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By: Adam And Mike

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Jimi Hendrix was a guitar player in the 60s and early 70s. He overdosed on Verperex a sedative containing barbiturates and antihistamines while drinking red wine. Jimi took 7 times the recommended dose of these deadly drugs. The reason these drugs are so dangerous are they enter the central nervous system through the small intestine with the alcohol and can cause the central nervous system to shut down. Jimi was pronounced dead by suffocating on his own vomit.

Case study: Jimi Hendrix and the Digestive Tract.

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Function Of The Digestive System

The function of the digestive system is to digest food that is consumed. Organs included in the digestive system are the mouth , esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas , liver , gallbladder, large intestine, rectum and anus.

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Mouth-used to consume food.Esophagus-used to transport food to the stomach.Stomach-holds and digests food. Small intestine-absorbs nutrients into the blood stream and aids in

further digestion.Pancreas-secretes enzymes used for digestion.Liver-processes nutrients absorbed by intestines and detoxifies

harmful chemical including alcohol and drugs.Gallbladder-stores and concentrates bile.Large intestine-transports stools to rectum.Rectum-holds stool until needed.Anus-stops stool from leaving unless needed.

Functions Of The Organs

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The food is first consumed through the mouth of the person. After chewing the food is swallowed and travels through the esophagus to the stomach. In the stomach the food is digested by stomach acids before entering the small intestine. In the small and large intestine the food is further digested and the nutrients are later absorbed into the blood stream. When the digestion is complete, the feces are disposed of by the anus.

How The Digestive System Works

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Interactions With Other Organ Systems

The digestive system interacts with all of the organ systems in the Human body, because without nutrition the body cannot function. These organs include the urinary system ,muscular system, nervous system and circulatory system.

Urinary-creates liquid waste through digestionMuscular-muscles must contract for digestion to occurNervous system-circulatory system transports

nutrients to the brain created by digestionCirculatory system – transports nutrients to all parts of

the body

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Many forms of specialized cells are found in the digestive system . These cells do everything from secreting mucus and acids used in digestion . An example of this is the cells in the stomach acids used for the digestion of food .Another example is the saliva cells secreted from the salivary glands in the mouth.

Specialized cells

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• Public health campaigns that have to do with the digestive system are programs that help teens learn about the troubles of drug and alcohol. Examples of these programs are D.A.R.E. and Race Against Drugs. There are also programs for adults like Alcoholics anonymous.

Public Health Considerations

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Medical Technology• Computed Tomography (CT Scan)• Virtual Colonoscopy• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)• Radionuclide Scanning


Virtual Colonoscopy


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Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI):An MRI is a machine where people lie in a magnet an use the magnetisation to align some atomic nuclei in the body. This alignment causes the nuclei to create a rotating magnetic field that is detectable to scanners and these scanners produce the information.

Computer Tomography(CT Scan):Is a medical imaging device uses computer processed x-rays. These computer processed images show slices of a specific area of the body. These slices can be used to show various bodily structures to help doctors figure out if there is anything wrong with that structure or part.

Specifics of technology

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• We compared the digestive system of a frog to the digestive system of a human. The main differences other than the size of the organs are there is no villi in the small intestine of a frog. Also that the frog does not have an anus, it has a multipurpose hole called the cloaca.


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• Flickr :GreenFlames0-9 digestive model, kidney• Flickr :franela - background hendrix• Flickr :rkempjr- bright Hendrix• Flickr :Curtis Gregory Perry- Drugs• Flickr :nightshiftboy- AA Greece• Flickr :anieto2k- Shots• Flickr :TexasImpact- caduceus• Flickr :luxomni- CT scanner• Flickr :muffet- MRI• Flickr : ☣ bionerd ☢-radionuclide• Flickr :testastretta-999- colonoscopy• Flickr :HearTiaRoar- frog• Flickr :-GLIT- Tray of cutters• Flickr :kasi metcalfe- cells• Flickr :robswatski- arm muscle , abdomen muscle• Flickr :Polygon Medical Animation- Digestive background• Flickr :julianrod- The end

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