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Performance Based Interactive Services

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Is this how it feels to work with an Interactive Agency?

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What if there was an Interactive Agency that:

Was Easy to Understand

Made it Easy to Manage Across Multiple Channels

Provided Measurable Results Across everything we touch

Turned Customer Interactions into Long-Term Relationships

And was, of course, Performance Based.

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What eAccountable wants to do for our clients:

Improve Conversions

Improve Customer Communications

Help Clients Gain Knowledge about their Customer

Used Direct Links

Continued to Deliver Results Oriented Performance Based Solutions.

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Why is eAccountable getting into the Interactive space?

Client requests

Availability of exceptional world-class social, mobile, email, survey and programming tools

Natural growth of company allows for adding more services

Experienced team

Performance orientation of the new services offers a unique opportunity to grow sales at a lower cost than standard agency pricing may be.

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About•Since January 2000- Over 12 Years of outsourced affiliate program management experience.•Serving 100+ client URL’s in diverse retail and service categories.•Work with all major tier-one affiliate networks: Google, CJ, Rakuten Linkshare, ShareASale, Pepperjam, AvantLink, AffiliateWindow and Webgains.•Special pricing and benefits when using the eAccountable agency relationships.

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Did you know how important Google considers social media?20% Social Signals – is your content being shared, are your URLs mentioned in social media?

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Outline of Services: What you get:

Unlock-an-Offer (Pre-purchase)

Unlock-an-Offer with Exit Pop (Stop Cart Abandonment)

Save-an-Offer with Email (Return a Customer- Stop Cart Abandonment)

Refer-a-Friend-an-Offer (Post-purchase)

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1Outline of Services: What you get: Unlock-an-Offer (Pre-purchase)

• Rollout can be immediate or timed (seconds).

• Providing an offer is the most effective conversion enhancer.

• A/B testing can be done to determine most effective messaging.

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1 Outline of Services: What you get: Unlock-an-Offer with Exit Pop (Stop Cart Abandonment)

• Pop-up occurs when visitor attempts to leave the site.

• Reminding the visitor of the offer is the most effective conversion enhancer.

• A/B testing can be done to determine most effective messaging.

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Outline of Services: What you get: Save-an-Offer with Email (Return a Customer- Stop Cart Abandonment)

• Email sent within 60 minutes or entering the site and NOT purchasing an item.

• Email does not have to include any incentive.

• A link to the abandoned cart can be integrated into the email.

• A/B testing can be done to determine most effective messaging.

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Outline of Services: Refer-a-Friend-an-Offer (Post-purchase)

• Refer-a-Friend pops-up simultaneously with the order confirmation page.

• A “like” request is made (if they haven’t already done so).

• A “share-an-offer” with friends” request is made.

• An offer is then forward to friends Facebook page.

• A/B testing can be done to determine most effective messaging.

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Outline of Services: What you get:

Mobile Branded Website

Mobile Shipping Notices

Live Tracking Data on Branded Mobile Site

Mobile Offers

Grow Mobile Number Captures

Includes: Apple iPhone/iPad integration, Android integration, Blackberry integration

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Did you know these mobile stats?:

Recent numbers: Mobile phones in US: 327,577,529

76% of smartphone owners use their phones while shopping.

Showrooming: 43% of U.S. adults have participated in showrooming. 48mm US shoppers will showroom.

IBM reported the number of consumers using their mobile device to make a purchase on Black Friday this year increased by nearly two-thirds from 2011. IBM reported mobile sales were up 96% compared to those in 2011 on Cyber Monday. Is it “mcommerce” or “tcommerce”?

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Outline of Services: What you get:

Thank you for your Purchase

Shipping notifications

Customer Satisfaction Survey Request

Refer-a friend Request

Customer retention and lifetime value enhancement communications

Specials and offers communications

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Outline of Services: What you get:

Customer Intelligence

Customer Satisfaction Indexing

Detailed Customer Feedback

Customer Identification (Profile)

Build your own Custom Panel of Customers so you can ask an ever-expanding group about pricing, brand comparisons, product comparables and more…

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Outline of Services: What you get:

“800” Pay-per-call tracking added to all creative banner and text ads for every service line: Social, Mobile, Email and more.

Performance tracking through the client’s call center.

Performance calculated on a minimum time duration for a successful sales call or a completed transaction (requires call center integration).

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Outline of Services: What you get:

Retargeting on a CPM basis

Keyword and Contextual Retargeting

Fully transparent

Real-time data

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All tracking is done using SEO favorable links

Links render as follows:


Ability to get even more specific:Social:

Simple setup processNO Network FeesNO Affiliate Fees

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Manage Messaging Across Multiple Online Channels:

• Simple and easy to use

• Live documents and spreadsheets

• Tab to different online channels to coordinate, even if the Agency isn’t managing a specific channel

• Provides specific media details for each channel and can be customized per Advertiser.

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How you know eAccountable:

About•Since January 2000- Over 12 Years of outsourced program management experience.•Serving 100+ client URL’s in diverse retail and service categories.•Providing blogging (social) services since 2004.•17,000+ company and personal Facebook followers.•900+ company and personal Linkedin Followers.•Significant design and programming experience.