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Page 1: Akash Srivastava resume

AKASH SRIVASTAVA 9940118101 [email protected]

Career Objective :

To work in the IT industry converting my academic knowledge to practical use and improve themyself thereby benefiting the organization.

Areas of Interest: Coding in JAVA, Web Developement,Game Designing.

Educational Qualification:

Course Board/Institution Year of Passing

% / Credits

B.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering)

SRM University, Chennai

2013 – Till dateCGPA 7.7VIth Semester 8.2Vth Semester 7.30IVth Semester 7.7 GPAIIIrd Semester 7.5 GPAIInd Semester 8.02 GPAIst Semester 8.12 GPA

12th Standard CBSE 2011 85%10th Standard CBSE 2009 91.78%


Team leader for developing a location based profiling app named SwiP.The app changes the profiles(e.g. General,Silent,Meeting etc.) of the mobile depending on its location.

Industrial Traning:

Industrial training in the company branch of BSNL in Moradabad from 26th May to 21st June,2014. Worked as a trainee engineer during this period . This spell helped me in more ways than one as it not only helped enhance my practical knowledge but also gave me an insight into the working of a telecom and corporate company making it a priceless experience.

Page 2: Akash Srivastava resume

Co-Curricular Activities:

Course in the programming languages C and C++ for a duration of 1 month during the summer vacation of 2013

Extra-Curricular Activities: Participated in District level volleyball competition in 2011.

Hobbies :Reading Novels,listening to music,creating 3D images.

Personal Details :

Address:Type IV. House no. 1,Majhola Hydel Colony, Majhola, Moradabad.

Softwares Known: C,C++,JAVA,Unity,Blender.

Languages known: English, Hindi, Basic French and Basic Japanese

Date of Birth : 29th October, 1993

Place: Chennai Akash Srivastava
