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Marketing Opportunity Research Project Amazon Dash Button

Prepared for:

Dr. Gabler and Amazon

December 2015

Prepared by:

Olivia Sandquist Jenna Massaro

Shreela McFaddan Mac Tackett

Paulina Vivanco

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 2

Research Objectives/ Purpose of Research 3

Research Method 4


Product Delivery Assurance 6

Desire to Spend More Time with Loved Ones 6

Utilization for Necessity Products 7

Conveniently Located 7

Consumer Dislike for Additional Costs 8

Conclusion and Recommendations

Recommendation #1: Removal of Prime Membership 9

Recommendation #2: Lower the Cost per Button 9

Recommendation #3: Addition of a Tracking Light System 9

Recommendation #4: Product Re-Design 10

Recommendation #5: Expansion of Brand Variety Selection 10

Recommendation #6: Target Regions Without Convenience 10

Conclusion 11


A. Interview Guide/ Questions 12

B. List of Interviewee’s/ Date of Interviews 12

C. Logbook

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I. Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to learn more about consumer attitudes and behavior towards

a specific marketing opportunity. Our group decided to further research and examine the

Amazon Dash Button, a device that can be bought for $4.99 that hooks up to your phone

via Wi-Fi to re-order one of your favorite products at the push of a button. In particular,

we conducted qualitative research to (1) to investigate consumer behaviors about

purchasing and repurchasing products and (2) to investigate consumer attitudes and

opinions toward the Amazon Dash Button. The purpose of this research is to provide

Amazon valid understanding of consumer‟s attitudes about the Amazon Dash Button.

This includes insight on consumer‟s interests and limitations about the product. As well

as, a better understanding of what type of consumer is attracted to the Amazon Dash

Button that will overall allow Amazon to better target this marketing opportunity.

About the Research: We conducted qualitative research, by performing eight in-depth

consumer interviews from our target market. Using the data and responses in which we

received, we were able to develop common findings and prepare recommendations for

Amazon regarding their Dash Button.

Key Results Consumers need assurance of their products on-time delivery and status of the order

All of the respondents valued that the Amazon Dash Button would increase their time

that they could spend with loved ones, rather than having to spend that time running


88% of the respondents believed that the Amazon Dash Button would be best utilized

for the purchases of need based items (household goods: toilet paper, toothpaste, etc).

Consumers highly valued (100%) purchases and shopping to be located at their


Consumers were concerned regarding the high price point per button ($4.99) and

additional cost of being an Amazon Prime Member

Recommendations: We offer a number of recommendations based on these results:

1. Allow individuals who aren‟t Prime members to have the ability to still receive and

use the Dash button feature, by allocating a monthly cost for the Amazon Dash

Button without the Prime membership.

2. Implement a price change so that each button cost $.99-$1.50

3. Adding a delivery status tracking light on the button

4. Creating a new “remote” which features multiple button selection Expansion of

Brand Variety Selection

5. Offering a wider brand selection for products

6. Segment the product towards consumers that live more than 20 miles from stores.

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II. Introduction

For our project, we have chosen the Amazon Prime Dash Button. The Dash Button is

easy to use and user friendly. The consumer must download the Amazon App from the

App store, sign into their account, connect the dash button to their Wi-Fi, and select the

product they wish to re-order. Once this device is set-up, the consumer simply presses the

button once and the Dash Button will automatically place the order and deliver the

product before they are out!

We are looking to explore this product and investigate if our target market would want or

need it. We want to know how consumers of the target market will respond to the product

and examine their recommendations to better the Amazon Dash Button. The idea of an

app that can re-order a consumer's favorite product by a push of a button has a lot of

potential in today‟s fast paced environment. Concluding, our investigation and research

we want to give Amazon consumer recommendations on how to better this product.

For our project, we have selected a target market based around various demographics and

psychographics. Our target market will be someone who is tech savvy, will have little to

no problems downloading the app, and figuring out how it works. As for Demographics,

we believe that someone between the ages of 20-40 would be the perfect market. This

will most likely be a group of people who are attending school or are heavily invested in

their career. This age group might be starting new families, traveling, and/or moving to

new place for business or preference. By utilizing an app that allows for an individual to

move while eliminating the stress of finding a local store can ease their transition. The

Amazon Dash Button is geared towards individuals who are on the go and don‟t have

time to go the store, or even those who simply don‟t want to take the time to physically

go into a store and purchase these necessities. Altogether, our target market is comprised

of active and busy people.

III. Research Objectives/Purpose of the Research

Throughout this project our objective is to figure out what type of consumer would need

and benefit from the Amazon Dash Button.

We want to understand how consumers buy items that they frequently run out of and

assess if the purchase of these items is viewed as a burden or a routine. In addition, we

want to see if the Amazon Dash Button is something that consumers could envision

themselves using and what could be improved or enhanced.

The intended outcome of our research is to offer Amazon recommendations and feedback

as to how they can improve the Amazon Dash Button. Altogether, the Amazon Dash

Button is a convenient way for the consumer to order and receive products with ease.

However, there are few factors that could potentially hinder consumers from gaining the

optimal experience.

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IV. Research Method

Our method of research proved to be effective as it encompasses a wide range of

interviewees of all different demographics. Throughout this interview process we gained

a broad perspective on the issue of convenience purchases. We conducted a qualitative

method of interviewing and research, which sought to answer overall questions. We also

sought to record findings that were not preconceived. For each of the eight interviews, we

had two people from the group attend: one to take notes and one to interact with the


We will be interviewing eight people from our target market to assess their interest in the

Amazon Prime Dash Button.

We chose Respondent one because of her love for shopping and gift-giving. Respondent

one makes purchases not only for herself, but her three other roommates, boyfriend, and

his dog on occasion. As a result, she finds herself running errands every weekend and we

figured she would be a great participant. Respondent one is a 22 year old, Caucasian,

female, part time student, and full time employee. Respondent one enjoys spending her

time outdoors hiking and snowboarding. She values relationships with those around her

such as family and friends. She enjoys shopping, but finds running errands a hassle.

Olivia and Jenna interviewed Respondent one on Friday, October 30th at 5pm at Olivia‟s

residence; the interview lasted roughly 50 minutes.

We chose respondent two because of his extremely busy lifestyle. He works the

graveyard shift at the hospital during the night and spends his days putting himself

through school. We felt that respondent two would be a good participant because of his

schedule and might have an interesting perspective of this new product. Respondent two

is a 21 year old, Caucasian, male, full time student, and part time employee. Respondent

two is extremely busy between his school and work, but finds it important to maintain a

balance between work, school, his girlfriend, and enjoying recreational activities.

Respondent two does not enjoy shopping and would rather spend his time and energy on

other things. Olivia and Jenna interviewed respondent two on Friday, October 30th at

Olivia‟s residence at 6pm; the interview lasted roughly 40 minutes.

We chose respondent three because he has three different jobs and still finds time for

school. He is older which gives us a view into the top portion of our target market.

Respondent three is a 33 year old, Caucasian, male, who is a part time student, works a

full time job, and has two additional part time jobs. He works for an IT company (full

time), a restaurant (part time), and is an Uber driver (part time). He works all these jobs

because he is about to become a father for the first time. In addition to these jobs he still

finds time to take care of his wife, support his Denver Broncos, and find time to hang out

with his friends and family. He is very active on his phone, with creating and using

different apps. Finding time to go to the store for simple little things is just not something

he has time for. Paulina and Mac interviewed Respondent Three on Saturday November

7th, at the Brickyard Steakhouse at 4pm; the interview lasted for about 40 minutes.

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We chose to interview respondent four because of her ethnic background and shopping

habits. She shops for not just herself and roommates, but also for the family that is she is

a nanny for. We thought that these attributes would set her apart from the other

candidates and give us a wider range of diversity. She is a 20 year old, African American,

female, full time student, and part time employee. She is very involved with her sorority

on campus, as well as having an active social life. She somehow finds time to work, go to

school, study, help out with the sorority, as well as carves out time to shop for herself and

roommates. Paulina and Mac interviewed respondent four on Sunday November 8th, in

the Student Union Building at noon; this interview lasted for about 30 minutes.

Respondent five is a 26 year old, Caucasian, female, young professional that works for

Boise State University (omit job title/department for public distribution). She is a

working professional, married, and a very busy team player. Respondent five was

selected based upon her young age and busy lifestyle. Respondent five works 8 am -5 pm

plus some evenings to assist with work related projects. While her husband is a high

school teacher who is also studying for his masters at Boise State. They do not have any

kids yet. Respondent five was selected to be interviewed to explore the grocery and

purchasing habits of a young couple who both work during the day and who are

frequently occupied in the evenings. Additionally, she was interviewed to explore if the

Amazon Dash Button would appeal to her busy lifestyle. Respondent five was

interviewed by Jenna and Olivia on Thursday, October 29th at 9 am, at Boise State

University; the interviewed lasted about 30 minutes.

Respondent six is a 36 year old, Caucasian, female, Mom who works for Boise State

University (omit job title/department for public distribution). Respondent six recently

moved from Boise to Eagle to live with her boyfriend, which means her commute to

work has now increased from 5 minutes to 35 minutes. Respondent six works from 7:30

am-4:30 pm. Her boyfriend is in the Army and works every evening during the week

from 8:30 pm- 5 am. Respondent six has to juggle spending time with her boyfriend

before he goes to work in the evenings and her daughter/mother before they go to bed at

night. Respondent six really values spending time with her family and friends but the

time restrictions she has due to her boyfriend's work hours and her commute are changing

her habits. She does all the shopping for her and her boyfriend and sometimes her

daughter and mother. Recently, respondent six has started trying out different kinds of

online grocery shopping because she has had no time to do it in the store. Respondent six

was selected to be interviewed to explore the grocery and purchasing habits of a busy

mother and a girlfriend who commute to work. She was also selected because she has

previously shown interest in “online” or “delivery” shopping before-the Amazon Dash

Button could potentially meet her needs. Respondent six was interviewed by Jenna and

Olivia on November 3th at 11 am, at Boise State University and the interview lasted

about 45 minutes.

We chose respondent seven because she is a very busy individual just out of college and

in the early phases of her career. Respondent seven is a 25 year old who is single and

works (omit job title/employer for public distribution) in Boise. She is very busy and has

promoted quickly within the company she works for. She spends a lot of time outdoors

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and going out with her friends and family. Respondent seven also spends a lot of time

traveling on the weekends, and even takes time off to go travel to various states and

countries for both work and pleasure. With this busy schedule, respondent seven finds

making time for mundane errands very challenging. With all of these different activities

keeping her busy, it would be interesting to discover whether a tool like the Amazon

Dash Button would be beneficial to her. Respondent seven was interviewed by Shreela

and Paulina on November 30th

at 7:30pm.

We chose Respondent eight because we wanted to gain perspective from the older

demographic that works and has a family. Respondent eight is a 40 year old mom who

works part-time. Although she only works about 25 hours a week, she has two young

girls; one in middle school, and one in elementary school. Both of her girls have a heavy

involvement in sports and extracurricular activities. This keeps Respondent eight very

busy as she takes each of her kids to different practices, events, and games. Not only are

they involved with sports and activities, but she also coaches teams of her own year-

round. This allows little time for her to take care of household chores and grocery

shopping. Because she spends so much time on the road and running around town, having

a resource that could help her complete a routine task without requiring her to make an

extra stop may be helpful for Respondent eight. Respondent eight was interviewed by

Shreela and Olivia on November 9th

at 9:30am.

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V. Findings:

The interviews with various consumers regarding the purchase/interest of the Amazon

Dash Button yielded a rich body of data. The current discussion will deal primarily with

themes that relate to the behavior and values of the consumer, (time, convenience, price,

product, waiting time). These themes are classified by general headings that follow.

Product Delivery Assurance Our research uncovered the importance of delivery time when ordering a product.

However, it is important to note that at times delivery speed is affected by back orders.

For example, one of the interviewees Respondent seven explained that the product could

have been back ordered or have issues during the delivery and order process. As a result,

this would lead to a late delivery time.

More so, the respondents were afraid that they might forget to push the button when they

run low on a product. Thus resulting in the consumer not receiving the product in time for

their desired need. For example:

Interviewee: „You need the product right away because you did not realize that

you getting low…”

Desire to Spend More Time with Loved Ones

It was apparent from the interviews that every respondent felt as if they did not have

enough time in the day. They mentioned that they were all juggling various tasks such as

work, school, extracurricular activities, or even spending time with family or friends. In

addition, many found themselves needing to run to the store every month just to pick up a

few items they had previously run out of the night before. As a result, from these

interviews, it was uncovered that consumers were burdened by these last minute

purchases. After the introduction of the Amazon Dash Button our informants leaned

toward valuing the time that this product would free up. For example:

Interviewer: “What do you see as the major advantages/disadvantages of the

Amazon Dash Button?”

Informant, Respondent One: “I definitely think that this product has some great

advantages to it! It would make my life easier, I could get new items before I run

out of them at home and would no longer need to run to the store. Because of this,

I could prioritize better, make more time for other activities, and spend more time

with friends.”

The majority of the respondents were interested in the Amazon Dash Button mainly

because at the single press of a button, their needed products would be purchased; they no

longer needed to make last minute runs to the store, and could make more time to be with

friends, family, and exploring the outdoors. They indicated that this added time benefit

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from the purchase of the Amazon Dash Button was huge when it came to determining if

this would be something that they would purchase and use.

Utilization for Necessity Purchases

Throughout the interviews, various products consumers purchase on a regular basis were

brought to our attention; consequently, a common theme of these products could be

identified. After reviewing the interviews, it was discovered that the vast majority of the

informants viewed the Amazon Dash Button as being helpful with the purchase of every

day-use products. Every day-use products are those that consumers find themselves

interacting with on a daily basis, this is not limited to, but include: shampoo, conditioner,

toilet paper, coffee, and paper towels. The informants indicated toilet paper as the most

discussed product that they found themselves running to the store to re-purchase.

Consumers indicated that this button was viewed as a useful way to save time and energy

on simple low-involvement purchase, rather than for every single purchase they make. In

summary, the Amazon Dash Button was found to be utilized to make simple purchases

that a consumer did not have to think about for a prolonged period of time.

Interviewer asked: “How many times in the past 12 months did you find yourself

going to the store to purchase single or few items at a time that you have

previously run out of?”

Informant, Respondent Four: “I find myself always running to the store for all the

stupid little things that I usually run out of, like toilet paper, paper towels, and

even tampons. ALL of these things just run out so much faster than you can

believe in my house!”

The repetitiveness of mentioning these products (such as tampons and toilet paper) in

every interview demonstrated what items consumers use and run out of most often. As a

result, the Amazon Dash Button is in the correct marketing segment because it is

focusing on the needs of consumers (which allows this product to thrive in this market)

rather than their wants.

Conveniently located Multiple informants indicated that convenience was the most important factor when

purchasing and repurchasing items. Convenience meaning store location in proximity to

their house and the speed of purchase. Many of the respondents said that they only go to

stores that are close to their house or on their way home from work because they don't

want to go out of their way if they don't need to.

When asked,

“How important are things like convenience? Speed of purchase? Location of

Stores? Variety? Price? Brand Loyalty? Packaging of product?”

Respondent Three responded with “Convenience is the most important; Walmart and

WINCO are good to shop at because they are a one-stop-shop. And the speed of purchase

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is faster. It is very convenient because I can just stop at Walmart or WINCO on the way

home from work (because they are on the way).”

While most informants indicated that convenience was important-it is valuable to know

convenience of store location is very important to consumers.

Additionally, the interviewee respondent five brought up an interesting point.

When asked the question,

“Would you use it (the Amazon Dash Button) for every product in your house?

And Why?”

Respondent five was one of the few who responded with the answer, “No” because she

felt it was more convenient for her to do her grocery shopping herself during her weekly

trips at the closest WINCO. However, she did provide feedback of who she thinks would

use this product. She said, “I feel like my parents would use this product because they

live on a farm that is very far from everything (superstores).” This is an interesting target

audience that the Amazon Dash Button could focus on. Targeting markets that live

significantly far from stores and making errand runs much easier and more convenient.

It was apparent from the interviews that convenience of location was key in making

purchases. Thus, indicating that consumers need stores to be convenient if they are going

to have it in their consideration set when deciding where to shop.

Consumer Dislike for Additional Costs

Price is usually the one issue stopping any individual from going through with a purchase

or decision. This proved true, as it was one of the issues most the interviewees were

hesitant toward as they are price conscious and shop for deals. The price tag of the

Amazon Dash Button itself ($4.99) is not the specific cost that came with apprehension.

It was the fact that one must pay for a yearly Amazon Prime Membership, which is $99 a


Respondent eight specifically said, “I would expect for there to be a one-time fee to own

the devices, but not a monthly charge. Especially if you are ordering a product

consistently. Maybe there would be a monthly charge if you were not meeting a

minimum amount of ordering?”

One last issue in regards to price that one respondent, Respondent eight, touched on was

the concern of

“…possibly finding that item at a better deal than what is being offered on


This was also a concern for respondent seven as she was wondering how it would work if

you wanted to switch brands, or if you had to pay for a specific name brand every time an

order was placed.

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The resounding conclusion involving price was that the Amazon Dash Button would not

be worth the opportunity cost of the deals one can find at other stores and the cost of

making the trip to the store. Individuals like being able to compare brands and prices to

each other especially when it comes to regular mundane items that have many

competitors with wide range of price.

VI. Conclusions and Recommendations:

All in all, our interviews led us to determine that consumers found the Amazon Dash

Button to be beneficial and viewed it as a product that could fulfill their various shopping

needs. After reviewing our research, we can confidently recommend that Amazon

continues to move forward with development of the Dash Button, so long as they take

into consideration a few of our recommendations.

Recommendation #1- Removal of Prime Membership As stated before, price is a deal breaker in most decision-making processes. The Amazon

Dash Button is a good idea, but comes with a few changes that should be made in regards

to the price. First off, in order to utilize the Dash Button, the consumer must be a Prime

Member, which costs $99 a year. While that is fine, there should be another option in

which individuals who aren‟t Prime Members have the ability to still receive and use the

Dash Button feature. We recommend, that this should consist of a monthly cost

associated with the usage of the buttons. One interviewee even mentioned only having a

monthly charge if the consumer were not meeting the minimum amount of ordering. This

would expand Amazon‟s market and the business they receive, because it would enlarge

their target market and attraction in regards to this facet of business.

Recommendation #2- Lower the Cost per Button Another issue relating to price is the fact one has to pay $4.99 per button. We recommend

that each button should cost between $.99-$1.50 because it would allow the consumer the

cost flexibility to order more buttons and more products through Amazon. With the

almost five dollar purchase of each button, consumers are going to be very choosy as to

which products they use with this service, however if the price was lower, one may be apt

to purchase more buttons, which would in turn create a higher revenue for Amazon in the


Altogether, the consumer could potentially be paying up to $150 per year or more, just on

the hardware for the Dash Button service. As the consumer is already paying a price for

the product itself, it would make sense to offer more membership options. A monthly

payment option could be offered, which would open this service up to non-Prime

Members. In addition, lowering the cost of the buttons themselves would most likely

increase the amount of buttons the consumer bought, positively increasing product

purchases and shipping revenues.

Recommendation #3- Addition of a Tracking Light System

Based off of our interviews, data shows that there must be a few minor changes in order

to have the most efficient delivery time for the consumers. Due to the fact that the

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consumers were afraid of not getting their products in time of need, it is only logical that

we provide a tracking system on the Dash Button.

The tracking button would consist of three different color options which in return would

provide the consumer with information on the stages of the shipping order. The three

colors being red, yellow, green would have different information on the shipping order.

Red would represent that the package has not yet been shipped, yellow represents it has

been shipped and is on its way, and green representing that the package is on its final

stage of delivery to your house.

By having a color theme tracking device this would provide the consumer convenience of

not having one look up the tracking number online. Instead, the consumer can just look at

the button and be notified of the stage the package is at.

If Amazon were to make these changes the intended outcomes would create a better user

experience. The consumers will feel more secure about ordering their products through

Amazon, because they will know the process of the package delivery.

Recommendation #4- Product Re-Design

After interviewing several consumers regarding the Amazon Dash Button it was

discovered that the button itself needed to be re-designed. Based upon our research, we

discovered that by having one button for each product was a hindrance to consumers.

Consumers preferred to have one main button that has a few product choices on it.

Amazon‟s main reason for a single buttons was so that consumers could place the button

right next to the product they are looking to re-order. A problem that consumers had with

this was that it would then turn their house into a hazard for random people pressing the

buttons and ordering items that are not needed. If there was just one central button this

would allow the person to make a list of what is needed, just like a grocery store list, and

would allow the consumer to checks items they need off the list. In addition, this would

allow the consumer to make purchases from the comfort of their own home. In summary,

consumers were concerned that if one button was located in the upstairs bathroom, and

another one downstairs in the kitchen that it did not make sense to them to have to travel

around their house to re-order important items.

Recommendation #5- Expansion of Brand Variety Selection

Another recommendation would be to widen the variety that the brands

offered. Respondents mentioned that at times they prefer to purchase and chose from

various brands, because of the price differential. Having different brand options is

important to give the buyer some control. The previous Dash Button allowed consumer to

order an item by saying it aloud or scan the item barcode. By adding more brand options

for products it becomes more convenient for the consumer because it is like going to the

store, but they do not have to leave their house. With these recommendations we will be

able to further expand the horizons of the Amazon Dash Button, and adapt better the

consumer behaviors.

Recommendation #6- Target regions without convenience

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Our observations in the interview process demonstrated that convenience of location was

key in purchases and repurchases of items for consumers. A recommendation that was

actually suggested by an informant was to target the Amazon Dash Button towards

consumers who don't have the convenience of store locations. This means that Amazon

would target their product towards consumers who live significantly far from stores, and

who only go shopping about once or twice a month.

The Amazon Dash Button is very useful when a consumer is running low on their

favorite products at home. Most of our interview participants mentioned the luxury and

preference of “stopping at the store on the way home” or “going to the closest store real

quick” when they are running low on their favorite products. Unfortunately, this is a

luxury that certain small towns don't have. They have to strategically shop for their at

home products-probably shopping only once or twice a month. The Amazon Dash button

has a very strong opportunity if they focus on the target market of small towns or regions

that don't live close to stores. The product could easily solve needs of these consumers in

this small target market because when they run out of an item, it would be an easy and

quick alternative to commuting to stores to pick up items. This especially would fulfill

their needs when it comes to quick repurchasing. The Amazon Dash Button could fill the

needs of this target market and reduce the amount of times they need to go grocery

shopping to potentially to every 6 weeks.

This recommendation was actually suggested by a participant in our interviews. After

looking over all the research and all the data we gained-we found her suggestion to be of

value. Respondent five grew up in a small town on her family farm. When asked the

question, “Would you use it for every product in your house? Or are there certain

products that you would use this for? Why?” Keep in mind, respondent five was the

informant that said she would not use the Amazon Dash Button, but if she did she said,

“She couldn't think of anything that she couldn't just walk to the store to get. But she

could see it useful for her parents who live on a farm and far from everything.” Her

response is of value because she grew up on her parents‟ farm and she knows first-hand

how this product would fit their needs.

Conclusion As a group, we believe that Amazon should continue to research this opportunity further.

We have found this product to be interesting, and through further research, have

discovered that other brands and companies are beginning to incorporate their own “push

button”. For example, Domino‟s has created a button to resemble the look of a pizza box

that allows consumers to “push” for pizza delivery. We believe that by implementing our

recommendations, Amazon can and will remain as the most innovative company for

consumer needs.

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VII. Appendix:

The interviews began by introducing ourselves, making small talk, then explaining the

interview process (noting that their last names will be left out and that we will be taking

notes of the interview) and the product briefly. After we give this brief description we

will begin with the questions while taking notes and listening. We interviewed 8 various

consumers from our target market at different times. As follows are the interviewees and

the dates of their interviews:

Respondent one: Friday, October 30th at 5pm (see logbook pg. 1)

Respondent two: Friday, October 30th at 5pm (see logbook pg. 5)

Respondent three: Saturday, November 7th at 4pm (see logbook pg. 13)

Respondent four: Sunday, November 8th at 12pm (see logbook pg.17)

Respondent five: Thursday, October 29th

at 9am (see logbook pg. 23)

Respondent six: Tuesday, November 3rd

at 11am (see logbook pg. 27)

Respondent seven: Monday, November 30th

at 7:30pm (see logbook pg. 11)

Respondent eight: Monday, November 9th

at 9:30am (see logbook pg. 7)

The questions are listed as follows and the responses can be viewed in our included


1. How many times in the past 12 months did you find yourself going to the store to

purchase single or few items at a time that you have previously run out of? If you

did not purchase these items, who does in your household? (This question

determines who the primary shopper in their household is and how much they

purchase re-buys)

2. When you re-purchase an item, do you buy the same brand and product or do you

purchase a new one? (assessing consumer behavior or purchasing re-buys, this

will lead to question 3)

3. What's important to you when it comes time to repurchase items that you have

previously run out of? (determining their wants and leads to question 4 to find out

the level of importance)

4. How important are things like convenience? Speed of purchase? Location of

stores? Variety? Price? Brand loyalty? Packaging of the product? (final question

on evaluating the consumers level of importance during a purchase)

5. Have you heard of the product Amazon Dash Button before, or know anyone who

uses it? (If yes move onto question 6, if no, explain in detail what this application

is and what it can do for them, then move onto question 6)

6. How would you imagine that you would use the Amazon Dash Button?

7. Would you use it for every product in your house? Or are there certain products

that you would use this for? Why?

8. What do you see as the major advantages/disadvantages of the Amazon Dash


a. For example saving time could be an advantage

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b. A disadvantage could be that you just ran out of it, and need it that second

instead of in a day or two

9. Based on your advantages and disadvantages, how much would you expect the

Dash Button to cost?

10. Is there anything that you would change or add about the Dash Button?

11. Would the use of a trial period be helpful to you in understanding if you would

want to be paying a monthly cost?

Following the interview, we will thank them for their time and review our notes for completion.
