Download ppt - ACT_Sofia Workshop Pres 3

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The urgency of now !!!The urgency of now !!!

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100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91….

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Because it’s important !Because it’s important !

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3 things coops can do

Measure & reduce own CO2

Inform & motivate our members

Participate in campaigns

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Emissions reductions costs (£/tCO2)

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Reminder of 6th principle

6th Principle:- Co-operation among co-operatives

Co-operatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the co-operative movementby working together throughlocal, national, regional and international structures

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The political contextThe political context

All attention is focused onAll attention is focused on

The Copenhagen ConferenceThe Copenhagen Conference

In December 2009In December 2009

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat


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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The importance of the EUThe importance of the EU

• EU laws affect many countriesEU laws affect many countries

• Also, EU carbon emissions targetsAlso, EU carbon emissions targets

• Combined EU voice at CopenhagenCombined EU voice at Copenhagen

• Potential source of fundsPotential source of funds

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The importance of the EUThe importance of the EU

• Question – Question – “do we want our voice to be heard?”“do we want our voice to be heard?”

• Question – Question – “do we want chance to access EU funds?”“do we want chance to access EU funds?”

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The answers must be yes !The answers must be yes !


ACT !ACT ! – Addressing the Climate Threat

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The launch of ACT!The launch of ACT!

ACT !ACT ! – Addressing the Climate Threat

Is proud to launchIs proud to launch

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

What isWhat is ACT !ACT !

• A self-funding unit within Co-operatives Europe

• Will encourage more co-ops to do more

• Will support co-ops fighting the climate threatwith information and guidance

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

What isWhat is ACT !ACT !

Will represent co-ops and campaignin the EU institutions

• And in the global ICA

• It will make our voice heard !

• A framework for the sectorsnot a straightjacket

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Co-ops reducing own emissionsCo-ops reducing own emissions

• A sensible and cost-effective thing to do

• Reduces energy costs

• Very necessary if we want anybody to listen to us– The public– Our members– Politicians and NGOs

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

The sectors at work

The housing sector

As we have heard


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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Co-ops reducing own emissionsCo-ops reducing own emissions

• Some good practice & case studies exist

• Lots of information available

• We will provide

• We know what to do – have we the will?

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Informing and motivatingInforming and motivatingour members and workersour members and workers

• Many co-ops have large numbers of members and workers

• And contact them frequently

• A large group of people to inform & motivate

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

Informing and motivatingInforming and motivatingour members and workersour members and workers

At little cost & effort (eg. Leaflets at checkouts)

• They could & should be our ambassadors

• Doing the right thingsinfluencing friends & neighbours etc“Viral” spread

• Writing letters, petitions etc.

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

This is very important & urgentThis is very important & urgent

• Because of the Copenhagen conferencein December this year

• Political leaders need to understand that we expect them to reach an Agreement

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

This is very important & urgentThis is very important & urgent

We say that the Co-op is the largestNGO in the world (800 million members)

• If so, isn’t it time we acted like we are ?

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

What we want you to doWhat we want you to do

• Commit to do more as individuals

• Commit your co-op to support ACT– Please show your support – Tell your friends and colleagues about ACT– Be active on the Climate Threat in your co-op

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ACT- Addressing the Climate Threat

What we want you to doWhat we want you to do

We will follow this launch with requests for help• Please remember how important this is

and give your support and your co-op’s• Please show your own support Now !

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Act ! - Addressing the climate threat

Thank you

[email protected]