Download pdf - Adrenal and Parathyroid

  • > Medulla: NC cell oragin #autonomic ganglia Medulla is innervated by PRE-ganglionic Sympathetic (ACh) Medulla secretes Catecholamines: = EPI + NPE

    > Pre-Ganlionic Cholenergic Sympathetic >>> Md Chroman Cell >>> EPI + NPE >>> (+) CO & Glycogenolysis > Chroman Cells: Chromium Salts Oxidize Catecholamines in Secretory Granules and turn the BROWN *NPE diers in colloration than EPI > 80% EPI, 20% NPE >>> (+) Glycogen-olysis (+) BP & HR & CO (+) dialation coronary vessels > Cortisol from Cortex induces synthesis of PNMT *PMNT: Phenyl-Ethanoll-Amine-N-Methyl-Transferase @ cytosol rxn: NPE >[PNMT]> EPI

    > Cortex: Mesodermal Origin, Produces STEROID Hormones

    Adrenal Histology (GFR) 1) Capsule 2) Zona Glomerulosa ZG >>> Mineralo-Corticoids 3) Zona Fasciculata ZF >>> Gluco-Corticoids + Gonado-Corticoids 4) Zona Reticularis ZR >>> ?? 5) Medulla Md >>> NPE






    2) Capsular Artery

    b. Medullary Arterioles > Bring Arterial blood to supply the medulla with O2 > Mixes w/ Medullary Venous Fenestrated Capillary Plexus

    a. Straight Fenestrated Caps > Arterial Fenestrated Capillary Plexus @ ZG > Low O2 Saturation Arteriole Cortical Sinusudoid @ ZF > Venous Fenestrated Capillary Plexus @ Zona Reticularis > Medullary Venous Fenestrated Capillary Plexus

    1) Supra-Renal Arteries Inferior Phrenic >>> Superior Supra-Renal a Aorta >>> Middle Supra-Ranal a Renal a >>> Inferior Supra-Renal a

    3) Medullary Vein >>> IVC?

    1) Capsule: CT

    2) Zona Glomerulosa: ZG >>> Mineralo-Corticoids (Aldosterone) > Secretes Aldosterone > Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System > Conserve Na to maintain blood volume, K+ excretion

    3) Zona Fasciculata: ZF >>> Gluco-Corticoids + Gonado-Corticoids > CRH >>> ACTH >>> ZF >>>Cortisol >>> Gluconeogenesis

    4) Zona Reticularis: ZR >>> weak andogens > DeHydro-Epi-Andro-Sterone + AndroStene-Dione > Weak Androgens can be converted to Testosteron in Peripheral Tissue > ACTH can control ZR Too

    ParaThyroid Gland > Paired on Inferior Thyroid, Variable Position > highly vascularized cell clumps, chords + acini > Superior PT from Brachail Pouch 3 > Inferior PT from Brachial Pouch 4

    PTH (PPT) > PTH increases mobilization of Ca++ (& PO4) from Osteoclasts (Raises Serum Ca) > Package by the Golgi into Secretory Granules as a "double-zymogen" *Pre-Pro-Parathyriod Hromone: N-terminal + 31AA + 6AA *Pro-Parathyroid Hormone: N-term + 6AA

    (-[Ca++]) >>> R >>> Gs >>> AC >>> (ATP > cAMP) >>> PKA >>> ~PO4 >>> PTH secretion >>> (+) Osteoclasts >>> (+[Ca++])

    PT Cells > Chief Cells >>> PTH > Oxyphil Cells: rich in Mito, increase w/ age, acidophilic (Red), not prominent Golgi or ER

    Adrenal Gland
