  • NASA/TP–2003-212265AFDD/TR-04-003

    Aerodynamic Characteristics of SC1095 and SC1094R8 Airfoils

    William G. Bousman

    December 2003

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  • Aerodynamic Characteristics of SC1095 and SC1094R8 Airfoils

    William G. BousmanAeroflightdynamics DirectorateU.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering CommandAmes Research CenterMoffett Field, California

    December 2003

    National Aeronautics andSpace Administration

    Ames Research CenterMoffett Field, California 94035-1000


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    NASA Center for AeroSpace Information National Technical Information Service7121 Standard Drive 5285 Port Royal RoadHanover, MD 21076-1320 Springfield, VA 22161(301) 621-0390 (703) 487-4650

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    SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 1

    NOMENCLATURE ........................................................................................................................... 1

    INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 2

    UH-60A ROTOR BLADE AND AIRFOILS ................................................................................... 2

    EVALUATION OF SECTION CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................. 7

    ANGLE-OF-ATTACK AND MACH NUMBER DISTRIBUTIONS ........................................... 9

    EXPERIMENTAL DATASETS ...................................................................................................... 10 Experiment 1 (UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel) .................................................................................. 10 Experiment 2 (UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel) .................................................................................. 12 Experiment 3 (Ohio State University Transonic 6- by 22-Inch Wind Tunnel) .................................................. 13 Experiment 4 (NRC 12- by 12-Inch Icing Wind Tunnel) ............................................................................. 15 Experiment 5 (NSRDC 7- by 10-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel) .................................................................... 16 Experiment 6 (NASA Langley 6- by 28-Inch Transonic Wind Tunnel) .......................................................... 18 Experiment 7 (NASA Ames 2- by 2-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel) ............................................................... 21 Experiment 8 (NASA Ames 11- by 11-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel) ............................................................ 23 Experiment 9 (NASA Ames 7- by 10-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel) ............................................................... 24 Experiment 10 (Glenn L. Martin 8- by 11-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel) ......................................................... 25

    AIRFOIL TEST COMPARISONS ................................................................................................. 26 Lift-Curve Slope ................................................................................................................................. 26 Maximum Lift Coefficient ..................................................................................................................... 27 Zero-Lift Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 29 Drag Coefficient .................................................................................................................................. 30 Lift-to-Drag Ratio ................................................................................................................................ 34 Pitching Moment Coefficient ................................................................................................................. 36 Assessment ........................................................................................................................................ 37

    CONCLUDING REMARKS ........................................................................................................... 42

    REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 42

  • 1

    Aerodynamic Characteristics of SC1095 and SC1094 R8 Airfoils


    Aeroflightdynamics DirectorateU.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command

    Ames Research Center


    Two airfoils are used on the main rotor blade of the UH–60A Black Hawk helicopter, the SC1095 and theSC1094 R8. Measurements of the section lift, drag, and pitching moment were obtained in ten wind tunnel tests for theSC1095 airfoil, and in five of these tests, measurements were also obtained for the SC1094 R8. The ten wind tunneltests are characterized and described in the present study. Fundamental parameters derived from test measurements arecompared and an assessment is made of the adequacy of the test data for use in look-up tables required by lifting-linecalculation methods.


    A rotor disk area, feet2 (ft2)

    a speed of sound, ft/second (ft/sec)

    B.S. blade station (from hub center),inches (in.)

    b wind tunnel span, in.

    c blade chord, in.

    Cd section drag coefficient

    Cdmin minimum section drag coefficient

    Cd0 section drag coefficient at zero lift

    Cl section lift coefficient

    Clmax maximum section lift coefficient

    Clα lift-curve slope, dC dl α , degrees-1


    Cl0 section lift coefficient at zero angle ofattack

    Cm section pitching moment coefficient

    Cm0 section pitching moment coefficient atzero lift

    Cmα change in pitching moment with angleof attack

    CW weight coefficient, W A Rρ ( )Ω2

    h wind tunnel height, in.

    L/D ratio of lift to drag

    M Mach number

    Mdd drag divergence Mach number

    R blade radius, ft

    r radial station, ft

    Re Reynolds number, ρ µv r t c v( , )

    T temperature, degrees Fahrenheit (deg F)

    V forward velocity, ft/sec

    v(r, t) section velocity, ft/sec

    W weight, pounds (lb)

    x chordwise position, in. or ft

    α angle of attack, deg

    α0 angle of attack for zero lift, deg

    β Prandtl-Glauert correction, 1 2− M

    ∆α angle-of-attack correction for walleffects, deg

    δ correction parameter, equation (15)

    δ0,δ1 correction parameters, equation (9)

    δtab airfoil tab deflection, positive trailingedge down, deg

    µ advance ratio, V RΩ

    µv absolute viscosity, lb-sec/ft2

    ρ density, slugs/ft3

    σ rotor solidity

    Ω rotor speed, radians/sec (rad/sec)

  • 2


    The UH–60A Black Hawk is a four-bladedhelicopter that is the primary troop-carrying transport forthe U.S. Army. Developed in the 1970s, the first flightof the UH–60A prototype occurred in October 1974 andthe aircraft was approved for production in October 1979(ref. 1). As originally designed, the UH–60A prototypeused a single airfoil section, the SC1095. During testingof the prototype aircraft, it was determined that the vehiclecould not meet the Army’s maneuverability requirements,and a cambered nose section was added to the SC1095profile from 0.47R to 0.85R to increase the maximumrotor thrust in maneuvers (ref. 1). The modified SC1095section is now referred to as the SC1094 R8.

    To date the SC1095 section characteristics havebeen measured in at least ten wind tunnel tests (refs.2–11), and the SC1094 R8 section characteristics havebeen measured in five of these tests (refs. 4, 5, 7, 9, and11). Totah (ref. 12) assessed the lift and drag data for nineof the wind tunnel tests, using an approach similar to thatused by McCroskey for the NACA 0012 (ref. 13). Thepresent technical paper has three purposes: (1) to repeatTotah’s original assessment with some modifications,(2) to extend the assessment to examine pitching momentdata, and (3) to examine data from a wind tunnel test(ref. 11) obtained since Totah’s assessment was published.


    The SC1095 airfoil and the SC1094 R8 airfoil,modified from the SC1095 by adding droop at the leadingedge, are illustrated in figure 1. The effect of the nosedroop was to extend the SC1095 chord from 20.76 in. to20.965 in., thereby reducing the airfoil thickness from9.5 percent to 9.4 percent (hence the change in the sectionnomenclature). The addition of nose droop also rotatedthe mean chordline by –1 deg, as shown in figure 1.

    The two airfoil sections are compared on anondimensional basis in figure 2. Both airfoils are shownreferenced to their true chordlines. The chordline definedfor the SC1095 airfoil is the same in all the test programssummarized in this report. However, the chordlinedefinition of the SC1094 R8 airfoil is not treatedconsistently in the references, so care must be taken inusing the data. For example, the data for the SC1094 R8airfoil reported in references 7, 9, and 11 are referenced tothe mean chordline of the SC1095 airfoil, whereas thedata in references 4 and 5 are referenced to the meanchordline shown here. In the present report, the data fromreferences 7, 9, and 11 have been adjusted so that all

    SC1094 R8 data are referenced to the mean chordlineshown in figure 2. Ordinates for the two airfoils areshown in tables 1 and 2.

    Figure 1. Overlay of SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils with5X exaggerated vertical scale. Nose droop of SC1094 R8increases airfoil chord from 20.76 in. to 20.965 in. and themean chordline is rotated by 1 deg.

    Figure 2. Comparison of nondimensional blade ordinatesfor SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils.

    The planform of the UH–60A blade is illustratedin figure 3. The initiation of the SC1095 airfoil section isat B.S. 62.00 in. (0.1925R). Inboard of this point theairfoil thickens and becomes nonaerodynamic. The rootcutout is at B.S. 42.00 in. (0.1304R). The inboardSC1095 section extends from B.S. 62.00 in. (0.1925R) toB.S. 150.00 in. (0.4658R). There is a linear transitionbetween the SC1095 and SC1094 R8 sections from B.S.150.00 in. (0.4658R) to B.S. 160.00 in. (0.4969R). TheSC1094 R8 airfoil section then extends from B.S. 160.00in. (0.4969R) to B.S. 265.00 in. (0.8230R). From B.S.265.00 in. (0.8230R) to B.S. 275.00 in. (0.8540R) there isa linear transition between the SC1094 R8 and SC1095airfoil sections. The SC1095 section is then used to theblade tip.

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    Table 1. SC1095 coordinates; c = 20.76 in.

    Upper surface Lower surfacex/c y/c x/c y/c

    0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000.00010 0.00147 0.00010 –0.001120.00081 0.00396 0.00081 –0.003220.00203 0.00626 0.00203 –0.005100.00407 0.00913 0.00407 –0.007570.00661 0.01215 0.00661 –0.010200.00915 0.01473 0.00915 –0.012360.01220 0.01748 0.01220 –0.014530.01830 0.02220 0.01830 –0.017980.02440 0.02608 0.02440 –0.020660.03050 0.02934 0.03050 –0.022930.03660 0.03208 0.03660 –0.024940.04271 0.03443 0.04271 –0.026690.05084 0.03707 0.05084 –0.028620.06101 0.03979 0.06101 –0.030480.07117 0.04205 0.07117 –0.031910.08134 0.04398 0.08134 –0.033040.09151 0.04562 0.09151 –0.033970.10168 0.04705 0.10168 –0.034760.11693 0.04885 0.11693 –0.035800.13218 0.05033 0.13218 –0.036660.14743 0.05158 0.14743 –0.037370.16268 0.05265 0.16268 –0.037950.17794 0.05354 0.17794 –0.038410.19319 0.05426 0.19319 –0.038760.20844 0.05480 0.20844 –0.039030.22369 0.05518 0.22369 –0.039230.23894 0.05541 0.23894 –0.039350.25419 0.05553 0.25419 –0.039410.26945 0.05554 0.26945 –0.039410.28470 0.05547 0.28470 –0.039370.30503 0.05528 0.30503 –0.039240.32537 0.05498 0.32537 –0.039030.34570 0.05458 0.34570 –0.038740.36604 0.05407 0.36604 –0.038390.38638 0.05348 0.38638 –0.037970.40671 0.05280 0.40671 –0.037490.42705 0.05203 0.42705 –0.036950.44738 0.05118 0.44738 –0.036350.46772 0.05024 0.46772 –0.035690.48805 0.04922 0.48805 –0.034970.50839 0.04812 0.50839 –0.034190.52872 0.04694 0.52872 –0.033350.54906 0.04568 0.54906 –0.032450.56940 0.04434 0.56940 –0.031490.58973 0.04291 0.58973 –0.030470.61007 0.04140 0.61007 –0.029380.63040 0.03982 0.63040 –0.02824

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    Table 1. SC1095 coordinates – concluded.

    Upper surface Lower surfacex/c y/c x/c y/c

    0.65074 0.03815 0.65074 –0.027030.67107 0.03640 0.67107 –0.025770.69141 0.03458 0.69141 –0.024450.71174 0.03267 0.71174 –0.023080.73208 0.03070 0.73208 –0.021660.75242 0.02865 0.75242 –0.020190.77275 0.02655 0.77275 –0.018680.79309 0.02439 0.79309 –0.017140.81342 0.02218 0.81342 –0.015570.83376 0.01993 0.83376 –0.013970.85409 0.01764 0.85409 –0.012360.87443 0.01532 0.87443 –0.010720.89476 0.01297 0.89476 –0.009080.91510 0.01060 0.91510 –0.007420.92527 0.00939 0.92527 –0.006590.93544 0.00818 0.93544 –0.005750.94560 0.00695 0.94560 –0.004890.95577 0.00570 0.95577 –0.004020.96594 0.00443 0.96594 –0.003130.97611 0.00360 0.97611 –0.002710.98627 0.00281 0.98627 –0.002290.99644 0.00201 0.99644 –0.001881.00000 0.00173 1.00000 –0.00173

    Table 2. SC1094 R8 coordinates; c = 20.965 in.

    Upper surface Lower surfacex/c y/c x/c y/c

    0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000.00013 0.00185 0.00007 –0.001800.00090 0.00559 0.00072 –0.005010.00218 0.00945 0.00188 –0.007730.00427 0.01398 0.00384 –0.010530.00686 0.01825 0.00632 –0.012770.00944 0.02174 0.00881 –0.014190.01252 0.02532 0.01181 –0.015400.01867 0.03126 0.01783 –0.017020.02245 0.03441 0.02154 –0.017730.02857 0.03890 0.02757 –0.018720.03468 0.04264 0.03360 –0.019530.04077 0.04576 0.03963 –0.020170.04686 0.04837 0.04566 –0.020700.05294 0.05058 0.05169 –0.021150.06104 0.05306 0.05974 –0.02166

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    Table 2. SC1094 R8 coordinates – continued.

    Upper surface Lower surfacex/c y/c x/c y/c

    0.07115 0.05558 0.06980 –0.022180.08125 0.05764 0.07986 –0.022600.09135 0.05937 0.08992 –0.022940.10145 0.06083 0.09998 –0.023230.11154 0.06206 0.11005 –0.023480.12666 0.06359 0.12514 –0.023790.14179 0.06479 0.14024 –0.024060.15691 0.06576 0.15534 –0.024320.17202 0.06656 0.17044 –0.024590.18714 0.06718 0.18554 –0.024850.20225 0.06762 0.20063 –0.025120.21735 0.06790 0.21573 –0.025380.23246 0.06801 0.23083 –0.025640.24756 0.06798 0.24593 –0.025910.26266 0.06783 0.26103 –0.026170.27776 0.06758 0.27612 –0.026430.29286 0.06725 0.29122 –0.026650.31298 0.06671 0.31136 –0.026870.33311 0.06606 0.33149 –0.027010.35323 0.06531 0.35163 –0.027080.37336 0.06446 0.37176 –0.027090.39348 0.06352 0.39190 –0.027020.41360 0.06250 0.41204 –0.026900.43371 0.06139 0.43218 –0.026710.45383 0.06019 0.45232 –0.026470.47394 0.05892 0.47246 –0.026160.49406 0.05756 0.49261 –0.025800.51417 0.05612 0.51275 –0.025370.53428 0.05460 0.53290 –0.024890.55439 0.05300 0.55304 –0.024350.57450 0.05132 0.57319 –0.023750.59460 0.04955 0.59334 –0.023090.61471 0.04771 0.61349 –0.022370.63481 0.04579 0.63364 –0.021590.65491 0.04379 0.65379 –0.020750.67501 0.04171 0.67394 –0.019850.69511 0.03955 0.69409 –0.018890.71521 0.03732 0.71425 –0.017880.73531 0.03501 0.73440 –0.016820.75540 0.03263 0.75456 –0.015720.77550 0.03020 0.77472 –0.014580.79559 0.02771 0.79487 –0.013400.81568 0.02518 0.81503 –0.012200.83577 0.02260 0.83519 –0.010970.85587 0.01998 0.85535 –0.009720.87596 0.01733 0.87551 –0.008450.89605 0.01466 0.89567 –0.007180.91614 0.01195 0.91583 –0.00589

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    Table 2. SC1094 R8 coordinates – concluded.

    Upper surface Lower surfacex/c y/c x/c y/c

    0.92618 0.01059 0.92591 –0.005240.93623 0.00921 0.93599 –0.004580.94627 0.00782 0.94607 –0.003900.95631 0.00641 0.95615 –0.003220.96636 0.00498 0.96623 –0.002510.97641 0.00398 0.97630 –0.002270.98646 0.00301 0.98637 –0.002030.99651 0.00205 0.99644 –0.001801.00000 0.00171 1.00000 –0.00171

    Figure 3. Layout of SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils on UH–60A blade planform.

    The increase in the SC1094 R8 chord, from20.76 to 20.965 in., is the result of modifying the SC1095on the lower surface near the leading edge, as illustratedin figure 1. All of this increased chord is at the airfoilleading edge and, therefore, the quarter chord of theSC1094 R8 is shifted 0.154 in. forward with respect to theSC1095 quarter-chord location.

    As shown on the UH–60A planform in figure 3,there is a trim tab on the outer portion of the blade. At itsinner and outer edges, the trim tab transitions from theblade chord to the tabbed chord at a 45-deg angle. Thefull chord of the trim tab extends from B.S. 236.91 in.(0.7316R) to B.S. 277.86 in. (0.8629R). Over most of thisextent the tab increases the chord of the SC1094 R8airfoil by 1.352 in. to provide a chord of 22.317 in. Overthis range, the quarter chord of the airfoil is, therefore,0.184 in. aft of the SC1095 quarter-chord location.

    The tip section of the UH–60A blade is swept by20 deg. The sweep is initiated at B.S. 299.00 in.(0.9286R). The swept section is defined by rotating theSC1095 section about its trailing edge until the section is

    perpendicular to the swept axis. Hence, the airfoil sectionover the swept tip in a plane normal to the pitch axis hasthe chord increased by 1 20/ cos °, and is 22.092 in.Because the airfoil thickness is unchanged over this span,the airfoil thickness ratio is reduced from 9.5 percent to8.9 percent. The outer inch of the blade is a rotatedsection profile. The radial distribution of sectioncharacteristics is summarized in table 3.

    The distribution of blade aerodynamic twist isshown in figure 4. In this figure the twist angle is definedby the airfoil section mean chordline and, therefore, thereis a –1-deg shift for the radial stations that use theSC1094 R8 airfoil. It is important to note that there is noequivalent twist offset in the structural spar over the spanwhere the SC1094 R8 airfoil is used. If calculations aremade using SC1094 R8 airfoil tables that are referencedto the SC1095 mean chordline, then the twist offsetshown in figure 4 should not be used. However, if theSC1094 R8 airfoil tables are referenced to their ownchordline, as is the normal convention, then the twistangle shown in figure 4 should be used.

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    Table 3. Radial distribution of section characteristics.

    Section characteristic Radial location, in. Chord, in. Quarter chord, in.a

    Root cutout 42.00 20.760 0.000SC1095 (inner) 62.00 20.760 0.000SC1095 (outer) 150.00 20.760 0.000SC1094 R8 (inner) 160.00 20.965 0.154SC1094 R8 (tab, inner) 236.91 22.317 –0.184SC1094 R8 (outer) 265.00 22.317 –0.184SC1095 (inner) 275.00 22.112 –0.338SC1095 (tab, outer) 277.86 22.112 –0.338SC1095 (sweep, inner) 299.00 20.760 0.000SC1095 (sweep, tip) 322.00 22.092 –12.562

    a Relative to SC1095 quarter chord, positive forward.


    Figure 4. Aerodynamic twist of UH–60A blade based onmean chordline.


    The measurement of airfoil lift, drag, andmoment remains a difficult problem, and disparate resultsare obtained when these section characteristics arecompared among different wind tunnel tests. McCroskeyhas proposed in reference 13 that an appropriate filteringprocess for the examination of test data should start fromtwo basic “facts” relative to airfoil behavior in subsonicflow and at small angles of attack. First, the lift-curveslope with the Prandtl–Glauert correction is independent ofMach number and only weakly dependent upon Reynoldsnumber for Reynolds numbers above approximately amillion. Second, the zero-lift drag coefficient, Cd0, isalso independent of Mach number and, again, only weaklydependent upon Reynolds number at higher Reynolds

    numbers. Using the most trustworthy data for the NACA0012 airfoil obtained from more than 40 wind tunneltests, McCroskey proposed that the lift-curve slope forthis airfoil should be expressed as

    β αCl = +0 1025 0 00485 106. . (Re )Log (1)

    per degree. For the drag-coefficient data obtained with aboundary layer trip

    Cd00 150 0044 0 018= + −. . Re . (2)

    and for untripped data

    Cd0 2 580 00170 91= +. .

    ( Re) .Log(3)

    In arriving at these formulae, McCroskey organized theNACA 0012 test data into five groups. The mosttrustworthy data, those in group 1, agreed with theexpression for βClα in equation (1) to a tolerance of±0.0005, while the drag data agreed with the expressionsfor Cd0 in equations (2) and (3) to a tolerance of ±0.0002.Group 2 data were defined as those tests where a toleranceof ±0.0040 was achieved for βClα , and a tolerance of±0.0010 was obtained for Cd0. Group 3 data were definedas data that met the group 1 criteria for either βClα orCd0, but not for both. The definition of group 4 dataincluded test results that met group 1, 2, or 3 criteria, butevidenced other significant problems. Finally, data thatdid not meet any of the group 1 to 4 criteria were notconsidered further by McCroskey and were termed group 5data.

    The criteria for group 1 used by McCroskey werevery stringent. For instance, only four experimentsachieved this level of accuracy, and these were limited inthe range of either test Mach numbers or angles of attack.In this sense none of the group 1 data would be suitable

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    Figure 5. Primary NACA 0012 evaluation criteria used by McCroskey in reference 13; data from Harris (ref. 14). a) βClα asa function of Reynolds number; fit based on group 1 data shown by equation (1); bounds are for group 2, M < 0.55. b) Lift-curve slope as a function of Mach number; solid curve is equation (1); dashed curve is best estimate of bounds for lift-curve slope at high Mach number. c) Cd0 as a function of Reynolds number; equations (2) and (3) are best fits of trippedand untripped group 1 data; bounds are for group 2; M < 0.55. d) Cd0 as a function of Mach number.

    for helicopter computations where tabular data are requiredover an extensive range of Mach numbers and angles ofattack to include stall. The group 1 criteria were relaxedin establishing criteria for group 2. The tolerance wasopened by a factor of eight for βClα and a factor of five forCd0. For the NACA 0012, there were six group 2datasets, and these provided a significantly greater range ofMach numbers and angles of attack. Notable among thegroup 2 tests were data obtained by Harris in the Langley8-Foot Transonic Pressure Tunnel (ref. 14). These dataextend from M = 0.30 to M = 0.86, and angles of attackto include stall.

    McCroskey’s approach to determining the bestavailable airfoil data from multiple tests is probablysuitable for any typical helicopter airfoil section, althoughconfidence in the process is reduced when only a fewdatasets are available. This approach was the basis ofTotah’s evaluation (ref. 12) and also constitutes the basisof evaluation in this report. McCroskey’s basic criteriaare illustrated in figure 5, using the Harris data as anexample. Figure 5a shows the dependency of βClα onReynolds number. The classical value for the lift-curveslope of 2π is independent of Reynolds number, but the

  • 9

    Table 4. UH–60A flight conditions for angle-of-attack and Mach number distributions (refs. 16, 17)

    µ CW /σ ρ, slugs/ft3 T, deg F0.097 0.0795 0.00197 45.10.144 0.0794 0.00199 45.80.221 0.0794 0.00208 51.60.300 0.0792 0.00205 52.70.355 0.0798 0.00202 52.3

    group 1 expression, equation (1), shows a slight increasewith increasing Reynolds number. The group 2 boundsare shown in this figure, and it is seen that the Harris dataare near the edge of the higher bound. Lift-curve slope issensitive to the angle-of-attack corrections that aregenerally needed in porous-wall wind tunnels and thecorrection recommended by Harris,

    ∆α = −1 15. Cn (4)

    is quite large, so the generally good agreement observedin figure 5a is welcome. The lift-curve slope as a functionof Mach number is shown in figure 5b and compared tothe Harris data for two Reynolds numbers. The solid linein figure 5b is the group 1 fit, equation (1). The dashedline is McCroskey’s estimate of the bounds of the betterNACA 0012 data obtained at high Mach numbers whereregions of supersonic flow and shocks induce strongnonlinearities.

    McCroskey separated the group 1 data into caseswith either tripped or untripped boundary layers. Figure5c shows the group 1 fits, equations (2) and (3), but thebounds are for group 2. The effect of Reynolds numberon the drag coefficient is quite strong for turbulent(tripped) data, but less so for the laminar (untripped) data.The Harris data show good agreement with the group 1results. The importance of Reynolds number is illustratedin figure 5d, which shows that the drag below M = 0.70 islargely dependent upon Reynolds number and the effectsof compressibility do not become important until higherMach numbers are reached.


    The experimental measurements discussed in thisreport extend over a range of angles of attack, Machnumbers, and Reynolds numbers. When assessing theadequacy of the test data, it is useful to estimate theangles of attack, Mach numbers, and Reynolds numbers

    that actually occur on the flight vehicle. Limited test datawere obtained during flight experiments with a UH–60Aaircraft in 1987 (ref. 15), and these data were used toexamine blade vibratory and torsion loads by Bousmanand Maier (refs. 16, 17) using the comprehensive analysisCAMRAD/JA (ref. 18). Calculations were made for fiveairspeeds using a free wake analysis, as described intable 4. Because the blade was modeled with 18aerodynamic panels and the aerodynamics were evaluatedat every 15 deg of blade azimuth, 2160 α–M pairs werecomputed for the five airspeed conditions.

    Figure 6 plots these α–M calculation pairs, withapproximately 1320 pairs shown for the SC1095 and 840pairs shown for the SC1094 R8. (Twenty-four α–M pairsare not shown for the SC1095 because they are outsidethe plot limits. All the unplotted pairs are at low Machnumbers, in no case greater than M = 0.06.) What isobserved in figure 6 is that the α–M pairs cluster together,with an angle-of-attack range of 8 to 12 deg at M = 0.2,decreasing to angles of attack close to 0 at M = 0.7 orM = 0.8. The clustering of the calculated valuescorresponds approximately to the airfoil maximum L /D.

    An examination of figure 6 shows that thedevelopment of an adequate set of airfoil tables requiresthat the test envelope encompass the pairs shown here.Beyond the values shown, however, it is important also toobtain data at higher Mach numbers, corresponding tolimit dive-speed conditions for the aircraft, as well as athigher angles of attack that define the airfoil stall limits.

    Reynolds number varies directly with Machnumber for a helicopter in flight



    = ρµ


    For sea level, standard day conditions, the constant ofproportionality is 12.4 million. For the flight conditionsin table 4, this constant varies from 10.2 to 10.7 million.

  • 10

    Table 5. Wind tunnels and airfoils for the ten experimental datasets.

    Test Wind tunnel Airfoils tested Reference

    Exp. 1 UTRC Large Subsonic W. T. SC1095 2Exp. 2 UTRC Large Subsonic W. T. SC1095 3Exp. 3 OSU 6- by 22-Inch Transonic W. T. SC1095, SC1094 R8 4Exp. 4 NRC 12- by 12-Inch Icing W. T. SC1095, SC1094 R8 5Exp. 5 NSRDC 7- by 10-Foot Transonic W. T. SC1095 6Exp. 6 Langley 6- by 28-Inch Transonic W. T. SC1095, SC1094 R8 7Exp. 7 Ames 2- by 2-Foot Transonic W. T. SC1095 8Exp. 8 Ames 11- by 11-Foot Transonic W. T. SC1095, SC1094 R8 9Exp. 9 Ames 7- by 10-Foot Subsonic W. T. SC1095 10Exp. 10 UMd 8- by 11-Foot Subsonic W. T. SC1095, SC1094 R8 11

    Figure 6. Calculated angles of attack and Mach numbersfor UH–60A airfoils at five airspeeds (refs. 16, 17).a) SC1095; b) SC1094 R8.


    The ten experimental datasets that contain airfoilcoefficient data for either the SC1095 airfoil or both theSC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils are examined here. Theten datasets are summarized in table 5. The terminology“experiment 1,” “experiment 2,” and so forth, followsTotah (ref. 12).

    Experiment 1 (UTRC Large Subsonic WindTunnel)

    The SC1095 airfoil was tested in the 8-foot testsection of the UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel inJuly and August 1973 (ref. 2). No data were obtained forthe SC1094 R8 section. The data from this test areproprietary to the United Technologies Corporation andhave not been reported in the open literature. For thesetests an insert was used in the test section, referred to asthe Two-Dimensional Channel (TDC). Generalcharacteristics of this test are shown in figure 7. Theoutline of the normal octagonal 8-foot section for theUTRC tunnel is shown as a dashed line.

    The maximum Mach number obtained in thistest was 0.75, which covers most of the operational rangeof the UH–60A, but leaves some uncertainty for theaerodynamic characteristics near the blade tip on theadvancing side. The TDC shown in figure 7 has wallsabout 4.5 in. thick that contain support bearings for theairfoil and linkages that connect the airfoil to the windtunnel balance. Teflon seals were used between the airfoiland the channel side walls to avoid leakage effects. Themeasured balance forces were transferred to the quarterchord of the airfoil to provide the section lift, drag, andmoment. In addition to these balance measurements, atotal pressure survey rake was installed downstream ofthe airfoil to measure the wake deficit to allow a

  • 11

    Figure 7. Test conditions for experiment 1; TDC in the UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 2).

    determination of drag. The survey probes were located0.125 in. apart, which is a vertical spacing of about 8.2percent of the airfoil thickness. The wake survey rig wasmounted 1.9 chords behind the airfoil trailing edge. Themeasurements examined here were made without aboundary layer trip.

    The Mach number, Reynolds number, dynamicpressure, angle of attack, and section forces and momentswere corrected for wall effects based on the standardcompressibility corrections for solid wall tunnels (ref. 19).The effects of these corrections are shown in figure 8.Small changes are seen for the lift-curve slope multipliedby the Prandtl–Glauert correction, as seen in figure 8a.This figure also includes the NACA 0012 best fit from

    McCroskey (ref. 13), equation (1), and McCroskey’sgroup 2 bounds. It is observed that the effects of the wallcorrections are small; this is not unexpected because a keyfactor in the reference 19 corrections is the h/c ratio,which is nearly 6 for this test. The angle-of-attack changefor these data is

    ∆α ≅ 0 056. Cl (6)

    which, at the greatest lift coefficients, is less than 0.1 deg.The change in lift-curve slope with Mach number isshown in figure 8b and is compared to the NACA 0012characteristics shown previously in figure 5. The effectsof the wall corrections are generally small.

  • 12

    Figure 8. Comparison of corrected and uncorrected datafor Experiment 1. βClα and Clα reference lines for NACA0012 (ref. 13). Cd0 fit for SC1095 airfoil, with group 2bounds from reference 13.

    The SC1095 is reduced in thickness compared to theNACA 0012 section, and the zero-lift drag coefficient isexpected to be lower. Figure 8c compares the correctedand uncorrected drag coefficients to the equation

    Cd0 0 10 034= .Re .


    which differs from both of McCroskey’s expressions,equations (2) and (3). This form of Reynolds numberdependency is discussed later in this report when the dragdata for all the experiments are compared. The boundsshown in figure 8c, however, are McCroskey’s group 2bounds. The wall corrections for this experiment showlittle influence on the drag coefficient. The corrected datafrom reference 2 are used for all evaluations in this report.

    Experiment 2 (UTRC Large Subsonic WindTunnel)

    The SC1095 airfoil was tested in the same windtunnel as that used for experiment 1, except that the airfoilwas mounted on a test rig that spanned the full 8-footoctagonal section of the tunnel (ref. 3). No data wereobtained for the SC1094 R8 section. The full-span testrig was referred to as the Tunnel Spanning Wing (TSW).As with the experiment 1, the test data are proprietary toUnited Technologies Corporation and have not beenpublished. General characteristics of this test areillustrated in figure 9. With the use of the TSW, the span-to-chord ratio, b/c, is substantially increased over that forexperiment 1. The height-to-chord ratio, h/c, is increasedslightly. Note that the tabulations for b/c and h/c inreference 12 for this experiment are incorrect.

    The methods used to measure the lift, drag, andpitching moment were substantially changed inexperiment 2 compared to the TDC used in experiment 1.A metric section was located at the TSW centerline, ahalf-chord in width. This metric section was supportedwith 2 six-component balances, which measured the lift,drag, and pitching moment. One chord to one side of theTSW centerline, on the nonmetric section, a chordwisearray of pressure transducers was installed, with 16transducers mounted on the upper surface and 9 on thelower surface. The pressures were integrated to providelift, drag (pressure), and pitching moment. Standard dragmeasurements were made with a wake survey rig, as wellas using drag estimates from the balance and theintegration of the pressure measurements. It is assumedthat the same wake survey rig was used for experiment 2as for experiment 1, although this is not discussed inreference 3. Measurements were made without aboundary layer trip. There is no discussion in reference 3of the use of wind tunnel wall correction methods, and thedata are used as published for the present evaluation.

  • 13

    Figure 9. Test conditions for experiment 2; TSW in the UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 3).

    Experiment 3 (Ohio State University Transonic6- by 22-Inch Wind Tunnel)

    Both the SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils weretested in the 6- by 22-Inch Transonic Wind Tunnel atOhio State University (ref. 4). The wind tunnel testreport is proprietary to the United TechnologiesCorporation. Basic features of this test are shown infigure 10.

    The Ohio State tunnel is a blowdown facility,and Mach and Reynolds numbers can be independentlyvaried. The Mach number is set by using a choke that ismounted in the diffuser. The test range for Mach number

    is generally from 0.2 to 1.1. Reynolds number iscontrolled by setting the total pressure in the stagnationchamber. For the 6.0-inch model chord tested, Reynoldsnumber can be varied from about 1 to 3 million at lowMach numbers and to 3 to 12 million at high Machnumbers. For these tests, the Reynolds number was setto provide values appropriate for the midspan of the full-scale blade. There was some variation in the Reynoldsnumber during the test program, and this is indicated infigure 10 by upper and lower boundaries. Data wereobtained at Mach numbers up to 0.85, covering the fullrange of Mach numbers expected in level flight (see fig.10). Each test point was a separate model run, and the

  • 14

    Figure 10. Test conditions for experiment 3; Ohio State University 6- by 22-Inch Transonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 4).

    angle of attack was set manually between runs. The sidewalls on this tunnel are solid, but the upper and lowerwalls are perforated with a porosity of 10 percent.Plenums behind the upper and lower walls are connectedto the mixing zone downstream of the test section toreduce interference effects.

    Surface pressures were measured on the airfoilsat 42 locations. The pressures were integrated to providelift and pitching moment. Wake-deficit measurementswere obtained with a traversing probe that sampledcontinuously as it moved behind the airfoil. The probewas located about 1.7 chords aft of the airfoil trailingedge. Most of the test data were obtained without aboundary layer trip. However, for a reduced set of Mach

    numbers, tripped data were obtained at 0 angle of attackand for one or two angles of attack near the maximum liftcoefficient. The trip that was applied was an adhesivetape that extended equally on the upper and lowersurfaces and tripped the boundary layer at the aft-facingstep of the adhesive strip. The measured angle of attackfor the SC1094 R8 airfoil was referred to the chordline ofthe actual airfoil rather than the chordline of the SC1095,so none of these data have been adjusted.

    The only wall corrections made to the data werefor angle of attack. The angle of attack was corrected by

    ∆α = − 0 16. Cl (8)

  • 15

    Figure 11. Comparison of corrected and uncorrected datafor experiment 3. βClαand Clα reference lines for NACA0012 (ref. 13).

    based on previous experimental measurements made inthis facility (ref. 4). The effect of these corrections isshown in figure 11. These corrections are quite smalland, although the uncorrected lift data show slightly betteragreement with equation (1), the difference appearswithin the data scatter. The corrected data published inreference 4 are used for the evaluations in this report.

    Experiment 4 (NRC 12- by 12-Inch Icing WindTunnel)

    Both the SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils weretested in Canada’s National Research Council (NRC)12- by 12-Inch Icing Wind Tunnel, which is located atthe NRC wind tunnel complex outside of Ottawa (ref. 5).The data report is restricted by NASA to U.S.Government agencies and their contractors. The basicproperties of the test are shown in figure 12.

    The NRC Icing Tunnel was designed to providetest data under icing conditions, and most of the data inreference 5 are for various cases of icing on the airfoils.In the present report, only baseline data obtained in ice-free conditions are examined. The NCR Icing Tunnel isa closed-return wind tunnel, and data were obtained forMach numbers up to about 0.7. The associated Reynoldsnumber tested is equivalent to model scale rather than fullscale. The side walls for this tunnel are solid, but basedon testing in the Ohio State University wind tunnel(ref. 4), the floor and ceiling were modified to provide10-percent porosity and the floor and ceiling plenumswere connected in the same manner as for reference 4.

    The testing reported in reference 5 wasaccomplished in three phases. The data in phases 1 and 3were obtained in the NRC tunnel, whereas the data inphase 2 were obtained in the OSU Transonic Wind Tunneland, in this sense, duplicate data to that obtained inreference 4. The examination in this report is limited todata obtained in phase 1 in the NRC Icing Tunnel. Notethat in reference 12, Totah evaluated the phase 2 data fromthe OSU test, rather than the data from the NRC tunnel.

    Forty pressure transducers were installed on theairfoil upper and lower surfaces, and these pressures wereintegrated to provide the section lift and pitching moment.A wake survey rig was used to measure the total pressuredeficit behind the airfoil and thereby provide an estimateof airfoil drag. No boundary layer trip was used for thesetests. The data obtained on the SC1094 R8 airfoil werereferenced to the actual chordline of that airfoil rather thanthe SC1095 airfoil’s chordline. Therefore, no correctionshave been made to the measurements. Turbulence levels

  • 16

    Figure 12. Test conditions for experiment 4; NRC (Canada) 12- by 12-Inch Icing Wind Tunnel (ref. 5).

    were measured in the NRC wind tunnel and ranged from1.6 to 2.0 percent. These levels are approximately 4 timeshigher than the turbulence levels measured in the OSUtunnel. No wall corrections were made to angle of attackor the measured coefficient data.

    Experiment 5 (NSRDC 7- by 10-Foot TransonicWind Tunnel)

    The SC1095 airfoil section was tested in theNaval Ship Research and Development Center (NSRDC)7- by 10-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel in 1973 (ref. 6).The basic features of this test are illustrated in figure 13.There are no restrictions on these data.

    The NSRDC transonic tunnel is a pressurizedtunnel that can obtain Mach numbers as high as 1.17. Asindicated in figure 13, the maximum Mach number testedwas about 1.08, and this extends the range of Machnumber data available for this airfoil. The Reynoldsnumber for these tests varied between 1.5 and 2.0 million,which is equivalent to model scale. Limited data wereobtained at a Reynolds number just under 4.0 million, butthese data are not examined here. A tunnel spanning rigwas used for these tests; it was similar to the TSW ofreference 3. The wing section chord was identical to thereference 3 tests, and a center metric section, supportedon two balances, was used in the same fashion as for thetests in the UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel.

  • 17

    Figure 13. Test conditions for experiment 5; NSRDC 7- by 10-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 6).

    However, the span of the wing support was extended forthe NSRDC tests to allow the rig to extend through thetunnel side walls. A second change from reference 3 isthat the chordwise array of pressure transducers wasinstalled on the metric section at the tunnel centerline,instead of being offset from the center as in reference 3.Support struts were added to the tunnel spanning rig outof concern for the load capacity of the rig at high Machnumbers and angles of attack. Data with the struts wereobtained at eight Mach numbers, whereas data with thestruts off were obtained at four Mach numbers, and onlyone of these latter tests included wake-survey data. Nosignificant difference was observed for the data without

    the struts, and these data are not examined further in thepresent work.

    The metric section of the airfoil was supported bytwo balances as in reference 3, and these were used tomeasure the section lift, drag, and pitching moment. Thegap between the metric section and the rig was about0.050 in. wide and was sealed with a strip of 50 durometerneoprene. Eighteen pressure taps were on the uppersurface of the airfoil, and 9 were on the lower surface.These pressures were integrated to provide lift andpitching moment. Additional taps were located one chordto the left and right of the metric section to provide

  • 18

    Figure 14. Comparison of corrected and uncorrected datafor experiment 5. βClα and Clα reference lines for NACA0012 (ref. 13).

    information on the loading uniformity across the center ofthe rig span. No boundary layer trip was used for thesetests. The wake deficit was measured with a moving totalpressure probe that went from 1.1 chords above the airfoilmidplane to 0.5 chord below the midplane in about 8seconds.

    The top and bottom walls of the NSRDC windtunnel are slotted, and they had an effective porosity of12.5 percent for these tests. The model blockage wasabout 2.3 percent, which is quite low, and it wasestimated that the lift, drag, and pitching momentcoefficient data errors were less than 1 percent,0.5 percent, and 4 percent, respectively. Suitable angle-of-attack wall corrections have not been established forthis tunnel, so these data were not corrected. However, itwas noted that porosity can have a substantial influenceon the actual angle of attack and, based on reference 20,an angle-of-attack correction was suggested

    ∆α δ δ= +


    0 1









    h MC Cl l m (9)

    where δ0 = –0.1 and δ1 = 0.055 for 12.5-percent porosity.The effect of this correction is examined in figure 14; it isobserved that the angle-of-attack correction is quite large

    ∆α = −1 04. Clu (10)

    The lift-curve slope for the uncorrected data is well outsideof the group 2 boundaries, as shown in figure 14, butwith the angle-of-attack correction, the data fall within thebounds. Based on this improvement, the experiment 5angle-of-attack data have been corrected beforecomparing these results with the other experiments.

    Experiment 6 (NASA Langley 6- by 28-InchTransonic Wind Tunnel)

    The SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils were bothtested in the NASA Langley 6- by 28-Inch TransonicWind Tunnel (ref. 7). The data obtained are unrestricted.The basic features of the test are illustrated in figure 15.

    The Langley 6- by 28-Inch Transonic WindTunnel is a blowdown tunnel with a slotted floor andceiling and variable stagnation pressure. The tunnelstagnation pressure was chosen to provide two sets ofReynolds number data, one valid for full scale and theother for model scale. Testing was accomplished at Machnumbers up to 0.88.

  • 19

    Figure 15. Test conditions for experiment 6; NASA Langley 6- by 28-Inch Transonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 7).

    The basic SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoilsections were modified by adding a trailing-edge tab0.03c long. The increased chord reduced the airfoilthickness ratio from 9.5 to 9.1 percent for the SC1095 andfrom 9.4 to 9.0 percent for the SC1094 R8. The tabs werereflexed by –3 deg to reduce the pitching moment. Thisconfiguration is similar to the way these airfoils are usedon the S–76 helicopter, but differs from how the airfoilsare employed on the UH–60A.

    Approximately 22 pressure orifices were used onboth the upper and lower surfaces of both airfoils. Thepressures were integrated to provide the lift and pitching

    moment coefficients. The drag coefficient was determinedby a wake survey rig. No boundary layer trip was used.

    No corrections were made to the lift, drag, andpitching moment data. However, the angle of attack wascorrected by

    ∆α = −0 6296. Cn (11)

    Figure 16 shows the corrected data of reference 7 plusuncorrected data that have been calculated by removing theangle-of-attack correction based on equation (11). Onlythe high Reynolds number results are shown in the figure.Based on comparisons with McCroskey’s expression,

  • 20

    Figure 16. Comparison of corrected and uncorrected datafor experiment 6; high Reynolds number data. βClα andClα reference lines for NACA 0012 (ref. 13).

    equation (1), the angle-of-attack correction provides moreaccurate results. All comparisons used in this report arebased on the corrected data as published in reference 7.However, the SC1094 R8 data in reference 7 werereferred to the SC1095 mean chordline instead of theactual chordline and the angle-of-attack data have beenadjusted by –1 deg so that they are referenced to theactual chordline of this airfoil.

    The use of the reflexed tab on the two airfoilswill influence some of the airfoil properties.Conventional wisdom (ref. 21) holds that:

    1) a reflexed tab will reduce camber and hence Clmax,2) the angle of attack at zero lift, α0, will be reducedwith reflex,3) there is a rearward shift in aerodynamic center,4) the center of pressure and, hence, pitching momentis significantly changed, and5) for reflex angles less than 3 deg, there is no effecton drag.

    Reference 21 includes measured airfoil propertiesfor four airfoils that were tested with and without adeflected or reflexed tab (see table 6). These data havebeen used to evaluate the influence of the tab on the lift-curve slope, βClα , and drag, Cd0, i.e., the two keyparameters used by McCroskey as the basis for hisassessment. All differences between the two tab positionsfor these airfoil pairs were within the data scatter and, inthis restricted sense, there is no effect of a reflexed tab onthese primary parameters. However, as noted previously,other airfoil properties are influenced by tab reflex, andthey require correction before these data can be comparedwith the other datasets. The three properties that requirecorrection for tab reflex are the maximum lift coefficient,the angle of attack at zero lift, and the pitching moment.Figure 17 shows the derivatives calculated for these threecharacteristics, based on the data summarized in reference21. The derivatives are shown as a function of tab length.

    Table 6. Deflected tab airfoil tests reported inreference 21.

    Airfoil Tab Tab deflection,length deg

    Reference ReflexNACA 0012 0.037c 0.0 –3.0V23010-1.58 0.040c 0.0 –3.0VR-7 0.050c 0.0 –3.1VR-7 0.050c 0.0 –5.9V43012-1.58 0.100c 0.0 –6.0

  • 21

    Figure 17. Corrections for tabs, based on airfoil test data(ref. 21). a) maximum lift coefficient as affected by tabdeflection; b) zero-lift angle of attack as affected by tabdeflection; c) pitching moment coefficient as affected bytab deflection.

    The derivative shown in figure 17a, the change inmaximum lift coefficient with tab deflection, shows thatClmax increases with positive deflections and decreases withnegative deflections. It appears that this effect is slightlyincreased for shorter tabs. The tab length for experiment 6is 0.029c, and the correction used here is




    max .δ

    = 0 02 (12)

    This correction is used for Mach numbers up to 0.6, andthen is linearly decreased to 0 at M = 0.75, because thedata do not indicate an effect of tab reflex at higher Machnumbers. The correction for the angle of attack at 0 lift,shown in figure 17b, appears to be slightly dependent onthe tab length. The selected value of this derivative is


    d tab


    0 0 235= − . (13)

    and is used for all Mach numbers. Finally, the correctionof the pitching moment in figure 17c appears to beindependent of the tab length. Three of the four airfoilsare 12-percent thick, and the effect of the tab appears tobe slightly greater for these airfoils. Because the SC1095and SC1094 R8 sections are less than 10-percent thick, aderivative value closer to the V23010–1.58 is used



    tabδ= −0 005. (14)

    This correction is used for all Mach numbers.

    The addition of the tab to the SC1095 andSC1094 R8 airfoils tested in reference 7 increases theairfoil length and reduces the thickness ratio, as notedpreviously. No attempt has been made to correct for thereduced thickness ratio in using these data.

    Experiment 7 (NASA Ames 2- by 2-Foot TransonicWind Tunnel)

    The SC1095 airfoil section was tested in theNASA Ames 2- by 2-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel in1985 (ref. 8). The basic features of this test are illustratedin figure 18. There are no restrictions on these data.

    The 2- by 2-foot transonic tunnel, nowdecommissioned, was a pressurized, ventilated wind tunnelwith a Mach number range from about 0.2 to 1.4. Forthe Experiment 7 tests the Mach number was varied up to0.88 with Reynolds numbers between 2 and 4 million.

    The airfoil model was made of stainless steel; 24pressure orifices were drilled in the upper surface and

  • 22

    Figure 18. Test conditions for experiment 7; NASA Ames 2- by 2-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 8).

    22 on the lower surface. Airfoil lift and pitching momentwere obtained by integrating the measured pressures. Awake-survey rake was used to determine the airfoil drag.No boundary layer trip was used.

    Under normal operation, the floor and ceiling ofthe 2- by 2-foot tunnel are ventilated to a commonplenum. The porosity for this test was set at 21 percent*.No corrections were made to the lift, drag, or pitchingmoment coefficient data. An angle-of-attack correctionwas applied as a function of Mach number

    * Raymond M. Hicks and James A. Laub, personalcommunications.

    ∆α δ=


    hCl (15)

    where δ = 5.4 at M = 0.2, increasing to 13.1 at M = 0.83in a nonlinear manner (see ref. 8). Figure 19 comparescorrected and uncorrected data for this experiment. Theangle-of-attack corrections shown in figure 19a are quitelarge at higher lift coefficients. In addition, unlike otherventilated tunnels, the slope of the angle-of-attackcorrection varies with Mach number. The effect of theselarge corrections results in excessive lift-curve slopes thatare clearly erroneous whether shown as a function ofReynolds number or Mach number. Totah (ref. 12)concluded that the corrected data were unsuitable, and didnot include them in his comparison. An examination of

  • 23

    Figure 19. – Comparison of corrected and uncorrecteddata for Experiment 7. βClα and Clα reference lines forNACA 0012 (ref. 13).

    the uncorrected data, however, suggests that they shouldbe retained for the comparisons shown later in this report.Note, however, that the uncorrected data are outside ofMcCroskey’s group 2 bounds. In subsequent comparisonsshown here only the uncorrected data from experiment 7are used.

    Experiment 8 (NASA Ames 11- by 11-FootTransonic Wind Tunnel)

    SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils were tested inthe NASA Ames 11- by 11-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnelin 1982 using Sikorsky’s Tunnel Spanning Apparatus(TSA) (ref. 9). The data obtained in this test areunrestricted. The basic features of the test are illustratedin figure 20.

    The NASA Ames 11- by 11-Foot TransonicWind Tunnel is a closed-return, variable-density windtunnel that is capable of testing at Mach numbers up to1.4. Normally, the four walls are ventilated, resulting ina porosity of 6.1 percent. However, for this test the sidewalls in the vicinity of the airfoil were taped, reducing theporosity to 4.7 percent. The Mach numbers tested rangedfrom 0.31 to 1.07, and the Reynolds numbers from 4 to6 million.

    The TSA was installed in the 11- by 11-foottunnel in a vertical orientation. Two struts were used toprovide partial support. A metric center section was usedto measure lift, drag, and moment in a manner similar tothe testing described in references 3 and 6. Airfoilpressure measurements were made 6 in. above the tunnelcenterline using 24 upper-surface and 11 lower-surfaceorifices. The measured pressures were integrated toprovide airfoil lift, chord force, and pitching moment.The drag was measured with a wake-survey rake.

    Wind tunnel wall corrections were applied basedon reference 19. Because the height-to-chord ratio is large,these corrections were small. In general, there was anincrease in Mach number of 1 percent, reductions in liftand drag coefficients of 1.5 percent, and small changes topitching moment and angle of attack. The angle of attackwas increased by about 2 percent to account for torsionaldeflection of the TSA. No angle-of-attack correctionsbased on the porosity were applied to these data. Anexamination of the SC1094 R8 data show that the meanchordline of the SC1095 was used as the reference line forangle of attack. Therefore, the angles of attack for thisairfoil were all changed by –1 deg to allow consistentcomparisons for the SC1094 R8 data in this report.

  • 24

    Figure 20. Test conditions for experiment 8; TSA in the NASA Ames 11- by 11-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 9).

    Experiment 9 (NASA Ames 7- by 10-Foot SubsonicWind Tunnel)

    The SC1095 airfoil was tested in the NASAAmes 7- by 10-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel as a part ofthe basic investigation of dynamic stall using 8 differentairfoils (ref. 10). There are no restrictions on the dataobtained. This test is described in figure 21.

    The NASA Ames 7- by 10-Foot Subsonic WindTunnel is a closed-return tunnel with solid walls. Themaximum Mach number that can be obtained in this

    tunnel is about 0.30. The SC1095 airfoil was mounted ina vertical orientation for these tests.

    Surface pressures were measured on this airfoilusing 16 absolute-pressure transducers on the uppersurface and 10 on the lower surface. These pressureswere integrated to provide airfoil normal and chord forcesand the pitching moment. A wake survey was made toprovide an accurate measurement of drag, but only for aMach number of 0.30. No wind tunnel wall correctionswere made to these data.

  • 25

    Figure 21. Test conditions for experiment 9; NASA Ames 7- by 10-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 10).

    Experiment 10 (Glenn L. Martin 8- by 11-FootSubsonic Wind Tunnel)

    The SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils were testedin the Glenn L. Martin 8- by 11-Foot Subsonic WindTunnel at the University of Maryland (ref. 11). Theprimary purpose of this test was to determine the effectsof battle damage on airfoil-section properties. Reference11 provides a description of the experiment and somerepresentative results, but the full data have not beenpublished. The general features of the test are illustratedin figure 22.

    The Glenn L. Martin 8- by 11-Foot SubsonicWind Tunnel is a closed-return subsonic wind tunnel withsolid walls. Airfoil testing in the facility wasaccomplished with a two-dimensional insert that spannedthe tunnel vertical dimension and was 2 ft wide. Themaximum Mach number range tested was 0.08 to 0.24and the Reynolds number range was 1 to 3 million.Because actual airfoils were used in these tests, theReynolds number was equivalent to full scale.

    A section of a rotor blade was installed on a6-component balance within the two-dimensional insert.

  • 26

    Figure 22. Test conditions for experiment 10; Glenn L. Martin 8- by 11-Foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel (ref. 11).

    Lift, drag, and pitching moment were determined from thebalance measurements, but no wake survey results wereobtained. Because an actual section of the rotor blade wasused, there is residual twist of about 1.2 deg over the spanof the model. No wind tunnel corrections were applied tothe data. The reference chordline used in testing theSC1094 R8 airfoil was the SC1095 chordline. Thus, theangle-of-attack data for this airfoil have been shifted by–1 deg to allow comparison with the other SC1094 R8data in this report.


    Lift-Curve Slope

    McCroskey’s primary approach to the evaluationof experimental airfoil data was to examine the lift-curveslope, βClα, and the zero-lift drag coefficient, Cd0, as afunction of Reynolds number (ref. 13). In thecomparisons shown here, the lift-curve slope has beenestimated by fitting a straight line to the lift coefficient asa function of angle of attack for four to six test points

  • 27

    Figure 23. Lift-curve slope at zero lift as a function ofReynolds number; all experimental datasets, M < 0.55.a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil. βClα referencelines for NACA 0012 (ref. 13).

    around zero lift. Except at the highest Mach numbers,this method shows little scatter in the calculated lift-curveslope.

    Figure 23 shows the βClα from the 10experiments as a function of Reynolds number. Alsoshown on this figure is McCroskey’s best fit of the NACA0012 data, along with his group 2 bounds and the classicalresult of 2π. Experiments 4 and 7 show scatter thatexceeds ±0.008 βClα, twice the group 2 bounds. Thislevel of scatter suggests that these data are nottrustworthy, that is, they belong in group 5. Theremaining datasets show acceptable scatter, but some arebiased either high or low. The experiment 9 data for the

    SC1095 are about 10-percent high compared to the NACA0012 fit. McCroskey and his colleagues (ref. 10) havenoted that the lift-curve slope and Clmax were too high inexperiment 9, and they were unable to establish a suitablecause for the discrepancy. Many of the datasets show alift-curve slope that is too low; these include experiments 1and 8. In the latter case, the reduced lift-curve slope iscaused by tunnel porosity (ref. 9). By comparing withairfoil data from the UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel,Flemming has estimated that the lift-curve slope in thisexperiment is 8 to 17 percent below the actual value(ref. 9).

    The data from experiments 2, 3, 5, 6, and 10 lieapproximately within the group 2 boundaries based onMcCroskey’s fit of the NACA 0012 data.

    Figure 24 shows the airfoil lift-curve slope as afunction of Mach number. Below M = 0.55, equation (1),based on a fit of the NACA 0012 data, is shown as a solidline. Above M = 0.60, dashed lines are used to indicate theboundaries of the NACA 0012 data as shown byMcCroskey (ref. 13). The SC1095 and SC1094 R8experimental data of group 2 quality, based on figure 23,appear to show some departures from the NACA 0012boundaries of reference 13 in the region from M = 0.55 toM = 1.15. Because the airfoil characteristics are nonlinearin this regime and are strongly influenced by thedevelopment of supercritical flow regions and shocks,differences from the NACA 0012 values are expected. Thesmall amount of data above M = 0.8, however, makes itdifficult to establish the nonlinear characteristics of theSC1095 or SC1094 R8 with confidence.

    Maximum Lift Coefficient

    For each of the experimental datasets, themaximum lift coefficient was estimated by fitting asecond-order polynomial to the lift coefficient as afunction of angle of attack in the vicinity of themaximum measured lift. This approach provides a goodestimate of Clmax for M < 0.55. However, above M =0.55, there is generally no peak in the curve for liftcoefficient as a function of angle of attack, and the valuesshown here are the lift coefficients at the highest angle ofattack that was tested and are, therefore, arbitrary.

    The maximum lift coefficients for the SC1095and SC1094 R8 are shown in figure 25 as a function ofMach number. The Clmax of the SC1095 is about 1.4 to1.5 at low Mach numbers and then decreases withincreasing Mach number as expected. As noted before,

  • 28

    Figure 24. Lift-curve slope at zero lift as a function of Machnumber; all experimental datasets. a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil. Clα reference lines for NACA 0012(ref. 13).

    the experiment 9 lift coefficients are known to be too highand are not appropriate for estimating the Clmax behavior.Only limited data were obtained for the SC1094 R8 airfoilat low Mach numbers, and these suggest a Clmax between1.5 and 1.8.

    The Clmax values at M = 0.4 are shown in tables7 and 8 for the SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils,respectively. In those cases where data were not obtainedat M = 0.4, the Clmax has been calculated by linearinterpolation from data at M = 0.3 and M = 0.5.

    Figure 25. Maximum lift coefficient as a function of Machnumber; all experimental datasets. a) SC1095 airfoil;b) SC1094 R8 airfoil. Clmax undefined beyond M ≈ 0.55.

    The variation in Clmax shown in tables 7 and 8 islarge. As noted in the discussion of the lift-curve slope, thedata scatter from experiments 4 and 7 is excessive and, onthis basis, it is appropriate to exclude these data. The meanClmax for the SC1095 airfoil from table 7 is 1.19 with astandard deviation of 0.07. The mean Clmax for the SC1094R8 airfoil is 1.30 with a standard deviation of 0.13.

    The angle of attack at the maximum liftcoefficient is shown in figure 26. This angle is definedonly for M < 0.55, but even for these conditions

  • 29

    Table 7. Maximum lift coefficient of SC1095 airfoil atM = 0.4.

    Experiment Clmax1 1.292 (integration) 1.232 (balance) 1.193 1.214 1.375 (integration) 1.116 (high Re) a 1.106 (low Re)a 1.117 1.278 (integration) 1.25

    Mean b 1.19Standard deviation b 0.07

    a 0.06 added for –3-deg reflexed tab. b Experiments 4 and 7 excluded.

    Table 8. Maximum lift coefficient of SC1094 R8 airfoil atM = 0.4.

    Experiment Clmax3 1.404 1.256 (high Re) a 1.346 (low Re) a 1.118 (integration) 1.35

    mean b 1.30Standard deviation b 0.13

    a 0.06 added for –3-deg reflexed tab. b Experiment 4 excluded.

    considerable differences are seen between the experimentsand, in some cases, within the experiments.

    Zero-Lift Conditions

    The lift coefficient at zero angle of attack isgreater than zero for airfoils with positive camber, whereasthe angle of attack for zero lift is less than zero. Thesetwo measures of airfoil lift for nominal zero-liftconditions are equivalent, that is,



    0 0= −

    αα (16)

    For comparison purposes it is preferable to examine themeasured angle of attack for zero lift, α0, rather than the

    Figure 26. Angle of attack at maximum lift coefficient as afunction of Mach number; all experimental datasets.a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil. αmax undefinedbeyond M ≈ 0.55.

    lift coefficient at zero angle of attack, Cl0, because thelatter parameter is affected by lift-curve-slope changes withMach number. The experimental data for angle of attackat zero lift are compared in figure 27.

    The angles of attack for zero lift for the SC1095airfoil range from about –0.1 to –1.0 deg. For theSC1094 R8 airfoil, excluding the experiment 4 data, therange of the angles is from –1.4 to –1.7 deg. To asubstantial degree the measurement of the angle of attackat zero lift is independent of aerodynamic loading and

  • 30

    Figure 27. Angle of attack for zero lift coefficient as afunction of Mach number; all experimental datasets.a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    corrections for wall effects, at least within the regime oflinear transonic aerodynamics. Rather, deviations in thismeasurement are evidence of bias errors in measuring theangle of attack or rigging errors. The SC1094 R8 data areseen to group quite closely (excepting experiment 4), butthe SC1095 data show much more variation and thecorrect value is unclear.

    Drag Coefficient

    The drag coefficient at zero lift, Cd0, is anappropriate representation of the basic drag for asymmetrical airfoil section. However, for camberedsections, the minimum drag coefficient, Cdmin, may be amore appropriate measure. The difference between thesetwo representations is illustrated in figure 28, whichcompares the lift-drag polars for the SC1095 and SC1094R8 airfoils at two Mach numbers. At lower Machnumbers, for instance at M = 0.48, the differences betweenCd0 and Cdmin are small. For the SC1095, the twocoefficients are identical. For the SC1094 R8, the zero-lift drag coefficient is slightly greater than the minimumdrag coefficient, 0.0085 compared to 0.0078. As theMach number increases, however, the drag bucket narrowsand significant differences develop between Cd0 and Cdminfor the more highly cambered SC1094 R8. As seen infigure 28 at M = 0.69, Cdmin is considerably less thanCd0, 0.0079 compared to 0.0119. The differences betweenthese two coefficients becomes particularly important indetermining the drag divergence Mach number, asdiscussed later in this document.

    The drag coefficient at zero lift is shown infigure 29 as a function of Reynolds number for the twoairfoils. The drag coefficients of the SC1095 and SC1094R8 airfoils are not expected to be the same as the NACA0012 drag coefficients, so the expressions used byMcCroskey for that airfoil, equations (2) and (3), are notdirectly applicable. However, his group 2 bounds, basedon the NACA 0012 data, do provide a means ofidentifying poorer-quality data, and these bounds areincluded in figure 29.

    The zero-lift drag data in figure 29 were fit with

    Cd0 0 080 026= .Re .


    for the SC1095 airfoil and

    Cd0 0 20 17= .Re .


    for the SC1094 R8 airfoil. The general form of thisfunction follows Keys et al. (ref. 22).

    The SC1095 data shown in figure 29 generallylie between McCroskey’s tripped and untripped equationsfor the NACA 0012. The drag data shown in figure 29were obtained without using a boundary layer trip. Theonly test that also obtained tripped data was experiment 3.In that test, the difference between the tripped anduntripped data for the SC1095 was about half that foundfor the NACA 0012.

  • 31

    Figure 28. Comparison of SC1095 and SC1094 R8 lift-drag polars at two Mach numbers. Data from experiment6 for high Reynolds number (reference 7).

    The minimum drag-coefficient data as a functionof Reynolds number are shown in figure 30 for the twoairfoil sections. As for the zero-lift drag-coefficient data, abest fit of Cdmin with Reynolds number was determinedusing the approach of Keys et al. (ref. 22). The fit for theSC1095 is

    Cdmin ..

    Re= 0 0340 1 (19)

    and for the SC1094 R8 is

    Cdmin ..

    Re= 0 0370 1 (20)

    A comparison of figures 29 and 30 shows little differencebetween Cd0 and Cdmin for the SC1095 airfoil. However,Cd0 shows a greater dependence on Reynolds number thanCdmin for the SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    Figure 29. Drag coefficient at zero lift coefficient as afunction of Reynolds number; all experimental datasets,M < 0 .6. a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    The drag coefficient at zero lift is shown as afunction of Mach number in figure 31. There is fairlygood agreement between the various experiments for theSC1095 if the experiment 4 data are excluded. BelowM = 0.70, there is a small reduction in Cd0 as Machnumber increases; this is a result of the increasingReynolds number (see equation (17)). In the case of theSC1094 R8 airfoil, greater scatter is seen, partly becauseboth the low and high Reynolds number datasets fromexperiment 6 are included.

    The minimum drag coefficient, Cdmin, is shownas a function of Mach number in figure 32. Little

  • 32

    Figure 30. Minimum drag coefficient as a function ofReynolds number; all experimental datasets, M

  • 33

    Figure 32. Minimum drag coefficient as a function of Machnumber; all experimental datasets. a) SC1095 airfoil;b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    Table 9. SC1095 airfoil drag-divergence Mach number.

    Experiment Published Mdd Analyzed Mdd3 – 0.7986 (high Re) 0.816 0.8256 (low Re) 0.821 0.8417 0.800 0.7858 0.800 0.819

    Mean 0.809 0.814Standard deviation 0.011 0.022

    Figure 33. Drag coefficient at zero lift with mean valueremoved as a function of Mach number; all experimentaldatasets; mean computed for M < 0 .7. a) SC1095 airfoil;b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    Table 10. SC1094 R8 airfoil drag-divergence Machnumber.

    Experiment Published Mdd Analyzed Mdd3 0.780 0.8206 (high Re) 0.782 0.7846 (low Re) 0.801 0.7988 0.780 0.788

    Mean 0.786 0.798Standard deviation 0.010 0.016

  • 34

    Figure 34. Minimum drag coefficient with mean valueremoved as a function of Mach number; all experimentaldatasets, mean computed for M < 0 .7. a) SC1095 airfoil;b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    as well as a re-analysis of the data for this study. Notethat the divergence Mach number was not estimated inexperiments 1 and 2 because the test Mach number rangewas below the drag-divergence Mach number.

    The drag-coefficient behavior at high Machnumber, after the drag rise, is shown in figure 35 for thetwo airfoils. The dashed lines show the estimatedboundaries at high Mach number for the NACA 0012(ref. 13). From the limited data at higher Mach numbersin this figure it appears that the drag for the SC1095airfoil is slightly lower than the drag of the NACA 0012in the transonic regime. This appears reasonable becausethe SC1095 section is 9.5-percent thick compared to the12-percent thickness of the NACA 0012.

    Figure 35. Drag coefficient at zero lift coefficient as afunction of Mach number for expanded drag scale; allexperimental datasets. a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8airfoil. Cd0 reference lines for NACA 0012 (ref. 13).

    Lift-to-Drag Ratio

    The airfoil maximum L /D is independent of theangle of attack and, therefore, is not dependent upon angle-of-attack corrections (or the lack thereof). However, themaximum L /D will depend upon solid wall corrections, asused for experiment 1 but, as shown previously, these arequite small. The maximum L /D tends to increase withReynolds number; this dependence is illustrated in figure36 using test conditions with M < 0.5. The dashed linesshow approximate boundaries that were determined for theNACA 0012 (ref. 13). The drag data in experiment 10were obtained with a balance and are considered lessaccurate than data from the other experiments, which useda wake survey to determine the drag. The gradient of

  • 35

    Figure 36. Maximum L/D as a function of Reynoldsnumber; all datasets; a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8airfoil. Dashed lines show boundaries for NACA 0012airfoil (ref. 13).

    maximum L /D with Reynolds number for the SC1095appears slightly less than that determined for the NACA0012. The gradient for the SC1094 R8 is similar to theNACA 0012 value.

    The maximum L /D is shown as a function ofMach number in figure 37 for the SC1095 and SC1094R8 airfoils. Only test data for Reynolds numbers over 2million are shown in the figure. At lower Mach numbers,from 0.3 to 0.5, the maximum L /D determined in these

    Figure 37. Maximum L/D as a function of Mach number;a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    tests ranges from 71 to 104 (mean of 84) for the SC1095airfoil. Comparable maximum L /Ds for the SC1094 R8vary from 85 to 115 (mean of 101). Above M = 0.5, themaximum L /Ds of the two airfoils are nearly identical.

    The angles of attack associated with themaximum L /D for the two airfoils are shown as functionsof Mach number in figure 38. The angles of attack arebetween 9 and 10 deg at low Mach numbers, and they dropmonotonically to values of 1 or 2 deg as Mach numberincreases to 0.8. The similarity between the angle-of-attack variation for best L /D, as shown in figure 38, andthe calculated angles of attack in level flight, shown infigure 6, is striking.

  • 36

    Figure 38. Angle of attack for maximum L/D as a functionof Mach number. a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094 R8 airfoil.

    Pitching Moment Coefficient

    The effect of the positive camber on these airfoilsis to shift the pitching moment at zero lift, Cm0, tonegative values. The zero-lift pitching momentcoefficients of the SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils areshown in figure 39. The data from experiment 6 havebeen shifted by –0.015 to account for the –3-deg trailingedge tab. The SC1095 zero-lift pitching momentcoefficient varies between –0.015 and –0.020 for Machnumbers below 0.7, and then becomes progressively morenegative as Mach number is increased. More scatter isseen in the pitching moment coefficient for the SC1094R8 airfoil and, at lower Mach numbers, values range from–0.020 to –0.035. The increased camber of this airfoilhas a greater effect on the coefficient in the nonlineartransonic regime, and by M = 0.8, the coefficient is–0.040 to –0.050.

    The section aerodynamic center is related to theslope of the pitching moment coefficient at zero lift,

    Figure 39. Pitching moment coefficient at zero lift as afunction of Mach number. a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094R8 airfoil.

    dCm / dα or Cmα,










    = −

    0 25. α


    As shown in figure 40, Cmα is close to zero at lowerMach numbers, but near the pitching moment break,between M = 0.7 and M = 0.8, the slope becomes stronglynegative and the aerodynamic center moves aft. Generallygood agreement is seen between the various datasets;however, the actual pitching moment break, as

  • 37

    Figure 40. Pitching moment curve slope at zero lift as afunction of Mach number. a) SC1095 airfoil; b) SC1094R8 airfoil.

    indicated by a value of 0, varies between the variousexperiments by 0.08 in Mach number.


    Figure 41 shows the test boundaries for the tensets of experimental data examined here. Where test datawere obtained on both the SC1094 R8 and SC1095airfoils, the boundaries are shown with a dashed line andopen circles (except for experiment 10, where the twoairfoil test boundaries are identical). The drag-divergenceMach number for the SC1095 is included in figure 41 as amarker for the compressible drag rise regime.

    McCroskey’s assessment of experimental data forthe NACA 0012 airfoil provides a useful framework for theexamination of the SC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils.However, where McCroskey had experimental data frommore than 40 wind tunnels for his assessment, only 10

    experimental datasets are available for the SC1095 airfoil(5 for the SC1094 R8 airfoil). The results of the dataassessment performed here, therefore, are necessarily moretentative, and the use of McCroskey’s hierarchy of“groups” is not considered feasible.

    Experiment 1. Only the SC1095 airfoil section wastested during this experiment. The Reynolds numberstested were appropriate, but the highest Mach numbertested, 0.76, does not allow a clear identification of dragcharacteristics in high-speed flight. The lift-curve slope,βClα, compared to that for the NACA 0012, is lower thanthe group 2 boundary and is probably unsatisfactory forthe calculation of lift. The measured drag is well withinthe grouping showed by the other datasets and appearssatisfactory. However, the highest Mach number testedwas too low to clearly define divergence Mach number anddrag rise characteristics. The best L /D at lower Machnumbers appears on the high side as compared to the otherdatasets. The zero-lift pitching moment obtained is at thelower boundary of the scatter for all tests. In general, thisset of data appears to have limited utility.

    Experiment 2. As in experiment 1, only the SC1095airfoil section was tested. The Reynolds numbers testedwere appropriate, but the highest Mach number tested,0.75, does not allow a clear identification of dragcharacteristics in high-speed flight. Lift and pitchingmoment were obtained from pressure integration and froma metric section, and both types of measurements havebeen examined here. In terms of the lift-curve slope, thevalue from integration is slightly high, while the balancevalue agrees with the NACA 0012 reference. The zero-liftdrag-coefficient data, based on a wake survey, agree wellwith other datasets and appear trustworthy. As withexperiment 1, M = 0.75 was the highest Mach numbertested, and the drag rise is not captured in the data. Thebest L /D data show good agreement with other datasetsand appear satisfactory. Comparison of the pressure-integrated and balance values for Cm0 and Cmα showsomething of a split between the two measurements, andthis ambiguity is difficult to resolve. The basic pitchingmoment behavior, however, appears to be captured withboth measurements. These data are considered useful forMach numbers below 0.75.

    Experiment 3. This experiment obtained data for theSC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils over an appropriate rangeof Reynolds and Mach numbers. The measured lift-curveslope for the SC1095 shows good agreement with theNACA 0012 reference line. Data obtained at higher Machnumbers show the increasing lift-curve slope in the regionof nonlinear transonic flow, and there is general agreementwith the other datasets. The angle of attack for zero

  • 38

    Figure 41. Comparison of angle of attack-Mach number test boundaries for ten experiments. SC1095 and SC1094 R8airfoils tested for identical conditions in experiment 10. Drag-divergence Mach number indicator is for SC1095.

    lift, α0, is at the upper edge of the scatter band comparedto the other datasets. The zero-lift drag-coefficient dataappear to match the other datasets. The Mach numberrange tested provides a good definition of the divergenceMach number and the associated drag rise. The estimateof Mdd is on the low side of estimates from the other

    datasets but is within the scatter band. For M < 0.55, theL /D for this experiment is grouped with the experiments 1and 8 data and is on the high side. At higher Machnumbers, good agreement is obtained with the otherdatasets. The pitching moment coefficient at zero lift ismore positive than obtained by the other experiments,

  • 39

    perhaps by 0.01, and this is a bit too high. If the Machnumber at the pitching moment break is defined by whenCmα is zero, then this occurs at about 0.77, which is on thehigh side compared to the other datasets.

    Although the subsonic lift-curve slope for theSC1095 showed good agreement with the NACA 0012reference line, the value for the SC1094 R8 is below thegroup 2 bounds for the NACA 0012 reference. At higherMach numbers, however, the lift-curve slope matchesresults from the other datasets. The angle of attack forzero lift, α0, for this airfoil shows very good agreementwith the other datasets. The zero-lift drag coefficient,Cd0, appears to be well outside the appropriate bounds forthe SC1094 R8 airfoil. However, if the comparison isbased on the minimum drag coefficient, Cdmin, then thesedata show good agreement with the other datasets. Thissuggests that a comparison of the lift-drag polar from thisexperiment with lift-drag polars from the other datasetswould show the drag rise at low and negative angles ofattack as occurring sooner for these tests. The drag-divergence Mach number estimated from these test dataagrees closely with estimates from the other datasets.Only three of the experiments obtained data for themaximum L /D for the SC1094 R8 airfoil. BelowM = 0.55, the data from this test and experiment 8generally show good agreement, while the experiment 6data are lower. The zero-lift moment measured on theSC1094 R8 airfoil is more negative than was observedwith any of the other datasets. Curiously, the oppositeeffect was seen for the SC1095 airfoil. The pitchingmoment break for the SC1094 R8 occurs at about M =0.77, just as with the SC1095. In general, both sets ofdata obtained in experiment 3 appear to be valuable fordefining the airfoil characteristics, although themeasurement of the zero-lift moment may not besatisfactory.

    Experiment 4. Data in experiment 4 were obtained onboth airfoils incidental to icing tests. The lift-curve slopemeasured on the SC1095 airfoil is slightly high andoutside the bounds of the NACA 0012 data. Moreimportantly, the measured drag coefficients are about40-percent higher than the coefficients from the otherdatasets, and these data are not suitable for general use.Similar differences are seen in the drag-coefficient datafor the SC1094 R8, and the lift-curve slope values aremuch too low. These data should not be used inevaluations of these airfoils for normal operatingconditions.

    Experiment 5. Only the SC1095 airfoil was tested inexperiment 5. Data were obtained at Reynolds numbersappropriate for model scale, but not for full scale. TheMach number range for testing extended to 1.08; only

    experiment 8 obtained data over a comparable range. Thedata in experiment 5 were published without corrections,although an angle-of-attack correction was discussed. Theassessment here has shown that the uncorrected data areunsatisfactory based on differences seen in the lift-curveslope. The correction for angle of attack discussed inreference 6 has been used for all the experiment 5 data, andthe conclusions here are based on these corrected data. Thelift-curve slope for these data lies on the lower group 2bound compared to the NACA 0012 reference. At higherMach numbers these data show rough agreement with theboundaries that have been delineated in the transonicregime for the NACA 0012. The angle of attack for zerolift, α0, shows good agreement with the other datasets andis roughly in the middle of the data scatter. The zero-liftdrag coefficient data show quite good agreement with theother datasets in terms of Reynolds number dependence.Data were obtained at only six Mach numbers between 0.6and 1.09, and this spacing is too coarse to allow areasonable prediction of the divergence Mach number.However, these data do provide drag data at high Machnumbers, which are of value. There are large differences inthe measured drag at high Mach numbers, compared to theexperiment 8 data, and these differences are not clearlyunderstood. The maximum L /D data from these testswere not evaluated because the Reynolds number wasconsidered too low. The zero-lift pitching moment showsgood agreement with the other datasets, generally fallingnear the center of the data scatter. The test Mach numberspacing appears to be too coarse to provide an adequatedescription of the pitching moment break. This datasetappears to be generally useful after angle-of-attackcorrections have been applied. However, the fairly coarsegradations in test Mach numbers probably require that thedataset be used in combination with other datasetsobtained on a finer grid.

    Experiment 6. Test data were obtained for both theSC1095 and SC1094 R8 airfoils in this experiment. Testdata were obtained at Mach numbers up to 0.88 and attwo different Reynolds numbers. Both airfoils weretested with a 0.03c tab with the angle set to –3 deg(reflexed). For this assessment it has been assumed thatthe effect of the tab length can be neglected, but the reflexof the tab will influence measured characteristics. Basedon an examination of numerous previous tests with andwithout reflexed tabs, corrections have been added toClmax (+0.06), the angle of attack at zero lift, α0 (–0.705),and the pitching moment, Cm0 (–0.015). No other airfoilcharacteristics have been modified.

    The SC1095 lift-curve slope shows goodagreement with the NACA 0012 reference case,particularly at low Reynolds numbers. At higher Machnumbers the data appear to be in the center of the data

  • 40

    scatter and provide an indication of the nonlinear break inlift-curve slope that occurs for M > 0.8.