Download pptx - Active vs Passive Voice

Page 1: Active vs Passive Voice



By: Amanda Haueter and Ha Thai

Page 2: Active vs Passive Voice

DEFINITIONS • Active voice: the subject is doing the action

Ex: Freddy is bouncing the ball.

Subject + verb + object

• Passive voice: the subject is receiving the action

Ex: The ball was bounced by Freddy.

Object + verb + subject

Page 3: Active vs Passive Voice


• Active voice

Ex: The lawyers make a mistake.

* The lawyers are the subject, made is the verb and a mistake is the object. In the

sentence above the subject is doing the action.

• Passive voice

Ex: A mistake was made by the lawyers.

*A mistake is the object, was made is the verb and the lawyers is the subject. In the

sentence above the subject will always receive the action.

Page 4: Active vs Passive Voice

WHEN TO USE PASSIVE VOICE• The subject is unknown

Ex: the wallet was stolen.

*You don’t know who stole the wallet.

• The subject isn’t important to put into the sentence

Ex: the brakes were slammed on when the car sped down the hill.

*The person slamming on the brakes isn’t important.

• The subject wants to be vague

Ex: bicycle has been damaged.

*You don’t want to blame someone.

Page 5: Active vs Passive Voice


• The sentence needs to be clear and stronger

Ex: she slammed on the brakes when the car sped down hill.

*The sentence was given a subject

• The sentence causes confusion.

Ex: ball was bouncing and became flat.

*The sentence doesn’t make sense.

• The sentence sounds wordy and indirect

Ex: the ball was bouncing down the street, ran into a car and became flat.

*The sentence needs to be simple and focus the point.

Page 6: Active vs Passive Voice


1. The pencil was used by a girl.

2. The T.V. is watched by many children.

3. The deer was shot by the hunter.

4. A truck was drove threw the mud by the driver.

5. A pot of water was being boiled by the stove.

6. The football was thrown by the Quarterback.

* See if you can change these sentences into Active Voice *

Click next page to see answers

Page 7: Active vs Passive Voice


1. A girl is using the pencil.

2. Many children watch the T.V.

3. The hunter is shooting the deer.

4. The driver is driving a truck threw the mud.

5. The stove is boiling a pot of water.

6. The Quarterback is throwing the football.

* See how many you got right *

Page 8: Active vs Passive Voice


1. Freddy ate the red apple.

2. Annie is singing to Mr. Warbucks.

3. Amy is kissing to many frogs.

4. The dog is playing in the backyard.

5. The student is reading the book.

6. The teenager is driving the car.

* See if you can change these sentences into Passive Voice *

Click next page to see answers

Page 9: Active vs Passive Voice


1. The apple had been eaten by Freddy.

2. Mr. Warbucks was sang to by Annie.

3. Many frogs have been kissed by Amy.

4. The backyard has been played in by the dog.

5. The book was read by the student.

6. The car was driven by the teenager.

* See how many you got right *