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AIPS believes that students learn best when they feel safe, valued and happy. Our staff is committed to providing an environment that nurtures personal growth and self-esteem. All members of the school’s community have rights and responsibilities, and these are best ensured when agreed procedures are accepted and followed. “Responsibility and Environment“is a principle that is instilled in this month’s school curriculum to equip our students with skills and abilities to achieve social, academic, and emotional success in today’s world. Employing such a value in all aspects of school work, even in the use of sustainable energy and the separation of waste collection, makes Al Ittihad Private school a place where guaranteed safety, caring attitudes, respectful relationships, informed decisions, and high education standards are encouraged.








Responsibility and Environment

Boys’ Section

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“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.”

Brad Henry Read

On the 7th of October, IPS Mamzar celebrated Teacher's Day and seized the opportunity to honor the teachers and show appreciation for the i r un ique cont r ibut ion to education. As a sign of gratitude to their teachers, 12th graders volunteered to lead and take over the first period to teach classes. Meanwhile, teachers were invited to join a breakfast gathering in the school canteen. Mr. Massimiliano Caruso, Director General, paid generous thank-you-visits to the teachers in c lassrooms and presented appreciation gifts. Mr. Massimiliano Caruso Director General was accompanied by Mr. Sulaiman Akbar, Vice Principal, Mr.Abdorazak Mawas Assistant Principal and Head of Islamic Department and Mr. Musab Al Hassoun, Boys Section Principal.

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Achieve3000 Champions Reading Competition

Dear Parents and Students,

This academic year, students will receive grade marks for their completion of activities on Achieve3000! This is an exciting opportunity for students to grow their reading lexile-levels throughout the school year!  Achieve3000 will be worth 5% of the final grade! How will this work? Students are encouraged to read an unlimited amount of Achieve3000 Reading Activities! For a full mark each semester, students must have earned 75% or higher on AT LEAST 10 Achieve3000 assignments!  Also, at the end of the academic year, top performing students and whole class readers will be rewarded with awards and special surprise prizes! Don't miss out on the fun rewards this school year!

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This year all Middle and High School’s teachers participated in our First Annual Sparkling ClassroomCompetition for the 2019-2020 Academic Year! This initiative was designed to add extra sparkle into our classroom learning environments for our students. Congratulations to all of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place competition winners!! Thank you to every teacher who joined in to decorate their classrooms! A warm thank you to our School Administration Leaders, HOSs, HODs, and volunteer judges for promoting and supporting the competition, and celebrating our teachers for their awesome work to beautify the classroom learning environments.

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The student council election, a tradit ion carried on from generation to generation, is a chance where the students c a n c h o o s e t h e i r representatives. The election’s candidates come from a range of grades (from grade 9 to 12), The main goal of the election is to create a student council in which the students, as well as the admin, see fit and are comfortable with. The student council is group of 15 students in which they embody the goals and missions of the school; the members of the s t u d e n t c o u n c i l i n t h i s academic year are Ali Bin Zayed, Abdulrahman Folad, Matar Almatar, Saif Alnuaimi, Ali Almandalawi, Hilal Alsuwaidi (grade 12), Mohammed Alhashmi, Hassan Folad, Abdul rahman Al rumai th i , Rashid Alkathiri (grade 11), Ahmed Alhashmi, Mayed Almansouri, Khalid Almula (grade 10), Abdulqaader Rushdi, Ali Alfalasi (grade 9).

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Continuation of Injaz Program with Grade 12 Design and Technology:

Students of Grade 12 in the Design and Technology course, presented the ideation and sketches of their innovative projects for a representative from Injaz company. A business plan will be created in the following sessions to implement the innovative project.


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Film Production The winners in the Film Production Competition were rewarded during the morning assembly for their participation and creation of the short film, which talked about being responsible for the environment and respecting the workers. The winners work collaboratively to produce the video using Movie Maker software and were under the supervision of ICT department teachers.

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Change Starts with Us 

Anti-Bullying Week has the theme “change starts with us” and is happening from:

Sunday 10th November – Thursday 14th November 2019. 

What is bullying? 

Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.   

IPS is planning to conduct Anti-Bullying awareness campaign for students, that aligns with the international anti-bullying week from 10th to 14th November. Parents are also welcomed to attend  Child Protection & Anti-bullying awareness workshop on 12th November 2019 in the Girls Section Library from 1:00 – 2:00pm. Please use the link for reservation your seat.

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ریاحین القرآن الكریم •

رياحين القرآن الكريم •تـــــكليف الـــــطلبة بمشـــــروعـــــات وبـــــحوث مـــــرتـــــبطة بـــــالـــــحياة الـــــواقـــــعية وتـــــمثل حـــــلوال •

ملــشكالت اجــتماعــية ، أو زرع قــيمة إيــجابــية ،أو بــيان ســلبيات حــول قــضايــا و

عـــــادات يـــــومـــــية؛ وذلـــــك بهـــــدف تـــــنمية مـــــهارات الـــــتفكير، والـــــعمل املســـــتقل لـــــدى الــطلبة، والــوصــول إلــى املــعرفــة بــأنــفسهم. وتــدريــب الــطلبة عــلى مــمارســة عــملية

الــــــبحث الــــــعلمي وفــــــق الخــــــطوات املــــــنهجية املــــــعروفــــــة وإكــــــساب املــــــتعلم الــــــثقة

بالنفس والقدرة على إبداء الرأي، وتقبل الرأي اآلخر.تشجيعا ملواهب أبنائنا الطلبة واستثمارا لطاقاتهم اإلبداعية تم اإلعالن عن •

مسابقة لتصميم (شعار) أو (بطاقة دعوة) لحضور حفل تكريم الطلبة

الفائزين بمسابقة رياحني القرآن الكريم (الدورة 21) وسيتم تكريم الفائز/ ـة

في حفل رياحني القرآن الكريم كما سيتم تدوين اسم الفائز/ ـة على بطاقة

الدعوة وإن أكبر جائزة في املسابقة هي اإلسهام في خدمة القرآن الكريم .

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وفي ذلك فليتنافس المتنافسون (26) قال ابن عباس - رضي هللا عنھما -: "تكفل هللا لمن قرأ القرآن وعمل بما فیھ، أن ال یضل في الدنیا، وال یشقى

في اآلخرة" عیشوا مع القرآن لتسعدوا، فو هللا ماسكن الضیق والھم

في قلب تعلق باL وعاش مع كتابھ.

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Al-Ittihad Private School, Al Mamzar is pleased to announce its recent Partnership with one of the leading educational institutions in the UAE and the region, the AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF SHARJAH, through The Sharakah program. The university engages school teachers and students by: * organizing teacher workshops/ training * organizing student workshops * conducting a curriculum review * cultural, social and sporting events * providing scholarships that range from 50-100% for deserving students. * sponsoring school events and activities related to high school students, as well as various publications. 

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إن يـوم الـعلم يـعد مـناسـبة وطـنية يـتم خـاللـها رفـع الـعلم عـلى املـبانـي واملـرافق واملؤسـسات، تـعبيرا عـــن االنـــتماء والـــوالء لـــلوطـــن وقـــيادتـــه الـــرشـــيدة والـــتمسك بـــقيم االتـــحاد الـــتي أرســـاهـــا اآلبـــاء


واالحــتفال بــيوم الــعلم يــعد مــناســبة نــعمل فــيها جــميعا عــلى ربــط األجــيال الــناشــئة بــموروثــهم الـوطـني وتـعريـفهم بـتضحيات اآلبـاء واألجـداد املؤسسـني الـذيـن بـذلـوا الـغالـي والـنفيس مـن أجـل

أن تـبصر دولـة االتـحاد الـنور وتنطلق فـي مـسيرتـها الـتنمويـة الـتي أدهشـت الـعالـم بـما حـققته مـن إنجاز قارب حد اإلعجاز ونالت به اإلمارات تقدير واحترام العالم.

إن عــلم اإلمــارات يــمثل رســالــة تــسامــح ومــحبة لــإلنــسانــية جــمعاء حــرصــت الــدولــة عــلى إيــصالــها لــلعالــم مــنذ عهــد اآلبــاء املؤسســني الــذيــن اجــتمعوا تــحت رايــة هــذا الــعلم لــيعلنوا عــن تــأســيس

االتحاد املبارك الذي ننعم هذه األيام بإنجازاته وعطاءاته في جميع املجاالت.

إن أثــمن مــا يــمكن أن يحــلق فــي ســماء وطــننا الــغالــي هــو عــلمنا الــشامــخ ذلــك الــعلم الــذي كــلما رأيـناه تجـلت لـنا أسـمى املـشاعـر الـوطـنية فـهو يحـلق عـالـيا غـالـيا، ولـيس بـغريـب أن تحـلق أرواح

شهدائنا وأبنائنا فداء لهذا العلم العظيم الذي نفخر به وسنظل نذود عنه.

االحتفال بيوم العلم اإلماراتي

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فـاز الـطالـب محـمد حـامـد الـهاشـمي مـن قـسم الـبنني بـجائـزة مـركـز حـمدان بـن محــمد إلحــياء الــتراث لــلقصة الــقصيرة. وقــد حــققت الــقصة  املــركــز األول فــي املـــسابـــقة الـــسنويـــة الـــتي يـــقيمها املـــركـــز لتســـليط الـــضوء عـــلى املـــوهـــوبـــني واملـــبدعـــني فـــي مـــجال الـــكتابـــة الـــقصصية. وجـــرى تـــكريـــم الـــطالـــب واملشـــرف د. أحـمد الـذهـب فـي مهـرجـان احـتفالـي بـهيج ضـمن فـعالـيات مـعرض الـشارقـة الـدولـي لـلكتاب فـي دورتـه الـحالـية. كـما تـم تـقديـم شـهادة تـقديـر ملـدرسـة االتـحاد

الخاصة – املمزر تقديرا لهذا اإلنجاز.
