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  • 1. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

2. Gods Story of our Family 3. Paul and Nicki get married. September 23, 2005 4. Three years later 5. On a missions trip to an Indian Reservation, God plants the first thoughts of adoption into the hearts of Paul and Nicki. August 2008 6. One Year Later 7. The same day Ava is born, Nicki writes in her prayer journal, Kids? Babies? When? How? Twins? August 12, 2009 8. And only weeks later writes 9. A part of my heart longs to reach out to a child who is already here, living in darkness, to open up our home, heart and life, with the hope they will see you and become one of your own. I think adoption is our hearts cry, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. September 2009 10. Three months later 11. As God begins to create and form Abby and Ethan, Nicki writes a quote in her journal, He has more in store for you than you can really imagine right now. December 2009 12. Over the next 9 months, Nickis prayer journal is filled with things like 13. Sometimes I get an overwhelming sense that God has bigger plans for our lives than we can comprehend. 14. I really believed that when you brought the idea of adoption to us, that was what you wanted from us, and what I wanted for us. You had wired me that way, slowly built it in me without my even knowing. 15. My dream for the next decade. To have adopted a sibling group and see them walking with Christ and becoming a light to their peers. 16. The same day that Abby and Ethan are born healthy, but small and premature, Nicki ends her prayer with Spirit Intervene as she sensed she was missing something. July 18, 2010 17. Two months later 18. While things are becoming unsafe at Ava, Abby and Ethans home, Nicki prays Protect and prepare our future foster children. September 2010 19. One month later 20. Ava, Abby and Ethan enter the foster care system and Nicki begins to pray for God to provide a safe and healthy foster home for her kids. October 2010 21. A year and a half later 22. Without knowing what she is praying for, Nicki begins to pray for the impossible to happen. At the same time Ava, Abby and Ethans birth parents rights are terminated, allowing them to be open for adoption. May 2012 23. One month later 24. Ava, Abby and Ethan move to a pre-adoptive foster home. Paul and Nicki officially begin the adoption process. June 2012 25. Six months later 26. Paul and Nicki begin their home-study and complete their foster care adoption class. December 2012 27. That same month 28. Ava, Abby and Ethan are found to be unsafe in their pre-adoptive foster home and transition to an emergency respite foster home. December 2012 29. The very next month 30. Paul and Nicki are asked to consider a potential placement with Ava, Abby and Ethan. January 7, 2013 31. We are freaking out, overwhelmed with the thought of becoming a family of 5, feeling clueless about parenting 3 toddlers. Is this you, God? Are you asking us to follow? January 8, 2013 32. Only days later 33. Paul and Nicki accept the placement of Ava, Abby, and Ethan, only to find out that they are denied placement. January 10, 2013 34. This has been heartbreaking. It turns out we wanted them far more than we could have ever imagined. The past few days we have experienced a level of disappointment and despair that is new to us. January 12, 2013 35. One week after hearing about Ava, Abby and Ethan, Nicki writes 36. Ava, Abby and Ethan are ours! Thank you Jesus. You are beyond my understanding. Far beyond my working. You are generous and kind. AND you give sweet, good gifts to your children. I am in aweand also a little overwhelmed. We need your strength to carry us through this. We continue to rely on you! (meeting them today, they are coming home on Friday!!!!) January 15, 2013 37. Ava, Abby and Ethan meet Paul and Nicki for the very first time. January 15, 2013 38. Paul and Nicki begin to prepare immediately with the help of their family and friends. 39. Three days after that first meeting 40. Ava, Abby and Ethan are welcomed into their new home. January 18, 2013 41. I stand in total and complete awe of you JesusI cant believe I am sitting here at the kitchen table with my wonderful husband and three kids in a house that is almost fully furnished with kids stuff by family and friends in a matter of days. January 20, 2013 42. 8 months later 43. ADOPTION DAY!!! Ava, Abby and Ethan officially become Behnkes. September 21, 2013 44. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
