
Aberfoyle Park High School

Taylors Road East Aberfoyle Park 5159 Phone: 8270 4455 Email: [email protected]



Issue 6, September 2018

Principal’s Report

Provider Name: Department for Education T/A

South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider No. 00018A

As we approach the pointy end of the academic school year for our senior school students, parents and caregivers have a vital role in supporting their children through exam and final assessment time. To support our students there are a number of tools and support available to parents and caregiver to help them help their child. ReachOut parents have produced a newsletter to engage parents in student wellbeing throughout exam time. ReachOut Parents has over 140 fact sheets and practical tools. Here are a few that will help you to support your teenager with exam stress:

• 7 tips for helping your teenager manage exam stress • A parent’s survival guide to year 12 • How your teenager can manage distractions • A parent’s story about beating exam stress.

These information sheets can be found at At the recent Governing Council meeting, discussion occurred about how to involve Parents in Education next year. We are seeking information from you about what you might want to hear more about or what may be useful to you in supporting your child. For example, one suggestion was parents assisting their children in mathematics learning. If you have any ideas that the Governing Council can organize for parents/caregivers please email me [email protected] by 21 September. Recently we have had an arborist assess the health of the many trees that are located on the school grounds. Some of our trees have been identified as needing some limbs removed. One tree on the lawn area outside Student Services is diseased and will need to be removed. This will be done at a time that students are not in the location. One of the important aspects of culture in our school is the celebration of diversity. This is evidenced by the recently held Wear It Purple Day lead by our EQHQ student leaders. This organized activity reflects one of the school values; that of respect. More details about this event to celebrate and acknowledge diversity is in this newsletter. This term has seen use acknowledge a range of student achievements at a whole school assembly. We have a whole school assembly each term with a different theme. The assemblies give our students with opportunity to come together and our student leaders leading us in a whole school celebration and acknowledgment. In addition, we have introduced year level

Issue 6, September 2018

assemblies to address specific year level matters. I am looking forward to assemblies so they strengthen student identity within their cohort and a part of the whole school. As we move towards the end of the term, staff have been completing student reports. The opportunity for parents and caregivers to discuss student learning will occur on 25 September. We are looking forward to another opportunity to further the important partnership with parents and caregivers with teachers to support student learning. Our school was successful in getting an Australian Government Armistice Grant. Students in the school’s VET Certificate I Doorways to Construction have been busy building the garden including paving the path. The Garden will be a feature that will enable our teachers to focus discussion about the significance of Armistice Day which commerates the signing of the agreement between World War I Allies and Germany for the ceasing of hostiles on the Western Front of World War I.

Marion Coady, Principal

2018 Calendar Dates

Term 3 2018

Wednesday 12/09/2018 7:30pm Music Showcase – Elder Hall

Wednesday 19/09/2018 Student Reports Distributed

Tuesday 25/09/2018 3:00pm-7:30pm Interview Night Years 8-11

Friday 28/09/2018 Term 3 concludes: 2.15pm dismissal

Term 4 2018

Monday 15/10/2018 Term 4 commences

Monday 22/10/2018 9:00am - 10:30am Principal Tour

Tuesday 30/10/2018

Last Day Year 12 Lessons Assembly & Farewell Morning Tea

6:30pm - 7:00pm Finance Meeting

7:30pm - 9:00pm Governing Council

Tuesday 13/11/2018 Year 8 Immunisation

Wednesday 21/11/2018 9:00am - 10:30am Principal Tour

Friday 23/11/2018 Last Day Year 11 Lessons

Saturday 24/11/2018 World Challenge Expedition commences

Monday 26/11/2018

6:30pm - 8:00pm Junior Band Night

2019 Year 12 Head Start Program commences

SMAF Orientation Week

Tuesday 27/11/2018 7:00pm - 9:00pm Governing Council Christmas Supper

6:00pm - 6:30pm Finance Meeting

Monday 3/12/2018 7:00pm - 9:00pmValedictory at Town Hall

Wednesday 5/12/2018 Year 10 Formal Lessons Conclude

6:30pm - 7:30pmYear 7 Parent Information Evening

Thursday 6/12/2018 Year 7 Orientation Day

Year 8 & 9 Formal Lessons Conclude

Friday 7/12/2018 Student Free Day

Wednesday 12/12/2018 Student Reports Distributed

Friday 14/12/2018 Term 4 concludes: 2.15pm dismissal

Issue 6, September 2018

HIGH ACHIEVMENTS Congratulations to Marlene Du Toit (Home Group 102) won first prize for her narrative in the SAETA Young Writer’s Award.

Congratulations to Thomas Brown (Year 9), Jayde Dart (Year 10) and Rhys Dart (Year 8) who have been selected in the Adelaide Korfball Youth U16 Development Squad who will be representing Australia in the Oceania Regional Youth Championships in Christchurch NZ from 12 – 14 October.

Congratulations to Ivy Balmer for submitting a photos to Public Libraries of SA for the Find Yourself in a Library Photo Competition. Congratulations on winning a Booktopia gift certificate to the value of $100.00.

Congratulations to Luke Hudson (1103) and Patrick Carmichael (1101) who were selected for the Semi-finals of the EvattSA competition.

Congratulations to Diana Hunt (Year 10) who has successfully gained a place in the ASSETS Program run by CSIRO. ASSTES is the Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science. Diana has been selected to participate in the Summer Program in Townville, QLD on 13-21 December.

Congratulations to India Reid and Rhiannon Scott (1st Year Ignite) who came third in the Year 8 division of the Grand Finals of the Food and Fibre Science Investigation Awards held at the Royal Show. They received prize money of $100 for their work relating to the “effect of reading on mental and physical abilities”.

Issue 6, September 2018

AWARDS FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT SEMESTER ONE At a recent whole school assembly, students who achieved at least 85% A grades in their Semester 1 report were recognised for their outstanding academic achievement. Students were presented with certificates by Principal Marion Coady and were warmly congratulated with a thunderous round of applause from the assembled students. A list of the award winners is below. Congratulations to all of the students recognised for their hard work in Semester 1, 2018.

Middle School: Jordan Blanksby Alesha Brewer Annelise Bollmeyer Kate Bullitis Georgia Burgman Layla Deacy Adiba Fairooz Taylor Fox Stephanie Gardiner Hannah Green Sophie Harrison Ali Hodgson Naomi Lea Skye Leong Abby Newman Neha Ravindra Carys Roberts Rhiannon Scott Brenna Underdown Meagan Underdown Georgia Van Vugt Tahlia West

Senior School: Olivia Bell Rhys Brough-Smyth Li Ann Ching Molly-Eve Day Lauren De Lyster Noemia Dias Hanna Dodd Josh Fitton Amber Freer Talia Goodlife Rebecca Green Angel Joshy Rachel Min Fraser Odell Laura Rasheed Isabelle Simkin Annalise Timms Alicia Turner Olivia Warren Jemima Watchman Madeleine West Mia Withers

Cassie Dickeson Assistant Principal Middle School/8-12 Student Wellbeing


Term 3 reports, providing an overview of student’s progress, will be distributed via Year 8 to 12 students on Wednesday 19 September and available on Daymap from Monday 24 September. Year 8 to 11 student reports will include an indication from the subject teacher where a parent / teacher interview is requested. A letter outlining the organisation of interviews will be sent home with reports. You will be able to book your interviews online or by phoning the school. Details in regards to the interview booking process can be found in the letter and on our school website

Year 8 to 11 subject teachers will be available for ten-minute interviews between 3.00 and 7.30 pm on Tuesday 25 September. At the interview, teachers will discuss your child’s overall progress and recommend strategies for improvement. Year 12 parent / teacher interviews were conducted earlier in Term 3.

A positive partnership between parents, teachers and students is vital in supporting your child’s learning.

We thank you in anticipation for meeting with teachers to support your child’s progress and look forward to seeing you on interview evening.

Craig Duguid, Deputy Principal

Issue 6, September 2018

SACE STAGE 1 AND 2 DRAMA PRODUCTION From the shore, you can almost see it, on a clear day: an oil rig. Where The Community is. In a storyline resembling both William Golding’s allegorical Lord of the Flies and George Orwell’s dystopian Animal Farm, This Changes Everything follows a group of disillusioned young people to The Community, a utopian society formed on an abandoned oil rig out at sea.

Over four performances, SACE Stage 1 and 2 Drama students brought the world of The Community to life in the Performing Arts Centre. Over 30 hours of outside school rehearsals delivered a gripping production, with students in performance roles, as well as lighting, costume and makeup design and stage management. Congratulations to all of the students for their efforts and thank you to everyone who contributed to the production!

Daniel Lynch, Drama Teacher

RESUME WRITING WORKSHOP Casual employment is fantastic for students as it allows studens to gain independence and develop useful skills such as communication, customer service, teamwork and leadership. Aberfoyle Park students were invited to express their interest in attending a resume writing workshop. Students gave up their time during lunch to attend a workshop where they learnt about resume writing and asked questions. Students were encouraged to write clearly and succinctly, to avoid over complicating their resumes and were given a few tips such as:

- Have clear headings - Include leadership and volunteering activities - Speak with your referees to gain their permission before putting them on your resume - Triple check spelling and grammar - Ask someone to read over your resume before submitting it - Always submit your resume as a PDF to avoid formatting and alignment issues

Students asked a lot of great questions and keenly took notes. If any students would like to attend a resume writing workshop in Term 4, they can register their interest on the notice board in Student Services.

Aneleise Truman, Youth Worker Workskill

Issue 6, September 2018

WORLD CHALLENGE: TRAINING EXPEDITION On the first weekend of the term, 17 APHS World Challengers, Mr Rayner, Ms Nicolle, Mrs Gale and Brian from World Challenge trekked to Belair National Park for the overnight training expedition. The training expedition is a crucial part of the World Challenge experience where students get the opportunity to further develop relationships, build communication and leadership skills, work as a member of a team and learn basic camping, hiking and survival skills. After the first training expedition was cancelled due to a bushfire, the threat of rain and storms risked the expedition again. The rain held out for 48 hours and all students remained dry. However the low of less than 8 degrees overnight meant it was tricky for some to sleep. Learning to cook on a trangia and managing with no technology was a first for many students, as was hiking with full backpacks and the use of paper maps to navigate! The World Challengers would like to give a huge thank you to Mr Edwards for driving the bus and expertly packing the 19 backpacks. They would also like to thank Ms Nicolle for spending the day hiking and Brian from World Challenge for being a knowledgeable leader who provided many tips and tricks for in country and setting up some unique team bonding activities. Students found value in what they learnt over the weekend and all are looking forward to applying their new skills whilst in country in Vietnam and Cambodia for four weeks at the end of the year.

Mrs Gale and the APHS World Challengers

CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE IN MUSIC Congratulations to Daniel Birkin, Lio Chignola, Marius Scutea, Oliver Land, Max Magee, Lachlan McInnes, Ethan Hird and Lauren De Lyster, members our school’s Percussion Ensemble for being awarded GOLD at the Open Percussion Ensemble competition within the ABODA festival at Westminster College on 22 August. The students played impeccably and made their director, Mr David Hopgood (Instrumental Music) and music teachers VERY PROUD! They were one of only two ensembles awarded the Gold standard and then came second overall, and only just to Brighton Secondary School’s Special Interest Music Centre’s Premier Percussion Ensemble, so an AMAZING outcome. They also enjoyed listening to rival Percussion Ensembles and repertoire presented by PAC, Pembroke, Pulteney, Westminster, Sacred Heart, CBC, Walford, Cabra, SASPE, Norwood Morialta and Heathfield High. It was a very competitive field and they brought home GOLD! Woohoo!

Vicki Holland Senior Leader - Visual and Performing Arts Director of Music

Issue 6, September 2018

MUSIC SHOWCASE 2018 The annual Aberfoyle Park High School Music Showcase featuring the school’s Concert Band, Choir, String Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble and Big Band is fast approaching. This year our Year 9 Band will also be featured so please put this date into your diaries now for an event not to be missed. Date: Wednesday 12 September Time: 7.30pm Venue: Elder Hall Adelaide University North Terrace, Adelaide Tickets: $12 each (inc. GST). Children and school students free with an accompanying adult. Tickets can be purchased at the door or will be available from the APHS Finance Office from Wednesday 5 September. This is a great opportunity to see the diverse range and excellent standard of the APHS Music Program Ensembles. We hope to see all of our music families and lots of our school community in the audience showing their support. Please invite family and friends along to share in the night’s entertainment.

Vicki Holland Senior Leader - Visual and Performing Arts Director of Music

Issue 6, September 2018

On Friday August 31 it was “Wear It Purple Day”. Wear it Purple is committed to respect diversity and social equality. Our EQHQ Student-led team hosted a cupcake stall at lunch time.

They sold cupcakes for $1 and $2 with all proceeds going to the Wear it Purple Foundation. We raised over $150.00 which will help provide schools with valuable resources at no cost, ensure merchandise is affordable and regularly available and fund new initiatives including participation in Pride events across the country.

APHS were lucky enough to have Oliver Keane who works for Headspace, join us to help the EQHQ crew sell the cupcakes, Oliver is also an ex- Aberfoyle Park High School Student. He also spoke one on one about what it means to be inclusive. The participating students were able to write down

what being inclusive meant to them and pasted their answer on the wall next to the cupcake stall. The messages were quite powerful and allowed the planning and preparation of the day to be so rewarding for all involved.

Thank you to the EQHQ Student Leaders for all of your hard work leading up to the day and a huge thanks to everyone that purchased cupcakes!

Hayley Wiedermann, Student Wellbeing Leader

Issue 6, September 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian, I would like to invite you to an information session about a potential two-week expedition to Fiji in June 2019 to help with biodiversity surveys run by Operation Wallacea. The presentation will be given at 7.00pm Tuesday 11th September at Aberfoyle Park High School in the Conference Room and is open to Years 9, 10 and 11, but any student that is interested in biology, ecology and conservation is welcome to attend. During the expedition, students will be based in the Natewa National Park, which is the wildest remaining area in Fiji. It is the aim of the authorities in Fiji to get this area designated as a World Heritage Site, and students will be working with scientists and academics to collect data to support this application. For the first week of the expedition, they will be based in the forest of the park, collecting data as part of various surveys including forest measurements, invertebrate surveys, bird surveys, herpetofauna surveys and bat surveys. In addition to this, students will have the opportunity to take a Fijian culture and environment course, and take a Pacific Island ecology course. One night of this week will be a homestay in a traditional Fijian village. For the second week the group will descend to the coast to the marine training centre in Natewa Bay, the largest bay in the South Pacific. Here the students can take a PADI Open Water dive training course. If they are already dive trained or just wish to snorkel, they can take part in a Pacific reef ecology course, where they will cover different types of reef and marine habitats, threats to the reef and also reef fish and invertebrate identification. During the second week they will also have the opportunity to join local villages, play sports with the local children and learn about local culture and customs. It is possible to do independent research essays as part of this expedition and we are hoping one or two students will want to use this opportunity to then submit work for a CSIRO Gold Award which would then help with university applications. Even if your son or daughter in the end decides not to go on this expedition, the presentation will still be of beneficial to them, especially if they are doing biology or science classes. The Opwall expedition costs can be significant, and as such Opwall can provide a meeting with one of their fundraising team. It would be our aim that if necessary, a large portion of the monies required could be fundraised. At the meeting specific dates and cost will be discussed and explained. I look forward to seeing you on the evening.

Jarrod Chave, Assistant Principal

Issue 6, September 2018

Issue 6, September 2018

From Happy Valley Bowling Club Inc (Short article for school newsletter about upcoming Come’N’Try days - with optional picture if room permits)

Free Come& Try Day! Lawn bowls is a fun, low impact sport suitable for all ages. Many players in our 2018 Commonwealth Games team were only in their 20’s! Happy Valley Bowling Club - located at the Happy Valley Sports Park - is holding a free Come’n’Try day to give you a chance to give it a go! It’s on Sunday September 16th, from 1pm to 4pm. Flat shoes (sneakers) essential. For more information, or to register, please contact Bill Downing on 0433 051 952 or [email protected]

Issue 6, September 2018

Issue 6, September 2018

Issue 6, September 2018
