Page 1: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland

Samy Gaiji, SINGER CoordinatorSonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Page 2: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Bioversity is the world's largest international research organization dedicated solely to the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity. It is non-profit and independently operated.

Our focus areasThe purpose of Bioversity ’s work is to ensure that individuals and institutions are able to make optimal use of agricultural biodiversity to meet current and future development needs of people and societies. To achieve this purpose, Bioversity concentrates on six focus areas:

* developing and implementing strategies for global collaboration to conserve and use genetic resources for food and agriculture that focus on policies, genetic resources information systems and awareness raising; * monitoring the status and trends of useful diversity, including locating diversity in situ and genetic erosion; * enhancing the ex situ conservation and use of diversity of useful species; * conservation and sustainable use of important wild species; * managing agricultural biodiversity for better nutrition, improved livelihoods and sustainable production systems for the poor; and * conserving and promoting the use of diversity of selected high value crops for the poor

Page 3: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Purpose of this presentation:

Present the strategies for the: data integration within the genebank community. data integration with other communities (e.g. bioinformatics). integration of BIOCASE and now TAPIR protocols within existing community ‘middleware’. integration of information sharing infrastructure and data within a broader framework (Policy, Benefit Sharing, Research…)

Page 4: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Some History…

Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov(1887-1943)Prominent Russian botanist and geneticist best known for having identified the centres of origin of cultivated plants. He devoted his life to the study and improvement of wheat, corn, and other cereal crops that sustain the global population.

Page 5: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Understanding Diversity





Page 6: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Understanding Genebanks






Page 7: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Scientific Standards

Like DarwinCore

Common to all crops

Crop specific>80 crops

Page 8: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Scientific Standards

Common to all crops


Pas s

por t


Crop specific




DateLocationYield (kg/ha)

Page 9: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Scientific Standards

Page 10: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Management Systems

A majority of genebanks have already in place ‘good’ management systems (e.g. Europe, North America, CGIAR, etc…).

Agreed international scientific standards (aka Bioversity descriptors) are well adopted and used in existing information systems.

Best practices for managing collections are ‘in general’ followed by existing genebank management systems.

Page 11: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Existing information sharinginfrastructure




Page 12: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator


Members: 11 genebanks Holdings: >700,000 accessions (12% of world holdings) Diversity: very rich material (mostly landraces and wild relatives) Information: well documented (passport, characterization, evaluation, distribution etc…) Availability: as Global Public Good (







Page 13: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

EURISCO for the Europe

>1,000,000 accessions, 35 countries>200 holding institutions (genebanks) etc… (

Page 14: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007



Global accession level information system


Page 15: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007





Page 16: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

Plant Genetic Resources Unit in ABCD

Page 17: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007






se f



Page 18: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

(Now migrating to TAPIR/pywrapper)

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

BIOCASE Infrastructure (>20 providers)

Page 19: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007


Page 20: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

Page 21: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

Page 22: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

Bioinformatics Domain Model Platform (GCP)

Domain Model Layer


Web ServiceProvider



UserTools &



Data Sources

Data Access Interface

View/Query Interface

Web ServiceData Source

Java BeansSQL



JSPJava Beans

Page 23: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

Bioinformatics Domain Model to Platform (GCP)



Domain Model Layer



Data Sources

Web services ‘depot’

: Moby Web Services

CNS: Concept Name Server

Page 24: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

What we did in 2006-2007

Page 25: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator


Fast migration of existing standards into XML schema -> ALIS Master Schema <-> ABCD

Wide adoption of BIOCASE and now TAPIR protocols (Genebank community but now also molecular and breeding communities)

Fast deployment of BIOCASE and now TAPIR/pywrapper applications.

Increased interest in TDWG activities.

Increased membership to GBIF.

Page 26: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The new Wonderland…

In 2006, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resourcesfor Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) entered into force.

Page 27: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The new Wonderland…

Page 28: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The new Wonderland…More than 110 contracting parties !!!!

Page 29: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The new Wonderland…


Global Information System

Benefit Sharing Mechanism

Funding Mechanism

Page 30: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The new Wonderland…

Global Information System

Global Accession Level Information System

‘ALIS’= “Who has What and Where?”

pywrapper pywrapper pywrapper pywrapper pywrapper pywrapper pywrapper

Page 31: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The Wonderland…

Global Information System

CNS: Concept Name Server

© Markus DoeringABCD 2.06

ALIS 1.0

Page 32: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

The new Wonderland…

Persistent Identifiers of providers and recipientsof germplasm.

Accession level Information System

(passport, characteristics,performances …

of germplasm)Germplasm OrderingTool Kit handling therequests of germplasm and issuing legal agreement between providers and recipients.


Page 33: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

2008-2010 Targets

By 2010, 85% of global holdings are available through ALIS and GBIF Portals using TDWG standards/tools.

By 2010, 70% of the genebanks will be linked to the ALIS infrastructure (>500 providers).

By 2009, schema for 22 crops will be computerized into the ALIS master schema and linked to ABCD.

By 2010, a global germplasm ordering system linked to the benefit-sharing mechanism of the Treaty will be operational.

By 2010, the ALIS infrastructure will be financially sustained through a multi-donors trust fund.

Page 34: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

Key issues for TDWG

Raise awareness within our institutions about TDWG.

Increase participation/memberships from the genebank

community to sustain core TDWG activities.

Explore ways to include an overhead charge within our restricted projects to sustain targeted TDWG activities.

Ensure sustainability of TAPIR/pywrapper application and help-desk for the period 2008-2010 (full time developer? maintenance contract? small grants?).

Promote TDWG standards and tools within and outside our scientific communities (e.g. molecular… breeders…policy).

Page 35: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator


A particular thank to:

Helmut Knuepffer (IPK) Donald Hobern (GBIF) Markus Döring (BGBM) Javier de la Torre (ex-BGBM) Dag Terje Endresen Filip (NGB) Walter Berendsohn (BGBM) TDWG community

Page 36: ALIS’s Adventures in Wonderland Samy Gaiji, SINGER Coordinator Sonia Dias, EURISCO Coordinator

"Begin at the beginning," the King said, gravely, "and go on till you come to the end; then stop.”

Lewis Carrol, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
