  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Minor Project Report


    Advertising Strategy- A Case Study of Liril Soap

    Submitted in partial fulllment of the requirements

    for the award of the degree of 

    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA

    Semester-!!! (Paper Code-BBA "#$

    Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

    !nstitute of !nformation %echnology & Management'e) *elhi + ,,##.



  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP



    I, Mr.Anshul Gupta, Roll No. 11413701713 certify that the Minor Project Report/Dissertation (Paper Cod

    BBA-!"# entitled $ Advertising Strategy A Case study !" #iril S!ap % is co&pleted 'y &e 'collectin the &aterial fro& the referenced so)rces. *he &atter e&'odied in this has not 'een s)'&itteearlier for the a+ard of any deree or diplo&a to the 'est of &y no+lede and 'elief.

    Signature of the Student:


    Certied that the Minor Proe!t "eport #Paper Code $$%&'()* entitled +Advertisin

    Strategy + A Case study of Liril Soap done by Mr Anshul 0upta, "oll -

    ,,/,12#,2,1, is !o/pleted under /y guidan!e.

    Signature of the Guide

    -a/e of the Guide3Mrs Preeti Sharm

      Designation:%ssistant Professor



    Dire!tor0Proe!t Coordinator


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP



    I tae this opportunity to e2press /y profound gratitude and deep regards to /y proe!t guid

    Mrs8 PR77%! S9ARMA for her e2e/plary guidan!e, /onitoring and !onstant en!ourage/e

    throughout the !ourse of this proe!t. 3he blessing, help and guidan!e given by her fro/ ti/e

    ti/e shall !arry /e a long 4ay in the ourney of life on 4hi!h I a/ about to e/bar.

    I tae this opportunity to e2press a deep sense of gratitude to all fa!ulty /e/bers for the

    !ordial support, valuable infor/ation and guidan!e, 4hi!h helped /e in !o/pleting this tas

    through various stages.

    5astly, I than al/ighty, /y proe!t guide Mrs8 PR77%! S9ARMA, /y fa/ily and friends fo

    their !onstant en!ourage/ent 4ithout 4hi!h this assign/ent 4ould not be possible.

      %-S6U5 GUP3



  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


      Institute !" In"!r$ati!n Te%hn!l!gy & Manage$ent' (e) *elhi

    Assignment o3 BBA:"#$:,,/,12#,2,1

    *!SS7R%A%!5 6R!%!03 BBA S7M7S%7R !!!

    $a!ground: University S!he/e

    %s per the syllabi of $$% #Paper Personality Development & Communication Skills; !od

    $$%&'()*, students at the end of Se/ester II #during the su//er va!ation* are to 4rite

    dissertation on a topi! assigned to hi/0her. It is ter/ed as +Minor Proe!t "eport an

    !o/prises of < !redits. 3he report is to be sub/itted 4ithin 34o =ees of th

    !o//en!e/ent of 3hird Se/ester.


    *he acade&ic o'jecties for +ritin the dissertation are

    (a# Inc)lcate the ha'it of self st)dy.

    ('# nhance analytical a'ility 'y co&prehendin &anae&ent concepts thro)h self st)dy.


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    (c# Deelop research a'ility 'y e0tractin the &aterial fro& the different so)rces, co&pilation and

    collatin +ith references.

    (d# 1rite co&prehensie and e0ha)stie dissertation specific to a topic.

    S%!pe !" *issertati!n

     3he title of the dissertation assigned to you is ;Advertising Strategy- A Case Study of

    Liril Soapne !opy

    !o/prising of /ini/u/ 7( typed pages #in!lusive of diagra/s, referen!es et!* is to be sub/itte

    to the respe!tive guide as per the s!hedule given in the follo4ing paragraph.

    Schedule & 7valuation Scheme

    T! +e C!$pleted

    +y *ate

    A%tivity Mar,s



  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    --nd April -014 Briefin and allocation of *opics of st)dy. -

    .th May -014 All!%ati!n !" T!pi%s and /r!e%t Guide t! ea%h


    10th 2uly -014 Mid-ter& Reie+ 2)'&ission of +or done till date. 3!

    --nd 2uly -014 2)'&ission of Draft Report to the respectie )ides. 3!

    -th 2uly -014 2)'&ission of 4inal Report (5ne spiral 'inded copy# to

    the respectie )ide.


    -0th  August -014 A 5M16 8iva & /!)er /!int /resentati!n t! the

    Internal Supervis!r


    -1st August -014 A 5M-6 8iva & /!)er /!int /resentati!n t! the

    Internal Supervis!r

    --nd August -014 A 5E6 8iva & /!)er /!int /resentati!n t! the

    Internal Supervis!r

    As notified 'y the


    0ternal presentation 7 8ia 'efore the e0ternal



    T!tal Mar,s 100

    =ormat for Compilation

    *he dissertation is to 'e co&piled and s)'&itted as per the for&at laid do+n in A%ade$i% Cir%ular 49-00:

    5Revised6. All students are t! stri%tly adhere t! the "!r$at.


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Binal dissertation !o/pleted in all respe!ts is to be sub/itted to the guide as per the s!hedule

    given above.

    CA?%!53 %his dissertation is independent )or@ to >e conducted >y each student

    individually8 Any previous )or@ or >orro)ed )or@ )ill >e summarily rejected and in

    all cases of rejection the )or@ is to >e repeated afresh8

    Assin&ent Prepared 'y Project Coordinator  

    Ms /reeti Shar$a *r Sunitha Ravi 


    Prof. (Dr.# Rachita Rana


    -ote: 3his %ssign/ent Dire!tive shall for/ part of the dissert.




  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    S (! T!pi% /age (!

    3 Certi!ate

    %!no4ledge/ent -

    : %ssign/ent Dire!tive -

    ; 5ist of 3ables -

    < 5ist of Sy/bols -

    = >ist of A''reiations -

    ? 0ec)tie 2)&&ary -

    " Chapter 3- Concept of Adertisin 3-<

    3! Chapter - Adertisin 5'jecties =-3;

    33 Chapter :- 2ettin Adertisin B)det 39-!

    3 Chapter ;- Deelopin Adertisin 2tratey 3-"

    3: Chapter 9- A'o)t >iril 2oap :!-:

    3; Chapter iril 2oap ::-:"39 Chapter =- Concl)sion ;!-;3

    3< "eferen!es0$ibliography ;

    #IST ;F FIG

  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    #IST ;F S=M;#S

    77C?%!7 S?MMAR 


    Firure n! Title /age (!

    3.3 Pop)lar Adertisin Ca&pains <

    .3 5'jecties of Adertisin ?

    . 5ogo of ohnson E ohnson "

    .: 5ogo of %pple Pro 3

    .; 5ogo of Co!a&Cola 3;

    :.3 5ogo of liril soap :!

    S (! Sy$+!l (!$en%lature & Meaning

    3 > Percentae

    ? At the rate

    : @ Dollar 

  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


     3he 4ord advertising is a 5atin 4ord 4hi!h /eans +to turn attention of people to a spe!i

    thing. It is a paid publi!ity. %!!ording to >2ford Di!tionary the 4ord to advertise; /eans t

    make generally or publicly known;, des!ribe publi!ly 4ith a vie4 to in!reasing sales.

    >be!tive of advertising is to infor/ its targeted audien!e0!usto/ers about introdu!tion of ne

    produ!t, update or !hanges in e2isting produ!ts or produ!t related !hanges, infor/atio

    regarding ne4 oFers and s!he/es. Infor/ative advertising sees to develop initial de/and for

    produ!t. 3he pro/otion of any ne4 /aret entry tends to pursue this obe!tive be!aus

    /areting su!!ess at this stage often depends si/ply on announ!ing produ!t availability. 3hu

    infor/ative advertising is !o//on in the introdu!tory stage of the produ!t life !y!le.

     3o be su!!essful, advertising should !arry /essages that appeal to the !usto/ers 4hen the

    4ant to buy and rea!h the/ through the /edia they use. Its a/a@ing ho4 /any ad !a/paign

    are based on trying to resolve a business proble/ && i.e. !learan!e sales designed to redu!

    inventory using su!h slogans as H?verything Must GoH or HMust "edu!e >versto!s.H

    Persuasive advertising is highly !o/petitive 4hen there are si/ilar produ!ts in the /aretpla!

    and produ!ts are !o/peting for their share of the /aret. In this situation, the 4inning produ

    4ill diFerentiate itself fro/ the !o/petition and possess benets that are superior to, or !o/pe

    strongly 4ith, the !o/petition. Co/parative approa!hes are !o//on pla!e, either dire!tly o


    %n advertising strategy is a !a/paign developed to !o//uni!ate ideas about produ!ts an

    servi!es to potential !onsu/ers in the hopes of !onvin!ing the/ to buy those produ!ts an

    servi!es. 3his strategy, 4hen built in a rational and intelligent /anner, 4ill ree!t other busine

    !onsiderations #overall budget, brand re!ognition eForts* and obe!tives #publi! i/ag

    enhan!e/ent, /aret share gro4th* as 4ell. %s a business begins, one of the /aor goals


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    advertising /ust be to generate a4areness of the business and its produ!ts. >n!e the busines

    reputation is established and its produ!ts are positioned 4ithin the /aret, the a/ount

    resour!es used for advertising 4ill de!rease as the !onsu/er develops a ind of loyalty to th

    produ!t. Ideally, this established and ever&gro4ing !onsu/er base 4ill eventually aid th

    !o/pany in its eForts to !arry their advertising /essage out into the /aret, both through i

    pur!hasing a!tions and its testi/onials on behalf of the produ!t or servi!e.

    CA/TER 1

    C;(CE/T ;F A*8ERTISI(G

    Adertisin is as old as trade and co&&erce. 2tartin as aents for ne+spaper the adertisin aency diersifie

    in to other serices s)ch as copy-+ritin and playin the role of cons)ltants to adertisers. *he decade 3"

    3"=!, )shered in a creatie reol)tion in adertisin. 5)tstandin personalities lie Daid 5ily, >eo B)rne

    and Bern'ach etc. e&phasi@ed the creatie side of adertisin and deeloped ca&pains that stood o)t for th

    creatie 'rilliance.

    In India, adertisin as a &eans of sales-pro&otion, +as accepted hardly three decades ao. *his delay is hard

    attri')ta'le to its late $ind)striali@ation%. B)t today, India too has e&ered as an Ind)strial co)ntry, iin 'oo

    to $adertise&ents% that appear re)larly in national and local ne+spapers, &aa@ines, periodicals, *8 et

    these days people )se $adertisin% in ario)s +als of life. Man)fact)rers )se lare scale adertisin fo

    i&pressin people +ith the )tility of the prod)cts. B)siness &en adertise initin indiid)als to inest &one

    in their concern. &ployers adertise for applications for ario)s acancies in their co&panies for selectin th

     'est of the applicants. *he )ne&ployed persons adertise their readiness to sere. In this &anner $adertisin

    has 'eco&e indispensa'le in &odern life.


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    *he present era is of &ass prod)ction and &ass distri')tion. 2i&ilar prod)cts are taen to the &aret. *h

    inoles stiff co&petition a&onst the prod)cers. Many for&s adopt the ioro)s &eans to &aintain the

    e0istence in the &aret, as there are &any s)'stit)tes in the &aret. *his tendency is a str)le for the prod)c

    for their s)rial in the &odern ')siness +orld. All the ')siness &an ai&s to &ae profit 'y increasin the

    sales at a re&)neratie price policy. 1hen +e &an)fact)re ood )ality prod)cts or offer e0pert serices, thes

    &)st 'e no+n to the p)'lic. 4or this &ass co&&)nication is needed as the pop)lation is reater and the &ar

    area is +ide. 1e can adopt sales pro&otion and adertisin as tools to &o'ili@e the &aret &achinery. In th

     present ')siness +orld, s)ita'le p)'licity is done thro)h adertisin, +hich is adopted 'y co&&ercial an

    ind)strial )ndertains and al&ost all types of concerns. *herefore adertise&ent is a &ethod of p)'licity.

    *he adertise&ent has a pro&inent place a&onst the techni)es of &ass ed)cation and pers)asion on th

     p)'lic. It is not a &odern oriin. It has 'een )sed fro& i&&e&orial periods, adertisin +as displayed in th

    for& of sin 'oards, +ritin on historical ')ildins or inscriptions on stones, stone-pillars, stone-+alls etc. th

    deelop&ent of printin has reatly 'oosted the ideas of adertisin thro)h ne+spapers, &aa@ines, han

     'oos etc. in earlier periods, it +as )sed only in a li&ited &anner. *he eol)tion of printin technoloies and th

    chanes of the &aretin policies hae 'een reatly )tili@ed and &any are 'enefited fro& adertisin. No+

    &an)fact)rers, ')siness &en, e&ployers, instit)tions, ne+ shop o+ners, &areters etc. are 'enefited reatly '

    displayin adertise&ent. Increasin literacy, &odern techni)es of printin, stiff co&petition etc. add to th

    necessity of adertise&ent.

    Advertising Meaning and *e"initi!n


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    *he +ord adertisin is a >atin +ord +hich &eans $to t)rn attention of people to a specific thin.% It is a pai

     p)'licity. Accordin to 50ford Dictionary the +ord to advertise &eans to make generally or publicly known

    descri'e p)'licly +ith a ie+ to increasin sales.

    Adertisin is th)s, a &ass co&&)nication tool, +hich is essentially in paid for& 'y a fir& or an indiid)al an

    the )lti&ate p)rpose of +hich is to ie infor&ation, deelop attit)des 7 ind)ce action, +hich are )sef)l to th


    Adertisin presents and )pholds the ideas, co&&odities and serices of a reconi@ed adertiser, +hic

     proides as a co&&)nication lin 'et+een the prod)cer and the potential ')yers. It ies the infor&ation to th

    +o)ld-'e ')yers +ho are interested in seein the infor&ation a'o)t a prod)ct and the &an)fact)re

    Adertisin &ay 'e taen as the &ost efficient &eans of reachin people +ith prod)ct infor&ation. Adertisin

     presents a &ass pers)asion apart fro& disse&inatin infor&ation to the prospectie ')yers a'o)t the prod)

    and the prod)cer. 1hile creatin a+areness and pop)larity, it sees to pers)ade. It is a &ore effectie an

    e0tensie and less e0pensie +ay of creatin contacts.

    4ro& the a'oe definitions, it is clear that

    • Adertisin is $essage to lare ro)ps.

    • It is in the for& of n!npers!nal %!$$uni%ati!n.

    • It pers)ades the general pu+li% to p)rchase the ood and serices, adertised.

    • It is paid "!r 'y adertiser to p)'lisher.

    • Adertisin &essaes are identi"ied 'y the adertiser.

    It is that actiity 'y +hich is)al or oral &essaes are addressed to the eneral p)'lic. Its p)rpose is to infor&

    infl)ence the& in order to increase the sales of the adertiser. It is done +ith the ie+ to sell the oods o

    serices, offered 'y the adertiser. It &ay also dra+ the readers or ie+ers to act faora'ly to+ards the ideas o

    instit)tions feat)red. It is paid for 'y a seller (sponsor#. *he seller or the adertiser has to pay for the space (o

    ti&e# thro)h +hich the &essae (adertise&ent# appears. *he ai& is to pers)ade people to ')y &or


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Adertisin creates desire for ne+ prod)cts. *he s)ccess of adertisin reatly depends )pon effecti

    adertisin prora&. An effectie adertisin necessitates &ass prod)ction, there'y red)ces )nit cost '

    lo+erin the price of oods in fao)r of cons)&er.

     No+adays, adertise&ent is the tool +hich &any co&panies and enterprises )se to infor& prospecti

    c)sto&ers a'o)t their prod)cts and serices. *o)h adertise&ent aencies often present only the 'est side o

     prod)ctE I thin that adertise&ent tells )s a'o)t ne+ ite&s that &ay 'e ood for o)r lies. *he oth

    i&portance of adertise&ent has 'een s)&&ari@ed 'elo+E

    4irst, adertise&ent ed)cates people a'o)t ne+ prod)cts and their )ses. Adertisin &essae a'o)t the )tility o

    a prod)ct ena'les the people to +iden their no+lede. It is adertisin +hich has helped people adoptin ne

    +ays of life and iin-)p old ha'its. It has contri')ted to the 'etter&ent of the standard of liin of the societ

    As an e0a&ple, phar&ace)tical co&panies )se adertise&ent to present their ne+ dr)s. *hose dr)s +hich ar

    the res)lt of ne+ researches are &ore effectie to c)re diseases lie &alaria and so on.

    2econd, adertise&ent facilitates cons)&er choice 'eca)se of the +ide infor&ation he has a'o)t prod)cts.

    ena'les cons)&ers to p)rchase oods as per their ')det re)ire&ent and choice. 4or e0a&ple to choos

     'et+een the +ide ranes of co&&)nication net+or aaila'le, c)sto&ers refer to the price and )ality ien


    4inally, adertise&ent infor&s the ')yer a'o)t the 'enefits they +o)ld et +hen they p)rchase a partic)la

     prod)ct. *he 'enefit can 'e a disco)nt on the price of oods. It helps ')yers sae &oney for other )ses. *h

     'enefit can also 'e the &ore effectieness of a prod)ct co&pare to others.

    In short, adertise&ent is a ood +ay to present ne+ deices and ite&s fro& +hich ')yers can 'enefit. It als

    helps )s in &ain responsi'le choices. *herefore ')yers o'tain ood )ality prod)cts and sae &oney.


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Pop)lar adertisin ca&pains attract c)sto&ers attentions and can help enerate sales.

    Fig 11 /!pular Advertising Ca$paigns


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    CA/TER -


    Personal sellin and other for&s of pro&otions are s)pported 'y adertise&ent. It is the &ain o'jectie. *h

    lon-ter& o'jecties of adertisin are 'road and concerned +ith the achiee&ent of oerall co&pany

    o'jecties. Co&panies hae a lot of o'jecties +hen inestin in adertisin. ach one typically relates to th

    co&panyFs stae of ')siness or prod)ct eol)tion and its c)rrent position in the &aretplace. *he ey for yo)

     ')siness is to pic a specific, )antified and &eas)ra'le oal that alins +ith yo)r ')siness and &aretin


    *he real o'jectie of adertisin is effectie co&&)nication 'et+een prod)cers and cons)&ers +ith the p)rpo

    to sell a prod)ct, serice, or idea. *he &ain o'jecties of adertisin are as follo+s


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP







    5'jectie of adertisin is to infor& its tareted a)dience/c)sto&ers a'o)t introd)ction of ne+ prod)ct, )pda

    or chanes in e0istin prod)cts or prod)ct related chanes, infor&ation reardin ne+ offers and sche&e

    Infor&atie adertisin sees to deelop initial de&and for a prod)ct. *he pro&otion of any ne+ &aret entr

    tends to p)rs)e this o'jectie 'eca)se &aretin s)ccess at this stae often depends si&ply on anno)ncin

     prod)ct aaila'ility. *h)s, infor&atie adertisin is co&&on in the introd)ctory stae of the prod)ct life cycle

    *he idea is to ie the ad the loo of an official article to ie it &ore credi'ility. Also, infor&atie ads tend t

    help enerate a ood rep)tation.

    In so&e circ)&stances a ')siness &iht 'e re)ired to r)n infor&atie adertisin as part of resolin a la

    s)it. *o'acco co&panies are one of the &ore nota'le e0a&ples of this.Alcohol prod)cers hae 'een r)nnin

    adertise&ents +ith the eneral &essae 'ein don't drive drunk .

    Infor&atie adertisin is often )sed +hen la)nchin a ne+ prod)ct, or for an )pdated or re la)nched prod)c

    *he o'jectie is to deelop initial de&and for a ood, serice, orani@ation, or ca)se. It is )sed +hen a ne+

     prod)ct is p)t on the &aret on +hen an old prod)ct has 'een re-la)nched or )pdated.


    Fig (! -1 ;+e%tives !" Advertising

  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    neatie to positie. Microsoft foc)sed heaily on chanin attit)des follo+ins its ra&pant state-'ased ant

    tr)st la+s)its in the early 3st cent)ry.

    Mareters )se pers)asie adertisin to increase the de&and for an e0istin ood, serice, or orani@ation. *h

    idea is pers)ade a taret a)dience to chane 'rands, ')y their prod)ct, and deelop c)sto&er loyalty. After th

     p)rchase, the )ality of the prod)ct +ill dictate +hether or not the c)sto&er +ill re&ain loyal or ret)rn to th

     preio)s 'rand.

    Pers)asie adertisin is hihly co&petitie +hen there are si&ilar prod)cts in the &aretplace, and prod)c

    are co&petin for their share of the &aret. In this sit)ation, the +innin prod)ct +ill differentiate itself fro

    the co&petition and possess 'enefits that are s)perior to, or co&pete stronly +ith, the co&petitio

    Co&paratie approaches are co&&on place, either directly or indirectly.

    5ne of the &ore effectie approaches to pers)asie adertisin is to foc)s on specific 'enefits of the prod)c

    1hile those sa&e 'enefits &ay also 'e fo)nd +ith co&petin prod)cts, the idea is to coney that a ie

     prod)ct proides that 'enefit in a +ay that is hard to find else+here.

    4or e0a&ple, adertisin for a ien sha&poo &ay note that the prod)ct contains inredients desined

    no)rish dry hair, leain the hair shiny and &anaea'le. en tho)h other prod)cts contain si&ilar inredient

    this partic)lar sha&poo ains a rep)tation for 'ein ideal for people +ith hair that is dry and 'rittle, and th)

    attracts a specific sector of cons)&ers.

    It is i&portant to note that pers)asie adertisin does not act)ally state that if the cons)&er )ses a ie

     prod)ct, the effect ill)strated in the adertisin +ill a)to&atically tae place. *he idea is to coney th

     perception that there is a ood chance that the cons)&er +ill e0perience so&e type of 'enefit that is si&ilar

    +hat is portrayed in the print ad or the teleision co&&ercial. In fact, so&e e0a&ples of pers)asie adertisin

    o as far as to incl)de a disclai&er that the sit)ation displayed in the adertisin is only an e0a&ple, and not th

    only possi'le o)tco&e. *his approach is often )sed in adertisin for leal fir&s, in that the disclai&er note


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    that the adertisin does not i&ply that the serices proided 'y the fir& are necessarily s)perior to thos

     proided 'y other leal fir&s. Apple has 'een a reat )ser of pers)asie adertisin

    Fig (! -3 #!g! !" Apple /r!


    *he o'jectie of adertisin is to re&ind c)sto&ers a'o)t e0istence of prod)ct, and onoin pro&otion

    actiities. Re&inder adertisin stries to reinforce preio)s pro&otional actiity 'y eepin the na&e of

     prod)ct 'efore the p)'lic. It is co&&on in the latter part of the &at)rity stae and thro)ho)t the decline sta

    of the prod)ct life cycle.

    Re&inder adertisin reinforces preio)s pro&otional infor&ation. *he na&e of the prod)ct, testi&onials o

     past c)sto&ers, p)'lic response, and sales techni)es are repeated in the hopes of re&indin past c)sto&ers an


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    arnerin ne+ ones. It is )sed to eep the p)'lic interested in, and a+are of, a +ell-esta'lished prod)ct that

    &ost liely at the end of the prod)ct life cycle.

    A &aretin stratey typically consistin of 'rief &essaes sent +ith the o'jectie of re&indin

    a taret cons)&er ro)p a'o)t a prod)ct or serice or of introd)cin a ne+ the&e into an e0istin &aretin

     prora&. Re&inder adertisin &iht 'e )sed 'y a ')siness that has already inested considera'le reso)rces

    initially pro&otin their prod)ct or serice and still +ishes to &aintain its co&petitieness.

    Re&inder adertisin tries to eep the prod)cts na&e 'efore the p)'lic. It is )sef)l +hen the prod)ct ha

    achieed &aret do&ination. Here, the adertiser &ay )se $soft-sell% ads that j)st &ention or sho+ the na&e a

    a re&inder. Re&inder adertisin &ay 'e tho)ht of as &aintenance for a prod)ct +ith the leadership positio

    in the &aret.

    Brief &essaes desined chiefly to eep a prod)ct in the &ind of the cons)&er once the prod)ct is alread

    fa&iliar. Re&inder adertisin )s)ally follo+s an e0tensie adertisin ca&pain, and therefore does n

    ela'orate on the reasons to ')y the prod)ct. Co&&on e0a&ples of re&inder adertise&ents are those fo)nd o

    &atch'oos and pencils and in sy+ritin, as +ell as the &ore traditional &edia ehicles.

    Adertisin desined to re&ind cons)&ers of the 'enefits of a prod)ct or serice, or of their c)rrent need f

    those 'enefits. 4or instance, the JK Co&pany &ay see to re&ind cons)&ers of their need for JK ant

    free@e +hen the +eather 'eins to t)rn cold. Coca-Cola has 'een a )ser of re&inder o'jectie of adertisin.


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Fig (! -4 #!g! !" C!%aC!la

      CA/TER 3


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  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    of spendin for adertisin 'y the co&petitors. 4or this the co&pany has to collect the releant dat

    a'o)t the co&petitors. *hey +ill do si&ply +hat others hae done.MeritsB


    *his is an easy approach for co&panies +ith predicta'le sales patterns.


    • It ass)&es that the ind)stry aerae applies to all ')sinesses in the &aretplace. Co&panies &a

    inore local &aret forces -- and &iss opport)nities to increase &aret share -- if they stic

    riidly to this fi)re rather than 'oost spendin.

    4 ;+e%tives and Tas, Meth!dBthis is also no+n as research-o'jectie &ethod. *he a&o)nt is et aside on the 'asis of o'jecties to '

    achieed and tass to 'e inoled. 6nder this &ethod, three )estions are inoled (3# +hat does th

    co&pany +ants to acco&plishL (# +hat is necessary in order to acco&plish thisL (:# 1hat +ill it cost

    do thisLMeritsB

    Adertisin o'jecties are achieed.


    It is fle0i'le.

      A clear adertise&ent prora& can 'e dra+n.



    *he cost of o'jecties &ay not 'e esti&ated e0actly.


    It is &ore rational.

    . Return !n Invest$ent Meth!dB


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Here the adertisin ')det is consider as an inest&ent, there'y e0pectin a certain ret)rn as profit.

    clear st)dy is &ade 'y e&phasi@in the relation 'et+een adertisin and sales. 2ales are &eas)red +it

    adertisin and +itho)t adertisin. *hat is, the profit o'tained 'y adertisin is co&pared +ith the co

    of adertisin.

    *he adertisin ')det of a ')siness is typically a s)'set of the larer sales ')det and, +ithin that, th

    &aretin ')det. Adertisin is a part of the sales and &aretin effort. Money spent on adertisin can als

     'e seen as an inest&ent in ')ildin )p the ')sines

    In order to eep the adertisin ')det in line +ith pro&otional and &aretin oals, a ')siness o+ner sho)l

    start 'y ans+erin seeral i&portant )estions

    3. h! is the target %!nsu$erD 1ho is interested in p)rchasin the prod)ct or serice, and +hat are th

    specific de&oraphics of this cons)&er (ae, e&ploy&ent, se0, attit)des, etc.#L 5ften it is )sef)l to co&pose

    cons)&er profile to ie the a'stract idea of a Otaret cons)&erO a face and a personality that can then 'e )se

    to shape the adertisin &essae.

    - hat $edia type )ill +e $!st use"ul in rea%hing the target %!nsu$erD *hese days, a s&all or &id-si@e

     ')siness +ill not only consider print, radio, and teleision ads, ')t -- &ore i&portantly, perhaps -- the Internet

    a +ay of reachin c)sto&ers.

    3 hat is reuired t! get the target %!nsu$er t! pur%hase the pr!du%tD  Does the prod)ct lend itself

    rational or e&otional appealsL 1hich appeals are &ost liely to pers)ade the taret cons)&erL

    4 hat is the relati!nship +et)een advertising ependitures and the i$pa%t !" advertising %a$paigns !

    pr!du%t !r servi%e pur%hasesD In other +ords, ho+ &)ch profit is liely to 'e earned for each dollar spent o



  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    Ans+erin these )estions +ill help to define the &aret conditions that are anticipated and identify specif

    oals the co&pany +ishes to reach +ith an adertisin ca&pain. 5nce this analysis of the &aret sit)ation

    co&plete, a ')siness &)st decide ho+ 'est to ')det for the tas and ho+ 'est to allocate ')deted f)nds.

    udgeting "!r AdvertisingB

    *o 'e s)ccessf)l, adertisin sho)ld carry &essaes that appeal to the c)sto&ers +hen they +ant to ')y an

    reach the& thro)h the &edia they )se. ItFs a&a@in ho+ &any ad ca&pains are 'ased on tryin to resole

     ')siness pro'le& -- i.e. clearance sales desined to red)ce inentory )sin s)ch sloans as Oerythin M)

    oO or OM)st Red)ce 5erstocs.O *he 6.2. 2&all B)siness Ad&inistration adises ')sinesses that the &a

    inredient for s)ccessf)l adertisin is to pitch yo)r prod)cts or serices to resole a c)sto&erFs pro'le&. ie

    this, the 2BA s)ests that yo)r adertisin ')det sho)ld 'e 'ased on the follo+in criteria

    • *i&e yo)r ad ca&pain for +hen the c)sto&er +ants to ')y, not 'ased only )pon +hen yo) +ant to sel

    • Adertise ite&s that +ill 'e pop)lar +ith c)sto&ers, instead of 'asin this decision on +hat ite&s yo

    +ant to et rid of.

    • Ads sho)ld 'e +ritten to to)t c)sto&er 'enefits.

    • Choose yo)r adertisin &edi)& 'ased on the a'ility to reach prospectie c)sto&ers.

    • Ho+ M)ch to B)det on Adertisin

    4i)rin o)t ho+ &)ch to spend on adertisin sho)ld 'ein +ith yo)r sales reen)es. *he cost of adertisin

    +ill 'e paid for 'y sales and increasin sales is yo)r oal of an ad ca&pain. *herefore, there are t+o for&)la

    that the 2BA reco&&ends s&all ')sinesses )se +hen decidin ho+ &)ch to spend on adertisin

    1 Ho+ &)ch &oney do yo) need to pro&ote the sale of a certain prod)ct at a ien priceL *he 2BA )ses th

    e0a&ple that if yo) spend 3! of the sellin price of an ite& that cost :!! on adertisin, then yo) sho)ld '

    +illin to spend :,!!! in adertisin to sell :!! )nits and enerate "!,!!! in sales.


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    - *he other +ay is to set aside a flat percentae of yo)r total projected sales reen)es for adertisin. 2o if yo

     plan to dedicate fie percent of yo)r reen)es and yo) e0pect to 'rin in 3!!,!!! in sales that year, yo) +o)

    spend 9,!!! on adertisin.


    CA/TER 4


    An adertisin stratey is a ca&pain deeloped to co&&)nicate ideas a'o)t prod)cts and serices to potenti

    cons)&ers in the hopes of conincin the& to ')y those prod)cts and serices. *his stratey, +hen ')ilt in

    rational and intellient &anner, +ill reflect other ')siness considerations (oerall ')det, 'rand reconitio

    efforts# and o'jecties (p)'lic i&ae enhance&ent, &aret share ro+th# as +ell.

    A ca&pain deeloped 'y a ')siness to enco)rae potential c)sto&ers to p)rchase a ood or serice. A

    adertisin stratey is enerally tailored to a taret a)dience perceied to 'e &ost liely o)t of the pop)lation

     p)rchase the prod)ct. *oday, &ost adertisin strateies foc)s on achiein three eneral oals, as the 2&a

    B)siness Ad&inistration indicated in Advertising A Business:  (3# pro&ote a+areness of a ')siness and i

     prod)ct or sericesE (# sti&)late sales directly and Oattract co&petitorsF c)sto&ersOE and (:# esta'lish or &odi

    a ')sinessF i&a

    Adertisin strateies incl)de ele&ents s)ch as eoraphical location, perceied de&oraphics

    the a)dience, price points, special offers, and +hat adertisin &edia, s)ch as 'ill'oards, +e'sites, or teleisio

    +ill 'e )sed to present the prod)c


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    As a ')siness 'eins, one of the &ajor oals of adertisin &)st 'e to enerate a+areness of the ')siness and i

     prod)cts. 5nce the ')sinessF rep)tation is esta'lished and its prod)cts are positioned +ithin the &aret, th

    a&o)nt of reso)rces )sed for adertisin +ill decrease as the cons)&er deelops a ind of loyalty to th

     prod)ct. Ideally, this esta'lished and eer-ro+in cons)&er 'ase +ill eent)ally aid the co&pany in its effor

    to carry their adertisin &essae o)t into the &aret, 'oth thro)h its p)rchasin actions and its testi&onia

    on 'ehalf of the prod)ct or serice. *he ele&ents are

    16 Target Audien%e9 C!nsu$erB

    *he taret cons)&er is a co&ple0 co&'ination of persons. It incl)des the person +ho )lti&ately ')ys th

     prod)ct, as +ell as those +ho decide +hat prod)ct +ill 'e 'o)ht (')t donFt physically ')y it#, and those +h

    infl)ence prod)ct p)rchases, s)ch as children, spo)se, and friends. In order to identify the taret cons)&er, an

    the forces actin )pon any p)rchasin decision, it is i&portant to define three eneral criteria in relation to th

    cons)&er, as disc)ssed 'y the 2&all B)siness Ad&inistration

    3. De&oraphicsQAe, ender, jo', inco&e, ethnicity, and ho''ies.

    . BehaiorsQ1hen considerin the cons)&ersF 'ehaior an adertiser needs to e0a&ine the cons)&er

    a+areness of the ')siness and its co&petition, the type of endors and serices the cons)&er c)rrentl

    )ses, and the types of appeals that are liely to conince the cons)&er to ie the adertiserFs prod)ct o

    serice a chance.

    :. Needs and DesiresQHere an adertiser &)st deter&ine the cons)&er needsQ'oth in practical ter&s an

    in ter&s of self-i&ae, etc.Qand the ind of pitch/&essae that +ill conince the cons)&er that th

    adertiserFs serices or prod)cts can f)lfill those needs.


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    Jo)r al)e proposition &)st 'e releant to yo)r taret a)dience. *his &eans yo)r taret a)dience &)st '

    clearly defined. Its not )nco&&on for a ')siness to hae to refoc)s and reisit their taretin, especially if

    +as not clearly identified in the 'einnin staes of ')siness.

    It is necessary to find the riht 'alance +hen definin yo)r taret a)dience in a +ay that ca)ses yo)r a)dience t

    reconi@e that yo) are talin specifically to the&. *his often re)ires co&panies to narro+ do+n their tar

    c)sto&ers. After doin this it is &ost i&portant no+ to reach to that taret &aret that yo) hae created. B)

    +hich adertisin platfor& offers this today.

    It does not &atter +hat yo)r Brand &ission is. Identifyin and ainin the deotion of yo)r taret a)dience

    the necessary &eans to reachin those o'jecties.

    *o achiee yo)r 'rand &aretin oals it is i&portant that yo) no+ yo)r taret &aret inside and o)t. *h

    re)ires cond)ctin a &aret analysis. *his &aret analysis &)st 'e as in-depth as possi'leE proidin yo) +i

    all the data yo) need to reach yo)r taret effectiely. By no+in yo)r taret a)dience yo) +ill 'e &or

    confident in the steps to tae to connect +ith that a)dience.

    Most 'rands o)t there hae already one thro)h all this and yet are )na'le to reach to their taret a)dience d)

    to the fact that no adertisin co&panies are a'le to do this. Most if not all adertisin co&panies are &as

    adertisin. 5ld &edia (*8, Print Media, and Radio# al+ays chared their adertisers accordin to their n)&'

    of )sers or readers not 'otherin +hether it reaches yo)r taret &aret or not. 2ocial Media co&pani

    (Bloers, Banner Adertisin, 5nline Ads# are as &)ch the sa&e if not +orst co&pared to old &edia as th

    +ay they calc)late readers are 'ased on a 39 :! &in)tes interal. *his &eans that the sa&e reader +ho read

    the sa&e 'lo t+ice in a day is calc)lated as t+o different people. 1hat adertisers are payin for is act)al

    one fifth of the reach and a'o)t only fie percent fro& that are their taret &aret.

    -6 /r!du%t C!n%ept


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    *he prod)ct concept ro+s o)t of the )idelines esta'lished in the Opositionin state&ent.O Ho+ the prod)ct

     positioned +ithin the &aret +ill dictate the ind of al)es the prod)ct represents, and th)s ho+ the tar

    cons)&er +ill receie that prod)ct. *herefore, it is i&portant to re&e&'er that no prod)ct is j)st itself, ')t, a

    Co)rtland >. Boee and 1illia& 4. Arens stated in Contemporary Advertising , a O')ndle of al)esO that th

    cons)&er needs to 'e a'le to identify +ith. 1hether co)ched in presentations that e&phasi@e se0, h)&o

    ro&ance, science, &asc)linity, or fe&ininity, the cons)&er &)st 'e a'le to 'eliee in the prod)c


    *he prod)ct concept proposes that cons)&ers +ill prefer prod)cts that hae 'etter )ality, perfor&ance an

    feat)res as opposed to a nor&al prod)ct. *he concept is tr)ly applica'le in so&e niches s)ch as electronics an

    &o'ile handsets.

    *+o co&panies +hich stand apart fro& the cro+d +hen +e tal a'o)t the prod)ct concept are Apple an

    oole. Both of these co&panies hae stried hard on their prod)cts and delier )s feat)re rich, innoatie an

    dierse application prod)cts and people j)st loe these 'rands.

    5ne pro'le& +hich has 'een associated +ith the prod)ct concept is that it &iht also lead to &aretin &yopi

    *h)s co&panies need to tae innoations and feat)res serio)sly and proide only those +hich the c)sto&

    needs. *he c)sto&er needs sho)ld 'e ien priority.

    In the past seeral of Microsofts prod)cts hae 'een 'ro)ht )nder the ha&&er +ith people feelin &ore an

    &ore disr)ntled +ith the operatin syste&s 'eca)se of lac of innoation and ne+ feat)res. ach Microso

    operatin syste& appears al&ost si&ilar +ith j)st fe+ t+eas. 5n the other hand, innoatin too soon 'eco&e

    a pro'le&. 2eeral innoatie prod)cts are &ared as e0peri&ental in the &aret instead of 'ein adopted as

    res)lt of +hich these prod)cts hae less shelf life and &iht hae to 'e taen off the &aret.

    *h)s co&panies follo+in the prod)ct concept need to concentrate on their technoloy s)ch that they proid

    +ith e0cellent feat)re rich and innoatie prod)cts for opti&)& c)sto&er satisfaction.


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    36 C!$$uni%ati!n MediaB

    *he co&&)nication &edia is the &eans 'y +hich the adertisin &essae is trans&itted to the cons)&er. I

    addition to &aretin o'jecties and ')detary restraints, the characteristics of the taret cons)&er need to '

    considered as an adertiser decides +hat &edia to )se. *he types of &edia cateories fro& +hich adertise

    can choose incl)de the follo+in

    • PrintQpri&arily ne+spapers ('oth +eely and daily# and &aa@ines.

    • A)dioQ4M and AM radio.

    • 8ideoQPro&otional ideos, info&ercials.

    • 1orld 1ide 1e'.

    • Direct &ail.

    • 5)tdoor adertisinQBill'oards, adertise&ents on p)'lic transportation (ca's, ')ses#.

    After decidin on the &edi)& that is 3# 4inancially in reach, and # Most liely to reach the taret a)dience, a

    adertiser needs to sched)le the 'roadcastin of that adertisin. *he &edia sched)le, as defined 'y Hills,

    Othe co&'ination of specific ti&es (for e0a&ple, 'y day, +ee, or &onth# +hen adertise&ents are inserted in

    &edia ehicles and deliered to taret a)diences.O

    In nat)re, eol)tion occ)rs &ost rapidly +hen co&petition for reso)rces is intense. *he sa&e process is no

    occ)rrin +ith pro&otional &edia. All traditional &edia channels are no+ sat)rated, and co&petition fo

    cons)&er attention is intense. At the sa&e ti&e, the i&pact of any one &edi)& is 'eco&in dil)ted. *here ar

    &any &ore *8 and radio channels, cons)&er hae the a'ility to sip aderts and free infor&ation is no+ &)c

    &ore accessi'le. As a res)lt, co&panies are 'eco&in increasinly innoatie in their approach

    co&&)nications and a host of ne+ &edia channels hae e&ered. As a res)lt, &edia choice is 'eco&in a tric

    tas, +hich is +hy detailed se&entation is so i&portant - itFs no )se startin a *+itter ca&pain if none of yo)

    taret &aret are re)lar )sers of the site.

    Hihly tareted co&&)nications often lead to 'etter res)lts. Jo) can )s)ally e0pect a response rate of less tha

    3 for a relatiely eneric &ass &ailin. Ho+eer, personal letters to a handf)l of yo)r &ost loyal c)sto&e

    +o)ld lead to a dra&atically increased rate of ret)rn. 1hen decidin +hich &edia to )se consider the reac


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    fre)ency, &edia i&pact and +hat yo) can e0pect for yo)r ')det ')t &ost of all, ens)re yo)r taret c)sto&e

    +ill see the &essae in the first place.

    Media choice is a &atter of co&pro&ise 'et+een ol)&e of people ers)s the personali@ation of the &essae.

    46 Advertising MessageB

    An adertisin &essae is )ided 'y the Oadertisin or copy platfor&,O +hich is a co&'ination of th

    &aretin o'jecties, copy, art, and prod)ction al)es. *his co&'ination is 'est reali@ed after the tar

    cons)&er has 'een analy@ed, the prod)ct concept has 'een esta'lished, and the &edia and ehicles hae 'ee

    chosen. At this point, the adertisin &essae can 'e directed at a ery concrete a)dience to achiee er

    specific oals. Hia& and 2che+e listed three &ajor areas that an adertiser sho)ld consider +hen endeaorin

    to deelop an effectie Oadertisin platfor&O

    • 1hat are the prod)ctFs )ni)e feat)resL

    • Ho+ do cons)&ers eal)ate the prod)ctL 1hat is liely to pers)ade the& to p)rchase the prod)ctL

    • Ho+ do co&petitors ran in the eyes of the cons)&erL Are there any +eanesses in their positions

    1hat are their strenthsL

    Most ')siness cons)ltants reco&&end e&ployin an adertisin aency to create the art +or and +rite th

    copy. Ho+eer, &any s&all ')sinesses donFt hae the )p-front capital to hire s)ch an aency, and therefore nee

    to create their o+n adertisin pieces. 1hen doin this a ')siness o+ner needs to follo+ a fe+ i&portan


    5nce yo) hae &ade the a)dience a+are of yo)r 'rand, +or doesnFt stop there. *he c)sto&er needs to '

    )ided thro)h the p)rchasin process. *his &eans identifyin the ey staes in the c)sto&er jo)rney an

    ens)rin co&&)nications &essaes are personali@ed and releant.


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    *o et the 'est response fro& yo)r taret &aret, yo) need ens)rin the &essae is releant and clear onc

    yo)Fe &anaed to ain the al)a'le attention of yo)r c)sto&er the last thin yo) +ant is for the& to '

    conf)sed a'o)t +hat yo)Fre sayin. Deter&ine the o'jecties of the adert and ens)re these ai&s are addresse

    clearly. *hin a'o)t the ne0t steps yo) +o)ld lie the a)dience to tae, +hether this is isitin a +e'sit

    rinin a n)&'er, or 'ein a'le to recall yo)r 'rand +hen they are ne0t in the shops.

    .6 C!py

    1hen co&posin adertisin copy it is cr)cial to re&e&'er that the pri&ary ai& is to co&&)nicate infor&atio

    a'o)t the ')siness and its prod)cts and serices. *he Osellin proposalO can act as a 'l)eprint here, ens)rin th

    the adertisin fits the oerall &aretin o'jecties. Many co&panies )tili@e a the&e or a sloan

    the centerpiece of s)ch efforts, e&phasi@in &ajor attri')tes of the ')sinessFs prod)cts or serices in th

     process. B)t as Hia& and 2che+e ca)tion, +hile Oso&ethin &)st 'e )sed to ani&ate the the&e, care &)st '

    taen not to lose the )nderlyin &essae in the p)rs)it of &e&ora'le adertisin.O

    1hen +ritin the copy, direct lan)ae (sayin e0actly +hat yo) &ean in a positie, rather than neati

    &anner# has 'een sho+n to 'e the &ost effectie. *he theory here is that the less the a)dience has to interpre

    or )nrael the &essae, the easier the &essae +ill 'e to read, )nderstand, and act )pon. As Gerry 4ishe

    o'sered in Entrepreneur, O*+o-sylla'le phrases lie Ffree 'oo,F Ffast help,F and Flose +eihtF are the ind o

    adertisin &essaes that donFt need to 'e read to 'e effectie. By that I &ean they are so easy for the 'rain

    interpret as a +hole tho)ht that theyFre FreadF in an eye 'lin rather than as linear er'iae. 2o for an adertis

    tryin to et attention in a +orld a+ash in adertisin i&aes, it &aes sense to try this &essae-in-an-eye-'lin

    ro)te to the p)'lic conscio)snessQ'e it for a sales sloan or een a prod)ct na&e.O

    *he copy content needs to 'e clearly +ritten, follo+in conentional ra&&atical )idelines. 5f co)rs

    effectie headins allo+ the reader to et a sense of the adertise&entFs central the&e +itho)t hain to rea

    &)ch of the copy. An adertise&ent that has O9! 5ffO in 'old 'lac letters is not j)st easy to read, ')t it is al

    easy to )nderstand.


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    6 Art !r, and #ay!ut

    2&all ')siness o+ners also need to consider the is)al rhetoric of the adertise&ent, +hich si&ply &eans th

    the entire adertise&ent, incl)din 'lan space, sho)ld hae &eanin and loic. Most ind)stry e0per

    reco&&end that adertisers )se short pararaphs, lists, and catchy ill)strations and raphics to 'rea )p an

    s)pple&ent the te0t and &ae the doc)&ent 'oth is)ally initin and easy to )nderstand. Re&e&'er, a

    adertise&ent has to capt)re the readerFs attention )icly.

    Chapter .

    A+!ut #iril


    Fig 31 #!g! !" liril s!ap

    *he soap +as &an)fact)red 'y Hind)stan >eer >i&ited in India. Most of their ads are +o&an 'athin in rains or )nd

    a +aterfall. >iril la)nched a 'l)e ariant called Icy Cool Mint in!!. It also tried la)nchin an 5rane ariant , calle

    >iril 5rane 2plash in India in !!;.Neither of these ariants created &)ch splash in the &aret. *he co&pany e

    chaned aencies handlin the 'rand, fro& >o+e to McCann ricson 'efore oin 'ac to >o+e. >irilhas 'een hain

    static &aret share for )ite so&e ti&e no+. Majority of their sales happen d)rin s)&&er. Preity Kinta, a&on others, ha


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    adertised for this prod)ct. >IRI>, the +ell-no+n H>> 'rand capt)res .9 of the &aret share. 2ince decad

    any'ody +atchin the adertise&ent for >iril soap co)ld see only a irl ro&ancin +ith +ater +hich +as considered t)'

    a sin of freshness. *hat +as ho+ >iril has 'ein positioned since aes in the &inds of the cons)&ers. *he li&e conce

    of >iril had &ade ho&e in the &inds of the cons)&ers. More or less eery'ody felt that this soap +as &ainly for th

    ladies and that too the +orin se&ent.

     *he &ain the&e of the adertise&ent +as freshness +hich reoled aro)nd li&e.H>> +anted to la)nch ne+ frarance

    >iril ho+eer it +as ery diffic)lt for the co&pany to 'rea this i&ae in the &inds of the cons)&ers. *he li&e conce

    of >iril +as stronly ')ilt in the &inds of the cons)&ers and chanin this 'rand i&ae +as so&ethin that +as real

    chanelin for H>> +hen it tho)ht of ent)rin into other areas. 5ne is not a+are let &e tell yo) that >iril is no

    offered to the cons)&ers in 5rane ,another containin Aloe ela and the shape of the soap also has 'een &odifie

    +hich is &)ch si&ilar to that of the Doe. 1ith all these chanes the co&pany so&eho+ had to chane the co&&eric

    so that the 'rand i&ae also ets chaned. 4inally H>> +ith the help of >intas has&ade this. one are the days +er

    one co)ld j)st see a irl dancin. *he co&pany has no+ decided to introd)ce a irl and a 'oy j)st to ens)re that th

     'rand i&ae of li&e for the >iril ets chaned in the &inds of the cons)&ers. By incorporatin all these chanes H>

    e0pects to increase the &aret share fro& .9 to 9 'y the end of !!9.

    *he first >iril irl, Saren >)nel, 'ro)ht in the freshness appeal. Her carefree caortin )nder the +aterf

    (incidentally shot at the Pa& 'ar 4alls in Sodaianal, *a&il Nad)#, +as seen to 'e synony&o)s +ith th

    +o&ens li'eration tain +ins in those ti&es. *here +ere seeral others +ho follo+ed her oer the years Anees

    Dalal, Pooja Batra,Hrishita Bhat, *ara 2har&a, Deepia Pad)one, Diya Palat, and Preity Kinta too. *he 'rand also sa

    the introd)ction of )ite a fe+ ariants Icy &int, 5rane >iril, etc. No+, >iril is in an al&ost )nreconi@a'le aat

    of >iril !!!. one is the lone irl enjoyin her >iril &o&ent, and in co&es a fa&ily (+ith a decided

    international loo and in an international ho&e settin#sharin their inti&ate &o&ents of toetherness. *he latest *8C

    c)rrently on across channels, has-'een concept)ali@ed 'y >o+e >int as India. *he *8C speas a'o)t the ,!!! sensiti

     points in o)r 'ody that >iril refreshes and rej)enates


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    *here are a'o)t !!! parts in the 'ody that are sensitie to to)ch, ')t only if the sin is clean, fres

    and f)ll of lifeT Ne+ >iril !!! &aes eery part of yo)r sin co&e alie +ith freshness. Its co&'ination of li&

    e0tracts and tea tree oil freshens and cleanses sin. >iril eeps sin er&-free and so 'ea)tif)l th

    yo) cannot resist to)chin it. Ne+ >iril !!! for fresh, to)cha'le sin. 4or all yo)r !!! 'ody parts so yo) eep er&s a+ay an

    loed ones close.


    • 5ne of the oldest soap 'rands in India

    • A 'rand that has 'een consistent in 'rinin alie freshness

    • A 'rand that has &anaed to create 'reathro)h adertisin oer the years




    *o fra&e &aretin stratey to increase the &aret share of >iril 'rand (H6># fro& 3 to : i

    India 'yte end of !3.

    #IRI#>iril is a pop)lar 'rand of soaps o+ned 'y 4MC &ajor Hind)stan 6nileer >i&ited (H6>#.

     'asically caters to a pre&i)& &aret +here c)sto&ers prefer a hih )ality 'athin soap proidin


    A Industry d!$inant e%!n!$i% traits Mar,et SiJeB

    Maret for toilet soaps in India is c)rrently esti&ated at a'o)t ",!!! Cr.*oilet soap ind)stry is one of the oldest 4ast Moin Cons)&er oods (4MC# ind)stries in India.

    is a&on the hihest penetrated cateory +ithin 4MC sector reachin an esti&ated "? )r'an an


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    =! of the r)ral ho)seholds. In ol)&e ter&s, the toilet soap &aret in India is esti&ated

    appro0i&ately 3: &illion M* (&etric ton#.

    Rising input %!stsB

    Most 4MC co&panies )se pal& oil for their soap, +hich needs to 'e i&ported fro& co)ntries li

    Malaysia. 8eeta'le oil prices hae increased sinificantly in the past one year d)e to s)re i

    cons)&ption de&and for 'io f)els and shift in acreae in faor of corn and +heat. *his is liely

    i&pact &arins of ario)s 4MC players, especially H6> and odrej.Increase in 0cise D)ty has p)

    f)rther press)re on the &arins of 'i players. *he hie in c)sto&s d)ty on diesel and petrol, co)ple

    +ith a 9 increase in the i&port d)ty on cr)de, +ill neatiely i&pact the transportation an

     pacain costs, th)s affectin the entire 4MC sector.

    C Gr!)th *riversB

    *he soap &aret is e0pected to ro+ &oderately at ;.9-9 in the near ter&. 2o&e of the &aj

    ro+th driers are

    U ro+in cons)&er de&andRisin inco&e leels and ro+in aspirations, co)pled +ith lo+er penetration leels, hae f)eled

    stron de&and for >ifestyle and 8al)e-added prod)cts. 2ales are ol)&e drien and not al)e drien.U R)ral India driin incre&ental ro+th4MCs are seein a ol)&e ro+th of j)st

  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    at the sa&e ti&e, cons)&ers )prade fro& the econo&y se&ent d)e to increased aspirations an


    - C!$petitive "!r%es 5/!rterKs "ive "!r%es analysis6

    AV *hreat of Intense 2e&ent RialryPenetration leel of soaps is aro)nd " and therefore, price-+ars and pro&otional sche&es are al&o

    fre)ent in this ind)stry. *he &aret is littered oer +ith seeral, leadin national and lo'al 'rand

    and lare n)&'er of s&all 'rands, +hich hae li&ited &arets. *here are &any esta'lished player

    liePC>, Nir&a, I*C, P7, 1ipro >td. etc. oin aressie a'o)t their taret &arets.

    Threat !" (e) Entrants

    ntry in this ind)stry is fairly easy d)e to +hich a lare n)&'er of players +ith oo

    distri')tionnet+ors hae entered. I*C has already &ade head+ay +ith its pre&i)& 'rand 4ia&a di +ill  Co&panies lie Marico, Sopran, and Anchor are liely to la)nch soaps in th

     pre&i)& cateory. *here are a lare n)&'er of s&aller/reional players +ho are also eatin a+ay th

    &aret share of 'iies.C Threat !" Su+stitutes

    A &ajor threat co&es fro& the )se of prod)cts lie 'ody +ash and face +ash. D)e to hih cos

    associated +ith s)ch soaps, Body +ash and 4ace +ash &ay &ae )se of soaps less fre)ent. Also, th

    cons)&ption of >iril &ay not pic )p 'eca)se c)sto&ers &ay 'e do+n-tradin to pop)lar cateor

    soaps.* Threat !" +argaining p!)er !" uyers

    *o a lare e0tent, Pre&i)& 2oap is a price sensitie &aret. 5f late, there has 'een an increasin

    trend to+ards do+n-tradin. *his has forced the &an)fact)rers to lo+er the prices or offer te&pora

    disco)nts to +oo the cons)&ers +ho are either do+n-tradin fro& the pop)lar se&ent or rad)atin

    )p+ards fro& car'olic soaps. *he ')yers, een in the r)ral area, are s)'jected to the &edia inasio

    and are +ell- infor&ed a'o)t the 'aset of prod)cts aaila'le in the &aret and th)s tae a ration


    E Threat !" +argaining p!)er !" Suppliers

    *he &ajor inp)t for the soap &an)fact)re is eeta'le oil(constit)tes aro)nd ?! of the ra+

    &aterials#.*hey are not aaila'le in India and th)s hae to 'e i&ported fro& co)ntries lie Malaysi


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  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


    :. Brand Co&&)nication*hey sho)ld reie the +aterfalls, the li&e 'aths and the si@@lin Ny&phs +ho sanlaah-la-la-laa

    .>iril sho)ld 'e sho+n as pioneer 'rand proidin the oriinal and classic +ay to feel fresh +hil

     'athin.Also, the >i&e factor sho)ld 'e projected (5ther than soothin 'ath, >e&on +ill also proid

    necessaryn)trients to sin#. H6> sho)ld stress on the fact that >iril eeps the sin healthy and liely

    *he oriinaltaline of $Co&e alie +ith freshness% can 'e reied to stress on the core of this 'rand.

    ;.Brand 0tension>iril 'rand can 'e e0tended to Deodorant cateory. H6> can la)nch the deodorant in spray for&, fo

    thesa&e taret se&ent. *he deodorant +ill 'e co&&)nicated as an add-on for freshness at occasion

    otherthan 'athin.

    9. Monitorin 7 Reie+  *he efficiency of co&&)nication prora&s can 'e reie+ed thro)h the Reach, 4re)ency 7 I&pac

    analysis of Ads. Maret Research sho)ld 'e done 'y a rep)ted fir& to ascertain the fao)ra'le chan

    incons)&er preference to+ards >iril 'rand. Also, projectie techni)es and free-association tests ca

     'e)sed to )nderstand the 'rand associations thro)ho)t the P>C 'y d)rin &aret research.

      CA/TER 7C;(C#

  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP


     pro'a'ly a necessity to o)r society 'eca)se of ho+ cons)&er 'ased +e hae 'eco&e. 5)r society at this point

    co)ld not o +ith o)t adertise&ents.

    1ithin A&erican c)lt)re +e need to loo deeper at the role of teleision and adertise&ents and access +hy

    they hold s)ch a al)a'le presence. 1ith the Internets role in o)r society +e need to fi)re o)t +hat can 'e don

    a'o)t spa& and pop)p as +ell as j)st 'asic ads on the screen. *he f)t)re for adertisin see&s so o)t of control

    of the parents reach.

    *here is no ideal ad for o)r society, +hat sho)ld 'e done is that co&panies sho)ld )se realistic tools for sellin

    their prod)cts fairly. Adertisers sho)ldnt )se )nfair tools aainst children and sho)ld thin a'o)t +hat affects

    this +ill hae on f)t)re enerations.

    *oether parents, co&&)nities, and the econo&ic +orld sho)ld +or toether. G)st 'eca)se prod)cts stop 'ein

    adertised doesnt &ae it s)ddenly so there +ill 'e less of a need. Jes, so&e people +onFt ')y as &)ch ')t

    &any people +ill still contin)e to ')y the prod)cts they need. *he difference +ill 'e the i&pact that this has on

    children. If +e can aoid these ads fro& floodin are ids lies their self-estee&s +ill 'e hiher 'eca)se they

    +ont constantly 'e co&parin the&seles to the people they see on *8. 5)r ids nor&s +ill 'e in place they

    +ill reali@e that not eery person is an )pper &iddle class person in a nice ho&e. 5)r ids +ill )nderstand

    differences and not 'e forced to fit inside ender roles that they see in ads. 5erall they +ill 'e a'le to

    e0perience +ho they are and +ill not let thins fro& *8 adertise&ents define +ho they are


  • 8/17/2019 Advertising Strategy - LIRIL SOAP




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