Page 1: Advanced Placement Student (AP student)

Advanced Placement Student (AP student) • What they look like, and what do they do ? What are they• What is good and bad about them ?• How being an AP student affect you as part of you society ?

Abdullah O. Hariri Thelma Rosales Reading 15 Nov. 2012

I have a question !!!!!!!

Page 2: Advanced Placement Student (AP student)

What they look like, and what do they do ? What are they ?

مططفى الدافور

书呆子inek öğrenci

Page 3: Advanced Placement Student (AP student)

•What they look like, and what do they do ? What are they ?

• They typically take multiple exams, sometimes in classes that are completely out of their element.

• Highly Individual and unique

• High school procrastinator students

• "oh my gosh I need to worry about this RIGHT NOW"

• end-all-be-all, do-or-die,  make-it-or-break-it • stressed out

• AP college level course, exams, To get provided by College Board to get college admission

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• On top of your full schedule, you’re involved in several extra-curricular activities and you have a job.

What they look like, and what do they do ? What are they ?

• You don’t think of it as “cheating”, you think of it as “cooperative learning.”

• You have multiple breakdowns throughout the year from school-related stress.

• Every extra-curricular activity you sign up for is framed with the words “It’ll look good for college.”

• You never meet anyone new in your classes because its been the same group of kids since ninth grade.

• You and your closest friends are all in the top 10% of your class.

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• They do not read the chapter until the night before the test.

•What they look like, and what do they do ? What are they ?

• The probability of your homework getting done depends more on your mood than the fact that it needs to be done.

• You consider anything below a A to be a bad grade.

• "wow u only get drunk to celebrate the end of ap test"

• Kids who have brains that are capable to absorb and complete information ranted out by their teachers.

• Some talk to other AP kids...exclusively.

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• They think about future and plan to get good life college • They are smart.• They usually get college admission and pass some requirements .

What is good and bad about them ?Xavier: oh man I really have to start on that summer reading project. Andrew: wasn't it due like, yesterday? Xavier: yeah Andrew: You're such an AP Student. btw, what did you get in your AP tests. Xavier: Straight 5's Andrew: I hate you.

Good things:

Bad thing's : • They are not social.• Weirdo.• Some time’s they overwhelmed them selves.• Nerds • The have one party ( After passing the AP exam’s )

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How being an AP student affect you as part of you society ?

• Good for them self. • They achieve better. • A lot of work.• Being isolated. • Busy studying.• People look at them as a unique kind of student. • High school is sensitive education level

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Work Cited

• N.a. images. N.d. Bijou living. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. • N.a. 214439421. N.d. azyya. Web. 14 Nov. 2012.• 书呆子 . 書呆子 . 1 Aug. 2008. flickr. 14 Nov.2012.• N.a. 5_tom2617-450. N.d. cand. 14 Nov. 2012• N.a Portrait of an AP student 2010. Google image. 14 Nov.2012.• N.a. (n.d.). Wiki pedia. Retrieved• Spencer, C. ( 2010, April 22). Advanced Placement, Advanced Stress. Hsj. Retrived from

• N.a. (n.d.) urban dictionary. Retrieved from Student
