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Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) Enterprise Service Desk for Notification / Knowledge Article Authors

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Course Objectives

• Lesson 1: Requesting Access in NAMS

o Searching NAMS for ESD Roleso Selecting Roleso Role Approval

• Lesson 2: Notification Submission

o NAMS Roleo Subscribe to a Notificationo Unsubscribe to a Notificationo View Current Subscriptionso Submit a Notification and Distribution List

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Agenda (cont.)

• Lesson 3: System Statuses

o Adding a System

• Lesson 4: Knowledge Article Submission

o NAMS Roleo Submitting a New Knowledge Articleo Modifying an Existing Knowledge Articleo Retiring an Existing Knowledge Article

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• By the end of this presentation, NASA employees and Support Service contractors will understand:

o How to Request NAMS Roleso How to Submit a Notificationo How to Request Adding a System to System Statuseso How to Author a Knowledge Article

Course Objectives


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Requesting Access in NAMS


• Lesson 1: Requesting Access in NAMS

o Searching NAMS for ESD Roleso Selecting Roleso Role Approval

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Requesting Access in NAMS

• The Identity Management and Account Exchange (IdMAX) system is NASA's integrated and authoritative Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) system that you can use to manage NASA identities and credentials, request access to a NASA facility or system, or change your personal information.

• The ESD roles necessary to administer the Notification and Knowledge Authoring tools have been added to the NASA Access Management System (NAMS).

• Searching NAMS:

o Users will perform a search on “Enterprise Service Desk.”o Select “Enterprise Service Desk / Enterprise Service Request System.”o Available ESD roles are displayed for selection and submission for approval


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Requesting Access in NAMS

• Selecting Roles:o Users will perform a search on “Enterprise Service Desk”o Select Add to Request


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Requesting Access in NAMS

• Selecting Roles cont’d:o Once selected, click Continue and available roles are displayed under the

“Requested Details” area – see Knowledge Article Submitter and Notifications Submitter highlighted in the red boxes below.


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Requesting Access in NAMS

• Select the roles you will be performing, provide business justification, and submit the request.

• Upon submission the request is routed to the appropriate approvers via the NASA Access Management System (NAMS) workflow.

• Once approved the requester will receive email confirmation that permissions have been granted.

• For any other NAMS-related questions please refer to:


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Notifications Processes


• Lesson 2: Notifications Processes

o Subscribe to a Notification

o Unsubscribe to a Notification

o View Current Subscriptions

o Submit a Notification and Distribution List

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Notifications Processes


• Click on “My Notifications” to view / manage current notifications

Note: “Notification Submission” is only visible for users with a submitter role.

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ESD Notifications by Subscription


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Subscribing to Notifications


• Select Center, Service, & Priority from the applicable drop down list

• Click “+ Add a Row” to select additional Centers, Services, & Priorities

• Select Subscribe.

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Subscribing to Notifications


• Users will be able to subscribe to notifications. Notifications will be distributed based on three criteria: Center, Service, and Priority.

• The subscriber will be allowed to choose one, many, or all Centers and services. The Priority will be implemented as a greater than selection.

For example: If the user chooses a Priority of Medium, the user will receive messages of Priority Medium and High.

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Viewing Current Subscriptions


• Click “+” in front of Center name to expand the subscription list

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Viewing Current Notifications


• Click on the message to view more details about the notification

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Viewing Current Notifications


• The notification is displayed

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Unsubscribing from a Subscription


• Click “Unsubscribe” by the subscription

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Unsubscribing from a Subscription


• Click “OK” to unsubscribe from a subscription

• The unsubscribing process is complete

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Submitting a Notification

• This function requires the ESD/ESRS Role “Notifications Submitter” in NAMS

• Once approved and provisioned, the user will have access to the Notification Submission tab on the ESD Tier 0 Website

Notifications Submission

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ESD Notifications Workflow


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Notifications Submission


Subscriber Messages

A Notifications Submitter may provide the NSSC with a notification intended for users subscribed to the service. The subscribers will be chosen based on three criteria: Center, Service, and Priority.

General Outage Messages

A Notifications Submitter may provide the NSSC with a notification intended for all users. The notification will be sent to all users at a given Center(s).

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Creating a Message with a Subscription List


• Click “Notification Submission” to enter information for a Distribution list.

• Enter Event Date/Time• Edit Notification Send Dates, if desired

• After all information has been entered, click “Submit Notification".

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Notifications and Distribution Lists


Allows authorized Submitters to provide a contact list for notification distribution and the actual content of the message inclusive of:

• Date / Time of Outage• Text of Message• Center(s) Impacted• Service(s) Impacted• Priority• Associated Incident Change• Outage Type (Planned vs. Unplanned)• Distribution List Provided (as Attachment)

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Notifications and Distribution Lists


A notification may be required for an outage that is specific to certain users. A Notifications Submitter may provide the ESD with a notification intended for a provided distribution list.

For example: NASA Operational Messaging and Directory (NOMAD) may need to send an outage message to users whose e-mail accounts are on a certain server – information not contained within the ESD systems.

In this case, the Notifications Submitter will provide a distribution list via an attachment on the TIER 0 Notifications Submitter Input window. The attachment will contain * e-mail addresses, one per line.

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Creating a Message with a Distribution List


• Create a message with a distribution list by selecting “Distribution List”

• Enter Event Dates and Edit Notification Send Dates as desired.

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Message Created and Sent


• Confirmation that the message has been created and sent for approval• Note: Have Notification ID when contacting the Enterprise Service Desk

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System Statuses


• Lesson 3: System Statuses

o Adding a System

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• Adding System Statuseso During each transition, the ESD transition manager will work

with the I3P contractors to determine the system statuses that will be displayed on the ESD Tier 0 Website.

o Once the ESD Tier 0 Website is live, a service request will be placed for any additional systems that need status shown on Tier 0. In the service request, general information about the system will be gathered and the ESD IT team will assist the contractor to bring their systems online.

System Statuses

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System Statuses

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System Statuses

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Knowledge Article Submission

• Lesson 4: Knowledge Article Submission

o NAMS Roleo Submitting a New Knowledge Articleo Modifying an Existing Knowledge Articleo Retiring an Existing Knowledge Article

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Knowledge Article Submission

Submitting a Knowledge Article

• This function requires the ESD/ESRS Role “Knowledge Article Submitter” in NAMS

• Once approved and provisioned, the user will have access to the Knowledge Authoring tool via the ESD Tier 0 Website

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Knowledge Article Submission

o Select Order Services at Tier 0.

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Knowledge Article Submission

o Select Knowledge Articles and the option to Create New Article will become available

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Knowledge Article Submission

o Upon selection of Create New Article the Knowledge Article screen appears

o Select the Type of article being submitting

o Provide the Title and Question/Problem/Error/Reference (dependent upon what “Type” is selected).

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Knowledge Article Submission

o Enter troubleshooting steps in the Answer/Solution/Root Cause-Work Around-Fix field

o Add any related attachments to the article

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Knowledge Article Submission

o Enter Keywords - keywords help Users find articles without using the Title or Article text. Text from the keyword and the titles are weighted higher than text in the body of the article.

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Knowledge Article Submission

o To select a Start and End Date, the Author must select the Calendar Icon next to the Review Date field and select the Correct Date. ESD policy is to review all articles annually for applicability.

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Knowledge Article Submission

o Once all data has been entered, the author saves the article and is prompted with the following message. If the article is ready for ESD review, select Yes. If No is selected, the article will be saved for later review by the author under Pending My Attention.

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Knowledge Article Review

o Once the ESD has reviewed and accepted the Author’s submission from Tier 0, the ESD will create a Knowledge Article in Remedy. Once the article has been drafted, the following steps will take place:

• The ESD will copy and paste the drafted knowledge article into a word document and e-mail it to the Author.

• The Author will edit the article as necessary using Track Changes in Microsoft Word.

• The Author has 24 hours to review and reply to the ESD with changes and/or approval of a pending knowledge article. If no response is received by the ESD by the third day, the ESD will publish the article as-is.

• Once the approval confirmation e-mail is received by the ESD, the article will be published within one hour of receiving the e-mail. If the article has to be edited, the review process starts over.

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Published Knowledge Article

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Knowledge Article Definitions

• There are 2 Article Creation Stages:o Definition: The Author uses the Tier 0 forms to submit data to the ESD to

create and publish articles.o Review: Stage in which the article is being reviewed by the ESD.

• There are 5 ESD Knowledge Management (KM) Statuseso New: The Author is creating a draft of an article in Tier 0.o Published: The article has been published in Remedy Knowledge

Management (RKM) and viewable in the Remedy Knowledge Base. Note: Article is automatically pushed to Tier 0 if the article was selected to be published immediately.

o Being Modified: The article is being modified by either the Author or the ESD.o Request to Retire: The Author can send a request to have a specific article

retired before the scheduled Review Date.o Retired: The article has been retired by the ESD.

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Knowledge Article Definitions cont’d

• There are 4 Knowledge Management Queries:o Articles in Definition Stage: Option allows an Authorized User to see articles

currently being defined.o Articles in Review: Option allows an Authorized User to see unpublished

articles assigned by other Authorized Users, including the User.o Pending My Attention: Option allows an Authorized User to see any article

assigned to the User.o Published Articles: Option allows an Authorized User to see published Articles

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Modify a Knowledge Article

• Modifying a Published Knowledge Article:

o Select Published Articles located in the Show drop-down.o Locate and select the published article to be modified.

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Modify a Knowledge Article

o Select Modify

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Modify a Knowledge Article

o A confirmation box will appear to let the author know that modifications can be made and saved for the article. Make any necessary modifications to the article. Select an Effective Date. Save the modifications, which will be submitted to the ESD to follow the

same path as publishing a new article from here.

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Retiring a Knowledge Article

• Retiring a Published Knowledge Article:

o Select Published Articles located in the Show drop-down.o Locate and select the published article to be retire.

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Retiring a Knowledge Article

o Select Retire Article

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Retiring a Knowledge Article

o A confirmation box will appear asking the author to enter the Effective date and select Save.

o Upon Save, the ESD will receive notice and the article will be retired from the knowledge base as of the effective date selected.

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