
All that you should know about e hookah

Are you trying to stop smoking? Have you switched to electronic smoking from the traditional one?

Do you know the benefits of using e cigs over traditional cigarettes? Do you want to know about e

hookah? If the answers to each of the questions that are asked above are positive, you are certainly

at the perfect place at the perfect time.

The trend of e cigarettes in Birmingham and surrounding areas is spreading like a wild fire, and so is

the trend of e hookah. There are a lot of people who have tried it for some or the other reason;

whether it is just for the show off or for trying to quit traditional smoking.

The electronic hookah is getting popular these days; especially the shisha pen. They can easily fit

inside a small bag, thus being easily transportable. You can also take it wherever you go and enjoy

smoking wherever you want, as it is allowed in the no smoking zones too.

While shisha in UK is getting popular among the younger generation, you are the one who are not so

aware about it. So, if you want to know about it in detail, this one is going to be a good read for you.

It will tell you about its looks, working, ingredients, flavour, addiction as well as sources. So, let us

discuss about all these points in detail one by one.

When it comes to looks, just imagine an electronic cigarette. It is just the larger version of the e cig.

So, if you will imagine a large colourful e cig, you will be able to get a clear picture of electronic

hookah. The working is similar to the e cig; the only difference being it does not need to be turned

on. You can start inhaling and as you inhale, the e liquid in the atomiser gets heated up with the help

of battery and generates vapour which you breathe in.

When you go to purchase an e hookah, one of the major factors upon which your decision depends

is the flavour, which is a part of e liquid. So, let us talk about the e liquid. Well, it has got four

ingredients; water, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine and fruit flavouring. The taste depends

upon these fruit flavours which are available easily in market. There are several flavours in market

which include grape, cola, apple, banana, cherry, lemon and coconut, to name a few. So, you can

select the flavour as per your choice.

If you want to know that of it is addictive or not, the answer is not stable, as it varies from person to

person. The addiction depends upon the nicotine level. Some shisha have got zero nicotine, so you

do not get addicted to it. Some prefer to consume the ones that have got nicotine, so they might get

addicted to it. The levels are low (6 mg), medium (12 mg) and high (18 mg). You can either buy them

from the stores based in your area and you can also order them online.


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