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“ Y o u c a n ’ t w a i t f o r i n s p i r a t i o n , y o u h a v e t o g o a f t e r i t w i t h a c l u b ” — J a c k L o n d o n

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aaf utah addy® winners book 2013 - a product of adnews publishing

in general

4 adnews publisher’s notes - susen sawatzki

6 advertising professional of the year - john youngren

7 aaf-utah’s addy leadership and judges

8 tally

Publisher/Editor in Chief: Susen Sawatzki [email protected]

Design and Production: Lonnie Blanton [email protected]

Cover Design: STRUCK

Printing and Mailing: Conquest Graphics

This edition is generously sponsored by:

No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for its accuracy or completeness.

All rights reserved.


p 801.532.1325

category sponsors


10 best of show / student /

judges’ awards

12 collateral material

13 collateral material /

integrated campaigns

14 public service

15 public service

16 digital advertising

17 digital advertising /

sales promotion

18 elements of advertising

19 advertising for the arts and

sciences / out of home

20 advertising industry self

promotion /

non-traditional advertising

21 consumer/trade publication

direct marketing / television

22 newspaper

22 student









media grabbers

media grabbers

media grabbers











The ADDY Winners Book is published by adnews. The rights to

publish the ADDY Winners Book are granted by the American

Advertising Federation Utah which is the regulating body for

the ADDY creative competition.

addy® winners book

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and we couldn’t be happier with

Cuisine Unlimited Catering & Special Events

4641Cherry Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Salt Lake City 801-268-2332 • Park City 435-647-0010

Everything was delicious

Cuisine UnlimitedCatering & Special Events

This edition showcases the winners of the ADDYs®. It tends to be a controversial show every year. I think it helps to understand not only the process of the judging but also the process and methodology of entering. I served as chairman for several years and assisted with the event for several more years, during which time I gained an insider’s view.

Each year the ADDY® committee does its collective best to select and lure the highest level of creative talent from around the country to Salt Lake to judge the show. Judging takes a good two days. As an introduction, the judges are encouraged to understand that this show is part one of a three-tier process. The winners of the Utah show go on to compete in the district competition. The district winners compete for national ADDYs®, the highest creative awards recognized by the American Advertising Federation. With that understanding, the judges are in control.

Creative service providers enter the show for different reasons and with different strategies. One strategy is to enter the show with large bodies of work saturating many categories with several campaigns. The risk is if that body of work does not win, the considerable cost of entering many categories is a total loss. However, if the judges appreciate a body of work, then the volume of awards won across many categories justifies the cost of entering. One three-ad campaign can rack up more than 20 awards. There are retail and public service accounts that lend well to the variety of applicable categories.

Another, and more common

methodology is to enter less than 10 pieces representing six or more clients. Obviously, even if every entry wins, that is less than 10 awards skewing a comparison of total awards won. However, winning 85 or 90 percent of work entered is a great achievement.

What the entrants and winners don’t always appreciate is that each piece, as it is admired or analyzed in the pages of the adnews ADDY® Winners Book, stands alone to inspire high-caliber creative performance and possibly launch a new relationship between client and creative service provider.

It doesn’t matter if that piece is the winner of the most awards or if it is the only entry that earned one award. If it inspires or is the trigger to a new relationship, its power continues.

Let’s rejoice that we love what we do—even if it makes us crazy.

publisher’s notes

susen sawatzki

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t h a n k s t o t h e f o l l o w i n g s p o n s o r s

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John Youngren worked in corporate communications, as a sportswriter and columnist, as a radio talk show host and for several years as the Salt Lake Tribune’s TV critic. Ultimately, John Youngren grew to appreciate the opportunities in the advertising and public relations industry, and he’s been an integral part of the Love Communications team since the early years of the agency.

John is a leader at the firm and is key to daily operations, which he has helped grow through his expertise, professionalism and all around good advertising skills. He is a true unsung hero of the Utah advertising agency – he does not seek the limelight, but he absolutely deserves it.

As a Vice President and Group Account Director at Love, John oversees many of the firm’s most critical accounts and has mentored countless industry minds, as past and present “Lovers” have learned from John’s example. He juggles multiple accounts with aplomb and the characteristic quick wit and creative thinking that clients and colleagues alike appreciate and enjoy.John’s leadership on accounts

such as the Utah Lt. Governor’s Office, United Way of Salt Lake and the Utah Department of Health’s Anti-Tobacco Campaign (to name just a few) has allowed Love to succeed in a time when other firms have experienced hardships. He has directed award-winning public awareness campaigns for these clients and many others.A University of Utah graduate

and current member of the U of U Alumni Association Board of Directors, John regularly speaks to college advertising and marketing classes (sharing the knowledge gained during his experience in the industry). His service on other boards and the AAF-Utah board reflect a dedication to his profession and his community.In a letter to the selection

committee, Tom Love, founding partner and president of Love Communications, wrote: “I am honored to have John as a key member of our management team and the firm’s first-ever Vice President. And I am thankful to call him a friend and a colleague. His dedication to this industry for so many years makes him more than worthy of being named AAF-Utah’s Advertising Professional of the Year.”

AAF-Utah Professional of the Year - John Youngren

And who knows more about love than us?Congratulations, John, on being named Advertising Professional of the Year!


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2012* no. of total total total advertisers gold silver addys

Fluid 6 8 18 26

RR Partners 4 2 13 15

Faktory 3 1 5 6

Richter7 3 0 5 5

McCann Worldgroup, SLC 4 1 4 5

Welikesmall 4 2 2 4

Struck 3 2 1 3

Red Olive 3 1 2 3

Zagg 2 1 2 3

Love Communications 2 0 3 3

REISTER 2 1 1 2

Jibe Media 2 0 2 2

Modern8 1 1 0 1

Advent Creative 1 0 1 1

Lone Peak Productions 1 0 1 1

Penna Powers/Brian Haynes 1 0 1 1

Saxton Home 1 0 1 1

student competition

Morgan Crockett 1 0 1 1

Chad Ford 1 1 1 2

Michelle Brodrick 1 0 1 1

Sarkastic 1 0 1 1

BYU Adlab 1 1 0 1

Make it in LA 1 1 0 1

total total most awards gold addys awards

2012*- 82 2012 - 20 2012 - Fluid - 26

2011 - 74 2011 - 23 2011 - Richter7 - 11

2010 - 132 2010 - 42 2010 - Richter7 - 39

2009 - 126 2009 - 39 2009 - Richter7 - 47

2008 - 173 2008 - 39 2008 - Richter7 - 67

2007 - 221 2007 - 58 2007 - Richter7 - 65

2006 - 183 2006 - 42 2006 - Richter7 - 52

2005 - 154 2005 - 40 2005 - Richter7 - 39

2004 - 158 2001 - 23 2004 - W Communications - 62

2003 - 141 2003 - 37 2003 - Richter7 - 58

2002 - 163 2002 - 30 2002 - Richter7 - 41 2001 - 237

best of show winners 2012 - Montgomery Tunnel Installation - Utah Office of Tourism - Struck2011 - True Story - The Leonardo - Leonardo Launch Campaign - Two2010 - StruckAxiom - Dreamworks Animation SKG - Flame It 2010 - Nathan Wigglesworth - BYU - Million Trees NYC 2009 - - My Story Television2009 - STUDENT AWARD- BYU - Doritos Guardians2008 - For Design - Rare Method- Bocuse d’Or Brochure2008 - For Advertising - Richter7- Hogle Zoo Poster Campaign2007 - R&R Partners - Utah Symphony and Opera CDs2006 - Colin Barrett - The Letterboxers 2005 - B/O/W/G - Napoleon Dynamite Campaign 2004 - Love Communications - UDOH, The Truth Tarot Cards 2003 - Richter7 - Rocky Point Haunted House Campaign 2002 - Crowell Advertising, Marketing & PR - ClearBra, “Disaster” 2001 - Richter7- Salt Lake Costume Company 2000 - Eric Gutierrez, Dave Larson, Tyler Gourley- Autosports of Utah*Note: The year reflects the year the work was created.

judges’ picks 2012*

Monica TaylorUtah State Fair “History” CampaignUtah State FairRIESTER

Brent AndersonDWR-Utah/TakeMeFishing.orgFathers Day Tie GiveawayFluid

Joseph CorrUtah Deptartment of Highway SafetyDrunk Driving SnowmenRR Partners

the marketplace for creative ideas

Celebrating 30 Years

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BesT o F show



sTudeNT BesT o F show


82 Award: student Best of show AddY Student Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Chad Ford, Brigham Young University Advertiser: Brigham Young University Title: Google Celebrity Book Club Contributors: Chad Ford, Art Director; Kasey Ahlstrom, Copy Writer


72 Award: BesT oF show AddY® & Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Struck Advertiser: Utah Office of Tourism Title: Montgomery Tunnel Installation Contributors: Steve Driggs, ECD; Jeremy Chase, Account Director; Kelly McClelland, Account Manager; Nathan Wigglesworth, Art Director; Garrett Martin, Copywriter; Abe Day, Technical Director; Joe Williamsen, Technical Director; LOVE Communications, Media Buyer

J udges ’ speC i A l AwArds


89 Award: Judges Choice- Taylor & Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: RIESTER Advertiser: Utah State Fair Title: Utah State Fair “History” Campaign Contributors: Jeff Bagley, Creative Director/CW; Mike Ross, Art Director; Laura Carlson, Accnt Associate Director; Jenna Wendler, Account Manager


32 Award: Judges Choice- Corr & Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Highway Safety Title: Drunk Driving Snowmen Contributors: Marissa Empey, Designer/Concept/Producer; Ryan Izant, Designer/Concept; AJ Bell, Art Director; C. Michael Foster, Copywriter; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD


76 Award: Judges Choice- Anderson & Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-Take Me Fathers Day Tie Giveaway Contributors: Henry Smith, Art Director; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director

utah’s hogle zoo, “rocky shores” billboard

Award: Billboard of The Year Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah’s Hogle Zoo Title: Hogle Zoo “Rocky Shores” billboard Contributors: Kendal Liddle, Art Director; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Cynthia Griffin, Production Manager; Stock, Photographer; Jared Lewis, Account Manager; Tal Harry, Account Supervisor

B i l lBoArd oF The Y eAr

72 utah office of tourism, montgomery tunnel installation

89 utah state fair, “history” campaign

82 brigham young university, google celebrity book club

32 utah department of highway safety, drunk driving snowmen

76 dwr-utah/, fathers day tie giveaway

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Joseph is a Creative Director with Crispin Porter + Bogusky, and a Lecturer at Boulder Digital Works at the University of Colorado. He has a background in a wide variety of interactive tools with over 15 years of professional experience designing and developing for the screen and beyond. As a Creative Director and Creative Technology Director, Joseph specializes in storytelling, rapid prototyping, and conquering the impossible.

Monica Taylor is a freelance creative director/art director based in Portland, Oregon. She brings to the show 13 years of experience at Wieden + Kennedy, as both an art director and a creative director. Her years on Nike featured many award-winning campaigns, notably the “Tag” spot which took home the Grand Prix at Cannes in 2001. Her work has been recognized by the Cannes Festival, the One Show, D&AD, and has been included in the permanent collection at the MOMA in NY.

Brent Anderson is a Global Group Creative Director at TBWA\ChiatDay-Los Angeles on the Gatorade and adidas brands. Brent joined Chiat in 2005 and during his time in the LA office has worked on Nissan, Playstation, Visa, Gatorade, Tassimo, adidas and various other new business efforts. Prior to Chiat, Brent worked for many years at a creative/design boutique in Portland, Oregon (JohnsonSheen). His work is featured in the MoMa (NY) permanent collection, has won many awards and has been nominated for an Emmy.

brent anderson monica taylor joseph corr

AAF President - Adam Morgan, Creative Director, Thomas ArtsFirst Vice President - gina girardi, Promotions – Marketing – Specification, xpedx

Chairperson: Machel devin, Struck, Account Manager

Committee Members: Adam Morgan, ThomasArts, Executive Creative Directorgina girardi, xpedx, Promotions – Marketing – SpecificationJeremy wold, Richter7, Digital Strategy and Solutions ManagerMarc davey, Reagan Outdoor Advertising, Local Sales ManagerTeri gibson, Richter7, Account SupervisorJennifer schreiter, AAF-UT Executive Director Kelly McClelland, Struck, Jr. Account Manager Jordan howe, The Summit Group, Director of Advertising Account ServicesAngie welling, Love Communications, Director of Public RelationsJasmine Borla, McCann WorldGroup, Senior Engagement PlannerBrady Cook, Progrexion, Art DirectorMichael etzel, McCann WorldGroup, Account SupervisorJim Breitinger, Riester, Editorial Directorsharlee smith, Salt Lake Community College, Manager Creative Servicesryan Anderson, Fluid, Creative Director/Partnersteve wright, R&R Partners, Director of Public AffairsJason sargent, ThomasArts, Account Supervisor

This year’s AAF-utah AddY Awards are brought to you by:

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1 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-Grandpa Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director

2 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Mint Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

3 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Banana Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

4 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-The Beauty of Fishing Campaign Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director

5 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Orange Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

6 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-Fishing Hole Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director

7 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Copper Canyon Restaurant Title: Canyon Challenge-Last Meal see #13 pg 13 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

8 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Gallivan Center Title: Monster Block Party Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Henry Smith, Designer; Michael Slack, Illustrator

9 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Poster Campaign 1 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

10 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Poster Campaign 2 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

11 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Chocolate Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer










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19 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: modern8 Advertiser: Touchstone Essentials Title: Touchstone Essentials Contributors: Randall Smith, Creative Director; Derek Boman, Designer; Bryan Wilson, Designer; Cameron Gardner, Animator

i N T egrATed CAMpA igNs

12 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Strawberry Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

13 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Copper Canyon Restaurant Title: Canyon Challenge Poster Campaign Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

14 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Transit Authority Title: FrontRunner South Launch Commemorative Poster Contributors: Patrick Buller, Art Director/ACD; Jeff Foster, Illustrator; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Michael Navarre, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD


15 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DNR - Utah Title: Mining Booklet Contributors: Kevin Perry, Creative Director; Henry Smith, Designer; Joe Esquibel, Illustrator

16 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Penna Powers Brian Haynes Advertiser: NOBILUS Title: NOBILUS Brochure Contributors: Erico Bisquera, Creative Director; John Haynes, Managing Partner; Eric Larson, Senior Art Director


17 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Advent Creative Advertiser: Viridian Energy Title: Viridian Sustainability Report Contributors: Adam Smith, Creative Director; Amber Evertsen, Graphic Designer


18 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Jibe Media Advertiser: Kitchen Kneads Title: Kitchen Kneads Stationery Package Contributors: Mark Farr, Creative Director; Kyle Harris, Art Director/Designer


7 & 13





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20 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Highway Safety Title: Mobile DUI Checkpoint Truck Wrap Contributors: Brett Smith, Designer/Concept; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD; Chad Hurst, Photographer

21 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Highway Safety Title: Mobile DUI Checkpoint Trailer Wrap Contributors: AJ Bell, Art Director/Concept; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD


22 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Love Communications Advertiser: Utah Cancer Control Program Title: Just Go Contributors: Katie Bradley Barrett, ACD, Copywriter; Wildwood Productions, Production; Lena Dibble, Account Supervisor

23 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Title: ‘College Fund’ Radio Contributors: Ryan Izant, Copywriter; C. Michael Foster, Producer / Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD; Clarke Jackman, Engineer

24 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Title: ‘Science Film’ TV Contributors: AJ Bell, Copywriter / Art Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Gerri Angelo, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Scott Rice, Director; Don Turley, Executive Producer; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

25 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Title: ‘Triple Strength’ TV Contributors: Kyle Curtis, Copywriter / CD; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Gerri Angelo, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Scott Rice, Director; Don Turley, Executive Producer; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

26 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Title: ‘3-Step Program’ TV Contributors: Jeffery Butterworth, Senior Copywriter; Eric Rice, Art Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Gerri Angelo, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Scott Rice/Director; Don Turley, Executive Producer; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD



puBl i C s erv i C e









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27 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah Department of Workforce Services Title: Quality Childcare TV campaign Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Art Director/CD; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Saint Cloud Film, Production Company; Julian Acosta, Director; Jared Harris, Producer; Marcia Winn, Account Manager; Peggy Lander, Account Supervisor

28 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Title: DABC TV Campaign Contributors: Jeffery Butterworth, Senior Copywriter; AJ Bell, Copywriter; Eric Rice, Art Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Gerri Angelo, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Scott Rice, Director; Don Turley, Executive Producer; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

29 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Highway Safety Title: Arresting Spills Poster Campaign Contributors: AJ Bell, Art Director / Concept; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD


30 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Use Only As Directed Title: Pharmacy Counter 3D Cling Contributors: Kyle Curtis, Copywriter/CD; AJ Bell, Art Director; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Steve Wight, Account Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

31 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Use Only As Directed Title: ‘Bottle Bag & Sticker’ POP Contributors: Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; AJ Bell, Art Director; C. Michael Foster, Copywriter; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD


32 Award: Silver ADDY® Award & Judges Choice- Corr Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Highway Safety See pg 10 Title: Drunk Driving Snowmen Contributors: Marissa Empey, Designer/Concept/Producer; Ryan Izant, Designer/Concept; AJ Bell, Art Director; C. Michael Foster, Copywriter; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

33 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Highway Safety Title: “Designated Driver” Coaster Contributors: Kevin Day, Designer; Kyle Curtis, Creative Dir./Copywriter; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD


34 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Title: Control Heat Sensitive Urinal Sticker Contributors: Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Patrick Buller, Assoc. Creative Director; Debbie Bennett, Producer; Zack Benzon, ParagonPress, Printer; Steve Wright, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

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35 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: McCann Worldgroup, SLC Advertiser: Best Friends Title: Fix at Four Contributors: Alli Emerson, Project Manager; Dusty Eskelson, Programmer; Craig Kossin, Experience Planner

36 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Welikesmall Advertiser: Moment Skis Title: Moment Re-Design Contributors: Michael Kern, Creative Director; Paul Solomon, Director of Technology; Pedro Gomez, Sr. Interactive Producer; Nick Franchi, Art Director; Craig Ruksznis, Senior Developer; Geof Crowl, Designer / Developer; Russell Tabet, Designer / Developer

37 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Struck Advertiser: Deer Valley Resort Title: Deer Valley Website Contributors: Dustin Davis, Interactive Director; Stevie Meier, Interactive Producer; Rebecca Clayton, Interactive Designer; Eric Atwell, Interactive Designer; Brian Jolley, QA; Abe Levin, Art Director; Matt Austin, Interactive Designer

38 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Red Olive Advertiser: Leef Title: Leef - Site + Responisve Site Contributors: Brad Hoen, Art Director / Designer; Josh Luther, UI/UX Developer; Matt Moeller,; Vince Stinson,; Justin Wilde

39 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Red Olive Advertiser: Ezra Lee Design | Build Title: Ezra Lee Design | Build - Site + Responsive Contributors: Brad Hoen, Art Director, Designer; Josh Luther, UI/UX Developer; Matt Moeller, Vince Stinson, Justin Wilde,


40 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Jibe Media Advertiser: Mrs. Fields Title: Mrs. Fields Cookie Cake Commericals Contributors: Mark Farr, Creative Director; Mark Farr, Copywriter; Ryan Hinmann, Videographer; Mike Harris, Editor; Ken Kruckenberg, Music Composer

41 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Welikesmall Advertiser: Academy Awards Title: Academy Awards Contributors: Michael Kern, Creative Director; Paul Solomon, Director of Technology; Russell Tabet, Designer / Developer; Geof Crowl, Designer / Developer; Craig Ruksznis, Senior Developer; Zach Wood, Senior Frontend Developer; Tyler Kealey, Art Director; Pedro Gomez, Sr. Interactive Producer

42 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Welikesmall Advertiser: Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc. Title: Specialized Contributors: Michael Kern, Creative Director; Paul Solomon, Director of Technology; Brandon Sanders, Interactive Producer; Matt Carney, Art Director; Russell Tabet, Designer / Developer

d ig i TA l AdverT i s iNg







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44 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Welikesmall Advertiser: Good Inc. Title: General Electric Contributors: Brandon Sanders, Interactive Producer; Nick Franchi, Art Director; Craig Ruksznis, Senior Developer; Russell Tabet, Designer / Developer; Mike McNamara, Developer; Michael Kern, Creative Director; Paul Solomon, Director of Technology


45 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: McCann Worldgroup, SLC Advertiser: Verizon Title: Verizon and Georgetown University Hospital Contributors: Adam Hancock, Assc. Creative Director; David Emmitt, Group Creative Director; Brian Deaver, Exec. Creative Director

d ig i TA l AdverT i s iNg




46 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Red Olive Advertiser: Latter-Day Sweets Title: Latter-Day Sweets Packaging Contributors: Brad Hoen, Art Director / Designer; Matt Moeller, Vince Stinson, Justin Wilde

47 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: ZAGG Advertiser: iFrogz Title: Animatone Earbuds for Kids Contributors: Ben Evjen, Designer / Illustrator; Kent Wuthrich, Creative Director

48 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Saxton Horne Advertiser: Lick’d Title: Lick’d Packaging Campaign Contributors: James Kenison, Designer/Illustrator; Lindsay Stubbs, Designer; Brian McDonough, Creative Director/Writer; Jack Sanford, Writer; Matt Page, Logo Design

49 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: ZAGG Advertiser: ZAGG Title: Origin Speaker Contributors: Abigail Fein, Creative Director; Ashley Cottle, Graphic Designer; Shawn Growcock, Graphic Designer

50 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: ZAGG Advertiser: iFrogz Title: Coda - Headphone Line Contributors: Chad Andrews, Designer; Kent Wuthrich, Creative Director


51 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Cameron Construction Title: Cameron Construction Promo Piece Contributors: Jim Killian, Lead Designer; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director; Jim Killian, Typography

sAles proMoT ioN








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e l eMeNTs o F AdversT i s iNg




52 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Gallivan Center Title: Monster Block Party Illustration - See #8 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director; Ryan Anderson, Art Director; Henry Smith, Designer; Michael Slack, Illustrator

53 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: RR Partners Advertiser: Utah Transit Authority Title: FrontRunner South Launch Poster Illustration See #14 Contributors: Patrick Buller, Art Director / CD; Jeff Foster, Illustrator; Kyle Curtis, Creative Director; Michael Navarre, Account Director; Arnie DiGeorge, ECD

54 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Kids Campaign 1 - See pg 12 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director / Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

55 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Kids Campaign 2 - See pg 12 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director / Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

56 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Orange Kid - See pg 12 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director / Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

57 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Creamies Title: Creamies Chocolate Kid - See pg 12 Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Creative Director / Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer

58 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: RIESTER Advertiser: Alta Ski Resort Title: Alta 75th Anniversary Logo Contributors: Jeff Bagley, Creative Director; Mike Ross, Art Director; Laura Carlson, Accnt Associate Director; Jenna Wendler, Account Manager

59 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Gallivan Center Title: Monster Block Party Logo Contributors: Henry Smith, Art Director; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director; Michael Slack, Illustrator

60 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Lone Peak Productions, Inc. Advertiser: Danny Lasko Title: Book Trailer - The Children of Hamelin Contributors: Stephen M. Smith, Editor / Motion Graphics,




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AdverT i s iNg For The ArTs ANd sC i eNCes




61 Award: Billboard of The Year Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah’s Hogle Zoo Title: Hogle Zoo “Rocky Shores” billboard See pg 10 Contributors: Kendal Liddle, Art Director; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Cynthia Griffin, Production Manager; Stock, Photographer; Jared Lewis, Account Manager; Tal Harry, Account Supervisor


62 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah Museum of Fine Arts Title: UMFA Speed “Ferrari” poster Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Art Director/CD; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Peter Harholdt, Photographer; Cynthia Griffin, Production Manager; Marcia Winn, Account Manager; Tal Harry, Account Supervisor

63 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah’s Hogle Zoo Title: Hogle Zoo “Grizzly” Poster Contributors: Kendal Liddle, Art Director; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Cynthia Griffin, Production Manager; Stock, Photographer; Jared Lewis, Account Manager; Tal Harry, Account Supervisor

64 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah Museum of Fine Arts Title: UMFA Speed “Oils” poster Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Art Director/CD; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Peter Harholdt, Photographer; Cynthia Griffin, Production Manager; Marcia Winn, Account Manager; Tal Harry, Account Supervisor


65 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Richter7 Advertiser: Utah Museum of Fine Arts Title: UMFA Speed Poster Campaign Contributors: Ryan Anderson, Art Director/CD; Gary Sume, Copywriter/CD; Dave Newbold, ECD; Peter Harholdt, Photographer; Cynthia Griffin, Production Manager; Marcia Winn, Account Manager;Tal Harry, Account Supervisor

66 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: McCann Worldgroup, SLC Advertiser: Tracy Aviary Title: Tracy Aviary Contributors: David Emmitt, Group Creative Director; Kim Baffi, Sr. Copywriter; Tommy Currit, Art Director; Josh Wood, Photographer


67 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Struck Advertiser: Fallon Title: Rock n Roll Marathon Contributors: Steve Driggs, ECD; Scott Sorensen, Creative Director; Dave Bunnell, Art Director; Phillip Smallwood, Art Director; Russ Gray, Designer; Garrett Martin, Copywriter; Beth Lopez, Copywriter; Mike Torretta, Senior Director

ouT oF hoMe

62, 64, 65



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AdverT i s iNg i NdusTrY se l F -proMoT ioN




68 Award: Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Faktory Advertiser: Faktory Title: Faktory Business Cards Contributors: Richard Oliver, Designer

69 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: McCann Worldgroup, SLC Advertiser: McCann Salt Lake City Title: What does B2B mean to you? Contributors: Adam Hancock, Assc. Creative Director; Josh Ormond, Copywriter; Spencer Jacobs, Sr. Art Director; Greg Fox, Copywriter; Steve Lutes, Art Director; Paul Jacobsen, Assc. Creative Director; Brian Deaver, Exec. Creative Director


70 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Love Communications Advertiser: AAF-Utah Title: AAF-Utah Addys Promotion (Ad Club) Contributors: Katie Bradley Barrett, ACD / Copywriter; Trent Wall, Art Director; Adam Fox, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer; Mandate Press, Letterpress; Reflections Press, Printing Your Mom


71 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Love Communications Advertiser: AAF-Utah Title: AAF-Utah Addys Promotion (Integrated Campaign) Contributors: Katie Bradley Barrett, ACD / Copywriter; Trent Wall, Art Director; Adam Fox, Art Director; Chad Hurst, Photographer; Mandate Press, Letterpress; Reflections Press, Printing Your Mom

72 Award: BesT oF show AddY® Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Struck Advertiser: Utah Office of Tourism - See pg 10 Title: Montgomery Tunnel Installation Contributors: Steve Driggs, ECD; Jeremy Chase, Account Director; Kelly McClelland, Account Manager; Nathan Wigglesworth, Art Director; Garrett Martin, Copywriter; Abe Day, Technical Director; Joe Williamsen, Technical Director; LOVE Communications, Media Buyer

73 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Faktory Advertiser: Intermountain Healthcare Title: LiVe Vending Machine Contributors: Bryant Marcum, Creative Director; Richard Oliver, Creative Director; Gabriella Hunter, Designer

74 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: McCann Worldgroup, SLC Advertiser: Verizon Title: Verizon Infographics Contributors: Reid Thorpe, Group Creative Director; Rob Atkinson, Sr. Copywriter; Ty Jeppeson, Designer; Ryan Tanner, Designer

NoN - TrAd i T ioNAl AdverT i s iNg



70 & 71




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d ireCT MArKeT iNg

CoNsuMer or TrAde puBl i CAT ioN




75 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-Dad Lawn Mower Contributors: Henry Smith, Art Director; Duston Todd, Photographer; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director

76 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-Dad Tie - See pg 10 Contributors: Henry Smith, Art Director; Duston Todd, Photographer; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director


77 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ Title: DWR-Dad Campaign Contributors: Henry Smith, Art Director; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director; Duston Todd, Photographer


78 Award: Gold ADDY® Award & Judges Choice- Anderson Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: DWR-Utah/ See Pg 10 Title: DWR-Take Me Fathers Day Tie Giveaway Contributors: Henry Smith, Art Director; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director


79 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Fluid Advertiser: Gallivan Center Title: Friday Night Flicks Popcorn Boxes Contributors: Henry Smith, Designer; Jim Killian, Lead Designer; Ryan Anderson, Creative Director

d ireCT MArKeT iNg


80 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Faktory Advertiser: Intermountain Healthcare Title: Intermountain Cancer “Machine” Contributors: Bryant Marcum, Creative Director; Richard Oliver, Creative Director; Greg Keifer, Director

81 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Faktory Advertiser: Utah Jazz Title: Utah Jazz “Time Off” Contributors: Bryant Marcum, Creative Director; Richard Oliver, Creative Director; Greg Keifer, Director

Te l ev i s ioN

75, 77





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82 Award: student Best of show AddY & Student Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Chad Ford, Brigham Young University Advertiser: Brigham Young University - See pg 10 Title: Google Celebrity Book Club Contributors: Chad Ford, Art Director; Kasey Ahlstrom, Copy Writer

83 Award: Student Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Chad Ford, Brigham Young University Advertiser: Brigham Young University Title: Send Chathura Home Contributors: Patty Dyck, Copywriter; Chad Ford, Art Director; Chris George, Art Director


84 Award: Student Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Morgan Crockett, BYU Adlab Advertiser: BYU Adlab Title: The Soup Kitchen Contributors: Morgan Crockett, Art Director


85 Award: Student Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Michelle Brodrick, Brigham Young University Advertiser: Brigham Young University Title: Phillips Contributors: Bri Hepworth, Art Director; Kasey Ahlstrom, Copywriter; Dallin Cerva, Director

86 Award: Student Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Sarkastik Madman, BYU Adlab Advertiser: BYU Adlab Title: Band-Aid Spot Contributors: Derek Bodily, Art Director; Skyler Thiot, Art Director; Eric Scott, Copywriter; Joshua Dunn, Director

87 Award: Student Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: BYU Adlab, Brigham Young University Advertiser: Brigham Young University Title: NOOK Contributors: Lorne Sleem, Art Director


88 Award: Student Gold ADDY® Award Entrant: Make it in LA, BYU Adlab Advertiser: BYU Adlab Title: Make it in LA Contributors: Karyn Cady Garrison, President; Lauren Bryce, Sr. Account Planner; Jeremy Erni, Creative Director; Peri Musser, Graphic Designer; Alan Trejo, Art Director; Julia Zanatta, Account Planner







Peri Musser


Jeremy erni

Julia zanatta

Lauren Bryce

Alan Trejo



Table ofContents

Executive Summary (2)Situation Analysis (6)Strategy Statement (12)Ad Plan (14)Creative Executions (20)Media Plan (72)Sponsor Plan (82)

Objectives PromotionOut of HomeRadioMobile AppOnlineYouTubeBudget


page 73

OBjectivesGrow fan base

Focus on the fan experience, both on and o�ine

Provide a platform for fans to have a personal relationship with the team

Have strong consistency, sense of camaraderie between team and fans,

and powerful recognition of the campaign

Generate social media buzz for the LA Clippers

Utilize Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+

Create an online community through integration

Maximize attendance at games

Promote fan experience and loyalty through an interactive atmosphere

between fans, the team, and overall arena ambience during game time

Provide fans a way to identify their own face within the team fan base

Utilize mobile app to keep fans connected

Grow revenue

Sell more tickets and grow number of season-ticket holders

Sell merchandise through team-fan connection

Develop strong brand identity and recognition

Give consumers something new to be excited about through innovation

page 72

To achieve these objectives, we will use:

Partnerships: Use in�uential people and brands for fan connectiveness

Social Graphs: Use relationships between individuals to o�er a richer

online experience through online content and fan participation in social

media (hash tags, likes on Facebook, tweets, etc.)

Cross Promotions: Create relationships within the local community to

achieve mutual promotion

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89 Award: Gold ADDY® Award & Judges Choice- Taylor Entrant: RIESTER Advertiser: Utah State Fair - See pg 10 Title: Utah State Fair “History” Campaign Contributors: Jeff Bagley, Creative Director/CW; Mike Ross, Art Director; Laura Carlson, Accnt Associate Director; Jenna Wendler, Account Manager


90 Award: Silver ADDY® Award Entrant: Faktory Advertiser: Utah Jazz Title: Jazz Collage Ad 1 Contributors: Bryant Marcum, Creative Director; Richard Oliver, Creative Director; Michael Schoenfeld, Photographer; Richard Oliver, Photographer

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