

  • Many people visit Ethiopia - or hope to do so one day - because of the remarkable manner in which ancient historical traditions have been preserved. And, indeed, the ceremonies and rituals of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, open a window on the authentic world of the Old Testament. In no other country is it possible to find yourself so dramatically transported back in time or to participate with such freedom in the sacred rituals of an archaic faith. Addis Ababa (the name means 'new flower') is of fairly recent origin - Menelik II founded the city in 1887 but is an important administrative centre not only for Ethiopia but also for the whole of Africa. Situated in the foothills of the Entoto Mountains and standing 2,400 metres above sea level it is the third highest capital in the world. The city has a population of about four million

  • St George's Cathedral is an Orthodox cathedral in Addis Ababa. It is noted for its distinctive octagonal form.

  • Designed by Sebastiano Castagna and built by Italian prisoners of war defeated at Adwa in 1896, it was named after Saint George, after the Tabot (Ark) of the church was carried to the Battle of Adwa against the Italians during which the Ethiopians secured victory.

  • Dracaena steudneri, also known as the northern large-leafed Dragon tree, the Dracaena is a species known from higher altitudes (above 1500m) and inhabits the margins of forested areas and thickets

  • Calistemon (Red bottlebrush flower)

  • The building was described in 1938 in an Italian tourist publication as a fine example of the European interpretation of Ethiopian church design. The Italian Fascist authorities set the building on fire during the war in 1937. The cathedral was later restored by the Emperor following the liberation in 1941.

  • Statue of Abuna (Bishop) Petros

    Aboune Petros or Abuna Petros (1892-1936) was an Ethiopian bishop and martyr, executed on 29 July 1936 by the Italian occupation forces in Ethiopia for publicly condemning colonialism, invasion and massacre. Nowadays, Aboune Petros remains a famous Ethiopian history. A memorial statue is erected in 1946 near St. George's Cathedral and the author Tsegaye Gebre-Medhin wrote a play on his last days. He now also is named as Saint Abune Petros by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and a church is built by his name.

  • Statue of Abuna (Bishop) Petros, who was assasinated by the Italians in 1937 during their occupation of Ethiopia. Abuna Petros was a significant figure in the resistance movement against the Italians.

    Empress Zewditu of Ethiopia was crowned at this Cathedral in 1917, and Emperor Haile Selassie was crowned there in 1930, and it became a pilgrimage site for Rastafarians. The Cathedral has a museum, and an Imperial throne is on display as is the stained glass and works of artist Afewerk Tekle. Given the reason why the cathedral was named, it displays weaponry used in the wars against the Italians including curved swords and tridents and giant helmets made from the manes of lions.

  • The church also houses a small museum containing Emperor Haile Selassie Is coronation throne and a collection of 19th-century weaponry. This massive bell was a gift from Czar Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia

  • This massive bell was a gift from Czar Nicholas II, the last Czar of Russia

  • In 1956, shortly after he returned to Ethiopia from his studies in Europe, the young Afewerk Tekle was commissioned to produce artwork for St. Georges Cathedral (Kidus Giorgis). The numerous religious murals and mosaics that Afewerk created took more than three years to complete.

  • Afewerk Tekle (1932 2012) was one of Ethiopia's most celebrated artists, particularly known for his paintings on African and Christian themes as well as his stained glass

  • "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph." Haile Selassie I

  • Kebero, traditional Ethiopian conical hand drum

  • A kebero is a double-headed, conical hand drum used in the traditional music of Eritrea and Ethiopia. A piece of animal hide is stretched over each end, thus forming a membranophone. A large version of the instrument is also used in Orthodox Christian liturgical music, while smaller versions are used in secular celebrations

  • A traditonal Ethiopian staff hangs from a wrought-iron gate

  • Traditonal Ethiopian prayer staffs, or maqwamiya

  • King Solomon meets the Queen of Sheba, by Matre Afewerk Tekle

  • The Last Judgement by Afewerk Tekle

  • Afewerk Tekle (1932 2012)

  • Afewerk Tekle (1932 2012) The Coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie

  • The Iconoclasis and a Curtained entrance to the Holy of HoliesThe Crown of Emperor Haile Selassie with which he was crowned on November 2, 1930, at Addis Ababa's Cathedral of St. George

  • Emperor Menelik II (1844 - 1913) is regarded by many as one of the greatest Ethiopians of all time. He was often, simultaneously soldier, politician, king, raconteur and some-time brick-layer. This can be seen at the church of Maryam (St. Mary) on Entoto Mountain, in which he has taken part in the building work.

  • Mount Entoto is the highest peak overlooking Addis Ababa. It is a sacred place and there are many monasteries here. Back in 1882 Menelik II left the royal grounds of Ankober and built his palace here. It is from here that he (his wife Empress Taitu actually) saw Addis Ababa (Beautiful Flower) which subsequently became the capital of Ethiopia.

  • The mountain is covered with eucalyptus trees, the first of which was brought from Australia by Menelik II. Menelik II is probably one of the greatest Ethiopians, even Africans, ever. He joined the many kingdoms into Abyssinia (Ethiopia), modernized the nation (for the late 1800s), and defeated the Italians.

  • The land around the mountain top capital, Entoto, perched above what is now Addis Ababa, had been deforested and the native juniper trees took many years to re-grow. Faced with a quickly diminishing supply of building materials and firewood, Menelik directed that the Eucalyptus trees be planted all around Entoto and Addis Ababa. The fast growing tree, considered an invasive species in some parts of the world, effectively saved the city and allowed it to flourish.

  • Menelik II and his wife Taitu built a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary here, the Maryam Church. The emperor was actually crowned in his church in 1889 and subsequently made it the head church.

  • Even today, the trees quite literally fuel a shadow economy of sorts.An estimated 15,000 women, ranging in age between 10 and 70, make their living selling Eucalyptus branches for fuel wood in Addis Ababa markets. These women and girls, many of them barefoot, pull down branches and bundle 60 to 80 pounds of them to be carried across their narrow shoulders down Mount Entoto.

  • In Ethiopia, sticks are everywhere. They are cut, bundled, and sold for everything from firewood to home building to scaffolding on huge commercial buildings. One of the first things a visitor to Addis Ababa notices is the construction of commercial buildings everywhere and the second thing they notice is the sticks. Building after unfinished building all around, five and even ten story towers of concrete, completely enveloped by scaffolding built of sticks.

  • To be clear, this is not machined lumber, but rather limbs or trees with the branches stripped off. The sticks you see in Ethiopia are from Eucalyptus trees.

  • African juniper is indigenous to the East African tropical highlands. Its timber is strong and highly valuable; after seasoning the wood is very durable, immune to fungal attacks, termites or wood-borers

  • Eucalyptus trees (also known as gum trees) have 2 types of leaves: young, or juvenile, leaves are oval and opposite in arrangement, adult leaves are alternate and sickle-shaped. One or other leaf type, or a combination of both, may be present depending on the age and condition of the tree

  • Next door is the palace. Actually quite a humble abode of wood and mud with very high ceilings.

  • You are not allowed to take pictures inside the museum. Inside furniture, photographs, and personal belongings of the Emperor and the Empress can be seen. There is the rifle he used at the Battle of Adwa, a mirror given by Queen Victoria to Empress Taitu as well as other gifts from France, Russia, and India. There are Bibles here that are ancient.

  • Palaces also come in many shapes and varieties in Ethiopia! Entoto marks the former home of Emperor Menelik and his wife prior to them settling in the valley and formally founding Addis Ababa.

  • Entoto Natural Park is the northeastern rim of Addis Abeba, on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Entoto, covering an area of 1,300 hectares. It is situated at an altitude of between 2,600 and 3,100 meters. Its annual average rainfall and temperature are 1200mm and 14C respectively. The northern rim of the park serves as a watershed between Abay (Blue Nile) and Awash rivers.

  • The mountain is densely covered by eucalyptus trees that were imported from Australia during the reign of Menelik II, and mostly planted during Emperor Haile Selassie's reign; thus it is sometimes referred to as the "lung of Addis Ababa".

  • The forest on the mountain is an important source of firewood for the city. It was also a source of building material in earlier times.

  • Selling Hats on Entoto Hills

  • Text: InternetPictures: Sanda Foioreanu , Darrel and Betty Hagberg & InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authorsPresentation: Sanda Meseret Mebrate - Ethiopian Orthodox Mezmur (Yilal Andebete)

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