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Page 1: AlphaLife September Issue



Countries across the Asia Pacific Region have issued an urgent call for

teams from churches like yours to come and help them learn about the

Alpha Course through GAT (Global Alpha Training).

Chris Sadler, Chairman of Alpha Asia Pacific, says:

“ We need more GAT teams urgently! I’ve just returned from a trip to Indonesia and the Philippines. God seems to be opening up more doors in both countries, and some key church leaders, with national networks, have become huge supporters of Alpha. They were pleading to be sent more GAT teams!”

If you have experience of leading, helping or being a guest on an Alpha course, you can be part of a Global Alpha Training team. Right now there are hundreds of churches around the world who want to use Alpha, but who need someone to come alongside and help them learn to run the course. GAT

teams are volunteers who travel on short-term trips of 7-10 days to run training events for church leaders and congregations. Teams are fully prepared by Alpha Australia and use talks that have been specially developed for teaching overseas. Different team members can be involved in various ways during the training events with administration, speaking, worship or prayer ministry.

Chris Sadler continues: “The leaders we met with feel that Alpha is a fantastic tool for their countries and that now is the time to help equip their churches. In my seven years in this role I have never seen a greater need for training.”

GAT teams are being requested all over the country in Indonesia. The Philippines is calling to receive their first GAT teams from September this year, with more to follow in 2012. Jesus calls us to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth; taking Alpha training to others is an effective way to spread the gospel which puts a wonderful tool in the hands of the local church, helping empower them to carry out the work. The teams that go are themselves greatly blessed and often return home with a fresh anointing for evangelism and mission.

Pastor Rocco Scarcella, who has led a number of GAT teams to

during a recent visit to Sydney, Bear Grylls tweeted this photo of himself

with an Alpha advertisement on a Sydney bus!

Bear tweeted this to his 300k+ Twitter followers, which Brian Houston then re-tweeted to his 200k+ followers. This was incredible exposure for Alpha.

See more on the Bear Grylls campaign in this issue!


tHumbS uP

bEar GivES

Bear Grylls tweets: ‘Funny

way to start the day!’

Indonesia, says:

“GAT gave us the opportunity to see Alpha go beyond our church to our brothers

and sisters in Indonesia. Go, be blessed and bless – build the kingdom in his name with GAT.”

For information, please contact the National Alpha Office or Naomi Flatt, Coordinator for Global Alpha Training, ph: 0488 208 187.

ALPHAThe Alpha Course: Explore the Questions of Life

LIFEThe newsletter of Alpha Australia | September 2011

Page 2: AlphaLife September Issue

“If you want to sum up the Alpha Course, it’s about Jesus and HIM crucified.”

“Every Christian believes in the gospel but not everyone realizes the need is urgent!”

Nicky Gumbel, Alpha Tuesday, 5 July 2011

“Through Alpha we see people filled with the Holy Spirit and sent out to reach the lost.”

Bishop Stuart Robinson, Anglican diocese of Canberra & Goulburn, Alpha Tuesday, 5 July 2011

“I would encourage every pastor to run the Alpha program and let’s see Australia won for Christ!”

Mark Conner, Senior Pastor, CityLife Church, Hillsong Conference, 6 July 2011

“Thank you so very much for the wonderful Alpha Track. It was a delicious balance of teaching, prayer, information and blessing. I was one person who received so much. Thank you, to all those people who were praying behind the scenes, I will never know, but my heart is very grateful. And my heart is very thankful for all the good work that God did in my life the week of Hillsong Conference.”

Alpha Track participant

“Our church (Clovercrest Baptist, SA) reintroduced

Alpha this year. My friend Kristen and I were

keen to offer a course in the mornings to make

it more accessible for mothers of young children

who are often tired or unable to get out in the

evenings. We also felt that we would operate

better in the mornings!

A crèche facility was provided so that preschoolers could play and their mums could participate in the course. We also wanted to welcome women of other ages and stages of life.

Eighteen women joined us for our Alpha launch party (a coffee and cake morning) and about fifteen ladies continued as we journeyed through the course. The women

represented various stages of life (single, married, mums of young children and mums of adult children). A few of the women were new to the Christian faith and were grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. One lady summarised her experiences this way:

“I have just completed the Alpha course and loved it! I found it very interesting and easy to follow. It was the highlight of my week. It has opened the door to so many different things in my life. It answered many of the questions I had and helped me to discover my growing faith. I’m now doing the bible study on Wednesday mornings. Some of the highlights have been new friendships; two women coming to faith; two women joining a bible study

group; one baptism; and one woman who is returning next time (with a family member!). Kristen and I are set to start our second Alpha course next week.”

Tania Purser, Clovercrest Baptist Church, Modbury North, SA

' a nation will be cHangeD

one by one by one but

JeSuS will Do it!'

' imPreSSionS'

Nicky Gumbel, Hillsong Conference, 6 July 2011

We are so grateful for all God did during

the Alpha Track at Hillsong Conference, 5-8

July 2011 in Sydney.

“The motive for unity is the Great Commission. The means of unity is the Holy Spirit. The mark of unity is the love of Jesus. The measure of unity is the visibility of Jesus.”

Nicky Gumbel, Hillsong Conference, 7 July 2011

It was a privilege and an honour to have Nicky Gumbel in Australia to be part of the 25th anniversary of the Hillsong Conference. We would like to thank everyone who was part of this amazing opportunity to worship God and be reinspired to love, serve and reach the lost.

On Alpha Tuesday, highlights included the keynote address from Nicky Gumbel, elective

sessions, and pastors’ panels sharing best practice across the many denominations running the course. God moved powerfully during a time of prayer ministry, as Nicky invited those who were sensing they wanted to receive from God to be prayed for by the other delegates.

During the Alpha Track at Hillsong Conference from Wednesday to Friday, we were delighted to meet many people who responded to Nicky’s teaching and who wanted to run the course, including churches that will run it for the first time.

Delegates were encouraged by elective sessions and through Nicky’s talks. A particular highlight was the Thursday morning talk on unity, where Nicky Gumbel invited delegates to kneel and pray a prayer of repentance for past disunity among the different parts of the church and to commit

anew to unity as one Body. Over 10,000 people knelt and prayed.

Please pray that all the seeds that were planted will grow to abundance and that God will reach Australians and that we will see a nation changed for His glory.


ClovErCrEST bapTiST (Sa)

Some of the group from

Clovercrest Baptist

hillSonG ConfErEnCE 2011

Page 3: AlphaLife September Issue

Chris Floyd is on staff at Coastlife Church on the Central Coast of NSW, where the church is just about to start running their first Alpha course. Chris tells the story of his sister-in-law, Lisa, who is happy to share what has been happening in her life in recent weeks. He writes:

“Lisa is 29 years old, and was a world-ranked surfer in her early twenties. For various reasons Lisa’s lifestyle has been less than ideal for most of her twenties and she has struggled with physical injuries, which led to depression and some other mental health issues.

Recently Lisa had been having a very difficult time as her life was basically lacking in direction; she came to realise that she was a fairly selfish person and was not contributing anything worthwhile. This coupled with ongoing injury concerns that were keeping her from surfing competitively meant that Lisa was on a bit of a downward spiral.

At this time God had been surrounding Lisa with some good Christian people who were able to show Lisa love and to gently speak to her about the gospel. Initially, Lisa wasn’t interested in hearing about God but as things began to get worse for her she began looking for answers to the questions in her heart. Lisa (fortunately) took the step of reaching out and calling her sister (my wife). The resulting conversation was full of God-given grace as Lisa’s sister was also able to demonstrate love towards Lisa and speak about her own experiences with God (their family background is quite broken and there has never been any real affection or closeness between any of the siblings, so this in itself is a miracle).

In response to the phone call, Lisa decided to come and visit us for a week. The day she arrived, she went and volunteered with her sister at the Donnison Street community centre, which is an outreach program for homeless and struggling people. During this time Lisa was full of questions about God which continued into the evening. Eventually, Lisa asked her sister if she could recommend

any good books to help her find answers. As it happened, the senior pastors of our church had brought back from the Hillsong Conference a copy of ‘Questions of Life’ by Nicky Gumbel. Lisa was inseparable from the book for the next two days and agreed to accompany my wife (her sister) and myself to church on the Sunday.

On Sunday morning Lisa sat through the service and seemed to be interested but did not respond to the altar call. Then on Sunday evening I was going to church for the PM service and Lisa asked if she could come with me. Again she sat through the service but this time when the altar call came, her hand went up like a rocket, and her hand stayed up so long that the pastor had to tell her from the stage that she could put it down!

We are about to run Alpha at Coastlife and I’m in awe that God has caused it to bear fruit before we even started running the course. I’m looking forward to many more stories like Lisa’s in the near future.”

liSa'S Story

to find a course go to

invite your family and friends to an

alpha course in your area

'liSa Sat tHrougH tHe

Service but tHiS time

wHen tHe altar call

came, Her HanD went uP

like a rocket'


QUESTionS of lifE:

STarTinG oUT on alpha?

here are ourA fantastic resource is Telling Others: How to Run the Alpha Course, available from Koorong.

Team training. If possible, attend a training event run by Alpha Australia or by an Alpha resource church in your area. Or, get the Alpha Team Training DVDs and watch and discuss them with your team. Contact Alpha Australia for more details.

Register your course so that people looking for an Alpha course in your area can attend. Alpha Australia will pray for your course and advertise it through our website and other social media.

Visit for more tips on getting your course started.





Page 4: AlphaLife September Issue


Nathaniel (Nat) Spary started life in Western Sydney and now lives in Toowoomba, Queensland.

“Growing up, we had some problems as a family. We lived in several different housing commission places. At 12 I had started smoking pot, and I moved away from home to a country town at the age of 15. By then I was addicted to pot, using it every day.

When I ran away to the country town I slept under a bridge and was in trouble with the police. I had done breaking and entering before but by 15 I was doing it every day, and going back and forth to the city to get drugs.

I thought that drugs were going to make me rich and famous, but many people find out too late that it isn’t true, and then it’s a trap that is very hard to get out of.

When I was 18 I got sent to Goulburn Maximum Security Prison for one month. The judge wanted to give me a taste of what life would be like if I kept going the way I was.

I got out of jail and got into harder drugs; I was into speed. I was dealing pot as well. That’s when life got more out of control. When I got into speed the atmosphere became more violent, with gangs and organised crime. I just wanted to get out of the situation.

When I was twenty I knew that if I didn’t get out of the cycle of dealing, addiction and crime, I would die. I realised later that I was almost looking up to the older guys who were dealing as though they were fathers. I didn’t do anything that was normal – like going to shopping centres or to the chemist. I was so hurt by things from my past that I would wake up and be drinking alcohol, smoking pot and doing speed. When I got into the harder stuff, drugs turned my dreams into nightmares. Going around dealing from one house to another I would be walking and thinking: ‘Is there a God? Why do I exist?’

I tried to get out of the drug addiction again and again. I came up to Toowoomba and found my Dad and tried to get off the drugs, but it didn’t last and I ended up homeless. Each time something new comes into your life, you think that will be your chance - you get a job, and you think you’re going to kick it; you’re in a relationship, and you think you’re going to kick it.

I went to visit my Mum in a different town and went along with her to church. They kept inviting me along and I gave my life to Jesus, and from that point, God started never leaving me alone.

I had accepted Jesus but at that stage was still smoking drugs. A couple of months later I walked into Toowoomba City Church and recommitted my life. They were doing an Alpha course there. The youth pastor used to pick me up every Wednesday night for Alpha. I would

say: ‘I can’t come – I’ve just drunk two tallies’, and he’d say: ‘come anyway.’

They invited me to the Holy Spirit weekend and I was still dabbling in drugs and alcohol but God was trying to show himself to me. I got filled with the Holy Spirit and everything became real. The Holy Spirit became my comforter.

You know how you always remember the first bible verse that was ‘your verse’? Jesus said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). God was telling me there is darkness and there’s light, and drugs are darkness and so is dealing. I hadn’t really thought that about the dealing. I started to think about how it affects families. My eyes were opened. I’ve never touched drugs again since then.

It’s a journey though and I have lots to learn about character. God’s such an encouraging God – you never hear anything negative from God. There were a lot of wrong beliefs to undo – I used to think that God was going to leave me. Now I’m living a life for Him and not for myself, and there’s a daily dying to self. I had a past that I had to deal with and it’s a journey of undoing all those things. God has healed me.

I’m married to Tiffany and we have three kids. I work fulltime in youth ministry. Tiff and I set up The Base ministry at Toowoomba City Church. We started The Base eight years ago, initially with just a couple of kids from outside of church. Our passion is for people who have suffered with family breakdown, and we network with rehab units and run a mums’ group for young mothers who may be struggling. They have a need for strong role models to encourage and strengthen them.

I’ve helped with eleven Alpha courses now and have invited all my friends. I had to hit rock bottom but I would hate for that to have to happen for other people. Everything we do is through relationships. Pray that God would

prompt a time, then be brave and invite them.”

The Marriage Course has been approved for distribution and use throughout China. The news came as Marriage Course founders Nicky and Sila Lee were invited to China to run a two-day Marriage Conference in Beijing.

They were invited by Robert Glover, founder of charity Care for Children, which has pioneered foster care in China. Nearly half the delegates were government employees involved in selecting and training foster parents for Care for Children’s National Foster Care Project, currently working with 38 projects in 27 provinces across China. The charity has worked with the China Association of Social Workers and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is estimated that up to 250,000 orphans have been placed into local Chinese families. Nicky Lee said, “Robert Glover’s vision to use The Marriage Course to train foster parents has created an extraordinary opportunity for The Marriage Course and Marriage Preparation Course to be used in China. National and local government are interested in using the courses to strengthen marriage and family life across the country.”

Mrs Zi Wei Li, General Secretary of the Beijing Association of Marriage and Family Department, and Mrs Ping Li, Deputy General Secretary of the China Association of Social Workers, requested a meeting with Nicky and Sila Lee. Mrs Zi Wei Li said at the outset, “A strong society depends on strong families and strong families depend on strong marriages. That’s why we are interested in your work.” There are currently over 1.8 million divorces each year in China.

The Marriage Book, written by Nicky and Sila Lee, which has been translated into Mandarin, has also been approved for sale and distribution within China.

Nicky and Sila Lee with Chinese church Leaders in Beijing in October

Nat and Tiffany Spary

MarriaGE book prinTEd in China:nicky and Sila lee invited to China to run a two-day marriage conference

toowoomba city cHurcH

naT SparY

Page 5: AlphaLife September Issue

In July 2011 a GAT team of six travelled to

Sulawesi, Indonesia, to conduct training for

pastors and youth leaders in how to run

the Alpha course. After months of prayer

and preparation, the team met together in

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, before travelling

on to Indonesia.

In the GAT event, 40-50 leaders were inspired by the experiences, training and testimonies shared by the team, and during the breaks team members were often sought out by those wanting to practise their English skills and find out more about Australia. The GAT team was equally inspired by the faith, testimonies and vision of those participating in the training event, and the opportunity to share with them about how participating in an Alpha course is life-changing.

The team were from St Mary’s Anglican Church Caulfield, Melbourne, with three team members who also attend New Covenant Assembly, Kuala Lumpur, and one who attends Balwyn Baptist Church in Melbourne. They were joined by an Alpha Australia staff person and worked in partnership with local trainers to help train the local church leaders to run the course in their own congregations.

The team leader said that it was a real privilege to worship and pray and minister with the local Alpha trainers. “You could say that it was one of those turning-point moments, certainly in my life as well as in the lives of other team members.”

On the way back to Australia, the team enjoyed sharing with the New Covenant Assembly (NCA) church in Kuala Lumpur, who are running their second Alpha course. The GAT team shared some of their own Alpha experiences with members of NCA and were able to pray with and encourage them as church members invite their neighbours and friends to Alpha.

The team leader said that the impact of the GAT experience was not just on those who travelled or those who were trained. “There were many people in our home churches who were

blessed and encouraged as they prayed for us in the lead up to the trip and while we were in Indonesia.”

Asked what he would say to those considering going on a GAT trip, the leader replied, “Go for it. Your life will be changed forever, as will the lives of the other team members, and the lives of the brothers and sisters who you share with.”

The 2011 Alpha advertising campaign has

hit towns and cities throughout Australia,

with many churches displaying banners,

and tram and bus advertising appearing in

several capital cities.

We’ve spotted banners around the country and it’s not too late to order one for your church to display!

The national advertising campaign helps raise awareness of the course. As you and your congregation pray for your friends and family and invite them to Alpha, advertise your course in the community through websites, social networking, local newspapers and posters! Contact us for details of the resources available for downloading.

Alpha Australia would like to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to the 2011 advertising campaign.

Global alpha TraininG (GaT): Joy in ministering, praying and travelling together

GAT Team share dinner


Kuala Lumpur

Darwin Baptist Church


Still time to get your banne

rbEar GrYllS CaMpaiGn

Page 6: AlphaLife September Issue

We gratefully acknowledge Mission Australia’s generous financial support of Alpha’s ministry. Mission Australia also takes an active role in the Caring For Ex-Offenders (CFEO) program, including providing specialist advice for

CFEO training events. This partnership equips churches, community organisations and individuals to support ex-offenders in reintegrating with society.

alPHa auStralia leaDerSHiP tranSitio


Dear Friends

After seven and a half years of service as National Director of Alpha Australia, it is time for me to pass the baton on to my successor!

The Board and I are delighted to introduce Melinda Dwight, whom we are confident God has called and equipped to take up the challenge of leading Alpha Australia through the next exciting phase of our ministry. Melinda has extensive ministry leadership experience, most recently as Senior Pastor of the Imagine Church network in Melbourne for the past 15 years. She has been very actively involved in national denominational leadership and missions committees for Australian Christian Churches, and maintains extensive networks with senior church leaders across a wide range of denominations. We believe Melinda is ideally placed to lead the next phase of Alpha Australia’s ministry, with a strong grasp of the context of the key growth opportunities God has set before us.

Melinda has overseen many Alpha Courses throughout her church leadership ministry, and has been a very active member of the Alpha Australia Board since the end of last year. In particular, her contribution in the planning and preparation for the Alpha Track @ Hillsong Conference 2011 was invaluable. Melinda and I are now working closely together during a two-month transition process which will be complete by the end of September.

From 1st October I will be taking up an exciting new role in my family’s business, Seeley International. However, my enthusiasm and commitment to the mission and ministry of Alpha here in Australia and around the world are in no way diminished – I feel very privileged that the Board has invited me to continue as a Director of Alpha Australia in a non-executive capacity, and I look forward to continuing to serve in this and other ways for as long as my contribution is useful.

I am so grateful to God for the amazing opportunity of serving with Alpha and I greatly appreciate the wonderful friendship, encouragement and amazing contribution so many of you have made and continue to make to this exciting and unique ministry. Please pray for Melinda as she takes on this new challenge – I know she will be very grateful for your

prayers and practical encouragement.

Thank You and Praise God!

Jon Seeley

National Director a note from the

Jon Seeley

Telling Others: How to Run the Alpha Course is a key resource: whether you are starting your first course, or looking for fresh inspiration. It imparts the vision, excitement and challenge of the Alpha course. Full of practical help, testimonies, and the biblical principles that form the basis of the course.

For this and all the latest Alpha resources, visit and click on ‘Alpha Shop’, or call toll-free on 1800 839 400.

availablE now TEllinG oThErSby nicky Gumbel

Nicky Gumb

el present


at Hillson

g Conferen


Alpha Tuesday

Tell Us Your Story!We’d love to hear how Alpha has impacted your life, church or community.

6 Explore the Questions of Life

Alpha Australia: PO Box 10 Kerrimuir VIC 3129 Phone:1800 811 903 Web: Email: [email protected]