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Welcome. This website is being used temporarily to share information about a new holistic healthcare treatment for those who are displaying symptoms of aluminum poisoning. This treatment is called Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy (AAT). This information, along with other successfultherapies and health tips, will eventually become available on a website currently being developed by the Linden Health Foundation. LHF was established to announce the results of AAT research. At thispoint in time, one can learn the basics of AAT on the website you are now reading. AAT (Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy) is a theraputic dietary intervention that helps remove aluminum from the brain. This therapy is able to achieve this amazing feat because the brain has the ability to cleanse and heal itself. The Foundation website will explain in detail how this natural process works and why it is successful in diminishingthe signs and symptoms of aluminum toxicity. A number of case studies are profiled below, but be forewarned - the stories are striking and hard to believe. This is why certain facts about the research are mentioned here for those who are unfamiliar with it. In 1989, after having a discussion with a gentleman about his father's symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, I felt compelled to seek out and find the cause of this disease. Surprisingly, what surfaced was overwhelming scientific documentation stating that chronic aluminum toxicity can lead to dementia and possibly Alzheimer's disease.

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Immediately after reading this interesting but controversial information, I began to brainstorm. While driving home that night, the idea of "getting aluminum out of the brain" came to me. My thought was that if aluminum can get into the brain, it can come out of the brain. It seemed like a reasonable concept that made sense to me. The first thing I did when I got home was to look for aluminum in my kitchen, tossing out uncoated aluminum pans and reading every label. When I found that aluminum was listedin the ingredients on a can of baking powder, I realized the sobering fact that my own family, including myself, had been victims ofchronic aluminum poisoning. Immediately, I concluded the obvious: The way to reverse my condition was to stop eating baked goods containing aluminized baking powder. So that is what I did. After finding that abstaining from aluminum was effective in treating my own symptoms, Idecided to look into the feasibility of implementing AAT with Alzheimer's patients. The project turned out to be a venture that would span a decade. During that length of time I conducted rudimentary AAT research while working for homecare agencies and private clients; then for two and one half years I was given authorization to implement AAT in a non-profit secured RCFE (Residential Care Facility for the Elderly). Nearly all the residents in that facility had dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Because I was the on-site manager of that facility, I was able to observe each resident carefully. Although each person responded differently to AAT, I was happy to see that ineach case, the findings were consistent with preceding research.

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AAT research has shown that the majority of those who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's disease consistently and frequently consume products that contain aluminum. In most cases, the products are eaten on a daily basis. Research has also shown that those who do not often consume aluminized products are virtually free of AD symptoms, unless unrelated health problems present the same symptoms. Each case study demonstrated that AAT significantly benefited all those diagnosed with the disease. What I had hypothesized became very clear: Abstaining from aluminum is an effective therapy for reducing the signs and symptoms of aluminum toxicity. A portion of my own story can be read by clicking on WHAT TO EXPECT at the bottom of this page. Although this website merely scratches the surface of what the consumer needs to know, each page contains a great deal of information that will educate and equip the reader to recognize the signs and symptoms of aluminum poisoning and to reverse or prevent it. Another effectual dietary intervention my clients use is Diuretic-Abstinence Therapy for Rheumotid Arthritis. Studies using this therapy were conducted at the same time and in the same facility where AAT was implemented. Specific details and case studies will be included on the Foundation website. This is a must-read. Both therapies have been used successfully by many people for many years. It is my hope that this information will bring renewed hope, peace and comfort to your lives - and to those you love. Yours for a brighter day ahead, JoAnne Struve

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THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE STORY: Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy made a big difference in the life of an elderly Alzheimer's patient who lives in Riverside, California. Before aluminum was removed from her diet, she was unable to converse, see or hear. And because swallowing was her most difficult task, it meant that she was in the latest stage of the disease. To make matters worse, she was violent. Two weeks after therapy began, this woman could see, hear, swallow and have a valid conversation with others. Plus, she had calmed down. Her son was stunned. He stated, "She is like she was a year ago!" Impossible? Think about it. When a person becomes intoxicated with alcohol and passes out, can that person see, hear, swallow or have a valid conversation with others? What problems would develop if that person continued to drink alcohol all day, every day as some people consume aluminum? Would the alcohol alter behavior? What if the person should stop drinking altogether? A state of normalcy would be restored, and the process would begin within seconds. The same is true for aluminum intoxication. But "sobering up" following aluminum consumption is not accomplished so quickly. Aluminum takes much longer than alcohol (per dose) to leave the brain. There are vast differences between the two substances and thus, the conditions. But both toxins clog the synapses of the nerve endings in the brain, and the more these substances are ingested, the more one's behavior is altered. It doesn't take very much alcohol to disrupt one's brain function in a short period of time. Conversely, aluminum accumulates in the brain, causing the development of symptoms over time. But one thing is certain: Overdoses of both toxins can cause demented behavior and even death, and that fact cannot be disputed. The stories on this website are true and factual. To guarantee the privacy of the victims, insignificant details were altered to protect their identities. The following story is about a man who was very seriously incapacitated by Alzheimer's disease before ATT was implemented. While on AAT, this patient eventually began to converse with others and participate in activities. One day he looked around at his surroundings and exclaimed, "This isn't my home... Where am I?" The fact that he recognized that he was displaced meant that he had improved

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significantly. I explained to him that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and that he was in a special program. "We are using a new therapy to see if it will help restore your memory." He seemed happy with that and settled back in his chair. This man continued to improve as time went on. After nearly two years of therapy, his short-term memory returned and he began to tell off-the-cuff jokes that required a rational mind. He even began to assist others. More importantly, he was able to recognize and name each of his children once again. Another Alzheimer's victim was extremely hypersensitive and irrational when she was approved for services. Worse, she was abusive to others. After six weeks of AAT, she had calmed down and stopped shoving others around. Within a few months, she became so cordial and well-behaved she was able to go on outings and enjoy the company of others. Cases like these made my research very rewarding, as well as worthwhile. One particularly poignant moment occurred one afternoon while I was observing a 7th stage Alzheimer's patient who had been on AAT for nine months. She was gazing at herself in the mirror as if in awe. Suddenly she recognized herself in the mirror and said, "I know who you are... Where have you been?" Moments like these made the long hours and hard work worth the effort. I often stated to my friends that no one has a better job than mine. Many times I awakened in the night pondering it all. "This therapy is so incredible," I thought to myself, "This isn't really happening." Even though I had been observing the progress of those using AAT for many years, I secretly carried a burden of denial, because the results seemed too good to be true. And although most everyone involved in the research were amazed, a few others were skeptical, too. Even though AAT had benefited myself and my family, as well as countless others, our problems were far different from those who were diagnosed with AD and who required continuous around-the-clock services of an entire healthcare staff. To watch their improvement -- slow as it was -- was astounding and humbling. Weeks later, I ran into an old friend who told me that her cousin was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This friend was an esteemed healthcare professional who knew nothing of my work, so I knew my credibility would be at stake if I proposed AAT as a therapy. I thought, "What if it doesn't work this

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time?" Nevertheless, I handed her the information and promised, "If you will help your cousin follow these simple guidelines, her symptoms will diminish, and she will eventually get well." Six weeks later, my friend called to thank me for saving her cousin's life. After two years of therapy, her cousin began to drive her car again, and she is now enjoying life once more. After hearing about many such cases, my son-in-law asked me, "When are you going to stop doing research and start telling people?" I knew he was right. After seeing the same results after ten years of research, I realized the time had come to tell the truth about aluminum poisoning and Alzheimer's disease.

Prior to 1910, Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neuropathologist and professor of psychiatry and neurology, discovered aluminum in the brains of people who died from pre-senile dementia. He determined that their deaths were caused by the aluminum deposits. If that was true, it means they were victims of aluminum poisoning. Today, autopsy studies have shown that normal individuals also have aluminum in their brains, causing some to conclude that aluminum is not the cause of Alzheimer's disease. But because there now exists ample and overwhelming empirical evidence that Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy is successful in treating Alzheimer's disease, an explanation is needed. Aluminum affects individuals differently, so "normal" victims can be fatally poisoned by aluminum without experiencing the additional complication of dementia. When living victims are examined for Alzheimer's disease, the actual cause has to be determined before an accurate diagnosis can be decided. Symptoms of alcoholism are easily explained, but in cases of toxic aluminum exposure, an exact diagnosis is currently believed to be impossible without an autopsy. Now, because AAT has proven to be effectual and consistent over a long period of time, a diagnosis of AD can be achieved by implementing this therapy. However, an AAT diagnosis cannot initially be considered 100% accurate, even if there is sufficient change [in demeanor] to make the determination. The reason is because a patient may be suffering from multiple

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forms of brain intoxication and other injuries, not just aluminum toxicity. Patients with brain disorders caused by exposure to toxic gases or metals other than aluminum are sometimes thought to have Alzheimer's disease. In truth, these individuals may have symptoms of the Alzheimer's TYPE, but they are not true cases of AD. Many disorders mimic symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. This is why doctors and neurologists must follow stringent pre-determined guidelines before diagnosing dementia as Alzheimer's disease. In like manner, only when all other factors are ruled out can doctors use Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy for the purpose of providing an exclusive AD diagnosis for Alzheimer's patients who are still alive. For example, AAT helped to alleviate many AD symptoms in one woman diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, but she needed brain surgery for another problem. The surgeon found clogged arteries and cleaned them out. After the procedure, the patient was far more cognizant (alert). Thus, her primary diagnosis of AD was questionable because she suffered from both conditions. IMPORTANT: AAT is only useful in cleaning up toxic aluminum debris in and around brain cells. At best, this process takes many years, depending on the level of plaque build-up. However, AAT does not restore brain cells lost to aluminum toxicity. Because aluminum enters (and damages) brain cells, permanent brain injury can result from chronic overexposure. Therapies that restore needed oxygen and blood-flow to brain cells help to speed up the process of AAT, but they do not replace the specific work of AAT. For instance, herbs such as Gingko Biloba can help to increase blood flow, but if one uses this herb to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease and yet neglects to take aluminum and other poisons out of the diet, Gingko will only serve to help aluminum and other toxins travel more quickly to the brain. When aluminum and other toxins are eliminated from the diet, it is only then that Gingko can help restore normal brain activity. In fact, unless AAT is implemented, whether or not it is accompanied by other

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therapies, Alzheimer's patients can still die of aluminum poisoning, even when other health conditions are being treated successfully. To learn more, click on the links at the bottom of this page.

Copyright 2000-2002 JoAnne F. Struve The contents of this website may not be reproduced or altered in any way without prior written permission. The information was obtained through academic studies, RCFE trial studies, ten years of independent research and personal interviews. The idea of taking aluminum out of the diet (AAT) was created solely by JoAnne F. Struve on the same day that research commenced in October, 1989. All rights reserved.

If aluminum can get into the brain, it can come out of the

brain. JoAnne Struve





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Taking aluminum out of the diet is not difficult, but it can get somewhat complicated and quite frustrating. One's attempt to follow the guidelines of Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy (AAT) could end in failure if one doesn't have sufficient knowledge about the subject. Foods and products that contain aluminum are listed [in bold] in the next section, but before the lists are examined, please read the information below. It must be thoroughly understood before one begins AAT. Many patients appear to worsen from time to time, confusing those involved in their care; and sometimes those who use AAT for AD prevention find that it doesn't help. There are many reasons for this, including the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abstaining from aluminum may not appear to be effective if one is taking drugs, breathing vapors or consuming toxic substances of any kind. The reason for this is because chronic drug use and/or toxic substance exposure may cause side-effects similar to the symptoms of aluminum toxicity. Millions of microscopic particles of various toxins are ingested daily by those who are exposed to outdoor smog, work in toxic environments and/or consume contaminated water. Although AAT will work to reduce the level of toxicity in the brain, it cannot perform miracles. Significant results may not be seen when overdoses of these and other toxins, including alcohol, over-the-counter medications and/or prescription drugs are ingested continuously. In other words, when the brain becomes overwhelmed, its performance is minimized until one's intake of toxic substances is dramatically reduced. The following story will help illustrate this point. One Alzheimer's patient became oppositional and uncooperative, even though he had

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been on AAT for over two years. His family believed that the therapy was not working and that the disease was progressing. One day, this man refused to eat or drink anything, including his prescription drugs. When the problem worsened, his family decided to follow his advanced directives allowing him to die. But he didn't die. Three days later, he surprised us when he got out of bed, dressed himself, and was cordial and cooperative to the point of helping others! What made the difference? His behavior improved because his brain was given the chance to excrete the offending drugs. In other words, because the drugs were stopped (inadvertently), the man's brain was finally able to cleanse itself. After the man's family had his medications appropriately adjusted, their father was cordial and co-operative from that point on. This incident made it clear that continuous ingestion of drugs and other toxic substances can obscure or complicate the performance of Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy. Other health conditions can hinder the brain's ability to cleanse itself, as well. Many of these will be addressed on the Foundation website. To learn more now, click on WHAT TO EXPECT and SIGNS OF ALUMINUM POISONING in the menu bar at the bottom of this page. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE FOLLOWING LISTS INCLUDE FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS THAT MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CONSUME EVERY DAY, SOMETIMES MANY TIMES A DAY. IF ANY OF THESE CONTAIN ALUMINUM, IT MEANS THEY CONTAIN POISON. THE MORE ITEMS CONSUMED, THE MORE POISON IS INGESTED.


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Foods made with aluminized baking powder*, self-rising flour*, and salt. The following are some of these products: Microwave popcorn Salted snacks Hot cocoa mixes Coffee creamers Pickles and relish *Flour tortillas *Pizza crust *Muffins *Doughnuts *Cookies *Pancakes *Waffles *Cupcakes *Cakes *Baking mixes *Brownies *Pastries *Corn bread *Banana bread *Carrot bread *Dipping batter for fried foods WARNING: Aluminumized baking powder is now being used in many foods that were formerly prepared without baking powder, such as pizza crust, raised doughnuts, pie crusts, cookies, waffles, prepared meats, cheeses, and other products that were once aluminum-free. IMPORTANT: Do not confuse baking soda with baking powder. Soda is a pure product with no additives. Baking powder is a mixture of chemicals used as leavening in countless baking products. (Leavening is what makes a cake rise during the baking process.) Many people believe that all breads are

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made with baking powder. This is not true. Most breads are made with yeast. Don't panic. Numerous aluminum-free baked goods are available in ordinary grocery stores, as well as health food stores and restaurants. Simply read labels to be safe. OTHER PRODUCTS CONTAINING ALUMINUM: Anti-perspirants Many body lotions and cremes Most cosmetics Shampoos and conditioners Soaps Suntan lotions Lip Balm Etc. DRUGS AND MEDICATIONS: Over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs containing aluminum are too numerous to list. Read labels and consult your doctor and pharmacist. If your doctor has prescribed drugs or medications containing aluminum, ask for alternative (aluminum-free) medications. If there is a problem, refer your doctor to this website. Informational brochures are also available to remind your doctor about the dangers of medications that are made with aluminum. Doctors are required to encourage patient involvement in their own care, including the decision-making process. Because of this, your doctor will most likely co-operate.

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WHEN PRESCRIPTION DRUGS ARE NECESSARY: When prescription drugs are necessary, one's first line of defense in preventing food and drug poisoning is to curtail the number of toxins consumed on a daily basis. They add up quickly. One breakfast waffle normally contains one "dose" of aluminum. (A dose is considered the amount required to cause an obvious effect, such as a change in behavior.) One muffin eaten for lunch adds another dose; and a dinner biscuit adds another. The day's total of aluminum equals 3 doses. Remember, the more items eaten, the more aluminum is ingested. When prescription drugs are consumed as well, the amount of toxicity in the brain can rise to injurous levels, especially when over-the-counter drugs are taken at the same time. Caffeine overdose can create even more problems. When the brain becomes dehydrated, behavior changes are commonplace. Indeed,when chocolate, caffeinated drinks, herbal diuretic teas, packaged diuretic herbs, body-building and diet supplements are eaten as well, negative behavioral episodes can easily occur. Even vitamins can become toxic when taken in excess. When signs of toxicity appear, they should be taken very seriously. Call your doctor to discuss symptoms, disclosing all substances that could be at fault. Follow the doctor's orders and begin abstinence immediately. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO PREVENT BRAIN TOXICITY: 1. Assume responsibility for safeguarding your own health. Do not expect that the Food and Drug Administration is protecting you. They are not. All the facts are not in. Scientific investigation is still in its infancy. 2. Learn how to read medication descriptions. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain what is difficult to understand. 3. Write to manufacturers. Ask for ingredient disclosures to be mailed to you. Most are willing to respond. 4. Learn to say no, even in social situations. If you suspect that party foods contain aluminum (refer to list above), choose items that are most likely aluminum-free. This habit may be difficult to cultivate at first, but as you observe how contaminated foods affect your mind, moods and emotions, abstinence will become easier and less troublesome as time goes on. 5. Ask restaurant managers to examine food and salt labels before ordering questionable items. 6. Examine all package labels before making a purchase.


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Reading labels is absolutely essential in remaining aluminum-free. The Food and Drug Administration mandated laws that require labeling of products for human consumption. There are reasons for these laws: 1. Consumer rights: You have a right to know what you are ingesting. 2. Consumer protection: Prevention of allergic reactions. 3. Protection of manufacturers. Disclosures and warnings help prevent lawsuits. UNFORTUNATELY, THESE LAWS ARE FLAWED. 1. The law requires that chemicals used in baking powder be disclosed on labels, yet there are no such laws for the chemical ingredients of salt. 2. It is a scientific fact that aluminum used in baking powder and salt is poisonous, yet there are no warning labels to alert the consumer. 3. Product labels are not monitored adequately. Numerous labels state "baking powder", yet do not disclose ingredients of the powder. When these chemicals are not listed, assume that aluminum is present. Many of these mislabeled products are sold in coffee shops, mini-markets, fast-food stores, restaurants and liquor stores. 4. Ingredients are frequently listed separately on over-the-counter drug packages. Active ingredients are sometimes located on one side of the box, and the inactive ingredients on the other side. This confusing labeling practice is potentially dangerous and should be outlawed. 5. Some listings are impossible to read without a magnifying glass. Avoid such products and choose alternatives. 6. Aluminum is sometimes listed in compound ingredients, such as silicoaluminate. This can be

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confusing to the uneducated consumer. 7. Some labels trick the consumer. Some deodorant labels state, "Contains No Aluminum Hydroxide" yet they list another form of aluminum on the package, deceiving consumers. 8. Some vendors of crystal deodorants (made with mineral salts and other ingredients) claim that "alum" is not aluminum. This is not true. The dictionary defines alum as "Aluminum sulphate". 9. Manufacturers frequently change ingredients, but the law does not require package warnings. Thus, be sure to read every label. If time constraints prohibit this, check labels as often as you can in order to protect yourself. 10. Laws that do exist are not adequately enforced. This is true in many restaurants as well. The following is a list of familiar fast-food establishments. Most do not post ingredients on menus or anywhere else, including the Internet. Literature is available to consumers, however.

MISSION flour tortillas: Their Original tortillas are aluminum-free, but their fat-free and whole-wheat tortillas contain aluminum. To request that all their products become aluminum-free, write to: Mission Foods, 1159 Cottonwood Lane, Suite 200, Irving, Texas 75038 Call (800) 527-1197

CARNATION HOT COCOA MIX: Silicoaluminate is stated on the label. To request that this product become aluminum-free, write to: Nestle USA, Beverage Division, Inc., Glendale, CA 91203. Call (800) 637-8538

PILLSBURY PRODUCTS: Many of their products contain aluminum: cake mixes, biscuits, cookie dough and crescents. To request that all their products become aluminum-free, write to: The Pillsbury Co., 2866 Pillsbury Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402-1464. (800)775-4777

CREAMORA Coffee Creamer: This product contains aluminate. To request that this product become aluminum-free, write to: Eagle Family Foods, Inc., Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591 (888) 656-3245

MC DONALD'S Hamburgers: The salt sprinkled on their foods contain aluminum. Individually-wrapped packages of salt contain aluminum. To request that all their products become aluminum-free, write to: McDonald's Corporation, One Kroc Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523 or call

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(630) 623-3000.

KFC Chicken: Their biscuits contain aluminum. To request that their products become aluminum-free, write to: Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., 1441 Gardiner Lane, Louisville, KY 40213 or call 1 (800) 225-5532

TACO BELL: Their crispy corn tortillas are aluminum-free, but their soft tacos and flour tortillas contain aluminum. To request that all their products become aluminum-free, write to: Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., 1441 Gardiner Lane, Louisville, KY 40213 or call 1 (800) 225-5532

PIZZA HUT: Their traditional crusts are aluminum-free, but their breadsticks contain aluminum. To request that all their products become aluminum-free, write to: Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., 1441 Gardiner Lane, Louisville, KY 40213 or call 1 (800) 225-5532

[email protected]




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The primary side-effect or "wake-up call" that indicates aluminum has intoxicated the brain is a very serious condition called HYPERSENSITIVITY. It is progressive, and if it is left untreated it can escalate into irrational anger and displays of violence. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF HYPERSENSITIVITY? *Heightened sensitivity to light or darkness. *Abnormal sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. *An aversion to noise, touch, movement, odors, etc. *Unexplained feelings of apprehension or uneasiness. *Feelings of inferiority, embarrassment or shame. *Feelings of irritability, agitation or annoyance. Those who are easily frightened or alarmed sometimes become overly disturbed and provoked, displaying irrational outbursts of anger, road rage, bad temper, etc. In "America's Rage" aired on 48 Hours, November 16, 2000, Dan Rather lamented, "There may be no exit," after assessing the growing problem of anger in America. One story profiled an angry, frustrated couple suffering in a dysfunctional relationship. It was the husband who tried to escape the anguish experienced between the two, because his wife was the abuser. Her wake-up call came when her spouse filed for a separation. Forced to face the dilemma of her uncontrolled anger, she checked into a facility that includes anger management in

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their services. Unfortunately, the majority of administrators of these programs are unaware that irrational anger may be directly linked to aluminum toxicity. Indeed, ignorance about this problem is almost universal. Even educated healthcare providers, including registered dieticians, do not realize aluminum is present in ordinary foods. Nor do they understand that it is a toxic agent, as well as a drug, and that overexposure may be at the root of these people's emotional problems. This fact represents a serious breach within the healthcare community; and even though these concerns plague the industry, there are no valid answers or solutions. Thus, patients of irrational anger are merely schooled in behavioral modification and prescribed beneficial drugs. But when they are discharged, they return to their families only to continue their exposure of toxic amounts of aluminum. Before long, they find emotions flairing and things going wrong again. Without being given a reason for their trauma, the source of their problems remains intact, threatening these families' futures forever. Not all display their feelings outwardly. Some experience them inwardly, acting out their frustrations covertly, such as those who appear to be normal and friendly to others, but are committing acts of violence behind closed doors. These are the ones who are especially at risk, not only to themselves but to others around them. If symptoms of hypersensitivity are not appropriately treated, they can progress into more serious disorders, such as panic attacks, phobias (excessive fear) and other traumatic emotional and mental illnesses. Even manic-depression and schizophrenia can be directly caused by overexposure to aluminum.

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The stability of family life and our nation's domestic future depends upon rational minds and healthy emotions. But as long as the subject of aluminum [as it relates to Alzheimer's disease] remains controversial, future generations will inherit the devastation this disease produces until the facts are finally revealed.

HOW ALUMINUM AFFECTS CHILDREN Aluminum can get into the brain at any age. The problems it causes are well documented in Alzheimer's disease, yet most people are unaware that this toxic substance causes the same symptoms in people of all ages. Countless disputes and emotional stress among children and their parents can be directly linked to aluminum poisoning. Perhaps the most frustrating situations occur when parents find they have lost control of their children. Many of these parents believe that childhood misconduct will diminish as children grow older, but when it continues and escalates into violence, they are at a loss to explain it. Many parents respond by seeking professional help. Yet, because aluminum toxicity is not fully understood or treated, their problems only continue. School rampages confirm that these problems can no longer be ignored. The truth is, until the dietary laws are changed, society will witness more and more children vent their uncontrolled anger and rage toward others. The problem begins in the womb. Because aluminum crosses the placenta, babies can be intoxicated even before they are born. Some are born with serious brain disorders that can be directly attributed to the mother's diet or habits. When hypersensitive infants appear to be healthy, their symptoms are diagnosed as colic. Aluminum also enters breast milk, so even the nursing infant is at risk. Depending upon the level of toxicity in their mothers' diets, these children are born mentally handicapped. These are the children who display hyperactivity, attention deficits and aggressive behaviors from a very early age. If their mothers are not educated about the dangers of aluminum, these children will continue to be fed aluminized products, and their symptoms will only progress. As these youths grow and develop, they become confused about rules and are unable to control

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themselves. They use poor judgment and make bad decisions, just two of the many related disorders of chronic aluminum poisoning. Illegal drug use is not the only reason teenagers fail to resist harmful activities in their teens. Their lack of impulse control was what got them started with illegal drugs in the first place. The following paradox is thought-provoking and should be taken seriously. When teenagers or young adults bring harm to others, they are placed in prisons. When the elderly bring harm to others, they are placed in secured-living facilities. But when toddlers harm others, it is considered "normal" behavior.

RELATED DISORDERS: THE BRAIN'S RESPONSE TO TOXICITY All symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are "related disorders", yet the primary emphasis of most Alzheimer's organizations is memory loss. But memory deficit is just one of countless related disorders. The brain can malfunction in any number of ways after being exposed to aluminum. Even spiritual disorders can be attributed to the abuse of this substance. For every person [of any age] who experiences memory loss, there are thousands of others who display far more traumatizing problems caused by this disease. This is why the signs of hypersensitivity should not be ignored. They can alert victims and families to stop aluminum consumption, as well as the intake of other toxic substances before difficult behaviors escalate into violence. This crucial test is useful in other ways. When a victim is overly sensitive, h/she may be suffering from physical problems as well. What are some of these problems? RELATED PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDERS: -Breathing disorders -Bowel and urinary dysfunction (incontinence) -Cardiac complications (including congestive heart failure) -Fatigue (extreme exhaustion) -Eye disorders -Ear disorders, including hearing loss -Imbalance -Immune dysfunction -Motor tics (involuntary muscle twitches) -Muscle weakness -Organ dysfunction (pancreas, thyroid, etc.) -Parkinsonian symptoms (AD-related) -Sleep disorders -Etc. RELATED DISORDERS AFFECTING CHILDREN: -Attention-Deficit Disorder -Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -Autism -Bedwetting -Dyslexia -Stuttering -Etc.

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Note: Many adults suffer from the conditions listed above. These disorders can be caused by other diseases, therefore, one's diet should always be examined to aid diagnosis. RELATED SPIRITUAL DISORDERS: -Displaced or unsubstantiated guilt -Unrealistic expectations of oneself and others -Exclusion of others who are not as spiritual -Condemnation of those who do not measure up -Unprovoked anger toward people of other faiths -Offensive acts of violence toward opposition -Inappropriate tolerance of criminal behavior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

OTHER SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC ALUMINUM POISONING: *Forgetfulness (short-term memory loss) *Difficulty naming ordinary objects (keys, lamp, etc.) *Difficulty managing time *Diminished capacity to meet deadlines *Diminished capacity to plan ahead *Diminished ability to organize *Diminished performance of former accomplishments *Difficulty learning new concepts and skills *Difficulty following instructions or directions *Confusion and disorientation *Inability to focus or sort through problems *Difficulty listening to others *Difficulty performing simple tasks *Difficulty performing activities of daily living *Poor personal hygiene *Wearing inappropriate clothing *Difficulty establishing or maintaining relationships *Difficulty in showing affection or overly affectionate *Feelings of inadequacy and dependency *Decreased impulse control *Obsessive, compulsive behavior *Difficulty speaking (fragmented sentences, etc.) *Unwanted or inappropriate verbal responses *Name-calling or false accusations toward others *Continuous talking or telling stories to strangers *Divulging personal/private information to strangers *Inappropriate interest in others' belongings/activities *Delusional beliefs not based on facts *Using poor judgement *Using poor judgement when facing moral dilemmas *Codependent on others who are abusive or demoralizing *Decreased capacity to handle personal finances The list is endless. Examine the problems troubling you or your loved ones, then examine the daily diet of those affected. Beware of denial, a common problem that occurs when concerned friends or loved ones are trying to help. Victims are sometimes incapable of recognizing or responding to symptoms. In fact, entire families can be seriously affected and yet appear to be "normal" to those who are unfamiliar with the symptoms.

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*CAUTION: IF YOU OR OTHERS YOU KNOW ARE DISPLAYING SYMPTOMS OF HYPERSENSITIVITY OR OTHER PROBLEMS LISTED ABOVE, OR IF YOU SUSPECT THERE MAY BE OTHER DIFFICULTIES NOT MENTIONED OR LISTED, DO THE FOLLOWING IMMEDIATELY: 1. Seek professional help, even if you don't feel the need is urgent. Follow the doctor's orders. Encourage the victim to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins. 2. Refer your doctor and pharmacist to this website. All the signs and symptoms listed on this website can be caused by other diseases, as well. Your doctor can help determine what is causing the problems you are experiencing. 3. Begin to abstain from aluminum and/or other toxins to help reverse any symptoms you or your loved ones may be exhibiting. DO NOT WAIT. 4. Pay attention to what others are saying, especially if anyone is requesting a change in behavior. They may be seeing things that are not recognized by you. 5. For more information, click on the e-mail link below.

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The case studies profiled on this website do not reveal the whole story. The truth is, the amazing changes seen in the first two weeks are merely the beginning of the long road back. Life-changes and life challenges are continuous; some of these changes are welcome, and some are not. But in order for AAT to do its job, one must be very patient and willing to endure the hardships involved. Many of these difficulties are explained in this section. First of all, AAT is limited in what it can do. Sometimes when survivors begin to feel better and become more cognizant and active, they often ignore health issues that are unrelated to aluminum poisoning. Many think that AAT will eventually take care of everything, but it doesn't always happen like that. For instance, although AAT helps to reactivate the brain, it does not cure arteriosclerosis (a form of heart disease). However, it has been shown to solve a number of related heart problems, such as arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), as well as other health problems that were thought to be unrelated and hopeless. Because of that, AAT has often been viewed as a "fix-all". Although some people are faced with impossible health dilemmas and unexplained mental problems, most consumers of aluminumized baked goods find they are mostly bothered by frequent emergency situations and ordinary day-to-day setbacks, many of which can be directly linked to their toxic diet or other substances. People lock

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their keys in their cars, forget appointments, forget to pay their bills, get locked out of their homes, etc. Most people believe these preventable events are normal occurrences common to everyone. But that is not true. My life used to be much like that. In addition, I forgot the names of ordinary objects and even the names of my closest friends. Eventually, I began to lose my balance; and then unusual signs of fatigue began to emerge. Even after eight hours of very sound sleep, I woke feeling completely exhausted. When I began to fall asleep at the dinner table and in the middle of telephone conversations, I began to realize that something very serious was wrong with me. As time went on, my fatigue turned into dysfunction, then disorientation, then a host of other health problems. Included was a related heart condition, breathing difficulties, hearing loss, hypersensitivity and many other ailments. My symptoms reached an acute level after two years of eating an aluminumized diet (muffins, waffles, doughnuts, banana bread, biscuits, pancakes and cake, etc.) consumed on a daily basis. To make matters worse, I lived a short distance from an aluminum factory. In my case, airborne aluminum exposure, coupled with the baker's diet, resulted in acute aluminum poisoning. My story helps to explain why the ordinary set-backs of daily living can be important signals that may indicate a problem of toxic aluminum exposure. And if such a lifestyle continues unchecked, it often progresses into more serious problems. After I unearthed the cause of my problems and implemented Aluminum-Abstinence Therapy,

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I was able to return to work. After four years of therapy, all of my related disorders were either healed or at least managable, including the most serious - narcolepsy. Nearly eight years later, I was given a clean bill of health and was managing an Alzheimer's facility. My healing was accomplished merely by abstaining from aluminum. No prescription drugs or herbal supplements were used, except when medication was needed for unrelated illnesses (such as colds and fever). However, in retrospect, prescription drugs could have helped me in many ways had I chosen to take them. Others involved in AAT research in the early years have their own fascinating stories. As their lives improved, most eventually attended college and landed well-paying jobs with large high-profile companies. Some became managers. As AAT became known, more and more people tried it. Some grew impatient with the slow results (it works gradually). Others were unable to sustain it because they couldn't say "no" to their favorite foods. All who remained on AAT found that the road back to normalcy demands strict discipline. At best, all progress is frustrating and challenging, requiring the dedicated support and wisdom of mentors, friends and close family relationships. SENIOR CITIZENS ARE ESPECIALLY AT RISK. Although AAT successfully reverses aluminum toxicity at any age, the majority over the age of 65 never recover. Why? Research has shown that when responsible family members observe that AAT actually

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works, many respond negatively. One would think that family members would be pleased with any improvement in a loved one's memory and behavior, as well as his/her performance of activities of daily living, such as getting dressed, showering, etc. But such is not always the case. Unbelievably, some family members poison their loved ones (with aluminum) to hasten the death process. One man stated, "We are not interested in therapy. We want our mother to die." Fact is, these feelings are very common. Moreover, even in the best of circumstances, family members find that their loved ones in recovery continue to present unpleasant challenges from time to time for a number of years; and many otherwise kind and loving family members are not willing to endure such circumstances any longer. Irrespective of survivor rights, they believe they have suffered enough.

WHAT HOPE IS THERE FOR VICTIMS OF DEMENTIA? Families do exist who are interested in helping their disabled loved ones. They usually have rewarding relationships, and are thus willing to try any therapy that sounds promising. As these brave souls courageously prepare themselves to face a problematic future, they are surprised to find instead that with AAT, difficult behaviors actually diminish over time. In fact, unless other factors are involved, such as brain injury, drug use, alcoholism and/or other serious problems, patients often resume a number of activities and enjoy family gatherings within a short period of time. One victim of dementia was forbidden to visit his son's home because he behaved badly toward other visitors. Even when accompanied by others, this father was rejected at the door when his family gathered for special occasions. But after AAT was implemented, the father's behavior improved dramatically, and now he is always welcomed. WHEN CAN VICTIMS CONSUME ALUMINUM AGAIN?

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Because aluminum is poisonous, consumption is always risky, even for a normal person. Unfortunate circumstances can occur very quickly after eating foods contaminated with aluminum. Numerous stories can be told of those who locked their keys in their cars, forgot important appointments, ruined job interviews by displaying odd behavior, behaved badly during important family functions, got locked out of the house, used bad judgement, became irrational, etc. When elderly victims are in the early stages of recovery, life-changing episodes are virtually unavoidable when aluminum is consumed once again. One such client, after five years of AAT, was doing very well. But after years of abstinence, she became weary of it and began eating aluminumized foods again, insisting that all would be well. Unfortunately, just minutes after eating a few muffins made with aluminum, she became disoriented and was pulled over for careless driving. Although she was ordinarily a careful driver, her license was suspended forever. Another 76 year old patient on AAT thought she could get away with cheating just once. Because this woman was not an Alzheimer's patient, she was considered stable enough to be left alone for short periods of time. One day she asked for a piece of cake when she was at a restaurant. After being warned about the possible side-effects, she still insisted on having the piece of cake. Forty minutes after eating only one serving, she experienced hallucinations and was unable to recognize her own familiar surroundings. It took three days for the effects of that single piece of cake to disappear. She was never left alone after that. More recently, a younger male victim of aluminum poisoning accidentally ate something contaminated with aluminum and experienced a few days of confusion, disorientation and hypersensitivity. He had been on AAT for over two years. When one of his close friends suggested that his problem may be due to aluminum, the man searched his trash can for evidence and found a wrapper with aluminum listed on the label. Coincidentally, that same weekend, I deliberately purchased afood item that contained aluminum, because I wanted to see how it would affect me after eleven years of abstinence. It came as no surprise to find that I experienced most of the symptoms the man experienced in the story above. The man called to ask how many days it takes for symptoms to go away. I answered, "Three days per dose." And that is how long it took for our acute symptoms to disappear. Whenever I talk to skeptics, I suggest they deliberately eat something with aluminum so that they can see for themselves how toxic it really is. Doctors and healthcare professionals are usually receptive to the information, but medical students frequently scoff at it. One such student began to use products made with aluminum in order to prove that AAT is bogus. It wasn't long before this young man became hypersensitive and began to neglect his appearance. When I ran into him some time later, it was obvious that he was feeling much better. To my surprise, he gave me a hug

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and thanked me for my work. All it takes is observation and objectivity to come to the same conclusion as thousands of others. Aluminum indeed changes brain chemistry and behavior.

HOW SOON AFTER ONSET OF THERAPY SHOULD ONE EXPECT TO SEE A DIFFERENCE IN BEHAVIOR? Dramatic changes occur within the first two weeks. Indeed , the changes are so drastic that family members are usually stunned. The following story helps to illustrate this phenomonen. Bradley (not his real name) appeared to be mild-mannered when interviewed for services, but after he was accepted, he was found throwing things about in a frenzy. Because he refused to cooperate, his family considered placing him elsewhere. After being encouraged, however, they decided to give AAT a try. In less than two weeks, Bradley was like a different person. In fact, he became so cordial, several stated that he was their favorite patient! In spite of the amazing changes seen in this initial period, all subsequent progress is extremely slow. Although Bradley improved much faster than the others, I told his family that the rest of his transformation would take many years. One family recently asked how long it will take for their father to get well. After observing the patient, I answered, "Fifteen years." In reality, a prognosis is impossible to determine. Fifteen years may turn into twenty years or more. It takes a very long time for even a "normal" brain to cleanse itself from aluminum toxicity, thus it is unlikely that elderly patients with dementia will live long enough to return to a state of normalcy. In fact, it is unlikely that they will ever be able to live independently for the remainder of their lives, unless they are diagnosed with "acute" aluminum poisoning. The reason is because related and unrelated disorders have usually taken their toll, and their conditions are usually too progressed to be treated easily. In addition, abstinence therapies are far too complex for elderly patients to implement alone. The truth is, whether or not a family chooses to use AAT, the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer's disease will be seen for many years. With AAT, however, a calming effect is virtually universal, so its use is highly recommended. And because AAT is very effective in treating urinary incontinence, it is now being used in a number of healthcare facilities. In fact, a caregiver from another group called our facility, asking to be transferred, because, she said, "We don't have to change diapers at your facility." It was true. Very few diapers were actually needed, in comparison.

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WHAT CHANGES SHOULD FAMILY MEMBERS EXPECT TO SEE? It is important to know that just as initial symptoms differ in each person, each patient responds to therapy differently. Victims in recovery each display different characteristics than their counterparts, making the recovery process alot of guesswork. One elderly patient developed a delightful sense of humor that he had not displayed in his lifetime. One began reciting the alphabet and playing BINGO once again, yet her condition was so poor before AAT began that she was unable to slip her feet into a pair of slippers or button her blouse. Another patient was so frightened of water that she had never taken a shower her entire life. Five months after AAT was implemented, she was showering daily. In spite of these incredible changes, those involved must not hope or expect that their loved one on AAT will miraculously become a different person. Again, each responds differently. Brains clogged with toxic debris are dysfunctional, each in varying degrees. Even a normal brain cannot be expected to perform beyond its most extravagant effort to heal itself. Expect much less from the brain that has been poisoned over a long period of time. Family members should only expect that their loved one will become more functional and more cordial over time. All other improvements are icing on the cake. Although some victims improve very dramatically and their behavior is rarely a problem, not all respond this way. Unfortunately, some patients on AAT become difficult, even though they are in the process of calming down. This is so common, in fact, that the next section is entirely devoted to the subject. Even as victims improve, family members should expect their loved ones to display negative behavioral episodes from time to time. Such behavior, after all, is often seen in normal individuals. The Foundation website will include more on this subject in greater detail.

UNDERSTANDING THE NEGATIVE CHANGES One of the many and varied challenges for victims and family members involve learning how to cope with the changes that occur as AAT does its work. Sometimes family members express their fears that their loved one is getting worse, and they often panic, not knowing how to respond. These fears are understandable. Although recovering victims usually begin to display renewed desires and abilities along with increased vocabulary, memory and a sense of responsibility, etc., some also begin to act in ways the family had not previously observed. One woman began to speak of romantic interests, although her family stated that sort of thing was formerly out-of-

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character for her. Another began to use profanity, even though she had been a devout Christian most of her adult life. When one of the caregivers complained about her bad language, I replied, "We can be happy that she is able to talk once again." Another patient displayed a new [and strong] sense of independence, whereas she had been formerly passive and submissive. Another began to talk of stealing and later attempted to shoplift when he went on an outing with his son. His family reported that it was uncharacteristic of his former behavior. However, AAT calmed this man considerably, to the point that he became very cooperative, whereas he had been brusque and dictatorial with others much of his adult life. Why do these unusual responses occur? It is not always possible to determine why a patient responds in a certian way. The victim may feel a new and compelling sense of freedom to develop those desires and behaviors that were once inhibited by fear. It is also possible that the changes may be indicative of a patient's former lifestyle. There are thousands of reasons why difficult patients misbehave. Some are strong willed; some suffer from serious unrelated mental illnesses. One patient remained mentally-ill because her childhood traumas were so brutal. Some victims were raised in criminal homes. If an incarcerated patient would begin treatment with AAT, prison officials would most likely find that the person would return to h/her former way of life, because it was the convict's most recent experience (and sometimes h/her only frame of reference). Most criminals are seriously disturbed, or they wouldn't do the things they do. It is common for those who have been released from prison to return to drugs and alcohol. It is imperative that they begin psychiatric treatment, as well as AAT and other therapies. Most seriously ill patients are unable to distinguish truth from reality, yet they believe they are normal. Thus, they begin to make their own decisions, many of them being foolish. What's more, some begin to act in ways they did when they were younger. To get an idea of how a loved one may respond, learn as much as possible about the person's past. It may offer clues that will help explain why their loved one behaves in the ways h/she does. Because these changes are disconcerting and sometimes provoke unpleasant feelings within the victim's family members, victims and all family members should seek professional counseling when implementing AAT. Even healthy individuals using AAT should seek the help of a therapist. One should not go it alone when help is available. There are many businesses and therapists that offer free services through numerous non-profit organizations. The Foundation website will provide links to many of these organizations. Fortunately, with AAT, most patients' maladjustments lessen over time, so patients receiving professional help can have hope that counseling sessions will not last forever. As a

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patient improves, the need for professional help lessens. And because the positive aspects of recovery outweigh the negatives (in most instances), problems become less trumatic and more easily solved as time goes on. Nevertheless, even when everything seems to be going well, it is advisable to continue counseling and mentoring on a regular basis. Even normal families find that the help of a therapist is invaluable in sorting through difficult situations. Remember, Alzheimer's disease is a mental illness. Depending on how severe one's condition is, when aluminum is removed from the diet, the person may continue to be somewhat mentally ill for a number years. When an individual begins therapy he needs to be reminded over and over that his problems will not disappear; they will merely diminish slowly. If the person remains aluminum-free (and drug-free), he/she should be able to see remarkable improvement month by month. IMPORTANT: Expect setbacks, especially in warm weather when the air quality is unhealthy. Toxins in the air affect all of our brains and often cause victims to regress. Some do not get enough fluids and become dehydrated, causing even more anxiety and altered behavior. During these difficult times, understanding the victim is especially important. Theirs is a world that no longer belongs to them. Some have been captives of difficult behaviors all their lives. AAT may be their only chance to achieve some happiness and reach goals for the first time in their lives, even if those goals are as simple as just getting organized. Treating difficult cases presents social dilemmas that will not be easily solved, but it is a small price to pay to give unfortunate victims a future and a hope. **********************************************

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