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The purpose of this project was to design, construct, and deploy a model as well as a

full-scale prototype of a Wing Wave Energy System. This system will be able to

convert the energy contained within the long wave currents of the ocean to electrical

energy. The construction of the scaled model was to prove design ability as well as

proof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the

scaled model and turned it into a capable working wing wave system. This system

would then be set for deployment in two phases during the summer 2010 Marine

Field Projects.

The design of the Wing Wave consists of two rigid, vertically mounted wings

attached to an aluminum frame base. A hydraulic piston will be attached to each of

the two wings and connected to a generator system to produce energy. Each wing

will move freely on a hinge with the motion of the long wave current.

Florida Institute of Technology and SebaiCMET, Inc. provided the funding for the

construction and testing of the Wing Wave. The scale model was produced using the

$1,400 provided by Florida Tech while the full-scale prototype was produced and

deployed using the $25,000 provided by SebaiCMET.

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Table of Contents


Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3

Background .................................................................................................................... 5

Sponsorship .................................................................................................................... 7

Current Systems ............................................................................................................ 8

Wave Formation/Theory .............................................................................................. 11

Challenges of the System ............................................................................................ 14

Model Overview ........................................................................................................... 18

Prototype Overview ..................................................................................................... 21

Wing Design ................................................................................................................. 22

Base Design .................................................................................................................. 25

Hinges .......................................................................................................................... 26

Hydraulics/Pistons ....................................................................................................... 30

Anchoring Systems ...................................................................................................... 33

Anti-Fouling/ Corrosion ............................................................................................... 35

Marine Field Projects Cruise 1 ................................................................................... 37

Marine Field Projects Cruise 2 ................................................................................... 58

Future Production…………………………………………………………………………….59



Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 65

Appendix A: References ........................................................................................... 65

Appendix B: Certifications ....................................................................................... 66

Appendix E: Safety/MSDS ....................................................................................... 68

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As the world‟s supply of fossil fuels continue to decline; the importance of

finding efficient, alternate forms of energy increases (Alharthi). Project Wing Wave

is an attempt to do so, by harnessing the power of the world oceans. The Wing Wave

system is a set of oscillating wings that will be mounted on aluminum frame and

placed on the ocean floor, outside of the surf zone. This system will convert the

undersea force that is associated with waves (Kolamiilunkuja) changing radial

motion to electrical energy. This project will be conducted in two different phases,

the first being a scale model 30 percent the size of the full scale prototype that will

be constructed in the second phase, later in the summer after analysis of the model

has been tested. It will be funded by Clean and Green Enterprises, a startup

company that is interested in collaborating with Florida Institute of Technology to

determine the validity of the Wing Wave concept.

There are several challenges that face the design of such an alternate energy device

including base design, wing design, and the connection between the two. Also, the

methods for both the hydraulics and the generator device will be discussed to

ensure the key concepts are covered. Once an adequate design has been developed,

the Wing Wave structure will be constructed. This will be done in the Florida

Institute of Technology Machine and Welding Shop by the Wing Wave team with

assistance from the shop technicians.

When the construction has been completed, both the model and prototype will be

deployed in order to gather information and data on the efficiency of the design. The

small-scale model will be deployed in calm conditions and is designed primarily as a

proof of concept. This will enable the team to make educated estimates as to how

the current design will perform. The prototype will be deployed in two different

phases. The first will be the deployment of the base and anchoring systems on the

Marine Field Projects Cruise. The second will be the deployment of the complete

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prototype, which will remain in place for the period of one week producing both

systems data and energy.

If the Wing Wave design proves efficient, additional funding will be invested into

the Wing Wave system‟s development. Specifically, this funding will be for the

creation of an additional 12 systems that will be deployed to test the effectiveness of

the Wing Wave in large numbers. These will remain in place for up to one year and

will provide excellent information as to how the system will perform over an

extended period. This will allow analysis into energy production, server condition

protocol, corrosion, and bio fouling.

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The most sought after commodity in the world is energy, but recently, with

the widespread belief that global warming is an actual phenomenon it has left many

people asking the question: at what cost must we obtain energy? (O'Donnell) Since

the advent of the industrial revolution, coal and later oil have been the main

sources of energy for many countries in the world. (Science Clarified) The

fundamental problem with using coal and oil as major energy production sources is

the well-known fact that coal and oil are extremely dirty and limited energy

sources. Coal and oil continue to contribute to global warming because when burnt,

they create greenhouse gases. The widespread belief among scientists that global

warming is an actual phenomenon, has led to the desire to pursue clean, safe, and

renewable energy sources.

There has been a lot of research done in the areas of solar and wind energy, but

ocean energy is still a relatively new field of study. The reason why ocean energy is

being looked to as a viable source of energy production is simply because it does not

have the same limitations that solar and wind energy have. Solar energy is

dependent on the Sun, as the name suggests, which limits energy production to

daylight hours. Even though wind energy production is not limited to daylight

hours, it is limited by the fact that winds are often unreliable and sometimes are

hard to predict. The ocean, on the other hand, is a continuous source of energy;

unlike wind, the currents and tides of the ocean are a lot easier to predict and tend

to be a lot more reliable (A. D. Kirwan). More than 70% of the Earth‟s surface is also

covered by water, which would suggest that ocean energy is definitely a renewable

source of energy. This does not mean that ocean energy production is problem free,

but because it can be used as a continuous source of energy this is reason enough

that this area of research should be further developed. Ocean energy production

also tends to create more energy than its other clean energy counterparts.

According to the Ocean Energy Council, wave energy contains 1000 times the

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kinetic energy of wind energy, (Ocean Energy Council) a huge difference. This fact

is illustrated in the figure below, which compares the different renewable energy

sources in terms of energy production.

Figure 1: Energy Production Comparison

There are three major sources of ocean energy: wave energy, ocean thermal energy

and tidal energy. (Jones) The ocean energy system that we are currently developing

is based on the use of wave energy, and more specifically the use of the wave surge

phenomenon. There are multiple systems that are either in use or currently being

developed that employ the use of wave energy. One such system currently in use

that uses the wave surge phenomenon is called the “Wave Roller”. There are several

differences between their system and the one that we are currently developing and

we hope that our system is the first of its kind in the United States. To fully develop

our system to its potential we have a corporate sponsor called SebaiCMET, Inc. that

has provided us with a budget of $25,000 dollars to develop a working prototype

that will be deployed off Florida‟s East Coast. If our prototype is successful then

there are plans to develop several more units for use in Florida.

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Florida Institute of Technology and SebaiCMET, also known as Clean and

Green Enterprises, will provide funding for the Wing Wave project. Florida

Institute of Technology will provide the initial $1,400 for the construction of the

30% scale model. SebaiCMET will provide a total of $25,000 to be disbursed over

two installments. The first installment will be in the amount of $10,000 to be

received April 2010. The second installment of $15,000 will be received June 2010.

The funding supplied by SebaiCMET will be used to construct and deploy the full-

scale prototype.

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Current Systems

With the pursuit of alternative energy at an all time high, many systems

have recently been developed to harness energy in multiple ways. One of the most

viable sources for alternative energy is the ocean, providing potential energy by

waves, currents and tides. There are several current systems that are trying to

harness the energy of waves there are a few already developed systems for doing so.

One of the first systems consists of floating tubes connected together that move up

and down as waves pass by. There are pistons at the connections between the tubes

that are driven as by the movement of the waves. This system is called "Pelamis"

and was developed in 2004 by a Scottish company named Pelamis Wave Power

(PWP). The Pelamis "was the world‟s first commercial scale machine to generate

electricity into the grid from offshore wave energy and the first to be used in a

commercial wave farm project." (

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Figure 2: Pelamis Wave Power Generator

The most common wave energy generator system is developed by "Wavegen" named

the "Islay Limpet" (Land Installed Marine Powered Energy Transformer). This

system consists of an inclined concrete pressure chamber connected to a turbine

that is constructed on the coastline. The chamber has an opening that is below the

water and a two way turbine that is on the land. As the waves come to shore it

crashes and forces water up the chamber displacing the air through the turbine. As

the wave recesses, the water level drops and forces air the other way through the

turbine and creates energy again. Built in 2000, it is located at Claddach Farm on

the Rhinns of Islay on the Scottish island of Islay and the capacity of Islay LIMPET

is 500 kW.

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Figure 3: Wavegen’s Islay Limpet

The last wave generating system that is currently used is called the "wave roller"

created by AW-Energy. Unlike the other two systems, this will be completely

submerged and will be harnessing the energy of the bottom waves close to the

seafloor. The following description is found on the AW-Energy website


"In 1993, professional diver Rauno Koivusaari was exploring a shipwreck in the

Baltic. He was almost hit by a bulkhead door that was flapping slowly back and

forth in powerful underwater waves. Most divers have noticed this phenomenon,

but Rauno began to wonder if this bottom wave energy could be harnessed. It can

– with WaveRoller.

In surface waves or swell, water particles roll in a circular motion. Coming in

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toward the shore, this energy is squeezed by the reducing depth. Below the

surface swell, at a depth half of the length of the swell, the circular rolling

motion becomes more elliptical, and at the sea bottom the water particles rock

back and forth up to the breaker line.

WaveRoller captures this kinetic energy, using a specially designed bottom-

mounted moving wing. The captured energy is converted to electricity using

traditional technologies."

Figure 4: WaveRoller

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Wave Formation/Theory

Waves are formed primarily through the action of two major forces: wind

stresses and pressure gradients. Wind stress is the lateral force that is applied to

the surface of the ocean by prevailing wind. When wind is blowing over the surface

of a body of water it places a stress on the surface of the body, which results in the

occurrence of vorticity. Vorticity is often described as the tendency of a particular

fluid element to rotate. In actuality, vorticity occurs in one layer of the fluid element

and is transferred vertically downwards throughout the fluid element. This vertical

transfer of rotating force results in the formation of a wave. This occurrence

demonstrates the fact that even though wind stress acts on the surface of a body of

water, its primary direction of force is vertically downwards. Waves can also be

formed through the action of a pressure gradient. A pressure gradient simply refers

to a difference in pressures applied over a horizontal distance. This difference in

pressure usually occurs because at one point the water depth is greater than at the

other point. This pressure gradient results in the motion of water from the area of

high pressure to the area of low pressure.

Now that we know what forces are responsible for the formation of waves, we can

now look at the actual mechanics of a wave. The type of waves that we are

concerned with for our device are progressive waves and the wave surge

phenomenon. (Earth Science Australia) The Energy of a progressive wave is

defined by the following equation: y = a sin wt (But).

Looking at the motion of water particles under these waves, it is seen that the

particles don‟t move along with the wave, but rather rotate in a circular orbit as the

wave passes. For a deep water wave, the particle orbits are circular with the

diameter of the orbit decreasing with depth. The particle orbits under a shallow

water wave are elliptical with the transverse diameter (longer axis) remaining

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constant but the conjugate diameter (shorter axis) decreases with depth. These

orbital changes with depth are displayed in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Particle Motion Under a Wave

Because the conjugate diameter of the shallow wave decreases with depth but the

transverse diameter remains constant, the motion at the bottom is virtually only in

the horizontal direction. The Wing Wave system will utilize this horizontal particle

motion to push the wings back and forth.

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Challenges of the System

The Wing Wave system has a simplistic design; however, the system will

operate under harsh operating conditions. Therefore, many variables must be

accounted for, and some will remain unknown until thorough testing has been

conducted. The most demanding design aspects are waterproofing of the piston

generator system, complications with corrosion and fouling, sediment transport,

actual stresses on the wing, preparation for adverse weather conditions, and


Waterproofing of the piston generator system is extremely important because any

water damage to the generator will be detrimental, causing the entire system to

fail. The Harris Hydroelectric Alternator Pelton Turbine to be used is not currently

set up for use underwater; therefore, one significant challenge will be to ensure it is

entirely sealed. The hydraulic pistons, which will produce the flow required to drive

the generator, are also sealed but can be problematic. Steel and rubber seals used in

the pistons have an adequate seal to keep saltwater out of the system, but the steel

seals will corrode in saltwater. This will not cause a problem for the model and

prototype but the longevity of the piston seals will become a factor in an extended

use situation.

Just as the seals will not be a problem with the short-term deployment, corrosion

and fouling should not be a factor. They will, however, be a critical problem for an

extended use situation. On a short term basis there will be none or little fouling or

corrosion simply because there will be no time for it to occur. For a long-term

deployment, if the metal frames were to rust, they would expand and crack the

beams/welds and the fiberglass. Any accumulation of fouling will cause the

reduction of system movement. Possible fouling can occur either by marine life or

fishing equipment such as netting and lines. (Stanczak) To help prevent corrosion

and fouling, the system will be coated in an antifouling paint and have anodes that

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will help prevent rust. To avoid fouling by netting or fishing lines, buoys will be

placed marking the location of the Wing Wave to help deter fishing and other boat

traffic in the area. Nets and lines lost at sea that become trapped by the Wing Wave

will have to be removed by divers.

Due to the current on the sea floor there will be some amount of sediment transport.

Sediment transport problems will also have no affect on the short-term application;

with long-term operation though, there is a risk of sediment build up, which could

hinder wing motion. This sediment can accumulate on the wing, and clog the

pistons and any moving part of the system. If this happens, the system will be

unable to move, and the forces created by the current will cause further breakage.

(Golosov) The location of the energy system must have both suitable wave

conditions and suitable sediment for anchoring. The proper choice of location will be

researched and determined so that there will be the least amount of hazards

associated with sediment transport and anchoring. To prevent sediment from being

trapped in the moving parts of the system, all moving parts will be sealed or


There should not be too much stress on the wing because it will be free to move with

the water column. Unknown complications could still occur though. If the wing

becomes damaged by debris in the water or aquatic life serious complications could

occur. As previously stated, if sediment build up caused the wing to become

immobile the stress from waves could also fracture the wing.

Due to the relatively thin composite material, the wing is vulnerable to cracking.

There are two main ways that this cracking can occur. The first is a crack in the

face of the wing. This will allow seawater to enter the wing, which will corrode the

metal and weaken the frame of the wing. In addition to this, once a crack begins,

the forces on the wing will force the crack to propagate. The other form cracking can

take is on the side of the wing were the sections of the wing are joined. If this occurs

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the connections between the wing sections will be weakened and eventually, after

the crack propagates, the sections will separate. To prevent cracking in the wings,

the wings will have to be properly constructed using the correct orientation of the

woven fiberglass cloth and the proper amount of resin. The wings will also be

reinforced with an aluminum frame, with large washers that will be able to

distribute the force of the bolts over a larger surface area. (American Composites

Manufacturers Association)

Another concern is the susceptibility of failure in the main joints. Since the design

must be partially disassembled for transportation, the “feet” must be bolted onto the

frame instead of welded. Also, the separate sections of the wing will be bolted

together. Because they are bolted rather than welded, any torque on the frame will

cause bending and shearing of the bolts and/or frame. There is also a possibility of

failure in the welds. Cracks in the welding can cause the frames to twist under the

forces of the wave and wing motion. This torque will cause further damage to the

beams and other welds. To prevent failures, the “feet” and frames will be attached

with a sufficient number of bolts to distribute the forces on each bolt connection.

This will help to hold the pieces together if one of the bolts fails.

Adverse weather conditions such as those caused by hurricanes are the greatest

hazards that the Wing Wave might face. Such scenarios are among the hardest

factors to design for and could be extremely damaging if they are not properly

accounted for. If a hurricane strikes the Wing Wave Generator‟s location, then the

force of the waves striking the wings will be far higher than what the wings

normally face. These elevated forces will either break the wings, or break the hinges

that attach the wing to the base if the wing is not able to withstand these forces. To

avoid damage during hurricanes, the wings will be designed to withstand forces

higher than the average of forces produced at that location. Although the wings will

be designed to withstand some of the stronger forces caused by hurricanes, the

wings are still vulnerable to these forces. In order to prepare for storm surge, the

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wing will have to be locked down in a position where the surge will have minimal

force on the wing. This may require specialized divers to lock it down, an ROV or a

sophisticated robotic mechanism.

The locking of the wings in a horizontal position will also provide a safe way to halt

the motion of the wings so that divers can safely approach the Wing Wave to make

repairs to the system or to remove any fouling that has accumulated that decreases

the efficiency of the system.

Deployment is a complicated task for such a large piece of equipment. This will

require several divers with special training as well as a ship and crane that can

handle the structure and anchors. The system will also have to be accurately placed

on the sea floor and connected to an electrical grid on shore. Once the single

prototype has been tested; deployment will also require connecting a series of Wing

Waves together to produce substantial power.

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Model Design

We have already constructed a model of our system however it is not fully

complete. We completed the base frame, the wing frames, and three of the fiberglass

wing inserts. The base dimensions for the current model are six feet long by four

and a half feet wide. We used one inch by one inch 6061 Aluminum C beam to

construct the base frame. The fiberglass wing sections were constructed from a

polyester resin and fibers and measured three feet tall by one and a half feet wide.

This makes the wingspan of the device four and a half feet wide, which is the same

width as the base frame. To complete one wing, six sections are required. Three

sections are placed on one side facing outwards and the other three sections are

placed on the other side of the frame facing outwards as well. The model is made of

two wings and as a result, twelve fiberglass sections will be needed to complete the

wings. Currently, there are only three sections completed; therefore, the

construction of nine more sections is needed to complete the wings. The wing

sections are secured to frame through the use of bolts and washers. The hinge

system also has to be revamped since the hinges that are currently in use are too

small to withstand the forces of the waves when the model is deployed. Simple door

hinges were used that were fasted to the frame using bolts and washers. The

fiberglass wing sections were then attached to the wings using bolts and washers as

well. In the coming weeks, we are going to fabricate hinges out of stainless steel to

be used on the model. The hinges are subjected to the some of the strongest forces

on our design. The reason why we are using stainless steel is simply because it is a

lot stronger than aluminum and it is also resistant to corrosion, though the use of

rubber gaskets will be needed to prevent a reaction between the two types of metal.

For the pistons, we have decided to use keg taps to serve our purposes, but we need

to modify them so they can be effective. Once the model is completed, we also intend

to attach a force gauge to our system so we can measure the actual forces that our

system generates. The intended date for completion for our model is May 10th with

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the deployment of the model scheduled for May 14th. The model is shown in several

pictures below.

Figure 6: Full view of the model

Figure 7: Front Profile of Model

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Figure 8: Model Base

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Prototype Overview

The prototype is the large-scale version of our design. The same design

concepts used in constructing the model will be used to build the prototype. Of

course, due to lessons learned during the process of making the model, minor to

medium changes were made to the prototype to make it much more efficient and in

line with the concept we are trying to achieve. The prototype‟s dimensions sit at

approximately 20ft long and 15ft wide. This measurement is for the base, which is

made from 6061 Aluminum C beam and I beam. One difference with the base of the

model to that of the prototype is that it will have 4 extensions, 2 'feet' on either side,

which is set to enhance stability of the structure. Housed on top of the base will be

four (4) wings; these wings will be attached via a strong welded hinge. Aside from

the skeleton part of the structure, the smallest, yet most important and complicated

part of the prototype will be the hydraulic system. The details of the design of the

system will be discussed in a later section.

The prototype was set to be fully designed and built by July 8th for deployment on

the second Cruise via the R/V Thunderforce. For the first cruise, June 8th-11th, we

deployed the base and one of the previously designed concrete block. For the second

cruise, July 8th, we intended to have the entire structure completed for full testing;

making sure the system operated as planned. The sections below give detailed

information as to the parts designed and built to put this system together to create

what we now call a Wing Wave.

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Wing Design

The wing will be constructed of an aluminum frame and composite surface. Each

wing is a total of 15 feet wide and 8 feet tall. Originally to be constructed in 3

sections, we moved to a 4-section design. A four-section design allows for a more

rigid steel centerpiece for the piston system to attach to. This will be a solid piece of

steel, a quarter inch thick. The remaining frame consists of two inch by half-inch

flat 6061 aluminum stock. Five cross members, spaced two feet apart run across the

back surface and perpendicular to the wings motion. This supports the wing surface

on all sides of its triangular cross section. The wing is in a triangular shape in order

to catch the most force from the wave as it oscillates. For the wing surfaces,

aluminum sheets were used. Once all sections are completed, they will be bolted

together to create the full wing. Finally, the wing will be attached to the base frame

on hinges with stainless steal pins. Figures to illustrate the design of the wing are

shown below.

Figure 9: Pro-E Design of 1 Full Wing

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Figure 10: Actual Full Wing

Figure 11: Wing Section

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Figure 12: Wing section with foam inserts

Wing Tab:

Dimensions: 3ft 7in with reinforcement beams places 1ft 6in apart

Full Wing sits at 15ft wide 8ft high and the top is 3ft wide.

Materials used: 1/16” Aluminum 6061 Sheet

1” * 1/8” Aluminum 6061 Angle

3/16” Aluminum Rivets

Details: Steel point was placed between the center of (2) connected wing sections

Curved foam inserts will provide neutral buoyancy for the wings

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Base Design

The base of the Wing Wave will be made of 6061 Aluminum C-Beam. The

choice of material was most suited because of its durability, combination of

strength, good corrosion resistance, and machinability, and its yield strength

16,000psi before coating.

The structure of the base has a balanced and symmetrical design. The base is

rectangular and to ensure security and stability on the sea floor, the base was

designed with four „feet‟, two on each side. These feet will ensure resistance to wave

forces that may try to shift the base horizontally. The structure and the materials

used for the base are designed for maximum efficiency in regards to both price and

testing survivability.

Figure 13: Design of Base

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In order to withstand the forces of the ocean, the hinges connecting the wings

to the base need to be very strong and robust. After searching local stores and

online, we decided to fabricate the hinges ourselves using 2”x3” rectangular

aluminum stock and a 1” circular aluminum rod. The hinge design was first drawn

using the Pro E software, which was then transferred to MasterCam; the program

used by Florida Tech‟s CNC Machine.

The hinge design consisted of a bottom piece with three teeth, a top piece with two

teeth that fit precisely in the spaces between the bottom teeth, and a pin inserted

through the center of both pieces. The Pro E drawing for this design is shown below,

with the bottom piece that is connected to the base in gray, the top piece connected

to the wing in red, and the pin in green.

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Figure 14: Pro E design of the hinge system

Figure 15: CNC Manufactured hinges

The CNC machine was used to cut out the shape of the top and bottom hinge

sections while the 1” aluminum rod was cut using a band saw followed by a lathe to

decrease the diameter of the rod by 1/16th of an inch. The following figure depicts

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the CNC machine rounding out the edges of the hinges from the rectangular stock

before cutting out the teeth sections.

Figure 16: CNC Machine used to cut out hinge sections

Six hinges were produced, three hinges for each wing. To connect the hinges to the

wings, the bottom piece of the hinge was welded directly to the base frame. The top

piece was first welded to a 9” length, 2” width, and ¼” thickness piece of aluminum

that was then bolted onto the wings. The pin was then slipped through the two

hinge pieces, its horizontal movement stopped by two custom washers placed at

each end of the pin. The completed and connected hinge is shown in the figure


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Figure 17: Hinge connection on the wing itself

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The heart of this system is a Harris Hydroelectric Alternator Pelton system.

This generator is driven by pressure created in two hydraulic pistons and delivered

to the Harris hydroelectric generator through two nozzles. The generator creates

power with flows as little as 10 GPM up to 250 GPM running with 40% to 60%

efficiency. The Pelton wheel design is ideal for this system because the high

pressure fluid exiting each nozzle is totally exhausted returning low pressure to the


There will be two hydraulic tanks to hold fluid. One tank will be a constant

pressure tank that the cylinders will pressurize. This tank has a diaphragm which

regulates the pressure exiting into the generator. By utilizing this tank a constant

pressure can be delivered at all times so the generator is continually operating. The

other tank is an auxiliary holding tank for overflow fluid. This prevents

complications with over pressurization of the system and supplies fluid to the

cylinders. Cylinders will have stainless steel shafts with bronze scrapers. Bronze

scrapers will remove bio-fouling from the shafts and help resist corrosion. Each

cylinder will have a two foot stroke with a two inch diameter shaft.

Figure 18: Harris Hydroelectric Alternator Pelton Turbine

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Figure 19: Interior Turbine

Because the Harris Hydroelectric Alternator Pelton system was not ordered in time

for testing an alternative system was created. Sean Pagliari, Tomas Carney and

Chris Hodgkins designed a PVC cylinder system; utilizing four, one way flap valves

and PVC adapter, a standard garden hose could be attached to pump sea water.

With this system and the literalizer made for the wing, sea water could be pumped

to the surface buoy where its flow rate will be recorded. While this will not allow for

any power generation, it will produce solid flow rate numbers for the wing. With

these numbers it is possible to calculate approximate power output from the Pelton

system and trouble shoot any issues which occur.

The pictures below show the alternative system created for use as our hydraulic


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Figure 20: Alternative hydraulic system

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Anchoring Systems

The anchoring system that will be used to secure the Wing Wave to the sea

floor is comprised of two parts: concrete blocks and marine anchor screws. The

anchoring system must be able to resist vertical motion due to the force of the

waves, and horizontal motion due to the buoyancy of the system. The anchoring

must also prevent any movement or twisting of the base due to any torque produced

by the motion of the wings.

Figure 21: Marine Anchor Screw

The concrete blocks will be in the feet that are placed at each of the four corners of

the base. The blocks will follow the same shape of the side feet themselves and with

be reinforced with custom washers and steel the alleviate the stress on the base and

the wings during deployment and retrieval.

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The anchor screws will be secured into the sea floor by a team of divers. One diver

will hold the screw in place while two additional divers turn the anchor screw using

a length of rebar that passes through the eyelet on the top of the screw. Dr. Wood

will be providing four anchor screws and our team will make the four concrete


Figure 22: Concrete block integrated with the feet

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Antifouling/ Corrosion

One of the biggest issues we will face with deploying our system in the ocean

is corrosion and bio-fouling. The ocean is one of the harshest environments for

equipment to be deployed, so we will have to take necessary measure to account for

this. Since our system is going to built out of aluminum, the moment our system is

submerged in the ocean it will be subject to fouling and corrosion. Even the smallest

amount of fouling can cause the system to fail and not produce any power. In order

to protect our wing from bio-fouling, two layers of protective Trilux paint will be

coated on the wing. For the wing and base, we will be choosing an anti fouling paint

to prevent growth from barnacles and other sea life. There are many different

antifouling paints for the marine environment, most of which are mixed with

copper. This copper will causes galvanic corrosion when coated on aluminum. One of

out best choices for anti fouling paint is Interlux Pacifica. Interlux has created this

antifouling paint, which uses a special Biolux blend to provide up to 18 months of

bio-fouling protection.

Figure 23: Anti Fouling Paint

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Aside from fouling, our system will also be subjected to corrosion, another leading

cause of equipment failure of underwater structures. There are a couple different

ways corrosion occurs, but our main concern is galvanic corrosion and saltwater

corrosion. "Four things are needed for galvanic corrosion to occur: two dissimilar

metals must be present; there must be a connection between the two metals; an

electrolyte (in this case saltwater) must be present; and a potential difference

between the two metals must occur. (” Since all of these

components are involved in this design, galvanic corrosion will become an issue. To

prevent saltwater corrosion, zinc anodes are going to be places throughout the wing

and its components. Since zinc is positioned in the electronegative table, it will be

the first to corrode. These will have to be replaced but it will be a lot cheaper then

replacing the aluminum frame or anchor system.

Figure 24: Sacrificial Anodes

We will also be using marine grade hydraulic cylinders instead of regular

hydraulics. The difference between these two is that marine grade has a stainless

steel shaft with a bronze scrapper that removes any fouling that builds up on the

shaft. Also, these marine hydraulic cylinders use a water-soluble, environmentally

friendly SunFluid™ (hydraulic fluid) instead of using regular hydraulic fluid. These

will also come coated in an anti-fouling paint.

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Marine Field Projects- Cruise 1

Engineering Objectives:

To deploy and retrieve the wing wave base and concrete anchor block

To launch the side scan sonar at least once

To conduct CTD castings for data in the various water column

For deployment the ship‟s A frame dimensions were 14ft*8ft*25ft

Figure 25: R/V Weatherbird

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For an effective transport system we upgraded the flatbed trailer given to our

team by the school. We installed proper plywood boards on the bed as the

previous ones were severely damaged. We also build reinforcements on the bed

to hold the base in place, considering the width of the base is wider than that of

the trailer. Reflectors were also placed around the bad as well as on the base for

safe transport, especially since we depart campus before sunlight. After the

block was successfully placed on the bed, it was secured and strapped using

various straps and ropes. The concrete anchor block was carefully placed in the

center of the base (center of the trailer) and also strapped securely onto the

trailer bed. The pictures below illustrate the base and block secured on the

flatbed trailer.

Figure 26: Picture illustrating the base and anchor block set on the trailer bed

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Figure 27: Picture to illustrate the transport of the base from the trailer bed to the

ship’s stern via onboard crane

Figure 28: Picture illustrating the base being safely placed on the ship stern


The deployment of the base and anchor block was more challenging than

predetermined. Initially we intended to deploy the base first and then the block over

it. After further discussions on the ship with the team, Dr. Wood and the ship

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Captain we figured this was not a safe and efficient plan. The concrete anchor block

was moved via the onboard crane from the starboard side of the ship to

approximately ½ m in from the edge of the stern.

Figure 29: A picture to illustrate the transport of the concrete anchor block to the stern

After the block was moved the team proceeded to communicate with the ship crew

as to the final decision for deployment; in which it was decided to deploy the block

first, followed the by the base. When both pieces were placed on the ocean floor

divers would then instructed to prepare for assessment.

The block was safely sent to the ocean floor, lying just around 30ft. The base was

prepared using bumblebee tape, to aid in visibility; also float tags were attached on

the right side of the base corners. The base was then ready for immediate

deployment. There were a few hiccups initially in lifting the base, trying to keep in

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level and balanced; but after a few corrections and impeccable communication (hand

signals) we were able to have a successful first deployment.

Figure 30: Picture illustrating roping on the base by the ship Captain and his deck hands

Figure 31: Picture to illustrate the secure roping from the base to the crane

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The base was now prepared to be deployed through the ship‟s A-frame and set on

the ocean floor. Now that both pieces were deployed, divers were ready to go in to

assess and perform. The first dive was a preliminary dive to assess the dive site as

well as test the anchor screw on the ocean floor for penetration. The following dives

were to attach the float bags to the concrete block and move it over to fit onto the

base frame.

Figure 32: Picture to illustrate the float bags being used to mobilize the anchor block

The anchor screw used for our sediment testing in Florida Bay was kindly given to

us by Dr. Wood. Its purpose for our project is to help the wing wave prototype resist

sliding vertically as well as horizontally. The wing wave will stay fixed on the sea

floor and will not move due to torque. It will also withstand scouring and sediment

transfer. Since the screw plays such a vital role in our design we took it to test the

seafloor, to make sure that it was able to penetrate effectively. We soon learned

from the first engineering dive that this was not possible, at least not at that

location due to rocky sedimentation.

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The above procedures for deployment were performed on two (2) separate occasions

in which detail is provided in the Appendix.

Figure 33: Divers deploy from ship stern


To retrieve the pieces from the ocean floor presented a few complications, especially

the second time. On the first trial we retrieved the block first with the assistance of

two AAUS certified divers, who dove to attach the ropes to the anchor block and

connect to the crane‟s hook. After retrieving the block the same process was

repeated for the base frame. Records of the time and divers are shown in the


The second retrieval process was a „doozy‟ to say the least. First the problem began

when we decided to connect both pieces with a tag line. We should have known this

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was not going to be a good idea. However, we proceeded to retrieve the block thru

the same process as before, but as soon as the block surfaced we had to cut loose on

of the ropes to allow the crane to bring the block to deck. It was now time to retrieve

the base now that both pieces were disconnected. Problem! The base could not be

found. The float tags that were attach to the frame show no sign on the ocean

surface and the visibility in the water is too low to search from deck. The ship

circled the immediate area for sign of the buoys. After about 2 hours we saw sign of

the orange buoys attached to the tags of the frame just 40 degrees N of the bow.

Divers were sent in to connect rope and hook for immediate retrieval. Complete

records are shown in the Appendix.


Day 1 – June 5th 2010 – Saturday

3:45 am: Team meets at Link Building for departure @ 4am in school vans.

4:15 am: Depart Link Building to Machine Shop for trailer loading.

4:30 am: School departure

5:54am: Trailer rest stop

6:00am: Depart rest stop

9:06am: Gas and rest stop @ Key Largo

9:25am: Depart

12:05pm: Arrive @ US Coast Guard dock for ship boarding on the Weatherbird II

12:15pm: Loading of base via crane to the stern

12:25pm: Loading complete

12:32pm: Brief meeting with the Cruise 1 for information regarding data

methodology, ship routines and other helpful information. **

12:45pm: End of meeting, start having lunch.

1:30pm: Safety brief in the mess hall with the Captain and crew. ***

2:05pm: Start of work shifts.

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** Information from Cruise 1 to 2:

- Use wind gauge to take the data from different heights.

- Try lowering the side scan sonar deeper and further from the boat for better


- If precipitation occurs, be mindful to get data from the rain gauge on the


- Shine no flashlights near the bridge at night due to the „Red Zone‟

- Use guides and booklets for proper scientific data

- Collect weather information per 30 minutes including: date, time,

temperature, wind speed, wind direction, sky conditions, wave conditions,

swell, precipitation, and humidity.

*** Information from Captain:

- Restricted areas include the Engine Room and the Bridge

- No caps are allowed to be worn in the mess hall

- Meals are 0600hours, 1200hours and 1800hours

- Crew eats first

Day 2 – 6th June 2010 – Sunday

1st Dive Log- Science Dive

Anchored: 0832 hours

Location: 24 37 .023N

082 54 .053W

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Dive site: Dry Tortugas-

# of divers: seven (7) plus one TA (Amanda)

Buddies: Fadi <-> Jen; Josh<->Thomas<->Chris

Dive Safety Officer: Mark Christian

Purpose: Photography and Video coverage of quadrant areas as well as every 5m

on a transect line to determine specie variation.

Zodiac Load times:

0920hours- 1 person plus equipment transported to shore from stern

0939hours- 5 persons load with radio to be transported to shore from stern

0952hours- 3 persons load with camera t be transported to shore from stern

Divers noted to be in at 10:50am for 1st dive.

Divers return at 1315hours.

Dive Info:

Max Depth: 10-15ft

Safety Stops: none

Bottom Time: 27 minutes

Snorkel Info:

1045hours: Depart Weatherbird II via Zodiac

1105hours: Arrive at Ford

Snorkelers in water @ 1139hours

1347hours: Arrive at the Weatherbird II

Purpose: To observe the marine life around the island, in addition to the

architectural structure on the land.

Day 3 – 7th June 2010 – Monday

2nd Dive: Engineering Dive

Anchored Time: 0740hours

Location: 24 52 .617N

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081 28 .371W

Dive Site: Florida Bay Area

Preliminary Dive 1:

Time in: 0829hours

Time submerged: 0832hours

Bottom time: 00:03minutes

# Divers: 2

Divers: Fadi Fahs and Jennifer Draher

DSO: Josh Matthews

Purpose: To survey area before deployment as well as test soil for anchoring

Other data:

- Diver went off the stern

- Equipment used: 1 screw, 1 crowbar

- Visibility was poor, Secchi disk shows visibility of 112.5in

- Divers surfaced due to very poor visibility

- There was no or little current

- Depth was estimated at 22ft

- Soil was seen to be sand and rock

- No safety stops were taken

- Divers remained in the water for a repeat dive

Preliminary Dive 2:

Time in: 0835hours

Time submerged: 0845hours

Bottom time: 00:26minutes

# Divers: 2

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Divers: Fadi Fahs and Jennifer Draher

DSO: Josh Matthews

Purpose: To survey area before deployment as well as test soil for anchoring

Other data:

- Divers surfaced at 0911hours

- Safety line was thrown out to them

- No safety stops were taken

- Max depth estimated at 22ft

- Jennifer‟s air : 2900 to 1400 psi

- Fadi‟s air: 2700 – 900 psi

- After trying to screw in anchor, it only went approximately 1.5ft. They hit

rock which was very hard to penetrate. Method was repeated at 2 separate

locations, 3 different times, but no avail with results.

- Landscape was flat, no marine life interruptions minus the occasional


Engineering Dive 3: A Team (Anchor Block)

Time in: 1007hours

Time submerged: 1018hours

Bottom Time:

# Divers: 3

Divers: Josh Matthews, Thomas Carney and Chris Hodgkin

DSO: Fadi Fahs

Purpose: To manipulate the anchor block (after it has been deployed), under

water using (3), 250 pound lifts bags.

Other data:

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- Thomas‟s BC was leaking so he surfaced after 00:01minute @ 1008hours. He

switched from Dr. Wood‟s BC to his own and also switched the Regulator to

Fadi‟s own. He reentered at 1015hours.

- Team resurfaced at 1023hours for the extra tank and float bag. Team

submerged at 1025hours.

- Team involuntarily surfaced at 1027hours due to excess air in lift bags, thus

proceeded to dump air. Team submerged at 1030hours to move block over


- Team surfaced at 1043hours with success.

- Team except Chris exited water via swim platform at 1106hours

- Chris remains in order to reattach hooks for retrieve process

- Josh‟s air: 2700 – 1000 psi

- Thomas‟s air: 3100 – 1100psi

- Chris‟s air: 2900 – 1000psi

Engineering Dive 3: B Team (Frame and screws)

Time in: 1010hours

Time submerged: 1020hours

Bottom time: 00:10minutes

# Divers: 2

Divers: Mark Christian and Jennifer Draher

DSO: Fadi Fahs

Purpose: To manipulate the frame and the screws on the seafloor after being

deployed via crane.

Other data:

- Equipment taken: 1 screw, 1 crowbar and 1 pipe

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- Max depth was estimated at 30ft

- No safety stops were taken

- Divers exited via swim platform

- Mark‟s air: 3500 – 2600 psi

- Jennifer‟s air: 2900 – 2200 psi

Preliminary Dive 4:

Time in: 1357hours

Time submerged: 1400hours

Bottom time: 00:10minutes

# Divers: 2

Divers: Fadi Fahs and Ravaal Ramsaroop

DSO: Mark Christian

Purpose: Survey the dive site before deployment

Other data:

- Equipment taken: 1 screw, 1 crowbar and 1 pipe

- Divers drifted due to strong currents

- Divers were retrieved via rescue buoy

- Fadi‟s air: 2800 – 1800 psi

- Ravaal‟s air: 2700 – 2000 psi

- Max depth was estimated at 28ft

- Seafloor was still very hard to penetrate due to rocky sediments

Captain advised procedures to go on hold due to strong tidal currents.

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Engineering Dive 5: A Team (Anchor Block)

Time in: 1603hours

Time submerged: 1604hours

Bottom time: 00:21minutes

# Divers: 3

Divers: Josh Matthews, Thomas Carney and Chris Hodgkin

DSO: Fadi Fahs

Purpose: To manipulate the anchor block on the seafloor to fit onto frame as


Other data:

- Divers entered water via stern

- Divers surfaced at 1625hours

- Max depth estimated at 28ft

- Motor boat attempted to rescue divers but could not help due to battery

problems at 1626hours

- Divers had to swim back on their own

- Thomas‟s air: 3500 – 2400 psi

- Chris‟s air: 3000 – 1800 psi

- Josh‟s air: 3100 – 2000psi

Engineering Dive 5: B Team (Frame and Screws)

Time in: 1607hours

Time submerged: 1610hours

Bottom time: 00:28minutes

# of divers: 2

Divers: Jennifer Draher and Mark Christian

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DSO: Fadi Fahs

Purpose: To manipulate the frame and screws on the seafloor

Other data:

- Divers surfaced at 1638hours

- Divers surfaced many times due to strong current, lack of visibility and loss

of buddy.

- Motor boat attempted to rescue divers but could not help due to battery

problems at 1626hours

- Divers had to swim back on their own

- Jennifer‟s air: 3500 – 2000 psi

- Mark‟s air: 3400 – 1600 psi


For Engineering Dives 1-3:


Time start: 0949hours

Time end (seafloor): 0952hours


Time start: 0955hours

Time end (seafloor): 0958hours

Deployment Notes:

- Bumblebee tape was placed around the frame for visibility assistance in the


- Orange buoys were placed on the left side of the frame with rope extensions

for maneuverability.

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- Crane was used to move the block from its original location to the edge of the

stern for easier deployment

- Frame was deployed first through the A-frame off the stern of the ship

followed by the anchor block

- A-frame is adjusted vertically to facilitate the deployment procedure of the

frame that sits at 20ft long and 9ft wide

- Frame was lifted by the crane at a single point in the middle and lifted to

begin the deployment procedure.

- Personnel wore hard hats and orange vests while on deck during the

deployment sequence

- Divers are suited up before deployment but do not enter water until both the

block and frame have both been set on the floor.

- Finger signals, discussed between the Wing Wave Team and the Weatherbird

II crew were used to deploy the frame and the block in the most effective way

- 2 persons held the tags (ropes) attached to the buoys to control movement

while the crane was lifting the frame

- Frame was aimed to be deployed at 30 N of the stern of the ship

For Engineering Dives 4-5:


Time start: 1549hours

Time end (seafloor): 1553hours


Time start: 1555hours

Time end (seafloor): 1557hours

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Deployment Notes:

- Aimed angle changed from 30 N to 10 N

- Tags were exchanged for longer ones for better control

- Additional tag was added to the north right side as well

- Plan was to try and deploy as effectively as possible rather than jus aiming to

get it on the seafloor


For Engineering Dives 1-3:


Time start: 1120hours

Time end (ship): 1128hours


Time start: 1107hours

Time end (ship): 1116hours

Retrieval Notes:

- 1st attempt to throw line out to divers to pull boat closer with the current

- Ship had to move closer to frame for retrieval. Frame shifted due to current.

- 2 divers were sent in at 1107hours to hook up the crane to the block

- Divers surfaced at 110hours

- 2 divers were sent in at 1120hours (Chris and Josh) to hook up lines from the

crane to the frame,

- Divers surfaced at 1124hours

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For Engineering Dives 4-5:


Time start: 1827hours

Time end: 1832hours

Frame was lost at sea for approximately 1 hour, visual was eventually seen

on the starboard side of the ship, approximately 40 N of the bow.


Time start: 1721hours

Time end: 1737hours

Retrieval Notes:

- Divers were sent to look to the frame at 2 different locations

- 1st dive, divers were in at 1718hours and out at 1721hours

- 2nd dive, divers were in at 1823hours and out at 1825hours


- Do not attach the tags from the frame to the block, BAD IDEA!!!

- Block must be separated from frame for retrieval, very dangerous to attempt

while connected

- Use longer tags for better control of frame and block during deployment

- Make sure small boat that may be used for assistance if fully charged and

ready for use when needed

- Have divers sit and remove gear before questioning

- Make sure there is enough room on the rack for oncoming divers

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- Have at least 2 persons helping with divers as they exit the water and

proceed to deck


- Approximately 3 safety lines needed for deployment off the stern (for


- 2 life preservers

- Grip tape

- 2 life rings

- Dive knives for each diver

- Hard hats and vests

- Angled screws versus the flat screw

- 5 links (thick gauge rope)

- 5 floats for recovery (2 for anchor and 1 for frame, others for backup)

- Extra BCD, tanks and regulators for backup

- Dive gloves for each diver

- 2 large shackles

- 2 large (1in) braided rope

- Spare battery for small boat

- Additional buoys and tags

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CTD device

Side scan sonar

A reel of rope (used for transect line)

Quadrant made of pvc piping

GPS locator


Tags with float attached

Anchor screw

Four 250lb float bags

Standard rain gauge




Digital watch

Cloud identification chart

Wave identification chart

Secchi disk



Onboard Crane

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Marine Field Projects- Cruise 2

The second deployment was set to take place aboard the R/V

Thunderforce on July 8th 2010. Due to difficulty with construction timeline

the date was re-scheduled to July 15th 2010. However just about 5 days before

set deployment date we were sadly informed that our ship was called away on

duty to tend to the BP oil spill in the gulf and as a result we were not able to

test our full Wing Wave system.

The future testing is set to be for the end of August, we hope for a successful

deployment as well as incredible results.

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Future Production

With additional funding, we can produce a second prototype using composites

versus aluminum sheets like previously planned. We can also afford other design

changes to facilitate long term usage.

Since this device is designed to make use of the current waves versus the break

waves we have infinite opportunities to mass produce. We determine the device to

be most efficient in areas 30ft to 50ft depth. This range gives us a wide range of

field areas around the coast to work with. The map below illustrates a bathymetric

map showing the coastline of Florida where the red areas show potential field

planes for Wing Wave placement and operation.

Figure 34: Bathymetric map of east coastline

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As with any design project the economical aspect is very important. The

tables below give details of the design expenditure, both for the model as well as the



Table 1: Model Expenses by Company

Purchase Cost

Aluminum Strips $188.41

C-Beam $127.75

Fiberglass Florida $154.98

Home Depot $38.98

Home Depot $120.00

Keg Pumps $121.03

Fiberglass Florida $250.00

Fiber Glass

Florida $250.87

Total $1,252.02 **Note that the model was incomplete

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Wing Wave Budget

Store Item Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost

West Marine Interlux Pacifica Plus


136.32 2



Smitty's Welding Shop Service- Metal Shearing


30.00 1



Ace HardWare Flex-Tech 3/4" X 75'


43.99 1



Ace HardWare Plumbing Fixture


0.40 2



Ace HardWare Rivets- 50 pack


7.49 4



Home Depot Sakrete- 60lb


2.98 30



Hatts Diving Headguarters Lift Bag- 250lb


156.00 4



Hatts Diving Headguarters Shipping Cost


61.87 1



Hatts Diving Headguarters Dive Rentals- 7 man- 3 day


750.00 1



Home Depot Rivets- 50 pack


5.36 3



Home Depot Rivets- 50 pack


4.96 1



Termines Pipe and Plbg Supply PVC Sing Check Valves


16.83 2



Harbor Freight Tools Riveter


37.99 1



Home Depot CS Coverall


12.97 1



Home Depot Rivets- 50 pack


4.96 2



Home Depot Hex Bolt


0.70 6



Home Depot Cut Washer


0.19 12



Home Depot Hex Nut


2.16 8



Home Depot Cut Washer


0.31 16



Home Depot Hx Nut


0.33 8



Home Depot Cable Tie


5.99 1



Home Depot Drive Clamp


2.39 1



Port Supply Spray Suit


6.41 1



Port Supply Paint Brush-3in


0.88 1



Port Supply Paint Brush-4in


2.16 2



Port Supply Pant Brush-2in


0.72 1



Port Supply Interlux Pacifica Plus


170.21 3



Smitty's Welding Shop Stainless Steel Bar-1ft


16.35 1



Tractor Supply Co Ratchet Binder -1/4" $ 2 $

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47.99 95.98

Tractor Supply Co Cleave Slip Hook- 1/4"


6.79 1



Smitty's Welding Shop Aluminum Rod- 3' of 1/2"


3.00 1



Smitty's Welding Shop Aluminum Rod- 2' of 1"


5.90 1



Tractor Supply Co Chain-2.12 lb


3.29 2



Tractor Supply Co Chain-1/4"


2.79 10



Tractor Supply Co Earth Anchor


12.99 1



Tractor Supply Co Work Gloves


9.99 2



Tractor Supply Co U Bolt- 3/8ths


6.99 2



Tractor Supply Co Bulk SKU-G5


3.29 7.22



Tractor Supply Co Add Link- 5/16ths


2.49 1



Tractor Supply Co Bulk SKU-G2


4.15 1.99



Home Depot Chain-5/16"


3.10 20



Home Depot Chain Hook-5/16"


4.93 4



Home Depot Tie Downs


13.87 2



Home Depot Tie Downs- 10pck


14.97 4



Home Depot 1/2X3 RNRDALU


6.61 5



Port Supply Paint Thinner 216- 1 Qrt


12.22 1



Smitty's Welding Shop Stainless Steel Flat- 1/2" x 6"


20.07 1



Alro 1x1x1/8 6061-T6 Alum Angle 0.68/ft 875 ft



Alro 1x1x1/8 6061-T6 Alum Angle 1.09/ft 75 ft



Alro .063 6061-T6 Alum Sheet 20 sht

Alro 1/4 A-36 Steel Plate 1 sht



Alro 1x1x1/8 A-36 Steel Angle 20 ft

Alro 1/4x5 A-36 HR Steel 20 ft

East Coast Lumber #5 Rebar 20ft


9.99 2



Lowes 2"x1.5" PVC Coupling


1.17 1



Lowes 1 1/2" x 1 1/4" SCH40 Bushing


1.03 1



Lowes 1 1/4" x 1" SCH40 Bushing


0.97 1



Lowes 1" x 3/4" SCH40 Bushing


0.64 1



Lowes 2" PVC Cleanout Plug


0.71 3



Lowes 2" PVC Cleanout Adapter


1.52 3



Lowes 2" PVC Double Tee


5.00 2



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Lowes 3/4" SCH40 Adapter


0.87 1



Lowes 2" PVC 45 Elbow


0.91 2



Lowes 2" Test Plug


3.53 1



Lowes 2" PVC Double Wye


6.58 1



Lowes 2" x 2' PVC SCH40 Solid Pipe


2.46 3



Termine's Pipe and Plumbing Supply PVC/CPVC/ABS Clear 1/2


3.52 1



Termine's Pipe and Plumbing Supply PVC Swing Check 2' SxS


16.83 2






Page 64: ABSTRACT - Florida Institute of Wave Final Report- MFP 2010.pdfproof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the



After seven (7) months of meetings, designing and construction we believe that we

have come out of this victorious. Every aspect that we set out to achieve with this

project was met. We intended to build a device that would capture the long waves

and thus produce energy and we have done so. While we have not yet tested the full

system, we have extreme confidence that it will work, just like the wooden examples

did in the wave tank. We are content with the design and the results that we have

achieved so far and look forward for future production and testing.

Page 65: ABSTRACT - Florida Institute of Wave Final Report- MFP 2010.pdfproof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the


Appendix A


Anthoni, Dr. J. Oceanography: Waves Theory and Principles of Waves. 2000. 4 April 2010


Dalrymple, Robert G. Deam and Robert A. Water Wave Mechanics For Engineers and

Scientists. Danvers: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd., 1991.

Inc., Ocean Energy Counsile. What is Ocean Energy- Waves. 2009. 1 May 2010


International . Trilux 33 Professional. 25 March 1999. 23 April 2010


Kolamiilunkuja, Oy. Wave Roller- Harnessing Ocean Energy. 2009. 15 Febuary 2010


Pelamis Wave Power. Pelamis Wave Power. 23 April 2010


SunStream Boat Lifts. Products. 2010. 15 April 2010 <>.

The Solar BiZ. New Permanent Magnet Alternator Pelton Turbines.


A. D. Kirwan, Jr. "Predictability, Uncertainty and Hyperbolicity in the Ocean." Science

Direct (2002): 249-258.

Alharthi, Awwad A. "World Energy Roadmap." . 1 May 2010

< >.

American Composites Manufacturers Association. 2004.


But, C. H. S J C Physics. 2005. 30 April 2010


Earth Science Australia. 1996. 2 May 2010


Golosov, Valentin. Sediment Transfer through the Fluvial System. Wallingford:

International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2004.

Jones, Melissa. Energy Quest Room. 27 May 2002. 30 April 2010


Page 66: ABSTRACT - Florida Institute of Wave Final Report- MFP 2010.pdfproof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the


Ocean Energy Council. 2009. 1 May 2010 <>.

O'Donnell, James. Edge. 1 May 2010 <>.

Science Clarified. 1 May 2010 <


Stanczak, Marianne. "Biofouling: It's Not Just Barnacles Anymore." ProQuest (2004).

Page 67: ABSTRACT - Florida Institute of Wave Final Report- MFP 2010.pdfproof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the


Appendix B

For this project team members had to undergo several means of certification listed


Machine Shop Certification (Issued by Florida Institute of Technology)

Contact: Stephanie Hopper


Respirator Certification

Contact: Stephanie Hopper

Open Water Dive Certification

Contact: Dr. Stephen Wood


AAUS Dive Certification

Contact: Mr. Tim Fletcher


Page 68: ABSTRACT - Florida Institute of Wave Final Report- MFP 2010.pdfproof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the


Appendix C

Safety/ MSDS

Before working with any materials, MSDS sheets for each material will be

collected and reviewed so that all group members are familiar with hazards and

safe handling procedures. Also, while working in any lab on campus, work will be

completed with a minimum of two people present in order to prevent accidents. A

paid employee must be present when working in the Underwater Technologies Lab,

and a supervisor must be present when working with the fiberglass and resin.

To cut the aluminum and steel, the use of various machines, such as the band saw

and drill press, in the machine shop will be required. To work in the machine shop,

students must be certified before they are allowed to use the machines. General

safety practices will need to be adhered to while using these machines such as

wearing of safety glasses and close-toed shoes at all times. Long hair should be

pulled back and tied, and loose clothing such as jackets should not be worn. Follow

all instructions written on each machine if provided, and do not use a machine if

you do not know how to properly use it.

To join the aluminum beams, they must be welded together. The welding process

presents several risks including burns, eye damage, electrical shock, cuts, and

exposure to metal fumes. When welding, always weld in a ventilated area and away

from any flammable or combustible materials. Wear face shields, gloves, and a

leather apron to protect the eyes and body from heat, flying sparks, and bright light.

Respirators must be specific to the hazard and maintained in accordance with

regulations. Bill Bailey of the Florida Tech Machine Shop did the welding for the

scale model, reducing all risks to the students

Page 69: ABSTRACT - Florida Institute of Wave Final Report- MFP 2010.pdfproof of concept. The full-scale prototype design took the lessons learned from the


Polyester resin is going to be used to harden the fiberglass and Trilux 33 primer

and coatings will be painted on all exposed surfaces. The resin and paint will give

off toxic fumes; therefore, proper respirators and ventilation will be required.

For the placement of the scale model and full size prototype, general diving safety

procedures will be followed. This includes the use of the buddy system and proper

dive planning. In addition, all group members will be AAUS Diver certified, and

trained in dive safety and first aid.

The equipment that will be needed for personal protection during construction of

the Wing Wave generator include respirators for the application of Trilux primer

and paint, safety glasses for the use of any machine in the machine shop, and

gloves, mask, and apron for welding. For diving, the equipment required consists of

mask, fins, snorkel, buoyancy control device, regulator, air tanks, and depth and air

