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originally written by Cromstar on one of the Congr

I have a little free time, so I want to tell people the Ajay Bruno story. I've been around since day one, so I know everything that's happened. For those of you who have voted against his banning because 'he's changed' or 'he's really trying to be better' or 'he's not a problem,' I'm afraid to say this, but you are being naive. You've been had. Now I'll show you why that's so.

Over a year ago, in March of 2009, I was serving as ex-officio elections officer for the CvP, as our PP at the time was horribly AWOL (that's another story). While I was assisting candidates and trying to arrange for some voters, I helped along an individual named 'Pizza the Hut' in his ill-conceived run in...Utah? Nevada? It doesn't really matter. Needless to say, he was an ebabe and we let him run, though we couldn't afford to provide any support (we had less than 10 votes at the time).

A few weeks later, our PP stepped down and Mattoze5 took over, appointing me as his party VP. During this time period, I took a small leave from my eRep duties because I graduated from college and was in the process of moving out. When I returned, I was surprised to discover I had an assistant VP by the name of Ajay Bruno. I was marginally amused by the antics of this newb player, but he had an enthusiasm our party lacked, so I tolerated it.

After serving as my assistant for about a week or two, I began to receive disturbing reports. Whenever the high ranking members of our party weren't online, I learned, Ajay Bruno would make racist and sexist comments. He would mock people and make hateful statements. I was unsure what to do, as I couldn't verify them myself.

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This was when we started the primary for the May '09 POTUS election. Ajay asked to be included, so we did so. I added him onto the ballot. As the person in charge of the primary, I was highly suspicious when over 200 members voted in a primary...especially since many of the voters were dying citizens. I told Mattoze5, but he refused to believe Ajay or someone else was tampering with the results unless there was clear evidence.

So, I messaged each and every one of the people who voted to confirm their votes. I finally received a few replies stating that those people hadn't voted. Incidentally, all the suspicious votes were cast for Ajay Bruno. I informed Mattoze, who canceled the primary. Ajay Bruno then showed my his true face in IRC, so I fired him from his position in the party and banned him from my IRC channel.

In May, he ran for PP of the CvP. We managed to soundly trounce him, and in a huff, he left to form the Conservative Victory Party (CvVP) and took his multis/followers with him. He ran for CP with his party's banner. During this time period, Ajay wrote an open letter to PEACE, asking them to support him in his election in exchange for his support of them over ATLANTIS. Thus, he attempted to sell us out for his own political gain. Therefore, we had no choice but to act once again. I'm not entirely sure who ended up doing it, but in June he lost his own PP election in his own party and, in another huff, stormed off to SAf with a few dozen followers.

Once in South Africa, Ajay Bruno declared himself a representative of the eUSA government participating in an ATO. I myself had moved to eAustralia temporarily and was helping them out with the ATO, as eAus was orchestrating the effort to remove him from eSAf. Ajay impersonated an eUS official and attempted to PTO an allied nation. We defeated him from gaining a majority, but he managed to keep his party alive and managed to take seats in Congress for a number of months.

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Then the special project established to seek out and report multis, botfarms, etc, moved against Ajay. After painstakingly collecting tons of data, the reports were given to the admins. On the 18th of whatever month it was, Banhammer Day happened. Ajay Bruno and his multis were eliminated by the admins. His few living, remaining followers languished in SAf, eventually dying off. We had finally won the war against the traitor.

I forgot to mention, somewhere in this time period it was discovered that Ajay attended the same college as Tiacha, a player many of us then and now know. It was also learned that Ajay was semi-stalking her, enough so that she once commented it was creeping her out and she was considering calling the police if he did it again. Dude can't leave well enough alone in RL either.

Then, much to all our amusements, a character named Winston Churchill suchandsuch, appeared in the eUK. Easily confirmed as Ajay, we watched with bemused smiles as he attempted to rule the UK. During this time, he was avowedly anti-American, calling for our invasion, destruction, etc. Needless to say, we were not amused. Eventually however, the Ajay saga played out as it would and the banhammer came down again, crushing his multi legions in the UK.

We thought it was finally over. Admins were moving quicker against him. Then a few weeks ago, Pizza The Hut moved to Australia, got citizenship and attempted to PTO our Brolliance allies once this time. Luckily, our friends down under were more than prepared and throughly crushed his attempt. This was the second time he'd attempted to take over an allied nation, and it was quite disturbing.

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Unfortunately, he didn't take the him. A few weeks ago, he returns from Australia, demanding citizenship. IES immediately blacklisted him as a traitor, security risk, multi-cheater, and all around bad person (see: racism, sexism, bad sportsmanship). But an unknown someone tricked one of our Senators into approving him. Pizza the Hut is an illegal immigrant, and as such, he has no legal right to shit in this nation. His citizenship has been obtained through illegal means violating the eRepublik terms of service.

Since then he has attempted to worm his way into these boards. He has attempted to gain access to sensitive areas that he has no right to, and I don't mean just these boards. For those of you who have spoken to him, and say he's trying to change: You. Have. Been. Had.

He's playing you for saps and you are giving right into his little charade. He hasn't been in power for a week yet, and he's already attempting to finagle his way higher up the chain. He's a traitor. He's a cheater. He's here illegally. He's a racist, sexist, bigoted, power-hungry, manipulative, lying, back-stabbing asshole. I'd give Zoli access to these boards before I'd give Ajay Bruno access, if it were up to me. When things don't go his way, he asks our enemy to give him help. He's a known PEACE and PHOENIX collaborator.

This is not just a motion of censure, as some have indicated. This is a vote to keep the 2nd-biggest threat to our security OUT of the sensitive areas of Congress. I've already given Ajay multiple chances, but when things don't go his way even a tiny bit, he lashes out and does irreparable harm. He's driven more people away from the eUS and eRepublik than the lack of hospitals in the wasteland.

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If he doesn't win his next election, he'll blame all of us, trust me. He's done it before. I'm still being blamed for 'cheating' him out of his CP run under the CvP after he or his followers cheated to try and win it. Given the chance, Ajay Bruno in whatever form he takes would gladly approve PENIX citizenships in exchange for the tiniest hint of power, whether we let him in here or not. Therefore I say not.

And anyone who believes in giving Ajay a 6th chance (for it IS his sixth), he can do that quite fine by NOT blowing it with his in-game functions as a Senator. Maybe then I'll believe he's actually changing. But he won't. He can't. Things aren't going to go his way. And that's going to make him revert right to his old habits.

You have been warned.

On the GOPizza the Hut

29 comments  25 days ago

What is the one thing that EDEN+PEACE, the United States and United Kingdom, SEES and Custer, the Military and Kongress, Admin and Players, could all agree on?

Ajay Bruno.

Among experienced players, the name brings up girlish giggles of laughter and cries of bigotry and treason, depending on your view of him. You see, last year, Ajay Bruno tried to sell our country out to the PEACE Global Community in order to advance his own personal political goals. Ajay Bruno would stop at nothing to get what he wanted and stroke his little ePeen so that he could make his wretched real life at least worth something in the artificial, electronic construct we call eRepublik. In the midst of our country being destroyed, he would rather spend gold on trying to ensure he was elected. As future president Chocolate McSkittles scathed at the time, "Get over yourselves, people. You're supposed to be in politics because you care about

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country first." When the United States resoundingly told him to get out so we could stop worrying about the nuisance he was and work together to defeat our enemies from abroad, he obliged. Ajay moved to South Africa and attempted to take over that poor nation.

I remember reading an article from that time where the Chinese author said something very humorous and telling. "The Pakis hate the Swedes, the Romanians hates the Hungarians, the Croats hate the Serbs, and everyone hates Ajay." His way of conducting things was rude and insulting, and he thought only of himself in what is a social strategy game. In South Africa is where I first interacted with Ajay; I was part of an effort organized by then-Secretary of State LexLuthor1 to save South Africa from being PTO'd by Ajay's goons. We were successful and managed to block him from taking control of the country's Congress. Shortly after this, Ajay Bruno was banned from the game for administering multiple accounts-- cheating in order to give himself votes in elections. We celebrated Banhammer Day.

A few months later, a player named Winston L.S. Churchill appeared in the eUnited Kingdom. He is widely believed to have been Ajay Bruno, but if we outright say he was then we can get in trouble for accusations without proof. So, I will just say that they had the same IP Address, used "The Ajay Bruno Show" on blogtalkradio, knew everything Ajay knew, and had the same exact writing style and personality as each other. Oh yeah, there's also THIS PICTURE which Ajay unwittingly posted bragging on how he was the first vote in the UK. I shall refer to "Winston L.S. Churchill" interchangeably as "Ajay Bruno" because I like nicknames; sort of like how "Inwegen" is interchangeable with "Lieutenant of Evil". Having failed in the EDEN-aligned Untied States and neutral-aligned South Africa, he decided to try his luck in the PEACE-aligned United Kingdom. The scary thing?

He almost won. That's right. He had several successes in eUK politics and inched his way closer to the top. At this point I tried to befriend Winston L.S. Churchill, but he refused to befriend me because of my part in stopping Ajay Bruno in South Africa. His reputation in England started to go down under soon, and the Brits began to unify around how much of a jerk and a threat he was. He called people names and likened them to Nazis, and was eventually banned for this.

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Soon after this, Pizza the Hut was activated in Australia. Now, again, it's considered an unprovable accusation to say Pizza the Hut is Ajay Bruno, so I shall merely point out that "Pizza Party Radio" is hosted through The Ajay Bruno Show, his wiki is edited by Ajay Bruno, he is just as insulting as Ajay Bruno, and the person who is Pizza the Hut on the IRC and BlogTalkRadio have admitted to being Ajay Bruno. Pizza attempted to politically take over Australia, and I again tried to befriend him (he denied it, again, for the same reasons as Winston). Pizza started engaging in the same old-same old, referring to those who disagreed with him as traitors and other derogatory terms.

After failing in Australia, he relocated to the United States and, once more, we had to deal with the problem that was Ajay Bruno. After he was here for a while, I finally befriended him. I thought that, maybe, with a little sense and guidance I might be able to talk to him and help him to work towards the greater good of the United States and to stop putting his own personal interests ahead of American interests. I was wrong. He kept insulting people and spreading lies.

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What is worse is that he would routinely grant citizenship to enemies of the United States and consistently to whatever he could to ensure he would win elections. All you have to do is look at the citizenship logs and see who he gave citizenship to. Pizza the Hut is an enemy of the republic. He removed me from his friend list a while back. Now I have no reason to think communicating respectfully with him is an option.

He has seized control of the Republican Party, ranked #6 in our nation. If he can get it to #5, he will be able to run whoever he wants in congressional elections-- this means that all of the Phoenix players, many of whom are now in the besieged Republican Party, will be able to run for Congress and destroy America. He refers to anyone who disagrees with him as a traitor, an elitist, a liar, a tyrant, a nazi, a communist. He bills himself as someone who has the interests of the people and the country at his heart. However, be rest assured that he does not have you interests at heart. Ajay Bruno has only ever cared for one thing: Ajay Bruno. Pizza the Hut is merely attempting to spin things his way in order to advance his own personal goals. Do not believe his lies. Because of him we have to hold back a little in helping our great friends in Croatia, South Africa, and elsewhere instead of helping them to the full potential we are able to.

If you would not have our victories in Russia be spoiled by impotence in a Pizza the Hut-led Congress, if you would not have our allies suffer because of having to deal with this domestic nuisance, if you would not have our enemies getting such easy access to our nation, then you will make a stand against Pizza the Hut. If you are a member of the United States Workers Party or the Federalist Party, please temporarily transfer to the ADTP, SEES, or UIP until Congressional elections are over. If you are a member of the Republican Party, please leave that party temporarily. When it comes time for Party President elections again, by all means return to

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and reclaim the Republican Party from this sad traitor and restore some dignity to it. For now, though, we cannot allow Pizza to have the numbers to be such a threat. Please leave until at least after congressional elections, then return to make the old party grand.

Also, I hear Far Western Alaska is a p cool place. I'll be moving there soon for some great tit. If you do have the freedom, please also read my previous article about helping our buddies in Croatia out.


Eater of Cheese Pizza

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