & Print; Dawsons Music Ltd; Eduzone Ltd; ESPO Joint Committee of Local Authorities; Findel Education Ltd; Foams 4 Sports Ltd; GROSVENOR HOUSE PAPERS LTD; Haydock Music Ltd; HDC (Scotland & NI) Ltd; KG Music Ltd; NEWITT & CO LTD; Normans(Burton On Trent) Ltd; RAINBOW MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LTD; Red Dog Music Limited; Rimmers Music Ltd; Specialist Crafts Limited; Stringers of Edinburgh Ltd; The Consortium for Purchasing and Distribution; The Wind Section Ltd; Timstar Laboratory Suppliers Ltd; TTS Group Ltd; W Enterprises (ABDN) Ltd; YPO Joint Committee of Local Authorities

BX 09-16 Supply and Delivery of Education Materials

01/08/2017 31/07/2019 24 £2,920,000

Brake Bros. Ltd BX 10-16 Supply Only and Supply & Distribution of Frozen Foods

01/07/2017 30/06/2019 24 £4,252,000

AB2000 LTD; ACL HIRE LTD; ACRE INDUSTRIAL & CLEANING SERVICES LTD; AEBI SCHMIDT UK LIMITED; Alloa Hire Centre Ltd T/A AHC Tools; AM PHILLIP TRUCKTECH LTD; Andrews Sykes Hire Ltd; Arnold Clark Finance Ltd; Arvill Limited T/A Arvill Plant and Tool Hire; Arvill Ltd; Arvill Plant And Tool Hire Ltd; Ashtead Plant Hire Company Limited; ASHTEAD PLANT HIRE COMPANY LTD; Avis Budget UK Ltd; B&B Contracts; BROWN PLANT HIRE; BRYSON TRACTORS LTD; C P DAVIDSON & SONS LTD; Campbell Plant Hire Ltd; CARDLEY LIMITED; Cebotec Ltd; Clee Hill Plant Limited; COOKS VAN HIRE LTD; Damm Environmental Ltd; Dawsonrentals Materials Handling Equipment Limited (Dawsonrentals Sweepers); Dawsonrentals Sweepers; DOHERTY & LAFFERTY LTD; ECON ENGINEERING LTD; Elev8 Access Platforms Ltd; Enterprise Rent-a-car uk Ltd; ENVIROCLEAN; ESSENTIAL FLEET SERVICES

BX 02-17 Vehicle and Plant Hire 10/11/2017 10/11/2021 £1,466,997

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract

Value LTD; Europcar Group UK Limited; FMS Vehicle Rental Limited; FRASER C ROBB LIMITED; Gap Group Ltd; Groundwater Lift Trucks Ltd; Gullivers Truck Hire Ltd; HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES LTD; HERTZ (UK) LTD; HILLHOUSE QUARRY GROUP LIMITED; HYNDFORD PLANT LTD; J MURDOCH WIGHT LTD; Jarvie Plant Ltd; John Jamieson trading as Jamieson Plant Hire & Contractors; KINGDOM ACCIDENT REPAIR CENTRE LTD; LOMOND PLANT LTD; M6 Vehicle Hire Limited; Mac Asphalt Ltd; MULHOLLAND PLANT SERVICES LTD; Multihog Uk Ltd; Murdoch Mackenzie Construction Limited; MV Commercial Ltd; Nationwide Platforms; Nd Brown Ltd; NORTHGATE VEHICLE HIRE; PALMARIS PLANT HIRE LTD; Ravenhill Limited; Richard Murray Plant Hire; RIVERSIDE TRUCK RENTAL LTD; ROBERT MCCARROLL; Sgm Contracts Ltd; SHB HIRE LTD; STONEYWOOD CARE SERVICES LTD (OUTREACH); SWEENEY PLANT & VECHICLE HIRE LTD; TOM VEHICLE RENTAL LIMITED (1); TOM Vehicle Rental Ltd; TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING UK LTD; Trash Uk Ltd; Turner Hire Drive Ltd; UNDERGROUND INSPECTION SERVICES LTD 1; Wh Malcolm Limited; William Hamilton & Sons Ltd; WM HAMILTON & SONS LTD


BX 03-17 Supply and delivery of Heavy & Municipal Vehicles

08/01/2018 08/01/2022 Call-offs when required

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract


Kenway Tyres Ltd; Mcconechys Tyre Service Ltd; REDPATH TYRES LTD

BX 04-17 Tyres for Vehicles and Plant 01/11/2017 01/11/2021 £1,934,175



TECHNOLOGY LTD; Clark Commercials Bilston; DAF TRUCKS

LIMITED; Dennis Eagle Limited; DINGBRO LTD.; Farid Hillend



Ltd; Highland Windscreen Services; KERR & SMITH

(GLASGOW) LTD; MacRae & Dick; National Windscreens;

Nothern Municipal Services Ltd; PRIME INDUSTRIAL &


Engineering & Fabrications Ltd; TRADE PARTS SPECIALISTS

BX 0116

Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Parts

16/01/2017 16/01/2021 £1,666,628

GRAHAMS FAMILY DAIRY BX 1917 Supply & Distribution of Milk 01/03/2018


12 £2,040,000

Canon (UK) Ltd; Xerox (UK) LTd AN SP-16-003 National Framework for Office

Equipment and Services (2017)

03/06/2017 02/06/2019 24 £1,125,975

Abfallbehalter & Container Weber UK Ltd; BioBags (Scotland)

Ltd.; British Polythene Ltd T/A Bpi Recycled Produc; Broxap;

Cromwell Polythene Limited; Cromwell Polythene Ltd; Egbert

H Taylor & Co Ltd; ESE World Limited; Eximex UK Ltd;

GLASDON UK LIMITED; Imperial Polythene Products Limited;

Imperial Polythene Products Ltd; J & HM DICKSON LTD;

Leafield Environmental Limited; ONE51 ES PLASTICS (UK) LTD;


BX 01-17 Supply and Delivery of Recycle & Refuse Containers

03/11/2017 02/11/2020 12 £1,537,000

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Supplier Name Category Type

Contract Reference Description Start Date

Assumed Expiry Date

Max. Extension (Month)

Estimated Contract


Limited; Sphere Professional UK Ltd; SSI SCHAEFER LIMITED;

Straight Manufacturing Limited; STRAIGHT MANUFACTURING

LTD; Weir & Carmichael; WYBONE LTD

Keenan (Recycling) BX 08-16 Treatment of Organic Waste 01/08/2017 31/07/2020 12 £3,500,000

* BX = Scotland Excel; AN = Scottish Procurement

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Appendix 2 – Community Benefits - Detailed Breakdown

Table Appendix 2.1 - summary of community benefits outcomes delivered in the reporting period.

Community Benefit - summary of outcomes delivered

Community Benefits Delivered

Apprenticeships (Engaged) 9

Fair Work Practices/Real Living Wage 4

Curriculum Support Activities 1

3rd Sector Engagement (professional expertise/donation of materials)


Local SME/3rd Supply chain opportunities 4

Environmental Wellbeing 4

Prompt Payment through the supply chain 2

Detailed below in table appendix 2.2 are community benefits delivered through Scotland Excel frameworks, the benefits were delivered to the

local area and supports the themes listed in Section 3 – Community Benefit Summary (table 3.1)

Table Appendix 2.2

Theme Community Benefit Outcome

Community Benefits Delivered

Education; employability and skills training

Employment Opportunities 6

Work Experience 35 hrs

Apprenticeships 2

Curriculum Support 1event

Sponsorship of events 1event

Donations to local charities 7

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Community Engagement and community empowerment; community projects

Other forms of local community support (including community funds)

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Appendix 3 – Future Regulated Procurements 2018-2020

Future Regulated Procurements - Social Care

Contract Name Type of Contract (New: Renewal; Extension)

Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Value of Contract


National Care Home Contracts New Contracts First half of 2019 £69,810,331 New Contracts with local providers following redesign of contract. Expected to be 3 year contracts

Education - Early Years Renewal Live now (July 2018) £1,100,000

Wrap Arround Care Renewal 2nd half of 2018 £4,000,000

Outreach HS - Homeless/Risk of Homelessness

New Contract 1st half 2018 £1,200,000

Mental Health - GP support New Contract 2nd half of 2018 £465,384

SDS ISF Provider Service New framework / contract First half of 2019 £26,505 Estimate based on 3 years

Hearing Support Service Renewal 2nd half of 2018 £214,200 Estimate based on 3 years

Future Regulated Procurements – Other Service Areas

Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

A contract for the maintenance of servers and associated storage Extension £62,134

Using Scottish Government Framework

Advertising Services Agreement 2018

2nd half of 2018 or 2nd half of 2019 £1,400,000

Contract has an extension available until 04-2020. Dependant on uptake of extension option when it will be advertised.

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Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

Backup software support and maintenance Renewal 1st half of 2019 £649,320

Contract Covers the Provision of an Integrated HR and Payroll System and Self-Service Functionality for HR and Payroll Services. Renewal 1st half of 2019 £1,035,000

Financial management Extension 2nd half of 2018 £111,500

Financial management Renewal 2nd half of 2018 £593,000

Hosted Integrated Document Management Workflow and Back Office Casework Management System for the Administration of Planning and Building Standards Applications and Cases’ Extension 1st half of 2020 £85,245

Hosted system used by parents of school children to top up cards and check account 2nd half of 2018 £205,275

Housing - Application Programs, Data Base Programs and Third Party Programs Renewal 2nd half of 2018 £559,671

Housing stock condition Extension 2nd half of 2019 £69,000

Infrastructure asset management Renewal 1st half of 2020 £382,500

Installation and Supply of Flooring Materials New 1st half of 2019 1,800,000

Potentially going as collaboartive framework

Job costing and stock control Extension 2nd half of 2018 £146,000

Joint Equipment Store Management System Renewal 1st half of 2019 £53,000

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Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

Leisure Management Software Extension 2nd half of 2018 £81,500

Managed Records Storage Service 2nd half of 2018 £72,000

Microsoft Agreement 2016 - 2019 2nd half of 2018 £2,290,259

Out of Hours Security Cover 1st half of 2020 £150,000

Peer to Peer Patch Management Software Extension 1st half of 2019 £97,900

Provision of Catering Services at Woodhill House and Gordon House - including refurbishment 1st half of 2019 £200,000

Provision of Early Learning and Childcare Services 1st half of 2019 £167,000,000

Provision of Insurance Covers 2nd half of 2019 £1,700,000

Real Time Passenger Information System Extension 2nd half of 2018 £174,000

Social Work Index and Information System Extension 2nd half of 2018 £437,091

Software and hardware maintenance for the electronic screens that provide customers with real time departure information for bus services Extension 2nd half of 2019 £172,000

Tapestry Leading Learning Programme - 2016-2019 2nd half of 2018 £88,000

Eyecare vouchers Renewal 1st half of 2019 £68,000

Bakery Products Renewal 1st half of 2019 £600,000

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Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

Business Objects Licences for Social Work

Business Objects licences that are used by Social Work for reporting from OLM Carefirst System, contract extended to 31/3/19

1st half of 2019


Butcher Meat/Cooked Meat Renewal 1st half of 2019 £2,560,000

Cash In Transit £800,000 Might be extended

Cashless Parking Services Extension £160,000

Catering Services at Woodhill House and Gordon House - including refurbishment

Renewal 1st half of 2019


College Transport New £690,326

Confidential Waste Renewal 1st half of 2019 £240,000

Construction Design Services Framework New 1st half of 2019 £8,000,000

approx 1m per year for Aberdeenshire. Estimated value is across 3 local authorities

Corporate Arrears Recovery System


Cycle Sheds £300,000 May use national framework

Decorative Voucher Scheme

2nd half of 2018 or 2nd half of 2019 £360,000

Contract has an extension available until 04-2020. Dependant on uptake of extension option when it will be advertised.

E-Books Framework Extension 1st half of 2020 £220,000

Educational Equipment Inspections

Renewal 1st half of 2019 £160,000

Electric Vehicle infrastructure New late 2019 or 2020 £320,000

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Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

Ergonomic Assessments including Equipment/Furniture

Renewal 1st half of 2019 £102,800

Estate Managment Service Renewal 2nd half of 2019 £120,000

First Aid Materials £180,000 May adopt SXL framework

Fleet Management Software Extension £57,456 Services reviewing options

Freedom of Information and Environmental information request system

Renewal 1st half of 2019


Hilltop Network Edge Sites Renewal 1st half of 2019 £423,150

Hosting Services for Data Centre Provision

Extension £12,000,000 Contract may be extended

Inclusive Music Making - Youth Music Initiative Project

1st half of 2018 or 1st half of 2020 £146,000

Contract has an extension available until 07-2020. Dependant on uptake of extension option when it will be advertised.

Insurance (City & Shire) Renewal 2nd half 2020

£6,800,000 May adopt national framework or stand alone tender

Large Print & Audio Books Framework

Extension 2nd half of 2019 £280,000

Legal Services Renewal 1st half of 2019 £400,000

Main Contractor Framework

1st half of 2019 or 1st half of 2020 £125,000,000

Contract has an extension available until 07-2020. Dependant on uptake of extension option when it will be advertised.

Memorial Stone Stabilisation Renewal 2nd half of 2019 £208,000

Move Management Renewal 1st half of 2019 £16,000,000

Occupational Therapy Equipment Renewal 1st half of 2019 £2,200,000

Passenger transport scheduling and management system

Renewal 1st half of 2019 £180,000

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Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

Payment processing cards New 1st half of 2019 £240,000 Collaborative

PE Equipment Inspections Renewal 1st half of 2019 £144,000

Playpark Inspections Renewal 1st half of 2019 £120,000

Provision of an Energy Efficiency Information, support and Advice service to residents in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire New

2nd half of 2019


Purchase of a Spray Injection Patcher

New 1st half of 2019


Quantity Surveyors billing system Extension £152,320 Contract may be extended

Records -Secure Management & Storage

Renewal 1st half of 2019 £80,000

Road Haulage and Vehicle/Operator Hire Services Framework

New 1st half of 2019

£10,400,000 Creation of Framework

Skip Hire New 1st half of 2019 £1,160,000

Stairlifts & Associated Services Renewal 1st half of 2019 £1,220,000

Street Lighting Electrical Testing Works 2018-19 - Aberdeenshire Council £55,000

SUN Server maintenance Extension 2nd half of 2019 £160,000

Supply of Bitumen Coated and Uncoated Road Aggregates and Concrete

Renewal 2nd half of 2019 or 2nd half 2020 £4,000,000

Contract has an extension available until 31 March 2021. Dependant on uptake of extension option when it will be advertised. Currently led by Moray Councils, but potentially relet by CPSS

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Description Type of Contract Estimated Contract Notice Publication

Estimated Contract Value Comments

Supply of Floor Cleaning Equipment Framework - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5


£200,000 May be extended

Support of 2 JetNexus appliances 1st half of 2019 £56,000

Swimming Pool Gases Renewal 1st half of 2019 £280,000

The Provision of an Employee Benefits Scheme

1st half of 2019 or 1st half of 2020 £150,000

Contract has an extension available until 06-2020. Dependant on uptake of extension option when it will be advertised.

Vehicle restraints New £244,000

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