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All members of our church are warmly invited to the

ANNUAL MEETINGS in St. Mary’s Church

Sunday 25 October 2020

12.00 noon -12.15pm The Meeting of Parishioners

(To elect Churchwardens)

12.15pm-1.15pm The Annual Parochial Church Meeting

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1. To sign the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Parishioners held on 24th March 2019 (page 3)

2. To elect four persons to serve as Churchwardens for the ensuing year

3. To receive the certified Financial Statement relating to the trust known as ‘The Ecclesiastical Parish of St

Mary Beverley’ for the year to 31 December 2019

4. To appoint an Auditor for the ensuing year.



1. To sign the minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 24th March 2019 (page 4)

2. To receive a report on the Electoral Roll (8)

3. To elect 3 representatives to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for a period of one year and to elect 2

representatives to the Deanery Synod

4. To receive a report from the Secretary to the Sidesmen and Sideswomen and to elect persons to serve for

the ensuing year (page 8)

5. To receive the PCC Secretary’s report on the proceedings of the Council during the year now ended

(Review of the Year page 25)

6. To receive the accounts of the Parochial Church Council for the year ended 31 December 2019, together

with a statement of the funds and property of the Council (page 24-42)

ii. To receive the Stewardship Report (page 8)

iii. To appoint a Church Auditor for the ensuing year

7. To receive a report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church (page 9)

8. To receive reports on:

Readers (p 9) Intercessions (p 9) Choir & Organ (p 10)

Music Group (p 10) 11:15 Band (p 10) Sunday School (page 10)

11.15 Children’s Activity (p 10) Healing Services (p 11) Prayer Circle (p11)

House Groups (p 11-13) Going Deeper (p 13) Talking Points (p 13)

Men’s Meet (p 13) Women’s Fellowship (p 13) Thursday Coffee Morning (p 14)

Christian Book Stall (p 14) Allsorts Playgroup (p 14) Sunday Night Group (p 15)

CL&CGB (p 15) St Mary’s School (p 15) Supaclub (p 16)

Messy Church (p 16) Safeguarding (page 16) Parish Hall (p 17)

Restoration Appeal (p 18) Education Outreach (p 18) Friend’s of St Mary’s (p 18)

St Mary’s Tower (p 19) Church Welcoming Team (p 19) PCC Vision Groups (page 20-22)

9. To receive a report from the Vicar (p 22)

10. To discuss any matters of general church interest

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Held on Sunday 24th March 2019 at 11am in the Church

The Chairman, Becky Lumley, commenced the meeting with a prayer.

Those present, listed as having attended the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which followed.

Viv Cooling acted as Clerk.

The minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 22nd April 2018 were accepted as a

true record and were signed by the Vicar, Becky Lumley. There were no matters arising.

To elect four persons to serve as Churchwardens for the ensuing year: Those nominated were ,

Gill Gregory, Beverley Lawrence, Janet Osgerby and David Warren. There being no other

nominations, all four were thanked and were duly elected.

To receive the Annual financial statement of the trust known as “The Ecclesiastical Parish of St

Mary’s Beverley” for the year to 31st December 2018.

Appointing a Church Auditor for the ensuing year: Ruth Phillips was elected unanimously.

There was no further business and the meeting closed

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Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Held on Sunday 24th March 2019 at 11.15 am in the Church

Present: Becky Lumley, Anne Mansfield, Vivienne Cooling, Peter Pocock, Diana Pocock,

Pamela Hopkins, Sarah Humphries, Jenny Ward, Dorothy Mackley, Rosemary Williams, Andrew

Allison, Jane Lumb, Maggie Hatfield, Ron Mearns, June Mason, Michael Goodare, Loraine

Goodare, Richard Mattock, Erik Wilson, Steve Parkin, Michael Hatfield, Wayne Hill, Chris

Hairsine, Tony Wood, Lesley Wood, Martin Gash, Ed Norman, Lily Fowler, David Smith, Berenice

Lewis, Michaela West, Margaret Roberts, Barbara Hall, June Yates, Michael Yates, Jenny

Cattermole, Jean Constable, John Constable, Elliot Constable, Daniel Warren, Judith Fleming,

Janet Osgerby, Gill Gregory, Derek Fisher, Carole Crossland, Brian Crossland, Margaret Hairsine.

Apologies received from: Beverley Lawrence, Ali Doolan, Malcolm Fleming, Emma


Total in attendance: 47

To sign the minutes of the Annual Parochial Meeting held on 22nd

April 2018:

These were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Vicar

Becky Lumley. There were no matters arising.

To receive a report on the Electoral Roll:

The report was received by the Vicar Becky Lumley with apologies from Emma Holdstock. 177

members had signed the electoral roll when the report was written. Becky suggested there were

still several regular churchgoers who had not signed up and therefore the numbers were not a

true reflection of the numbers of regular worshippers, that had in fact grown. People were asked

to register so their names can be added to the electoral roll.

To elect 5 representatives to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for a period of one year:

Rosemary Williams, Sarah Lewis and Anne Butler have chosen to step down. They were thanked

for their time on the PCC.

Richard Mattock, Wilf Fowler and Vivienne Cooling were all elected to serve on the PCC.

Rhys Davies remains a co-opted member with Margert Hairsine joining as a co-opted member this


We are entitled to three deanery synod representatives and twelve elected representatives of the

Laity. Due and proper elections took place and the following people will serve on the PCC:

Vicar, Curate and Reader 1

The Revd. Becky Lumley

The Revd. Ali Doolan

Mr Steve Parkin

Wardens (4)

Mrs Gill Gregory (from 22/4/18)

Mrs Beverley Lawrence (from 24/4/16)

Mrs Janet Osgerby (from 24/03/19)

Mr David Warren (from 23/4/14)

Deanery Representatives

Mrs Jo Boulter (from 23/4/17)

Mr Ed Norman (from 23/4/17)

Dr Stephen Clark (from 24/3/19)

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Electoral Roll Representatives (elected for three years unless otherwise stated)

Mrs Sara Baxter (re-elected 24/3/19)

Mrs Jennifer Cattermole (re-elected 24/3/19)

Miss Vivienne Cooling (Secretary) (from 24/3/19, for one year)

Mr John Constable (from 22/4/18)

Mr Wilf Fowler (from 24/3/19)

Mrs Emma Holdstock (from 22/4/18)

Mrs Anne Mansfield (Treasurer) (from 22/4/18)

Mr Mark Merryweather (re-elected 24/3/19)

Mrs Sue Merryweather (from 24/4/18)

Mr Richard Mattock (from 24/3/19)

Mrs Margaret Roberts (re-elected 24/3/19)

Mr Ray Rumkee (from 23/4/17)

Mrs Micki West (from 22/4/18)


Mrs Margaret Hairsine

Mr Rhys Davies

To receive a report from the Secretary to the Sidesmen and Sideswomen and to elect

persons to serve for that ensuing year:

Jenny Cattermole spoke as Secretary to Sidesmen and Sideswomen. Jenny’s report, published in

the Annual Meetings booklet, provided a list of personnel who have served during 2018. Jenny

reported that not much had changed on the list of serving people given in the last Annual

Parochial Church Meeting, except one volunteer had moved away, and one volunteer from the 8

a.m. service had sadly died. Jenny thanked all for their service and appealed for more volunteers

as, although not a difficult role it was essential for the smooth running of things.

To receive the PCC Secretary’s report on the proceedings of the Council during the year

now ended:

This was received with no questions being raised.

To receive the accounts of the PCC for the year ended 31 December 2018, together with a

statement of the funds and property of the Council:

Anne Mansfield spoke about the financial detail in the Annual Report and Accounts. This year the

accounts were audited by Sowerby Chartered Accountants. Anne reminded us that they are

present in a new format as required by the Charity Commission, pg. 21 of the Annual Meeting

Booklet (AMB), which doesn’t require as much detail as has been produced previously. Anne

referred to two statements, the, ‘Independent Examiners Report’ (pg. 8 AMB), and the ‘Notes to

the Financial Statements’ (pg. 11 AMB), which also outlines the purpose of each of the accounts.

The unrestricted column representing the funds for the general running of the church were

£188,563, with an expenditure of £1146,764, giving a Net income of £36,846 including interest of

£18,228. Anne however, explained that this was the first year in a long time that the investments

made had gone down resulting in a loss of £4,954. Advice from the investment managers stated

that a short term drop in profits was not a concern and that over the long term the church had

done well. Anne reported that since December the investments were recovering in value.

Over all there has been a better than expected net income resulting in income being higher than

the budget. There was an additional £20,000 donated towards employing a Youth Worker.

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Anne confirmed some good news in respect of the restricted column expenses: with income at

£771,196 and expenses at £278,750 there was a huge net income of £492,448 thanks to a legacy

of £500,000 from the estate of Alan Rowbotham.

Looking at previous expenses Anne explained that:

- The toilets were installed with help from the Churchwardens funds, private donations, grants and


- The church matched around £38,620 in funding for the Bosses project.

Anne said that, due to the legacy, the investment value across all funds had increased to

£1,595,665 from the value of £1,106,339 in 2017. She went on to say that:

The Restoration appeal received an additional £2,333 with donations instead going to the Toilet

Fund. Restoration appeal total has now reached £121,558.

The Restoration balance is £1,007,294, including £165,343 endowment funds which cannot be

touched. This leaves £841,951 in the Fabric Fund of which £121,558 is appeal money. Anne said

that some of the money will be used during 2019 for fund-matching during the next phase of the

Bosses Project and any further potential projects.

The organ fund total is £132,292 of which £77,240 is endowment funds.

Anne informed the meeting that the Parish Hall funds were slowly increasing with more demand

and a slight increase in prices. After lettings and insurance claim the total in the fund is £20,212.

The hall made a profit of £4,533 giving a total balance of bank plus investments of £37,057.

The Tower Bell Fund after paying for the new bells to be installed in 2018 is £14,039.

Anne advised that there is some restricted money across small funds, such as flowers (£735),

Music Fund (£9,410) and the defibrillator (£626).

Anne concluded by saying that the PCC overall funds were £1,791,317 which is an increase of

£476,271 on the previous year.

There were no questions raised and Becky thanked Anne for her work. Becky went on to thank

Anne, Roland and the rest of the volunteers in the office for their continued work. Becky remined

the meeting that there are still repairs outstanding with a value £5.5 million repairs. Becky stated

that Roland should have some good news to tell everyone shortly.

To receive the Stewardship Report:

David was unable to attend the meeting. Becky said that there was a slight error in the report

which will be amended. The report was received.

To appoint a church auditor for the ensuing year:

It was confirmed by Anne that Sowerby Chartered Accountants of Beverley had been appointed.

All were happy with this decision.

To receive a report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Church:

There were no further questions regarding the report. Judith thanked Anne Mansfield for acting as

Clerk as to the Wardens, Chris Munday for acting as Treasurer to the Wardens and all others in

helping her over the years.

The church welcomer team continues to grow with discussions around longer weekday church

opening times.

To receive a report on the proceedings of Deanery Synod:

The report was received with thanks from Becky, with nothing further to add from Ed.

To receive other reports:

(to include Readers, Intercessions, Choir & Organ, Music Group, The 11.15 Band, Sunday School

9.45 Service, 11.15 Service Children’s Work, Small House Groups, Talking Points, Men Meet,

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Women’s Fellowship, Tea/Soup & Natter, Allsorts Playgroup, St Mary’s Sunday Night Group,

Safeguarding Report, St Mary’s CLCGB, St Mary’s Primary School, Supaclub, Parish Hall,

Church Restoration Appeal, Friends of St Mary’s, St Mary’s Tower Report, Church Welcoming

Team, Vision Groups)

Becky thanked everyone who had written a report. She said that they were an indicator of all that

happens in the church and that she was grateful for all the work that goes on and all the effort that

is put in behind the scenes to ensure that these groups are supported and successful. Becky

pointed out a small amendment to the Safeguarding report that Gill Gregory would like to correct.

This will add thanks to Janet and will be amended on electronic copies. There were no questions

and the reports were received with thanks.

To receive a report from the Vicar:

Becky spoke about the continuing importance of working alongside each other as the church

grows. She said that this was significant and echoes the positive direction in the church’s growth.

The formation of the pastoral team that personify discipleship through their work is thanks to Ali’s

continued invaluable work and that she is indebted to Ali for her tenacity. Ali was away in

Newcastle, but Becky wanted to thank her in her absence. Becky said that encouraging growth is

something that continues to be embedded in the culture of the church. This includes the

deepening work of the multi-layered discipleship group which is growing opportunities with

exciting things emerging. This included the possibility of sharing the good news of Jesus through

all the creative outreach teams.

Becky went on to say that the Young People’s Group is an important subsection of this growth

and that it will affect the church and how things are done. She said that the strength of the

Leadership group and effective communication has allowed practical outreach to take place

enabling people to create positive relationships with one another.

Becky spoke of the exciting journey ahead and the opportunities to come which have been helped

by the addition of Michael, Eric and Andrew who have brought their unique gifts to the church, for

which we are very grateful. Becky said that often people in the ‘middle’ get forgotten and she went

on to thank Catherine for all her work in the office and Berry for all her work with the music and


Becky ended with a huge thank you from the bottom of her heart for all that everyone does.

To discuss any matters of general church interest:

Becky asked if there were any further questions. Ron asked how many house groups there are.

Peter said that the Annual Report indicated a total of eight groups.

The accounts were accepted with thanks.

David Warren thanked Becky for the tremendous difference she makes to the church. He said

that for a third Sunday running we had seen over 100 people at the service and that with Becky

the church is growing in every way. David went on to say that due to the enormous great driving

force and through working with the Holy Spirit the church has changed enormously, evident in the

change, growth and development that has happened. This is reflected in everything that we do,

and visitors to the church notice these changes. David said this is all due to Becky. He extended

the huge amount of thanks from all of us to Becky.

Becky in turn thanked David for this praise. She went on to say how inadequate she felt to do the

task and acknowledged that it was actually a team effort. Becky finished by thanking everyone in

the church for attending.

The meeting concluded.

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Report on the Electoral Roll

The newly created Electoral Roll (ER), as at 15th October 2020, stands at 204 registered on the

Electoral Roll, with 74% of persons registered living outside the Parish. The breakdown is as


54 Resident in the Parish

150 Non-Resident in the Parish

Secretary to the Sidesmen Report - Jenny Cattermole

Again this year I want to thank the following people who gave their time to help us sidesmen in

2019 and are willing to be re-elected for 2020:-

D Adcock, J Bowden, A Butler, J Cattermole, M-J Clapham, A Collingwood, K Doughty, J Elliot,

M Fleming, M Freeland, M Frost, L Goodare, S Hought, D Mackley, C Makepeace, J

Makepeace, A Mansfield, P Marrett, A Norman, E Norman, J Northmore, K Palgrave, G Phillips,

S Phillips, D Pocock, P Pocock, A Price, J Purkiss, L Reeves, P Reeves, D Smith, J Smith, P

Ward, J Watt, J Watt, W. Hill, M West, C Wiles and L Wood.

Stewardship – David Coates

The table below shows the outcome of Planned Donations received in the year, with previous

year comparisons in (brackets).

Gift Aid reclaimed from HMRC on Planned Donations, plus Unplanned Donations from

benefactors totalled £19,059 claimed from donations totalling £76,239 in 2019 (compared with

£19,373 claimed from donations totalling £77,494 for 2018).

Year to 31.12.19

Year to 31.12.18

Gift Aid Non Gift Aid Totals

£ No. £ No. £ No.

Weekly Envelopes - general fund £11,173 41 £1,562 9 £12,735 50

(£11,696) (57) (£1,412) (9) (£13,108) (66)

Standing Orders - general fund £37,109 71 £3,740 7 £40,849 78

(£35,334) (69) (£5,680) (12) (£41,014) (81)

Standing Orders - organ fund £600 1 0 0 £600 1

(£645) (2) 0 0 (£645) (2)

Standing Orders - restoration fund

£1,120 4 0 0 £1,120 4

(£1,730) (6) 0 0 (£1,730) (6)

Standing Orders - bell fund 0 0 0 0 £0 0

0 0 (£960) (1) (£960) (1)

Standing Orders – youth worker £450 2 £135 1 £585 3

0 0 0 0 0 0

Column Totals

£50,452 119 £5,437 17 £55,889 136

(£49,405) (134) (£5,228) (22) (£57,457) (156)

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Wardens Report – Beverley Lawrence

On Sunday 24th March 2019 David Warren, Beverley Lawrence and Gill Gregory were all re-

elected to the post of Church Warden. Janet Osgerby was elected to replace Judith Fleming and

thanks were given to Judith for her outstanding commitment to St Marys Church. We were

delighted Anne Mansfield, Clerk to the Wardens and Chris Munday, Treasurer both agreed to

continue to assist the Wardens. We are extremely grateful for their dedication and support.

Fabric, Fixtures and Fittings

The major work is currently progressing on the North Nave Clerestory. The stonemasons are

skilled and dedicated craftsmen and have been very cooperative with church activities. The

Bosses project is enhancing publicity of current work. The Wardens are continuing to support the

funding of Roland Deller in his post of part-time Director of Development.

There has been a great deal of concern about the state of the electrics in church and Andy

Burrell, the church architect, instigated a full survey of the electrics. This has identified the need

for urgent electrical updating throughout the church.

We are still awaiting completion of the two lighting projects – one by the toilets and the other in

the tower. The ongoing issues with the water board and drainage are hopefully being resolved.

Measures have been taken to protect the memorial door from water damage.

The ERYC has been asked to replace / repair paving around the church and we are awaiting

these repairs.

We have applied for a Faculty to approve the sale of 8 pews and other pieces of furniture,

unwanted altar frontals and clerical robes. The pews are temporarily being stored in the

repository in St Marys Churchyard, Molescroft Road. The locksmith has advised us that many

cupboard locks are now in need of replacement . CCTV is now fully installed and operational in

the building.


The Church Wardens are funding the cleaner and thanks are expressed also to Dennis Dart for

his voluntary work to cover extra hours cleaning the church and Parish Hall during weekdays and

over the weekend.

The Wardens also fund communion Bread and Wine and contribute to Church Insurance.

Readers for the 9.45 a.m Services – Rosemary Williams

St Mary's now has a strong team of over 50 regular readers. It is great that new people both of

younger and also of more mature years, have joined in during the year. More volunteers of all

ages are always welome. Everyone has the opportunity to read a bible passage at a 9.45 a.m

service every five or six months. Thanks to all involved.

Report on Intercessions Rota – Lynn Pratt

Thank you to those who kindly help with the 9.45 intercessions. A set of prayers on the weekly

theme are sent out, and the reader has the option to amend, rewrite, or read as it is. People are

called upon about once every six or eight weeks, and generally have the prayers a week before

to check through.

A number of people have for various reasons had to leave this year, and it would be good to have

some additional volunteers. If you think you would like to take part in writing or reading prayers,

could you please have a word with me.

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Choir & Organ – Berenice Lewis

We've had another busy year at St. Mary's, full of music and fellowship. I'm exceedingly proud of

the consistently high standards achieved and maintained by our choir, and I also want to thank

Andrew Allison for his work at the organ this year. Welcome to Betty Geldard, who recently

joined the top line. Our younger choristers are learning so much in the choir stalls and I love to

see and hear them! As Director of Music I am indeed blessed by the lovely, generous people

who make up our music team, and I thank all of them for their commitment to St. Mary’s.

In addition to choral services every Sunday at 9.45am and 6.30pm, we have led the music at

numerous special events - including weddings, funerals/memorials and services for major

festivals. The Nine Lessons & Carols service in December was particularly memorable and a

major highlight for all the singers (regular members and guests) and for me! We much enjoyed

singing alongside the choir of Beverley Minster in a special concert (featuring Tallis's Spem in

Alium), and also at a recent celebration evensong.

I would like to use this report to thank all those who give their time and expertise to support the

choir. Special thanks to Derek Fisher for everything he does - it is sincerely appreciated.

Music Group – Berenice Lewis

St. Mary's Music Group performs modern hymns and worship songs before/during the 9.45am

service twice a month, normally the second and fourth Sundays. We get together for rehearsals

(starting at 12.45pm) on the Mondays preceding these particular services. Our aim is to provide

well-chosen songs for these services, helping create a good atmosphere for prayer and praise.

As Music Group leader I truly appreciate our members' commitment and the fellowship we enjoy

together. Special thanks to Diana Pocock and Rosemary Williams for their valued roles in the


The Music Group is a very friendly unit; no audition is required, and everyone’s contribution

matters. If you’re interested in joining us, please see me in church or call 01482 865037.

11.15 Band

We have been delighted this year to welcome Kathryn Arrowsmith-Cooper as the worship leader

for the contemporary worship elements of church. Kathryn brings real skill and a deep spirituality

to the worship and enhances the gifts of our other musicians. The band has continued to provide

worship for both the 11.15 Service and the Praise Service which have both been steadily growing

in number.

9.45am Sunday School

We are very grateful to the dedicated team of leaders who have continued to support the children

who worship at 9.45. As most of these children sing in our choir the leaders have connected

biblical teaching with an understanding of liturgy and worship and have played an important role

in supporting the children as they grow in faith.

11.15 Children’s work – Lynn Pratt

We thank God that most weeks we have between 15 and 25, with a few less at holiday

weekends. Ages range from babies to 13. We follow the Roots material online, and do our best

to come up with enjoyable activities to fit the theme of the day’s scripture. The children are

always very keen, and love baking, drama, games, reading prayers, colouring and sticking. The

older ones are helpful to the younger ones and they all constantly amaze us with their knowledge

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and eagerness.

Many thanks to the faithful group of leaders and helpers who keep this valuable ministry going

every week of the year. If anyone would like to join the rota, please let us know.

Healing Services - St. Marys. – Michael Yates

Steve Parkin and I began holding ‘Healing Services’ in St. Marys starting Sunday 28th October

2018. Prayer for healing is part of any Christian church. Prayers for healing at St. Marys are often

included in the Sunday intercessions, church prayer request lists, Saturday prayer group and

prayer candles (found in St. Michaels Chapel). By having Healing services, we are giving an

opportunity for any person, church member or not, to come and lay before God in the name of

Jesus Christ whatever concerns them in a way described in the New Testament and practiced by

the Lord Jesus. It may be for mental or emotional problems, difficult decisions, relationships,

fears, etc as well as the physical. You may also seek God’s Grace as proxy for another

person. The emphasis is on the love and compassion of God.

Usually held quarterly they are held in St Michaels chapel with an attendance of around twenty

people. We have aimed for a relaxed formal approach and include Holy Communion as part of

the service. Early in the service we offer, to any who may wish to come forward, the laying on of

hands as a sign and symbol of that person’s prayer requests. If you would like to discuss the

topic of Christian Healing Steve and I are more than happy to meet with you. God loves us so

much he wants us to enjoy life and be at peace.

Prayer Circle – Diana Pocock

The Prayer Circle was formed over 30 years ago and has never been out of business! It’s purpose

is to provide extra prayer support for anyone feeling the need during a difficult time , covering

problems with health, relationships, work-related, times of bereavement, etc. The members

undertake to pray personally and on a regular basis for people brought to their notice, although

they do not necessarily know why the person’s name has been included. All names are treated in

confidence and only included with the consent of the person concerned.

Over the years, the families and friends of people supported in this way have reported many

instances of answers to prayer, sometimes unexpected outcomes, most often the warmth of

knowing that others are thinking of them with love and concern for their problems, giving them

confidence and hope, and the courage to continue trusting in the Lord.

If you, or someone known to you, would like to receive this additional prayer support, or if you

would like to become a member of the Prayer Circle, please contact Becky or Ali , or pick up a

leaflet from the table in church for further information and contact details.

Monday Home group

This new group meets at Tardrew Close and has become an important part of nurturing our faith.

It is led by Erik Wilson and we have studied ‘The Prayer Course’ by Pete Greig.

Monday Evening Home Group—Becky Lumley

The Monday night home group continues to meet at Hargreaves Close. It has been a wonderful

group offering support and care to one another while also seeking to explore God’s word and

applying it to our lives. We were inspired by Paul’s letter to Timothy and the book of Ruth.

Tuesday House Group Report – Lynn Pratt

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The Tuesday morning group continues to meet at Manor Park, Beverley, courtesy of John, Laura

and Elliot Constable. Jean and Jane very kindly start us off with refreshments and we are about

12 in number, having had two new members join us.

This year we have looked at:

The Holy Spirit’s amazing ministries through spiritual gifts. For Lent -Timothy Keller’s

“Encounters with Jesus”, (very deep and helpful notes supplied by Revd. Ali Doolan). The book

of Titus. The Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 139. Favourite hymns (stories/scriptures behind them)

including the amazing story of the Welsh revival. This coaxed us into singing each week for the

first time. 2 Thessalonians. For advent - “A strange Christmas”. We are currently enjoying “the

prayer course” on DVD clips from the 24/7 prayer initiative, and finding it exceptionally good.

We find our time together is an enjoyable and valuable part of our faith; learning from each other,

praying, discussing, and praising our wonderful God. Thanks be to Him for leading us and

guiding us every week.

Thursday night home group – Steve Crossley

The Thursday night home group has continued to meet every week. Several new folk joined the

group over the past year which brings a regular attendance to round 12. The new folks have

integrated well into the group. A group WhatsApp was set up two years ago which keeps

members in touch during the week and where prayer requests can be shared. The group have

experienced amazing answers to prayer through the year. The weekly studies have been led by

different group members and this has proved to be a positive experience not only for the group

but also for the individual/s preparing and leading the study. Group socials (a games night, meal

together, pub night etc) take place about four times a year.

Elm Close Study Group - Tony Wood

There are ten members in this group. We meet once a fortnight.

We follow a pattern of reading and studying books written by current highly-regarded theologians

and laity.

In one series of studies, we looked at a book entitled ‘Friends, Foes and Families’ by Judith

Diamond, a lay member of St. Martins & St. Pauls Church, Canterbury.

In the autumn, we followed a wide programme with studies on the topics of ‘silence’, ‘diversity of

worship’ and ‘developing an understanding of the relevance of the Old Testament in our faith’.

John Sentamu’s book ‘Wake up to Advent’ was the basis for four studies in Advent. When

studying any one author, we frequently research and incorporate the thinking of other

theologians, such as Rowan Williams. We have also read extracts for Basil Hume’s writings –

such as his book entitled ‘the Mystery of the Incarnation’. Alongside this, we research relevant

passages from the Bible, reading the Psalms and in prayer together.

In recognising that we are, perhaps, older members of the congregation, we seek to look afresh

at all aspects of our faith and maintain a fellowship which we particularly appreciate.

Thursday Housegroup – Ali Doolan

Since last year we have enjoyed having new members join the group. This has been refreshing

and we are all excited about the journey that we are on together.

Our study this year has included Timothy Keller’s book on Prayer, the book of Ephesians and


We celebrate communion together on a regular basis and have also conducted a prayer walk of

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Beverley. The first half hour of our meeting is coffee and a catch up, enjoying fellowship.

Housegroup is a safe place to explore our faith, grow, pray and get to know each other and God

better. Our overall desire is to know Jesus personally and to seriously consider the difference this

makes to our lives day to day.

Saturday Morning Prayer Group - Jane Lumb

This informal group was formed more than thirty years ago, and Jan Hoskin, the previous vicars

wife, encouraged the group to continue.

Since then the group has met nearly every week, and numbers vary from two to eight persons.

Our aim is to be a support not only to the clergy and church leaders, but to all members of the

congregations, and anyone we know who is ill or in need of help. We also remember those who

have visited the church, who have put names on the prayer list in St Michaels chapel. All the

services taking place every Sunday, and all who take part are also remembered.

We pray for the church worldwide, and the current world climate.

We have been privileged to have seen some wonderful answers to prayer, and our joy at seeing

God at work in people’s lives.

Anyone who feels like joining us would be so welcome. We have coffee and biscuits too.

Going Deeper – Steve Crossley

Over the past year Going Deeper has continued once a month (Thursday evening) with an

average group attendance of around 12/15 people. Studies have included the book of Revelation

& Matthew’s Gospel. The aim of the group is to deepen faith and understanding of biblical

subjects/themes by exploring their historical, cultural and social settings and to challenge group

members to question and think more objectively about the Bible. Becky & Steve Crossley have

alternated in leading the sessions.

Talking Points – Anita Norman

We are still meeting and talking! Jean Brown set this group up many years ago after we’d studied

a York Lent Course. We all enjoyed meeting and talking so much, [yes, talking so much!] that we

continued, called it Talking Points and talked about all sorts of topics.

We bring our lunch and have a sense of fellowship as we ‘munch’ - we usually start with a prayer,

end with a prayer and say the grace together. Over the years we have done almost all the York

Courses which give us a ‘framework’ for discussion.

The Lent course ‘Life to the Full?’ took us through March 2019 and on into the summer and

beyond because there were so many talking points to explore! We started ‘Who are we praying

to?’ in November 2019 as an Advent course and are finishing it off this Lent! We digress, talk

around the course and come back to where we started - we have ‘heavy, studious’ moments and

others of ‘fun and hilarity’.

We meet in the Parish hall on the first Wednesday of the month [excluding August and

December] - we start at 12.30 and end at 2pm.

We’re very much the original group, numbers vary and anyone who would like to come along and

‘dip their toe in’ would be welcomed.

Men Meet – Steve Parkin

We continue to meet monthly at either Wetherspoons or the Parish Hall if we have a

speaker. We have topical discussions on current topics and social activities providing fellowship,

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learning recreation and support. We now have 2 members St Johns RC church who are regular


The Women’s Fellowship - Margaret Thomson

The Womens Fellowship has 32 paid up members. Attendance at our monthly meetings depends

on the weather and as we are all Senior Ladies, the occasional ill health is a factor. We try to

encourage members to join the Committee or fill the Officers, but as we have been a Fellowship

for over 40 years, many of us have been recycled time after time!

The programme of speakers and activities is very varied year by year and we would welcome any

member of St Marys Church who have something of interest to come along, especially on the

subject of travel or of historical interest.

Some of our members, under the encouragement of Margaret Roberts, have joined a craft group

who meet in the Parish Hall on Thursday mornings as part of the Coffee Morning.

We enjoy an outing in June whether a visit to some gardens in the area or a Country house.

Easy access is important and definitely a cafe as a final attraction.

We hope to distribute a Welcome Card which will be offered to any visitor to St Marys church to

encourage new members.

Our charity this year has once again been the St Marys Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade as

a donation towards the refurbishment of their headquarters.

Our members also volunteer for the various activities essential to the smooth running of St Marys


Thursday Coffee Morning – Margaret Frost

We have continued to run the Coffee Mornings on Thursdays through the year, we do take a

holiday in August.

Customers are welcomed to enjoy companionship and conversation from 10am-11.15am, giving

some members of the congregation at the 11am. Communion Service an opportunity to socialise

before going across to Church.

The small amount charged for coffee/tea and biscuits is passed on in donations this year to The

Restoration Fund and the Parish Hall, with smaller donations to causes we have heard about

during the year and towards the life of St. Mary's Church.

Since the Craft Club was formed we have enjoyed a vibrant atmosphere in the Hall, all are

welcome so please do come.

Book Stall – Lynn Pratt

This year we have sold at cost price or below:

11 bibles (adult and Children’s), 29 Children’s faith books and 10 adult faith books. At The

Festival of Christmas open day we also gave away free about 70 nativity story books to visitors.

Please keep reading and encourage the children. If you need an up to date or larger print bible,

do have a word.

Allsorts Playgroup - Catherine Ceely

Allsorts, the baby and toddler playgroup, continued to go from strength to strength in 2019. We

have a fantastic group of volunteers; Sue Merryweather, Daphne Adcock, Judith Makepeace and

Catherine Ceely, we have also had other occasional helpers throughout the year sharing their

expertise. It is lovely to see members of the church coming along to help. If anyone would like to

come and join us please get in touch.

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We have a lovely group of regular parents/carers and children and usually get a few new people

popping in. We enjoy chatting over coffee and snacks (we offer healthy snacks for the children

too!), whilst the children play and take part in the craft activity. The helpers have a planning

meeting prior to each half term to decide on a focus for the next 7-8 sessions. The craft activities

are usually based on a bible story or calendar event. We try to offer a variety of activities and new

ideas with the children including baking, painting, sticking, gardening and even a water play

session (which became very soggy!) We always finish each session with some singing and a little

prayer. The last group of each term (Christmas/Easter/Summer hols) is usually a party with a

bouncy castle which the children love.

Sunday Night Youth Group—Gill Gregory

This group was set up the Autumn of 2015 to meet the needs of young people who are too old for

Sunday School who need their own group to have fun and grow in faith, as they move into their

teenage years. We have a steady group of around 9 young people aged between 9 and 16 years.

The group is growing in size and new members are always welcome. We meet in the parish hall

on Sunday evenings between 6.30-8pm, except during the school holidays.

Each week we have games, crafts and activities (such as board games, karaoke and chocolate

tasting) as well as time, for hot chocolate, discussion and thinking about faith. Since March we

have been meeting on Zoom and more recently have started to meet again in a Covid safe

socially distanced way. We have been thinking about ways that the young people can continue to

grow in faith and take leadership roles in the group. They use the group really well to talk about

faith and issues relating to their lives.

Thank you to our leaders who have been so faithful and enabled the group to continue in difficult

times using Zoom. It’s also great to welcome Isaac Merryweather to the leadership team!

This is a really important way of growing the church of the future. We are really really happy that

Youth was picked in a broader context for the PCC to consider and develop ideas for the future.

Keeping our young people through their teenage years is critical to their future faith journey.

Church Lads’ & Church Girls’ Brigade - Tony Wood

The refurbishment of the Company Headquarters in George Street has been successfully


The total cost of £420,000.00 was met by direct giving from past and present benefactors,

together with a small number of Grant Awards. Many of the benefactors were members of St.

Mary’s Church. To acknowledge completion of the project, the Trustees and Company

coordinated an ‘Open Day’ on Sunday 13th October. A Service of Thanksgiving was led by the

Company Chaplain, Becky Lumley, assisted by Bishop Alison White. The Bishop dedicated a

plaque which is now permanently positioned in the new Hall Foyer of the HQ. Following the

Service, the Company Marching Band led the Company and guests in a march through the town

back to the Headquarters, where a fine buffet was served to round off a memorable day. The

building is now back in full use for the activities of all Sections (four different age groups meet on

separate nights each week, plus the band practice night).

For 9 months, during the refurbishment, the Company Sections had to meet in various venues

around the town. It is a great credit to the Officers and Leaders that the Company remained

united throughout these difficult months, and membership was sustained.

As well as activities within the building, the Sections continue to enjoy their annual Camps,

organised by their Leaders. The North Eastern Camp was held this year in the Derbyshire Dales

and was well represented by the Company.

The Band continues to be as industrious as ever, playing at Services, for Parades (including

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leading the Annual Remembrance Day Parades), a number of Beverley Town occasions, in Care

Homes, and for charities. They were invited to play at the Sandhurst Heritage Day again this


While, of course, this is enjoyable, praise is due to the leaders and members for their

conscientious commitment.

St Mary School - Becky Lumley The strong ties with St Mary’s Primary school have continued during the last year. We have

worked hard to build upon our outstanding Siams Inspection. Children continued to be central in

the leading of worship in school, the worship committee meets regularly to plan services in

church and collective worship. We've worked hard to consider how we lead a distinctively

Christian Church school, and Becky has been working with the national church to look at how we

create school vision which reflects the Kingdom of God. She is also offered teaching at

theological college, as part of the growing faith initiative, helping those training for ministry to

nurture faith in children and young people as well as learn how to bring skills of leadership to


The church continues to support the governance of the school through the following church

members who bring their Christian vision to the school.

Becky Lumley remains vice chair of governors with responsibility for safeguarding

Sarah Smith is foundation governor with responsibilities for literacy

Kate Jacques is foundation governor

David Moore is co-opted governor

During lockdown services and assemblies have become virtual and we continue to work to

support our school vision:

‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is

pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think

about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—

put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’ Philippians 4

Supaclub - Carole Crossland

The club continues to run in St Mary’s School on Monday lunchtimes from Sept – May. It runs in

partnership with Beverley Schools Christian Trust (an Associate of Scripture Union) and

volunteers from local Churches, offering year 4 children a chance to explore the Christian Faith in

a fun and relevant way. This year we have had more boys attend along with the girls which is

encouraging. The bible stories help the children to think about their beliefs, their life and what

they hope for the world around them. There is a craft activity and bible card to take home to

share with their families. Supaclub runs with Cathy Beynon and Carole Crossland. Our thanks go

to Karen Eyre who led last year.

Messy Church

In September we began our new Messy Church initiative. Messy Church is an opportunity for the

children to grow in faith and learn bible stories through play and creativity. The group meets at

the Church Lads and Girls Brigade headquarters once a month. We have a strong team of

leaders, all who have contributed to the programme of activities and have been carefully trained

in Safeguarding. We share a meal together at the end of the session creating a strong sense of

community. There are about 30 children who come to Messy Church.

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Safeguarding - Gill Gregory

Thank you to Becky and all the church as a whole for your support and encouragement. Thank you also to Janet Osgerby for joining the Sr Mary’s Safeguarding team to help complete DBS’s across the church where needed.

As we know it is everyone’s responsibility to think about safeguarding children and adults who are vulnerable. The Parish Safeguarding Policy closely follows the policy followed by York Diocese and is also available on request from me and is on display in the parish hall and church. As part of the policy, all those individuals who are involved in an activity that requires contact with Children or Vulnerable Adults need to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service declaration (DBS). Also there are policies regarding the use of social media or taking photographs. If you have any questions or concerns please talk to me. The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Julie O’Hara with Rob Marshall to assist. Andy Broom (Archdeacon) is also on the team. The Diocese have a safeguarding section on their website which is very helpful and informative.

Since June 2017 there is now a new online system for completing DBS and Training for everyone within the church especially those in positions of leadership such as the PCC and children’s workers.

DBS’s: DBS checks are required for all those doing children’s work, pastoral work, the PCC, worship leaders, and bellringers. Becky and I are able to complete disclosures with those who require them. People’s data is subject to strict Data Protection law and only kept by the online disclosure team for the period of creating the clearance. Thank you to everyone who has come forward to enable their checks to be completed.

Training: The Diocese provides a Basic Safeguarding Awareness course. We are encouraged to complete it if in any role within the church and thank you to those who have already completed it. The web address is

If you have any concerns regarding Safeguarding or would like further information please do speak to Becky, myself or Janet.

Parish Hall - Catherine Ceely

The Parish Hall diary bookings are going well and the diary through 2019 has been busy. We

had various weekly and monthly regular bookings and we managed to fit in a few one-off

bookings in amongst them. Please keep sending enquiries to us and we will try and fit in as

much as we can!

We circulated a new booking form for the hall with amended pricing structure and terms &

conditions in April 2019. Catherine looked after the Parish Hall diary and invoicing, and Anne

Mansfield has kept an eye on the Parish Hall bank account. Susan Walker has agreed to help

with invoicing from 2020.

The access system (using keyfobs for regular hall users) seems to be working well and we have

a lovely team of volunteers who kindly open up for the one-off bookings and deadlock the hall

when necessary.

The hall had various renovations through 2019 including;

Re-decorated in February 2019 (painted with washable paint in the hope that it will not need re-

painting quite so often - the paint used by the insurance company following the flood was not

washable, hence it looked tatty quite quickly).

Toilets redecorated in April 2019

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New doorbell fitted in April 2019

Faulty blinds fixed in October 2019

New sinks fitted in the toilets in November 2019 (as the sinks fitted after the flood were not

sufficiently fixed to the wall and became dangerous)

We have had a few hiccups with the heating system over the colder months and are still

investigating new ideas for a more efficient (and less noisy) heating system. We are also intending

to fit a separate external door for the church office in the near future.

Deanery—Richard Parkinson

Running from March 2019 to March 2020 the main items were;

-April meeting at St Mary’s Beverley - reports from parishes regarding mission/growth and


-October meeting at St Nicholas’ Beverley - input from 20-40s ‘Multiply’ team and from John Day

regarding Come and See in March 2020

-Deanery Ceilidh at the Memorial Hall on the 25th October

-January meeting at Beverley Minster Parish Hall - Come and See planning and sharing

-12th to 15th March was our Come and See weekend with the team from Newcastle

-Then our Churches closed for the main lockdown from the 22nd March and we cancelled all

subsequent Deanery Gathering meetings for this year given the unknowns of what is sensible and

necessary regarding meeting in person.

We did a significant amount of culture change in the Deanery in 19/20 in moving away from a

business model of Deanery Synod to a more worship and community focus of the Deanery

Gathering. It all seems like another time but it wasn’t even a year ago.

Restoration Appeal

2019 was a landmark year in the restoration of St Mary’s. In March we were awarded a grant of

£421,000 by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and in June we received a major donation

amounting to £208,518. This enabled works on the first phase – to restore the badly eroded

stonework of the North Nave Clerestory – to begin in October. The main contractor is Matthias

Garn Master Mason & Partner, an artisan firm of stonemasons whose workshop is in Full

Sutton. A highlight of the project is the carving of 14 characters from the Chronicles of Narnia by

CS Lewis. Permission for that was received from the estate of the author during the year. The

works are scheduled to complete in the autumn of 2020. Work is underway to raise funds

necessary to restore the South Nave Clerestory during 2021 and we are optimistic that we will be

in a position to proceed with this second phase in the restoration of the church as planned.

Bosses Education/Outreach - Dr Jennie England

Jennie England was appointed as the Heritage Learning Officer on 9th September 2019. In the

following three months significant progress was made for the education and outreach elements of

Curious Carvings: preserved and interpreted project.

The vision for the project, as defined by the Project Steering Group, is: “bringing to life the

extraordinary heritage of St Mary’s ceiling bosses, stimulating the renaissance of the church’s

identity, role, and relevance in the community.”

This aim will be met through four objectives:

1. To ensure that all visitors to St Mary’s are aware of the bosses;

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2. For St Mary’s Church to develop and implement clear and appropriate resources for audiences

to view, understand, and engage meaningfully with the bosses;

3. For St Mary’s Church to work in partnership to engage new audiences in accessible ways;

For St Mary’s Church to invite all audiences to respond to the heritage, through providing their

own ideas, interpretation, and feedback.

Between September – December 2019, the principal focus points were objectives #1, #2, and #3.

Activities related to these objectives have included: the production of publicity materials promoting

the bosses and the project; introducing new items into the Church in order to aid visitor’s access

to and understanding of the bosses; engaging new audience members through social media, and

in partnership with other events and organisations.

In addition to these activities, auxiliary resources have been developed to support the project and

its outcomes. These resources have been related to volunteer training and the development of

robust systems of evaluation. This three-month period has also included careful planning for

coming resources and activities, with a particular focus on reaching new audiences in our local


Friends report – Margaret Hairsine

I am happy to report a small but nonetheless welcome in the numbers of ‘Friends’. The committee

has met on four occasions since the last APCM and we had a very successful and interesting visit

to the East Riding College on the Flemingate complex. This was hosted by John Doris, lately

retired Vice Principal of the College. John explained the philosophy behind the construction of the

building and the inclusivity it brought. Very impressive is the fact that all the windows have superb

views of the Minster. The visit concluded with lunch prepared and served in the college training

restaurant by students – and very good it was too.

The AGM in November was again well attended as Roland Dellar, Development Officer, explained

the work which needs doing to restore St Mary’s and the outline timetable over the next 10 years.

This was followed by a talk from Jennie England expanding on the ‘Bosses’ project over the next

three years.

The major project for the ‘Friends’ in the last years has been provision of the new, purple, altar

frontal. This was dedicated on Advent Sunday.

A future project, led by Carli Black and open to all is the tidying of headstones in the Molescroft

Road cemetery. Most of the headstones are currently illegible as they are untidy and covered with

ivy. Many are of historical interest and welcomers are often asked about them.

It is hoped to have a Spring outing, as usual, venue to be confirmed.

Tower Report – Dave Wilson

2019 has been a steady year at St Mary’s with the local band ringing for most of the Sunday

Services. The evening quarter peals have resulted in a variety of traditional methods and we are

grateful to those friends who have joined the band for these sessions. We are particularly

grateful to Helen and Gary Audley and to Jenny Hastings who have rung in the majority of the

attempts. A total of 26 quarter peals were scored, including one on the new twelve.

Wedding ringing continues to be a challenge with an ever increasing number mid-week. Once

again we have been able to draw on ringers from other towers for which we are grateful. The

bells were rung for 20 wedding celebrations. To assit in wedding planning we have created a post

of Wedding Co-ordinator and are grateful to Ann Hughes for undertaking this role.

We are very fortunate to receive the full support of the Vicar and PCC in all we do at St Mary’s

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and, in addition to Service and wedding ringing, the bells have been rung for Civic occasions and

made available for visiting bands, including the B&D.

We were particularly pleased to welcome members of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths in

July on the occasion of their summer “Country Day”. At a rough count 80 ringers stayed in

Beverley for the weekend and peals were scored at nearly all the towers in the area. Ringing took

place at St Mary Beverley followed by service tea and a quiz social evening hosted by the St

Mary’s band; the quiz presented by Neville Pailing and Pauline Barton.

Further work on the bell installation continues to be undertaken but recruitment still remains to be

tackled. The band membership remains strong but, as many are now retired, the opportunities to

enjoy holidays and follow other interests, naturally reduces the band attendance from time to time.

Having said that, on balance, all is good at Beverley St Marys and we look forward to a healthy


At our AGM in November the following Officers were elected for 2020 -

Ringing Master John Atkinson

Assistant Ringing Master Neil Donovan

Secretary David Wilson

Treasurer Christopher Munday

Wedding Co-ordinator Ann Hughes

Steeple Keeper James Blackburn

Church Welcoming Team - Carole Crossland and Rosemary Williams

The role of Church Welcomers is to greet, visitors and tourists to St Mary’s, with a smile, and to

point out some of the many special features of our 900 year old building. We have around 50

Welcomers covering one-hour slots Mon-Sat 11am-3pm winter and 11am until 4pm summer

months. The team also supports Open Days and special events for Beverley Festival of

Christmas, The Tour de Yorkshire and Heritage Open Days weekend. The latter which Jacqui

Dickinson organised Culture Volunteers to join us which is of real benefit to us.

In 2019 the people visiting St Mary’s has increased again to 25,622 adults and 2,089 children.

This is an increase on figures recorded for 2018 of 3,693 adults and 841 children.

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers and to our ‘trainers’, David Warren, Pam Hopkins,

Jenny England, Roland Deller and also the Ringing Team who do the bell tower and roof tours for


We have monthly social Coffee Mornings at Ali’s or in Church where we catch up with each other

over coffee and cake, exchange information or have a guided tour of one part of the church. In

December we had a lovely supper party at Ali and Martin’s home.

Thank you to Mike Hatfield who co-ordinated the rota until recently. Currently Rosemary, Tony

and Carole share this task, but we would like at least one more person to join us. Could it be you?

We would love you to join our Welcomers Team so that we can have two people on duty together.

Please speak to Ali or any of the Welcomers on duty. Church is very busy with the stonemason

team working but we remain open and the scaffolding seems to be drawing people in to see

what’s going on. All this and good reports on Trip Advisor as well!


Creative Outreach Group – Wilf Fowler

The Creative Outreach Group was formed at the PCC’s September 2018 meeting, consisting of

Ali Doolan, Judith Fleming, Wilf Fowler, David Warren and Rosemary Williams. It adopted the

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following verse from Matthew’s Gospel to inspire its discussions:

‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of

the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I

am with you always, to the close of the age’ Matthew 28 v 19-20

The group has diminished in number over this year and a new task group was formed in

December 2019 to assist with the Come & See mission to be held between 12 – 15 March 2020.

This group consisted of David Bowden, Sophie Day, Wilf Fowler, Keith Gilson, Gill Gregory,

Jackie Hardman, Becky Lumley, Lynn Pratt and David Warren. The group has met on four

occasions in order to plan the events for the mission. The events planned include those to be

held prior to the mission, those during the mission and those after the mission. At the time of

writing (18 February 2020) two further meetings have been scheduled.

The Creative Outreach Group is an ever-evolving group and we would welcome any one with a

desire to be involved in Creative Outreach for St Mary’s. This could be by participation in the

group or the submission of ideas to reach those people in our community who have not yet

received the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Pastoral Team report - Ali Doolan/Andrea Laird

The Pastoral Team was officially commissioned on Easter Day 2018.

This Easter we are delighted that Lorraine Goodare and Micki West, will also be officially

commissioned as Team members. Both have recently completed the Recognised Parish

Assistants Course. We now have six RPAs on the Team - Anita, Wayne, Jo Boulter, Steve Clark,

Lorraine and Micki. All clergy are part of the Team.

Our record keeping is carefully monitored by Andrea Laird so that it can be coordinated and

allocated according to need. The records demonstrate that work has trebled since this time last

year.Two-thirds of Pastoral work is face-to-face contact. There are now 44 people on our

Pastoral List for regular pastoral care.

Pastoral Team members work in 5 of the local Care homes. These are Abbeyfield, Parklands,

Claremont, Beverley Grange and Lindum House - we hold monthly services in three of them. The

number of people who take communion in the care homes has escalated since we started,

and we are now giving communion to up to 30 people in a month (we started off with four). We

are seeing a growth in this aspect of the pastoral work; more residents are attending the

services. Once again, one of the residents who has come to faith will be baptised in March. Visits

to those who cannot make services or who are ill, take place at other times of the day, or other

days during the week. We now help facilitate a monthly meeting in Parklands, to support relatives

and engage in discussion. One of the fruits of this is that we are seeing relatives now beginning

to share experiences and support one another. A memorial service was held at Parklands for one

of the residents whom we had cared for; this was a first. It meant that those who had worked or

lived with the resident could share their experience of loss.

Pastoral Team members are represented in each congregation and are available at each of the

different services. Pew Watchers at the services are alert to absences and contact the Team

regularly and a visiting team comprising church members is also naturally evolving.

The Pastoral Team works closely with the Prayer Ministry Team. The pastoral representative

who provides the link for this aspect of our ministry is Jane Lumb.

Anita Norman is the member of the Team who as a qualified counsellor, specialising in

bereavement, has supported a number of people over the last year.

Since reporting to the AGM in 2018, a number of our members enjoyed a Quiet Day together at

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Wydale .

The Team again facilitated “Gravetalk”; this was run in partnership with Beverley Minster. It was

well attended and, by request, was followed up with a session on “Planning your own funeral


A psychiatrist with particular expertise in working with people suffering from dementia provided

some dementia awareness training for the Team.

Anita Norman facilitated bereavement training and Jan Fowler led training on Listening. James

Trowsdale, one of the Chaplains at Hull Royal has talked to the Team about his work. As a result

there is a stronger link and better communication with the Chaplain when members of the church

have been in hospital.

Teams function well when they are prayerful and support one another. As a Team we have

meaningful relationships and fellowship, sharing in our love for Christ. For this reason we try to

meet monthly; those of us who share in the responsibility of overseeing the Team’s work meet

more regularly.

We would like to thank the Team for their hard work and self giving service to others. Their gift of

time spent to come alongside others in Christ is precious. Bearing another’s burdens, loving

and supporting people through loneliness, sickness, grief and more, comes at a high price

personally. We thank God for the amazing work that He is doing through the Team and pray that

we will continue to be equipped, gifted, enabled and energised by being grounded in God’s word

and love for us.

Targets for 2020

To develop our links with the Care homes, and support for both staff and family members.

To improve our understanding of how to care for the dying.

To extend Grave talk, and offer other opportunities, for people to prepare for their own

death, and that of a loved one.

To induct and support new members of the Pastoral Team.

To develop our confidence in how to pray alongside others.

Vicars Report It is almost impossible to know how to start this Vicars Report. I am writing after lockdown, and it is hard to remember what happened before. This years events have been so momentous for individuals and for the church that it’s hard to remember what life used to be like. When I am able to cast my mind back to pre-lockdown I am reminded of the wonderful things that were happening; from the Phase 1 Building Project which has turned our church into a national and international place of interest and more importantly has connected spirituality with stonework, to the beginning of Messy Church, the growth of the Praise Service and the excitement of reaching out in new forms of mission - we had a wonderful year.


Phase 1 of the building restoration allowed us to consider what theme we would like when replacing the damaged carvings on the North Nave Clerestory. After much deliberation, we loved the theme of Narnia. We wanted something that would connect the deep spirituality found in Christianity with contemporary culture, and we recognise that Narnia is still an important part of peoples imagination. We explored this theory further by talking to students at East Riding College, and it turned out that they love Narnia. We could see how the building could become a place for mission and outreach, as we use it to tell the Christian story that is found in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. Over the last few months we have seen the carvings emerge, made with such beauty and skill and we know that they tell the story that we wish to tell of hope

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over despair, light over darkness and Jesus’ victory over death. We will continue to build on this work and find creative ways of doing it during Covid. Mission In terms of mission we started a regular new outreach through our Messy Church . We have celebrated the amazing work of the Church Lads and Church Girl’s Bridge as they undertook a wonderful renovation of their headquarters under the management and guidance of Tony Wood. We celebrated. We gathered for meals and discussion, to watch films and explore faith, and to consider how we might best share our faith. We welcomed the Northern Bishop’s Mission and developed new relationships with our secondary schools. We continued to reach out through occasional offices and through our connections with St Mary’s primary school. Community Shortly after lockdown we commended the wonderful David Smith and Sarah Humphries to God’s care and sent our prayers with the Revd Ali Doolan as she moved to pastures new. I am reminded of the verses from Ecclesiastes 3—’There is a time for everything and season for every activity…’. Keeping the community together post lockdown is difficult but that will no doubt fill next year’s report. Vision Throughout we have tried to keep focussed on our vision – ‘Making Disciples’ and Ed led some excellent work which enabled us to think about how we turn our vision into reality. There is some way to go to implement this properly, but we are committed to enhancing the structures of the church in order to enable growth. Since lockdown Since lockdown we have held onto with deep conviction to Jesus’ promise, ‘..and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age’ Matthew 28.20 and have done all we can to reach out and continue the mission and ministry of God’s church here in Beverley. More of that in next year’s report. But for now, I must close by saying thank you to all who have served others in the church in these extraordinary times – In no particular order… and with recognition that there will always be unintended omissions (sorry)…. To our wardens (Beverley, David, Gill, Janet) To our musicians (especially Berry, Andrew and Kathryn) To ministry team and RPA’s To our children and youth leaders To Roland and the development team To the PCC member and office holders To our administrator (Catherine) and Lynn To our treasurer To our home group and prayer group / circle leaders And to all who have encouraged and enabled the light of Christ to shine in our church Thank you

Preserve us, O God, while waking, and guard us while sleeping,

that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep may rest in your peace. Amen

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

The trustees present their report with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended

31 December 2019. The trustees have adopted the provisions of Accounting and Reporting by

Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts

in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland

(FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2015).

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish Church of St Mary, Beverley is a charity

registered with the Charity Commission.

It is also known by the name of 'St Mary's PCC'.

St Mary's Church, North Bar Within, Beverley, is part of the Diocese of York within the Church of



Objectives and Activities

St Mary's PCC has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent, in promoting in the

ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and

ecumenical. It also has maintenance responsibilities for the Church and Parish Hall of St Mary's,


Public benefit

All trustees are made aware of the guidance issue by the Charity Commission on Public Benefit.

Trustees have regard to this guidance in carrying out their work in furtherance of the charity's


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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Church attendance

There are 204 people now registered on the Electoral Roll. The average weekly attendance on

‘normal Sunday’ was 190 adults and 34 children. The total number attending worship over Easter

was 782. Over Christmas 4322 people attended a service.

Review of the year During 2019 there were 5 full PCC meetings, with an average attendance of 15 members (65 % attendance).

At each meeting a report was provided by the Treasurer and a report on activities regarding the

church building and churchyard was provided by the Churchwardens. The PCC also welcomed a

number of updates on St Mary’s Bosses Project, funded by the NLHF by

the church’s Development Manager, Roland Deller.

Brief summary of issues addressed by the PCC during 2019

On 17th January members discussed the PCC’s creative outreach vision, focusing on how the

church can encourage others to attend by developing meaningful and welcoming engagement for

all. David Coates was voted in as the new Stewardship Secretary, and long standing member,

Judith Fleming stepped down from her role as churchwarden.

On the 7th March, the PCC there were updates on arrangement for Holy Week. The

churchwardens informed the PPC of the visit from the HLF, and the anticipated announcement

that funding had been allocated as part of the Bosses Project.

Following the Annual Parochial Council Meeting on 24thMarch, David Warren, Gill Gregory and

Beverley Lawrence were re-elected as churchwardens, and Janet Osgerby was elected as the

fourth churchwarden. See the Trustee reports for other posts agreed unanimously.

Vicar, Beck Lumley, went on to talk about the church growth and continued development,

especially the good work that had been achieved through the Young People’s Group and the

practical outreach.

In the meeting of 6th June, the PCC unanimously voted to purchase an electronic payment

machine, to increase for payments and donations. Gill Gregory spoke about a new way for the

visions groups to work, increasing communication and effectiveness over a broader reach. The

Children and Youth Workers new role was discussed, with interviews arranged for shortlisted

candidates later in June. It was announced that the church and been successful in securing HLF

Funding, meaning that plans for the Bosses Project and repairs to the North Clerestory could

begin later in 2019. A second phase of restoration would start in 2020 to the south clerestory,

and there was a revival of the Two Churches One Town Partnership with Beverley Minster. Designs for the new grotesques from students at East Riding College were shared and discussed.

Images from the books of CS Lewis were adapted as part of the project. Becky Lumley

announced the exciting news that a new position of Education and Learning Officer had been

created as part

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

of the Bosses Project community engagement strategy.

The PCC unanimously agreed for an application of a faculty for the repair to several stained glass

windows, notably the east window.

It was announced on 5th September, that Dr Jennie England had been appointed as the new

Education and Learning Officer and that representatives of CS Lewis had approved the use of

images for the new grotesques. Improvement to the church hall were agreed, and the council are

in talks with the church to see how we can join the memorial garden next to the east side

curtilage, the joining the two grounds together. The Vicar outlined a new strategy to engage

Children and Young People, something highlighted as needed by the Diocese and wider church.

On November 24th, all members present carried out a fire drill practice. A report from Roland

Deller informed the PCC that we were awaiting approval of the grotesque images from the DAC.

The stone carving of the bosses would eventually be carried out by Matthias Garn and his

stonemasons. A further 10 year plan was announced, that would include the extensive repair to

the tower. A number of resolutions were passed by members including the installation of handrails

to the west steps, disposal of pews and cupboards, a doorway to be erected in to the south side

of the church hall and the refurbishment of the kitchen.

Plans were discussed for the upcoming period of advent.

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Financial Position

The overall result for the General Unrestricted Fund, before taking into account unrealised investment gains, was a

gain of £3,394. Total receipts were £182,152 and are detailed in the financial statements, this was in decrease of

£6,411 on the previous year of £188,563. Total expenditure for the unrestricted fund was 178,758 so an increase

on £146,764 for 2018.

The Parish Freewill Offering of £71,400 was paid in full to the Diocese.

After accounting for losses on investment assets the General Fund Balance as at 31st December 2019 increased by

£64,250 to £453,063.

Total Income throughout all the PCC Funds was £529,140 and expenditure was £383,310 a surplus of £145,830

which is an increase of £388,415 from 2018. However we had a legacy of £500,000 in 2018, in 2019 we had a

donation of £200,000. Details of the specific restricted fund balance changes are recorded in note 10 in the Notes

to the Financial Statements.

The balance of all PCC Funds at 31st December 2019 stood at £2,232,482 an increase of £441,165 on the year, due

to the donation we received.

Reserves policy

It is PCC policy to maintain a balance on the unrestricted fund, invested or on deposit, to provide interest income to

the General Fund as current income from all other sources does not meet the expenditure required to pay for the

general running of the church.

It is PCC policy to maintain a balance in the Restoration Fund, Organ Fund, Tower Bell Fund and the Parish Hall

Management Fund to pay for essential work on the maintenance of the fabric of the Church, Organ, Tower Bells and

Parish Hall respectively.


Governing document

The Charity, which is an unincorporated body, is controlled by its governing document, which is the Parochial

Church Council Powers Measure (1956), as amended and Church Representation Rules.

Recruitment and appointment of new trustees

The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. All Church attendees

are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the PCC.


Registered Charity number


Principal address

St Mary's Church

North Bar Within


East Yorkshire

HU17 8DL

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


PCC members who have served from 1st January 2019 until the date this report was approved


Incumbent: The Revd Rebecca Alison Lumley (Chairman)

Curate: The Revd Alison Doolan

Reader: Mr. Stephen Parkin

Wardens: Beverley Lawrence, Gill Gregory, David Warren and Janet Osgerby

Deanery Synod Members: Joanne Boulter, Ed Norman, Stephen Clarke

Elected Members

Sara Baxter Mark Merryweather

Jenny Cattermole Sue Merryweather

John Constable Richard Mattock

Vivienne Cooling Margaret Roberts

Wilf Fowler Ray Rumkee

Emma Holdstock Micki West

Anne Mansfield

Treasurer: Mrs Anne Mansfield

Independent examiner

Adrian M Allen ICAEW

Sowerby Chartered Accountant

Beckside Court

Annie Reed Road


East Yorkshire

HU17 0LF

Address for Correspondence: The correspondence address is St Mary's Vicarage, 15 Molescroft

Road, Beverley HU17 7DX.

Approved by order of the board of trustees on 29 September 2020 and signed on its behalf by:


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Independent Examiner’s report to the Trustees of The Parochial Parish of St Mary, Beverley

I report to the charity trustees on my examination of the accounts of the The Parochial Church Council of

the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Mary, Beverley (the Trust) for the year ended 31 December 2019. Responsibilities and basis of report

As the charity trustees of the Trust you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance

with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011 ('the Act').

I report in respect of my examination of the Trust's accounts carried out under section 145 of the Act and

in carrying out my examination I have followed all applicable Directions given by the Charity Commission

under section 145(5)(b) of the Act.

Independent examiner's statement Since your charity's gross income exceeded £250,000 your examiner must be a member of a listed body. I

can confirm that I am qualified to undertake the examination because I am a registered member of

ICAEW which is one of the listed bodies.

I have completed my examination. I confirm that no material matters have come to my attention in

connection with the examination giving me cause to believe that in any material respect:

1. accounting records were not kept in respect of the Trust as required by section 130 of the Act;

2. or the accounts do not accord with those records; or

3. the accounts do not comply with the applicable requirements concerning the form and content

of accounts set out in the Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 other than any

requirement that the accounts give a true and fair view which is not a matter considered as part

of an independent examination. I confirm that there are no other matters to which your attention should be drawn to enable a proper

understanding of the accounts to be reached.

Adrian M Allen



Chartered Accountants

Beckside Court Annie Reed Road Beverley East Yorkshire HU17 0LF 29th September 2020

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STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY for year ending 31st December 2019

Notes Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total

Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018

£ £ £ £ £

Income and

Endowments from

Donations and legacies 134,162 297,157 431,319 879,333

Charitable Activities

Church Activities 13,268 0 13,268 13,801

Other trading activities 2 12,247 21,390 33,637 33,735

Investment income 3 22,475 28,441 50,916 32,890

Total 182,152 346,988 529,140 959,759


Raising funds 4,209 1,190 5,399 4,483

Charitable Activities

Church Activities 174,549 203,362 377,911 421,031

Total 178,758 204,552 0 383,310 425,514

Net gains (losses) on 60,856 159,011 75,468 295,335 -57,974

Net income 64,250 301,447 75,468 441,165 476,271


Total Funds brought 388,813 980,417 422,087 1,791,317 1,315,046

Total funds carried 453,063 1,281,864 497,555 2,232,482 1,791,317

The notes form part of these

financial statements

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BALANCE SHEET as at 31st December 2019

Note Unrestricted Restricted Endowment





Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018

£ £ £ £ £

Fixed Assets

Investment 6 386198 1007248 497555 1891001 1,595,665

Current Assets

Stock 7 1494 1494 1760

Debtors 8 4455 12015 16470 16195

Cash at Bank 76435 262601 339036 191,552

82384 274616 0 357000 209,507


Amounts falling due within one 9 15519 15519 13,855

Net Current Assets/Liabilities 66865 274616 0 341481 195,652

Total assets less current liabilities 453063 1281864 497555 2232482 1,791,317

TOTAL NET ASSETS 453063 1281864 497555 2232482 1,791,317


Unrestricted 453063 388,813

Restricted 1281864 980,417

Endowment 497555 422,087

2232482 1,791,317

Approved by the Parochial Church Council on 29th September 2020 and signed on its

by Rev. R A Lumley (PCC Chair)

The notes form part of these

financial statements

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Basis of preparing the financial statements

The financial statements of the charity, which is a public benefit entity under FRS 102, have been

prepared in accordance with the Charities SORP (FRS 102) 'Accounting and Reporting by Charities:

Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with

the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1

January 2015)', Financial Reporting Standard 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK

and Republic of Ireland' and the Charities Act 2011. The financial statements have been prepared under

the historical cost convention with the exception of investments which are included at market value, as

modified by the revaluation of certain assets.

The financial statements include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in

law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body nor

those that are informal gatherings of Church members.

The financial statements also comply with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006.

The presentation currency of the financial statements is the Pound Sterling (£).

Having regard to liquidity risk, current market conditions and other factors affecting the charity, the use of

the going concern basis of accounting is appropriate as, in the opinion of the trustees, there are no

material uncertainties related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt about the ability of the

charity to continue as a going concern.


All income is recognised in the Statement of Financial Activities once the charity has entitlement to the

funds, it is probable that the income will be received and the amount can be measured reliably.

In more detail:

Planned giving, collections and donations are recognised when received.

Tax refunds are recognised when the incoming resource to which they related is received.

Grants and Legacies are accounted for when the PCC is legally entitled to the amounts due.

Dividends are accounted for when receivable; interest is accrued.

All other income is recognised when it is receivable.

All incoming resources are accounted for gross.

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Resources expended

Liabilities are recognised as expenditure as soon as there is a legal or constructive obligation committing

the charity to that expenditure, it is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required in

settlement and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

Expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classified under headings that aggregate

all cost related to the category. Where costs cannot be directly attributed to particular headings they have

been allocated to activities on a basis consistent with the use of resources.

In more detail:

Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over, or when awarded, if that award creates a binding

or constructive obligation on the PCC.

The diocesan parish share is accounted for when due.

Amounts received specifically for mission are dealt with as restricted funds.

All other expenditure is generally recognised when it is incurred and is accounted for gross.


Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value, after making due allowance for obsolete

and slow moving items.


The charity is exempt from tax on its charitable activities.

Fund accounting

Unrestricted funds can be used in accordance with the charitable objectives at the discretion of the


Restricted funds represent a) income from trusts or endowments which may be expended only on those

restricted objects provided in the terms of the trust or bequest, and b) donations or grants received for a

specific object or invited by the PCC for a specific object. The funds may only be expended on the specific

object for which they were given. Any balance remaining unspent at the end of the year must be carried

forward as the balance of that fund. The PCC does not usually invest separately for each fund. Where

there is no specific investment, interest is apportioned to individual funds on an average balance basis.

Endowment funds are funds, the capital of which must be maintained; only income arising from

investment of the endowment may be used either as restricted or unrestricted funds, depending on the

purpose for which the endowment was established.

Further explanation of the nature and purpose of each fund is included in the notes to the financial


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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Fixed assets

Consecrated or benefice property is not included in the accounts in accordance with s.96

(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993.

Moveable church furnishings held by the Vicar and Churchwardens on special trust for

the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal are inalienable property, listed in the

church inventory, which can be inspected (at any reasonable time). For anything ac-

quired prior to 2000 there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such

assets are not valued in the financial statements.

Items of Church equipment are written off in the year in which they are purchased.

Fixed Asset Investments

Investments are valued at market value at 31st December 2019.


2019 2018

£ £

Fundraising 7875 11,850

Church & Parish Hall letting 22787 17,942

Bookstall 2975 3,943

33637 33,735

2019 2018


Investment income 50916 32,890


There were no trustees' remuneration or other benefits, nor expenses

paid, for the year ended 31 December 2019 nor for the year ended 31

December 2018.

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total

Funds Funds Funds 2018

£ £ £ £

Income and Endowments from

Donations and legacies 138,130 741,203 879,333

Charitable Activities

Church Activities 13,801 13,801

Other trading activities 18,404 15,331 33,735

Investment income 18,228 14,662 32,890

Total 188,563 771,196 959,759


Raising funds 3,568 915 4,483

Charitable Activities

Church Activities 143,196 277,835 421,031

Total 146,764 278,750 0 425,514

Net gains (losses) on investments -4,954 -37,629 -15,391 -57,974

Net income 36,845 454,817 -15,391 476,271


Total Funds brought forward 351,968 525,600 437,478 1,315,046

Total Funds carried forward 388,813 980,417 422,087 1,791,317.00

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019





At 1st January 2019 1,595,665



Revaluations 295,335

At 31st December 2019 1,891,000


At 31st December 2019 1,891,000

There were no investments outside the UK


2019 2018

£ £

1,494 1,760


Other Debtors 16,470 16,195


Other Creditors 15,519 13,855

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


Net movement

At 1/1/19 in funds At 31/12/19

£ £ £

Unrestricted funds

General fund 388,813 64,250 453,063

Restricted funds

Restoration Fund 841,951 263,613 1,105,564

Organ Fund 55,052 13,442 68,494

Parish Hall 37,057 4,144 41,201

Tower Fund 14,039 4,558 18,597

Other Restricted Fund 12,207 -285 11,922

Bosses Project 20,111 15,975 36,086

980,417 301,447 1,281,864

Endowment funds

Restoration Fund 165,343 35,294 200,637

Organ Fund 77,240 6,598 83,838

Endowment Fund 179,504 33,576 213,080

422,087 75,468 497,555

TOTAL FUNDS 1,791,317 441,165 2,232,482

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

10 MOVEMENT IN FUNDS - continued

Net movement in funds, included in the above are as follows:

Incoming Resources Gains and Movement

resources Expended Losses in Funds

Unrestricted funds £ £ £ £

General fund 182,152 -178,758 60,856 64,250

Restricted funds

Restoration Fund 202,654 -83,880 144,839 263,613

Organ Fund 5,622 7,820 13,442

Parish Hall 20,079 -19,795 3,860 4,144

Tower Fund 2,639 -573 2,492 4,558

Other Restricted Fund 6,680 -6,965 0 -285

Bosses Project 109,314 -93,339 15,975

346,988 -204,552 159,011 301,447

Endowment funds

Restoration Fund

35,294 35,294

Organ Fund 6,598 6,598

Endowment Fund 33,576 33,576

75,468 75,468

TOTAL FUNDS 529,140 -383,310 295,335 441,165

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

10 MOVEMENT IN FUNDS - continued


Net movement

At 1/1/18 in funds At 31/12/18

£ £ £

Unrestricted funds

General fund 351,968 36,845 388,813

Restricted funds

Restoration Fund 393,799 448,152 841,951

Organ Fund 51,164 3,888 55,052

Parish Hall 32,838 4,219 37,057

Tower Fund 35,554 -21,515 14,039

Other Restricted Fund 12,245 -38 12,207

Bosses Project 0 20,111 20,111

525,600 454,817 980,417

Endowment funds

Restoration Fund 171,734 -6,391 165,343

Organ Fund 83,507 -6,267 77,240

Endowment Fund 182,237 -2,733 179,504

437,478 -15,391 422,087

TOTAL FUNDS 1,315,046 476,271 1,791,317

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019

Comparative Net movement in funds, included in the above are as follows:

2018 2018 2018 2018

Incoming Resources Gains and Movement

resources Expended Losses in Funds

Unrestricted funds £ £ £ £

General fund 188,563 -146,764 -4,954 36,845

Restricted funds

Restoration Fund 652,484 -168,448 -35,884 448,152

Organ Fund 4,532 -644 3,888

Parish Hall 20,212 -15,679 -314 4,219

Tower Fund 31,244 -51,972 -787 -21,515

Other Restricted Fund 8,674 -8,712 -38

Bosses Project 54,050 -33,939 20,111

771,196 -278,750 -37,629 454,817

Endowment funds

Restoration Fund -6,391 -6,391

Organ Fund -6,267 -6,267

Endowment Fund -2,733 -2,733

-15,391 -15,391

TOTAL FUNDS 959,759 -425,514 -57,974 476,271

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for the Year Ended 31 December 2019


The restricted funds comprise the Restoration Fund, the Organ Fund, the Tower Bell Ringing Fund, the

HLF Fund and the Parish Hall Management Fund. In addition monies in the General Restricted Fund

relating to the Flower Fund, the Garden Fund and The Music Fund.

Endowment Funds comprise of the following :-

The Walker Bequest Endowment which holds 9368.79 units in the CBF Investment Fund.

The Morley Bequest Endowment which holds 1747 units in the CBF Investment Fund. The Walker and

Morley Bequests are allocated to the General Fund and the interest can be used for the general running of

the church.

In addition there are a number of endowment funds allocated to the Restoration Fund, these comprise of

3,254.149 units in the Charishare Common Investment Fund, 362.82 units in COIF Charities Investment

Funds Accumulation Units and 3266.89 units in the CBF Investment Fund.

The Organ Fund has an endowment fund comprising of Compass shares, Prudential shares, Vodafone

shares, United Utility shares and CBF Investment Fund Units.

The Restoration Appeal raised £2,132 including tax recovered from gift aid donations, making a total of

£123,690 in the appeal fund. The Restoration Fund balance, excluding endowment funds, increased by

£263,613 due to an anonymous donation of £200,000 but this is intended to be used for match funding for

the Bosses Project as the project progresses. The total in the fund is now £1,105,564 including the

Restoration Appeal money .

The Organ Fund had income of £3,413 which includes its proportion of wall safe giving. The Organ Fund

Balance increased to £68,494, in addition there is £83,838 in the Eric Bielby Organ Endowment Fund

Parish Hall lettings were £18,700 as opposed to £15,403 in 2018. Total income in the Parish Hall

Fund was £20,079. Expenditure on the Hall was £19,795 making a profit of £284. New Blinds, and new

worktop in the kitchen were fitted. The Hall balance increased to £41,201.

The Tower bell Fund balance stands at £18,597.

Other Restricted Funds includes £571 in the Flower Fund and £8780 in the Music Fund. There is also

£626 remaining in the Defibrillator fund


There were no related party transactions for the year ended 31st December 2019

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Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total

Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018

£ £ £ £ £


Donations and Legacies

Planned giving - Gift Aid Donation 64207 1955 66162 92140

Gift Aid (Tax Recoverable) 18122 756 18878 53882

Legacies 10400 23380 33780 503555

Grants & Insurance Claims 0 5811

Other Planned giving 0 0

Plate Collections 20821 248 21069 23364

Donations, appeals etc 20612 270818 291430 200581

431319 879333

Other Trading Activities

Fund raising 5185 2690 7875 11850

Church letting and Parish Hall Lettings 4087 18700 22787 17942

Bookstall 2975 2975 3943

33637 33735

Investment Income

Investment Income 22475 28441 50916 32890

Charitable activities

PCC Fees 13268 13268 13801

Total Incoming Resources 182152 346988 529140 959759


Raising Donations and legacies

Costs of Stewardship 0 0 316

Other Trading Activities

Bookstall 1551 1551 1994

Fund raising expenses 29982 1190 31172 16973

(of which 27131 is Development Director) 32723 18967

Charitable Activities

Mission & Charitable Giving 1701 5721 7422 9386

Parish Share 71400 71400 69500

Church Upkeep 18729 11613 30342 32008

Office costs and Expenses of Incumbant 14574 2432 17006 14140

Vicarage 638 638 1139

Clergy Assistants 1096 1096 1100

Minor Maintainance & Repairs 9467 6323 15790 6424

Church Services 2697 270 2967 3682

Parish training, mission,education 4830 4830 5314

Major Church Repairs 10150 177003 187153 253513

Major Parish Hall Repairs 0 0

Honorarium - Choir, organists etc 10458 10458 8496

349102 404702

Support Costs

Governance costs

Accountancy and ind exam'n 1485 1485 1529

Total Resources Expended 178758 204552 383310 425514

Net Income before Gains or Losses 3394 142436 145830 534245

Realised recognised gains and losses 0 0

Realised gains(losses) on fixed asset invest-

ments 60856 159011 75468 295335 -57974

Net Income 64250 301447 75468 441165 476271

This page does not form part of the Statutory Financial Statements



for the Year Ended 31 December 2019
