
in  a  Nutshell

Agile  ProductManagement

Produktledardagen  Stockholm,  24  Mar  2011  

Roman  Pichler

Sunny  Beach

• Tradi/onal  product  management  tends  to  focus  on  an/cipa/ng  and  forecas/ng:  We  carry  out  extensive  market  research  upfront,  carefully  plan  how  the  product  is  going  to  evolve,  cra?  a  business  case  and  a  marke/ng  strategy

• Adap/ng  to  change  is  the  excep/on;  con/nuity  and  predictability  are  the  norm

3©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

Stormy  Beach

• When  change,  uncertainty  and  risk  are  dominant  forces,  we  can  no  longer  correctly  predict  upfront  what  a  product  must  look  like  and  do  in  detail

• Our  best  chance  to  achieve  success  is  employing  a  probe-­‐and-­‐learn  process:  – Build  a  prototype  or  product  increment– Expose  it  to  our  target  customers  and  users  – Listen  to  their  feedback– Adapt  our  plans

5©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Chess  Player

• Working  as  a  tradi/onal  product  manager  can  be  like  playing  chess:  Once  the  ini/al  research  is  done,  it’s  largely  a  solo  act  that  involves  lots  of  thinking  and  planning

• When  the  requirements  have  been  handed  off  to  development,  tradi/onal  product  managers  have  limited  contact  with  customers  and  users  and  the  development  team

7©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Climbing  Partner

• Working  as  an  agile  product  manager  is  all  about  teamwork– The  product  owner  works  closely  with  development  from  visioning  to  product  launch

– The  individual  collaborates  with  target  customers  and  users  on  an  on-­‐going  basis

• The  product  owner  bridges  the  gap  between  the  market  and  development– Unites  the  external  /  strategic  and  internal  /  tac/cal  view

9©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Camel

• A  camel  is  a  horse  designed  by  commiLee:  Tradi/onal  product  managers  are  o?en  not  properly  empowered  and  have  to  nego/ate  compromises

• While  these  compromises  try  to  please  everyone,  they  may  result  in  a  poor,  in-­‐cohesive  product

11©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Lion

• Product  owners  must  be  empowered  to  shape  the  product  vision  and  to  guide  the  project  that  builds  the  product–When  no  consensus  can  be  achieved,  the  product  owner  decides

• This  avoids  prolonged  arguments  and  weak  compromises;  it  increases  the  chances  of  developing  a  product  that  customers  love

13©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Plan

• Detailed  plans  provide  us  with  the  illusion  of  control:  The  investment  decision  feels  safe

• But  predica/ng  the  future  is  notoriously  difficult:  The  only  thing  that’s  certain  about  the  future  is  that  is  uncertain!  

• The  more  innova/ve  our  product  is  and  the  faster  the  market  moves,  the  harder  it  is  to  an/cipate  the  future  correctly;  extensive  upfront  planning  becomes  wasteful

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17©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Plant

• Rather  than  trying  to  correctly  predict  the  product,  agile  product  managers  start  out  with  a  vision  of  the  future  product

• Feedback  on  early  product  increments  discovers  the  right  requirements  and  allows  the  product  to  grow  beau/fully

• Agile  product  managers  embrace  uncertainty  and  leverage  it  as  a  compe//ve  advantage– Adapt  more  than  an/cipate  and  predict  

The  Super  Tanker

• Tradi/onal  organisa/ons,  products  and  projects  tend  to  be  big:  Big  is  beau/ful

• Big  ships  are  efficient:  They  transport  a  lot  of  cargo.  They  weather  the  storms  by  breaking  the  waves

19©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

The  Surfer

• Agile  organisa/ons,  products  and  projects  are  small  and  nimble:  Small  is  beau/ful

• The  surfer  is  effec/ve  and  fast.  He  does  not  break  the  waves;  he  rides  them

21©  2011  Pichler  Consul@ng  Limited

Thank  you!

Contact details:

+44 (0) 7974 [email protected]