Page 1: Allergy and Its Permanent Cure With Homeopathic Medicines _ Bashir Mahmud Ellias

Allergy and its permanent cure with homeopathic medicinesSelf treatment scheme for Allergy


Hi friends,

Take these five homeopathic medicines (as a cure for Allergy) according to my direction. I am optimistic that my formula will give a full cure for 99% of Allergy patients. Although few cases will not get full cure ; still they will get ten fold better result than any other healing systems. Take these medicines repeatedly in a cyclical way (i.e. after no. - 5 start again from no. - 1). Yea, it is better to take all homeopathic medicines in empty stomach ; but you can take them after meal if you

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forget. You can take these homeopathic medicines along with other allopathic or

herbal medicines (whether they may be tablet, capsule or injection). They will not cause any trouble. But it is better to take all homeopathic medicines half an hour before or after other medicines. Try to buy Germany or U.S.A. made homeopathic medicines. Vaccines are the root cause of allergy, so avoid all kinds of vaccines for rest of your life.

You can exclude any of these five medicines if it seems causing undesirable side-effects (like acidity, diarrhoea, pain, vomiting etc in extreme manner/ intolerable) or is not available in the local market. Continue rest of the medicines according to their suggested order or serial. Do not change my recommendation on potency and dose, but you can take the nearest potency if the recommended potency is not available in the local market. You should know that the names of the homeopathic medicines are universal (that means they could be found with the same name in every country). . You should take the lowest potency first and try to increase the potency gradually in next round if possible. In some rare

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cases, you may need to consult a homeopathic specialist to be able to use more precisely selected medicines (which best suit with your physical and mental make-up). You will need to take these medicines one or two round or little more for a full cure. Inshallah, My FORMULA will reverse your biological system to it's previous good condition (and consequently you will need not to take any Allergy medicines till death). When you are free from Allergy, then stop these five medicines.

Many people are writing to me enquiring how to collect these homeopathic medicine. These five homeopathic medicines Actually these are the most common homeo medicines. You can buy them from any homeopathic pharmacy. As far as I know, homeopathic medicines are available in most of the major cities in the world. If these are ,t availableno you can collect them by ordering

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to many companies over e-mail. n this regardsi , these following three links may greatly help you :-



(1) Thuja occidentalis 30/200/1M/10M (Take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills only one dose in friday.)

(2) Urtica urens Q/3x/6x/12x (Then take this homeopathic medicine 10 drops 3 times daily for 2 days.)

(2) Ferrum Phosphoricum 30/200 (Then take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills 2 times daily for 6 days.)

(3) Sulphur 30/200/1M/10M (Then take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills only one dose in next friday.)

(4) Calcarea phos 30/200 (Then take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills 2 times daily for 6 days.)

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(5) Bacillinum 30/200/1M/10M (Take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills only one dose in next friday. Now again start taking from no. 1 in similar rules [if necessary.)

    Try  to  buy  Germany  or  U.S.A.  made 

medicine.  Stop  the  medicine  for  a  few  days  if  your  disease  condition  aggravates.  Do  not  change  my  recommendation  on  potency  and  dose,  otherwise  you  may  get  no  benefit.  But  you  can  take  the  nearest  potency  if  the  recommended  potency  is  not  available  in  the  local  market.  Yea,  it  is  better  to  take  all  homeopathic  medicines  in  empty  stomach ;  but  you  can  take  them  after  meal  if  you  forget. 


warm  regards

Dr. Bashir Mahmud ElliasAuthor, Design specialist, Islamic researcher, Homeo consultant

13/Ka - K. M. Das Lane (1st floor),(west side of Humayon shahab's railgate & over Razia pharmacy)Tikatoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Mob : +880-01916038527 E-mail : [email protected] : http://bashirmahmudellias.blogspot.comWebsite :

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Aassalamu Aallaikum (The blessings and mercy of almighty ALLAH be upon you). Thank you so much for giving me opportunity to help you.


(1) Thuja occidentalis 200(Take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills every friday for 02 months.)

(2) Bacillinum 200(Take this homeopathic medicine 1 drop / 5 pills every month and in this way 3

dose in 3 months.

Try to buy Germany or U.S.A. made medicine. Stop the medicine for a few days if your disease condition aggravates. Do not change my recommendation on potency and dose, otherwise you may get no benefit. But you can take the nearest potency if the recommended potency is not available in the local market. Yea, it is better to take all homeopathic medicines in empty stomach ; but you can take them after meal if you forget. Write to me after 2 weeks with a brief account of changes you got from the medicine and then i will prescribe new medicines if necessary. For a follow-up advice you should send the old mail as a reply and remove unnecessary part of your mail for a speedy feedback.

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warm regardsDr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias


From: [email protected]: [email protected]: Cough & cold problemDate: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 02:07:45 +1100

Dear Sir,Assalamulaikum, how r u? i was fine mean time but now water fall down from nose & lil bit temperaturei hv dust allergy,pls suggest me what i can take

best regards




(1)   Pothos  foetida       30(Take  this  homeopathic  medicine  1  drop / 5  pills  03  times  daily   for   02  days  or  more.)