Download pdf - Alltel Tone and Demeanor

  • 8/14/2019 Alltel Tone and Demeanor


    Quality Program


    Tone and Demeanor

    C S A T

  • 8/14/2019 Alltel Tone and Demeanor



    Objectives At the end of this course, you will be able to:

    Understand the importance of excellent Tone and


    Understand why we are focusing on Tone and


    Define excellent Tone and Demeanor

    Understand the relationship between excellent Tone and

    Demeanor and our companys Reputation

    Understand the relationship between excellent Tone and

    Demeanor and First Call Resolution

    Recognize excellent Tone and Demeanor on customer


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    Warm Up Activity

    Sometimes its not what you say


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    Why is Excellent Tone and

    Demeanor Important? Improves our companys reputation

    Increases customer satisfaction, which creates customer


    Improves our customer survey results

    Creates personal satisfaction for you

    Impacts your ability to Raise the Bar for our customers

    Increases First Call Resolution Increases your personal performance results

    It fulfills The Customer Rules!

  • 8/14/2019 Alltel Tone and Demeanor



    Why are

    we focusing on

    Tone and


    A continued focus on improving Tone & Demeanor iscritical to the success of our organization, and AlltelsReputation

    Previous survey results show we have significant

    opportunity for improvement in this category. The Tone & Demeanor guidelines need to better describe

    and define Excellent Tone and Demeanor

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    Defining Excellent Tone and Demeanor

    Excellent Tone & Demeanor Criteria:

    When working with each of our customers,excellent Tone & Demeanor requires each ofthe following criteria to be displayed asappropriate for points to be awarded in thisperformance area. Not every Tone andDemeanor element is required on every call.

    Building RapportDisplaying Positive Energy

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    Defining Excellent Tone and Demeanor

    Using Sincere AER statements

    -Acknowledge the customers issue

    -Empathize with the customer

    -Reassure the customer you have the abilityto resolve the issue

    Defusing the Customers frustrations prior to jumping tothe solution

    Being Professional and Courteous We will now define each of these categories in detail

    on the following slides.

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    Build Rapport

    Create a harmonious relationship

    with your customer:

    Use positive phrasing and avoid

    negative words Use language that the customer

    can understand

    Appropriately match the customers

    tone (i.e. professional toprofessional, humor to humor)

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    Display Positive Energy Show your customer you are fully

    engaged and interested:

    Reinforce positive emotions and beenthusiastic

    Speak to the customer with sincerity

    Use inflection in your voice

    Dont sound apathetic or speak in amonotone

    Demonstrate your desire to help

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    Use Sincere AER statements You represent our company, and your caring for

    the customers issue will positively impact ourreputation.

    A Sincerely acknowledge a customersfrustration or concern, when appropriate.Apologize when appropriate.

    Be sure to paraphrase the customers issue tomake sure you understand it correctly.

    E Sincerely empathize with a customers issue,when appropriate

    Remember, one size does not fit all situations,and your approach needs to be tailored to the

    customers specific needs. Some customersjust want their issue resolved.

    R Reassure the customer of your ability toassist (on every call) Demonstrate ownership andpersonal responsibility.

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    Defuse the Customers Frustrations

    prior to jumping to the solution

    Listen to your customer without interruption

    before rushing to a solution!

    Practice active listening. Make sure the

    customer knows that you have

    acknowledged his issue and understand hisconcerns.

    Be sincere. Let the customer know that you

    are taking his issue seriously.

    Maintain a positive attitude. The way that

    you initially handle a customer will oftendictate the outcome of the call.

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    Defuse the Customers Frustrations (continued) Also remember:

    Customers may feel that you are not acknowledging their

    frustrations if you immediately jump to a solution. This type of

    service can be interpreted as impersonal and uncaring

    Often the customer initially may appear to be more interestedin venting his frustrations than actually finding a solution to his

    problem. You will find that once customers have been

    provided the opportunity to state their grievances, they will be

    satisfied with most solutions that you are able to offer.

    Customers are more willing to discuss issues rationally oncethey have vented their frustrations.

    Customers are more willing to accept reasonable solutions

    once they have calmed down.

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    Be Professional and Courteous We must always display the utmost

    courtesy and respect to our customers,

    regardless of the situation.

    Use the customers name as appropriateduring the call.

    Use professional language and complete

    sentences when appropriate. May I haveyour name, please? Avoid statementssuch as Your name?

    Explaining silences and using pleaseand thank you when requestingcustomer information.

    Give customer your full attention. Do not allow the customers demeanor to

    personally affect your ability to remaincourteous and professional.

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    Impact to Alltels Reputation

    A companys reputation is one of its greatest assets.

    Using excellent Tone and Demeanor with our customers

    is one of the keys to enhancing Alltels reputation

    Each of you has the ability to WOW every customer with

    your positive approach and interaction.

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    Impact to First Call ResolutionExcellent Tone and Demeanor impacts First Call


    If customers are not provided with excellent tone anddemeanor, they may tune out of the conversation, orattempt to end the call early.

    Customers may escalate calls if Tone and Demeanor is poor. Customers may avoid Follow-up items with reps who dont

    treat them well and call back to get a new rep.

    Customers may not feel confident that their issue will beresolved properly when a rep uses poor Tone and Demeanor.This will usually result in a return call to ensure the issue

    was resolved.

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    We know its not always that simple Dealing with frustrated customers can be frustrating itself. Dont let

    a customers negative attitude influence your Tone and Demeanor

    Any number of things may have affected this customer before theycalled you. It is your responsibility to take ownership and havepersonal accountability for each call, regardless of the circumstances.

    Leave your problems at the door. Personal issues may impact yourtone and demeanor. Focus on your tasks at hand.

    Always think as a professional. Think about people that youadmire and how they handle themselves in work-related situations.

    Remain positive and professional. Youll be amazed at how

    Excellent Tone and Demeanor will influence even the mostnegative customer. Win the customer over with Great CustomerService!

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    Break up into teams of three

    Take turns playing the role of the

    Rep, customer, and QA evaluator

    Use the Evaluator sheets to record

    strengths and opportunities

    Use the scenarios on the next slides

    for your role plays

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    Role Play Scenarios

    Scenario One

    Matt Rivera, is concernedbecause his flight got cancelled

    and he has a reservation in

    Mandalay Bay.

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    Role Play Scenarios

    Scenario Two

    You receive a call from

    Ms. Lee who wants to

    cancel her flight


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    In this course, we learned to: Understand the importance of excellent Tone and Demeanor Understand why we are focusing on Tone and Demeanor

    Define excellent Tone and Demeanor Understand the relationship between excellent Tone and

    Demeanor and our companys Reputation Understand the relationship between excellent Tone and

    Demeanor and First Call Resolution

    Recognize excellent Tone and Demeanor on customer calls