Page 1: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s

Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s

Mid 1900’s- 2000’s

2000’s- future

Page 2: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: The Wright Brothers invent the first airplane. 2. The first Model T is sold. Nature of work: The Rotary Club of Businessmen is founded. 2. The Financial Panic and Depression of 1907 begins. Education: Mary McLeod Bethune opens The Daytona Educational and Industrial Training

School for Negro Girls. 2. Carnagie Institution is formed in Washington D.C. Nature of Society and Culture: Second modern Olympic Games held. 2. The first major oil discovery in Texas occurs. Political: President William McKinley wins 2nd term as presidents. 2. President McKinley is shot at the Pan-American Exposition and Vice President

Theodore Roosevelt is inaugurated as president.

Page 3: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture. 2. Garrett A. Morgan invents the Morgan gas mask. Nature of Work: Henry Ford patents the Automotive Transmission. 2. Ford Motor Company increase basic wages. Education: Louis W. Stern develops the concept of IQ (Intelligence Quotient). 2. The Progressive Education Association is founded. Nature of Society and Culture: The Boy Scouts of America is founded. 2. 1st moving assembly line is introduced and adopted for mass production by the

Ford Motor Company. Political : President Woodrew Wilson declares war on Germany and joins forces with the

allies. 2. The 18th Amendment is sent to the states for passage by U.S. Congress.

Page 4: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: The first robot is built. 2. Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal. Nature of Work: IBM corporation is founded. 2. Stock market crash occurs. Education:

1. Supreme court rules that children can now either attend public or private schools.

2. Sex education is taught at schools. Nature of Society and Culture The 1st Winter Olympics games are held. 2. Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean. Political: Women are given the right to vote. 2. J. Edgar Hoover is appointed to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Page 5: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: The “differentiated analyzer” or the analog computer is invented by Vannevar Bush at MIT in

Boston. 2. Polaroid photography is invented by Edwin Herbert Land. Nature of Work: The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is established to stimulate banking and business. 2. The National Minimum Wage Act is enacted within the federal legislation. Education:1. The National School Lunch Act expands which allows for low cost and free lunches. Dick and Jane books published. of Society and Culture: Clyde Tombaugh discovers the planet Pluto at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. 2. The Star Spangled Banner is approved by President Hoover and Congress as the national

anthem. Political: The London Naval Reduction Treaty is signed into law. 2. New Deal social and economic programs passed by U.S. Congress.

Page 6: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: Peter Goldmart invents the modern color television system. 2. The atomic bomb is invented. Nature of Work: G I Bill of Rights is signed into law. 2. 400,000 mine workers strike, other industries followEducation: Richard Wright writes book Native Son. 2. Dr. Benjamin Spock’s book Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care is

released. Nature of Society and Culture: The Normany Invasion occurs. 2. The attack of Pearl Political The Lend-Lease Act is approved. 2. President Harry S. Truman gives the go ahead for the bombing of Hiroshima.

Page 7: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: Edward Teller and team build the hydrogen bomb. 2. Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip. Nature of Work: American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations

merge to form AFL-CIO. 2. Ray Kroc founds the idea for the McDonald’s corporations. Education:

1. Brown versus Board of Education. 2. More than $ 1 Billion in funding is used to revamp science and math curricula in

public schools. Nature of Society and Culture: The first large scale vaccination of children against polio begins in Pittsburg,

Pennsylvania. 2. Joseph McCarthy begins Senate hearings. Political: President Truman orders U.S. involvement in the Korean War. 2. U.S. Congress approves first Civil Rights Bill since Reconstruction.

Page 8: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: First computer with integrated circuits is made. 2. Robert Dennard invented RAM (random access memory). Nature of Work: Civil Rights march on Washington D.C. for jobs and freedom. 2. Legislation in U.S. Congress on Civil Rights is passed banning discrimination in

jobs, voting, and accommodations. Education:

1. Supreme Court ruling Engel versus Vitale forbids organized prayer in school. 2. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 gives federal funding to

schools. Nature of Society and Culture: First black student attends the University of Mississippi. 2. Voting Rights Act of 1965 is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Political: President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. 2. Vietnam War

Page 9: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: The floppy disk is invented by Alan Shugart. 2. The microprocessor is invented by Faggin, Hoff & Mazor. Nature of Work: Microsoft becomes a registered trademark. 2. Crysler Bailout is approved by the federal government. Education:

1. Standardized testing is used to measure school performance. 2. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 becomes law. Nature of Society and Culture: First Earth Day celebration is held. 2. Watergate crisis begins. Political: Senate approves a Constitutional Amendment, the 26th, that lowers the voting

age from 21 to 18. 2. Roe versus Wade case is ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Page 10: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: Apple MacIntosh is invented. 2. Digital cellular phones invented. Nature of Work: President Reagan signs legislations meant to rescue Social Security System from

bankruptcy. 2. General Electric Corporation buys RCA Corporation in the largest corporate merger. Education:1. A Nation at Risk report is issued. Columbia University begins accepting women. of Society and Culture: Martin Luther King Day is officially observed. 2. The Challenger Space shuttle explodes. Political: President Ronald Reagan proposed the largest tax cut legislation in history. 2. Stock market crash known as Black Monday occurs on the New York Stock Exchange.

Page 11: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: World Wide Web & Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created

by Tim Berners-Lee. 2. Pentium processor invented. Nature of Work: The North American Free Trade Agreement goes into effect. 2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 10, 000 for the first time. Education: ERIC ( Educational Resources Databases) is available online. 2. Distance Education Programs are implemented. Nature of Society and Culture: The World Trade Center is bombed by Islamic terrorists. 2. World Series is cancelled for the first time since 1904. Political: The Cold War ends. 2. Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act is signed into law by President Bill


Page 12: Agricultural Phase Industrial Phase Information Age Biotechnology Age 8000 B.C. – mid 1700’s Mid 1700’s- mid 1900’s Mid 1900’s- 2000’s 2000’s- future

Technology: AbioCor artificial heart invented by Abiomed. 2. IPOD created by Apple Computers. Nature of Work: Montgomery Ward ceases business. 2. Ruling in case of U.S. versus Microsoft states that company did violate anti-trust

laws. Education:

1. President Bush signs No Child Left Behind Bill. 2. All American schools have access to the Internet. Nature of Society and Culture: Islamic fundamentalist terrorists crash U.S. airliners into the Pentagon and World

Trade Center. 2. Anthrax attacks by mail from Princeton, NJ against news and government targets. Political: U.S. announce War on Terrorism on the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. 2. The U.S. Congress passes a resolution giving the president the authority to use

military forces of the country as he thinks.
