  • Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

  • Adonis Golden Ratio System

    Abs & Arms Assault

    4 Weeks

    2 Workouts Per Week

    By: John Barban

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

  • ARMS

    The arms component of this routine is based on two concepts, antagonistic supersets and oscillating intensity for Arms.

    Antagonistic Super Sets:

    Antagonistic super sets are sets that include two exercises done back to back that work muscles that move a specific joint in the opposite direction. For arms this would mean doing a set of biceps immediately followed by a set of triceps.

    The biceps flex the arm at the elbow joint, and the triceps extend the arm at the elbow joint. Therefore they are considered antagonistic muscle groups with respect to the elbow joint.

    (another example of antagonistic muscle groups would be quads and hamstrings with respect to the knee joint. Quads extend the leg at the knee joint, hamstrings flex the leg at the knee joint)

    Oscillating Intensity:

    Oscillating intensity simply means heavy vs light weights. Each day of this program has a heavy and a light component and each muscle group is doing the opposite intensity of the other.

    For example, on day 1 if you are going heavy on biceps you will be going lighter on triceps. Therefore on day 2 you will be going heavy on triceps and lighter on biceps. This pattern continues throughout the 4-week program.


    The abdominal component of this program increases in intensity and is designed to hit all areas of the core region including the main abdominal muscles from top to bottom, as well as the oblique muscles along the side of the core area.

    The following 4-week program is meant to be used in ADDITION to the main Adonis Golden Raito Training Program you are currently doing. The total volume is controlled so as to not build too bulky of a waist area.

    I suggest adding one of these workouts on an off day when youre not doing other Adonis Golden ratio workouts. You can add the second of these workouts to the end of one of your other Adonis Golden Ratio workouts that focuss mostly on leg work.

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

  • Week 1 Day 1

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Standing Dumbbell Curls 4 13 2

    V-bar Pushdowns 8

    2 Cable Curls 3 21 2

    Tate Press 5

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Bodyweight Sit Ups 3 21 60

    Bent Leg Raises 3 13 60

    Stability Ball Roll-Outs 3 13 60

  • Week 1 Day 2

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Lying Tricep Extensions (barbell) 4 13 2

    Incline Dumbbell Curls 8

    2 Tricep Rope Pushdowns 3 21 2

    Hammer Curls 5

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Knee ups 3 13 60

    Lying Leg Raises 3 13 60

    Stability Ball Curl Ups 3 13 60

  • Week 2 Day 1

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Incline Dumbbell Curls 3 21 2

    Incline Tate Press 13

    2 Barbell Curls 4 13 2

    Tricep Extensions (dumbbell) 5

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Bodyweight Sit Ups 3 21 60

    Bent Leg Raises 3 13 60

    Lying Leg Raises 4 13 60

  • Week 2 Day 2

    ArmsSuper Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 V-bar Pushdowns 3 13 2

    Cable Curls 8

    2 One Arm Push ups 4 8 2

    Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls 5

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Knee ups 4 21 60

    Lying Leg Raises 4 21 60

    Stability Ball Roll-Outs 3 21 60

  • Week 3 Day 1

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls 4 8 2

    Tricep Rope Pushdowns 13

    2 Hammer Curls 4 8 2

    Tate Press 13

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Weighted Knee Raises 4 8 60

    Hanging Swinging Knee Raise to the Side 3 5 60

    Planks 1 Hold to Failure 60

  • Week 3 Day 2

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Lying Tricep Extension (Barbell) 4 8 2

    Incline Dumbbell Press 13

    2 V-bar Pushdowns 4 8 2

    Cable Curls 13

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Bent Leg Raises 4 8 60

    Hanging Knee Ups 2 Perform to Failure 60

    Planks 2 Hold to Failure 60

  • Week 4 Day 1

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Hammer Curls 5 5 2

    Incline Tate Press 8

    2 Barbell Curls 5 5 2

    Lying Tricep Extension (dumbbell) 8

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Hanging Leg Raises 4 10 60

    Bodyweight Sit Ups 4 21 60

    Feet-to-the-Bar Leg Raises 4 6 60

    Planks 2 Hold to Failure 60

  • Week 4 Day 2

    Arms Super Set # Exercises Sets Reps Rest (mins)

    1 Lying Tricep Extension (Barbell) 5 5 2

    Incline Dumbbell Curls 8

    2 Tate Press 5 5 2

    Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls 8

    Copyright Strengthworks International Publishing Inc 2013

    AbsExercise Sets Reps Rest (sec)

    Hanging Leg Raises 4 13 60

    Hanging Swinging Knee Raise to the Side 4 21 60

    Stability Ball Roll-Outs 4 21 60

    Planks 2 Hold to Failure 60

    ARMSABSWeek 1 Day 1Week 1 Day 2Week 2 Day 1Week 2 Day 2Week 3 Day 1Week 3 Day 2Week 4 Day 1Week 4 Day 2
