Page 1: African Agenda 2063 Overview of the First Ten Year Implementation Plan The Africa We Want Presented By : SPPMERM/AUC Directorate of Strategic Policy Planning

African Agenda 2063

Overview of theFirst Ten Year

Implementation Plan

The Africa We Want

Presented By : SPPMERM/AUCDirectorate of Strategic Policy Planning - AUC

Page 2: African Agenda 2063 Overview of the First Ten Year Implementation Plan The Africa We Want Presented By : SPPMERM/AUC Directorate of Strategic Policy Planning

Outline of the Presentation

•Expectations•Validation Processes•The First Ten Year Implementation Plan•The Way Forward

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• General overview of agenda 2063• General appreciation of the First Ten Year Plan• Understanding of the nature, scope and structure of the Results Framework of the First Ten Year Plan• Laying foundation for the domestication of the 10-year plan

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1. Background: The Guiding Vision

•African Union Vision•“An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa,  driven by its own

citizens and representing a dynamic force in  International


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1. What is Agenda 2063?

“Agenda 2063 is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. It builds on, and seeks to accelerate the

implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for

growth and sustainable development. ”

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1. Why Agenda 2063?

A Changing Global and

African Context.

Building on the NEPAD


Strong and well functioning regional

institutions on which Agenda 2063 can stand


New investment opportunities and global interest in Africa that we

need to capitalize on

A more united and strong Africa today that requires a long

term strategy to move forward

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1. Overall Process and Approach

Stakeholder Consultations• Private Sector• Academics / Think Tanks• CSOs• Planning Experts • African Diaspora;• Youth • Women• Media • Web-based general public

at the continental level• Sector Ministries.• AU organs • RECs

Technical Process• Situational analysis, • Review of national

plans and continental frameworks,

• Trend analysis and scenario planning

• Other studies: finance, transformation, Blue economy, etc.

Popularization• Communication

strategy.• Creation /

maintenance of website for Agenda 2063;

• Bulletins / News Letters

• Radio, Press, and TV.• Social Media.

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3. The Aspirations

From the consultations, these are the seven aspirations what the African citizenry wanted to see under Agenda 2063.

1. A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development

2. An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideals of Pan- Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance

3. An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law

4. A peaceful and secure Africa5. An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values

and ethics6. An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of

African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children7. Africa as a strong, united, resilient and influential global player and


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3. Structure of the Agenda 2063

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3. Key Agenda 2063 Documents

Based on extensive consultations and detailed technical work, the following key Agenda 2063 Documents have been produced by the Commission in collaboration with NEPAD Planning and Coordination

Agency supported by UNECA and AfDB:

The Agenda 2063 Framework Document –Transformation Framework

The Agenda 2063 Popular Version

The First 10-Year Implementation Plan

Information on activities related to Agenda 2063 is available on all social media websites as well as links to the NEPAD website. Agenda 2063 documents can be obtained here: ,

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Validation Process• Drawing upon Agenda 2063 Framework Document• Drawing upon AU Assembly Decisions and existing initiatives at

continental and regional levels with plan period• Sector Experts meeting: six sectors• Director General’s Of Planning / Senior Planning Experts in

Government (Over 45 countries were present) – 96 participants• Ministers of Finance; Planning and Integration / Technical Staff (STC)• AU Policy Organs – Executive Council Ministerial Retreat on Agenda

2063 in June 2015 in Johannesburg• Adoption by the AU Summit in June 2015 in Johannesburg

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Outline of the First Ten Year Implementation Plan Document

• The Structure of First Ten Year Plan Document• Goals and Priority Areas for The First Ten Years • The Plan Framework• Making It Happen• Monitoring and Evaluation• Financing the Plan• Partnerships

Annexes 1-6• Policy Guidelines on Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation

• The First Ten Year Plan: Implementation Timeline• AU Agenda 2063 and African Common Position on Post 2015

Development Agenda: Commonality Profile• Profile of Flagship Projects/Programmes• Critical Success Factors, Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies• Funding Needs and Potential Sources of Funding

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1. Introduction: Covers the context, purpose and foundation and preparation process. It situates the plan within the context of Agenda 2063 and highlights its foundations as the AU Vision, The AU 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration and the Seven African Aspirations with the purpose for its preparation as to providing a common results framework for Africa’s socio-economic transformation within the first ten years of the 50 year horizon.

2. Goals and Priority Areas: Looks at the current development situation in the seven aspirational areas and provides the selection criteria for Goals and Priority Areas which form the basis for the plan framework; lastly it provides a snap shot of Africa in 2023 when all the set goals and targets have been attained.

3. Plan Framework: It outlines for each of the 7 aspirations - the goals, the priority areas for each goal, the target(s) for 2023 (national, regional and continental) , the indicative strategies and key process actions/ milestones towards 2023 on continental frameworks as PIDA, CAADP etc

Structure of the First Ten Year Plan Document

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4.Implementation Plan: It presents the principles (eg diversity, subsidiarity, inclusiveness, results orientation, leveraging of existing institutions) which will guide all stakeholders in the implementation of the Ten Year Plan, the key stakeholders – national/sub-national, RECs and AUC, PAP, ECA, AfDB etc are identified and their roles indicated; timelines, policy guidelines for execution of key implementation activities and issues related to capacity and communication are presented

5. Monitoring and Evaluation: It outlines the rationale for an M&E, structure of results framework, policy guidelines on M&E and knowledge and experience sharing required for the successful execution of the ten year plan

6.Financing: It identifies the financing need of the the First Ten Years together with the facilitative measures that will ensure finds availability; it also presents the implementation arrangements which will ensure funds availability

7. Partnerships: It outlines the recommendations on partnerships with respect to having an AU common position on partnerships, measures to maximize Africa’s benefits from partnerships, deepening of transformative benefits from partnerships

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Structure of the Results Framework

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Aspiration (1) Goals Priority AreasProsperous Africa, based on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being for all Citizens

Incomes and Jobs Poverty and

Hunger Social Security

and protection, including Persons with Disabilities

Modern, Affordable and Livable Habitats and Quality Basic Services

Well Educated Citizens and Skills Revolution underpinned by Science, Technology and Innovation

Education and STI driven Skills Revolution

Goals and Priority Areas- 20 Goals (Truncated Example)

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Aspiration (1) Goals Priority AreasHealthy and Well Nourished Citizens

Health and Nutrition

Transformed Economies

Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth

STI driven Manufacturing, Industrialization and Value Addition

Economic Diversification and Resilience


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Aspiration (1) Goals Priority Areas

Modern Agriculture for increased Production and Productivity

Agricultural Production and Productivity

Blue/Ocean Economy for accelerated economic growth

Marine resources and Energy

Port Operations and Marine Transport

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Aspiration (1) Goals Priority AreasEnvironmentally sustainable and climate resilient Economies and Communities

Sustainable Consumption Patters

Biodiversity conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Water Security Climate

Resilience and Natural Disasters

Renewable Energy

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Aspiration (2) Goals Priority AreasAn Integrated Continent, Politically United, based on the Ideals of Pan Africanism and the Vision of Africa’s Renaissance

A United Africa (Federal or Confederate)

Frameworks and Institutions for a United Africa

Continental Financial and Monetary Institutions established and Functional

Financial and Monetary Institutions

World Class Infrastructure Crisscrosses Africa

Communications and Infrastructure Connectivity;

Liberalization of air transport and full implementation of Yamoussoukro Decision

Intra-African Trade

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Aspiration (3) Goals Priority Areas

An Africa of Good Governance, Democracy, Respect for Human rights, Justice and Rule of Law

Democratic Values, practices, universal principles of Human rights, Justice and Rule of Law Entrenched

Democracy and Good Governance

Human rights, Justice and Rule of Law

Capable Institutions and Transformative Leadership in Place

Institutions and Leadership

Participatory Development and Local Governance

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Aspiration (6) Goals Priority Areas

An Africa whose Development is people-driven, especially relying on the Potential offered by its Women and Youth, and well cared for Children

Full gender Equality in all Spheres of Life

Women and Girls Empowerment

Sexual Violence and discrimination

Engaged and empowered Youth and Children

Youth Empowerment and Children’s Rights

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The Plan Framework

Criteria for Selecting Goals, Priority Areas and Targets from the Agenda 2063 Framework Document for the first ten year plan

Highlights of Major Initiatives (Fast Track Projects / Programmes)

Plan Results Framework Matrices by Aspiration

Key Success Factors, risks and mitigation strategies

The Plan Framework comprises the following:

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Criteria for Selecting Goals, Priority Areas and Targets from the 50 year technical document for the first ten year plan

Fast Track Projects / Programmes Focus areas in national/regional plans Continental frameworks (eg. CAADP, PIDA,

AMV) Assembly Decisions ( eg. Silence All Guns

by 2020)

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Integrated High Speed Train Network Africa Virtual and E-University African Commodity Strategy Annual African Forum Continental Free Trade Area African Passport and free movement of people Grand Inga Dam Project Pan African E-Network Silencing the Guns African Outer Space Strategy Continental Financial Institutions

Fast Track Projects / Programmes

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Inclusive economic growth with expanded job opprtunities, especially for the youth and women

Emergence of agro /commodity value addition manufacturing enterprises

Doubling productivity in agriculture and the banishment of the hand held hoe

Expanded early childhood education and compulsory secondary education

Steep reductions in incidence of malnutrition, maternal, child and neo-natal deaths plus universal access to Anti Retroviral drugs for those afflicted by HIV/AIDs

Highlights of a few other programmes / initiatives/ results for 2023

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• Expanded and improved access to the basic necessities of life: water, sanitation, electricity, transport and internet connectivity

• Entrenched democratic practices, human rights and the rule of law

• Completion of the Encyclopedia Africana• Complete women’s empowerment in all spheres of

social, economic and political lives• Expanded opportunities for the youth in the creation

of new businesses• Eradication of child labor exploitation, marriage,

trafficking and soldiering• Deepened financial / capital markets- The African

Investment Bank; African Credit Guarantee Facility, Regional Stock Exchanges

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Plan Results Framework Matrix-Truncated Example

Aspiration 1:

A Prosperous Africa Based On Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

Goal 5: Modern Agriculture for increased productivity and productionPriority Area (1) 2023 Target Key Process Actions/

Milestones Towards 2023 on AU Frameworks

Agricultural Production and Productivity

National Double total factor

productivity Reduce post-harvest

loses by 50%

National National Agricultural

Plans (NAIPS) aligned to Malabo Targets by 2017

Regional Consultations with

Member States on aligning of NAIPS to Malabo Targets is done in 2017

Indicative Strategies • Implement revised CAADP Results Framework for 2025• Promote policies that contribute to value addition in agriculture through

investments in agro-processing and infrastructure(irrigation / access roads).

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Results Framework – So far…Completed Tasks & Milestones Upcoming Activities

July 2015

Inauguration of Steering Committee – AUC, ECA, AfDB, ACBF and ASSD

November 2015Meeting of Committee of Director Generals of Nationals Statistical Offices –Presentation of progress of activity

Formation of Technical Working Group –Statisticians, Planners, Sectoral Experts

December 2015Multidisciplinary Expert Group Meeting – Validation Workshop

September 2015

First Technical Working Group Meeting – Indicator Workshop

December 2015Finalisation and Preparation for Ministerial Retreat

Taskforce Meeting- Matching SDF Goals and Targets

January 2015 Presentation at Ministerial Retreat

Formation of Multidisciplinary Expert Group –Statisticians, Planners, Sectoral Experts, CSOs and Private Sector

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Success Factors/ Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Key Success Factors Risks

• Leadership and Political Commitment

• Capable Development State• Participation, Inclusion and

Empowerment & Engagement by Citizens

• Results Orientation

• Conflict, Instability and Insecurity

• Failure to harness the demographic dividend

• Climate Resilience and Natural Disasters

• External Shocks• Management of Diversity

Mitigation Strategies have been addressed through the: Results Matrix- diversification to minimize external shocks, creation of

capable states as priority area, prevention of conflicts/maintenance of peace and security as goals/priority areas, managing diversity at national level through targets for inclusiveness/ management of ethnicity etc, at the continental level through the setting of goals / targets( land locked states, island states and targets that are nation dependent- reduce poverty by X%

Implementation arrangements: Assignment of responsibilities and accountabilities plus monitoring mechanisms on all stakeholders; participation of citizens in the processes, citizens engagement through the implementation of a communications strategy, design/ implementation of capacity development program for capable state

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Making It Happen


Stakeholder Relationships• Continental• Regional• National

All Stakeholders Activities are linked through TIME LINES

• Subsidiarity • Accountability and

Transparency• Participation,

Inclusiveness and Integration

• Diversity • Leveraging on Existing

Institutions and Systems• Harmonization of Policies,

Systems and Practices

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Responsibilities/Accountabilities (In Policy Guidelines)

• At inception provides leadership in the Regional / National Consultative Process with respect to the preparation of Agenda 2063• Participates in the continental operational oversight of Agenda 2063 and be the entry point for continental level initiatives for Member States in the region.• Adapts / aligns continental long /medium term Agenda 2063 10 Year Plans / Guidelines to regional plans• Issues regional Agenda 2063 10 Year Plan guidelines to Member States• Coordinates the preparation and execution of regional projects / programmes as per Agenda 2063 • Coordinates the integration of Monitoring and Evaluation reports of Member States in the region and submit to the Ministerial Committee for their consideration• Leads in the mobilization of resources to implement regional projects and programmes as per Agenda 2063

Each of the Stakeholders has been assigned some responsibilities. For example, in the case of the RECs on implementation:

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•All Stakeholders (individuals and institutions) in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation chain at the continental, regional and national levels will be capacitated• At the individual level focus will on: leadership and transformational skills, behavioral / attitudinal change•At the institutional level focus will be on: planning, monitoring and evaluation, systems and process improvements and information technology upgrades•Consultancy for the Study on Capacity assessment first for AU Organs and RECs is taking place

Capacities for Making It Happen

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•A communication strategy has been developed •The objective of the ComStra is to engage the African Citizenry and Institutions for ideas generation/sharing, participation in periodic development/ revision of the results framework, participation in the monitoring and evaluation and more importantly their owning both the processes and the outcomes of Agenda 2063•The main communication tools at the national, regional and continental levels envisaged include: meetings; debates; community / town hall/church or mosque meetings; workshops, songs, poems, teaching in schools, TV and radio presentations/discussions amongst others


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Monitoring and Evaluation (Policy Guidelines)

• Designate a focal point within its structures to be responsible for the coordination / facilitation of the M&E of implementation of Agenda 2063 by Member States and Regional Agenda 2063 Programmes.• Issue Regional specific Agenda 2063 monitoring

and evaluation guidelines to member states.• Organize annual fora for Member States to review

regional monitoring and evaluation performance on Agenda 2063.

Each of the Stakeholders has been assigned responsibilities in monitoring and evaluation. For example for RECs:

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• A Resource Mobilization Strategy Study has been completed

• Key areas requiring financing at the national, regional and continental levels have been identified by aspiration and potential sources for funding identified.

• These potential sources embrace: (1) Existing vehicles (DFI, Banks, MFI, Stock Exchanges, etc.) (2) current AU initiatives such as : Illicit capital outflows, High Level Panel on Alternative Sources of funding, ACGA, IPDF, AIB, Bonds ( Infrastructural, Diaspora), African Credit Guarantee Facility etc….. (3) AfDB Africa 50 Fund.

Financing The Plan

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Financing The Plan

Three Main SourcesDomestic Resource Mobilization (75%)– Fiscal Resource,

Resource Rents, Savings & Capital Mkt, IFF /Corruption/Wastage

ODA, FDI, PPP, Remittances (15%) – Maximizing their quality and leveraging to further access Commercial Finance

International Financial Market (10%)– Maximizing access at better terms

Three-level strategies: (1) Mobilization of Resources, (2) Intermediation Vehicles (both existing & new), (3) A2F Facilitation (Project Development Fund, Risk-sharing Facilities, Business Development Facilities)

Enablers & Facilitative Measures: (1) Growth & trade performance, (2) Policies for improving investment climate, (3) Developing expertise in financial advisory services, (4) Establishing financial information infrastructure

Key Strategies For The RM are:

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Preparation of AU Policy Framework on Partnership

Developing / implementing strategies for partnership benefits maximization

Deepening transformational benefits from partnerships

• The following actions are to be undertaken to maximize benefits from AU Partnership relations:

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The Way Forward

•Domestication process at national, regional and continental levels, including popularization measures;•Engagement with specialized sectors, civil society private sector;• Institutional alignment and capacity strengthening

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6. Conclusion

Success and or failure of this depends on contribution and commitment of each one of


Domestication begins with you

Identify the position you occupy in the plan, and the role you are expected to play

“If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together”Together we can!!

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