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  • 7/29/2019 Acc. Entries



    (This is not an exhaustive document)

    Sr.No. Transaction Accounting Entries

    1 Receipt of Material Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Vat Interim Receivable A/c.

    Cr. AP Accrual A/c.

    2 PO Inspection No Entries

    3 On Claiming CENVAT Dr. Cenvat Receivable A/c.Dr. Cess On Cenvat Receivable A/c.

    Dr. S&HE Cess On Cenvat Rece. A/c.

    Cr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    4 Material Delivery to Inventory Dr. Material Inventory A/c.

    Cr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    5 Claim Vat Dr. Vat Receivable A/c.

    Cr. Vat Interim Receivable A/c.

    6 Receipt of Vendor's Invoice Dr. AP Accrual A/c.

    Cr. AP Liability A/c.

    Cr./Dr.Invoice Price Varience A/c.

    7 Return to Receiving Point from Inventory Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Cr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    Cr. Input Tax

    8 Return to Vendor from Receiving Point Dr. AP Accrual A/c.

    Cr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    9 Payment Made to Vendor Dr. AP Liability A/c.

    Cr. Bank A/c.

    10 Misc. Receipt Dr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    Cr. User Specified A/c.

    11 Misc. Issue Dr. User Specified A/c.

    Cr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    12 Inventory Adjustment (Physical/Cycle Count) Dr./Cr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    Cr./Dr. Inventory Adjustment A/c.

    13 Issue to Job from Inventory Dr. WIP Inventory A/c.

  • 7/29/2019 Acc. Entries


    Cr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    14 Component Return to Inventory Dr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    Cr. WIP Inventory A/c.

    15 Charge Labour Resource to Job Dr. WIP Resource A/c.

    Cr. Resource Absorption A/c.

    16 Charge Non Labour Resource to Job Dr. WIP Resource A/c.

    Cr. Resource Absorption A/c.

    17 Charge Overhead to Job Dr. WIP Overhead A/c.

    Cr. Overhead Absorption A/c.

    18 Charge OSP Charges to Job Dr. WIP OSP Charges A/c.

    Cr. OSP Absorption A/c.

    15 Completion of Job Dr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    Cr. WIP Inventory A/c.Cr. WIP Resource A/c.

    Cr. WIP Overhead A/c.

    Cr. WIP OSP Charges A/c.

    16 Completed Job Return to Shop Floor Dr. WIP Inventory A/c.

    Dr. WIP Resource A/c.

    Dr. Overhead Absorption A/c.

    Dr. WIP OSP Charges A/c.

    Cr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    17 Scrap of Job From Shop floor Dr. Scrap A/c.

    Cr. WIP Inventory A/c.

    Cr. WIP Resource A/c.Cr. WIP Overhead A/c.

    Cr. WIP OSP Charges A/c.

    18 Sales oreder Shipment Dr. Cost Of Goods Sold A/c.

    Cr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    19 Return From Customer (RMA) Dr. Inventory Valuation A/c.

    Cr. Cost Of Goods Sold A/c.

    20 Invoice Raised on Customer Dr. Receivables A/c

    Cr. Revenue A/c.

    21 Payment Received From Customer Dr. Bank A/c.

    Cr. Receivable A/c.

  • 7/29/2019 Acc. Entries


    At what value

    PO Rate * Qty

    Excise Duty Amt.

    Cess Amt.

    S&HE Cess Amt.

    Vat Amt.

    Rate*Qty+All Taxes

    Exicise DutyCess

    S&HE Cess

    Total Of Above

    PO Rate * Qty

    PO Rate * Qty

    Vat Amt.

    Vat Amt.

    PO Price

    Invoice Price

    (PO Price - Inv. Price)

    PO Price

    PO Price

    PO Price

    PO Price

    Amount Paid

    User Input Value

    User Input Value

  • 7/29/2019 Acc. Entries


  • 7/29/2019 Acc. Entries


    Procure to Pay Cycle


    Sr.No. Transaction Accounting Entries

    1 Receipt of Material Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    Dr. Vat Interim Receivable A/c.

    Cr. AP Accrual A/c.

    2 PO Inspection No Entries

    3 On Claiming CENVAT Dr. Cenvat Receivable A/c.

    Dr. Cess On Cenvat Receivable A/c.

    Dr. S&HE Cess On Cenvat Rece. A/c.

    Cr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    4 Material Delivery to Inventory Dr. Material Inventory A/c.

    Cr. Receiving Inventory A/c.

    5 Claim Vat Dr. Vat Receivable A/c.

    Cr. Vat Interim Receivable A/c.

    6 Receipt of Vendor's Invoice Dr. AP Accrual A/c.

    Cr. AP Liability A/c.

    Cr./Dr.Invoice Price Varience A/c.

    7 Payment Made to Vendor Dr. AP Liability A/c.

    Cr. Bank A/c.

  • 7/29/2019 Acc. Entries


    At what value

    PO Rate * Qty

    Excise Duty Amt.Cess Amt.

    S&HE Cess Amt.

    Vat Amt.

    Rate*Qty+All Taxes

    Exicise Duty


    S&HE Cess

    Total Of Above

    PO Rate * Qty

    PO Rate * Qty

    Vat Amt.

    Vat Amt.

    PO Price

    Invoice Price

    (PO Price - Inv. Price)

    Amount Paid
