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Arab Countries WaterUtilities Associationالجمعية العربية لمرافق المياه

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كلمة ترحيبية

تت�ضرف الجمعية العربية لمرافق المياه )اأك�ا( بالترحيب بال�ضيدات وال�ضادة الم�ضاركين في فعاليات الم�ؤتمر الرابع للممار�ضات الف�ضلى

لعام 2011 تحت عن�ان “اإ�ضالح مرافق المياه وال�ضرف ال�ضحي: التغيرات والتحديات”.

لقد �ضعت الجمعية العربية لمرافق المياه ممثلة باأع�ضائها اأن يحظى هذا الم�ؤتمر برعاية كريمة من دولة رئي�س مجل�س وزراء جمه�رية

م�ضر العربية الأكرم ومن جامعة الدول العربية وفي ا�ضت�ضافة مدينة �ضرم ال�ضيخ الم�ضرية، اإيمانًا منا بدور م�ضر الرائد ودعمًا لم�ضيرة

العطاء الم�ضتمرة.

تاأتي خ�ض��ضية هذا الملتقى ك�نه ياأتي في ظل ث�رات الربيع العربي ، ويحمل عن�انًا �ضاء القدر اأن يك�ن متما�ضيًا مع مطالب الجماهير التي قامت من اأجلها هذه الث�رات، عن�ان

والتحديات”. التغيرات ال�ضحي: وال�ضرف المياه مرافق م�ؤتمرنا ه�: “اإ�ضالح

يت�ضمن برنامج الم�ؤتمر بحث مجم�عة من اأوراق العمل المقدمة من قبل نخبة مختارة من خبراء المياه العرب والأجانب من مرافق المياه العربية و�ضركات المياه الدولية العاملة

بقطاع المياه على مدار ي�مين كاملين.

بالإ�ضافة لجل�ضات متخ�ض�ضة:

جل�ضتان متخ�ض�ضتان تديرهما جمعية ال�ضراكة الألمانية للمياه – )GWP( وتعر�ضان الم�ا�ضيع ح�ل التجربة الألمانية في اإ�ضالح مرافق المياه وال�ضتراتيجيات المتبعة •ل�ضمان نجاح الإ�ضالح.

يدير التحاد العالمي للمياه )IWA( جل�ضة تتركز ح�ل مح�رين رئي�ضيين هما: اإدارة الأ�ض�ل وعالقتها باإ�ضالح المرافق وح�ضن ا�ضتغالل البيئة وت�جيهها لنجاح ا�ضتراتيجيات •اإدارة قطاع المياه.

وتدير ال�كالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي )GIZ( جل�ضتين تدريبيتين ح�ل ق�انين تنظيم الإ�ضالح مع عر�س التجربة الكينية والزامبية والعربية، واأخرى ح�ل مفاهيم الالمركزية •في اإدارة ال�ضرف ال�ضحي في مرافق المياه.

يقدم البنك الألماني لالإنماء )KFW( جل�ضة ح�ل اإ�ضالح مرافق المياه والتكيف مع التغير المناخي. •

كما �ضيقام على هام�س الم�ؤتمر، معر�س لعدد من ال�ضركات المتخ�ض�ضة في مجال تكن�ل�جيا المياه وال�ضركات العاملة في مجال المياه.

تنتهي فعاليات الم�ؤتمر م�ضاء ي�م الخمي�س 2011/12/8.

تعقد الجمعية ي�م 2011/12/9 مجم�عة من الجتماعات الإدارية والتنظيمية، حيث �ضيعقد في بدايته اجتماع لمجل�س اإدارة الجمعية العربية لمرافق المياه لعام 2011.

متب�عًا ب�ر�ضة عمل يح�ضرها اأع�ضاء مجل�س الإدارة وعدد من قيادات مرافق المياه، منظمة بالتعاون مع ال�ضراكة الألمانية للمياه )GWP( وال�كالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي

)GIZ( بعن�ان: الت�اأمة بين مرافق المياه.

وكذلك �ضيعقد اجتماعات لثالث مجم�عات عمل فنية:

)SIDA(ٍ ال�ض�يدية للتعاون الإنمائي الدولي ال�كالة مع بالتعاون المرافق اإ�ضالح •)SIDA(ٍ ال�ض�يدية للتعاون الإنمائي الدولي ال�كالة مع بالتعاون المرافق اإدارة •

)GIZ( ال�كالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي مع بالتعاون القدرات وبناء التدريب •في النهاية ل ي�ضعني اإل اأن اأتقدم بخال�س ال�ضكر وعظيم المتنان لل�ضركة القاب�ضة لمياه ال�ضرب وال�ضرف ال�ضحي لما قدم�ه من دعم وما بذل�ه من جه�د لإنجاح هذا الم�ؤتمر.

كما اأ�ضكر جميع الحا�ضرين والم�ضاركين، فح�ض�ركم دليل نجاح للم�ؤتمر.

نرحب بكم جميعًا مرة اأخرى ونتمنى اأن تنال م�ا�ضيع البحث لهذا العام اهتمامكم واأن تع�دوا اإلى اأوطانكم محملين بمزيج من الخبرات والثقافات ومعرفة كل ما ه� جديد في

مجال اإ�ضالح المرافق، كما ناأمل اأن تح�ضل�ا على درجة عالية من الفائدة وعلى ق�ضاء وقت ممتع وذو قيمة في اآن واحد.

اإلى اللقاء في فعالياتنا القادمة اإن �ضاء اهلل

المهند�س خلدون ح�شين الخ�شمــــــــــان

اأمين عام الجمعية العربية لمرافق المياه

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Welcome Letter

The Arab Countries Water Utilities (ACWUA) has the pleasure to welcome all the participants in

ACWUA’s 4th Best Practices Conference: “Water and Wastewater Utilities Reform: Changes and

Challenges” that is being hosted in the beloved Land of Egypt.

ACWUA with great honor has sought the kind patronage of His Excellency the Egyptian Prime

Minister and the League of Arab States as well, and has purposely selected the charming city of

Sharm Al Sheikh to host this event, in order to show our support and gratitude to this country.

The title of the 4th Best Practices Conference for this year came along in the same line with the

demands of Arab People for Reform!

The conference’s agenda is full of various activities: the two days of the conference will cover about 30 papers submitted by high-

level Arab and International experts of water and sanitation in the world, which were carefully chosen.

The conference will provide also broad technical sessions organized by the German Water Partnership (GWP), German

Development Bank (KFW), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the International Water Association (IWA).

• GermanWaterPartnership(GWP)willorganizetwotechnicalsessions;mainlypresenttheGermanexperienceinutilitiesreform and the strategies for a successful utility reform bringing a real successful story from a German Water Utility.

• InternationalWaterAssociation(IWA)willorganizeasession,focusingonthelinkbetweenStrategicAssetManagementandutilities reform.

• GermanDevelopmentBank(KFW)willorganizeasessionaboutadaptationstoclimatechangethroughwaterutilitiesreform.• GermanInternationalCooperation(GIZ)willleadtwotrainingsessions;firstoneaboutRegulationandWaterSectorReform,

bringing experiences from Zambia, Kenya and Arab experience. The second training session will be about the challenges of decentralized sanitation for water utilities.

A small exhibition will be held side by side to the conference, by private sector companies of water technology systems.

The conference activities end by 8 December,2011.

ACWUA has scheduled internal, organizational meetings to be held on 9 December, 2011, starting by the Board of Directors

meeting for the year 2011, and followed with a matchmaking workshop for water utilities, to be attended by the Board members and

leaders of water utilities, and organized by the German Water Partnership (GWP) and the German International Cooperation (GIZ).

Three meetings will be held in parallel for three technical working groups of ACWUA:•UtilitiesReform-SponsoredbytheSwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency(SIDA)•UtilitiesManagement-SponsoredbytheSwedishInternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency(SIDA)•CapacityBuildingandTraining-SponsoredbytheGermanAgencyforInternationalCooperation(GIZ)

At the end, ACWUA would like to sincerely thank the Holding Company for Water & Wastewater for all the efforts exempted to

support this conference.

We thank every participant, without you, this conference couldn’t be a success. Thank you!

We welcome you once again, wishing that the presentations of the conference topics and themes would meet your expectations.

We look forward to offer you diverse knowledge and experience, get you introduced to newest technologies, and the various

concepts about Utilities Reform from the different experiences presented.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Sharm El Sheikh.

Looking forward to see you again in ACWUA upcoming events.

Eng. Khaldon khashman

Secretary General

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General Eng. Sayed Nasr Arafat.Chairman

Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW)

Cairo, Egypt.


due to the urbanization and rapid population growth that is taking place in developing countries,

combined with the effects of climate change.

The government of Egypt attaches great importance to improvements in the people’s living standards, and their access to

clean and safe drinking water as well as to necessary sanitation facilities. In line with this, the Holding Company for Water and

Wastewater (HCWW) is committing to increasing the coverage of services, to improved management of resources across the

country, to the transfer of advanced-technologies and know- how to the water and wastewater sector, to improve access to safe


It is worth highlighting that efforts are being directed by Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) to help water utilities

in the Arab world to stand the change sufficiently and effectively, by building capacities of their employees, disseminating

best practices and guarantee a useful sharing of knowledge and experience. ACWUA conducted regional capacity building

programmes to improve the performance of water and wastewater operators in the Arab region.

ACWUA’s 4th Best Practice Conference – Water and Wastewater Utilities Reform is an opportunity that brings together

representatives from Arab Countries.

The technical program will enable all participants to exchange their professional experience, and to become acquainted with

updated progress in both the water and wastewater sector.

I truly hope that when are gather at the end of this conference, we can be proud of the progress that ACWUA has made in

providing these basic services for our Arab countries. Finally, I earnestly welcome the worthy participants to ACWUA’s 4th Best

Practice Conference and I wish the organizing team a great success.

Chairman –HCWW

General Eng. Sayed Nasr Arafat

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About ACWUAThe Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) is a regional center of excellence that partners with water supply and wastewater utilities in Arab Countries to provide best practice service delivery to their customers.

The Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) was founded in April 2007 as a result of an initiative from key water sector representatives in the Arab region, who felt the

necessity of having a regional platform for all water and wastewater utilities, for the aim of exchanging knowledge and expertise among member experts and professionals.

Since its establishment in Amman in 2009, ACWUA became the umbrella for water professionals in the region, with more than 90

water utility members from 17 Arab countries. ACWUA as a regional association attracts also international experts, private sector

companies, NGO’s, donors, professional associations and research institutions around the world. ACWUA is now engaged in important agreements and memorandums of understanding with various international organizations, inordertomaximizethebenefitandtoopeneverypossibledoortoseizeopportunities,opendialogues,exchangeknowledgeandexpertise,getintroducedtolatestwatertechnologiesandseektheutmostbenefitforall.

ACWUA is providing training programs for water and wastewater utilities in different areas as institutional, managerial, technical andfinancialdistributedondifferentworkinglevels.Tworegionaltrainingprogramswithdifferentcoursesarebeingdeliveredtomorethan200beneficiaries:Water Utilities Performance (WUP) in cooperation with GIZ, and Water Utilities Management (WUM) in cooperation with Engicon O&M and DWA.



• Management of Utilities

• Capacity Building and Training

• Management of Water Resources

• Water and Health

• Utilities’ Reforms

• Benchmarking

ACWUA is organizing many exceptional events and activities over the year in partnership with International water associations andreputableagencies;capacitybuildingtrainingprogramswithprofessionalcertifications,internationalconferences,seminarsandworkshops;toexchangeexperiencesandpromotebestpracticesinwaterandwastewatermanagementatutilitieslevel.

ACWUA’s Vision:

• Serve as regional platform for exchange of knowledge and best practice amongst member experts and professionals.

• Developresources,facilitatetrainingprograms,andadvocateforprofessionalcertificationtoenablememberutilitystaffto perform their duties in a professional, reliable and cost effective manner.

• Promote standards of performance for the governance, management, operation and maintenance of water supply and wastewater utilities.

• Support the interests of ACWUA members including the provision of advice and consultation in water legislation, policies, and sector management and reform.

• Develop, promote and disseminate publications and other knowledge products to meet the needs of members and other regional professionals.

For more info please visit:

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Arab Countries Water Utilities Association,Umm Umarah Street 19 A, Al rasheed Area, P.O. Box 962449, Amman 11196, Jordan

Phone: +962 6 5161700

Fax: +962-6-5161-800

E-Mail: [email protected]

Conferences, Exhibitions and Marketing Consultation

Event Management and Organizer


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Conference Chairman

H.E. Eng. Khaldon KhashmanACWUA Secretary General

ACWUA Secretariat Team

Lawrence & Husseini ConsultConference Management and Consultation


Mustafa NasereddinDirector of Programs and Technical ServicesEmail: [email protected]: 0127-980 7392

Mohammed T. ObidallahDirector of CommunicationsE-mail: [email protected]: 0127-982 8503

Abbas HiareDirector of FinanceEmail: [email protected]

Dana DaqqaqCommunicationsOfficerEmail: [email protected]

Ahmad Abu SaleemPrograms and Technical Services CoordinatorEmail: [email protected]: 0127- 978 8124

Conference Management & ConsultationTel: +962-6-4642501/2/3

Thuraya HusseiniE-mail: [email protected]

Alexander LawrenceE-mail: [email protected]

Conference AdministrationRaha JebreelE-mail: [email protected]

Nouran TurkE-mail: [email protected]

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Sponsors اجلهات الراعية

الشركاء والداعمني


Partners & Supporters

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ACWUA 4th Best Practices Conference- Scientific Committee

TheScientificCommittee is comprised of a number of experts,managers andpractitioners from thewater andwastewaterdevelopment fields. The work of the Scientific Committee involves setting the overall theme, determining session's topics,selecting the submitted abstracts and developing the conference program.


1. Dr. Azmi Ghneim, German Water Partnership (GWP)

2. Dr. Rifaat Abdel Wahaab, Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW)

3. Dr. Thomas Petermann, German International Cooperation

4. Mr. Ahmad Tahboub, National Law Center (NLC)

5. Mr. Firas Matar, Engicon O&M

6. Mr. John Joyce, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

7. Mr. Mohamed Badran, inter 3 GmbH Institut für Ressourcenmanagement

8. Mr. Rüdiger Heidebrecht, German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA)

9. Mr. Mustafa Nasereddin, Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA)


11. Ms. Kirsten de Vette, International Water Association (IWA)

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Floor plan

Reception Level


Sea View

Breakout Hall 2

Registration &


Nefertiti Hall


Sethy Hall

Two Levels Down From Reception Level by Escalator

Cleopatra Ballroom

Service door

Opening CeremonyBreakout Session 1




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ACWUA 4th Best Practices Conference (Water and Wastewater Utilities Reform: Changes & Challenges)

7 - 8 December 2011


December 10

Friday December 9

by invitation only **


December 8Wednesday

December 7Tuesday

December 6Time

Departure ofParticipants

ACWUA Board of

Directors meetingNefertiti Hall

8:30 – 10:00


GIZ (8)Nefertiti





ConferenceOfficialOpening Session

(9:00-10:00)Cleopatra Hall

Arrival ofParticipants

Conference Registration17:00-19:00


AM Coffee Break10:00 – 10:3010:30-11:0010:00-10:30 AM Coffee


Capacity Building

TWGSethy Hall



Nefertiti Hall

10:30 – 13:00


Nefertiti Hall




Plenary Session

(10:30-11:30)Cleopatra Hall

11:00-12:30 Session


Nefertiti Hall




Lunch Break13:00-14:00

Utilities Reform & Utilities

Management TWG’s Kick-

off meetingNefertiti Hall

14:00 – 15:30


Nefertiti Hall


Cleopatra Hall









PM Coffee Break15:30-16:00

Utilities Reform & Utilities

Management TWG’s Kick-

off meetingNefertiti Hall

16:00 – 17:30Session (13)Cleopatra Hall



Nefertiti Hall






Conference closing

SessionGala Dinner20:00



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ACWUA 4th Best Practices Conference (Water and Wastewater Utilities Reform: Changes & Challenges)

7 - 8 December 2011

Detailed ProgramDay (1) Wednesday

7 December 2011Time

Conference Official Opening SessionCleopatra Hall

H.E. Eng. Khaldon Khashman, Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) Secretary GeneralH.E. General Sayed Naser, Chairperson of Holding Company for water and wastewater, EgyptWord from the League of Arab StatesH.E. Dr. Stefan Girod, Chairman of German Water Partnership Ms. Cornelia Wolff von der Sahl, Wasser Berlin InternationalH.E. Prime Minister of Arab Republic of EgyptACWUA Honorary Membership Award, H.E. Prime Minister of Arab Republic of Egypt and Eng. Khaldon Khashman


Coffee Break10:00-10:30

Plenary Session (Keynote Speakers) Cleopatra Hall

Eng. Mamdouh Raslan, Deputy Chairman of Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt“Water Sector Reform in Egypt”

Mr. Ahmad Tahboub, Chairman of the National Law Center, Jordan“The framework of procurement and contractual relationships in the light of water sector reform”


Session (2) Challenges Prohibiting a Successful Utility Reform - Nefertiti Hall

Chairperson: Eng. Sa’ad Abu Hammour, Jordan Valley Authority, Jordan

1. Aqaba Water Changes Made, Challenges Met, Naem Saleh, Aqaba Water W.L.L, Jordan

2. Improvement management of the water sector in Oman, Salah Al Mahrooqi, Public Authority of Electricity & Water, Oman

3. Setting up Northwest Jerusalem Villages New Water and Wastewater Department, Results and Progress. Fayez Abu Hilou, Palestinian Water Authority, Palestine.

20 min Discussion

Session (1) The Paradigm Shift in Managing Water Utilities (I) - Cleopatra Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Walid Abdel Rahman, Mihaona, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1. Experiences from the Modernization of the Syrian Water Supply and Sanitation Sector. Ahmad AlKasir, Water Programme of the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), Syrian Arab Republic.

2. Selecting the proper metrics for a utility Performance Based Management Contract. Basem Telfah, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan.

3. Performance Based Contracts as Water Loss Reduction tools at water utilities, Contract (Case Study: Madaba), Feras Matar, Jordan

20 min Discussion


Lunch Break13:00-14:00

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Day (1) Wednesday

7 December 2011Time

Session (4) Best practices in water utilities reform (I) Nefertiti Hall

Chairperson: Eng. Ahmad Nizam, Southern Lebanon Water Establishment, Lebanon

1. Approach for water network resource management(WNRM);synthesisofGIS,hydraulic analysis, and strategic planning. Ahmad Moawad, Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt.

2. ImprovingWaterEfficiencyinStoneandMarble Industry through Private Public Community Partnership. Bassam Hayek, Al Hayek for Environmental Consultancy, Jordan.

3. The Economist of Supplying Water in Sultanate of Oman Khalid Al Saadi, Public Authority of Electricity & Water, Oman. 20 min Discussion

Session (3) German Water Partnership session-organized with inter 3 - Cleopatra Hall

Chairperson: Mr. Mohamed Badran, Inter 3 GmbH

1. Integrated Water & Wastewater Services Programme (IWSP) Keith Brooke, Dorsch Consult, Egypt

2. Ways of Describing Best Technology and How to Develop it Further Into a Technical Standard Roland Knitschky, DWA e.V.

3. Strategies for a successful utility reform - the example of a German water utility from Leipzig. Jürgen Wummel, Sachsen Wasser GmbH

4. HighlyEfficientandSustainableWaterSupply in Jordan. Amer Mokbel (Wilo)

20 min Discussion


PM Coffee Break15:30-16:00

Session (6) Capacity building in water utilities reform Nefertiti Hall

Chairperson: Eng. Mostafa Biad, ACWUA Capacity Building & Training technical working group, Morocco

1. Capacity building challenges in Water and Wastewater sector, Mohamed Moawad, Egypt

2. Building Institutional Capacity during the Assessment Stage of the Project Cycle: The CaseofFourAffiliatedCompaniesinEgypt.Tony De Seta, RODECO Consulting GmbH, Germany.

3. Sustainable Water Improves Tomorrow’s Cities Health Managing Water for the City Of Future, Hanan Taha, Alexandria Water Company, Egypt.

4. Delegation - The Quickest and Easiest Way to Improve your Organization, Nancy Barnes, USA

20 min Discussion

Session (5) German Water Partnership session-organized with inter 3 - Cleopatra Hall Chairperson: Dr. Azmi Ghneim, GermanWaterPartnershipHeadOffice

1. Enhanced Water Cycle Systems and Water Saving Concepts. Marcus Lopp, Ingenieurbüro Lopp GmbH

2. DEMAPLAN - Demand-Oriented Management and Planning for Water Utilities. Mohamed Badran, inter 3 GmbH

3. Ways towards a Centralized Management of decentralized Wastewater treatment Clusters: A new approach to enhance investments in innovative infrastructures for Jordan. Roland A. Müller, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

4. Energy Optimisation of a 2.1 Million PE WWTP Against The Background Of General Cost Increase, Decreasing Water Consumption And Demanded Stability Of Charges. Mathias Stief, Consulaqua Hamburg GmbH

20 min Discussion


Gala Dinner20:00

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Day (2) Thursday8 December 2011Time

Session (8) GIZ Regional Dialogue: Regulation and Water Sector Reform - Learning from Experiences from Zambia, Kenya and Egypt - Nefertiti Hall Chairperson: Mr. Ahmad Tahboub, National Law Center, Jordan

Presentations from:

1. Peter Mutale, Chief Inspector, National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO), Zambia

2. Malaquen Milgo, CEO Athi Water Service Board, Kenya

3. Hisham Gafaar, General Manager, Egyptian W&WW Regulatory Agency (EWRA), Egypt.

40 min round tables and moderated discussion

Session (7) Best practices in water utilities reform (II)Cleopatra Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Ahmad Moawad, Holding Company for Water and

Wastewater, Egypt

1. Information and Communication Technology for Water Utility Management. Nabil Chemaly, German Agency for International Cooperation , Lebanon

2. Sharing Best Practices: Rollout of Maintenance Management in 5 Utilities in Upper Egypt. Herrie Heckman, Fayoum Drinking Water and Sanitation Project, Egypt

3. Automation of Program Management for Investment Programs, PMIS in the Egyptian Water Sector Clemens Mauel, CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH, Germany

4. ecoBETA help you saving 30% of your water consuming, Mohamed El Sayed, Egypt

20 min Discussion


AM Coffee Break10:30-11:00

Session (10) GIZ Dialogue: The challenge of decentralized sanitation for water utilities - experiences from MENA, Africa and Germany - Nefertiti Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Thomas Petermann, GIZ Human Capacity Development

Short presentations from 1. Hans Hartung, Germany. Sustainable on-site

sanitation. Technical alternatives for faecal sludge management.

2. Status of Sanitation in MENA: the main challenges for decentralized options, Mostafa Biad, Morocco

3. Jürgen Wummel. Demonstration Center for decentralized sanitation concepts, Leipzig BDZ

40 min round tables and moderated discussion

Session (9) IWA Session-Strategic Asset

Management - critical steps towards effective O&MCleopatra Hall

Chairperson: Ms. Kirsten de Vette, International Water Association (IWA),

The Netherlands

1. Enabling the environment for a better Strategic Management for the sector , Mona Salem

2. Utility reform and the link to Strategic asset management, Joao Feliciano

3. Strategic Asset Management - Egyptian experience, Moustafa Mousa

20 min Discussion


Lunch Break13:00-14:00

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Day (2) Thursday8 December 2011Time

Session (12) KfW Session-Adaptation to Climate Change through water utilities reform - Nefertiti Hall

Chairperson: Ms. Claudia Bürkin, KfW, Egypt

1. The impact of climate change on utilities: Howtoadapt.MartinKerres,KfWoffice,Germany

2. Climate Change and Utilities. DAWSSA - CaseStudy.MohamadKayyal,KfWoffice,Syria

20 min Discussion

Session (11) Best practices in water utilities reform (III) - Cleopatra Hall

Chairperson: Dr. Rifa’at Abdelwahab, Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt

1. OperatorCertification:StrivingforExcellenceAbdelRahman Al-Omari, Jordan Water and Wastewater Sector Services Team, Jordan

2. Creation of a Customer Service Center in South Lebanon Water Establishment. Nidal Hachicho, South Lebanon Water Establishment, Lebanon

3. Reduction the Impact of Uncertain Socioeconomic Conditions and Improvement water utilities performance by Pro Poor Water Tariff, Abdelrahman Tamimi, Palestinian Hydrology Group for Water & Environmental resources development Palestine.

4. Best Practice for Energy Management at Nubaria WTP in Alexandria Water Company, Faten Alkhouly, Alexandria Water Company, Egypt.

20 min Discussion


PM Coffee Break15:30-16:00

Session (13) The paradigm shift in managing water utilities (II) - Cleopatra Hall

Chairperson: Eng. Ra’ed Daoud, ECO Consult, Jordan

1. Making Commercialization Work (What businesses are we in anyway?) John Sitton, Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd, USA.

2. How to get water from the Nile to the desert? Reforms, water networks and strategies in Khartoum, Sudan. Laure Crombe, CEDEJ Khartoum, France

3. Integrating Management Initiatives under Total Quality Management Approach: A Case Study in Alexandria, Egypt Siham Shoukry, Alexandria sanitary Drainage Company, Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt

4. Water sector transformation in Jordan – the path from fragmented governmental structures towards integrated utility management , Stephan Kugler, Dorsch International Consultants GmbH, Jordan

20 min Discussion


Conference Closing Session

Speakers: Chairperson of each session

5 min conclusion per each


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Speakers and Co-authors*Speakers who provided the organizers with their professional biography

Abdelrahman OmariJordan Water Operator Certification Program

Abdelrahman Al Omari has more than 40 years of experience in the water sector. He has

accumulated unique experience, working about 20 years in the public sector and the rest in the

private sector. He participated in the preparation and implementing Standard Operating Procedures

in the Ministry of Water & Irrigation in Jordan. He was also with the LEMA international consortium

(led by Lyonnaise des Eau) on the management contract for the water system in Amman, Jordan.

Mr. Omari now works with Engicon as an operations and maintenance expert where he headed the


Mr. Omari worked for the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) and then he worked for the Water & Electricity Authority in Abu Dhabi

(Al Ain Distribution Co.) Eng. Omari holds a B Sc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cairo in Egypt.

Ahmad TahboubNational Law Center, Jordan Founder of NLC. Ahmad represented Jordan before the United Nations Compensation Commission

(“UNCC”) in Geneva. He represented the private sector operator of water and subsequently the

publicly held water company, in addition to several projects for multinational companies in water

and sewage. Ahmad has an LL.B. from the University of Damascus and a Masters degree from

BYU, USA. Mr. Tahboub introduced two legal Arabic editions: National Law Review and Voice of


legislative Conference. He led the drafting committees to modernize the 14 bylaws of Amman city,


leads the legal team of Greater Amman Municipality and serves as the Mayor’s legal counselor.

Bassam HayekIndependent Environmental Consultant HAYECON;

Technical Consultant for GIZ

Bassam Hayek has PhD and MSc in Chemical Engineering (1994) from University of Wales

Swansea, UK and a BSc in Chemical Engineering (1989) from Jordan University of Science &


an independentenvironmentalconsultantandestablishedhisfirmHAYECON in2010.Hiskey

areaofwork iseco-efficiency,aimingat improving thesustainabilityof economicactivities.His



he worked and led projects on integrated water resources management, cleaner production, hazardous material management,

environmental assessment, and environmental bio-safety. Dr Hayek is also an external Professor at Princess Sumaya University

for Technology, where he led establishing the Master Program in Environmental Technology and Management.

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Ahmed MoawadHolding Company for water and wastewater

Ahmed Moawad is the Head of technical sector, Holding Company of water and waste water sector HCWW where he is involved in Providing technical support and assistance related to the operation and maintenance for the water and wastewater sector in Egypt and Implementing of O&M policies for the subsidiary companies. And he is a professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. (2000- till now)He received his B.S.C.E. degree in Civil Engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (1981-1986), and his M.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering from University of Windsor, Canada (1990-1993), and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.(1993-1998)

Previously,hewasTeachingAssistantattheUniversityofAlberta,Edmonton,(1993-1997);andTeachingAssistantUniversityofWindsor,Windsor,Ontario,(1990-1993);Regarding his previous Consulting Experiences Ahmed Moawad was the Head of Infrastructure Department, in Egyptian EngineeringConsultantGroup (ECG),Cairo, Egypt, (2000-2007);Hehasworked inDar El-Handasah (Shaer andPartners)(1998-2000). He practiced as professional engineer in the Electric Power Systems Engineering Company, Cairo, Egypt. (1987-1990) and in MEDCOM Company, Cairo, Egypt, 1986-1987He has published over 25 refereed journal and conference papers and technical reports concerning hydrodynamics and environmental engineering.

Crombé LaureUniversity of Paris Ouest/CEDEJ Khartoum

Laure Crombé is a PhD student in Geography at University of Paris Ouest (France)/University of Fribourg (Switzerland)/CEDEJ Khartoum (Sudan). After one year’ study in Montreal (UQAM), Canada, dealing with Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), she started working on water access in African cities. Since 2009 she is part of the WAMAKHAIR project as a junior researcher. Her actual PhD thesis, funding by CEDEJ Khartoum for the year 2010-2011, focus on evolution in water systems and access and process of urbanisation in Khartoum, Sudan.

Dr. Jurgen WummelSachsen Wasser GmbH, Leipzig, Germany

Dr. Jurgen Wummel (54) is a Civil Engineer ( PhD- University of Dortmund, Engineer Diploma - Technical University Of Berlin) and is the managing Director of Sachsen Wasser GmbH since 2001 a company founded by the Leipzig water utility in 2001 conduct water and waste water operations, consultancy as well as training services in the national and international market. Before he has started his work with Sachsen Wasser he joined the leipzig water utility in 1995 and was responsible for the structural organization and re-engineering processes. Corporate Strategy Development and project management as director of Company Development and Strategy as well as Director of technical Planning.

Fayez Abu Hilou, Palestinian Water Authority, Palestine

Fayez M. Abu-Helou (Eng. M.Sc): Palestinian, Water and Environmental Engineer. Holds M.Sc degree in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), 2010, from Cologne University of Applied Sciences,Germany.AfterthefirstM.ScdegreeinWaterandEnvironmentalEngineering(2008),andBachelors B.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering (2005), from Birzeit University, Palestine. Worked for four years in the Engineering department/ Jerusalem Water Undertaking (JWU), and Since March, 2010 Works at the Projects Management Unit (PMU)/ Palestinian Water Authority (PWA).

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Feras Matar(M.Sc.)

FerasMatarhasoverthan8yearsofexperienceinthefieldofwaterandwastewatertreatmentandreuse as well as capacity development in the water sector.Mr. Matar holds double Master’s degree in the Integrated Water Resources Management in addition to a Master’s degree in Water and Environmental Engineering.Since 2010, Mr. Matar works as the Manager of Engicon O&M/DWA Water Training Program which is implemented by Engicon O&M in cooperation with the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA).

In addition to that, he has recently appointed as a Manager of Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation and Maintenance PPP Project in Jordan.Moreover, he is involved also in the operation and maintenance of water system of Madaba governorate project.Prior to his work at Engicon O&M, Mr. Matar has worked as a technical consultant for the GIZ Water Program in the Palestinian Territories.

Duringhiswork,hehasbeen involved in several trainingprogram in thefieldof operationandmaintenanceofwastewatertreatment plant, wastewater treatment and reuse as well as water management and water audits.

Hanan Fouad TahaAlexandria Water

I am Hanan Fouad Taha , I graduated from the faculty of engineering , Alexandria university , civil engineering department in the year 1988 . I worked for Alexandria Water company ( AWCO ) since 1989 . I worked in the projects management department for 13 years, supervising the construction of the projects (water treatment plants)

5 years in the Construction Administration Unit AS AWCO representative , this unit was responsible for implementing the contract of HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS funded by the USAID to improve

AWCO WTPs and pipe lines network. I worked 1.5 years in the technical support department, I worked as AWCO’s representative in the SWITCH project From 2007 till 2011 , 2 years as the manager of economic analysis administration and currently I am working as the manager of Master plan administration.

John W. Sitton, CPACardno Emerging Markets USA., Ltd

Mr John Sitton is the Director of the Infrastructure & Environmental Practice in Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd. He is a certified public accountant with 32 years of electricity and waterandwastewaterutilityfinancialmanagementexperience,including20yearsspentinemergingmarkets,principallyasafinancialadvisorhelpingtocommercializewater,wastewaterandelectricutilities.HeservedforsixyearsasresidentfinancialadvisortotheEgyptianElectricAuthority,supporting its corporatization and restructuring into a holding company and advising the newly formedgenerationanddistributioncompanies.MrSittonalsoservedforsixyearsasthefinancialadvisor to the Dar es Salaam Water Sewerage Authority in Tanzania, supporting its restructuring

into an asset holding company and water and sewerage operator and helping it to procure and manage a lease PPP with a private company.

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Keith Brooke Dorsch International Consultants, Egypt

As Regional Director, Mr. Brooke is responsible for management and technical direction of a variety

of water and environmental projects. Currently based full time in Egypt managing the Dorsch

ConsultCairoBranchOffice.Projects include fast trackdesign forextensionofHelwanWWTP,

550,000m3/d, being constructed while existing plant remains in full operation and supervision of

the performance based design / build project for the Gaza Central Wastewater Project, 132,000

m3/d. Other projects involving the practical problems of maintaining the existing works in operation


Port Louis Water Supply Mauritius.

ThecurrentprojectsrepresenthandledbytheCairobranchofficerepresentatotalinvestmentcommitmentofover€400 mio.

36 years experience on the practical aspects of water engineering, including 5 years water operations and project management

with UK water companies and 27 years working on international projects.

International experience on planning private sector participation in water and environmental projects in United Kingdom,

Germany, Egypt, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey, Iran, Mauritius and Saudi Arabia.

Mohammad Al Shafey, Aqaba Water Company, Jordan

Mohammad AlShafey is a research engineer at Aqaba Water Company. He heads the Central

Operations Section. Since he joined Aqaba Water Company, he has proven excellence in his work

that includes master planning, demand forecasting, non-revenue water, groundwater treatment,


degree in electronic engineering from Princess Sumaya University for Technology. After graduation,


reward processing, categorization, image recognition, sensory-motor mapping, and learning

algorithms. Previous employers include World Food Programme, Rosary Sisters Schools, and South Industrial Workshops.

Mohamed Badraninter 3 - Institute for Resource Management

Mohamed Badran has a diploma in business administration (Diplom Kaufmann) and holds a

master of science in Integrated Water Resources Management. His professional experiences are in


Mr. Badran manages at inter 3 water project for the Arab Region. His expertise lies at inter 3 in the


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Mr. Mitri Abi JreicheGerman Agency for International Cooperation - GIZ

Mr. Mitri Abi Jreiche joined the German Agency for International Cooperation - GIZ in February 2009

where he has been working on the Water Programme as a Technical Advisor to South Lebanon


Water Policy Programme implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI). Mr. Abi Jreiche

holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration.

Philipp C. DitzelDorsch International Consultants GmbHPhilipp C. Ditzel is Environmental Engineer with a post graduate degree in Public Management and


for the Operations Management Support (OMS) project under the German Water Programme. He

is working for Dorsch International Consultants GmbH.

Mr. Nabil ChemalyBeirut & Mount lebanon Water Establishment

Mr. Nabil Chemaly joined the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in August 2008

where he has been working as a Technical Advisor on the GIZ Technical Assistance to the Water

Sector Reform Programme. Before joining GIZ he worked for six years on the USAID-funded

Lebanon Water Policy Programme implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI). Mr.

Chemaly holds a M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and a B.Sc. in Economics.

Ms. Nidal HachichoSouth Lebanon Water Establishment

Ms. Nidal Hachicho joined South Lebanon Water Establishment (SLWE) in August 2009 as Head of

Customer Service Department. Before joining SLWE she worked for 11 years in Saida Governmental

Hospital as Head of Administrative and Procurement Department. Ms. Hachicho holds a B.Sc. in

Business Administration.

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Noha Mohamed Sabry Abd El NaieemAlexandria Water Company

I am Engineer Noha Mohamed Sabry Abd EL Naeem , I graduated from faculty of engineering , Alexandria university , civil engineering department in the year 2001 & I took a diploma in structural engineering in 2003 and now I am preparing my master degree in projects management , I am working for AWCO since march 2004, I worked in projects management department and master plan administration . From 2007 till 2011, I worked as AWCO’s representative in the SWITCH project

Mr. Ramez MalloukICT Expert

Mr. Mallouk is an experienced senior consultant, IT and management consultant providing services in IT strategic planning, Application architecture and security review, Information Security compliance and audit, Information Security and Technology Risk Assessment in addition business performance and process alignment. The services outcome focuses on improving investment in IT, providing clear return on investment analysis of deploying technology and improving business outcomes from security, net present value and compliance to international standards. Mr. Mallouk is experienced in the following industries: Energy and Water utilities, Telecommunication, Banking and Government. He is particularly recognized for his experience and expertise in executing large and complex projects for medium to enterprise size customers with complex business requirements and challenging project timelines. Mr. Mallouk is coming from a software development background with international experience is designing and implementing mission criticalapplicationsfortheidentifiedsectorsabove.HealsobeeninvolvedinstartingupandsettingthestrategyforentrepreneurITcompanies in the Middle East region. His experience to lead complex and large size projects with multiple international teams have been built and demonstrated on the regional and international level. His current key business areas and activities includeStrategic Information Systems Strategy planning, measurement and implementationSystemsanalysis,selectionandimplementationtorealizetargetbusinessbenefitsCoaching Executive and Senior management in accomplishing projectsDevelopment and mentoring StaffBusiness Process life cycle managementApplication architecture and security reviewInformation Security compliance and auditInformation Security and Technology Risk AssessmentBusiness performance and process re-engineering and alignment to organization objectives, best practices and systems


Mamdouh Raslan Deputy Chairman and Board Member of the HCWW for the financial andAdministration and Development

civil engineer with 25 years experience in municipal water/wastewater systems engineering, operations,andmanagementinEgypt.Asaprogram/projectofficeratUSAIDEgypt,wasresponsiblefor the design and management of several large and complex capacity-building and institutional reform projects in the water/wastewater utility sector at local and national levels. Excellent knowledge of relevant GOE laws, regulations, management and administrative systems, combined with formal training and practical experience in application of key utility reform principles: •Water/wastewaterutilityinstitutionaldevelopmentandcapacity-building

•Utilityfinanceandfinancialmanagement•Corporatizationofwaterandwastewaterutilities•Privatesectorparticipation•Legalandregulatoryreformofwaterandwastewatersector.Close familiarity with the historical and institutional dynamics of the water/wastewater sector in Egypt, including the current sector reform program. Well-regarded by stakeholders in the government, utility, donor, consulting, and NGO communities.

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Roland A. Müller Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Dr.RolandMüllerhasbeenworkinginthefieldofdecentralizedwastewatermanagementsystemssince 15 years. He is a member of the German Water Partnership (Country Forum Jordan/Egypt). He founded together with three other institution the BDZ e.V., a German network of 60 companies, ministriesanduniversitiesinthefieldofdecentralizedwastewatertreatment.Heisamemberofthe managing board of the BDZ. Dr. Müller is working at German National Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ and there he is the head of the environmental and Biotechnology Centre. This work was supported by funding from the German Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF) within the SMART research project (Ref. 02WM1080)

Rolf-Dieter SchroterKommunale Wasserwerke Leipzig GmbH (water & waste water utility), Leipzig

Rolf – Dieter Schroter (56) is a Mechanical Engineer ( machine / plant engineering, TH Madgeburg) and joined the Leipzig water utility ( predecessors of KWL) in 1978. In This current position, he is the Team Leader Network Management, which comprises responsibility for the areas of hydraulics, conditions evaluation, corporate technical regulation and network strategies for the sewer and water supply network.

Stephan KuglerDorsch International Consultants GmbH

Stephan Kugler is Civil Engineer working for more than 25 years in the water sector in developing and newly industrialized countries. He has experience in the implementation of infrastructure measures as well as operations management support in various countries in the Middle East. He is has been working with Dorsch International Consultants GmbH since 1991 and holds the position of Technical Director of the Regional Office Amman. He is Project Manager of the OperationsManagement Support (OMS) project under the German Water Programme.

Dr. Siham Hussien Shoukrygeneral director of Total Quality Management and Sustainable Department,Alexandria Sanitary Drainage Company, Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt,

is currently the general director of Total Quality Management and Sustainable Department in Alexandria Sanitary Drainage Company in the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt, starting from 1980 till the present. In 1979, she obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science from the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Alexandria, Egypt, with general grade of very good. In 1988, she got the Master of Public Health Sciences, Majoring Sanitary Chemistry, from High Institute of Public Health, University of Alexandria, Egypt , with grade excellent with degree

of honor. In 2010, she obtained her Ph.D in Quality Management Sciences from the Productivity and Quality Institute - Arab AcademyforScience,TechnologyandMaritimeTransport-Egypt.DrSihamsharedwithscientificpresentationsinmanyofthenational and international conferences in the area of water quality management.

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Mr. Tony De SetaRODECO Consulting GmbH

Tony De Seta graduated in Mechanical Engineering and holds a post graduate degree in Management Studies and has more than 20 years of experience in the water, wastewater and customer service sectors and a further 8 years experience in general management of manufacturing and process companies.Tony started his water career with Thames Water Utilities (the largest water utility in the UK) where he worked for 11 years in a number of major roles in water and wastewater operations, as well as in customer services, and played a key role in organization development both in the UK and internationally.Currently, Tony is working in Egypt as team leader for RODECO GmbH on the IWSP (Lot B) project. He has contributed to a number of projects where the primary driver has been government reforms and transforming public sector organisations into commercial, professionally managed utility operations in developing economies. Recent experience includes:§ Team Leading and consulting on a number of international projects on organization development, institutional strengthening, training and capacity building of major water and wastewater utilities§ Development of corporate strategy and the translation of strategy into operational performance through effective business plans, performance management systems, training and human resource development, implementing O&M, systems and customer strategies for major UK and International utility companies§ Initiating and managing major organisational change, training and capacity building initiatives, including organisation design and development, concessions, corporatisation and privatization

M.Sc/ Dr. Till Ansmann inter 3 - Institute for Resource Management

Dr. Till Ansmann holds a PhD in Environmental Economics. As a research staff he worked for several years at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research – UFZ and there he was a member of the BMBF-funded project Glowa-Elbe. At inter 3 he responsible for economic valuation of environmental goodsandeconometricmethods.Hisexpertise liesamongothers in thefieldofdemand oriented planning and managing of infrastructures.

Mr. Mohamed Moawad, Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, Egypt

Public sector reform and capacity-building specialist with extensive experience in HR systems development and training program management. Experienced program manager with demonstrated effectiveness as a change agent for institutional development. Mobilized the support of central and local authorities to implement politicallydifficultdecisions todecentralizeauthority,down-sizepublicorganizations,andadoptperformance-basedHRmanagementpolicies.Responsibleforfinalizingproceduresofestablishingthe new subsidiaries. Supporting IT department, developing performance indicators system.Participating in preparation of Holding Company and subsidiary companies bylaws such as:

employers system affairs, Finance, procurement, stores, operation works for others.

Strong technical background in operation and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment and water/wastewater utility management. Excellent interpersonal communication and leadership skills, including ability to interact with all levels of government and private sector counterparts. Maintains a strong network of technical contacts, including press/media outlets for public awareness promotions.

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Water and Wastewater Operators Training and Certification ProgramSupported by the USAID Jordan Operations and Maintenance Training Project (OMT)

The Water and Wastewater Operators Training and Certification Program is designed to help protect human health, the

environment and infrastructure with professional standards for the operation and maintenance of public water systems, ensuring

effective treatment and distribution of safe drinking water. This program, supported by the USAID Jordan Operations and

Maintenance Training Project, is prepared to extend its resources to the MENA region with ACWUA as the regional marketer and


administrative procedures.

For further information, please contact Abdelrahman Omari, Chairman of the Water and Wastewater Sector Services Team

(WWSST), [email protected] or George Rizkallah, OMT Project Director, [email protected]

Water Berlin International 2013

WATER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2013 is the perfect platform to offer the most attractive combination of a professional trade fair

and an international congress program. It also features discussion forums with international experts on a variety of water-related

topics. It is a capital investment exhibition for international water supply and is an ideal interface for theory and practice. Arab



Itron is the leading provider of energy and water resource management solutions for nearly 8,000 utilities around the world. We




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Swedish International DevelopmentCooperation Agency

Sida works according to directives of the Swedish Parliament and Government to reduce poverty in the world. The overall goal of

Swedish development cooperation is to contribute to making it possible for poor people to improve their living conditions. Sida is

organized in nine departments.

Swedish development cooperation is part of a global cooperation in which Sweden is one of many international participants. In

order to carry out its work Sida cooperates with Swedish government agencies, organisations and associations and international

bodies like the UN, the EU and the World Bank.

German International Cooperation (GIZ)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH draw on a wealth of regional and technical expertise and

tried and tested management know-how. As a federal enterprise, we support the German Government in achieving its objectives


the globe.

GIZ operates in many fields: economic development and employment promotion; governance and democracy; security,

reconstruction,peacebuildingandcivilconflict transformation; foodsecurity,healthandbasiceducation;andenvironmental

protection, resource conservation and climate change mitigation. We also support our partners with management and logistical

services, and act as an intermediary, balancing diverse interests in sensitive contexts. In crises, we carry out refugee and

emergency aid programmes. As part of our services, we also second development workers to partner countries.

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Wasser Berlin International

- Trade Fair + Congress + Public Show - provides the perfect platform to bring supply and demand together at one location in Berlin.The Global economy depends on water. Water is the source of life for the world population - today and tomorrow. The industry’s main event for water and wastewater WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL offers the attractive combination of a professional trade show and an international congress program.The congress “wat + WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL” features discussion forums with international experts on a variety of water-related topics. It is a capital investment exhibition for international water supply and is an ideal interface for theory and practice.


Visitors Target GroupsWater experts from government and industry, engineers, experts in civil engineering, well drilling, waterworks construction, representatives from domestic and international organizations, purchasers, water management experts, scientists, representatives ofindustryassociationsandinstitutions,governmentofficials,high-leveladministrators.

جامعة الدول العربية

اأن�ضئت جامعة الدول العربية يف 22 اآذار )مار�س( 1945 لت�ضم �ضت دول عربية م�ضتقلة حينها وم�ؤ�ض�ضة لها، وهي م�ضر ولبنان والعراق والأردن

و�ض�رية واململكة العربية ال�ضع�دية واليمن. ومع تنامي حركات ال�ضتقالل يف �ضائر الأقطار العربية، اأ�ضبحت اجلامعة ت�ضم 22 دولة عربية، مبا

فيها فل�ضطني، بال�ضافة اىل اأربعة دول غري عربية تاأخذ �ضفة املراقب، وهي اإريرتيا والربازيل وفنزويال والهند. وقد تاأ�ض�ضت جامعة الدول العربية

يف زمن راأى م�ؤ�ض�ض�ها �ضرورة اإن�ضاء كيان تنظيمي ق�مي عربي ميّكن الدول العربية من ت�حيد م�اقفها اإزاء املتغريات ال�ضيا�ضية والقت�ضادية

والأمنية، وبل�رة �ضيغ التعاون والتن�ضيق يف ما بني الدول العربية يف �ضتى املجالت احلي�ية التي ت�ضب يف نه�ضة اقت�ضادية واإن�ضانية يف ال�طن

العربي، و�ض�ن ال�ضيادة وال�ضتقالل جلميع الدول العربية، وكذلك حت�ضني الأمة يف وجه التحديات الآتية من الداخل واخلارج. وقد �ضدد امليثاق التاأ�ضي�ضي للجامعة على اأنها منظمة

املتحدة وغريها من الدولية، مثل الأمم الأع�ضاء يف املحافل بتمثيل جميع دولها العربية الدول الأع�ضاء. وتق�م جامعة تعل� �ضلطات ولي�ضت �ضلطة ف�قية العربية بني احلك�مات

املنظمات الدولية والقليمية.

وبال�ضافة اىل جمل�س اجلامعة واللجان الدائمة والأمانة العامة، مت اإن�ضاء عدة منظمات متخ�ض�ضة بهدف جتميع الأن�ضطة القت�ضادية والجتماعية على اأ�ض�س فنية وتخلي�ضها،

بدرجة اأو باأخرى، من التعقيدات ال�ضيا�ضية. هذا بخالف املجال�س ال�زارية املعنية بال�ض�ؤون الداخلية واخلارجية وخمتلف القطاعات القت�ضادية والجتماعية. كذلك مت و�ضع امل�ضروع

اخلا�س بت�ضكيل حمكمة عدل عربية لت�ض�ية املنازعات بني الدول الأع�ضاء.

ويف �ضعي جامعة الدول العربية لت�ثيق العالقات القت�ضادية العربية، مت اإن�ضاء املجل�س القت�ضادي والجتماعي، الذي كان من اأبرز اإجنازاته و�ضع اتفاقية تي�ضري وتنمية التبادل

التجاري العربي عام 1953، ومن ثم اإبرام اتفاقية ال�حدة القت�ضادية العربية عام 1957، ثم �ضدور قرار اإن�ضاء ال�ض�ق العربية امل�ضرتكة عام 1964. كما مت اإقرار ال�ثائق املتعلقة

باإ�ضرتاتيجية العمل القت�ضادي العربي امل�ضرتك، وميثاق العمل الق�مي القت�ضادي، وم�ضروع عقد التنمية امل�ضرتكة، والتفاقية امل�حدة لال�ضتثمار. كما مت الت��ضل عام 1997 اىل

اإبرام اتفاقية منطقة التجارة احلرة العربية الكربى لتدخل حيز التنفيذ بدًء من اأول كان�ن الثاين )يناير( 2005. والهدف منها الت��ضل اىل الحتاد اجلمركي العربي بحل�ل عام

2015، ومن ثم ال�ض�ق العربية امل�ضرتكة عام 2020.

كذلك اأن�ضئ حتت مظلة جامعة الدول العربية عدد من الحتادات الن�عية واملنظمات العربية املتخ�ض�ضة يف املجالت القت�ضادية كافة، وغايتها ت�فري اآليات عملية مفّعلة لتحفيز

التعاون القت�ضادي العربي امل�ضرتك. ومن هذه املنظمات، على �ضبيل املثال، منظمة العمل العربية، وال�ضندوق العربي لالإمناء القت�ضادي والجتماعي، واملنظمة العربية للرتبية

قيام وتدعمه، مثل العربي النقابي بالن�ضاط العربية الدول تهتم جامعة كما والال�ضلكية. ال�ضلكية للم�ا�ضالت العربي والحتاد العربية، الدول اإذاعات واحتاد والعل�م، والثقافة

املحامني والأطباء وال�ضحفيني واحلق�قيني والعمال العرب وغريها.

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Holding Companyfor water & waste water

The Holding Company was established in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 135/2004, with the juridical nature as per the provisions of Law No. 203/1991 and the Executive Regulations thereto.

By virtue of Paragraph 3 of the said Presidential decree, the Public Economic Authorities and the Public Sector Companies for Drinking Water and Saniation in the following governorates: Cairo, Alexandria, Beheira, Damietta, Sharkeya, Gharbeya, Kafr El-Sheikh,Dakahleya,Fayoum,BeniSweif,El-MenyaandAswan,aretransformedintoaffiliatestotheHoldingCompany,subjecttothe provisions of the Business Sector Law, issued by Law No. 203/1991. AnumberofwatercompaniesinsomegovernoratesjoinedtheHoldingCompany,Qena,Menoufeya&Luxorcompanieswereaffiliated.

German Water Partnership (GWP)

German Water Partnership (GWP) is a strong network of private and public companies, research institutes and associations of theGermanwatersector.Theassociationwithits300membersfromindustryandscienceissupportedbyfivefederalministries.TheheadofficeinBerlinisthecentralcontactforinternationalenquiriestotheGermanwaterexpertise.Itcollects,coordinatesand provides information about innovations, activities and services relied to water.

German Water Partnership has joined forces in Germany to offer what is the very strength of its water sector: to develop innovative



or region, three of those being the Gulf States Section, the Jordan Section and the Maghreb Section. GWP members active in

these sections are continuously strengthening their relations to partners and decision makers with joint activities in Arab countries.

International Water Association (IWA)

The International Water Association is a global reference point for water professionals, spanning the continuum between research and practice and covering all facets of the water cycle. Through its network of members and experts in research, practice, regulation, industry, consulting and manufacturing, IWA is in a better position than any other organisation to help water professionals create innovative, pragmatic and sustainable solutions to challenging global needs.

The strength of IWA lies in the professional and geographic diversity of its membership - a global mosaic of national, corporate andindividualmembercommunities.Ourmembersareleadersintheirfieldandrepresent:•Researchers-wheresolutionsbegin•Utilities-managingwaterservicesworldwide•Consultants-connectingproblemownerswithsolutionproviders•Industry-creatingsustainablewatersolutions•Regulators-safeguardingpublichealth•Equipmentmanufacturers-translatingideasintoproducts

The IWA network is structured to promote multi-level collaboration among its diverse membership groups, and to share the benefitofknowledgeonwaterscienceandmanagementworldwide.TheAssociationhelpsmaketherightconnectionsattheright time, thereby sharing cutting-edge research and practice that allows the water sector shape its future.

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KfW Bankengruppe

“KfW Bankengruppe is one of the leading and most experienced development and promotional banks in the world. We use our knowledgeandourenergytoimproveeconomic,socialandecologicallivingconditions.Wedothisinthefieldsofsmallandmedium-sized enterprises, business start-ups, environmental protection, housing, infrastructure, education, project and export financeaswellasdevelopmentcooperation.”

Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development e.V.(EMA)

In line with the EU policy regarding the countries bordering the Mediterranean and the Middle East, EMA was launched in

Hamburg, Germany in August 2008. The Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development e.V.(EMA) is

a registered association in which companies, associations, state-run and non-governmental organisations, as well as private

individuals, unite as members for close socio-cultural and economic cooperation and development, with national sovereignty, the

right to self-determination and peace being closely observed.

The EMA considers itself as mediator, initiator and promoter in a mutual process of exchange.

Membersbenefitfromadedicatedteam,apoolofqualifiedadvisorsandanetworkofexpertswithfirst-classreferencesinalleconomic sectors, far exceeding the supply of current political and economic information.

EMAprovidesyourfirmorprojectaprofessionalplatform.WeadviseyouonbusinessopportunitieswithintheEMAregionandestablish valuable contacts to decision makers.

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