Page 1: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree A very small amount each month

Agree Agree they should contribute as

Agree All persons should pay what they

can afford towards local services.

I am unemployed at this time.

Agree Am on sick benefit and but would

like work p/time

Agree As a full council Tax payer, I

believe that each individual should

contribute a portion of their

income, towards the benefits that

each one of us enjoys. As a

council I would hope that each

department are making savings,

in addition to targeting bogus

benefit claimants, so that the

impact on the less fortunate are


Agree As I am currently unemployed this

scheme would affect me greatly

making a difficult financial

situation harder to cope with.

Agree As part of a couple one of which

is over pension age this would not

affect us.

Agree At present I do not have an

income so am grateful for what

help I receive.

Agree But wary that I will be taken to

court as would not be able to

afford to pay a lot of council tax

and scared I will be arrested & the

police knocking on my door as

lots of bill house hold to pay etc

Agree Council tax was intriduced to be

rates per person not per property

so EVERYONE should pay


Agree Currently I am not paying anything

towards council tax. This will

mean i will have to start paying

Agree Currently I receive 100% benefit.

Principle 1 - Everyone contributes towards cost of services

through Council Tax

Proposal A - To restrict the maximum amount we can

award to 75% of the Council Tax charge.

Page 2: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Currently receive 100% benefit so

would amount of support would

be reduced.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect our household

Agree Does not at this moment in time.

Agree Doesn't

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect me. I receive part

council tax benefit as my partner


Agree Even if this is a small amount less

strain on government resources

Agree Every household should pay

something so they value the

services they get.

Agree Everybody should pay their share

Agree Everyone is paying something to

council tax

Agree get 100% benefit so would mean

25% less but us fair way if cuts

have to be made but some really

do struggle as it is.

Agree given that everyone consumes

council funds in some way then

everyone should contribute via

council tax

Agree I

Agree I accept that I should pay some of

the council tax, so long as the

payments are not excessive.

Agree I agree in general, although do

feel that there are probably a few

cases where 100% assistance is

still needed in the most severe of


Agree I already pay nearly all of my

council tax.

Agree I already pay towards council tax

despite being on low income.

Agree I am a homeowner who is SOLE

bill payer with no dependants &

help. I live off jobseekers

allowance and struggle

desperately to make ends meet.

Agree I am a little worried about future.I

feel maximum should be of 75%.

It will not affect me.

Page 3: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I am a single mother on a low

income and already struggle to

pay my contribution but like to pay

as much as I can. I am concerned

how this will affect my families

income. It is already very very


Agree i am a single mum on a single

wage and now only have one

dependent child of 10 living with

me i would like some discount on

my council tax this proposal would

be fair.

Agree I am a single parent not through

choice who works and currently

only receives £1 per week CTB. I

pay £116 CTAX per month. If I

have to pay it, so should


Agree I am a widower so could not pay


Agree I am currently on benefits and this

will make me struggle, however if

it encourages those who choose

not to work through choice to go

back to work it sounds like a good


Agree I am fortunate this will not affect

me as I am state pension age

Agree I am long term disabled and

unable to return to work. It would

affect my income quite

dramatically along with the new

housing benefit reforms bur no-

one is entitled to a totally free ride

through life.

Agree I am on DLA middle and lower.

Don't know how it will effect me.

Agree I am on JSA (a single person). I

pay council tax because I have


Agree I apy full council tax so it won't

affect me directly

Page 4: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I believe it will not affect me. I am

81, very ill and live alone. If

everyone paid their fair share of

Income Tax, none of these cuts

would be necessary. Tax

avoidance by greedy people like

*************** and others like him,

and large companies who employ

lawyers to find loopholes is highly

immoral and should be stopped.

But who can you trust when even

those shysters who pass

themselves off as politicans ,steal

from the public. And Tony Blairs

illegal and immoral and

unnnecessary wars have ruined

the country., and caused the

death of tens of thousands of

human beings. After the second

world war I was proud of being

British. At first we were alone in

opposing Hitler along with the free

french and free poles. All those

brave servicemen, and civilians

who were killed in order to make

us free, or suffered serious injury

must be turning in their graves if

they can see how this country has

gone down the drain. The land

FIT FOR HEROES never came

about..It is not the fault of the

people, but incompetent politicans

Agree I currently receive 100% benefit

so this would drop to 75%

Agree I currently receive 100% help but

feel it is fair to pay something

towards my council tax

Agree I do agree we could pay

something and 75% is fair.

However, it is difficult to really be

in a position to commit as other

benefits I receive and indeed

need to pay for catheters, leg

bags, incontinence pads and a

special coeliac diet to cater for,

are being assessed, removed or

rejigged so it is very difficult to

say. surely you can understand

this - it is difficult not knowing

where you stand!

Page 5: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I do not work and get all my

council tax paid. I am seperated

and have 3 children and a

disability. I woild be ok to pay a

weekly charge as long as it's not

too high

Agree I do think they should pay a little

something towards council tax but

as long as they can afford to.

Agree I don't receive any benefit

currently so, as things stand at

the moment, it would not affect

me but that could change in the


Agree I feel that everyone should have

to pay something, so that they

know their responsibilities. Based

on my work with people on a low

income, such as income support,

I feel that charging £6.45 per

week is too much and may cause

further financial hardship. I also

think that the recovery of this

charge may prove difficult and

costly to the council. I also feel

that this should be applied as a

cap to the benefits availsble

rather than calculating the benefit

based on a reduced maximum


Agree I live alone so would still get 25%


Agree I might have to pay less as there

will be more in the pot

Agree I only get partial help anyway.

Agree I receive about 80% benefit

towards my council tax bill so I

would be affected slightly.

Agree I think everyone should pay


Agree I will probably have to pay a small

amount of council tax. I am single

& living alone on small income &

working tax credits.

Agree I won't affect me as I am already

paying all my council tax.

Agree I work part time and am a single

mother. I am happy to contribute


Page 6: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I would agree as long as the

proposal that were brought in

were fair for everybody on benefit.

Also, they had the choice to pay it

over 10 or 12 months. For some

people who would choose 12

months this would help them with

their income to spend on every

day life, food, etc. 12 months

would be what I would want to pay

it over. Also have a pay point

card so I could pay this at ASDA

where I pay all the rest of my bills,

so I could pay this every 2 weeks.

Agree I would be worse off, as we are

already on a very tight budget.

Agree i would have to contribute towards

my tax and I'm currently getting

100% tax benefit.

Agree I would have to cut back on my

domestic bills ie electric bill,

phone bill.

Agree I would have to pay £2.65 a week

if I were the person in the

example. I agree people should

contribute. The government has

been to willing to give out freebies

and does not support those who

want to go back to work ot get a

career in the correct way.

Agree I would have to pay about £40 per

month more in council tax.

Agree in principle. Set maximum

award lower - e.g. 70% or 65% of

charge, meaning those on very

low incomes would still contribute,

but a nominal amount.

Agree I would lose some of my benefit

but I think we should pay

something towards it.

Agree I would pay more council tax

Agree I would pay something towards

my council tax.

Agree If my family would get help from

council tax of 75%, the amount of

which is given in the example,

would not hit much on our budget.

Agree If they didn't pay anything then the

burden would fall on non benefit

tax payers to pay more.

Page 7: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I'm an OAP & get 20% at moment

Agree Is reasonably fair. I would have

considerably lass under this


Agree It does not affect me at the

moment but probably will later

Agree It doesn't look as if our

circumstances will change by the

time this comes into force as jobs

are thin on the ground around

here. Oour savings will be lower.

We do understand about paying

towards our council tax and hope

that the amount will not be too

high for us.

Agree It doesn't.

Agree it dosent.

Agree it is difficult to agree or disagree

to this proposal unless we know

more about circumstances of


Agree It means I will have to pay more.

However I am hoping if everyone

pays something, those that do not

pay wont have to pay extra for

those that don't pay.

Agree it wont

Agree It wont affect me

Agree It won't affect me as I don't get

council tax benefit but I believe

everyone should contribute to the

services provided that they vote


Agree It won't, as I work for a living and

always have done. I believe the

threshold shoould be 00%.

Agree It won't.

Agree It would affect me, as I only just

manage on my weekly benefit

Agree It would be another bill but I think

it would be fair.

Agree It would be very hard but we

would manage somehow. We

have my mother-in-law and sister-

in-law living with us to help us with

the bills, although my siste-in-law

works, my mother-in-law stays

home to home educate & look

after the boys as both my

husband and I work on minimum


Agree It would increase the amount

have to pay by small amount

Page 8: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It would mean I would struggle to

find extra each week as I now

entitled to full benefit

Agree It would not

Agree it would not ... I pay in full

Agree it would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me at all. I am

self-employed. I am broadly in

agreement with the proposal

BUT: I am concerned that people

unable to work through disability

would be even more disabled by

this measure.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not affect me. The

following comment is a general

point, but there isn't a general

box, so it goes here... While I

strongly agree with the idea that

everyone should pay for local

services, my strong agreement is

tempered by my assumption that

if Mr & Mrs Smith are entitled to

council tax benefit then they are in

receipt of state benefits, as many

of the subsequent examples

make clear. So they would just

be paying council tax with money

provided by another branch of the

state, which is hilariously


Agree It would probably mean I had to

pay more council tax.

Agree It wouldn't affect me directly

Agree It wouldn't affect me financially.

Agree It wouldn't.

Agree It wouldn't.

Agree Less money to live on.

Agree May have to pay more towards

council tax.

Agree May impact on my council tax

Agree My council tax would rise

Agree My support will be reduced to


Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree n/a

Agree No affect

Page 9: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree No Affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect, we do not receive CTB.

Agree No benefit

Agree No change we already pay full

council tax even tho i am on esa

Agree No difference. I pay all the tax


Agree No direct effect

Agree no effect

Agree NO effect on me

Agree No effect.

Agree No effect. As pensioners

receiving a few pounds only over

the threshold for Pension Credit

we pay the full amount of HT due.

Agree Non worker retired so wouldn't

affect me.

Agree None

Agree Not

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not directly

Agree Not in the least as we are both

working but having neighbour who

dont work because they might

lose their Council Tax benefit its a

good sensible way forward

Agree Not sure if this would affect me as

I am PT on HB and have to pay

about a 3rd of my C Tax anyway.

Why would Mr & Mrs Smith be

getting full benefit anyway??

Agree Only if they've got enough money

coming in to cover it.

Agree Our benefit would be reduced.

Agree prefer to find 6.45 pw rather than

increase in C tax which affects

everyone including disabled and

pensioners and those on low

incomew so would be worse off if

CTax increased

Page 10: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons





Agree Single dependency people paid

council in this last year. Lots of

married working couples seemed

to travel far away - they didn't (a

few paid)

Agree The financial management of the

Council must be more efficient.

Agree The proposal should not affect

me, as I would expect the Council

to make efficiency savings

elsewhere in its budget to find any

other payments due to the family

in other benefit entitlements.

Agree There may be less money

available to pay for the services I

already pay for.

Agree this depends on what they earn

and how many kids they have, it

may or may not be hard for them

to raise.

Agree This is very hard as each case

would be different. Some

pensioners have to pay towards

their counil tax now even when

they are on housing benefits.

Agree This probably will affect me as I'm

working age. Though at present

not working for health reasons.

Agree This proposal is not inclusive as

retired people are excused

contribution if their income so


Agree This proposal will not affect me.

Agree this proposal would not affect me

Agree This proposal would not affect


Agree This should help people feel more


Agree This will affect my financial

situation if I have to I would pay it.

Page 11: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree This will probably affect me in the

future, I find that these are loaded

questions and that what I put

down here on paper will not be

heeded. As you have already

been given a criteria to follow. I

believe that if two people are

working and bring in a wage over

£270.00 each then that joint wage

= £540.00 per week should not be

entitled to council tax benefit.

Agree This would mean we would have

to pay something towards our tax.

I can understand this as the

country is in such a mess as they

are paying out benefits to

everybody in the world.

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me. I pay

full council tax.

Agree unaffected

Agree Very badly. I have been helping

my son/daughter-in-law with their

children so not earning. I am not

eligible for pension or any other

benefits so have no income &

they are on minimum wages. It

would be very hard.

Agree We are currentyi in receipt of

100% benefit, so would have to

pay 25% of the council tax

Agree We pay the full amount.

Agree We would be unaffected as our

income of £1500 per month

makes us unelligible for any

reduction. However, if this

scheme were to be introduced

and the result of that would be

that we were not asked to pay an

increase in council tax, we would

not be made poorer as a result.

Agree We would have small increase.

Agree Well I would struggle but I believe

that we should all do our best to

support our economy and get our

country in a better financial state,

although I would find this difficult.

Agree Will not affect me.

Agree Will Not.

Page 12: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree With the following proviso- some

people are marginalised as a

result of severe

illness/injury/mental health.

Where these conditions exist

genuinely, as in my daughters

case, there should be some

proviso for enabling the 100% to

continue, otherwise unless DLA or

Severe Disability payments would

need to increase to prevent

further financial marginalisation.

Agree Would have no affect

Agree Would mean I have to pay a fee.

Agree Would not

Agree would not

Agree would not affect

Agree Would not affect me as I pay full

Council Tax

Agree wouldn't

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Yes but on some kind of sliding

scale depending on their total

income and the total income of

the household.

Agree Yes but on some kind of sliding

scale depending on their total

income and the total income of

the household.

Agree Yes I would have to pay

something but it's better than

loseing service.

Agree Yes- they all benefit from some of

the services

Disagree A drop from 100% to 75% could

be very difficult for a household

where wages are frozen or

reduced. I suggest 80%.

Disagree as a family with one adult

employed and 2 children to

support we only receive some

help. Even though this is a great

help to us we still struggle.

Families who try to work to earn

suffer more.

Disagree As a single householder on

benefits I already do contribute

£10 a a month. I certainly could

not afford any more as all the

liability is mine. I would have

thought 85 - 90% would be fairer

Page 13: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree As I get disability living allowance

& income support, this would

leave me struggling to pay bills,

even though this is a small

amount to pay.

Disagree As I get only income support and

carers would not be able to afford

£6.45 a week.

Disagree As I live on my own it will make

my finances tigher

Disagree As much as I think we need to

make changes I will be affected

by this proposal, the fact that

there are going to be changes in

my housing benefit as well, this

could mean me having to find an

extra £20 per week as a single

female on a low income. I don't

see where it is possible for me to

find the extra money.

Disagree as niether my husband nor myself

can work due to ill health and our

daughter in my fulltime carer, I

worry how much we will have to

find on our very limited income

Disagree As soon as I started work I ended

up paying a lot of council tax and

housing benefit so I worse off

than when I did not work - does

not pay to work

Disagree As we are already on Benefit this

new scheme would affect my

family alot if we had to pay more.

Disagree As we currently unemployed we

won't be able to afford nothing.

Disagree At the moment it is all being paid

and as I am unable to work I can't

afford to pay any at all.

Disagree At the moment it would not , but in

the current economic climate who


Disagree Because I am on benefits I

currently receive full CT benefit.

This would mean I would have to

contribute about £5 week out of


Disagree because i live on my own

Disagree Because people can't afford it.

Disagree Because people will not have no

money left to pay other bills.

Disagree Currently on benefits

Page 14: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree How can you set a figure or ask

this question without stating how

much income Mr & Mrs Smith


Disagree I agree with the proposal in

principle, but not the amount. Us

workers will be penalised yet

again. We struggle to get by, earn

an honest living and get more

taken away.

Disagree I am a single parent I have

diabilities and my mobility

allowance has already been

stopped. I'm in private rented and

because I have my son at home

my housing allowance is reduced

because he has to contribute

more, to make my rent. He will

move out now, which means I

only get 2 bed housing allowance

so I have to move again and I

can't afford to do that.

Disagree I am currently in receipt of income

support due to ill health and on a

month by month basis have cut

back as much as I can already. I

would find it very hard to pay out

any more.

Disagree I am currently on a very low

income. If I HAD to pay the figure

above, it would mean the

difference between keeping warm

in winter an being able to meet

other bills.

Disagree I am not sure how my benefit is

calculated, but due to the fact I

cannot work due to long term

illness my income is minimal and

anymore I have to pay out would

mean I will not be able to pay all

my vills.

Disagree I am now retired but until recently

was paying a small amount og

council tax as I was claiming

working tax credit, disability


Disagree I can't afford it.

Page 15: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree I do not like to be on benefits and

am working part-time. I am

seeking work every day. I do

need the support as I do not have

any spare funds. I do not smoke,

drink alchol or gamble. I do not

waste money. I spend £15 a

week to visit my girlfriend in

Exeter hosital who is there long

term. I may not be able to afford

to do this. I live on my own and

may be able to afford it with the

single person discount.

Disagree I do not pay council tax at the

moment. I am completely

disabled & rely entirely on benefits

which only cover my needs.

Disagree I do not receive council tax

benefit, your proposal would

unreasonably increase the burden

on the poorest individuals.

Disagree I live on my own on ESA. This

sort of additional cost is equal to

around ten weeks food

expenditure. I am already eating

poor quality food with little variety.

Disagree I should like to be able to say I

agreed however it seems that this

is likely to have a worse affect

upon people who may already be

struggling (people on lowest

incomes) (people in receipt of

100% benefit are usually

unemployed) I think that as per

the above example you have

given, it seems it would be fairer if

the % was not so high.

Disagree I struggle to pay bills. Reducing it

I would suffer badly.

Disagree I will not be affected but if people

are charged from their benefits

then why give it to take it? Either

they will demand more benefit to

cover it or will just need less

benefit. This change would not be

the only additional drain on their

resources, so even this proposed

reducition will not give a true

reflection on the impact of the cut-


Page 16: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree I work & I assume the amount of

benefit I get would also decrease,

as it would be on a sliding scale.

To get full council tax benefit,

surely they must be on the

minimum to live. Therefore an

extra charge would cause

financial difficulty.

Disagree I work part time so would mean

less money for household.

Disagree I would have to pay the excess

from my incapacity benefit also

having to pay the "bedroom

tax" of £12+ per week from

April 2013.

Disagree I would need to provide extra

support to my daughters family

who are on a low income. Then in

turn may have to make a claim

myself that I currently avoid.

Therefore the total cost to you

would be more not less.

Disagree I would not be able to afford a

25% contribution to my council


Disagree I would not be directly affected by

this proposal but feel the

wealthiest are in the best position

to pay more so a new top band of

Council Tax needs to be

introduced e.g. Band I 20/9, or

the multipliers increased at the

top end

Disagree I/we would not benefit at all - I/we

receive no CTB

Disagree If you take into account income

support for my husband because

he is my carer and receives

carers allowance we can't afford

any increase in our outgoings. I

am registered permanently

disabled in a wheelchair.

Disagree I'm not working cos I'm disabled

so don't think it will affect me, I


Disagree It doesn't affect me but doesn't

seem to take into account income

and affordability.

Disagree It is hard enough trying to make

ends meet and six pounds is a lot

of shopping.

Disagree It will cause hardship

Disagree It will depend on whether people

receiving pension tax credits will

be included.

Page 17: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree It won't.

Disagree it would have an impact on the

quality of life for my family. less

money would be available for


Disagree It would not

Disagree it would not affect me

Disagree It would not affect me but those

on the lowest pay would need

inceased Housing Benefit to allow

them to cope with the extra


Disagree It would not affect me but those

on the lowest pay would need

inceased Housing Benefit to allow

them to cope with the extra


Disagree It wouldn't affect me.

Disagree Money is tight as it is and we don't

get much coming in.

Disagree My Benefit is currently less than

the full amount

Disagree My daughter lives in a flat with her

child and can barely pay bills let

alone have to pay more.

Disagree My wife is disabled and cannot

work and as her carer I had to

give up full time job as her driver.

Therefore have fixed income that

cannot change.

Disagree No affect

Disagree No change for me

Disagree No change.

Disagree not

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all, except a possible small

increase in Council Tax.

Disagree On a low income & pay something

towards council tax but would

struggle to pay more.

Disagree People on such low incomes that

have entitled them to a full rebate

will find this a further severe

reduction to their standard of


Disagree people with little money will

struggle more with increase in


Disagree Perhaps Mr & Mrs Smith can't

afford to pay their council tax,

what would happen then?

Page 18: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Some weeks I don't have £6.45 to

spend. We don't smoke, drink or

have 2 cars. We are already

below most peoples way/cost of


Disagree The government already set the

lowest amount to live on. Would

there be an increase elsewhere?

Disagree The principle of making life harder

for those who are already

struggling is socially unacceptable

Disagree The question can not be

answered subjectively as I am

unaware of Mr & Mrs Smith's

financial situation. Are Mr & Mrs

Smith both in receipt of the

National Minimum Wage? Do

they receive housing benefit? Do

they receive working tax credit?

None of this is highlighted in the

example so therefore I disagree.

Disagree There are some people in a

house who get benefits because

they have mental health

problems. These people cannot

afford to pay some of this money

back in the form of Council Tax.

Disagree This does not take into account

the unique circumstances of

disabled people or people like

myself with a chronic illness. This

proposed reduction in income will

result in reduced quality of life.

Disagree This proposal is not inclusive as

retired people are excused

contribution if their income so


Disagree This proposal woould aff meif it

were to apply to single people

currently on benefit support.

Added to other increases in cost

of living expenses would add up.

Disagree This proposal would not affect

me. However this decision should

depend on what the income of

this family is. In a low income

family especially one with children

it could cause hardship.

Page 19: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree This will not affect me. I feel that

while I think all adults should pay

something - this very much

depends on other circumstances.

If living on JSA etc £6.45 a week

is a huge sum - compared to

raising 5% on band D @ £7.45 yr.

Disagree This will not affect us as we do

not claim CTB however asking

people on very low income and no

disposible income to pay is likely

to result in non-payment and

increase the CT recovery costs.

At a time when bailiffs fees are

increasing the amount of debt

owed will increase rapidly. What

about CT charged on 2nd

homes? If people can afford 2nd

homes they should not be given

any discount for CT thia would

increase the whole revenue

income and reduce the relative

savings needed.

Disagree This would strongly affectus

because my husband is full-time

carer for me and our teenage

daughter and is not able to work

because I cannot be left. We

simply would not have the excess

income to pay any council tax and

these proposals worry us greatly.

Disagree Too much pressure as a single


Disagree Unless they have childen the

benefit system does not

necessarily give couples on low

incomes enough to scrape by, so

asking them for more money is

going to seriously cause hardship.

The job market as it stands does

not provide much full time

employment. Some couples can

only get part time work at

minimum wage, but still have to

pay rent and mortgages each

month. I currently 'prop up' my

son & his wife, who do not smoke,

drink alchohol or go out but find

themselves short of money


Disagree Very much

Page 20: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree We are both disabled and diabetic

we find it hard to live as it is. My

wife suffers with food intolerance

so we have to watch what food

we buy and she can only drink

bottled water

Disagree We are currently receive a part

payment of Council TAX benefit

but this does not cover the whole

amount. We already struggle for

money so any decrease in benefit

will put our family in a worse


Disagree We struggle to survive now, and if

these proposals came into force

then we really would be in dire


Disagree We would pay something.

Disagree We would struggle to pay all bills

Disagree when you're in receipt of benefits,

you're on the absolute minimum

that you require to live. T aking

out this extra money towards

council tax is just ludicrous.

Disagree Will not affect me

Disagree will not affect me

Disagree With every thing else going up

what's the point






Disagree Would have less money to

support my children because

paying more council tax

Disagree Would mean finding roughly an

extra £25 a month although this

doesn't sound alot, but as a single

mum of 2 this would soon add up

and make life harder if you

unexpecently needed to replace

or fix item - such as washing

machine (couldn't go without)

Disagree Wouldn't affect me at all.

Strongly Agree Agree but increase should be

capped,. Thereafter subject to

public consultation

Strongly Agree Agree or disagree with what? This

question is confusing. I am

strongly in favour of the proposed


Page 21: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree All council tax should be based on

the ability to pay and dealt with

through the tax system. As a

council tax payer, I have

calculated that if council tax would

arise 2% above inflation over the

next 10 years, most of us would

have to downsize to afford to live,

to appoint where it would be

totally unaffordable. We see this

as a major deterrant for home

ownership and affordable living in

the UK and is a real negative for

the people who do the right thing

and support the UK economy,

perhaps its time to reconsider

options if it becomes


Strongly Agree as a pensioner I am expected to

pay Council Tax, all others should

be expected to pay also if in

receipt of services provided by the


Strongly Agree As a pensioner on a modest

income and never claimed

benefits it may help to reduce my

council tax

Strongly Agree As a relatively low earning

pensioner who does not qualify

for any benefit at present then I

really don't see why everyone

shouldn't have to contribute in this

small way.

Strongly Agree As far as I can see the central

government giving up paying CT

benefit will only impose a further

burden on this CT paying

pensioner without any

commensurate reduction in

payments to government or

improvement in their services to


Strongly Agree Assume both are working,so they

can pay 50%

Page 22: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree At the current moment in time it

would not affect me as I do work.

My job is insecure and there is a

high chance I will not work in the

future. I don't see why people

who get benefits have that treated

as golden money and not as

money to pay for costs of life,

including council tax. If you can't

afford your council tax then move

to a smaller property.

Strongly Agree Currently pay 100% of council tax,

so this proposal wouldn't affect


Strongly Agree Currently, it would not affect me.

But my employment is at risk and

therefore may seek this benefit in

the future.

Strongly Agree Do not know

Strongly Agree does not

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect our household as

we pay 100%

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me

Strongly Agree Don't want MY council tax to go


Strongly Agree everybody benefits from the

council services so everybody

should pay

Strongly Agree Everybody enjoys community

benefits everybody should

contribute towards them.





Strongly Agree Everyone should make a

contribution to council tax,

regardless of whether they are

working or in receipt of benefit.

People on benefits are still

making use of all services ie

waste collection, education etc etc

so they should pay towards it.

Most benefit recipients I know

have much newer cars than me,

regular trips to the tanning salons

and manicurists - maybe they

ought to rejoin the real world! We

shouldn't have to work hard in

order that others can have

everything for free!

Page 23: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Everyone should pay something

towards their council tax. It really

annoys me to see people

receiving benefit when they have

wide screen TV, smoking, etc.

Strongly Agree Everyone uses the facilities

provided so should pay

Strongly Agree Family receive benefit

Strongly Agree Good in principle, but these

people cannot afford this and so

there would be an additional cost

involved in court appearances to

get the money back.

Strongly Agree Hopefully it would help avoid a

Council Tax increase and help

retain local services such as

Libraries and Household Waste











Strongly Agree I agree with the above, but feel

that with the rpice of food, fuel,

utilities & taxes all going up, life

will become much more difficult

for myself & others.

Strongly Agree I already pay part of my council

tax & I am grateful for any help. I

am a single working mum

Strongly Agree I am currently managing on a very

low income and I pay full whack. I

have a lodger who is currently on

benefits and gets Housing

Benefit. Just seems we are

penalised no matter what we say.

Strongly Agree I am retired so it would not affect


Strongly Agree I cannot work because of ills but

still pay full c/tax

Strongly Agree I currently work parttime so I pay

towards my council tax and I think

everyone should have to pay

something. I don't think they

should get off with it as i will have

to pay more.

Page 24: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I do not qualify for benefit

eventhough I have no income, so

it would be fairer for me if other

people had to pay council tax as

well as me. Because I do not

qualify for benefit, I don't think a

lot of people should either.

Strongly Agree I do not receive any Council Tax

Benefit so would not directly affect


Strongly Agree I have always piad my council tax

even if receiving benefit when my

income dropped. Everybody

should have to pay something.

Strongly Agree I pay a percentage myself

Strongly Agree I Think EVERYBODY should

contribute towards council tax.

Strongly Agree I will continue to pay full council


Strongly Agree i will not be affected as i receive

no benefits

Strongly Agree I work 16 hrs a week & already

have to pay towards my council

tax bill - everybody of working age

should have to do this.

Strongly Agree I work 20 hours a week and have

to pay half my council tax. I do

think that people on benefits

should have to pay something

even if it is a few pounds a week.

Strongly Agree I would be supporting less people

from tax on my pensions

Strongly Agree I would contribute a small


Strongly Agree I would feel all have a sense of

ownership, although it would not

affect me

Strongly Agree I would have to pay 6.45 a week

Strongly Agree I would have to pay less than I do


Strongly Agree If more people did not contribute,

people that do pay like my

household will no doubt be called

upon to pay more. Even though

we pay our contribution all rise in

costs squeeze our funds

Strongly Agree If my family would get help from

council tax of 75%, the amount of

which is given in the example,

would not hit much on our budget.

Page 25: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree It could effect not just me but local

community if crime levels go up :-

house breakins, pick pockets etc.

I hope the Somerset County will

provide and/or support food

banks, MORE will be needed.

Strongly Agree It currently wouldn't as we do not

receive any type of benefit. We

pay our council tax in full.

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me as I already

pay some council tax.

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me as me and my

husband pay our council Tax

ourselves we both work myself I

work 16hours a week and have a

child with Autism a 3yr old and a 1

yr old, my husband works 44

hours a week .. Why should we

work and have to pay my council

tax is £142 a month ! dont think

that its that unreasonable for

those on benefits milkin the

system to not have to pay !

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It doesn't but I have been in a

position where it did.

Strongly Agree It won't because I don't get benefit

and have to pay the full amount

and I think people get too much in

benefits so this would be a good


Strongly Agree It won't. Full tax is paid.

Strongly Agree It would appease my anger at the

amount of people on

benefit(benefit scroungers)against

people like myself who have

NEVER had benefit..and worked

all their lives...and get everything

paid for by ME and every other

legitimate tax payer

Strongly Agree It would help to avoid the loss of

services provided by ssdc. We

would be financially unaffected

unless our council tax was

increased to cover the bills for

those that get it for free.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my Council

Tax payment to a reasonable


Strongly Agree It would make it fairer for all.

Strongly Agree It would make it fairer for


Page 26: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not have

to pay as much for those who do

not work. I was made redundant 3

years ago, there were no jobs

available in my field so I did

something else rather than claim

benefits. Others should do the


Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect us as already

pay full Council Tax.

Strongly Agree It would not, but I agree all people

of working age should contribute

as this will encourage those not

working to gain employment.

Strongly Agree It would only affect me if you had

to increase my level of Council

Tax if you cannot find the savings


Strongly Agree It would reduce the risk of my

having to pay even more council


Strongly Agree it wouldnt

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree it wouldn't affect me as I do not

receive 100% benefit

Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't as we curently do pay

towards our council tax.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't because I work.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree Makes the system fairer

especialIy for those of us who

have never claimed anything.

Strongly Agree Makes the system fairer I pay full

Council Tax

Strongly Agree More money would be available

for other essential services for the

benefit of the wider community

Strongly Agree Mr & Mrs Smith might start to

care how their council spends

THEIR money

Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not be so


Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Page 27: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A. I agree this should

incentivise work and discourage

benefit cycle.

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree Nil effect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree no direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect anticipated in the short


Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage. Irrelevant

anyway as principles behind

proposals are what is needed

Strongly Agree none

Strongly Agree None of the proposals would have

marked effect upon myself - but

they would affect other family

members. The exercise shows

what a complete mess the whole

system is, especially at

Government level. To save

Council money, why not scrap

bus passes for the elderly? They

are totally discriminatory in favour

of those who live on or near a bus

route! ps Why is your spellcheck

American? Try typing in 'favour'


Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not applicable

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all and as I was never

aware that people in work did not

always have to pay council tax.

Page 28: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive any


Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive


Strongly Agree Not at all other than to increase

my council tax if proposals such

as this are not put into effect.

Strongly Agree Not at all re-Council Tax Benefit

as I receive nil. But additional tax

income would reduce the impact

on us of other measures.

Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree not directly affected

Strongly Agree not on benefits

Strongly Agree Not relevant to me.

Strongly Agree Not sure that it does but everyone

should pay something.

Strongly Agree On the basis that I currently pay a

large Cuncil Tax bill, I am in

favour of all measures that avoid

that increasing.

Strongly Agree Our household income is £17,000

and we get no financial support

with our council tax, so whilst this

proposal wouldn't directly affect

us, I think that if we can pay it in

full then others should make a

contribution if it is only 25%

Strongly Agree Should mean that it will minimise

Council Tax increases.

Strongly Agree So that every one pay council tax

not just the one that can pay it

Strongly Agree Swap coucil tax and merge with

income tax

Strongly Agree There needs to be discretion for

exeptional cases



Strongly Agree This proposal would not affect

myself or current financial

situation as I already pay full

yearly amount of council tax due

to being in full time employment. I

agree that if people are on low

income/benefits, these should pay

a portion towards council tax as a

service - its not a free service.

Page 29: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree This will not affect me directly but

i do agree with the principle of

contribution by all. My experience

is that many people do not see

CTB as money they receive from

the state therefore they have an

incomplete picture of how paying

council tax impacts on people

who do not receive CTB.










Strongly Agree This would have no direct affect

on me but I believe that everyone

should make a proportionate


Strongly Agree This would help the council to

maintain their level of servicing


Strongly Agree This would no longer affect me

but up until recently i was in

receipt of full council tax benefit

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not affect me directly,

but 25% contribution seems

reasonable. Any issues with this

should then be means tested on a

case by case basis.

Strongly Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Strongly Agree We all have benefits from this tax

and so everyone should


Strongly Agree We are pensioners and this

proposal would lessen any future

Council Tax increase for

pensioners such as ourselves.

Everybody benefits from Council

services so it is only right that

everyone should contribute.

Page 30: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree We do not claim any benefits,

although we are pensioners, and

some months it can be a struggle

but it would be far more fair for us

all to contribute to our council tax.

Strongly Agree We do not receive any benefits.




Strongly Agree Will not affect me at all because I

am in full time employment. My

wife is of pensionable age but we

do not claim any relief.

Strongly Agree wont affect as pensioner

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all as I pay

100% of my Council Tax bill.

Everyone should pay something

towards the bill.

Strongly Agree Would be a fairer and better


Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would no affect me

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me as I am

being taxed for all my income

anyway. Why should this be

different for anyone else????

Strongly Agree would not affect me at the current


Strongly Agree Would not affect me but I feel that

contributing something towards

council services woould make

indviduals value those services


Strongly Agree Would not affect me.




Strongly Agree Wouldn't affect me

Strongly Agree Wouldn't as pay full council tax

Strongly Agree Yes

Strongly Agree Yes everyone benefits from local

services so everyone should

make a contribution

Strongly Agree Yes, adults need to contribute

towards society either financially

or otherwise. Except for the truly


Strongly Disagree £200 extra to be paid by me and


Strongly Disagree 75% is still too much.

Page 31: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree A 75% award calculated on which

band you live in would be unfair

as for some people (like me)

would go from paying nothing a

monthto a huge jump of around

£30? I do believe there should be

a fixed amount taken from us of

no more than £10 per month.

Strongly Disagree After losing my job due to an

accident in which I broke my back

I feel to tar all tenants with the

same brush is immoral. This

states to me that I am now in the

same category as those who do

not want to work and will do

anything to avoid it; this is grossly

unfair. Benefit should be

apportioned on an individual


Strongly Disagree Am already on a benefit that is

very low. I could not afford to pay

additional costs.

Strongly Disagree As a carer my income is already

very low. This kind of reduction in

income will cause hardship

Strongly Disagree As a single working mum (lone

parent) who works part time and

paying child care, will be a bit of a

struggle to live.

Strongly Disagree As a widow on low earbnings I get

some help so this proposal may

cause me to have to pay more


Strongly Disagree Because being a pensioner on

£70 a week am finding it hard

paying my own council tax.

Strongly Disagree Beintg on a fixed income which is

all taken up to pay ever increasing

bills for food etc where would I

find the extra that would be


Strongly Disagree Benefits are being cut back in all

areas. The amount you receive at

present is minimal and not much

above subsistance level.

Strongly Disagree benefits are paid as, "What

the law say's you need". To

take any other monies from the

amount would lesson the amount

the told needed.

Page 32: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Benefits are paid in an amount

that they have very little or no

spare money.

Strongly Disagree Couldn'tt afford to pay

Strongly Disagree Couuld not afford it after living &


Strongly Disagree Does not affect me directly.

Strongly Disagree End up using all my savings due

to not being able to work due to

illness and only get £268 per

month at moment.

Strongly Disagree Husband in receipt of DLA &

Pension credit,. Wife working but

in receipt of carers allowance only

- no surplus cash to pay increase

so would have to cut fuel/ food

Strongly Disagree I already have to pay towards my

council TAX. It's hard trying to

manage with more cuts

Strongly Disagree I already pay towards my council

tax. It's hard enough trying to


Strongly Disagree I am 60 years old, claiming

income based JSA, & 100%

council tax benefit. Making ends

meet is almost impossible now,

without further bills to pay.

Strongly Disagree I am a carer for my grandfather

and get carers allowance and do

not pay council tax at the

moment. I am worried that I will

not be able to afford it.

Strongly Disagree I am a single mum and already

struggle with day to day

expenses. I couldn't cover the

expense of yet another bill.

Strongly Disagree I am a single mum of 4 and the

only financial help I receive are

my benefits. I would be struggling

even more so than I am to keep a

roof over our heads.

Page 33: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I am a working single parent on a

low wage - I receive council tax

benefit. At the end of every week I

have no money left. What the

government have assumed is that

all people on any benefit can

make it stretch further, its just not

possible. Meanwhile in this area

there are many second homes

lying empty people with vast

income who can afford to have

multiple properties, who should

pay more.

Strongly Disagree I am disabled / widow, home

owner and barely keeping roof

over my head - gas , electricity,

water charges are extremely high.

If I an unable to keep my home I'll

become a burden on the state

Strongly Disagree I am disabled and always ill 24/7,

this would affect me greatly in my

expenditure and paying people to

help me.

Strongly Disagree I am in receipt of full benefit at

present. I also have a spere

bedroom so out of my limited

sickness benefits I'm going to

have to rent top up & c tax

Strongly Disagree I am in receipt of Incapacity

benefit, Income Support & 100%

council tax benefit. On such a low

income a sudden,

disproportionate outgoing

(compared with cost of living

index & yearly increase in my

income) of this large amount

(25% of charge) is unfair.

Strongly Disagree I am on a fixed income. Have

DLA, both parts. Was made

redundant in 2009. I have to

choose what to pay. This would

be a strain I could do without.

Strongly Disagree I am on benefits and have a

restricted benefit.

Strongly Disagree I am on DLA for mental illness.

Strongly Disagree I am on Income Support which is

not much to live on and pay my


Page 34: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I am on jobseekers allowance

some of which is taken out to

cover arrears by seekers. I have

my daughter living with me 3 days

a week and have to provide for

her. I can't afford paying any

money out until I get employment.

Strongly Disagree I am on lowest income and really

struggle even without paying at


Strongly Disagree I am on very low income. This

Proposal would affect such basics

as being able to heat my home,

feed myself in a health way,

clothe myself.

Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members differently.

Strongly Disagree I am struggling to manage now, to

take more money away would put

me into debt

Strongly Disagree I can not afford this now let alone

next year

Strongly Disagree I cannot afford to lose any c tax


Strongly Disagree I could not find the extra £335.50

a year to pay, even if it could be

paid weekly it would mean I would

have to make major cuts in my

budget affecting my children

Strongly Disagree I currently hace 100% rebate

which I would lose

Strongly Disagree I disagree because I only recieve

carers allowance. My wife can

only work part-time due to ill


Strongly Disagree I do not currently pay council tax

as am unemployed. However I

am hoping to soon return to my

career. My current income is so

low I would struggle to pay.

Strongly Disagree I get full council tax benefit now

can ot afford to pay anything

Strongly Disagree I get lower rate disability living

allowance. I may suffer in some


Page 35: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I have a health problem which

means I am unable to walk

currently. To have to pay this

amount per week out of my

current benefit would leave me in

great hardship. When I am

already struggling to keep warm,

etc. and run my car (my village

has no shops or other facilities).

Strongly Disagree i have a very low income &

currently get 100% council tax

benefit which helps me alot- i

would struggle to have to pay

£6.45 every week out of my

money that i earn.

Strongly Disagree I have no other income so ow can

I pay a 1/4 of my bill. Just

because I am of working age as

no relavance. I have been trying

to get a job for a long time.

Strongly Disagree I have severe arthristis , had noth

knees & hips replaced, live every

day in pain and classed as

disabled, I struggle on my income

now. If all the changes go through

I will lose my home!! I worked all

my life till I had this illness and I

didn't choose to be like this!!

Strongly Disagree I live alone, I'm disabled. At the

moment, I get 100% council tax

benefit. Paying so much money

would mean I can't afford heating

oil for my house anymore. It is too

much. I hate taking benefits and

workd full-time as a teacher until I

became disabled after an

accident. I don't think anyone

should 'take' benefits, but people

who need them should be helped.

Strongly Disagree I strongly disagree with it. I'm

single and disabled age 58yrs.

Come April 1st 2013 I will have to

start paying rent of £14 per week

so this will make my weekly

outgoing to £20.45 weekly with no

extra help from benefits.

Strongly Disagree I struggle to pay bills as it is, this

would mean my family having to

have less food or fall behind on

some bills

Page 36: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I think all income should be taken

into account BUT if people are on

very low incomes they should not

have to pay more council tax.

Strongly Disagree I think all the shortfalls could be

met by reducing the pay deals of

Senior officers and reducing

council pension controbutions to

the same level as the private


Strongly Disagree I think couples are penalised as

they get a lower amount of

benefits than 2 single people.

Couples save the government by

living together as if they are made

redundant & living in rented

accomodation then only 1 housing

benefot claim is made.

Strongly Disagree I will have to pay money out of the

hardship money of £100 every 2

1/2 wks.

Strongly Disagree I would affect me because I live

on incapacity benefit and a very

small amount of income support.

Also I have a debt relief order and

I have to budget as it is with very

little left for anything else. I also

have to top up my rent as I am on

housing benefit.

Strongly Disagree I would be severly affected

financially as I am currently

unable to work due to illness and

therefore have to budget within

my means.

Strongly Disagree I would be unhappy to think that

people struggling on low income

or benefits for sickness would

have to find an extra £26 per

month for council tax at a time

when the cost of living is rising.

£26 is huge for people on low


Strongly Disagree I would find it hard to provide for

my son if this happened as I

struggle financially now on the

money I receive without having to

deduct it to pay more bills..

Page 37: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I would have to find money that I

don't have - unless benefits from

DWP were to go up to cover the

extra cost. As it is, it would be

impossible to pay the £6.45 a

week - especially in the winter

when heating & lighting is so


Strongly Disagree I would have to reduce a basic

need such as food or clothing to

find the extra.

Strongly Disagree I would starve.

Strongly Disagree I would struggle alot to pay my


Strongly Disagree If I or anyone became

unemployed the minimum income

is barely enough to live on let

alone taking more away. Crime

will increase.

Strongly Disagree If income support does not

provide £6.45 a week extra

income support I cannot afford to

pay council tax of £6.45 as per

your example.

Strongly Disagree If one was in receipt of Job

Seekers Allowance then £6.45 a

week would represent

approximately 10% of your

income. It is completely

unreasonable to expect people on

the lowest incomes to pay this

amount towards Council Tax. In

reality £6.45 equates to one days

food budget for someone on JSA.

Strongly Disagree If you are unemployed this is a

hefty amount out of the money

you have to live on and support


Strongly Disagree I'm already in debt and living on

the breadline. i couldn't afford it.

I'm on ESA due to mental health


Strongly Disagree I'm on a very low budget as it is.

Suffer from mental health issues I

can't afford it.

Strongly Disagree In respect of price increase with

food, petrol for work gas/ecet

would more expense.

Strongly Disagree Increase my council tax!

Strongly Disagree It does not affect me working age

people does not mean working


Strongly Disagree it does'nt

Strongly Disagree It doesn't I pay full council tax.

Page 38: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree It is extremely likely that the

couple will not have the funds to

pay this charge. I will be affected

as local poverty and hardship will

increase, although I myself will

not suffer financially I may have to

start supporting food banks.

Strongly Disagree It might.

Strongly Disagree It wont affect me but I believe that

poorer families have already been

hit hard by the cuts and this

proposal means that poorer

families will have larger increases

than the average council tax


Strongly Disagree It won't effect me but that is not

the point, you are taking away

from people who are already on

the most basic level of income

there is. We need to target this

on the higher earners not the


Strongly Disagree It woudl make it nearly impossible

to pay the bills, I would have to

cut back on food as I only get £50

on tax credit and have to earn any

more money not always possible.

Strongly Disagree It would affect us greatly as I am a

carer for my disabled partner and

our budget is so tight with three

young children it could mean we

have to miss out fresh fruit and

veg or cut out a main mean for

our children or my disabled

partner would be more confined

to the house as we would have to

cut down on petrol.

Strongly Disagree It would be very difficult to live so

it would be a big difference.

Page 39: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree It would cause severe hardship.

Council Tax Benefit is paid to the

lowest income people, many of

whom are vulnerable and fall

within the 3 popular measures of

poverty.To say that all people,

regardless of their means,should

contribute goes against the fabric

of our society.In a civilised society

it is not acceptable for people to

go without food or other basic

amenities.If the maximum support

is limited how are people already

in poverty supposed to find extra

money for council tax?The

changes will cause costs


points, increased enquires) and

by billing people who have no

means to pay extra costs

pursuing non payment.If the

principle of "contribution

according to means"is

preserved those additional costs

could be saved.If the £1.3 million

were funded by increasing council

tax to the 61,000 households not

in receipt of benefit the amount of

increase would be 40 pence per

week per household. The council

has two choices: to adopt a

"regardless of means"

policy which will cause hardship to Strongly Disagree It would cost us money

Strongly Disagree It would exacerbate the stress

and anxiety I already suffer due to

my financial circumstance. I

amunable to work due to disability

Strongly Disagree It would give us hardship finding

the money to pay 25% ofour

council tax. We live in a band A

property so are costing other

taxpayers the minimum perhaps

level should be raised to 90%

Strongly Disagree It would leave me very short of


Strongly Disagree It would mean I would struggle

week to week with my budget but

also agree that something has to

change in the future.

Strongly Disagree It would mean me paying out

money I can not afford ! I am on a

fixed income and already

struyggle to make ends meet

Page 40: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree It would mean that money that

would be used for food etc would

have to be spent on council tax.

Strongly Disagree It would not

Strongly Disagree It wouldn't

Strongly Disagree Low income families will suffer.

Strongly Disagree Lower income people would have

to pay the 1/4 council tax from

another benefit. Left hand paying


Strongly Disagree makes me very scared. I can't

afford to live on the income I have

now. Another bill to pay means I

have to use less electric, buy less

food, use less heating.

Strongly Disagree Mark already worries about

money, it affects his health and

his benefit is not meeting his

needs. Leaving him unable to buy

clothes of household bills. Paying

extra £335 year would affect we


Strongly Disagree Me and my partner are struggling

with bills and running the

household. If these was to

happen we would more than likely

not able to pay as we got alot of

bill arrears.

Strongly Disagree My health is rapidly deterioting. I

have no one to talk yo, and no

possibiilty of ver working again.

Any further concessions or

increases to an already

unsustainable life will result in

prison or suicide

Strongly Disagree My house is incorrectly banded as

a B instead of an A. Therefore I

would be paying more council tax

than someone else in the same

position as me, other than their

house being band A. I'm a single

parent with only one child and

also poorer than a person with

benefits for 2 children. My house

is 2 bedrooms.

Strongly Disagree My husband has primary

progressive multiple sclerosis and

In a wheelchair and I'm his carer

(full time)

Strongly Disagree My wife and I live on state benefit

which is the minimum the

government says a couple needs

to live on. Do the maths.

Page 41: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree My wife gets high mobility & care,

DLA & ESA. I get carers

allowance (+cb & child tax credit).

This would take us below what

the govt says we should be living


Strongly Disagree No affect to me but people on

minimum benefit would not be

able to afford this

Strongly Disagree No not necessarily.... poorer

people are taught nothing by this.

Richer people can pay more and

not suffer.

Strongly Disagree not at all

Strongly Disagree Not at all but I strongly object to

asking the poorest to pay 25% of

their Council tax. The maximum

that would be defensible, and not

for the very poorest, is 10%

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree On my benefits I would have to

cut down on my food to meet the

extra cost.

Strongly Disagree Only have DWP support & with

the cost of Elec, Gas, food going

up how do you service

Strongly Disagree Only just enough to live on now,

another £6.45 a week may not

seem alot but with increase in the

cost of licving it woould have a

major impact on my family

Strongly Disagree people aren't financial able to

afford paying. Its not there fault,

those who have high earning

should pay more.

Strongly Disagree People have been entitled to this

benefit for a reason i.e they are

on a very low income. A reduction

in benefit would make their

situation even worse!

Strongly Disagree People in receipt of ESA ( was

incapacity benefit) cannot afford

to pay £6.45 per week.

Strongly Disagree People on benefit should not pay

as may have very little money,

like me. I want to work but finding

it very difficult. We should not be

penalised something that is not

our fault

Page 42: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree People on the lowest incomes can

not afford £6.45 per week, as

well as utilities, internet access to

job search, bus fare/transport,

clothing, food, household

insurance, life insurance and pay

£6.45 per week out of £71

(approx) per week.

Strongly Disagree People on the lowest incomes

receive C.T benefit because they

can't affird to pay council tax. It

will cost more to prosecute those

who fail to pay.

Strongly Disagree Receiving housing benefit &

council tax. So this could affect.

Strongly Disagree Remove my partners working tax

credit by 50% 1 weeks payment

Strongly Disagree Rents are already too high in this

area and I can barely cover my

rent with my benefits. £6.45 a

week on top of rent & utility bills is

too much! Whys hould the

poorest in this county be

penalised for the bad investments

of your management (The Iceland

Banks) & the bailout of the Banks.

Strongly Disagree retired

Strongly Disagree The Council is diverting other

benefit payments given by

parliament into it's own coffers. If

the example could not find

£335pa they would be


Strongly Disagree There are some cases where a

family needs all the help they can

get. Setting the maximum at 75%

disadvantages these families.

Page 43: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree These proposals would effect my

living as i currently receive jsa,

with all outgoings this would mean

an approximate loss of £35 per

month, these so called goverment

reforms are once again targeting

the less well off and placing more

pressure on those who need help.

atahe goverment say they want to

help people back into work ...

thats good but dont penalise them

and make life more difficult when

they are less able to manage on

what they have.

Strongly Disagree this means that anyone now

getting full benifit will be a lot

worse off, the present system is

worked out and the people on low

incomes do not have to pay

towards this unjust tax because

they are on the bread line

Strongly Disagree This proposal would affect my

income. this would cut into my

pension crediit and small pension

Strongly Disagree This would affect me greatly as I

only have my pension & waht my

daughter pays into the household.

Strongly Disagree This would be too big a burden for

people already suffering a wage

freeze and price increases acorss

the board - 80% wouls be more


Strongly Disagree This would mean finding the

shortfall somehow, if not from my

income support, then from my

Child Benefit, either meaning

extra financial burden for my


Strongly Disagree Unless benefit is increased to

allow us to afford this then it is

unfair to hit us up if we can not

work due to being a carer.

Strongly Disagree Unless several people in a house

= more money coming in. Where

only one person has a very low

income (TV, Mortgage in my

case). And most like me are

disabled. This would be a

disaster. DWP only pays a

proportion of my mortgage

interest and not all of it.

Page 44: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree we already have to chose whether

to eat or have any heating on.

Strongly Disagree We are low income people. We

can't afford the high living

standard already. If Proposal A is

carried we xcan't buy any daily

necessities anymore.

Strongly Disagree We are on a string budget

already, our only pleasure apart

from food is getting the weekly

newspaper once a week.

Strongly Disagree We are stretched to the limit now,

and sometimes cannot pay bills.

This would affect our kids greatly

and would mean a reduction of

weekly shopping

Strongly Disagree We currentky don't pay any

council tax and I don't know how

we would find the money. High

earning people can afford to pay.

Where should we take the £6.45

a week from - our food bill?

Strongly Disagree We currently receive full council

tax benefit. We have a lot of

outgoings (mainly debts) and this

would put more financial pressure

on us if all our income remained

the same.

Strongly Disagree We live on a tight budget now and

live from week to week on my


Strongly Disagree We pay towards or rent and

council tax but there is only so

much money we have.

Strongly Disagree We struggle now so would

struggle more if we had to pay

more. And we both work.

Strongly Disagree We will struggle as my partner is

on minimum wage. And we have

a 12 week old baby and we don't

have mucg financial help.

Strongly Disagree we're on benefits and struggle

with our finance as it is, why

should people on low income be

made to struggle even more.

Strongly Disagree Whatever money we would have

to spend on council tax would

mean less to spend on other

things for which we do not have


Strongly Disagree When unemployed I would have

been unable to pay council tax.

Page 45: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Why don't you take a look at

people who claim disability living

allowance, plus income support

on top.

Strongly Disagree With a young son at college, and

being out of work every penny

counts. Trying to pay essential

bills and putting food on the table

is hard.

Strongly Disagree With the new laws for empty

bedrooms in the house I

wouldthen have to find about £20

week to compensate this as well .

With being a carer for my

husband this would be very hard.

Strongly Disagree Would be worse off if had to pay

anything as things are tight


Strongly Disagree Would cut my money in half

would not have enough to live on.

Strongly Disagree Would force me to move.

Strongly Disagree Would make it very difficult to live.

Strongly Disagree Would make me worse off when

I'm already struggling.

Strongly Disagree yes if they earn a wage

Strongly Disagree Yet again, the less well off in

society are being targeted.

Strongly Disagree You have not made provision for

working age disabled people who

exist on benefits, especially those

wil special needs who are not

able to hold a job.

Agree that everyone should pay a

small amount of council.

Disagree as I will be worse off as I

am a vulnerable adult with

learning disabilities. As I don't

earn anymore and all my money

comes to me via the benefits I

receive, I would find it difficult to

find any extra money to pay the

increased proposal.

C ould maintain present level of C


Having found myself with ill health

& only being on SSP I still have to

pay a contribution to council tax

benefit I was taking home less

than people on benefits leving me

struggling to pay all bills.

Page 46: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

I agree in principle but this must

be means tested to ensure that

those on lowest income or JSA

are not penalised

I struggle to survive and eat on

current benefit. I will have to go

without food and heating if


It reduces capacity to travel to the

nearest town = 1 return bus fare.

(At present I cannot travel much

on the bus anyway ie norm is one

journey a week £4.90.

We are pensioners and not

affected AT PRESENT. Can't tick

a box though. We fell that

everything depends on peoples


outgoings, etc.

With the rising prices of fuel

electric & gas and public transport

there is simply no spare money

each fortnight

Page 47: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Additional Council income would limit

impact on general Council Tax levels and

level of services provided

Agree Again, as I work and have to pay Council

Tax, regardless of circumstances so

should everyone.

Agree All income should be taken into

consideration regardless!

Agree as above

Agree As above. All income should be

calculated as contributable at 100%.

People need to work for a living, not

heavily subsidised.

Agree Depends again on how much the other

money is.

Agree Do not know


Agree Does not affect me

Agree Does not affect me - don't reduce child

maintenance for my children.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect our household

Agree Does not apply as we have no children

Agree Doesn't

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Don't understand.

Agree Everyone should pay a little.

Agree Everyone should pay their way in society!!

Agree I agree if it is not taken into account in any

way. N/A

Agree I do agree as they would have more

income as a household. More than one

persons income/benefits. People

shouldn't have kids if they can't afford


Agree I do get maintenance - as long as a

weekly charge is not too high then of

course it should be paid by myself

Agree I have no dependant children.

Agree I receive a small amount of child

maintenance of £ 13 a week so this

would mean I would have this taken into

account when my council tax liability is


Principle 2 - All income should be taken into account

Proposal B - All Child Maintenance received will be included when

calulating Council Tax support

Page 48: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I receive child maintenance and would be

happy that some of it be calculated as

income but I think it should be less than


Agree I think all income should be taken into

account BUT if people are on very low

incomes they should not have to pay

more council tax.

Agree I would pay more council tax

Agree it does'nt

Agree It doesn't affect me at all.

Agree It doesn't but see my answer to A

Agree It doesnt.people have to take account for

their actions. I strongly disagree that

feckless people should be given money to

counter for their mistakes and actions.

Agree It is an income so shoud be included.

Agree It is an income so shoud be included.

Agree it is difficult to agree or disagree to this

proposal unless we know more about

circumstances of family

Agree It will affect me because of other

household bills to pay such as electricity

bill gas bill and water bill plus T V licence

as well and shopping

Agree It will not

Agree It will not affect me as I am single.

Agree It won't affect me as I don't get council tax

benefit but it is still part of the claimants

income so I believe it should be included.

Agree It won't but I have concerns for my son's

low income family.

Agree It won't I have no children

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It would help to keep my Council Tax

payment to a reasonable level.

Agree It would not

Agree It would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me personally.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not but I think that all income

should be taken into account.

Agree It would not.

Agree It would not.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't affect me financially.

Agree It wouldn't affect me personally but it

would make it fairer for everyone

Agree It wouldn't.

Agree Less money to live on.

Page 49: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Mrs Smith is enjoying luxuries that I could

not even imagine having Not affected

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A - I don't have children.

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No children

Agree No direct effect

Agree no effect

Agree No effect

Agree no effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect.

Agree No effect.

Agree No effect.

Agree No living children so no affect

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree Not affect us

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree not affected

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree not directly affected

Agree Only if parent receiving maintenancestill

gets to keep it all and it doesn't affect their


Page 50: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Only receive a small amount of child

maintenance so effect would be minimal.

Agree Other unearned income could be


Agree retired

Agree Rule 2B: child benefit is given to children

to enhance their life prospects and pay for

general necessities such as clothes and

shoes; therefore, it should not be taken

away from them to pay for council tax.

Agree That would be ok as long as maintenance

was in payment regularly.





Agree The maintenance I did NOT receive was

taken into consideration from time to time,

so I am sure maintenance you Do receive


Agree The maintenance is paid to cover the cost

of the child this includes keeping a roof

over their head so the monies should be


Agree The proposal would not affect me.

Agree The worker has to use ALL their income,

from whatever the source, so should the

people who get benefit help

Agree There needs to be discretion for

exeptional cases

Agree This does not affect me. I do not feel

able to comment on this proposal.

Agree This does not affect me. If your council

tax benefit is worked out on your weekly

wage, then maintenance is classed as

extra income but if she stays on her own

without a partner moving in then her

council tax benefit should remain the

same, but if she has someone move into

her household then council tax benefit

should be revised. Send someone to the

address to check for lodgers etc.

Agree This does not affect us because I do not

receive monies from a former partner.

However I tend to agree as monies

received from former partner have been

ignored then I see no reason why it

should not be taken into account.

Agree This doesn't affect us but if it did it would

be acceptable as this is classed as an


Page 51: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons



Agree this proposal would not affect me

Agree This proposal would not affect me.

Agree This scenario doesn't affect me but it

seems fair!

Agree this will not affect us

Agree This would be the best way to pay

towards council tax. Most people on

benefit want to pay it if an amount they

can afford.

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me at all, my

children are grown and have their own


Agree This would not affect me or my family but

I feel that this type of income should be


Agree This would not affect me personally but I

am very aware of many people in this

circumstance and it seems a fairer

distribution than others, but still one that

could cause less support for young

people as the money for their care will be

out into the council tax.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree thsi would not affect me as I do not

recieve maintenance.

Agree unaffected

Agree Why should this not be included it is


Agree will help towards council tax for everyone.

Agree Won't affect me.

Agree Would have no affect on me personally

but I agree with the proposal

Agree Would not

Agree would not

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me as my partner dos

not pay for his children

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree wouldn't

Agree Yes income is income

Disagree again because the person might not get

enough money to live on.

Disagree Agree but why adult. Are they vulnerable

and if so don't agree

Page 52: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree All income from government or other

linked support is not enough to survive

and should be ignored . Including


below minimum wage paid by the

government (breaks its own law) and

restricts what you can earn to less than £

100 per week. Your proposal would

force more claims from other family

members in different households not less.

Disagree Although this would not directly affect me

I think some single parents will find it hard

to cope but on the whole we will

eventually suffer.

Disagree Any maintenance for a child, is supposed

to solely be for that childs individual

needs. maintenace is supposed to be for

children under working age. i thought that

they were too young to pay this council

tax. beacuse that is who would be paying.

Disagree At £ 5 a week £ 20 a month. Means of

buying school clothes shoes trainers.

Activities after school. Be a stretch on a


Disagree Because people can't afford it.

Disagree Child maintenance for most is an

unreliable and haphazard payment from

ex partners. Sometimes it's not paid in

it's entirity.

Disagree Child maintenance is awarded and paid to

benefit the child and not the government,

this does not personally affect me but

again, it is tarring tenants with the same

brush. A large proportion of single

parents rely on this money to put food in

their mouths.

Disagree Child maintenance is awarded by the

courts & is usally only small & this

penalises someone in receipt of benefit

and create greater family poverty.

Disagree Child maintenance is for the child

Disagree Child maintenance is for the child - not

housing costs

Disagree child maintenance sometimes stops for

no reason and CSA tell everyone that you

will be receiving it so deductions are

made even though you actually receive

nothing for years. As I currently do not

claim Council Tax Benefit it does not

affect me, I did have a 3 year temporary

gap in payments from CSA.

Disagree Child maintenence should go directly to

the children - food, clothes

Page 53: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Depending upon how many benefits are

being claimed

Disagree do not know, does not affect me

Disagree Does not affect

Disagree Does not affect me at all as in a happily

married family but this money is to help

with nappies or for the child and I don't

think so fair.

Disagree Does not affect me.

Disagree Doesn't affect me but what is the point of

giving with one hand and taking away with

the other.

Disagree Ex wives should not be responsible for

errors of his former room mates. What is

left for children.

Disagree I am a single dada and only get £ 7 for my

son from my ex wife.

Disagree I consider it appalling that money that

should be for the benefit of children is

seen as an "income". Children

are powerless and the impact of this

proposal may well have a negative impact

on them. Benefits should be according to

need. They are not a conveniece for

spending reduction. Either parents would

seek more help from Fathers, who may

also be affected by benefit changes, or be

forced to trim back on other spending.

Benefits should be fair but using children

as a means of saving money seems

counter-productive to a healthy future


Disagree I disagree because children are

expensive to keep healthy and well


Disagree I don't receive any maintenance from my

ex husband or partner

Disagree I think child maintenance is for the child

and consequently doesn't belong to the

treasury, it may discourage working

parents to be better off at home when you

consider child minding/nursery fees

payable to go out to work.

Disagree I think it should depend on whether the

person receiving the maintenance has an

earning partner living with them. If they

are a single parent living alone the

maintenance payments should not be

taken into account.

Disagree It does not affect me but I think it would

be an unfair increase in a sinlge mother's


Disagree It doesn't

Disagree It doesn't

Page 54: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree It doesn't affect me but children are not

cheap to feed or clothe.

Disagree It won't - but I wonder how it can be

operated fairly when so many people

entitled to child maintenance payments

don't always actually receive them

Disagree It won't - I am far too old to have children

qualifying for Child Benefit

Disagree It won't affect me but may contribute to

child poverty.

Disagree It won't affect me but may contribute to

child poverty.

Disagree It won't.

Disagree It would

Disagree it would not

Disagree it would not affect me

Disagree it would not affect me

Disagree It would not affect me at all.

Disagree It would not affect me but would affect

both my daughters.

Disagree It wouldn't

Disagree It wouldn't affect me but taking some

money which is meant for a child is


Disagree It wouldn't as I do not receive any.

Disagree Maintenance for the children should be

left alone. Doesn't affect us.

Disagree Maintenance is for the children. I receive

an adoption allowance but for my child.

she has emotional behaviour problems

and I need the money to support and pay

for things that will benefit her. Far better

to be able to meet her needs myself than

look for support to come from county


Disagree My ex husband only pays £ 78 p/week for

3 children. I can't feed them on it. Never

mind school trips & clothes. Council tax is

another headache bill for a single mother.

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Page 55: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree N/A Mrs Smiths son would be

contributing to local services. The

maintenance is for the children not to pay

the binman.

Disagree Nil effect

Disagree NO AFFECT

Disagree No affect

Disagree No affect. No children.

Disagree No change for me

Disagree No change.

Disagree No effect

Disagree Not affect me.

Disagree Not affected

Disagree Not affected

Disagree Not applicable to me

Disagree Not at all

Disagree not at all

Disagree Not directly but I can see it would affect

low income families.

Disagree Not in receipt of benefit - no affect

Disagree Principle1 states that - all working age

people should contribute towards their

council tax. Children are not of working

age, yet by this proposal are being asked

to do so ... albeit it indirectly.

Disagree Single parents should not be penalizes

and nor should the children, which is what

will happen

Disagree Support would be reduced

Disagree The child would suffer with less money

coming in

Disagree The effect is on the child

Disagree The idea of child maintenance is to assist

in the daily upbringing of a child and not to

be given in one hand and taken away with

the other. Not enough people look after

their children to a high level as it is - this

gives them greater reason not to! This

would greatly affect our income as we

struggle now.

Disagree This is again exclusive as non parents are


Disagree This proposal would not affect me.

Disagree This proposal would not directly affect

me, I do not have children. I do, however,

think that child maintenance should NOT

be taken into account with regards to the

calculation of Council Tax Benefit. If the

maintenance benefit is used correctly

(and I know this is difficult to

achieve/monitor) it should be used directly

on and for the child(ren), not to go on

Council Tax.

Disagree This would not affect me

Disagree This would not affect me

Page 56: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree This would not affect me

Disagree This would not affect me as I do not get

money from my son's father for his care.

Disagree WEe try to help my son who is a parent to

two boys,. He is on low income

Disagree Will not affect me

Disagree Will not affect me

Disagree will not affect me

Disagree Will not affect me.

Disagree Will Not. This should not be taken from

the child allowance, The former partner

should pay an additional contribution


Disagree Would have thought that a payment had

been awarded as being neccessary

Disagree Would not affect me as I don't have


Disagree Would not affect me as I pay full Council


Disagree Would not affect me but this should be

means tested if put in effect & low income

single parents exempted.

Disagree Would not affect me, single man living


Disagree Would not affect me.

Disagree would not effect me but would several

friends who are allready struggling


Disagree wouldn't affect me, but is picking on the

children who may not get maintenance

regularly anyway if the man is unreliable.

Disagree Yes as above

Strongly Agree Above the tax exemption allownace level

ALL income should be counted. Income

is everything coming in on which you live.

Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing to? I am

strongly in favour of the proposed


Strongly Agree All income should be taken into account

including savings. some absent parents

pay nothing so the primary carer is worse

off than those receiving maintenance


Strongly Agree All income should be taken into account

when benefits are calculated. It's still an


Strongly Agree all income should be taken into


Page 57: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree All income should be used providing the

maintenance is paid on a regular basis. I

do not understand why its not counted.

Its an income.

Strongly Agree All income should count, it's fair. Except

child benefit which is specifiaclly aimed at

child - not the house.

Strongly Agree ALL money coming into the house by

EVERYONE who lives at that property

should be assessed to calculate what

must be paid.

Strongly Agree All my income is taken into account so

should be same for everyone

Strongly Agree All my income is taken into account. So

same for everyone

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Agree As above, no direct impact upon me, but

income, or available finance, should be a

common factor for all.

Strongly Agree As per principle 1. Child maintenance

payments are income so should be taken

into account when assessing council tax


Strongly Agree As principle 1

Strongly Agree because every one should paid


Strongly Agree Child maintenance should be included

because it is money received.

Strongly Agree Child maintence is another income and

the majority of the time goes into the

household budget towards bills, food etc

and then if any money is left it may be

used toward the child / children. This will

not affect my circumstances.

Strongly Agree Chils maintenance is an income so shoud

be taken into account.

Strongly Agree Ditto

Strongly Agree does not

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me





Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect our household as we pay


Page 58: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Does not as child now an adult, but

believe it should as there should be an

equal playing field.

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me. but maintenance

should be counted

Strongly Agree Ex wives should not be responsible for

errors of his former room mates. What is

left for children.

Strongly Agree Her child then she should pay

Strongly Agree I am incredulous that all income is

currently not taken into account and 20p

in the £ 1 is a minimal reduction.

Strongly Agree I do not have children as I cannot afford

them at present and therefore use

'protection' as I am a responsible

individual. Child maintenance is to help

support the upbringing of the child in the

absence of the wage packet from the

other (ex)partner. Therefore why should

that be exempt from benefit calculations?

If Mr Smith was living in the same house

and paying Mrs Smith £ 25 'chores'

money then that would be counted. So

yes, child maintenance does need to be


Strongly Agree I do not receive any Council Tax Benefit

so would not directly affect me

Strongly Agree I don't get payments made to me ignored

when calculating income tax, why should

they get money and it be ignored and we

tax payers pay more?

Strongly Agree I f a household recieve chid maintenance

this shoukld be taken into account as it is

extra imcome. No one in our hosuehold

receives child maintenance,

Strongly Agree I have 1 kid and would be worse off but I

should contribute.

Strongly Agree I have no children

Strongly Agree i have to divulge any extra income I

receive toqualify for housing benefit so of

course she should divulge details of other

income not faitr otherwise

Strongly Agree I think all sources of income should be

considered when calculating all benefits.

Strongly Agree i will not be affected as i neither receive

nor pay maintenance

Strongly Agree If it is ignored they could be getting

hundreds of pounds a week and still claim

benefit. I think all income should be

accounted for so people who work don't

have to pay an unfairly large part of the


Strongly Agree If it is income then there should be a

payment towards council tax.

Page 59: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree If you cannot afford children then you

should not have them. Parents receive

Council Services and should there

contribute to there cost.

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It doesn't.

Strongly Agree It is an income so shoud be included.

Strongly Agree It will not affect me

Strongly Agree it wont

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree it would mean mrs smith making some

contribution to local services.

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not have to pay as

much for those who choose to have

children and then abandon them. I do not

have any of my own and therefore

subsidise those that do.

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me at all. It does

however seem to be a waste of money for

national government to give with one

hand while local government takes some

of it back with the other. Silly but

necessary, unfortunately.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not but I agree ALL income

should be included as there is no

incentive for people to consider working /

getting out of the benefit trap.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't but I think it's fair that child

maintenance is taking into account.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree Maintenance SHOULD be taken ino

account. Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree More money would be available for othr

essential services for the benefit of the

wider community

Strongly Agree Mrs Smith recieves the income, it is better

than earned as it is tax free (Others have

paid the tax).

Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not be so high

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Page 60: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/p

Strongly Agree na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree No

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No Affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree no affect7

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect on me

Strongly Agree No efffect

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage. Irrelevant anyway

as principles behind proposals are what is


Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affect me.

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all other than the implementation of

a fairer system with the effect of reducing

the onus on those of us who pay our

council tax in full.

Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Not at all. Income is income.

Strongly Agree not atall

Strongly Agree Not on benefits but don't see why we

should ignore extra payments receive by

people that can be £ 300 per month.

Strongly Agree Not personally affected, but believe it

reinforces a feeling of belonging to the


Strongly Agree Not relevant to me.




Page 61: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree pensioner - 2 in house + 2 pensions

Strongly Agree people should contribute, however great

or small

Strongly Agree see above

Strongly Agree See above - former partners/parents

should be resposible for their children

Strongly Agree Should mean that it will minimise Council

Tax increases.

Strongly Agree The information at HMRC should provide

the necessary data. There is no need to

duplicate this data collection

Strongly Agree The rules for the payment of council tax

should be the same as Income Tax - all

income should be counted.

Strongly Agree There are currently too many benefits.

benefits are too much. Benefits should

be classed as income. This would make

it fairere for me as I do not receive any

benefits, I pay full Council Tax, yet have

no income.

Strongly Agree This does not affect me directly

Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect me.

Strongly Agree This proposal would not affect me directly

Strongly Agree this would affect me i dont get enough

maintenance as it is

Strongly Agree This would have no affest to me, but I feel

that there should be some disregard from

the income of the person paying the child


Strongly Agree This would only affect me by virtue of not

increasing the general council tax rates

Strongly Agree was surprised that this was not the case

already; other money should be


Strongly Agree We are childless (not by choice) and

families get an incredible amount of

benefits, if we had children we would be

better off but because we are unable to

have children we get nothing, no support.

I strongly believe that all income should

be taken into consideration when

calculating benefits of any kind.

Strongly Agree We are pensionners and receive no


Strongly Agree Why are child maintenance ignored. So

your saying that a lady down the road

works part time and single mum gets a lot

of tax credits as husband left and

maintenance of £ 70 per week and help

with Council tax.Maintenance should be


Strongly Agree Will not affect me as both of my children

are grown up.

Page 62: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all. Income is income.

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Wouldn't affect me

Strongly Agree yes

Strongly Disagree £ 5 a week is alot of money.

Strongly Disagree Allowances under whatever name is all

taken in account anyway.

Strongly Disagree Any maintenance paid is exactly what it

says it is - it is to pay for the needs of the


Strongly Disagree As a single parent I already work part time

& pay towards ny council tax bill.

Reducing my benefits due to child

maintenance would make life financially


Strongly Disagree as above

Strongly Disagree As someone who finds getting money out

of my ex like taking blood from a stone

anything I can get is much needed. I DO

work and have raised 3 kids alone with

little support. My ex pays for my

daughters bus pass to college (a whole £

60 a month) and now you want to take

that too?

Strongly Disagree because i am on ESA and DLA

Strongly Disagree Being single this would not effect me but

this proposal is once again hitting those

who need help, the above example shows

that the child would suffer this payment is

not for the parent therefore this should not

be placed in the calculation of income

Strongly Disagree Cannot answer this question without

knowing other income details.

Strongly Disagree Chikldren & any monies designated for

them should be kept exempt

Strongly Disagree Child benefit is provided to contribute to

the great expense of child upkeep. Taxing

this benefit is wholly inappropriate. This

would cost me money.

Strongly Disagree Child benefit is to help with supporting

families with children. School uniform etc

costs enough & bring up kids this

shouldn't be taken away.

Page 63: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Child maintenance is for childrens need -

they aren't of working age and money is

for clothing/food etc for them. Children

need more than double a cm sum spent

towards there needs each month.

Strongly Disagree Child maintenance is for the CHILD not to

bail out a Council that made extremely

poor decisions regarding investments and

employment of expensive consultants to

do the jobs that council employees should


Strongly Disagree Child maintenance is for the children,

food, clothing etc. This should not be

changed. I have an autistic child and his

maintenance pays for clothing food and

other items I need to buy for him.

Strongly Disagree Child maintenance is purely for the childs

needs not for the household.

Strongly Disagree Child maintenance is solely for the

children!! and should stay that way.

Strongly Disagree Child maintenance is to support the child!

Mother sometimes rely on this to feed and

clothe their child.

Strongly Disagree child maintenance should go towards

things the child needs, school uniform etc

Strongly Disagree Child maintenence is nothing to do with

bill. When you get little amounts of

maintenance that is for the children. It

would effect my childrens clubs &

swimming lessons etc.




Strongly Disagree CSA is for the child NOT the property.

This calculation would result in a huge

change for me financially.

Strongly Disagree Disgusting - that money is for the child.

Strongly Disagree Ditto

Strongly Disagree DLA and other disability benefits should

not be taken into account

Strongly Disagree Do not see why my maintenance has

anything to do with council tax.

Strongly Disagree DOES NOT AFFECT ME BUT




Strongly Disagree doesnt but why should the money bein

paid for a childs upkeep be then taken

away to pay for council tax ? !!!

Strongly Disagree Don't get maintenance but unfair that you

are taking from the child

Strongly Disagree Due to low income we are finding it very

hard to pay the bills and buy food and on

our childs school clothes.

Page 64: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Having been a one parent faimly

supporting my two children, every penny

counts and anyway it is child

maintenance which should be used to

support the child.

Strongly Disagree I am a single mum with 2 kids & receive

the minimum child maintenance

Strongly Disagree I am not guaranteed CSA every week so

if I don't get it then I have to go through all

the hassle of having my council tax


Strongly Disagree I am owed child maintenance but get

nothing. Agree in principle. This would

only work when responsible non-resident

parents pay. I think you should work with

the CSA on this. I think that Child

Maintenance should be declared, and if

over a certain amount (i.e. £ 40 a week

for 2 children) a nominal amount of

Council Tax should be paid. If the

resident parent has to resort to the CSA

through failing to get Child Maintenance

through a family arrangement the parent

with care should not be penalised by

having to pay extra council tax and having

to pay for the inadequacies of the father.

Why not put an extra charge on the

father's property.

Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an organisation

and it will affect individual members


Strongly Disagree I am sure Mrs Smith will need that £ 5 for

her child.

Strongly Disagree I currentky receive £ 150 a month to feed,

clothe and try to provide for my 2 children -

this doesn't meet their needs as it is.

Under the new scheme I would be £ 30 a

monthw orse off just by this proposal

happening. It's not fair!

Strongly Disagree I do not agree because child maintenance

is for support of the children to provide for

the children. If I were receiving child

maintenance my children would not need

to wear broken shoes or torn clothes

which they are doing, so I disagree.

Strongly Disagree I do not receive maintenance payments. I

cannot think that I could afford less

money to live on from Income Support

than I currently receive.

Strongly Disagree I don't agree cause this money isn't for

me it's for my child so why should it be

included when calculating council tax.

Page 65: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I don't agree with this as I don't think it

should count we rely on this to help with

our kids if that's the case we should get

more CSA to help with housing our kids.

Strongly Disagree I don't believe in taking money away from

childrens needs

Strongly Disagree I don't receive any money from a partner.

Strongly Disagree I don't think it's fair to charge people for

looking after their child

Strongly Disagree I have a small maintenance and I still

struggle with money as the cost of living

has gone up.

Strongly Disagree I have friends with children whose child

benefits have reently been reduced by £

80 a month. How is she supposed to feed

her children now? Adding to her stress y

taking away another £ 20 a month is

putting her in an impossible situation...

especially when food prices have

increased so it costs her an extra £ 20 a

week to buy food now. PEOPLE ARE


Strongly Disagree I have no children but that doesn't mean

others have to suffer.

Strongly Disagree I receive £ 3.68 a week for my two

children so this wouldn't affect me much

but I feel strongly that the money paid as

child maintenance should be spent on the


Strongly Disagree I receive a similar amount of child

maintenance, which her father gladly pays

because he knows it goes to her. This

money is genuinely used for extras for

her. Brownies, swimming lessons, music

etc. It's not up to her father to pay my

council tax. There maybe people who

receive alot of child maintenance - so

perhaps a limit is needed before benefit is

reduced. I accept that I need to pay my

council tax & I do - most of it. But please

do not ask my 6 year old to contribute.

Strongly Disagree I receive maintenance from ex partner

which I pay for clothes,food,school trips

Strongly Disagree I receive minimal child maintenance

which contributes to the substantial costs

of raising my son with very little income.

Strongly Disagree I use that money to buy my kids shoes, as

they are growing and their feet are getting


Strongly Disagree I would be struggling to live being a single


Page 66: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I would be unhappy to see the

maintenance for a child reduced because

of the cost of the council tax of £ 25 per

month deducted from the child

maintenance. It is for child costs and not

council tax.

Strongly Disagree I would have to cut back on something

else and children would suffer

Strongly Disagree I would not be directly affected by this

proposal but feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so a new top

band of Council Tax needs to be

introduced e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the top end

Strongly Disagree If Mrs Smith receives £ 25 a week

maintenance for her son then we must

assume this has been fairly calculated

and to reduce the amount of money

available to support her son would be to

risk forcing him into child poverty.

Strongly Disagree If the absent parent stops paying as there

is no court or CSA arrangement this could

have a detrimental effect on an already

low income.

Strongly Disagree In families living in poverty all increases in

costs have a significant effect. As child

maintenance is for the child's benefit then

this would be requiring children to pay

council tax.

Strongly Disagree In less well off families thsi would mean

that the children go without even more

which makes their situation worse.

Strongly Disagree It is expensive bringing up children, this

money is for her son

Strongly Disagree It will not!

Strongly Disagree It won't, my children are grown up, but it

will impact all children!! Shame it had to

come to this after wasting so much

money on the events (olympics & jubilee)

of 2012. Someones got to pay - shame

it's not the government & their posh cars

& houses!!

Strongly Disagree It won't. But I am worried about child

poverty, certain parents will still drink and

smoke, may limit food/clothin g to their


Strongly Disagree It would still leave me to struggle

Strongly Disagree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Disagree It would'nt.

Strongly Disagree Leave Child maintenance alone this is

the fairest benefit children will suffer if

child maintenance is cut.

Strongly Disagree Less money for the child

Strongly Disagree Living costs & bills & raising family costs

Page 67: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree maintance is for the children this is wrong

Strongly Disagree Maintenance for children should be


Strongly Disagree Maintenance is for the welfare and

upkeep for your children. WHY TAKE





Strongly Disagree Maintenance is paid for children and their

welfare. This is so wrong and should

have nothing to do with how much council

tax you pay. That is like children paying

tax (stealing food from babies mouths).

NO NO NO. I get maintenance for my

daughter and every little penny goes to




Strongly Disagree maintenance payments should never be

included as they are solely for the benefit

of the children. Also maintenance is not a

portion of my income that can ever be

relied on.

Strongly Disagree Maintenance should be for children ie

clothes, food and not for paying a

household bill!

Strongly Disagree Many maintenance payments are not


Strongly Disagree Mr and my partner would still find it

difficult to make this sort of payment.

Strongly Disagree Mrs Smith shouldn't suffer through her ex

partner in way of paying CTAX.

Strongly Disagree Mums need all the money they can get.

Bringing up children on their own is not

easy. Why pay for useless services when

it can be spent on your child

Strongly Disagree My child maintenance is not taken into

account - the more I have to pay for

council tax the less I can pay other things

Strongly Disagree My ex-husband paid maintenance in a

lump sum and I would really struggle to

pay more council tax.

Strongly Disagree My former partner owes me money and I

have been fighting for years. It's my sons

money so why shouldI or he not get full

entitlement. CHILD maintenance!!! Not

COUNCIL TAX maintenance.

Strongly Disagree My partners pay money in form of child

maintenance in order for me to feed &

cloth my children, if this was taken I

wouldn't be able to feed them etc.

Page 68: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree My wife is on a low income and has our

daughter for at least 4 days a week.

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A - But I think this is very unfair as this

money should be there for the children it

is paid for.

Strongly Disagree N/A. However strong belief that child

maintenace is for ebnefit of the child not

to cover incraese incoem for council.

Strongly Disagree No - only that from adukts living in the


Strongly Disagree No - only that from adults living in the


Strongly Disagree no change

Strongly Disagree No children

Strongly Disagree None

Strongly Disagree None yet but it can later.

Strongly Disagree Not at all

Strongly Disagree not at all

Strongly Disagree Not at all, but child maintenance is for the

maintenance of children, not for funding

local government services

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree Once again this would hurt me and my


Strongly Disagree Parents need every penny they can get

Strongly Disagree Parents on a lower income use this

money to clothe their children.

Strongly Disagree people on Council Tax Support are not

earning a lot of money... a household may

be earning something but not a fortune...

simply enough to live without a struggle.

Richer people like me can pay more to

increase the income from Council Tax..

Strongly Disagree Significantly.

Strongly Disagree T o keep a child costs more than £ 25

per week

Strongly Disagree Tax would go up

Strongly Disagree That money is to provide food, clothing,

nappies etc for the children. This would

be like taking food out of my childs


Strongly Disagree The maintenance money I receive from

my husband keeps us a float, if I didn't

have that we would barely survive

Page 69: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree The absent partner does not always keep

payments of maintenance up, but the

council tax would always expect to be

paid. Only work if maintenance was 100%


Strongly Disagree The cost of bringing up children is rising.

The amount of child maintenance

received is pitance in comparison to the

cost. The government have already got

rid of to ensure absent parents pay.

Why should I be penalised for caring for

my children. I would have to work more

hours to cover the difference to which you

would then take away more benefit for !!

Strongly Disagree The father of my children isn't reliable with

child maintenance because he is in and

out of work most of the time.

Strongly Disagree The maintenance money/any money is

very hard to manage. It's for the child. £ 5

does not sound much but when we

already count every penny it is hard.

Strongly Disagree The mobney that is received in

maintenance pays my bills and what's left

is for the children

Strongly Disagree Think again. Worse off as this is a childs

money and not for council. This is why

this get paid for child/children.

Strongly Disagree This doesn't affect me, but i do know of

people who have difficulty getting money

off their ex partner for their children and

therefore struggle to manage, so this

would make matters worse!

Strongly Disagree This is a disgraceful proposal - child

maintenance has been set for the care of

a child - not to pay Council tax.

Strongly Disagree This is money meant for the maintenance

and care of a child - how an individual

parent chooses to spend this can not be

legislated for. Therefore this proposal has

the potential to increase rates of child

poverty, in Mrs Smiths case, by £ 5 per

week. Again, the example makes no

reference to the personal financial

circumstances of Mrs Smith so a clear

judgement is not possible for this


Strongly Disagree This is outrageous. maintenance is for the

child to provide food, water, clothes and a

roof over their head. It is difficult enough

to get maintenance from ex-partners to

then take an amount of that is despicable.

Page 70: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree This is taking money from the people that

need it the most.

Strongly Disagree This money is for the child. I don't think

money should be taken away from

children. The proposal does not affect


Strongly Disagree This money should be spent on their


Strongly Disagree This money should be used for children

Strongly Disagree This money was given by parliament to

CHILDREN not to be spent on council

wages & pensions where most of the

money goes!

Strongly Disagree This will not affect me in person but I think

that money is given to provide for the


Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree To include child maintenance and child

benefit would be unfair to child

Strongly Disagree Unfair on children under this proposal.

Why should children pay council tax.

Strongly Disagree Unfair to include the money purely

intended for children

Strongly Disagree Unlikely to affect me

Strongly Disagree We do not have children therefore this

would not affect us.

Strongly Disagree Whats the point of giving the help towards

child maintenance if its just going to be

deducted by council tax?!

Strongly Disagree Whilst I receive no maintenance from my

sons mother the example shows that the

child is targeted. us single parents hace

children without support network of

conventional families, often having

children with needs affected by family

break up.

Strongly Disagree Why should people on low incmes be

penalised also pensioners.

Strongly Disagree Will affect our childrens education and

daily life

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me - money paid for the

care of children should not be included.

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but payment should be

based on size of property

Strongly Disagree Would affect me

Strongly Disagree Wouldn't affect me

Strongly Disagree Wouldn't affect me i pay full council tax.

Strongly Disagree Wouldn't be able to pay anymore bills

Strongly Disagree yes if they earn a wage

Doesn't affect me.

Don't have any children.

extra £ 10 could be alot of money

I do not receive child maintenance.

Page 71: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

I receive maintenance but this is not

guarenteed income. I have had to chase

my ex partner for money,. This could

cause budgeting problems

I think maintenance should be for children

Income is income whatever the source

Maintenance is paid for the child's

upkeep, Council Tax is not payable by

children so should not play any part in the

parent's income.





Page 72: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree £ 3 is not to bad.

Agree Again this payment is made

to help with continuing with

her life style and as such this

payment should be included

Agree all benefits should be


Agree All income should be


Agree All income should be taken

into consideration


Agree All money earned shoud be


Agree although i don't technically

agree. it would be better than

the child bing penalised.

Agree As above

Agree as above

Agree As above

Agree As above as a general

Council Tax payer without


Agree As above.

Agree As above. All income should

be calculated as

contributable at 100%.

People need to work for a

living, not heavily subsidised.

Agree Do not know

Agree Does not

Agree Does not affect

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me. If Mrs

Smith is working and

receiving a weekly wage £

215.00 after stoppages then

that £ 25.00 is extra and

should be calculated as


Agree Does not affect our


Agree Doesn't

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Principle 2 - All income should be taken into account

Proposal C - Include all Adult Maintenance when

calculating Council Tax support

Page 73: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Everyone should pay a little.

Agree I cannot comment upon this

proposal because I have ni

idea what adult maintenance

is, however I presume it is

extra money soemone would

be receiving & therefore as

in poropsal B I would tend to


Agree I do not receive adult

maintenance so this would

not affect me. But council

tax is another bill like, water,

electricity. tv licence, which

as an adult we have to pay.

Agree I have to pay something in

way of council tax.

Agree I think all income should be

taken into account BUT if

people are on very low

incomes they should not

have to pay more council


Agree I will not be affected but this

seems fairer than other


Agree I would pay less than

proposal B

Agree If a partner is working and

receiving maintenance then

it should be taken into

account, but if the partner is

unemployed then no.

Agree Impact on my council tax


Agree In this area all the payments

are so low

Agree It doesn't

Agree it does'nt

Agree It doesn't affect me at all.

Agree It doesn't affect me but i

don't see why all income isn't

taken into account anyway

Agree It doesn't.

Agree it is difficult to agree or

disagree to this proposal

unless we know more about

circumstances of family

Agree It will not affect me

Page 74: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit but it

is still part of the claimants

income so I believe it should

be included.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It would not

Agree It would not

Agree it would not

Agree It would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me but

this example is too loose. Is

Mrs Smith of working age or

retired? I disagree with

'blanket' decisions.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not.

Agree It would not.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't affect me but

adult maintenance is to the

adults lifestyle inc home.

Agree It wouldn't affect me directly.

'Mrs Smith' is of working age

and council tax effects all


Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Agree Maybe possible to achieve

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Page 75: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A - I don't receive


Agree n/p

Agree Nil effect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No change.

Agree No direct effect

Agree no effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect on me

Agree No effect.

Agree No effect.

Agree None

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree Not affect me

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree not directly affected

Agree Once again EVERYONE

should pay something.

Agree retired

Page 76: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree That would be ok as long as

maintenance was in payment







Agree The maintenance I did NOT

receive was taken into

consideration from time to

time, so I am sure

maintenance you Do receive


Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree this does not affect our


Agree This does not currently affect


Agree This doesn't affect me.

Agree in principle. Spousal

maintenance is regarded as

income and is paid to the

spouse who has given up

work in order to bring up

their children, resulting in a

career break, often of many

years, and affecting their

ability to ear a living wage. I

agree that any ex-spouse

lucky enough to be paid this

should pay a little extra in

Council Tax.



Agree this proposal would not affect


Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree this wont affect me

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me at


Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Page 77: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree this would not affect my

family at present.

Agree This would not affect us

personally but if the person

is of working age and has no

clear reason to not work then

it is a good idea. the

scheme need to ensure it is

not aimed at people who are

genuinely unable to work,

rather than a sweeping

gesture involving everybody.

Agree This would not directly affect


Agree This wouldn't affect me.

Agree unaffected

Agree We are all in this together

Agree We are not affected.

Agree We don't understand why

someone would pay

maintenance for an adult.

As this is an icome like child

maintenance it should be

included. This doesn't apply

to us but would be

acceptable if it did.

Agree Why would an adult get

maintence from aformer

partner? Maintenance is for

the children!

Agree will help to stop council tax

going up for everyone

Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me

Agree Will Not. Why penalise

solely Mrs Smith? The

former partner should have

some obligation so the

increase should be a joint

responsibility. Considering

this the former partner

should provide the additional

50% contribution by way of

an increased payment. In

the example Mrs Smith

would contribute the £ 1,50

and her former partner would

contribute £ 1.50.

Agree Would have no affect on me

personally but I agree with

the proposal

Page 78: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Would it not be easier to

deduct it from the £ 15. But

yes, anybody receiving £ 25

per week without

dependants is blessed!

Agree Would not

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me as I

don't get it.

Agree Would not affect me as there

is no maintenance payment.

Agree Would not affect me but

adults do not need as much

material items such as

clothes through growing etc.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree wouldn't

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Wouldn't affect me but the

amount is reasonable to lose

a week although still seems


Disagree Again it won't affect me but I

can see single parents

suffering in future.

Household bills and

shopping isn't going down

but incoming moneys will be.

Disagree Again, it depends on the

circumstances of the


Disagree At present my wife & I do not

need or claim any

maintenance benefit but both

being in our 70's that

situation may change in the

future. As we are on a fixed

pension income we need to

consider this option.

Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree But is maintenance included

in the calculation of other

benefits? If it is counted

often enough Mrs Smith

would be better off not

receiving maintenance.

Disagree Depend if the ex partner is

well paid

Page 79: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Do not receive adult


Disagree Do not see why my

maintenance has anything to

do with council tax.

Disagree Does not affect me

Disagree Does not affect me.

Disagree Does not affect me. One

assumes 'adult maintenance'

is deemed necessary or it

would not be awarded; but

perhaps reverse the £ 10/£

15 p.w. proportions?


Disagree Does not apply to me

Disagree Doesn't affect me but this

shouldn't be touched.

Disagree Doesn't affect me but why

should someone forced to

support another adult be

insulted by that support

being taxed.

Disagree Doesn't affect me.

Disagree Doesn't affect us.

Disagree Don't know what adult

maintenance is? So can't


Disagree I don't agree that the poor

should pay for the mistakes

of the government. CUT A





Disagree I don't receive maintenance.

Disagree I have to pay something in

way of council tax.

Disagree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Disagree It doesn't

Disagree It doesn't but see my answer

to A

Page 80: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree It won't - but I wonder how it

can be operated fairly when

so many people entitled to

maintenance payments don't

always actually receive them

Disagree It wouldn't

Disagree It wouldn't.

Disagree It wouln't i pay full council


Disagree May need all this money to

supprt themselves

Disagree Minus £ 3 a week £ 12 a

month can be a huge

difference on weekly bills,

food. Being able to save for

a new essential

cooker/washing machine or

get repaired.

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A As above

Disagree No affect

Disagree No change

Disagree Not affect me.

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all

Disagree not at all

Disagree Not in receipt of

maintenance - no affect

Disagree Not sure I understand htis

but the above still applies.

Disagree Not sure.

Disagree Only work if maintenance

was 100% regular

Disagree People on benefits no matter

where the income is from

shouldn't be on more than

people working - There is no

incentive to worl anymore.

Disagree same as above box

Disagree See proposal two.

Disagree This doesn't affect me.

Disagree This proposal will not affect


Page 81: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree This will only bring about

further family strife, the

receiver may well resort to

the courts in an attempt to

maintain their lifestyle

Disagree This would not affect me.

Disagree This wouldn't actually affect

me as I don't receive

anything from my ex partner

to support me. I have to work

to support myself.

Disagree Unable to comment as

example does not provide a

broader explanation as to

why the maintenance is


Disagree Why £ 15 and not £ 150

Disagree Will not affect me

Disagree Will not affect me.

Disagree Will not affect me. This

answer , as all of them are

difficult to answer as the

other circumstances are


Disagree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Disagree wouldn't affect me

Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

the proposed scheme.

Strongly Agree Again, why should they have

income ignored?

Strongly Agree All income should be

accounted to show fairness.

Strongly Agree all income should be taken

into consideration

Strongly Agree All income should be used,

again I do not understand

why this has never been in

place. Anything extra I earn

is used in my calculations

and so this should apply to

all. Including DLA, etc. many

of the benefit payments are

much more than you can

earn by going out to work.

Strongly Agree answer as above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Agree as above

Page 82: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree as above - ALL income

should be included. This will

not affect me.

Strongly Agree As above it is still a income.

Strongly Agree As above, no direct impact

but my comments for

Proposal B apply

Strongly Agree As above.

Strongly Agree As Mrs Smith

receivesmaintenance from

her former partner this

income should be taken into

account for CT purposes. It

would only affect me if I had

to bear the cost of all Mrs

Smith's CT.

Strongly Agree Being a pensioner Would not

affect me.

Strongly Agree Consistent with comments in

rule 1 & 2

Strongly Agree Ditto

Strongly Agree ditto

Strongly Agree does not

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me. I think it

is fair however.

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree Don't agree with adult

maintenance,. A former

partner should not be liable

for future maintenance

Strongly Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Strongly Agree I pay maintenance and

believe this should be

included fully.

Strongly Agree I strongly believe that all

income should be taken into

consideration when

calculating benefits of any


Strongly Agree I think Mrs Smith should pay

more because she is

receiving extra money

Strongly Agree i will not be affected as i

neither receive nor pay


Page 83: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree If all income is used in the

calculation then we are all

treated fairly.

Strongly Agree Income taken into account

Strongly Agree it doesn't

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It doesnt.

Strongly Agree It will not!

Strongly Agree It will not. income is income.

Strongly Agree it wont

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not

have to pay as much for

those who choose to

abandon their partners. I

have been married for 31

years and have found that

relationships need


Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me


Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It would'nt

Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't as I do not receive


Strongly Agree It wouldn't be I think it's fair

that all maintenance is taken

into account.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree More money would be

available for other essential

services for the benefirt of

the wider community

Strongly Agree Mrs Smith recieves the

income, it is better than

earned as it is tax free

(Others have paid the tax).

Strongly Agree Mrs smiths former partner

should make up the


Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not

be so high

Page 84: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A.

Strongly Agree N/A I would like to think if

these people are having to

pay more in C/Tax then

maybe those of us have low

income jobs will pay less to

make it worth working in first


Strongly Agree na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No Affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect as I don't receive

adult maintenance.

Strongly Agree No affect.

Strongly Agree No amount of money, or

assets for that matter, should

be ignored. This would

make a fairer system for me,

as I have to complete with

these people who are

supported by maintenance. I

do not receive benefits or


Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect.

Page 85: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affect me

Strongly Agree Not affect me.

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected but as before all

incomes should be taken

into account.

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all other than to make

the system fairer for all.

Strongly Agree Not relevant to me.

Strongly Agree of couese it should be

included not fair otherwise to

people who declare all

sources income and we all

need to make a contribution.

as a pensioner i still pay c


Strongly Agree Personaaly not ffected, but

feel it will encourage

responsibility and not

penalize fellow tax payers

Strongly Agree see above

Strongly Agree See answers above

Strongly Agree There example show a

contribution to family income.

Again if in receipt of Council

services a contribution to

there cost should be made

Strongly Agree This does not affect me


Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree This proposal would not

affect me directly

Page 86: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree this will not affect me.

Strongly Agree This would not affect me.

Strongly Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Strongly Agree Total household income

must be included no matter if

its unearned income. Unfair

on people working full tiome

who earn less than all the


Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all.

Income is income.

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me as I

don't have no former partner

from whom maintenance is


Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Wouldn't affect me

Strongly Agree Yes as more than one form

of income coming in. It still

dismisses some of the


Strongly Disagree 20% is a ridiculously high

amount of money! People

who make these decisions

should try living with the

money you are proposing to

leave people with for 1

month.... then see if you

think it is enough.

Strongly Disagree Adult maintenance is

provided to contribute to the

expense of adult

maintenance. Taxing this

benefit is wholly

inappropriate. This would

cost me nothing.

Strongly Disagree Again, targetting the poorest

sections - this time divorced

women. These sums seem

small but when taken out of

next to nothing in the first

place it hits hards. Still

waiting for where the higher

earners pay a larger


Page 87: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Agian this is an extra income

and should be included when

calculating council tax

benefit. No one recieves this

benefit in our household.

Strongly Disagree As above

Strongly Disagree As above this would make

the same conclusion.

Strongly Disagree As B

Strongly Disagree As before this would hurt

because I can barely make

ends meet on my current


Strongly Disagree as with question 1

Strongly Disagree Disgusting to think that

maintenance, which is usual

no way near the amount it

should be to bring up a child.

So kids again go without &

parents struggle.

Strongly Disagree Ditto

Strongly Disagree Does maintenance still

exist? This looks like making

money appear to exist when

it doesn't. Is maintenance at

that level even reaching

thresholds normally set for

tax? So this is income tax?

But not within the standard

rules? Same impact applies

as above - partner will ask

for more maintenance and

the partner will want more of

their own benefits. Other

cuts will be affecting this

partner, so the proposal is

just a further drain on

resources. Those on beneifts

are not those with lee-way in


Strongly Disagree Doesn't affect me personally.

Strongly Disagree Every penny is needed,

especiallyy as food & petrol

prices keep going up

Strongly Disagree I am a single mum with 2

kids & receive the minimum

child maintenance

Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Page 88: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I am sure Mrs Smith would

prfere to have the £ 3 a week

for 3 tv dinners

Strongly Disagree I do not receive any adult


Strongly Disagree I do not receive any

maintenance but if I did it

would be a great help to me

and not enough for the

council to take it away from

me. At the present time my

children and I do not buy

fresh fruit and veg as we

should because cost of living

is so expensive and health

wise they are suffering.

Strongly Disagree I do not receive maintenance

from a former partner.

Strongly Disagree I struggle as it is this would

make it worse

Strongly Disagree I would be unhappy to see

the maintenance for a child

reduced because of the cost

of the council tax of £ 25 per

month deducted from the

child maintenance. It is for

child costs and not council


Strongly Disagree If I was lucky enough to get

money from a former partner

it would be for the children

not me. Just reduce council


Strongly Disagree If Mrs SMITH is on benefits

she has little money. I'm

single and receive nothing

from my ex partner

Strongly Disagree It does not - If you are a lone

parent you are restricted to

the hours you can work, child

care is expensive and non

existent if you work


Strongly Disagree It doesn't

Strongly Disagree It won't but all the changes

seem to me to only affect the

needy and poor income

people!! Why not hit the rich

who can afford to lose


Strongly Disagree It's unfair. What about the

people who don't receive


Page 89: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Like I said, my children have

to have new clothes, coz

they are growing and they

need things.

Strongly Disagree Low income - struggle in

current climate

Strongly Disagree maintance is for the child

Strongly Disagree Maintenance is to help with

costs iof tghings not be be

taken awy

Strongly Disagree Most families struggle with

paying only a small

percentage of council tax to

then take alout out of child

maintenance will effect them

even more than it already is.

Strongly Disagree Mums need all the money

they can get. Bringing up

children on their own is not

easy. Why pay for useless

services when it can be

spent on your child

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree no change

Strongly Disagree No maintenance - no man -


Strongly Disagree None

Strongly Disagree not

Strongly Disagree Not at all

Strongly Disagree Not everyone gets money

from ex partners. So there

would be people that would

have to find it else where or

not pay. I don't get money

from an ex

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree Not yet but it might in the


Strongly Disagree Once again children will

suffer if this goes ahead.

Children already bear the

brunt of goverment cuts.

Page 90: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Once again the target is the

poor, not the rich. I would

advise anyone who has a

second home should be

charged 5 times the normal

council tax as a dis-

incentive, these homes lie

empty for most of the year

have meant many school

closures and have a

detrimental effect on


Strongly Disagree Same again this is a

separate issue and are

reasons why it gets paid.

Strongly Disagree see above.

Strongly Disagree The council should look at

other cost measures

including 'how much did it

cost to produce this

document and post it'.. How

about civic leaders taking a

cut in pay.

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree there are a number of

women like me who are just

getting by on a tiny

allowance. Most of us

choose to manage and not

go on Benefits. Why penalize


Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree to far

Strongly Disagree Unfair when trying to bring

up children.

Strongly Disagree Unlikely to affect me

Strongly Disagree We do not have children.

Strongly Disagree What about leaving Mrs

Smith alone. She needs the

money and stop spending

our money on Arms for a

pointless war!

Page 91: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree What is wrong with you

people.... This makes no

sense at all.... The whoe

point of maintenance is the

partner paying for a child, not

the council. Single parents

don't get much as it is why

would you target them and

their children. They are just

as vulnerable as people on

pension credits. Why would

you not protect people

single Mums and yet protect


Strongly Disagree Why take money from

people who need it

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Strongly Disagree Would affect me

Strongly Disagree You would be taken money

from a 7 year old - he is not

liable to pay council tax,

Didn't know adult

maintenance existed!

Doesn't affect me.

Doesn't affect us

Don't understand question

Don't understand the



I don't know what adult

maintenance is all about or

what it is...........

I don't understand what adult

maintenence is........








Proposal C does not affect


This scenario doesn't affect


Page 92: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Principle 2 - All income

should be taken into

account Proposal

D1 - Include all Child

Benefit when calulating

Council Tax support


Principle 2 - All income

should be taken into

account Proposal

D2 - Ignore Child Benefit

for the first child but

include Child Benefit for

any other children in the

household when calulating

Council Tax support


Comments received for

proposal D1 and D2


Agree Agree again child benefit is paid for

the benefit of the child this

includes keeping a roof over

their head

Agree Strongly Disagree All income should be taken

into account.

Agree All income should be taken

into consideration


Agree Disagree as above



Agree Agree Depends on the

circumstances. I wouldn't be

included because my income

support less £ 10 a week.

Agree Agree Do not know

Agree Agree Does not

Agree Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Disagree Does not affect me.

Agree Disagree Does not affect me.

Agree Strongly Agree Does not apply as we have

no children

Agree Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Disagree Everyone with kids gets child

benefit. It is the same for all

so should be taken into


Agree Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Agree Agree I don't have children.

Agree Disagree I have 3 children so this

would increase my payment


Agree I have 3 children so would

affect me.Only fair if applied

to everyone with children.

Page 93: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Disagree I think all income should be

taken into account BUT if

people are on very low

incomes they should not

have to pay more council


Agree Agree i will have 2 children by then

so it will affect me

Agree Strongly Agree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Agree Agree If the total eachweek is a

reasonable payable amount

then it should be thought






Agree Strongly Agree It doesn't.

Agree Disagree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit but it

is still part of the claimants

income so I believe it should

be included.

Agree Strongly Agree It won't affect me, I don't

have children as I can't

afford to start a family yet.

Agree Agree It would

Agree Disagree it would not affect me

Agree Agree It would not affect me.

Agree Disagree It wouldn't affect me


Agree Strongly Disagree It wouldn't, but I'm concerned

as would lead to people

having more children for

ease on tax.

Agree Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree Disagree N/A

Agree Agree N/A

Agree Agree N/A

Agree Disagree N/A

Agree Disagree N/A

Agree Strongly Agree N/A

Agree Agree N/A

Agree Agree N/A

Agree Agree N/A

Agree Strongly Agree NA

Page 94: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Agree Neither proposal would affect

me directly, but I beleive

either would be useful. I

beleive the Council should

make up any shortfall in its

general budget through

efficiency savings.

Agree Agree Nil

Agree Agree No affect

Agree Disagree No affect

Agree Strongly Agree No affected

Agree Agree No change.

Agree Disagree No direct effect

Agree Strongly Agree no effect

Agree Agree No effect on me

Agree Agree No effect.

Agree Disagree No impact on me.

Agree Agree Not

Agree Agree not

Agree Agree not

Agree Disagree not

Agree Strongly Agree Not affect me

Agree Agree Not affected

Agree Disagree Not affected

Agree Strongly Agree Not affected

Agree Agree Not at all

Agree Agree Not at all

Agree Disagree Not at all

Agree Agree not at all

Agree Strongly Agree not currently claiming

Council Tax Benefit. Have

child benefit for 2 children

Agree Strongly Agree not directly affected

Agree Agree Not relevant to me.

Agree Strongly Agree option d is only 2.60 a week

less for with hb

there is a £ 5 disallowed

amount and it is right and

proper to make a

contribution especially if

there are 2 wage earners

plus benefits

Agree Agree same as last box as I can

not afford to pay all council

tax and no even half council


Agree Agree Seems the fairer way

Agree Agree Thankfully I dont have

children at home.

Agree Disagree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree Agree These proposals would not

affect me.

Agree Agree This does not affect me

Page 95: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Agree this does not affect us but

seems a fairer way to


Agree Disagree This should depend on the

level of income in the


Agree Agree This would affect me as child

benefit is for the children no

for paying council tax. We

would have less to spend on

our children.

Agree Disagree This would not affect me.

Agree Disagree unaffected

Agree Agree Unaffected

Agree Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Agree Disagree Would not affect me

Agree Strongly Disagree Would not affect me.

Agree Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Agree wouldn't

Agree Agree Wouldn't affect me

Disagree Disagree Affects us slightly.

Disagree Strongly Agree After 2012 I will only receive

child benefit for one child


Disagree Disagree AGAIN STRUGGLE TO


Disagree Agree Although this benefit is

usually not included as it is

supposed to help buy clothes

& things for the children I do

think that possibly option D2

would be the better of the

two as it would still allow the

benefit to be used for its

intended purpose.

Disagree Agree As my children grow up they

cost me more and I have

less help (milk tokens, etc.).

I don't have money to spend

on luxery lifestyle. When I

say no money I mean it.

Disagree Disagree As per proposal B / principle


Disagree Disagree Because people can't afford


Page 96: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Disagree Child benefit shouldn't be

taken into account. ths is

paid to the parent with care

for the benefit of the

children, not for paying

Council Tax. As with the

proposal regarding Child

Maintenance it is penalising

the children and I am not

sure how legally enforeable

this would be .

Disagree Disagree Child benefit helps me to buy

clothes & shoes for my

children! If you started taking

a reduced amount how do I

then decide which child

doesn't get shoes or clothes

that month?!

Disagree Strongly Disagree Child Benefit is a universal

benefit paid to every parent

regardless of their financial

situation. By using this as an

inclusion of means testing

instantly penalises any family

on low incomes.

Disagree Disagree Child benefit is paid for help

with and for the child.

Taking money from child

benefit it taking money from

the child.

Disagree Disagree Child benefit is to provide for

the children

Disagree Disagree child benefit should be for

providing for children, not for

paying tax.

Disagree Disagree Children under 16 not guilty

of count as tax payers.

Disagree Disagree Does not

Disagree Disagree Does not affect me.

Disagree Agree Does not affect me. For

some families, losing £ 6.74

is a major issue, but losing £

2.68 is affordable, it would

mean that instead of the first

son receiving £ 20.30 per

week they would get £ 17.62.

They will have to stop buying

overpriced designer gear

and learn to spend money


Disagree Agree Does not affect our


Disagree Agree Doesn' affect me

Disagree Disagree Doesn't affect me

Page 97: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Agree Have just answered this in

principle 2 without any

options! D2 is fairer. A

second child does not cost

as much to keep as the first.

Disagree Agree Have one child so would be

affected by D1

Disagree Agree I agree with D2 as it seems

more people are having

children to get more benefits

and houses.

Disagree Disagree I am not sure about Child

benefit being counted as I

feel this money is to ensure

a better quality of life for the

child it is paid in respect of

and taking 20% of that away

doesn't seem appropriate.

Disagree Disagree I don't think child benefit

should be taken into

account, because again it

would be penalising the

children. HOWEVER, when

couples are just reproducing

for extra benefits then yes. I

think if you have mpre than 2

children then if you have to

deduct the council tax

allowance from then.

Disagree Disagree I have one child, this would

obviously affect me, not by

much. Instead of taking

benefit from people at the

lowest financial level. Stop

giving child benefit to those

on high incomes for whom

the money makes absolutely

no difference.

Disagree Disagree i have to save all my child

bnefit to help pay the rent

which still dosnt cover the

rent, being a single parent

unlike the example im going

to struggle to pay my rent

Disagree Agree I have two children and this

as stated therefore as i don't

get maintenance is all the

money I have in benefit for

them - but a couple of

pounds a week for more

than 1 child is ok -ish.

Page 98: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Disagree I have two children so

therefore this will affect me.

Disagree Agree I only have one child at

home so it would not affect

me. But option 1 would affec

tme but this is supposed to

top up moneyfor the child so

I disagree with it

Disagree Strongly Agree I receive child benefit for one

child so this proposal ( option

D2) would not affect

Disagree Agree I suppose this may

discourage people having

large families purely to

enhance benefits so I do

tend to agree with this


Disagree Agree I would lose some benefit

Disagree Agree It doesn't

Disagree Agree It doesn't

Disagree Agree It does't

Disagree Disagree It will not affect me.

Disagree Disagree It won't !!

Disagree Agree It won't.

Disagree Agree It won't.

Disagree Agree it would not

Disagree Disagree It would not affect me

Disagree Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Disagree Agree It wouldn't

Disagree Agree It wouldn't affect me but i

don't see why all income

isn'tt aken into account when

testing ability to pay

Disagree Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Disagree Agree It wouldn't, I still have to pay,

with 3 children under the age

of ten, so should everyone.

Disagree Agree It would'nt.

Disagree Disagree Less money to buy


Disagree Disagree Like Proposal B, these have

the potential to inadvertently

impact upon children ... who

are not of working age - ergo

should not be making any

contribution towards council


Page 99: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Disagree My views about this that I'm

not sure about taxing this

benefit at all. Child benefit is

presumably paid by the

government for the sake of

the child and so is not an

income as such. And I'm not

sure it's right to deduct

Council Tax from it. Is child

benefit taxed from the

income of people not on


Disagree Disagree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Strongly Agree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Disagree N/A

Disagree Disagree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Agree n/a

Disagree Agree n/a

Disagree Disagree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Disagree N/A

Disagree Agree N/A

Disagree Agree n/a

Disagree Agree n/a

Disagree Disagree N/A

Disagree Disagree N/A Sould be means

tested work related income.

Disagree Disagree n/p

Disagree Agree Neither affects me

Disagree Disagree Nil

Disagree Agree Nil effect

Disagree Disagree No affect

Disagree Agree No affect

Disagree Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Disagree Agree No affect

Disagree Disagree No change

Disagree Agree No dependant children - no


Disagree Strongly Agree No direct effect

Disagree Disagree No effect

Disagree Agree No effect.

Disagree Strongly Agree Not @ all

Disagree Strongly Agree Not affect me.

Disagree Disagree Not affect me.

Disagree Agree Not affected

Disagree Strongly Agree not affected

Disagree Disagree Not affected

Disagree Strongly Agree not affected

Disagree Agree Not affected

Page 100: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Disagree Not at all

Disagree Agree not at all

Disagree Disagree not at all

Disagree Agree Not at all - except through

my own level of Council Tax

& Services

Disagree Agree Not at all.

Disagree Agree Not at all.

Disagree Disagree Not at all.

Disagree Strongly Agree One child allowance is

allowed to be ignored but

any more childrens

allowance is included - this

seems fairer to single

parents. People should not

have so many children, and

expect us all to pay for them.

Except if a partner who

worked has died!

Disagree Strongly Agree Possibly a v small increase

in Council Tax or not at all.

Disagree Strongly Disagree the child benefit is vital to my

four children in helping make

sure there needs are met. As

on low income every little

helps. Any decrease in

benefit has an impact

Disagree Disagree They don't but see my

answer to A

Disagree Agree This does not affect me

Disagree Agree This does not affect me. I do

think it fair that each

additional child is charged /

accounted for in such






Disagree Strongly Agree THIS PROPOSAL WOULD


Disagree Strongly Agree this will not affect me

Disagree This will not affect us. Both

daughters have 6 children

and this will affect them

Disagree Disagree This would affect me as I do

receive child benefit. I

believe that child benefit

should all be spent on/saved

for the child/children amd not

added into calculations.

Disagree Disagree This would not affect me

Page 101: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Agree This would not affect me, my

children are grown. I feel

option D2 would be fairer to

struggling parents

Disagree Agree This would not affect me.

Disagree Disagree this would not affect us as

our daughter does not qualify

but taking money that is for

children into account is

wrong. This money is to

assist with upbringing and it's

associated expenses.

Disagree Strongly Agree This would not directly affect


Disagree Disagree We are sttuggling already!!

How do you propose a family

of 4 to manager??

Disagree Disagree We do not have children. But

could pets be taken into

consideration as we love our

dog very much.

Disagree Agree We don't have children so

does not affect us.

Disagree Agree We use our child benefit for

school expenses and other

clothes they need. The first

option would mean the

school expenses would have

to be reduced (e.g. kit and/or

trips). The second option

would be better as we would

only need to buy cheaper

clothes for non school use.

The school expenses could

still be met.

Disagree Agree We would be on a tighter

budget meaning cuts to daily


Disagree Agree Will not affect me

Disagree Agree Will not affect me

Disagree Agree will not affect me

Disagree Disagree Will Not. The big moral

question is, should a child be

responsible for contributions

to Council Tax?



Disagree Strongly Agree Would not

Disagree Strongly Disagree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Disagree Agree Would not affect me.

Page 102: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Agree Would not lose so much


Disagree Disagree You are taking money from


Strongly Agree Disagree A family with children use a

lot of services which is what

the Child Benefit is to help

pay for.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

schemes D1 & D2.

Strongly Agree Disagree All income should be taken

into account as with paid


Strongly Agree Agree all income should be taken

into consideration

Strongly Agree Disagree As above

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree as above

Strongly Agree Agree As above I think all sources

of income should be

considered and the values

awarded should be awarded


Strongly Agree Disagree As above. All income should

be calculated as

contributable at 100%.

People need to work for a

living, not heavily subsidised.

Strongly Agree Disagree As before. All income

should be accounted for.

Deter young females from

having large families to claim

extra benefit.

Strongly Agree Agree As I only have one child

living at home I would pay

more council tax

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree As the heading states All

income should be taken into


Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree boring I know, but I pay full

Council Tax and always

have even as a long

standing widow. So

everyone should pay at least


Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Children are in receipt of

Council services [directly &

indirectly] hence a

contribution is justified

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree ditto

Strongly Agree Disagree does not

Strongly Agree Disagree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Disagree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Does not affect me.

Page 103: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Doesn't but would make

these young girls having so

many children think. I think

after the first 2 children child

benefit should be stopped.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree FIND HARD TO MANAGE


Strongly Agree Strongly Agree HARD TO MANAGE ON


Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Having children is a financial

commitment, years ago you

didn't get child benefit for the

1st born, children are not

commodities to get extra


Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree I do not agree with a system

that penalises people for

having more than one child.

Strongly Agree Disagree I don't have children as I

currently can't afford to care

for them!!

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree I have one child, but wont

affect me at all. Child benefit

is there for the benefit of the

child. It should be separate

to Council Tax Benefit.

Strongly Agree Disagree I know people who receive

child benefit and have

sufficiant income to pay their

council tax.

Strongly Agree Disagree I object to supporting other

peoples children

Page 104: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree I strongly believe that all

income should be taken into

consideration when

calculating benefits of any

kind. Option 1 is best

because it may contribute to

people on benefits having

smaller families, a size that

is more affordable. I hear

too many comments of

people of having children

because they get more

benefits, perks, bigger

houses and less about them

becoming a working person

who can pay into the pot that

they take from. It becomes

their right and that is wrong.

Strongly Agree Disagree I was overpaid child benefit

and had to pay it back so

only received for the 2nd

child. this debt was not

included in my benefit claim

instead was deemed to be

extra income.

Strongly Agree Agree If D1 is rejected, which would

be my preference.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Incomes should not be

ignored. Not affected by this.

Strongly Agree Disagree Indirectly

Strongly Agree Agree It doesn't. But if you have

children then you should pay

for them - not the state.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree It foes not affect me but I do

not agree with the concept of

child benefit regardless of

financial circumstances. A

better option inmy view

would be a benefit for the

first child only.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree It is their chioce to have

children and therefore

budget rather tha

expectother people to pay as

tax payers. All benefits

should be included

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree it wont

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree it won't

Strongly Agree Disagree It wont as I am employed

and do not receive benefits.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree It would affect me.

Page 105: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree It would mean that I do not

have to pay as much for

those who choose to have

children. I do not have any of

my own and therefore

subsidise those that do.

Strongly Agree Agree it would not

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree it would not - but I feel ALL

income should be

considered within any

scheme so agree with this.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Disagree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree It wouldn't. - but it is

reprehensible that child

benefit should be included

when calculating C.T benefit.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree More money would be

available for other essential

services for the benefit of a

wider community

Strongly Agree Disagree Most families on benefits

have large families and so

should pay and not be an

additional burden on society.

Of which they produce no

benefits to. They don't help

society in any way and cause

most of the problems.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Mr & Mrs Smith receive

around £ 1,750 per year from

Child Benefit which is a lot of

money. Why should people

on low incomes but cannot

claim reductions in their CT

bill subsidise these people.

Strongly Agree Agree Mrs Smith recieves the

income, it is better than

earned as it is tax free

(Others have paid the tax).

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not

be so high

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree N/A

Page 106: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree n/a

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree N/A - I don't have children.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree N/A My preference is option


Strongly Agree Agree NA

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Na

Strongly Agree Agree neither of these proposals

would affect me

Strongly Agree Disagree no affect

Strongly Agree Disagree No affect

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Agree Disagree No Affect

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree No affect - these are

relatively small amounts

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree No affect, we believe Child

Benefit is no longer a

relevant benefit and should

be scrapped.

Strongly Agree Agree No effect

Strongly Agree Disagree no effect

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree Disagree No effect.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree None

Strongly Agree Disagree Not

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Disagree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Agree Not appliable to us

Strongly Agree Disagree Not at all

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree not at all

Strongly Agree Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Disagree Not at all

Strongly Agree Agree Not at all - but people don't

have to have kids in a

recession if they can't afford

to keep them - I didn't...

Strongly Agree Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Disagree Not at all other than to make

the system fairer for all and

that people without children

like myself are not constanly

subsidising those who

choose to have children.

Strongly Agree Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Disagree Not personally affected

Strongly Agree Disagree retired

Page 107: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Should be means tested.

Someone on say 50K/annum

does not need this benefit.

Also limit to 2 children.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree Strongly Agree This proposal would not

affect me directly

Strongly Agree Disagree This will not affect me but I

don't understand the

justification for option D2.

Strongly Agree Disagree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Would not affect me as I

don't have children.

Strongly Agree Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree You can manage with the

first - those coming after

make it tough. So don't have

6 plus!

Strongly Disagree Agree £ 2.68 a week to lose would

not be as bad as having to

pay 25% of council tax

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree .I believe child benefit should

not be considered My

partner & I have been so

skint at times and one saving

grace is that whatever

happens you have £ 20

week for son .We use that

money for our son,they way

it should be used, don't

takeour childs money.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree A family with one or two

children should be left alone.

But families with 4 or more,

then I agree totally.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Again child benefit is for the

child not the household.

Child benefit does not even

cover food per child.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Again taken away from the

child - indirectky affects

things they need.

Page 108: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Again this is taking money

away from children. Think

this is wrong as they need

every penny for food,

clothing and clubs.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Again, a 20% reduction is

ridiculously huge. Try 5%

or 10% first? Reduce your

own incomes by 20% for 6

months and see if u can

manage before you do that

to other people.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree As a low income household

even £ 2.68 a week is a lot of

money. Child benefit is for

my child, not to pay my

council tax with.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree As before parents rely on

this money to clothe their


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree At a time of double dip

recession reducing the

amount of council tax

support will be devastating to

people on low incomes who

have children to support.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree By including all income for

children this means I would

have to buy less food as

have to use mney for council


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Chid benefite contributes

towards clothes and food for

my children

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is a great help

towards the cost of bringing

up a child, when times are

hard, it is essential extra

money when you're at work!

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is already

treated as income for the

purpose of claiming income

support so I would be

penalised twice.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for child

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for children

Strongly Disagree Agree Child benefit is for helping for

food clothing for children

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for the care

of the child, not paying

council tax.

Page 109: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for the child

welfare, clothing, food etc.

It is central government

funded and should not be

accessed by local gov.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for the child.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree child benefit is for the

children not bills

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for the

children NOT for paying bills


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree child benefit is for the

children! NOT household


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is for your

children, i.e. help for food,

school uniforms, etc. so

including child benefit for

council tax would mean

taking away from children.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is given to

spend the money on child or


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree child benefit is paid for the

support of a child , not to pay


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is provided to

contribute to the great

expense of child upkeep.

Taxing this benefit is wholly

inappropriate. Opion D2

would cost me nothing.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is solely for the

children!! and should stay

that way.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child benefit is to help pay

for all things children need

ohterwise would not cope

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Child benefit should be for

children. I am a single

working mum. I rely on child

benefit to pay for kids cloths,

uniform and school trips.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree child benifit in many cases is

the life support for the child

so futher taxing the parents

would mean the children go

without posibly food and


Page 110: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Child maintenance and child

benefit are for the child. They

should not be penalised and

have to contribute towards

Council Tax. parents on low

income (such as myself) use

this money so their children

can lead a realtively

"normal" average


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Children are very expensive

and to take money away

when they need it makes life

very hard.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Children cost a lot so any

money paid for them gets

used for clothes,

nappies,food etc. We have

one child and barely have

enough money to buy any

new clothes when she grows

out of them

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Children do not pay council

tax. Child benefit is for

children - it will reduce the

amount parents have to buy

essentials for their children.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Chils benefit is for the

children. Children do not pay

council tax. It is unfair to use

benefit aimed at supporting

children to calculate

parent(s) council tax benefit.

Strongly Disagree Disagree D1. As I receive CB for one

child, it would be unfair. CB

is to be spent on children not

to be used for government

spending. Once again the

poorer kids and parents


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Do you want me to ever

have children?

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Either way this would put

extra financial strain on my

family. Child benefit goes

towards my children's

education, well-being, etc.

and should not be taken into

consideration in any other


Page 111: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Agree Everyone is entitled to have

children but 1 child 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 ++ is ridiculous.

Women just seem to keep

having children and people

that work have to pay them

to keep them.

Strongly Disagree Agree First example £ 6.74 is a

large sum to pay out on a

low income. Especially with

growing clost and giving

them a healthy lifestyle. 2nd

example £ 2.68 more

affordable. As agree one

need to pay some council


Strongly Disagree Agree Have 2 children, so will pay

on the 2nd child

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Have four children and fixed


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Having only 1 child D:2 is

preferred, though the

targeting of children is fairly


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I am due to have my firsy

baby in Sept. I can barely

pay the bills now so every

penny help will count to

helping towrads the baby.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I disagree here because if

you are paying council tax as

a person who pays tax on

their income, you receive

child benefit anyway. Child

Benefit should not be


Strongly Disagree Disagree I disagree with both

proposals, but slightly less

with D2. i would be greatky

affected by this proposal

whether option D1 or D2 was

chosen. I have a small

amount of maintenance and

this helps to fill the short fall.

My children still need food,

clothes, a home and some

pleasures in life.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I don not live with my wifer

but find it incumbant up on

the council and government

to help us.

Page 112: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Disagree I have 1 child who receives

child benefit. this money and

more is used directly for her

benefit, school trips, music

lessons etc. I would have to

find it from somewher else.

Strongly Disagree Disagree I have 2 childreb so this

would affect me.

Strongly Disagree Agree I have 2 children and this

would affect me

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I have 2 children so therefore

would end up paying more

council tax as single mum

Strongly Disagree Disagree I have 2 children so this

would affect me and mean

me and my children had less

money to live on each week

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I have no children but I will

see local children suffer as

their families will be poorer. I

would be happier if there

was a curt-off point for

earnings, as I feel those who

earn more do not need the

child support, but the poorest

certainly do and they will be

unfairly affected by this, so

overall I am against this


Strongly Disagree Agree I only have 1 child. if you

have more than 1 you should

be able to support that child,

if not don't have anymore

Strongly Disagree Disagree I think all income should be

considered when working

out counciltax but not child

benefit as this should be

used towards the care of

children. I think everyone

should contribute towards

council tax even if they are

on low income

Strongly Disagree Agree I think it should be over a

family of four.

Strongly Disagree Agree I think that some of child

benefit should be taken into

account not all. this money

helps toward things we need

our daughter (i.e. uniform)

Page 113: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I will lose child benefit that is

meant to pay for my children.

I don't think the council

should take money that is

meant for children.

Strongly Disagree Disagree I would be worse off and

already struggling to manage

and in debt yet am really


Strongly Disagree Agree I would have child benefit

taken into account

Strongly Disagree Disagree I would have to pay more

council tax as I have one son

Strongly Disagree Agree I would like all child benefit

for my child to be

disregarded ortherwise it

ceases to be a benefit

Strongly Disagree Disagree I would lose money. How

hard is that to understand?

This is people's lives you are

talking about here, we have

rent to pay and mouths to

feed. And I am working.

How hard is this going to be

for the poorest. I agree that

people should not be

rewarded for having

hundreds of kids but to limit

it to one? We aren't in

China, the thresh hold

should be 2 or 3 an even

then this is going to penalise

certain minorities who

traditionally have and

support large families.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree I would struggle at present to

pay council tax even at a low


Strongly Disagree In times of hardship families

need every penny. Any cuts

be local goverment will

cause more hardship and

families to split

Strongly Disagree Agree Is the better option with 2

children Agaian everyone is

paying something towards

council tax.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It does not affect me.

children in low income

families are already affected

by reducing incomes. Any

cuts like those proposed will

make matters worse.

Page 114: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It doesn't as I have no

children but I thought this

money was for the children

not to pay bills.

Strongly Disagree Disagree It doesn't but once again all I

can see is people suffering

with week to week living


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It doesnt, I simply disagree

that children should have to

pay for their elders mistakes.

Dont reward the slags whilst

not punishing the kids,

please - thats the dilemma

in Yeovil.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It seems that you want to

take away other things to

compensate. This council tax

I think is way to expensive

anyway for what we receive

and think people on full

benefits should have to pay

something then they might

go out and get a job then.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It will not!

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It won't affect me but will

affect my grandchildren.

Money for children is not for

paying Council tax and must

be ignored by the Council.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree It won't at present. But I am

thinking about becoming a

foster-mother so maybe it

will later on.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It won't but child benefit is for

the child, a child shouldn't

have to pay council tax which

is what they would be doing

if you took this into account!

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree It won't.

Strongly Disagree Disagree It won't. However my

observation is that Child

Benefit is universal but is

worth more to lower income

households so these

proposals would have

disproportionate affect

Strongly Disagree Agree It would affect me but no so


Page 115: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Disagree It would affect me by

meaning the good I do for

my children from fresh fruit

and veg would stop as I

could no longer afford it.

Strongly Disagree Disagree It would effect the

child/children once again.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It would not affect me, but I

am beginning to feel sorry for

poor Mrs Smith.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It wouldn't - but Cgil Benefit

is there to BENEFIT THE

CHILD. The child is not of

working age.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It wouldn't but you would be

taxing kids.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree It's alright for people with top

jobs and wages, they have

no money worries.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Means test the whole familys

income (means test) only the

wealthy should have their

child benefit taken away.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Monies should not be taken

from money provided for


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree My child benefit comes

through 4 wkly, I will lose

25.8 per month. That is

money for my childs benefit.

My child will suffer for that.

That money pays towards

food, clothes, haircuts ect.

Vital money!

Strongly Disagree My views about this that I'm

not sure about taxing this

benefit at all. Child benefit is

presumably paid by the

government for the sake of

the child and so is not an

income as such. And I'm not

sure it's right to deduct

Council Tax from it. Is child

benefit taxed from the

income of people not on


Strongly Disagree Agree N/A

Strongly Disagree Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree Agree N/A

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree n/a

Page 116: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Agree No affect

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Disagree Agree no change

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree none

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree not

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Not affect me but child

benefit is for the benefit of

children not pay bills

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree not at all

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Not at all

Strongly Disagree Agree Not at all

Strongly Disagree Disagree Not at all, but child benefit is

for feeding and clothing

children not financing local

government services

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Not at all. I do not think child

benefit should be included in

these calculations at all.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Once again children of the

county shouldn't be

penalised for the poor

investments and inefficiency

of your council!

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Option D1 would also affect

people with benefits for only

1 child. The money one gets

for 1 child, when combined

with their own benefit, only

just covers bills and food.

Can't even afford to get the

bus to town. But with regards

to D2....people have plenty of

money left as you don't need

an extra £ 60 a weekjust to

feed the second child, for

examplr. All the people I

know who are single parents

with 2 children can afford to

run a car.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Please see previous answer

(proposal B). This is income

for the child's upkeep - not

income for the parent's.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Significantly.

Strongly Disagree Agree Some people have children

just to get more benefits.

They should pay more.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Support would be reduced

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Tax would maybe rise

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree That money is to help us to

buy things for our children.

Page 117: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree The amount of child benefit

we receive at the moment is

not enough to help let alone

having it deducted.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree The child would suffer.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree THE GOVERMENT





Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree The Government has

declined to make child

benefit means tested. This

proposal will mean that only

the very poorest families will

have their child benefit

'taxed' and therefore the

poorest children will receive

the least child benefit. This

will cause hardship.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree The government provides

child benefit in order to feed

clthe children this money is

given for the child/children

not to be used for pay for

council tax. How ill parents

feed their children.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree The proposal does not affect

me but child benefit was

granted to help not just

individual children but all

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This discourages people to

have larger families. We

need the population to work

later to keep those working

now with pensions/car, etc.

We have too many

immigrants and not enough

local/home population. See

national statistics.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This does not affecrt me as I

no longer receive any child

benefit however I strongly

disagree with this proposal

because this money is for

'The Child' and I have always

believed that is what it

should be spent on.

Page 118: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This is child benefit and for

the childrens needs so

should not be included as

children do not pay CTAX

Strongly Disagree Disagree This is child benefit money

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This is directing state

benefits to the Council no no


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This money is for bringing

your children up, provising

them with food, clothes

heating etc

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This money is STRICTLY for

children so why take it away

from then it's for their

clothing and such.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This will not affect me.

Strongly Disagree Disagree This would affect me as child

benefit is for the children no

for paying council tax. We

would have less to spend on

our children.

Strongly Disagree Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Times are hard enough.

Taking money back from

children is appalling. This

benefit is already low

compared to costs. I have

benefit for one child but

cannot see the sense here.

None of the proposals affect

families for whom the Child

benefit is essential. Cuts to

finances which - for some -

make the difference to

children of food or no food,

clothes or no clothes is

totally inappropriate.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree We have 3 children the

eldest being nearly 16 and if

you only ignore his child

benefit which may end soon

we will lose out with the other

2 and STRONGLY believe

that this money is paid for

the children whihc is what

ours gets spent on OUR


Page 119: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree We have learing disability -

and do not want to complete

the rest of the survey. Thank

you. Written on behalf of the

the tenants.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree We will receive less benefit

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree When a parent is left on

there own to pay & bring up

a child, the amount of

maintenance is minimal. So

now way should this been

taken away for Council Tax.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Why are you attacking the

children. If you have more

children you need more

money. This is insane....

Why are you not saying the

more money you have the

more tax you pay or the

bigger the house the more

tax (classic case of the poor

getting poorer and the rich

getting richer),.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Why give more money to the

government and get nothing

in return. Money is needed

for the child

Strongly Disagree Agree why more people struggle


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Why should child benefit be

affected, It is for the children

and should stay that way. It

seems to me the govt are

not helping families who

actually need help but will be

putting them in a position of


Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Why should children suffer

going without when

government & councils are

unable to administer

spending in the right places.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Will not effect me. Child

benefit is for the child not the


Strongly Disagree Disagree Would affect family income

Strongly Disagree Disagree would have to pay more

Page 120: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Would only be affected by

D2, but child benefit should

NOT be considered. It's vital

part of parents income for

the low end. CB should be

means tested in the initial

stages by govt!!

Strongly Disagree Agree wouldn't affect me

Strongly Disagree Agree Wouldn't affect me.

Anything that will make it

harder for children should

not happen

As the money is given for the

benefit of the child it means

you are penalising a child.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Doesn't affect me.

Don't have any children.

Don't understand question

I disagree strongly with child

benefit: as the parents are

not spending this money on

the children. Often they're in

pubs or bingo - why not have

tokens for food & clothes.

Disagree I have a seveley autistic son.

Every penny of child benefit

goes to the care and

travelling expenses to give

my child a normal life.

Is child benefit classed as

family allowance now? In

which case if it is it should be

left alone. It was introduced

many years ago to help

replace bodies, after the war.

Why does it seem the

government does not like

this payment.

Agree it does'nt







Disagree No children

Agree None

Agree Not affected

This money is paid for

children to support them, C

tax is for over 18 or working ,

why should children have to

go without

Page 121: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

This scenario doesn't affect



Strongly Disagree You are asking the child to

pay not the parents

Page 122: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree A small amount helps

everyone and stops the

council tax to go up

Agree Agree but it may discourage

people renting rooms if

taxed, is she declaring it as

income or pocketing the

cash tax free?

Agree All income should be taken

into consideration


Agree An official sub-tenant is still

an additional form of income.

This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree Anyone renting out a room in

their home gets that rent as

income so it should be

included. This doesn't apply

to us but would be

acceptable if it did.

Agree As above. All income should

be calculated as

contributable at 100%.

People need to work for a

living, not heavily subsidised.

Agree Assuming affordability

Agree Do not know

Agree Does not affect me

Agree Does not affect me

Agree Does not affect me as I do

not have a sub-tenant.

However this is extra money

being received for a room in

the house & therefore a

contribution from this money

seems fair.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect us

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me but if they

are getting extra money for a

sub tenant this sounds like a

good idea.

Principle 2 - All income should be taken into account

Proposal E - Include all money received from Sub-

Tenants when calculating Council Tax support

Page 123: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Doesn't affect me but yes

they should include all of sub


Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't but the cost of living

changes every week and


Agree finally something that makes


Agree Government all way what to

get the poor.

Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Agree I sort of agree with this

because technically there

are 2 families in residence.

Agree I think all income should be

taken into account BUT if

people are on very low

incomes they should not

have to pay more council


Agree I would not be affected.

Agree If it is income

Agree If paying rent due to a sub-

tenant then only fair.

Agree If you are letting it is a

business so can be classed

as an income.

Agree I'm on lower rate DLA. I

hope you don't mind me

saying so.

Agree Income from sub-tenants is

valid income and should be


Agree It does not affect me but I

am shocked that all these

allownaces are currently not

taken into account

Agree It doesn't

Agree it does'nt

Agree It doesn't but if a tenant is

paying rent it seems it should

all be taken into account.

Agree It will not affect me but surely

rent has to be included.

Agree It will not affect me.

Agree It won't

Page 124: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit but it

is still part of the claimants

income so I believe it should

be included.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't. However I am

concerned that the operation

of this rule would prove

costly to administer given

that lodgers may come and


Agree It would mean that more

people relatively are

contributing and would

therefore limit any increase

as a consequence of other

cost cutting measures.

Agree it would not

Agree it would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me


Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It would'nt

Agree I't wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Agree Live on my own but still very

worried about pay council tax

as could not afford not even


Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Page 125: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A.

Agree n/p

Agree Nil

Agree Nil effect

Agree No affect

Agree no affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No Affect

Agree No affect.

Agree No change.

Agree No effect

Agree No impact on me.

Agree No tenants - no affect

Agree None

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree Not affect me.

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected personally for

now. Can see that tenants

are providing income so this

is somewhere to consider

changes. One supposes

some increase in tenancy

charges might be expected

as a result. Nothing will

happen in isolation!

Agree Not affected, but seems

unfair when some of the rent

will be needed for extra

heating. Perhaps 10% would

be fairer

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Page 126: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all. Mrs Smith could

increase her rent so that her

sub-tenant pays half the


Agree Not directly

Agree not directly affected

Agree rent is earned income.

Agree Sub-tenant must make extra


Agree that makes sense.

Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree There is 2 people to help pay

the bills.

Agree They are letting a room and

as such receive assistance

with bill payment etc - this

should be taken into account

when calculating Council Tax


Agree this does not afect us

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree This doesn't apply to me

Agree This is a consideration as it

directly would affect the

services provided by the

council and the tenant.

Agree this is classed as earnings

Agree This proposal does not affect


Agree this proposal would not affect


Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This seems fair. I would still

think so if I subletted or

rented a room out. As it is

extra towards bills and

means two or more people in

a household.

Agree this wont affect me

Agree This would be an income

and therefore is reasonable

to deduct

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Page 127: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree This wouldn't affect me.

Agree This wouldn't affect me. If

the sub-tenant or boarder is

earning a reasonable wage it

is fair that this should be

declarred, as it would be

regarded as income for the

tenant. Instead of making

the tenant responsible, why

not bill the sub-tenant or

boarder separately.

Agree To me this is classed as

extra money coming into the


Agree Unaffected personally

Agree We don't have a sub tenant

so does not affect us.

Agree We have 4 children and this

would affect us more than

other families as we have a

large family

Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me

Agree Will not affect me.

Agree Will Not.

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Wouldn't affect me.

Agree Yes because everyone

benefits from the services.

Disagree All that would happen in this

scenario is that the sub

tenant would have to pay the

increase themselves.......a


Disagree As on a low income.

Ythrough no fault been made

redundant now on p/t work

as not perfect choice. Paying

my way. My son is still at

home working p/t so £ 4 a

wk £ 16 a month is my petrol

for 2 wks. Every penny

counts in my household


Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree Doesn't affect me

Disagree Doesn't affect me but yes

they should include all of sub


Page 128: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Doesn't affect me i pay full

council tax.

Disagree Doesn't affect me personally.

Disagree Doesn't affect us.

Disagree Doesn't but the cost of living

changes every week and


Disagree I feel that an allowance

should be made against

subtenant income to allow

for the additional cost of

services (heat, light & water)

before taking into account

the rent paid. Whether £ 20

per week per sub-tenant is

correct or not is another

matter, but it should be a

fixed value.

Disagree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Disagree It does not but the

adminstration of tracking

down casual payments made

in cash would be too high

and possibly cost the council

tax payer more.

Disagree It doesn't. With answering

their questions I just think

the future doesn't look good

at all leading to more crime

and dishonesty.

Disagree It should go per house not

per person but it does not

effect me

Disagree it would not

Disagree it would not affect me

Disagree It would not. Maintaining this

scheme seems reasonable

and allows those who are

retired or unable to work to

supplement their income

slightly. It also widens the

rental market for a segment

of the population by

maintaining this incentive.

Page 129: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Money being spent on

council tax not on other

items such as food etc

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/a

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A but obviously Mrs Smith

would be paying a top up in

her council tax as she has

someone living with her

which she is charging her

sub tenant for which you still

charge her.

Disagree No affect

Disagree No affect

Disagree No effect on me

Disagree not affected

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not so sure about this one

because the person is

generating an income for

themselves and should that

be to their disadvantage.

Again does not affect me cos

I don't claim

Disagree Ok if you want to put peoples

rent up!

Disagree People like me on low

income thsi will just make it


Disagree Should go by household not

number of prople in it

Disagree Sub tenants should pay

towards living expenses,

council don't seemj to realise

the cost of living.......

Disagree The current calculation

seesm fair and is working.

Disagree This is unfair unless they can

claim expenses back


Disagree This would not affect me at


Disagree unaffected

Disagree Unlikely to affect me

Page 130: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Won't effect me but usually

sub-tenants are taken in to

help with rent/bills etc. so

wouldn't benefit others.

Disagree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Disagree Would not affect me.

Disagree wouldn't

Disagree wouldn't affect me

Strongly Agree A sub tenant also receives

the benefits provided by

councils so their rent should

br taken into account

Strongly Agree Again why are we giving

money away. Those of us

who work get taken to the

cleaners and have to pay for

these people. Any monies

they recieve should be taken

into account and reduce the

burden they cause to society.

Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

the proposed scheme.

Strongly Agree All adults within a property

should be contributing

toward council tax. If sub-

tenant is of working age this

should be taken into


Strongly Agree all income has to be

declared and if she is getting

an extra £ 50 tax free ten if

she was working shw would

have to pay tax on it so this

is fair .

Strongly Agree All income included no

matter where it comes from

Strongly Agree all income should be taken

into consideration

Strongly Agree All income to be counted.

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Agree As before

Strongly Agree Asa above

Strongly Agree does not

Strongly Agree Does not

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Page 131: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect our


Strongly Agree Does not apply as we do not

have a sub-tenant

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me as I don't

have a sub-tenant. But

having a sub-tenant is

equivalent to having a job

(makes you a landlord) as it

brings in earnings so why

should those earnings be

ignored? I would be strongly

encouraged to give up work

and rent my house out and

then get more benefit as that

would provide a better

standard of living as I would

have relaxation time as I

could watch daytime TV and

get paid for it.

Strongly Agree Doesnt affect me.

Strongly Agree Everyone benefits from

Council Services so should

pay. It would affect me if I

had to pay for Mrs Smith's

allowance. a stated I am a

pensioner and cannot afford

the large CT increases.

Strongly Agree Everyone pays their way!!

Strongly Agree I don't think you should have

sub-tenants in a house. i

didn't think it was allowed.

Strongly Agree i live in a privateky rented flat

and live alone so it would I

hope not affect me.

Strongly Agree I strongly believe that all

income should be taken into

consideration when

calculating benefits of any


Strongly Agree I would not be affected.

Surely if someone has a

tenant/sub tenant why does

this income not count?!!

Strongly Agree I would of thought this one

would go without saying. Sub

tennat is surely a choice (I

know children are to)

Strongly Agree Impact on tax payments

Page 132: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Income into the family must

be taxed so paying extra on

the council tax should


Strongly Agree it does not

Strongly Agree It doesn't

Strongly Agree It doesn't

Strongly Agree It doesn't.

Strongly Agree it wont

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It would be fairer for me if

income from sub-tenants

was not ignored. I hope that

this income is also subject to

income tax. I do not believe

that any income should be

ignored. I pay full council tax.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not

have to pay as much for

those who let out rooms in

their house. It is a business

and I therefore the income

should be taken into


Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me - but

as above a system that

considers ALL income is one

that is much more equal.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't, but I believe that

these people should be

taxed just like everyone else

Strongly Agree It wouldn't, I have no sub-


Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree Its her property

Page 133: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Its still an income so should

be used in calculation.

Again I think all income

including DLA, etc should be

used in the calculations.

Why should it be exempt. Its

and income and sometimes

more than the ordinary

person can earn by going out

to work!!

Strongly Agree More money will be available

for other essential services

for the benefit of the wider


Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not

be so high

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree No

Strongly Agree no affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Page 134: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree No affect for us. Checks

should be made regularly to

ensure that people claiming

the single household

allowance do not continue to

receive this if they have

someone co-habiting with

them on a regular basis.

Strongly Agree No affect. But the income

from sub letting is income

and should be treated no

differently than earned


Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect as no sub tenants.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affect me

Strongly Agree Not affect me

Strongly Agree Not affect me.

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected but should not

ignore any incomes.

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not affected Landlords

wont lose and deductions in

benefits will be handed to the

tenant in rent increase

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Page 135: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all other than to

ensure that all income is

taken into account when

assessing benefits which

makes the system fairer for

all and ensures that undue

costs are not required from

the working and/or solvent


Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Not relevant to me.

Strongly Agree Rent charged should include

a contribution towards

Council Tax. However, I

also fell that the costs of

providing accommodation

should be taken into account

when calculating the income

from sub tenants.

Strongly Agree Rent is income, I am taxed

on my income

Strongly Agree retired

Strongly Agree Same as above.

Strongly Agree see above

Strongly Agree So it should be it's an

income . No excuse not

to pay at least some thing

Strongly Agree sub tenent is in receipt of

Council services hence a

contribution is justifiable

Strongly Agree Sub-tenant provides an extra

household so should be

treated as earnings.

Strongly Agree Thats an income

Strongly Agree The sub tenant could be

claiming benefit so in effect 2

benefits are paid for the

same circumstances. This

does not affect me.

Strongly Agree The tenant shares the house

that receives all council

services & lives in the town

that has all services, their

rent should br taken into


Strongly Agree There is a possibility that if

she doesn't, my council tax

will go up

Page 136: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree They will lose 25% single

occupancy if there is

someone else living there

but the lodger/sub tenant

should pay

Strongly Agree Think this should happen as

they are adults not children

and adults can support them

selves better.

Strongly Agree This does not affect me.

Strongly Agree This does not affect us but

we agree that any person

acting in a landlord capacity

should have that money

taken into account as it is a

working income (or

equivalent to it).

Strongly Agree This is extra income for the

household so should be

taken into account. We do

not have sub tennant.

Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree This proposal would not

affect me directly



Strongly Agree This will not affect me.

Strongly Agree This will not directly affect

me but my previous

comments apply.

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not directly affect


Strongly Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Strongly Agree Why should a tenant living

with you cost less. It doesn't

make sense. that's still 2

people living in a house just

like me & husband. No

wonder we are in a mess

Strongly Agree Will not affect me

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all.

Income is Income

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree X

Page 137: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree yes i agree she is getting

more money coming it

Strongly Disagree 20 % IS TOO HIGH!!!

You say it weekly, but make

that monthly and you are

proposing to take £ 20+ a

month from people. It is too

much. You should start

smaller at the very least.

Strongly Disagree Although not personally

affected, I wish Mrs Smith

good luck in bringing in extra


Strongly Disagree Assume sub tenants include

young adults living at home

struiggling to find job

Strongly Disagree Disproportionate amount

extra from the payment by


Strongly Disagree Does not affect me -

however having a lodger

incurs expenses ( increased

c tax, elec, gas, water ) and

weat & tear on furniture The

1st £ 20 week covers

increased costs - your

proposal will effectively

charge c tax on the gross not

net income from lodger.

Strongly Disagree Does not affect me.

Strongly Disagree Does not apply to me.

Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Strongly Disagree I believe that it should be as

proposal F and deduct £ 7

per week as no meals


Strongly Disagree I do not have a sub-tenant

Strongly Disagree I think all rent from sub

tenants should count

Strongly Disagree It doesn't

Strongly Disagree It is adequate as it is

Strongly Disagree It will not!

Page 138: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree It would not normally, but if I

had to live away for a

contract, it might only be

viable if a cheap room was

available. The money saved

by this measure would be so

minimal as to not be worth

risking loss of the

population's mobility to get to


Strongly Disagree It's an income, if you are

going to stop or adjust the

benefit, don't make it

complicated - just do it

means tested on income but

ensure people who are trying

to work don't get taken to the

cleaners. It should be a max

of 37 hour working week.

Anything over shouldn't be

touched so people can work


Strongly Disagree It's just impossible to live

anywhere these days.

Strongly Disagree Mrs SMITH has to wash,

clean & cook after a sub

tenant with no privacy for

herself and sub tenant using

her gas / elec so do not rob


Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree No .... we are talking of

families with low wages, low

esteem and low them not

make life less bearable.

Strongly Disagree no change

Strongly Disagree No sub tenants but still

disagree with the above


Strongly Disagree No-one shares their house

with a stranger unless they

are desperately poor. Yes

there are plenty living with

friends, but just as many

putting up with strangers.

And what if Mrs Smith puts

up the rent to cover the extra

money? The sub-tenant may

be forced to move out and

could end up homeless.

Strongly Disagree Not at all

Page 139: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree people at the current

economic situation need

every penny let alone every

pound. Fat cat bank

managers should be forced

to pay a special 75% income

tax rate on all of their


Strongly Disagree Stop hammering the poor.

They would be taking a

tenant because they need

the money.

Strongly Disagree Strongly disagree because

council tax is being payed for

that house, no matter who's


Strongly Disagree Surely that money goes to

pay the rent/mortgage?

Should be completely

ignored! Does not affect me.

Strongly Disagree That wouldn't be allowed.

Strongly Disagree The household probably has

a sub tenant living with them

to help cover costs which are

otherwise difficult or

impossible to meet. The

extra cost of £ 20 per month

would be impossible to meet

when everything else is

increasing in cost.

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree This is going to lead to less

sub-letting and more

homelessness. Why should

someone open their home to

someone else for no net

gain? The current system is


Strongly Disagree This will cause a greater

impact on the housing crisis

as people won't sub let.

Strongly Disagree This will encourage landlords

of the sub-tenants to

increase rent. Does not

affect me.

Strongly Disagree this will not affect me .

Strongly Disagree Times are hard

Strongly Disagree Unfair!!

Strongly Disagree Why give more money to the

government and get nothing

in return. Money is needed

for the child

Page 140: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me.

Strongly Disagree Would not affect me though

this flies in the face of the

governments 'Rent a Room'

policy meaning I probably

would not use this Scheme if

I needed to in the future.

Depends. Some of us really

need this extra to manage to

get through.

Does not affect me.

Doesn't affect me.








No tenant

Not fair for private landlords

Seems fairer although it may

result in there being less sub

tenants accomadation.

Does not affect me.

There is such a housing

shortage and may deter

peole from sub letting

This doesn't affect me and I

can't comment on this.

This scenario doesn't affect


Would no affect me so can't


Would not affect me.

Would pay more rent rather

pay more council tax

Page 141: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Agree but it may discourage

people renting rooms if

taxed, the £ 50 is not ALL




declaring it as income or

pocketing the cash tax free?

Agree All income should be taken

into consideration


Agree Anyone renting out a room in

their home gets that rent as

income so it should be

included - it doesn't matter

that meals are included.

This doesn't apply to us but

would be acceptable if it did.

Agree As above

Agree As above

Agree As above. All income should

be calculated as

contributable at 100%.

People need to work for a

living, not heavily subsidised.

Agree as previous

Agree as Proposal E

Agree As they should pay council

tax if liveing in the house.

Agree Assuming affordability

Agree Do not know

Agree Does not

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me. Her

partner could be classed as

a boarder so they end up

paying less council tax and

profit fromn other tax payers

who pay the right amount

while they get away with

less. Send out visitors to

catch them don't go by face


Agree Does not affect us

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Principle 2 - All income should be taken into account

Proposal F - Include all money received from boarders

when calculating Council Tax support

Page 142: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't apply to me

Agree fine

Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Agree I would not be affected.

Agree If need morsted this will help

Agree If not a relative. A boarder

therefore is a business then

yes I agree. To include the

whole amount and if this is

her only income would mean

to revise her position of

putting rent up. Again within

respect of other costs be

putting a struggle on budget.

Agree If paying rent due to a sub-

tenant then only fair.

Agree If people are recieving this

type of income then it should

be included.

Agree It doesn't

Agree it does'nt

Agree It helps to stop the council

tax to go up.

Agree It will affect my income when

I want to save for rainy days.

Agree it wont

Agree It won't

Agree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit but it

is still part of the claimants

income so I believe it should

be included. It is up to the

landlady to make sure she is

getting enough money to

cover her costs not an issue

the Council should be

involved in.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't. However I am

concerned that the operation

of this rule would prove

costly to administer given

that lodgers may come and


Agree it would not

Agree it would not affect me

Page 143: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It would'nt

Agree I't wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Agree makes sense.

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A - I don't have boarders.

Agree N/A.

Agree n/p

Agree Nil

Agree Nil effect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No Affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect.

Agree No boarder

Agree no boarders - no affect

Agree No change.

Page 144: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree no effect

Agree No impact on me.

Agree None

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree Not affect me.

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree not directly affected

Agree Surely Mrs Smith should be

paying full C Tax if more

than 1 person living at that

address ie single person

discount should not apply if

she has a tennant`

Agree Taking in boarders is a

business so the cost of

council tax can be added to


Agree Tenant to pay more

Agree The current system seems

completely mad- why on

earth isn't all income taken

into account? Much better

system to take all into


Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree the same as proposal E

Agree They would need to switch to

sub-tenant or charge a

greater fee. This proposal

would not affect me.

Agree this does not affect

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree this does not effect our


Page 145: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree This doesn't apply to me

Agree This dose not affect me

Agree This proposal does not affect


Agree this proposal would not affect


Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This seems fair. I would still

think so if I subletted or

rented a room out. As it is

extra towards bills and

means two or more people in

a household. More facilities

are used for more than one

tenant/occupier. More than

one income in that house.

Agree This should be classed as a

wage coming in.

Agree This will not affect me. The

problem with this example is

that the cost to the boarder is

likely to go up, or less places

will be available which could

have serious knock on effect

on housing.

Agree this wont affect me

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This wouldn't affect me. If

the sub-tenant or boarder is

earning a reasonable wage it

is fair that this should be

declarred, as it would be

regarded as income for the

tenant. Instead of making

the tenant responsible, why

not bill the sub-tenant or

boarder separately.

Agree Unlikely to affect me

Agree We all need help

Agree We don't have a boarder so

this would not affect us.

Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me

Agree Will not affect me.

Agree Will Not.

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree wouldn't

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Page 146: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree £ 20 for boarder(s) meals

would be spent on meals

and so should not be


Disagree A proportion of disregard

should be retained to cover

cost of meals.

Disagree Add shortage of


Disagree as above I think this should

be treated like any self

employed work and work out

how much profit is made and

then work on that.

Disagree As she is providing meals

then an allowance should be

made current dxeductions

are fair. Does not affect me

Disagree As this includes meals I

disagree why this amount

should be affected.

Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree Count the first £ 20 pounds

only this will increase the

actual income by not by as

much as the proposal.

Disagree does not

Disagree Does not affect our


Disagree Does not affect

Disagree Doesn't affect me

Disagree Doesn't affect me i pay full

council tax.

Disagree Doesn't affect me personally.

Disagree Doesn't affect us.

Disagree Doesn't but the cost of living

is rising every week also


Disagree Household not number of


Disagree I feel that an allowance

should be made against

boarder income to allow for

the additional cost of

services (heat, light & water)

and food before taking into

account the rent paid. This

should be a fixed value

depending on the meals

provided ( a bit like current

deductions from gross rent)

Page 147: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Disagree If the boarder receives food

this cost should be taken into


Disagree If you work out how much

Mrs Smith earns or even

pays out each month, I'm

sure £ 200 from her borader

wouldn't cover very much of

the expenses.

Disagree It doesn't

Disagree It doesn't affect me at all.

Disagree It doesn't.

Disagree It will affect my income when

I want to save for rainy days.

Disagree It will affect my income when

I want to save for rainy days.

Disagree It will affect my income when

I want to save for rainy days.

Disagree It will not affect me. Person

who prepares meals

deserves payment not to

affect Council tax benefit

Disagree It will not affect me. As

some of the money is for

food, it doesn't add to the

income of the house.

Disagree It won't

Disagree It won't.

Disagree it would not

Disagree it would not affect me

Disagree it would not affect me

Disagree It would not affect me


Disagree It would not. Maintaining this

scheme seems also

reasonable and allows those

who are retired or unable to

work to supplement their

income slightly. It also

widens the rental market for

a segment of the population

by maintaining this incentive.

Page 148: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree It wouldn't

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A but obviously Mrs Smith

would be paying a top up in

her council tax as she has

someone living with her

which she is charging her

boarder for which you still

charge her.

Disagree No affect

Disagree No effect

Disagree No Effect on me

Disagree None of their problems affect

me at the moment but if ever

faced with their problem I'm

sure it will be hard but am

not sure. If powers to be

really see this the big picture.

Disagree not

Disagree Not affected but seems

unfair when some of the rent

will be paid out on food and

heating. Perhaps 10% would

be fairer

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not fair to those providing


Disagree Ok if you want to put peoples

rent up!

Disagree People rent rooms to help

pay for things, so they are

obviously struggling so you

are making things harder.

Disagree See above

Disagree See above.

Page 149: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree She should not have to pay

more because they are a

boarder and eat. That money

is to pay towards bills and


Disagree Think that people that let

rooms in thir house are

maybe taking steps to help

their financuial situation and

also offering a home to

someone so would not

necessarily wish to penalise


Disagree This does not affect me

Disagree This does not seem fair as

she may not be able to afford

to keep her boarder who

may then have to take a

council house which would

cost the council money and

stop more deserving family

from getting accommodation

Disagree This is unfair unless they can

claim expenses back

somehow what about as self-


Disagree This would not affect me

Disagree This would not affect me.

Disagree This wouldn't affect me.

Disagree unaffected

Disagree Unsure - is the £ 50 subject

to Income Tax?

Disagree Why should you pay more

for a boarder than a sub-

tenant? This makes no

sense, in principle you

should pay more in council

tax for a sub tenant than a

boarder as your profit is

more for a sub-tenant than a


Disagree Won't effect me but usually

boarders are taken in to help

with rent/bills etc. so wouldn't

benefit others.

Disagree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Disagree Would not affect me.

Disagree Wouldn't affect me. But £ 28

is a big jump to pay for

anyone! Why not reduce a

few pound at fixed rate for

everyone i.e. £ 3 as that is

more reasonable to pay.

Page 150: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Again it's an income Its

time everybody was treated


Strongly Agree Again, this does not affect us

but as this is a landlord

earning money from a

boarder all of the income

should be taken into

account. If this is an

opportunity to earn money it

should be treated as such.

People such as ourselves

are not able to earn despite

being willing.

Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

the proposed scheme.

Strongly Agree All income included

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Agree As before

Strongly Agree As this is an extra income on

top of any job, etc they might


Strongly Agree boarder is in receipt of

Council services hence a

contribution is justifiable

Strongly Agree Boarders should pay council


Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not apply as we do not

have a boarder.

Strongly Agree Does not, other than I have a

child living at home who pays

'rent' for board and lodgings

and receive no support for

this, so should be equal

playing field for non-relatives

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree Doesnt.

Strongly Agree Extra money into house.

Should pay tax on this


Page 151: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I strongly agree in the hope

that Mrs Smith will charge

her boarder £ 7 a week

more. However Mrs Smith is

doing a job here and under

Principle 4 (pg8) she should

be encouraged. Maybe £ 10

a week should be ignored.

Strongly Agree I strongly believe that all

income should be taken into

consideration when

calculating benefits of any


Strongly Agree I would have to pay an extra

7.00 pw

Strongly Agree I would not be affecetd. Is

this not an income?

Strongly Agree it does not

Strongly Agree It doesn't

Strongly Agree It is income so should be

included in the CT


Strongly Agree It will affect my income when

I want to save for rainy days.

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It would be fairer for me if

everyone paid full council tax

because I have too.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not

have to pay as much for

those who let out rooms in

their house. It is a business

and I therefore the income

should be taken into


Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree Its her property

Page 152: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree More money will be available

for other essetial services for

the benefit of the wider


Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not

be so high

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree no affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect as no boarders.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect. Boarders rent

should be taken into account

less the pro rata amount

paid for meals.

Strongly Agree No freebies when it comes to

income received for those on

benefits. They get too much

as it is.

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affect me

Strongly Agree Not affect me.

Page 153: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected but should not

ignore any incomes.

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not affected Mrs Smiths

boarder will either end up

paying £ 60 week or food

standard will reduce

Strongly Agree Not applicable to us

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all other than to make

the system fairer and close

up loopholes by which

people may unduly claim

council tax benefit.

Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Not relevant to me.

Strongly Agree Of course i think it should all

be included anyway

Page 154: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Rent charged should include

a contribution towards

Council Tax. However, I

also fell that the costs of

providing accommodation

should be taken into account

when calculating the income

from sub tenants. As with

self employed people using

part of their own home,

these should be non-taxable

costs. That is that the costs

of providing the service

should be ignored. I also

think that, in respect of sub-

tenants and boarders who

are claiming benefits, an

allowance towards council

tax should be included in the

benefit. But I do realise that

this is not withing the

council's remit.

Strongly Agree Rent is income, I am taxed

on my income

Strongly Agree retired

Strongly Agree Same as above

Strongly Agree same as previous

Strongly Agree see above

Strongly Agree Thats an income

Strongly Agree The land lady will not go

without - she will up the rest

Strongly Agree Think this should happen as

they are adults not children

and adults can support them

selves better.

Strongly Agree This could be classed a a

business income.

Strongly Agree This does not directly affect

me but I am presuming that

the single person discount

would not apply in this

situation. [If it does, it should

not.]. Two or more adults

living in a house would

generally be expected to pay

full council tax regardless of

the fact that they all have to

eat.. I do not see why that

should differ for


Page 155: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree This one is even worse than

the last. Maybe I should not

of agreed so strongly on the

last. I have rented houses

in the past and would look

into doing it again in the

future but never had a

borader etc.

Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree This proposal would not

affect me directly

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not directly affect


Strongly Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Strongly Agree Total amount should be


Strongly Agree Will not affect me

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all.

Income is Income

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Yes definately, if someone is

earning income for

accomodation then they

should pay from the income.

Strongly Agree yes more money coming in

Strongly Disagree £ 7 a week is alot of money.

What about the people who

only have lodgers and

boarders because they are

so poor they couldn't afford

the bills in the first place.

Strongly Disagree As Principle 2 Proposal E

Strongly Disagree Does not affect me.

Page 156: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Does not affect me. But feel

as above that this money

that the person gets from the

boarder should not be

included in the council tax

benefit calculation. Surely

you would include that if you

were calculating housing

benefit, not council tax. Also

would the boarder not be

elligble to pay some council

tax of their own?

Strongly Disagree Does not affect me.Your

proposal will effectively

charge c tax on the gross not

net income from lodger.

Strongly Disagree Does not apply to me.

Strongly Disagree Doesn't but the cost of living

is rising every week also


Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Strongly Disagree I do not have a boarder

Strongly Disagree I don't think people rent

acomodation like this

because they have spare


Strongly Disagree I think all rent from sub

tenants should count

Strongly Disagree I think the first £ 20 should

be ignored as for food and

the remaining £ 30 included

in full

Strongly Disagree It will not!

Strongly Disagree It won't. But as the clost of

food is rising fast it seems an

unfair option. To have to

take in a boarder in the forst

place to get extra money

says it all. Because I am on

low income I've had to shop

in Aldi, Lidl's, £ shops & 99p

shops, each week it gets

harder. I DON'T drink,

smoke, have a car or

computer - can't afford to.

Buy clothes from charity

shops, ration the electric

heating and hot water. I'm 55

yrs and WORK!!!! 21st


Page 157: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree It would not normally, but if I

had to live away for a

contract, it might only be

viable if a cheap room was

available. The money saved

by this measure would be so

minimal as to not be worth

risking loss of the

population's mobility to get to


Strongly Disagree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A - but would increase

homelessness & demand for

social housing.

Strongly Disagree N/A This makes having a

boarder a disadvantage.

People will get rid of their

boarders and let the council

house them. This will cost

the tax payer more in the

long run.

Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Disagree No boarders living here

Strongly Disagree no change

Strongly Disagree Not at all

Strongly Disagree Not money get meals.

Strongly Disagree Not personally affected, but

why penalize enterprise,

expense and extra work

particularly with the current

housing shortage

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree Ok as it is. Why not ask

more of these on a larger


Strongly Disagree people normally take in

boarders to increase a low

income, it is an invasion of

privacy and not undertaken

lightly by people

Strongly Disagree Same as prev

Strongly Disagree See above answers

Strongly Disagree She will need that money.

Why give more money to the

government for nothing, just

a pay rise for them

Strongly Disagree So, basically the landlord

ends up paying for the


Strongly Disagree Stop hammering the poor.

Page 158: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree the boarders are often there

because they cannot get

other accomodation (under

the age to be able to take on

a tenancy - 18yrs or under

the Local Housing Allowance

age - 35yrs) and these

lodgers are often low paid.

Keep as current.

Strongly Disagree The household probably has

a boarder living with them to

help cover costs which are

otherwise difficult or

impossible to meet. The

extra cost of £ 20 per month

would be impossible to meet

when everything else is

increasing in cost.

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree This is my scenario.. I have a

problem now paying my way

and any further cuts will

force me to become


Strongly Disagree This is no good To take an

exra £ 7 a week in council

tax out of £ 50 is extremely




Strongly Disagree This should be as proposal

E. £ 4 pw less support as it

is board and lodging and

costs Mrs Smith more

money. Discourages people

from offering spare rooms.

Strongly Disagree This will encourage landlords

of the boarders to increase

rent. Does not affect me.

Strongly Disagree this will not affect me. but if

your taking in a paying

tennant - this is for a

financial reason only and you

should NOT be penalised

financially even more for this.

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Page 159: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Would not affect me though

this flies in the face of the

governments 'Rent a Room'

policy meaning I probably

would not use this Scheme if

I needed to in the future.

Strongly Disagree You should only consider

rent paid for food. Food is so

expensive so extra money

for food should not be


Does not affect me as I do

not have a boarder and I

think that it seems

reasonable as it stands more

so than the proposal you are

suggesting because it should

be taken into account that

the 'landlord/lady' has to pay

for meals & other things that

are included when you are

paying rent (ie)

heating/electridc/gas and

upkeep of room.

Does not affect me.

Doesn't affect me.

Don't understand.

I'm not sure abot this one as

the cost of food and

amenities have risen so

much I think the overall cost

to Mrs Smith would amount

to more than £ 7 per week.

It would make it easier if I

was allowed to have a lodger

it would make it slightly

financially easier.










This doesn't affect me and I

can't comment on this.

This proposal does not affect


This scenario doesn't affect

me but seems fair

Would not affect me.

Page 160: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree A small amount will help

towards the council tax.

Agree Absolutely much fairer for


Agree Again its an income coming

into the household and

should be used in

calculations. I would expect

the earner to pay the extra.

Agree All income should be taken

into consideration


Agree All residents should

contribute but not at the

expense of the parent who is


Agree As long as the fee is capped

and not changed, this would

be acceptable. This proposal

would not affect me.

Agree Board and lodging payments

would have to be increased.

Agree But they should all be

responsible for paying their

own portion of the tax.

Agree But they should all be

responsible for paying their

own portion of the tax.

Agree daughter has to contribute as

much as the next person

when earning

Agree Do not know

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect our


Agree Does not affect us

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect us.

Agree Don't feel this is a lot to ask

as the child living at home is

having it cheaper with no bill.

Would not affect me.

Principle 3 - Greater account should be taken of the

total income of a household

Proposal G - increase the amount that other adults

living as part of the houshold are treated as

contributing towards the Council Tax


Page 161: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Have had concerns for a

long time that some people

have taken advantage of the

one earner principal. Very

helpful if times are hard, but

not fair if it is used to avoid

sharing the load for society.

However, all of these

proposals put pressure on

families who claim benefits

and if their claims are fair,

the increases will lead to

some having difficulties. Can

see income demands


Agree I agree

Agree I agrer and don't agree. I

think if a household has

husband & wife with kids

under 18 then Council tax

should be standard amount

no matter how much they

earn.However,if there's

anyone over 18 and working

than a increase makes

sense. If a household has 4

working adults that's a lot of


Agree I am on benefits with samll

child no husband I should

not pay at all

Agree I am only guaranteed £ 50 a

week and earn an extra £ 20-

25 a week average. I can't

afford any more bills on this

income as I haven't any

other money.

Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Agree I don't think this would affect



9 & 13

Agree I have grown up son who

lives with me, he's not


Agree I theory this is a good idea,

but not all adult children

contribute to the household

Page 162: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Agree I would pay an extra £ 10 per

month. Non-dependants

over the age of 18 living as

part of the household should

pay some council tax. but

this should be means tested

and the non-dependant

responsible for their own

bills. If they are still in full-

time education they should

pay nothing. If the non-

dependant is on any sort of

benefit a nominal amount

should be paid. May be

there should be a category

for 'dependant non

dependants' - adult children

of the householder over the

age of 18 who work but earn

very little and are

consequently dependant on

their parents. If they earn

under the single person's tax

allowance they should pay

very little.

Agree I would pay more council tax

Agree If adults are living at home

and are working they could

afford to help with the council

tax within reason.

Agree If grown up daughters and

sons earn wages no help is


Agree If the adult is working. If not it

would not be fair on the


Agree If the non-dep is earning,

then they should help pay


Page 163: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree If the son/daughter is earning

a wage it is fair to expect

them to contribute. This

does not affect us as our

daughter is 16 and in full-

time education. However, if

there is a genuine reason for

the dependant not to work

this should be considered

(i.e. our daughter is disabled)

Agree If there is incoming coming

in, be it benefits or salary,

should be taken into account

Agree If you need the money

people have to help

Agree If your daughter works and

lives with them life isn't quite

as hard as what certain other

groups of people will find

cuts in future.

Agree I'm a single occupant and my

one hard earned relatively

low income has to pay for

everything. Mr and Mrs

Smith and daughter have 3

incomes in the household so

I think it's fair they should

pay more.

Agree Increase due to one working


Agree Increase from £ 3.30 to £


Agree It doesn't

Agree it does'nt

Agree It doesn't affect me at the

moment, but may (hopefully

not) in later years.

Agree It doesn't.

Agree it is providing tghey keep it

low when they syart work,

hard to adjust

Agree It might.

Agree It seems fair that if people

are earning they should

contribute tio council tax

Agree It will affect me when I want

to save but I will still pay

water rates, TV licence, Gas,

Electric, bills.

Page 164: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It will affect me when I want

to save but I will still pay

water rates, TV licence, Gas,

Electric, bills.

Agree It will affect me when I want

to save but I will still pay

water rates, TV licence, Gas,

Electric, bills.

Agree it wont

Agree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit, I

believe the whole household

should contribute to the

costs of local authority


Agree It won't.

Agree it would not

Agree it would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me at all

Agree It would not affect me directly

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It would'nt

Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't yet, as my son is

unempoyed and lives mainly

in London

Agree It wouldn't.

Agree Little affect

Agree Living at home & earning is

saving rent so a contribution

to council tax is still less than


Agree more than 1 wage comming

into household . Single

people like myself get a 25%

Ct reduction which is fair .but

10.55 is a bit high

Agree My partner, being a carer, is

already on a very low

income. To ask him to pay

from what is already a very

low income would be


Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Page 165: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree Nil

Agree Nil effect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No change.

Agree No children

Agree No current effect. However,

in the future it should depend

on the household income


Agree no effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect on me

Agree No impact on me but all

persons living at any given

address should pay equally

towards the council tax?

Agree No non-dependant children

living at home - no affect

Agree none

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree not

Page 166: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Not affect me - for about 15

years but if all this money is

coming in then it should be

taken into account.

Agree Not affect me yet but will in

years to come

Agree Not affect me.

Agree Not affect me.

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected, but peopleon a

income of £ 394 + the other

high income bracket should

foot the bill keeping the

lowest of incomes the same

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all. I do not agree that

£ 4.80 is a reasonable

assumption for those on

benefits. This is too much.

Agree Not currently; unless

someone in the family

wanted to move to this area;

then I would generally agree,

but not for periods less than

1 month / 6 weeks or

whatever; i.e. until the

newcomer gets some pay he

can pass on!

Agree Not.

Agree OK in principle but what

happens if the non-

dependant doesn't pay up?

Who is liable for their share

of the council tax?

Agree People who earn more

money should pay more

council tax.

Agree seems fair

Agree She should pay for some

with her wage's.

Page 167: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Some of daughters income

would have to be used to pay

council tax

Agree The non-dependant

deductions need to be

adjusted - I completely agree

with this. However with the

uprating of the deductions I

also feel that the income

bands need uprating.

Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree There needs to be discretion

for exeptional cases

Agree this could be a good idea

because, they would be of

an age where they could if

they had to, or wished set up

home on their own.

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me but I

do not see a justification for

people ringing income into a

household be it on benefits

or earnings not contributing

at a greater level to the

Council Tax due by the

household. That said there

may be significant hardship

for people whose

dependents refuse to

contribute. What support will

SSDC be putting in place for

this - e.g naming dependents

on Council Tax bills?

Agree This does not affect me but I

would not like to see people

on benefits such as Income

Support being asked to

make this contribution

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree This doesn't affect me now

but it will when my eldest son

returns home from university

Agree this proposal would not affect


Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Page 168: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree This would affect us as we

have my mother-in-law and

sister-in-law living with

myself, my husband and two


Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree this wouldnt affect me

Agree unaffected

Agree We as a family live :- myself,

son & daughter-in-law,

unmarried working daughter,

2 young grand children. this

would affect us.

Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me

Agree Will not affect me.

Agree Won't affect me for a long


Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Yes it would affect me but

not sure how much

Disagree An extra £ 16 a month off the

daughters income makes

her income £ 167 then

parents keep money. Plus if

saving for mortgage has a

mean off no encouragement

Disagree Any non-dependent on basis

benefits has no excess

money to pay £ 4.80 towards

the CT bill

Disagree As council tax is an

individual tax the family

member is paying anyway

Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree Council tax is supposed to

be based on the size house

you live in. This is making

people with less money pay

more yet they still only have

a limited space i.e A family of

5 in a 2 bed house, they

can't afford a bigger hosue,

taking more means they are

even less likely to ever afford


Disagree does not

Page 169: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Doesn't affect me i pay full

council tax.

Disagree Household not number of


Disagree I have 2 children at home

under 16. My husband only

works to support 4 of us.

We struggle at present on

min wage.

Disagree I have a son living with me

on ESA who is over 18.

Under new Housing Benefit

rules he will now have to pay

rent & to have council tax

due as well would be hard.

By sharing our home ir

reduces him having to ask

for housing benefit in his own

right & is saving the gov


Disagree I strongly disagree as these

terms place low income

families with mature children

into further financial decline.

Leaving them below the

poverty line. Children are

considered such under 18 in

educational system. This

responsibility should not fall

to the child due to adult

ability and income earned.

Disagree I think rates are too high

Disagree I think wages after

deductions should be used

because is isn't fair to

include an income they don't

get. That money has to go

to the tax man so how do

you work out that it can be

used for this?

Disagree I would not be affected.

Disagree If you act on this there will be

more youngsters eiher on

the street or in bedsits and

the parent wont be able to

afford for them to stay in the

family home.

Page 170: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree It won't but I object to the

notion that non-dependants

who are on minimal benefits

would be expected to

contribute £ 4.80. I concur

that those who are working

should make some


Disagree It would not affect me.

Disagree It wouldn't

Disagree It wouldn't affect me.

Disagree Live alone

Disagree My daughter has cancer and

on employment support

Disagree My son is self employed at

18. Often he has no work

and I still support him. It is

very difficult for youngsters

to get started - The cost of

living is so high and the

wages low.

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A - a separate bill should

be sent to the dependant

who has now started working

not for the parents to foot the

extra bill.

Disagree N/A But will cause more

family conflict.

Disagree not

Disagree Not affected

Disagree Not relevant - I am single

with no dependants.

Disagree Not sure

Disagree Only change if a living wage

is earned. Do not take into

account any gov payments.

Otherwise will lead to greater

claims not less.

Disagree People who earn more

money should pay more

council tax.

Disagree Still feel as a single mother

that has no spousal suppoet

etc should get maximum


Page 171: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree The daughter should pay £ 4

a week. My children had to

pay it. Poll tax then.

Disagree This 'could'? affect our son

and I disagree because you

are propsoing to take more

money from someone but

their wages remain the


Disagree this does not affect me

Disagree This does not affect me.

Disagree This doesn't affect us but

seems once again if people

are working and trying to

help themselves they will

once again be worse off.

Disagree this proposal does not affect

Disagree This works very well for

families, but not for young

adults house sharing who

need to be treated

independently. Currently my

boyfriends income is taken

into account for things but he

does not pay my any of his

money. If I was out of work

he may buy food for me but

would expect me to pay my

share of rent/bills etc - your

benefits would assume he is

paying everything for me.

Disagree Unfair to tax with working


Disagree Wghy should they pay for

thier daughter

Disagree What about a fmaily of

5/6/10 people are they going

to be means tested?

Disagree What happens if non

dependants are college


Disagree when adult children live with

their parents, they SHOULD

pay towards council tax and

help pay the mortgage... but

you should charge the adult

children, not the 'household'.

The parents will only end up

taking the strain under your

proposals. Put it on the

children who should be

paying their own way.

Page 172: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Whilst this doesn't affect us

we do feel that someone on

benefits has enough to pay

out as it is. The higher

amounts for wages earners

is too high. While a higher

amount is inevitable it could

be half the jump proposed

and still be workable.

Disagree Why is it only £ 1 difference

for someone who is on

benefit and probably gets £

25 a week to someone who

earns just less than £ 183 a


Disagree Wouldn't affect me

Disagree wouldn't affect me as live


Disagree Wouldn't affect me. Where

are people supposed to find

an extra £ 16 per week.

Disagree yes it will daughter lives with


Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

the proposed scheme.

Strongly Agree age should be 25 years old

as gov benefits as adults

Strongly Agree All adults in a household

should make a contribution

towards council tax, but that

this should be in proportion

to the number of people

living in the household (i.e. if

there are 4 people - 2

parents, I working child and

one school age child, the

working child should not pay

more than 1/4 of the council

tax, if 6 people not more

than 1/2).

Strongly Agree All for the same reason.

Strongly Agree All household income should

be btaken into account as all

the householders will be the


Strongly Agree All income per household

should be counted.

Strongly Agree all income should be taken

into consideration

Page 173: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree All that earn should


Strongly Agree anyone living at the property

is in receipt of Council

services hence a contribution

is justifiable

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Agree As currently unfair a dozen

share a house & share one

tax. One neighbour

household only gets 1/4


Strongly Agree Children living at home are

dependant even though they

are classed otherwise. But it

is cheaper under one roof.

Strongly Agree Daughter to make more


Strongly Agree Dependants should


Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me, but

sound fair.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not apply to myself or


Strongly Agree Does not but seems very

Strongly Agree does not effect us, I don't

think, our daughter lives with

us but is my fulltime carer

Strongly Agree Does not, but did in the past

when son earned £ 202 per

week as an apprentice - had

no deduction at all as over

threshold so believe this

should be changed to ensure

equity and fairness across

the board

Strongly Agree Doesn't

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me.

Strongly Agree Doesnt.

Strongly Agree Everyone living in a house

should contribute if they are


Strongly Agree HARD TO MANAGE

Page 174: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I think that the dependant

who is working and living at

home should be sent the £ 4

per week bill

Strongly Agree I was astounded total income

was not already considered.

Strongly Agree If adults are earning a full

time wage, this would be fair,

but not someone who is just

receiving benefits.

Strongly Agree If the grown up daughter is

earning why is benefit being


Strongly Agree If there is higher rate of

money going in to a

household they should pay


Strongly Agree If you benefit from council

services and are earning you

should be prepared to pay a

proportion of the costs

Strongly Agree In your example you say that

it would be the parents who

would pay, but this would

simply be a lesson in the

daughter learning that costs

do occur even when living in

the family home. More and

more children are staying at

home, this shouldn't be a

free ride, they should learn to

pay their own way, lets face

it they spend enough on

sweets, fast food, alcohol,

energy drinks, clothes,

cigarettes, mobile phones

etc We need more people

paying into the system

otherwise some people will

find out what poverty really


Strongly Agree it does not

Strongly Agree It doesn't

Strongly Agree It doesn't

Strongly Agree It should be a fairer way as

more than two adults in a

home = more income. And it

still allows a large amount


Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It won't.

Page 175: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree It would be fairere for me

and eveyone else who

doesn't qualify for these

benefits, yet has no icnome ,

never mind £ 183 per week.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not

have to pay as much for

those who have a greater

household income than me. I

pay the full amount of

Council Tax and families

should do the same.

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me. But

back in the days of the 'poll

tax' I had to pay a substantial

amount even though on a

low income. I think that

everyone should contribute

whether working or on


Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree Makes good sense and

increases fairness for all who

contribute to the payment of

subsidies by limiting their

already high contributions to

those who cannot or chose

not to pay their share.

Strongly Agree More household earnings so

should pay.

Strongly Agree More money would be

available for other essential

services for the benefit of a

wider community

Strongly Agree Mr & Mrs Smith's daughter is

earning and benefitting from

council services so should

contribute to the CT bill.

Their daughter should

contribute to any increase.

Page 176: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree My children will soon be

leaving school and we would

be in this position. I maintain

that all income should be


Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not

be so high

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/p

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Na

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree no affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree no change

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree No non-dependants but feel

they should be held

responsible for pay any non-

dependant amount

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affect me

Strongly Agree Not affect me

Page 177: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected but all persons

receiving services from the

Council should contribute a

fair share towards the overall

provision bill.

Strongly Agree Not affected but I do not see

this as Mrs and Mr Smith

paying, but her daughter. It

encourages resposibilty and

awareness of the cost of


Strongly Agree Not affected but non deps

should pay more towards the

household bills as what they

pay now is I realistically low.

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not applicable to us

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all but since these

adults are using the council

services there must be a

requirement for them to

contribute - responsibilities to

match their rights.

Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Not at all. I am mystified as

to why they would be getting

extra allowances for not

paying council tax when their

is extra income coming into

the household and the are

using additional services.

Strongly Agree not directly affected

Strongly Agree Not relevant to me.

Strongly Agree retired

Strongly Agree see above

Strongly Agree See all my other comments.

Page 178: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Shouldn't take from family

who lives under the same

roof. Only the named tenant

should pay.

Strongly Agree Sounds like a loop-hole: If

someone in the property is

earning enough to pay the

council tax then why give

relief based on different

adults at the same property.

Strongly Agree Stop giving money away. We

don't get looked after and

pay our way and look after

ourselves. Stop makeing

sitting, watching TV all day


Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree This proposal would not

affect me directly



Strongly Agree This will affect me in the next

year or so.

Strongly Agree this will make them try

harder to get a job

Strongly Agree this will not affect me.

Strongly Agree This will not affect me.

Strongly agree that all

working adults in a

household should pay

towards Council Tax, and

this aspect of the proposals

should be changed to make

a fair payment for all.

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not directly affect


Strongly Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Strongly Agree This wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Agree was surprised that this was

not the case already; other

money should be


Strongly Agree Will Not.

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all.

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Page 179: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree X

Strongly Agree Yes

Strongly Agree yes

Strongly Agree Yes - they all benefit from

Council amenities and

should all make a

contribution according to

their income.

Strongly Agree Yes as above

Strongly Agree Yes it would make sense to

me that all earning in the

community pay towards

supporting it.

Strongly Agree Yes- they all benefit from

Council amenities and

should all make a

contribution according to

their income.

Strongly Agree Yes, the sooner people get

used to paying their way the


Strongly Agree You should have the idea by

now that I am furious to find

out that some people are not

paying Council Tax.

Strongly Disagree £ 183 is too low. People on

the lowest incomes already

can't pay bills. I'm so poor I

eat a packet of 11p Tesco

super noodles every day, not

because I like them but

because I'm so hungry.

Strongly Disagree Again, do you want me to

ever have children?

Strongly Disagree All income lost re tenant is

income lost and I would be

worse off financially if I had

to pay council charges out of

Income Support calculated

to support me and my family.

Strongly Disagree Any increase should be

according to means such

that people on lowest

incomes should still not have

to pay whilst higher earners

should pay more.

Strongly Disagree cause its hard enough for

kids as it is ie car tax

insurance to get to work and

college when they get there

own home yes

Strongly Disagree Council TAX is worked out

on size & location of property

not the amount of people

living it

Page 180: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Does not apply to me.

Strongly Disagree Doesn't

Strongly Disagree Doesn't affect me personally

but it did once and would be

hugely unfair in many

circumstances. Its a

property tax and not a poll


Strongly Disagree Hits me financially not my

son. My name is on the rent

book, it's me who is evicted if

I don't pay the rent!

Strongly Disagree I am a carer, already on a

very low income, this

proposal will cause me


Strongly Disagree I am parent/carer for my

disabled son who is on ESA

so he would be penalised

Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Strongly Disagree I am retired and have a

pension, so would have to

pay an extra £ 4 per week (£

208 per year)

Strongly Disagree If there are 1 or 2 people

living together they use no

more than if 22 people live


Strongly Disagree If this would be chosen we

would be worse off as wife

on DLA & currently exempt

from this.

Strongly Disagree It will affect me when I want

to save but I will still pay

water rates, TV licence, Gas,

Electric, bills.

Strongly Disagree It will not!

Strongly Disagree It won't but unemployed kids

still living at home will be

made to feel pay up or get

out which will increase kids

on the street - another case

of the poor families being hit

& the rich sitting pretty!!

Strongly Disagree It would make my income

greatly reduced at a time

when it is already a struggle.

Strongly Disagree Less money for the daughter

for nothing more

Page 181: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree My son pays over £ 75 per

week in rent/CTAX already.

How on earth will he be able

to save a deposit to leave

home and get on the

property ladder.

Strongly Disagree My son will be this age in a

few years - the proposal is

more likely to push young

adults out of fa,ily homes

and create more social

problems including further

dependancy on benefits.

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A.

Strongly Disagree No affect to me. But many

people lose child benefit and

tax credits when children

become non dependent

children cannot get work or

only low paid this adds

another penalty to parents

that may be already

struggling to manage

Strongly Disagree non-dependents below the

age of 21 should be except

from council tax

contributions. starting out in

life is hard enough without

having to contribute towards

council tax

Strongly Disagree none

Strongly Disagree Not personally affected, but

this intrusion into family

togetherness particularly in a

time of housing shortage is


Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree Son lives wityh me, so would

have to pay more council tax

Strongly Disagree Stop hammering the poor

AGAIN. It's our money and

not yours. How can our

young people afford to leave

home with the lack of

housing and jobs.

Strongly Disagree The chances are the over

18's are still living with

parents because they can't

afford their own place - once

more low earners would lose


Page 182: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree The cost for young people

working long hours & low pay

in rural areas should br

taken into account

Strongly Disagree The household probably has

a non dependants living

with them to help cover costs

which are otherwise difficult

or impossible to meet. The

extra cost of £ 20 per month

would be impossible to meet

when everything else is

increasing in cost.

Strongly Disagree The price of living has

increased across the board.

How are people supposed to

find more money.

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree This in the poll tax all over


Strongly Disagree This is my scenario.. I have a

problem now paying my way

and any further cuts will

force me to become


Page 183: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree this would not affect me. In

the question paper I received

in the post you have an

example of one family paying

an extra £ 24.82 a week. I

accept that we all have to

make changes and

contribution in these difficult

times.However for one low

income family to find an

extra £ 24.82 a week is

outrageous. The most any

one family will have to pay

extra should be capped at £

8.00 a week. Most people

have already cut their

household spend to the

bone, I know I have and the

only way I can find any extra

money is from food

shopping. SO PLEASE


ABOUT THIS. We should

not make the people all

ready suffering the most

suffer any more. I hope we

are still a caring society and

will think about those less

well off. Thank you.

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Strongly Disagree Young adults dependants

often stay at home as cant

afford to live elsewhere and

budget becomes even more


Strongly Disagree Young adults have little

money anyway so it would

fall to parents to pay extra.

Does not affect me.

Does not affect me.

Doesn't affect me.

I think there should be a

starting wage 1st.

I'm on employment support

allowance, I'm looking for

work but find it difficult with

my disabilities, and find my

finance difficult to live of as it






Page 184: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons



Not sure?

Over 18's should pay as they

as they are classed as adults

This does not take into

account Mr and Mrs Smiths

income . A non starter

without this information.

This scenario doesn't affect

me but seems fair

Would not affect me.

You are making struggling

families struggle more!!

Page 185: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree £ 50,000 is a very good

salary. Mr Smith can well

afford the inrease for his


Agree Agree but only where a

property owner receives


Agree All residents should

contribute but not at the

expense of the parent who is


Agree Although lower income

families should be protected

Agree Any parent earning above

the national average wage

should pay the full council


Agree As proposal G

Agree At an income of £ 50,000 a

year should pay full council

tax. As a parent give his son

a wake up call there's work

out there. Even p/t.

Agree Because ther is more than

one working adult in the


Agree Do not know

Agree does not

Agree Does not

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me. But how

would this apply to people

who work but live with


Agree Does not affect me. At £

50,000 he can afford to pay

full council tax this should

give him the argument that is

son should get any job and

not rely any one else.

Agree Does not affect me Agree if

they earn over a certain

amount. Not agree if they

just over the threshold for

benefits - could there be a

scale of discount dependent

on income

Principle 3 - Greater account should be taken of the

total income of a household

Proposal H - End Second Adult Rebate for working age

people from 1 April 2013

Page 186: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Does not affect our


Agree Does not affect us as we are

not working however surely

this should be calculated on

how high/low income is


Agree Does not but perhaps could

in the future if son lost his

job and my earning were this

high. Again, needs to be an

equal playing field to be fair

to all

Agree Doesn't affect me

Agree Doesn't affect me personally

but why no suggestion to

scrap single person/occupier

rebate? This is all just a

discrimination against the

sick, disabled and vulnerable

in our society who have

enough to conten with in life

as it is!

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect us.

Agree Everyone should help

towards council tax.

Agree He can easily pay the full

amount. He has the money.

Agree He works, he has to pay

something. I don't work part

time so I would not suffer in

great deal that way.

Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Agree I haven't got that much

money and I think it is

disgusting that your saving

are taken into account. Still

need to keep 25% discount

for single occupancy. Wish I

had Mr Smith's money.

Agree I would not be affected and

am relieved to see the single

persons benefit remains.

Page 187: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Agree If adults are earning a full

time wage, this would be fair,

but not someone who is just

receiving benefits.

Agree If anybody got £ 335.50 they

would be very lucky.

Agree If anyone has an income of £

50,000 per year they can

afford to pay full rate.

Agree If earning £ 50,000 then

should pay.

Agree If he is earning £ 50,000 that

will hardly hurt him.

Agree If he is lucky enough to earn

£ 50,000 then he could

afford £ 6.45 a week

Agree If Mr Smith's income is too

high for benefit then he

should not get any reduction!

Just because his son gets

job seekers.

Agree If my income is £ 50,000 a

year I would not have gone

to council tax benefit.

Agree If this was a partner of wife

wouldn't receive a reduction.

Agree It doesn't

Agree It doesn't

Agree it does'nt

Agree It might encourage people to

actually seek work, because

the majority of people that i

know in receipt of job

seekers allowance, do not

actually seek work, or

deliberately mess up an

interview so they don't get

the job.

Agree it wont

Agree It won't

Page 188: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit. Why

should the average taxpayer

support someone with a

good income just because

someone else in the

household has a low


Agree It won't.

Agree it would not

Agree it would not affect me

Agree it would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not at present.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It would'nt

Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't.

Agree Live alone

Agree Lower income families would

then be entitled hopefully to

more help financially.

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A but affordable to them,

why benefit?

Agree N/A.

Agree Nil

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect


Agree No affect but perhaps this

should have a salary cap so

that adults on lower salaries

could still benefit from


Agree No affect.

Page 189: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree No effect

Agree No effect on me

Agree No impact on me but all

persons living at any given

address should pay equally

towards the council tax

irrelevant of earnings.

Agree No low-paid persons living in

the house - no affect

Agree None

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree Not affect me.

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not really sure as not sure

what the level of high income

is, but your example should

not get benefit 50,000 way

too high for 25% discount -

takes the michael

Agree Not.

Agree Pay their way

Agree should be responsible for

himself separate from his


Agree That makes sense.

Agree The current system is too

complicated, most people

are unaware of 2nd adult


Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This currently wouldn't affect

me as my children are


Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me.

Agree This doesn't affect me at the


Page 190: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree This proposal does not affect




Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This scenario doesn't affect

me but seems fair

Agree This scheme would neeed

very careful monitoring

Agree This would affect us, as my

mother-in-law is over 60

years and is currentky not

employed as she is looking

after out two sons whilst we

all work.

Agree This would affect us.

Agree this would affect us. i am 60 -

currently caring for my

grandchildren so not

employed. we receive

second adult rebate.

Agree This would make the

community much more

comparable and would mean

the less off would have to

prioritise their spending

which would mean they

would have to get rid of their

sky box and lap top and cut

down on their smoking and


Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me

Agree This would not directly affect


Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Agree Total income should mean

total income for every home.

We are a married couple so

our total income is used for


Page 191: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Using the example of £

50,000 is somewhat

excessive and that some

people on much lower

incomes will be adversely

affect. And I think that an

amount to a cover a

contribution towards council

tax should be included in Job

Seekers Benefit and other

benefits and should be paid

to the householder.

Agree Why is his son not working in

the example. I didn't realise

you could still get 25% if

someone lived with you. I

thought this was a single

occupancy reduction.

Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me

Agree Will not affect me.

Agree With this income yes

Agree Wont affect me at all

Agree Would not affect me

Agree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not effect us

Agree Wouldn't affect me. But if

they are earning £ 50,000 it

probably wouldn't make

much difference losing a bit

more every week.

Disagree A single working person

should be able to get a

reduction if another adult

living with them gets a

benefit as that adult has

enough expenditure without

adding council tax to the

amount. We are glad it

won't apply to us.

Disagree Again all this seems to be is

suffering. But their cuts are

nearly upon us so we all

have to adapt and that looks

most realistic option.

Disagree As I live alone I will not get

any reduction

Page 192: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree As I said above, the grown

up son should have to pay

the difference, not his

parent. Can you find a way to

bill the 'grown up children'

and relieve the pressure on

the parents? any build sent

to the 'household' will fall on

the parents. If you bill the

'adult child', then maybe they

will get off their butt and find

a job.

Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree doesn't affect me buy could

increase homeless numbers

if incentive wasn't there to

house share.

Disagree Doesn't affect me.

Disagree He works, he has to pay

something. I don't work part

time so I would not suffer in

great deal that way.

Disagree He works, he has to pay

something. I don't work part

time so I would not suffer in

great deal that way.

Disagree I disagree because Mr

Smith's income might be

relatively low, e.g., £ 16,000

so this type of scenario

needs to be considered

before scrapping the 2nd

adult rebate.

Disagree I don't know cut off point to

receiove the 25% discount

Disagree I have previoulsy received

Second Adult Rebate as my

son was on a very low

income before he went back

into full time education. My

income was low in

comparison to the example

but I would have paid it if that

was the rule.

Disagree I think if the son is only

getting JSA or ESA, etc. this

would be unfair. But if the

other person works or gets a

highs pension this would be


Page 193: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree I think this current scheme

should be carried on, in the

example Mr Smith is

supportig his son financially.

Disagree I thinks there should be

something like this, but

maybe set an upper limit on

what the council tax payer

earns. It wouldn't be fair

because people are being

forced to live with there

parents and then the parents

have to pay twice!

Disagree If help is needed it should be

given if it's not then it


Disagree it does not

Disagree It doesn't

Disagree It doesn't.

Disagree It is hard enough sometimes

to motivate youngsters. i

would end up paying this

extra tax and still support my

son financially in other ways.

Disagree It is no good saying

"working age

people" - this is not fair

on disabled people with

special needs.

Disagree It is not up to mr.smith to pay

someone else council tax

Disagree It won't

Disagree It would not affect me.

Disagree It wouldn't affect me.

Disagree It wouldn't, but why should

the householder have to pay

more for that low income

person. It would cost local

council more if the father

kicked the son out and the

council had to house him.

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Page 194: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree N/A. I think this should be in-

line with non-dep deductions.

Disagree Nil

Disagree No - this would not be right

or fair

Disagree No - this would not be right

or fair.

Disagree No affect

Disagree No change. However, you

are penalising a higher

income earner when if they

earned slightly less they

would not be penalised for

having a low income earner

living with them.

Disagree Not affect me.

Disagree Not affected

Disagree Not at all

Disagree not at all

Disagree not directly affected

Disagree Not necessarily...relative to

type of earnings.

Disagree This does not affect me

Disagree This isn't the same as a

single person living on their

own though is it? He is

actually living with an adult

non dependant which is

covered by the previous

proposal. If you are asking if

a single person should pay

the same for services as a

couple, how is that fair?

Disagree this proposal does not affect


Disagree This would cause substantial

loss below current poverty

line. This does not affect me.

Disagree unaffected

Disagree Unlikely to affect me

Disagree Would not affect me.

Disagree wouldn't

Disagree Wouldn't affect me

Disagree Wouldn't affect me

Disagree yes they should lose the

rebate if the other person is

working but the income

being brought into the

household would have to be


Strongly Agree £ 50,000 per year!!!!!

Page 195: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

the proposed scheme.

Strongly Agree All household income should

be btaken into account as all

the householders will be the


Strongly Agree all income should be taken

into consideration

Strongly Agree Any obne earning this type of

wage should not be

entittled to any benefits.



Strongly Agree Anybody getting that sort of

money should not get any

form of benefit.

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree As above

Strongly Agree as above

Strongly Agree But how does this affect

second adult if a student.

Strongly Agree Creates a level playing field.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me, and i

wasn't aware that this was a

current option. This should

end immediately.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not apply to myself or


Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me This

certainly should be stopped!

50K ! I pay the full amount

on a fraction of that.

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me but if

someone earns £ 50,000 per

year they can afford full

council tax.

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me but it your

on £ 50k you can afford the

full council tax.

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me i pay full

council tax.

Strongly Agree Doesn't but high incomes

should pay more.



Page 196: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Everybody should pay, I

don't get any help

Strongly Agree He can afford it on £ 50k per


Strongly Agree he clearky has enough

money to provide for them

both. And his son is on JSA

not him. He is therefore

providing for his son.

Strongly Agree his earnings are high so he

should have to pay council


Strongly Agree How on earth can someone

earning £ 50k be entitled to

council tax benefit? This

example makes me angry,

our household income is £

17k and we get NOTHING,

no benefits of any kind, SO



Strongly Agree I agree for people who have

someone living with them but

think the 25% should still

apply for a lone adult in a


Strongly Agree I am in effect shooting

myself in the foot agreeing to

this but what is someone on

£ 50000 doing receiving C

Tax benefit. Council should

start charging full council

Tax on all second and

subsequent homes and not

pander to those of us who

are more fortunate in life and

whom you may believemay

damage more senior

persons career prospects

Strongly Agree I didn't know I could get a

reduction - now I do so I will

try and claim!

Strongly Agree I have always paid my

Council Tax, but I have

never had an income over £

10.000 a year.

Strongly Agree I would love to have an

income of £ 50k and would

pay my way in full.

Strongly Agree I would not be affected. I

strongly agree 2nd adult

rebate should come to an


Page 197: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree If a single person is on £

50,000 he should not get any

help with council tax. My

husband & I are extremly

stuggling with money. We

just come over the mark to

get any help. Mr Smith earns

3 times as much as both of

us. If anytyhing Mr Smith

should opay extra for his son

Strongly Agree If he can afford £ 6.45 a

week extra on £ 50,000

ayear! Something needs to

change regarding people

claiming. Not a happy

writer here.

Strongly Agree If I was getting 50,000 I'd pay

it happily.

Strongly Agree If my son were living at home

this could be our s] situation.

Strongly Agree If one partner has a

reasonable income they

should be paying council tax.

If this is a problem in the

above the son could move

out! This does not affect us

and is not likely to because

my husband cares for me as

a disabled adult and our

daughter as a disabled child.

Strongly Agree if someone earns £ 50,000

per year and alson gets

income from a person living

with them is wrong as I am

sure they can easily afford to

pay full council tax

Strongly Agree If someone gets that amount

in earmings a year they

should be able to afford to

pay C/Tax in full.

Strongly Agree if the son has 69 pw JSA

then he should not have to

contribute .father is having to

support son already living

with him but technically a

2nd income in house and so

should not get a single

resident discount If I had a

dependent living with me

despite being a pensioner I

weould loose my 25%


Page 198: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree If you are on good money

you should not receive


Strongly Agree Individuals on this level of

income can afford to pay full

Council Tax

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me at all

now; claiming this was

always too complicated and

so I didn't bother when it did

affect me.

Strongly Agree It doesn't affect me now, but

may do. Yours children are

family like a spouse & if

neccessary should be

supported. It is ridiculous to

receive council tax benefit on

£ 50,000 a year, however

lower down the scale it may

cause hardship. So perhaps

a cap.

Strongly Agree It will not affect me

Strongly Agree It won't.

Strongly Agree It would be fairer for me

because I pay full council tax

eventhough I have ni

icnome, yet I do not use any

more services. Two people

use twice as many services.

What they use isn't reduced

by 25%, so their bill shouldn't

be either.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree It would mean that I do not

have to pay as much for

those who have a sponging

friends and relatives. If they

choose to support an adult

with a low income, let them

support them properly. My

wife is on a low income and I

pay full Council Tax.

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Page 199: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree It would not. As council tax

is (generally) not dependent

on the number of people

living in a home, why should

rules be different for those

who have a second person

living with them? Those

single individuals who don't

have this arrangement do

not get reductions, if they

earn enough... and for the

group in question here, if

income is above threshold,

this does not change if a

second person lives with


Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree It wouldn't.

Strongly Agree luck him, he is earning a

reasonable wage

Strongly Agree Make the higher earners pay

100% of the their cocun

Strongly Agree More money would be

available for other essential

services for the benefit of the

wider community

Strongly Agree Mr Smith can easily afford to

pay his council tax in full and

support his son.

Strongly Agree My Council Tax bill will not

be so high

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree n/a

Page 200: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree n/p

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree NA

Strongly Agree Nil effect

Strongly Agree no affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect

Strongly Agree No effect anticipated in the

short term

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree none

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree none

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected - all should


Strongly Agree Not affected but I would not

expect to be able to do this

were I in the position of Mr


Strongly Agree Not affected, but Mr Smith is

earning 50k - he has the

money to generate

employment for his son, and

should not be paying for both

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not affected. Right & proper

that those who make more

should pay more.

Strongly Agree Not applicable to us

Page 201: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all other than to

ensure that everybody is

given responsibility and

contributes to the services

they use by rights.

Strongly Agree Not at all.

Strongly Agree Not at all. So why do I not

get to claim a reduction for

my wife who is living with me

and retired. Why the hell

should Mr Smith get a

reduction when he and his

son are both using services -


Strongly Agree On benefit also receiving


Strongly Agree On that size salary he can

well afford to pay the

increased council tax. That's

more than our household

earns and no benefits

Strongly Agree retired

Strongly Agree see above

Strongly Agree See above. This proposal is

aligned with above so has

same view.

Strongly Agree Should also not have

disability reductions. They

all use the same services, so

should be treated as

everyone else - not special

reductions if they have slight


Strongly Agree Single person discount

should be 50%

Strongly Agree Tell his son to get a job!

Strongly Agree The son can pay using Job


Strongly Agree They have money so they

should pay

Page 202: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree This could become a valid

situation when step daughter

finishes education and

cannot find a job. However I

already fully pay the tax and

wouldnt expect to receive

any assistance

Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree this proposal would not affect


Strongly Agree This proposal would not

affect me directly

Strongly Agree This seems fairer

Someone on £ 50.000 a year

should not get a reduction.

Strongly Agree this will make his son try to

get work to help his dad out

Strongly Agree This will not affect me - see

above all working adults

should pay. we all receive

the benefits.

Strongly Agree THis would make the whole

system fairer- I am shocked

that none of these things

have been taken into

account before, if you get rid

of all of these allowances

maybe all of our council tax

will go down. A someone

who does not receive council

tax benefit I su0pport the

much fairer proposals

Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Those who can afford it

should pay

Strongly Agree Very reasonable to expect

'relatives' who are earning a

good salary to support their

offspring until they are self


Strongly Agree What reason are we giving a

rebate? The second adult

would/could/shold sponge off

the person bringing a large

amount of money into the


Strongly Agree Why should Mr Smith get a

discount just because his

son cant be bothered to work

or works for cash.

Page 203: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Why should they get relief if

their own income is sufficient

Strongly Agree Why was this ever started in

the first place?

Strongly Agree Will not affect me

Strongly Agree Will Not.

Strongly Agree With an income of £ 50k he

should be able to pay his


Strongly Agree Working people benefit more

and more and not just in

money. Single people need

the help linke OAPs

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree X

Strongly Agree yes

Strongly Agree Yes because everyone

benefits from the services

Strongly Agree yes he earns enougth

Strongly Agree Yes stop any financial help

Strongly Agree Yes,except for those who

cannot help themselves,



Strongly Disagree Another way to kick single

people in the teeth

Strongly Disagree could possibly affect me in

the future.

Strongly Disagree Currently receive this rebate

as son not working. i would

find it hard to pay more as

my income low

Strongly Disagree Does not apply to me.

Strongly Disagree Doesn't apply. But the main

Council Tax principle is to

pay for local services and a

person living on their own will

cost less to the services than

2 people.

Strongly Disagree He is not working and can't

afford the money and why

should the mother not get

her 25% discount just

because she has done well

in her job

Strongly Disagree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Page 204: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I earn £ 14,000 a year and

my son is on jobseekers and

gets £ 55pw. This is not alot

to live on for an adult. I

should be classed as a

single persons allowance as

my son is unable to

contribute towards council


Strongly Disagree i only get Jobseekers


Strongly Disagree I totally disagree. This would

affect me greatly. If it occurs

within SSDCs patch I

promise I will sell up and

move to an area that has not

followed this absurd idea.

Single hard working people

like myself put everything

into this town and really

receive very little in

return.(Except further

demands for money for

SSDC to squander down the


Strongly Disagree It doesn't, but the example is

clever by using a very high

income - Anyone over £

45,000 per year for one

person income should pay all

the council tax but to take

the 25% discount off single

people is wrong. What if he

was earing £ 19,000 he still

wouldn't get nay benefit -

Make it fair - There is a huge

differance of quality of life for

someone on 50,000 to

19,000! Don't you think!

Strongly Disagree It seems very unfair for 1

person to pay the same as 2

or more on 1 income.

Strongly Disagree It will not!

Strongly Disagree It won't. However I would

strongly urge you to consider

the effect of this proposal at

the same time as the change

in Housing benefit to single

room rate being extended to

under 35. I object to the

notion that non-dependants

who are on minimal benefits

would be expected to


Page 205: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree It would put up my council

tax to full price which I can't

afford. Tax is halved

between two of us at present

which I find hard to meet.

Hence my benefit for my

share. Which makes it

easier for me to meet and


Strongly Disagree It wouldn't

Strongly Disagree Job seekers allowance is

very low. Mr Smith is paying

for his son's expenses as

well as his own. It is unfair

to expect him to pay an extra

£ 26 per month in council


Strongly Disagree Live alone and can't work

due to illness.

Strongly Disagree Loss of only benefit received

Strongly Disagree Mr Smith needs support with

a son out of work because of

the government there are no

jobs, not his fault

Strongly Disagree My partner is disabled.. I

can't afford any cuts.

Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree N/A This is a sad state of

affairs!! Maybe you should

stop supporting imigrants

and help the British!! At

present I'm ashamed to be


Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Disagree no change we already pay

full council tax even tho i am

on esa

Strongly Disagree Not at present

Strongly Disagree Not personally affected, but

this proposal is nothing to do

with Council Tax but is in the

bailewick of HMRC

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Page 206: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree So you penalise working

people because they look

after an unemployed relative.

In this situation you are going

to have every unemployed

person in this situation sitting

in the Council Offices asking

for somewhere to live. This

could affect me in the future,

I would simply move away

from the Yeovil area and pay

my taxes to another Council.

Strongly Disagree The people on the lowest

incomes would be crippled. I

used to receive the 25%

discount and even with it,

nearly a whole weeks wages

every month went on council

tax. 1 person 50% 2

people 100%

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree The scenario penalises a

non-working adult already on

benefits. In one hand and out

of the other. Perhaps a

different budget but all

comes from tax payers.

Won't help son to find work

at the moment, esp if Job

seekers support is

systematic. Also wonder if

son will pay Dad? or will Dad

feel he cannot take the little

the son has. Moving into

family dynamics. Should

councils ask for money direct

from job-seekers instead?

Strongly Disagree there seems to be a

contradiction in this

question/rule - if you live in a

property and have plenty of

money shouldn't you pay the

full amount of council tax?

Strongly Disagree Think every help should be


Strongly Disagree This does not affect me.

Strongly Disagree This penalises one person

for the circumstances of


Strongly Disagree This proposal would not

affect me.

Page 207: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree This seems to excessively

penalise single people -

always given worse

treatment than couples or


Strongly Disagree this would not affect me

Strongly Disagree This would not affect me.

Strongly Disagree We would be under much

greater financial pressure.

Strongly Disagree Why should the parent be

held respoonsible. This is no

helping the financial situation

of a household instaed

putting more pressure -

causing or leading to illness.

Does the govt even think of


Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Strongly Disagree would cause a lot of hardship

to single parents.

Strongly Disagree You are penalising people

who may for whatever

reasons live alone.

Strongly Disagree You will find alot of people

giving up work and where will

you be then.

Cannot decide as £ 50,000

seems a lot of income but

other factors, mortgage etc &

inflation influence this.

Does not affect me.

Doesn't affect me.

If he earns to much money

to receive help then he

should pay all £ 1,342. That's

not alot out of £ 50,000.

It is not the parents fault that

a child is unable to find work

and so they should not be


It wouldn't affect me as a low

income household, but as

the sone isn't earning he

can't be expected to pay any.








Page 208: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons




Unsure about this

Page 209: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Agree but dependant on

income of property owner

Agree All money should be

included. I don't have a

wage but I would be happy to

pay out of my benefits.

Agree As a lone parent who works

a bit extra help for working is

good! Because if too much

money is taken out of wages

some people may not work

which will put more on to


Agree As above

Agree As you aren't any worse or

better off with this proposal.

Agree better than paying it all

Agree Currently not affected as

neither of us work. Wife

disabled & I'm full time carer.

Agree Do not know


Agree does not

Agree Does not affect me as yet. A

lot of long term, sick and

disabled cannot get full time

jobs due to medication or

disability, part time is the

only option left for them, so I

believe they should be

encouraged to work part

time and not castigated for it.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect our


Agree Does not affect us as we do

not have jobs but I presume

this is trying to inspire more

people to try & get a part-

time job and so I can see the

reasoning behind this


Agree Doesn't affect me

Principle 4 - Provide incentives to encourage people to

work Proposal I - Increase

the amounts of earned income which we ignore when

calculating Council Tax support

Page 210: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree doesn't effect our situation


Agree f this rule encourages people

to try to engage in work, then

I agree.

Agree Helps lower income couples

such as ourselves.

Agree I agree with income

sheltering to ensure income

exceeds benefits.

Increasingly important now.

May need broader view to

encourage working rather

than staying on benefits but

for council benefits changes,

minimising disruption to

families who are trying to

improve life chances are


Agree i am in receipt of DLA

Agree I am a working single parent

and feel we should be

rewarded for this not


Agree I am disabled so i could

benefit from the extra £10

Agree I am lone parent this would


Agree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Agree I don't know

Agree I don't work but I have to live

on something.

Agree I don't work but I have to live

on something.

Agree I gave up temping as under

present rules I was paying

money for the privillage of

working and was NOT cost

effective when taking

travelling costs into

consideration. The new

scheme would mean that

'local' temping rules might

allow me to 'break even'. It

would not help with finding

work further afield.

Agree I think this is fair - it would

encourage people / reward

them for working

Page 211: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I think this may help people

on lower incomes and more

incentives to work PT or FT.

( I was like this up to last


Agree I work part-time 13 1/2hrs

each week

Agree I would be willing to pay very

small amount but as my

outgoings is alot out my

money as it is couldn't afford


Agree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Agree If it helps people support

themselves more then yes

Agree If you earn any income from

work it doesn't make sense

that you will have to help out

a bit more.

Agree If you give incentive by

'rewarding' people who make

the effort to work, hopefully

more people will. There

needs to be a balance so

people will have more if they

work, NOT more if they stay

on benefits. When I could

teach, we used 'positive

reinforcement' and it works.

Agree Increase from £5 to £10

Agree It doesn't

Agree it does'nt

Agree It doesn't but the incentive is


Agree It doesn't.

Agree It is good to allow people to

get extra support by doubling

the amount not calculated.

We are not able to work to

have this advantage as we

are unable to get work full or

part-time at present. It's not

for want of looking as we are

always looking.

Agree It may help me a bit.

Agree It will not!

Page 212: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It won't.

Agree It won't.

Agree It would cost more if they did

not work. People need to be

encouraged to work more

Agree It would help for people to

return to work

Agree it would not

Agree It would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Agree It wouldn't.

Agree It wouldn't.

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree Na

Agree Nil

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No direct effect

Page 213: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree no effect

Agree no effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect.

Agree not

Agree not

Agree not

Agree Not a great deal.

Agree Not affect me

Agree Not affect me.

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree not at present

Agree Not effected

Agree Not employed - no affect

Agree not sure

Agree On low income any help is


Agree Poll tax again

Agree Sounds fair on low income


Agree Thats a low income for 2


Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree They are low earners and

could well use the support.

Agree this does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This doesn't affect me at all

Agree This doesn't affect me at the




Agree This proposal would not

affect me.

Agree This proposal would not

currently affect me.

Agree This will benefit me.





Page 214: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree this would mean my benefit

entitlement would increase


Agree This would mean that I would

get a bit of extra help, which

would be helpful to me as a

single parent.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Agree This wouyld mean I pay

slightly less council tax.

Agree Umm this is tough - yes

great get people back to

work. But don't you want to

save money?? (we would

get more so I should say


Agree unaffected

Agree Unlikely to affect me


Agree We agree that this is a good

incentive for those who are

able to work but it must not

penalise those, like us, who

are both simply not able to

earn an income.

Agree We may receive a bit extra


Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me

Agree Will Not.

Agree Would encourage people to

find work.

Agree Would give us slightly more

towards our rent.

Agree Would help a lot of people

who are trying to earn but not

getting stung in paying too

much council tax.

Agree Would not affect me as I

care for my partner.

Agree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree would not help me

Agree Would pay more council tax.

Agree Would pay more council tax.

Agree Would reduce our benefit

Page 215: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree wouldn't

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Wouldn't affect me.

Agree yes i agree with this because

in the example they are both

working to earn a living.

Agree You need to help people get

into work.

Disagree again this proposal does not


Disagree Any incentive to work should

be covered by Income Tax


However I would agree this

proposal for the

Disabled/Long term sick.

Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree Difficult to answer accuretely

without figures and


Disagree Does not

Disagree Does not affect us.

Disagree Does not, but unsure that

increasing the alowance

under this scheme would

influence people's decision

to go back to work

Disagree I do not see it as a tax

payers obligation to fund

incentives for employment.

Disagree I dont think a lone parent

should get more discounted

than a couple. there should

be something for a couple

with out children, a couple

with children and the same

for disabled people - one

rate for those with children

and one for those without.

Disagree I don't work but I have to live

on something.

Disagree I think it's fine the way it is

Disagree If I was working even part

time then I would be

prepared to contribute

towards council tax.

Page 216: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Instead of taking the money

from maintenance of single

people you should make

your money here and stick to

the current scheme.

Disagree It won't affect me as I don't

get council tax benefit but

why should any income be


Disagree It would not affect me

Disagree It would not affect me.

Disagree More income means less

council tax support.

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree n/a

Disagree n/a

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree NA

Disagree Nil

Disagree Nil effect

Disagree No - everyone keeps what

they are legally entitled to


Disagree No - everyone keeps what

they are legally entitled to


Disagree No .... that does not help

poorer families only help

richer ones.

Disagree No affect

Disagree No affect

Disagree No change. Amounts

proposed would have

minimal effect on peoples

perception to work.

Disagree No effect

Disagree No one in their right mind

would refuse a job based on

losing £2 week

Disagree None

Disagree none

Disagree not affected

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all

Disagree not at all

Page 217: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Not at all but there is little

point giving incentives to

work when there is so little

work in the current economic

situation for these

presumably unskilled people.

Disagree Not at all.

Disagree Not.

Disagree On benefit & disabled.

Epileptic and on DLA &

Council Tax benefit &

housing benefit.

Disagree Personally not affected, but

wonder if this within the

provnce of local govermnet

however worty the thought.

If adopted I feel it should be

short-term incentive

Disagree Reduces the amount of

money available for other

essential services to the

detriment of the wider


Disagree Seriously we are talking

pocket change.

Disagree Sounds too complicated..

easier just taking 25%

Disagree This does affect me. More

money would be lovely but

not necessary. I would prfere

it to be easier. Because the

benefit office works 6wks

behind I cannot do overtime

or get the bonus as it can

cause overpayments then

underpayments, vast

amounts of paperwok, I

recenyly covered a ladies

maternity for 9 months.

There was an overpayment

at the start which took longer

to pay off than the maternity


Disagree This does not affect me.

Disagree This is penalising people on

a low income for trying to

earn, no incentive to get off


Disagree this proposal would not affect


Disagree This would be a good idea

because the poorer people in

society would benefit.

Disagree this would not affect me

Page 218: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree This would not affect me.

Disagree We are oth disabled and

hove long term illness .

Diabetes, asthma, epilepsy

Disagree Why as a lone parent should

I pay even more?

Disagree Would not

Disagree Would not affect me

Disagree Wouldn't affect me. but if

you give them more it means

you have to take money from

someone else.

Disagree Yes to encorage people to

start work

Strongly Agree .... although an extra £2 a

week doesn't sem like much

of an incentive.

Strongly Agree A good incentive. and might

help when I am declared fit

to work.

Strongly Agree Again, what am I agreeing

to? I am strongly in favour of

the proposed scheme.

Strongly Agree All income shoukld be taken

into account

Strongly Agree All income should be taken

into account

Strongly Agree Although I am disabled when

I return to work this will help

to aid the transition from

unemployment into work

which is currently made


Strongly Agree Any extra support would help

in the current crappy cash


Strongly Agree Any help with getting ppl into

work or keeping them in

work should be a priority

Strongly Agree Anybody that is working and

trying to be independant

should be encouraged

Means testing of total

income of living wage would

be fairer

Page 219: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree As a disabled person, male

aged 63, living alone with a

small occupational pension

because of ill-health early

retirement from my previous

employment which places

me above the


amount" but still

eligible for some CTB/CTS, I

think that my pension

income should be treated as

above. This would help

alleviate the diastrous impact

of Principle 1 above.

Strongly Agree As a lone parent it would


Strongly Agree As a person on a low income

I think that little bit of extra

help is needed.

Strongly Agree As I am on very low income

this would benefit me.

Strongly Agree as they are working and not

claimingh benefits then this

should be encouraged

Strongly Agree At last something that

doesn't harm anyone. Well

done. Go for it! A carrot and

not another stick.

Strongly Agree At least it may encourage

some back to work.

Strongly Agree by workig they are making

the effort to be self

supporting, by providing this

small amount of support they

are more likely to remain


Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not directly affect me

but I do agree with his


Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me = totally

agree with principle

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me i pay full

council tax.

Strongly Agree Doesn't. This is not enough

to live on. The poor will get


Strongly Agree Encourages people to go

back to work

Page 220: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Everyone should be

encouraged to go to work

Strongly Agree Everyone should TRY and

work if they can. No-one

should be better off not


Strongly Agree Exclusions should be

considerably more and be

nearer average household or

£700 per week (the

economist, 2012).

Strongly Agree Good incentive

Strongly Agree Good incentive but only

when there are jobs.

Strongly Agree hard enougth for part timers

and single parents

Strongly Agree I am a single working parent

so any increase in the

amount of earned income

that is ignored would benefit

me greatly.

Strongly Agree I am disabled, if I went back

to work eventually then I

could keep £30 instead of

£20 before benefits reduce

Strongly Agree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Strongly Agree I am seeking part time

employment so this would

help me

Strongly Agree I could earn £5 per week

more - The lone parent

amount is too high.

Strongly Agree I earn a low income and

anyone working should be

helped - it's cheaper than

paying for them entirely!

Strongly Agree i have a disability but still go

to work, this would help me

alot if this applies also to

single people.

Strongly Agree I only work part-time and if I

could get a higher disregard

this extra allowance would

be useful.

Strongly Agree I work 16 hrs a weels as well

as being a single parent. I

can work and want to work

so for those of us who try to

support ourselves a little help

is a good thing.

Page 221: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I work part time (9 hrs) as

my partner is off with a long

term sickness. Having the

new proposal would put less

financial pressure on us.

Strongly Agree I would be better off. By a

whole 5 pounds, big deal.

However, perhaps some of

my idle neighbours would

feel the need to search for

work and add to the benefit

of our society instead of

simply placing their hands

out for income and state


Strongly Agree If encourages people to

do/work for themselves if

they don't lose it all in benefit


Strongly Agree If I was well enough to work I

would. An extra £30 a week

would help towards the

council tax.

Strongly Agree If people are trying to help

themselves by working

should be helped

Strongly Agree I'm disabled, so it'd help

Strongly Agree I'm only able to work part

time due to a disability so

would benefit from this


Strongly Agree It is the one area of this

whole proposal where I

would benefit. I receive

minimal council and housing

benefit and have to find

everything myself. As a lone

parent the urge is often there

not to work and live off

benefits. I would be better

off but personal pride

prevents me.

Strongly Agree it wont

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree It won't. However I think that

the disregard incentive could

be even more generous,

especially if taken in tandem

with the other proposals


Strongly Agree It would - because I work I

would have more money.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Page 222: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me.

Strongly Agree It would not, but I suspect

that whatever works to get

those who can work and

chose not to off their sofas is

supported by the majority of

the tax-paying population.

Strongly Agree Its a start in the right


Strongly Agree lets simplify this rule: set an

income at a given rate of £x

pounds before it is calculated

towards council tax so that

low paid people have a

chance to survive.

Strongly Agree May affect son/daughter.

Strongly Agree Might help if I get a part-time


Strongly Agree Most people work part-time

(more than one part-time

job). This seems to make






EARNS £180

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/p

Strongly Agree no

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree NO AFFECT

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree no effect

Strongly Agree No effect at moment

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree No effect.

Page 223: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree No it is earned income

Strongly Agree none

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree Not

Strongly Agree not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affect me.

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected but I would wish

for this to be implemented

were I on an income that

low. Encouraging people to

find work is admirable but

there needs to be work

available to find. A part time

job still shows an effort has

been made to find work

Strongly Agree Not affected.

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Strongly Agree Not at all, except possibly a

small increase in Council

Tax, but hopefully not.

Strongly Agree not directly affected

Strongly Agree Not sure!

Strongly Agree Now this would help me and

people like me who work on

low incomes. More like this

please, without penalising

the poorest. Still waiting for

the extra charges on the

large earners...

Strongly Agree Pensioner & working tax


Strongly Agree people trying to help

themselves, should get more


Strongly Agree people trying to work and are

lucky to have employment

should benefit

Page 224: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons




Strongly Agree retired

Strongly Agree should be helping more

people who are tyring to help


Strongly Agree Single person on minimum

wage enough said

Strongly Agree Something which although

does not affect me directly

but could allow my

partner/carer to get a part

time job without being


Strongly Agree The government states it

should pay to work ! This is

in keeping with that theory

Strongly Agree This helps families who are

on lower incomes and need

the extra help and money.

Strongly Agree This helsp people on low

incomes wich includes us.

Strongly Agree This is a great incentive to

get more people to work &

would be a benefit to me as

a lone parent.

Strongly Agree this may help people get out

of the benefit trap

Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Strongly Agree This propsal does not affect


Strongly Agree This will affect me as a

single person. For people

working but on a wage just

above the limit for receiving

any benefits do struggle to

pay everything.

Strongly Agree This will be a welcome

support on their budget


Strongly Agree this will not affect me

Strongly Agree this would be helpfull to me

Strongly Agree This would encourage

people to work and hopefully

get rid of 'I would be beetter

off on benefits'

Strongly Agree This would help a great deal

for a family just to survive in

present day as prices are

going up but benefits are

being cut. How is a family

supposed to survive as that

is all we do, not live.

Page 225: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree This would make a small

difference to my council tax.

If this encourages people to

work is a good thing. It does

not seem fair that people

claiming benefits have more

money than those in


Strongly Agree This would not affect me.

Strongly Agree Too low line up with gov

Carers Allowance of can

earn £100 per week.

Strongly Agree Too many people arent

working as they "may

lose their benefits" so

its better for them not to

workm, this cannot be and is

not right

Strongly Agree we already pay full council

tax even tho i am on esa.

This would actually help us.

Strongly Agree Will compensate for some of

proposed changes

Strongly Agree Will not affect me

Strongly Agree Will not affect me

Strongly Agree will not affect me - but it is a

good incentive for people in

and returning back to work ,

as less money is lost in

paying for essential bills etc.

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all

Strongly Agree Would have no effect

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me. When

I'm able to work part-time

this will be an incentive.

Strongly Agree X

Strongly Agree Yes

Strongly Agree Yes to encouraging people

to work, such incentives are

a fantastic idea! It wouldn't

affect me directly because

we receive no benefits.

Strongly Agree You try and live on £150 for

2 people

Strongly Disagree again my disabled son would

be hard hit

Strongly Disagree all income should be taken

into consideration

Strongly Disagree Amounts are to small to

make any difference.

Page 226: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Does not affect me but will

son. People on benefits

should not be paying to

make up for people who

work. In a recession when

work is hard to get

Strongly Disagree Does not apply to me.

Strongly Disagree Doesn't. This is not enough

to live on. The poor will get


Strongly Disagree Even the proposed new

amounts are poultry.

Consider the cost to a

person when they have to

pay 30% of childcare, lose

free school




rt, currently £4.20 a day on

the bus depending on where

you have to travel. So people

will still be worse off in work.

And with the massive lack of

jobs for everyone it is NOT

ok to reduce benefits in

order to make it look likes it's

better in work. More

taxpayers money goes to

people on working tax credits

than people on other

benefits. People need to be

able to cover the extra costs

in order to be able to afford

to work.

Strongly Disagree I don't get any benefit, yet

have ni icnome. I do not

believe that ignoring any

amount is helpful to anyone,

least of all someone who has

no income. It would be fairer

to me if everyone was

treated equally.

Strongly Disagree I don't see how that will

encourage anybody to work.

This will just end with a

situation where high earners

in poor areas pay more for

worse facilities than low

earners in the more

expensive end of town, this

is a poor idea.

Page 227: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I feel disabled people should

not be penalisedt further.

Strongly Disagree I have no job.

Strongly Disagree I work part time (9 hrs) as

my partner is off with a long

term sickness. Having the

new proposal would put less

financial pressure on us.

Strongly Disagree I, of course, agree that there

should be measures to help

low income families but I

was told at the information

event that the money to fund

the increased disregard will

have to be funded by cuts to

people on council tax benefit.

If this is the case and those

not in work and on the lowest

incomes have to subsidise

those working but on slightly

higher incomes then this

measures cannot be viewed

as an incentive to work

because it is effectively

financial punishment for not

working. Although we have

all seen the cases on

television of fraudulent or

idle claimants there is

nothing to support these

being anything other than a

small minority. The majority

of people on out of work

benefits are there through no

fault of their own and often

because of health issues or

because we do not have full

employment in this country

and so there are not jobs

available for everyone.

Strongly Disagree It would mean that people

are encouraged to work,

even if it is for a low income.

It would not directly affect me

but I worked on a low income

for 3 years without claiming


Strongly Disagree It would not affect me

Strongly Disagree It wouldn't

Strongly Disagree It wouldn't.

Strongly Disagree Make it fairer for all working


Page 228: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Maybe they should work full


Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree n/a

Strongly Disagree NA

Strongly Disagree No effect

Strongly Disagree No there is no logic for this.

Strongly Disagree Not affected - all income

should be considered. The

incentive should be to get

more qualifications and a

better paid job.

Strongly Disagree not at all

Strongly Disagree Not at all.

Strongly Disagree Not for these on low income

Strongly Disagree Not sure at the moment.

Strongly Disagree Poll tax again

Strongly Disagree Surely if you do this then the

council will pay out MORE

council tax support which will

just worsen the budget


Strongly Disagree The people have low

incomes or no income other

than low benefits to help pay

high costs. Adding to those

costs is unfair and

unreasonable in the current

economic climate.

Strongly Disagree the same as the other box's.

Strongly Disagree These are low income

people leave them alone.

We are driving more people

into poverty through

increased cost of living


Strongly Disagree They need all the money

they have, child care, etc.

Strongly Disagree Things are hard enough as it


Page 229: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree This is not an incentive to

work but rather an incentive

to remain in part time work

with the government

contributing to your costs.

Anyone in full time low paid

work would find that they do

not qualify for any Council

Tax support at all. The

bigger political issue here is

that people in work should

be paid a living wage not just

a minimum wage.

Strongly Disagree This proposal WILL affect

me personally and should be

given some serious thought

in line with the DDA


Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree This would not affect me

Strongly Disagree thought the idea was saving

money Not handing it out.

Strongly Disagree Treat all the same.

Strongly Disagree Unbale to work

Strongly Disagree Unfair on sick and disabled.

Current Govt changes will

force those able back to

workwithout council


Strongly Disagree We cannot afford to give

money away. The rest of us

have not had pay rises, we

have paid extra tax, VAT etc.

These people should also

feel the pain and be a prt of

society for once.

Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Strongly Disagree Would not affect me but

shouldn't ignore incomes.

Strongly Disagree Wouldn't change lone

parents the most.

Strongly Disagree Wow that must give people

real incentive to work. people

need hope not to be looked

down on. get a grip.

Strongly Disagree You should only do this if

they are in full time work.

Strongly Disagree You will be really bored by

my comments by now so I

will not bother.

At last an incentive to work

Page 230: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Doesn't affect me personally

but could. £30 isn't a great


Doesn't affect me.

help low income people back

to work

I actually agrre & disagree. If

a couple are both working

partime and have no

children, then I agree as

there's no reason why they

can't work full time. If they

have children like us we

share the role of stay at

home parent. however, my

husband will be working full

time in SEPT as our son

starts school.It's difficult for

both parents to work full time

I don't work but I have to live

on something.









Not feasible for people out of


Overall aim is please keep

calcs simple to keep admin

time& cost down, reflect this

in a reduction for all

This would help me as I have

a long term illness, but

currently working part time

Would help as single person

on low income

Page 231: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Agaian examples would

explain better

Agree Although I would stongly

disagree with the fund being

used for people who are

receiving treatment for

substance abuse or are

known substance abusers.




Agree As above

Agree As before

Agree As I find it hard to pay my

bills now a proposal such

social security will help.

Agree At last an incentive to work

you start work and if you

have hardship you are

entittled to no help

Agree Because I am single and


Agree Because rents are too high

in this area this fund will be

utilised more often therefore

if you put any of these

proposals into place you will

never save the money you

hope to because you will just

be losing it from this fund

instead. Your best way of

saving money is to stop

wasting money on external

consultants and inefficient

processes. I bet that it was

an external consultant that

came up with these

proposals at an exorbitant

cost> meanwhile there is

probably a council employee

who was supposed to think

of them but is being paid

instead to consult a


Principle 5 - It should provide protection for the


Proposal J - Provide a limited Discretionary Hardship

Fund that will help those who qualify for Council Tax

support, but still have difficulty paying their Council

tax due to exceptional circumstances.

Page 232: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree benefit payments are based

on a minimum quality of life,

so people receiving benefits

will obviously struggle when

there is a transition to other


Agree Benefits are designed as a

short term crutch not a way

of life. As such they do not

provide a high standard of

living & sometimes

circumstances occur where

extra help would make all the

difference. If you cannot

work through no fault of your

own you should not be

penalised but it's a fine line

between can't go back to

work & can't afford to go

back to work.

Agree But again just another way to

hit the poor & needy!!





Agree Currently on benefits


Reduce the consultants at

the council - cost too much

Agree depends on the


Agree Depends on tjhe hardship

for genuine people then

maybe but if it's down to the

fact that a Merc is sought or

T.V's just because they want

them then No. If they are

struggling for money how

about they sell their

numerous plasmas which I'm

sure they have!!!.

Agree Does not affect me

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Agree Does not affect me.

Page 233: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Does not affect me. This

proposal is fine if they have

gotten into arrears but after

their arrears have been paid,

how do you make sure that

they do not get into arrears

again, could not deduct

£2.00 or lower from their

benefits per week.

Agree Does not affect our


Agree Doesn't affect me but I don;t

see a problem with this


Agree Doesn't affect me personally

at the moment. Seem

reasonable alternative to

current scheme.

Agree Doesn't affect me.

Agree Doesn't affect us.

Agree Fine

Agree Good idea, but watch those


Agree Good that the money goes

straight to

Agree great idea

Agree hopefully it wont

Agree However, the issues is not

the fund but who it is given

to. What is the process for

determining who is in need?

Agree I am disabled & unable to

work to supoort myself & my

family. I rely on benefits for

my income. If I was losing

money weekly I would be

worse off and struggle to pay

my bills.

Agree I am limited to what work I

do as I am disabled. Good

days and bad days makes it

very hard and can't work full

time so unable to pay the full


Agree I am singler eprson of 55 yrs

I am currently unable to work

I find it particularly hard to

meet bills I have no other

income than ESA Finding

the extra without some sort

of safety net would render

me homeless

Page 234: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I did not know about it.

Useful information. Thank


Agree I don't know yet. But I do

know we all have to pay a

little towards council tax. But

I do understand issues. This

government cannot pay for

everything. We have to

reduce debt, may be it gives

people with mental health

issue something to think

about. I'm not totally against


Agree I don't know yet. But I do

know we all have to pay a

little towards council tax. But

I do understand issues. This

government cannot pay for

everything. We have to

reduce debt, may be it gives

people with mental health

issue something to think

about. I'm not totally against


Agree I hope that this will be single

payments and not on going

payments. Your premise in

Pronciple 2 excepts those on

DLA, war widows and war

disablement payments. I

strongly disagree with these

exceptions as they make

ALL income meaningless.

Agree I hope to get a job before


Agree I pay towards rent and

council tax out of my sick

pay. I am 60 years old with

spinal damage. My sick pay

is £71 a week. I have to run

my own car on this because

without my car I am

housebound. This is

hardship. Before my spinal

damage I worked all my life

from the age of 16. Stop the

handouts to the ones that

have never bothered to work.

But with this government

there's not much chance

because companies are

closing down.

Page 235: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree I think this is an important

facility and vital to people in

greatest need

Agree I was unaware that a

hardship fund existed.

Agree I would need a hardship fund

as I can't generate money

that isn't there.

Agree I would not be directly

affected by this proposal but

feel the wealthiest are in the

best position to pay more so

a new top band of Council

Tax needs to be introduced

e.g. Band I 20/9, or the

multipliers increased at the

top end

Agree If genuinely hard up (their

idea of hard up and mine

would be worlds apart Im


Agree If there was a neither agree

nor disagree I would have

gone for that. I know there

are exceptional

circumstances but they

should only be very


Agree it also depends who will be

called vulnerable.

Pensioners are often called

this when in fact they have

loads of income that is not

counted and in this day and

age people are in good

health well into old age. It

should not b e automatic

based on age

Agree It appears that being poor for

whatever reason you're

labeled. Payment should be

made to all those who need


Agree It depends on how difficult it

would be to apply for it. Is it

only for a limited period- if so-

what happens when it stops?

Agree It doesn't

Agree It doesn't

Agree It doesn't

Agree It doesn't.

Agree It has not affected me as of

yet. But it's just nice to know

help is there in very direr


Page 236: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree It is good for those very hard

up to receive help other wise

they could end up living on

the streets. We should

protect them especially if

they have children.

Agree It will not!

Agree It won't.

Agree It would be good to know

that there is help and support

should I have a change in


Agree It would depend what is

meant by 'special


Agree It would depend what is

meant by 'special


Agree It would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me

Agree It would not affect me unless

I have to pay a lot more

council tax than at moment.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not affect me.

Agree It would not.

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It wouldn't

Agree It would'nt

Agree It wouldn't affect me


Agree It wouldn't.

Agree It wouldn't. now but it may do

in the future.

Agree It's good for support if you're


Agree Little affect

Agree makes no difference to me

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Agree n/a

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree N/A

Agree n/a

Page 237: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree n/a

Agree n/a

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A.

Agree N/A. Clear guidlines

required for eligability

Agree n/p

Agree NA

Agree Nil

Agree Nil effect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect


Agree No affect

Agree No Affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect

Agree No affect.

Agree No change.

Agree no effect

Agree no effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect

Agree No effect anticipated

Agree No effect personally.

However, I think the

circumstances for eligibility

should be tight.

Agree No effect.

Agree No effect.

Agree No impact. There should

always be a limited fund

available for exceptional


Agree None

Agree none

Page 238: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree None of these proposals will

affect me directly as I am not

in receipt of benefits apart

from the State Retirement

Pension& the extras that

come from that e.g winter

fuel allowance. I am

commenting on these

proposals because I am

concerned that whatever

happens it must be fair, easy

to understand & simple to

implement. Also, I think that

retired people SHOULD be

INCLUDED in this scheme.

P.S Please don't assume

that everybody has access to

a computer. P.P.S Bring

back rent tribunals or some

sort of Fair Rent check.

Agree Not

Agree not

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree not affected

Agree Not affected

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree Not at all

Agree not at all

Agree Not at all as I do not receive

any benefits

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree Not at all.

Agree not directly affected

Agree Not directly affected

Agree Not effected

Agree Not quite sure

Agree Not relevant to me.

Agree not sure

Agree Not sure

Agree not sure (on low income


Agree Over 75!

Page 239: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Provided that the council

publishes the amounts given

under the hardship fund and

give details of the reasons

why such payments are

made without identifying

individuals, I agree. If not, I


Agree Provided the


exceptional and

unnecessarily self inflicted

Agree Providing that this is directed

at the right people in the right

circumstances. This would

not affect me.

Agree Seems practical so long as

the system is not abused.

Agree short term and be


Agree So long as the vulnerable

still get help it doesn't amtter

where it comes from. God

forbid that I am ever in the

position that I need this, but

if I am I would hope there

would be someone to help.

Agree some failsafes should be in

place. I am very worried

about the uncertainty that

next year is bringing. Not

knowing the full picture is

also very difficult for me.

Agree Sounds fair and will be in

great need in my case.

Agree The proposal would not

affect me.

Agree the vulnerable should always

be considered special cases

Agree There needs to be help for

people who really need it.

BUT there is a LOT of work

in accessing discretionary

hardship funds, and a lot

depends on who is assigned

to assess the applicant.

Make the system fair so

people who need help get

help and you won't need a

discretionary fund. It just

needs to be fair, and


Page 240: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Things need to get better

with society, so less of a

hand out and more

encouragement to work is all

good news.

Agree Think there should be a

safety net for exceptional






Agree This depends on what is

HARDSHIP as this is a

vague term.

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect me

Agree This does not affect us at

present but I be,ieve that

anyone who does receive

this should agree to the

monies being paid directly to

the Council as this is what it

is intended for & therefore

should not be given to the

tenant giving them the

temptation to spend it on

something other than what it

is intended to be used for.

Agree This is the proviso I was

seeking in Principle 1. My

daughter does have

exceptional circumstances.

She has to pay £350 per

month from her income

(DLA/IS) towards her care


Agree This might affect me as I am

on a very low income, should

many of the proposals be

implemented myself and

other carers like me, may

need help.

Agree This proposal could affect

me, as I receive Disability

Living Allowance.

Agree This proposal does not affect


Agree This proposal will not affect


Agree this proposal would not affect




Page 241: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree This proposal would not

currently affect me, but I

think it very important to

have in exceptional


Agree This scheme would arrect


Agree This will not affect me but

think that if a person

qualifies for this they should

be limited to how long they

receive it and only be able to

receive it once.

Agree This won't affect me -

hopefully! I just about

manage to budget and cover

my outgoings each month,

even though it is hard.

Agree This would help greatly

because I would need that

help. Without it I would not

be able to pay the council tax

on my own.

Agree This would not affect me

Agree this would not affect me

Agree This would not affect me.

Agree This would not affect me. I

do think council tax benefit

should be paid direct to an

individual then there should

be less cases of difficulty

paying bills.

Agree This would not directly affect

me unless my personal

circustances become worse.

Agree This would only affect me by

virtue of not increasing the

general council tax rates

Agree To help clear arrears? So

weekly payments are not so

high. May be abused as

some will push for this. N/A

to ourselves.

Agree unaffected

Agree Unless the recipients are

receiving treatment for

substance abuse, or are

known to be substance

abusers. THEN I


Agree We all need help sometime.

Page 242: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree We have always paid council

tax and fell on hard times so

have a proportion of our

council tax paid by the

current benefit, it probably

won't affect us too much but

I believe everyone shoudl

pay something towrads

council tax - services have

been cut enough over the

years and therefore I believe

everyone should pay council

tax, however the proposal

about 'maintenance' could

result in some families not

getting maintenance or what

they deserve so it doesn't

affect their benefit.

Agree we have never been allowed

a hardship fund even in the

most dire circumstances. If

the request of hardship fund

was for rent or council tax

payments then it should be

paid direct to council tax or

landlord and only given

exactly what you need.

Agree we have never been allowed

a hardship fund even in the

most dire circumstances. If

the request of hardship fund

was for rent or council tax

payments then it should be

paid direct to council tax or

landlord and only given

exactly what you need.

Agree We weren't aware of this

fund being available in the

first place but think it is good

that something is available

as who knows what is

around the corner for anyone

as we had discovered

ourselves on more than one


Agree Will not affect me

Agree will not affect me but seems

fair enough

Page 243: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Agree Without support from some

organisation we would not

survive, as for paying council

tax, how much would you

charge us living in a tent

because that is what this

would reduce us to?

Agree Would be unsure

Agree Would depend on how often

this is reassessed. I am in

agreement in principle but

would want to know the

answer to my initial comment

before being able to answer

properly. Please note that

there was not an appropriate

box to tick here, but I had to

tick one!! Very poorly written.

Agree Would get help in paying

council tax,

Agree Would have no effect

Agree Would not

Agree Would not affect me as I pay

full Council Tax

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Would not affect me.

Agree Wouldn't affect me

Agree Wouldn't affect me.

Agree Yes the council shoud have

some flexibility to deal with

special cases.

Agree Yes, subject to close scrutiny

of expenditure to ensure that

recipients money is being

spent wisely

Agree You never know when you7

will need extra support - if

you lose your job

Disagree A safety net is needed for

those FEW who really

cannot manage. Not fat, lazy

professional poor.

Disagree All depends on what the

exceptional circumstances


Disagree Am on employment and

support allowance and

income support. Struggle to

live as it is

Page 244: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Another hard hit on the

vulnerable this again would

effect those on benefits, why

dont the goverment leave

this alone and stop placing

more pressure and worry on


Disagree As I am signed off and

struggling with money as it

is, I wouldn't be able to

afford to pay extra council

tax, if I had to pay something

and was alot my health

would be affected due to the

stress of money matters.

Disagree As I feel I will be worse of if

had to pay full council tax

and I would get into trouble if

could not pay other important

bills as I am on income

support and DLA still have to

pay our water bill, tv licence,

gas bill, electricty bill, food

bill and money for clothes for


Disagree Because people can't afford


Disagree Expensive for SSDC -

someone would have to

assess for fraud.

Disagree I can only see people

worrying to a point where

breakdown and depression

could become more wide

due to the amount of

pressure put on the


Disagree I do not receive any Council

Tax Benefit so would not

directly affect me

Disagree I think this scheme needs to

be kept in place to help

those struggling to make

ends meet douing everything

they can

Disagree If someone is in need due to

illness, disability,

bereavement, loss of a

working partner, etc. This

needs to still be in place

temporarily to people (i.e.

maybe 3 to 6 months)

Page 245: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree If you can't afford to pay your

council tax there should be a

scheme in place to help on

these occasions and if the

current scheme works, I

don't see any reason to

change it.

Disagree It does not

Disagree It doesn't but we are going

back to the 18th/19th century

with this.

Disagree It would not affect me

Disagree It wouldn't.

Disagree Might not be able to obtain

fund when in financial

difficulty and so would still be

in difficulty with no support at


Disagree My council tax and housing

benefit is paid for me as I am

disbaled and unable to work.

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree N/A

Disagree NA

Disagree No affect

Disagree Not

Disagree Not affected.

Disagree Not at all

Disagree Not at all but I think the

money would be more

appropriately spent on

teaching people how to

manage their money better.

Disagree Not at all.

Disagree Not.

Disagree Noy personally affected. I

feel this is the reponsibility of

Social Services and not

District Council

Page 246: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Protection should just be

given without a full

assessment of their actual

income and lifestyle - too

many people do cash in

hand work, make false

claims and "try it

on". There needs to be

more robust checking to

ensure that the hardship

does actually exist

Disagree Reduced ability to pay

heating & food bills. I

presume it does not affect

me at present.

Disagree Should be case by case.

Children and disabled should

be protected

Disagree Such people should be

protected provided their

claim is genuine.

Disagree Surely the social security

department already has a

hardship fund, so there

should be no reason for it to

be duplicated by the local


Disagree This is confusing, therefore I

acnnot answer it.

Disagree This should be used for

peole who have problems

with rent to keep them in teir


Disagree this will not effect me

Disagree Vulnerable people should be


Disagree What "exceptional

circumstances" cannot

be catered for by the state

but by the Council? This is

non-transparent. You can't

try and spread charges wider

on one hand and then pick

individuals to charge less!

Disagree What is exceptional??

Page 247: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Disagree Whilst it is essential to

protect vulnerable to

introduce a discretionary

scheme only shows up the

system, many vulnerable

people are least able to

access these benefits - my

handicapped sister could not

have accessed them without

a great deal of help.

Disagree Would not affect me.

Strongly Agree .... and hope that the

hardship fund will be

adequate to meet the needs

of the peole in South


Strongly Agree A fair system should always

provide support for more

vulnerable people

Strongly Agree A safety net is essential in a

civilized country. It does not

affect me as in receipt of c

tax benefit

Strongly Agree As I am long term sick and

receive benefits it would help

me. I would be able to feed

myself properly. And pay my

heating bills. I have to cut

down on heating in winter

which doesn't help my


Strongly Agree As long as the hardship can

be qualiified. We have

virtually no disposable

income weekly

Strongly Agree Because I have mental


Strongly Agree Because times are so hard

and as a mother of three

young children and a carer to

my partner we really struggle

and would not manage with

the new proposals.

Strongly Agree BUT CAREFULLY



Strongly Agree but the rule for awarding this

ammount must be strict

Strongly Agree could

Page 248: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Council tax benefit is

awarded when not working

so why would they have

difficulty paying when should

be paid to landlord

Strongly Agree Do not know

Strongly Agree Do not think it would - at

least, I hope I won't need it!

Strongly Agree does not

Strongly Agree Does not

Strongly Agree Does not affect me

Strongly Agree Does not affect me, but

sounds like a good idea.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Does not affect me.

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me

Strongly Agree Doesn't affect me i pay full

council tax.

Strongly Agree Every body is finding it hard

to survive at the moment and

having some sort of fund that

would still help is a brilliant

idea. The government and

authorities need to

understand that the cost of

everyday living goes up but

peoples money doesn't.

Strongly Agree Feel that my life is hard

enough as it is and on

incapcity benefit and small


Strongly Agree Generally: More

encouragement for work.

Less encouragement for

increase in family if

unaffordable by themselves.

Not penalise those that have

worked hard toward their

retirement and still have to

pay out.

Strongly Agree Gives a back up plan for

people that have gone from

large incomes to redundancy

and are struggling with other

debt etc.

Strongly Agree have agreed to this rule

however, the Special

Circumstances should be

made explicit.

Page 249: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree Have been in that situation

without realising availability

of fund so would like it to

continue as if I go back to

work will need it. Currently

not affected.

Strongly Agree Having spent the last 4

monthd almost blind and on

crutches and drops in both

eyes evey hour. Unable to

leave flat on most days ,

unable to sleep, watch tv or

have anyone to talk to. I

have not filled out DLA form

because I don't need a

wheelchair or guide, but my

day to day living I can't get

to. Water bill etc have all


significantly.Missed eye appt

as could not afford bus fare.

Alsohave mental health

problem.I'm sure an

accountant would say I have

enough to live on but in

reality my situation is already


Strongly Agree Help where help is needed.

Paying daily bills is part of

life and help paying them is

needed. Also so many

people work the system. Its

unfair on people who need it.

Strongly Agree Hopefully not at all.

Strongly Agree I agree that any excess

funds (should they exist)

would be well spent on the

few families experiencing

exceptional circumstances

for a short period of time.

Ideally there would be a

provision somwhere to help

families pay rent if they are


Strongly Agree I agree with this as it would

help with the payment

directly & there would be NO

mis-understanding of whom

gets the money.

Page 250: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I am registered disabled on

DLA & Income Support I

have to support my wife &

children who are now forced

to live in Kenya but in time

my son 11month old will

return to UK to go to school

so I need my home to have

an extra room & cannot find

anywhere cheaper without

the discretionary payment we

would literally go hungry &

become homeless!

Strongly Agree I am replying on behalf of an

organisation and it will affect

individual members


Strongly Agree I believe that I fall within this

category and it would benefit


Strongly Agree I can't afford to pay now on

my current benefit - would

use hardship fund

Strongly Agree I don't know yet. But I do

know we all have to pay a

little towards council tax. But

I do understand issues. This

government cannot pay for

everything. We have to

reduce debt, may be it gives

people with mental health

issue something to think

about. I'm not totally against


Strongly Agree I excpect most people on

this discetionary hardship

fund receive it because of

their own fecklessness. Let

them eat cake.Single slaggy

mothers, druggies, doll

wallers!!!! Let em eat cake!!

Strongly Agree I feel my life is hard enough

as it is am now on incapcity

benefit and small pension

which I worked for 30 years

of my life

Strongly Agree I have a disability which

makes finding work very


Page 251: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I have a limited amount of

money coming in and a

surprise bill ie washing

machine breakdown could

leave a shortfall in my


Strongly Agree I have never been told about

this help - I find that


Strongly Agree I may be eligible for this if

you go ahead with proposal

A. But, it sounds very limited,

demeaning to apply for and

not as fair as the existing

scheme of 100% benefit for

those in financial difficulty.

Strongly Agree I may need to qualify for this

fund one day

Strongly Agree I struggle paying c/tax. When

I can earn( ad hoc jobs) on

top of ,my pension I get less

ct and HB, and struggle to

meet bills .Sometime s I wait

months for people to pay me

but still have to pay


Strongly Agree I think this will be most

needed in the light of the

above proposals. I would

support this.

Strongly Agree I work with many people who

will benefit from this and this

will make my work easier as

they will have less stress.

Strongly Agree I work with people on

benefits in a voluntary

capacity and I kinow how

problems arise.

Page 252: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree I would like to say that if I

were earning a good wage

which I am fully capable of I

would be quite happy to pay

in full any council tax that i

am liable for. However,

whenever I am claoming

JSA and actively seeking

employment for which I am

qualified and experienced, I

have for the past 3 out of 9

years (for 6 years, I was

carer for my grandparents)

been unsuccessful in finding

employment at the rate of

£30k p.a which is what I

have calculated a salary

needs to be in this country to

be a success.

Strongly Agree I, as sole bill payer on

jobseekers be given help.

Not be treated as a second

class person because I don't

have kids!

Strongly Agree If I needed help for this I

would be able to apply to the

fund for help.

Strongly Agree If my interpretation of

Principle 1 above and the

SSDC draft document is

correct I wish to apply for this

Strongly Agree If people who really need this

it should be available. But

not for those

"bums" who

cannot be bothered to work!

Strongly Agree If someone is in genuine

hardship & can't afford to

pay their bills, i do agree as

long as their circumstances

are checked carefully.

Strongly Agree It will not affect me

Strongly Agree It will not but run properly it

appears to be reasonable.

Strongly Agree it wont

Strongly Agree It won't

Strongly Agree it wont affect me

Strongly Agree It won't.

Page 253: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree It won't. Howeveer there

must be sufficient funds

available to ensure that

individuals in exceptional

circumstances can be

helped. Classing this as a

'rebate' rather than a 'benefit'

is simply being pedantic

Strongly Agree It would be a godsend as I

have very little extra income

to spend (practically none).

Strongly Agree It would depend on how the

hardship fund is assessed

and who decides it should or

should not be awarded.

Strongly Agree It would help in the event of

any shortfall.

Strongly Agree It would help to keep my

Council Tax payment to a

reasonable level.

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree it would not

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree it would not affect me

Strongly Agree It would not affect me

Strongly Agree It wouldn't

Strongly Agree It wouldn't affect me.

Strongly Agree Luckily it doesn't affect me.

But if I should lose my part-

time job, then i would face

hardship. Why should the

lowest income people be

made to pay for the greedy

bankers and government top

brass that got us into the

mess we are in, in the first

place. Because they don't

have to live the way we have

to (within our means) they

simply don't care!!

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree N/A

Strongly Agree n/a

Strongly Agree N/A at the moment.

Page 254: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree N/A I often have difficulty in

paying some C/Tax (due to

over-time at work). But

however it may take me

longer to pay but I generally

manage in the end so never

had to ask for extra help

money wise - so far..........

Strongly Agree Nil

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect

Strongly Agree No affect.

Strongly Agree no change

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No direct effect

Strongly Agree No effect.

Strongly Agree no funds should available to

the claiment. Thorough

investtgation of any claim

submitted to ensure payment

is justified

Strongly Agree No idea at this stage.

Irrelevant anyway as

principles behind proposals

are what is needed

Strongly Agree none

Strongly Agree None

Strongly Agree not

Strongly Agree not

Strongly Agree Not @ all

Strongly Agree Not affected

Strongly Agree Not affected but would be

happy with this proposal if I


Strongly Agree not affected, but would make

the point that these

payments are VERY limited.

Strongly Agree Not applicable at the

moment but not much spare

money now.

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree Not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree not at all

Strongly Agree Not sure till it happens

Strongly Agree People do need help in

exceptional circumstances.

Page 255: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree People in this category need

all the financail support

possible. I would be appaled

to see no safety net available

to them.

Strongly Agree Provides support for those

most in need thereby

reducing the burden on


Strongly Agree retired

Strongly Agree There are always special

cases and so long as this

rule is applied sensibly then I


Strongly Agree there must always be a back

up for hard up people

Strongly Agree There will always be

exceptions and safe guards

should be in place. I hope I

am never affected by this.

Strongly Agree These proposal will effect

alot of people. I am already

struggling trying to bring up 2

young children on my own

who are both under 16. If

you put these forward,

people will be facing poverty

and there would be more


Strongly Agree This could be of real use to

people in great hardship and

in receipt of other benefits.

Strongly Agree This does not affect me at


Strongly Agree This may affect me. This

should be extended to all

those with disabilities and

chronic illnesses.

Strongly Agree This proposal does not affect


Page 256: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree This proposal is a good idea

as long as the awards are

given to those who genuinely

justify the criteria. This may

affect us in the future as, if

we lose any council tax

benefit, we would genuinely

not be able to pay any as our

budget would not allow it. If

we lose any allowance to our

benefit, we would have to

apply to the hardship fund


Strongly Agree This should be implemented

only in exceptional

circumstances. All evidence

should be collated to assess

genuine need/hardship.

Strongly Agree This will not directly affect

me but i agree with the


Strongly Agree This would help me!

Strongly Agree This would make a

difference as I would need

help or go without something

like heating. I need my

phone in case of emergency

due to me so unwell. I pay

for my prescriptions and

struggle and do tend to go

without my life saving

medication. I have a small

pension, ESA and DLA. This

only just covers my living

expenses with lots of


Strongly Agree This would not affect me

Strongly Agree This would not affect me.

Strongly Agree This would not directly affect

me however we must make

provision for the most


Strongly Agree Those of us who are winners

in lifes race are both morally

and ethically obliged to give

a helping hand to whose less

fortunate than ourselves

Strongly Agree Vulnerable people need


Strongly Agree we have never used the fund

Page 257: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Agree we need a safety net for the


Strongly Agree What are the qualifying

exceptional circumstances?

Taking into account the

current financial climate in

the country, many are

unwillingly on long term

benefit. Many, not through

their own faults! Not being

able to meet general day to

day living and run a hom on

long term £71 per week.

Should be taken into

consideration as utililties and

food costs are high!

Strongly Agree Will not affect me

Strongly Agree will not affect me

Strongly Agree will not affect me currentlt,

possibly in the future (i hope

not) - but professionally yes,

it could have a massive

impact on the people I

support within my working


Strongly Agree Will not affect me.

Strongly Agree Will not affect us

Strongly Agree Will Not.

Strongly Agree Wont affect me at all

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not affect me

Strongly Agree Would not impact on me as I

have my housing and council

benefit paid due to my

present circumstances.

Strongly Agree Wouldn't affect me

Strongly Agree Yes

Strongly Agree Yes - this is right and just

because of the special


Strongly Agree Yes some people need this.

Do not know if this would

affect me.

Strongly Agree Yes- this is right and just

because of the special


Strongly Agree Yes, we need help due to

our current circumstances

and it is extremely hard now

a days.

Page 258: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree (Limited discretionary) -

which means some get it,

some don't - how is this fair?

How would you decide who

is entitled? The only people

who can't pay council tax is

those on benefits because

they don't get much money

and don't have a choice. I

have 2 children, I am a

single mum and I look after

my grandad because there is

no one else who can look

after him. I can't get myself

a job until he dies so all this

incentive and encouraging

people to work so you get

more tax is rubbish. And as

for taking my maintenance

on top of that just makes me

feel sick. I have not chosen

not to work and yet I have

been targeted for this.

Strongly Disagree As I mentioned earlier being

made redundant earlier this

year, only a few weeks on

JSA, doing p/t work not

getting any help. My budget

is stretched as i get no other

help. Will have diffculty with

costs of living household

bills. Yes i am seeking fullt

ime work again.

Strongly Disagree disgraceful

Strongly Disagree Does not apply to me.

Strongly Disagree Exceptional circumstances -


Strongly Disagree How am I supposed to pay

my bills if benefit is

withdrawn from socila


Strongly Disagree I do not beleive that anyone

who is in receipt of housing

& council tax benefits should

wualify for any hardship fund.

The only people who should

qualify for any sort of

hardship fund are the

homeless who do not have

any benefits. It would be

fairer to me if everyone was

treated equally.

Page 259: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree I find things tough but I've

never had any help I don't

think this shouls be in place


Strongly Disagree I'm hard up as it is, to have

this money taken from my

benefits is disgusting. What's

the point of having benefits if

your going to take 3rd of it

away. Stongly disagree.

Strongly Disagree In respect of your final

options in survey as there is

no box to comment I am

doing so here. Under NO

circumstance should any tax

payer have to pay more so

others can get away with

doing less. Cutting services

we pay for or increasing tax

to cover a central cut is

outrageous. We do not pay

less tax because they give

you less so why should we

pay more for people that

won't work? Paying them

less incentivises them back

to work. charging workers

more or Cutting services

further is a mockery of a

local authorities obligations

Strongly Disagree It is about time you sort this

council tax out as we as

people that work and can get

no benefit should not have to

pay for other people that do

not want to work because

what would happen if we all

did not work who would have

to pay then every one should

have to do somethink why

can people that are out of

work not go around cutting

the grass on the side of the

road as a lot of people just

put in for job but never turn

up for the intrview but they

still get dole money and they

can go out drinking and


Strongly Disagree it would not

Strongly Disagree It would not affect me as I

pay my Council Tax.

Strongly Disagree It wouldn't

Page 260: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree Keep this scheme as it is

now! You don't want to

create more beggars. This

is appaling.

Strongly Disagree Left hand paying right hand


Strongly Disagree Me and partner only receive

JSA and Child Tax and Child

Benefits. When we get paid

we pay all our bills and run

the house hold, we never

have any money left over as

we got so much to pay and

there's going out than in.

There for we would find it

very difficult to make any of

these new council tax


Strongly Disagree More beaurocrats deciding

who gets this. Very unfair if

officials get it wrong.

Distribute money fairly as set

out by council tax rebate

forms. Cut staff especially

the big paid one. Not get


Strongly Disagree N/A

Strongly Disagree no

Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Disagree No affect

Strongly Disagree No effect

Strongly Disagree No, everyone can get some

other form of benefit if they

cannot pay.

Strongly Disagree Not affected but why limit

someone's help with council

tax and then top it up from

another fund? Pointless!

Strongly Disagree Not affected. Funds should

be targeted at schemes to

reduce vulnerability not to

provide handouts.

Strongly Disagree Not at all.

Strongly Disagree Take the money and provide

support personnel to look

into the expendature of these

people and see where they

can cut down and pay their

dues. They normally smoke,

drike, take drugs and have

Sky TV. Make then realise

their responsabilities to


Page 261: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

Strongly Disagree That would be illegal as lots

of people have worked such

long hard hours (real) work

in their life. Their entitled to

large benefits as they paid

national insurance and large

tax amounts.

Strongly Disagree The council will find every

excuse to pay out money for

people who are suffering

from hardship. More

homeless people,more

money for coucil Xmas party

Strongly Disagree The vulnerable must be

protected. You can not limit

the discretionary fund.

Instead just be more careful

that the right people get this

support. I will vote against

any party that supports this


Strongly Disagree This is impossible to answer

as there is no way in which a

limited discretionary hardship

fund will be able to counter

the hardship which would be

caused should many of

these proposals be adopted.

Of course there should be

contingency for exceptional

circumstances but some of

these proposals will, in

reality, put most of the

affected people in extreme


Strongly Disagree Why do this to people who

are already suffering


Strongly Disagree Will not affect me but

payment should be based on

size of property

Strongly Disagree You are just pushing money

from one account into


At least the money wouldn't

be spent on other things if

paid direct to council.

Do not pick on vulnerable

people. I just manage on

money I get, I can't afford

any more bills

Page 262: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

I am not sure

I can't agree or disagree. If

someone needs help then

they must prove it 1st and

not just handed out on a


I receive council tax

supportbecause I do not

work because of health

problems. I live on my own. I

think people who work and

earn a certain amount

should pay some council tax.



I think we should do

everything we can to protect

those on benefits from debt

and the risks that brings

I will put it this way. My wife

and I are struggling now. We

have coal fired central

heating and would normally

have some coal bought in

the summer when cheaper.

But not this year. When it's

below freezing to keep the

main of the houses at 68

degrees takes 2 cwt of coal

at a cost of £38 per week.

With an income of £150 a

week I guess no heating this


If I can't pay this would help

Impossible to answer the

question without knowing the



In general those peopkle on

JSA should pay a small

contribution, however those

on ESA income support have

enough struggles .

Page 263: Agree A very small amount each month Agree Agree they should contribute as Agree All persons

It's not clear in description

what you are actually taking

away. My husband & I would

have really struggled this

year if we did not help with

rent. 4 months later my

husbands back at work. It's

recognising the people that

actually need ghelp through

sudden loss of work or if

someone is widowed



The discretionary hardship

fund doesn't apply to me.

There should be more

protection for vulnerable

adults like myselft living

independently in the

community. I would like to

see more police on the

streets, pot holes filled in,

and services coming up to

standards, rather than

paying more council tax and

cutting benefits.

There should be no hardship


They should protect the


This is all too much for me to

take in. Sorry.

Those who need help should

get it. If you do not pay your

council tax they are very

quick to get you into court.

How can people pay extra

whenthey are only getting

enough to live on.

What classifies hardship?

Genuine need or careless

with maney and expecting to

be bailed out.

Would need to claim
